What advice would you give to someone looking for a job similar to yours?

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What advice would you give to someone looking for a job similar to yours? There will always be a need for good engineers in the field of cyber security. If you want to work in the best cyber security courses, make a plan based on the skills required in the positions that interest you the most. Learning the fundamentals of cyber security will help you get closer to your dream job. Because no one knows everything at first, don't be afraid to apply for jobs. Most businesses will recognise this and will assist their employees in developing their skills. Learning new skills is an ongoing process that is a necessary part of the job. Be curious about what you can't do, learn more, and, most importantly, have fun! Most importantly, ask a lot of questions! Every skill you acquire adds another building block to your arsenal. Opportunities to advance your career do not always entail changing jobs. Within the same organization, there are frequently opportunities to work on new projects in various areas of cyber security. Definitely. In high school, I chose a science track that focused on mathematics and physics. These subjects aided in the development of a foundation for my computer science studies. Focusing on science in high school helped me get into the Computer Engineering Science course at Pune University, where I studied the majority of the core areas of computer science. I'm also pursuing a Master's degree in Digital Investigation and Forensics from University College Dublin, which will provide me with more relevant skills in cyber security forensics and information security law and regulations around the world. ● It is necessary to think of alternative solutions to a problem. You will undoubtedly find an innovative solution somewhere in there. Any cyber security role requires problem-solving abilities. ● Be open to new experiences. Every year, hundreds of new malware variants and cyber attacks are discovered. You must keep your knowledge up to date with the current threat landscape. A career in cyber security is a never-ending learning process; not filling a pail, but lighting a fire! ● Inquisitiveness is essential. You must be able to ask questions without fear of being embarrassed when you don't know the answer and must seek assistance. As a well-known female blogger

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