PALLAS 2019 | TERM 1

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And in a blink of an eye, the first term of university is already over and what a whirlwind of a term it was. From the excitement of meeting our new fellow Minervianers for the first time at house bonding, and playing the most intense game of 30 seconds and 'guess that song' I have ever participated in ,to kicking off the year with an amazing week of togawearing, "Mineeerva" shouting fun.

Minerva Week is without a doubt the one to beat. But as the term soon turns into mostly studying and working on projects, with the occasional bit of time for finding the perfect movie character outfit for House Fund Dance, we easily loose track of just how much has happened and how much we have achieved. That's why it's always so much fun compiling the PALLAS, along with an incredible group of talented Minervianers and having the opportunity to reflect on everything that has happened. I wish you the best of luck with the second term, may you make every moment - 'simply the best'. Thank you for reading the first Pallas of 2019. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as the editorial team and I enjoyed writing, editing and compiling it.




CONTENTS First Term Recap || Newcomers: Letter || A Life in Pictures || Breaking News LGBTQ+ || How to Find a Dance Date || Photos || Earth Day || Social Impact Quiz || Modern Feminism || Events || Snack Hacks || Bucket List



A few stats and figures to summarise the highlights of the Minerva calendar so far…


1 in every went as either The Incredibles or The Flintstones 9 couples


26 minutes how long it took for all the doughnuts to be devoured

of Minervianers agree that dancing to 'Simply The Best' covered working out for the term

Best Dressed Group:





the McDonalds’ ice cream machine broke after all our McFlurry orders

chance that your toga is still blue

57 minutes of being Picasso during the Big-Sis Lil-Sis picnic

6 Safety Pins the average number of safety pins used to hold up your toga .


1 in every 12 students will still wear 'plakkies' to campus even if it’s raining

Fact: 52% increase in lunch attendance on Schnitzel Wednesday


chance that if someone walk across the voorgras after midnight, they will chant “Mineeerva”

1 in 5

chance that you forgot your umbrella (and came back to res drenched)




Dear Mom, On 23 January you left me here in a small room that felt too big and a house full of girls that I didn’t know. It’s been a while since then, and yesterday I caught myself telling a friend “I’ll see you at home,” instead of “at res.” So what changed? I got used to the funny way that students speak – meaning, I’m now fluent in Mengels, describing test week as “dik hectic” and saying a night out was a “jol”– and I’m a lot better at talking to new people – i.e. that first social was awks-melawks and I’m never putting myself through that again. I had to learn how to make small talk interesting (“Do you like ducklings?” only works so many times). I even made some new friends here in res – I’m seeing the balcony a lot more than the bib, and my cookie supply is constantly at an all-time low. Of course I had to make it through welcoming week - week? It felt like a year because of the constant information overload. How many times did I not say I miss my mom?- before I got to this stage. We had quite a few socials and I met so many new people! – I can remember that I met new people, and I can remember I asked each one of them some questions, but ask me what their names are and you’ll be disappointed. I focused more on remembering who is in Minerva than who the Men of Majuba are - Majuba came to serenade us – it was the cutest and most awkward thing at the same time. Has anyone ever stared into your eyes for 3 whole minutes? “Sy is ‘n mooie dame” will forever be one of my favourite songs- and we had to learn all of the Huis Visser guys’ names. –we had to learn them, I knew them off by heart for the whole social and then I left all those names in Jan Marais Park, never to be remembered again-


We played some games at Simonsberg-Have you ever tried to play soccer while tied to a Simonsberger? I would recommend it, even if it is just to ensure that they’ll invite you back for the Mini Met social - and had to make our own music video with Lydia. We had so much fun singing and dancing with them. –Talk about a girls’ night! Stacy’s mom, Walking on Sunshine and Piano man were some definite hits and we have a lot of great friends in our neighbours- Talk about singing and dancing, we placed last in Vensters…-This was a little disappointing. We worked so hard on our routines. We have decided, together with the Helderberg Swarras, that the only explanation is that we were disqualified. The banners flew off the stage! -Lydia found out the hard way that the song “Shallows” is a big hit, literally but we proved that losing wasn’t our fault at the Newcomers’ culture evening! –I was so impressed by everyone’s acting, singing, drawing and even dad-joke telling. It was a vibe. There are a couple of things I still have to get used to, like no singing in the showers,-I’m secretly still doing it- sharing everything-bedroom, bathroom, dining hall, where does it end?! - balancing my social and work load –some of the seniors told me that this never gets better. I hope they were joking. I won’t make it through another semester of coming back from Catwalk just to study again- and budgeting every month. We ended off the week with a sleepover in the Thom Hall-after buying a ton of treats from En Route in our pajamas, not much sleep went on at the sleepover- and had a special ceremony at night-It was worth it to wait the week out to be part of this beautiful ceremony. We received a big white sheet (and only realised what it was much later) and our klingelsAt the end of the welcoming period I was so happy to be able to call myself a true Minervianer. I believe all of us are a unit after this week, and I had so much fun becoming one. To be a klingel makes me truly happy. I really miss you, mom, but I’m glad I came.

Lots of love. Your 'Klingel'

A life in pictures MARIETHA LEMMER Look a little deeper into the life of Minerva's residence head, Tannie M To see more about Tannie M, make sure to friend her on Facebook


What do you love most about Minerva? >

Looking out onto Minerva's "voorgras" will always bring me joy! I love looking outside, regardless of whether the garden is dry, and seeing the busy streets. Sometimes I spot one of my cats trying to sneakily catch a bird or simply enjoying the garden themselves.

The face you make when the people across the road are being noisy The one thing you love to do to relax?

If you could be any piece of furniture in Minerva which one would you be? > ^ just imagine how many stories this chaise lounge must have heard over the years.

^ When I want to relax, I find myself on my couch watching crime series , which I record. My passion however is quilting and I have made a quilt (or 8) myself that I keep for children and my possible ('future') grandchildren.

A life in pictures What is the one thing at Minerva you cannot live without? <

^ Minerva, per se, is just a building. It's the people living inside the building that brings it to life, and what great woman have not, and still do, walk an amazing part of their life's path through Minerva. These are a few photos of "lekker tye" (good times) with students - which I cannot live without.

A FEW MORE QUESTIONS FOR TANNIE M: What is your favourite outfit to wear to a fancy event or a night out? I am always the most comfortable wearing an elegant, long pair of pants and a pretty, flattering top. Your favourite form of procastination? Oooh, I always have something that I quickly want to read, it's my main reason for not completing tasks immediately. I'm an avid magazine and newspaper reader.

I am sure that every student will be concerned when My Brew and DCM decide to increase the price of coffee. I don’t know about you, but I would be devastated if I can’t buy a coffee with a caffeine kick to help me through a long, tiring day. On that note: have you ever wondered what you would do if you couldn’t afford transportation from one place to another due to rising fuel prices? South African motorists have been paying 74 cents more per litre of petrol and between 91 and 93 cents more per litre of diesel since 6 March 2019. With the addition of the Carbon Tax on fuel, consumers currently pay R5.34 towards indirect taxes on every litre of petrol bought, and R5.19 on every litre of diesel. This adds to every South African’s burden directly through paying these taxes, and indirectly through the costs passed on to them by manufacturers and retailers who also have to pay these taxes. Not only does the Carbon Tax on fuel make already expensive fuel even more expensive, but this inclusion is also grossly unfair by Government given the fact that South Africans will now be paying an emissions tax on inferior quality fuel despite not having access to higher quality fuels which are available in many other markets in the world. The increase to the fuel levies will also have a deep impact on the fuel price for the months ahead, placing consumers on the back foot before any price adjustments for the rest of the year are even made. So, if you haven’t already- it is advised to start forming a lift club and splitting Uber costs. In other news, top stories include the debate on, and effects of Brexit. Brexit is short for "British exit" - and is the word people use to talk about the United Kingdom's decision to leave the EU (European Union).


he EU is a political and economic union of 28 countries which trade with each other and allow citizens to move easily between the countries to live and work. A public vote - called a referendum - was held on Thursday 23 June 2016 when voters were asked just one question - whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. The Leave side won by nearly 52% to 48% - 17.4m votes to 16.1m - but the exit didn't happen straight away. It's due to take place on 29 March 2019. The real question that we should be asking, is how Brexit - if voted for - will affect South Africa. Although it may be confusing to some that Brexit is even a point of interest in South Africa, it is true that the outcome of the heated debates currently under way in Europe could have a knock-on effect on South Africa. Many South African companies have their European headquarters in the UK and they use these as a base to serve the rest of Europe. Depending on which way the Brexit needle swings, these companies may be forced to set up a base somewhere else to continue to do business in Europe. The UK is a large importer of South African goods, such as wine, fruit and precious metals. If the UK were to leave the EU, trade agreements would have to be renegotiated with no guarantee of an equally favourable outcome. On an individual level, many South Africans have UK passports via their ancestry. Up until now this has given them the automatic right to live and work in the EU, which looks unlikely in the future. So, if you we’re considering studying or working in the UK, take into consideration that a weekend trip to Europe might entail a lot more red tape and admin than just jumping in the car at the drop of a hat. .



Definition of the LGBT+/Queer community: LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which was used to replace the term gay in reference to the LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s, as activists believed that the term gay community did not accurately represent all those to whom it referred. The initialism has become adopted into the mainstream as an umbrella term for use when labelling topics pertaining to sexuality and gender identity. In modern times, the acronym LGBT has been more often referred to using the alternative, LGBTQ+, referring to those who identify as Queer in general, and the + sign referring to all the other various, unique gender identities, expressions and sexual orientations. Just some of the many, unique terms that are commonly used in the LGBTQ+ community: Queer: An umbrella term used to refer to individuals who fall outside the societal norms regarding gender expression, identity and sexual orientation. The norms in modern times are predominately heterosexual relationships and cisgender gender identities. Gay: Experiencing attraction solely (or primarily) to some members of the same gender. Can be used to refer to men who are attracted to other men and women who are attracted to women.

Lesbian: Women who are primarily attracted romantically, erotically, and/or emotionally to other women. Bisexual: Able to experience sexual/romantic attraction to 2 gender identities, usually male and female. Asexual: Experiencing little or no sexual attraction to others and/or a lack of interest in sexual relationships/behaviour. Cisgender: a gender description for when someone’s sex assigned at birth and gender identity correspond in the expected way (e.g., someone who was assigned male at birth, and identifies as a man). Heterosexual: Experiencing sexual/romantic attraction to individuals of the opposite sex/gender. Pansexual: Able to experience sexual/romantic attraction to all gender identities. This means that pansexual people are able to experience attraction to people of cisgender, transgender, genderfluid and agender identities, as well as many more. Transgender: An umbrella term for anyone whose sex assigned at birth and gender identity do not correspond in the expected way (e.g., someone who was assigned male at birth, but does not identify as a man).

Genderfluid: A gender identity best described as a dynamic mix of boy and girl. Non-binary: A person whose gender identity falls out of the strictly either male or female gender. A non-binary identifying individual could feel as if they are neither male nor female in gender. What is Pride? Gay pride or LGBTQ+ pride is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward the LGBTQ+ community to promote their self-affirmation, dignity, equality rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBTQ+ rights movements throughout the world. How do I know if I am part of the LGBTQ+ community? How can I be part of it? Individuals who feel that the way they identify, and/or their romantic or sexual attractions, fall outside of the societal norms that are presented to us nowadays, are part of the queer or LGBTQ+ community. The community has an ever-growing presence in society, whether it be activist groups, school/university clubs and societies, and even in forums or websites on the internet. If you feel that you are part of the queer community, or even if you are questioning or need advice on how you feel, there are many members and groups of the community that can provide positive assistance, reassurance and insight. If you feel strongly about LGBTQ+ topics, activism and even general discussion and being able to help those that are in the community, you can always start clubs, discussion groups and online talks, or take part in existing ones. What can I do to support those in the queer community, if I myself am not part of it? Allies are individuals who are not necessarily queer or are part of the LGBTQ+ community, but still support and do what they can to provide help and guidance to those who are part of the community. Typically, allies are heterosexual and/or cisgender identifying individuals. They support the queer community by giving them a voice with which to express important topics regarding queer representation and issues.



Minervianers are ready and waiting to get glammed. The Stellies Instagram page is already quaking. Simply the best plays on loop in our brains. You probably know what time it is and I can tell you it’s definitely not summertime, that would be the wrong hemisphere sorry to inform you of that it’s cold now. But at least...

IT IS OFFICIALLY FALL FORMAL SEASON! HOORAY! As much as we are here for Fall Formal spiritually and emotionally - we all know the struggle of finding a date in time for any dance. Its nearly as stressful as Early Assessment opportunities. Juggling academics and searching for the perfect sokkie partner is no easy task. Luckily, there is a way that has been right before everyone’s eyes this whole time. You have probably guessed from the title, or if not yet you can look at it now. It is in fact Stellies’ very own Neelsie. Before you close off from this article (the air is already thick with judgement and condemnation) let me give you the low down first. Here it is: you go there for a quick coffee before you head to the bib and also occasionally for lunch when you forget to book (because COB, #savethatcoin2k19). Why not use this space to your advantage? Let’s take a look at the logistics of finding a suitable date in the Neelsie. Approximately 356,750 Stellies kids walk through the Neelsie every day, mostly wearing plakkies. Yes, that is actually a fake fact. It goes without saying though, a lot of people can fit in that Kwikspar line at 12:15 pm. Probably not 300 thousand people, maybe 1/18 of 300 thousand? Still, very much a lot of people. Even more of those people sit down at the questionable benches and tables situated in the Food court, the heart and soul of Stellies campus and also COB heaven.

Now you may be thinking, “Ok, so people walk around in the Neelsie, buy stuff and sit down. Honey, you are merely stating how a mall works. Thanks for that. Wait, how is this going to help me get a date again?” Or maybe that is not what you are thinking, that is also fine. To answer the question posed in the Reader Thought Scenario, we can conclude this - most tables in the Neelsie seat four people or more. Often you may experience going to ask someone if you can have a seat at their table because it’s the only one with free seats in the entire Food Court for some reason. It happens like that a lot of the time. It’s true. Maybe you guys dont talk at all. Perhaps they are just really intensely focused on their sandwich and don’t want to talk to you, which we respect. Sandwiches deserve appreciation. But sometimes you can really get to know someone at lunch. Magic sometimes happens over those DCM pies. Maybe you two strike up some daring conversation, some thought provoking content such as this stunner which I personally uset: “It’s really cold outside today, hey.” or even something really bold and spicy, like: “Do you have a stapler I can borrow? Sorry my crim law tut is after this. Thanks bru.” Life is all about making those small connections. For real. You can hustle a date anywhere on campus. It doesn’t have to be the Neelsie food court. It can be at En Route (basically extended Minerva, even better), it could be at Humarga, it could be at a lecture, even the gym. Strike up a conversation with someone as naturally as you can and ask the special question: “Are you free two Thursdays from now? Its Minerva’s Fall Formal I’d love for you to come and see how lit Minerva is. Cool, thanks.” Boom. Done. Sor-ted. You have a date. It usually works the first time because everyone is down for a fun time (especially where Minerva is involved, we really are the best), but if they play waterpolo or something and “really just can’t make it that day” (Whatever you say, David) there’s always the 356,749 other people at Stellenbosch that you can ask. You got this, you awesome human. Worst case scenario, take your Minerva bestie instead of last-option cousin Xander from Malmesbury. You guys will 10/10 have the best time ever in history and save money by splitting the cost between you two. Then you will be sure your date won’t abandon you when that classic anthem Simply the best rocks our Minerva brand socks off. Because let’s be honest, Minerva dances are all about bringing that spicy Minerva energy, date or no. Our dates are just invited by us to rejoice in Tina Turner's’ fire beats. We love a retro queen.



House warming

Minerva Week

Toga Day

Roomie Day

House Fund Dance

Movie Magic

House Fund Dance

Movie Magic




In 1970 on April 22, millions of people took to the streets to protest the negative impacts of 150 years of industrial development. Since that day, earth day are celebrated each year and are becoming bigger and bigger.

Earth Day is now a global event each year, it is believed that more than 1 billion people in 192 countries now take part in one of the largest civic-focused days of action in the world. The theme for Earth Day 2019 is: Protect our species. All people around the world must work together to protect endangered and threatened species such as bees, elephants and giraffes. It is very important that Minerva takes part in Earth day and help protecting species for coming generations of Minervianers. Shocking facts about our species: As many as 30 to 50 percent of all species are possibly heading toward extinction by mid-century. 99% of currently threatened species are at risk from human activities, primarily those driving habitat loss, introduction of exotic species, and global warming. Many scientists believe that within the next 75 years, half of the earth's species will be extinct. 40% of the world’s bird species are in decline, and 1 in 8 is threatened with global extinction Our big cats, including tigers, leopards, and cheetahs are in critical decline, and many will become extinct in the next decade.

If we all do our part in saving the species, extinction will soon be something of the past. If we all as Minervianers work together it can make a big difference. Try to live every day as if it was Earth day.

"IT'S NOT AN INVESTMENT IF IT DESTROYS OUR PLANET"Â Minervianers can take part in Earth day by just following a few simple tips, because any small actions can help making Earth a better place. A few tips to try:Â

Use animal and environmental free products. Stay away from plastic usage, it kills sea animals. Try being a vegan or vegetarian for just a day. Community work at animal shelters Donate to a good cause by buying products that contributes to saving species.

GLOBAL YOUTH CLIMATE STRIKE Thousands of children and teenagers across the world went on strike on Friday, 15 March, to demand adults take action against climate change. Organizers said that young people in 112 countries were planning to participate in the strike. The strike is inspired by 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg from Sweden, who in August 2018 organized a school strike against climate change in front of the Swedish Parliament. The teen got nominated to the Nobel Peace Prize over her work against climate change

Minerva Service Outreach: Stellenbosch Animal Welfare BY: LAILA ZOUHEIR In a partnership with Majuba men’s residence the Service Outreach committee volunteered at Stellenbosch Animal Welfare for a day. The groups began by doing laundry for the centre and cleaning the dog enclosures, and at the end of the day they split up in teams of two with the boys of Majuba and got to play with the animals! It was a great experience for all of those involved, and also an amazing way to help out in the Stellenbosch community! Different ways you can help out at Stellenbosch Animal Welfare: Dog walking/socialising This is a really great way to help out at the welfare centre. You’re not just hanging out with cute animals, you are also contributing to their development! Socialising is important for a dog’s growth and lack of exposure to people could lead to a dog becoming afraid of new places, new experiences and people in general. Events/Fundraising Some shelters receive regular donations, but a lot of the time they also need to organize fundraisers to keep running smoothly. This is a really hands-on way to make a difference at the shelter. Maintenance/Gardening Building maintenance and looking after the facilities is equally as important as hanging out with the animals. They need a safe environment in order to be healthy and happy. Register now as a volunteer on Stellenbosch Animal Welfare’s website! Adoptions:



1. How long should your tea steep? a) Tea bag should barely be in the water b) 1-3 minutes c) 3-5 minutes d) Forever

1. Pick a blend a) Decaf b) Light Roast c) Medium Roast d) Dark Roast

2. How much tea do you drink in a day? a) 2-3 cups b) 1 cup c) 4-5 cups d) I basically have a tea IV 3. Pick a sweetener: a) Artificial sweetener b) Sugar c) Honey d) None

4. Choose one to add to your tea: a) Regular milk b) Almond milk c) Creamer d) None

2. Add a flavour a) Vanilla b) Caramel c) Hazelnut d) None, coffee is perfect in itself 3. Pick a sweetener: a) Artificial sweetener b) Sugar c) Honey d) None, I want it as bitter as me

4. Choose one to add to your coffee a) Regular milk b) Almond milk c) Creamer d) None

5.Which do you prefer?

5. Which do you prefer?

a) Something different every time b) Rooibos tea c) Chai latte d) Ceylon tea

a) Frappuccino b) Iced coffee c) Latte d) Hot coffee

6. When is the best time to be drinking a cup of tea? a) Always b) While catching up with friends c) While studying d) While reading a book

6. Where are you usually found drinking coffee? a) Everywhere b) In a cute coffee shop c) During class d) At home


SPRING Spring personas are a crazy combination of all seasons’ personalities. They have their chill moments, their crazy moments, and everything in between. Like their coffee/tea, they tend to be a bit unpredictable, but that makes them all the more exciting to be around, just like the ever-changing but fun season they are most like.





Your coffee/tea choices are just like the season you are most like — exciting. There’s no denying that summer is the most fun season, and your coffee order is just one of the many ways that your exuberant personality shines through. So go grab an iced coffee or a nice cup of tea, you crazy kid you, and keep drinking coffee’s/tea’s that are as fun and lovable as you.


WINTER When the weather gets colder, people most like winter know how to turn up the heat. Their coffee/tea preferences may seem pretty normal, but that’s because winter people are risk takers in all other facets of their life and know how to perfectly balance work and play.

People most like fall are nice and relaxed, just like their coffee/tea order. There’s no better time to sit back and relax with a hot latte than in autumn, and like the easygoing nature of fall, these people are allaround admirable people — the kind of people we need when the warm weather’s ending and the chilly weather’s starting.





MODERN FEMINISM WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? I have been a victim of sexism. I am a victim of sexism. And we will all continue to be victims of sexism unless there is a drastic change in society. People have said things like, “You’re too emotional” or have asked “Why don’t you like pink, you’re a girl right?”. I have been talked down to or judged because of my gender. I have seen and heard of the atrocities committed against women in our society. I should be a spirited, proud “feminist” who drinks from cups that say ‘Male Tears’ and wear heart pins on my lapels that say Misandry. But I’m not.

. The actual definition of feminism as defined by Encyclopedia Britannica is: ‘Feminism, the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes.’ I believe that equality is necessary and that it needs to be achieved in a way that doesn’t ‘oppress’ any gender however, I also see the value in the term gender equity instead of gender equality. The feminist movement still faces many obstacles one being the issue of gender equity versus gender equality and another being gender stereotypes and roles. The first challenge faced by feminism is gender equity versus gender equality. As we all know, women and men are fundamentally different on a biological level but this does not mean that they should be paid less, are less intelligent or have fewer leadership skills. Once people started to notice these discrepancies, they created the banner of “gender equality” under which they could fight. This is where my issue lies, this banner suggests that men and women are the same and to achieve equality we must treat them as such. As if women don’t have parts and needs that men don’t have! And while this issue is small in the grand scheme of the great work people are doing under this banner, it is undermining the whole initiative and is something the haters can use against those fighting for a better future. We have seen this happen with both the Black Lives Matter and Feminist movements. People fought back against these movements with questions such as, “Do other lives not matter?” and “So now you want women to become better than men and let the cycle continue?”. To achieve great change you need to reduce the number of cracks in your argument so those opposing you can’t gain any footholds.

I have been a victim of sexism. I am a victim of sexism.

SoAnd nowwe youwill ask, not gender then Myunless answer allif continue toequality, be victims ofwhat? sexism is simple: gender equity. To explain this, let me take you back there is a drastic change in society. People have said to Grade 2 maths and input, process and output diagrams. The things like, “You’re too emotional” or have input will be different genders, the process willasked be the“Why way don’t youtreats like pink, you’re aand girltherefore right?”. Ithe have beenwill talked society each gender output be down to or judged because of my gender. I have seen and gender inequality. What gender equality fights for, is for the heard ofthat theeach atrocities against inand our process gendercommitted goes through to be women the same society. I should be awhen spirited, proud “feminist” drinks people are surprised it doesn’t get the samewho outcomes from though cups that say ‘MaleisTears’ and wear pins on even each gender an unique input. heart What gender equity does, is it looks at the different inputs and the my lapels that say Misandry. But I’m not. outcome it wants to achieve and so tailors different processes for each input to achieve this. Gender equity treats people differently to achieve equality while gender equality treats everyone equally despite their biological differences. .

Gender equality is a powerful word that looks good on paper and is easily understood. It is something you can get people to agree to back solely because it is a buzz word but it is also something people can easily dispute. To get more people to fight for such a necessary cause as to create equal outputs for everyone, we need to create a banner that people can fight under and is shown to be an intelligent and inclusive cause. Yes, there will still be haters but if we give them fewer reasons to dislike the movement then there will be fewer haters and so more supporters. To create significant change we must fight for the right thing: the banner of gender equity that is possible to be achieved Secondly, gender roles and gender stereotypes still play a huge role in society. When children are born into the world, they are classified as either being male or female; they either receive a blue onesie or a pink onesie and just like that they have been assigned a certain role. When girls are born, parents often paint their rooms pink and people will comment on their beauty, whilst for little boys, their rooms will be painted blue and they will usually be referred to by their physical appearance and strength. This is often fueled by the pervasive colour palettes of Barbie, superhero movies and other staples of childhood. And it doesn't stop here, these gender roles persist throughout our lifetime. Women who have tried to break away from normal media depictions have faced sexist and rude comments rather than commendation for promoting the idea that women can be independent and ambitious. Hilary Clinton, former US Secretary of State, has appeared on the cover of countless magazines throughout her political timeof assexism. First Lady. However, covers, I have career been aand victim I am a victimthese of sexism. which usually her dressed in suits, of have been unless called And we will allshow continue to be victims sexism “unwomanly” and she herselfin has been declared a “feminazi” there is a drastic change society. People have said both for her appearance and her desire to continue things like, “You’re too emotional” or have askedworking “Why of becoming a house-wife. don’t you likeinstead pink, you’re a girl right?”. I have been talked down to or judged because of my gender. I have seen and These challenges that feminism faces makes it even more heard offor thethe atrocities committed our difficult movement to have itsagainst desiredwomen impact. in Many society. I should be aeither spirited, “feminist” drinks people see feminism as aproud short-lived trend who or a ‘hatefromparty cupsbut that ‘Male Tears’ wear each heartand pinsevery on men’ it issay a serious matter.and It affects lapels thattransgenders, say Misandry. But I’m not. one of Men, women, bisexuals, asexuals and everyone else included under the umbrella term of LGBTQI+. Everyone. We all need to stand united and fight for equality through equity and the way I believe that this will be achieved is through feminism. Feminism that seeks equality in a just and fair way.




As Woordfees and its terrible traffic leaves our beautiful town, we are left with comfortably sleepy Stellenbosch again. Victoria Street is empty (except for the falling oak leaves and occasional plakkie-clad student rushing to class) and rainy Saturdays announce the change of season. If you are not one for sleeping in and movies in bed, I have the perfect solution for you.

A TaCcultural H T Hexperience, E B I G G Stellenbosch EST For those of you whoClike and the Cape region is an absolute hotspot of S events this FE TIVA L !March and April. If you like a “lekker jol” and loads of upbeat music, KKNK is the perfect place for you to be performances by: from 21-27 March.Featuring If your kindlive of “jol” is more towards the artsy side the - The Cherry Filles Kirstenbosch Summer Concerts are also a great idea if you like easy-going - The Beechtown Bois Sunday sunset picnics with live music. Hit up the official Kirstenbosch - Neoxgeneration Botanical Gardens website for more info on when which local artists will be - DJ Majalia the stage. -hitting Utopian Sushi - Coconut Ponies Faux Dunkers April in Stellenbosch brings- us to the infamous “Kaas -en -Wynfees” or The Kyobi Acoustic officially the South African- Cheese Festival. This event is absolute must, at Natsu Drive least once during your time in Stellies. This year it will be happening on the

And more!

26th to the 28th of April. Earlier on in the month, the Stellenbosch Wine Festival will be taking place on 6 and 7 April. For those who prefer the sport scene, the 2019 Two Oceans Marathon will be taking place on the 20th of April. Visit our website at And if you are truly adventurousf oAfrikaBurn will be taking place from the 29th r more details. of April to the 25th May. F o r i of nqu i r i e s It’s o r clike o n cthe e r n sBurningMan , p l e a s e c a l l (Festival 1 2 3 ) 4 5 6 reimagined for 890 or em a i l h e l lNOT o @ r e aFOR l l y g rTHE e a t s i tFAINT e . c o m . OF HEART! Africa. Fair 7warning though: If you do find yourself with nothing to do over the weekend, check out the Pulp Cinema in the Neelsie (the R10 popcorn is also not a bad idea) or hit up Root44 on a Sunday for a nice get-away.


Does your stomach still growl after eating at res? Does your tongue tingle for some flavour and something delicious? Does your sweet tooth ache? Are you a "student sonder sente"? Then these snack hacks will surely get you drooling over food and have your wallet smiling again. A hungry student is an inefficient student. Here are some easy and mouth watering recipes you can make by just using your microwave and a cup or a bowl and those budget ingredients.


5 Minute Mac 'n Cheese: Ingredients: - ½ cup of Macaroni - ½ cup of water - Salt to taste - 1 tablespoon of milk - CHEESE How to make it: - Pour macaroni in cup of bowl - Add water and microwave for 2-3 minutes - Add salt and milk and CHEESE - Microwave for 30 seconds ENJOY! Choc-Banana French Toast in a Mug: Ingredients:

- In a mug, throw half of the bread, choc chips (or peanut butter) and banana in. - Top it again with the bread, choc chips and banana - Throw the liquid mixture in the mug - Microwave for two minutes *Top it with cream and chocolate for something extra sweet Veggie rice bowl : Ingredients: - ½ cup of rice - ½ cup of water - 1 teaspoon oil - ¼ cup tomatoes, black beans and avocado Here is how to make it:

- 1 egg - 2 Tablespoons of milk - 1 table spoon of cocoa powder (or hot chocolate powder) 2- slices of bread sliced into cubes - Choc chips (or substitute it for peanut butter) - Half a banana sliced Here’s how to make it: - Mix the eggs, cocoa powder and milk in a separate bowl

- Pour the ½ cup of rice in a bowl and add the water - Cover the bowl with a plate - Microwave it for 6-8 minutes - Add the tomatoes, black beans and avo - Season to taste ENJOY!

Minerva Bucket List Do a Jonkershoek hike Drink wine on the SS roof after dark Attend a Rooiplein discussion Watch a Pulp cinema movie, without watch the trailer Drink a morning coffee on Minerva balcony Eat a R5 ice-cream @ De Vrije Burger Stay in the Bib till 22:00 and know the song Swim in the "Dam" Have a braai in front of Minerva with your girl friends Attend another res event, like Met Have a champagne breakfast @ the white house on the mountain Watch Ser sing Swing on the swings in Jan Marais Park Watch a sunset on the reservoir Go for a wine tasting Watch a show in the Endler Hall in lunch Watch a Galileo theater movie Go to Route 44 with all your friends Have a picnic in the Botanical gardens Go to Schoon de Companje Eat at every place in the Neelsie

" For being a Matie, is just not enough" PALLAS comes from the Greek word meaning “maiden”. In Greek mythology this was the name of a friend of the goddess Athena. Athena accidentally killed her and subsequently took the name Pallas in honour of her friend.

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