University of Illinois Extension Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit 2015 Annual Report

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Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit

2015 Annual Report

Encouraging STEM Careers

4G STEM Camp Expanded in Reach and Impact

Giving Gardens

Community and School Gardens Serve Thousands

26 Awards

Staff and Volunteers Recognized

Making People and Communities Better Current Extension Council Members Amanda Woodruff, Lewistown Chairperson James Harp, Mason City Vice Chairperson Erika Eigenbrod, Lincoln Secretary Rosemary Palmer, Manito Financial Reporter Katelyn Pruitt, Pekin Youth Member John Asplund, Farmington Sally Bair, Astoria Shundell Broomfield, Peoria Cindy Chaffin, Ipava Meghan Curless, Havana Nicole Forsberg, Pekin Clara Gonzalez, Peoria Pamela Rumba, Peoria Kelvin Sampson, Ellisville Sunita Shastry, Washington Sharon Spangler, Marietta Steve Waterworth, Havana Cody Zeeck, Havana

January 2016

Cover photo: Scientists at National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research supported 4G STEM Camp in July. The ag lab joined with others for the week long camp designed to encourage exploration of STEM Careers.

The FultonMason-PeoriaTazewell Unit of University of Illinois Extension had a banner year in 2015 engaging and impacting Earl Allen people and Director communities in all four counties of our unit. Our accomplishments could not have come about without the donated time of our volunteers, the hard work of our staff, and the support of our stakeholders and clientele. We have adhered to our guiding principle of making people and communities better, and thank all those who made it possible. This annual report spotlights many of our programs and activities from the past year, but cannot possibly cover them all. We intentionally focused our content this year to highlight programming and impact data centered around career exploration for our youth, the demonstration of economic and

community benefits, and the leveraging of our volunteers to reach more of the citizenry. We have also included content to show the breadth of subject matter we cover as your local connection to the University of Illinois. The year brought some richly deserved retirements among our nutrition education program staff. We wish Gerise Coleman, Lisa Stephens, and Kathy Meier the best in their new adventures. We also added to the staff team SNAP-Ed educator Michelle Fombelle, 4-H coordinator Holly Koch, and SNAP-Ed community worker Katharine Girone. U of I Extension is part of the solution to the challenges we face in our state, and we are happy to strive with others toward that end. I hope you enjoy this report and find value in this look at your local U of I Extension offices.

Earl Allen County Extension Director

Cross Campus Initiative New programming was Project leaders for four of the brought to our unit in 2015 arising eight projects collaborated with from a two-year cross campuseducator staff in the Fultonbased initiative launched in the Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit. summer The projects “These projects are part of a larger of 2014. included: 1) Extension and Outreach Initiative to Illinois Digital The effort, known as the connect the University’s research and Innovation discoveries with people, businesses, Extension Leadership and communities across the state. and Outreach It’s great that we can offer new Program; 2) Initiative, is programs that benefit communities, An Artifact administered but it also helps faculty and students Speaks: Teacher through a better understand future challenges Training; 3) partnership and opportunities around the state.” Designing for George Czapar, Associate Dean Health - How comprised of Director of Extension Environments Extension, the College Help Humans of ACES, and the Office of the Flourish; and 4) Pharmaceuticals Provost. and Personal Care Products Grant funds were awarded Knowledge and Mitigation for eight projects engaging U Strategies. Some outcomes for two of I Extension with university of the projects are highlighted departments housed beyond the later in this report. Additional College of Agriculture, Consumer project details can be found at and Environmental Sciences (ACES) where U of I Extension initiative/index.php. The projects work traditionally originates. are ongoing through 2016.


Nutrition Education Program Adapts to Increase Effectiveness Extension’s SNAP-Ed nutrition program began adapting its educational approach this year resulting in the addition of Michelle Fombelle to our unit. She joined our staff in April serving as our SNAP-Ed nutrition and wellness educator. Adding Fombelle’s expertise to our SNAP-Ed team will allow us to more closely adhere to what is known as the “SocialEcological Model” as a framework for delivering our SNAP-Ed programs. The Social-Ecological Model identifies that in order to best affect change in people’s knowledge, attitudes and behavior around their eating, and drinking and physical activity choices, one must take into account community, environmental, and policy factors in addition to people’s personal characteristics and experiences. Fombelle’s directive is to assist schools and community groups with technical assistance and resources to implement environmental and policy changes that reinforce what is being taught to individuals and families by our SNAP-Ed program assistant and community worker staff. We are excited for the increased effectiveness Fombelle’s efforts bring to our nutrition and wellness programs.

STEM Teachers Workshop, July 2015

Networking and assessing community needs have been her goal the first few months with Extension. She currently serves on the Partnership for a Healthy Community, Regional Fresh Food Council, Tri-County Inter-Agency Council, Youth Service Network Panel, Safe Kids Coalition, and the Designing Ind Healthy ividual Communities Task Force. She is available to

Social-Ecological Model

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Partners Campus New Audiences

provide technical assistance to qualifying schools in all four counties focusing on wellness committees, smarter lunchrooms, school gardens, smart snacks policies, food service staff professional development, and grant identification assistance. Currently she is in contact and working with Valeska Hinton Elementary School, Farmington Elementary School, Bartonville Grade School, and Pleasant Hill Elementary. She also assists with U of I Extension’s state INEP Wellness Webinar Series targeting school health professionals including those in our unit.

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

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4G STEM Camp Expanded in Reach and Impact Attendance doubled, expanded to include teen teachers and community partners In its second year, the 4G STEM Camp expanded its efforts to reach more youth. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math… the STEM disciplines. We’re told they are the key to the secure, high-paying jobs of the future; to addressing global challenges related to food, water, energy, and health; and to growing innovative industries that compete and prosper in the global economy. But there’s a problem. Employers are struggling to find workers with the skills and credentials for STEM jobs today, and too few youth are entering the educational pipeline for the STEM jobs of tomorrow. Studies show that engagement in STEM activities increases the likelihood that students will choose STEM fields when they enter college. One study found that 25 percent of the pre-college students participating in a university’s STEM engagement program eventually entered STEM majors on its campus. In its second year, University of Illinois Extension’s 4G STEM Camp (Girls + Games + Gadgets = Genius!) doubled the number of girls in attendance and expanded to include teen teachers and other community partners.

Employers are struggling to find workers with the skills and credentials for STEM jobs today, and too few youth are entering the educational pipeline for the STEM jobs of tomorrow.

vital to engage community partners, including teachers and librarians.” For that reason, the 2015 camp offered two tracks for participants and engaged four local teachers and librarians in the week-long experience, as well as engaging 27 teachers and librarians in a two-day in-service. University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit worked with partners from Bradley University’s Center for STEM Education, the Greater Peoria Economic Development Council, University of Illinois Center for Digital Inclusion, and Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab to provide programming for A Week-long Experience youth and adult participants. The success of the first 4G STEM Camp in 2014 The camp was designed around site visits to encouraged planners to look for ways to improve four businesses in Peoria and Tazewell Counties. the camp and reach more youth. “Hosting a camp Successful women working in STEM careers for youth is a great experience for those who can provided an orientation to their work, including attend,” explains Judy Schmidt, Extension youth the skills, technologies, and strategies needed to development educator. “However, to reach a larger excel in their jobs. The experience ignited a spark number of youth with STEM programming, it is of possibility within these girls, grounded in the reality of dynamic women leading creative, fulfilling careers. When asked what the best part of their day was, one camp participant shared, “Learning about the sensors that the [autonomous] cars use and how they work.” Another student said her biggest surprise was “that a group of 12 and 13-year-olds could build simulators.” The campers’ parents were also asked for their thoughts, which can be summed up by this quote: “This The addition of a two-day teacher in-service, during the week of 4G STEM Camp, was a vital part program is wonderful! Such of increasing the number of youth who will be reached with STEM programming. Todd Lash, a fantastic way to present Kenwood Elementary Teaching Specialist/Instructional Coach is pictured above presenting a career opportunities to lesson about computer science unplugged. Lash challenged the teachers to remember it is not about the technology, it is about the thinking. these young ladies.” pg. 4

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

Training in Digital Literacy Additional STEM programming opportunities were held in Peoria Heights and at the Peoria Riverfront Museum, focusing on the development of essential digital literacy skills. The Digital Innovation Leadership Program (DILP) was designed to build and extend partnerships in local communities to support events and programming focused on three learning areas: digital manufacturing, digital media production, and data analytics. Whether it’s 3D printing, programming a robot, or producing a movie, participants learn to build, create, and think using an iterative design process. The Digital Innovation Leadership Program is a partnership of the U of I Center for Digital Inclusion at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, U of I Extension and the Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab, a unit of the Illinois Informatics Institute. It is supported by funding from the Cross Campus Initiative—a special partnership among Extension, the Dean of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, and U of I’s Office of the Provost; the Illinois Informatics Institute; and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. This program offers numerous benefits for a range of stakeholders. For educators, it provides opportunities for digital literacy training and access to the DILP curriculum for classroom use. For youth, it offers exposure to new technologies through hands-on learning and develops essential criticalthinking, creativity, and design skills. Community leaders can access tools to help assess community needs, identify stakeholders, and leverage community resources in support of digital literacy development. Elected officials have the opportunity to learn best practices for leveraging data analytics for policy and government use. Finally, perhaps the most successful aspect of DILP is the Teens as Teachers component, in which teens are trained and mentored to deliver programming for 4-H camps, community events, and even adult education. Economic centers are smart to invest in their local workforce, which has the talented people businesses are most likely to identify, recruit, and retain as long-term employees. This camp—and the partnership that established it—is part of a growing network of students, educators, and business leaders that aspires to develop a diverse STEM workforce within the region.

Digital Innovation Leadership Program Partners: • U of I Extension • U of I Center for Digital Inclusion at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science • Champaign-Urbana Community Fab Lab F-M-P-T Unit Programs: • 4G STEM Camp • STEM Teachers Workshop • Makers in Motion • Teen Design Lab Camp • Community Explorers Camp • Makers SPIN Club

Promoting Excellence in Local Government Each year, hundreds of elected and appointed government officials and administrators work to improve their knowledge and skills through professional development opportunities offered by University of Illinois Extension. Participants benefit from the advanced instruction and broad expertise that instructors bring to all our programming for local government officials. In 2015, more than 480 local government officials participated in webinars, workshops, and/or viewed program recordings. Kathleen Brown, community and economic development Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Extension Unit educator, played a vital role in the planning, marketing, and facilitating of these local government professional development opportunities. Monthly recorded webinars on the following topics can be found online:

Local Government Information and Education Network Webinar Series January 2015 - November 2015 Monthly webinars were held and recorded. Experts presented a variety of topics: Climate Change Sustainability Plans for Local Government Unpacking Racial Disparities Case Studies in Energy Conservation Green Infrastructure and Storm Water Community Engagement Best Practices in eGovernment Technology Planning Using Data and Analytics

Small Business Toolkit Guide to Starting/Expanding a Business in Canton The guide was created by a local team including University of Illinois Department of Urban and Regional Planning graduate student Manish Singh, professor Stacy Harwood, and U of I Extension educator Kathleen Brown. Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development provided funding and support. Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development aims to assist existing and prospective business owners through Canton’s permitting process, funding opportunities, and regional business resources. This guide covers the basics, from finding a location to outlining the permit process. At the end of the toolkit there is a list of available resources including the city, Chamber of Commerce, University of Illinois Extension in Fulton County, and other agencies. These organizations want to help businesses succeed. pg. 6

Leadership Academy for County Officials May 2015 – October 2015 Fourteen county officials from 11 counties across Illinois completed the Leadership Academy for County Officials. The Leadership Academy was developed by the University of Illinois “The information in partnership with I’ve obtained from the United Counties the Academy has Council of Illinois enlightened not only (UCCI) to provide leadership training on me but my arsenal issues important to of political strategies elected and appointed in achieving greater county officials. From our advocacy on behalf of four-county unit, my constituents.” there were three participants: Wendy Ferrill, Tazewell County Administrator; John Taylor, Fulton County Board; and Brad Harding, Peoria County Board. David Zimmerman, Chairman of the Tazewell County Board and Vice Chairman of the United County Councils, was instrumental in planning this year’s Leadership Academy for County Officials. The 2015 Leadership Academy cohort addressed critical issues county officials face in their daily work, including: • managing budgets in an environment of scarce resources and uncertainty; • leadership roles and responsibilities; • deliberative democracy; • planning for economic development; • crisis communications; • time management; • data for decision-makers; and • effective use of technology in government. Participants focused on learning concepts, developing their skills, and applying those approaches in their home counties. Participants report: “The information I’ve obtained from the Academy has enlightened not only me but my arsenal of political strategies in achieving greater advocacy on behalf of my constituents.” “The information I have learned and gained in the Leadership Academy is being used every time I participate in a meeting or presentation, whether it is the county board or school/church meeting, trying to be open-minded, listening with understanding before responding, or assuming to know what was/ is intended by the public/constituents.”

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

UIUC Landscape Architecture 335 Studio: The River City and Wet Weather Management The River City and Wet Weather Management Extension and the City of Peoria Innovation Team. project is one of the Extension and Outreach “Working with the City of Peoria and University Initiative projects Kathleen Brown, community of Illinois Extension was an incredibly valuable economic development Extension educator is experience for the students and I can already tell involved with. She has joined forces with students that their work will be fundamentally improved by and faculty at University of Illinois and the City of our visit and your valuable presence/input,” stated Peoria Innovation Team to address a very serious professor Danika Cooper. and very expensive problem This UIUC College of Fine the City of Peoria is currently “Working with the City of Peoria and Applied Arts project facing. focuses on working with and University of Illinois Extension community partners to Peoria’s combined was an incredibly valuable sewers carry both sanitary examine the relationship wastewater and storm water. experience for the students and between health, design, and When rain or snowmelt the built environment in the I can already tell that their work overwhelm the system, Peoria region. The project is will be fundamentally improved part of the Designing Healthy around 20 to 30 times a year, the combined sewers Communities Initiative and is by our visit and your valuable overflow (CSO) empties funded through the Office of presence/input.” into the Illinois River. The the Provost and College of ACES Environmental Protection Professor Danika Cooper Illinois Extension and Outreach Agency has mandated that Initiative. the City remedy this issue. Peoria is working to Professor Danika Cooper says proposals identify ways to leverage the tremendous expense include South Side bicycle networks and parkland of solving the CSO problem while simultaneously that captures rainwater while giving residents improving the lives of residents in these areas new greenspace solutions that not only deal with through such means as job creation, sustainable flooding and overflow issues, but also address development, and reinvestment. some of the economic and social structure of the Highlighting the intersection of ecological and neighborhood. economic factors in the region, the intention of the Anthony Corso is with Peoria’s Innovation Team studio’s work is to demonstrate how the deployment looking at the issue. He says students’ solutions of ecological strategies at large scales can lead to could be included into final proposals that fix the tactical design moves and interventions at smaller CSO problem. scales. “We’re looking at how do we solve this problem, This studio explores the potential for broader, this very expensive problem that we’re all going to longer term, and more comprehensive approaches have to pay for, but we make sure that the whole to the landscape of Peoria. During fall semester, community gets benefit out of it.” students and faculty have worked closely with U of I University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

pg. 7

Fulton County Economic Assessment In early 2015 University of Illinois Extension conducted to understand the demographic trends, released two economic development publications economic and employment base, growth industries, for use by Fulton County: Fulton County Economic and small business climate in Fulton County. The Assessment and A Guide to assessment is a critical piece “The Spoon River Partnership International Economic Development for economic development, for Economic Development Council Site Selection Data Standards. highlighting opportunities for has used this study at several These tools are very important development, and providing a new different levels. We have utilized to local development efforts, tool for marketing the region for the Economic Opportunity because they place Fulton County potential business opportunities. Assessment to pull information for in a position to respond to business The assessment includes a Citizens for Rural Design grant development in a manner consistent analysis of demographic, application. We have also utilized with other economic development income and employment trends, the site selection data standard offices throughout Illinois. identification of strengths and tables to submit to companies This collaborative effort opportunities for economic showing interest in locating to our involved Spoon River Partnership development with economic area.� for Economic Development, Missy Towery, Executive Director opportunity interviews, and an Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development understanding of the perspective Canton Main Street, Department of Urban and Regional Planning of local businesses. at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Another component of this process was the and University of Illinois Extension, Fultondevelopment of a guide book which will support Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit. The assessment was local economic development efforts by providing

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University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

a methodology for updating demographic and economic data on an ongoing basis utilizing International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Site Selection Data Standards. These standards were launched by International Economic Development Council in New York in 2000. The datasets provide critical information to help location professionals and businesses determine the suitability of the community for their site selection needs. These new tools developed through a collaborative programming partnership create new opportunities for pursuing business development in Fulton County. Currently, the resources are available on the FultonMason-Peoria-Tazewell Extension website. Economic Development Resources Available Online Fulton County Economic Assessment Guide Book


Individual Community Economic

Seasoned Chef Family Event, August 2015

Fulton County 4-H Adds Livestock Judging SPIN Club components: placing a group of animals and orally One area of 4-H that teaches members about justifying your decision — or as it’s commonly livestock selection and evaluation is livestock known, giving reasons. Each area requires judging judging. Livestock judges can often team members to go through trace their beginnings in judging “Livestock judging helps different steps and processes to back to 4-H. 4-Hers learn to explain arrive at their decisions. Fulton County 4-H leader Participating on livestock themselves in a professional Robyn Hendel recently started judging teams offers many a 4-H Livestock Judging Special manner that is going to help benefits to 4-H members Interest (SPIN) Club. One of the them in whatever career they — teamwork, effective club’s goals is to help prepare choose in their future.” communication skills, analytical youth to participate in upcoming thinking, and most of all — 4-H livestock judging contests. Robyn Hendel, 4-H Leader self-confidence. Lessons in The club had its first meeting at responsibility, leadership, the Fairview Sale Barn. The second teamwork, maturity, pride, dedication, and success meeting was at the Schmalshof farm near Avon, where they judged with assistance from the Western are all part of livestock judging. During the 2014-2015 4-H year, the SPIN club Illinois University Livestock Judging Team. There consisted of 14 members. As the new 4-H year has been great interest in this new club. began in September, 17 have been involved in the How does livestock judging impact team members? Livestock judging consists of two primary club so far. University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

pg. 9

4-H Youth Development Stats 4-H Adult Volunteer Enrollment



Traditional 4-H Club Leaders

102 392

Special Interest Club Leaders

4-H Show Superintendents

Group, 1-Day Program, Special Event Volunteers

4-H Youth Membership Enrollment 7,087 youth reached


One-Day Programs

pg. 10


Short Presentations at Special Events


Special Interest Clubs

68 72

Traditional 4-H Clubs

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

Groups: Community, School, After-School

4-H Members Assist with Economic Impact Survey and Presentation On January 17, 2015, attendees of the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs (IAAF) annual meeting heard the results of the Economic Impact of Illinois Agricultural Fairs Study. The survey was conducted at fifteen county fairs across the state of Illinois during the summer of 2014. Mason County was one of the counties included in the study where 300 surveys were collected by 4-H Federation members and University of Illinois Extension staff. Key informant interviews were conducted by Alex Norr, a graduate student from University of Illinois Department of Urban and Regional Planning. 4-H members from participating counties applied their leadership skills to assist the Illinois State 4-H office staff with the survey presentation in Springfield. Loren Harp, Mason County 4-H Federation member, shared the quote: “It is important to change and adapt, we need to keep activities at the fair that keep people coming. Once they are here, they’ll always find something they enjoy, and they’ll learn something about farming at the same time.” She related that the “Ag of the Past” Antique Tractor Pull is just one of the exciting events that helps draw attendance to the Mason County 4-H and Junior Fair. Loren is very passionate about 4-H and the county fair. “The Mason County Fair has had a bigger impact on my life than any other extracurricular activity I have been involved in,” stated Loren. “We learn from each other about so many projects that we may never otherwise know about. The camaraderie, pride, and passion we all have for the county fair would never exist if it weren’t for the experiences we share during fair week. It has made a very positive impact on my life.”

Mason County 4-H Federation member, Loren Harp, (pictured above on the far left) worked with a group of 4-H members from across Illinois and the Illinois 4-H office to present the results of the Economic Impact of Illinois Agricultural Fairs survey at the IAAF Convention.

“The camaraderie, pride, and passion we all have for the county fair would never exist if it weren’t for the experiences we share during fair week. It has made a very positive impact on my life.”

Loren Harp, 4-H member

Fair Spotlight: Tazewell County 4-H Show and Jr. Fair 221 1000+ 146 168

In Tazewell County, the U of I Extension staff partner with the Veterans Memorial Fair Association and Pekin Park District to plan and implement the annual 4-H Show and Jr. Fair. The event is a popular community event for the county, bringing in thousands of youth and adults for the many special events.

25 13 8 9 7 14 6 15 34 2

4-H exhibitors projects exhibited trophies and awards 4-H volunteers +Farm Bureau volunteers +HCE volunteers teens in leadership roles cakes in the auction raising $1,260 hands-on activities special events and entertainment games led by 4-H Federation silent auction baskets + 6 door prizes 4-H club spirit displays clubs worked in the food stands stantions rebuilt & painted new huge ceiling fans installed

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

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Randy Stockham Havana Volunteer of the Year

Fulton County Family Receives 4-H Family Spirit Award There are 19 members of the Sharon and Bruce Spangler family; 18 of them are 4-H members or volunteers, but don’t blame number 19. Little Caroline Spangler won’t turn 4-H age until next year. The Fulton County family has been selected as the 2015 Illinois 4-H Foundation Family Spirit Award winner. The Illinois 4-H Foundation created the Illinois 4-H Family Spirit Award to recognize an Illinois family who has substantially benefited from and who has been an advocate for the Illinois 4-H program over multiple generations. Sharon (Wilcoxen) and Bruce Spangler were members of 4-H clubs in Fulton County. Sharon received a state award which earned her a trip to National 4-H Club Congress in 1961. The couple encouraged their three sons to join 4-H. Robert, David, and John did just that, and married women who were either 4-H members or 4-H volunteers. Sharon and Bruce have been 4-H club leaders now for 42 years. “Through their years as club leaders, Bruce and Sharon have impacted an estimated 250 4-H members. One of their goals as leaders is to teach young people to give back through community service projects,” explained Holly Spangler in the award application. The 4-H tradition even goes back one generation further. Sharon’s mother and father, Edith and Ralph Wilcoxen, were members of the Blackjack 4-H Club in Fulton County. Collectively, the Spangler Family has 141 years of 4-H membership, 121 years as club leaders and 147 years of 4-H volunteerism since the early 1920s. The family was honored Saturday, August 15, during a celebration on the Illinois Director of Agriculture’s lawn and August 18 on Agriculture Day during the Illinois State Fair. Director of Ag Phillip Nelson and State Fair Manager Patrick Buchen offered their congratulations to the family at both events. Orion Samuelson and Governor Bruce Rauner added their well wishes on Ag Day. University of Illinois Extension Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit staff members Earl Allen, Janis Blout, and Anita Wilkinson joined the audience on the Director of Agriculture’s lawn to help recognize the Spanglers and the Unit’s 4-H Hall of Fame winners. pg. 12

Mason County 4-H Shooting Sports coordinator Randy Stockham was awarded the 2015 Havana Volunteer of the Year award. Joli Pierson, 4-H program coordinator, was one of many who sent in a nomination letter for Randy. Randy has been a 4-H volunteer for photo by Tim Oest, three years. He was Ted Connolly Photography, instrumental in edited by Extension staff launching the Mason County 4-H Shooting Sports program. He worked hard to recruit instructors, assistants, and new 4-H members. His excitement for the new program was evident as he gathered financial support throughout the county. He shares his love of hunting and firearm safety with youth from all over Mason County. Along with being a 4-H Shooting Sports coordinator, Randy has volunteered as overnight chaperone at the 4-H Boys Adventure Camps at Dickson Mounds and Wildlife Prairie Park, where conservation and wildlife have been the topics. He has also shared his knowledge and love of his welding profession with youth by serving as volunteer welding project judge at the Mason County 4-H Show. He also played a vital role in the design and creation of the lighted 4-H clover display at the fairgrounds. Other 4-H volunteer roles include electrical and lighting work at the fairgrounds and working as grill master for the 4-H Federation food stand. Randy is also recognized for his volunteer work with local Boy Scout troops, Ducks Unlimited, as a first responder, Havana Fire Department, Crime Stoppers, and his church. “You can always find him helping someone,” explained Joli. “He doesn’t know the word no.” The Havana Volunteer of the Year award is sponsored by the Havana Chamber of Commerce.

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

Illinois 4-H Hall of

Fame Linda Porter Fulton County

Linda Porter is in her 34th year as a 4-H leader of the Pleasant Spacemakers 4-H Club. She has had the opportunity to lead members in a variety of projects-especially focusing on community service.


Awards Reach Dedication

4-H Clover Clinic, February 2015

Fred Rosenbohm Outstanding Lifetime 4-H Volunteer Award Winner Louise Schafer Mason County

For 25 years, Louise helped lead the Pleasant Workers 4-H Club. At one time this club was one of the largest clubs in the county. Louise and her late husband John were vegetable superintendents for 45 years and Louise continues to be a fair sponsor.

Curt Zehr Tazewell County

Curt was a member of Tazewell 4-H for 10 years and a 4-H leader for 15. His dedication to the Swine Department and its participants shows through his 33 years of involvement and commitment.

The National 4-H Council sponsors the Salute to Excellence Award Program to recognize 4-H volunteers who demonstrate exemplary service to 4-H, while promoting service through volunteerism as both an opportunity and a privilege. Peoria County 4-H leader Fred Rosenbohm was selected as the Illinois Salute to Excellence Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award winner. Fred has a passion for the 4-H program. He believes in the 4-H program’s mission and goals and has been a volunteer for over 25 years. Fred belonged to the Neighbor Kids 4-H club for 10 years. Later, his children joined the same club and he became the club’s leader. At the time Fred was a leader he also became the Peoria County 4-H dairy superintendent and has continued in this leadership role up to the present date. The positive impact Fred has made on the 4-H program is huge. After seeing the dairy department struggle for several years, he started a dairy special interest club. In the dairy SPIN Club all youth are engaged with “hands-on” activities such as milking, feeding, vaccinating, dehorning, cleaning stalls, and grooming. Youth also break cattle to lead, they have chosen to exhibit at the 4-H Show. In three years’ time the club has increased from a six-week club to a year round club with over 20 members. They brought 60 head of cattle to the 2015 4-H Show. Fred has a very gentle but energetic spirit and works well with young people. He respects young people and they respect him. He also sets high standards for the youth and with his positive encouragement they deliver. When asked, Fred will say the one thing he is most impressed and proud of the youth for is their team work and willingness to help one another. He has been quoted as saying, “I think I have the best 4-H members ever, the cream of the crop.”

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

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Master Gardeners Receive State Awards Fifteen Master Gardeners in the Fulton-MasonPeoria-Tazewell Unit received Master Gardener awards at the 2015 state conference. Many were able to attend the conference and are pictured above with Extension staff. With less than 3% of all Master Gardeners receiving awards state wide, it is remarkable so many in our unit are recognized. Sustained Excellence Awards go to the “cream of the crop” who have previously received an Illinois Outstanding Award. Mason County’s Glenn Fanter leads Jr. Master Gardeners and shares knowledge about Beekeeping. He started the Mason County Bee Club which has attracted over 60 new and want-to-be beekeepers. Phil Adams has added tremendous leadership to the Peoria MG group, Lawn and Garden Day, Luthy, speakers bureau, MG Board, St. Thomas Church, and ICC demonstration and Japanese Gardens. Dixie Krisher, Peoria County, has been involved with Bel-Wood Nursing Home, Fair judging, and provides great leadership and hospitality by taking a lead role in coordinating annual Master Gardener training.


MGs on Speakers Bureau

11,082 service hours reported

An Illinois Master Gardener Teamwork Award was awarded to the Wildlife Prairie Park Homestead Garden 4-H SPIN Club. MGs awarded include Carol Cihla, Linda Nash, Jennifer Bass, Emily Jacobs, Lee Maki, Gay Kyle, and the late Earl Kyle. This is a partnership with Peoria 4-H to raise fruits and vegetables for the animals in the park. Outstanding Master Gardener Awards - Fulton County’s Kathy Phillips helps with Gardeners’ BIG Day and Canton’s YMCA. She reaches hundreds of children at the YMCA gardening program. Carol Lontai of Peoria County, helps with the Greenway project, Plant-a-Row, the Peoria Home Show, and Peoria MG leadership. Dayna Stevenson is involved with the speakers’ bureau and programs. Both helped with planning and development for the Kim St John Butterfly Habitat. In Tazewell County Gay Kyle volunteers with the annual MG training, Plant Bingo, Manito’s American Legion Forman Park, and Post Office Plantings. Ella Maxwell is a noted horticulture authority and speaks on gardening topics. She is involved in local leadership and mentors others.


Master Gardeners

2,282 cont. ed. hours reported

8 MGs with >10 years service

$255,662 Value of Volunteer Service Master Gardener Stats ____________________________ pg. 14

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

Invasive Plant Series

Sampling of Unit Master Gardener Projects Fulton County Canton YMCA Youth Garden Jones Park Garden Canton St. Mary’s Garden Garden Walk Spoon River Garden Club Mason County Havana Riverfront Park Tree Planting Jr. Master Gardener SPIN Club and Garden Mason County Bee Club Havana Library Learn to Landscape Fulton-Mason Crisis Center Landscape Garden presentations to schools, libraries, organizations Peoria County Luthy Botanical Garden Forrest Hill Organic Community Garden Garden Info. booth at Home Show & Riverfront Farmers Market Master Gardener Helpline Jubilee Prairie Dawgs & Historic Site Butterfly Garden Tazewell County Plant Bingo Pekin Main Street beautification Washington tree planting ICC Lecture Series Mackinaw & Manito Education Gardens TAPS Garden Multi County Projects Wildlife Prairie Park Butterfly Habitat (Unit wide) ICC Master Gardener Demo Garden and Landscape & Garden Day (Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford) Gardeners’ BIG Day (Mason and Fulton)

Produce Gardens Giving Gardens

1. Washington Giving Garden 3,173 pounds 2. Green Valley Giving Garden 1,060 pounds 3. Morton Giving Garden 1,372 pounds 4. Canton YMCA 400 pounds 5. St. Mary’s Food Pantry, Canton 500 pounds 6. Wildlife Prairie Park Homestead 80 pounds 7. Mason Jr. Master Gardeners 1,000 pounds 8. Bountiful City Kids 4-H 184 pounds 9. Day Spring Park 4-H 211 pounds 10. Glasford Green Thumbs 4-H 150 pounds

Community Gardens

1. Forrest Hill 48 raised beds for families/individuals

Learning Gardens at Schools

1. Germantown Hills School 8 garden “rooms” 5,000 sq. feet 600 youth (3rd - 8th grade)

2. Peoria Academy 14 raised beds 2 additional 20x30 plots 200 youth (3 yrs old - 8th grade)

Extension horticulture educators addressed garden biodiversity with a webinar series called “The Good, the Bad, and the Lovely Plants.” With this series, Extension educated Central Illinois gardeners about garden biodiversity using four separate modules: 1) addressing common landscape plants that have invasive qualities; 2) species of concern; 3) how and why to control them and landscape native alternatives; and 4) the benefits of native plants to pollinators. Because of this program, landowners are making positive changes that benefit their personal properties today, and will enhance the environment for future generations. Educator Rhonda Ferree offered this program in Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell counties. She helped with general program development and partnered with horticulture educator Chris Enroth to develop the webinar ‘controls’ section. Prior to the webinar series participants were asked to fill out a survey about their knowledge of invasive plant species. 427 participants completed the presurvey indicating that attendees lived on 57 percent urban and 43 percent rural properties. Six months after the webinars concluded, participants were sent a follow-up survey to gauge their experience and use of information provided. Sixty-five participants completed the follow-up survey. The post survey showed: 2% increase in understanding invasive plants are a problem; 24% increase in knowledge of difference between invasive, natives, and noxious weeds; 39% of respondents removed an estimated 1,653 invasive species from their property; 92% intend to or have planted native plants in their landscape; 72% shared knowledge gained with others; 100% will use the knowledge in the future.

Natural Resources

64 991

Master Naturalists 47 Active 17 Interns Continuing Ed Hours reported

by Active MNs


Service Hours reported

by Active MNs


Value of Volunteer Service

Natural Resources Media Reach Jason Haupt, Energy and Environmental Stewardship Educator


Radio Interviews


News Releases


Facebook Friends


Tweets on Twitter


Blog Posts


Pins on Pinterest

sent to 30 news outlets

22 followers, 17 retweets, 7 mentions

35,416 blog hits


“Have you ever watched a child excited with the wonder of Nature? There is nothing like it!! I volunteer with my main goal of finding the joy of sharing that excitement with as many as possible.”

Roberta Clifton, Master Naturalist

Master Volunteers Learn from Experts After Master Naturalists complete their initial 60 hour training, they are required to complete ten continuing education hours yearly. Without a single exception, they go above and beyond the minimum requirements averaging more than 21 hours per volunteer. Master Naturalists do not get education from just anyone. As they are such avid learners, they demand the highest quality in instructors—both in the initial education process and when they receive continuing education. During the initial training, local and state experts are used to provide the trainees with the best foundation in the many areas taught. Local expert Dr. Mike Wiant from Dickson Mounds teaches archeology and anthropology. Local community college professor Pete Fandel teaches subjects like geology and soil sciences. Staff members at the University of Illinois Springfield Therkildsen Field Station teach wetland ecology, which includes looking at macro and microinvertebrates. In the fall, Master Naturalists and Master Gardeners held a program on butterflies and moths. For this program, two of the state’s leading experts on the subject, Jim Wiker and David Nance, were invited to speak to the program participants. The Peoria Astronomical Society taught a group of Master Naturalists about the life of a star. This program was to prepare the Master Naturalists for further education at a star party held in the fall at Jubilee State Park.

Elevating Teachers’ Understanding of the Natural World For two weeks in June, University of Illinois Extension Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit held a Master Naturalist training that was geared toward educators. The program had nine participants, including seven school educators. In partnership with the Tazewell County Regional Office of Education, our Extension Unit offered 60 hours of professional development credits. The teachers involved ranged from 2nd grade teachers to college professors and included art, science, and English teachers from District 150, East Peoria, Canton, and Elmwood. The Master Naturalist training offers participants an excellent foundation in some environmental science basics including entomology, geology, ornithology, and ecology of the native ecosystems of Illinois. The training challenged the teachers to bring aspects of science into all parts of their lesson plans throughout the year. The Master Naturalist program does not stop at science. It includes all aspects of nature. It does an excellent job of incorporating both the scientific and artistic aspects of nature by encouraging the participants to journal and sketch while in nature. Two of the teachers are art teachers and shared some of their nature art work. One teacher mentioned, “the program offered excellent resources which I will be able to use in the classroom.” Illinois Department of Natural Resources was invited to share about the education resources they have available for educators. Curriculums that can

be used in the classroom were demonstrated and the teachers were given the opportunity to share ways to bring the natural resource subjects that were taught into the classroom. The passion of the participants was palpable as all jumped into the training with both feet. All were willing to participate in demonstrations as well as get wet and dirty to expand their knowledge of the many facets of nature in Illinois.

Master Volunteers Day Trip to Starved Rock University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-MasonPeoria-Tazewell Unit Master Naturalist volunteers worked with Dr. Michael Wiant, director of Dickson Mounds Museum, to plan a one-day bus trip to Starved Rock State Park and other local attractions on September 10. The purpose of the trip was to serve as continuing education hours for Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists while having an enjoyable day of learning. Dr. Wiant narrated the trip to Starved Rock State Park by explaining how and why Illinois’ landscape looks as it does today. At the park the group hiked 150 steps to the summit of Starved Rock. Dr. Wiant discussed both the geological and human history of the area. The trip also included stops and lectures at Illinois River Waterway Museum at the Starved Rock Lock & Dam and Buffalo Rock State Park.

“Volunteer work is usually done for non-profit groups who are building up something beyond monetary value for the greater good. How can you not want to be a part of that?” Jen McDaniel, Master Naturalist University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

pg. 17

Celebration University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-MasonPeoria-Tazewell Unit Master Naturalist and Master Gardener volunteers took part in the 2015 Clean Water Celebration on Monday, April 20, at the Peoria Civic Center. This annual event is hosted by the Sun Foundation. It encourages youth to learn to improve water quality, to think critically and creatively about adequate and safe water supplies, and to promote the wise use of natural resources. To prepare, volunteers met with Rebecca

Horticulture Media Reach Rhonda Ferree, Horticulture Educator

Print Media News Letters


11 editions


2690 recipients

News Releases


115 articles

Broadcast Media Radio | 10 interviews TV | 3 guest spots



5 blogs














Social Media 142,083 page views

47 posts

813 posts

1490 posts


| 23,158 hits | 37,987 hits 130,559 hits

Cottrell, Recycling Educator for Peoria County Recycling & Resource Conservation, and practiced using the EnviroScape model. Volunteers teaching in teams of two or three, staffed five watershed stations. Twelve Extension volunteers and five staff interacted with over 2,800 students from Central Illinois. Amazed and surprised youth learned that out of all the water on earth, less than 1% is available for our use, and the water we consume today is the same water dinosaurs drank millions of years ago. Discussions continued about how students use water in their daily lives and what measures they can take to conserve water use and reduce water pollution. Using EnviroScape models, volunteers demonstrated how a watershed works. Watersheds are important because the stream flow and water quality of a river are affected by things humans introduce to the land area. When it rains, contaminants may flow into the watershed. Volunteers also operated Zero Waste stations where students divided waste from their lunches into separate composting, recycling, and trash bins. Students were able to visualize how they can reduce the amount of trash that ends up in landfills. 2015 marks the third year that Extension Master Naturalist and Master Gardener volunteers have assisted with the Clean Water Celebration. Together they have helped youth learn to grow and become engaged environmental stewards in Central Illinois.

“The MG program has brought so much joy to my life. It is more than the programs and the people we help, it is the other Master Gardeners. They are the most passionate, hard working, imaginative, dedicated people & bursting to learn more. The amount of positive feelings I have for them and the Extension staff is tremendous. It is a very giving organization. It makes me happy to help others.�

May Bach, Master Gardener & Naturalist

Nutrition Programs Serve Bilingual Communities Throughout the state, University of Illinois Extension currently serves about 95,000 Hispanics. In the Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Margaret Cover, Extension educator, and Petra Eberle, program instructor, work together to provide the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) to the Hispanic population in Peoria County. University of Illinois is aware of the increase in Hispanic populations in many Illinois counties and is dedicated to serving this audience. Statistics show there are about 1.6 million Hispanics in Illinois. By 2030, there will be 65 million Hispanics living in the United States. Eberle, who is fluent in Spanish, works at Friendship House to provide nutrition education to the English as a Second Language classes. She also works in six food pantries recruiting adult clients, as well as teaching youth in ESL classes at Harrison School, working with Spanish speaking adult clients at Heartland Clinic, WIC (Women and Infant Children) at the Peoria County Health Department, and also clients at the Family Community Resource Center. In 2o15, Eberle educated 153 adult homemakers and 109 youth in five classrooms. By introducing them to new foods, new cooking methods, and more fruits and vegetables, the clients have improved their diets and overall health of

Petra Eberle demonstrates a sweet potato recipe during the English as a Second Language class held at Friendship House in downtown Peoria. The Hispanic population is growing in Illinois and Extension is addressing the need to have bilingual staff.

their families. EFNEP also teaches food resource management to help families stretch their food dollars. While Eberle is currently the only Spanish speaking EFNEP staff in the Fulton-Mason-PeoriaTazewell Unit, additional bilingual staff are being hired.

Expanded Food Nutrition Education Program Stats

d pl e t e




ion s


e d u c at ion st 6

e ss

5,974 family members


a le



EFNEP and SNAP-Ed (see stats next page) provide low-income families with research based information about good nutition, food safety, the importance of physical activity, and how to stretch your food dollars. EFNEP contacts are made at foodbanks, medical clinics, social service agencies, and through home visits.

c o nt i nu i n g


t h e pr og



1,353 adults



Participants showed significant improvement in all program areas which include food resource management, food safety, and nutrition practices.

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

pg. 19

Illinois Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education: Impacts in 2015 The SNAP-Ed program helps those who are in need make healthier choices. By reaching people where they are in their communities, SNAP-Ed is able to teach families the skills necessary for making healthier meals, spending a food budget more effectively, and making healthier living a natural part of the day.

Program Reach

57,789 Fulton - 8,776 Mason - 4,716

54,518 Fulton - 10,450 Mason - 3,182

Client Demographics Race

Direct Contacts Peoria - 27,239 Tazewell - 17,058




Caucasian 40,128

African American 16,900

Other 761

Indirect Contacts Peoria - 26,136 Tazewell - 14,750




Non-Hispanic 56,063

Hispanic 1,726

Internships for Bradley Dietetic Students



Every year since 2010, University of Illinois Extension has provided a group of Bradley University students the opportunity to complete their dietetic internships by working alongside Illinois Nutrition Education Program (INEP) staff in Peoria County. Extension provides a glimpse of community nutrition work to ten dietetic interns each year. Students are given experiences in agencies, schools, and food pantries which are served by Extension’s INEP staff. Margaret Cover, Expanded Family Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Educator, serves as preceptor for the interns. In this role she helps coordinate, schedule, and supervise the students by providing job shadowing opportunities, projects, and evaluations as a segment of a four-part rotation. The three additional areas provided by other local agencies include food service, clinical, and wellness rotations.

Youth 51,412

Adults 6,377



Male Youth 26,396

Female Youth 25,016



Male Adults 1,837

Female Adults 4,540



After School & Summer-33 Schools - 34 Food Pantries - 16 Pre-Schools - 63 Adult Program Sites - 21 Grocery Stores - 2

pg. 20



University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015


Office Support Excellence Award

Sheila Bolliger, Unit Office Support Specialist, received the 2015 Office Support Excellence Award at the University of Illinois Extension state wide conference held in November. This award is selected by a committee of Extension professionals. Sheila has worked for U of I Extension for 33 years. She started her career in the Peoria County office, then moved to the East Peoria Extension Center, then to FultonMason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit in 2011. “Sheila is very deserving of this award, not only for her longevity in Extension, but additionally because of her consistent dedication in serving our clientele with exemplary customer service and in serving our unit as a role model of professionalism for other staff,” stated Earl Allen. Her excellent customer service, positive attitude, and strong work ethic are what make her stand out as the Office Support of Excellence Award winner.

Team Support Professional

All Unit Staff Meeting, September 2015

National 4-H Award

Havana Mayor Recognizes Staff

Illinois 4-H was in the spotlight at this year’s National Association of Extension 4-H Agents Annual Conference held in Portland, Ore. Judy Schmidt, 4-H youth development metro educator for our Unit, was one of 11 Illinois 4-H staff to be recognized. She received the Distinguished Service Award, was a member of the Educational Technology Team Award, and joined five co-workers in presenting a workshop on the Illinois 4-H Teen Teacher program. NAE4-HA promotes, strengthens, enhances, and advocates for the 4-H youth development profession.

During the 2015 Mason County 4-H Show and Jr. Fair, Havana Mayor Brenda Stadsholt presented Mason County 4-H program coordinator Joli Pierson and office support assistant Paula Lane with thank you gifts. In honor of Pierson and Lane’s dedication and hard work in making the fair a success, Stadsholt gave them a special gift. For many years, Stadsholt has been attending the Mason County 4-H Show and Junior Fair. She recognizes the positive impact the 4-H Show and Jr. Fair is making in the lives of the members, volunteers, the general public, and the community.

Excellence in Programs Award

Petra Eberle was honored with the Individual Excellence in Programming Award at the annual Illinois Nutrition Education Program (INEP) conference in Champaign. Petra has served Extension for over 10 years and is currently the only bilingual staff member teaching the Expanded Family Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) in our Unit. Petra assists the increasing number of low-income Hispanics by taking special interest in helping them connect with the available services. University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015 pg. 21


Earl Allen County Director


Natural Resources

Julia Pryor Coordinator

Christine Belless Coordinator

Jason Haupt Educator

Cathy Ludolph Coordinator

Joli Pierson Coordinator

Judy Schmidt Educator

Ginger Schnecker Educator

Becky Campbell Office Support

Paula Lane Office Support

Angie Sassine Office Support

Julann Schierer Office Support

Debbie Shelby Office Support

Melissa Bucklin Summer Help

Annie Close Summer Help

Wendall Lytle Summer Help

Kate Taylor Summer Help

Hailey Weyhrich Summer Help

Anita Wilkinson Communications

Rhonda Ferree Educator

4-H Youth Development

Janis Blout Coordinator

Holly Koch Coordinator

Office Support

Sheila Bolliger Office Support

Donna Burke Extra Help

Unit Strategy Statement Mission - To extend research-based information, technology, and best practices from the university arena into public and private arenas in order to strengthen local communities and improve people’s lives. Vision - To adapt research-based knowledge into accessible forms so that every person we serve will experience and recognize a positive impact from our work. Process - Education, facilitation, and collaboration Scope - Agriculture, Natural Resources, Horticulture, Nutrition & Wellness, Community & Economic Development, 4-H Youth Development

Nutrition & Wellness

Tara Agama SNAP-Ed

Nathan Anton SNAP-Ed

LaNeena Close EFNEP

Gerise Coleman EFNEP

Katie Conner SNAP-Ed

Margaret Cover Educator

Debra Donaldson EFNEP

Petra Eberle EFNEP

Irene Edwards EFNEP

Katherine Ellis SNAP-Ed

Michelle Fombelle


Katharine Girone SNAP-Ed

Jan Hackman SNAP-Ed

Ronda Mitchell EFNEP

Cheryl Russell EFNEP

JoElyn Smith EFNEP

Lisa Stephens SNAP-Ed

Patty Wiegers SNAP-Ed

Community & Economic Development

Financial Overview

Kathleen Brown Educator

Fiscal Year 2015

Other 3% Local Taxes and Donations 19%

Revenues - $2.8M

Federal 43%

University 18%

Equipment <1% Program 13%

Expenditures - $2.8M Overhead 11%

Personnel 75%

State 17%

University of Illinois Extension, Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit, Annual Report 2015

pg. 23

Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am-4:30 pm Closed (12—1 pm)

Main Office 1505 Valle Vista Blvd Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 309-347-6614

Fulton Branch Office 15411 N IL 100 Hwy Lewistown, IL 61542 Phone: 309-547-3711 FAX: 309-547-3713

Mason Branch Office 127 S High St, Ste 1 Havana, IL 62644 Phone: 309-543-3308 FAX: 309-543-6239

Peoria Branch Office 4810 North Sheridan Road Peoria, IL 61614 Phone: 309-685-3140 FAX: 309-685-3397

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences | United States Department of Agriculture | Local Extension Councils Cooperating University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.

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