Skype a scientist, OŠ Petra Preradovića, Croatia

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Skype a Scientist 

Skype a Scientist povezuje znanstvenike s učionicama širom svijeta.

Cilj ovog programa je dati učenicima priliku da upoznaju “pravog znanstvenika”.

Upoznajmo znanstvenika

Moje ime je Enrico Garaldi i ja sam astrofizičar.

Radim na simulaciji svemira pomoću superračunala. Posebno proučavam kako se oblikuju galaksije i njihov utjecaj na svemir.

Veličina svemira  Planeti

u našem svemiru su izuzetno veliki, ali zvijezde mogu postati još veće. Ovaj video prikazuje veličine mjeseca, planeta, zvijezda, crne rupe i galaksije.


osnovi, ovo su usporedbe cijelog Svemira.



Pripreme za razgovor    


Pitanja za znanstvenika Enrica Garaldija  What

is Space?

 How

old were you when you became interested in space and why?

 What

is the difference between Space and the Universe?

 What

is a galaxy?

Pitanja za znanstvenika Enrica Garaldija 

Why did you decide to become an astrophysicist?

Is mathematics important in your job?

What is the most interesting part of your job?

What is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way?

Does the Milky Way have a definite beginning and end?

How far away have satellites managed to travel?

How long do stars live?

Pitanja za znanstvenika Enrica Garaldija 

What happens to stars when they die? 

When did the Milky Way form (how old is it) ?

How is a black hole formed?

How big is our galaxy in light years?

Would you like to visit the International Space Station?

Can you explain what a supernova is? Is there gravity on the Moon? Why?

Pitanja za znanstvenika Enrica Garaldija 

Where would you go if you could travel at the speed of light? 

What is the distance between the Moon and Earth?

How many times is Jupiter bigger than?

Do you think mankind will have to leave planet Earth and live on another planet?

Do you believe that there are other civilisations in our Galaxy?

What are your plans and dreams for the future?

Sudjelovali: Robert Paleka, Kristian Baldoni, Leia Štambuk, Adrian Parić, Lucija Lora Milković i Marija Marcelić. Mentorica: Anita Šimac.

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