Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 Phone: (403)549-2234 Fax: (403)549-2207 email: office@angusworld.ca Internet Location: www.angusworld.ca
Volume 24 #3*
"Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association" Dave Callaway Editor/Publisher
Jan Lee Associate Editor
Table of Contents Sustainability in the Beef Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Message to Producers - Raw Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Plan Beef Herd Genetics on Consumer Desires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 CCIA Announces Traceability Symposium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Too Much Milk or Too Much Cow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Alberta Junior Angus Association Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Showdown - Truro, Nova Scotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 I.P.E. Show Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
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Maniotba Summer Gold Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Provincial Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
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Our cover picture: Thank you to Tracy Jenkins, Pincher Creek, Alberta for the cover photograph.
"Aberdeen Angus World" is dedicated to the promotion, growth and improvement of Aberdeen Angus Cattle.
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Dave’s Desk
It has been a rather turbulent time in the cattle business in the past few months. Feeder calf prices have softened significantly, one of the larger feedlots in Alberta has suspended feeding operations. However all is not doom and gloom. If we go past the numbers that feeder calves have brought in the last couple years, calf prices are not terrible. It is hard to do that, however it seems most people I talk to agree the high price were not sustainable. Although we started out dry in June, there has been a great amount of rain fall during the summer.
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There are areas that didn’t cut hay until late August and into September. That is rather frustrating but feedstuffs are good supply. Both hay and feed grain prices are down so wintering cattle for those purchasing feed will be more moderate. Seems like there really isn’t a ‘normal’ year weather wise anymore.
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As busy as everyone is these days, don’t forget to stay in contact with your bull buyers. Give them a call, touch base on how their bulls are working, find out how their calves sold. It is keeps the line of communication open, so that when it comes time for bull sales you are more aware of their needs.
Dave Callaway
Until next time,
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Producers are sometimes the last to be consulted on sustainability. The good news is Canadian farmers and ranchers that raise cattle are, for the most part, operating in a sustainable and responsible manner. Our industry was able to assist McDonald’s in delivering on a global commitment they made several years ago to begin sourcing their beef from verified sustainable operations in 2016. It will not end here, they plan to continue on this path globally. As producers we need to understand that McDonald’s Canada is the largest purchaser of Canadian beef, 67 million pounds annually, and is committed to sourcing Canadian beef – they are serious when they say “Not without Canadian Farmers”. Of the $1 billion they spend on food for their Canadian restaurants 85 percent is purchased from suppliers in Canada. The Canadian beef industry was fortunate to have McDonald’s choose our country for the Verified Sustainable Beef Pilot Project. Prior to starting, their project management team (PMT) went through 150+ versions of the indicators that would demonstrate sustainability, ultimately arriving at 36 indicators that looked at what was good for people, planet and animals. Then the PMT went looking for producers that would put up their hands to be part of the pilot project, which meant having a group come to your farm, ranch or feedlot and ask you about your production practices, the care of your animals, the stewardship of your land, environmental awareness, your employment practices, family and community involvement. There was no pass or fail but a scoring system from one to five, with the average being three. There were minimum acceptable levels for each indicator which could create a barrier to entry in the pilot project. The indicators used were derived from the Global Roundtable for Sustainable
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Beef www.grsbeef.org and adjusted to suit Canada’s environment, animals, people and practices, as each global geographic area has different challenges. How can sustainability be achieved in a way that makes business sense? Some of the key statements around sustainability that stick in my mind would be “doing more with less”, “constant improvement”, “transparency in the value chain” and “willingness to collaborate”. The challenge is identifying, developing, and validating metrics to measure progress across the three global pillars of sustainability: social, environmental, and financial. Not long ago the Irish Food Board brought together hundreds of sustainability professionals to discuss ways to increase production and consumption of food and drink, sustainably. The Global Sustainability Forum dealt with complex topics such as harmonising metrics for measuring sustainability targets, the importance of collaboration, responsible sourcing, ethical supply chains, food waste, sustainable intensification, and even what sustainability in the food supply chain looks like. Today there are over 7 billion people with a vested interest in food on the planet and they don’t agree on much, especially not science. But one thing everyone at the forum agreed on was the importance of collaboration in order to achieve anything at all. BIXSco Inc. has always held collaboration as one of its core values. BIXSco Inc. has been a member of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) for a year now, and I have been part of the multi-stakeholder group discussions around the Canadian Beef Industry. It has given me the chance to meet sustainability managers from many of the largest retailers in Canada, sit with representatives from major restaurant chains and have
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open and frank discussions with them. Even though I attend these meetings as a BIXS representative, my producer alter ego is never far away, which I believe has given me a unique perspective of the processes the CRSB has gone through creating indicators unique to Canada, that are acceptable to our customers – the retailers and restauranteurs. Every step along the way has included representatives from each part of the production chain – cow/calf and feedlot, as well as the value chain. What has become apparent is the need for collaboration in order to avoid the cost of sustainable practices falling solely on cattle producers, and to help consumers buy ethically-which means what they are purchasing was raised on an operation that was not harmful to the planet and the animals were treated well, while being safe for their families to eat. Retailers need to reassure their customers that they source with integrity. Consumers don’t want to decipher confusing labeling, they want proof points ... At the moment it’s too difficult for them to understand because of the plethora of marketing initiatives and programs; and misalignment between them. The CRSB members want a supply chain that’s fit for the future and works in a way that reduces the difficulty for busy farmers, ranchers and feedlot owners to participate.
The farmers and ranchers feel they are often the last to be consulted on sustainability and worry about the strain or demand on them to do more without getting more. We all must be part of the sustainability conversation but it must be economically sustainable as well. The primary producer must get a fair price for the product. This topic has been brought up many times in discussions at the CRSB meetings. I have served as an industry adviser to the Verification committee, which is a sizable group of stakeholders (producer groups and producers included), which is in the process of defining how the industry will verify or validate the sustainability practices, as defined by the indicators that have gone through the public comment periods and been agreed upon. So just how can the supply chain be more sustainable without one partner feeling they are shouldering the heaviest burden? Collaboration and transparency are key to sustainability, it has to benefit the entire chain right down to the consumer. We need to get all parties around the table, including policymakers to cement agreements. This is what BIXS has been working towards for the last 18 months signing collaborative agreements with industry stakeholders, most notable of which is the master agreement with Cargill, while
continuing negotiations with other packers. BIXS was the technology that delivered the chain of custody for the McDonald’s Verified Sustainable Beef pilot project – tracking the animals/beef through verified sustainable operations “from birth to burger”, to quote Jeffery Fitzpatrick Stillwell, Sustainability Manager with McDonald’s Canada. And yes, in case you were wondering, Cargill and JBS, as well as the patty plant were subjected to a sustainability assessment as well as the farms, ranches and feedlots in the pilot project. One key to intensifying sustainability was knowledge intensification, and in order for that to happen there has to be benefits for the producer. We know you all want carcass data, that’s a simple fact, and we continue to work towards agreements that will allow that information to flow. But just as BIXS protects the producers’ privacy, until we get another signed agreement with a major packer, we cannot allow Cargill’s information into the system as their privacy would be compromised. BIXS promises privacy and anonymity to all participants, allowing the data to flow as permitted. We are well down the negotiating path with several additional packers so stay tuned.
More importantly, my comment to producers is this, “perhaps it is wise to consider that if we participate in this sustainability initiative, in years to come, we will have consumers that want to purchase and eat our product.” Per capita beef consumption dropped in Canada in 2015, but there are countries in the world where beef consumption is rising on a per capita basis. China would be one of those countries, but they are demanding verification and validation of production practices in the beef value chain. With tools like BIXS and CLTS (Canadian Livestock Traceability System), and RFID tags we have everything necessary to deliver verification and validation in the beef production chain. Wrap this up with verified sustainability practices and we have a bright future in the Canadian beef industry, with the possibility of being able to demand prices higher than those currently being paid for commodity beef on the world market.
By Deborah Wilson, Senior Vice-president of BIXSco Inc., cattle producer and adviser to the Verification Committee for the Canadian Roundtable on Sustainable Beef.
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A Message to Producers - From Your Raw Data Brought to you by BIXS Hello, Nice to meet you. We’re the raw data most of you collect regularly. We’re the random numbers about your cattle and how you raise them. And mostly we’re lying here, trapped in your PCs and smartphones, doing nothing at all. Unless we’re lucky enough to get analyzed and shared with a small group of stock growers or academics, we don’t get out much. While we’re being shared in pockets, the current system is too fragmented to get us where we need to be. It’s so frustrating being stored away when we could be out there doing something big. That’s why we REALLY want to get out of here. If we could travel to other parts of the supply chain, can you imagine what we could do to help the whole industry? We could help make it even more profitable and competitive. To do that, we need to get found— by stakeholders, feedlot operators, packers and retailers—and get shared, up and downstream. Then we would have an opportunity to get analyzed and used to make the industry better. Then there’s no telling how valuable we would become! All we need is someone who can introduce us to the rest of the industry, giving us a chance to get in the right people’s hands. Once everyone in the chain meets us, we just know they’ll want to introduce us to others—because connectivity is the key to industry profit and sustainability.
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BIXS is the answer to our prayers You’re a typical Canadian cattle producer, right? You do all the right things. You care for your cattle ethically and humanely, around the clock, every day of the week. You detail the history of care until your animals go to auction. Other than analyze your own data, you can’t do much more with the numbers you collect. Because data doesn’t flow up and down the system, bad things happen. (Think Earl’s) Anyway, we’ve heard that BIXS is the answer to our prayers. BIXS is a way to transfer raw data like us to others. BIXS establishes the relationships that let us get found. Data-sharing through the BIXS platform works when people like you input data and let others along the chain of custody find it. Then others can provide supplemental data about their production practices while in their custody. If the industry could link the slaughter animals with where they came from and how they were treated, everyone would get a nice picture of each animal’s life. Retailers could understand and verify attributes they desire in their beef. You would know which bulls did better and which feedlots did better. BIXS facilitates this exchange of data, enabling relationships that allow data like us to be shared. BIXS provides the data, our partners analyze it The next question is how do you use it? It’s all well and good to have data transfer, but if there’s no one who can analyze it….we lose our value.
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That’s why BIXS is all about partnerships. It partnered with McDonald’s on the Verified Sustainable Beef (VSB) pilot project. It’s partnering with packers to ensure that producers can access carcass data. It’s finding ways to work with the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) for simpler administration processes. It is creating integration with Verified Beef Production Plus data management system (CORS) to attach VBP status to not just operations but to specific animals. It’s partnering with service providers to allow for better analytics. And now it’s partnering with the Canadian Beef Improvement Network (CBIN) to bring all the breed associations together to enhance analytics and improve the genetic merit of the Canadian beef herd. That improvement will go more quickly once the data flows smoothly and is analyzed properly. BIXS complements and facilitates the various industry improvement initiatives that are already out there. And it’s the best way to help us realize our dream of breaking free from your computer so we can help the whole industry. Plus, data like us can help everyone see the pride you take in your work. You hold the key to unlocking our value. What are you waiting for? You can sign up for BIXS today, by going to www.bixsco.com ! Now will you please open your Windows and get us the hell out of here?!?
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Plan Beef Herd Genetics on Consumer Desires By Hannah Johlman, Industry Information Intern, Certified Angus Beef LLC Mark McCully
Cattlemen have focused on quality from the beginning. Their success at delivering cattle that perform for the next owner kept them in business through market ups and downs. The approach seems to work, but can it keep working in an era of relatively higher beef prices? Mark McCully, vice president of production for the Certified Angus Beef ® brand (CAB®), challenged producers at the inaugural Canadian Beef Industry Conference to consider looking at their business in reverse. “We know genetics are important,” he said. “We know health management is important at the ranch and at the feedyard – but they’re also critically important to consumer satisfaction, which ultimately drives demand for that product.” And that, he said, brings profitability to the whole system. “Let’s start with the consumer and work our way backwards,” McCully said in the August 11 presentation in Calgary, Alta. “That’s how we will most effectively hit the consumer target.” Showing a perfectly grilled and plated steak, he encouraged ranchers and feedyard operators to evaluate how their management decisions affect the end product. He reminded everyone that marbling is the basis of quality grading systems and highly correlated to consumer satisfaction.
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“Adding that takes nothing away from cow herd performance but adds much to the value of the end product,” he said. Improved marbling starts with genetics, as carcass traits are highly heritable. McCully shared data from the USDA Meat Animal Research Center that shows Angus cattle surpass all other breeds in ability to marble, even though there is much variation within all breeds. That’s why producers use expected progeny differences (EPDs) as comparison tools, he said, noting recommendations in CAB’s “Best Practices Manual” available online. DNA-based tools can also help select heifers with increased marbling potential. Once calves are born, beef quality is maximized with proper care. “It boils down to what those things are that impact marbling,” McCully said. “Health and management, nutrition and creep feeding in particular. Know and be aware that the nutritional management of the calf while he’s still on the cow can affect weaning, and that calf’s marbling ability.” A slide of a steer chasing men over a cliff demonstrated the importance of selecting for docility. “We all know disposition is important from the family aspect,” McCully said. “They’re also hard to deal with, they’re hard on equipment and they produce a low-quality calf in the end.” He encouraged producers to establish benchmarks and measure progress, keeping records even after the sale. The market price shifts have more ranchers looking at retained ownership through the feedyard phase, but if that’s not a possibility, McCully said there’s no reason to waste any of the hard work and planning that went into their cattle. “A feeder usually gets a set of cattle and knows almost nothing about them,” he said. “There’s no owner’s manual with that set of cattle.” Such cattle are often capable of better, but can be mismanaged in the feedyard, simply for lack of information. To prevent that disconnect, McCully
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suggested ranchers and feeders work together. Those who sell should share health and genetic background, and those who buy should give feedback on performance and carcass merit. “Typically, with no background on the cattle, they are managed like the average,” he said. “What we should be doing in an efficient system is managing those cattle to their genetic ability. Do we take them a little bit farther, to maximize their marbling? Or at what point are we just wasting feed on those cattle that don’t have the ability to hit a high-quality target.” Missed opportunities only detract from profitability throughout the system. Beyond marbling, McCully discussed options to improve beef tenderness “While historically we’ve dealt with the issue through aging and other post-mortem techniques, identifying and eliminating those problem genetics should be a goal for cattlemen,” he said, noting the ability to measure and select for tenderness will improve with new technology. Finally, McCully suggested being mindful of the size of cattle. “We do get a lot of questions about carcass size and ribeye area,” he said. “Cattlemen need to think about ramifications as we look further down the chain.” Showing steaks cut from different size ribeyes, he said, “The thinner steak from the bigger ribeye is probably harder to prepare to the perfect degree of doneness. Overcooking this steak jeopardizes the consumer’s experience. Not suggesting a switch to smaller animals, McCully simply said the concern calls for balance. “We have to have pounds for this to be a sustainable business. That’s ultimately what we’re selling,” he acknowledged. “All these things are important. But we have to make sure we’re not losing sight of the consumer’s eating satisfaction.”
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CCIA Announces Traceability Symposium Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) is pleased to announce Traceability Symposium 2016 on November 2-3, 2016. This two-day event and trade show will bring together governments, universities, research teams, the private sector and industry to identify gaps, share successes and lessons learned – bridging the gaps as traceability moves forward in Canada and globally. “We anticipate delegates from across Canada, United States, European Union, Australia and New Zealand will attend this unique event – best described as an international traceability brain-trust,” affirms Paul Laronde, CCIA’s Tag and Technology Manager, and Research and Development Cluster lead. “For the inaugural year, CCIA will host the event in Calgary – providing international guests with the opportunity to explore the Canadian Rockies and other local attractions.” “We are excited to confirm Dr. Sylvain Charlebois will moderate Traceability Symposium 2016 as keynote speaker,” states Anne Brunet-Burgess, CCIA General Manager. “As an award-winning researcher and teacher, Dr. Charlebois is a member of the Global Food Traceability Centre’s Advisory Board and the National Scientific Board of the Canadian Food
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Inspection Agency. He has testified before parliamentary committees on food policy-related issues as an expert witness, and acted as an advisor on food and agricultural policies across Canada and in more than 10 countries. We are honoured and delighted to have Dr. Charlebois lead this one-of-a-kind, think-tank event. We warmly welcome one and all to join our discussions. Please share this invitation – we look forward to being your host this November!” For more information contact: Kori Maki-Adair, Communications Manager at kmaki-adair@canadaid.ca
Angus World is proud to be a sponsor of this event
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Quick Facts Traceability Symposium 2016 will be held at the Coast Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre, located at 1316 – 33 Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The agenda will address traceability’s role, regulations and compliance, challenges and solutions, other assurance systems, and lessons learned. Registration is now open at www.traceabilitysymposium.ca.
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Too Much Milk or Too Much Cow? by Larry Corah, Certified Angus Beef Larry Corah
It’s the expansion phase for the North American beef cow herd. For most farmers and ranchers, that means finding ways to increase the number of cows rather than the size of each. And of course, everybody’s talking about size – makes sense when you think about the escalating annual cost of keeping an average cow on the place. Many things power that escalator, but higher land cost per cow might be the top step. For years, anywhere in the U.S. the average land investment per cow was in the $2,500 to $3,000 range. Today, driven in part by the ethanol impact on grain and subsequent farmland prices, that cost is three or four times higher, according to Texas A&M economist Stan Bevers. Land cost per cow was recently noted in the range of $7,500 to $12,500. A bigger-than-average cow requires the upper-end cost. How big are typical commercial cows today? A decade ago, using USDA cull-cow harvest weights, Cargill nutritionist Brian McMurry examined the trend in Feedstuffs magazine. From 1975 to 2005, cow size increased by more than 300 lb., from 1,047 to 1,369. As you can see, that’s more than 30 lb. per year. In the past 10 years this author would suggest we’ve slowed the rate some, but surely added at least another 50 lb. to arrive at an average of more than 1400 lb.
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So how much of an impact does cow size have on pasture needed per cow? Scientists at North Dakota State University reported on research where 50 cows weighing 1216 lb. each required 529 acres or 10.5 acres/cow. Meanwhile, 50 cows weighing 1,571 lb. would need 642 acres or 12.8 acres/cow. That’s 6.3% more pasture per 100 lb. of cow weight. Other research tells us a 100-lb. increase in cow size only nets 8 to 15 more pounds of weaned calf. What’s driving weights higher? That answer is easy. We have totally changed today’s beef cow. She calves easier, milks more, weans a bigger calf in fewer days and, for the most part, she’s a more functional cow. Clearly, she’s bigger; that’s the result of applied genetic selection for growth. Since most cows contain some Angus genetics, the
trend in that breed’s growth EPDs (expected progeny differences, see charts) helps explain the change over time. Like many other producers, Angus breeders were uneasy about the 30-lb. annual weight increases 20 years ago, so they used EPDs to moderate mature cow size while selecting for growth. You may think bigger cows are the big problem, but there’s more to consider, including some that you likely DID NOT KNOW: For one thing, big is not all bad, as the amount of beef per cow continues to grow. We’ve added an average of 5 lb. of carcass weight per year to the grain-fed progeny of those cows across 30 years.
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During this summer’s Beef Improvement Federation meetings, Colorado State University geneticist Mark Enns said, “At the rate we’re going, by 2030 we will be selling 1,560-lb. steers as an average, which equates to a 975-lb. carcass.” Cow size gets all the attention because it’s pretty easy to track, but we really should be talking about milk production, which we have greatly increased in these cows. My geneticist friends see no end to selection for milk or growth in the near future. Dietary guidelines suggest a 100-lb. increase in cow size drives energy needs by 6% to 8%, which fits the North Dakota pasture example. But a 5-lb./day increase in milk production increases the TDN (total digestible nutrients) needed by 10%, and crude protein by another 13% to 15%. That says the level of milk production merits much more attention than it usually gets when selecting the perfect cow for each farm or ranch. Talk about it, do something about it, but don’t lose sight of the impact of any changes on consumer demand for beef. An excellent review recently published by Scott Greiner and Jason Smith at Virginia Tech helps put this in context. They conclude on the basis of all available research, that selection for marbling has no effect on birth weight, calving ease, age at puberty, heifer pregnancy, calving interval OR MATURE COW SIZE.
They do note a slightly positive correlation between marbling and milk production but point out that the size and variation in the Angus genetic database allow selection for more or less milk as dictated by forage resources available, with simultaneous and continued selection for marbling.
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Alberta Junior Angus Association Show August 10 - 12, 2016 Bashaw, Alberta Individual Judging Competition Pee Wee Champion - Jake Curtis PeeWee Reserve Champion - Eric Sharp Junior Champion - Kailey Brandl Junior Reserve Champion - Cache McLerie Senior Champion - Luke Haggart Senior Reserve Champion - Bailey Dietrich Show Team Judging Pee Wee Champion - Jake Curtis & Reese Wildman Pee Wee Reserve Champion - Kasey Adams & Bella Wray Junior Champion - Jed Curtis & Lexi Dietrich Senior Champion - Heidi Tymko & Luke Haggart Senior Reserve Champion - Becky Domolewski & Ty Anderson Showmanship Pee Wee Champion - Kasey Adams Pee Wee Reserve Champion - Tavianne Yoder Junior Champion - Kayleen Douglas Junior Reserve Champion - Brynne Yoder Senior Champion - Halley Adams Senior Reserve Champion - Becky Domolewski Sales Talk Pee Wee Champion - Isaac Pohl Pee Wee Reserve Champion - Cody Fankhanel Junior Champion - Brynne Yoder Junior Reserve Champion - Cache McLerie Senior Champion - Heidi Tymko Senior Reserve Champion - Jesse Emery
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Marketing Pee Wee Champion - Kasey Adams PeeWee Reserve Champion - Beau Churchill Junior Champion - Riley Leeson Junior Reserve Champion - Julie Sharp Senior Champion - Jesse Emery Senior Reserve Champion - Becky Domolewski Photography Pee Wee Champion - Jake Curtis PeeWee Reserve Champion - Amy Iwan Junior Champion - Brynne Yoder Junior Reserve Champion - Lexi Dietrich Senior Champion - Heidi Tymko Senior Reserve Champion - Jill McLerie Art - Flat Pee Wee Champion - Landon Brandl PeeWee Reserve Champion - Reese Wildman Junior Champion - Leah Churchill Junior Reserve Champion - Riley Leeson Senior Champion - Abbey Nickel Senior Reserve Champion - Jill McLerie Art - 3D Pee Wee Champion - Tavianne Yoder PeeWee Reserve Champion - Bella Wray Junior Champion - Wyatt Bradford Junior Reserve Champion - Brynne Yoder Senior Champion - Bailey Dietrich Senior Reserve Champion - Becky Domolewski
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Scrapbook Pee Wee Champion - Kasey Adams PeeWee Reserve Champion - Rex Curtis Junior Champion - Shana Lee Fankhanel Junior Reserve Champion - Jesse Tufty Senior Champion - Brianna Kimmel Senior Reserve Champion - Halley Adams Aggregate Buckles Pee Wee Champion - Kasey Adams PeeWee Reserve Champion - Jake Curtis Junior Champion - Cache McLerie Junior Reserve Champion - Kailey Brandl Senior Champion - Heidi Tymko Senior Reserve Champion - Halley Adams
Commercial Division __________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Candy - Laurie Morasch 2) Paula - Luke Wray 3) Little Lady - Tianna Frenzel 4) Justine - Jed Curtis 5) Miss Believe - Bailey Wauters 6) BCL Navajo 679D Jill McLerie Bull/Steer Calf Class 1) Ston Driven 53D - Avary Hickman Yearling Heifer Class 1) BCL Kandi 508C - Cache McLerie2) BCL Nevada 611C -Jill McLerie3) Peppermint Patty - Abbey Nikkel 4) Ruby - Bronwynn Frenzel 5) Alice - Jed Curtis 6) Juno - Emma Van Loon 7) Merida - Lisa Van Loon Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Peppermint - Laurie Morach2) BCL Arizona 434B - Cache McLerie Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Lady Bug - Tianna Frenzel 2) Blaze - 2 3) Jedda Jed Curtis 4) VV Zahara 428A - Avary Hickman Commercial Champion BCL Kandi 508C Commercial Reserve Champion Peppermint Open Division _______________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Towaw Sybil 417D - Beau Churchill 2) Red Cinder Suiji Lass 52D - Brynne Yoder Bull Calf Class 1) Red TNF No Trouble 31D - Katey Tufty 2) 2P Quick Fix 1D - Kennedy Paget 3) Red Towaw Maclemore 403D - Grace Churchill Yearling Heifer Class 1) Red Ter-Ron Diamond 26C - Halley Adams2) Red CCC Towaw Larkaba 530C - Leah Churchill 3) Waching Henrietta Tiptop 53C - Wyatt Bradford 4) Red K&L Annie Mulberry 36C - Brynne Yoder 5) Bayshore Nancy 03C - Roslyn Pretty 6) Allencroft Blackcap 05 289C - Justin Leeson7) Everblack Bonnie 9C - Kayleen Douglas 8) Allencroft Excaliber 02 336C - Riley Leeson Cow/Calf Class 1) Lorenz Caroline 17B - Becky Domolewski Open Champion Red Ter-Ron Diamond Mist 26C Open Reserve Champion Red Towaw Sybil 417D Tiny Mite Calf Class ___________________________ 1) Pederson Andee 327D - Trigg Pederson2) Allencroft R Reba 02 3D - Amy Iwan 3) Trudy - Rex Curtis 4) Bar Heart Baby Harry 610D - Bristol Sailer 5) Red J Heart Serenade - Dallis Sailer
Pee Wee Division ________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Fat Amy - Bella Wray 2) Red Towaw Sybil 417D Reese Wildman 3) Pederson Wendy 307D - Quinn Pederson Bull Calf Class 1) Red Cinder Sherlock 293D - Tavianne Yoder 2) Lindon Tables Have Turned 57D - Erik Sharp 3) Red J Heart Sereande - Isaac Pohl 4) Red Bar S Gamer 1D - Wyatt Fankhanel 5) Red Towaw Maclemore 403D - Ryder Wildman 6) Bar Heat Baby Harry 610D Sawyer Pohl Junior Yearling Heifer Class 1) Red Cinder Cheta 93C - Tavianne Yoder 2) Mich Envious Blackbird 502 - Jackson Denschikoff 3) Red K&L Loaded Annie 38C - Brookelyn Holt 4) Trudy - Jake Curtis 5) Blackbird - Nate Rigney Senior Yearling Heifer Class 1) Red Ter-Ron Diamond Mist 26C - Kasey Adams 2) BCC Black Marta 39C - Landon Brandl 3) Red K&L Annie Mulberry 36C - Brookelyn Holt 4) Pederson Undiscovered 25C - Erik Sharp 5) Red Vikse 79R Jolen 43C - Cody Fankhanel Pee Wee Champion Red Cinder Cheta 93C Pee Wee Reserve Champion Red Ter-Ron Diamond Mist 26C Owned Division ______________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Redrich Firefly 128D - Bailey Dietrich2) Rustic Lily Scarlett 1D - Emma Van Loon 3) Tux Duchess 164’16 - Tucker McHahon Bull Calf Class 1) BCC Impact 5D - Kailey Brandl Junior Yearling Heifer Class 1) Everblack Zara 24C - Connor Douglas 2) Red Dwajo Lucy 104C - Jesse Emery 3) Crestview Vogue 3C - Heidi Tymko 4) Redrich Duchess 21C - Tucker McMahon Intermediate Yearling Heifer Class 1) Red Cinder Cheta 93C - Brynne Yoder 2) Bandura Miss Tibbie 39C - Cayley Peltzer 3) Redrich Enchantress 7C - Lexi Dietrich 4) Red BCC Annie 37C - Wynton Brandl 5) Pederson Undiscovered 25C - Julie Sharp Senior Yearling Heifer Calss 1) Red Ter-Ron Diamond Mist 8C - Halley Adams 2) Red Ter-Ron Sandy 29C - Keely Adams 3) KBJ Eloquent Lady 264C - Robert Geis 4) Red Vikse 79R - Shana Lee Fankhanel Two Year Cow/Calf Class - Split 1 1) Royal S Pride 42B - Brianna Kimmel 2) Anderson Primrose 1423 - MacKenzie Denschikoff 3) Belvin
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Duchess 164’14 - Tucker McHahon 4) Red Vikse Esme Violet 166B - Shana Lee Fankhanel5) Everblack Blkcap Missie 44B - Emma Van Loon Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class - Split 2 1) BCC Miss Burgess 9B - Kailey Brandl 2) Country Lane Missie 14B - Micahael Sharp 3) Red LFE Suzie Q 77B - Katey Tufty 4) DMM Miss Essence 10B Luke Haggart 5) RedCDPrimeCherry2B- Ty Anderson Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Little Valley Tip Top 300 - Will Bradford 2) Red TNF Covergirl 49A - Jesse Tufty3)Red Redrich KD Firefly 121A - Bailey Dietrich 4) Red Towaw Molly 406A - omas Wildman 5) Red Cinder Cheta 93A - Brynne Yoder Owned Champion BCC Miss Burgess 9B Owned Reserve Champion Red Cinder Cheta 93C Bred & Owned Division _______________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Lazy MC Glitterbug 165B - Laurie Morasch 2) Red TNF Katy Kat 34D - Jesse Tufty 3) Twst Shes a Heartbreaker 66D - Brianna Kimmel 4) RLF Miss Essence 1D - Luke Haggart5)WON Daisy Duke 2D - MacKenzie Denschikoff 6) Red TYA One Direction 1D - Ty Anderson 7) Allencroft R Reba 02 3D - Riley Leeson 8) Red CD Ziva 723D - Becky Domolewski Bull Calf Class 1) Red Cinder Sherlock 293D - Brynne Yoder2) Little Valley Giddeon 8D - Will Bradford 3) Lindon Tables Have Turned 57D - Michael Sharp 4) Dwajo Jes Deadpool 86D - Jesse Emery 5) Red Bar S Gamer 1D - Shana Lee Fankhanel Yearling Heifer Class 1) Lindon Keepgrace 5C - Michael Sharp 2) Douglas Lady 13C - Kayleen Douglas 3) 2P Della 301C McKenzie Paget 4) Little Valley Menteith Eileen - Will Bradford 5) Dwajo Jes Matilta 138C - Jesse Emery Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) Red Lazy MC Glitterbug 165B - Laurie Morasch 2) Red CD Ziva 703B - Becky Domolewski Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Douglas Lena 1A - Connor Douglas 2) 2P Della 301A - McKenzie Paget 3) Dwajo Jes Erica 135Y - Jesse Emery Bred & Owned Champion Red Lazy MC Glitterbug 165B Bred & Owned Reserve Champion Lindon Keepgrace 5C Supreme Champion Red Lazy MC Glitterbug 165B Supreme Reserve Champion BCC Miss Burgess 9B
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Showdown - Truro, Nova Scotia July 28 - 30, 2016 Pee Wee Division _____________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Reidholm Elba 111D - Austin Potts1) BCCC Look for Me C520 - Gus Reid 1) RK Panda - Corbin Reid Open Division _______________________________ Heifer Calf Class - Split 1 1) GF Evening Tinge 17D - Braeden Weppler 2) Top of the Hill Duchess 6D - Austin Baker 3) Dusty Breeze Darla 1D - Henry Stewart 4) Nicnat Final Answer 56D - Ben Bacon 5) Dusty Breeze Denim 3D - Beverly Booth 6) Dusty Breeze Dusty Rose 2D - Alison Booth Heifer Calf Class - Split 2 1) Bonshaw Dulcie 5D - Alyssa Mills 2) GF Blackbird 108D - Braeden Weppler 3) Reidholm Elba 111D Robert Geis 4) Three Bros Dakota 1D - Cole Hunter 5)Top of the Hill Dolly 2D - Grace Reynolds 6) Nicnat Skittles Insight 25D - Melissa Baxter Champion Heifer Calf GF Evening Tinge 17D Reserve Champion Heifer Calf Bonshaw Dulcie 5D Yearling Heifer Class - Split 1 1) GF Shedaisy 106C - Ashley Higgins 2) MKHF 3A Pride Lady 508C - Mark Sample 3) DMM Miss Essence 99C - Allsion Booth 4) BCCC Look for Me C520 - Maguire Blair 5) Vos Vegas Dixie Erica 33C Tyler Jarvis 6) Royal S Eston Anne 43C - Melanie Wood 7) Dusty Breeze Blackcap 3C - Hillary Sauder Yearling Heifer Class - Split 2 1) Brockhill Miss Liberty 3C - Katelyn Redner 2) Wilbar Mayflower 836C - Spencer Henry 3) Red Harmony Ridge Molly 9C - Samantha Rafuse 4) Model FA Pride 9C - Taylor Stewart 5) Black Lane Grande June 7C - Mitch Best 6)Top of the Hill Casey 24C - Grace Reynolds 7) Clyde River Bardolia 3C Ben MacQuarrie Yearling Heifer Class - Split 3 1) Brantnor’s Favorite 12C - Brandy axter 2) Worth-Mor Favorite 3C - Rebecca Redner 3)Whiskey Lane Kalli 18C - Becky Domolewski 4) Garvie Mountain Classy Lady 31C - Katie Antworth-Yerxa5) JEM Classy Lady 11C - Gus Dietrich 6) Bannockburn Valley Rose 11C - Nellie Wood 7) JPD Pride 25C Owen Chalmers 8) Model FA Pride 4C - Riley Leeson
Owned Division ______________________________ Yearling Heifer Class 1) GF Evening Tinge 81C - Jarrett Hargrave2) DMM Blackcap Essence 47C - Nicole Booth 3) GF Blackbird 108C - Jenna Lynn Mattatall
Print Marketing Junior Champion - Abby Falconer Junior Reserve Champion - Nolan Chalmers Intermediate Champion - Halley Adams Intermediate Reserve Champion - Amanda McGillivary Senior Champion - Nicole Booth Senior Reserve Champion - Michaela Chalmers
Sales Talk Junior Champion - Nolan Chalmers Junior Reserve Champion - Abby Falconer Intermediate Champion - Kodie Doetzel Intermediate Reserve Champion - Heidi Tymko Senior Champion - Michaela Chalmers Senior Reserve Champion - Becky Domolewski
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Yearling Heifer Class - Split 4 1) Silver Springs Princess 138C - Krista Whalen 2) Bannockburn Valley Dolly 2C - Ella Wood 3) JPD Blackcap 12C - Michaela Chalmers 4) JPD Charolotte 13C - Nolan Chalmers 5) EF Georgina 530 - Chris Hambly 6) Red Oakdale Amy 4C - Andrew Manning 7) Donovan Cleopatra - Halley Adams 8) Model FA Pride 2C “Chevy” - Kathrynn Ashworth Yearling Heifer Class - Split 5 1) Rice Lake Stout - Terrence Jarvis 2) JEM Classy Lady 20C - Beverly Booth 3) Harprey Pride 2C - Chris Hargrave 4) Garvie’s Erica 29C - Nicholas Mitchell 5) Garvie’s Tibbie 25C - Brandon Steiner 6) H&C Oulton Candy 1C - Mark Oulton 7) H&C Oulton Bessie 2C - Amber Tower-Hick Champion Junior Heifer Brantnor’s Favorite 12C Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Silver Springs Princess 138C Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) GF Crush Maid 100B - Braeden Weppler 2) DMM Miss Essence 32B - Mitch Best 3) Nicnat Skittles 25B - Melissa Baxter 4) Forest Gate Lady Ann 9B - Beverly Booth Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) Sonny Way Mercedes 2Y - Braeden Weppler 2) WMC Shakura 4Y - Rebecca Redner 3) Nicnat Final Answer 32U - Ben Bacon 4) Nicnat Eileen 19X Melissa Baxter 5)Bannokburn Valley Rose 47A Allison Booth Champion Senior Female Sonny Way Mercedes 2Y Reserve Champion Senior Female WMC Shakura 4Y Grand Champion Female Brantnor’s Favorite 12C Reserve Champion Female Silver SpringsPrincess 138C
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Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) DMM Blackcap 89Z - Nicole Booth Champion Female GF Evening Tinge 81C Reserve Champion Female DMM Blackcap Essence 47C Bred & Owned _______________________________ Heifer Calf Class 1) Dusty Breeze Dakota 5D - Nicole Booth Bull Calf Class 1) Worth-Mor Disaronno 2D - Rebecca Redner 2) Harmony Ridge Jim-Bob - Taylor Stewart 3) Top of the Hill Duke 1D - Nicholas Mitchell 4) Bonshaw Dragon 4D - Mich Best 5) Nicnat Highlight of the Night - Ben Bacon 6) Garvie’s Radiance 2D - Katie Antworth-Yerxa 7) ReidholmUltimate110D- Robert Geis Yearling Bull Class 1) Harprey Calvert 5C - Jarrett Hargrave 2) JPD Conquer 29C - Evan Chalmers Grand Champion Bull Harprey Calvert 5C Reserve Champion Bull JPD Conquer 29C Commercial Division __________________________ Yearling Heifer Class 1) Tee-Jay Kashmir 6C - Lacey Gedddes 2) Case 19C - Cole Hunter 3) RK Panda - Krista Whalen 4) Tee-Jay Dazed and Confused 39C - Carissa Geddes 5) Reba John Ross MacQuarrie 6) Clementine 2 - Amanda McGillivary Yearling Steer Class 1) Baldie - Melanie Wood 2) Maverick - Chris Hargrave Steer Calf Class 1) Top of the Hill Danny Boy 10D - Austin Baker Canadian Class 1) Top of the Hill Duchess 6D - Austin Baker 2) Top of the Hill Casey 24C - Grace Reynolds 3) Dusty Breeze Darla 1D - Henry Stewart 4) Dusty Breeze Dusty Rose 2D - Allison Booth5) Dusty Breeze Dakota 5D - Nicole Booth
Showmanship Junior Champion - Nolan Chalmers Junior Reserve Champion - Lacey Geddes Intermediate Champion - Jarrett Hargrave Intermediate Reserve Champion -Jenna Lynn Mattattal Senior Champion - Braeden Weppler Senior Reserve Champion - Michaela Chalmers
Judging Competition Junior Champion - Lacey Geddes Junior Reserve Champion - Abby Falconer Intermediate Champion - Halley Adams Intermediate Reserve Champion - Heidi Tymko Senior Champion - Gus Dietrich Senior Reserve Champion - Michaela Chalmers Show Ring Team Judging Junior Champion - Abby Falconer & Lacey Geddes Jr Reserve Champion -Nolan Chalmers & John Ross McQuarrie Intermediate Champion - Jarrett Hargrave & Hillary Sauder Intermediate Reserve Champion - Heidi Tymko & Halley Adams Senior Champion - Michaela Chalmers & Maguire Blair Senior Reserve Champion - Henry Stewart & Becky Domolewski Team Grooming Junior Champion - Lacey Geddes & Abby Falconer Jr Reserve Champion - Nolan Chalmers & John Ross MacQuarrie Intermediate Champion - Kodie Doetzel & Jarrett Hargrave Intermediate Reserve Champion - Heidi Tymko & Halley Adams Senior Champion - Gus Dietrich & Maguire Blair Senior Reserve Champion - Becky Domolewski & Raina Synryk Photography Junior Champion - Abby Falconer Junior Reserve Champion - Nolan Chalmers Intermediate Champion - Amanda McGillivary Intermediate Reserve Champion - Robert Geis Senior Champion - Meghan McGillivary Senior Reserve Champion - Rebecca Redner
Literature Competition Junior Champion - Nolan Chalmers Junior Reserve Champion - Abby Falconer Intermediate Champion - Hillary Sauder Intermediate Reserve Champion - Riley Leeson Senior Champion - Becky Domolewski Senior Reserve Champion - Gus Dietrich Art Competition Junior Champion - Abby Falconer Junior Reserve Champion - Nolan Chalmers Intermediate Champion - Beverly Booth Intermediate Reserve Champion - Kodie Doetzel Senior Champion - Becky Domolewski Senior Reserve Champion - Nicole Booth Scrapbook Junior Champion - Abby Falconer Intermediate Champion - Amanda McGillivary Intermediate Reserve Champion - Hillary Sauder Senior Champion - Chris Hargrave Senior Reserve Champion - Robert McKinlay Graphic Design Junior Champion - Abby Falconer Junior Reserve Champion - Nolan Chalmers Intermediate Champion - Robert Geis Intermediate Reserve Champion - Heidi Tymko Senior Champion - Braeden Weppler Senior Reserve Champion - Becky Domolewski
Farm Sign Junior Champion - Abby Falconer Junior Reserve Champion - Nolan Chalmers Intermediate Champion - Riley Leeson Intermediate Reserve Champion - Tyler Jarvis Senior Champion - Brandy î Žaxter Senior Reserve Champion - Kaitlyn Templeton Public Speaking Junior Champion - Abby Falconer Junior Reserve Champion - Nolan Chalmers Intermediate Champion - Riley Leeson Intermediate Reserve Champion - Robert Geis Senior Champion - Becky Domolewski Senior Reserve Champion - Lana Kraus Angus Cook-O 1) Team Ontario (Michaela, Evan, Owen & Nolan Chalmers, Chris Hambly & Brandon Steiner) 2) Hawaiian Dream Team (Riley Leeson, Mark Sample, Raina Syrnyk, Becky Domolewski, Heidi Tymko & Meghan McGillivary) 3) East Coast Angus (Nicole Booth, Allison, & Beverly Booth, Mark Oulton, Amber Hicks & Hillary Sauder) 4) HM (Jarrett & Chris Hargrave, Braedn Weppler & Robert McKinlay) Herdsman Award Dusty Breeze Farms, Beverly, Allison & Nicole Booth Spirit of Youth Award - Kodie Doetzel
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I.P.E. Show Results Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) MCW Black Beauty 19Y (MWC 108T Image Maker)Poplar Meadows, Houston, BC 2) Red Shiloh Alberta Gal (Red SCCA Xciteabull Sakic 5X) Alisha Minchau, Craigmyle, AB Two Year Old Cow/Calf Pair Class 1) PM Princene 45’14 (BVC Jack Daniels B118) Poplar Meadows, Houston, BC 2) Still Meadows 128R Deb 22B (Tafika Bennett Total 101X) Still Meadow Farm, Langley, BC 3) Summit Angus Eline 22B (Fleury Bardolene 63Z) Sealin Creek Ranch, Monte Lake, BC Yearling Heifer Class Split #1 1) PM Tibbie 75’15 (Bar EL Natural Law 52Y) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 2)PM Echo 44’15 (SAV Bismarck 5682) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 3) Justamere 1447 Lady Rito 842C (EXAR Fortify 1447B) Still Meadow Farm, Langley, BC (6 in class) Senior Heifer Calf Class 1) Red Shiloh Dusty Rose 23D (Red ML Hustler 272Z) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 2)Red Nine Mile Lovitt 617D (Red SSS Soldier 365W) KRS Simmentals, Quesnel, BC 3)Still Meadow Lilly 104D (Justamere 202 Mile High 610B) Still Meadow Farm, Langley, BC (4 in class) Junior Heifer Class 1) PM Polly 94’16 (Basin Payweight 107S) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 2) PM Princess 61’016 (May-Way Breakout 1310) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 3) Sealin Creek Startell 52D (Robinosn Ranch Winston 49X) Sealin Creek Ranch, Monte Lake, BC (5 in class)
Grand Champion Female PM Tibbie 75’15 Reserve Champion Female MCW Black Beauty 19Y Senior Bull Calf Class 1) Red Shiloh Defender 6D (Red ML Hustler 272Z) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 2) PM Fire Away 4’16 (HF underbird 146Y) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 3) Red Nine Mile Drake 15D (Red Corner Creek Cash 2R)KRS Simmentals, Quesnel, BC Junior Bull Class 1) Red Shiloh Desert Storm 22D (Red Wildman Chuck Norris 012X)Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB 2) PM Top Gun 82’16 (Musgrave Aviator) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC 3) Sealin Creek Tomboy 14D (Robinson Ranch Tomboy 23A) Sealin Creek Ranch, Monte Lake, BC Yearling Bull Class 1) Justamere South Dakota 833C (Mohnen South Dakota 402) Justamere Ranches, Lloydminster, SK & Still Meadow Farm, Langley, BC 2) Justamere Sailor Jerry 815C (Sankeys Justified 101) Justamere Ranches, Lloydminster, SK & Still Meadow Farm, Langley, BC 3) Red Shiloh Code Red 34C (Red Shiloh Actively Loaded 81A) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, AB(5 in class) Grand Champion Bull Justamere South Dakota 833C Reserve Champion Bull Justamere Sailor Jerry 815C
Get of Sire Class 1) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, SK2) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC Pair of Bulls Class 1) Shiloh Cattle Co, Craigmyle, SK2) Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC Progeny of Dam 1) Lorenz Angus, Red Deer County, AB 2) Harvest Angus, Prince George, BC Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor Poplar Meadows, Houston, BC
Champion Female - PM Tibbie 75’15
Champion Bull - Justamere South Dakota 883C
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Manitoba Summer Gold Show Judge: Rob Young, Carievale, Saskatchewan Heifer Calf Class 1) NYK Tibbie 3D (Shipwheel Montana 2600) NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB 2) Red RamRod Princess 644D (Red Andras New Direction R 240) RamRod Cattle Co, Medora, MB 3) NYK Miss Eva 6D (Baldridge Download Z013)NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB (4 in class) Junior Yearling Heifer Class 1)Mainstream Dolly 89C(Styles Denali R143)Clay Hills Livestock, Harding, MB 2) CHL Karama 58C (TVA Net Worth 8Y) Clay Hills Livestock, Harding, MB Senior Yearling Heifer Class 1) N7's Mary Kate 37C (N7's Alabama 33A) Ty Nykoliation, Crandall, MB 2) HBH Barbara 3C (Brookmore Bismarck 19A) HBH Farms, River, MB 3) Cor Vet Daisy 1C (SAV Angus Valley 1867) Cor Vet Cattle Co. (4 in class) Champion Junior Female Mainstream Dolly 89C Reserve Champion Junior Female N7's Mary Kate 37C Two Year Old Cow/Calf Class 1) N7's Miss Eva 32B (HF Kodiak 5R) NYK Cattle Co, Crandall, MB 2) RamRod Nova 407B (Hoover
Emperor) RamRod Cattle Co, Medora, MB 3) N7's Blackwood Lady 48B (Connealy Imprint 8317) N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB (4 in class) Mature Cow/Calf Class 1) N7's Lass 152Z (N7's Net Worth 92U) NYK Cattle Co, Crandall, MB 2)DSMR Heatherless 302A (DSMR Net Works 114U)RamRod Cattle Co, Medora, MB 3) RamRod Nova 230Z (RamRod No Fear 921W) RamRod Cattle Co, Medora, MB (4 in class) Champion Senior Female N7's Lass 152Z Reserve Champion Senior Female N7's Miss Eva 32B Grand Champion Female N7's Lass 152Z Reserve Grand Champion Female N7's Miss Eva 32B Bull Calf Class - Split 1 1) N7's Tony Montana 60D (Shipwheel Montana 2600) N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB 2) NYK Sin City 11D (NYK Vegas 9) NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB 3) N7's Desperado 64D (Baldridge Download Z013) N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, MB (4 in class)
Grand Champion Female - N7's Lass 152Z
Reserve Grand Champion Female - N7's Miss Eva 32B
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Bull Calf Class - Split 2 1) HBH Dominator 53D (Remitall F Rage 9A) HBH Farms, River, MB 2) HBH Dare Devil 45D (SAV Ten Speed 3022)HBH Farms, River, MB 3) RamRod Sharp Dressed Man 676D (Merit Sharp Dressed Man 4133) RamRod Cattle Co, Medora, MB (4 in class) Champion Bull Calf HBH Dominator 53D Reserve Champion Bull Calf N7's Tony Montana 60D Yearling Bull Class 1) NYK MacGyver 5C (SAV Resource 1441) NYK Cattle Co, Douglas, MB Two Year Old Bull Class 1) GF Raising Standards 79B (PVF Windfall SCC 9005) RamRod Cattle Co, Medora, MB Champion Senior Bull GF Raising Standards 79B Grand Champion Bull GF Raising Standards 79B Reserve Grand Champion Bull NYK MacGyver 5C
Grand Champion Bull - GF Raising Standards 79B
Reserve Grand Champion Bull - NYK MacGyver 5C
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British Columbia Angus Association
by Tom deWaal ~ President, BC Angus Association
Well, as the summer draws to a close, we have enjoyed a rather wet one in our country.We made an abundance of feed and are still trying to put up more. The shows we have had to date have all been very successfull. IPE is over with the BC Angus AGM taking place there in Armstron and the BC Board is driving forward with a Pen Show in Prince George in January. I would like to congratulate all folks that hit the road this year promoting our breed t shows. It’s
Alberta Angus Association
I would like to thank the board for another year of support and for the work they have done for the membership throughout the year. Following last year’s AGM we have had another busy year promoting the breed and supporting the membership. Our fall started with the Olds’ Fall Classic, the first of our two Gold Shows. The attendance was great once again with our after show social providing great opportunity for comradery and socializing. We then moved into the second Gold Show held at Farmfair International. Farmfair saw a great set of cattle numbers and great attendance of the show with many breeders traveling from across the country to view the show and many viewing the show online across the country. AAA had the opportunity to sponsor a $1000 bull credit to the Commercial Pen Show where we have become an industry leader in our support of the commercial breeders who exhibit at these events. We believe that our support should not only be to the commercial breeders using Angus genetics but all breeders in the thought that being involved with our breed will continue to prove its rewards.
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Stay well, Tom deWaal
by Greg Pugh ~ President, Alberta Angus Association
Our first task that came in the winter was the Medicine Hat Pen Show where we saw record attendance in cattle numbers and people. Here we had our booth to provide information and were able to award two $500 bull credits to the Pen of Open Commercial Heifers and Pen of Bred Commercial Heifer Champions. We also took part in the Steak Fry and would like to thank all the breeders that helped with the event. The new year saw us at the Canadian Bull Congress with our booth and to take part in the Steak Challenge that continues to gain popularity in each passing year. We were able to secure steak sponsorship from CAB in in the form of steaks to be grilled for the challenge. We were also fortunate to have the assistance from a local chef from Camrose that serves CAB beef in her restaurant to take part in the challenge. We felt this was a great way to further add face to the product that we are all striving to produce. We were awarded the Big Valley Jamboree passes and we chose to give them to the AJAA to use as a fundraiser. Once again we were able to win the challenge and felt great pride in showing how excellent our product is. Country Roads Beef Congress in Oyen was to follow. If you have not been to Oyen, it is a great show to see and interact with producers. We were able to represent the members with our booth as well as take part once again in the steak fry there. Later on in the New Year were were approached to sponsor the Chinook Junior Show, Holden Junior Show, and the UFA Country Classic. We felt this would be a great opportunity for further support Juniors and would allow us to spread our sponsorship dollars around to different venues across the province. We also revamped our 4-H awards from t-shirts to toques with our logo
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those people that keep our breed out front and center with commercial cattlemen and consumers alike. As we move into fall don’t forget the Pacific All Breeds Sale and then the fall show runs. Like always, stay safe and if you have any inquiries, give us a call.
present. We felt this would provide even more awareness as the toques can be worn and seen more readily. They were very well received by all juniors that received them. One of the strongest supported and well received initiatives of the year was awards our Commercial Cattlemen’s Draw where commercial cattlemen can enter to win $1000 Bull or Female Sale Credit. This year we made the draw on Facebook Live video feed with the winner being David Glasier, Lake Thelma Farms Ltd. of Coronation, AB. Please print the form off of the website and have it available to your customers to send in to the office. August brought us to our Annual Meeting where we welcomed new board members Robert Geis (AJAA), Blake Morton,Tiffany Richmond, David Schneider, and Brett Wildman. Thank you to retiring directors Megan Bond, Darlene Glessman, Trish Henderson, Kathy Matejka, and Courtney Stamm for your service to the AAA. The AGM this year was held in conjunction with the Canadian Beef Industry Conference in Calgary, AB. It was nice to have some new faces at the meeting by hosting it in conjunction with such a great event! We were able to host our Hall of Fame banquet over the lunch hour as well where we awarded Breed Builders Bill & Hjordis Armitage of Angus Acres to the Hall of Fame as well as the Spady Family as Contemporary Breeders. The Purebred Breeders of the Year went to Shiloh Cattle Company – Blake Morton & Darcy Olesky of Hand Hills, AB with the Commercial Breeders of the Year going to Pakowki Ranching Ltd. Co., of Medicine Hat, AB. I look forward to seeing you this fall at our Gold Shows at Olds Fall Classic, September 30-October 2 and Farmfair International in Edmonton November 9-13.
Saskatchewan Angus Association
Summer has come to a close and we wish everyone a great fall as we prepare to finish the long list of jobs that need to be done before the snow flies. Fall is always a great time to attend one of the many Angus events that will be taking place. Last spring for the first time we hosted a Breeder Information Session the evening prior to our board meeting. We had an excellent turn out of young and old breeders that thoroughly enjoyed our three speakers. Everyone was able to take away some valuable information about agriculture advocacy and customer service. The evening was capped off with a very candid
and entertaining presentation by Rod Pedersen, the voice of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Our next session will be September 20 at the Bear Claw Casino, White Bear, SK and I hope many are able to take it in. We feel that there is great value for our membership in these events and will continue to look at hosting more of them in the future. The board also feels that there is value in having these sessions hosted in different areas around the province. If you are interested in attending or hosting one of these events please contact the office. We are willing to examine any proposal from our membership if they would like to host a similar event in their area. Our summer tour was held August 8th & 9th in the Moose Jaw area. Attendance grows every year and it is a perfect time to see some great Angus cattle and network and socialize with your fellow breeders. The weather actually cooperated pretty well over the two days and we enjoyed some great hospitality, many thanks to our hosts. Our mentorship program has proven to be a very valuable addition to the programs we offer. The five mentees have attended a variety of events over the past year and it has been very rewarding to watch these enthusiastic breeders learn and grow through the program. We have a new group of mentees who are starting the program this fall. We were very happy to see
Manitoba Angus Association
Well as we head into fall, the weather challenges continue, but farmers are resilient and the work will eventually get done! We had two very successful events during the summer. The Summer Gold Show at Harding and the MAA Summer Farm Tour. Both events were well attended, and we were pleased to have our new CAA Director of
increased interest in the program and a greater number of applications. The annual Gold & Junior Show has proven to be highly successful the past two years it has been hosted in Lloydminster as part of the annual Stockade Roundup, and we hope to build on that success again this year, November 2-5. The quality of the show in terms of facilities, participation, and quality of cattle exhibited has been exceptional. The junior events have drawn a large number of participants as well. Agribition is always a highlight of the fall show and sale season and Angus always has a dominant presence. It is a great opportunity to see some of the best cattle in the world and to network with your fellow breeders. The Saskatchewan Angus Association also offers over $3,000 in prizes in the commercial cattle show. This year’s show runs November 21-26 and it is business as usual, even with the on-going construction of new and up-graded facilities. Make time in your busy schedule to attend some of these events. There will be many purebred and commercial sales this fall as well, and we want to see strong attendance at all of them. Support your fellow cattlemen and enjoy the best part of our business; the people.
by Larissa Hamilton ~ President, Manitoba Angus Association
Business Development for SK/MB, Mr. Bob Toner in attendance to speak with many of the breeders. Bob will be out and about this fall at various feeder sales and the Fall Gold Show. Many of you will be weaning your calves soon and others are busy getting ready for the fall show run and sales. Please keep Manitoba in mind as we have a great Fall Gold Show in conjunction with Ag Ex. The MAA Gold Show starts at 10 am onThursday Oct. 27th.There has been over 100 head exhibited the past two years with outstanding quality. This year the show will be shown on the internet via Liveauctions but we’d still like to see you at the barn for a visit with fellow breeders. The next event will be our Annual General Meeting moved to Nov. 5th in Neepawa, this was changed from January. We are hoping that more breeders will find the time to come out to this meeting. The Manitoba Angus Association is currently working on a new Herd Directory which will be published and
Ontario Angus Association
The last few months has been hard on the cattle business in Ontario. The lack of rain in many parts of the province has left many producers feeding winter hay supplies earlier than expected and looking for other feed
by Michael Wheeler ~ President, Saskatchewan Angus Association
ready for distribution the first part of January. This will be a handy item when you are making plans to tour farms of Angus producers in Manitoba. The 2017 Convention Planning Committee continues to make preparations to host the Canadian Angus Nation Convention, June 8 -11, 2017. We hope that many people from each end of the country will be able to attend! The Keystone Klassic Sale will be held December 3rd at the Westman Center of Excellence in the Keystone Centre at Brandon. This is a high quality sale which you won’t want to miss. For more information on any of the upcoming events please check out our website www.mbangus.ca , Facebook page(Manitoba Angus ) and twitter (@Manitoba Angus).
by Graham McLean ~ President, Ontario Angus Association
sources to replace the lack of pasture and hay. Weight gains on grass have been low in many of the community pasture areas. Early sale reports have heavy losses coming from the sales of these cattle just based on purchase prices this spring and poor gains this summer. The last six weeks have seen the commercial price for fat cattle drop well into the red. I don’t believe we seen this drop falling much below $2.40 /lb. It has shown some bottoming the last couple weeks.The feeder market will likely see prices this fall we haven’t seen since 2013. But early stocker sales this past weekend were stronger than I would have expected. We are trying to build the cow herd up again in Ontario but this fall The first purebred sale of the fall was great averaging almost $6000 but bred yearlings were less than last year.
More cattle were offered up for auction this year and a good offering of cows, bred heifers and calves were sold. Looks like the rest of the fall sales have plenty of good cattle on offer. The trend of optimistic cattle prices may be tested this fall if current commercial prices are any indication for the next few months. The Ontario Angus Association will be hosting The National Angus Show Monday November 7, 2016 at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Hero Burgers is the major sponsor of the event. We welcome all to come and take in the sale and show. If the Preview Show was any indication of the depth of Angus cattle the National show will be worth attending. See you there!
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Canadian Junior Angus Association by Raina Syrynk - President, CJAA
Not too long ago the CJAA wrapped up Showdown in Truro, Nova Scotia. There were over 70 juniors in attendance from across Canada and the United States who enjoyed some great Maritime hospitality. Thank you to all the sponsors and supporters of the junior program that make events like these possible. At Showdown, annually, we welcome a new board and elect the Executive for the coming year. Incoming directors include Heidi Tymko representing Alberta, Tyra Fox representing Saskatchewan, and Ella Wood
representing the Maritimes. We would like to thank outgoing directors Chad Lorenz, Patrick Holland, and Shane Roger for their time on the CJAA board. The 2016/2017 executive is as follows: PresidentRaina Syrnyk, Vice President- Michaela Chalmers, Secretary- Brooke Bablitz, and Treasurer- Mark Sample. For any junior interested in becoming a board member, the deadline for nominations is January 31. Contact any current director or our Coordinator Belinda Wagner for more information on what is involved. I can guarantee you will learn from the experience and grow from it, as well as have a lot of fun. Each year the CJAA has been fortunate to receive a donation heifer to raise funds for our scholarships. We will once again be selling a heifer by ‘dutch auction’ before the Masterpiece sale at Canadian Western Agribition and this year’s heifer is being kindly donated by JPD Angus. I would also like to congratulate our 2016 winners Michaela
Chalmers of Ontario, Melanie Wood of PEI and Rebecca Redner of Ontario. There is $4500 awarded and the application deadline is June 15 annually. Mark your calendars for the 2017 GOAL Conference which will be held in Edmonton, Alberta from February 18-20 at the Fantasyland Hotel (West Edmonton Mall!!) and Showdown 2017 which is going to be in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan July 20-22. Keep in mind that there are travel bursaries available for assistance to get to these events, both nationally and in many of our provinces. I encourage everyone under the age of 21 to get involved. There are many opportunities - - various scholarships, awards, travel bursaries, and our annual events. Follow our Facebook page or check out the CJAA website for more information, and APPLY! You never know where it might take you.
Canadian Junior Angus Ambassador by Michaela Chalmers - Junior Ambassador
Greetings to everyone from Ontario! I cannot believe how quickly the summer has slipped away as I attended my first classes back at the University of Guelph today and I find myself wondering where all the time has gone. For those of you who I haven’t had the opportunity to meet yet, I am your new Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador. I am so excited to have been given the chance to represent you all this year!
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Over the course of the summer I have covered a lot of Canadian ground. My journey as the Ambassador began back in June in beautiful Quebec City at the Canadian Angus Association’s National Convention. It was a great couple of days where many exciting things happened in the world of Canadian Angus, including the Ambassador competition Next stop on the list was Showdown. This year our national junior show was held out east in Truro, Nova Scotia at the end of July. We had some very hot weather but despite that an impressive turnout of junior participants and high quality cattle from all over Canada. Finally, I had the opportunity to attend the inaugural Canadian Beef Industry Conference held in Calgary, Alberta at the beginning of August. It was an amazing event that encompassed every aspect of the beef industry. I would highly recommend attending this event in the coming years as it is set to become an annual occurrence.
Herd Reference 2016 *
I cannot wait to see what else is in store for me this year and I look forward to getting the chance to meet with Angus enthusiasts all over Canada and the world, and I hope to be at many of the fall shows. If at any time anyone would like to chat with me or has any questions for me I would love to hear from you. I urge all Junior Angus members to get involved and stay in touch. Be sure to check out all the amazing opportunities listed on our website. Until next time! Michaela Chalmers
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Canadian Angus Foundation Message Sylvia Jackson, Canadian Angus Foundation Chair
At the Canadian Angus National Convention in Quebec City this June 2016, the Canadian Angus Foundation (CAF) was proud to assist young producers in furthering their careers. Congratulations to: The 2016 Robert McHaffie Junior Ambassador Michaela Chalmers of Oro-Medonte, Ontario The 2016 Dick Turner Memorial Scholarship Recipient Raina Syrnyk of Ethelbert, Manitoba The 2016 Junior Angus Stockman of the Year Maguire Blair of Drake, Saskatchewan The 2016 Outstanding Young Angus Breeders Shawn Birmingham of Brandon, Manitoba and Ryan Currie of Bristol, Quebec.
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Those attending the Convention had the opportunity to stroll on "the Plains of Abraham" situated right beside our hotel; Le Concorde, as well as an overlook of old Quebec, the St. Lawrence River and were able to see how it was a perfect fortress spot years ago to defend the new found land. We listened to excellent speakers, met the new Business Development Team and the Director of New Generation Breeder Development with the CAA, brushed up on some Canadian history, enjoyed touring the Quebec landscape and of course the food delicacies. It was a pleasure to also meet Milford Jenkins, President of the American Angus Foundation, who attended our Convention and spoke briefly during our CAF Annual General Meeting. The highlight of the Convention for the Canadian Angus Foundation of course was the over $172,000 raised at the Building The Legacy 5 Sale following the Saturday evening banquet. On behalf of the CAF, it was my pleasure to personally thank and present a pin to donors, purchasers and volunteers to those at the Convention. Merci, Thank You, to everyone who made this sale happen! Congratulations to the Juniors who attended and participated at Showdown 2016 in Truro, Nova Scotia this July. By all accounts, a great time was had by all. Juniors, the courtesy of sending a thank you note to the CAF and sponsors for our contributions is very much appreciated. Thank You! We are ever so grateful to Belinda Wagner, the Junior Angus co-ordinator,
Herd Reference 2016 *
for her amazing leadership and guidance teaching life-long skills to the Juniors. The CAF is finalizing details to send Canadian Angus youth to participate in the Youth Competitions at the World Angus Forum in Scotland in June of 2017. Check the Junior and Foundation websites for further details. Lastly, but of great importance, the CAF is in the midst of collecting Angus farm history’s from each breeder, in every province across Canada, to create the next Angus History Book. Please take the time and make it a priority to send in your farm history. Doug and Linda Henderson are working to help compile the History Book with Tina Zakowsky at Angus Central assisting. You can contact Doug and Linda (403-782-3888) or Tina (1-888-571-2580; tzakowsky@cdnangus.ca) to submit your story or find the history guideline at www.cdnangus.ca - click the headline ‘news and events’, then ‘announcements’ and scroll to the bottom, then click ‘online’ which is highlighted in red. Thank you in advance for writing and sending in your history! We have an early bird draw submission date of December 9, 2016. History’s sent in by this date will be entered into a draw and the winner will be awarded a choice of the new Wendy Risdale canvas prints ‘Maternal Watch’ or ‘Time Out’. "Let's record Angus history before the dust settles!"
Phone: (705)445-4317 Cell: (705)607-4317 E-mail: copeland@georgian.net
P.O. Box 164 Nottawa, Ontario Canada L0M 1P0
Custom Service Program ▲ Custom Collection ▲ Private Storage
Tel: (403) 226 0666 e-mail: twhite@altagenetics.com Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen
Box 5, Site 4, R.R. #1, Olds, Alta T4H 1P3
Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772
Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website davis-rairdan.com email embryos@davis-rairdan.com
● On-farm freezing & collection
● Donor care facility
● Recipient herd
● Genetic Marketing & Selection
● International Embryo Sales
Steve Dorran Auctioneer
Don Raffan
P.O. Box 10100, Stn Main, Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 0H4
Progressive Performance... Optimum Maternalism! CANADIAN RED ANGUS PROMOTION SOCIETY 780.678.9069 - www.redangus.ca - office@ www.redangus.ca R.R. #2, New Norway, AB T0B 3L0
● Licensed facility for embryos exports
Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp. 19, Larkin Site, RR 3, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0
Ericson Livestock Services
(780) 352-7630 Dennis & Shelly Ericson
R.R.# 2, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1W9
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A EMBRYO TRANSFER SERVICES MARILYN BRAITWAITE Box 8265, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6C5 A.H.T. Ph (306)931-2904 ● Fax (306)242-1563 Certified Bovine E.T. Practitioner
ring w Sp s Ran illo
Owners: Peter & Francesca Cox Managed by: Christy Elliot
Re us gister ed Black Ang
Tel: (250)446-2269 Fax: (250)764-0537
22km Christian Valley Westbridge, British Columbia
ACHER ANG B US SH Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher & Family
P.O. Box 99, Halkirk, Alberta T0C 1M0
Ph: (403)884-2181 Fax: (403)884-2381
Bar Double M Angus Mark & Rachel Merrill & Family Box 132, Hill Springs, Alberta T0K 1E0
(403) 626-3369
Mile 11 on #2 Highway South of Dawson Creek
PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS P.O. Box 132, Steve Aylward (250)786-5031 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G3 Dale Aylward (250)786-5478 bzaylward@gmail.com
Aberlynn Angus Marie Bradshaw Gordon Bradshaw 5343-39st Close R.R. #3, Site 3, Box 6 Innisfail, AB T4G 1G1 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8 (403)227-0354 (403)227-5431 “Quality you can see. Breeding you can trust.”
Wayne and Peggy Robinson
Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta T0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083
Registered Angus
Dan & Janette Speller
Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 (250)375-2268
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Angus World
Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299
Herd Reference 2016 *
Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie
Pioneer Red Angus Breeder
Sealin Creek Ranch
P.O. Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 / brylor@telusplanet.net
" Our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus"
Robert & Gail Hamilton
Box 11, Site 15, R.R.# 2, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980 ~ hamiltonfarms.ca
Visitors 12 miles west of Olds Always on Hwy #27, 1/2 mile south on Welcome Range Rd 3.04 email: diamondt@airenet.com
Diamond Willow Ranch Add Our Diamonds to Your Herd! Registered Black Angus
Ted & Marci McPeak
RR #1, Stn. Mn., Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 From Airdrie Overpass on SH 567, 10km W., 5km N., on SH 772
Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow
Phone: (780)674-2335 ~ Cell: (780)305-4813 ~ Fax: (780)674-4398 P.O. Box 11, Camp Creek, AB T0G 0L0 - jwcattle@telusplanet.net
KBJ Round Farms
Count Ridge Stock Farm
P.O. Box 238, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0
Jim Round (780)348-5638
Barry Round
(403)641-2205 P.O. BOX 576, BASSANO, ALBERTA T0J 0B0
Dwayne & Joanne Emery (780) 674-4410 REGISTERED ANGUS P.O. Box 31, Camp Creek, Alberta T0G 0L0
Flint & Flint (780)855-2181
New Norway, AB
Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226 Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298 lakeford@telusplanet.net Killam, Alberta
“Visitor’s Welcome”
Doug Noad 403-660-8371
Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341
Box 32, Hussar, Alberta TOJ 1SO
Horned Hereford
Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165
Fleming Stock Farms
Ron & Laurie Hunter & family “Quality Registered & Commercial Stock”
RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0
Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088 flemingangus@xplornet.com
Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming “Quality goes in before the name goes on”
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Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093
Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629
Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3 leeuwenburghredangus@telusplanet.net
Lindsay & Donna Penosky & Family
P.O. Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 â—? Fax: (403)742-4341
30th Annual Bull & Female Sale March 12/16
Roy & Cindy Bjorklund
- Breeders of Quality Performance Tested Angus -
Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email: wrbeck120@gmail.com
P.O. Box 2044, Fairview, Alberta T0H 1L0 (780)835-3530
Richard & Joyce Lorenz
Stauffer Ranches P.O. Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216
(403)728-3285 R.R. #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0
Lee & Laura Brown
Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 Fax (403) 742-2962
Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0
Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945
Danny & Conna Warrilow Bill & Barbara Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 (780) 593-2208 P.O. BOX 39, MINBURN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0
Ken & Sharon Chitwood
Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R.R. #2, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4
RIVERBEND FARM LTD. Bud, Barb & John McBride Box 51, Benalto, Alberta T0M 0H0 Phone: (403)746-2555 / Phone/Fax: (403)746-2630
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Angus World
Stacey & Michel Stauffer
Herd Reference 2016 *
Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400 Annual Bull Sale First Saturday in April Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0
Registered & Commercial Red Angus
P.O. Box 4205, Taber, Alberta T1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118
Ben & Carol Tams
Park F w ar o ill Purebred Black Angus since 1920
Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286
Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0
Lassiter Brothers
Double AA Angus Bill Dillabaugh
P.O. Box 91, Coleville, SK S0L 0K0 (306) 965-2554
Box 763, Bassano, Alberta T0J 0B0 Ph: 403/641-4467 ~ Fax:403/6412355 xxxangus@telusplanet.net
Spring Bull Sale ● Female (Private Treaty) ● Embryos Using A.I. program & Embryo transfer to raise well balanced cattle.
Annual Rancher’s Choice Spring Bull Sale
(306) 567-4702
Doug & Lynn McIvor
Box 688, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0
Jim & Peggy Grant P.O. Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 (306)397-2541
Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott
Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 P.O. Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0
Premium Quality Since 1972
D CATTLE CREEK David Flundra Purebred Red Angus Bulls, Females & Commercial Cattle
P.O. Box 1453, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7N4
Registered Red Angus Since 1972
Brian & Christine Hanel
16 km east of Walsh, Alberta
Tel: (306)662-2449 Fax: (306)662-2556
Flying K Ranch
Cell: (403)502-4776 cattle.creek@xplornet.com
Herd Reference 2016 *
Box 1902, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 email: chanel@t2.net
Donna Hanel
R.R. #1, Wymark, SK S0N 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984
10 miles south of Swift Current on Hwy #4 & 8 miles west
Angus World
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WRed il-Sel Angus
Est: 1980
Doreen 306/642-3081 306/642-3448 Fax Corbin, Lynette, Cole & Conner 306/263-4407 The Selody’s ~ P.O Box 266, Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0
Ian Gross
P.O. Box 29, Rush Lake, Saskatchewan S0H 3S0 ● (306)773-6873
Ranches Inc.
Jon & Shelly Fox
P.O. Box 320 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y2 www.justamereranches.com
Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Email: justamere@sasktel.net
Kim Robertson
Box 159, Alsask, SK S0L 0A0 Res: 306/968-2637 / Cell: 306/463-8405
5 miles east of Alsask and 2 miles north on Merid Grid
“Raising Quality Cattle To Work For You”
Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730
Shane, Alexis,
Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen Registered & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Red & Black Angus www.southviewranch.com P.O. Box 130, Ceylon, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ● svr@sasktel.net
P.O. Box 183, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0
(306) 834-2844
Luseland - .5 mile W, 12 Miles S & .25 mile W. Kerrobert - 12 miles W, Hwy# 51, .5 mile N, .25 mile W
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Angus World
Herd Reference 2016 *
Z RED ANGU A R Phil Birnie S W Box 461, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0
Ph: 306/739-2988 ~ Fax: 306/739-2137 ~ Cell: 306/577-7440 email: wraz@sasktel.net Red Angus Bulls & Females For Sale ~ Commercial Heifers Herdsman: Gordon Murray 306/739-2177 - cell: 306/646-7980
Barry & Marj Young & Family
Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810 youngdaleangus@xplornet.com
Black & Red Angus
Bruce, Ione Austen & Breanna Anderson
204.734.2073 - 204.734.0730 Comp 2 R.R.# 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 www.andersoncattle.ca - andersoncattle@inethome.ca
Quality Angus Cattle
Visitors Always Welcome
Jack & Barb Hart
General Delivery, Brookdale, Manitoba R0K 0G0 (204) 476-2607
Rideau Angus (613)258-2762 Farm R.R. #4, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
David & Jeanette Neufeld 204/534-2380
Greenbush Angus R.R. #1, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 www.greenbushangus.com
Barrie & Bernice Baker (204)966-3822
D & C Cattle Co Doug & Carolyn Milne-Smith
Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0
Tim & Wendy Baker (204)966-3320
Rob & Sandy Foubert
613/258-1062 rfoubert@dct.ca 4373 Rideau River Road, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Don & Jeannette Currie
R.R. #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526
12201 TORBRAM RD, CALEDON. ONTARIO L7C 2T4 * (905)843-1236
Ad Index 66 Ranches ................................. 17, 44 Atlasta Angus ............................. 23, 40 Bar 4A Cattle Co ..................... IFC, 22 Belvin Angus .............................. OBC BJ Cattle Co .................................... 26 Blairs.Ag Cattle Co ......................... 15 Bouchard Livestock .......................... 20 Brylor Ranch ................................... 42 Castlerock Marketing ................ 27, 29 Cattle Creek Ranching ...................... 4 CCIA .............................................. 32 Chinook Classic Sale ....................... 20
Cudlobe Angus ................................. 1 Double Q Angus ............................. 47 Ebon Hill Angus ............................. 36 Farmfair International .................... 48 Fertile Valley Angus .......................... 4 Fraser Farms .................................... 19 Frontline Female Sale ...................... 43 Glen Islay Angus ............................... 5 Hamilton Farms ............................... 3 Howe Red Angus .............................. 41 Johnston Angus ................................ 4 JPM Farms ....................................... 56
Kenray Ranch .................................. 7 LLB Angus ...................................... 31 Lorenz Angus ................................... 14 Majestic Cattle Co ............................ 24 Masterpiece Sale .............................. 33 Merit Cattle Co ............................. IBC Ole Farms ....................................... 39 On the Mark Cattle Co .................... 25 Peak Dot Ranch ........................ 13, 56 Pride of the Prairies Sale ............... 7, 46 Rack Red Angus .............................. 38 Red Roundup ................................ 37 Herd Reference 2016 *
Rundle Mountain Forage ............... 56 Saskalta Angus ..................... 10, 11, 16 Shiloh Cattle Co ............................. 35 Six Mile Ranch ................................ 15 Symens Land & Cattle .................... 21 Touch of Class Sale ........................ 30 Willie Waldner ................................ 56 WRAZ Red Angus .......................... 6 Z Bar Angus .................................... 18
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Events Calendar October 15 Blue Water Angus Sale, Hanover, ON October 21 - 22 Red Roundup, Red Deer, AB October 26 Chinook Classic Angus Sale, Taber, AB October 26 - 29 Manitoba Ag-Ex, Brandon, MB November 2 - 5 Stockade Roundup, Lloydminster, SK November 4 - 13 Royal Agriculture Winter Fair,Toronto, ON November 9 - 13 Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB November 16, 2016 Bar 4A Cattle Co Female Sale, Olds, AB November 18 The Amigos Bull Sale, Medicine Hat, Hat November 21 - 26 Agribition, Regina, SK November 23, 2016 Masterpiece Sale, Regina, SK
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Angus World
November 25 Power & Perfection Sale, Regina, SK December 1 Peak Ranch Fall Bull Sale, Wood Mountain, SK December 2 Saskalta Farms Dispersal Sale, Medicine Hat, AB December 2 Brylor Ranch Bull Sale, Fort McLeod, AB December 3 British Connection Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB December 3 Ontario Futurity Sale, Orangeville, ON December 3 Keystone Klassic Angus Sale, Brandon, MB December 4 Anderson Cattle Co Female Sale, Virden, MB
Herd Reference 2016 *
December 5 Frontline Female Sale, Moose Jaw, SK December 6 Keystone Klassic Sale, Brandon, MB December 7 Cublobe Angus Bull Sale, Stavely, AB December 8 Blairs.Ag & Six Mile Genetic Focus, Regina, SK December 9 66 Ranch Fall Bull & Female Sale, Fort Macleod, AB December 9 Touch of Class Sale, Saskatoon, SK December 10 Atlasta Angus Bull Sale & Seriously Black Female Sale, Sylvan Lake, AB December 10 Pride of the Prairies Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK December 11 AW Angus Dispersal Sale, Virden, MB
December 14 Howe Red Angus & Whitecap Charolais Female Sale, Moose Jaw, SK December 15 Johnston Angus/Fertile Valley Herd Reduction Sale, Saskatoon, SK December 15 KBJ Dispersal Sale, Westlock, AB December 16 Ole Farms X,Y, Z Female Sale, Athabasca, AB December 17 Angus Collection Sale, Olds, AB December 19 LLB Angus Female Sale, Erskine, AB December 31 New Years Resolution Frozen Genetics Sale, Olds, AB