Angus World 2014 Volume 22 Issue 2

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AngusWor l d Onl i neEdi t i on 2014-Issue2

Aberdeen Angus World P.O. Box 177, Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 Phone: (403)549-2234 Fax: (403)549-2207 email: Internet Location:

Volume 22 #2*

"Official Publication of the Canadian Angus Association" Dave Callaway Editor/Publisher

Jan Lee Associate Editor

Table of Contents Advertising Rates CAB Momentum Pays Record Premiums . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Why Sould You Brand Your Farm? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Producers Confident in Today’s Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Demand for CAB More Than Doubles . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Carcass 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Shologan Joins Bouchard Livestock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Carcass Traits are a Major Profit Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Selenium is Key Ingredient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Maritime Field Day & Junior Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 New Tool for Productive Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Ken Cox Obituary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 T.A. Edwards Inducted into Middlesex Hall of Fame . . . . 32 Auction Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Canadian Beef Breeds Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Provincial Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Canadian Angus Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Angus Junior Ambassador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Events Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

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Subscription Rates Canada 1 year . . . . . . . . . $35.00 (incl GST) 2 years . . . . . . . . $50.00 (incl GST) United States 1 year . . . . . . . . $40.00 US (incl GST) Foreign 1 year . . . . . . . . . $50.00 (incl GST)

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Cover: Dr. Kelsey Brandon’s cattle on pasture in the foothills of southern Alberta

Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Angus World c/o Circulation Dept. P.O. Box 177 Stavely, Alberta T0L 1Z0 ~ Printed in Canada ~ "Aberdeen Angus World" is dedicated to the promotion, growth and improvement of Aberdeen Angus Cattle.

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Dave’s Desk

The agriculture business is probably one of the most unpredictable businesses to be involved in. We are affected by the weather, the markets, government policy all of which can be very fickle, as well as many, many other factors. We do however have ways to mitigate our risk. Advances in technology has given an opportunity to identify certain traits in our cattle by identifying certain genomes. Through DNA testing scientists are able to distinguish which animals have specific traits without having to wait until that trait is manifested physically. This means we are able to know early on

in an animals life whether or not they are destined to carry a certain desirable characteristic. Having this type of information can assist breeders to make more informed decisions with regard to their breeding programs. As long as we are accurately identifying traits, great strides can be made with this increased amount of information. In my opinion, breeders should be very cautious as to not get caught concentrating on one or very few traits simply because there is a test for that trait. Breeding programs need to take into consideration the whole picture. There is always the argument that you should not get caught in a ‘single trait selection’ program. To select for a small number of traits is easier to achieve than a more balanced approach. However, the more balanced approach may be more successful in the long run, even though it does take more patience, perseverance and skill.

The dawning of the age of genomics does not eliminate the need to a good eye for cattle, it simply is another tool that will contribute information. At this point in time, it seems that most of the concentration of effort is on carcass traits. That leaves many other traits that still need a keen, astute eye to ensure other important traits are being considered in the mix of a breeding program.

Dave Callaway

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CAB Momentum Pays Record Premiums By Steve Suther, Director of Industry Information, Certified Angus Beef LLC Nearly 30% of total $450 million paid since 2011

Market premiums paid for cattle that earn the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand trademark more than doubled recent annual totals to reach the neighborhood of $50 million. The brand’s 10 years of increasing demand and seven years of sales records left some Angus producers wondering how that affects their bottom line. Results from the biennial survey of CAB-licensed packers in January shines a halogen beam on the answer. There were plenty of hints. In 2011, a 45% increase in grid premiums to $32.3 million did not in itself constitute a trend. But USDA’s mandatory reporting, never known for overstating, showed 2012 starting with a CAB premium of $8 per hundredweight (/cwt.). Apparently, that mark was often revisited in 2012 to bring about the 60% single-year further increase to a record $51.6 million paid. The previous record of almost $40 million was 10 years earlier in a turbulent world market affected by bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or “Mad Cow Disease”) and trade barriers (See charts). The $47 million in CAB grid premiums paid in 2013 was more than double the $22.9 million paid in 2010.

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All of the data comes from CAB’s “Here’s the Premium” project that has surveyed packers to gather total dollar grid premiums paid since 1998. They report totals for the aggregate, and although Certified Angus Beef LLC tracks volume sold by packer, it does not know the share of cattle each buys on a grid. The top four CAB packers produced more for the brand in each of the past two years and paid record amounts to producers. Even as cattle numbers have declined, more and more sell on value-based grids that pay direct CAB premiums. The share of live cash trade to grid, contract or formula pricing moved from a balance in 2005 to 67% grids by 2011 and last year Cattle-Fax reported that number at 76.9%. Boxed beef prices were a concern for commodity producers early in the last decade, as the trend line for USDA Choice beef met resistance at $150/cwt. Some saw that as a sign to forget trying to please consumers and focus on cost cutting. Others focused on making beef worth a higher price. CAB cutout climbed higher across five years, from less than $147/cwt. in 2009 to more than $203/cwt. last year. (See table) Packers say their cash bids reflect estimates of potential for CAB and USDA Prime grading cattle, too. Regardless of how the cattle are sold, premium quality pays. “Demand for branded and premium products from the consumer has increased as the economy has improved, and food service is probably the biggest winner,” says Alan Smith, director of protein research and risk management for CattleFax. “Given higher prices, consumers want more assurances of a good eating experience and are willing to pay for it,” he explains. “Everyone who handles or supplies the premium product sees revenue or margin gains.”

Missouri economist Scott Brown agrees. “The work invested in brand building over the years has resulted in CAB’s position as a brand consumers trust for a consistent and great eating experience,” he says. As all beef prices push still higher Brown says, “the market advantage for CAB and that momentum will only accelerate.” Looking at CAB grid premiums paid over time, it took nearly 30 years to garner half of the $450.8 million paid for the share of 40 million CAB-accepted cattle sold on grids, while nearly 30% of that total was paid in the last three years. Brown says it’s important for Angus producers to keep their focus. Balancing supply and demand has been a CAB hallmark for 35 years, but at the scale of selling 865 million pounds per year, much hangs in the balance. “If demand for CAB product outstrips supply, consumers will begin to search for alternatives,” he says. “It’s clear that Angus producers’ focus on genetics that include marbling has put money in their pockets, but they must work to ensure there is an adequate supply, or risk losing those premiums.” Of course, most producers don’t own their calves through the finishing phase, but information has integrated the market so that some premium reaches everyone who makes the effort to aim for quality. Dividing total CAB grid premiums over the last few years by the number of cattle accepted for CAB equates to nearly $15 per head, but many ranchers realize more like $15/cwt. (See related story). On the other hand Brown says, “You can begin to see the end of the market for average cattle in this country,” other than growing discounts. But solutions are in reach: “Advances in genetic prediction and breeding technologies make a step up to premium production an easy and relatively low-cost prospect for most commercial producers.”

Cumulative CAB Grid Premiums Show Nearly 30% Paid in Last Three Years

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Why Should You Brand Your Farm? By Trish Henderson on the shelves of 241 Loblaw’s stores across Ontario, and 5,700 animals per week are marketed through the program. “As food producers, we need to be proactive in telling our story. We have nothing to hide – we’re great family operations, great stewards of the land and we produce great food. Consumers vote with their pocketbooks, and we have to listen,” he maintains. On a smaller scale, Shayne and Vicky Horn of Tangle Ridge Ranch near Thorsby, Alberta, have succeeded in building a brand for their Tangle Ridge Lamb. Five years ago, the couple started with 160 acres of land and 30 grass-fed lambs.

Creating a recognizable brand is an important part of marketing and branding is more and more important in the business of agriculture. Brand names are nothing new to farmers. Purebred livestock producers and certified seed growers have been branding themselves for decades to drive sales. During the winter months, when cattle breeders are marketing bulls, agricultural newspapers are full of ads for individual farms – complete with logos, websites, and sometimes even links to promotional videos. Consumers are more and more interested in where food comes from. And with social media, it doesn’t matter if you’re marketing farm products direct to consumers or selling commodity grain or livestock – a brand name can create connections along the value chain. A focus on consumers has been fundamental to the success of Ontario Corn Fed Beef, a brand launched by the Ontario Cattle Feeders’ Association in 2001. “Farmers own the brand, and there’s a story that goes along with Ontario Corn Fed Beef,” says Jim Clark, the organization’s Executive Director. Every summer, Clark and a team of member-producers drive the Ontario Corn Fed Beef mobile kitchen tractor-trailer unit to grocery store parking lots. This allows them face time with 500 consumers on an average day, and the opportunity to learn exactly what consumers are looking for in beef products. With specific production standards, the Ontario Corn Fed Beef logo assures customers a consistent, high quality product. The brand’s goal is to expand the market for beef raised in the province. Today it’s sold Page 12

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“We knew from the beginning we wanted to direct-market our product and create brand recognition,” Vicky says. “So we created our Tangle Ridge logo and made sure it was on every package sold, even though we only marketed to family and friends at first.” By focusing on telling the story of their family farm, the Horns have grown the market for Tangle Ridge Lamb to individual consumers and upscale restaurants across Alberta. They now market 200 lambs per year and have partnered with two other farms to supply them with animals. Product labelling, their farm website, attending local culinary events, offering farm tours and social media presence have been key to creating a strong reputation for Tangle Ridge Lamb. “We participate in Open Farm Days and have hosted dinner events in the loft of our barn for our chefs,” Horn adds. “Twitter has been our most effective brand-building tool – it has allowed us into the on-line foodie community and spread our name beyond our existing network. We’ve had strangers come up to us at food shows and ask how our dog is, because they’ve seen him on Twitter.” What if you’re not selling your farm product direct to consumers? Branding is still important. “Our farm name and logo represent the pride we have in our operation,” says Lance Stockbrugger of LD Stockbrugger Farms, a 4,000-acre cereal, oilseed and pulse operation near LeRoy, Saskatchewan. He believes that creating a visible brand for LD Stockbrugger Farms has attracted new employees and brought landlords to their door offering rental opportunities. “We display our logo on our semi-trucks and give our employees logoed jackets and hats, because we want to convey the honesty and integrity of our business,”

Stockbrugger says. “We want our employees to feel the same pride in the operation that we do, and grain companies to know who and what to expect when our trucks pull up. Having well-maintained, clean equipment is very important to us, and we have earned a reputation for selling quality used machinery when it comes time to trade in an implement.” Blogging is another way LD Stockbrugger Farms advocates for their operation and the agriculture industry. “It started when I got my first BlackBerry and auto-steer in the air drill. My hands were free, and Mom was always asking what we were up to on the farm,” Stockbrugger recalls. His first email updates were sent to family, but they proved so popular that the distribution list now spans the country, and reaches as far as Mexico and Japan. Depending on the goal of your farm business, branding doesn’t have to be difficult. “First you need to identify something that makes you unique. For us, it’s the fact that our parents started the tradition of all sons having the same initials: L-D-S,” says Stockbrugger. “Next, it’s a matter of recognizing what sets you apart from your neighbour. Are you passionate about growing the best crops, having the cleanest fields, or being the most profitable? Then, it’s

about building and maintaining your reputation in the community and in the industry.” “Consumers and restaurants want to reconnect with farmers and learn more about where their food comes from,” says Vicky Horn. “This creates an opportunity for us to tell the stories of our farms. Doing this in an authentic, consistent and honest way builds consumer trust.” “To create a brand, you must know your target market and ensure your can deliver on your brand’s promises,” Jim Clark advises. “You have to know what you do best and align yourself with partners who have the expertise you don’t. It’s crucial to have a long-term goal and a business plan…and you need to be patient.”

This article is reprinted by permission of the author and Farm Credit Canada. It was originally published in the May/June issue of FCC's magazine, AgriSuccess. For subscription information about the AgriSuccess Journal, please see

Producers confident in today’s tools, Angus genetics Angus breeders like Sydenstricker Genetics manager Ben Eggers, Mexico, Missouri, say the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand’s impact, and their ability to respond, grow in tandem with the record premiums paid. “In the earlier days of CAB we often heard, “Where’s the premium?” I haven’t heard that in quite a while,” Eggers observes. “The value of superior carcass merit is well documented now, and many top commercial cattlemen have reaped the benefits. As that ‘pull through’ effect grows even stronger, I think we’ll see even more increase in beef demand as the average quality increases.”

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At the calf level, the soaring premiums move past any perceived “black hide” advantages. “The CAB premiums help explain the huge price spreads we’ve seen lately based on quality,” says Malta, Montana, seedstock producer Dave Hinman. “It’s been $20, $30/cwt. or more on the same weight cattle.” The difference of nearly $200 per head shows great buyer confidence, he says. “The feeder couldn’t afford to pay that if he didn’t know a lot about the calves. They have to watch everything pretty close…” Angus breeders say the genetics to make such calves just weren’t available 20 or even 10 years ago.

We put all the numbers in our sale catalog and our customers look at all of them,” he says. “They want it all, just like the next buyer, all the way to the people waiting to be seated in a steakhouse. And people will pay to get what they want.” Science, performance data and common sense used in concert can create those genetics. “But you can’t forget any one of those. You want to make sure you can stay where you’re at or get better in every trait,” Hinman says. “Don’t ever back up.

As a Regional Manager for the American Angus Association in 1978, it was Dick Beck’s duty to act as an airport shuttle for some of the dignitaries who were there when the first pound of CAB was sold at Renzetti’s IGA in Columbus, Ohio. Having grown up in the meat business, Beck says he never lost sight of the carcass side in breeding cattle. Now as general manager of Three Trees Ranch, Sharpsburg, Georgia, he says Angus cattle have come a long way but could have made an even greater impact on the beef industry, sooner.

“As a group, Angus breeders made the mistake of letting commodity-thinking people control the conversation for way too long,” Beck says. “They talk about the Choice-Select spread—that doesn’t mean anything to us—if we’re not making at least Choice cattle, we’re not in the Angus business.” Over the next five years, he expects that spread to be narrow, “non-existent at times. But that’s not a signal to back away from CAB and Prime. Those are the two that earn money for our customers.” Noting recent Angus bull sales with averages above $9,000, Beck says, “Some people say Angus bulls aren’t worth that much. I will admit not every Angus bull is. But if you get 100 calves in his life and 40 of them grade Prime, that can add $8,000; if 40 more make CAB, that could be another $3,000.” And those are premiums above the market, he notes. “It’s pretty easy to see that kind of bull is worth $10,000 more than an average bull whose calves won’t do that.” Commercial producers are understandably concerned with fertility, fleshing ability and other maternal traits not easily measured, but they sometimes ignore carcass traits.

“The cowherd traits have a big economic impact but they’re not very heritable. Carcass traits are highly heritable, so it is easy to make progress or lose ground,” Beck notes. “Of course we should keep working on the cowherd, but why would you walk away from making progress on a trait that’s easily improved?” Perhaps indifference comes from watching almost any calf bring twice as much money as recent memory. “Some say all cattle will be worth premium prices, but I disagree,” Beck says. “All will be in demand, for a while. With the overcapacity in the feedlot sector, there will be a mad scramble to fill pens for a while. But when those cattle lose money and the financially weak go out of business, they won’t be there to bid the next time. “The good news is, in the Angus business we have the tools to build more of the cattle that can do it all. For years we had to cherry pick to find quality, but no more,” he says. “It used to be that finding quality, whether in cattle or beef, was like going deer hunting. You might find some, and you might not. We’re finally to the point where we can design a system that produces premium beef every time if you do everything else right. That’s exciting.”

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Don Schiefelbein, whose family operates Schiefelbein Farms at Kimball, Minn., agrees the past few years have seen a dramatic change in the realm of genetic possibilities. The farm buys calves from bull customers and finishes 20,000 head per year to sell on a grid. “Making the cattle do 85% or 90%, even 100% CAB was unheard of just five or six years ago,” he says. When they do, as a fair number of loads did last year, the breakeven equations go out the window. “Say you have two steers and one makes CAB and one doesn’t,” Schiefelbein narrates. “It costs nothing more for the one that earned the premium—it’s all extra dividend, added value built in. That’s why breakevens mean nothing when you try to factor in 80% CAB.” In the buy-back system, the family knows calves will live up to expectations and that kind of relationship is essential. “It’s like we say starting out with anybody: In God We Trust; everybody else, show us proof,” Schiefelbein says. Any commercial producer can begin by listing all bulls and their seedstock source. New tools like GeneMaxTM will soon factor into added value. “The best statements will be when you can say these calves

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are from GeneMax indexed heifers from a Sitz or Schiefelbein or Gardiner commercial heifer sale,” he says. When all calves are selling for record-high prices is “the perfect time for genetic upgrades,” he says. “Get your genetics in order to add value to your calves. It’s a sweet time to invest for a whole new level of prices.” Some producers bought bulls for $2,500 or less in 2013, but in January, a set of heifers from the Schiefelbein feedlot grossed $2,500 per head on the rail, nearly all Prime or CAB. They were from a herd that had stacked high-marbling Angus genetics for three generations, the standing recommendation for all bull customers and one that can take decades to achieve across a herd. Fourth-generation Angus breeder Landi McFarland, of Hoover Angus Farm, Ellston, Iowa, is younger than the CAB brand and literally can’t imagine the breed without the brand. “CAB has seen a unique situation in the past several years, with growing demand for the brand and growth in the numbers of certified cattle,” she says. “That puts the brand and U.S. Angus producers in a position

unlike any other in the world. Clearly, producers who are reaping increased premiums for cattle hitting the CAB target are more likely to continue using quality Angus genetics.” It further solidifies the breed’s premium position in the world. “No other breed can put together as many economically important traits as Angus and have such phenomenal pull-through demand for beef, thereby generating sustained demand for Angus genetics,” McFarland says. “CAB makes money for everyone at each link in the beef industry chain.” Beck says the most effective leadership is by simple example. “You can’t tell people to aim for premium quality, but you can keep showing them a business model that works, so that maybe they will see it and adapt.” By Steve Suther, Director of Industry Information, Certified Angus Beef LLC

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Demand for CAB® more than Doubles 2002 Levels By Steve Suther, Director of Industry Information, Certified Angus Beef LLC A consumer demand model for high-quality beef shows the market power behind a leading premium brand. The Kansas State University (K-State) model uses 2002 as an index base and charted demand for commodity USDA Choice beef near the 110 level for most of the following years. It jumped to 120 in 2010 before eroding for the past three years and last year falling below 100 for the first time since 2004 (see chart 1). Consumers apparently turned toward a premium brand, according to the K-State paper, “Defining and Quantifying Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) Brand Consumer Demand,” which can be viewed at

Chart 2

Chart 1

Page 18 The CAB index shot upward for the past four years to more than double the index, surpassing 208, compared to the 100-point base. Economist Ted Schroeder and 2010 Master’s student Lance Zimmerman conducted the initial study that year and updated the paper in 2013. Zimmerman, now a CattleFax analyst, continues to update his college project as new data becomes available, and recently added the 2013 information. The charts were expanded a year ago to include a CAB comparison to demand for all premium beef, which eclipsed that for the brand for seven years but fell behind in 2012 and 2013 (see chart 2). The recent “divergence of demand patterns…

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suggests there are perceived differences in CAB relative to its greater product category in the mind of consumers,” the paper says. When compared to Choice and higher, to include Prime and branded premium beef, CAB demand has seen a 54-point increase in four years, compared to a 29-point drop for the category in general. In fact, CAB demand jumped nearly 28 points in the single year 2012-13. Demand for CAB increased by more than 108% in the last 10 years as Choice-and-higher beef demand grew by 51% and demand for non-branded commodity Choice fell by 1%, based on amounts sold rather than produced.

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Carcass 101 By Trish Henderson The “How-To” Course for maximizing carcass quality and profitability With beef at record high prices in North America and around the world, consumers who want beef are seeking premium products to ensure their money is well spent. That was a key messages at the inaugural “Carcass 101” class, jointly hosted by the Canadian Angus Association and the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB) brand June 18-19 in Olds, Alberta. Today’s record-high prices for both cattle and beef mean the industry’s future depends upon the consistent delivery of a quality eating experience. Genetic and management have a big effect on that, which is why Carcass 101 focused on maximizing carcass quality in tandem with profitability. Thirty-one purebred and commercial cattle producers from across the three Prairie Provinces attended the workshop, held in the National Meat Training Centre at Olds College. Recently updated and expanded, this world-class facility is home to the only course in North America covering the complete meat processing stream, from slaughter to retail. This class had the unique opportunity to conduct live appraisals on three steers, then evaluate and grade their carcasses the following day. Meanwhile, guest speakers covered the topics of beef grading, meat cutting, carcass genetics, ultrasound technology, consumer trends and best-practices at the cow-calf and feedlot levels.

Dr. Phil Bass

Dr. Phil Bass, CAB meat scientist, reviewed the key carcass characteristics evaluated by beef graders in North America: physiological maturity (indicated by dentition or ossification), ribeye area and fat thickness, meat color and marbling. • Physiological age of a carcass is important for two reasons. First, age can affect meat tenderness because older animals have more connective tissue. Second, animal age is a qualifier for export to many international markets. • Ribeye area and fat thickness are used to calculate yield grade scores or red meat yield. Size of the ribeye is also important to the foodservice and restaurant Page 22

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sector; steaks that are similar in size and thickness mean a more consistent product for customers. • Muscling, meat color, fat depth and, most importantly, marbling are components of quality grade scores. Marbling is considered an insurance policy for that satisfactory eating experience. Source: Canadian Cattlemen’s Association

While Carcass 101 participants were generally familiar with the Canadian beef grading system, Bass pointed out some lesser-known facts about quality grades. One such revelation was the degree of variation within grades. Three levels of marbling exist within the AAA category: Small, Modest, and Moderate; and there are 300 degrees of marbling within this one grade alone. For example, a carcass described as Small-0 would be at the lowest end of quality for the AAA grade and Moderate-99 at the top. Differentiation of beef within higher grades is increasing as consumers demand more high-quality product. Premium brands like CAB or Cargill’s Sterling Silver accept only the upper two-thirds of AAA carcasses; in other words those scoring AAA “Modest” marbling or higher. Bass reviewed the 10 quality specifications created to ensure that every CAB carcass offers consumers the same exceptional eating experience. To earn the brand mark, cattle must first be at least 51% black-hided and meet these criteria: • Modest or higher marbling (starting with the upper 2/3 of AAA grade) • Medium or fine marbling texture • Less than 30 months of age for youthful lean and skeletal characteristics • 10 to 16 square-inch ribeye area • Less than 1,000-pound hot carcass weight • Less than 1-inch fat thickness • Superior muscling (restricts dairy influence) • Practically free of capillary rupture • No dark cutters • No neck hump exceeding 2 inches (restricts Bos Indicus influence)

Dr. John Crowley

The Carcass 101 agenda also focused on the role of farm-level genetic selection and management practices in producing high-quality beef. An array of speakers from cow-calf and feedlot producers to geneticists and meat scientists agreed that cattle must first have the genetic capability to yield a quality carcass, then be managed correctly to live up to that potential. Research has proven that genetic selection for carcass traits is effective, according to Dr. John Crowley of Livestock Gentec. “Ribeye area, fat and marbling are some of the more heritable characteristics for Angus cattle,” he told the class. Advances in the realm of genomics, such as the Zoetis HD50K test, present valuable tools in determining an individual’s performance potential early in life. Nonetheless, Crowley recommends using such tests in combination with phenotypic data, such as actual animal weights and live ultrasound, to set well-rounded breeding goals. Selection for carcass quality must be balanced with other economically-important traits such as fertility, feed efficiency and calving ease. “Genetic selection all goes back to economics,” said Crowley. “Does it make a producer more money? Carcass weight is important because producers sell by the pound. Marbling can be very important if quality premiums can be attained.” When it comes to management practices that can impact beef quality, there are a number of steps cattle producers can take to produce better beef, more often.

Dr. Larry Corah

Dr. Larry Corah, Vice President of Supply for CAB, shared a few pointers: • Non-implanted cattle are twice as likely to qualify for CAB. Animal age at implanting and implant dosage can affect marbling, and implanting later makes for better beef. • Fat cover or amount of finish on a live animal is the most important predictor of marbling; the ideal fat cover at the 12th rib is 0.5 to 0.6 inch.

• Cow nutrition affects carcass quality of calves in utero; this is known as fetal programming. • Animal stressors, such as weaning and adverse weather, can also have a negative impact on carcass quality. There is plenty of opportunity and incentive for CAB production to grow in Canada, Corah told the crowd. Last year 43 million pounds of CAB product were sold here, and more than half of it was produced here – but that still meant 20.5 million pounds had to be imported to fill demand. Premiums for CAB-qualifying carcasses in Canada have been $3 to $4/cwt or about $30 per head, Corah said. In the U.S., CAB grid premiums have been twice that at times.

“With growing demand for higher quality product in Canada, it is logical that carcass premiums will follow,” Corah said. “Demand for Prime and AAA beef is growing rapidly and presents a great opportunity for Canadian producers who can hit that target.” The market is developing, but that’s not all, said Ryan Kasko, a southern Alberta feedlot operator and licensed CAB feedlot partner. “Premiums exist for quality cattle,” he told the class. “But partnerships between feedlots and cow-calf operators add value beyond premiums. Through partnerships with ranchers and backgrounders, we are hoping to provide feedback to improve genetics, minimize herd health costs and reduce logistical costs.”

Ryan Kasko Larry Sears

Larry Sears of Flying E Ranche, Stavely, AB, shared his family operation perspective on the importance of data-sharing along the beef value chain. Sears encouraged his fellow cow-calf producers to follow their calves’ performance on feed and at the packer – either by backgrounding themselves, retaining ownership or through traceability systems – in order to better understand how feedlots determine what to bid on certain cattle. In fact all speakers reinforced these themes: enabling the flow of individual animal data from processors and feedlots back to the ranch using RFID leads to better breeding and management decisions. In turn, that can make it easier for feedlots to identify and source high-quality, profitable feeder cattle – which can command a premium. Bringing together producers from all levels of the value chain, Carcass 101 helped forge partnerships among them. The event highlighted the importance of knowing your customers – whether you’re selling bulls, feeder cattle, live cattle or beef – and marketing your product accordingly. By focusing on genetic selection, management practices and marketing, all beef producers work together for improved carcass quality and profitability. Thanks to the support of the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency, “Carcass 101” will be an annual event. For more information or to obtain a video recording of this year’s workshop, contact the Canadian Angus Association at 1-888-571-3580.

Mark Shologan to join Bouchard Livestock International Team Bouchard Livestock International is pleased to welcome Mark Shologan to the staff of BLI. "Mark brings an extensive cross section of livestock and livestock marketing experience to the BLI team" says CEO of BLI operations Brian Bouchard. "Including his previous four years with Bouchard Livestock, his family's purebred experience, and his recent tenure as Purebred Marketing coordinator for DLMS - Direct Livestock Marketing Systems Internet marketing. Mark will be a major part of BLI sales management, consulting and genetic marketing services going forward."

The Spring of 2014 saw Mark continuing to provide DLMS services to current DLMS Purebred sales booked and listed on the DLMS site. "Mark has been an excellent representative of the DLMS service. He has grown the business to be the premier Purebred broadcast service in Western Canada" says CEO of DLMS operations Sheldon Wilcox. "We wish Mark great success as he pursues his career choice of being a leading individual in the purebred marketing business." said Mr. Wilcox. DLMS is pleased that Mark agreed to finish out the spring of 2014 sales season with DLMS full time as they work on a smooth transition plan for his Fulltime replacement. In addition DLMS is please to announce

that Bouchard Livestock International will continue to use and promote the DLMS service as a DLMS Marketing Agent for some of their purebred sales in the futures. As Part of Mark's addition to the BLI team we are pleased to announce that we will be merging into Bouchard Livestock International. is a specialized livestock video production company currently operated by Mark & Joanne Shologan. Through the website BLI will continue to provide livestock video production services, livestock sale videos and big screen video bull sale services.

Bouchard Livestock International (BLI) is a full service genetic marketing company based in Crossfield, AB. BLI provides Sale Management, Consulting & Order Buying services to the purebred & commercial industry. Through partnerships with Accelerated Genetics, ORIgen and BLI's "Genetics to Make a Difference" program they source and market genetics for the major beef breeds in North America. In addition BLI operates a CFIA Export-Qualified semen & embryo storage facility, complete with Export and Import services around the world. Complete Company profile can be found at Questions can be directed to BLI - Brian Bouchard at 403-813-7999 or BLI - Mark Shologan at 780-699-5082

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Carcass Traits are a Major Profit Driver By Dr. Bob Hough Over the last 20 years the beef industry has gone through significant structural changes that have dramatically changed the profit driver matrix in the beef industry. Over this time, the industry has moved from an almost exclusively cash market to one that is now value-based, so the need for cattle to have the potential to excel in end product characteristics has become paramount. This means whether commercial cow-calf producers are selling reputation feeder cattle for a premium or retaining ownership in their calves through the feedlot, they must breed and market cattle that have proven carcass potential. This has put a spotlight on seedstock producers to supply genetics to their commercial customers with the potential to excel in carcass traits.

management to maximize profit. This often means the need for improvement for carcass potential. To do this we rely on the most accurate carcass genetic predictions possible in the form of EPDs (expected progeny difference) and indexes to make the needed changes.” Seedstock producer Lee Leachman echoes that

Lee Leachman

Dan Dorin The data from Decatur County Feed Yard, which is a 40,000 head capacity custom lot that has tracked 200,000 head through their system, highlights the need for carcass excellence. When they objectively analyzed their data, they found that the top profit drivers in the feed yard are feed efficiency and grid performance (Yield and Quality Grades) followed by carcass weight and animal health. Dan Dorn of Decatur County said, “We utilize ultrasound to sort cattle into outcome groups shooting for a constant carcass backfat at processing. We cannot control how much ribeye area an animal has or what marbling potential an animal has after it is in our feed yard. Once a producer feeds cattle and finds a baseline for their herd, finding out where the strengths and weaknesses are in their cattle, we can work with the cow-calf producer to change their herd’s genetics and

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quality is a major driver in the profit matrix, and their company works with indexes to simplify the selection process. According to Lee, “Our indexes take into account all segments of the industry, from reproduction and cow maintenance through feed efficiency and value based marketing. All our models show that end product is one of the major profit drivers.” However, how to improve these traits can vary widely. “Carcass data is expensive to gather and the information comes two years too late. We also use a lot of young sires, so we feel that collecting ultrasound phenotypic data instead of DNA is critical. EPDs based on ultrasound are in general a very good predictor of end product value as has been shown at the US Meat Animal Research Center. With that said, we feel that to build a profitable herd, producers should use indexes to simplify selection, and the indexes must contain carcass as a major component. In terms of collecting data, we use all the tools but rely most heavily on ultrasound, and we have been getting our best results from the CUP Lab™ in terms of accuracy. We based our ultrasound lab decision on both our own objective data as well as that from CUP.”

When deciding whether to ultrasound or do genomics, Lee admits, “People are confused on the subject. We use genomics on some of our high end bulls and donor dams. If they are out of high accuracy sires, we find it does a good job, but the further you get from the original training population for the genomic panels, the lower the efficacy of the genomics. To prove young sires, the collection of ultrasound data is critical. We also continue to collect real carcass data to make sure our indexes and predictions are accurate and not drifting from the original intent, but obviously this is a long term commitment and not as timely as is necessary. You simply need all the phenotypic data possible based on ultrasound to prove sires, and we are in the business of marketing the most predictable genetics possible to our commercial customers. You also need ultrasound and other phenotypic data to retrain the genomic panels on a regular basis. With all that said, I feel it is a major mistake for seedstock producers not to continue to collect ultrasound data.” Lee also has strong beliefs that the industry needs to set a higher bar for our carcass traits. “People should not be content to have 70 percent Choice cattle. In my opinion we need to be shooting for more like 70 percent CAB (upper two-thirds Choice) and Prime. People will pay for high quality beef, and we need to supply it to them. ‘Katy bar the door’ on the value and demand for beef if we could consistently supply larger amounts of high quality beef. I see our potential as unlimited!” With the realities that value-based marketing has become the norm in our industry, the need for cattle to excel in carcass traits is paramount whether you are selling reputation feeder cattle for a premium or retaining ownership. This means cow calf producers need to purchase seedstock with all the information possible to build a profitable cow herd. Ultrasound, genomics or carcass data all add to the accuracy of genetic predictions when they are used to calculate EPDs and indexes. It is clear that ultrasound will continue to play a critical role in supplying carcass potential data in a way that is timely, proven and well understood.

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Selenium is Key Ingredient Selenium is Key Ingredient in Prodcing Healthier Meat for Humans, Brazilian Study Finds Selenium may be a key ingredient to producing healthier meat and lowering animal cholesterol levels according to researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil. The study aimed to determine the effects of canola oil as a fat source when combined with the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium, as well as determine the metabolic lipid oxidation and nutritional value of the beef. The result – a meat enriched with vitamin E and selenium with lower levels of cholesterol. Selenium, an essential nutrient for animals and people, is a powerful antioxidant and plays a critical role in metabolism, reproductive health and the body’s natural defense system. The organic selenium used in the USP study was Sel-Plex®, from Alltech, a natural source of selenium enriched yeasts with higher bioavailability than inorganic sources. Sel-Plex is the only FDA reviewed and the first EU approved form of organic selenium for all animal species. “We’re excited to share these independent results, obtained by one of the most prestigious universities in this field of study, with the global livestock and poultry sectors,” said Steve Elliott, global director of the mineral management program for Alltech. “Selenium has once again been confirmed as a critical component for the human diet, and Alltech is committed to delivering a safe and efficient source of selenium to animals and humans in a natural way.” According to the lead researcher, Dr. Marcus Antonio Zanetti of the School of Animal Science and Food Engineering, USP, studies like this are important to improve human nutrition in a time of great demand for healthier products.

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"Strengthening the immune system of people and helping health professionals, nutritionists and all those involved in the meat production chain find a practical way to do so is one of the objectives of this research," Zanetti said. In the first part of the study, 48 Nellore bulls were divided into four groups with and without additional supplemental selenium, vitamin E and canola oil. The second phase aimed to provide selenium-enriched meat to a group of elderly people. "We supplemented the diet of animals with 2.5 mg of organic selenium per cow per day for a period of three months during fattening and found that in addition to increasing the amount of selenium in the blood of animals, the mineral content in the meat produced was six times greater than meat from beef cattle that have not had the supplemented diet,” Zanetti said. According to Zanetti, the cholesterol level in the blood and meat of the animals that were fed the selenium-enriched diet was also reduced significantly. In the second phase of the research, to assess the effects of meat supplemented with selenium on lowering cholesterol in human blood, the researchers conducted a study in a nursing care facility in São Paulo. For periods up to 90 days, the cattle meat supplemented with selenium and vitamin E was included in the meals of 80 elderly people in different variations on the menu. The special diet was coordinated by a registered dietician for the project. After 45 days, a blood test analysis for the group showed an increase in the amount of selenium in the blood plasma. Zanetti emphasized that the results of cholesterol rates are

not yet completed. "However, through this research, we have seen an increase in the availability of vitamin E and selenium in the blood of the group that ate the meat,” Zanetti said. According to nutritionists, selenium is considered an important antioxidant mineral that prevents the formation of free radicals, enhances immunity and thus helps fight infections in humans. However, many people are still deficient in selenium in their daily diet. According to the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences, USP, selenium levels are low in the Brazilian diet due to the country’s mineral deficient soil. Zanetti believes that the development of supplemented products can help improve human nutrition. “The daily consumption of 200 grams (7 ounces) of meat supplemented with selenium is able to provide the recommended mineral [50 micrograms] daily intake,” he said. In a previous trial, Zanetti and other researchers supplemented the diet of cows with sunflower oil, organic selenium and vitamin E to increase the mineral availability in milk produced by the animals. The diet supplemented with milk was offered to a group of children in first through fourth grade. The research results showed the additional improvement in the quality and preservation of enriched milk by increasing levels of selenium and vitamin E in the blood of the children. “This is pioneering research on selenium enriched milk and meat that links animal feed and nutrition to human health,” Zanetti said. "In the world, there has only been basic investigation into this, but nothing as extensive as our studies.”

Maritime Field Day & Junior Show June 13 - 14, 2014, Port Elgin, New Brunswick Thank You to Betty Lou Scott for supplying photos and information

Harmony Ridge Farm family shown with their Heritage-50 year award. (l-r)Trevor Welch-Maritime Director to the CAA, Corinne Gibson-CAA President-Vona Pyne and Howard Pyne-the 50 year recipients and Howard’s step son Carl Taylor and his partner Peggy Dewar and Rob Smith-CEO of the CAA

Maritime Association membership awards presented for the first time in 2014. The award recognizes 25 years of continuous membership in the Canadian Angus Association. (l-r) Corinne Gibson, CAA President-Kurt, Karly and Kinley Duncan of Duncan Livestock, Cornwall, PEI (25 year member) Trevor Welch, MAA President and now MAA Director to the CAA—Betty Lou Scott (25 year member) and Bill Scott accepting award for Sandy Scott, NS. Also receiving an award but unable to attend was Dr. Bill Best of PEI

2014 Maritime Angus Association Commercial Breeder (l-r) Trevor Welch MAA Director and MAA President-Weldon Estabrooks of Estabrooks Farm In Sackville, NB-Betty Lou Scott, MAA Secretary-Treasurer-Clarence Estabrooks of Estabrooks Farm, Sackville, NB. The Estabrooks Family received the Co-op Atlantic perpetual trophy, the Maritime Angus keeper plaque and as well receive monogrammed jackets from the Maritime Association Photographer - Emily Pipes

Champion Heifer

Garvie Tibbie 12A Taylor Welch, Glassville, NB

Reserve Champion Heifer

Locust Grove Blackbird 4A Patrick Holland, Montague, PEI

Champion Crossbred Heifer

Nic Goodwin, Southampton, NS

Junior Participants Angus World

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New Tool for Productive Improvement By Steve James, Director of Research & Development, Quantum Genetix Parentage testing has long been used by purebred producers to add value to their seedstock with pedigree records. Breed associations maintain registries to demonstrate breed integrity and lineage of newly registered animals. This allows the purebred producer to market animals with the value add of performance traits specific to that breed and lineage. Information can be a valuable thing, but value is only imagined by the way information is utilized. A breed registry is information that has value to a purebred producer. What if similar information could be obtained and used by a cow/calf producer? Would it not be valuable to know how many cows each sire bred and what the average weaning weight was of calves from each sire? Quantum Genetix has been in the business of DNA assisted beef management for over a decade. A feedlot management system called Q-sort has been used by feedlots in Canada and the U.S. and now they have a new product for commercial producers called Q-link. Q-link utilizes DNA testing to exclude false parents out of a list of potential sires to determine the true sire of a calf. When the true sires of a group of calves is known, additional information can be linked together, such as the breeding capacity of each sire, the average weaning weight of calves from each sire, and the average carcass performance of calves from each sire. How might your commercial operation be impacted by knowing, through DNA testing, which herd sires are performing above average and which are performing below average? How might you be able to improve the productivity of your operation by knowing this information about your herd sires? Let’s take a look at two herds: Herd A has 114 cows exposed to seven herd sires; Herd B has 533 cows exposed to 46 herd sires. Tissues samples from all calves and sires were DNA tested under Q-link to determine the sire of each calf. Then number of calves matched

to each sire was counted to determine the breeding capacity (BC) of each sire. Typically, the assumption is made that each sire will breed about 25 cows so the cow to bull ratio in a pasture is about 25:1. Q-link demonstrates that the number of cows bred by each bull is highly variable. The BC for Herd A ranged from 7-28 and the BC of Herd B ranged from 1-45. Weaning weights were also collected for each calf and adjusted to 205 day weights. Although the sire is only a partial contributor to weaning weight (as weaning weight is also influenced by the dam), Q-link can identify sires that consistently have calves with above average or below average weaning weight. The average 205d weight for Herd A was 557 lbs, with one sire producing calves that were 89 lbs below the average. The average 205d weight for Herd B was 504 lbs, with six sires producing calves that were 40 or more pounds below average. The BC and 205d weights were used to calculate the Calf Profit Margin (CPM) and the Cost of Production (COP) to illustrate the value of each sire and drive herd improvement decisions. The annual cost of a herd sire is assumed to be $1026 based on information and assumptions in Fact Sheet #2010-04 (Western Beef Development Centre). This cost includes factors such as, feed, pasture, and vet costs; and assumes a purchase price of $3000, cull price of $1400, and 6 years of service. The annual cost of a cow is assumed to be $750, based on observing a range of $650-850 from multiple economic studies over the last couple years, including “Focus on Productivity” from CanFax Research Services (April 2013). The CPM is the gross selling price of a weaned calf, less the annual cost of the cow, less the proportion of the sire’s annual cost for the calf. The CPM is the gross profit per calf from each sire since it may not include all expenses of producing that calf. The COP is the calculated cost to produce a pound of weaned calf and is calculated by combining the

annual cost of the cow with the proportion of the sire’s annual cost for the calf and dividing by the weaning weight. The CPM and COP both take into account the sire’s impact on breeding capacity and weaning weight to evaluate the sire’s economic value to the producer. Evaluating a sire based on breeding capacity or weaning weight alone may not identify the most profitable sires. Herd Improvement Scenario Once sire performance is determined, several decisions can be made to improve herd performance and profitability. Making bull selection decisions that will improve BC and/or weaning weight will improve the COP and profitability of the herd. Herd A Herd A has a sire that is producing calves with weaning weights well below the average. By replacing Sire 7 with another sire of similar pedigree to the top bulls in this herd, the average weaning weight will be increased, which will lower the COP and increase profitability. Herd B In Herd B, several bulls were breeding less than five cows each. The overall BC could be improved by culling some of the bottom bulls and either replacing with fewer bulls of similar pedigree to top producing sires or simply by reducing the bull battery and assuming the remaining bulls would still be able to breed the cows that were bred by the culls. For example, it is reasonable to assume that one or two average bulls could breed the 15 cows that were bred by the bottom eight sires. Reducing the bull battery would increase the average BC and likely improve weaning weight since the culled bulls were also below average in weaning weight. This change would lower the COP and increase profitability. Another option for Herd B is to target weaning weight improvement by replacing below average performing sires with bulls of similar pedigree to the top performing sires (in respect to 205d weights). An increase in weaning weight per sire will lower the COP. For example Sires 1, 5, 8, and 9 are as prolific as Sire 24, but averaged higher weaning weights per calf. Sourcing a new bull from similar pedigree to replace Sire 24 could result in a 40-50 lb improvement in weaning weight.

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Without information on herd sire performance it is difficult to make targeted improvements that will have direct economic impact. And herd improvement changes can impact multiple calving seasons. Every operation can benefit from knowing which sires have

a higher COP than the average of the bull battery. Again, how might you be able to improve the productivity of your operation by knowing this information about your herd sires?

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Ken Cox Obituary

Ken’s last quote to Verny and Rusty on April 13, 2014...... “If you take something out to use it.....Put it back!!!”

1943 - 2014

Kenneth "Ken" Cox of Armena passed away Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at the age of 71 years. Kenneth George Cox entered this world on January 9, 1943 in Stettler, Alberta to parents Thomas and Florence Cox.

The Cox family moved to the Rosalind area when Ken was 9 years old where he attended East Lynn School until grade 5. He then went to Rosalind school until grade 10 when his principal told him “you are wasting your time at school” and he was also leaving his homework on the bus each night. So off he went to Vermillion Agricultural School. After two years Ken graduated top five in his class. Post graduation, Ken became employed at Byers Flour Mills in Camrose. On a peat moss delivery run to Pedersen’s Greenhouse and still covered in flour, he met Verny Grettum. She decided in her mind then and there, “this was going to be her husband”. Two and a half years later, this came true and they got married on July 2, 1966. They were blessed with a daughter (Lorraine), and son (Rustin). Ken’s passion was livestock, particularly angus cattle which his family showed across North America for the next 30 years. He was also heavily involved in 4-H as a member, then leader and later inducted into the 4-H hall of fame.

Ken and Verny purchased their farm in 1979 in the Armena area. At this point they were breeders and promoters of the Angus breed. Ken continued to work with the Angus breed over the next 35 years and became a representative for the Canadian Angus Association. Horses also played an important role in his life, raising quarter horses as a younger man, then later working with Alan and Wes Gordeyko and their Clydesdales. For the past six years Ken has used his faith and positive attitude to battle his cancer. As a means to keep himself motivated he and Verny made thousands of rope halters and Ken hand built several working sleighs and wagons. Ken is survived by his wife Verny; daughter Lorraine (Greg Bell); son Rustin (Cathy Miller); and two precious grandchildren Kendra and Cody whom he adored!! Also he is survived by his brothers Les, Darrell and Don. Ken was predeceased by his parents Tom and Florence, and his sister Dorothy Henry. Ken’s last quote to Verny and Rusty on April 13, 2014......”If you take something out to use it.....Put it back!!!”

Camrose Regional Exhibition nominated Ken to the Camrose County “Agriculture Wall of Honor” e following is their nomination resume which covers very well Ken’s commitment and life. Ken Cox Nomination - Agriculture Wall of Honor Ken Cox was born in Stettler Alberta on January 9, 1943. He is married to Verny and live on a farm in the Armena Community. The farm is also known as Lorrust Angus. Ken and Verny have two children – Rusty and Lorraine. Ken attended grades 1-4 in Stettler. His family then moved to the Rosalind area in 1952. He spent grades 5-6 at the East Lynn School and grades 7-10 at Rosalind School. At the age of 17 Ken entered a 2 year course in Vermilion School of Agriculture and was in the top 5% of his class. In 1962 Ken entered a CFCW contest and won a trip to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto with the Farm Broadcaster William “Bill” Owen. On the Monday following the trip he was contacted by Larry Williams (District Agriculturist) to see what he was going to do. Ken was open to suggestions as there wasn’t enough work on his parents farm. Larry organized an interview with Laurie and Ralph Byers and was hired immediately to work in the feed plant. In 1968 Ken went to the American Herdsman’s Institute at Keesummit Missouri. Following school, Ken became the Herdsman for the following farms; 1966-1969 Flying Red Wheel Farm, Devon 1969-1970 Stauffer Farm, Eckville Page 30

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1970-1976 San Dan Charolais, Stettler 1976-1979 Red Cap Herefords, Camrose Ken married Verny July 2, 1966 and they moved to the farm near Armena August 28, 1979 and have been there ever since. Together they have run a very successful Angus cattle operation, a livestock care business and a rope halter and neck rope business. Ken’s passion is youth education. He has offered his time and knowledge to all levels of the 4-H program, including when his two children were involved in the local 4-H club. He has also spent numerous years involved with the Alberta Angus Association, Edmonton Northlands Farmfair, Armena Recreation Association, Canadian National Junior Angus Heifer Show in Bashaw, and many many other organizaitons. Wherever and whenever Ken could volunteer, judge, organize, or give workshops, Ken is always willing to lend a hand. Recently Ken has been working as a field person for the Canadian Angus Association, promoting the Angus Rancher Endorsed program and the green tags program travelling in BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan to auction sales and trade shows.

Membership in Organizations Armena Sports and Recreation Association (since 1980). Ken has been a committee member of this organization serving on the Executive and as a Board

member. Projects include a new baseball diamond, new skating shack, and upgrading and improving Armena Anniversary Park. Edmonton Northlands FarmFair – Ken has been an exhibitor at FarmFair, judge, ringmaster for each of the 24 shows, volunteer chairman, organizer of a variety of projects and barn boss for the Angus exhibitors. Ken was a shareholder in Northlands starting in 1986, a member of the Beef Cattle Committee since 1987 and the Beef Cattle Chairman from 1988-1991. He has also been a member of the Northlands Agriculture Development Committee from 1988-1991. In 1992-1996 Ken was the Chairman of the Farmfair Task Area Committee which was tasked with the coordination of the program of events for the entire FarmFair show. Ken also was required to attend the meetings of the beef cattle, dairy, sheep, swine, draft horse, market cattle poultry and rabbit committees. During this time Ken was also a member of the Show Ring Decorations committee which prepared the design of the show ring and supplied and arranged most of the decorations for the shows each day. Ken was also a member of the Northlands Agriculture Function Area which was a committee made up of management, directors and volunteers that guide all of the Agriculture activities at Northlands. Ken has also been the Chairman of FarmFair International – (1997)

Ken was a member of the Canadian National Junior Heifer Show held in Bashaw (1977-1995). Along with this show, there were other shows that he participated in including the Junior Angus Heifer Show, Wild Rose Classic – Young Canadian Simmentalers, Canadian Junior All-Breeds Heifer Show, and Western Canadian Junior Team Judging Competition. Ken and his committee was involved in the planning and organizing of each show as well as physically volunteering during each show as ringman, marshall, and barn boss. Kens’ involvement in the 4-H Program has been outstanding. He has been involved in 4-H for over 40 years, first as a member (Rosalind Beef Club 1950’s – early 60’s), then leader (Erskine Beef Club (early 1970’s), parent committee member and assistant leader (Armena Beef Club 1980-1990), and a hugely sought after resource person. From 1980-1992 Ken was a member of the Camrose District 4-H Beef Committee and Chairman of this committee in 1988-1989. He has also been the ringman for the Camrose interclub beef show and sale (1980-1997). He has been a member of the Camrose 4-H District Public Speaking Committee which organized public speaking competitions and workshops, annually, at the club level, district level in 1985 and 1992 and at the regional level in 1989. Ken has also judged many public speaking competitions at the club, zone and district levels (1990-and beyond). Ken was a member of the Camrose 4-H District’s 75th Aniversary Celebration (1991-1992), planning committee member of the New Leader’s Workshop

(1992) and a member of the planning committee to develop a 4-H float for district use (1988-1990). Ken has put on numerous workshops and demonstrations for 4-H members on grooming, showmanship and judging. He is internationally recognized for his knowledge in showing and judging beef cattle and has judged many 4-H shows across the country. He was the conformation judge at the 4-H steer show at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, has judged showmanship and conformation throughout B.C such as the PNE in Vancouver, Armstrong and Kamloops. Ken also assisted with the organization of multi-species judging days at club (1980’s- 1990’s), district (1995), regional (1989-1991), and provincial levels. He has also been a beef confirmation and showmanship judging for many club and district achievement days. Ken was also a member of the planning committee for the Provincial 4-H Heifer show (1975 and beyond). He was initially involved in the development of the team judging and ringman competition. Ken has been a member of the Lakeland College Alumni Association, President of the Alumni Association (1988-1989) and Executive President for the 75th Anniversary of Lakeland College (1988-1989). Other Memberships on organizations include: • Red Deer Exhibition (Westerner) – assisting with livestock shows • Actively involved in re-starting the Stettler Ag Society in 1971 • Member of the Alberta Aberdeen Angus Association for three years during the 80’s.

• Parking Chairman for the Alberta Winter Games opening and closing ceremonies • Hosted international hockey players for the Viking Cup (1986, 1988) • Camrose Regional Exhibition – volunteer for the Camrose Summer Fair Beef Committee, the Canadian Bull Congress and Rodeo (ongoing) • Active member and volunteer for the Camrose United Church (1979 and ongoing) And most importantly – Head Chief, CEO of dough making for the Exclusive Verny Cox Buns Achievements 1994 Volunteer Award of Merit for Northlands 1995 Canadian Angus Association for years of service at Agribition 1995 West Central Regional Friend of 4-H Award 1996 Friend of Provincial 4-H Heifer show Award 1996 General Service Award from Alberta Angus Association for years of service as barn boss and ringman 1997 Ken was nominated and inducted into the Alberta 4-H Hall of Fame. 2013 Alberta Angus Association Honorary President Ken has published three grooming and showmanship booklets for 4-H beef club distribution throughout Canada. Ken wrote the information for these books as well as organized and prepared the cattle for photos in the books; Beef Shows and Showing (early 1970’s), Into the Ring (1973) and Ready for the Ring (1986) The Camrose Regional Exhibition is proud to nominate Ken Cox to the Agriculture Wall of Honor. Ken was inducted in February of 2014.

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T.A. Edwards Inducted into Middlesex Hall of Fame While serving at different times as Chair of the National Livestock records, President of the Canadian Aberdeen Angus Association and a Director of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Alex had a profound influence on the policies laid forth by those national institutions. It was, however, under the Anoka Farms banner as a breeder and exhibitor of purebred Aberdeen Angus cattle that he made his greatest contribution the livestock industry. His ability as a quality stock judge was recognized on many occasions resulting in Alex judging at the great Perth Show and Sale in Scotland, the International in Chicago and the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and many other major fairs in Canada.

T. Alex Edwards (1899-1968) Alex’s interest in breeding and showing Aberdeen Angus cattle began as a member of a Lambton County judging team at the Canadian Royal Winter Fair in 1922. The initial attempts in the Royal show ring began with market cattle fitted on the home farm near Watford, Ontario. In 1925, the newly formed Edwards Brothers partnership of Alex and his brother Alan started buying a small but select group of Aberdeen Angus females with proven bloodlines. This was followed by the purchase of Blackbird Bandolier of Page in North Dakota in 1928 for $650.00. As the brothers proceeded to develop the Bandolier of Anoka family with careful line-breeding, this bull and his off-spring were destined to become immortals of the breed throughout North America contributing to the improvement of many herds. Alex was quick to call Anoka the “Home of the Bandoliers.” All along, Alex stressed, “We have tried to avoid extremes in our breeding and we try not to forget that the commercial producer of beef is one of the good customers for Angus bulls.” The value of this foresight is certainly apparent in the popularity of Aberdeen Angus cattle today in our supermarkets. About Alex, the breeder, it has been written, “He is a man who studied his subject well through the years – a man who is probably his own most severe critic. He is never content with mediocrity, and has been an exact, conscientious breeder who ruthlessly threw aside cattle that did not measure up to his standards; and sometimes in spite of pressing financial need has kept those animals that were needed to carry on the course of this powerful stream of blood.” In 1936, the first Edwards Brothers partnership was dissolved when Alan sold his interest and another was formed with Alex’s younger brother Don lasting into Page 32

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the 1950s. Don then concentrated his efforts on his own herd in Watford known as Anoka W, while Alex continued to center his operations on a farm that had been purchased in 1946 just north of London in Arva. Here, with his wife Marion and Ross Kaiser as manager, they welcomed visitors from around the world. From the beginning, Edwards Brothers decided competition at large shows was needed to reach the highest standards in the breeding program. Under the partnership, they first showed at the Royal in 1926. At the Canadian National Exhibition the following year, they began a run into the 1960s where Anoka cattle it is said, “Won more than half of all the top awards.” Alex was considered one of the “Old Guard” of the Royal as a continuous exhibitor. The brothers started showing across Canada in 1931 and continued for fifteen consecutive years on the western circuit where their primary competition was owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. They showed at the Chicago International for nineteen years and one of Alex’s proudest moments was in 1937 when Bandolier of Anoka 6th became the “only Canadian-bred Aberdeen Angus bull, fitted and shown by a Canadian breeder, to win supreme (champion) honors at Chicago.” Anoka cattle have also been exhibited in Dallas, San Francisco and the famed Futurity in Lexington, Kentucky. Alex was a huge promoter of Aberdeen Angus cattle and coached others to get involved. While travelling the show circuit several months of the year, it was always a priority to advertise Canadian Angus cattle. At home, he would often drive visiting cattlemen around Ontario to promote other herds. Alex also connected with many prominent breeders in Scotland, twice selecting and importing groups of females to improve bloodlines. An American cattleman in the catalogue for the Anoka dispersal sale in 1961 commented, “I have noticed down through the years that he has made a definite practice of always visiting his customers and being as

helpful to them as he can. I cannot recall an instance of anyone having purchased cattle form Alex Edwards, then later having a sale and not having Alex support it either by his presence or making an effort to interest other people in the cattle.” That dispersal sale in 1961 grossed over $200 000 and was attended by buyers from all over North America and even the Soviet Union and Japan. Alex’s ability as a judge was recognized on numerous occasions, as evidenced by the fact that he had the distinction of placing the awards at the great Perth Show and Sale in Scotland, the International at Chicago, the Royal Winter Fair and many of the other major fairs in Canada. While serving as Chairman of the Canadian National Livestock Records, President of the Canadian Aberdeen Angus Association and Director of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and Western Fair, Alex influenced the policies of those organizations. In 1967, he was made an Honorary Kentucky Colonel. Alex died at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit after attending the final World Series game in1968. His wife Marion, with the able assistance of Martin Vanderloop, sold the remaining cattle in 1969. The following year, Alex was inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame in Toronto for his “contributions to agriculture in general and the livestock industry in particular.” We recognize the contributions T. Alex Edwards made to agriculture by inducting him to the Middlesex Agricultural Hall of Fame.

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Auction Block Lazy S Ranch Bull Power Sale January 25, 2014 - Mayerthorpe, AB Auctioneer: Don J. Raffan, Armstrong, BC 204 Bulls $4,732 Sale gross $965,325 Moving On Bull Sale February 7, 2014 - Cut Knife, Saskatchewan 9.5 Black Angus Bulls $5,268 33 Hereford Two Year Old Bulls $4,079 Commercial Bred Heifers $1,588 Commercial Open Heifers $1,123 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: RNRF Outlaw 307A sired by RNRF Outlaw 220Y out of an Angus Acres Ruban 115P daughter half interest purchased by 20/20 Angus, Paynton, SK for $7,000 /// RNRF Eric 85A sired by Angus Acres Eric 30U purchased by the Hillsvale Colony, Cut Knife, SK $6,700 Chapman Cattle Co 8th Annual Bull Sale February 13, 2014 - Stettler, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC 78 Angus Bulls $4,532 Sale gross $353,500 High Selling Bull: Chapman Equation 2611Z sired by Crowfott Equation 5793R out of a DDA Emblazon 19A daughter purchased by Bill Armstrong, Eastend, SK for $7,500 P&H Ranching Co. Ltd. & Guests Bull & Gelding Sale (Guests: Circle G Simmentals & Angus & Alkali Lake Angus) February 15, 2014 - Innisfail, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC 18 Black Angus Bulls $4,767 7 Red Angus Bulls $4,035 60 Charolais Bulls $6,650 9 Red Simmental Bulls $6,711 5 Black Simmental Bulls $5,225 11 Ranch Geldings $7,110 100 Bulls $6,048 Sale gross $683,000 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Hills of Home Mo Co 324A sired by Koupals Mo Co 253 out of a TC Freedom 104 daughter purchased by Christian Guenther, AB for $9,250 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red CG Vault 89Z sired by Red Bar E-L LPH Guideline 155X out of a Red Tassel Executive II 7M daughter purchased by Alendal Farms, BC for $4,750 High Selling Charolais Bull: PH Kid Rock 19Z sired by Gerrard Kid Rock 31X out of a LKPR Challenger 208M daughter purchased by McKay Charolais, MB for $11,500 High Selling Red Simmental Bull: Circle G Ace 32A sired by CG Yamaha 23Y out of a WS Red Dream S49 daughter purchased by Stewart Page 34

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Ranching and Porter Ranch, AB for $17,500 High Selling Black Simmental Bull: Circle G Access 55A sired by CG Yukon 9Y out of a Double Bar D Driftwood 83 daughter purchased by Stahlville Farming, AB for $6,750 High Selling Ranch Gelding: RBar Fritz Got Class purchased by John Scott Motion Pictures, Longview, AB for $8,700 Benlock Bull & Female Sale February 27, 2014 - Grandora, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Mike Fleury, Saskatoon, SK Sale Management: D.J. Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 32.5 Live Auction Bulls $4,495 13 Private Treaty Bulls $3,500 6 Purebred Heifers $2,125 22 Commercial Bred Heifers $1,625 Sale gross $240,087 High Selling Bulls: Benlock Alaskan 103Z sired by HF Alaskan 94T out of a Benlock Touch Down 107S daughter purchased by R Valley Farming, Assiniboia, SK for $7,400 /// Benlock Alaskan 149Z sired by HF Alaskan 94T out of an SMW Ulysses 7U daughter purchased by David Message, Ormiston, SS for $7,250 /// Benlock Benson 17A sired by HF Alaskan 94T out of an Ole Saskalta Rito 133D daughter half interest purchased by Sandy Bar Ranch, Aneroid, SK for $7,000 Early Sunset Bull & Female Sale February 29, 2014 - Edam, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC Sale Management: Optimal Bovines, Red Deer, AB $3,437 30 Angus & Simmental Yearling Bulls $2,569 16 Open Angus & Simmental Heifers Sale gross $144,200 High Selling Bull: Early Sunset Chisum 27A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of a Rito 112 of 2536 Rito 616 daughter purchased by Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK for $7,800 High Selling Female: Early Sunset Burgess 11A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of an SAV Bandolier 1916 daughter purchased by Tom Neustaetder, Crystal City, MB for $3,800 Stoke the Fire Bull Sale March 1, 2014 - Jarvie, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB 27 Black Angus Yearlings $4,117 13 Red Angus Yearlings $3,985 11 Simmental Yearlings $3,945 51 Bulls $4,046 Sale gross $206,350 High Selling Red Angus: Red BCC King 3A sired by Red BCC Emperor 54W out of a Red Lamb’s Curnt Value Mann 4L daughter purchased by Judd

Whitworth, Ellis, Idaho for $9,500 /// Red BCC Monarch 2A sired by Red BCC Emperor 54W out of a Red Lazy MC Smash 41N daughter purchased by Edward and Sophie Letki, Flatbush, AB for $6,000 High Selling Black Angus: BCC All Jacked Up 25A sired by BJ Jack Daniels 25'92 out of a TC Grid Topper 355 daughter purchased by Jack Bunney, Cessford, AB for $8,880 /// BCC Jungle Cat 67A sired by BCC Jaguar 17Y out of a BCC Johnnie Walker 4U daughter purchased by Jim Haughton, Knutsford, BC for $7,000 /// BCC Simba 53A sired by BCC Jaguar 17Y out of a BCC Big Deal 78S daughter purchased by Brad and Christine Tymkow, Dapp, AB for $6,000 High Selling Simmental: LBCC Awe-Struck 123A sired by CMS Unique 853U out of a Erixon Red Rustler daughter purchased by Blake Pikowicz, Bonneyville, AB for $6,500 Volume Buyers: Cory Nottingham, Dog Creek, BC (4 Bulls); Allan Dzivinski, Nestow, AB (4 Bulls) Ward’s Red Angus & Guests 6th Annual Bull Sale March 1, 2014 - Saskatoon, SK Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldeim, SK 14 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,079 15 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,897 7 Red Angus Fall Yearling Bulls $4,357 2 Black Angus Fall Yearling Bulls $4,100 38 Sale lots $3,691 Sale gross $140,250 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red Ward's Future 2A sired by Red Howe Bold Future 86T out of a Red West Poplar Pitt 2E daughter purchased by K & K Ringrose, Beechy, SK for $4,000 /// Red Ward's Apex 15A sired by Red Ward's Bold Future 39X out of a Red Flying K Ignitor 9G daughter purchased by Windy Poplars Farm, Wynyard, SK for $4,000 High Selling Red Angus Fall Yearling Bull: Red Ward's Divide 153Z sired by Red NCJ Mystified 16X out of a Red U=2 Icon 223M daughter purchased by Mike Johnson, Outlook, SK for $5,000 High Selling Black Angus Fall Yearling Bull: Ward's Mystified 162Z sired by Red NCJ Mystified 16X out of a B.B.A Hero 1267 daughter purchased by Triangle D Land & Cattle, Hanley, SK for $4,200 Palmer Charolais & Nielson Land & Cattle Bull Sale March 3, 2014 - Bladworth, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Managment: By Livestock, Regina, SK 14 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,786 16 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,322 7 Charolais Two Year Old Bulls $6,057 35 Charolais Yearling Bulls $4,349 72 Bulls $4,177 5 Open Angus Heifers $2,060

High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red NRA Arson 230A sired by Red Brylor Arson 3Y out of a Red Brylor SDL Squall 230S daughter purchased by Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB for $5,800 High Selling Black Angus Bull: NRA Breakaway 27A sired by Eastondale Break Away 32’07 out of an MVF Frontier 25P daughter purchased by Ivan Carpenter, Hanley, SK for $5,100 High Selling Two Year Old Charolais Bull: HVA Quicksilver 99Z, sired by HTA Countdown 9103W out of a 4-G Payroll 3645 daughter purchased by K McLeod Farms, Biggar, SK for $8,000 High Selling Yearling Charolais Bull: HVA Nevada 146A, sired by CSS Sir Jr Navigator 44Y out of a Shelco Made Easy 512R daughter purchased by Gord Miller, Milk River, AB for $7,500 Pride of the Prairies 95th Annual Bull Sale March 3, 2014 - Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Dan Skeels, Rimbey, AB 10 Black Angus Bulls $4,420 4 Red Angus Bulls $3,650 9 Charolias Bulls $3,933 3 Simmental Bulls $3,533 2 Polled Hereford Bulls $4,150 1 Horned Hereford Bull $3,200 32 Bulls $3,937 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Grant Lodge Upward 18A sired by Duralta 307R Upward 49Y out of an HF Alaskan 94T daughter consigned by Grant Lodge Farms, Edam, SK purchased by Sheidaghan Anghus, Maple Creek, SK for $8,200 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red Jock Shocker 2A sired by Red DMM Creed 34Y out of a Red Eggen Stallion 4P daughter consigned by Jock Ockerman, Dewberry, AB purchased by Ernie & Myrna Lessner, Marwayne, AB for $4,600 Belvin Angus 2nd Annual Bull Sale March 4, 2014 - Innisfail, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB Sale consultant: Bohrson Marketing, Carstairs, AB 65 Yearling Bulls $4,363 Sale gross $285,600 High Selling Bulls: Belvin Airwolf 4’13 sired by BC lookout 7024 out of a Coul Warlord 12’09 daughter purchased by Lucky Draw Cattle Co, Maidstone, SK for $10,000/// Belvin Exit Strategy 43’13 sired by Belvin Panic Switch 2’11 out of a Geis Kodiak 12’07 daughter purchased by 6U Cattle Co, Manning. AB for $8,250 /// Belvin Alloy 22’13 sired by Belvin Rebel 33’05 out of a Belvin Kingpin 24’00 daughter purchased by Huxley Colony, Huxley, AB for $7,500/// Belvin Alamo 46’13 sired by Belvin Rebel 33’05 out of a Belvin Kingpin 24’00 daughter purchased by Huxley Colony, Huxley, AB for $7,500 /// Belvin Estado 39’13 sired by Belvin Tres Marias Patron 205 out of a Belvin Rebel 33’05 daughter purchased by RoyMac Angus & Currie Angus, Paynton, SK for $7,000

Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull Sale March 5, 2014 - Brandon, Manitoba Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer, Stirling, AB Red Angus Bulls $3,302 Black Angus Bulls $4,017 Simmental Bulls $4,051 79 Bulls $3,809 Sale gross $300,200 High Selling Red Angus Bulls: Red Mar Mac Determined 31A sired by Red Lazy MC Detour 2W out of a Red Perks Advance 121R daughter purchased by Ken and Rebecca Mackenzie, Manning, MB for $6,100 /// Red Mar Mac Ambassador 56A sired by Red McRae’s Vision 50T out of a Red McRae’s Keystone 1P daughter old to Routledge Farms, Lenore, MB for $ 5,100 /// Red Mar Mac Determined 70A son of Red Lazy MC Detour 2W out of a Red Perks Advance 121R daughter purchased by T&S Farms, Rose Valley, SK for $5,000 /// Red Mar Mac Prowl 141A sired by Red Blair’s Prowler 214X out of a Red Cockburn Ribeye 346U daughter purchased by F Valley Farming, Spring Coulee, AB for $5,000 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: Mar Mac Cornerstone 2A, sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of anHF Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Troy Reynolds, Carberry, MB for $6,250 /// Mar Mac Aberdeen 63A, sired by TC Aberdeen 759 out of an SAV Final Answer 0035 daughter purchased by Black Hawk Angus, Mather, MB for $5,600 /// Mar Mac Aberdeen 6A, sired by TC Aberdeen 759 out of an SAV Final Answer 0035 daughter purchased by Joe Bouchard, Fisher Branch, MB for $5,500 High Selling Simmental Bulls: Mar Mac Johnny Cash 102A, sired by Swan Lake Tombstone 40Y out of a Remington Red Label HR daughter purchased by Wayne and Therese Heinrich, Brandon, MB for $10,000 /// Mar Mac Tomboy 22A , sired by Swan Lake Tombstone 40Y out of an ACCI Hustler 2N daughter purchased by Dana and Megan Johns, Kenton, MB for $6,500 /// Downhill Atlas 11A, sired by PPSR Nophalt 20H out of a Wheatland Bull 786T daughter purchased by David Ives, Mulvihill, MB for $5,700 /// Perks Dyno Drive 2121A , sired by TNT Dynamite Black L137 out of an HC Power Drive 88H daughter purchased by David and Mark Holodryga, Tolstoi, MB for $5,700 /// Perks Brute Force 20A, sired by Wheatland Bull 680S out of a Hooks Shear Force 38K daughter purchased by Art and Jacqueline Jonasson, Vogar, MB for $5,600 /// Mar Mac Tom Tom 120A, sired by Swan Lake Tombstone 40Y out of a Blueridge Roco 30P daughter Purchased by Harold and Becky Klassen, Birnie, MB for $5,500 114th Annual Calgary Bull Sale March 6, 2014 - Calgary, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC 13 Angus Bulls $3,546

87 Hereford Bulls $5,194 1 Gelbvieh Bull $2,500 101 Bulls $4,954 10 Ranch Horses $7,475 11 Pen of 5 Heifers $6,738 High Selling Angus Bull: RPM Ask Him RLP 5A sired by SAV Net Worth 4200 out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter consigned by Pieschel Farms, Airdrie, AB purchased by Upland Ranch, Airdrie, AB for $5,200 High Selling Hereford Bull: RUT 10N Ribstone Lad 26Z sired by K 64H Ribstone Lad 10N out of a DBHR 33L Power Lad 35P consigned by Rutledge Herefords, Hardisty, AB purchased by Dallas Farms, Bowden, AB for $19,000 Kuntz Farms & Guests Bull Sale March 8, 2014 - Balgonie, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 28 Bulls $3,693 6 Open Red Angus Heifers $2,560 Sale gross $118,750 High Selling Bulls: Red K F Arbor 49 sired by Red NCJ Mystified 16X out of a Red J Bar 7 Grand Canyon 2222 daughter purchased by Adair Angus, Wolseley, SK for $9,000 /// Red K F Mystery Man 44A sired by Red NCJ Mystified 16X out of a Red KBJ Wild Card 1024S daughter purchased by Bridgeway Farms, Wawota, SK for $6,600 /// Red K F Sizzler 40A sired by Red SSS Staunch 64Y out of a Red Brylor Master Plan 17M daughter purchased by Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB & David Mohr for $6,000 High Selling Open Heifer: Red K F Miss Pathy 6A sired by Red SSS Staunch 64Y out of a Red Ter-Ron Realdeal 01W daughter purchased by Goad Family Angus, Clandonald, AB & Corona Creek Cattle Co, Bashaw, AB for $5,700 Cattleman’s Connection 19th Annual Bull Sale March 7, 2014 - Brandon, Manitoba Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Satvely, AB Sale Management: DJ Henderson & Associates, Lacombe, AB 95 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $4,300 Sale gross $408,500 High Selling Bulls: Brookmore Zorzal 185A sired by WAF Zorzal 321U out of a Bushs Grand Design daughter purchased by Battle Lake Angus, Carberry, MB for $12,250 /// HBH Anchor 303A sired by TC Aberdeen 759 out of a Sitz Upward 307R daughter purchased by Greenbush Angus, Neepawa, MB for $11,000 /// Brookmore Bismarck 19A sired by SAV Bismarck 5682 out of an SAV Pioneer 7301 daughter purchased by Atlasta Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB & Henderson Cattle Co, Lacombe, AB for $8,000 Angus World

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Black Pearl Bull & Female Sale March 9, 2014 - Tisdale, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 20 Yearling Bulls $3,347 26 Yearling Heifers $1,996 Sale gross $118,850 High Selling Bulls: Royal S. Net Worth 4A sired by S A V Net Worth 4200 out of a MVRB Vision 86E daughter purchased by Bruce Willett, Naicam, SK for $5,250 /// Royal S. Yellowstone sired by Soo Line Yellowstone 9286 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Dustin-Inn Farms, Humbolt, SK for $4,750 High Selling Heifers: Royal S. Pride Dolly 41A sired by Duralta 91T Rock Star 58X out of a BSS Limited Design daughter purchased by Mainstream Genetics, Watrous, SK for $3,000 /// Royal S. Blackbird 24A sired by Soo Line Yellowstone 9286 out of an Inniway Royce 203 018 daughter purchased by Bellstar Angus, Lombardy, ON for $2,800 Built Right Bull Sale March 12, 2014 - Provost, Alberta 18 Black Angus Bulls $4,635 28 Simmental Bulls $5,236 6 Charolais Bulls $3,816 46 Bulls $4,817 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: Pedersen Alpine 241A sired by Ring Creek Dogwood 54Y out of an MJT Wide Spread 100S daughter purchased by HR Hahn Cattle Company, Sherwood Park, AB for $6,800 /// Pedersen Alcatraz 200A sired by SAV 707 Rito 9969 out of a Geis Heads Up 109’04 daughter purchased by Noel Flaade, Hardisity, AB for $6,800 /// Pedersen Assault 222A sired by Pedersen Yankee 100Y out of a Boyd New Day 8005 daughter purchased by Amarillo Ridge, Brian & Brenda Cook, Lloydminster, SK for $5,500 Arda Farms 17th Annual Bull Sale March 14, 2014 - Acme, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 57 Yearling Bulls $4,362 20 Two Year old Bulls (Arda) $5,072 20 Two Year Old Bulls (Freeway) $5,925 414 Commercial Heifers $1,389 High Selling Yearling Bulls: Arda Direct 23A sired by Arda Direct 23T out of a Valley Blossom 2 Feathers 756N daughter purchased by Freeway Angus, Acme, AB for $6,750 /// Arda El Tigre 118A sired by HF El Tigre 76X out of a Valley Blossom 2 Feathers 756N daughter purchased by Freeway Angus, Acme, AB for $6,750 /// Arda Direct 148A sired by Arda Direct 23T out of an Arda Advantage 01P daughter purchased by WA Ranches, Calgary, AB for $6,750 High Selling Arda Two Year Old Bull: Arda El Page 36

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Tigre 344Z sired by HF El Tigre 76X out of an Arda Advantage 01P daughter purchased by Spring Coulee Cattle Co, Medicine Hat, AB for $6,250 High Selling Freeway Two Year Old Bulls: Freeway El Tigre 11Z sired by HF El Tigre 76X out of an Arda Mainstream 358P daughter purchased by Shady Lane Colony, Wanham, AB for $8,000 /// Freeway Mainstream 79Z sired by Arda Mainstream 358P out of a Freeway Stockman 14M daughter purchased by Doug & Donna Hagel & Hagel Farm Holding, Beiseker, AB for 8,000 High Selling Pen of Commercial Heifers: 60 head of commercial heifers purchased by 6U Cattle, Manning, AB of $1,400/ea LLB Angus 28th Annual Spring Spectacular Bull & Female Sale March 15, 2014 - Erskine, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 100 Purebred Heifers $2,578 122.5 Yearling Bulls $4,237 75 Two Year Old Bulls $4,336 297.5 Lots $3,704 Sale gross $1,102,000 163 Open Commercial Heifers $1,481 50 Bred/Calved Heifers $2,462 High Selling Purebred Heifers: LLB Middlebrook Pride 395A sired by Soo Line Motive 9016 out of a B/R New Frontier 095 daughter purchased by Blairs.Ag Cattle Co, Lanigan, SK for $7,000 ///LLB Black Angel 463A sired by D.S. Marvel 901W out of an LLB 95N New Frontier 801R daughter purchased by French River Cattle Co, Noelville, ON for $6,750 High Selling Yearling Bull: LLB 44U Blackman 825A sired by Soo Line Blackman 8044 out of a Remitall Mercedes 146M daughter purchased by Nordal Limousin & Angus, Simpson, SK for $27,000 /// LLB Reflection 607A sired by MACTL Reflection 120-577 out of a Bar E-L Thor 6T daughter purchased by Hamilton Farms, Cochrane, AB for 14,000 High Selling Two Year Old Bull: LLB Marvel 214Z sired by D.S. Marvel 901W out of an Aspelund Dirk 64H daughter purchased by Lazy E Bar Ranching, Bashaw, AB for $6,500 /// LLB 49B Bandolier 0621Z sired by Camilla Bandolier 49B out of a Johnstone Bandolier 849E daughter purchased by Walter Brown, Carlyle, SK for $6,500 /// LLB Marvel 338Z sired by D.S. Marvel 901W out of an H.C.C Navigator 20P daughter purchased by Leif Ericson, Vikng, AB for $6,500 Canada’s Red, White & Black Bull Sale March 15, 2014 - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Scott Johnstone, Moose Jaw, SK 11 Yearling Angus Bulls $2,955 23 Two Yr Old Hereford Bulls $3,495 5 Yearling Hereford Bulls $3,000 2 Two Yr Old Limousin Bulls $3,625 5 Yearling Limousin Bulls $2,460

High Selling Angus Bulls:Lot 62X consigned by Bryces Bar B Ranch, Arcola, SK purchased by Hilltop Cattle Co, Carlyle, SK for $4,000 /// BLS Windfall 21A sired by PVF Windfall SCC 9005 out of a Bar B Total Assets 35R daughter consigned by Bryces Bar B Ranch, Arcola, SK purchased by Hilltop Cattle Co, Carlyle, SK for $4,000 High Selling Hereford Bulls: XLP 91S Doc Holiday 38Z sired by Kirby-Lone Pine Santana ET 91S out of a Remitall Resistor 252R daughter consigned by Lone Pine Cattle Services, Vibank, SK purchased by Michael J Sosna, Stoughton, SK for $8,000///SSALTriple Crown 15Z sired by OVHF 167U Bluehills 1X out of a Harvie Traveler 69T daughter consigned by Six South Acres Ltd, Milestone, SK purchased by BBJ Polled Herefords, Harris, SK for $5,200 High Selling Limousin Bulls:EMF Zawanda sired by EDW Xplode out of a RWK Renegade daughter consigned by Eden Meadows Farm, Zehner, SK purchased by Lang Acres Ltd, Swift Current, SK for $3750 ///Hiways Zapper sired by RPY Paynes Dynamo 16U out of a WZRK Mr Hunt 775M daughter consigned by Hi-Way Limousin, Bethune, SK purchased by Kris Webb, Ogema, SK for $3,500 18th Annual KBJ Bull Sale March 17, 2014 - Clyde, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB. Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 69 Yearling Bulls $4,248 Sale gross $293,100 High Selling Bulls: Red KBJ Poker Face 953A sired by Red KBJ Poker Face 1090Y out of a Red hipos KBJ Boomer 16T daughter purchased by Hector Romero Gonzalez, Jalisco, Mexico for $16,500 /// KBJ Zoro 015A sired by WAF Zorzal 321U out of a Young Dale Kong 19M daughter purchased by Jones Land & Cattle, Barrhead, AB for $11,000 /// KBJ Zorzial 57A sired by WAF Zorzal 321U out of a KBJ Mixer 01R daughter purchased by Jim Hansen, Tawatinaw, AB for for $10,000 Remitall Farms Spring Bull Sale March 17 - Olds, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB No Averages Available High Selling Bulls: Remitall F Rage 9A sired by SAV 707 Rito 9969 out of an SAV Final Answer 0035 daughter half possession & two thirds interest purchased by HBH Farms, Rivers, MB; Atlasta Angus, Sylvan Lake, AB; Brookmore Angus, Brookdale, AB; Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds, AB Henderson Cattle Co, Lacombe, AB for $40,000 ///Remitall F Reactor 40A sired by SAV 707 Rito 9969 out of an LLB Free Wheeler 585S daughter purchased by LLB Angus, Erskine, AB for $12,000 /// Remitall F Recruit 43A sired by SAV 707 Rito 9969 out of an SAV 004 Density 4336 purchased by Battle T Cattle Co, New Norway, AB for $11,000 /// Remitall F Voyager 44 A sired by

Remitall F Odyssey 67X out of SAV Net Worth 4200 daughter purchased by Russell Lohr, Stettler, AB for $11,000 High Selling Heifer: Remitall Miss Morrison 192A sired by WAF Zorzal 321U out of Remitall Power Drive 275P daughter purchased by Neilson Land & Cattle, Craik, SK for $4,100 14th Annual On Target Bull Sale March 18, 2014 - Barrhead, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 87 Yearling Bulls $4,517 Sale gross $393,000 High Selling Angus Bull: Red Dwajo Sundance 114A sired by Red T-K Recoil 72Y out of a Red U-2 All Star 1513R daughter purchased by Ian Topham, Eastend, SK for $11,250 /// Dwajo Silverado 24A sired by Young Dale Young Gun 67Y out of a GDAR Dutch daughter purchased by KBJ Round Farms, Clyde, AB & JW Cattle Co, Camp Creek, AB for $11,000 High Selling Simmental Bulls: CRMS/BLI Roar 361A sired by Snider’s XXL 1Y out of a LFE Big Deal 350R daughter McMillen Ranching Ltd, Carievale, SK & Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd, Oungre, SK for $23,500 /// CRMS/BLI Arson 295A sired by Snider’s XXL 1Y out of a CRMS Rusty-Ray 77R daughter purchased by Circle G Simmentals & Darwin Fuller, Lacombe, AB for $17,500 Spruce View Angus Bull Sale March 19, 2014 - Killam, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sales Management: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 59 Yearling Bulls $3,811 Sale gross $224,850 High Selling Bulls: Spruce View Marshall 148A sired by Spruce View Marshall 47X out of a Geis Daquante 11'03 daughter purchased by Cobey Farms for $7,500 /// Spruce View Bardolene 52A sired by Bardolene of Peak Dot 204R out of a Loma Lanes Crackerjack 164J daughter purchased by Blacktof Angus, Tofield, AB for $6,000 56th Annual Medicine Hat Bull Sale March 19, 2014 - Medicine Hat, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Balog, Lethbridge, AB 46 Angus Bulls $4,687 71 Hereford Bulls $4,941 Sale gross $566,400 High Selling Angus Bull: BJ’s Anvil 308 sired by Southland Thriller 83X, out of a Dwajo Dutch 65P daughter purchased by Samtia Angus,Taber, AB for $7,400

Allencroft/Border Butte Angus 14th Annual Bull Sale March 20, 2014 - Medicine Hat Alberta Sale Consultant: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 63 Bulls $4,022 Sale gross $253,390 High Selling Bulls: Border Butte Kodiak 111A sired by Soo Line Kodiak 0148 out of a Mytty In Focus daughter purchased by Easy Ray Angus, Raymond, AB for $7,200 /// Border Butte Granite 90A sired by Cudlobe Yellowstone 80M out of a Boyd Beef Maker 3069 daughter purchased by Circle Cross Ranch, Medicine Hat, AB for $7,100 Ter-Ron & Redrich ‘Get A Grip’ Bull & Select Female Sale March 20, 2014 - Forestburg, Alberta No Averages Available Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sales Consultant: Bohrson Marketing, Carstairs, AB High Selling Bulls: Red Ter-Ron Parker 34A sired by Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y out of a Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W daughter purchased by Lazy MC Angus, Bassano, AB & Semex for $25,000 /// Red Ter-Ron Monopoly 84A sired by Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y out of a Red Heartland Knight Charm 11L daughter purchased by Semex for $13,000 /// Red Ter-Ron Avatar 6A sired by Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y out of a Red Alalta Acres Hallmark 9H daughter purchased by Roy Red Angus, Fairview, AB for $11,500 /// Red Ter-Ron Amarillo 1A sired by Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y out of a Red Brylor Panama 69P daughter purchased by Circle G, Lacombe, AB and Stewart Ranching, Lacombe, AB for $10,500 /// Red Redrich Aftershock 238A sired by Red Wilbar Longitude 646Y out of a Red Brylor New Trend 22D daughter purchased by Wood Coulee, Swift Current, SK for $10,500 High Selling Heifers: Red Ter-Ron Goldie 123A sired by Red Feddes Big Sky R9 out of a Red Moose Creek Cigar 61S daughter purchased by Twin Heritage Farms, Sheho, SK for $7,100 /// Red Ter-Ron Renee 21A sired by Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y out of a Red Bar E-L Rockafeller 147R purchased by Blairs.Ag, Lanigan, SK, for $6,500 /// Ter-Ron Diamond Mist 131A sired by Ter-Ron Park Place 18Y out of a Red Ter-Ron Lawman 411S daughter purchased by Lucky 7 Cattle Co, Sedgewick, AB for $5,000 /// Red Ter-Ron Brandy 43A sired by Red Flying K Julian 72Y out of a Red Ter-Ron Fully Loaded 540R daughter purchased by Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB for $4,800

Johnson Livestock Bull & Female Sale March 20, 2014 - Peebles, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, Sk. Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 125 Yearling Bulls $4,219 32 Heifer Calves $3,495 157 Sale lots $4,071 Sale gross $639,200 High Selling Yearling Bulls: JL Fire Starter 3079 sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 daughter purchased by JPM Farms Ltd., Gravelbourg, SK for $28,000 /// JL Band Leader 3126 sired by SAV Brilliance 8077 out of an HARB Final Answer 745 JH daughter purchased by Neilson Land & Cattle, Craik, SK for $18,000 /// JL Potential 3071 sired by SAV Potential 0205 out of an SAV Four Seasons 5231 daughter purchased by Ferme Gagnon, Cheneville, PQ for $15,000 High Selling Open Angus Heifers: JL Barbara 3112 sired by SAV Potential 0205 sired by SAV 004 Predominant 4438 purchased by Adrian Rehorst, Teeswater, ON for $11,750 /// JL Primrose 3199 sired by SAV Harvestor 0338 out of a Mytty In Focus daughter purchased by Todd Barnett for $6,500 Scott Stock Farm 1st Annual Bull Sale March 21, 2014 - Crossfield, AB Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB 20 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $4,345 26 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $4,017 46 Sale gross $191,350 High Selling Red Angus Bulls: Red SSF Scotts Xcaliber 246A sired by Red Cockburn Xcaliber 529X out of a Red MPV Mahogany 11S daughter purchased by Blades Angus, Gloria Blades, Nanton, AB for $10,000 /// Red Scotts CJB Packer 162A sired by Red Messmer Packer S008 out of a Red 5L Tradin Time 982-164V daughter purchased by Blades Angus, Gloria Blades, Nanton, AB for $5700 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: SSF Scotts Final Answer 224A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Diamond Payweight T411 daughter purchased by Pete & Stephanie Guennette, Crossfield, AB for $6800 /// SSF Scotts Networth 237A sired by Brookmore Networth 51X out of a Diamond Payweight T411 daughter purchased by Brian Hagel, Beiseker, AB for $5500 /// SSF Final Answer 205A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Diamond Payweight T411 daughter purchased by Rockin Chair Ranch, Bob Thompson, Medicine Hat, AB for $5,500

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Duralta Farms 9th Annual Bull Sale March 21, 2014 - Vegreville, Alberta Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK 1 Black Angus Two Year Old $4,100 26 Black Angus Yearlings $4,463 21 Red Angus Yearlings $4,642 48 lots $4,534 Sale gross $217,650 High Selling Black Angus Two Year Old: Duralta 32T Bear 201Z sired by HF Bears Paw 32T out of a KBJ Conquor 429M daughter purchased by Ray Cossey, Tofield, AB for $4,100 High Selling Black Angus Yearling Bulls: Duralta 307R Upside 49A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Boyd New Day 8005 daughter purchased by RoyMac Angus, Cutknife, SK & Currie Angus Farms, Paynton, SK for $14,000 /// Duralta Up Switch 13A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a OGL Battle Cry 427 128 daughter purchased by Ward's Red Angus, Saskatoon, SK for $8,000 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red Duralta Forward Motion 4A sired by Red Six Mile Fifth Gear 275X out of a Red McRaes Vision 54T daughter purchased by Bar E-L Angus, Stettler, AB for $13,000 /// Red Duralta 36W Jack 67A sired by Red Duralta 540R Big Jack 36W out of a Red Lazy MC Smash 41N purchased by Randy Wolbeck, Heisler, AB for $9,500 Prairie Grass Red Angus Bull Sale March 22, 2014 - Airdrie, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 65 Yearling Red Angus Bulls $4,150 Sale gross $269,750 High Selling Bulls: Red Red-Rock Premier 107A sired by Red MPV Patriot 14W out of a Red Rky Mtn Trendsetter 28J daughter purchased by Border Valley Angus, Tisdale, SK for $9,500 /// Red Red-Rock Peterbuilt 265A sired by Red Rod Cherokee 14S out of a Red Mac Cap 107K daughter purchased by Handhills Colony, Hanna, AB for $8,000 /// Red Red-Rock Success 730A sired by Red Heart Bar Warrior 14W out of a Red Jewel Patent 119P daughter purchased by Crystal Spring, Magrath, AB for $7,250 Volume Buyer: Shady Lane, Wanham, AB (7 bulls) A Family Aair Bull & Female Sale March 22, 2014 - Dewberry, Alberta Auctioneer: Edward McCormack, Dewberry, AB Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 49 Yearling Bulls $2,743 10 Yearling Heifer $2,115 59 Sale lots $2,637 Sale gross $155,550 High Selling Yearling Bull: Bidwell Consensus 15A sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of a Bidwell New Trend 52P daughter purchased by Meston Farms, Westlock, AB for $4,200 Page 38

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High Selling Yearling Heifer: Family Ties Final Answer 10A sired by Family Ties Final Answer 15X out of an OCC Legacy 839L daughter purchased by Theresia Grundner, Pierceland, SK for $2,600 Ring Creek Farms 6th Annual Bull Sale March 25, 2014 - Fairview, Alberta Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran, Olds, AB Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing, Carstairs, AB 49 Yearling Bulls $4,709 Sale gross $230,750 High Selling Bulls: Ring Creek Flynn 25A sired by Ring Creek Burl Ives 88Y out of a Basin Ambush 7980 daughter purchased by Bar E-L Angus, Stettler, AB for $11,750 /// Ring Creek Big Booper 23A sired by Ring Creek Burl Ives 88Y out of an SAV Autograph 5204 daughter purchased by Donna Rowe, Worsley, AB for $9,000 /// Ring Creek Plenty 46A sired by HF El Tigre 28U out of a Basin Ambush 7980 daughter purchased by Cleardale Hutterite Colony, Cleardale, AB for $7,600 /// Ring Creek Cash Back 13A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Basin Ambush 7980 daughter purchased by Cleardale Hutterite Colony, Cleardale, AB for $7,400 /// Ring Creek Lobo 17A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of an HF Most Wanted 46H duaghter purchased by Moose Island Ranch, La Crete, AB for $6,000 /// Ring Creek Burly Big Rock 73A sired by Ring Creek Burl Ives 88Y out of a SAV Autograph 5204 daughter purchased by 6-U Cattle Co, Manning, AB for $6,000 /// Ring Creek Licorice 106Z sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a SAV Autograph 5204 daughter purchased by Ed Gardner, Fort St John, BC for 6,000 /// Ring Creek Hickory 29A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of an SAV Autograph 5204 daughter purchased by Joe Kocsis, Blueberry Mountain, AB for $5,900 /// Ring Creek Nugget 42A sired by HF El Tigre 28U out of a Basin Ambush 7980 daughter purchased by South Peace Hutterite Colony, Farmington, BC for $5,800 18th Annual U-2 Ranch Bull Ltd Bull Sale March 25, 2014 - High River, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 157 Yearling Bulls $6,638 Sale gross $1,042,150 High Selling Bulls: Red U-2 Recon 149A sired by Red U-2 Rcon 192Y out of a Red U2 Kid Rock 138W daughter purchased by Six Mile Red Angus, Fir Mountain, SK & Jeffries Cattle Co, Checotah, OK for $46,000 /// Red U-2 Authentic 139A sired by Red Minburn Copenhagen 3Y out of a Red U-2 Big League 544R daughter purchased by Y Coulee Land & Cattle, Frenchman Butte, SK & Brown Creek Red Angus, Claresholm, AB for $27,000 /// Red U-2 Skoal 27A sired by Red Minburn Copenhagen 3Y out of a Red Mlk Crk Cub 722

daughter purchased by Silver Spur Ranch, Encampment, Wyoming for $25,000 /// U-2 Night Train 422A sired by Young Dale Xclusive 25X out of a Dryland Alliance 259 daughter purchased by Everblack Angus, Vermilion, AB for $21,000 /// Red U-2 Rock Solid 165A sired by Red Minburn Copenhagen 3Y out of a Red Bieber Dsign 1325-082 daughter purchased by KBJ Round Farms, Clyde, AB & Aspen View Angus, Edgerton, AB for $20,000 /// Red Pacific Maverick 0A sired by Red Minburn Copenhagen 3Y out of a Red U-2 Dynamo 7021T daughter purchased by Peacock Red Angus, Covington, Texas for $20,000 /// Red U-2 Uproar 283A sired by Red BDL Uproar 124U out of a Red Basin Sensation 702E daughter purchased by Dvorak Bros. Ranch, Nebraska for $18,250 /// Red U-2 Copenhagen 114A sired by Red Minburn Copenhagen 3Y out of a Red U-2 Inxs 1665S daughter purchased by Lloyd & Donna Ross, Cleardale, AB for $16,000 /// Red U-2 Mission 337A sired by Red U2 Mission 61W out of a Red U-2 Big League 544R daughter purchased by Dennis Congdon, Daysland, AB for $16,000 /// Red U-2 Copenhagen 108A sired by Red Minburn Copenhagen 3Y out of a Red LJC Mission Statement P27 daughter purchased by Ian & Anja Mitchell, Barriere, BC for $16,000 // Red U-2 Next Mission 487A sired by Red U2 Next Mission 487A out of a red Bar E-L Approval 4L daughter purchased by Jeffries Cattle Co, Checotah, OK for $15,500 /// Red U-2 Mission 253A sired by Red U2 Mission 61W out of a Red Howe Mr Matrix 7L daughter purchased by Thistle Ridge Ranch, Taber, AB for $15,000 Hamilton Farms 19th Annual Select Bull & Female Sale March 26, 2014 - Cochrane, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 125 Bulls $5,320 30 Females $4,850 Sale gross $809,750 High Selling Bulls: HF Who’s That 7A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Duff 927K Movin Up 874 daughter purchased by Minert Simonson Angus & Cedar Top Ranch, Dunning, NB for $40,000 /// HF Patriot 38A sired by HF Rebel 53Y out of a Sandy Bar Ideal 18S daughter purchased by Wagonhammer Angus Ranch, Albion, NB for $28,000 /// HF Night Stalker 158A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Riverbend Powerline 0050 daughter purchased by Dynasty Angus, Thorsby, AB for $15,000 /// McGowan Air Wolf 302A sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of an HF Swagger 75W daughter purchased by McCutcheon Farms, Athabasca, AB for $14,500 /// HF Yohann 313A sired by Young Dale Yohann 39Y out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Krebs Ranch, Gordon, NB for $14,000 /// HF Crosby 87A sired by HF Rebel 53Y out of a Duralta 429M Realist 77R daughter purchased by Salt Creek Ranch, Memphis,

TX for $13,000 /// HF Radical 119A sired by HF Rebel 53Y out of an HF Free Wheeler 191N daughter purchased by Larry Dew, Windhorst, Sk for $12,000 /// HF Titanium 187A sired by HF Rebel 53Y out of a Southland Exclusive 62U daughter purchased by Leeldale Colony, Rimbey, AB for $11,000 Volume Bull Buyer: Jenkins Lazy U Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB (10 bulls) High Selling Females: HF Erica 244A sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of a Greens Premium 7578 daughter purchased by Hoffman Angus, Fargo, ND for $15,500 /// HF Echo 73A sired by HF Rebel 53Y out of a Duff Encore 702 daughter ourchased by Bar EL Angus, Stettler, AB for $11,000 /// HF Mistress 11A sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of an HF Tiger 5T daughter purchased by Continental Angus, Leduc, AB for $10,000 /// HF Echo 259A sired by HF Rebel 53Y out of a Sandy Bar Advantage 43M daughter purchased by Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB for $6,500 /// HF Mayflower 135A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Greens Premium 7578 daughter purchased by Richmond Ranch, Rumsey, AB for $5,000 /// HF Ruby 32A sired by J Square S Fireman 14Y out of an HF Kodiak 5R daughter purchased by LLB Angus, Stettler, AB for $5,000 Volume Female Buyer: Box Elder Colony, Maple Creek, SK (6 heifers) th

17 Annual Minburn Bull Sale March 27, 2014 - Minburn, Alberta Auctioneer: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 9 Two Year Old Bulls $5,267 45 Yearling Bulls $3,807 54 Sale lots $4,050 Sale gross $218,700 High Selling Two Year Old Bull: Minburn Wrangler 233Z sired by Minburn Wrangler 233Z out of an Eastondale Alliance 155’05 daughter purchased by Cliff Driver, Vermlion, AB for $7,500 High Selling Yearling Bull: Minburn Addiction 24A sired by Minburn Addiction 30U out of a Minburn Barbara 107U daughter purchased by Wilson Ranching, Vermilion, AB for $7,500 Double ‘F’ Cattle Co 5th Annual Bull Sale March 28, 2014 - Prince Albert, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK 44 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $5,211 Sale gross $229,300 High Selling Bulls: DFCC 5Y Appollo 23A sired by NRA Aberdeen 5Y out of an HF Hemi 176W daughter purchased by Artesian Angus Farms, White Fox, SK for $14,000 /// DFCC 71X Turbo Charge 36A sired by Duralta 4T Turbo 71X out of a TC Grid Topper 355 daughter purchased by South View Ranch, Ceylon, SK for $12,000 /// DFCC

52Y Hot Shot 130A sired by DFCC 176W Sizzler 52Y out of a Geis Kodiak 53’07 daughter purchased by Nielson Land and Cattle, Craik, SK for $10,000 18th Annual istle Ridge Bull Sale March 28, 2014 - Taber, Alberta Auctioneer: Bob Perlich, Lethbridge, AB Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 92 Yearling Bulls $4,110 Sale gross $378,150 High Selling Bulls: TR Blackbear 71A sired by Geis Blackman 88’06 out of an HF Kodiak 5R daughter purchased by Leeuwenburgh Farms Ltd, Lethbridge, AB for $7,000 /// Red TR Metal Jacket 33A sired by Red LSF RR Bulletproof 0375X out of anMVHF Innovator 49B daughter purchased by Windy Willows Farms, Hodgeville, SK for $6,500 /// TR Boiler Room 300Z sired by LLB Bruteout of an HF Kodiak 5R daughter purchased by Mike Rodgers, Warner, AB for $6,500 Northern Alliance Bull Sale March 29, 2014 - Vanderhoof, British Columbia 78 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,818 14 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $4,050 5 Simmental Yearling Bulls $3,480 97 Yearling Bulls $3,834 Sale gross $391,325 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: PM Thunderstruck 22’13 sired by HF Thunderbird 146Y out of a Western Widespread 1L daughter consigned by Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC purchased by JD Farms and Ryan Currie of Quebec for $15,000 /// PM Whisky River 98’13 sired by BVC Jack Daniels B118 out of an SAV Bismarck 5682 daughter consigned by Poplar Meadows Angus, Houston, BC purchased by Albers Creek Ranch, Lumby, BC for $7,300 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red Moon Auto Pilot 32A sired by Red U-2 X-Factor 387X out of a Red KBJ Knight 17J daughter consigned by Red Moon Angus, Vanderhoof, BC purchased by Barrie Jacobson of Prince George for $5,900 /// Red RR Remi 13A sired by Red Brox Y-Extreme 37Y out of a Red Northline Rev 341R daighter consigned by Red Moon Angus, Vanderhoof, BC purchased by C4 Ranches of Vanderhoof, BC High Selling Simmental Bulls: Moon Blk Acquisition 39A sired by J Anchor Odin 43Y out of a TNT Knock Out R206 daughter consigned by Red Moon Simmentals, Vanderhoof, BC purchased by Ross Davidson, Fort ST. James for $4,400 /// Moon Blk Amplify 40A sired by J Anchor Odin 43Y out of a TNT Knock Out R206 daughter consigned by Red Moon Simmentals, Vanderhoof, BC purchased by Ross Davidson, Fort ST. James for $4,400 High Selling Bulls from Frank and Diane Strimbold: Lot 561 Poplar Meadows Kodiak 10A sired by HF Kodiak 132W out of a Benchmark Paradigms 4176

daughter purchased by Lake Creek Ranch, Prince George, BC for $5,600 // Poplar Meadows Kodiak 19A sired by HF Kodiak 132W out of a Leadtime of Alcan 150 daughter purchased by Gary Blackwell of Burns Lake for $5,500 High Selling Bulls from Marberly Angus: Marberly Arrow 9A sired by Ankonian Werner Wild Fire 96 out of a Connealy Freightliner daughter purchased by Cody Herr, High Prairie, AB for $4,200 /// Marberly Anchor 20A sired by Marberly Wise Guy 10W out of an AC Remington daughter purchased by C4 Ranching, Vanderhoof, BC for $4,000 High Selling Bulls from Blast Angus: Blast Game Day 8A sired by BCAR Game Day 012 out of an Ebon Hill Equalizer 55’96 daughter purchased by Riske Creek Ranching, Riske Creek, BC for $5,300 /// Blast Game Day 16A sired by BCAR Game Day 012 out of a Peak Dot Rito 35L daughter purchased by Gumbo Gulch Cattle Co, Dawson Creek, BC for $5,200 Semen Lots: 2 semen packages of 25 straws from Musgrave Aviator consigned by Poplar Meadows Angus. The first package purchased by Bandura Ranches, Duchess, AB for $400/straw. The second package purchased by Circle 7 Angus, Shaunavon, SK for $375 Volume Buyer: Cody Herr, High Prairie AB 6th Annual Impact Angus & Charolais Bull Sale March 29, 2014 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale management: T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 27 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,459 7 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,714 1 Red Angus Two Year Old Bull $3,750 31 Charolais Yearling Bulls $5,703 2 Charolais Two Year Old Bulls $4,850 Sale gross $309,650 High Selling Red Angus Bulls:Red Triple L Hyjak 8A sired by Red Six Mile Hyjak 297Y out of a Red Dwajo All Star 10T daughter purchased by Remount Cattle Co, Chaplin, SK for $4,300///RedTriple L Game Plan 47A sired by Red PIE Game On 9109 out of Red Gold-Bar Rip ET ML 116R daughter purchased by Randy Breckner, Colonsay, SK for $4,300 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: JS Kodiak 15A sired by HF Kodiak 5R out of an SAF 598 Bando 5175 daughter purchased by Jason Aman, Biggar, SK for $6,250 /// JS Tiger 5A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Bon View New Design 1407 daughter purchased by Calvin and Ryan Grindleheim, Hanley, SK for $5,000 High Selling Charolais Bulls: MVY Tailor Made 14A sired by Merit Roundup 9508W out of a Pleasantdawn Hybrid 37W daughter purchased by Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, ND for $25,000 ///MVY Showcase 8A sired by SVY Epic PLD 127Y out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter purchased by Palmer Charolais, Bladworth, SK for $ 21,000 Angus World

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Anderson Cattle Co Bull Sale March 29, 2014 - Swan River, MB Auctioneer: Clayton Hawreluik Sale Management:Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 41 Angus Bulls $3,713 Sale Gross $152,250 High Selling Two Year Old Bulls: ACC Next Generation 100Z sired by Anderson’s Next Generation 20U out of a Red Andersons Curve Bender 10R daughter to Thor Jonsson, Oakview, MB for $6,500 /// ACC Next Generation 69Z sired by Anderson’s Next Generation 20U out of a Red Lchmn Grnd Canyon 1244G daughter purchased by Grant McLeod, Durban, MB for $5,400 Cockburn/Merit Bull Sale March 31, 2014 - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Consultant: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 26 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,858 6 Red Angus 2 Year Old Bulls $4,017 3 Simmental Yearling Bulls $3,733 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $5,196 Sale Gross $338,250 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red Cockburn Alcatraz 394Z sired by Red SSS Breakout 114Y out of a Red SSS Boomer 803B daughter purchased by Red Rich Farms, Forestburg, AB for $10,000 /// Red Cockburn Convict 302A sired by Red SSS Breakout 114Y out of a Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U daughter purchased by Double V Stock Farm, Mozart, SK for $7,500 High Selling Red Angus 2 Year Old Bull: Red Cockburn T-Bone 211Z sired by Red Cockburn Ribeye 308U out of a Red Cockburn Robbie 17K daughter purchased by RW Organic for $5,300 High Selling Black Angus Bulls: Merit 3049 sired by Bar-E-L Iron Will 32Y out of a a Dwajo Dutch 65P daughter ¾ interest purchased by Double F Cattle Co, Parkside, SK and Lock Farms Ltd, Macklin, SK for $30,000 /// Merit 3059 sired by Bar E-L Iron Will 32Y out of a Merit Luke 3120 daughter purchased by Brookmore Angus, Brookdale, MB for $11,000 /// Merit 3061 sired by Merit 77X out of a a Dwajo Dutch 65P daughter was purchased by Bear Creek Angus, Benito, MB for $10,500 13th Annual Common Sense Bull Sale March 31/14 - Vermilion, Alberta Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 61 Two Year Old Bulls $5,184 19 Yearling Bulls $3,582 80 Bull lots $4,803 10 Open Heifers $2,785 Sale gross $412,100 Page 40

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High Selling Two Year Old Bull: Everblack First Choice 74Z sired b y HF Choice 16T out of a Sandy Bar Brave Heart 34J daughter purchased by Westman Farms, Vermilion, AB for $9,000 High Selling Yearling Bull: Allandale Chisum Trail 48A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of a Connealy Freightliner daughter purchased by Wilson Ranching, Vermilion, AB for $5,500 High Selling Open Heifer: Everblack Queen 45A sired by U2 Blackrock 43Y out of a KBJ Queen 160R daughter purchased by Albert Boutin, Alida, SK for $4,100 Windy Willows Bull & Female Sale April 1, 2014 - Hodgeville, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB Sale Management:Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 38 Black Angus Bulls $4,260 7 Red Angus Bulls $3,621 45 Bulls $4,161 8 Open Heifers $2,575 Sale gross $207,850 High Selling Bulls: Windy Willows Final Answer 22A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Minburn Main Street 146S daughter purchased by Highway 21 Feeders Ltd, Acme, AB for $7,900 /// Windy Willows Final Answer 9A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Sitz Upward 307R daughter purchased by Highway 21 Feeders Ltd, Acme, AB for $7,200 /// Windy Willows Final Answer 10A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of an HF Kodiak 5R daughter purchased by Highway 21 Feeders Ltd, Acme, AB for $6,500 /// Windy Willows Final Answer 12A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Crescent Creek Troubadour 34U daughter purchased by RV Farming Colony, Assiniboia, SK for $6,500 High Selling Open Heifer: WWF Upward Erica 59A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a Windy Willows Krugerrand 1M daughter purchased by Kolt Kornfeld, Val Marie, SK for $3,500 Peak Dot Ranch Spring Bull and Female Sale April 2, 2014 - Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 67 Fall Bulls $5,305 128 Yearling Bulls $6,600 195 Total Bulls $6,154 82 Open Heifers $4,963 277 Sale Total $5,802 Sale gross $1,607,100 High Selling Bulls: Peak Dot Unanimous 551A sired by Vision Unanimous 1418 out of a SAV Iron Mountain 8066 daughter purchased by Hillcrest Enterprises, Coronach, SK for $54,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 718A sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Hillcrest Enterprises, Coronach, SK for $29,000 /// Peak Dot Unanimous 603A sired by

Vision Unanimous 1418 out of a mohnen Dynamite daughter purchased by Bob Math, Whitewater, MT for $26,000 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 717A sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Vollmer Angus, Wing, ND for $25,000 /// Peak Dot Bold 494A sired by Peak Dot Bold 204U purchased by Orville Skogen, Fort Shaw, MT for $23,500 /// Peak Dot Eliminator 754A sired by SAV Eliminator 9105 out of an SAV 004 Capacity 5234V daughter purchased by Krebs Ranch, Gordon, NE for $20,500 /// Peak Dot Unanimous 514A sired by Vision Unanimous 1418 out of an SAV Iron Mountain 8066 daughter purchased by Dan Rohrberg Glenwood, IA for $17,000 High Selling Heifers: Peak Dot Bardolia 803A sired by SAV Bullet 0473 out of an SAV 004 Predominant 4438 daughter purchased by Glendar Angus, Mankota, SK for $16,000 /// Peak Dot June 305A sired by Vision Unanimous 1418 out of an SAV Iron Mountain 8066 daughter purchased by Neil Parr, Mason City, IL for $10,500 Chopper K Annual Bull Sale with Guest Campbell Charolais April 2, 2014 - Alameda, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management:T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 13 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $3,530 5 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,260 16 Charolais Yearling Bulls $4,328 1 Two Year Old Charolais Bul $5,200 35 Bulls $3,90 Sale gross $136,350 High Selling Angus: Red Chopper K Wall Street 36A sired by Chopper K Wallstreet 16X out of a Red Chopper K Resistol 107R daughter purchased by Rock Creek Red Angus, Joilet, MT for $8,500 /// Chopper K Iron Mountain 43A sired by SAV Iron Mountain 8066 out of a Red Howe Bold Edition 80T daughter purchased by Josh North, Carnduff, SK for $6,250 /// Red Chopper K Ponderosa 7A sired by Red RCRA Ponderosa 849U out of a Red Acre New Edition 1P daughter purchased by Emde Land & Cattle Corp, Midale, SK for $4,600 High Selling Charolais: Campbells Associate 215A sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 26T out of a DBLG’s Champ 9J daughter purchased by BG Stock Farm Inc, Redvers, SK for $5,400 /// Campbells Almighty 424A sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 26T out of a DBLG’s Champ 9J daughter purchased by M & M Ranch, Carnduff, SK for $5,400 /// Campbells Absolute 625A sired by Pleasant Dawn Magnum 26T out of a Campbells Scotty 187P daughter purchased by Herb Dietze, Alameda, SK for $5,250

Northern Progress Bull Sale April 4, 2014 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Mike Fleury, Saskatoon, SK Sale Consultant: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 30 Red Angus Yearlings $4,210 9 Black Angus Yearlings $3,555 13 Red Angus Long Yearlings $4,830 7 Two Year Old Bulls $4,592 59 Bulls $4,295 Sale gross $253,250 High Selling Bull: Red RSL Redman 16Z sired by Red RMJ Redman 1T out of an RSL Fire Chief 7P daughter purchased for $7,500 16th Annual Crescent Creek Bull & Female Sale April 5, 2014 - Goodeve, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB. Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 55 Angus Yearling Bulls $5,320 39 Angus Open Heifers $3,335 Sale gross $422,700 High Selling Yearling Bulls: Crescent Creek Chizzler 10A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of a Sitz Heritage 10709 daughter ½ interest purchased by Nordal Farms, Simpson, SK & LLB Angus, Erskine, AB For $18,000 /// Crescent Creek Entrepeneur 105A sired byMcCumber 8R 101 Rito 1136 out of a Minburn Main Event 82R daughter ½ interest to Benlock Farms, Grandora, SK for $12,500 /// Crescent Creek Chisum 30A sired by RR Scotchman 2999 out of a Lookout Pacesetter 258M daughter purchased by Bench Farming Ltd, Shaunavon, SK for $9,500 Volume Buyer:LeSaan Land & Cattle,The Pas, MB 4 bulls) High Selling Females: Crescent Creek Duchess 20A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of a RR Scotchman 2999 daughter purchased by Shane Sawley, Melville, SK for $5,250 /// Crescent Creek Lady Bate 41A sired by Crescent Creek Pacesetter 16U out of a GDAR Traveler 235 daughter purchased by Trevor Platt, Val Marie, SK for $5,100 /// Crescent Creek Erica 6A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of an RR Scotchman 2999 daughter purchased by Ryan Nelson, Alameda, SK For $5,000 /// Crescent Creek Erroline 14A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of an RR Scotchman 2999 daughter purchased by Tom Neusteader, Crystal City, MB or $5,000 Volume Buyers: Trevor Platt, Val Marie, SK (5 heifers), Circle Bar Ranch, Yorkton, SK (5 heifers), Bench Farming Ltd, Shaunavon, SK (4 heifers)

Lauron Red Angus & Guests 23rd Annual Bull Sale April 5, 2014 - Olds, Alberta Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 51 Yearling Bulls grossed $4,262 Sale gross $217,450 10 Open Yearling Heifers $2,835 High Selling Bull: Red Lauron Apex 76A sired by Red Lone Stone Pursuit 81W out of a Red Running Bar Pronto 26P daughter purchased by Yarrow Creek Ranch, Lethbridge, AB for $7,750 Burnett Black Angus Bull & Female Sale April 5, 2014 - Swift Current, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock, Swift Current, SK Angus Yearling Bulls $4,097 Purebred Angus Heifers $2,450 Commercial Cow/Calf Pairs $2,677 High Selling Bull: Burnett Link 59A sired by OCC Missing Link 830M out of a Basin Max 602C daughter purchased by Circle G Angus, Lacombe, AB for $8,750 High Selling Female: Burnett Rosie 49A sired by Burnett Simon 16S out of an SAV 004 Density 4336 daughter purchased by Kevin Busse, Swift Current, SK for $2,700 N.E. Source 12th Annual Bull Sale April 5, 2014 - Tisdale, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 19 Red Angus Bulls $3,629 12 Black Angus Bulls $4,296 3 Charolais Yearling Bulls $2,500 2 Charolais Two Year Old Bulls $3,375 $3,950 7 Sim/Maine Anjou Yearling Bulls 43 Bulls $3,777 Sale gross $162,400 High Selling Red Angus Bull: Red Pasquia Hustle 7A sired by Red Lazy MC Hustle 18T out of a Red Royal Exclusive 24K daughter purchased by Allan and Michael Polvi, Rocanville, SK for $5,600 High Selling Black Angus Bull: Hall’s Prowler 983A sired by HF Prowler 43U out of a Soo Line Quantum 6142 daughter purchased by Chuck Magil, Verona, ND for $7,000 High Selling Charolais Bull: BDT Zion 17Z sired by SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S out of a EC No Doubt 2022P daughter purchased by Burton Friesen, Carrot River, SK for $3,750 High Selling Simmental/Maine Anjou Bull: Hall’s Sir 089A sired by Mr Hoc Broker out of an unregistered Angus dam purchased by Chuck Magil, Verona, ND for $5,750

Towaw Cattle Co Bull Sale April 5, 2014 - Sangudo, Alberta 12 Yearling Bulls $5,196 38 Summer Bulls $4,200 50 Bulls $4,439 Sale gross $221,950 High Selling Bulls: Red Rainbow Defiance 19A sired by Red T-K Recoil 72Y out of a Red That’ll Do Kongo 39M daughter purchased by Cam Morgan, Saltcoat, SK for $17,000 /// Red Towaw Kingman 133Z sired by Red Lazy MC Kingman 16W out of a Red BXB Daytripper 273P daughter purchased by Hahn Cattle Co., Sherwood Park, AB and Preus Farms, Sangudo, AB for $11,500 Eastondale Angus 7th Annual Bull & Female Sale April 7, 2014 - Wawota, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK Sale Consultant: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 37 Yearling Angus Bulls 5,204 3 Two Year Old Angus Bulls $3,917 13 Yearling Heifers $2,927 Sale gross $242,350 High Selling Bulls: Eastondale Really Windy 06'13 sired by VDAR Really Windy 4097 out of a B Hills FRL Duration 606 daughter half interest purchased by Forsyth Ranch, Herbert, SK for $19,500 /// Eastondale Really Windy 02'13 sired by VDAR Really Windy 4097 out of a B Hills FRL Duration 606 daughter purchased by Freyburn Angus, Oxbow, SK for $11,000///Eastondale Laramie 73'13 sired by Sankeys Laramie 114 out of a B Hills FRL Duration 606 daughter purchased by Bear Creek Angus, Maple Creek, SK for $9,000 High Selling Heifer: Eastondale Rosebud 25'13 sired by KA Black Cedar 290 out of a HA Image Maker 0415 daughter purchased by Swan Hills Ranch, Swan River, MB for $4,400 Young Dale Angus Bull Sale April 8, 2014 - Alameda, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley,Waldheim, SK Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc, Red Deer, AB 46 Yearling Bulls $6,678 29 Open Heifers $4,029 75 Lots $5,654 Sale gross $424,050 High Selling Bulls: Young Dale Yohan 133A sired by Young Dale Yohann 39Y out of a Young Dale Net Worth Alot 49T daughter purchased by Hilltop Angus, Denton, MT for $22,000 /// Young Dale Absolute 113A sired by PF Hoover Dam 041 out of a Young Dale Teddy Bear 92R daughter purchased by Breed Creek Angus, Mankota, SK for $20,000 /// Young Dale Astroid 32A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Touch Down 36M purchased by Freyburn Angus, Oxbow, SK for $17,000 /// Young Dale Xcaliber 21A sired Angus World

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by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Teddy Bear 92R daughter purchased by Neilson Land & Cattle, Craik, SK for $17,000 /// Young Dale Achilles 95A sired by Young Dale Yohann 39Y out of a Young Dale El Dorado 11R daughter purchased by North Point Angus, High Prairie, AB for $15,500 /// Young Dale Xcaliber 54A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Panarama 66T purchased by Hextall Livestock, Grenfell, SK for $15,000 ///Young Dale H.D. 124A sired by PF Hoover Dam 041 out of an SAV 004 Traveler 7758 daughter purchased by Triple J Livestock, Whitewood, SK for $15,000 /// Young Dale Xcaliber 15A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Superior 14S daughter purchased by Valley Blossom Ranch, Aneroid, SK for $14,000 /// Young Dale Xcaliber 100A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Shear Force 82U daughter purchased by Allencroft Angus, Taber, AB for 13,500 /// Young Dale Xcaliber 40A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Air Travel 90P daughter purchased by Double F Land & Cattle, Parkside, SK for $10,000 High Selling Open Heifers: Young Dale Elba 144A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Young Dale Touch Down 36M daughter purchased by KLM Angus, Alix, AB for $10,500 /// Young Dale Mia 20A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of a Vermilion Dateline 7078 daughter purchased by KLM Angus, Alix, AB for $9,300 /// Young Dale Lady 9A sired by Xcaliber 32X out of a Freyburn Tonka 1S daughter purchased by KLM Angus, Alix, AB for $9,000 /// Young Dale Blackbird 74A sired by Young Dale Xcaliber 32X out of an AJC H A F Traveler 01L daughter purchased by Gordon Murray, Wawota, SK for $8,750 Rivercrest - Valleymere Spady 11th Annual Bull Sale April 9, 2014 - Alliance, Alberta Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdrie, AB 88 Yearling Bulls $3,446 Sale gross $303,000 High Selling Bull: Rivercrest Raven CSP 24A sired by LLB Darkhorse 328Y out of a Rivercrest Grid Maker 29P daughter purchased by Derold and Maureen Black for $6,300 /// Rivercrest Darkhorse CTTS 2A sired by LLB Darkhorse 328Y out of a Remitall Starfire 570U daughter purchased by LLB Angus, Erskine, AB for $5,700 Johnston/Fertile Valley Bull Sale April 11, 2014 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Mike Fleury, Saskatoon, SK Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co, Saskatoon, SK 65 Yearling Bulls $4,226 Sale gross $274,700 High Selling Bulls: FV Consensus 64A sired by Connealy Consensus 7729 out of an FV 20K King Page 42

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308M daughter purchased by Colin Forbes, Piapot, SK for $10,500 /// FV Upward 165A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of an FV 20K King 308M daughter purchased by Dennis & Clint Fuglerud, Broderick, SK for $9,250 /// FV Special Focus 462A siredby B P F Special Focus 504 out of a Triple V Glanworth 57U daughter purchased by Garnier Angus & Charolais, Marwayne, AB for $9,250 /// FV Upward 231A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out of a FV 20K King 308M daughter purchased by Dennis & Clint Fuglerud, Broderick, SK for $9,100 /// FV Special Focus 381A sired by BPF Special Focus 504 out of a an FV Final Answer 127W daughter purchased by Brookemore Angus, Brookdale, MB for $7,000 /// F V Special Focus 432A sired by B P F Special Focus 504 out of an FV 602C King 308S daughter purchased by Dusty Hill Cattle, Consort, AB for $6,500 Six Mile Ranch 39th Annual Bull Sale April 12, 2014 - Fir Mountain, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB 72 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $7,665 22 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $4,415 10 Extra Age Bulls $5,100 3 Simmental Bulls $6,667 107 Bulls $ 6,729 Sale Gross $720,010 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red Six Mile Taurus 519A sired by Red Six Mile Game Face 164Y and out of a Red 5 L Norseman King 2291 daughter half possession and half semen interest purchased by J–6 Farms, Nebraska for $55,000 /// Red Six Mile End Game 630A sired by Red Six Mile Game Face 164Y and out of a Red South View No Equal 28H daughter full possession and two thirds interest purchased by Alta Genetics, Dr. Mark Miller, Dr. Larry Hay and SSS Red Angus for $26,000 /// Red Six Mile Fast Lane 525A sired by Red VGW Game Plan 816 and out of a Red YY Knight 640F daughter full possession and half semen interest purchased by Breed Creek Angus and Wheeler Stock Farms, SK for $20,000 /// Red Six Mile Plan Ahead 764A sired by Red VGW Game Plan 816 and out of a Black Wheel Odyssey 117U daughter purchased by Dvorak Farms, NE for $17,500 /// Red Six Mile Arctic Storm 575A sired by Stewart Panther 19X and out of a Red Buf Crk Barney daughter purchased by Red Rock Red Angus, AB for $16,500 /// Red Six Mile Timber 908A sired by Red Six Mile Timberline 880W and out of a Red Brylor New Trend 22D daughter purchased by L83 Ranch, ND for $16,500 /// Red Six Mile Moonshine Man sired by Red Crowfoot Moonshine 8081U and out of a Red Lazy MC Grid Iron 66S daughter purchased by RSL Red Angus, SK for $15,000 /// Red Six Mile Ruff Ride 686A sired by Red Six Mile Rawhide 222X and out of a Red Six Mile Full Tilt 869W daughter purchased by

Spittalburn Farms, SK for $14,250 /// Red Six Mile Hampton 612A sired by Red NBar Hamley S913 and out of a Ter-Ron Rebel 102N daughter purchased by Lust Farms, AB for $13,250 High Selling Black Angus Yearling Bulls: Six Mile Heavy Duty 772A sired by BCAR Heavy Duty 096 and out of a Stonehaven 32R Charter 111T daughter purchased by Dustin Grant, SK for $7,250 /// Six Mile Panther 596A sired by Stewart Panther 19X and out of a Red Six Mile Priceless 268P daughter purchased by Phillip Lacasse, SK for $6700 /// Six Mile Substance 582A sired by Bennefield Substance 8506 and out of a HF Hat Trick 170W daughter purcchased by Dustin Grant, SK for $6,250 /// Six Mile New Design 665A sired by Bon View New Design 878 and out of a PSF Freedom 12S daughter purchased by Corey and Jackie Dumelie, SK for $6,000 High Selling Extra Age Bull: Red Six Mile Wild Card 397Z sired by Red Soo Line Wild Card 7052 and out of a Red HR Elway 58J daughter purchased by Gerry Gropp, SK for $7,000 High Selling Simmental Bull: Six Mile Lockdwown 121Z sired by Remington Lock and Load 54U and out of a Red Ter- Ron Fully Loaded daughter purchased by Elwood Farms, SK for $8,000 Volume Buyer: Raymond Land and Cattle Co, SK 8th Annual Blue Collar Bull Sale April 12, 2014 - Yorkton, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Clayton Hawryluik Sale Consultant: Castlerock Marketing, Swift Current, SK 47 Yearling Bulls $4,127 13 Open Heifers $3,080 Sale gross $234,000 High Selling Bulls: J Square S Jag 309A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of aGAR Grid Maker daughter half interest & half possession purchased by Double C Red Angus, Foam Lake, SK for $11,800 ///Northern View Dynamite 5A sired by Mohnen Dynamite 1356 out of a BC Rocket 44 daughter purchased by Creekview Angus, Hodgeville, SK for $7,000 /// Parkwood Tiger 13A sired by HF Tiger 5T out of a Connealy Freightliner daughter purchased by Ryan Ferguson, Jedburgh, SK for $6,200 High Selling Heifers: Parkwood Heather Queen 3A sired by Cole Creek Cedar Ridge 1V out of an SAV Lewis 8373 daughter purchased by MCS Angus, Wynyard, SK for $5,800 /// J Square S Hi Lite 302A sired by Connealy Right Answer 746 out of a GAR Retail Product daughter purchased by Hollinger Land and Cattle, Neudorf, SK for $5,100 ///Northern View Lucy 94A sired by CFS Bismarck 11X out of a Bell Net Return 3U daughter purchased by Johnson Livestock, Peebles, SK for $4,600

Branding the Best Black and Red Angus Bull Sale April 12, 2014 - Spiritwood, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Chris Poley, Waldheim, SK 28 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $3,603 16 Red Angus Yearlings $3,293 5 Two Year Old Bulls $3,900 48 Bulls Averaged $3,606 Sale gross $173,100 High Selling Bulls: Red Stuart Paralyzer 25A sired by Red Crowfoot 03X out of a Red BBK Approved 17P daughter purchased by B-Elle Red Angus, Turtleford, SK for $7,200 /// Four Bar X Grasslands 60A sired by Valley Blossom Grasslands 7X out of a M Double B Magical Man 76M daughter purchased by Cory Amundson, Debden, SK for $6,250 /// Stuart Chism 82A sired by S Chisum 6175 out of a DMM Ambush 03M daughter purchased by Kelsey Campbell, 66 Ranch, Brooks AB for $6,000 Justamere 19th Annual Bull Sale April 14, 2014 - Lloydminster, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Steve Dorran, Airdire, AB 34.5 bulls $4,500 Sale gross $155,250 4 Semen lots $1,500 High Selling Bulls: Justamere 1728 Fire Water 438A sired by EXAR Upward 1728B out of a Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S daughter half interest purchased by Elldem Cattle Co, Humbolt, SK for $11,000/// EXAR First Impression 3273B sired by Dameron First Impression AAA out of a BC 7022 Raven 7965 daughter half interest purchased by Harvest Angus, Prince George, BC for $7,500 /// EXAR Emblazon 1749B sired by Rito 6EM3 of 4L1 Emblazon out of an EXAR New Look 2971 daughter purchased by Clint Desjardin, McCeary, MB for $6,000 /// Justamere 1728 Maximum 430A sired by EXAR Upward 1728B out of an EXG Lutton S036 R3 daughter purchased by Jaymarandy Angus, Winnipeg, MB for $5,500 /// Justamere 406S Billy Bob 419A sired by Justamere 253 Bada Bing 406S out of a Roth Regulator 0405 daughter purchased by 66 Ranch, Duchess, AB for $5,000 Your Choice Black Angus Bull Sale April 18, 2014 - Maple Creek, Saskatchewan 48 Yearling Black Angus Bulls $4,697 10 Two-Yr-Old Black Angus Bulls $4,670 Sale gross $272,150 High Selling Yearling Bulls for South Shadow Angus: South Shadow Tom Boy 56A, an Early Sunset Tom Boy 6Y son out of an SAV 004 Density 4336 daughter purchased by Mark Daines, Penhold, AB for $9,100 /// South Shadow Consensus 88A sired by Connealy Consensus 7229 out of a Cudlobe Rainmaker 39K daughter purchased by Bitterlake Ranching, Walsh, AB for $8,000 High Selling Yearling Bull for Boundary Angus: Boundary Upward 6A sired by Sitz Upward 307R out

of a BC Matrix 4132 daughter, DLD Akita 54T purchased by Crocus Valley Ranch, Medicine Hat, AB for $7,300 High Selling Yearling Bull for Kay Dee Angus: Kay Dee 35U In Focus 165A sired by SSA 109 In Focus 35U out of an SSAP Rain On 35R daughter purchased by 7L7 Ranches, Fox Valley, SK for $6,700 High Selling 2-Yr-Old Bull from guest Bear Creek Angus: Bear Creek Density 16Z sired by SSA 4336 Density 26T out of a Crescent Creek Chief 47N daughter purchased by Howard Bock, Eastend, SK for $6,800 Volume Buyers: Howard Bock and Dahl Farms, each purchasing 3 bulls Cornerstone Bull & Female Sale April 19, 2014 - Whitewood, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Brent Carey, Stavely, AB Sale Manager: By Livestock, Regina, SK 28 Red Angus Yearling Bulls $4,255 20 Charolais Yearling Bulls $5,183 15 Red Angus Yearling Heifers $2,633 12 Commercial Yearling Heifers $1,578 Sale gross $281,230 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Bulls: Red Wraz Tidal Wave 56A sired by Red Brylor Wraz Makn Wavews 39X out of a Red Fabulous Front Line 315N daughter purchased by Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB for $8,750 /// Red Wraz Spirit 32A sired by Red Brylor JKC Ghost Rider 108Y out of a Red SSS Arsenal 271S daaughter purchased by Broken T Ranch, Weyburn for $7,250 High Selling Red Angus Yearling Heifers: Red Wraz Abigail 71A sired by Red VRRA Top Star Y236 out of a Red Mlk Crk Cub 722 daughter purchased by JAS Red Angus, Neepawa, MB for $4,400 /// Red Wraz Stardom 62A sired by Red Soo Line Gladiator 5413 out of a Red Pasquia Icon 57T daughter purchased by Windy Willows Angus, Hodgeville, SK for $4,300 36th Annual Shortgrass Bull Sale Aneroid Saskatchewan - April 19, 2014 Auctioneers: Don Raffan, Armstrong, BC & Bruce Switzer, Sift Current, SK 151 Black Angus Bulls $4,894 23 Purebred Heifers $3,424 341 Commercial Heifers $1,600 High Selling Bulls: Sandy Bar Ideal 18S 120A sired by Sandy Bar Ideal 18S out of an LLB Fullback 27M daughter half interest & half possession purchased by Deer Hill Ridge Angus Farms Ltd, Fiske, SK for $15,500 /// Sandy Bar Sure Shot 4341A sired by Schurr 77 801 7023 out of an SAR Stockman 81K daughter purchased by Pahl Livestock, Medicine Hat, AB for $15,000 /// Sandy Bar Sure Shot 11A sired by Schurr 77 801 7023 out of an LLB Fullback 141M daughter two thirds interest & two thirds possession purchased by Arda Farms, Acme, AB for $14,000 /// Sandy Bar Sure Shot 1A sired by Schurr

77 801 7023 out of a Valley Blossom Equator 729M daughter two thirds interest & two thirds possession purchased by Rivercrest Angus, Alliance, AB for $8,750 /// Sandy Bar OT 21A sired by Objective Trend 861 out of a Prairielane Ideal 7451-2014 daughter purchased by Ross River Ranch for $8,750 /// Sandy Bar Ambush 29A sired by Sandy Bar Ambush 10Y out of a VDAR New Trend 315 duaghter purchased by Ivanhoe Angus, Belle Plain, SK for $8,750 High Selling Purebred Heifers: Sandy Bar Tilda 18A sired by DB Objective Trend 861 out of a Sandy Bar Innovator 7M daughter purchased by Ortmann Ranch, Wolf Point, MT for $6,500 /// Sandy Bar Lass 35A sired by DB Objective Trend 861 out of an LLB Fullback 141M daughter purchased by Ortmann Ranch, Wolf Point, MT for $6,250 /// Sandy Bar Jemina 96A sired by Sandy Bar Ideal 18s out of a Sandy Bar Ideal 18S daughter purchased by Ortmann Ranch, Wolf Point, MT for $6,000 /// Sandy Bar Lark 32A sired by DB Objective Trend 861 out of a Hollbrook Scothcman 12L daughter purchased by Ortmann Ranch, Wolf Point, MT for $4,750 High Selling Commercial Heifers: 35 heifers purchased by Legault Cattle Co ofr $1,875 /// 5 heifers purchased by Dustin Kreisner for $1,825 Volume Bull Buyer: O Bar Land Company Volume Heifer Buyer: Ortmann Ranch Sheidaghan Anghus 3rd Annual Production Sale April 25, 2014 - Maple Creek, Saskatchewan Auctioneer: Gordie Cameron, Maple Creek, SK 52 Black Angus Yearling Bulls $4,759 6 Black Angus Yearling Heifers $3,433 Sale gross $268,050 High Selling Bulls: Sheidaghan Pioneer 56A sired by SAV Pioneer 7301 out of a Merit Sugar Ray 7051 daughter purchased by 66 Ranch, Duchess, AB for $8,000 /// Sheidaghan Answer 50A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a RR Scotchman 2999 daughter purchased by Bill Armstron, T-T Ranch, Eastend, SK for $7,500 /// Sheidaghan Answer 21A sired b SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Sandy Bar Equator 150S daughter purchased by 66 Ranch, Duchess, AB for $7,500 /// Sheidaghan Answer 11A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of a Sandy Bar Equator 150S purchased by Tara Swainson & Trevor Moorhead, Maple Creek, SK for $7,500 High Selling Heifers: Sheidaghan Eileen 4A sired by SAV Final Answer 0035 out of an RR Scotchman 2999 daughter purchased by Sandy Bar Ranch, Aneroid, SK for $4,600 /// Sheidaghan Mia 115A LNS Titan 4Y out of a Thousand Hills Credence 5N daughter purchased by John Grant, Edam, SK Volume Buyers: 66 Ranch, Duchess (4 bulls); Felesky Cattle Co, Medicine Hat, AB (4 bulls); JK Ranch, Abbey, SK (3 bulls) Angus World

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Canadian Beef Breeds Council submitted by Michael Latimer

As the representative of the Canadian seedstock industry, the Canadian Beef Breeds Council was named to the ‘Council of Beef Leaders’. This group was formed at the recommendation of the ‘Straw Men’ team, which consisted of three respected unaffiliated individuals with a desire to see tangible improvements in the beef industry. Also named to the Council of Beef Leaders, were the Canadian Cattlemen Association (CCA), National Cattle Feeders Association (NCFA), Canada Beef Inc. (CBI), three representatives from the packing industry, and two representatives from the Cattlemen

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Angus World

Young Leader Council. The retail industry will also be represented but not with a formal seat at the Council table due to logistical challenges. This is an incredibly important appointment for the purebred, seedstock, and genetics industry. We know the importance that genetics play in the beef cattle industry, but historically there have not been formal opportunities for industry sectors to interact with other organizations in the production chain. The Council of Beef Leaders provides the platform for all sectors of the cattle and beef industry to work together in an effort to identify challenges and work together in a collaborative effort with the intent of creating more profit for the industry. The Canadian Beef Breeds Council along with Canadian purebred breed associations and purebred breeders are investing considerable time and money to develop and adopt new technologies in the purebred industry. Although there have been advancements in animal health, nutrition, welfare, farm management software and

communication; for the purpose of this article I am referring to the use of genomic information for animal selection. This information is not perfect but the accuracy is improving while the cost of testing is being reduced and the volume of tests is increasing. It is important to note that the ‘cowboy eye for cattle’ is not being replaced as these tests generally measure traits that cannot be visually evaluated. This information provides both purebred and commercial breeders a new tool to select the cattle that best fit their program. From a bigger picture view, we market Canadian genetics and beef as being sourced from the best genetics in the world. In order to remain competitive globally we need to ensure we are using the latest technology to its fullest extent. It is an exciting time in the cattle industry with rapid change and more optimism than at any time in the past 30 years.

British Columbia Angus Association

by Tom deWaal ~ President, BC Angus Association

It looks as if Summer is finally here! The calving is done and the breeding and grass season is among us. You can’t help but be happy and optimistic of the year going forward. Good cattle prices and hopefully good weather, could be a good combination as the year goes ahead. Don’t forget some of the show coming up in Augusdt. I know that it seems to be one time most of us can get together and see what everyone’s program consists of. I would like to extend a welcome to all members and to make an effort to come to our AGM,

Alberta Angus Association

by Doug Domolewski ~ President, Alberta Angus Association

It’s a great feeling to be in the cattle business right now. With cull cows and bull prices at all time high it’s a great time for the commercial cattleman to upgrade his bull power and purchase heifers. All Angus breeders are dealing with superior genetics to give the commercial breeder the top notch tools needed to produce top quality beef cattle. It’s been a very tough calving season with an extreme cold winter that just would not let go. 2014 may become known as the year of short ears, and it has made some cattlemen decide to push back their breeding season to go into a later calving season next year in the hopes to avoid such extreme weather. Once again the Alberta Angus will hold their annual meeting in conjunction with the Alberta Junior Angus

Manitoba Angus Association

running the same weekend as the IPE. Come see some great cattle and find out what your board is doing. Suggestions are always welcome and the fun and fellowship is always a good time.

show in Bashaw on August 12th. I encourage all Angus enthusiasts to attend. Not only do you have an opportunity to see the awesome showmanship and genetics displayed by our juniors during the day, but it is a chance to see what the board has in store for the future and to present any ideas you may have to keep the Angus breed number one. Wishing you all safe travelling during the summer months, and if the opportunity arises be sure to take in a summer cattle show near you. Hope to see you down the road, Doug Domolewski, President - Alberta Angus Association

by Allan Nykoliation ~ President, Manitoba Angus Association

Well winter is over and spring wasn’t been a real joy either. The strong markets makes it a little easier to cope with mother nature! I would like to invite all the Juniors nationwide to Manitoba this summer for Showdown in Virden. It will be a great show for the Juniors. Manitoba Angus will be holding our summer Gold Show on the

Thursday of Showdown. We’re hoping to show off the quality of Manitoba cattle to the rest of Canada. If anyone from a distance needs somewhere to rest cattle before Showdown just call as I’m only 20 miles outside Virden we would gladly help you out. Hope to see you there.

Thank You to these Provincial Presidents for their contributions. Angus World

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Canadian Angus Foundation

The Canadian Angus Foundation will be holding it's annual meeting in conjunction with the National Convention of the Angus Association in Moose Jaw on June 7th. During that meeting we will be discussing some of the programs supported by the Foundation. These programs are possible only because of the generosity of Breeders and supporters of the breed who see a value in encouraging youth and helping develop a more successful future. Anyone who wishes to make a permanent legacy of

a family member or significant animal may do so by contributing to the foundation and those who wish a smaller recognition may purchase a leaf on the Angus tree in the office. Details are available on the Association website under the Foundation tab. While checking out the website you should also look at the offerings donated by some of our leading breeders that will auctioned during the convention. On behalf of the Foundation Board I wish to thank those who generously donated as well as those of you who will just as generously purchase them Together you are strengthening the Foundation. The Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador will be chosen at the National Convention. We will have the five finalists in attendance where each will be interviewed, given an industry quiz and participate in a public speaking program. Chad Lorenz will be relinquishing the position and his re[placement will be named during the convention. A new recognition program will also be introduced at the Annual meeting. Members were given the opportunity earlier in the year to nominate young people, that is someone thirty or under, who was a member of the Canadian Junior Angus Association, who has made a significant

Angus Junior Ambassador

Now that I have finished my term as ambassador it seems like a good time to reflect upon the opportunities that the role has offered me. In my opinion, we as an Agriculture industry and particularly as seed-stock producers will always be in a people driven business, and being personable, building networks and communication will forever fuel our livelihoods. It is exactly those things that the CAF Ambassador can learn and develop through this program, however it is also my opinion that it takes a strong personality to carry out this role and do a good job of it. I guess that is why the program has been strong for 8 years and continues to Page 46

Angus World

by Doug Fee ~ Chairman, Canadian Angus Foundation commitment to the breed and contribution following their Junior activities. I was impressed with the nominations. Our young people are obviously staying involved and giving back to the breed. The first award will be announced at the Convention. Belinda and her selection committee have said it was not an easy choice because the finalists were all great workers but they are also keeping a tight lid on their choice and we will not know until after the convention. If you don't get there be sure to check the Foundation web page for the results as well as the name of our new Ambassador. I announced earlier that I will be stepping down as Foundation Chair and am pleased that Sylvia Jackson from Ontario has agreed to let her name stand for the position. Two other long serving members have announced their intention to step aside after the June meeting and we are in need of interested volunteers to serve. If you are interested please let me or any of the existing Foundation directors know and we will put your name forward. It can be a very rewarding and satisfying way to contribute to the Association and i would encourage you to consider it.

by Chad Lorenz ~ Robert C. McHaffie Junior Angus Ambassador

grow forward with only Canada's best youth qualifying for top 5 candidates each and every year. To highlight my experience, I will start by saying that as an Ambassador you are never off of the job. I promoted the Angus breed, our Association and our Juniors every day for the simple fact that it comes naturally to me, I may lose the official title but I will always remain an Angus Ambassador because that's just what I do. I represented our breed at all events I attended, although many of them were not attended at the expense of the foundation I was still proud to be there and known as the Junior Ambassador. Some of these include, the World Angus Forum in New Zealand, Showdown, GOAL, Farmfair, Agribition, provincial shows, gold shows, sales and so on. However the events that I attended officially as ambassador include the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, official opening of Angus Central, the Maritimes Field Day and an International event that is yet to be chosen. Growing pains come with anything, I think that for the most part this role is established enough that any issues have been worked out. For me I struggled slightly because throughout my 1 year term there were three different Advisors and that made for unclear details and organization, particularly off the start before I was familiar with the program. However moving forward that has been completely resolved, as an organization we

could not ask for a better individual to be leading the Ambassador program. I strongly advise the Foundation to keep the format of the Ambassadorship selection and process consistent. Sometimes when a program experiences success we automatically want to grow and expand it to provide more people with opportunities. I strongly feel the CAF Ambassador program is not one that should be expanded, it is vital that we have only the top 5 individuals competing in the final process in order to ensure strong competitions and speeches. It is also important that there is 1 and only 1 ambassador selected. This is a prestigious event and it represents our breed nation wide. It has been my honor and privilege to hold this position, and I hope that I have satisfied my Peers, our Breeders and the Foundation throughout the last year. I will use everything that this role has taught me as well as the network it has helped me build as I move forward as a young Angus Breeder. I would like to congratulate Matt Bates, who recently became our 9th Ambassador. Thank you to the Canadian Angus Foundation, thank you to Robert C. McHaffie for having a vision and building it, this is an opportunity that changes young people forever. My experience as the Robert C. McHaffie CAF Junior Ambassador was second to none! Chad Lorenz

All West/Select Sires For All Your Angus Genetics


Serving BC, AB & SK


Progressive Performance... Optimum Maternalism! CANADIAN RED ANGUS PROMOTION SOCIETY 306.227.2992 - - office@ P.O. Box 39075, Lakewood Common, Saskatoon, SK S7V 0A9

Custom Service Program

Tel: (403) 226 0666 Semen - Supplies - Nitrogen


Box 5, Site 4, R.R. #1, Olds, Alta T4H 1P3

Phone (403)507-8771 Fax (403)507-8772

RYAN DORRAN 403.507.6483

24 Park Lane, Olds, AB T4H 1W3 Auctioneer, Ring Service & Marketing

Steve Dorran Auctioneer

▲ Custom Collection ▲ Private Storage e-mail:




P.O. Box 10100, Stn Main, Airdrie, Alberta, T4A 0H4






P.O. Box 164 Nottawa, Ontario Canada L0M 1P0

Phone: (705)445-4317 Cell: (705)607-4317 E-mail:

get your cattle online with coyote publishing. More than just really great catalogues!

Sid Leavitt: (403) 653-2450 Jana Keeley: (604) 740-5653

Ericson Livestock Services

(780) 352-7630 Dennis & Shelly Ericson

R.R.# 2, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1W9

Gloria Fantin - Independently Offering - Advertising Services for Beef Producers - Advertising & Publication Consulting - Advertising Sales Representation - Writing Services & Distribution

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. Davis-Rairdan International

GA Fantin Services / 403.289.3836

P.O. Box 590 Crossfield, Alberta Canada T0M 0S0 Phone (403)946-4551 Fax (403)946-5093 Website email


● On-farm freezing & collection ● Donor care facility ● Recipient herd

● Licensed facility for embryos exports ● Genetic Marketing & Selection ● International Embryo Sales

Angus World

Page 47


Mile 11 on #2 Highway South of Dawson Creek

PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS P.O. Box 132, Steve Aylward (250)786-5031 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G3 Dale Aylward (250)786-5478

Mark Stock

Ring Service & Livestock Service


Box 128, Hazelet, SK S0N 1E0 (306) 678-4811 ✺ Cellular (403) 357-8104


Bus (250)546-9420 / Cellular (250)558-6789 Comp. 19, Larkin Site, RR 3, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B0



MARILYN BRAITWAITE Box 8265, Saskatoon, SK S7K 6C5 A.H.T. Ph (306)931-2904 ● Fax (306)242-1563

Sealin Creek Ranch Registered Angus

Dan & Janette Speller

Box 59, Monte Lake, BC V0E 2N0 (250)375-2268

Certified Bovine E.T. Practitioner


Re us gister ed Black Ang

Tom deWaal - President -

250.562.5200 Prince George, BC

Jack Brown - Fieldman 604/888-0862

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Angus World

Owners: Peter & Francesca Cox Managed by: Christy Elliot


ring w Sp s Ran illo

Tel: (250)446-2269 Fax: (250)764-0537

22km Christian Valley Westbridge, British Columbia

Count Ridge Stock Farm ITY

Aberlynn Angus Marie Bradshaw Gordon Bradshaw 5343-39st Close R.R. #3, Site 3, Box 6 Innisfail, AB T4G 1G1 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8 (403)227-5431 (403)227-0354 “Quality you can see. Breeding you can trust.”





Wayne and Peggy Robinson

Box 36 Mossleigh, Alberta T0L 1P0 Phone (403) 934-4083


Flint & Flint (780)855-2181

New Norway, AB

Darrel & Wendy Ashbacher & Family

P.O. Box 99, Halkirk, Alberta T0C 1M0

Ph: (403)884-2181 Fax: (403)884-2381

Bar Double M Angus Mark & Rachel Merrill & Family Box 132, Hill Springs, Alberta T0K 1E0

(403) 626-3369

Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie

Pioneer Red Angus Breeder


Jay & Lenore Davis Box 184, Acme, Alberta T0M 0A0 (403) 546-2299


P.O. Box 122, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0 Phone: (403)627-5676 / Fax:(403)627-4653 /


Diamond Willow Ranch Registered Black Angus

Ted & Marci McPeak (403)948-3085

RR #1, Stn. Mn., Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 From Airdrie Overpass on SH 567, 10km W., 5km N., on SH 772

Angus World

Page 49


" Our Greatest Asset - Quality Angus"

Robert & Gail Hamilton

Box 11, Site 15, R.R.# 2, Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1A2 (403) 932-5980 ~

Visitors 12 miles west of Olds Always on Hwy #27, 1/2 mile south on Welcome Range Rd 3.04 email:

Add Our Diamonds to Your Herd!





Harry & Gaylene Irving


(403)938-7754 R.R. #2, Okotoks, Alberta T0L 1T0

Dwayne & Joanne Emery



(780) 674-4410 REGISTERED ANGUS P.O. Box 31, Camp Creek, Alberta T0G 0L0




V Wayne Branden & Jane Morrow


Phone: (780)674-2335 ~ Cell: (780)305-4813 ~ Fax: (780)674-4398 P.O. Box 11, Camp Creek, AB T0G 0L0 -

KBJ Round Farms

P.O. Box 238, Clyde, Alberta T0G 0P0

Jim Round (780)348-5638

Barry Round (780)348-5794


Box 32, Hussar, Alberta TOJ 1SO

Horned Hereford

Cam and Kim Fraser 403-787-2165

Fleming Stock Farms

Registered Angus

R.R. #3, Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1X1 H (780)352-0813 W (780)585-2003


Willard Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-381-3191 Cell: 403-382-1990 Fax: 403-381-9093


Jack Leeuwenburgh Home: 403-327-9618 Cell: 403-330-6123 Fax: 403-327-9629

Box 25, Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Y3

Lindsay & Donna Penosky & Family

P.O. Box 37, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: (403)742-4337 ● Fax: (403)742-4341

Lee & Laura Brown

Box 217, Erskine, AB T0C 1G0 Ph: (403) 742-4226 Fax (403) 742-2962

19th Annual Bull & Female Sale March 14/09

Roy & Cindy Bjorklund

- Breeders of Quality Performance Tested Angus -

P.O. Box 2044, Fairview, Alberta T0H 1L0 (780)835-3530



Richard & Joyce Lorenz

Duncan, Cecilie, Cooper & Ricki Fleming

(403)728-3285 R.R. #1, Markerville, Alberta T0M 1M0

“Quality goes in before the name goes on”

LAKEFORD ANGUS “Visitor’s Welcome”

Angus World



Box 1, Granum, Alberta T0L 1A0 Ph: 403/687-2288 Fax: 403/687-2088

Page 50

“Quality Registered & Commercial Stock”

RR 2 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0

Nagib- Krameddine


Murray and Gloria Fraser 403-787-2341

Ron & Laurie Hunter & family

Dave & Jean Prichard 780-385-2226 Dan & Shelley Prichard Ph/Fax: 780-385-2298 Killam, Alberta Doug Noad 403-660-8371



Breeding 150 Functional Black Angus Females Since 1945


Danny & Conna Warrilow Bill & Barbara Warrilow Ph/Fax: (780) 593-2205 (780) 593-2208 P.O. BOX 39, MINBURN, ALBERTA T0B 3B0

Ken & Sharon Chitwood

Ph:(403)948-3094 Fax: (403)948-6329 R.R. #2, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A4

RIVERBEND FARM LTD. Bud, Barb & John McBride Box 51, Benalto, Alberta T0M 0H0 Phone: (403)746-2555 / Phone/Fax: (403)746-2630


Elllamae & Mike

Box 247, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 Ph/Fax: (403)642-2055 email:




Shawn & Cathy




Box 115, Warner, Alberta T0K 2L0 (403)642-2041

Registered & Commercial Red Angus



P.O. Box 4205, Taber, Alberta T1G 2C7 Phone/Fax: (403)223-4118

The Wildman’s


Dave & Gail (780) 785-2091 Kirk (780) 785-3772




Stauffer Ranches P.O. Box 174, Killam, Alberta (780)385-2216



Box 610, Delburne, Alberta T0M 0V0 (403)749-2953 email:

P.O. Box 444, Sangudo, Alberta T0E 2A0 Fax 785-3403





Lassiter Brothers


Box 763, Bassano, Alberta T0J 0B0 Ph: 403/641-4467 ~ Fax:403/6412355

Spring Bull Sale ● Female (Private Treaty) ● Embryos Using A.I. program & Embryo transfer to raise well balanced cattle.

Stacey & Michel Stauffer

Ring 403.627.2511 Fax 403.627.2650 Box 2377, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0

Angus World

Page 51



(306) 567-4702



Doug & Lynn McIvor

Box 688, Davidson, SK S0G 1A0




Premium Quality Since 1972







Glen, Dale, Wayne & Terry Elliott

Ph/Fax: (403)832-3774 l Ph: (403)832-3112 P.O. Box 113 Seven Persons, AB T0K 1Z0


David Flundra

Purebred Red Angus Bulls, Females & Commercial Cattle

P.O. Box 1453, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7N4

16 km east of Walsh, Alberta

Tel: (306)662-2449 Fax: (306)662-2556

Cell: (403)502-4776

Wes & Kim Olynyk (306)876-4420 Irene Olynyk (306)876-4400 Annual Bull Sale First Saturday in April

Box 192, Goodeve, SK S0A 1C0



Park F w a o ill Purebred Black Angus since 1920

Jim & Betty Richardson (403)224-3286

Box 32, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0

Double AA Angus Bill Dillabaugh

P.O. Box 91, Coleville, SK S0L 0K0 (306) 965-2554

Annual Rancher’s Choice Spring Bull Sale

Page 52

Angus World

Jim & Peggy Grant P.O. Box 220, Edam, SK S0M 0V0 (306)397-2541

Flying K Ranch Registered Red Angus Since 1972

Brian & Christine Hanel Box 1902, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6 (306)773-6313 email:

Donna Hanel

R.R. #1, Wymark, SK S0N 2Y0 Ph/Fax: (306)773-6984

10 miles south of swift Current on hwy #4 & 8 miles west

Ranches Inc. Don’t Roll - JustRock

Jon & Shelly Fox

P.O. Box 320 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y2

Phone: 306-825-9702 Fax: 306-825-9782 Res: 306-825-9624 Email:

Y Kim Robertson

Box 159, Alsask, SK S0L 0A0 Res: 306/968-2637 / Cell: 306/463-8405

5 miles east of Alsask and 2 miles north on Merid Grid

“Raising Quality Cattle To Work For You”



Barry & Marj Young & Family

Box 28, Carievale, SK S0C 0P0 (306) 928-4810

Keith, Linda & Stacey Kaufmann 306/454-2730

Shane, Alexis,

Keaton, Kamrie, Kohen Registered & Korbyn Kaufmann 306/454-2688 Red & Black Angus P.O. Box 130, Ceylon, SK S0C 0T0 ● Fax: (306)454-2643 ●


P.O. Box 183, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0

(306) 834-2844


Luseland - .5 mile W, 12 Miles S & .25 mile W. Kerrobert - 12 miles W, Hwy# 51, .5 mile N, .25 mile W


Box 718 Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0

Les & Ethel Smith & family (306)893-4094

WRed il-Sel Angus

Est: 1980

Doreen 306/263-4407 306/263-4923 Fax Corbin, Lynette, Cole & Conner 306/263-4407 The Selody’s ~ Flintoft, SK S0H 1R0

Black & Red Angus

Bruce, Ione Austen & Breanna Anderson


204.734.2073 - 204.734.0730 Comp 2 R.R.# 2, Swan River, MB R0L 1Z0 -

Quality Angus Cattle

Visitors Always Welcome

Jack & Barb Hart

General Delivery, Brookdale, Manitoba R0K 0G0 (204) 476-2607


David & Jeanette Neufeld 204/534-2380

Box 171, Boissevain Manitoba R0K 0E0 Roy & Vicki Forsyth

Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0 (204)448-2245

Registered Red & BlackAngus

Greenbush Angus Fax: (204)448-2126


Ian Gross

P.O. Box 29, Rush Lake, Saskatchewan S0H 3S0 ● (306)773-6873

Allen & Merilyn Staheli

Eddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0


R.R. #1, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0

Barrie & Bernice Baker (204)966-3822

Tim & Wendy Baker (204)966-3320

Z RED ANGU A R Phil Birnie S W Box 461, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0

Ph: 306/739-2988 ~ Fax: 306/739-2137 ~ Cell: 306/577-7440 email: Red Angus Bulls & Females For Sale ~ Commercial Heifers Herdsman: Gordon Murray 306/739-2177 - cell: 306/646-7980

Angus World

Page 53


Rideau Angus (613)258-2762 Farm R.R. #4, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 D & C Cattle Co Doug & Carolyn Milne-Smith

Rob & Sandy Foubert

613/258-1062 4373 Rideau River Road, Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0



Les Fermes

Rolling Acres

Stephen & Paula



Ad Index






Don & Jeannette Currie

R.R. #1, Nottawa, Ontario L0M 1P0 Ph/Fax: (705)445-1526

66 Ranch ............................ 10 Andy Fadeeff Saddlery .............. 31 Angus Excellence Sale .................... 33 Belvin Angus ....................... OBC Blairs.Ag Cattle Co ..................... 7 Bohrson Marketing ................... 25 Brylor Ranch ............................ IFC Carey Auction Services .................. 15 Castlerock Marketing ............. 20, 33 Cattle Creek Ranching .................. 4

Angus World


Index of Display Advertisements Chico Ranches ................................ 8 Cudlobe Angus ..................... 1 Glen Islay Angus ....................... 5 Hamilton Farms .......................... 3 Howe Red Angus ............................ 13 Johnston/Fertile Valley Angus ........... 4 Lorenz Angus .............................. 6 Majestic Cattle Co ...................... 19 Masterpiece Sale ............................ 20 Pahl Livestock .............................. 21

Poplar Meadows Angus ........ 11 Pursue Victory ............................ 26 Quantum Genetix ..................... 44 Symens Land & Cattle Co .......... 17 Stauffer Ranches ....................... IBC White Cap Charolais ................... 13 Willow Springs Black Angus ........ 25 WRAZ Red Angus ..................... 56

Events Calendar August 1 - 3 Manitoba Youth Beef Round-up, Neepawa, MB August 6 - 10 Dawson Creek Exhibition, Dawson Creek, BC August 12 Alberta Angus Association Annual General Meeting & Hall of Fame Gala, Bashaw, AB August 14 - 16 Old Home Week Gold Show, Charlottetown, PE August 14 - 17 Nechako Valley Exhibition, Vanderhoof, BC August 21 - 23 Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition, Truro, NS August 21 - 24 Bulkley Valley Exhibition, Smithers, BC August 24 Blue Water Point Show, Barrie, ON August 27 - September 1 Interior Provincial Exhibition, Armstrong, BC

Page 54

Laird & Mary

Fax: (819)647-3541 //

12201 TORBRAM RD, CALEDON. ONTARIO L7C 2T4 * (905)843-1236


Angus & Hereford

C260 Heath Road, Shawville, Quebec J0X 2Y0

August 31 British Columbia Angus Association Annual General Meeting, Armstrong, BC September 4 Willow Springs Black Angus Dispersal Sale, Innisfail, AB September 14 Central Ontario Preview Show, Brampton, ON September 27 Pacific Invitational Female Sale October 3 - 5 Angus Gold Show, Olds, AB October 10 Blairs. Ag Genetics in Motion Sale, Moose Jaw, SK October 10 - 13 Maritime Fall Fair, Halifax, NS October 18 Red Roundup Sale, Red Deer, AB October 18 Blue Water Sale, Hanover, ON

Card Ad Index 66 Ranch ............................................................ 49 Abacus Angus ................................................... 49 Aberlynn Angus .................................................... 49 Acer Red Angus ............................................. 54 Aitken Acres Angus ............................................... 52 All West /Select Sires ...................................... 47 Allencroft Angus ............................................. 49 Alta Genetics .................................................... 47 Alberta Breeders Service ................................... 47 AllFlex Canada ................................................. 47 Anderson Cattle Co ...................................... 53 Arda Farms ......................................................... 49 Arm River Red Angus ........................................ 52 Ashbacher Angus .............................................. 49 BC Angus Association ....................................... 48 Bar CR Angus ....................................................... 52 Bar Double M Angus ..................................... 49 Bar Heart Angus .............................................. 49 Belvin Angus ................................................... 49 BJ Cattle Co ................................................... 49 Blind Creek Angus ........................................... 49 Border Butte Angus .......................................... 49 Bouchard Livestock International .................. 47 Bova-Tech Ltd .................................................. 47 Brandl Cattle Co ............................................. 49 Brookmore Angus ........................................... 53 Brylor Ranch .................................................... 49 C.D. Land & Cattle ............................................ 49 Canadian Farm Insurance ............................... 47 CanadianRedAngusPromotionSociety ....... 47 Carey Auction Services ..................................... 47 Cattle Creek Ranching ...................................... 52 Clegg Angus ..................................................... 49 Cooke Livestock ............................................... 49 Copeland, Glen ................................................. 47 Count Ridge Stock Farm ................................. 49 Coyote Pub ....................................................... 47 Cranberry Creek Angus ................................. 53 CrescentCreekAngus ........................................... 52 Cripps, Greg ...................................................... 47 Cudlobe Angus .................................................. 49 CUP Lab ......................................................... 47 Dalrene Farms ................................................... 49

Davis- Rairdan EmbryoTransplants ................ 47 Deer River Ranching ....................................... 49 Delorme Livestock ............................................. 52 Diamond T Cattle Co .................................... 50 Diamond Willow Ranch ................................ 49 Dinant Red Angus .......................................... 50 DKF Red Angus ............................................. 52 Dorran Marketing .............................................. 47 Dorran, Steve .................................................. 47 Double AA Angus ................................................ 52 Double Bar D Farms .......................................... 52 Dwajo Angus .................................................. 50 Early Sunset Ranch .............................................. 52 Ebon Hill Angus ............................................ 50 Ellefson, Grant .................................................. 47 Ericson Livestock Services .................................. 47 F Bar Ranch ............................................... 53 F Bar R Ranch .............................................. 50 Fantin, Gloria ................................................. 47 Ferme Sage Red Angus ................................ 54 Fleming Stock Farms .................................... 50 Fleury Angus ........................................... 52 Flying K Ranch ...................................................... 52 GBS Angus ........................................................ 52 GBT Angus ........................................................ 52 Gilchrist, Kyle .................................................. 47 Glen Islay Angus .............................................. 54 Grant Rolston Photography ............................. 47 Gray, Dave & Carol .......................................... 52 Greenbush Angus ........................................... 53 Gumbo Gulch Cattle Co .................................. 48 Hahn Cattle Co ............................................. 50 Hamilton Farms ............................................. 50 Harpery Farms .............................................. 54 Harvest Angus .................................................. 48 Hawthorne Farm ............................................ 54 Hazel Bluff Red Angus .................................... 50 Heatherlea Angus ......................................... 54 HI Diamond Angus .......................................... 50 High Tree Cattle .......................................... 52 Howe Family Red Angus .................................. 52 J Heart Angus ................................................. 49 Justamere Ranches ............................................. 53 JW Cattle Co .................................................. 50

KBJ Round Farms .......................................... 50 K-Deen Angus Farm ...................................... 50 Kembar Farms ................................................... 53 Kropius Livestock Hauling ............................... 48 Kueber Farms .................................................. 50 Lakeford Angus ................................................ 50 Lannan, L. Patrick .............................................. 48 Lauron Red Angus .......................................... 50 Lazy E Bar Ranching ................................... 50 Leeuwenburgh Angus ..................................... 50 Lindon Angus Farms ........................................ 50 LLB Angus ......................................................... 50 Lone Tree Ranching .......................................... 51 Lookout Stock Farm ........................................ 50 Lorenz Angus .................................................. 50 Majestic Cattle Co ........................................... 50 Marin Cattle Presentation .............................. 48 Mar Mac Farms ................................................ 54 Meadow Ridge Ent. ...................................... 53 Minburn Angus ............................................... 51 M&J Farms ................................................... 54 Movin On Farms ..................................... 51 Nielson Land & Cattle ................................. 53 North 40 Red Angus ......................................... 48 Norseman Farms ................................................ 53 Old Valleymere Angus ........................................ 51 Ole Farms ............................................................. 51 Ossaw Angus ................................................... 54 Peak Dot Ranch ......................................... 53G PoplarMeadowsAngus ..................................... 48 Quantum Genetix ............................................ 48 Rack Red Angus ................................................... 51 Rainbow Hills Ranch ....................................... 51 Raffan, Don ..................................................... 48 Ravenworth Black Angus ................................ 53 Red Rock Red Angus ................................. 51 Reid Angus .......................................................... 51 Rideau Angus Farm ...................................... 54 Ring Creek Farms ............................................... 51 Riverbend Farm .................................................... 51 Rivercrest Angus ................................................ 51 RNR Flicek .................................................... 53 Rodgers Red Angus ........................................... 51 Rolling Acres ................................................. 54

Samtia Angus ................................................... 51 Sandy Bar Ranch .............................................. 53 Saskalta Angus ................................................. 53 S&W Ag Supplies .......................................... 48 Sealin Creek Ranch ........................................... 48 Scott Stock Farm ..................................... 48, 51 South View Ranch ......................................... 53 Splendorview Angus Farm ............................. 53 Spruce View Angus Ranch ............................... 51 Standard Hill Angus ........................................... 53 Stauffer Ranches .................................................... 51 Stockmens Insurance ....................................... 48 Stoneydale Black Angus ................................... 51 Stone, Nathan .................................................. 48 Stryker Cattle Co .............................................. 51 Stock, Mark ....................................................... 48 Sunset Acres .................................................... 54 Swanson, Dave .................................................. 48 Symens Land & Cattle Co ................................ 51 Tafika Angus ........................................................ 48 Ter-Ron Farms ................................................... 51 Thistle Ridge Ranch .................................... 51 Towaw Cattle Co ............................................... 51 Trans Tech Genetics .......................................... 48 Triple X Angus ............................................. 51 Tullamore Farms ............................................ 54 Valley Auction Ltd ............................................ 48 Valleymere BPPS Angus .................... 51 Valleymere TTT Black Angus .................... 52 Vikse Family Farm ................................................ 52 Waterview Red Angus ......................................... 52 Waveny Angus Farm .......................................... 52 Western Angus ................................................... 52 Willow Park Farm ............................................... 52 Willow Springs Ranch ....................................... 48 Wil-Sel Red Angus ......................................... 53 Windy Willows Farms .................................... 53 Wiwa Creek Angus ........................................... 53 WRAZ Red Angus ........................................... 53 Young Dale Angus Farms ............................... 53 Wolters, Bryon .................................................... 48 Wolters, Bryon .................................................... 48 Z Bar Angus ........................................................ 52

Events Calendar October 18 Blue Water Sale, Hanover, ON October 19 Brylor Ranch ‘Tradition with a Vision’ Sale, Olds, AB October 22 Chinook Angus Sale, Taber, AB October 30 - November 1 Saskatchewan Gold & Junior Show, Lloydminster, SK November 2 Alberta Angus Gold Show, Farmfair, Edmonton, AB November 7 Manitoba Gold Show, Brandon, MB

November 19 The Amigos Production Sale, Medicine Hat, AB November 26 Masterpiece Sale, Regina, SK November 27 Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK November 27 Power & Perfection Angus Sale, Regina, SK December 4 Peak Dot Ranch Fall Bull & Female Sale, Wood Mountain, SK December 6

Majestic Cattle Co Production Sale, Lethbridge, AB December 6 Keystone Klassic Sale, Brandon, MB December 9 Angus Excellence Sale, Olds, AB December 12 66 Ranch Fall Bull & Female Sale, Fort Macleod, AB December 17 White Cap Charolais & Howe Red Angus Sale, Moose Jaw, SK

Angus World

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Angus World

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