Angliss Asia - foodtalk Issue 63 - Middle Eastern Magic

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Welcome to the 63nd issue of foodtalk!

The news just prior to printing this issue that Hong Kong is to cancel the compulsory quarantine requirement for people arriving from overseas places will give Angliss Hong Kong, alongside our HORECA industry colleagues, a massive boost, both directly and indirectly.

The dropping of travel restrictions will be a huge relief to the beleaguered tourism sector, which has been decimated since the introduction of the contentious quarantine requirements in March 2020. The stringent measures have been in contrast to the rest of the world, which has gradually relaxed rules and returned to normalcy. The policy has been blamed for both undermining the city’s international reputation and placing its food and beverage industry under unbearable pressure.

As a supplier to the industry Angliss Hong Kong has shared this pain, and it is only due to the exceptional relationships the company enjoys with its loyal workforce,

stakeholders, clients and suppliers that we have been able to see out this unprecedented period.

In spite of the challenges, our industry is truly resourceful, and as has been covered in foodtalk magazine throughout the past 2.5 years, colleagues have shown amazing resilience. While there have been inevitable casualties, hardworking people across the business have pitched together and done anything they can to fight for their livelihoods.

This wonderful news throws an even brighter and more positive complexion on this issue, in which you will find the usual mix of interviews and news featuring the aforementioned creative, determined and inspiring people.

Enjoy the issue!

第63期 foodtalk 與大家見面了 ! 在本期雜誌出版前,剛好得悉香港已決定取消從海外地區抵港 人士強制檢疫的要求。我們相信,安得利香港以至整個酒店和 餐飲業界,將能從中直接或間接地受惠。 自 2020 年 3 月起,本港在一片爭議聲中實施各項檢疫要 求後,旅遊業隨即步入寒冬。隨著旅遊限制取消,陷入困境 的旅遊業將重現曙光。近幾個月,雖然全球城市陸續放寬防疫 規定,社會漸漸恢復常態,但是本港嚴格的檢疫措施卻一直未 能與世界各地同步,更有聲音指出這些防疫政策損害了香港的 國際聲譽,以及令餐飲業飽受沉重的壓力。 作為餐飲業的供應商,安得利香港在疫情期間亦身同感受。 全賴公司上下一心,以及與各持份者、客戶和供應商合作伙伴 保持緊密的關係,我們才能在疫情期間迎難而上,度過艱難的 時刻。 雖然面對著接二連三的挑戰,業界一直都能靈活地應對 「疫」境。過去兩年半,foodtalk 雜誌已將同事們所展現的 頑強適應力,一點一滴地記述下來。雖然在這段時間裡,有餐 飲業界同儕不幸受到疫情的影響,但業內每一個人仍然繼續緊 守崗位、同心協力,並竭力為生活而奮鬥。 這個令人欣喜的消息,為今期 foodtalk 注入了希望和正能量。 我們將會一如既往,四出尋找有關業界同儕發揮創意和展現毅 力的故事和報導,並以啟迪人心為目標。 希望大家喜歡這一期的精彩內容﹗ 江文喜 亞洲區首席執行官









4 CONTENTS Contents
An introduction from CEO - Asia Johnny Kang 03ISSUE 63 06
The charismatic boss of Chess House restaurant group began his assault on the F&B industry the moment he first stepped into a kitchen, and now sees his plans realised 15 BOOK
Go-To Dinners offers tempting comfort food that’s not only easy to prepare but also delicious – usher in the autumn nights with these fabulous new recipes 06 16 19 24
If you are looking to net some of the cleanest and tastiest mussels available anywhere, those produced by Omega Seafood, in New Zealand’s South Island, are hard to beat 16 19
Angliss’ ambitious executive pastry chef caught the baking bug as a child, has never looked back, and is now dreaming up exciting plans which include a chocolate room
Angliss Singapore exhibited at Food & Hotel Asia as an exhibitor with a showcase of over 40 brands, enjoying huge visitor participation, after a four-year hiatus 24 Editor in Chief / 總編輯 : Daniel Creffield Editor / 編輯 : Vivian Lau Project Manager / 項目统籌 : Wisteria Lo Creative Director / 設計及藝術總監 : Fanky Fu Translation / 翻譯 : Spear Translation Foodtalk is published quarterly by Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd. Foodtalk季刊由安得利香港餐飲 有限公司出版 2022 © Copyright Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Ltd All rights reserved 2022 © 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 版權所有,不得翻印 Published by: Angliss Hong Kong Food Service Limited 47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T. Hong Kong T. +852 2481 5111 F. +852 2489 8861 出版: 安得利香港餐飲有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 電話 +852 2481 5111 傳真 +852 2489 8861 e-version:


Middle Eastern cuisine is becoming hugely popular, but many fans don’t know their mulukhiyah from their shawarma – what dishes originate from which countries?


Eatology’s Chef Jean Charles Devillard explains why the company’s healthy eating delivery service is catching on with customers unwilling to compromise on flavour


Two valued PastryGlobal Food Service Limited colleagues said their final farewells as they each announced their retirement from the world of cakes and croissants


Cannabidiol, or CBD, is now available as a healthy ingredient in a growing list of F&B products as part of an industry thought to be worth as much as US$20 billion



The successful bakery chain Butterful & Creamorous founder already has nine stores and is planning for 30 more, based on his “multi-country, multi-flavour” concept


Angliss Xiamen presents a feast of summer desserts; while Angliss Shenzhen thrills with outstanding butter and hosts Angliss Discovery 2022 in Shantou


Events, shows and F&B openings in Greater

and around

the world 44 44 32 34 28 40
26 30 34

Mohamed Hegazy, Culinary Director of Chess House Restaurants, explains how his early career in butchery informed later roles in large-scale food production and still inspires him in leading his multiculinary enterprise

FT (Foodtalk): You began your career as a chef de partie butcher in your native Egypt, working at leading hotels in popular tourist destination, Sharm El Shaikh. How did you later make the move into general culinary work?

MH (Mohamed Hegazy): Quite a few renowned chefs come from a butchery background. Having a deep knowledge of this key ingredient is definitely an advantage. Understanding what is the best meat – or fish – for a dish, and the right cut, can save time and money. Even from a young age I took great pride in my work. In fact, it was when I saw restaurants not handling my perfectly cut meat properly, that I first thought: “Why don’t I cook it myself?”

Chess House

7foodtalk ISSUE 63
FT (Foodtalk): 入行初期,你曾經在家鄉埃及的熱門旅遊勝地 沙姆沙伊赫,擔任一間高級酒店的屠宰廚師。後來你是怎樣轉 而從事一般的烹飪工作? MH (Mohamed Hegazy): 在餐飲業中,有不少名廚都是從屠 宰工作做起。這項工作讓我們能夠深入認識肉類食材,從中了 解到怎樣才算是優質的內類或魚類,以及如何選擇合適的部位 以節省時間和金錢。因此,當時年輕的我已對自己的工作感到 相當自豪。然而,每當我發現有些餐廳未能適當地烹調我為它 們準備的肉類食材時,便不其然會想到:「為什麼我不親自下 廚呢?」 我在埃及的亞歷山大地區長大,起初先跟隨當地一位屠宰師傅 工作。從學習處理內臟到掌握如何去骨,讓我看到自己的屠宰 技術正日漸進步!事實上,屠宰是讓你徹底了解肉類結構的必
Photography by Chris Luk and courtesy of Chess House Restaurants
Restaurants 的餐飲總監 Mohamed Hegazy,與我們分享了入行初期從事的屠宰工作, 如何為他日後的大型食品生產工作打好基礎,以及 對今天於多個餐飲企業中擔任管理職務有何啟發 Master Craftsman COVER STORY I HONG KONG 21 day dry-aged prime beef

I grew up in the Alexandria area of Egypt, and started working there with a master butcher. Moving from handling offal to deboning felt like a major promotion!

But if you want to truly understand meat, you need to go through this process. My switch to Sharm El Shaikh, a huge tourist resort, was an eye-opening experience. There were so many restaurants, and I was exposed to many different kinds of cuisine. I guess I had a natural grasp of what made each special and individual, and it was there I first began to get a feel for the culinary creativity possible. I gradually moved to the cold kitchen, and had experience with other areas of food and meat production.

FT: Your first international assignment was in Dubai, where you were recruited by Shangri-La Hotel as a chef de partie, then as sous chef with Kempinski Hotel Mall of Emirates, and as part of The Address Dubai Mall’s pre-opening team as butcher/chef. What did you learn from these experiences?

MH: I went to Dubai in 2004 with Shangri-La before

經過程。之後,我到了著名的旅遊勝地沙姆沙伊赫工作,當地 設有各式各樣的餐廳,令我有機會接觸到林林總總的美食, 眼界大開。在這種環境下,我不知不覺間領略到每種菜式的 特點和風格,同時首次感受到烹飪是一份充滿創意的工作。 因此,我開始專注於凍廚房的工作,並且累積了與食品和肉類 生產相關的經驗。 FT: 在杜拜,你在國際級的香格里拉酒店擔任廚師領班,之後 在阿聯酋購物中心凱賓斯基酒店任職副主廚,並且以屠宰員/ 廚師的身份成為 The Address Dubai Mall 準開業團隊的 成員。你從這些經驗中學到些什麼? MH: 2004 年,香格里拉酒店指派我前往杜拜工作,大約三年後 再轉職至凱賓斯基酒店。隨後,我在擁有全世界最大型購物中 心和最高建築物的 The Address Dubai Mall,以屠宰師傅/ 廚師的身份成為了準開業團隊的成員。我在那裡設立了我第一 個中央式生產廚房,藉此節省因處理大量農產品而所需的時間 和金錢。就如今天一樣,雖然我當時需要親自下廚,但同時亦 有機會磨練自己的管理技巧。直至現在,我認為其中的最大挑 戰依然是如何維持穩定的食物質素以及控制勞動成本。如果能 夠在兩者之間取得平衡,便能在餐飲業奠定成功的基礎。 The biggest challenge was food consistency and labour. This is still the case. If you can balance these elements you can be successful in the restaurant business The Hunter

moving to the Kempinski around three years later. Following that I joined the pre-opening team as master butcher/chef at The Address Dubai Mall, which incorporates the world’s largest shopping mall and tallest building. It was there I started my first centralised production kitchen, which saved time and money in handling large volumes of produce. But although I was a hands-on chef, just like I am now, I also honed my management skills. The biggest challenge was food consistency and labour costs. This is still the case. If you can balance these elements you can be successful in the restaurant business.

FT: You were with Galaxy Entertainment Group in Macau for about seven years, during which time you rose through the ranks from chef de cuisine to executive sous chef, overseeing Production Kitchen. What drew you to Macau, and why did it suit you so well?

MH: By this time I already had a Chinese wife, so this made the move to Asia easier! But yes, I was ready for a new challenge. I had an offer in Korea as well, but opted for Macau. I spent seven great years there, the first two setting up the large-scale butchery production system, which went on to supply over 50 outlets. I was promoted, which was gratifying, but moving up was a challenge, and I had to prove I could handle it. The company invested in me, trained me, but I feel I repaid that trust. In career terms it was huge, working with Michelin-starred chefs and winning awards.

產系統,這個系統後來更為 50 多間餐廳供應食材。工作上得到 晉升,一方面讓我相當感恩,但另一方面亦希望努力證明自己 有能力應付新的挑戰。在公司的悉心栽培和訓練下,我亦盡己 本份以報答公司的信任。工作方面,能夠與米芝蓮星級大廚合

作並獲獎,算是創出一點成就。我很感激能有機會與多位經驗 豐富的前輩一起共事,並且得到他們的信任;同時亦因能夠透 過努力工作來成就今天的自己,讓我感到十分自豪。

9foodtalk ISSUE 63
FT: 你為澳門銀河娛樂集團效力了大約七年,期間你從主廚晉 升為行政副主廚,負責監督生產廚房的運作。是什麼原因吸引 你前往澳門,為什麼當地如此適合你? MH: 我搬到亞洲生活,其中一個原因是為了我的中國籍太太! 但當然,我亦已準備就緒迎接新的挑戰。事實上,雖然當時我 亦曾獲得韓國企業的邀請,但最終還是選擇以澳門為落腳地。 我在澳門生活了七年,其中首兩年負責建立一個大型的屠宰生


so grateful that I’ve had worked with so many well experienced mentors that trusted me and my work that made me who I am today.

Moving on to Hong Kong, you were with Cathay Pacific Catering Services as research and development manager – can you describe what the role entailed, and why you decided to move into this rather niche F&B area?

I had become a specialist in the area of large-scale, mass production, using precise equipment to grantee high consistency with longer shelf life without food additives, so it felt like a natural progression for me. Cathay invested substantially in this equipment and I helped set up the system, which changed the production progress, guaranteeing consistent volumes. It allowed them to go from cooking for demand to cooking for inventory. We were catering for 52 airlines, sourcing all kinds of ingredients from around the world. It was a culinary United Nations! Creativity was the name of the game, and was a very rewarding and satisfying experience.

10 FT: 來到香港,你曾在國泰航空飲食服務有限公司擔任研發 經理。你能描述一下這個崗位的職責,以及為什麼決定投身 這個相對狹窄的餐飲領域呢? MH: 在不使用食品添加劑下,使用精密設備來生產品質穩定及 擁有更長保質期的食品,我總算具備一點專門知識,因此自然 希望能夠有進一步的發展。國泰為相關設備投放了大量資金, 而我的職責是協助他們建立一個能改善生產程序,以及保證能 提供穩定產量的系統,讓國泰能夠從需求主導,轉變成因應庫 存情況而決定菜式。公司從世界各地採購不同類型的食材, 為 52 間航空公司提供餐飲服務,簡直可堪稱為一個餐飲聯 合國!在工作中發揮創意,讓我得到理想的成績和滿足感。 FT: 去年,您與幾位合作夥伴一起開設了自己的餐廳 The Hunter,隨後再創立另外三間分別名為 Chutney、 Maison Du Mezze 和 Shahrazad 的餐廳。你如何能在如此 短時間內開設和管理這麼多餐廳? MH: 我希望自己能有一些突破,而最叫人稱心滿意的,莫過於 能夠按照自己的想法來做一些自己喜歡的事。我的同事 Musab Suleiman 十分熱愛美食,而且想法亦與我不謀而合,因此我以 合夥人的身份加入了他的團隊。我們在 16 個月內開設了四間 餐廳,第一間是開業不久後便氣勢如虹的 The Hunter。至於 當我加入時已在營運中的 Shahrazad,由於很多方面都需要 改善,因此我們決定先行休業以進行翻新,並重新推出以純正
There’s nothing better than doing your own thing, working with your own vision
Maison Du Mezze

FT: Last year with your partners you established your own restaurant, The Hunter, followed by three other outlets –Chutney, Maison Du Mezze and Shahrazad. How were you able to get so many restaurants up and running so quickly?

MH: I felt I needed to do something different, and there’s nothing better than doing your own thing, working with your own vision. My associate Musab Suleiman, an avid foodie, shared my vision and I joined his team as a partner. We opened four restaurants within 16 months, starting with The Hunter, which was immediately successful. Shahrazad was already in operation when I came on board, but needed more help, so we closed it, renovated, and relaunched with new menu focusing on pure Lebanese cuisine. With large organisations, getting something done can take a lot of time and effort, presentations, tastings etc, but with independent restaurants it can be almost instant – show the team, they get it, done!

11foodtalk ISSUE 63
黎巴嫩美食為主的新菜單。對大機構而言,要順利推行某些計 劃可能需要花費大量時間和精力,當中牽涉到推介新的構思, 為菜式試味等環節;相反,獨立經營的餐廳只需要向團隊交代 工作內容,一旦他們能夠清楚理解,便能馬到功成! FT: 你可以形容一下你每間餐廳的概念嗎? MH: The Hunter 是首間真正由我們親手建立,以燒烤為概念 的地中海海鮮餐廳,並主要提供我擅長的菜式,包括運用木炭 以 Josper 烤爐炮製的乾式熟成牛扒等。由於我們曾經進行過 市場調查,並且確保能推出優質的產品,因此在屢獲好評下餐

MH: The Hunter is a Mediterranean seafood and grill concept, our first real opening and my baby, showcasing dry-aged steak, cooked on a charcoal Josper oven, and so drawing on my speciality. We did our market research and were confident we could introduce a high quality product. We nailed it, primarily thanks to word of mouth. Shahrazad is pure Lebanese cuisine, with high-end ingredients imported from the Middle East and around the world. Chutney, our modern Indian restaurant, was successful from day one. The clientele is mainly Chinese, and we had to adapt for this local market, making dishes slightly less spicy, with high nutritional value, reduced fats, zero food additives and a focus on natural richness. During initial discussions with the chef I told him to look at the healthy, slim people down on the street, and said that we can’t serve them spicy, fatty food! It also features a charcoal oven, which is one of my trademarks. Maison Du Mezze is a little out of town, offering Mediterranean-Lebanese-Middle Eastern cuisine

至於我們的時尚印度餐廳 Chutney,從第一天開業便大受 歡迎。餐廳的客人大部分都是華人,為了配合本地市場,我們 需要避免菜式過份辛辣,並且提供富含營養、較少脂肪、不含 食物添加劑,以及注重天然食材的菜式。在最初與大廚討

Maison Du Mezze,則提供 以開放式炭燒烹製的地中海 - 黎巴嫩 - 中東美食,同樣得到客 人的青睞。假如沒有一眾營運夥伴齊心合力,以及身邊傑出團 隊和出色廚師的協助,我絕對無法取得今天的成績。我們懷著 相同的願景和理念,在彼此扶持下經歷了高低起跌,最終建立 了屬於自己的品牌和特色。

FT: 你可否分享一下心目中的未來計劃? MH: 我們將會因應目前的餐飲潮流推出不同的項目。擁有壯麗 海景的全新 Mulino Mediterranean 餐廳及酒吧,已剛在尖沙 咀開幕;同時亦正在籌備一間糕點和甜品概念店。整體而言, 我希望能夠運用優質食材、現代烹調技巧以及配合本地市場的 口味,再加上盡可能保持菜式的正宗味道,為香港的餐飲業帶

FT: Can you describe the concept for each of your restaurants?
廳的成績相當理想。Shahrazad 是一間提供純正黎巴嫩菜式的 餐廳,並採用從中東和世界各地進口的高端食材製作菜式。
論時,我希望他能考慮大家關注健康和追求纖體的趨勢,避免 提供辛辣肥膩的食物!此外,餐廳內的木炭烤爐亦是我的其中 一個商標。至於距離市中心較遠的
I couldn’t have made it work without surrounding myself with a talented team and capable chefs

cooked on an open chargrill, and has proved equally successful. I wouldn’t be here if its not from my business partner and surrounding myself with a talented team and capable chefs. Together, we worked through from highs and lows along with our vision and concept – creating our very own brand and style.

FT: Can you discuss any future projects you have in mind?

MH: We have upcoming projects tapping into current culinary trends. Our new restaurant, Mulino Mediterranean restaurant and bar with seaview, has just opened in Tsim Sha Tsui, while a pastry and dessert concept are underway. Overall, I want to influence change in the Hong Kong restaurant market, focusing on using high quality ingredients, modern cooking techniques and adapting local market flavour, while, maintaining everything as authentic as possible – for example investing substantially on things like chargrill cookers – we are gradually building our reputation.

FT: What is your favourite dish, and do you like to cook for pleasure?

MH: Rustic Italian style red wine beef stew – The Hunter makes a great one based on my recipe, using prime beef short rib and lots of sage and thyme. Yes, I enjoy cooking when I have time. I also like local Chinese barbeque style cuisine and vegetables.

來一些轉變,並且透過大量引入炭燒爐具等設備,逐步建立餐 廳的口碑。

FT: 你最喜愛什麼菜式,以及享受烹飪所帶來的樂趣嗎?

MH: 我最喜歡傳統口味的意式紅酒燉牛肉,其中 The Hunter 能夠按照我的食譜,再運用優質的牛肉排骨以及大量的鼠尾草 和百里香,炮製出這款美味的菜式。當然,閒餘時間我亦十分 享受下廚的樂趣。至於本地的中式燒烤風味美食和蔬菜,則是 我的心頭好。

13foodtalk ISSUE 63

Go-To Dinners:

A Barefoot Contessa

Autumn comfort food that’ll have you craving for more

As summer comes to a close and autumn nights start drawing in – or not, depending on where you are in the world – many gastronomes turn their thoughts to cosy and warming autumnal dishes.

Much of the world is familiar with American chef and television presenter Ina Garten, best known for hosting 28 seasons (yes, you read that right), of “Barefoot Contessa” on the American Food Network. With another cookbook to be released over the next couple of months, “Go-To Dinners”, Garten shares lots more simple, fun and delicious recipes with her many fans.

These include comforting basics such as such as Mac and Cheese (always a crowd pleaser), nourishing dishes like Tuscan White Bean Soup and mouthwatering desserts including Beatty’s Chocolate Cupcakes.

Readers can expect recipes for quick on-the-go breakfasts, such as Overnight Oats, which have taken the internet by storm in recent years, easy one-pot dinners for the family like Chicken in a Pot with Orzo, and Hasselback Kielbasa (meat sausage from Poland) and much more. Garten was born to delight with these kinds of simple but satisfying dishes, and each one in Go-To Dinners is a winner.

Garten’s other cookbooks, “Modern Comfort Food”, “Make it Ahead”, “Foolproof” and many more have made her a New York Times bestselling author. Meanwhile, her long-term gig hosting “Barefoot Contessa” has won her five Emmy awards.

With Go-To Dinners, Garten shows us that inviting loved ones to share a meal is more than just about the food – it’s the sense of community and care shown. These easy and homely recipes will have us constantly flipping through the cookbook for more and we can’t wait to try out all the new creations.

夏天已接近尾聲,某些地方在入夜後正漸漸迎來陣陣秋意, 很多美食愛好者亦開始搜羅一些舒適暖胃的秋日菜式。

相信世界各地很多人都認識美國名廚兼電視節目主持人 Ina Garten,其中在American Food Network 上推出,合共 28 季(真是一個長做長有的節目)的「赤足伯爵夫人」 節目,更讓她一舉成名。Garten 即將在未來幾個月內推出 新一本烹飪書《Go To Dinners》,藉以與一眾支持者分享 多款簡單、有趣而美味的食譜。

這些食譜包括一些簡單且令人開懷的美食,例如芝士通心粉 (相信大家都會喜歡)、營養豐富的托斯卡納白豆湯,以及

15foodtalk ISSUE 63 BOOK TALK 作者 : Ina Garten 出版商 : Clarkson Potter 讓您一試難忘的寫意秋日美食
令人垂涎三尺的 Beatty 朱古力紙杯蛋糕等。 讀者將能在書中找到各式各樣簡單快捷的早餐食譜,例如 近年備受網民追捧的隔夜燕麥;適合一家大小享用的簡便 晚餐,例如雞肉米粒鍋麵;以及 Hasselback Kielbasa (源自波蘭的肉腸) 等等。Garten 最擅長炮製這些簡單卻讓 人滿足的菜式,而《Go To Dinners 》所介紹的食譜更是 當中的精選。 Garten 撰寫的其他烹飪書還包括《Modern Comfort Food》、《Make it Ahead》、《Foolproof》等,這些 都足以讓她榮登《紐約時報》的最暢銷作家。除此之外, 她更憑著主持《赤足伯爵夫人》而獲得五項艾美獎。 Garten 藉著《Go To Dinners》一書,讓我們明白到比起 單純的美食,與自己喜歡的人一起享用才能真正品嚐到箇中 滋味,以及體會到互相關懷、彼此聯繫的感情。這些簡單輕 巧的家居食譜將會令大家對這本烹飪書愛不惜手,並且急不 及待想品嚐當中的所有創新菜式。 Ina Garten, Clarkson Potter

Sweet Treasure of the Sea

Omega Seafood offers some of the cleanest and most delicious mussels in the world, boasting convenience and visual appeal

Mussels, whether prepared with pasta, paella or other dishes, or served alone with a wine-cream or other sauce, is one of the tastiest, most versatile and great value seafood products available.

Some of the finest mussels in the world can be found in New Zealand, the home of green-lipped, or Greenshell Mussels. Farmed in the pristine waters of Marlborough Sounds, South Island, Omega Seafood has a reputation for producing some of the best quality mussels on the market.

The secret to New Zealand – and Omega’s – superb mussels, is partly the habitat, with shellfish grown sustainably on ropes suspended in coastal water, causing minimal habitat disruption. New Zealand’s Greenshell Mussels have subsequently been judged one of the

Omega Seafood致力搜羅全球數一數二的優質 青口,令大家能輕鬆品嚐到潔淨、味美的海鮮, 盡享味覺和視覺上的盛宴 青口是一款靈活多變、別具價值的海鮮,無論是配搭意粉、 西班牙海鮮燉飯或是其他食材,以製作出各款美味佳餚, 還是配以白酒忌廉或其他醬汁品嚐,都非常美味可口。 而在新西蘭,你不難找到全球品質首屈一指的青口,那裏盛產 的是綠唇青口和綠殻青口。Omega Seafood於南島馬爾堡峽 灣一帶的純淨水域設有養殖場,為顧客提供優質的青口,在市 場上一直享譽盛名。 新西蘭、以及Omega之所以能生產出高品質的青口,其中一個 秘訣在於棲息地的環境。貝殼類動物可在懸掛於沿海水域的繩 索上生長,對棲息地帶來最小程度的破壞,是個可持續的養殖 方式。新西蘭的綠殻青口後來更獲美國著名的藍海研究所評為 世界上對海洋生態最友善的海鮮之一。 透過可持續管理的親本培育法來養殖綠殼青口,能過濾水中 的藻類和其他浮游生物,從而可以改善周邊一帶的水質。

most ocean-friendly seafoods in the world by the USA’s renowned Blue Ocean Institute.

From sustainably managed brood stocks, Greenshell Mussels feed by filtering algae and other plankton, improving the quality of the surrounding water. Omega carries out ongoing sampling for E.Coli, salmonella and listeria, meeting the highest global standard for food safety, including USFDA, HACCP and EU accreditation.

Omega offers cooked, portion-controlled units of Greenshell Mussels in 500g and 1kg pouches. With a 12-month chilled shelf life or 24 months frozen, restaurants and other F&B establishments can provide the presentation and preparation options of fresh shellfish, without the time, wastage and food safety concerns.

The care and attention the company invests in every element of the production process adds to the quality of Omega Greenshell Mussels. Shellfish are washed, scrubbed and partially de-bearded, before being bagged in a USFDA approved, non-BPA plastic pouch, vacuum packed, and pressure cooked at high temperatures.

They contain no added flavours, preservatives or additives, retaining only the fresh natural taste, are healthy, low fat and sugar, while high in protein, and a good source of omega 3. Their sweet, mild flavour complements many cuisine styles and applications, They can be served chilled or prepped like live, while their distinctive emerald shell adds attractive visual appeal to a plate.


採樣,確保符合全球食品安全的最高標準,包括取得美國食品 藥物管理局、危害分析重要管制點和歐盟的認證。

Omega 提供的綠殼青口經已煮熟,而且品質始終如一,顧客 可選擇500克或1公斤袋裝。這些產品擁有12個月的冷藏保質期 或長達24個月的冷凍保質期,因此餐廳和其他餐飲場所能夠以 新鮮貝類食材入饌,而無需擔心時間、浪費和食品安全等方面 的問題。


Omega 對生產過程中的每一個環節嚴以監控,以提升 其綠殼青口的質量。貝類海產經過清潔、擦洗和部分去鬚, 然後裝入塑膠袋中進行真空包裝。Omega使用的塑膠袋獲美 國食品藥物管理局認可,不含BPA。而青口其後會在高溫下加


17foodtalk ISSUE 63
壓烹煮。 Omega
新鮮、天然的味道,因此是健康、低脂肪和低糖的選擇,同時 富含蛋白質及奧米加3。而且,這款海產味道甜美、較為清淡, 適合各種烹飪方式,並能配搭不同食材。這款青口能夠作為冷 盤享用,亦可以如同新鮮青口般烹煮,而其精緻、翠綠的外殼 則令佳餚更加色、香、味俱全。

Man with a Sweet Plan

Goh, Angliss Singapore Executive Pastry Chef, has an ambitious vision for pastry and bakery which goes far beyond simply developing new recipes (although he’s on that as well). And don’t forget the chocolate room…

FT(Foodtalk): Do you remember when you first realised you had ability and interest in bread and pastry? What are your earliest memories of baking?

BG(Ben Goh): My first memory of baking was when I was 12 years old. My grandmother used to bake traditional kueh lapis during Chinese New Year to give to friends and family members. She would give me $10 as pocket money for helping her in the kitchen.

FT: Earlier in your career you held several general culinary positions, only later specialising in pastry. At what point did you realise it was your true calling?

BG: From the very beginning of my journey, I chose pastry. Why? Purely for my love of eating cake!

FT: You have held senior pastry roles at InterContinental Singapore, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts in Guangzhou and other prestigious properties. Can you sum up what that experience taught you?

BG: Being luxury as well as flagship hotels, they taught me what it takes to work in a large organisation as well as standard operating procedures. These included the importance of running our operations smoothly, and how crucial good communications are.

19foodtalk ISSUE 63 安得利新加坡的糕點行政主廚 Ben Goh 不僅努力 創作新食譜 (亦是他的專長 ),更對糕點和烘焙事 業抱有遠大的理想,並一直希望建立一間朱古力製 作室…… Ben
FT(Foodtalk): 你是什麼時候首次發現自己對製作麵包和糕點 有天份和興趣呢?你對烘焙的第一印象是怎樣的? BG(Ben Goh): 我記得第一次接觸烘焙是在 12 歲。每年農曆 新年,祖母都會製作傳統的千層蛋糕,與家人和朋友分享, 並且會給我 10 元零用錢,作為我在廚房中幫助她的酬勞。 FT: 入行初期,你曾經從事過一些普通的烹飪工作,後來才專 注於製作糕點。你是什麼時候發現這個真正的事業方向? BG: 事實上,從一開始我便已選擇製作糕點作為我的烹飪事業 發展方向,為什麼?全因為蛋糕是我最愛的食物! FT: 你曾經在新加坡洲際酒店、香格里拉酒店、廣州的度 假村,以及其他知名餐廳擔任過高級糕點師。你可否總結一 下從中得到什麼經驗? BG: 在這些旗艦級豪華酒店工作,讓我學懂了大機構的運作和 標準營運流程,包括如何令業務運作得井井有條,以及良好溝 通所發揮的重要作用。 FT: 你目前的工作是協助安得利發展烘焙業務。你有什麼 策略,以及視什麼為需要優先處理的工作? BG: 我有三項工作需要優先處理:首先是為安得利引入最頂級 的糕點和烘焙材料;第二是建立一隊糕點和烘焙銷售團隊;第三 則是升級我們的廚房,包括設立一間專屬的朱古力製作室。 CHEF’S TALK I SINGAPORE

FT: You are working to develop Angliss’ own bakery. What is your strategy and what do you see as your priorities?

BG: I have three main priorities. The first is to introduce the best pastry and bakery ingredients to Angliss. The second is to create and establish a pastry and bakery sales team. The third is to upgrade our kitchen, including building a dedicated chocolate room.

FT: You work extensively in research & development, creating recipes and new products. Can you give us an idea of any successes – and failures? And how do you maintain consistency when dealing with such a wide range of products?

BG: I believe there is no such thing as a failure; everything we do creates an experience which we can learn from. One such example would be the seaweed butter croissant I developed. After many attempts it became a successful recipe, where I mixed the seaweed with the butter sheet, not just sprinkling the seaweed on top of the croissant. In terms of consistency, at the risk of repeating myself, creating a standard operating procedures is very important. Also, to keep on training as well as working on our basics is the key.

FT: You lead several chefs in Angliss’ pastry department, covering both bread and pastry. Do you enjoy leading a team, and what is your management approach?

BG: It’s great to lead a team, I treat them like my younger siblings, especially in this day and age. It’s good to have a close-knit team where we can share and learn information and techniques from each other, as well as exploring new brands, which are continuously

From the very beginning of my journey, I chose pastry. Why? Purely for my love of eating cake! FT: 你一直都從事大量有關研發、創作食譜以及新產品方面的 工作,當中有什麼成功和失敗的例子?此外,在顧及如此多元 化的產品下,你是怎樣保持產品的質素? BG: 我認為不應該將某些經歷視為失敗;相反,我們所做的 每一件事,都能從中汲取經驗和教訓,其中一個例子是我研 發的紫菜牛油牛角包。經過多番探索後,我發現將紫菜與酥皮 結合,比起純粹將紫菜灑在牛角包上更為美味,在不斷嘗試之 下終於成功製作出理想的牛角包。至於保持產品質素方面,

and emerging. Taking a page out of our Managing Director Angel Ding’s book, having an open door policy allows me and my team to be much more creative and communicative.

You are also valued for your enthusiasm in sharing your professional knowledge and experience with your team. What are the key skills you value and instil in trainee pastry chefs?

BG: It’s very simple. Keep working on your basics, don’t stop learning and keep asking questions.

FT: You have won many awards primarily in pastry and dessert competitions, including Gold in IKA Culinary Olympics 2020 and Pastry Chef of the Year in World Gourmet Awards 2019. Why are these important to you and what’s the key to success?

As these awards are internationally acclaimed and have high judging standards, winning them is no small feat.

21foodtalk ISSUE 63 我認為制訂一個標準的運作流程相當重要,雖然工作可能會不 斷重複,缺乏新意,但卻更能維持食物的質素。此外,我們亦 必須持續學習,打好基礎,切忌妄想一步登天。 FT: 現時,你正為安得利 帶領著糕點部的幾位廚師,並負責管 理麵包和糕點的製作流程。你享受管理工作嗎,你的管理方針 是什麼? BG: 我很享受管理團隊的工作,尤其近年更將團隊成員視為自 己的弟弟般。我很高興能夠擁有如此合作無間的團隊,能夠彼 此分享資訊和學習技巧,以及在推陳出新的餐飲市場中,不斷 創新和探索各種可能性。從我們的董事總經理 Angel Ding 身上,我明白到開明的管理方法能讓我和團隊成員更能發揮 創意,以及更有效地溝通。 FT: 你因積極與團隊分享自己的專業知識和經驗而備受敬重。 你認為見習糕點師應該具備什麼核心技能,而你會向他們傳授 什麼知識? BG: 我認為打好根基,努力學習,遇到問題時積極發問,便是 見習糕點師應該具備的特質。 evolving

top of the confidence it gives me, it also provides validation of some sort, not only to me but to my peers and the company which has supported me. All the years of training and learning have paid off.

FT: Desserts and pastries are bigger than ever in Asia. What trends and developments do you anticipate over the next couple of years? And what’s your all-time favourite dessert?

In the next couple of years, the trend I foresee will be more on healthy options, sugar-free as well as vegan desserts. And in terms of my favourite dessert, I can’t just choose one! For me it will be black forest gateaux and the Chinese dessert mango pomelo sago.

FT: 你曾經在糕點和甜品比賽中贏得多個獎項,包括 2020 年 IKA 奧林匹克烹飪大賽的金獎,以及 2019 年世界美食峰會的 年度最佳糕點師。對你來說,這些獎項有什麼重要性,以及成 功的關鍵是什麼? BG: 由於這些都是享譽國際的獎項,而且評審標準相當嚴格, 因此對我來說獲得這些榮譽絕對是一大成就。這些獎項除了增 強了我的信心外,對我本人、與我一起共事的夥伴,以及一直 支持我的公司而言,亦是一份重要的認可。很高興多年來的學 習和培訓,終於得到回報。 FT: 目前,亞洲越來越重視甜品和糕點。你預料未來幾年, 糕點市場會有怎樣的趨勢和發展?一直以來,你最喜歡的甜 品是什麼? BG: 未來幾年,我預計市場將會有更多較健康的選擇,包括無 糖和素食甜品。而在眾多美味的甜品中,我實在無法找出心中 首選!如果真的要選擇,那麼便是黑森林蛋糕以及中式甜品芒 果西米露。 I believe there is no such thing as a failure; everything we do creates an experience which we can learn from

FHA Back with a Vengeance Bigger and Better Than Ever

After a four-year hiatus, Food & Hotel Asia is finally back. Angliss Singapore participated as an exhibitor with a showcase of over 40 brands, enjoying huge visitor engagement


been a long wait for the return of Food & Hotel Asia (FHA), with an original two-year interlude becoming four interminable years. Angliss Singapore is a regular exhibitor at FHA, and we were beyond excited to be back and able to take part in the event this year.

As one of Asia’s key F&B events, FHA is the best platform for us to feature new-to-market innovations, obtain customer feedback, form strategic alliances and carry out first-hand market research. After the long drought caused by COVID-19, we feel that face-to-face connections are more important than ever before, and FHA was a great way for us to meet new partners and customers alike.

事隔四年,亞洲食品及酒店用品展 (FHA) 終於再 度舉行。安得利新加坡以參展商的身份參與了是 次展覽,並展出了超過 40 個品牌,吸引了大批 訪客駐足觀看 原定每兩年舉辦一次的亞洲食品及酒店用品展,在相隔四年後, 終於在萬眾期待下再度舉行。一直以來,安得利新加坡都是這個 展覽的恆常參展商,對於今年能夠再次參加這項展覽,我們均感 到無比興奮。 作為亞洲區內其中一個盛大的餐飲活動,亞洲食品及酒店用品 展是一個讓我們展出創新產品、聆聽客戶意見、建立策略合作 關係,以及了解市場趨勢的絕佳平台。在經歷新冠肺炎長時間

FHA 2022 saw 50,000 registered visitors, and our booth was one of the event’s hotspots. With over 40 brand partners to display, there was never a dull or quiet moment; crowds of people came and went while the kitchen was busy with live chef demonstrations. These were particularly special as we caught up with various chefs and saw how they used our products in their culinary creations. The bustle drew quite the crowd in, and the artistic product displays designed by our team truly elevated and highlighted the unique character of each brand.

was a truly memorable event and great success. Thank you to the Angliss team, our partners, and all the chefs involved for helping us make this one to remember for years to come!

更吸引了大批訪客駐足觀賞。另外,我們亦特意訪問了多位 廚師,以了解他們如何運用我們的產品來創作出各種美食。

此感謝安得利團隊、一眾合作夥伴,以及所有參與的廚師, 讓安利得能在這次活動中再創佳績!

25foodtalk ISSUE 63
的陰霾後,我們比以往任何時候都更珍惜面對面交流的機會, 而亞洲食品及酒店用品展這個平台,正好讓我們能夠認識和接 觸新合作夥伴和客戶。 2022 年亞洲食品及酒店用品展吸引了 50,000 名訪客登記 參與。我們的攤位展出了超過 40 個合作品牌,期間一直門庭 若市,成為了現場焦點。當廚師們在廚房中進行現場示範時,
在團隊的用心設計下,攤位展出了各式各樣的產品,盡顯每個 品牌的獨特個性,攤位亦因此訪客如雲,十分熱鬧。 這次展覽確實讓人印象難忘!雖然經已完滿結束,但我們亦在

The Source of the Sauce

the cuisine of the Middle East and surrounding regions

to grow in popularity at an exponential

many people

to identify what kinds of dishes originate from which countries


issue is with Mohamed Hegazy, Culinary Director of Chess House restaurant group in Hong Kong, and someone who knows the culinary landscape of the Middle East and surrounding regions –particularly north Africa and the Mediterranean –better than anyone.

Mohamed has several restaurants serving what many people would describe as “Middle Eastern cuisine”, including the highly-rated Shahrazad Lebanese Dining Lounge & Bar. During our conversation we took the chance to ask him to explain how to differentiate the food of individual countries throughout the region.

26 While
would struggle
我們今期的封面故事訪問了香港 Chess House 餐廳集團的烹飪 總監 Mohamed Hegazy 。作為一位經驗豐富的飲食界達人, 他比任何人都更了解中東及周邊地區的菜式,當中尤其熟悉北 非和地中海一帶的烹飪特色。 Mohamed 經營的眾多餐廳裡,當中的 Shahrazad Lebanese Dining Lounge & Bar一直獲得極高評價,但其菜式卻只被各 界統稱為『中東美食』。在這次訪問裡,他將為我們講解如何 區分整個中東及周邊地區眾多國家的特色食物。 「在塞浦路斯、黎巴嫩、敘利亞、伊拉克、伊朗、以色列、 約旦、沙地阿拉伯、科威特、卡塔爾、巴林、阿聯酋、阿曼和 中東及周邊地區美食近年的受歡迎程度可謂與日 俱增。但關於其背後的歷史,許多人都未必太清楚 這些令人垂涎欲滴的菜餚最初是源於哪個國家 Our cover
Mezze (Getty Images_ jchizhe)

“In the Middle East countries of Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Yemen you will find more classic dishes, featuring mezze, doner kebabs, houmous and chargrilled meats,” he explains.

Other dishes and ingredients found throughout these countries include olives and olive oil, chickpeas, pita and other breads, dates, honey, sesame seeds, rice, spices such as sumac and herbs like mint and parsley. Popular dishes include, mulukhiyah, falafel, yogurt, baklava, shawarma and dolmas.

Mohamed went on to clarify that countries of The Gulf Cooperation Council, comprising Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are more Indian influenced. Here you will discover meat, fish, and rice as staples. Lamb and mutton are popular, but goat, beef and even camel meat can be found.

Meanwhile cuisine from North Africa – Algeria, Morocco and Egypt – is more Mediterranean in its makeup. Couscous is ever-present, as is b’stilla, a sweet and sour pigeon pie, stuffed with onions, spices, almonds, and eggs, and tajine, a mutton or chicken stew, with onions and spices. Ful medames is a national dish in Egypt, popular street food of fava beans served with a soup-like mixture of garlic, onions, peppers and boiled eggs.

(sumac) 等香料以及薄荷和 香芹等香草。而深受大眾歡迎的菜式還包括錦葵湯 (mulukhiyah)、油炸鷹嘴豆餅 (falafel)、乳酪、果仁蜜 餅

美食,在選材方面會更具地中海色彩。除了著名的古斯 米 (Couscous) 外,糖醋鴿肉批(B'stilla) 亦廣受歡迎, 皆因當中填滿了芬香撲鼻的洋蔥、香料、杏仁和雞蛋 餡料。另外,還有一種以塔吉鍋 (tajine) 慢火煮燉的羊 肉或雞肉菜式,當地人更會在烹煮時加入洋蔥和香料。 此外,蠶豆餐 (Ful medames) 可說是埃及的美食 代表,在當地大街小巷都能找到,若配以大蒜、洋蔥、 辣椒和烚蛋,味道更令人一試難忘。

27foodtalk ISSUE 63
也門等中東國家,你會發現菜餚比較著重傳統,包括經 典 mezze 拼盤、烤肉串、鷹嘴豆泥和炭燒烤肉。」 他解釋說。 這些國家出產的其他菜式和配料包括橄欖和橄欖油、 鷹嘴豆、比得包和其他包類、棗、蜂蜜、芝麻、米; 此外,亦出產鹽膚木
(baklava)、沙威瑪 (shawarma) 和兜瑪 (dolmas)。 同時,Mohamed 亦指出包括巴林、科威特、阿曼、 卡塔爾、沙地阿拉伯和阿拉伯聯合酋長國在內的海灣國 家受到印度的飲食文化影響較深。當中,你會發現當地 人會以肉、魚和米飯作為主食;除了羊肉受當地人所歡 迎之外,山羊肉、牛肉甚至駱駝肉都可輕易在這些地方 找到。 然而,源自阿爾及利亞、摩洛哥和埃及等北非國家的
Falafel (

Health on a Plate

Eatology’s classically trained Chef Jean Charles Devillard shares his passion for healthy eating, and how Eatology – a one-stop shop for healthy meal plans –is winning the hearts and taste buds of its customers

The past few years has seen an exponential rise in the number of companies offering premium, tailor-made meal programmes, delivering delicious, nutritious directly to clients’ homes and offices.

One of the leaders in this growing market is Eatology. Employing renowned chefs and dietitians, and freshly cooked every day, Eatology’s recipes are designed to help users reach their goals, whether that is losing weight, boosting energy levels or staying healthy.

Chef Jean Charles Devillard believes his French culinary background and experiences in various boutique restaurants and hotels in Hong Kong have been the greatest asset to Eatology.

“Hong Kong is a multi-cultural city where I can get creative ideas working with people from all around the world, learning from each other, and exchanging culinary ideas. Eatology is where I utilise my experience and passion for French cuisine. It is also about precision. We are on a mission to deliver high-quality meals to meet clients’ nutrition goals.”

Eatology offers a range of plans to choose from, including Keto, Paleo, Gluten-Free, Lighter Delights, Vegetarian, Mediterranean, Asian and specially designed fitness plans such as the F45 Challenge and Optimal Performance plans to align with fitness goals. Clients can choose the number of calories and meals desired for each meal plan. Some of the dishes on offer include Hawaiian sesame crusted tuna with smashed avocado, marinated corn-fed chicken breast in walnut miso, and Thai basil beef larb salad.

So was it challenging at first to have to design recipes which had to be as healthy as they were delicious? Does the company have to think outside the box? “At Eatology, we believe a healthy diet should be as tasteful and diverse as possible. To provide such a variety of meal programmes while fulfilling client requests in terms

接受過傳統烹飪訓練的 Eatology 大廚

Jean Charles Devillard,分享了他對健康飲食的

看法,以及一站式健康膳食規劃公司 Eatology


過去幾年,專門定製優質膳食計劃,以向家庭和辦公室客戶直 接送上有營美食的公司,正以幾何級數急速增長。

在這個不斷發展的市場中,Eatology 是其中一間頂尖的公司, 旗下擁有多位著名的廚師和營養師。他們每天致力提供新鮮烹 調的食物,並透過設計各款餐單來協助客人達到減輕體重、提 升精力,或是維持健康等目標。

大廚 Jean Charles Devillard 認為,他的法式烹飪背景以及在 香港不同餐廳和酒店所累積到的工作經驗,都能協助Eatology 持續發展。

「香港是一個擁有多元文化的城市,讓我有機會在工作中與來 自世界各地的人合作,從而得到很多創新的靈感,並且能互相

交流學習,分享烹飪心得。在 Eatology,一方面可充分展示我 對法式烹飪的熱情,另一方面亦需憑藉經驗以精準配合市場的 需求。我們的使命是製作優質的膳食,以符合客戶在營養上的 目標。」 Eatology 提供了一系列膳食計劃供客人選擇,包括生酮飲食、 原始飲食、無麩質膳食、輕盈美食、素食、地中海菜、亞洲菜, 以及特別為達到健美目標而設計的 F45 Challenge 和最佳績效 計劃。客人可以在每個膳食計劃中選擇不同卡路里含量和喜歡 的食物。目前提供的部分菜式包括夏威夷芝麻吞拿魚配碎牛 油果、核桃味麵豉醃粟飼雞胸肉,以及泰式涼拌羅勒牛肉 沙律。

of food allergies and restrictions can be challenging sometimes. On the bright side, we always find the best solutions that we can.”

And why does Chef Jean think Eatology has been so successful? “We credit our success in the market to the quality of our meals and service. We stand behind each meal we prepare every day, and take pride in the high quality of our meal plan service to Hong Kong citizens who live busy lifestyles yet take care of their health and well-being. They can now enjoy healthy meals directly delivered to the home or office.”

And how about the Eatology’s R&D process? How often are new dishes added? “The R&D process is ongoing, adjusting recipes or changing ingredients in the recipe to tailor client requests while maintaining the taste, texture, and nutrition values they value. I am very proud of the spirit of teamwork at Eatology to win the hearts and taste buds of our customers.”

質。我們用心準備每天的膳食,並且因能夠為生活繁忙卻依然 注重健康的香港人,帶來優質的膳食計劃而感到自豪。現在, 客人即使安坐家中或辦公室內,亦能享用到我們直接送到的健 康膳食。」

Eatology 如何進行研發工作?你們每隔多久會加入新的菜式? 「我們一直努力從事研發工作,並且調整餐單或者更改食材, 以適切配合客戶的要求;同時,我們亦努力維持客人一直重視 的食物味道、口感和營養價值。對於能夠在 Eatology 中體驗 到團隊合作精神,以贏得客人的青睞,讓他們吃得津津有味, 我感到相當自豪。」

29foodtalk ISSUE 63
要從一開始便設計出既健康又美味的餐單,是否很具挑戰性? 公司是否需要突破傳統思維,以創作嶄新的菜式?「Eatology 相信健康飲食亦應該盡可能美味和多元化。在提供多種不同的 膳食計劃之餘,又要配足客人因食物過敏和其他限制而提出的 要求,有時候的確很具挑戰性。但值得高興的是,我們總是能 找到最佳的解決方法。」 大廚 Jean 認為什麼原因令 Eatology 能夠如此成功? 「Eatology 得以有理想的成績,全賴我們堅持膳食和服務的品
Ketolight meal plan Eatology meal plan

Valued Team Members Retire

Years of

30 RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT 嘉寶食品有限公司依依不捨地歡送兩位親愛的 同事:總經理陳景祥先生及銷售經理潘練松先生 PastryGlobal bids a sad farewell to valued colleagues, General Manager Johnny Chan and Sales Manager Mike Poon
Precious Service Itis with mixed feelings that we announce the retirement of two much cherished PastryGlobal Food Service Limited colleagues, Johnny Chan, General Manager and Mike Poon, Sales Manager. We would like to express our utmost gratitude and recognition to Johnny for his 15+ years of dedication to PastryGlobal. From our startup in 2007, right up to 總經理陳景祥先生及銷售經理潘練松先生多年來為嘉寶食品有 限公司盡心服務,不遺餘力。對於要宣佈他們這兩位難能可貴 的人才榮休之消息,我們難免感到百感交集。 我們由衷感激 Johnny 在嘉寶不辭勞苦地服務了超過15年。 由我們於2007年成立至今,他一直是我們公司不可或缺的重要
Chan Mike Poon

today, he has been our pivot man, our big brother and a role model to many of us, as well as a trusted partner to our clients and mentor to new colleagues. We are blessed to have had his leadership. His can-do spirit and positive attitude during stormy times has led us to reach triumphant moments. His passion in the pastry industry, profound knowledge, and professional service are treasured by all at PastryGlobal. We all hold dear the inspiration and friendship Johnny has brought, and wish him smooth sailing after his well-earned retirement.

Mike joined the PastryGlobal founding team in 2007, focusing on both the Hong Kong and Macau markets. After a long-standing tenure of 15 years, he retired earlier this year. The PastryGlobal team and partners appreciate Mike as a hardworking, committed, and friendly colleague, and his dedicated contribution was integral to our development. We appreciate Mike for all the knowledge and experience he shared, and wish him a happy retirement.

On behalf of everyone in PastryGlobal, we wish Johnny and Mike the very best, look forward to seeing them at their leisure and shopping at foodtalk!

人物,像哥哥一樣親切地對待大家,亦是我們一眾同事的 榜樣。而他在我們客戶的眼中是一位可靠的合作夥伴,對於新 入職的員工而言則是一位值得信賴的啟蒙老師。我們很感謝他 帶領大家邁步向前。Johnny 一直堅信「有志者,事竟成」, 而且他在艱難時刻仍能抱持正面積極的態度,帶領我們取得重 大成功。他對烘焙業界充滿熱誠,亦具備淵博的知識和專業的 服務精神,絕對是嘉寶不可多得的領導。我們很感激 Johnny 為公司帶來的啟發和靈感,也十分重視他與我們之間的情誼, 在此祝願他在辛勞工作過後,能好好享受退休生活。

Mike 則於2007年加入嘉寶的創始團隊,致力開拓香港和澳門 市場。在工作了長達15年後,他於今年年初正式榮休。嘉寶團

31foodtalk ISSUE 63
隊和合作夥伴均讚揚Mike是一位勤奮、敬業且友善的同事, 而他為嘉寶盡心盡力,對公司的蓬勃發展貢獻良多。我們非常 感謝 Mike 將自己的知識和經驗傾囊相授,期望他退休後生活 愉快。 我們在此代表嘉寶的每一位員工,祝 Johnny 和 Mike 一切 順利,希望我們有機會與他們相聚,並期待在不久的將來在 foodtalk 再遇上。

An Alternative Search for a (Delicious) Health High

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is finding its way into a variety of F&B products, with the industry predicted to be worth as much as US$20 billion within two years

Cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical compound that can be found in both in both hemp and cannabis plants, first started becoming popular a few years ago as an ingredient in beauty, health and wellness products, primarily oils, balms, serums, creams and supplements.

An extract of the cannabis sativa plant, CBD has been around for as long as marijuana, but unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is also present in weed and does have an psychoactive effect, CBD does not make consumers ‘high’.

What it does do, is help reduce sleep disorders, manage anxiety and depression and promote mental wellbeing, allegedly even benefiting those suffering from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, epilepsy and cancer. It is anti-

大麻二酚,被簡稱為 CBD。目前,世界有不少 地方的食肆正在研發將大麻加入到餐單當中, 業界亦預計大麻食品的市值將會於兩年內升至

200億美元 CBD 是一種可以在麻類植物及大麻中找到的一種化學成份, 幾年前開始流行加入到美容、健康及保健產品,包括潤膚油、 護膚膏、精華素、面霜和保健補充劑。 (

inflammatory, antioxidant and effective in improving skin health.

The past couple of years, however, have seen CBD cropping up increasingly in F&B products. According to media reports, there are as many as 1,000 CBD-infused foods and beverages now available, again with an emphasis on health and wellness. It is widely reported that the total global CBD market could hit the $20 billion mark by 2024.

So if you want to get this near-mythical goodness into your system via delicious flavours, what kind of thing should you be looking out for? For a start, there is a plethora of beverages, including coffee, juices and sodas and alcoholic drinks, including beer and wine.

Meanwhile, CBD-loaded snacks include Lulu's chocolates, infused with 80mg Colorado hemp, A Boring Life which offers a variety of products like CBD-infused nuts, honeys and hemp extracts (even dog treats!) and KIVA Confections, which produces a variety of CBD-infused sweets and snacks, from chocolate bars and bites to gummies and mints.

33foodtalk ISSUE 63
CBD 亦可提取自野生大麻植物,最早沿用於藥用大麻,但與大 麻煙內可以令人精神抗奮的四氫大麻酚 (THC) 不同,食用 CBD 不會讓人感到「興奮」。 然而,它的作用是幫助入睡、減輕焦慮和抑鬱感覺,並有助帶 來心理健康,坊間更指甚至對患上阿爾茨海默氏症、帕金森 氏症、癲癇症和癌症患者有益。另外,它具有抗炎、抗氧化和 有效改善皮膚健康的作用。 在過去的幾年裡,越來越多餐單出現含 CBD 成份的食品。 據媒體報導,現在已加入CBD 的食品和飲料已多達 1,000 種, 一般都是強調健康和保健的產品。報導亦指,到了 2024年, 全球 CBD 市場的總額將有機會達到 200億美元大關。 若然,你想將這種神話般的獨特食材加入到你的餐單當中, 那該當從何著手?那當然是飲料吧!你不難找到不少咖啡、 果汁、蘇打水,甚至包括啤酒和葡萄酒在內的酒精飲品,皆早 已加入了 CBD 成份。 另外,含有 CBD 的Lulu 朱古力也值得推介,當中加入了 80毫 克的科羅拉多大麻成份;A Boring Life 一系列含有 CBD 成份 的堅果、蜜糖,以及大麻粹取產品(甚至是寵物零食!);專門 生產各種含 CBD 的糖果和零食的 KIVA Confections,從朱古 力棒到零食、再到軟糖和薄荷糖,都一應俱全。 ( Cannabidiol (CBD) is legal and not classified as a dangerous drug in Hong Kong at the time of printing 在此雜誌印刷時,CBD 於香港是合法且未被歸類為危險藥物。


Aben Lee, Founder of Butterful & Creamorous bakery, is responding to evolving societal norms in China by taking his products to the next level, such as displaying them in cabinets like jewellery. With nine stores, and plans for 30 more by 2023, the strategy appears to be working.

FT(Foodtalk): Can you tell us a little about your career, and why you have focused on bread and pastry?

Lee): I have had a strong interest in bread since I was a child. To me, it is not only food, but an attitude towards one's needs and lifestyle, and an important source of happiness. I am a foodie myself and an Aquarius, so my ideas are more changeable. When I work, I have a lot of enthusiasm and freshness, which I bring to our brand. The

34 BAKERY TALK I SHANGHAI Butterful & Creamorous 烘焙店的創辦人 Aben Lee,與我們分享了如何透過品牌效應, 來配合中國現時日新月異的潮流,例如將產品以珠 寶般陳列在櫥窗中。在他的成功經營策略下,品牌 至今已開設了九間分店,並且計劃在 2023 年前多 開設 30 間分店
Me the Dough
Butterful & Creamorous
FT(Foodtalk): 你可以與我們分享一下你的職業生涯嗎?為什 麼你會專注於製作麵包和糕點? AL(Aben Lee): 我從小開始便一直很喜歡麵包。對我來說, 麵包不僅是一種食物,更能反映出一個人的自我要求和生活 態度,同時亦能帶給我們快樂。我是一個相當饞嘴的人,同時 可能由於是水瓶座,因此腦海裡的想法經常改變。對於工作, 我時刻都充滿熱誠並喜歡追求新鮮感,這亦是我們品牌能夠製 作出特色麵包背後的原因。作為一個融合品牌,我們不希望只 提供單一類型的產品,因此用心製作各種不同的麵包和甜品,

bread we sell is unique. As an integrated brand, we do not want to be a single category, having bread and desserts, so that consumers can choose a variety of products with the characteristics and representativeness of different countries. There is also a lot more potential to explore bread and desserts. One of our slogans is “multi-country multi-flavour”, meaning different types, flavours and production methods.

FT: Would you describe Butterful & Creamorous as a Korean baking concept? If so, what is the model? What makes it different, or special?

AL: Butterful & Creamorous is actually a very international baking concept. Every bakery that makes croissants needs butter! In the Korean cultural context, many consumers order a cup of coffee and a small dessert. However, in China, consumption is completely different, with people more inclined to order a variety of breads and desserts. Especially in the first and second-tier cities, consumer demand for bakery products is very high, not just through necessity, but a combination of social and fashion factors. Our positioning is a “French Light Luxury Baking”, which was born in response to the needs of consumers. Our R&D team continuously integrates and innovates with local taste, to produce new French breads that meet the needs of Chinese people. Our coffee and drinks are part of the brand's track expansion.

FT: The bread and pastry market in China and worldwide is huge, and shows no slowdown in popularity. With the variety of products on offer, how did you come up with new ideas you were confident would capture consumer attention?

AL: Our positioning of the brand is that B&C is not just a bakery, but great products handmade by craftsmen using good raw materials. We believe the core point is the emotional needs of consumers, which we must meet with other accessories. Our store design has created a jewellery showcase design concept for a bakery brand for

從而為消費者帶來各具特色,並且能代表不同國家的產品。 目前,我們在研發新麵包和甜品方面還有很大的發展空間, 而其中一個口號是為客人送上「世界各地層出不窮的口味」, 當中包括透過各種生產方法,來製作不同類型和味道的烘焙

FT: 你認為 Butterful & Creamorous 是一個韓式的烘焙 概念嗎?如果是,韓國的模式是什麼樣的?是什麼令其與眾

AL: 事實上,

& Creamorous

35foodtalk ISSUE 63
是一個相當國際化的 烘焙品牌。當然,我們的靈魂產品是優質牛油精心手工製作的 牛角包。不同的是,在韓國,當地消費者比較喜歡一杯咖啡配 個牛角包或者蛋糕;但是在中國,我們的消費者消費習慣和韓 國是有很大差異的,我們中國的消費者喜歡點不同的麵包和甜 點一起來品嘗, 特別在一線和二線城市,消費者對烘焙食品的 要求非常高,他們不僅視麵包和糕點為能充飢的食物,更是一 種結合了社交和時尚元素的產品。因此,我們因應消費者的 需求,一直以「精緻的法式輕奢烘焙」作為品牌的定位。研發 團隊亦努力配合本地客人的口味,以創作出讓中國人喜愛的全 新法式麵包;同時,我們的咖啡和飲品亦是品牌的延伸 產品。 FT: 中國以至全球的麵包和糕點市場相當龐大,而且越來越受 市場歡迎。在提供各種不同的產品下,你是怎樣想出能夠吸引 消費者注意的新構思? AL: 我們認為B&C 不僅是一間烘焙店,更是採用優質原材料再 以廚師人手製作美味食品的品牌。我們了解到消費者的情感需 Cream wheel puffs

Customers … have grown up eating traditional Chinese pastries and can really tell what brand of cream you use, and whether the raw materials are good quality. Whether younger or older, they are getting used to new tastes and innovations, every day

the first time, creating the style of the light luxury brand and emphasising brand positioning. This empowers the product with more sense of value for consumers. We feel this is an innovation in our brand positioning. In addition, our innovative green carrier bags have become the new fashion in food packaging in China.

FT: Can you explain about ‘All things can be Croissants’, and why it is “the soul of B&C products”? You have said that it “represents our ultimate pursuit and exploration of food”.

AL: Unlike many other well-known brands that focus on Japanese-style bread, croissants are the soul of our B&C brand. To create product differentiation is at our core and a crucial point. We choose to focus on the puff pastry category that has not been widely exploited in the market, and mainly focus on croissants. Puff pastry allows for very delicate products, which conveys the true meaning of our brand. We were the first to combine fruit and cream in a croissant product, as well as in fruit puffs, and are pioneers in bringing meal characteristics to bread products, such as our wellington steak buns and croissants. Our products are also influenced by Italian ciabatta, German alkaline water bread, and Japanese-style pastries.

FT: China’s younger consumers are very fashion driven, especially women. How do you target this market, while ensuring products are attractive to more traditional tastes?

AL: We can innovate and integrate local taste on the basis of following the principles of French baking to create new breads. Tastes are evolving, especially in Shanghai. Older female customers, especially those in Shanghai, have grown up eating traditional Chinese pastries and can really tell what brand of cream you use, and whether the raw materials are good quality. But whether younger or older, they are getting used to new tastes and innovations, every day. While mainly women, our client include 18-yearold students, fashionable young people, to 35-year-old white-collar workers and even older people who are the mainstream consumption group. We are also educating the next Z generation.


FT: 你曾經說過「所有產品都源自牛角包」,它「代表著我 們對食物的終極追求和探索」。你可否解釋一下這句說話的 意思?為什麼牛角包是「B&C 產品的靈魂」?

AL: 有別於其他專注於製作日式麵包的知名品牌,對 B&C 來說,牛角包才是品牌的靈魂。我們的核心理念和目標,是給 客戶帶來與眾不同的體驗感和能記住我們品牌的代表性產品。 因此,我們選擇提供市場上較為少見的酥皮類糕點,其中更主 力製作牛角包。酥皮糕點是一種相當考功夫的美食,因此能表

36 BAKERY TALK I SHANGHAI 要,因此會透過其他周邊產品來滿足這些需求。本店首次採用 珠寶展示的概念來銷售烘焙產品,以營造出一種精緻高尚的 風格,並且突出品牌的個性。這種設計概念令產品在消費者心 中營造了一種價值,而這種創新的風格正是我們品牌的經營 定位。此外,我們新穎的巨型抱袋亦成為了中國的食品包

FT: Your culinary concept is reflected in the name, Butterful & Creamorous, so do you feel that many consumers are looking for a touch of luxury and indulgence in their daily lives? And can you explain what is meant by “the concept of jewellery space brought into the baking brand”?

AL: Our customers are looking more for a sense of satisfaction, which we hope they can experience not only through the quality of the products, but also by our stores, which offer an immersive experience. According to feedback, consumers enjoy a pleasant visit from start to finish. “The concept of jewellery space brought into the baking brand” means we creatively introduce the jewellery concept into the bakery brand, using jewellery displays to treat every piece of bread as highly precious. This in turn offers consumers a stronger sense of value.

FT: You have developed recipes in collaboration with European baking masters – can you describe what has come from these partnerships? How about your R&D process generally?

AL: The R&D cooperation with European baking masters has made us more professional and given us a fuller and richer perspective in terms of product development. However, the European model cannot be replicated

37foodtalk ISSUE 63
French lychee cream pie
達出我們品牌的理念。我們創新將新鮮水果和奶油同時應用在 牛角包中,同時亦率先將烘焙產品變成適合當作正餐的食品, 例如惠靈頓牛扒麵包。 另外,我們的產品亦受到意大利拖鞋 麵包、德國碱水麵包和日式糕點所影響。 FT: 中國年輕的消費者非常緊貼潮流,特別是年輕女士。在開 拓這個年青人的市場時,你是怎樣確保產品能符合傳統消費者 的口味? AL: 我們以法式烘焙技巧為基礎,創作出能配合本地口味的新 款麵包。顧客的口味不斷改變,尤以上海最為明顯。由於較年 長的女性顧客(特別在上海)多年來一直都享用著傳統的中式 糕點,因此她們都能分辨出糕點使用了哪個品牌的忌廉,以及 所選用的原材料是否優質。不過,無論是年輕還是年長的消 費者,他們都開始習慣嘗試新口味。我們的顧客大部分以女性 為主,其中包括 18 歲的學生、時尚的年輕人、 30 出頭的白領 階層,以至消費能力較高的年長人士。另外,我們亦正努力開 拓 Z 世代的市場。 FT: 你的烹調理念在 Butterful & Creamorous 這名字中反映 出來。那麼,你認為是否很多消費者都希望在日常生活追求一 點較高尚的享受?你可否解釋一下「將珠寶世界的概念引入烘 焙品牌中」是什麼意思? AL: 我們的客人正追求不一樣的滿足感, 因此我們不僅致力透 過優質的產品來滿足他們,亦希望我們的商店能為他們帶來樂 在其中的體驗。我希望我們的消費者能在我們店裡的整個消費

exactly and applied in China. Localisation improvements must be made when creating corresponding products to cater to the tastes and preferences of Chinese people.

FT: B&C also offers European breads, “special” coffee and original molecular fruit drinks – can you explain a little about these products, how you select them and how they fit in with your brand positioning?

AL: The choice of European breads is largely due to their richness – French baguettes and Italian ciabattas, German rye bread and bagels, and of course croissants. With many different products and new additions arriving all the time, consumers can explore different products every time they visit. I put great emphasis on quality, so I want to make drinks more authentic. We sell fruit juices with fresh cherries, strawberries and grapes. For coffee, we mainly offer single-origin espresso, which is more compatible

FT: 一直以來,你都與歐洲的烘焙大師合作製作食譜。你可否

過程中感到愉快而且難忘。「將珠寶世界的概念引入烘焙品牌 之中」的構思是指:客人來我們店裡就像在逛珠寶店,每一款 糕點也像高貴的珠寶般展示在客人面前,以令產品在客人心中 營造出更高尚的價值。
描述一下這些合作有什麼成果?你是怎樣進行產品研發的? AL: 透過與歐洲的烘焙大師合作,令我們的研發工作變得更加 專業,並且對產品開發方面有更全面和深入的認識。然而,我 們不能將歐洲的工作模式直接複製和引入到中國中,相反必須 因應本地的需要加以改良,才能創作出能配合中國人口味和喜 好的產品。 FT: B&C 亦有提供歐洲麵包,「特調」咖啡以及原味分子 果汁。你可否形容一下這些產品,你是怎樣挑選它們,以及這 些產品如何配合你的品牌定位? AL: 歐洲麵包種類繁多,包括法式長棍麵包、意大利拖鞋 The R&D cooperation with European baking masters has made us more professional and given us a fuller and richer perspective in terms of product development
Strawberry croissant

bakery market

with our brand. Our brand has three keywords – world, redefine and luxury. ‘World’ represents our multi-country, multi-flavour approach, ‘redefine’ embodies our desire to create a benchmark brand, while ‘luxury’ represents the ultimate sense of experience.

Where do you see yourself taking the brand over the next few years?

The bakery market has always demonstrated rapid brand evolution, which, enhanced by the improvement of Chinese people’s living standards, will see demand only increase. I am very optimistic about the bakery sector and its development prospects. My positioning of B&C has always been a luxury brand in the industry, and I hope to continue to innovate, extend its life cycle as long as possible, and go to more cities in the next few years. Currently we have nine stores, and plan to develop to 30 direct stores by August 2023, mainly in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Chengdu and Beijing.

「重新定義」體現出我們致力將品牌建設成業界標準; 而「高級輕奢」則代表為客人帶來極致的體驗。

FT: 未來幾年,你認為自己能帶領品牌邁向什麼目標? AL: 在烘焙市場,品牌的發展不僅日新月異,客人的要求亦隨 著中國的生活水平得到改善而不斷提高。我對烘焙市場的前景 感到相當樂觀。B&C 一直在烘焙市場中定位為高級品牌,我希 望能夠繼續創新,盡量延長品牌的發展周期,並且在未來幾年 能夠進軍更多城市。我們現時共有九間分店,並計劃在 2023 年 8 月前,在上海、江蘇、浙江、成都和北京開設 30 間直 營店。

39foodtalk ISSUE 63
has always demonstrated rapid brand evolution, which, enhanced by the improvement of Chinese people’s living standards, will see demand only increase. I am very optimistic about the bakery sector and its development prospects 麵包、德國黑麥麵包和百吉餅,當然還有牛角包,這亦是我們 選擇提供歐洲麵包的主要原因。歐洲麵包不斷推陳出新,令消 費者每次光顧都能找到新的產品。一直以來,我都十分注重產 品質素,因此亦希望調製出更正宗的飲品。我們採用新鮮 櫻桃、士多啤梨和提子來製作果汁;咖啡方面,我們主要提供 更適合品牌形象的單一產地濃縮咖啡。B&C 的三個關鍵詞分 別是:多國多味,重新定義,以及高級輕奢,其中「多國多 味」代表我們致力為客人提供「世界各地層出不窮的口味」;
chocolate tart

Sweet French Summer Journey

Xiamen recently partnered with two wellknown international brands, Boiron and Cacao Barry, to present customers in Quanzhou with delights for the eyes and taste buds.


Held in Quanzhou for the first time, the sharing session saw more than 120 top regional bakeries, hotels and catering brands attend to enjoy demonstrations from master chefs, discussions on various topics and a lucky draw.

Through this event, customers in Quanzhou gained a better understanding of Angliss’ one-stop service through the introduction made by Alex Zhang, General Manager, Angliss Xiamen Food Service Co. Lloyd Hamon, a dessert master from Boiron, gave a wonderful demonstration to offer customers featuring both his professional culinary skills and great sense of humour.

At the end of the event, all participants agreed they had a better understanding of how to apply specific flavours of Boiron products, as well as mastering key techniques and learning the secrets of great presentation. Angliss Xiamen was warmly congratulated for its professionalism in hosting a successful event.

本次活動為廈門安得利在泉州地區的首次分享會,邀請了泉州 區域約120多位最優質的烘焙、酒店以及餐飲客戶。分享會內 容包括安得利自我介紹、名廚演繹、自由討論以及幸運抽獎等 環節。

泉州地區的客戶透過本次活動對安得利有更多的認識,還有 廈門安得利總經理張青國先生的專業介紹,客戶們對安得利的 一站式服務有了更加深刻的瞭解,對廈門安得利的信任度更是

Lloyd Hamon的精彩演繹亦為客戶們帶

來了一場專業與幽默並存的夏日甜蜜之旅。 活動結束之時大家仍意猶未盡,紛紛表示透過這場活動對寶 茸特定口味的使用方法有了更多的認識,重點及秘訣也熟練 掌握。更是對廈門安得利這位「真誠合作朋友」的專業度讚譽 不絕! 廈門安得利攜手寶茸以及可可百利兩大國際品牌, 為泉州的客戶呈獻視覺與味覺豐收的夏日盛宴

The Beauty of Butter

Angliss Shenzhen wows participants with Échiré butter at conference

Angliss Shenzhen recently successfully organised a Butter Product Exchange Conference for Échiré butter. At the event, representatives of various bakeries and hotels, and other various catering industry practitioners were invited to Maison Rong, Angliss Shenzhen’s banqueting space, to enjoy the outstanding butter.

Échiré has been growing in popularity among Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF) dessert and bakery holders, and the exquisite product amazed every customer at the conference. The Angliss Technical Team specially prepared a variety of creative and delicious products, among which the classic palmiers and croissants made with Échiré butter were well received. Meanwhile, the savoury pastries jointly created by Eric Song, Pastry Technical Consultant, and Chris Wang, Western Technical Consultant, also left a deep impression on everyone.

In the future, Angliss Shenzhen will continuously strive to provide customers with professional technical support and inspiration for innovative dishes, as well as present more delicacies and new dining experiences.

41foodtalk ISSUE 63
安得利深圳為 Échiré 成功舉辦了一場牛油產品交流會並完滿 結束。活動現場邀請了各烘焙、酒店、餐飲業界等來到安得利 (深圳) 宴會廳 Maison Rong (融) 歡聚,並享用牛油中的 "高級珠寶" - Échiré牛油所帶來的舌尖美味。 在法國深受甜品和麵包 MOF 歡迎的 Échiré 牛油,於是次產品 交流會也同樣帶給每一位客戶驚喜。安得利深圳技術團隊為大 家準備了多款創意與美味兼備的產品試食。其中使用了 Échiré 牛油的經典蝴蝶酥及牛角包也得到食客一致好評。烘焙技術顧 問宋師傅與西餐技術顧問王師傅共同創新研發的鹹酥類產品也 給大家留下深刻印象。 未來,安得利深圳會繼續為客戶提供專業的技術支援與創新的 菜式分享,為大家提供更多精彩的美食和餐飲新體驗。 安得利深圳的 Échiré 牛油產品交流會令客戶讚歎 不已 CHINA TALK I SHENZHEN

Show, Tell and Taste

Angliss Shenzhen brought Angliss Discovery 2022 to Shantou for a successful sharing of superb culinary products from around the world

Shenzhen recently organised Angliss Discovery 2022 in Shantou, introducing a wide range of gourmet products to the city, which with an amazing blend of great food from all over the world and its own local delicacies, is renowned as a gastronomic capital.


The two-day featured around 1,000 baked goods and meat products from a variety of world-renowned catering brands. These included New Zealand Silver Fern Farms beef, Cacao Barry chocolate, Hero jam and chestnut puree, Tiptree jam, the full range of President products, Boiron fruit puree, Échiré butter, Bega whipping cream, New Zealand Natural ice cream and Aldia jam.

2022 -

汕頭站。是次活動安得利深圳團隊把安得利的美食帶到汕頭 "美食之鄉",與大家共同感受世界各地優質美食與汕頭當地美 食融合並帶出的新鮮感。 是次為期兩天的安得利美食巡禮把眾多國際知名的餐飲品牌帶 到了汕頭,展出近千餘種餐飲烘焙及肉類類產品,包括紐西蘭 銀蕨農場牛肉、可可百利朱古力、英雄果醬和栗子泥、緹樹 果醬、總統全系列產品、寶茸果茸、恩喜村牛油、百嘉淡 奶油、紐芝蘭雪糕和愛迪亞果醬等。 安得利深圳為你帶來一場美食之旅,分享全球 精品美食!

At its booths, the Angliss Shenzhen Technical Team used diverse types of first-rate ingredients to create exquisite bread, desserts, Chinese and Western dishes, snacks, coffee and other drinks for guests.

The dynamic event attracted many professionals in the hospitality, baking, catering and other industries, including well-known local hotels, chain restaurants, professional associations and trending cafes. Notable industry figures were also invited to participate, including members of the Shantou Catering Industry Association, Chef Ye Fei, the Teochew cuisine master and ambassador for Chaoshan food culture, and Mr. Lin Zhenbiao, a Chaoshan food writer.

Customers who paid a visit to Shantou enjoyed a useful and profitable experience at Angliss Discovery 2022, with the opportunity to explore internationally renowned catering brands and sample delicious dishes made with their exquisite ingredients. With the support and coordination of all Angliss colleagues, teams and guests, the event was a roaring success.

在不同展位,安得利深圳技術團隊利用多款優質食材為大家製 作出精美的麵包、甜品、中西餐、小食、咖啡飲品等供客戶們

這場彙集了世界各地優質食材的夏日美食之旅,吸引了眾多 酒店、烘焙、餐飲等業界之專業人士,包括當地知名酒店、 餐飲連鎖、專業協會、網紅餐廳等等。還有汕頭市餐飲行業協 會各成員、傳播潮汕美食文化的潮菜大師葉飛潮菜、知名潮汕 美食作家林貞標等眾多精英雲集。

43foodtalk ISSUE 63
到訪的汕頭客戶們在安得利美食巡禮中收穫豐富,並認識了 眾多國際知名餐飲品牌和世界頂級優質食材,也品嘗到由各地 優質食材精心製作的美味佳餚。在各位安得利同事、技術團隊 與客戶們的支持與合作下,安得利美食巡禮2022 - 汕頭站圓滿 結束。

The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong opens signature Cantonese restaurant

Jade, The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong’s new Cantonese restaurant, has opened under the leadership of Michelin-starred executive chef Lai Ching Shing. The 230-seat restaurant combines modern techniques and traditional flavours to elevate Chinese classics. It also embraces the rich heritage of the quaint Aberdeen Fishing Village with the use of locally and regionally sourced sustainable seafood.

香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店的招牌粵菜餐廳開幕 香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店的全新粵菜餐廳「玉」,在米芝蓮星級行政主廚 Lai Ching Shing 的帶領下隆重開業。這間設有 230 個 座位的餐廳,將現代烹調技巧和傳統味道結合,令經典中菜的味道更上一層樓。此外,在坐擁香港仔漁村古色古鄉的美麗景色下, 餐廳更提供了另一番體驗 - 以可持續方式捕撈的本地及區內海鮮菜餚。

The Londoner Hotel wins Best Restaurant in Asia Pacific title

The Residence, an exclusive club for guests of The Londoner Hotel, has been named ‘Best Restaurant in Asia Pacific’ at The International Hotel & Property Awards 2022. Spanning over 1,100 square metres, The Residence was created by Alan Chan Design Company. It is divided into

rooms, inspired by classic London houses and the homes of famous British

a series of uniquely contrasting
personalities. 倫敦人酒店獲評為亞太區最佳餐廳 專為倫敦人酒店客人服務的會所 The Residence,獲 2022 年國際酒店及物業大獎評為「亞太區最佳餐廳」。由 Alan Chan Design Company 設計的 The Residence,佔地 1,100 平方米,以經典的倫敦房屋和英國名人的家園為靈感,並以一系列各具特 色的房間成為餐廳特色。

Black Sheep Restaurants gives 40-year-old monument new life

Hong Kong-born hospitality team Black Sheep Restaurants has opened two restaurants, Magistracy Dining Room and Botanical Garden, at The Magistracy, a declared monument which has been dormant for over 40 years. Helmed by Michelinstarred executive chef Matthew Kirkley, Magistracy Dining Room is inspired by classic London restaurants. Opening in three phases, the venue will be home to multiple venues, operated by a team of


Delicious USA 2022 celebrates U.S. food products with local chefs

Homegrown plant-based gourmet brand reimagines Chinese cuisine

food brand Plant Sifu

of the city’s

Chinese restaurants to present a culinary campaign

a range of reinvented classic dishes utilising the company’s plant-based pork, which incorporates its AROMAX proprietary pork fat

The brand aims to to revolutionise Chinese cuisine with its

aware and health-conscious ethos,

most popular animal


45foodtalk ISSUE 63
is partnering with seven
pork, the
protein in Asian gastronomy. Instagram/Facebook: @eatplantsifu 採用本地種植食材的美食品牌,為中菜帶來全新形象 以植物食材為賣點的美食品牌「植廚」,現正與本港七間米芝蓮星級中菜餐廳合作推出一項餐飲活動,透過公司專有的 AROMAX 豬肉脂肪研配技術,利用素豬肉為一系列經典中菜帶來全新的風格。在本著環保和健康的宗旨下,植廚一直提倡以豬肉這種最受亞 洲美食所歡迎的肉類食材,藉以讓客人享受嶄新的中菜體驗。
all-star hospitalitiers.
Sheep Restaurants 為擁有 40 年歷史的法定古蹟 增添一份時尚氣息 在香港成立的餐飲品牌 Black Sheep Restaurants,最近在擁有超過40 年歷史的法定古蹟 中央裁判司署中,開設了兩間分別名為 Magistracy Dining Room 和 Botanical Garden 的 餐廳。當中由米芝蓮星級行政主廚Matthew Kirkley 負責打理的 Magistracy Dining Room,更充滿著傳統倫敦餐廳的特色。場地將會分三個階段開幕,並設有多個場館, 當中將由明星級酒店團隊負責營運。
Hong Kong’s premier festival for U.S. food, Delicious USA, recently returned to local restaurants. The month-long event celebrates the sustainability, versatility, and quality-assured food products that distinguish American farms, ranches and fishing waters. This year saw 31 participating restaurants, whose chefs presented one or more special dishes featuring U.S. ingredients. A collaboration also was formed with one-stop dining platform OpenRice. www ATOHongKong com hk 本地廚師在 2022 年美國餐飲巡禮中推廣美國食品 香港的年度飲食盛事「美食餐飲巡禮」,最近聯同多間本地餐廳舉辦了為 期一個月的美食活動,以推廣由頂級美國農場、牧場和漁塘,並遵從可持 續發展原則而生產的多種優質食品。今年活動共有 31 間餐廳參與,當中廚 師向大家介紹了各種採用美國食材炮製的特別菜式。這次活動更邀得一站 式餐飲平台 OpenRice 共同合作參與。

Bar Nineteen12 reopens with crafted cocktails and light bites

just off the lobby of the iconic The Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles, Bar Nineteen12 is open for the first time in over two years, featuring a new menu and soft redesign. Guests

views overlooking the pool and palm tree skyline while sipping on cocktails and tasting California cuisine from executive chef, Pedro Contreras. www dorchestercollection com/en/los angeles/the beverly hills hotel/restaurants bars/bar nineteen12

Bar Nineteen12 重新開業,為客人呈獻精心調製的雞尾酒和各式小食 位於洛杉磯地標比華利山酒店大堂的 Bar Nineteen12,經過兩年多後再度開業。餐廳以柔和的室內設計風格示人,並為客人帶來全 新的餐單。在夕陽的映照下,客人可以一邊欣賞種滿棕櫚樹的泳池美景,一邊品嚐由行政主廚Pedro Contreras 用心炮製的各式雞 尾酒和加州美食。

Food Folks relaunches with authentic taste of Singapore

is welcoming back visitors for an uniquely local dining experience with new food stalls and more local retail brands at Food Folks – an award-winning retail space which provides a launch pad to help local retail food products and F&B brands grow and establish their brands. The heritage retail-food hall

over 80 food stalls, 100 retail brands and 2,000 local products.

offers Food Folks 再度推出正宗新加坡美食 新加坡正在大力吸引旅客重返當地旅遊,甚至透過 Food Folks 推出全新美食攤位,以及與當地多個零售美 食品牌合作,為旅客帶來獨特的餐飲體驗。獲獎無數的 Food Folks,為飲食業提供了創業及推廣契機,藉以協助 當地零售食品及餐飲品牌發展和建立自己的飲食王國。 Food Folks 歷史悠久,其零售美食廣場擁有 80 多個美食 攤位,並吸引了100 個零售品牌及 2,000 種當地美食產品 進駐。
will enjoy sunset

The Food School Bangkok set for October opening

Food School Bangkok,


Sixth Annual Global Culinary Travel Awards names 10 Winners of Excellence

The World Food Travel Association has announced the winners of its 2022 Global Culinary Travel Awards to recognise excellence and innovation in culinary products and experiences for travellers. This year’s winners include Spa Eastman (Quebec, Canada) for Best Emphasis on Wellness & Health in Culinary Travel, Vegan Travel Asia by VegVoyages (Nepal) for Best Use of Sustainability in Culinary Travel and others.


世界美食旅遊協會剛剛公佈了 2022 年全球美食旅遊大獎的得獎名 單,藉以表揚得獎者為旅客獻上美食和體驗所展示出的優秀表現和創意。今年的得獎名單包括最注重旅遊美食健康的

Woven by Adam Smith opens at Coworth Park

country house hotel Coworth Park

Woven by Chef Adam


familiar flavours



10 個得獎名單
Spa Eastman (加拿大魁北克),以及在最符合可持續發展原則的 Vegan Travel Asia by VegVoyages(尼泊爾)等。 foodtalk ISSUE 63
Part of Dusit International, The
a ‘Progressive Learning
that brings together three partner institutions – ALMA Culinary Institute, TSUJI Culinary Institute, and Dusit Thani College – alongside food business incubation facilities and services, will start offering specialised short courses and master classes in October 2022. Full professional certificate courses will follow in January 2023. 曼谷美食學校將於 10 月開幕 都喜國際集團旗下的曼谷美食學校,宣佈與三間學院合作,分別為 ALMA Culinary Institute、TSUJI Culinary Institute 以及 Dusit Thani College,以共同建立一個「漸進式美食學習社區」。這個社區除了為食品 初創企業提供孵化設施和服務外,亦將於 2022 年 10 月舉辦一系列特定的 短期課程和大師班,以及於 2023 年 1 月提供完整的專業證書課程。
Dorchester Collection’s luxury
in the UK has opened a new restaurant,
Smith. Chef
menu will offer a tapestry of
reimagined in unexpected ways, combining the classics with modern touches and layers of personal experience. Martin
Design has created the interiors for the restaurant, crafting
theatrical and contemporary space. Adam Smith 開設的 Woven 於科沃斯公園開業 多切斯特集團位於英國的豪華鄉間別墅酒店科沃斯公園,近期迎來了一間 由主廚Adam Smith 管理的全新餐廳 Woven。Smith 的餐單總是令人 意想不到,並喜愛以全新風格炮製各式各樣街知巷聞的美食,將經典和時 尚風格,與層次豐富的個人體驗結合起來。餐廳的室內設計更由 Martin Hulbert Design 主理,令餐廳仿如一座充滿現代感的劇院。

Other Branches

PastryGlobal Food Service Limited

Flat B, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 嘉寶食品有限公司

香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓B室 T. +852 2494 1900 | F. +852 3145 0756

Miumi International Food Company Limited

Flat A, 4/F, Magnet

foodtalk 名廚坊

Shop 10, G/F Tower 1 Magnet Place, 77-81 Container Port Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories 香港新界葵涌貨櫃碼頭路77-81號 Magnet Place一期地下10號舖 T. +852 2615 0822 | F. +852 2615 0855

Hong Kong Island shop: G/F, 23 First Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong 香港西營盤第一街23號地下 T. +852 2615 0338 | F. +852 2559 3938

Kowloon shop: G/F, 21 Nanking Street, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍佐敦南京街21號地下 T. +852 2615 9187 | F. +852 2615 9287

Linson Global Seafood Trading Limited

47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai

Gourmet Cuisine Hong Kong Limited

Flat A, 6/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 高美食材香港有限公司

香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期6樓A室

T. +852 2494 1967 | F. +852 2439 5055

Lou Lou Food Market 47-51 Kawi Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 E:

Gourmet Partner (S) Pte Ltd

Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420


Sweet la Vie 47-51 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 T. +852 2494 1935 | F. +852 2615 2210

Miumi Japan Food (A Division of Angliss Singapore Pte Ltd) 232 Pandan Loop, Singapore 128420 御海日本食品有限公司 T. +65 6777 2112 | F. +65 6779 7666

Gourmet Partner (M) Sdn Bhd No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5122 6601 | F. +603 5121 0601


Natural and Organic Global Limited

Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 安機源優質食材有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室


T. +852 2494

Bidfood Malaysia

2214 | F.
2702 1290
1 Second Chin Bee Road, Singapore 618768 T. +65 6275 9275 | F. +65 6863 3855
Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 御海國際食品有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓A室 T. +852 2494 4966 | F. +852 2439 4070 Him Kee Food Distribution Company Limited Flat B, 4/F, Magnet Place Tower 2, 38-42 Kwai Fung Crescent, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 謙記食品貿易有限公司 香港新界葵涌葵豐街38-42號Magnet Place 2期4樓B室 T. +852 2836 6888 | F. +852 2440 0405 Shenzhen Goodmaster Food Co Ltd 2F & 3F, Block 3B, Zone B, Baosheng Industrial Zone, No.1 Mabu Road, Bainikeng Community, Pinghu Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen 深圳市高美食品有限公司 深圳市龍崗區平湖街道白坭坑社區麻布路1號寶盛工業區B 區3B棟2、3樓 T. +86 0755-28856766
T. +65
0790 | F. +65 6778 0153 Miumi Tokyo Co., Ltd. 御海東京株式會社 Room 501, 2-6-3, Azabujuban, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0045 Japan T. +81 3 6721 5689 | F. +81 3 6721 5693
Sdn Bhd No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/48, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia T. +603 5131 6399 | F: +603 5131 9233
Chung, N.T., Hong Kong 香港新界葵涌葵豐街47-51號 T. +852 2573 7433 | F. +852 2838 4071 Gourmet Partner Vietnam No. 8 Go O Moi St., Phu Thuan, District 7, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam T. +84 (0)28 363 615 71 Gourmet Cuisine Macau Fine Food Limited Em Macau, Rua Dos Pescadores N°S 166 – 190, Industrial Veng Hou 10° Andar B 高美澳門優質食品有限公司 澳門漁翁街166-190號永好工業大廈10樓B室 T. +853 2888 1155 | F. +853 2821 1039 Bidfood China Limited Rm 301, Block 5, 100 Zixiu Road, Hongqiao Town, Minhang District, Shanghai 安得利(上海)食品有限公司 上海市閔行區虹橋鎮紫秀路100號5號樓301室 T. +86 21 6071 2300
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