2008 World Sheepdog Trial

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Souvenir Programme ÂŁ5.00


Dinefwr Park and Castle, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, Wales September 11-14th, 2008



Proud sponsors of the World Sheepdog Trials 2008. For more information, or to book a test drive please call us on 0800 110 110 or visit www.landrover.co.uk


Range of fuel economy figures for the Land Rover range (l/100km): urban 30.6 (9.2) - 12.6 (22.4), extra urban 45.5 (6.2) – 23.1 (12.2), combined 37.7 (7.5) - 17.7 (16.0), CO2 emissions 194 - 376g/km. Details correct at time of going to press and are subject to change without notice.





Welcome — Croeso Officials and Organising Team — Swyddogion a'r Pwyllgor Trefnu Site Plan and Information — Cynllun y Safle a Gwybodaeth Programme Guide — Rhaglen Swyddogol The Border Collie — Y “Border Collie” Pup Photo Contest Winners — Enillwyr Cystadleuaeth Tynnu Llun Cŵn Bach

4 7 8 9 10 10

Food and Country Festival — Gŵyl Fwyd a Chefn Gwlad Tesco Kitchen Theatre Schedule — Amserlen Theatr Cegin Tesco Llandeilo Qualifying: Field 1, Day 1 — Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 1 , Diwrnod 1 Qualifying: Field 2, Day 1 — Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 2 , Diwrnod 1 Qualifying: Field 3, Day 1 — Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 3 , Diwrnod 1 Sheep Welfare — Lles Defaid World Trial Art Auction — Arwerthiant Gwaith Celf Treialon y Byd Brief History of the ISDS — Braslun o hanes yr ISDS Thank you! — Diolch! Event Schedule — Amserlen Digwyddiadau Countryside Arena and Trade Stands — Cylch Cefn Gwlad a Stondinau Masnachol Dinefwr Park and Castle — Parc Dinefwr a'r Castell Qualifying: Field 1, Day 2 — Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 1 Diwrnod 2 Sheepdog Trials: History — Hanes Treialon Cŵn Defaid World Trial Photo Contest Winners — Enillwyr Cystadleuarth Lluniau Treialon y Byd Qualifying: Field 2, Day 2 — Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 2 Diwrnod 2 Qualifying: Field 3, Day 2 — Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 3 Diwrnod 2 Semi-Finals — Rownd Gyn-derfynol Course for Finals — Cwrs ar gyfer y Rownd Derfynol Past Winners — Enillwyr y Gorffennol Finals — Y Rownd Derfynol Determining the Winner — Canfod yr Enillydd Awards — Gwobrwyon Future World Trial Stars — Sêr Treialon Cŵn Defaid y Dyfodol Sponsor Acknowledgements — Cydnabod y Noddwyr

12 13 14 16 19 23 27 31 33 35 36 37 38 41 43 47 48 53 59 63 63 65 65 66 69 70

Course for Qualifying and Semi-Finals — Cwrs ar gyfer Y Rownd Ragbrofol a'r Rownd Gyn-derfynol


Many of the photos in this programme were submitted to the World Trial photo contests. We thank all participants for kindly allowing us the use of their photos. Copyright for each photo belongs to the photographer and cannot be reproduced without permission. Front and Back Covers: Pippa. Owned by Beverly Lambert, U.S.A. Photo © Vickie Atkins-Close, U.S.A. Page 3: James McGee’s Becca, Ireland. © Kinloch Sheepdogs.

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials



Elin Jones AM — Minister for Rural Affairs, National Assembly for Wales I take great pleasure in welcoming you all to the Land Rover World Sheepdog Trials, Food and Country Festival.

Here in Wales, rural life and in particular the art of shepherding, is an integral part of our heritage. It is therefore a great honour for Wales to be the 2008 hosts of this event in the spectacular setting of the National Trust’s Dinefwr Park. I am delighted to be the President of the event.

I think you’ll agree that there is plenty to look forward to over the next four days as 240 top handlers and dogs battle their wits against each other in the challenge to become the next World Champion. With competitors arriving from as far afield as Australia, the Faroe Islands and the United Sates, there is a truly global feel to this competition.

The Food and Country festival section offers us the opportunity to showcase the world renowned food and crafts of Wales and I am confident you will be pleasantly surprised by the range of produce on offer. The Tesco sponsored Kitchen Theatre with celebrity chefs Gareth Richards and Nick Davies promises to be a fine source of inspiration in using our Welsh ingredients. This is a world class event and I am grateful to everyone involved for making it happen.

All that is left to say is that I hope you will enjoy yourselves and return to visit us soon.

Elin Jones AC - Gweinidog Materion Gwledig, Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru Mae’n bleser mawr gen i eich croesawu chi i gyd i Dreialon Cŵn Defaid y Byd, Gŵyl Fwyd a Chefn Gwlad Land Rover.

Yma yng Nghymru mae’r bywyd gwledig, ac yn enwedig y grefft o fugeilio, yn rhan annatod o’n treftadaeth. Mae hi felly yn anrhydedd mawr i Gymru fod yn croesawu’r digwyddiad hwn yn 2008, yn lleoliad ysblennydd Parc Dinefwr sy’n eiddo i’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol. Rwyf wrth fy modd i fod yn Llywydd y digwyddiad ac rwy’n falch iawn bod Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yn ei gefnogi. Rwy’n credu y byddwch chi i gyd yn cytuno bod llawer i edrych ymlaen ato dros y pedwar diwrnod a ddaw wrth i 240 o’r bugeiliaid a’r cŵn gorau ymgiprys i fod yn Bencampwr nesaf y Byd. Gyda chystadleuwyr yn teithio o wledydd mor bell ag Awstralia, Ynysoedd y Faroe a'r Unol Daleithiau, mae hon yn gystadleuaeth fyd-eang yng ngwir ystyr y gair.

Mae adran yr Ŵyl Fwyd a Chefn Gwlad yn gyfle inni arddangos y bwydydd a’r crefftau bydenwog sydd gan Gymru i’w cynnig, ac rwy’n ffyddiog y cewch eich siomi ar yr ochr orau gan amrywiaeth yr hyn sydd ar gael. Mae Theatr y Gegin gyda’r cogyddion amlwg Gareth Richards a Nick Davies, dan nawdd Tesco, yn addo bod yn ysbrydoliaeth i bob un ohonom ddefnyddio cynnyrch o Gymru wrth goginio. Mae hwn yn ddigwyddiad o’r radd flaenaf, ac rwy’n ddiolchgar i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu at ei lwyfannu. Yr oll sydd ar ôl i’w ddweud yw gobeithio y byddwch yn mwynhau yma ac yn dychwelyd i’n gweld ni eto cyn bo hir.

Photo: Kevin Evans’ Spot (Wales) © Kinloch Sheepdogs


2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Jim Easton, MBE — Chairman / Cadeirydd ISDS It is a delight for me to welcome you all to the 2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials, held in this beautiful part of Wales, at Dinefwr Park and Castle. We are indebted to the National Trust for their kind permission to use the estate. The driving forces behind this event have been Mr Meirion Owen and Mr Sulwyn Thomas; their foresight and endeavours, supported by a great team, have brought us all here today. We are all very grateful for the financial assistance of all the sponsors listed in this programme, whose support has enabled it all to take place. The International Sheep Dog Society has played a key role in developing the world sheepdog community. Some 33

years ago I was delighted to be involved in giving demonstrations and training seminars first in the Netherlands and then many other Continental European countries. The purpose was to show the intelligence and working ability of our ISDS Border Collie. From these small beginnings has grown a strong European and World sheepdog community.

I express my thanks to all who have worked hard to bring us here today, and wish the very best to all handlers and dogs at this great World Championship.

Norman Lorton — ISDS Chief Executive / Prif Weithredwr ISDS This 2008 event is the third World Trial to be staged by the This sheepdog trial is not a race beInternational Sheep Dog Society, continuing a very suctween dogs and sheep – it is about cessful and popular format. Here you will see 242 dogs showing the care, skill and dedication showing their very best, working in partnership with 198 dif- of a man or woman working with a dog ferent handlers from 22 nations. All have had to succeed in to look after the flock as he, or she, has national selection to gain a place on the entry list, and all for hundreds of years. This World Trial is a have had to work hard to arrive here ready for competition culmination of one of the International Sheep Dog Society’s over four days. objectives – to bring the world together to support and enjoy this wonderful dog, and find the very best there is.

Sulwyn Thomas — Management Chairman / Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Trefnu Four years ago the International Sheep Dog Trials were Braint a phleser digymysg i mi, fel held in Carmarthenshire. brodor o Sir Gâr, yw cael gwahodd y Byd i Landeilo ar gyfer y bencampDespite unfavourable weather that Festival proved to be wriaeth bwysig hon one of the best ever. Bedair blynedd yn ôl buom yn ymffrostio yn And to prove, hopefully, that “Nothing succeeds like sucein llwyddiant (er gwaetha’r tywydd angharedig) yn llwyfancess,” we are confident that this World Trial and Food and nu’r Treialon Rhyngwladol. Dyma ni, yn awr, yn agor y gaCountry Festival will be a memorable one. tiau i dderbyn cystadleuwyr a chyfeillion o dros ugain o wledydd y Byd. This time we are hosts to 22 nations; this time we expect thousands more to enjoy the trials, the Food and Country Gallwn restru llu o ffrindiau sydd wedi ysgwyddo’r baich o Festival as well as the undisputed delights of our wonderful drefnu’r Treialon tra pwysig yma - yn noddwyr hael, caredicounty of Carmarthenshire. gion Llywodraeth y Cynulliad, Cynghorau Sir a chymuned, a chwmnïau mawr a bach. We thank everyone for their support in arranging this feast. The kitchens have been buzzing with activity. But our main Goddefwch i mi, serch hynny, i roi diolch arbennig i un a debt is to the Head Chef – Meirion Owen. His commitment gafodd y weledigaeth yn y lle cyntaf, gan weithio’n ddi-baid during the last 18 months has been unbelievable. ers hynny i droi pob carreg i wireddu’r freuddwyd honno Meirion Owen. Ni fyddai cystal arlwy heb ei fewnbwn anhygoel i’r Ŵyl arbennig hon. In welcoming you all, let me wish every competitor well as we hope for kind weather during the four day feast of comDiolch am gael bod yn rhan o’i dim a gobeithio y gwnewch petition and enjoyment. chi i gyd fwynhau’r wledd a baratowyd ar eich cyfer ar Barc Dinefwr. 2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


Meirion Owen — Organising Secretary / Ysgrifennydd a Threfnydd yr Ŵyl

I am delighted to welcome you all to Carmarthenshire, and to the beautiful setting of The National Trust’s Dinefwr Park & Castle nestling in the Towy Valley to the third World Sheep Dog Championship. Competitors and enthusiasts have travelled thousands of miles to be here and we are grateful for your efforts and dedication and hope you all will enjoy your visit here. May I personally thank the large number of sponsors for their generosity and financial contribution and to the enthusiasm in the locality in welcoming a ‘World event’ to the area.

Any organiser needs a good team of people around him to help and share the workload and I am indebted to our local Chairman Sulwyn Thomas and to a team of ladies who have shared my workload and made the task such a pleasurable experience. The ladies local team consists of Angie Driscoll – Website & Programme design, Hazel Thomas – Food & Craft Marquee Coordinator, Llinos Jones – Treasurer and my wife Glenda for most of the administration work behind the scenes. We have a large local team of helpers and thank them for giving their time so freely to the society and to the staff at the society’s office in Bedford we thank you all.

Enjoy your few days with us and hopefully you will leave with treasured memories. To be ‘World Champion’ is the ultimate prize, good luck to you all. Llinos Jones — Treasurer / Trysorydd Croeso i Gymru ac yn arbennig i Barc Dinefwr, ger Llandeilo. Welcome to Wales and the picturespue venue of Dinefwr Park. The Society and the Local Committee are extremely appreciative of the generosity and substantial financial contributions we have received from the Leading Companies, County and Community Councils, local organizations and individuals. Equally important is the support of Trade Stands to attract a wide audience to this fabulous event at Dinefwr Park.

We express our appreciation for their kindness and support because without their help this trial, quite simply, could not have taken place. Please do visit our Sponsors and Trade Stands who are present and support them on every other possible occasion. Their support of the Society deserves your support for them.

We would also like to thank Llanddarog YFC members and friends for all their hard work and committment to stewarding the gates and parking facilities. To Capel Dewi YFC for collecting the refuse. The involvement of both clubs has been a valuable asset to the Local Committee. Thank you one and all. Diolch yn Fawr.


Pleser o’r mwyaf yw cael eich croesawu i Sir Gaerfyrddin ac i harddwch Dyffryn Tywi, a Pharc a Chastell Dinefwr sy’n eiddo i’r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol.

Mae’r cystadleuwyr a’r cefnogwyr yn frwdfrydig, a rhai wedi ymdrechu i deithio miloedd o filltiroedd i fod yma gyda ni. Gobeithio y byddwch yn mwynhau’r profiad.

Hoffwn i, yn bersonol, ddiolch i’r holl noddwyr am eu cefnogaeth ariannol ac i bobl yr ardal am eu brwdfrydedd wrth groesawu Treialon y Byd.

Mae ar bob Trefnydd angen tîm da o’i amgylch i hwyluso’r gwaith. Rwyf yn ddiolchgar i’r Cadeirydd lleol, Sulwyn Thomas am ein harwain a’r tîm o ferched sydd wedi gweithio yn galed tu ôl i’r llenni, a gwneud fy ngwaith yn bleserus. Y pwyllgor merched lleol yw Angie Driscoll (Y Wefan a’r Rhaglen Swyddogol), Hazel Thomas (Trefnydd y Ffair Fwyd a Chrefftau), Llinos Jones (Trysorydd) a fy ngwraig Glenda am y gwaith gweinyddol yn y cefndir.

Mae gennym dim mawr o wirfoddolwyr sydd yn rhoi o’u hamser i’r Gymdeithas ar bob cyfle, ac rydym yn ddiolchgar am hyn heb anghofio staff y swyddfa yn Bedford am eu cymorth. Mwynhewch eich ychydig ddyddiau gyda ni. Uchelgais pob cystadleuydd yw bod yn “Bencampwr y Byd”. Pob lwc i chi i gyd. Meirion Jones — Trials Chairman / Cadeirydd y Treialon It is a great honour to be the Chairman of the Trialling Committee for the World Trial. The course is situated on part of the 800 acres of land within the splendid Dinefwr Park.

I would like to thank all the Members and friends who have contributed to the hard work involved with the preparation towards this prestigious event. Thank you also to all the sheep stewards for shepherding the flock of Brecknock Hill Cheviot ewes during this four-day event of trialling. I know that competitors from all over the world have invested a lot of time and effort in training and competing in local trials to get to this stage. I congratulate each and every one of you on your success so far and wish you well for this, the final stage of the competition. I look forward to meeting old and new friends during this spectacular event and I wish every competitor - Good Sheep, Good Trialling, Good Friendship and above all Good Health.

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Officials & Organising Team Swyddogion a'r Pwyllgor Trefnu World Trial President / Llywydd Treialon Y Byd Ms. Elin Jones AM - Minister for Rural Affairs, National Assembly for Wales. ISDS Chairman / Cadeirydd ISDS Mr. Jim Easton M.B.E.

ISDS Chief Executive / Prif Weithredwr ISDS Mr. Norman Lorton

Management Chairman / Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Trefnu Mr. Sulwyn Thomas

Organising Secretary / Ysgrifennydd a Threfnydd yr Ŵyl Mr. Meirion Owen Treasurer / Trysorydd Mrs. Llinos Jones

Trials Chairman / Cadeirydd y Treialon Mr. Meirion Jones

Food and Craft Marquee Coordinator / Cydlynydd y Babell Fwyd a Chrefftau Ms. Hazel Thomas

Organising Committee / Pwyllgor Trefnu Carmarthen Sheep Dog Trials Association and Friends. Cymdeithas Treialon Cwn Defaid Caerfyrddin a Chyfeillion Website and Souvenir Programme / Gwefan a’r Rhaglen Swyddogol Dr. Angie Driscoll

Course Directors/ Cyfarwyddwyr y Cwrs Mr. Cyril Roberts (Wales) Mr. Hywel Davies (Wales) Mr. Stan Harden (Wales) Timekeepers / Cofnodwyr Amser Mr. Glyn Jones Mrs. Gwyneth Jones Mr. Ifor Page Mr. Tony Draycott Mr. Wynford Japp Mr. Dai James Mrs. Margaret James Announcers / Cyhoeddwir Mr. Dai Jones Mr. Charles Arch Mr. Edward Perkins Mr. Selwyn Evans Mr. Arwyn Davies


Qualifying Course Judges / Beirniad Y Rowndiau Rhagbrofol Field 1: Cae 1: Field 2: Cae 2:

Field 3: Cae 3:

Graphic Design / Dylunio Graffeg Dr. Kelvin Broad

Mr. Alun L. Jones (Wales) Mrs. Val Powell (England)

Mr. Malcolm Ellis (Wales) Mr. Arthur Mawhinney (Ireland)

Mr. George Gardner (Scotland) Mr. Gwyn Ll Jones (Wales)

Semi-finals and Finals Judges / Beirniaid y Rownd Derfynol a’r Rowndiau Cynderfynol

Honorary Veterinary Surgeon / Milfeddyg Anrhydeddus Bush House Veterinary Group Teilo Vets

Field 2:

Car Park / Maes Parcio Llanddarog Young Farmers Club Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc Llanddarog

Mr. Ray Edwards (England) Mr. Con McGarry (Ireland) Mr. Alan MacDonald (Scotland) Mr. Colin Gordon (Wales)

World Trial Website / Gwefan Treialon y Byd: ►► www.worldsheepdogtrials.org

Refuse Collectors / Casglwyr Sbwriel Capel Dewi Young Farmers Club Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc Capel Dewi

ISDS Website / Gwefan ISDS ►► www.isds.org.uk

“To make a dog have faith in you, you must treat him with kindness.” J.M. Wilson, 1934

“Er mwyn ennill ymddiriedaeth eich ci, mae'n rhaid i chi ei drin yn garedig." J.M. Wilson, 1934 Photo: Norman Close’s CV Joe. © Vickie Atkins-Close (USA).

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


Site Plan & Information Cynllun y Safle a Gwybodaeth To C a Swa rdiff, nsea Carm a arthe nd n.

P A d d it

ion Parki al ng

2008 Land RRover over World World Sheep Dog Trials, Trials, Food and Country Country Festival Festival Food Site Plan Si te Pl an

A 40

7 10

Trial T rial Field One 2


Spectator Parking P Parki arking




Entrance Entr ance Road Road Exi nly Roads Roads Exitt O Only W alking Paths Paths Walking


Trial T rial Field Two Two

Dinefwr Ca Castle stle Newton Newt on House House General Gener al Catering Catering Countryside Count ryside Arena Arena and and Trade Trade Stands Grandstand Gr andstand Landrover Landr over Expo Caravan Ca ravan and and Camping Camping Park Park Food F ood and and Craft Craft Marquee Marquee Competitor Competi tor Parking Parking Llandeilo ndeilo R.F.C. R.F .F.C .C. 10 Lla First Aid


Car Parking

Free on-site parking is available throughout the event. There is also a free Minibus service from the car park to Newtown House for disabled and other guests.


All dogs, with the exception of those competing, must be kept on a lead and under control at all times.



In the case of emergency, please contact your nearest Steward.

First Aid Centre

The First Aid Centre is available to deal with minor incidents requiring first aid. There are also ‘roving’ first aid personnel on the grounds with radio communications to the first aid centre.

To To Llan wn de Ce ilo ntr e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Trial T rial Three Field Thr ee

There are no banking facilities on the event site, however, there are a number of banks in Llandeilo, including: Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, and Natwest. The Post Office offers a ‘Bureau de Change’ service.

Gate G ate

9 5


Main M ain Entrance Entrance



Designed by: Kelvin Broad

s h Wale To Nort hester nc an d M a

organizers would ask the general public to be particularly alert and aware of any lone children and report them directly to the trial office. The event organizers accept no responsibility for lost or stolen items.


Stewards are identified by

brightly coloured vests. They will assist you where possible. Please remember they are volunteers. If they are unable to help you, please visit the trial office for information or assistance.


Public and disabled toilets are situated around the event site.


In the case of Fire, please vacate the area to the nearest open location/field and inform the nearest Steward.

Lost & Found

Please report lost and found items to the trial office. Event


2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


Programme Guide Rhaglen Swyddogol

There are 22 Nations represented by the names of handlers and dogs listed in this Programme. All the world’s countries, where there is a recent history of sheepdog handling, were invited to attend. The numbers from each nation were set by the ISDS and broadly indicate the level of activity in each country. There were some that could not travel because of the UK quarantine regulations and other, new sheepdog nations still working up to this standard of competition. Handlers and dogs have been ranked by their home organisation from qualifying competition in 2007. Therefore, for most nations, these represent the best. Country

Australia Austria

Belgium Canada

Czech Republic Denmark





2 4

0 0













Faroes France

3 9






1 2 3












New Zealand Portugal Sweden

5 3




Nations = 22




Gitte Ander’s March. © Eric Mörschel (Germany)


0 0

It is possible that a handler appears twice in the programme – i.e. he or she has qualified two dogs. In addition, every handler, whether entering with one or two qualified dogs, is permitted to enter an Alternate dog, for an additional fee. The reason for this is that after qualifying a whole year is a long time in a dog’s life (perhaps 7 years in human terms) and the dog may not be fully fit or able to travel. Therefore the handler may elect to run his or her Alternate dog, providing they inform the organisers the night before their run. Alternate dogs are listed under the number of the handler’s qualified dog. The commentator will know if an Alternate dog is to run and will announce this. The handlers’ run numbers have been carefully randomized. Each nations’ dogs will be spread across different fields and over the two days. If a handler has two dogs then you will find that they are running on different fields and on different days. Being fully randomized does not mean that you will not find handlers from the same country with adjacent numbers; that does happen and it is due to statistical chance.

After some handler’s names you will see a (C) or a (T). Each nation of five or more has selected a team of five different handlers with a nominated dog; these are typically the highest placed in their nation. These five are entered to a Team Competition in which their points from days one and two are totalled to determine a winning nation. In the following pages: (C) indicates the Team Captain; (T) indicates a Team Member; and (A) indicates Alternate dog.

1 0 8 9 3 4

12 79

Gordon Watt & York, 2005 World Champions


Please do not approach or allow children to approach tethered dogs in the absence of the handler. Whilst sheepdogs are not normally ill-tempered, there can be exceptions to this. Naturally people are drawn to stroking a dog, however please ask the handler first and do accept the advice of the handler. The International Sheep Dog Society WILL NOT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY CAUSED BY IRRESPONSIBLE OR FOOLHARDY ACTIONS.. 2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Jenny Glen’s XE Hemp. © Jenny Glen (Canada)


The Border Collie Y “Border Collie” The Border Collie is renowned for its intelligence, agility, hard work and innate skills for herding animals. Its skills have been shaped by many generations of breeding. These working dogs have never been bred for appearance.

The working collie dog was refined in the border country of England and Scotland, with the term 'Border Collie' being used after 1900. The first secretary of the ISDS, James Reid, is often credited with having coined the description ‘Border Collie’; whether this is true or not, he was most probably the first to have put the dogs’ breed name in print. The earliest reference to the working sheepdog is from the 1500’s in John Caius’s book, De Canibus Britannicus (Treatise on Englishe Dogges).

James Hogg (1770-1835), known as the Ettrick Shepherd, a shepherd and poet from the Ettrick Valley in the Scottish Borders wrote, "without [the sheep dog] the mountainous land of England and Scotland would not be worth sixpence. It would require more hands to manage a flock of sheep and drive them to market than the profits of the whole were capable of maintaining." There is a saying “You can’t have a good flock without a good shepherd;

And you can’t have a good shepherd without a good dog.”

The pursuit of sheepdog trialling had been well established since the 1870's in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. However, in those days travel was difficult and people were naturally much more parochial, thus it was a locally organised interest.

The first recorded trials involving more than one country were the 1873 Bala trials in Wales, where a Scotsman James (Jimmy) Thomson - took first prize. It was William Wallace of Otterburn, Northumberland at the Hawick Trials of 1883 who is credited with first demonstrating control of the dog "with a mere hiss at hand and a low whistle at distance". Before then, much waving, shouting and barking might have been noticed by spectators. Dogs with the right ‘eye’ for the task were bred and handling skills perfected by those in Northumberland and the Border regions of Scotland. In the 1890’s Adam Telfer, of Cambo, Northumberland bred and trained the dog that is considered the ‘father of the breed’, Old Hemp. It was out of these lands that the ‘Collie from the Borders’ came. Photo: S. van der Zweep’s Jim © Inge Savenije


Pascal Bourdon’s Daly © Guillaume Josien (France)


Peter Sunesson’s Sörvallas Sean © Peter Sunesson (Sweden)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Norman Close’s Blue. © Vickie Atkins-Close (USA)

Course for Qualifying & Semi-Finals / Cwrs ar

gyfer Y Rownd Ragbrofol a'r Rownd Gyn-derfynol

The qualifying and semi-finals course involves the handler and dog working together to move five sheep (three unmarked and two marked with red collars) around a course. There are seven components of the course, each of which is scored by the judges. (Note: The following is for guidance only).

1. Outrun: In the outrun the dog is sent out either to the left or right from the post while the handler remains at the post. The dog should not stop until it has reached the point of balance behind the sheep, and should be far enough away from the sheep so as not to disturb them. The point of balance is where the dog will lift the sheep in the direction of the first set of gates.

2. Lift: At the end of the Outrun, the dog will either come to a full stop or merely slow down.The dog will then approach the sheep smoothly, cautiously and steadily, taking control in a firm and quiet manner. The sheep should move in a direct line to the first obstacle (gates).

3. Fetch: The sheep must be brought at a steady pace and in a straight line from the place of lifting to the first gates and thereafter in a straight line to the handler/post. If the sheep deviate from the line they should be brought back to that line as soon as practical. If the sheep fail to go through the gates, no retry of the gates is allowed.

4. Drive: The drive is approximately 450 yards long over a triangular course and consists of two Š Kelvin Broad. sets of gates through which the dog drives the sheep. The drive starts immediately the sheep have passed behind the handler/post and ends when the sheep enter the shedding ring. The sheep are required to go in straight lines between the obstacles and reasonable turns at the post and at both gates are expected. If the sheep fail to go through the gates, a second attempt at either gate is not allowed.

5. Shedding: Two unmarked sheep are shed (separated) in the shedding ring and held away from the remaining three sheep. The dog must show control of the two unmarked sheep, either in or outside the ring. On completion of the shed, the handler must reunite the sheep before proceeding to the pen.

6. Penning: The handler must proceed to the pen, leaving the dog to bring the sheep to the pen.The handler stands at the gate holding the rope and must not let go of the rope while the dog works the sheep into the pen. When the sheep are in the pen, the handler must completely close the gate before releasing the sheep. After releasing the sheep, the handler must close and fasten the gate and go to the shedding ring. 7. Single: The dog brings the sheep from the pen to the shedding ring. One of two marked sheep will be shed (sep-

arated) within the shedding ring and held away from the remaining four sheep until the judges are satisfied.

No points are awarded for any phase of the work that has not been completed within the prescribed time limit. Time limit = 15 minutes. Points Points are awarded as follows:







Drive Shed Pen


TOTAL (per judge)

Qualifying Aggregate

Semi-Finals Aggregate

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

10 30 10 10 10


220 440


Food and Country Festival ^ Gwyl Fwyd a Chefn Gwlad

Y Gorau o Gymru

Best of Welsh

Y Gorau o Gymru

The Food and Craft Marquee includes a large selection of the finest Welsh foods and local crafts. You’re in Welsh Country - ENJOY! Mae’r Babell Fwyd a Chrefft yn cynnwys y dewis gorau o fwydydd Cymreig a Chrefftau lleol. Rydych yng


► Bodlon Welsh Food Hampers ► CannedWolf ► Cardiau'r Coed (Cards) ► Carmarthen County Council ► Carmarthenshire Cheese Company ► Castell Howell ► Celia's Oriental Kitchen ► Celtic Country Wines ► Celtic Spirit Co. Ltd ► Chocolate Fondue (Wales) Ltd ► Cowpots Ice Creams ► Cushion Craft ► Cutt Antiques ► David Bailey Wildlife Photography ► Ecowins ► Enfys Wyse Popty Bach y Wlad ► Ffos Y Ffin Brewery ► Greenfeet Crafts ► Heavenly Ice Cream and Chocolates ► Homemade Country Preserves ► Hometime Crafts ► Hybu Cig Cymru/ Meat Promotions Wales ► Igam Ogam


► Independent Phoenix Trader ► In Stitches ► Jaga Crafts ► Jane Beck Welsh Blankets ► J.H.Williams & Sons ► Just so Scrumptious/O Mor Braf ► Kid Me Not ► La Maison de Victoria Lily ► Leatherwise ► Llanfaes Dairy Ice Cream ► Miranda Bowen Animal Portraits ► Pam's Pillows ► Penlan Cottage Brewery ► Peppercorn Cookware Specialists ► Perfect Patisserie ► Popty Cara & Penderyn Whisky ► Prime Cymru ► Richard Evans Shepherds' Crooks and Walking Sticks ► Rhiannon Celtic Design Jewellery ► Rhymney Brewery ► Siramik ► Snowdonia Cheese Company

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

► Steve's Crafts ► Teifi Farmhouse Cheese ► The Merlin’s Hill Centre/Canolfan Bryn Myrddin ► The National Trust ► The Rocking Sheep Company ► The Welsh Mustard Company ► Trysorau Gwawr Costume Jewellery ► Welsh Black Cattle Society ► Wharfe Valley Farms ► Woodwonders

Hazel Thomas - Food & Craft Marquee Coordinator

Tesco Kitchen Theatre Schedule Amserlen Theatr Cegin Tesco TIME AMSER





Dudley, S4C Celebrity Chef

Farm Diversification The Healthy Options

Colin Pressdee, Food Wales


Nick Davies, Welsh National Team Culinary Chef

Gareth Richards, S4C Celebrity Chef

Colin Pressdee, Food Wales

Huw Rees, S4C, Fashion Country Style


Nick Davies, Welsh National Team Culinary Chef

Nick Davies, Welsh National Team Culinary Chef

Dudley, S4C Celebrity Chef

Tracey Kindred Heavenly Chocolates

Colin Pressdee, Food Wales

Nick Davies, Welsh National Team Culinary Chef

Colin Pressdee, Food Wales

Gareth Richards, S4C Celebrity Chef



Gavin Oram & Peter Ware, Cawdor Hotel, Llandeilo

Tesco Kitchen Theatre Guest Presenters Cyflwynwyr Gwâdd Theatr Cegin Tesco

Nick Davies, Welsh National Culinary Team Chef Nick Davies has been a long-time member of the Welsh National Culinary Team & has participated in several Culinary Olympics. He will cook a selection of recipes highlighting Welsh produce. Nick will also give a Welsh Lamb butchery demonstration which will be of interest to those working in the restaurant and hospitality sectors.

Colin Pressdee, Food Wales Colin Pressdee is the author of Food Wales - a culinary journey of where to find, taste and purchase local foods in Wales. He is highly respected within the food industry. Colin will be whipping up some of his favourite recipes for us. His latest version of Food Wales will be available during the event and Colin will be on-hand to personally autograph copies of his book.

Dudley Newbery, Celebrity Chef Since 1994 Dudley Newbery has been a staple on S4C. Dudley has presented and produced 12 series of his BAFTA award winning food and lifestyle show called 'Dudley,' which has seen him filming in exotic locations such as Thailand, Jamaica and Italy. Dudley will share with us some gastronomic delights of Wales. Sponsored by: The Farmers Union of Wales.

Gavin Oram Head Chef, and Peter Warem, Chef Patisserie, Cawdor Hotel, Llandeilo The Cawdor is one of Carmarthenshire’s landmark buildings which has played a pivotal role in the history of Llandeilo. Gavin Oram and Peter Ware continue the Cawdor’s rich culinary traditions and will delight us with a sampling of their traditional and innovative dishes using the freshest of local ingredients.

Tracey Kindred, Heavenly Chocolates Tracey, from Heavenly Chocolates in Llandeilo, specializes in chocolate sculpting and chocolate wedding cakes. She will give a demonstration for chocolate lovers of all ages.

Loraine Makowski-Heaton and Sallyann Kilby, Farm Diversification - The Healthy Options Loraine Makowski-Heaton from Kid Me Not (Goats Milk Products) and Sallyann Kilby from Wharfe Valley Farms (culinary Rapeseed Oil) will be sharing their personal journeys of farm diversification.

Gareth Richards, Celebrity Chef Popular S4C celebrity chef, Gareth Richards will spice up the show with his cookery demonstration. He is a ‘local’ from Lampeter and, coming from a farming background, he understands first hand how to tantalise his audiences with dishes created using fresh local produce.

Huw Rees, Fashion Country Style Huw Rees is a style consultant and professional shopper. His fashion show - Huw Fash - on S4C TV’s Wedi 3 and Wedi 7 is hugely popular. He has been guiding us on the fashion trends here in Wales for many years now. Huw will present a country style fashion show.

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials



Llandeilo has been a holy place for as long as Christianity has been in Wales and was one of the main centres from which it spread far and wide throughout Wales. St Teilo, from whom the town's name derives, flourished about 550 AD and was a cousin and contemporary of our patron saint, St David. He must have been one of the most prolific of holy men, for at least 25 places of worship are dedicated to him throughout the Celtic world, including churches in Brittany and Cornwall.

For a while the town was a Royal capital, its castle at Dinefwr being the administrative and military centre of the once powerful Kingdom of Deheubarth in south west Wales. The agricultural wealth of the Tywi Valley made its later landowners powerful and influential in their own right, and a 15th century Llandeilo magnate, Sir Rhys ap Thomas, is even credited with killing Richard the Third at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 to help his kinsman, Henry Tudor, become Henry the Seventh of England. The wealth of Llandeilo, too, attracted the ever-greedy attentions of Henry the Eighth, who beheaded the local landowner to get at his lands in 1531, something Mediaeval Kings had a habit of doing with annoying frequency. Llandeilo is surely the jewel in the Tywi's crown, and there is more than just a long pageant of rich history to this picturesque market town, for modern-day Llandeilo, too, has its attractions. Llandeilo today is still an essentially rural town, surrounded by farm and woodland, hill and dale, where the Welsh language is still in common use. And its shops, pubs and restaurants put many larger towns to shame. The wealth of historic monuments like mediaeval Dinefwr and Carreg Cennen castles make Llandeilo a tourist centre from which to explore the riches of west Wales. From here the Brecon Beacons National Park is but a short drive, as are the equally lovely upland landscapes of the Carmarthenshire Fans and Black Mountain. Drive just a little further and you'll soon have the sandy beaches and cliff walks of the beautiful Gower Peninsula at your disposal. And only an hour's drive away are the equally delightful seaside resorts and bays of Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire. Croeso a mwynhewch — Welcome and enjoy.


2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Drive them straight, drive them true, Is what he has to do, Bring in the sheep for the shed. “Sit” I command, I use crook and my hand, No need for words to be said.

Drive on to the pen, For marks out of ten, He shows he is boss of the day, The sheep safe inside, He sits by my side, Let’s hear what the judge has to say. One man and his dog, In wind, rain and fog, Doing the job to be done. The trial is the thrill, As he shows his skill, Not caring about who has won.

Then it’s back to the farm, With my dog at my arm, To relax, for there’s nothing to say. We played our part, With my hand and his heart, For the joy of competing today.

By John Morgan. Reprinted from the Working Sheepdog News, May 1983, No. 3,Vol. 6.


It's no wonder that the Romans made a bee-line for the Tywi Valley after they invaded Britain in 43 AD, for here was not just rich agricultural land and an abundance of game and fishing, but also gold in them thar hills at Dolaucothi, which the Romans turned into one of the largest gold mines of their vast empire. Llandeilo, too, was a target for the Romans who built a fort here, finally uncovered in an excavation by the local archaeology trust in 2005. Traces of two Roman forts have been found under a field in Dinefwr Park. This exciting discovery indicates that the Romans were here in strength, both in the invasion phase and in the more settled times that followed.

The run out is straight, To the lift at the gate, The fetch is correct and on line. He responds to my call, “Bring them home one and all,” He’s workng, he’s happy, he’s mine.

Swe den

The lonely moorland vistas of its birth soon give way to the softer wooded terrain of its upper reaches, until the river, along with several of its tributaries, calmly disappears for a while into the unruffled waters of Llyn Brianne reservoir, one of the largest man-made lakes in Wales. In its more leisurely middle course the meandering Tywi creates some of the most fertile farming land in Wales, passing through such ancient market towns as Llandovery and Llandeilo. Then finally, in its tidal reaches past Carmarthen Town, home to the occasional coracle fishermen, the Tywi meets and disappears into the salt waters of Carmarthen Bay.

Sheepdog Trials How proud do I feel, With dog at my heel, Waiting the command to start. I send him away, Not a word do I say, For he knows exactly his part.

Fl e et (

From this source on the wild and romantic Cambrian Mountains in mid-Wales the Tywi flows south for 68 miles to reach the sea in Carmarthen Bay. But unlike its longer neighbours, the Severn and Wye, who are soon seduced by the siren song of neighbouring England to the east, the Tywi remains loyal to the country of its birth for the whole length of its southwards journey to the sea.

25 Years Ago


There can be fewer towns in Wales more attractive than Llandeilo in Carmarthenshire, sitting proudly on a hill above the river Tywi. And there are fewer valleys lovelier than the Tywi, the longest river which flows entirely through Wales.

sse Mo


us so

Written by Terry Norman (www.llandeilo.org)


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101 102


Mr W Goligher

Limavady, Co Londonderry



DOG Details


Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 1


SIRE Sire Owner

DAM Dam Owner

(I McKay)

(J Deptford)

Tam ISDS 256850

7y 0m Roy ISDS 216694

Slate NZ18121

7y 0m Digger 385

Somolli SKK V1510/99

9y 7m Hope ISDS 207618

Glen ISDS 279618

3y 3m Udjim VDH/ZBrH3301

Nip ISDS 242751

9y 7m Scott ISDS 207940

Sly ABCA 223805

5y 10m Spot ABCA 206467

Luke ABCA 160015

8y 10m Hemp 110071

Gwen NHSB 2393361

6y 5m Clayton ZBRH2619

Coon ISDS 265670

5y 4m Nick ISDS 213447

Nan ISDS 271055

4y 4m Jim ISDS 248214

Tweed ISDS 251556

8y 1m Rob ISDS 207718

Svedu SPKY J1520/04n

4y 7m Nötrallon's Hill V1527/2002

Craig (Dan) ISDS 248784

8y 8m Don ISDS 205765

Gwen ISDS 273024

4y 3m Spot ISDS 251944

Bill ISDS 281460

2y 7m Zac ISDS 258974

Jill ISDS 254764

7y 5m Nap ISDS 228294

Taff ABCA 239555

7y 1m Moel Hemp ISDS 233528

Dog, BW&T

Gwen ISDS 236395

Mr B. Arends


Ms L Oredsson


Mr L Stensgaard



Mr V Morris



Mr T Wilson (T)


Mr C R Dimit


Miss G M Brinkman


Mr M Lebang


Mr E de Freitas


Mr S Hindeness (T)


Mrs N Salonen (T)


Mr W I McConnell


Mr G R Powell


Mr I Jones


Mr C Humphreys


Ms A Mock


Mr R Mather (T)

New Zealand Lace NZSDTA 18233

7y 11m Tom 13072

Mrs B Klingborg


Erkens Lass SKKV1240/98

10y 6m Sheen V1315/97

Mr R J C Montgomery


Flo ISDS 244987

9y 5m Wull ISDS 226238

Mr J F Rooney (T)


Faye ISDS 274163

4y 0m Tweed ISDS 219065

Mr T Fajmon

Czech Rep.

Blackking ISDS 261381

5y 11m Ben ISDS 250478

Mr R MacDiarmid (T)


Bill ISDS 270161

4y 9m Cap ISDS 213154

Mr E Jensen


Nap ISDS 279426

4y 1m Don ISDS 252588

Mr F Cashen


Clare ISDS 273981

3y 10m Ben ISDS 224339

Mr R Van Huet (T)


Buck ISDS 254187

7y 9m Eddy ISDS 243777

Ms J Bodo


Jack ISDS 285171

5y 3m Taff ISDS 253590

Mr R von Niederhäusern


Flack ISDS 250173

8y 5m Zell ISDS 226799

Mr I Wilkie


Nell (Maid) ISDS 270816

4y 8m Tillymauld Joe ISDS 249308 Maid ISDS 238608

Mr A MacRae


Nap ABCA 292084

6y 4m Chip ISDS 224138

103 104

107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130


Bungendore, NSW Jonsgarden, Skepplanda

Craven Arms, Shropshire Gordonsville, Virginia Roanoke, Indiana Zutphen

Büdelsdorf Arranhó



Kentallen, Appin, Argyll Gladestry, Kington, Powys Llanfihangel GM, Corwen Pennal, Machynlleth, Powys Plymouth, California Foxton Beach

Holmstorp, Vintrosa

Rudgeway, Bristol, Glos Newcastle, Co Down Dolni, Dvoriste

Cairndow, Argyll Tórshavn

Enniscorthy, Co Wexford Silvolde



Inverurie, Aberdeenshire Vichy, Missouri

Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&Br Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W Bitch

Bitch, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Dog, WB&T Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

(P Darmody)

(R Robertson) (G Norrman) (D Brick)

(M Howard)

(A Hickenbottom) (N Wenzel) (C Börner)

(A D Scrimgeour) (J H Wilson) (unknown)

(N McVicar) (G A Lewis)

(F I Ibbotson) (I B Jones)

(T B Davies)

(J Popplewell) (B Mattsson)

(RJC Montgomery) (T Doherty)

(T Terpstra) (R Dalziel)

(S van der Zweep) (R Millichap)

(S Van der Zweep) (A Husmann)

(D Gerber-Mattli)

Jet 9857 (L Slater)

Skye ISDS 224590 (R Dalziel)

Sue 11172/2002 (F B Petersen)

Jill ISDS 229063 (P S Lewis)

Nell ABCA 153164 (L Hicks)

Jill 74875

(A Hickenbottom)

Rose NHSB2170757 (J M C P Smit)

Dart ISDS 238187 (M Lebang)

Meg ISDS 258133 (A Firth)

Floss ISDS 209562 (J Young)

Shinni V1650/2002 (L Karion)

Nell (Gael) ISDS 220971 (N McEachern)

Juno ISDS 259910 (W T Davies)

Mist ISDS 245711 (J S Harvey)

Jess ISDS 235896 (G Watkins)

Nell ISDS 242045 (T B Davies)

Queen 16731 (W V Kerr)

Tyne V1477/96 (unknown)

Megan ISDS 224241 (M Collingbourne)

Kate ISDS 256558 (J F Rooney)

Era ISDS 247992 (T Terpstra)

Fly ISDS 236165 (D Campbell)

Marta ISDS 279429 (R Hensen)

Maude ISDS 265382 (M Dunne)

Jill ISDS 212520 (G Howells)

Liz ISDS 232389 (A Husmann)

Sally ISDS 228592 (A Marti)

(R Watson)

(I Wilkie)

(M L Evans)

(A Roberts)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Eryri Sian ISDS 248052



131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140


Mr R Dalziel

Ettrick, Selkirk



DOG Details


DAM Dam Owner

(R Robertson)

(S McGarty)

5y 11m Tam ISDS 227645

Toy ISDS 293689

6y 2m Milou LOF 6004/911

Gail ISDS 243928

9y 10m Pete ISDS 227040

Ms P Gisquet (C)


Mr T Long


Mr P Cornut

Switzerland Cap ISDS 274206

5y 3m Vbil ISDS 272830

Mr R G Snoeck

Netherlands Nell ISDS 262620

6y 0m Fleet ISDS 221086

Mr D Bristow


Bob ISDS 265080

5y 5m Wisp ISDS 255910

Ms M Tegler


Pippi NKK 00332/02

6y 9m Moss ISDS 229757

Mr G Breugelmans


Llangwm Nell ISDS 257747

7y 9m Bob ISDS 224454

Mrs F B Spengler


Fly ISDS 266611

5y 3m Josh ISDS 219646

Mr G T Watson


Eryri Rock ISDS 257423

7y 1m Roy ISDS 245540

Lacroix, Falgarde

Ballybofey, Co. Donegal Miex


Moor Lane, Murton, York Sarpsborg Vorselaar


Yelverton, Devon

Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W


Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Bitch, B&WM Dog, BW&T


SIRE Sire Owner

Spot ISDS 262341 Dog, BW&T

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 1

(P Gisquet)

(E McAuley) (P Cornut)

(G Mullan) (N Jones) (J Sand)

(A Owen)

(A Hermes)

(M LL Evans)

If ISDS 246859 Louna LOF 5257/1073 (J Montegut)

Mist ISDS 228856 (T Long)

Babe ISDS 226892 (S Marcel)

Beca ISDS 251114 (W A Armstrong)

Bonny ISDS 220170 (D Bristow)

Tira 10924/99 (M Tegler)

Kate ISDS 226291 (A Owen)

Katy ISDS 241464 (J Easton MBE)

Eryri Del ISDS 246753 (A Roberts)

101A Mr W Goligher


Sam ISDS 272444

4y 2m

Moss ISDS 259639

Nell ISDS 262620

103A Ms L Oredsson


Trasan SKK V1391/2003

5y 5m

Zill 17803/98

Olga 1199/2000

104A Mr L Stensgaard


Svip (Glen) DKK 09854/2000

8y 4m

105A Mr V Morris


Roy ISDS 272331

4y 4m

108A Miss G M Brinkman

Netherlands Megan ISDS 278319

3y 2m

113A Mr W I McConnell


Jaff ISDS 245214

9y 5m

117A Ms A Mock


Jan ABCA 321864

6y 3m

119A Mrs B Klingborg


Farvallarens Mel SKK V1072/2006

2y 10m

Limavady, Co Londonderry Jonsgarden, Skepplanda

Craven Arms, Shropshire Zutphen

Kentallen, Appin, Argyll Plymouth, California Holmstorp, Vintrosa

120A Mr R J C Montgomery


124A Mr E Jensen


Rudgeway, Bristol, Glos Tórshavn

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W

Roy ISDS 259030

6y 5m

Lynn ISDS 265443

5y 5m

Dog, BW&M

Bitch, BW&T

128/A Mr R von Niederhäusern Switzerland Ben ISDS 273177

4y 3m

130A Mr A MacRae


Lyn ABCA 272557

3y 2m

131A Mr R Dalziel


Cheviot Jamie ISDS 277495

3y 5m

133A Mr T Long


Roy ISDS 260639

6y 4m

135A Mr R G Snoeck

Netherlands Conquest Kate ISDS 283154


Vichy, Missouri Ettrick, Selkirk

Ballybofey, Co. Donegal Kamedik

© Rabhin Jainandunsing (Netherlands)

Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T

2y 6m

(A Armstrong) (T Ottessen)

Roy BIJL G-0-2175083 (Unknown)


(W Torrens)

(L Oredsson)

Klavenris Lass DKK 00568/97 (Unknown)

Cloverhill Mirk ISDS 261549 Meg ISDS 249302 (D T Evans)

(D T Evans)

(A Scheper)

(M van der Most)

Roy ISDS 255024 Buff ISDS 241071 (C I McDairmid)

Bazz (unknown) (J Bell)

Jack V1257/2005

Kate ISDS 254362 Nell (Gael) ISDS 220971 (N McEachern)

Bell (unknown) (B Cockburn)

Erkens Lass V1240/98

(C M Magnusson)

(B Klingborg)

(E B Carpenter)

(G D Parsons)

Roy ISDS 234768 Dan ISDS 255212 (C McGarry)

Ben ISDS 248285 (J N Diamond)

Nick 95963 (S Ligon)

Nike ISDS 266607 (J McRobert)

Roy ISDS 243927 (T Long)

Tom ISDS 246801 (R D Roper)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Nell ISDS 244270 Nell ISDS 265443 (C McGarry)

Holly ISDS 2545 (W Barfoot)

Imp. Nell 200412 (A S Macrae)

Fern ISDS 252684 (S Horn)

Jill ISDS 249975 (G Grieves)

Crystal ISDS 249358 (R G Snoeck)



201 Mr G Jones

Llangollen, Wrexham, Clwyd



DOG Details

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 2


AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

DAM Dam Owner

(A L Jones)

(R S Turner)

Jill ISDS 236775

10y 9m Lad ISDS 181636

Drift ISDS 245900

9y 5m Bob ISDS 191340

Creekside Tap CBCA 3182

4y 8m Glen ABC 13398

Glen ISDS 256667

7y 2m Ben ISDS 211174

Bitch, BW&T

202 Mr H Tenden


203 Ms F Robertson


204 Mr J J Brennan


205 Mrs J M Holdsworth


206 Mr J D Wood


207 Mr D McMullan


208 Mr P Hetherington


209 Mr P Le Roux


210 Mr P Helen


211 Mr A Stern (T)

Switzerland Tweed SHSB 600676

8y 3m Armagheddon 99/85923

212 Ms D M Boyce


6y 4m Sweep 45903

213 Mr S Van der Zweep

Netherlands Lass ISDS 262619

(J Maginnis) 5y 0m Fleet ISDS 221086

214 Mr D McCaig


Luke ABCA 182931

7y 10m Jack 26695

215 Mr E L Morgan


Fred ISDS 255946

7y 5m Scott ISDS 240708

216 Mr M LL Evans


Caddy ISDS 261110

6y 0m Lad ISDS 214439

217 Mr C Cacheux


Scott LOF 011426/01709

7y 7m Pin 009495/01039

218 Mr E L Sheninger (T)


Jen (Jean) ABCA 186280

9y 10m Jim ISDS 195051

219 Mr M T Longton (T)


Monty ISDS 257223

6y 9m Moss ISDS 229426

220 Mr H Nilsson


Maggie SKK V1381/98

10y 8m Harry V1510/91

221 Ms A Melhede (T)


Flint NHSB 2150013

10y 11m Mighty Mitchell 1958491

222 Mr J Moisander (T)


223 Mrs L O H Hindenes (T)


224 Mrs L Musso


225 Mr S Gallagher


226 Mr E C Mackinnon


227 Mrs A Kr체ger (C)


228 Mr T Sivertsen


229 Ms H R Howard (T)


230 Mr J Beeli (C)

Switzerland Jess V Wileroltigen SHSB 607840

Tenden, Stryn

Canton de Hatley, Quebec Templemore, Co Tipperary Moretonhamstead, Devon Derwent, Bamford, Hope Valley Ballymena, Co Antrim Minishant, Maybole, Ayrshire Saint Adrien

Hulatorp, Bjorketorp Lostauo

Carnesville, Georgia Heteren

Williamsville, Virginia Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth Dolgellau, Gwynedd Larcan

Boonton, New Jersey

Quernmore, Lancaster, Lancs Nygard

Skorby, Haarby Ormattila


Cairo Montenotte

Ballymena, Co Antrim Strathcarron, Ross-Shire Melle


Alturas, California Domat/Ems

Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Keri ISDS 240729 Bitch, BW&T

(D Bell)

(W Mick) (T Ryan)

Nell ISDS 213367 Goldie ISDS 239799 (I A MacMillan)

Imp Pat CBCA 973 (F Robertson)

Jill ISDS 194956

(T Ryan) 9y 11m Bwlch Hemp ISDS 201604 Beth ISDS 225575

Sweep ISDS 265007

(Mrs C S Rundle) 5y 4m Moss ISDS 228744

(Mrs J M Holdsworth)

Gyp ISDS 260314

6y 4m Scott ISDS 223955

Fly ISDS 249719

Joy ISDS 244128

9y 8m Moss ISDS 224270

Dog, B&M

Bitch, B&W

Bitch, B&W

(J D Wood) (D Birchall)

Raissa LOF 9861/2106

(W Buchanan) 8y 6m Mac 6465/1303

Bill SKK V1590/2004

5y 3m Marco N07006/01

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Tink ABCA 207133 Bitch, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W


(unknown) (O Kaasa)


(G Mullan)

(R Deschambeault) (E L Morgan)

(M LL Evans)

(Ms Boussley) (R Dalziel)

(M T Longton) (H Nilsson)

(H van Steenis)

Tess ISDS 225107 (M K Northwood) (D McMullan)

Tib ISDS 210707 (W Buchanan)

Hera 3537/867 (unknown)

Lady N06833/97 (B Tiller)

Q'Gael Washy 98/154709 (unknown)

Josey 50321 (D Boyce)

Beca ISDS 251114 (W A Armstrong)

Zoe 144406

(R A Seaman)

Sal ISDS 234676 (D H Owen)

Nell ISDS 245607 (J G Grant)

Mache 006261/01598 (Mr Auxemery)

Gael ISDS 213156 (R Dalziel)

Clifton Tess ISDS 214001 (J M Hutchinson)

Meg V1410/91 (I Helde)

Tara 2029859 (A Klosters)

Kylm채lammin Shine SPKY 1347/04n 4y 5m Treloss Flash ISDS229944 Killiebrae Kes J1314/01n Bitch, BW&T

Sal NKK 24565/00

(J Moisander) 8y 4m Craig 04610/99

(M Jaatinen)

Mac ISDS 246322

9y 1m Glen ISDS 229914

Kyra ISDS 231685

Glen ISDS 272639

4y 4m Bill ISDS 252806

Glen ISDS 255694

7y 5m Moss ISDS 236803

Pepper ISDS 250722

8y 5m Cap ISDS 238179

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T

(O Tiller)

(B V Jones)

(J K Kennedy)

(E C Mackinnon) (I Stottmann)

Mirk NKK 05107/03

5y 10m Marco 07006/01

Ross ABCA 238341

4y 9m Spot ISDS 234180

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W

(O Kaasa)

(J Swanke)

6y 8m Duke ISDS 576719 (A Marti)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Mayra 00801/97 (S Dalland)

(B V Jones)

Gyp ISDS 261603 (M Gallagher)

Pip ISDS 248260 (E A J MacLean)

Jane ISDS 211545 (A Kr체ger)

Lorri 10454/00 (T Sivertsen)

Belle ABCA 146325 (J Swanke)

Sally ISDS 550880 (A Marti)



231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240


Mrs B Soritz Schwanberg



Mr E Sievers


Mrs D V Snoeck


Mr J P Cueille (T)


Mr A D Carnegie (C)


Mr N Wiig-Hansen (T)


Miss K Mattsson (T)


Mr M C Shearer (T)


Mr P Turnbull (C)


Mr S Long



Kamedik (Owner R G Snoeck) Etoile, Tresses

Comrie, Perthshire

Faxe (Owner K Samson) Alvdal

Westfield, Thurso, Caithness Morpeth, Northumberland Ballybofey, Co Donegal


DOG Details


Aisha ISDS 271583

7y 0m

Lyn ISDS 257314

7y 0m

Glenn ISDS 278825

3y 2m

Sun LOF 011138/02192

7y 9m

Lark ISDS 255000

7y 6m

Jock Of Feddet ISDS 246222

9y 0m

Sammie NKK 1187/2001

7y 7m

Cap ISDS 265455

6y 8m

Mirk ISDS 267366

5y 3m

Daisy ISDS 250303

8y 4m

5y 9m

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 2


SIRE Sire Owner

DAM Dam Owner


(R Schlegl)

Gleanns Zell SHSB 561188 Speed ISDS 227526 (E Sievers)

Bill ISDS 231930 (R G Snoeck)

Isaf'd 004008/00749 (J M Chicorp)

Roy ISDS 232940 (G Graham)

Cap ISDS 213154 (R Dalziel)

Don V1501/99 (J Gustafsson)

Dan ISDS 226993 (M C Shearer)

Don ISDS 212786 (P Turnbull)

Hemp ISDS 225755 (B McLean)

Akira BRDC 504 Flake ISDS 235031 (E Sievers)

Crystal ISDS 249358 (R G Snoeck)

Lysa 006900/01300 (J P Cueille)

Nell ISDS 243321 (G Graham)

Juno ISDS 226134 (W B Hibbard)

Samantha V1663/2000 (J Gustafsson)

Tib ISDS 235613 (M C Shearer)

Hanna ISDS 233588 (R J Hutchinson)

Jess ISDS 211122 (B McLean)

201A Mr G Jones


Eira ISDS 262590

204A Mr J J Brennan


Cap ISDS 269842

(G B Jones) 4y 10m Dunedin Gem ISDS 221683 Queen ISDS 249731

205A Mrs J M Holdsworth


Wispe ISDS 253247

7y 9m

206A Mr J D Wood


Moe ISDS 257776

6y 8m

210A Mr P Helen


Vicke SKK V1259/2006

2y 7m

212A Ms D M Boyce


Giordi ABCA 241491

4y 6m

213A Mr S Van der Zweep (C)


Rock SKK 1396/2005

3y 5m

215A Mr E L Morgan


Spot ISDS 273432

4y 3m

220A Mr H Nilsson (T)


Majja SKK V1804/2005

2y 9m

221A Ms A Melhede


Roy ISDS 271765

4y 5m

225A Mr S Gallagher


Dan ISDS 247982

8y 9m

230A Mr J Beeli (C)


Kate Of Mullingar SHSB 627417

4y 9m

Llangollen, Wrexham, Clwyd Templemore, Co Tipperary Moretonhamstead, Devon DBamford, Hope Valley Hulatorp, Bjorketorp Carnesville, Georgia Heteren

Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth Nygard

Skorby, Haarby

Ballymena, Co Antrim Domat/Ems

232A Mr E Sievers (T)


239A Mr P Turnbull (C)



Morpeth, Northumberland

Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&TM

Del ISDS 267887

5y 7m

Dot ISDS 277595

3y 3m

Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W

Photo: David Harrison’s Ben (England) © Kinloch Sheepdogs


Nap ISDS 224511

Jill ISDS 236775

(J J Brennan)

(J J Brennan)

(Mrs H S Jones)

(Mrs J M Holdsworth)

(G L Jones)

Tweed ISDS 237674 Kyle ISDS 208593 (K C Wright)

Bill V1590/2004 (P Helen)

Chipper 110091 (D Boyce)

Glen ISDS 244489 (S Van der Zweep)

Bob ISDS 224454 (A Owen)

Yap V1072/99 (T Olausson)

Bill ISDS 245899 (M Crowe)

Speed ISDS 220333 (M Kinver)

Gleann's Zell ISDS 561188 (D Lehmann)

Bob ISDS 224454 (A Owen)

Bill ISDS 260323 (J H Wilson)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Keri ISDS 240729

Maddy ISDS 235907 (K C Wright)

Aiya V1192/2003 (K Fritjofsson)

Juno 180724 (D Boyce)

Nike 1609/2002 (E Eriksson)

Mie ISDS 236011 (A Owen)

Mist V1417/2000 (H Nilsson)

Nell ISDS 225059 (S Heffernan)

Gael ISDS 227005 (M Kinver)

Tally of Mullingar ISDS 594508 (D Lehmann)

Mist ISDS 246612 (M Ryan)

Jess ISDS 237228 (J S Smith)


Lleol. Gair cyffredin ar ein bwydlenni yma yng Nghymru. A bod yn onest mae’n debyg eich bod chi wedi teithio’n bellach na’ch bwyd. Cymerwch ein cimwch lleol ni – allan o’r môr, i’r gegin ac yn syth i’r plât. Yn Aberaeron golyga hynny daith eithriadol o 108 metr. Mor agos fel y gallai’r cimwch fod wedi cerdded i’r gegin ei hun.

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301 Mr S L Davidson

Sandbank, Dunoon, Argyll



302 Mr M Peeters


303 Ms J D Maginnis


304 Mr J Cropper (T)


305 Mr E Syversbraaten



Jasper, California Bacup, Lancs Stryn

306 Mr J McGee (C)


307 Mr W G Watt (T)


Ballybofey, Co. Donegal Cockley Cley, Norfolk

DOG Details

Jim ISDS 264685 Dog, B&W

Zhiggy ISDS 252696 Dog, B&W

5y 5m Star ISDS 211076 (S L Davidson)

(T Wouters) 4y 9m Shep 33010

(M Morren)

Dan ISDS 258392

6y 10m Sid ISDS 244412

Gail ISDS 251180

Sindregardens Don NKK 1341/01

7y 3m Sweep ISDS 198150

Dog, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

(J Maginnis) (J Cropper)

(D Boyce)

(S Richards)

Maid ISDS 229672

(A D Scrimgeour) 5y 9m Tweed ISDS 219065

(E Syversbraaten)

York ISDS 231220

11y 8m King ISDS 199595

Chum ISDS 198965

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Dog, B&WM

Skogvallarens Dimma SKK V1302/2003

(T Doherty) (W G Watt)

(A Wallace)

Jan ISDS 250517 (T Doherty) (A Watt)

Sheila ISDS 234538 (W J Torrens)

Asta V1527/98

310 Mr R Roth (T)

Switzerland Clen ISDS 241782

(C M Magnusson) 10y 3m Joe ISDS 201288

(A Hall)

311 Mr G Lalande (T)


Only ISDS 274496

10y 0m Igloo LOF 4081/643

Much LOF 6356/1362

312 Mr D Birchall


Mossie ISDS 259504

7y 8m Bill ISDS 245899

313 Mr R B Pugh


Jess ISDS 266690

4y 11m Glen ISDS 226434

314 Mr S Alexander


Scott ISDS 261867

6y 1m Glen ISDS 248782

315 Mr A Ll Jones


Sweep ISDS 242333

9y 7m Jim ISDS 195051

316 Mr D K Evans


317 Ms J Geier


318 Mr J Robinson


319 Mr W Klaffl


320 Mr S Sognevik


321 Ms G Norrman


322 Mr F B Petersen


323 Mr E Smit (T)

Netherlands Cady NHSB 2306242

8y 1m Lowlands Lad 2230024

324 Mr J W Relph


Eevee ISDS 248765

8y 7m Roy ISDS 213922

325 Mr P Beausoleil (T)


Tchin LOF 13103/02530

6y 3m Ramses 9773/1563

326 Mr R M Millichap (T)


327 Mr T J Knive (C)


328 Mr T Lambe


329 Ms N L Obernier


Olsberg Salles

Dunlavin, Co Wicklow Llandrindod Wells, Powys

Abernethy, Perth Bala, Gwynedd

Libanus, Brecon, Powys Mendon, New York Coldingham, Berwickshire Langenlois

Prastgard, Vallentuna Reichshof

Soedover, Bredsten Berkenwoude

Borrowdale, Cumbria Salles

Dyffryn Rhondda, Port Talbot Skotselv

Enniscorthy, Co Wexford Coatesville, Pennsylvania

Bitch,B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

(G Pipenbrock) (P Pommies) (M Crowe)

(R B Pugh) (J B Main)

Spot ISDS 272008

(R Dalziel) 4y 1m Jaff ISDS 231424

Clue ABCA 194845

9y 2m Craig CBCA 54

Cap ISDS 263771

5y 6m Tweed ISDS 238987

Canda ISDS 271589

5y 10m Cap ISDS 271573

Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T

Mac Roy SKK V1636/99 Dog, B&W

(D K Evans) (A Milliken)

(J D Robinson)

(K Viehweider) 8y 10m GivemeFive V1366/95 (A Agerbjer)

Fern ISDS 282591

7y 7m Jim ISDS 231211

Sue ISDS 260498

6y 4m Moel Nap ISDS 217137

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W

(G Norrman) (T J Knive) (J Jansen) (R Dean)

(S Collandant)

Taddymoor Cap ISDS 248705 8y 7m Ben ISDS 224339 Dog, BW&T

(R M Millichap)

Maico NKK 07299/05

3y 6m Bwlch Hemp ISDS 257673

Rusty ISDS 254712

7y 5m Sandy ISDS 230491

Nick ABCA 210918

6y 2m Del'Mar Ben ABCA 208349

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T


Ruffian 76927

Becca ISDS 264339

5y 6m Fleet V1644/2000


Dot ISDS 227255

Frodo ABCA 236838



DAM Dam Owner

(J McVey) 8y 3m Maeglin Moss ISDS 229475 Tanne ISDS 220232

5y 1m Tweed ISDS 234017

Ms A Hall (T)


AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

308 Mrs E Van der Zweep (T) Netherlands Tweed ISDS 266912 Heteren

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 3

(T J Knive) (J Ryan)

(N L Obernier)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Dusty ISDS 239094 (M Locher) (C Vert)

Sal ISDS 242370 (M Crowe)

Pam ISDS 221250 (C Jones)

Jen ISDS 242675 (J B Main)

Judy ISDS 209542 (H D Pritchard)

Kemi Gypsy ISDS262209 (L Myatt)

Emmy CBCA 116625 (M Bustard)

Midge ISDS 219784 (J D Robinson)

Ronja ISDS 271575 (W K Klaffl)

Tynnelso Rut V1493/90 (N Agerbjer)

Capricorn's Darkie RBrH 1037 (L Awater)

Nell ISDS 224851 (F B Petersen)

Kelly 2064535 (J Jansen)

Jen ISDS 226092 (E Hill)

Only 8409/1755 (G Lalande)

Tess ISDS 235861 (K Gwilliam)

Lyn 04398/97 (T J Knive)

Rose ISDS 198823 (T Lambe)

Wattie ABCA 208350 (N L Obernier)




330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340


Mr J Wilson (C)


DOG Details


AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

New Zealand Tweed NZSDTA 18770

6y 0m Steel 17448

Mr I MacKay


Abe ISDS 238966

10y 6m Ben ISDS 238966

Mr C M Magnusson


Fleet SKK V1644/2000

10y 11m Rob ISDS 207718

Mr M Lebang


Wisp ISDS 267779

4y 10m Bill ISDS 233435

Ms M Amodei


Rhyme ABCA 249368

4y 7m Imp Moss ABCA 245564

Mr A Corrubolo


Brad LOI 05/100149

3y 5m Mirk LOI 03/128568

Mr J A Hansen (T)


Sisko NKK 22903/04

4y 3m Dei ISDS 252518

Mr D Harrison


Ben ISDS 285642

5y 11m Tom ISDS 239616

Mr T Doherty


Mr E Holmgaard (T)


Ms M Eronen


Te Kuiti

Culloden Moor, Inverness Gryt


Dunstable, Massachusetts San Giovanni al Natisone Alvdal

Selside, Cumbria Ballybofey, Co Donegal Soender Felding Kitee

Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T

304A Mr J Cropper Bacup, Lancs


(P J Boyce) (B Gower)

(J H Wilson) (R Kotulla)

(H Howard)

(M T Garabelli)

(A K Veikleenget)

Lee ISDS 259444

(W Leak) 6y 3m Tweed ISDS 219065

Moss of Clwyd DKK 18630/2000

9y 4m Lad ISDS 214439

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

(T Doherty)

(M L Evans)

Bitch, B&W

(A Blomkvist)

316A Mr D K Evans


317A Ms J Geier


Dog, B&W Jim ABCA 292063

321A Ms G Norrman (T)


Keaton ISDS 258609

323A Mr E Smit (T)

Netherlands Skipper NHSB 267004

(T Terpstra) 6y 5m Lad ISDS 242957

324A Mr J W Relph


Liz ISDS 244998

9y 6m Roy ISDS 213922

326A Mr R M Millichap (T)


Dewi Tweed ISDS 278783

327A Mr T J Knive


Dog, B&WM Taddymoor Milly ISDS 268984

3y 7m Lad ISDS 254796

331A Mr I MacKay


Sunnyview Bob ISDS 281253

Culloden Moor, Inverness

332A Mr C M Magnusson (C) Sweden Gryt

338A Mr T Doherty Ballybofey, Co Donegal

339A Mr E Holmgaard Soender Felding

Ireland Denmark

(M T Garabelli)

Tyra 22628/97 (G Hansen)

Jess ISDS 241449 (M Harrison)

Sable ISDS 249357 (W McGettigan)

Meg ISDS 210661 (W G Roberts)

(I Drakenberg)

(S Van der Zweep) 2y 10m Jim ISDS 230245



Bibi LOI 01/109490

Bitch, B&W

315A Mr A Ll Jones

Port Talbot

(K Broadbent)

Jen ISDS 201167

Rock ISDS 280246

Borrowdale, Cumbria

Scotia Rose CBCA 916

5y 8m Ben ISDS 248285



(R Kotulla)

Randy ISDS 263027

313A Mr R B Pugh


Dell ISDS 238488

(S Cropper)


Mendon, New York

(D McDonald)

(S Cropper) 5y 9m Don ISDS 201564

311A Mr G Lalande (T)

Libanus Brecon, Powys

Min ISDS 202230

Heathgate Breeze ISDS 263104 Dog, BW&T Va De Pougniquet ISDS 291591

Cwmtirmynach, Bala,

(D Griffiths)

Dog, BW&T


Llandrindod Wells, Powys

Nan ISDS 212521

Lilly ISDS 264162

ISDS 230975

310A Mr R Roth (T) Salles

(R T Hodgetts)

1y 10m Beechwood Bob



Joy 16829

Spud ISDS 286002

307A Mr W G Watt (T)

Cockley Cley, Norfolk

DAM Dam Owner

Lekebergas Sipri SPKY 1411/04n 3y 11m Ballyglas Jed V1480/2003 Lekebergas Cissa V1034/99



Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 3

Bitch, B&W

Dog, B&W

(D M Jenkins)

(J Diamond) 4y 7m Glen ISDS 244489

Max ISDS 273156

(R B Pugh) 4y 1m Mac ISDS 244859

Bob ISDS 279181

3y 1m Jaff ISDS 231424

Dog, BW&T

Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

(JAS Gilchrist MRCVS)

(D K Evans) 2y 11m Bill ISDS 270161

(R MacDiarmid) 6y 8m Glaslyn Wil ISDS 224575 (J Jansen) (R Dean)

(R M Millichap) 4y 11m Ben ISDS 224339

(R M Millichap) 2y 9m Zac ISDS 259960 (L Jones)

Llanfarian Jim SVAK V1559/2007 2y 7m Garry ISDS 237356 Dog, BW&T

(E Campbell)

Sweep ISDS 283635

2y 5m Killiebrae Sweep

Dog, BW&T

(J P McGee) 4y 9m Dale ISDS 231799

Joe DKK 14484/2007 Dog, B&W

ISDS 256826 (M L Watt)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Queen ISDS 231407 (S R Jenkins)

(J Diamond) Only ISDS 274496 (G Lalande)

Jess ISDS 266690 (R B Pugh)

Jess ISDS 239200 (T Williams)

Blackie ISDS 262216 (G T M Jones) Vicky ISDS 264114 (J Baker)

Jen ISDS 218837 (G Norrman)

Tess ISDS 248198 (J Jansen)

Gail ISDS 194603 (R J Clarkson)

Cammen Gem ISDS 271779 (D A Streeter) Tess ISDS 235861 (K C Gwilliam)

Peg ISDS 272915 (P Price)

Nan ISDS 268108 (S van der Zweep)

Lee ISDS 259444 (T Doherty)

Lyn ISDS 259782 (M L Watt)





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Sheep Welfare Lles Defaid

Sheepdogs are used by those responsible for flocks of sheep because they offer the safest and most efficient means of carefully moving sheep from one location to another. The sheep are not afraid of a well trained sheepdog; the fact that they sometimes stop to eat grass does show a lack of concern, but the handler would much rather they get to the finish and eat grass there!

Sheepdog trials are carefully managed to ensure both the welfare of the sheep and the dogs. The sheep must be healthy and fully able to undertake the walk around the trial field. When they have finished, after 20 minutes or so, they will be led into a quiet meadow to be with the rest of the flock and continue their normal life. The sheepdogs love what they do. The concentration and obedience they show is a testament to how much they enjoy working with their owner. On a working farm they might be out for six hours with the shepherd, but on a trial field they get only 15 minutes to show how good they are.

The skill of a shepherd or sheepdog handler is to move the sheep as steadily as possible so as to cause no distress. If the sheep become upset they are inclined to run in every direction, and possibly become lost in open country. Therefore, the sheepdog often lies down and apAll trials are supervised by a Course Di© Kinloch Sheepdogs proaches the sheep slowly, and only folrector and the Judges who will ensure lows when they are moving happily in the right direction. that the sheep are healthy and happy, and that the dog is in good health and perfectly behaved. Although very rare an Sheepdog trialling is all about demonstrating that handler occurrence, the Judges will stop the handler and dog, and and dog can achieve this tricky task. Points are gained for send them off the field if any animal looks upset or shows the sheep moving under control, in straight lines and with any aggression. It is the responsibility of the Society and its the minimum of excitement. The skill is in the handler and members to uphold the highest standards of animal care at dog working together as a team, often almost instinctively. all times. (Source: International Sheep Dog Society). Drentse Heideschapen Sheep (Netherlands)

Scottish Blackface


Photo: Tony Bramley’s Janey, Netherlands Spelsau (Denmark)

Photo: René Schwartz’s Tag, Denmark

Beulah Speckled Face (Wales)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


"With CSJ food the dogs clear their plates really well and they’re fit, have plenty of energy and a good shine on their coats." A l e d O w e n

“10 years ago I was looking for a quality, affordable, extruded food that suited our working dogs. I couldn’t find one and so decided to formulate our own – CSJ. CSJ has quickly become a well known brand and I am extremely proud to say we have helped generate many champions in various dog sports throughout the UK and overseas.” C e r i S Ru nd l e M oe l Bor de r C o llies & Fou nd e r of CSJ

Al e d O w e n S he e pd o g s

“I am using my dogs in work and hard training every day and it’s important for me that they can recover fast. With CSJ food I can really see the difference.” M osse Ma gn usso n C MM’s Sh e e pd og s (Ab ove )

CSJ - Champion for all sports... naturally!

“Mad Mutts Flyball dogs are fed all season on Rocket Fuel. and Go on Herbs, CSJ champion products for fast flyball dogs.” Sa m a nd An dy B a wde n M a d M u t t s F l y b a l l Te a m ( A b o v e )

“It didn’t take a lot of persuasion to see the benefits of CSJ feeds. The first thing I noticed was the shine to my dogs’ coats and I’ve found that at the end of a lot of hard work they have kept condition really well this season.” Bi l l y S t e el J n r B ro ad la w G u nd o gs (A bo v e)

“CSJ food provides our team dogs with the ideal nourishment to compete at the top level and maintain the challenge to be ‘top of the charts’ in UK flyball competitions.” A n n e A l c o c k L i v e w i r e s F l y b a l l Te a m ( R i g h t )

Wi ll Cl ul e e G un d og s

“CSJ is a great range of well priced products. We feed mainly CP30 and like the fact that it offers a high quality diet, with low additives. It certainly did the trick for us last season.” Ke i t h a n d M an die Jo hn son

(A bo ve)

C imma ro n Sl e d

“Our dogs are fed exclusively on CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds. I find this food is extremely good value and it maintains our dogs’ balance and fitness throughout the year.” W ill Clu lee

Do gs ( Ab ove )

"Since putting my girls on CSJ I am sure they have got faster. My midi is like a rocket (not always a good thing), they no longer feel like I never feed them and are a good weight and their coats are the shiniest they have ever been. Thank you CSJ!" To n i D a w k i n s A g i l i t y D o g s ( Le f t )

The results speak for themselves – do your dogs a favour and try it. You could do a lot worse and spend twice as much. More money doesn’t always mean better product quality. CSJ have a winning formula – watch this space…” M a r t i n H o g g a n d G i l l i a n G r a h a m Sn op he o ni x Sl e d D og s

“Since my dogs have been on CSJ I have noticed a marked difference in their performance. They have all sped up and have loads of stamina. Their coats are shiny and to top it all off they love the food.” D a v e M u n n i n g s A gi li ty D o gs (A bo v e)

Meet some of the Top Winning CSJ Champions and hear what they have to say about CSJ...

“I have been delighted with the results of feeding CSJ to my dogs. Morse has quite a sensitive tummy and can be a fussy eater, but I don’t have any problems with getting him to eat this and his tummy has been fine. They all enjoy their meals and I think the results speak for themselves. Their coats are in the best condition they have ever been.” C h er yl S te v en s on

Proud sponsors of the World Sheepdog Trials 2008

“All my dogs are doing really well on CSJ products, they are happy, content and look fantastic. My show dogs and youngsters are all on Command Performance, adults on CP21 and youngsters on CP 24. I have just weaned my current litter using CP 27 Puppy and they love it! My other dogs are on CSJ Herbie Nuts plus Rosie, the oldie, also has "Get Over!" which enables her to keep up with (and sometimes overtake) the others. They all love their CSJ Crispy Fish Skins and I find the CSJ Trainers invaluable - saves me having to make liver cake!” R h o n a F r e w Du nf io nn G o rd on S e tt e r S ho w Do g s ( Ab ove )

Lo c h lo rie n I r ish S e tt e rs Sh o w Dog s (A bov e)

C S J S p e c i a l i s t C a n i n e Fe e d s a r e p r o u d t o b e a m a i n s p o n s o r o f t h e Wo r l d S h e e p d o g T r i a l s 0 8 Ev er yone at C SJ woul d li ke t o wi sh all com pet it ors t he v e r y b e s t o f l u c k . “ Po b l w c I c h i g y d ! " 01745 710470 www.csjk9.com


World Trial Art Auction Arwerthiant Gwaith Celf Treialon y Byd

World Trial Merchandise & Souvenirs Pick up your souvenirs from the ISDS tent. ‫ ٭‬2009 Working Sheepdogs wall calendar ‫ ٭‬2009 Border Collie Puppies desktop calendar ‫ ٭‬Caps, hats & clothing ‫ ٭‬Books, videos, DVDs ‫ ٭‬Stud Books ‫ ٭‬Badges & Pins ‫ ٭‬Whistles and Lanyards ‫ ٭‬Postcards, Mugs & other gift items ‫ ٭‬ISDS Membership and Magazines

Richard Millichap’s Dewi Tweed (Wales)

Paul Tomkin’s L’Minster Arnold (Wales)

WOODLANDS GARAGE Drefach, Llanelli

Telephone: (01269) 841334

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Self-Drive Hire, Transits, Lutons, Tippers and Cars For further information, contact: Mr. John Davies Woodlands Garage

© Kathy Christian

Nigel Watkins’ Floss (Wales)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Mike Hemmings and Ness (Wales)

Did you know? Oeddech chi’n gwybod? ...The youngest dog to run in the September 1924 International was John Evans’ (Wales) Floss at 1 year and 3 months old.

website. The highest bid received by 12 noon on Sunday September 14th will take home the prized painting. Title: "One Sheep Two Sheep, Red Sheep, Blue Sheep" Size: 12 inches x 21 inches Medium: Gouache and Watercolour

Piet Westelaken (Netherlands)

The 2008 World Trial has been gifted a wonderful painting by Australian artist, Kathy Christian (Gooch). This painting is being auctioned to the highest bidder and is on display at the World Trial in the large marquee in front of Newton House. Bids are being taken on site and on the World Trial


Dewch i ymweld 창 ni ym Mhafiliwn Bwyd a Chrefftau Tesco, yn union o 창 Newton, os gwelwch yn dda. flaen Ty Please visit us at the Tesco Food and Craft Pavillion, directly in front of Newton House.

Brief History of the the ISDS Braslun o hanes yr ISDS

The International Sheep Dog Society was founded in 1906 at a meeting in Haddington, East Lothian (Scotland) with the intention of stimulating interest in the shepherd and his/her calling and to secure the better management of stock by improving the shepherd's dog. This is still the objective today, for without a good working dog the work of the shepherd, both on the hills and the lowlands would be impossible. One good dog can do the work of a dozen people, as the shepherd is the first to testify.

The Society’s first secretary in 1906 was James Wilson of East Linton. It is not recorded whether he continued in office until the outbreak of the First World War, but the organization of the Society remained then with that first Haddington Committee. One of their founders, Thomas Gilholm, was probably at the centre of things for the next 30 years since he appears in photographs with senior figures in the 1930’s. When the Society resumed its activities in 1919 after the Great War, it was under the secretaryship of James A. Reid, a solicitor from Airdrie. It is no overstatement to say that sheepdog trialling and today’s Society have been very much shaped by his achievements. Until 1946, James Reid was the driving force for most all that was established.

As well as the Chairmen, who took the lead role, the Society continued to be shaped by a succession of secretaries. Mr T Harry Halsall succeeded James Reid as Secretary in 1946. Harry Halsall was the first to be paid a salary by the Society, but he would also have retained other professional interests – a practice of Secretaries continued to this day. The Society was strengthened considerably by him over the next 12 years until his untimely death in 1958. Harry Halsall is also credited with publishing the ISDS Constitution and printing the first Stud Books. Mr Robert Jarvis took over in 1959 and ran the office for only a few months before finding the duties greater than anticipated, resigning before year-end. This sudden change caused a re-organisation of other responsibilities. The Society had always had the office of National President for each of the nations, but from 1959 much more responsibility for the organisation of trials was given to these National Presidents and their Local Committees. Wilfred Dunn was appointed Secretary in October 1959 and he oversaw continual change in the Society as membership grew to 3,000.

Jim Evans, appointed in 1968, is credited with having put the Society’s finances in order. In 1971 the BBC programme ‘One Man and His Dog’ started and BBC’s Blue Peter had its first Collie, ‘Shep’, a great grandson of J M Wilson’s Cap. Jim Evans was succeeded by Lance Alderson in 1972.

In 1922, the Honorable E L Mostyn, to become Lord Mostyn, was appointed President of the ISDS. He held this position until 1962. Lord Mostyn and James Reid were truly the second generation s Gly ale n Jo ,W nes’ D of founders of the ISDS and are credited with The new Chairman, Ray Ollerenshaw, took on © Glyn Jones bringing the Society through the next period of war, and control in 1977 and directed the appointment of Philip into its second 50 years. Hendry, an insurance broker from Bedford. The new Secretary was a firm leader of the Society, industry and public ofIt was a watershed in 1960 when the Directors, empowered fice for the next 24 years; he became a director of his by a newly published ISDS Constitution, voted for the apinsurance firm, Chesham Insurance, and rose to become pointment of a Chairman. Although Lord Mostyn continued A. P. Hendry CBE and Leader of Bedfordshire County as President for a further two years, annual meetings were Council. Membership was 4,500 and the Society benefited now taken by a Chairman. The first in this post was Captain from periods of sponsorship from Pedigree, Sun Alliance, T M Whittaker of Criccieth who had accompanied Lord Land Rover, National Grid and finally, to be with us in our Mostyn on his visit to Scotland in 1922. From 1963, when Centenary Year, Gilbertson & Page Pet foods. Lord Mostyn resigned from office, the position of President became an annual, honorary award made to someone from In 2001, Council appointed a new Chief Executive - Mr the country holding the International, initially to one of the Norman Lorton, who still holds this office today. Vice-Presidents. (Source: ISDS) Captain Whittaker died in 1962 and the Society entered a new era with the election of ruling Chairmen for three-year periods. Willie Bagshaw of Blyth, Worksop was elected in 1962; then in 1968 it was Archie McDiarmid of Gourock, Renfrewshire; in 1974 Frank Tarn of Brancepeth, County Durham; in 1976 Ray Ollerenshaw of Derwent, Cumberland; in 1988 Norman Seamark of Bedford; and in 1998 Jim Easton of Alnwick, Northumberland. Each Chairman has brought something of his character to the task, and added to the history of the Society.

“In training you have to guide instinct by a superior and kindly wisdom being always careful not to blunt the genius of the pupil by over-direction.” James Gardner, Winner of the first Scottish sheepdog trial, Carnwath circa. 1876

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


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Thank You! Diolch!

Dymuna'r Pwyllgor Trefnu gydnabod a diolch i'r Cynghorau The Organising Committe wishes to acknolwedge and Cymuned, Pwyllgorau Treialon CĹľn Defaid lleol, a mudithank the following Community Councils, local Sheepdog adau unigol sydd wedi cefnogi Treialon y Byd yn ariannol. Trial Committees, and individual organisations for their Gwerthfawrogir y gefnogaeth yn fawr. Diolch arbennig i'r sponsorship and assistance. This support is truly apprecipwyllgor estynedig o stiwardiaid, cynorthwywyr a gwirfodated. A special thanks to all our extended committee of dolwyr sydd wedi gwneud y digwyddiad hwn yn bosibl. stewards, helpers and volunteers who have made this event possible. Individuals/Organisations Donations / Cyfraniadau Community Councils / Use of the Ground: The National Trust Adeilad Claddings Cynghorau Cymuned Badminton Horse Feeds Cilycwm For Loan of Sheep: Janet Davies & British Polythene Industries Plc Cynwyl Caeo Nigel Watkins, Panthowell, LlanddeuCambrian Pet Foods Ltd Dyffryn Cennen san Carmarthen & Pumsaint Farmers Ltd Gorslas Cegin Fach y Gwili Llanarthne Sheep Stewards: Members & Friends of Chanelle Animal Health Ltd Llanddarog Carmarthen Sheep Dog Trials D.J.Davies Fuels Ltd Llanddeusant Dunbia, Llanybyther Llandeilo Town Council Loan of Materials: Llangadog & LlaEdward H Perkins - Chartered SurLlanegwad narthne Sheep Dog Trials, Mr. Wynford veyors, Auctioneers & Valuers Llanfair ar y Bryn Japp, Mr. Meirion Jones, Welsh Game Farmers Union of Wales Llanfihangel Aberbythych Fair, C & P Farmers Ltd, Hotline Electric GT Animal Feeds Llanfihangel Rhos y Corn Fencing, Cox Agriculture (Alligator Hammond & Davies Accountants Llanfynydd Sheep Handling Systems) HSBC Bank Llangathen Llangadog & District Grassland SociLlangyndeirne Announcers: Mr. Dai Jones, Mr. Charles ety Llansadwrn Arch, Mr. Edward Perkins, Mr. Selwyn Menter Bro Dinefwr Llanwrda Evans & Mr. Arwyn Davies Merial Animal Health Myddfai Omya Talley Timekeepers: Mr. Glyn Jones, Mrs. Penderyn Welsh Whisky Gwyneth Jones, Mr. Ifor Page, Mr. WynPenygroes Concrete Products ford Japp, Mr. Tony Draycott, Mr. Dai Pritchard Evans & Co - Accountants James & Mrs. Margaret James Royal Welsh Agricultural Society Rumenco Ltd Car Park and Refuse Collection: LlandSorex Ltd darog YFC & Capel Dewi YFC Telesgob Tithebarn Honorary Veterinary Surgeons: Bush Trident Feeds House Veterinary Group & Teilo Vets Triowrap United Agricultural Twines First Aid: Sports Care Services Verm-X Volac Food & Craft Marquee Co-coordinator: Welsh Game Fair Ms Hazel Thomas, HAT Events Grandstand Coordinator: Mr. David Hughes

Security: Myrddin Security, Carmarthen Public Address System:David Groom Sound Systems Tents: Dragon Tents

Toilets, Generators, Offices, Lights, Showers etc - Parker Plant, Llanelli

Grandstands: GB Ltd, Ross on Wye PR: Stratamatrix, Aberystwyth

HQ Hotel: The Ivy Bush Royal Hotel, Carmarthen

Sheep Dog Trials / Treialon CĹľn Defaid Abernant Carmarthen Nursery Carno Cowal (Scotland) Cwmdu Cwmowen Elan Valley Ffair Rhos Gorsgoch District & Llanwennog YFC Agricultural Society Hafod y Bridge Libanus Lampeter Llanafan World Qualifier Llanarthne Llangadog Llansadwrn

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Sheep Dog Trials Continued Llanwrda Llanwrtyd Wells Mathon National Sheep Association Trials Panthowell Pembrokeshire Sheepdogs St.Dogmaels Talybont Towy & Camddwr Trefeglwys Tynwern Ystradfallte


Event Schedule Amserlen Digwyddiadau TIME AMSER 7.30am 8.00am 9.00am




SUNDAY DYDD SUL Sunday Service





Global Rescue

Global Rescue

Food & Country Festival/Trade Stand Displays

Food & Country Festival /Trade Stand Displays

Food & Country Festival/Trade Stand Displays

Food & Country Festival/Trade Stand Displays


Team of Spaniels

Team of Spaniels

Team of Spaniels

Team of Spaniels

12.00 pm

Sheepdog & Duck Display

Sheepdog & Duck Display

Sheepdog & Duck Display

Sheepdog & Duck Display

Global Rescue

Global Rescue

Global Rescue

Global Rescue

10.30am 11.30am

12.30 pm 1.00pm

Global Rescue Falconry

Jive Pony

Global Rescue Falconry

Jive Pony


Jive Pony


Jive Pony


Team of Spaniels

Team of Spaniels

Team of Spaniels

Team of Spaniels


Jive Pony

Jive Pony

Jive Pony

Jive Pony

2.00pm 3.00pm 3.30pm


Sheepdog & Duck Display Sculptor Carving


Sheepdog & Duck Display Sculptor Carving


Sheepdog & Duck Display Sculptor Carving


Sheepdog & Duck Display Sculptor Carving

* Events may be subject to change and will be announced over the public address system.

Photo: Nancy Starkey’s Kep © Barbara Klein (USA)


2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Countr yside Arena and Trade Stands Cylch Cefn Gwlad a Stondinau Masnachol Countryside Arena Cylch Cefn Gwlad

The Countryside Arena features a number of demonstrations, displays and actitives for people of all ages.

Cynhelir nifer o arddangosiadau, arddangosfeydd a gweithgareddau i bobl o bob oed yn yr Arena Cefn Gwlad. Team of Spaniels This demonstration of English Springer Spaniels by Elvin Thomas highlights the rapport between man and dog and illustrates the level of obedience of these lovely dogs. Elvin's dogs used in the demonstrations are all actual working dogs that earn their keep during the shooting season. Sheepdog & Duck Display Well known sheepdog handlers will entertain the crowds with their Indian Runner ducks. See the ducks being herded around the arena and over various obstacles. Audience participation makes this a truly interactive experience.

Jive Pony A stunning high-speed equestrian stunt show by Rebecca Townsend from Jive Pony. This is exceptional equestrian entertainment with a unique brand of horsemanship and a liberal dose of humour.

Falconry and Birds of Prey Falconry is the art of hunting wild prey with trained raptors (birds of prey). Roger and June James from Black Mountains Falconry will give a display of the handling and training of Falcons and other hunting Birds of Prey.

Sculpture Carving Simon Hedger, Celtic Wood Sculptor, is known around the world for his wood carvings. During the World Trial he will not only be demonstrating his skills and talents but he will also be carving a unique figure for the trials. Vintage Machinery Display Don't miss a visit to the Vintage Machinery Section where vintage agricultural and horticultural engines will be on display.

Sunday Service A short ecumenical church service starting at 7.30am will precede the World Trials Finals. The Reverend Canon W. Roger Hughes. Gwasanaeth y Sul Bydd gwasanaeth eciwmenaidd byr yn dechrau am 7.30yb, cyn Rownd Derfynol Treialon y Byd. Bydd yng ngofal y Parchedig Ganon W Roger Hughes.

Search and Rescue Dogs A demonstration of K9 Water Search, and search and rescue dogs in action by Gloabl Rescue Services. These dogs are trained to search collapsed buildings and confined spaces during earthquakes, floods etc, and to search for missing people.

Did you know? Oeddech chi’n gwybod? ...The entry fee to the 11th Annual Sheep Dog Trials at the Ty-Arthur Farm, Abertillery (South Wales) in September 1933 was 5 shillings for Open, and 3 shillings, 5 pence for Novice. Admission to the field was sixpence. First prize in the Open class was £5.00.

Outdoor Trade Exhibitors Arddangoswyr Masnach Awyr Agored

The following exhibitors will be showcasing their wares during the World Trial: Bydd yr arddangoswyr canlynol yn dangos eu doniau yn ystod Treialon y Byd: ► Anitawear ► Arwyn George Stickmaker ► Birch Farm Plastic Collection Ltd ► BOCM PAULS ► Brodyr Evans Bros ► Burns Pet Nutrition ► Cambrian Ice Cream ► Carmarthen & District Ladies Rugby ► Clive Hoyles ► Coed Teifi ► Colliewobbles ► Country Land & Business Association Ltd ► Countryside Alliance ► Cox Agri ► CSJ Specialist Canine Feeds ► Dafydd Davies ► Delta Pet Foods Ltd ► Donna Crawshaw Fine Art ► Edinburgh Outdoor Clothing Company ► Esgair Fibers & Crafts ► Ewenique Graphics ► Farmers Union of Wales ► Gerwyn's Fruit Shop, Llandeilo ► Gilbertson & Page ► Glasscraft ► Global Rescue Services ► Gwynt - y - Ddraig Cider Ltd ► Hawthorn Saddlery ► Hotline Electric Fencing Ltd ► Immanuel Perennial Plant Nursery ► Isfryn Daylilies ► Labtec Ltd ► Land Rover ► Landsmans Books ► Martinsell Crafts ► Mountainview Ice Cream ► National Farmers Union, Wales ► Novartis Animal Health ► Offa Industries ► Ogof Lladron ► Pembrokeshire Natural Rugs & Throws ► Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution Charity ► Salvation Army ► Slightly Sheepish ► T. Alun Jones & Sons ► The Pet Shop, Llandeilo ► Wales Air Ambulance ► Welsh Assembly Government ► Welsh Sheep Dog Society ► Wren Country Sticks Photo: George MacDonald’s Mick © Bonnie Block (USA)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


Dinefwr Park and Castle

Dinefwr is one of the most resonant names in the story of Wales. A deeply historic site in a magnificent landscape setting, Dinefwr Park and Castle has been at the heart of culture and politics in Wales for over one thousand years. Land of Power and InfluenceN

White Park Cattle – these have been at Dinefwr for a thousand years and are an emblem of the power of the Welsh Princes.

Dinefwr Castle – linked to the Princes of the ancient Kingdom of Deheubarth, the castle was the 12th Century court of the great warrior and statesman Lord Rhys.

Designed Landscape – The classic designed landscape which was widely visited and admired by the tourists of the 18th century is being carefully restored and is now a National Nature Reserve. A series of way marked paths allow visitors to explore the park and take in the spectacular views. Deer Park – Over one hundred fallow deer graze in the Deer Park, helping to sustain the rich variety of wildlife at Dinefwr.

Ancient Trees – Protected by generations of custodians of the Deer Park, some of the trees at Dinefwr are believed to be 700 years old.

Newton House – Built in the 17th century and now wrapped inside a Victorian gothic shell, Newton House was home to the powerful Rhys family. Experience life in 1912 below stairs and discover a brand new exhibition revealing the stories of Dinefwr.

MoreN After you have worked up an appetite, why not sample our home cooking in our tea room which includes Welsh specialities.

Browse in our shop where you have the opportunity to buy locally produced crafts as well as a host of other gifts and souvenirs.

This historic place, a mirror of our cultural heritage, is managed by key organisations working together: The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales; The Welsh Assembly Government through Cadw; The National Trust; Countryside Council for Wales; Carmarthenshire County Council.


Parc a Chastell Dinefwr

Mae Dinefwr yn un o'r enwau mwyaf disglair yn hanes Cymru. Mae Parc a Chastell Dinefwr yn safle hanesyddol dros ben a leolir mewn tirlun godidog. Mae wedi chwarae rhan ganolog yn niwylliant a gwleidyddiaeth Cymru ers dros fil o flynyddoedd. Tir y Grym a'r DylanwadN

Gwartheg Gwynion y Parc – mae'r rhain wedi bod yn byw yn Ninefwr ers mil o flynyddoedd ac maent yn symbol o rym Tywysogion Cymru. Castell Dinefwr – roedd gan hwn gysylltiadau â Thywysogion Teyrnas hynafol Deheubarth, ac yn y 12fed ganrif roedd yn llys i'r rhyfelwr a'r gwleidydd mawr, yr Arglwydd Rhys.

Tirlun Cynlluniedig – Mae'r tirlun cynlluniedig clasurol yr ymwelwyd ag ef ac a edmygwyd yn fawr gan dwristiaid yn y 18fed ganrif yn cael ei adfer yn ofalus ac mae bellach yn Warchodfa Natur Genedlaethol. Mae cyfres o lwybrau cyfeirbwyntiedig yn rhoi cyfle i ymwelwyr ddarganfod y parc a mwynhau’r golygfeydd godidog. Y Parc Ceirw - Mae dros gant o hyddod brith yn pori'r Parc Ceirw, gan helpu i gynnal yr amrywiaeth o fywyd gwyllt yn Ninefwr. Coed Hynafol – Diogelwyd y rhain gan genedlaethau o geidwaid y Parc Ceirw, a chredir bod rhai o'r coed yn Ninefwr dros 700 mlwydd oed.

Tŷ Newton - Cafodd ei adeiladu yn y 17eg ganrif ac roedd yn gartref i'r teulu Rhys grymus. Erbyn heddiw mae Tŷ Newton wedi'i orchuddio gan ffasâd Gothig Fictoraidd. Profwch fywyd dan y grisiau ym 1912 ac ymwelwch â’r arddangosfa newydd sbon sy’n datgelu straeon Dinefwr. MwyN Pan fydd chwant bwyd arnoch, dewch i flasu ein bwyd cartref yn ein hystafell de sy'n cynnig cynnyrch Cymreig.

Chwilotwch yn ein siop lle bydd cyfle i chi brynu crefftau a gynhyrchwyd yn lleol, a llu o anrhegion a chofroddion eraill hefyd.

Rheolir y man hanesyddol hwn, sy’n adlewyrchiad o’n treftadaeth ddiwylliannol, gan gyrff allweddol yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd: Ymddiriedolaeth Bywyd Gwyllt De a Gorllewin Cymru; Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru drwy Cadw; Yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol; Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru; Cyngor Sir Gâr.

Mwyngloddiau Aur Dolaucothi Dolaucothi Gold Mines

Mae’n brofiad unigryw!

Yr UNIG fwynglawdd aur Rhufeinig y gwyddir amdano yn y D.U. Darganfyddwch dreftadaeth goll mwyngloddio aur yng Nghymru ac efallai y dewch o hyd i ychydig o aur go iawn! Saif y mwynglawdd ar ystad ucheldirol hardd, lle mae llwybrau cerdded yn ymdroelli drwy nifer o wahanol gynefinoedd. Diwrnod cyfareddol, llawn hwyl i oedolion ac i blant, mae’n brofiad unigryw! Mae’r Mwyngloddiau ar agor bob dydd o 10am i 5pm hyd at 2il Tachwedd Mae Siop Nadolig yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol ar agor o 11am i 5pm, Dydd Mercher i Ddydd Sul o 5 Tachwedd i 21 Rhagfyr

It’s a unique experience!

The ONLY known Roman gold mine in the UK. See the lost gold mining heritage of Wales and maybe discover some real gold! The mine is set within a beautiful upland estate, where walks meander through several different habitats. A fascinating and fun filled day for adults and children, it’s a unique experience! Dinefwr Autumn Events 2008 / Digwyddiadau Hydref Dinefwr

21 September/Medi 11 October/Hydref

24 October/Hydref & 14 November/Tachwedd

Vintage Engines and Classic Cars/ Peiriannau o dras a cheir clasurol The Big Draw / Y Darlun Mawr

History and Hauntings Tours / Teithiau Hanes a Hawntio

7 November/Tachwedd

Murder Mystery / Dirgelwch Llofruddiaeth

12 December/Rhagfyr

Christmas Supper / Swper Nadolig

29 & 30 November/Tachwedd Christmas Fair / Ffair Nadolig

The Gold Mines are open every day 10am to 5pm until 2nd November The National Trust Christmas Shop is open 11am to 5pm, Wednesday to Sunday from 5 November to 21 December

Mwyngloddiau Aur Dolaucothi/Dolaucothi Gold Mines Pumsaint, Llanwrda, Carmarthenshire SA19 8US 01558 650177 dolaucothi@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Photo © NTPL/David Norton


Putting Welsh food on the table Yn rhoi bwyd Cymraeg ar y bwrdd Castell Howell Foods,Wales’ leading independent food wholesaler top many tables around Wales, including hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes and bed and breakfasts. Serving over 4,500 customers, stocking over 10,000 products and providing a one stop shop for the caterer. Combining a delivered warehouse facility and a wholesale Cash and Carry. We are constantly striving to provide first class customer service based on outstanding reliability, flexibility, choice and personal care. With one of the widest ranges of Welsh products including Beverages, Cheese, Lamb, Celtic Pride Beef and Mario’s Ice Cream no wonder we’re top of the table in Wales.

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141 Miss K Mattsson Alvdal



DOG Details

Lyn NKK 01043/07 Bitch, BW&T

2y 8m Tweed ISDS 251556 (S Hindenes)

143 Mr E Holmgaard


144 Mrs M Kyöstilä (T)


145 Mr A Iley


146 Mr A P Gallagher


147 Mr E C Mackinnon (T)


148 Mr J Wilson (T)

New Zealand Rose NZSDTA 19192

149 Dr V Hebeler


150 Mr E Barfoot


151 Mr J A Hansen


152 Mr H Nilsson (T)


153 Mr E L Sheninger


154 Ms C Balliu


155 Mr R M Millichap


156 Mr D Campbell


157 Mr A Staples


158 Ms S Lejuez


159 Mr M C Shearer


160 Mrs K Reichmann


161 Mr R D Roper (T)


162 Mr E Sievers (T)


163 Mr H Poulsen


164 Mr D K Evans


165 Mr P Bourdon


166 Mr T J Knive


167 Mr J Svensson (T)


168 Mr J Pluta

Netherlands Killiebrae Jake ISDS 260775

6y 4m Joe ISDS 238340

169 Ms J Geier


5y 9m Decks CBCA 536

Soender Felding Inari

Morpeth, Northumberland Ballymoney, Co Antrim

Strathcarron, Ross-Shire Te Kuiti


Moneymore, Co Derry Alvdal


Boonton, New Jersey Fort Lupton, Colorado Dyffryn Rhondda, Port Talbot Strachur, Cairndow, Argyll Gwynedd (Owner: M J McNaught-Staples) Pettigo, Co Donegal Westfield, Thurso, Caithness Ubelbach

Eastington, Northleach, Glos Meggerdorf Kuistgaard

Libanus Brecon, Powys Fretoy, Gremevillers Skotselv

Sandvileen Heerlen

Mendon, New York

DAM Dam Owner

Tika N14515/02

Lynn DKK 09856/2000

(C McGarry) 8y 4m Roy ISDS 232153

(C McGarry)

Tafie SPKY 1282/03n

5y 5m Flash NHSB2110947

Fjel ER26263/07

Chester ISDS 250940

8y 4m Don ISDS 212786

Bill ISDS 252806

9y 1m Jim ISDS 195051

Nan ISDS 267451

5y 1m Moss ISDS 236803

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T

(S van der Zweep) (J Moisander) (P Turnbull) (R Dalziel)

(E C Mackinnon)

3y 9m Tweed 18770

Duke ISDS 259164

(J Wilson) 6y 4m Paco ISDS 207705

Shep ISDS 272445

4y 1m Moss ISDS 259639

Tika NKK 14515/02

6y 7m Muste 14856/98

Bozz SKK V1555/2003

5y 2m Junior V1530/95

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Jess ABCA 208348 Bitch, BW&T

(V Hebeler)

(W A Armstrong) (J Johansen)

Klavenkiis Lass 00568/97 (L Moriello)

(M Kyöstilä)

Shona ISDS 218436 (B Jordan)

Gwen ISDS 236395 (R J Deptford)

Mist ISDS 221343 (C Mackay)

Slate 18121 (B J Arends)

Ace ISDS 257254 (V Hebeler)

Nell ISDS 262620 (W J Torrens)

Tyra 22628/97 (G Hansen)

Puzzel V1054/2000

(S Nilsson) (R Holmberg) 11y 8m Moel Roy ISDS 210890 Eryri Beth ISDS 204256

Ben ABCA 173115

(H G Jones) 8y 7m Rob 140572

(J Murray)

Taddymoor Jen ISDS 260650

6y 1m Ben ISDS 224339

Tess ISDS 235861

Dog, B&W

Bitch, BWT&M

Fly ISDS 236165 Bitch, BW&T

(C Balliu)

(R M Millichap)

10y 11m Zac ISDS 218723 (N A McDonald)

Pandy Mac ISDS 259957

6y 3m Lad ISDS 250025

Cap (Shep) ISDS 260187

6y 6m Nap ISDS 224511

Bob ISDS 285788

3y 3m Cap ISDS 234150

Pace ISDS 271479

4y 7m Nick ISDS 257125

Tom ISDS 246801

8y 9m Sweep ISDS 231046

Bod ISDS 251481

8y 3m Zac ISDS 218723

Ivanhoe DKK 12799/2006

5y 7m Udjim 3301

Mirk ISDS 272009

4y 1m Jaff ISDS 231424

Smile LOF 011095/02346

7y 8m Mac 006465/013035

Eddie ISDS 277760

3y 5m Jock ISDS 246222

Somollis Vicki SKKV1411/2002

6y 3m Moel Hugo V1576/98

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Brass ABCA 257449 Dog, BW&T


(J A Hansen) 9y 9m Clifton Taff ISDS 221711 Di of Killiebrae ISDS 219496


Dog, BW&T


AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

142 Mr L Fini Livorno

Taff ISDS 242215

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 1

(M J McNaught-Staples) (G L Jones)

(M C Shearer) (B Sarfeld)

(R D Roper)

(N A McDonald) (G Normann) (D K Evans) (T Jacques)

(N W Hansen) (L Hansson)

(A D Scrimgeour) (K Broadbent)

“Let honesty be your strongest competitive advantage.”

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Kite 48782 (C Balliu)

(K Gwilliam)

Connie ISDS 201550 (N A McDonald)

Dolwen Lyn ISDS 203593 (M J McNaught-Staples)

Beth ISDS 244347 (G L Jones)

Tib ISDS 235613 (M C Shearer)

Flip ISDS 238180 (A Kruger)

Di of Killiebrae ISDS 237198 (L J Mixture)

Jess ISDS 233371 (F Satterthwaite)

Darkie R1037 (L Awater)

Kemi Gypsy ISDS 262209 (L Myatt)

Oceane 007843/01843 (T Berthot)

Lass ISDS 254640 (K Samson)

MacQueen V1091/2000 (N Agerbjer)

Killiebrae Gina ISDS 250781 (A D Scrimgeour)

Scotia Rose CBCA 916 (K Broadbent)




170 Mr G Jones

Penmachno, Betws-y-Coed, Conwy



171 Dr K P Freeman


172 Mr E Degroisse


173 Mr A Schiess (T)


Killin, Perthshire Abscon


174 Mr S Van der Zweep (C) Netherlands Heteren

175 Ms J D Maginnis


176 Mr T Lawrenson


177 Mr J Cropper


178 Mr L N Watkins


179 Mr G Van Olmen


180 Mr J McGee


181 Miss L Hansson


Jasper, California

Brindle, Chorley, Lancs Burnley Road, Bacup, Lancs Llangadog, Carmarthenshire Duffel

Ballybofey, Co. Donegal Trelleborg

DOG Details


DAM Dam Owner

(M L Evans)

(A Roberts)

11y 5m Lad ISDS 214439

Fynydd Nell ISDS 255046

7y 3m

S'alic LOF 13865/1821

7y 0m

Kaya Von Defuns SHSB 632091

4y 3m

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T

Jim ISDS 277807

3y 5m

Bay ABCA 207134

6y 5m

Spot ISDS 258972

6y 7m

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, B&W

Dolwen Mac ISDS 201086 (P R Tomkins)

Dan NHSB1993038 (R Maes)

Gumber Milo ISDS 622918

(J Maginnis)

Ben ISDS 220939

Jim ALSH 0056765

9y 11m Maeglin Moss ISDS 229475

Roy ISDS 276315

3y 6m

Moel Hugo ISDS 238637

10y 5m Bwlch Hemp ISDS 201604

Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Joe DKK 14484/2007

(J G Davies)

(S Harris)

(T Wouters)

Bill ISDS 252806 (A P Gallagher) (C S Rundle)

Dog, BW&T

4y 9m 5y 3m

Dale ISDS 231799 (M L Watt) Sid ISDS 244412

152A Mr H Nilsson (T)


Dog, BW&T Majja SKK V1804/2005

2y 9m

(G Norrman) Yap V1072/99

155A Mr R M Millichap


Dewi Tweed ISDS 278783

3y 7m

Lad ISDS 254796

156A Mr D Campbell


Nell ISDS 244644

9y 3m

158A Ms S Lejuez


Eryri Jaff ISDS 283342

161A Mr R D Roper (T)


Dog, BW&T Scrap ISDS 276092

2y 5m

162A Mr E Sievers (T)


164A Mr D K Evans


166A Mr T J Knive



Bitch, B&W

Dog, B&WM Bitch, B&W

(T Olausson)

(R M Millichap)

Cap ISDS 213154 (R Dalziel)

Rap ISDS 247914

3y 6m

(R Jones) Tom ISDS 246801

Del ISDS 267887

5y 7m

Bob ISDS 224454

Bob ISDS 279181

3y 1m

Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Taddymoor Milly ISDS 268984

(R D Roper) (A Owen)

Jaff ISDS 231424

(D K Evans) 4y 11m Ben ISDS 224339

Bitch, BW&T

(R M Millichap)

168A Mr J Pluta


169A Ms J Geier


Dog, BW&T Jim ABCA 292063

(A D Scrimgeour) 2y 11m Bill ISDS 270161

170A Mr G Jones


Clwyd Nell ISDS 254027

7y 8m

171A Dr K P Freeman



Mendon, New York Penmachno, Conwy Killin, Perthshire


Tillymauld Nell ISDS 241682 (J B Fothergill)

Hope ISDS 246544

(J Cropper) 10y 4m Jim ISDS 231211

Libanus Brecon, Powys

(D Boyce)

(J Harrison)

Ace ISDS 257254


Josey 50321

3y 9m


Northleach, Glos

Gyp ISDS 261603

Lad ISDS 275730

149A Dr V Hebeler

Pettigo, Co Donegal

Vinny ISDS 597189

(T Lawrenson) 2y 11m Calderdale Jim ISDS 258466 Gail ISDS 251180

Dog, B&W

(A D Scrimgeour)


Strachur, Cairndow, Argyll

(R Maes)

(M Gallagher)

Sweep 45903

146A Mr A P Gallagher

Port Talbot

Fly of Kleined KCX95684X03

(A P Gallagher)

Dog, B&W Cain ISDS 264755


(P R Tomkins)

(A Defuns)

Bill ISDS 252806



Peg ISDS 211654

(A Defuns)

143A Mr E Holmgaard

Ballymoney, Co Antrim

Dell ISDS 220562

Fleet ISDS 280463



SIRE Sire Owner

Deio ISDS 233560 Dog, B&W

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 1

Killiebrae Joe ISDS 267311 5y 1m Jim ISDS 248214 Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Bill ISDS 275612 Dog, BW&T

3y 7m

(R MacDiarmid)

Ben ISDS 217529 (C Pickford) Moss ISDS 237627 (J A MacLeod)

Nell ISDS 263573 Tcharro RISH X/017/T (T Wouters)

Nan ISDS 232517 (W B Smyth)

Dolwen Fan ISDS 201083 (C S Rundle)

Lyn ISDS 259782

(M L Watt) Tillymauld Nell ISDS 241682 (T R Lawrenson)

Lennie (Daisy) VDH/ZBrH1036 (W Quandel) Mist V1417/2000 (H Nilsson)

Cammen Gem ISDS 271779 (D A Streeter)

Jill ISDS 209369 (D Robertson)

Eryri Taran ISDS 266929 (A Roberts) Floss ISDS 254392 (I B Jones)

Mist ISDS 246612 (M Ryan)

Blackie ISDS 262216 (G T M Jones) Tess ISDS 235861 (K C Gwilliam)

Killiebrae Kim ISDS 246396 (A D Scrimgeour) Vicky ISDS 264114 (J Baker)

Bute ISDS 221844

(E W Edwards) Fynydd Nell ISDS 255046 (K P Freeman)

“The greatest mistake a person can make is to be afraid of making one.”

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials





174A Mr S Van der Zweep (C)


DOG Details


Netherlands Rock SKK 1396/2005

3y 5m

176A Mr T Lawrenson


4y 3m

177A Mr J Cropper


178A Mr L N Watkins


181A Miss L Hansson



Brindle, Chorley, Lancs Burnley Road, Bacup, Lancs Llangadog, Carmarthenshire Trelleborg

Dog, B&W

Zac ISDS 264759 Dog, B&W

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 1


SIRE Sire Owner

DAM Dam Owner

(S Van der Zweep)

(E Eriksson)

Glen ISDS 244489 Sid ISDS 244412

Tillymauld Nell ISDS 241682

Spud ISDS 286002

(T Lawrenson) 1y 10m Beechwood Bob ISDS 230975 Lilly ISDS 264162

Penllwyn Fly ISDS 271378

4y 6m

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T Bwlch Hjalmar ISDS 257678 Dog, BW&T

6y 9m

(J Cropper)

Nike 1609/2002

(S Cropper)

(S Cropper

(J R Welsh) Lad ISDS 214439

(I B Jones) Moel Eira ISDS 238633

Moel Jack ISDS 238634 (M L L Evans)

Sheepdog Trials: History ^ Hanes Treialon Cwn Defaid It has been well documented that the first ever sheep dog trial in the U.K. was Mr. R. J. Lloyd-Price's event at Garth Coch, about a mile from Bala in North Wales on a cold, wet 9th of October, 1873. The competition was in two parts: (a) Penning: 'Entrance to the pen about 6ft. wide, situated about 500 yards from the fold.' (b) Driving: 'Sheep carried to the top of a grass field and turned out in full view, some 800 yards from where the shepherd and his dog, and the spectators were congregated.' The sheep were to be driven towards the shepherd. The time allowed was twenty minutes.

(Source: Einion Thomas, Centenary Trial at Bala 1973 Souvenir Programme).

Although the majority of competitors were Welsh, the trial was won by Scotsman James (Jimmy) Thomson with his dog, Tweed.

Jimmy Thomson was born at Glenwhargen Farm in Scaur Water, Dumfriesshire. According to John Templeton's book, Working Sheep Dogs: Management and Training, 'Jimmy' Thomson shepherded at Glenwhargen until about 1870. In 1872 he married and moved to Merioneth in North Wales as a tenant on Mr. Lloyd-Price's estate. In 1873, Mr. Lloyd-Price organized the trial at Gart Coch won by Jimmy. Residents of Glenwhargen Farm now are Gwen and Stewart Wallace, both shepherds and triallists, who feature in ‘The Last Shepherds’ DVD/book. One of the (if not ‘the’) first sheepdog trial in the world is thought to have been at Dog Match Flat on the outskirts of Wanaka on the South Island of New Zealand in 1867. A newspaper article from the Oamaru Times in 1867, found by Marlborough farmer Ken White, who is participating in this year’s World Trial for New Zealand, records this event.

Photo: Lora Withnell’s Betsy. © Bonnie Block (USA)


Floss ISDS 254392 (B Jones)

Oamaru Times, Tuesday, April 30, 1867 (New Zealand) Trial of Sheep Dogs A trial of sheep dogs was held on the station of Messrs Holmes and Campbell, Wanaka, on Wednesday, the 18th instant, which was entered into with great spirit by the shepherds. We also observed a few of the fair sex present. The Trial was only one of many which would be required to show a really good dog for all work, but as this is the first thing of the kind in the district, no doubt another will be added. The entries were numerous, and the running such as would disgrace no man or dog in the country. The following was the trial — “Each shepherd, with his dog, was required to drive three wild hill wethers, turned out of a yard, about a quarter of a mile, put them in a yard of five hurdles, without a wing, and return them to the starting place within 30 minutes. The shepherd doing his best and to the satisfaction of the judges, received a prize of £5, the second £3. The results were: John Craig’s Sweep —1st O. McCallum’s Keilder — 2nd R. Anderson’s May — Commended H. Broughton’s Trim — Commended W. Little’s Bet, Commended Mr B. P. Bayly, Clyde, and Mr T. Allan acted as judge, and Mr H. Campbell as referee, and gave every satisfaction.

The first world-wide sheepdog trials were staged by the ISDS in Bala, North Wales in September 2002 with 160 dogs from 13 nations competing. Welshman Aled Owen and his dog Bob were crowned the winners. In 2005 the ISDS held its second world trials, in Tullamore, Ireland. This time, 241 dogs from 21 nations competed, each having qualified to represent their country. On finals day, it was Gordon Watt and York who stole the show. Did you know? Oeddech chi’n gwybod? Serge van der Zweep from the Netherlands and Jim Cropper from England are the only handlers to have qualified for the finals of both the 2002 and 2005 World Trials. Can they make it a three-peat this year?

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


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30 Years Ago

Photo: Bobby Dalziel’s Jamie © Kinloch Sheepdogs

Sheep Dogs They knew the hills and the rambling fields Winter storm and summer day The faithful Border Collie dogs That came along my way.

They weren’t in any Union Had never heard the name Just working all day so willingly Put many men to shame.

They never wanted shorter hours Or thought to go on strike A kindly word was their reward And a warm by the fire at night.

All those who work as shepherds Their role in life to fulfill Have a debt to pay to the Collie dogs That gather sheep on the hill.

And someone will say on Judgement Day At the end of the weary miles ‘They went to Church, praised the Lord And ran in the Sheepdog Trials.’

By M. A. McNaught. Reprinted from the Working Sheepdog News, March 1978, Number 1,Volume 1.

You’d see them in the Sheepdog Trials When the shearing days were done Spectators to marvel and applaud As a silver cup was won.

Scotch Collies came from the Highlands There were dogs from the Yorkshire dales Sometimes the Irishmen crossed the sea All the Champions came from Wales 2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


World Trial Photo Contest Winners Enillwyr Cystadleuarth Lluniau Treialon y Byd Lisa Hansson’s Moel Hugo. © Lisa Hansson (Sweden)

Nancy Starkey’s B’Sweet Kep. © Barb Klein (USA)

Two of the ‘All-Time Great’ Handlers J.M. (James) Wilson from Scotland is arguably the greatest handler - ever. Standing out amongst his many accomplishments were: ► 9 International Supreme Championships - 1928, 1930, 1934, 1936, 1937, 1946, 1948, 1950 and 1955. ► 11 Scottish National Championships ► 2 International Brace Championships ► 6 Scottish Brace Championships ► 6 International Farmers’ Championships His dog Roy (1665) is the only dog to have won the International Supreme Championship three times.

Another terrific handler and a great competitor of JM Wilson’s was Alex Millar, also from Scotland. His list of accomplishments included: ► 1 International Supreme Championship -1925 ► 9 Scottish Nationals (7 consecutively) ► 3 International Brace Championships ► 2 Scottish Brace Championships ► 3 International Farmers’ Championships ► 1 Scottish Driving Championship

Kirsty Firth’s Rob. © Allan Taylor (Scotland)

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Did you know? Oeddech chi’n gwybod? ...Adam Telfer’s Old Hemp (9), considered the father of the breed, was born 115 years ago in September 1893. He was undefeated on the trials field.

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials




241 Mr C M Magnusson (C) Gryt



DOG Details


AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

Roy SKK V1398/2002

7y 9m Tweed ISDS 234177

Ana ISDS 279333

6y 1m Brit ISDS 245816

Dog, BW&T

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 2

(J H Wilson)

242 Mr S Zoufaly

Czech Rep.

243 Ms K Gibson


244 Mr A Corrigan (T)


245 Mr K Nattestad


246 Ms A Mock


247 Mr K White (T)

New Zealand Chide NZSDTA 17682

10y 0m Haig 15864

248 Mrs M Czylwik-Gerlach


Capricorn Jake ISDS 282593

5y 7m Ultimate Rob ISDS 209527

Dog, B&W

Rose ISDS 266741

(P Wellemans) 6y 2m Bill ISDS 245899

Judy ISDS 264658

5y 4m Roy ISDS 213922

Joe ISDS 263747

5y 7m Jim ISDS 228081

Siluvky (Owner E Adami) Ripon, North Yorks

Baltinglass, Co Wicklow Mykines

Plymouth, California Rai Valley, Marlborough Datteln

249 Mr W Seale


250 Mr I MacKay


251 Mr M Jones (T)


252 Mr P R Tomkins


Enniscorthy, Co Wexford Culloden Moor, Inverness Maesybont, Llanelli, Carms Llanbadarn-Fynydd, Powys

Bitch, BW&T

Rob ISDS 261593 Dog, BW&T

(L Kunor)

(M Norman)

Sn酶gg ISDS 279462

6y 5m Cap ISDS (none)

Rip ISDS (none)

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T

(J P McFadden) (J Debess)

Imp. Mist (Pippa) ABCA 227162 5y 11m Ben ISDS 235217 Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

(T W Japp) (P Gibbs)

(M Crowe)

(R P Dean) (M Jones)

Dog, BW&T

259 Mr M Watson


260 Mr R Dalziel


261 Miss C Cropper


262 Mr A Lyttle (T)


263 Mr J Broes


264 Mr J Gustafsson


265 Mr J M Jolly (T)


266 Ms K Soderberg (T)


267 Mr T Terpstra

Netherlands Ben ISDS 250478

8y 8m Scott ISDS 240708

268 Dr H Werbke (T)


Jill ISDS 261736

5y 11m Nap ISDS 243444

269 Mr C R Dimit


Rex ABCA 246438

4y 6m Luke 160015

St Jurs


HR Wijnjewoude Hollingstedt

Roanoke, Indiana


(G Norrman)

Fly ISDS 254144 (M Crowe)

Nell ISDS 218065 (J R Griffith)

Maddie ISDS 212573 (M Jones)

7y 9m Sweep ISDS 242333

Netherlands Ben ISDS 287115


Capricorn Fay VDH/ZBrH 2801

Bet ISDS 257506

258 Mr W H Visscher


(K White)

Imp Jan ABCA 153987


Pettigo, Co Donegal

Devoy 17074

8y 11m Imp Jim ABCA 133041

257 Mr U Imhof (T)

Dean Lane, Bacup, Lancs

(M Jones)

Cato ABCA 156023


Ettrick, Selkirk

Nan ISDS 231426

(D W Lloyd)

256 Mr A MacRae (C)

Eastleach Downs, Glos

(D Olsen)

(D W Lloyd) 9y 4m Joe ISDS 207359



(P J McAllister)

Mac ISDS 245166

255 Mr A Ll Jones


Meg ISDS 235672

L'Minster Arnold ISDS 271906 4y 5m L'Minster Moss ISDS 243300 Cherryholme Jen ISDS 248094


Missouri (Owner E Stineman)

Sarah ISDS 248793

(Mrs S Cropper) 7y 8m Sam ISDS 223904

254 Ms M Amodei

Cwmtirmynach, Bala, Gwynedd

(J H Wilson)

Jim ISDS 253981


Dunstable, Massachusetts

Jill ISDS 226305

(J Sveda) 6y 1m Beechwood Bob ISDS 230975 Bonnie ISDS 247976

253 Mr M J Price

Llanafan, Builth Wells, Powys

DAM Dam Owner

Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T

Star ABCA 178863 Bitch, BW&T

Ela Vom Bettmerhorn SHSB 608820 Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

(Mrs N Lloyd) (A MacRae)

(A Ll Jones) 7y 7m Jake 110345

(M Christopher)

6y 6m Zero ISDS 585875

(E Carl) 5y 5m Lad ISDS 242957 (J Jansen)

Cockburn Storm ISDS 234037 11y 0m Storm ISDS 222108 Dog, B&W

(A L Daybell)

Joe ISDS 272330

4y 5m Cloverhill Mirk ISDS 261549

Roy ISDS 262387

5y 10m Mac ISDS 244859

Spot ISDS 270337

4y 4m Bob ISDS 214389

Zjell ISDS 287123

7y 11m Roy ISDS 232153

Samantha ISDS 242698

9y 11m Tan ISDS 178000

Shark LOF 011510/01609

7y 0m Moel Craig ISDS 238635

Erkens Lotus SKK V1244/98

10y 6m Sheen V1315/97

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

(D T Evans) (A Gilchrist) (A Bradley)

(S Van der Zweep) (R Hunter)

(M T H Garabelle) (B L Mattsson) (E L Morgan) (T Gill)

(C Dimit)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Maid ISDS 188118 (M J Price)

(A MacRae)

Awel ISDS 200894 (A Ll Jones)

Tib 105970 (P Kratzer)

Cloe ISDS 543404 (U Imhof)

First NHSB 2254689 (J Jansen)

Sneek ISDS 217122 (A L Daybell)

Meg ISDS 249302 (D T Evans)

Jess ISDS 248727 (C Pickford)

Fly ISDS 230140 (H Mee)

Xlynn ISDS 287134 (J Broes)

Jill ISDS 207493 (M France)

Mambo 006142/01334 (D Fischer)

Tyne V1477/96 (B L Mattsson)

Lynn ISDS 235058 (E L Morgan)

Kim ISDS 236000 (M G Gilmartin)

Dot 218477 (C Dimit)







Ms G Norrman (T)


Mr S Hindenes


Mr H Teittinen (C)


Mr A Kearins


Mr K Preston


Mr B Arends


Mr N F McVicar (T)


Mr F B Petersen (T)


Mr S Alexander


Mr T Gottmer

Netherlands Jipp NHSB G-1-2159135

Mr E W Edwards (C)


Mr E Groot

Netherlands Eryri Nan ISDS 244902

272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281




Dromard, Co Sligo Newcastle-upon-Tyne Bungendore, NSW

Benmore, Dunoon, Argyll Soedover, Bredsten Abernethy, Perth Arnhem

Llanrhydd, Ruthin, Clwyd Spanbroek


DOG Details

Capricorn Razu ISDS 282588

5y 7m Rob ISDS 209527

Wisp NKK 13811/01

7y 4m Cap 1560/2000

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T

Peppi SPKY 1274/03n Bitch, B&W

(R Dalziel)

6y 6m Chester ISDS 250940

Chance ISDS 252829

Macca's NZ 18373

6y 6m Patrick 15395

Spot ISDS 253845

7y 6m Garry ISDS 237356

Roy ISDS 244896

9y 5m Lad ISDS 201994

Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Jill ISDS 256992 Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W

Cap ISDS 269227 Dog, B&W

Llanfarian Jim SVAK V1559/2007 Dog, BW&T

(M Murray) (A Iley)

(B Arends)

(J Kennedy)

(F B Petersen) 6y 11m Roy ISDS 242667 (R Alexander)

10y 10m Ken NHSB1540593 (S Van der Zweep)

4y 9m Ben ISDS 224339 (R M Millichap)

9y 4m Eryri Iagu ISDS 190822 (A Roberts)

2y 7m Garry ISDS 237356

244A Mr A Corrigan (T)


Clive ISDS 276955

3y 7m Davey ISDS 266696

246A Ms A Mock


Jan ABCA 321864

6y 3m Bazz (unknown)

250A Mr I MacKay


Sunnyview Bob ISDS 281253

3y 7m Zac ISDS 259960

252A Mr P R Tomkins


Fynydd Peg ISDS 264516

5y 4m Dolwen Mac ISDS 201086

255A Mr A Ll Jones


Max ISDS 273156

4y 1m Mac ISDS 244859

256A Mr A MacRae


Lyn ABCA 272557

3y 2m Nick 95963

259A Mr M Watson


Milo ISDS 266887

5y 1m Moss ISDS 239418

260A Mr R Dalziel


Cheviot Jamie ISDS 277495

3y 5m Nike ISDS 266607

261A Miss C Cropper


262A Mr A Lyttle (T)


264A Mr J Gustafsson


265A Mr J M Jolly (T)


266A Ms K Soderberg (T)


Culloden Moor, Inverness Llanbadarn-Fynydd, Powys Bala, Gwynedd Vichy, Missouri

Eastleach Downs, Glos Ettrick, Selkirk

Dean Lane, Bacup, Lancs Pettigo, Co Donegal Skrurp

St Jurs


Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, R&W

Dog, BW&T

Ron ISDS 280053 Dog, , B&W

Lou 9353 (L Slater)

Connie ISDS 233290 (J Kennedy)

Nell ISDS 224851 (F B Petersen)

Tina ISDS 225041 (H M Alexander)

Lynn NHSB G-0-2050727 (H G A Aviens)

Mist ISDS 232413 (R W Jones)

Eryri Jess ISDS 200499 (A Roberts)

Nan ISDS 268108


8y 2m Del ISDS 220249

Dog, B&W

(C Cummings)


Kim ISDS 249776 Bitch, B&W

(W D James)

(S van der Zweep)


Bitch, B&W

Kay ISDS 212918

(E Campbell)

243A Ms K Gibson

Plymouth, California

Meg 09794/98

Rodger ISDS 260060

Dog, B&W

7y 7m Frankie CMKU 150

Baltinglass, Co Wicklow

(G Norrman)

(K Kurman)

Czech Rep. Cora CMKU 279

Ripon, North Yorks

Capricorn's Fay ZBrH 2801

(K Gibson)

(J L McMillan) (J Bell)

(L Jones)

(P R Tomkins)

(JAS Gilchrist MRCVS) (S Ligon)

(M Watson)

(J McRobert)

Etna CMKU 131 Ruby ISDS 192235 (R Collins)

Gyp ISDS 252383 (J L McMillan)

Bell (unknown) (B Cockburn)

Peg ISDS 272915 (P Price)

Peg ISDS 211654 (P R Tomkins)

Jess ISDS 239200 (T Williams)

Imp. Nell 200412 (A S Macrae)

Sian ISDS 245534 (S A Turnham)

Fern ISDS 252684

(S Horn) 3y 0m Calderdale Jim ISDS 258466 Irwell Nell ISDS 2477

Ben ISDS 276579

(J Harrison) 3y 6m Nap ISDS 228294

(R W Airey)

Joe ISDS 255447

7y 6m Don ISDS 232899

Lynn ISDS 232394

Ballyglass Aka ISDS 279044

3y 9m Clifton Taff ISDS 221711

Vallhunden Zap SKK V1234/2005

3y 7m Zill DK17803/98

Dog, , B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, B&T


(S Hindenes) 5y 5m Jan-Ekedahls Emil j1229/98u Jutta j1076/98

242A Mr S Zoufaly

Siluvky (Owner E Adami)

DAM Dam Owner

(T Huhtiainen) 6y 9m Mot ISDS 226193


(P Wellemans)


Daz ISDS 25

Bitch, B&W

241A Mr C M Magnusson (C) Sweden

AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 2

(I B Jones) (R Dixon)

(C McGarry) (T Ottosen)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Meg ISDS 256554 (M S Jones)

(J McFerran)

Lynn ISDS 251517 (C McGarry)

Mazie V1086/2001 (K Soderberg)






267A Mr T Terpstra

DOG Details

DAM Dam Owner

(T Terpstra)

(T Terpstra)

2y 11m Ben ISDS 250478

270A Ms G Norrman (T)


Keaton ISDS 258609

6y 8m Glaslyn Wil ISDS 224575

273A Mr A Kearins


Jill ISDS 251066

8y 5m Fleet ISDS 242496

274A Mr K Preston


Queen ISDS 274767

4y 9m Tod ISDS 226528

280A Mr E W Edwards (C)



Dromard, Co Sligo Harle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne Llanrhydd, Ruthin, Clwyd

Bitch, BW&T Dog, BW&T


AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

Netherlands Jay ISDS 280010

HR Wijnjewoude

(T Terpstra)

Bitch, B&T

(J Irwin)

Bitch, BW&T Clwyd Jac ISDS 244060

(R W Harle) 9y 7m Lad ISDS 181636

Dog, B&W

(A L Jones)

Will Watkins’ Maid (Wales)

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 2

Era ISDS 247992


Jen ISDS 218837 (G Norrman)

Kim ISDS 241855 (W Torrens)

Buffy ISDS 250936 (B W Jordan) Bute ISDS 221844 (E W Edwards)

Meirion Jones’ Joe (Wales)


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341 Mr R G Snoeck (T) Kamedik



342 Mr K Addington


343 Mr J J Templeton


344 Mr L N Watkins (T)


345 Mr G T Watson


346 Mr W Cormack


347 Mr H Wolfgruber


348 Mr H I Mortensen


349 Mr J P Cueille


350 Mr P Cornut


351 Ms H R Howard


352 Mr R V Hughes


353 Mrs F B Spengler


354 Mr S Long


355 Mr P Hetherington


356 Mr H W Jones


357 Mrs S P von Erlach


Geddington, Kettering, Northants Fenwick, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire Llangadog, Carmarthenshire Postbridge, Yelverton, Devon Dunnet, Thurso, Caithness Moosdorf Sjursnes

Etoile, Tresses Miex

Alturas, California

Rhosmeirch, Llangefni, Gwynedd D-Flörsheim

Ballybofey, Co Donegal Minishant, Maybole, Ayrshire Rhydymain, Dolgellau, Gwynedd Ruedisbach

DOG Details

AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

Mitch ISDS 258211

6y 6m Mot ISDS 226193

Glen ISDS 252300

7y 9m Chip ISDS 225007

Ted ISDS 238234

10y 4m Roy ISDS 200199

Floss ISDS 254392

7y 6m Roy ISDS 213922

Roy (Rob) ISDS 267461

4y 11m Cap ISDS 213154

Rock (Roy) ISDS 257791

6y 11m Ben ISDS 220939

Ike ISDS 271595

6y 4m Tucker ABC84849

Zorro NKK 17098/05

3y 4m Don 01341/01

Dog, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

(C Marrey) (A Rouse) (A Owen)

(R P Dean) (R Dalziel)

(D Scrimgeour)

(H Mosenbacher)

Puce LOF 009699/02033

(E Syversbraaten) 8y 9m Lupin 005532/00850

Moss ISDS 253519

7y 6m Del ISDS 122238

Jill ISDS 276797

3y 8m Hope ISDS 262301

Black ISDS 261128

6y 1m Eryri Roi ISDS 204258

Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T

(M Cornier)

(B Dawson)

(W McAllister)

June ISDS 271477

(R V Hughes) 4y 7m Nick ISDS 257125

Lad ISDS 274041

4y 0m Roy ISDS 216694

Lynmar Hemp ISDS 250973

8y 5m Davey ISDS 235474

Sam ISDS 258014

6y 7m Jack ISDS 220414

Cashen's Jess SHSB 643 638

5y 11m Roy ISDS 210399

Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

(I McKay)

(M Ingham)

(W P L Jones)

FRIDAY 12TH SEPT. 2008 DAM Dam Owner

Jess ISDS 235004 Mist ISDS 222230 (A Rouse)

Sian ISDS 213287 (H Hughes)

Fly ISDS 2440 (L N Watkins)

If ISDS 246859 (S McGarty)

Kate ISDS 228694 (M Mason)

Pace ABC68075 (H Mosenbacher)

Tua 09423/00

(E Syversbraaten)

Notche 007286/01556 (M Cornier)

Katie ISDS 2060 (D G Hadwin)

Fly ISDS 249407 (D Kinloch)

Juno ISDS 252008 (R V Hughes)

Flip ISDS 238180 (A Krüger)

Jill ISDS 237601 (A Simpson)

Kris of Killiebrae ISDS 227521 (M Ingham)

Fly ISDS 230385 (J T Davies)

Fly ISDS 230553

New Zealand Blade ISDS 271545

(N Deacon) 4y 4m Jim ISDS 248214

(N Deacon)

359 Mr B O'Brien


Mist ISDS 241130

9y 11m Tweed ISDS 219065

Lassie ISDS 198266

360 Mr T H Huddleston


Udale Spring ISDS 246452

8y 11m Rob ISDS 200948

361 Ms F Robertson


Imp. Pat CBCA 973

9y 11m Peri ISDS 215081

362 Mr D McCaig


June ABCA 183018

7y 9m Moss 177231

363 Ms L N Jonsson


Kep SVAK V1347/2004

4y 6m Craig ISDS 232836

364 Mr P van Ham


Jimi NHSB 2255282

9y 4m Rioghal Mo Dream

Dog, B&W

Meg ISDS 269874

(K Kromhoul) 6y 1m Chips ISDS 194883

(J Jans-Zonnerbeg)

Vicky ISDS 243339

9y 9m Taff ISDS 191306

Meg ISDS 190440

Ben ISDS 245844

9y 7m Ben ISDS 216264

Roy ISDS 266416

5y 4m Bob ISDS 224454

Ben ISDS 268420

4y 11m Moss ISDS 237627

Athlone, Co Roscommon Brookhouse, Lancashire Canton de Hatley, Quebec Williamsville, Virginia Kilafors


365 Mr E Jensen


366 Mr W Albertsen (T)


367 Mr B Casey


368 Mr A Owen (T)


369 Mr J A MacLeod




Cahir, Co Tipperary Ty Nant, Corwen, Clwyd Killin, Perthshire

Dog, B&W

Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, W&B Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

(J Jennings) (T Doherty)

(T Longton) (T Roberts) (F Wilson)

(H G Williams)

Glyn 1972683 (J P Beale)

(J R Jones)

(M Doherty) (A Owen)

(J A MacLeod)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


(R W Prosser)

358 Dr K G Broad (T)

c/o Llanfynydd, Carmarthenshire

Bitch, BT&W

(B Sparfeld)

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 3

Jill ISDS 220588 (C Burson)

(T Doherty)

Udale Rosebud ISDS 226403 (T H Huddleston)

Mari ISDS 211387 (T Roberts)

Hope 29005 (T Wilson)

Nezz V1420/2001 (C M Magnusson)

Layka 621982359 Tess ISDS 2537 (E Jensen)

(J B Jones)

Nell ISDS 195510 (M Doherty)

Nell ISDS 244346 (G S Owen)

Fynydd Jan ISDS 258459 (K P Freeman)





Ms K Wessinger



Ms D M Boyce (T)



Mrs A Krüger


Mr R Nilsson


Mrs L O H Hindenes


373 374 375 376




Mr R C MacPherson MBE England Kirklinton, Carlisle, Cumbria

Mr E de Freitas


Mr T Ottesen (C)


Ms A Paarvio (T)



Ekenäs Mr W Goligher (T)



Mr P Palmeri


377 378



Limavady, Co Londonderry Siena



AGE SIRE (Y:M) Sire Owner

DAM Dam Owner

Juno ABCA 180724

(B Rossoll) 7y 8m Shep 33010

(M Hawck)

Luke ISDS 263984

5y 8m Lad ISDS 215978

Ann ISDS 233393

Rob ISDS 266603

5y 4m Roy ISDS 242776

Sweep NKK 21441/02

6y 1m Jake ISDS 236278

Roy ISDS 245540

9y 4m Roy ISDS 200199

Killiebrae Sam ISDS 261350

6y 2m Ben ISDS 220939

Bob ISDS 269836

4y 6m Glen ISDS 244480

Lill ABCA 115655 Bitch, B&W


Carnesville, Georgia

DOG Details

Y Rownd Ragbrofol: Cae 3

Bitch, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

Maj SPKY J1202/01n Bitch, BW&T

10y 10m Hirdi Boots ABCA 590045 Kim ABCA 50190 (J Maginnis) (unknown)

(J McRobert)

(M Grimeland) (A Owen)

(A D Scrimgeour)

(S van der Zweep) 7y 4m Kep J643/91u

Glen ISDS 263286

(A Paarvio) 5y 8m Ben ISDS 235217

Shanie LOI 00/182562

8y 6m Moel Craig 001/82380

Dog, BW&T

Bitch, BW&T

(W Japp)

(M T Garabelli)

Ruffican 76927 (D Boyce)

(A Krüger)

Dell ISDS 245460 (R Dalziel)

Traeets Lenda 15958/00 (O Doli)

Glenys ISDS 182371 (W G Roberts)

Crokers Wyn ISDS 241168 (A D Scrimgeour)

Rossi ISDS 259013 (T W Mul)

Crannagh Shannon ISDS 207743 (B Nyberg)

Jill ISDS 232 (M Morgan)

Bolia Tracolore G5030885 (A Ferdem)

341A Mr R G Snoeck

Netherlands Conquest Kate ISDS 283154 2y 6m Tom ISDS 246801

Crystal ISDS 249358

343A Mr J J Templeton


Meg ISDS 254854

344A Mr L N Watkins


346A Mr W Cormack


356A Mr H W Jones


363A Ms L N Jonsson



Kilmarnock, Ayrshire Llangadog, Carmarthenshire Dunnet, Thurso, Caithness Dolgellau, Gwynedd Kilafors


4y 2m Ted ISDS 238234

Penllwyn Fly ISDS 271378

4y 6m Moel Jack ISDS 238634

Jen ISDS 260782

6y 4m Glen ISDS 244807

Nap ISDS 275854

3y 7m Rap ISDS 247914

Nezz SVAK V1420/2001

7y 4m Vim V1375/98

Dog, B&W

Bitch, BW&T Bitch, B&W Dog, B&W

(J R Welsh)

(G Thomas) (R Jones)

(J G Templeton)

Floss ISDS 254392 (I B Jones)

Bess ISDS 242897 (D Williams

Caddy ISDS 261110 (M L L Evans)

Liz V1645/2000

Lynn ISDS 265443

Mr B Casey


Harvey ISDS 269966

4y 6m Mac ISDS 244859

Mr A Owen (T)


Mac ISDS 276484

3y 5m Gwyn ISDS 2480

Mr J A MacLeod


Fynydd Craig ISDS 255048

7y 3m Dolwen Mac ISDS 201086 Peg ISDS 211654


Cahir, Co Tipperary Ty Nant, Corwen, Clwyd Killin, Perthshire

371A Ms D M Boyce

Carnesville, Georgia

Bitch, B&W Netherlands Lowland's Maud NHSB G-12382773 Bitch, BW&T

(J J Templeton)

(R G Snoeck)



365A Mr E Jensen


(R D Roper)

Glen ISDS 272196

(N Agerbjer) 6y 8m Lad Dutch Highlands 6-12013564 (G Reinders) 5y 5m Dan ISDS 255212

364A Mr P van Ham


Bitch, BW&T


375A Mr R C MacPherson MBE England Kirklinton, Carlisle, Cumbria

379A Mr W Goligher

Limavady, Co Londonderry


Bitch, BW&T Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

(C McGarry)

(J A S Gilchrist) (A Owen)

(C M Magnusson) Nell 6-0-2175432 (J Jansen)

Nell ISDS 265443 (C McGarry)

Nell ISDS 255408 (J S Harvey)

Eli ISDS 263758 (B L Gwilym)

Giordi ABCA 241491

(P R Tomkins) 4y 6m Chipper 110091

(P R Tomkins)

Don ISDS 276309

3y 8m Jaff ISDS 227497

Fern ISDS 263289

Sam ISDS 272444

4y 2m Moss ISDS 259639

Dog, B&W Dog, B&W

Dog, BW&T

(D Boyce) (J Wright)

(A Armstrong)

Juno 180724 (D Boyce)

(V G Price)

Nell ISDS 262620 (W Torrens)

“In every case a great dog bears a deep resemblance to his master.” James Gardner, Winner of the first Scottish sheepdog trial, Carnwath circa. 1876


2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


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Cymru y Gwir Flas Bwyd Da, Gwir Flas, Pleser Pur

Os ydych chi’n chwilio am fwyd go iawn gyda blas gwych, wedi ei wneud o gynhwysion lleol o safon, a’i greu gan bobl sy’n frwd yngl n â’r hyn y maen nhw’n ei gynhyrchu, does dim rhaid i chi edrych ymhellach nag enillwyr Gwobrau Bwyd a Diod Gwir Flas Cymru.

Sefydlwyd y Gwobrau blynyddol, dan reolaeth

Cymreig, Cig Eidion Cymreig a chynhyrchion llaeth i’ch

Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru, yn 2002 er mwyn

temtio, mae diwylliant bwyd cynyddol Cymru yn amlwg

hyrwyddo’r bwyd a diod gorau un sydd gan Gymru i’w

yn y siopau gwestai a thai bwyta llewyrchus, y gwyliau


bwyd a’r marchnadoedd ffermwyr.

Ers hynny mae mwy na 500 o gynhyrchion gan fwy

Mae’r Gwobrau hefyd yn cydnabod y sector

na 200 o gynhyrchwyr o Gymru wedi ennill y wobr o fri,

lletygarwch ac eleni enillodd Plas Bodegroes ym

sy’n rhoi adnabyddiaeth, anogaeth a hygrededd o bwys

Mhwllheli; Yr Ystafell Ddarlunio yn Llanfair-ym-muallt,

iddyn nhw. Gall yr enillwyr ddangos y logo Gwir Flas ar

The Hardwick yn Y Fenni a’r Fairyhill Restaurant with

eu cynnyrch, sy’n dangos ei ansawdd, ei ddilysrwydd

Rooms yng Ngwˆ yr y prif anrhydeddau am eu coginio

a’i burdeb i ddefnyddwyr. Yn cael eu croesawu gan

ysblennydd gyda chynhwysion lleol a chroeso cynnes.

gynhyrchwyr fel bathodyn o ragoriaeth, mae’r Gwobrau

Y llynedd fe gefnogodd Llywodraeth Cynulliad

wedi helpu enillwyr blaenorol i godi eu proffil, sicrhau

Cymru gryn 42 o wyliau bwyd ledled Cymru gan ddenu

marchnadoedd newydd a chynyddu gwerthiant.

miloedd o ymwelwyr sy’n hoff o’u bwyd. Ac ar Ddydd

O gaws Sir Gaerfyrddin i ddwˆr ffynnon Ceredigion, o

Gwˆ yl Dewi eleni rhoddwyd cymorth i bedwar cwmni o

oen corsydd halen i sudd afal o berllannau Sir Fynwy,

Gymru i werthu eu cynnyrch yn uniongyrchol ar y sianel

mae tirlun naturiol syfrdanol Cymru yn ein gwobrwyo â

siopa QVC, gan gyrraedd darpar

chnydau amrywiol a blasus.

gynulleidfa o 22 miliwn! I ddarganfod mwy am fwyd a

Diolch i’r Gwobrau, a gwaith caled ac ymroddiad

diod o Gymru ewch iwww.cymruygwirflas.com

cynhyrchwyr Cymru, mae Cymru’n cael ei chydnabod fwyfwy fel tynfa i rai sy’n hoff o’u bwyd. Yn cael ei gydnabod ers amser maith am ragoriaeth ac ansawdd ei chynhwysion naturiol, fel Cig Oen

Rheolir Gwobrau Gwir Flas Bwyd a Diod Cymru gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.

Chwiliwch am yr arwydd bwyd a diod sy’n ennill gwobrau

Wales the True Taste Good Food, True Taste, Real Pleasure

If you are looking for real food with great taste and flavour, from quality, locally-sourced ingredients, created by people who are passionate about what they produce, then look no further than winners of the coveted True Taste Wales Food and Drink Awards.

The Welsh Assembly Government-managed annual

Long famed for the excellence and quality of its

Awards were set up in 2002 to promote the very best

natural ingredients, such as succulent Welsh Lamb,

food and drink that Wales has to offer.

tender Welsh Beef and enticing dairy products, Wales’

Since then, over 500 products from over 200 Welsh producers have won the prestigious award, giving them important recognition, endorsement and credibility.

burgeoning food culture is evident in its thriving shops, hotels, restaurants, food festivals and farmers’ markets. The Awards also recognise the hospitality sector and

Winners can display the True Taste logo on their

this year Plas Bodegroes at Pwllheli; The Drawing

produce, which signals its quality, authenticity and purity

Room at Builth Wells; The Hardwick at Abergavenny

to consumers. Embraced by producers as a badge of

and Fairyhill Restaurant with Rooms at Gower took top

distinction, the Awards have helped past winners to raise

honours for their exquisite cooking with fresh local

their profile, secure new markets and increase sales.

ingredients and a warm welcome.

From Carmarthenshire cheese to Ceredigion spring

Last year the Welsh Assembly Government

water, from salt-marsh lamb to apple juice from

supported some 42 food festivals across Wales

Monmouthshire orchards, Wales’ stunning natural

attracting thousands of food-loving visitors. And on St

landscape yields up a mouth watering and diverse

David’s Day this year they helped four Welsh


companies to sell their produce direct on shopping

Thanks to the Awards, and the hard work and

channel QVC, reaching a potential audience of 22

dedication of Welsh producers, Wales is increasingly

million! To find out more about Welsh food and drink

being recognised as something of a hotspot for food

go to www.walesthetruetaste.com


The True Taste Wales Food & Drink Awards are managed by the Welsh Assembly Government.

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2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

SEMI-FINALS: SATURDAY 13TH SEPT. 2008 Rownd Gyn-derfynol





Outrun 80

Lift 40

Fetch 80

Drive 120

Shed 40

Pen 40

Single 40



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


SEMI-FINALS: SATURDAY 13TH SEPT. 2008 Rownd Gyn derfynol





Outrun 80

Lift 40

Fetch 80

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 60

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Drive 120

Shed 40

Pen 40

Single 40



Finals Course

© Kelvin Broad. Photo: Aled Owen’s Roy (Wales) © Kinloch Sheepdogs


2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Course for Finals Cwrs ar gyfer y Rownd Derfynol The finals course involves the handler and dog working together to move twenty sheep (fifteen unmarked and five marked with red collars) around a course. The main components of the course, each of which is scored by the four judges, are as follows: (Note: The following is for guidance only).

1. Outrun 1: In the first outrun the dog is sent out to the right or left of the course, as decided by the Trials Committee before the Trial. All competitors will run on that side (the second outrun will be to the other side). The handler remains at the post. The dog should not stop until it has reached the point of balance behind the sheep, and should be far enough away from the sheep so as not to disturb them. The point of balance is where the dog will lift the sheep in the direction of the first set of gates. 2. Lift 1: At the end of the Outrun, the dog will either come to a full stop or merely slow down.The dog will then approach the sheep smoothly, cautiously and steadily, taking control in a firm and quiet manner. The sheep should move in a direct line to the first obstacle (gates).

3. Fetch 1: The sheep must be brought at a steady pace and in a straight line from the place of lifting to the first gates and thereafter in a straight line to the turn back pole. If the sheep deviate from the line they should be brought back to that line as soon as practical. If the sheep fail to go through the gates, no retry of the gates is allowed. The first fetch is complete when the sheep have reached the turn back pole. The dog having reached the pole will then be redirected for the second packet of 10 sheep.

4. Outrun, Lift and Fetch 2: The dog is turned back for the second packet of sheep on the opposite side of the course to the first packet. The second packet of sheep should be brought through the gate in a straight line towards a point parallel to the first lot of sheep. The dog will unite the two packets of sheep by gathering the first lot and bringing them to the second lot. The sheep must be united before the end of the fetch. At the end of the fetch the handler will move the sheep around the post/behind the handler as close as is practical and in a steady and smooth manner.

5. Drive: The drive is approximately 600 yards long over a triangular course and consists of two sets of gates through which the dog drives the sheep. The drive starts immediately the sheep have passed behind the handler/post and ends when all of the sheep enter the shedding ring. The sheep are required to go in straight lines between the obstacles and reasonable turns at the post and at both gates are expected. If the sheep fail to go through the gates, a second attempt at either gate is not allowed. The handler will remain at the post until the first of the sheep is in the shedding ring.

6. Shedding: Fifteen unmarked sheep are to be shed off (separated) from the five red collared sheep within the shedding ring. The sheep are moved between the handler and his/her dog allowing unmarked sheep to be shed off and leave the ring while keeping the marked sheep in the shedding ring. Manoeuvring to take the 5 red collared sheep off in one go from the other 15 is not permitted.

Should any marked sheep leave the shedding ring and join any unmarked sheep already shed off, the unmarked sheep with which the marked sheep have joined will be brought into the ring and shedding resumed. Once the 15 unmarked sheep have been shed off, the handler may proceed to the pen. Before penning, the handler may use the dog to remove the unmarked sheep to a safe distance so they do not to interfere with the penning of the marked sheep.

7. Penning: The handler must proceed to the pen, leaving the dog to bring the sheep to the pen.The handler stands at the gate holding the rope and must not let go of the rope while the dog works the sheep into the pen. When the sheep are in the pen, the handler must completely close the gate within the time limit. After realeasing the sheep, the handler must close and fasten the gate to conclude their run. No points are awarded for any phase of the work that has not been completed within the prescribed time limit. Time limit = 30 minutes. No extensions.


Outrun 1


Fetch 1


Lift 1


Outrun 2


Lift 2


Fetch 2








TOTAL (per judge)




Past Winners Enillwyr y Gorffennol 2005 World Trial, Tullamore, Ireland Name 1. Gordon Watt and York

2. Nigel Watkins and Peg

Country England Wales

3. Serge van der Zweep and Glen Netherlands 2002 World Trial, Bala, Wales 1. Aled Owen and Bob 2. Jim Cropper and Sid

3. Serge van der Zweep and Roy

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

Points 507 505 481









Proud sponsors of the World Sheepdog Trials 2008. For more information, or to book a test drive please call us on 0800 110 110 or visit www.landrover.co.uk


Range of fuel economy figures for the Land Rover range (l/100km): urban 30.6 (9.2) - 12.6 (22.4), extra urban 45.5 (6.2) – 23.1 (12.2), combined 37.7 (7.5) - 17.7 (16.0), CO2 emissions 194 - 376g/km. Details correct at time of going to press and are subject to change without notice.







Outrun 1&2 Lift 1&2 160 80

Fetch 1&2 160

Drive 160

Shed 80

Pen 40




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Determining the Winner / Canfod yr Enillydd

The results announced during the final will be the total number of Judges Points achieved for each competitor. However, the competition will be decided using a Merit Points calculation.

Calculating Merit Points Each judge will rank each competitor in order of Judges Points from 1st to 16th. The highest placed competitor (i.e. ranked 1st overall on Judges Points) will receive 16 Merit Points. The second placed competitor will receive 15 Merit Points, and so forth. If a judge has awarded identical Judges Points to two different competitors, the Merit Points

are summed and then divided evenly between the two competitors. For example, if the top two competitors receive the same Judges Points, the Merit Points for each competitor would be: 16 (for 1st place) + 15 (2nd place) ÷ 2 = 15.5 Merit Points each. The sum of the Merit Points calculated by each judge determines the overall rankings of competitors. The maximum number of Merit Points is 64. Photo: Michael Longton’s Monty (England). © Kinloch Sheepdogs

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


Awards / Gwobrwyon INDIVIDUAL PRIZES Individual championship results will be declared immediately following the Finals.

First place - World Champion: The overall winner will receive: £3,000, a solid gold shepherd’s whistle specially commissioned by the International Sheep Dog Society’s main sponsor, Gilbertson and Page, and a Gold medal from the ISDS / World Trial Committee.

Second Place: £2,000, a Silver medal from the ISDS / World Trial Committee, and an engraved silver sheepdog whistle kindly donated by Border Collies in Action. Third Place: £1,000, a Bronze medal from the ISDS / World Trial Committee,and an engraved brass sheepdog whistle kindly donated by Border Collies in Action.

TROPHIES AND AWARDS The following trophies and awards will be presented.

Land Rover World Champion Trophy For the highest placed competitor overall - the World Champion.

Tlws Coffa Alan Jones Memorial Trophy For the highest placed Welsh Competitor. Kindly presented by the family of the late Alan Jones, Pontllyfni.

Highest Placed Female Handler For the highest placed female handler, a commissioned painting by Andrew Evans kindly donated by Clwb Cinio Cymraeg Llandeilo.

Breeder of the World Champion’s Dam Shepherd’s Crook to be awarded to the Breeder of World Champion’s Dam. Kindly donated by Pembrokeshire Sheepdogs.

Fourth Place: £500 Fifth Place: £250

Sixth Place: £150

7-16th Places: £100

All Finalists All finalists will also receive a 2008 World Trial Medal kindly provided by the ISDS / World Trial Committee. In addition, they will receive a special gift kindly donated by the South Wales Sheepdog Trials Association.

Finalists and winners of the Qualifying Rounds will receive products kindly donated by CSJ Specialist Dog Food.

All Competitors All competitors will receive an engraved bronze 2008 Land Rover World Trial Medal.


First Placed Team: Each team member will receive £100 and a Gold Medal from the ISDS / World Trial Committee. Second Placed Team: Each team member will receive £70 and a Silver Medal from the ISDS / World Trial Committee.

Third Placed Team: Each team member will receive £50 and a Bronze Medal from the ISDS / World Trial Committee.


“If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same.” 'If' by Rudyard Kipling (1895) Photo: Kylie Knox and Floss © Sharon Perkins (USA)

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


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Future World Trial Stars ^ SĂŞr Treialon Cwn Defaid y Dyfodol

Thank you to all those who sent in photos to the World Trial Photo contests. These photos are but some of the thousands of photos we received. The rising stars of tomorrow! Diolch i bawb a ddanfonodd eu lluniau i gystadleuaeth Treialon y Byd. Dyma rai o'r lluniau allan o'r miloedd a dderbyniwyd. SĂŞr y dyfodol!

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials


Sponsor Acknowledgements Cydnabod y Noddwyr

To all of our sponsors - a heartfelt thank you! I'n noddwyr i gyd - diolch o galon! TITLE SPONSOR



Protectoplast Ltd. Nora House, Forest Road, Hainault, Ilford, Essex IG6 3HJ Telephone: 020-8500 9091 Fax: 020-8500 1249 E-Mail: sales@protectoplast.co.uk

Manufacturers and distributors of footwear and clothing for work or leisure.

Thanks! Diolch!

A special thank you to those who donated trophies and prizes. ► Land Rover ► Gilbertson & Page ► Border Collies in Action ► CSJ Specialist Dog Food ► Pembrokeshire Sheepdogs


► Clwb Cinio Cymraeg Llandeilo ► The family of the late Alan Jones, Pontllyfni ► ISDS / World Trial Committee ► South Wales Sheep Dog Trial Association

We would also like to thank those sponsors who provided gifts for the handlers bags.

2008 Land Rover World Sheep Dog Trials

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TREIALON CŴN DEFAID Y BYD LAND ROVER, FFAIR FWYD A GŴYL CEFN GWLAD Castell a Pharc Dinefwr, Llandeilo, Sir Gaerfyrddin, Cymru Medi 11-14eg, 2008

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