March 2015 Issue

Page 30

AMBER SILVA Makeup Artist San Diego, CA

WHY JESUS? I grew up in a religion that was very works based. A lot of fear, anxiety, worry, and just constantly feeling that I wasn't good enough no matter how hard I tried. Almost 5 years ago someone I worked with randomly told me he was praying for me. Little did I know how drastically my life was going to change in the most amazing way. I felt and witnessed the power of prayer and the power of Jesus' Spirit changing me from the inside out. I found a true relationship with Jesus. Having a relationship with my Creator and Savior has freed me from the bondage of trying to be perfect or feeling like I had to know everything. Spending time getting to know Jesus and developing a strong relationship with Him has given me peace and helps me daily to trust Him with everything. WHY MAKEUP? Makeup is fun and exciting to me. Makeup is my art. I love the power makeup has to change a person's personal outlook. I love creating looks with my clients that are specific to them. A little touch of makeup can sometimes be the one thing that shows someone their own beauty if they have never felt it or help them to feel it again. I believe when you feel beautiful it really shows and can completely change the way you treat yourself as well as how you treat others. THOUGHTS ON MODESTY AND FASHION? Every one is an individual we are all different and God loves each one of us for who we are. Jesus's gift to us is that we know we have his mercy and forgiveness. Lamentations 3:23 "Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Fashion is a way for us to express and glorify God and show Him how much we appreciate the individuality he has given each one of us. BEST PART ABOUT LIVING IN SAN DIEGO? San Diego's diversity makes it a great place to be creative. We also get to enjoy summer-like weather year round. ONE DAY WHEN YOUR LEGACY IS FULLY WRITTEN, WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE LAST SENTENCE OF THAT LEGACY TO SAY AND WHY? "Amber was a loving, caring, humble, and selfless person. She was passionately devoted to her kids and was a loving supportive wife. She desired more than anything to show Jesus's love to others so they can feel the incredible life changing peace that comes with having a relationship with Jesus Christ as she did."

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