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Republic of the Philippines

Notre Dame of Kidapan College

Datu Ingkal Street, Kidapawan City




Prepared by:

Angelica Faye Legara

Field Study Students- BSED Social Studies IV


The author is very grateful to GOD ALMIGHT for without his graces and blessings, this study would not have been possible.

Immeasurable appreciation and deepest gratitude for the help and support are extended to the following person who is one way or another have contributed in making this field study possible.

To PROF. EVELYN BONGCO, Field Study Professor Instructor for her untiring guidance, concern, support, encouragement, understanding and most of all the love that she gave to all the field study students.

To the author’s dearest and close friends: Charin Mae Dazo and Shayne Lyka Bautista for their companionship, and for inspiring the author to make the best out of this e-porthfolio.

To the author’s loving and supportive family for their untiring support, financial assistance, for their love, care, advice, and encouragement to make this e-portfolio. Thank you so much and I love you.

To all her classmates and friends for thier assistance, love, and endless encouragement and help with inspired the author to complete and finish this e-portfolio.

And above all, to our God Almighty for giving the strength, patience, guidance, and for the continuous blessings and undying love.


Learning, in my opinio, is a necessary, innat, continuing, and lifelong process. As a future teache, I hope that everyone can learn and that reasonable expectations that challenge all learners are maintained. They must be able to express their enthusiasm for learning and see all interactions as chances to teach and learn. Because the fundamental goal for assessment is to increase learning, it gives all students the opportunity to showcase what they know, value, and can accomplish. I also believe that learning is a process of making sense of the world, thuswe should be concerned with understanding development and acknowledge that concept are built and subject to questionor revisio. We must identify and adapt to individual variances and learning styles since learners are unique and accountable for their own learning. We, too, must show concern and understanding for each learners, as well as include and optimize the participation of students of various skills and backgrounds. Learning also requires the ability to link previous knowledge, perceptions, or patterns of experience with new experience, information, and settings.

To do so, we must look for ways to draw on the diverse personal, social, and cultural experiences, knowledge, and abilities that learnersbring the new learning. Learning is improved when students are aware of how they think and learn (meta-cognition), which gives them more control over their learning. As a result, we must clearly teach thinking and learning techniques as well as medol meta-cognition.



This episode focuses on determining a social, psychological, and physical environment. It also allows students to investigate, examine, and reflect on the school environment, which promotes learning and development. Moreover it describe the physical eenvironment of the school where students can feel safe, clean, orderly and free from distraction. It also maintain the facilities for the students to be comfortable in their study.

They also talk about the bulliten boards and display board so that the students will be aware and keep update of the announcements and informations. These bulletin and display boards helps to learn about the mission-vision, goals and values of the school. They encourge students to become responsible and sensitive to others cultures. They promote child-friendly school environment.


This episode focuses on determining an environment that provides social, psychological and physical environment.

My first was to have a ‘tour’ around Notre Dame of Kidapawan College- IBED and look into thier available facilities that will support effective environment. I knew instantly that NDKCIBED is one of the fortunate school that provide maximum learning and development opportunities to schoolchildren. Teacher and learnersfeel safe, having the concrete and painted school buildings. The outdoor space within the campus where they conduct flag ceremony is


also ideal for class group game/ activities. This is where children freely play during reces time. The school yard is clean, green and beautiful.

Ths shool library contains abundant learning resources, so neatly arranged. There is an adequate lighting and ventilation. Oh such bliss to sit there and quitly read books or notes! They also have a School clinic that is well-equipped, a Multimedia Room with computers and other essential “E-learning” paraohernalia and school gym for school activities. The school canteen offers mouth-watering snacks! The Principal’s Office lppks very inviting and well organized.

The way that a class is arranged communicates very important message to the children, how the classroom will be utilized, how it is to function as a learning environment. Books and other interesting materials are neatly displayed in such a way that allows children to use them frequently and correctly. Bulletin boards contain children’s works and attractive pictures related to topics of study and in formations about class activities- this will help children perceive that this classroom is a place for learning and fu, and their work is valued because it is displayed to be shared with others.

School life is a personal adventure to each children. A school that is pleasant and provides comfort is a second “home sweet home” where he looks forward going to.



This episode gives me the opportunity to observe students of various ages and grade levels. It emphasizes the differences in their characteristics and requirements. As a future teacher, it is critical for me to identify the characteristics and needs of my students so that I can plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning activities and assessments. It also talks about the domains of development and learning such as physical, social and emotional, and cognitive. It talks how important it is in the learners.

Moreover, it tackles about the physical aspects of the learners. On how they develop their gross motor skills, how they move, walk, run and many more. In social aspect, you will observe how the learners interact with their teachers and to others older or younger to them. While in their emotional aspect you will observe their different emotions just like if they are happy, sad, easily to cry or their mood swing. On how they express their wants and needs, how they handle frustrations and their confidence.


I was given a task to observed learners from different grade level: Senior High School, Elementary Level and Secondary Level. In elementary level, especially in kindergarten pupils. They love playing around together with their classmates. In this age, learners are active in doing

FS1-EPISODE2:LearningDiversity:DevelopmentalCharacteristics, NeedsandInterest.

activities especially arts, just like drawing and coloring. Kindergarten are curious of a lot of things that why, if something bothered them they always ask question untill they understand.

In secondary level, students are independent already, they can handle things without the assistant with thier theacher. They can easily understand their teacher’s lesson or instructions. In this age learners are curious about their physical appearance. They are already matured maybe because they are starting liking someone. They love talking to their classmates and sharing with common interest.

While in Senior High School, they are already matured to balance what is right and what is wrong. They are already matured enough to be responsible in the task given to ben by their teacher. They are always prepared and give their hundrend percent best in doing their task. Their teacher can trust them in things because s/he knows that her/his students are already responsible.

As a future teacher, I have learned that learners characteristics and needs vary with age. That is why teachers carefully plan flexible class activities according to the learners’ characteristics and interests, physical ability and other aspects to meet their needs.




This episode allows you to see how differences in gender, race, culture, and religion, as well as belonging to indigenous groups, influence learner behavior, interaction, and performance in school. One will also examine and reflect on the practices used by teachers to leverage diversity in the classroom. It also allows students to observe how differences in ability affect classroom interaction and learn about strategies that teachers use to address the needs of their students in order to provide effective teaching and learning.

This epesode is composed of different principles and concepts. First is the development where it talks about learning proceed at varying rates from child to child. Also the learners challenging to achieve at a level of mastery and the opportunities to practice newly acquired skills. The second one is the PPST where describe the differences of the learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences. And also the learners challenging circumstances which includes geographic isolations,

chronic illness and etc. And the last one is the Indigenous People when learner are aware of the identity including one’s beliefs and cultural practice.


Learners has their own differencies, identities and characteristics in terms of thier abilities, capabilities, gender, needs, strengths interest, experiences, races, culture, religion, and status. As a teacher and as the second mother of our students, we need to be sensitive to others especially to our brothers and sister that are Indigenious People.

As I have watched a documentary report about IP school community coming from youtube, I realized that I need to finish my study and to become a professional teacher to practice so that I can help other students specially in the remote area to finish their study. Life is so difficult for them specially for the IP’s because they experience discrimination in school.

As a future teacher someday, I will choose to practice my profession in the remote area to help the learners to continue their study and fulfill their dreams. I will promote a child-friendly classroom where students will respect and love each other despite of their differences.

I will encourage all learners regardless of their differences to interact and participate by letting them know that even we have own differences we still have to participate and interact with others because after all we are in a world with different characteristics, attitudes, personalities and differencesbut we are all sons on God

Alimighty that’s why we should communicate with one other no matter we have different views in life. MY ARTIFACTS


This episode allows you to take a more in-depth look at the factors that influence a learner's development. The emphasis will be on the learners' early experiences and characteristics as described by family and other significant others. You will also concentrate on how the teacher connects with the community to maximize student learning and development. It also talks about the different philosophy just like Urie Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model wherein presents the learner within the context of layers of relationship system that make up the learner’s environment. The other philosophy is the Baumrind’s parenting styles. This philosophy has 4 parts. These are the Authoritarian, Permissive, Rejecting-Neglecting and Authoritative.


In order to have a great aspects whether physically, emotionally, morally and cognitive aspects the learners must have a good backgroundand has enough support and motivation from the families. The members of the famly must be supported enough to their child for them to feel motivated to be more and achieve more. They must create a great connection with thier child to make them more open and in time guidance, their child won’t hesitate to seek for their supervision.


As a future teacher, I would good home-school collaboration by having a good communication with the parents or guardian of my learners. By having a good communication with the both parties, they will able to monitor every progress of the learning and to determine the aspects to consider for the betterment of the learners.


a positive, harmonious and open communication between the school and the home is an influencial factor for a child’s learning development. successful relationship of homeschool will result to producing of well-rounded students of 21st century. H-oning the child through providing good

O-pportunity and continues

M-onitoring of the student’s performance will most likely result to a best learning E-nvironment. S-chool has to maximize the opportunity for C-ollaboration with parents while H-elping them in providing in their child’s need in O-rder to achieve the child’s academic and personal goals and eventually help them O-vercome the future challenges in their L-ife C-ontinuous involvement of the community in developing curriculum will lead to an O-ptimistics educational interventions of studies M-anaging the community-envolvement programs in the school’s role to M-eet the diverse needs of students. But the school must U-nderstand first their N-eeds of in order to I-dentify the strategies they must carry out T-eachers play the most important role in this collaboration and in their hands lies the chance to

Y-ield positive outcomes that will benefit the students.



This learning episode allows you to examine how classrooms are structured or designed to maximize everyone's participation for effective learning. You should be able to investigate how classroom management practices influence learning. This episode expands on the theories learned in the professional subjects Facilitating Learnercentered Teaching and The Child and Learners and Learning Principles. It talks about the classroom rules and procedures that will be discuss within the first day of the school. Moreover, students are encourage to be involve in the design of the rules and procedures in classsoom process.


Students need to be involve in the making of classroom rules to help them develop their leadership skills as well as make them understand the value of being responsible in their own action and behavior. It also allows for collaboartion between students and teachers in agreeing on the rules that they need to establish. But, making the rules should be guided by the teachers as they are the one who knows the guidelines and how to facilitate well in discussing the rules to include

Enforcing a positive discipline is essential in managing the classroom well. Even though the students are well-mannered, there is are unpredictable situations that

would challenge the teacher’s patience. There is a a need to enforce a positive discipline among students to positively address the conflicts that may arise in the classroom without being too harsh on students. Students will not think negatively about themselves and this will eliminate unwanted behavior or reactions from students. This will also help the teacher inculcate positive values among students. In addition, students will be responsible for their actions, to be rational and critical and decide smartly in different situations.

As a future teacher, I will make sure that my students will be take good care and have a proper attention so that they are comfortable and feel loved. They will properly explain why I implemented the rules and regulation in our class. It is very important to have a clear and proper agreements both the teacher and the students so that a long the way their relationship is good and smooth.




This episode focuses on the classroom structure and routines used by teachers to create a safe, friendly, non-threatening, and caring environment. Effective classroom routines provide structure and discipline to assist students in remaining calm and focused on their daily tasks. The classroom routines are parts of the daily classroom activity where the teacher facilitate and establish. This is not only make the life of the teacher easier but also save the valuable classroom time. It also make make the students easier to achieve more and learn more. Establishing routines can help not only for the students but also for the teacher to make their school year run smoothly and to ensure to manage their time effectively because it helps to maintain the classroom order.


Performed an effective classroom routines is important because it will make the students focus in their class. They will performed well and ensuring the effectiveness of disipline and properly organized the daily routines. It also help to control and minimized the time alloted for the discussions, activities, and assessments are consumed well. Because of this, the learning objectives specific for each session will be achieve.

As a future teacher, I will make a daily routines in my class so that my students will be aware of our daily activities. It will serve as their daily reminder and habit. It will

FS 1-

not make them confuse. In a simple daily routines will help the students to motivate in going to school and attending thier class.




This episode is about classroom management and discipline. It focuses on the personal and physical aspects of classroom management that are critical to teaching and must therefore be implemented consistently. This episode will discuss classroom management, which refers to a wide range of skills and techniques used by teachers to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive to task, and academically productive in class. Furthermore, it discusses the significance of classroom management in order to increase the likelihood of student success. And the efficacy of Classroom Management Techniques. It also talks about how imporant the effectiveness of classrom management.


As a teacher, in speaking in front of your students you nee to be calm, courteous tone that you convey the command of the classrom. Remember that you are the authority inside the classroom. You can relieve classroom agitation and axious srain just by opening your mouth. Teachers that speak in loud, stressed-out, and fast-paced manner are likely to stress their students. Teachers should be set as outstanding example of their students and be a role model. Furthermore, it would send a positive message to pupils about what is expected of them right from the start. This makes it easy maintain control, and the wheels of teacher success would have been in action.

Effective classroom management will have impact on the instruction, resulting in a positive outcomes. Strategies that are not being used are praising the achivers and classroom punishment. Punishment can harm student’s relationships, affecting all other classroom management trategies. Allow your students to channel their hostile and aggressive energy into socially acceptable outles such as sports, clubs, crafts, hobbies and other activities.




School is where formal education begins. Schools are institutions that are set up to create total learning activities that are appropriate for each learner at each grade level. As a result, the school has recommended the enhanced K-12 curriculum. The recommended curriculum was translated into written curriculum such as books, modules, teachers' guides, and lesson plans, which serve as the foundation for the taught curriculum. A teacher who implements curricula requires support materials (support curriculum) to enhance teaching and learning so that the written and taught curricula can be assessed (assessed curriculum) to determine if learning occurred (learned curriculum). However, there are many activities that occur in schools but are not intentionally planned; this is referred to as the hidden curriculum.

A classroom teacher prepares a miniscule curriculum called a lesson plan or a learning plan to plan, implement, and evaluate school learning activities. A lesson plan is then given life by the teacher, who uses it as a guide in the teaching-learning process, where different strategies can be used to achieve the learning objectives or outcomes. There are many different ways to write a lesson plan, but the essential parts or elements such as (a) Learning Outcomes (b) Subject Matter (c) Teaching-Learning Strategies, and (d) Evaluation or Assessment should always be included.

All of these elements should be in sync so that learning occurs at the end of the teaching-learning episode with the classroom teacher as a guide.


Curriculum is an important part of education. Education can help ensure student success not only academically but also in today’s world. Curriculum developers content to create relevant and meaningful curriculum that increases student’s knowledge and sequentially prepare them for the world after graduation. Curriculum development is an extensive process that cannot be taken lightly. Some curriculum developers may find the process as a “field of utter confusion”.

There are seven curriculum that the school have, these are the recommended Curriculum, Written Curriculum, Taught Curriculum, Supported Curriculum, Assessed Curriculum, Learning Curriculum, and Hidden Curriculum. Among the seven curriculums, there are three that have the same mai goal and targeting the same curriculum which is recommended curriculum. Under this curriculum where written curriculum, taught curriculum and assessed curriculum lies. They show relation to one other which deals on the higher order thinking skills of every learner. They set goals to develop and meet the level of competencies needed by the learners. While on the other curriculum, they had to assess themselves whether they are learning or not. Or what competencies they are lacking in, and maybe able to assess themselves through various activities.




This episode focuses on the learning principles that must be followed in order to provide quality instruction. It also focuses on the intended learning outcomes, which guide the lesson's direction. They must be (SMART) (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound) and written using time-tested principles. It also determines the Resource Teacher's teaching method (inductive or deductive), which is the practical realization or application of an approach. This episode is a companion to the course on Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching. This is the time-tested principles of teaching and learning where effective learning begins with the setting clear expectations and learning outcomes. Learning is the discovery of the personal maening of ideas. Students are given the opportunity to connect what they learn with other concepts and real world experiences and with their own lives.


Teaching can be a challenging but rewarding profession that allows you to guide students as they learn about important topics and materials. If you want to make the most of your teaching career and help students develop skills and competencies for success, preparation can be an important part of your teaching journey. Learning about

the teaching preparation process and why it’s so crucial can help you develop the skills and strategies to improve as a teacher.

It’s important to prepare for teaching classes so that you can lead productive, engaging lessons for your students and maximize the effectiveness of your time and resources. While preparation for teaching can include aspects like lesson planningand creating daily activities, it can also involve the initial or ongoing training you receive to gain skills and competency as a teacher. Together, these types of preparations can help you sharpen your teaching skills and philosopies and perform effectively in your role.

As you prepare to teach, you can develop skills to successfully guide students’ learning. You can prepare for teaching by researching practices or educational philosophies. You can also learn about issues thath face education system and develop strategies to face them in your career. One way to prepare for your teaching role is to discuss your career development with other educational professionals or mentors. They can help you develop teaching skills like patience, emphathy, organization and attention to detail. You can also use this time to develop a unique teaching philosophy to inform your teaching performance




This episode focuses on the guiding principles for selecting and implementing teaching methods. It will also deal with lesson development in the OBTL manner. The outcomes, standards, and competencies are central to the K–12 curriculum and the teacher education curriculum. This implies that lessons must be delivered with an emphasis on outcomes. Similarly, this Episode focuses on the various types of questions, questioning, and responding techniques used by teachers. The type of questions teachers ask, as well as how they question and respond to student responses, influence class interactions. The episode reinforces the theories learned in the course, Teaching Methods and Strategies, as well as other professional education subjects. This episode talks about the importance of these fuiding principles in teaching and learning, the Department of education promotes standard-and competency-based teaching with its K to 12 Curriculum guide.


It is critical that teachers determine beforehand what they expected students to have learned by the end of a lesson. An inexperienced teacher might begin this process by first creating lesson plans and developing activities. This kind of instruction, however, is likely to be ineffective and lack of focus because the teacher has not first decided how to assess whether students have mastered a set of intended learning outcomes. By

contrast, an experienced teacher will have a clear picture in his or her mind of the students’ intended learning outcomes, and will design appropriate and effective instructional activities to guide toward mastery of those outcomes.

OBTL is a student-centered learning philosophy that focuses on empirically measuring student performance, which are called outcomes as opposed to traditional learning’s emphasis on resources or in[puts. Like in Competency-Based Education, it requires students to demonstrate that the have learned the required skills and content. It emphasizes the recognation of students’ positive achievements and comparing their their current output to their own prior performance which help the students keep tract of their progress and to know if such field is suited to them.




With the rapid evolution of technology, and now with 4.0, technology is becoming an increasingly important part of the learning environment. This episode allows students to investigate a Learning Resources Center or Multi-Media Center and learn about its collection, services, and equipment, as well as observe how a teacher uses technology for instruction and explore resources in the virtual learning environment. Students will examine and reflect on how technology, such as artificial intelligence, aids in the teaching-learning process. It talks about the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers. It is talk about the comprehensive framework guide teachers’ development on the effective and appropriateuse of ICT in education. The other one is the Technology Integration Matrix wherein to provide comprehensive framework for you to define and evaluate technology integration. Next is the Evaluation of ICT Resources, where in the teacher whereas the one of the skills that will be most useful for you is the ability not only to search for information but to make decisions as to which ones you will take and use and which ones you will put aside.


Teachers are the scholars who have mastered specific subjects that form part of their specialty and help in imparting knowledge on students. Some of the roles that the teachers play in academic institutions include designing of syllabus, preparin for timetables, preparing for lessons and carrying out continous assessments on students.


This is because with the use of the inernet, teachers are able to upload assignments and continuous assessments on the e-learning systems and after students are done with the assignments, they use the system or emails to send their completed assignments to their teachers. This comes with the number of advantages which are brought by having student’s completed assignments in soft copies.

Teachers can also use the tools of ICT in other functions. One such function is the keeping of the records of students performance and other kind of records within the academic institution. This ensures that information is properly stored and backed up and also ensures that records are not as bulky as they would have been in the absence of the tools of ICT. For instances, if the teacher can access a projectors, he/she can prepare a presentation of a lesson to for his/her students and this way, he will not have to carry textbooks, notebooks and the like to the classroom for the lesson. The teacher can also post notes and relevant texts for a given subjects on the information system for the school or on an intractive website and thus he/she will have more time for discussions during lesoons.

This will help the students in understanding the concepts taught in class better and, this way, teachers will have less workload. Such website will also help teachers to show the students how questions related to their specialty are framed early enough so that students can concentrate on knowledge acquisition during class hours.




Assessment is a critical component of the instructional cycle. The instructional cycle consists of three steps: 1) determining the intended learning outcome/s, 2) choosing a teaching method, strategy, and activity that is aligned with the learning outcome and topic and is developmentall-appropriate for the learners, and 3) assessing. The assessment task must be aligned to the intended learning outcome because it is the part of the instructional cycle that determines whether or not the intended learning outcome has been attained.

In an assessment lesson, we can discuss assessment for learning, assessment of learning, and assessment as learning.

This episode will cover assessment for learning as well as assessment as learning. Assessment for learning is known as formative assessment, whereas assessment as learning is known as self-assessment.


Assessment forms an important of learning that determines whether the objectives of education have been attained or not. For important decision making concerning the student’s performance, assessment is inevitable. It is very crucial since it determines what course or career can the student partake depending on class performance. Students should be subjected to assessment beyond class work, because


the world is changing and they are supposed to adapt to dynamics they encounter in their eveeryday lives. Assessment is important for parents, students, and teachers.

Teachers should be able to identify the students’ level of knowledge and their special needs. They should be able to identify skills design lesson plans, and com up with the goals of learning. Similarly, instructors should be able to create new learning arrangements and select appropriate learning materials to meet individual student’s needs. Students should be able to evaluate their performance and learning in school with the use of assessment results. It forms the basis of self-motivation as through it students are able to put extra efforts in order improve their exam performance. Without results, a student might he or she has mastered everything taught in class.



Assessment #12 focused on Formative Assessment for Learning and Assessment as Learning (self-assessment). These terms refer to both teacher-led assessments and student-led assessments of their own learning. The topic of Assessment of Learning will be the focus of Episode 13. When teachers have done everything possible to assist students in achieving the desired learning outcome/s, they subject their students to grading assessments. This is referred to as learning assessment, which is also known as summative assessment.

Episode 13 will focus on 1) assessing learning in cognitive, psychomotor, and effective domains using traditional and non-traditional assessment tasks and tools, 2) assessing learning outcomes in different levels of cognitive taxonomy, 3) building assessment items with content validity, 4) Table of Specifications, 5) Portfolio, 6) Scoring Rubrics, 7) The K to 12 Grading System, and 8) Reporting Students' Performance. At the end of this episode, it must be able to demontrate understanding of the design, selection, organization and use of summative assessment strategies consistent with curriculum requirements by being able to determine the alignment of assessment tools and tasks with intended learning outcomes. Critique traditional and authentic assessment tools and tasks for learning in the context of established guidelines on test construction. Explain the function of a Table of Specifications and compute student’s grade based on DepEd’s grading policy.



The assessment is one of my concerns on teaching and learning process. It is not only because of the teachers’ obligation but also may problem and issues that happened in my country related to the fairness of assessments. My experiences taught me that teaching is not only teaching materials but also giving the meaningful learning experiences for the students.

Assessment of learning provides evidence of student learning and this can be used to inform differentiation and reporting. This is formely known as summative assessment, ‘assessment of learning’ helps to summarise what pupils know, understand or can do against the relevant year level achievement standard for different learning areas/subjects in order to report on achievement and progress.

Assessment of learning requires teachers to make judgements about students learning and communicate to parents, other teachers and to students themselves about what students know and can do, in relation to the standard-referenced frameworks of syllabuses.effective implementation of assessments for and as learning ensures that the results do not come a surprise to students and parents/careers.

It is important that the underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible and defensible. Gathering information overtime and triangulating assessment of learning information assissts in ensuring the accuracy of decisions made.




What is it like to work as a TEACHER? What makes a TEACHER one of the most respected professionals in the Philippines? What distinguishes a teacher from other professionals? What distinguishes a teacher as a person and a profession?

This episode will give you the opportunity to observe teachers at work in order to answer the question posed.


Teachers have multiple roles in today’s society and it is upsetting when the teachers out in classrooms do not want teachers hold themselves in the classroom acan deeply affect their education as well as their self-worth from the time whn they are in the teacher’s classroom. Further on, and so it is imperative that they desire to be with their students and desire to make a positive impact.

Teachers are one of the most significant members of a society. They are also one of the most influencial professionals in the community. Before a teacher becomes a professional facilitator, motivator, initiator and teachers are essential learner of their own nature. Professionals will not be professionals without professional teachers in the society. Socially speaking, teachers are active contibutor in the progression and development in a social institution. There are teachers’ beliefs that enable them to be professionally developed. Initially, before a teacher can develop chilfren’s way of

lerning, they should have to develop themselves first. There are philosophies, principles, values, that are considered to be important in teaching.





Moving towards teacher quality? Wanted! A Global Teacher of the 21st Century!

In 2013, a Global Status Index was determined by Varkey GEMS Foundation and revealed significant findings. There were 21st countries surveyed which represented the major continents of the world. In most countries that participated, it was found out that like the Philippines, teaching is the most sought profession. It was comparableto being social worker, librarians, nursing and even doctors. Marjority of the parents asked, answered that they encourage their children to become teacher. to them, teaching is one of the most respected and trusted profession.

However, with the change in global landscape, the 21 st century teachers musthave the competence to address the new learning environment, new learning contents, the process of learning and how these are facilities and the new types of learners. Hence, we need the new type of teachers, a global 21st century Filipino teacher.

(Global Teacher Status Index p. 123 Teaching Profession)


Things are changing in this modern society at an epidemic rate. The world is starting to become much more interconnected and technology is constantly changing the world. We now live in an increasingly different, globalized, and complicated media saturated culture. So this Technological overthrow will have a greater change in education. Our students are facing many difficulties like increased population, climate change. Health deficiency, primary poverty and other environmental changes. Teaching in the 21st century has come about due to the realization that the current education system has fallen behind the modern world, become outdated and ineffectual. Wew are over a decade into century which has brought forth an information age with limitless resources and instant access to information.

21st century teaching and learning means that students are connected to other learners and resources throughout the world, where they prepare themselves as a problem solver. They build their learning around releevant issues, collaborate through in an ever evolving economy driven world. Students explire the ways to be creative and quickly adapt to the wold’s changing trends. They develop themselves as master of the task in hand and as world leader. Preparing students for the 21st century is not just about technology or skills for the global economy. Today teachers must be innovators, mentor, enterprneurs, motivator, illuminators and catalysts.



The Department of Education requires teacher applicants to write their educational philosophy. This means they must write their concept of the learner's nature, how the learner learns, and how the learner should live in order to live life meaningfully. The teacher candidates describe how they should relate to the learner, what to teach, and how to teach so that the learner learns and lives life happily and meaningfully based on these philosophical concepts.


I believe a good teacher, first has a powerful faith in the future. Like the forester planting an oak seedling knowing he/she will never see the tree in all its glory, I know I may never see the fruits of my labors as teacher. My calling is to plant and nurture seeds that will grow and shape tomorrow.

The good teacher knows and understands students, how thay develop and learn. I know that students actively contruct and transform their own knowledge based on past experiences and prior learning. I know that students do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate. I believe it is my responsibility as a teacher to be effective diagnostician of students’ interests, abilities,and prior knowledge. I must then plan learning experiences that will both challenge and allow every student to think and grow.

I believe a good teacher must also understand motivation and the effects of peer interactions on learning. I want all my students to achieve at high levels, so I avoid


sorting them and setting them up to compete with each other. I know most learning happens through social interactions; therefore, I structure learning so that students productively collaborate and cooperate with each other the vast majority of class time.


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