Breathe 03

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Breathe A live collaboration 03

Glasgow School of Arts Year 3, 2019 Interior Design Studio

This project is a live collaboration with Plystudio Architects, as we work on creating and designing a new learning space for the Rainbow Centre. Removing our preconceptions on how a typical school should be for people with disabilities. To find a more purposeful way of designing for them, moving away from the institutional school type to a more creative, nurturing and comfortable environment for learning.

Angel Javier

CONTENT User and Space Ideation - Breathing Space The Horizontal Language The Hill


For this project, in depth research regarding the users are very important. To understand them and how a space affect their emotions and therefore their reactions. As I start on my ideation based on my readings and research, there are some guidelines used on my mindmap to simplify my train of thought. When designing a space it is important to take note that a space is 3 dimensional, therefore categorsing the area of work to; Ceiling Element, Windows/Door Element, Wall Element and Furniture Element, this helped me branch out to 4 more important aspects when desiging them in relation to the users which are; Access/Mobility, Experiences/Sensory Awareness, Safety/Security, Health/Well being, as shown on the mindmap.



USER AND SPACE Learning more about the user and the environment they are in plays a huge part when designing for the users as they are what the space caters for. Designing for children with PTSD and ASD their perception of the space is very important as this would automatically create a response out of them. Knowing the right Visual, Auditory and Tactile Stimulation for them can highly affect their learning and actions. Having the right environment is very crucial to their growth and learning.

Images from Site Visit:


The classrooms and hallways are noticeably dark and gloomy for various reasons. From an outsider perspective this space does not seem like a nurturing and comfortable place to learn for children with special disabilities.

Images related to Special Educational Spaces: From these images collected from research, the use of sensory (eg. tactile, auditory, visual..) is really important when creating a space for them. As they are more sensitive to these things, it is good to make use of them when designing. 8

IDEATION - BREATHING SPACE As it is very crucial with individuals with PTSD and ASD to have a space where they can be alone from time to time. Other than their physical and practical needs, looking into their emotional and mental needs in relation to the space is where I want to focus on, the idea of a Breathing Space came to mind. Breathing Space - some time to pause, recover and get organised. A space provided to breathe and be away from busy surroundings. "Can this bring a sense of belonging and independency?"


Table Mountain Movable shelving and tables for effecient use of space. It can also aid with learning to be responsible for their own item.

Table Mountain 02 As it is movable, individuals are able to create boundaries for their own breathing space when needed.

Window Task Bank Sensitivity to light and shadow and to aid their sense of responsibility and belonging urges this design out. A way to filter light by the use of acrylic tubes, gives space for a task bank that can be filled by each individual.


Personal Cave

Small Hill

Testing the sensitivity to tactile and a converging space. How does it feel to be in such a space? Relaxing? Comforting? Like an embrace?

A model of a chair, sense of being free?

Space and I Us in spaces. Curiousity to the emotions, actions and responses to such spaces. Mostly spaces that reminds me of a mother embracing a child.


Hill's Cave

, stairs, hill. Does this give me a ?

How about a mixture of both the Personal Cave and Small Hill? Does this help give a breathing space?

Hill's Cave Idea A space to learn for the stairs and a space to be alone, away from the busy environment inside the cave. With a maximum of 2 people in the cave for personal space.

2 Hill's Cave Face to face, how does the space change? Would the atmosphere change? Would the cave still be perosnal or shared? Maybe this is not it. 12

THE HORIONTAL LANGUAGE When creating the models something becomes clearer as I continue to create, and this is the Horizontal Language. As tested previously, I continued with the use of this transulscent paper material for the models.Being sensitive with their tactile and visual senses, why not utalise this? Cutting them into long strips and using these to create the hill and the cave lead to some interesting findings.



Light Gradient

Light Filter Test 1

Light Filter Test 2

Making use of the translucent material as shown in the model for filtering and diffusion of light and shadow coming inside the space. This combination helps filter out most of the bright light that might be too sensitive for the children, however there are still gaps that the strong light penetrates through. The light gradient illustrates the intensity of the light that comes through the material.

For this combination, overlapping t helps filter out the light even better. light from the outside are completely fi out the complete loss of the sunlight. M space could still be nicely litted without strong for the eyes.

*As the sensitivity of individuals with ASD with lights and shadows affects their concentration, I decided to play with this materials to come up with another way of filtering the sunlight rather than using blinds and simply covering natural light. The experiments done are the process for choosing the best way to layer them that would produce less shadow and control the sunlight coming in as well. 15

the material . The bright iltered withMeaning the t it being too

Light Gradient

Light Gradient

Light Filter Test 3 With the same concept as Test 2, as illustrated this is overlapped as well but by being on top of each other. As shown, there are gaps made when done like this, a possibility for an extra space that could be filtered within. The light gradient in the room is more filtered now as well.



Lines and Curves With the use of Light Filter Test 3 combination, I am able to create curves out of these horizontal lines. Shown are the process models that are carefully done to create varieties of possible typology for a breathing space. With the protruding curves, I am able to create an image of a hill, with its stairs/chair and therefore, creating a converging space in return. Is it possible to create the Hill's Cave Idea with the translucent material to help diffuse the natural light?




4 Can you see the Hill's Cave?


The Site - Rainbow Centre Choosing one of the many classrooms in the old building of Rainbow Centre, my priority is to be able to create a seamless transition from the breathing space to the focus space and vice versa. This is important for the individuals with ASD as abrupt changes in the surroundings can have a negative reaction from them and could disrupt their concentration.

Division of Space


With the models created it helped me realised the possibility of a Breathing Space wihtin the classroom itself without disrupting the other students and the environment.

Hoping that in the Breathing and Creativity Space, the students are provided with a more liberated space for themselves where they can creatively learn, where being responsible for oneself can be tested.

As the Breathing Space would be hindden behind the hill while the front is cosidered to be in the Creativity Space where it is more for casual learning like drawing, creating and reading stories.

With a less stricter environment but not void of learning, the children are able to have a sense of belonging wtihin the space.

In the Focus Space is where the teachers are able to focus on them more individually in their learnings. Segregating these spaces could give the students a sense of space and time to do each when. This helps create a rythm within their schedules, with the help of space segregation just with the use of different tactile materials for the floor.


THE HILL It started with the idea of a Breathing Space that hopefully could tend to the emotianl and mental need of the children within the school. Now it does not only provide a space for them to have a breather but it also helps segregate the spaces to have a better learning experience and that helps promote responsibility and a sense of belonging.

With the material suggested to be used for The Hill, I am able to make use of it as well to help diffuse the natural light that could be distratctive for the students.

Illustration of the Hill 21

A sketch of the breathing space and diffusement of light 22

White Translucent Acrylic

For The Hill it needs to be a translucent material to be able to diffuse light and that is sturdy and bendable. This is the material enveloping the Breathing Space as well.

Light Oak Wood

Flooring for the Focus Space, this can help indicate the time and space to focus and study.


Green Shag Carpet As I want to create a casual environment for the Creative Space and Breathing Space, having it in green colour (the idea of being outdoor/ the grass) can help the children to adjust in the environment .smoothly.

Without the materials it is harder to identify the division and segregation of space. 24

A sketch for planning.

The Hill colouring is for illustration purposes only.


These curves are calculated for the Breathing Space to have more head space.

These are the only steps allowed for sitting, for the safety of the students.



The sitting area can be cushioned for the students.


A soft natural light glow for the Breathing space to be able to rest comfortably and a gradual filtering of the light let the students concentrate more on the Focus Space. The material used for the wall is the cotton duck fabric that helps bounce acoustics and therefore lessing the unecessary noise in the space that could distract the students.


This illustrates a classroom with The Hill, a boy spending a few minutes alone in the Breathing Space, while in the Creative Space there are students playing around and a teacher getting ready for the next lesson in the Focus Space.



How many can sit at the same time on The Hill? "Maybe 9 comfortably."


A new space to learn, n


nurture and be at ease.



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