5 SEO trends for small business owners to gain traction in 2019

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5 SEO trends for small business owners to gain traction in 2019 SEO will become more important in 2019. It is not going to be dead, in fact, SEO will become more important. It’s time to take our annual look at what’s ahead for SEO professionals in 2019.

What SEO strategies and tactics will work and help you dominate in the SERPs and earn more revenue in 2019?

Image Source: https://image.freepik.com/free-vector/businessman-looking-the-future-concept_23-2147505108.jpg

When the Digital Success team worked with several local and small businesses, we uncovered a sad truth. Most of the SEO agencies don’t guide the small and local businesses on SEO strategies that can work best for their business. Just to show results (almost instantaneously), these SEO agencies use infamous and dishonest SEO malpractices like shady and black hat strategies (that can even make the website of small business owners blacklisted). Unfortunately, the innocent small and local businesses don’t realize that they are being ripped of their precious dollars. The spurious SEO agencies take advantage of the fact that they are novices to judge the quality of the SEO services. At the end, these businesses are left with lost business, reputation and SEO investment as well.

Success requires implementing the latest best practices throughout your website while establishing authority with Google. Small business owners can educate themselves on the best practices to gain online traction with the latest SEO trends and grow their business in 2019. 1. Optimize content to cater to user needs The consumers are changing. They need your website to cater to their specific requirements. You can start with identifying the most suitable buyers and analyze their needs. Search engines are getting smarter to display only relevant content to users. If you are targeting your small business to rank high on a search engine, conduct a search yourself with the most business relevant keywords. Ensure that your SEO agency analyzes what your competitors are doing, and include keywords and key phrases, videos and images, all the key components that your users are searching for. 2. Get responsive Remember that your consumers are always on the move. Ensure that you cater to their requirements quickly with a responsive website. Don’t ever think that responsive websites are only for the big brands. With the ever-increasing number of consumers adopting multiple devices, you need to deliver the content fast. 3. Adopt social media channels Small business owners often think that social media is for the big brands. Your consumers are constantly using social media channels and you can’t ignore these anymore. You need to connect with the consumers on social media channels and hear what they have to say about your brand (their concerns/feedback/queries are critical for your business). 4. Optimize Google My Business and local pages Google My Business must be the focal point for any small business. It’s free and makes a huge impact. Optimize the Google My Business Listing and ensure that you fill all the relevant fields. Include photos, videos and complete contact information to make your business searchable. Small businesses benefit hugely from their business in local places. Local listings are the new avenue that is as effective as word of mouth marketing. People trust in the recommendations of other users. These sites become the trusted source for online consumers. 5. Ensure that you have a smart SEO strategy A smart SEO strategy for small business owners includes prioritizing some high-value keywords and purchasing a few budget-friendly ads. Building backlinks, creating regular blog posts and writing guest posts must also be an instrumental part of the Smart SEO Strategy of small business owners.

You might think that you can manage content and social media on your own, and perhaps you can. Educate yourself with the right tactics, try a trusted digital marketing agency to work on these aspects for a few months and train you simultaneously. If you wish to lead the SEO game in 2019, allow us to help you. Let’s get stated.

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