Mind Bubbles - May 15

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MIND BUBBLES Dear parents and students, the summer is finally here, which means that another school year has come to an end. After a lot of hard work, we are ready to send off our students to the Cambridge exams and hope for the best. However, our goals are not minimised to just doing well at the exams but to constantly propelling our students to improve. So, dear students, during our holidays don't forget English. Instead I urge you to read; read English books, articles, stories, poems - whatever makes you happy! I wish you all a relaxing summer! Enjoy reading! All the best, Demetra Aristodemou KES School of Languages Coordinator

Αγαπητοί γονείς και μαθητές, το καλοκαίρι επιτέλους έφτασε και μια ακόμη σχολική χρονιά έφτασε στο τέλος της. Μετά από πολλή σκληρή δουλειά, είμαστε έτοιμοι να στείλουμε τους μαθητές μας στις εξωτερικές εξετάσεις Cambridge. Είναι αυτονόητο οτι ευχόμαστε για το καλύτερο πιθανό αποτέλεσμα, αλλά οι στόχοι μας δεν περιορίζονται στα καλά αποτελέσματα. Στόχος μας είναι η συνεχής βελτίωση. Για αυτό αγαπημενοι μου μαθητές, μην ξεχάσετε τα Αγγλικά κατά τη διάρκεια του καλοκαιριού. Βάλτε στο πρόγραμμά σας να διαβάζετε Αγγλικά βιβλία, άρθρα, ιστορίες ή ποιήματα ο,τι σας ευχαριστεί! Εύχομαι σε όλους ένα ξεκούραστο καλοκαίρι.... με μπόλικο διάβασμα! Με τις καλύτερες μου ευχές, Δήμητρα Αριστοδήμου KES School of Languages Coordinator

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Littles Writers’ Corner A letter giving news Hi Christine, How are you? I’ve got some exciting news to tell you! I have recently taken up karate! I practise two times a week with my teacher. I think karate is good because it teaches you to protect yourself. Last month I won third place in a competition and I am going to take part in another competition in the future. Well, that’s all for now. What about you? Have you take up any new activities lately? Write back and let me know. Take care, Marilena Fotsios SS1

Write a story which ends with the following words: “Ted never wanted to go there again.” While my friend Ted and I were walking in the dark night we decided to go into a haunted house. As soon as we got there we saw a green monster coming towards us. We hid but the monster found us and we ran to save ourselves. While we were running the green monster caught us and it locked us in one room. Ted and I were crying for help while thinking of a plan. The plan was Ted to shout at it and when it came, I would hit it and then we would go home.

Write a story which ends with the following words: “Ted never wanted to go there again.”

When we finished the plan, we did it. Ted was shouting and the monster came. I hit it with the chair very hard, the chair I found in the room. When I hit it, the green monster got hurt and we ran very fast to go to our house.

One night my friend Ted and I went to the haunted house to see what was in it. Suddenly it started raining and we were scared. We ran in the house and we stayed there.

When we got there we told our family what happened but they didn’t believe us. Ted never wanted to got there again.

While we were checking it my friend Ted was gone and I went to look for him. While I was looking for him I heard Ted shouting and I ran to him. When I found him, he was in a hole and he was scared. I immediately helped him. Then my friend Ted and I continued checking that house and suddenly we saw a ghost! We shouted for help but it wasn’t a ghost it was a grandfather. He asked as what we were doing there and we explained to him.

Christos Christoforides SS3

In the end we went home and I was so shocked! I told the story to my parents but my friend Ted never wanted to go there again. Anastasia Moukhlova SS3

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Littles Writers’ Corner What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games? Many people think that computer games have disadvantages and advantages. The first disadvantage that computer games have, is that lots of people are addicted to them and they can’t stop playing. This happens mostly to teenagers. The reason is that the parents let the children play about 4-5 hours a day and the teenagers can’t get off the computer. The second disadvantage is that most of the people wear glasses, or they have health problems. Let me explain how it happens. When people look for hours on the computer screen the eyes hurt and they go to the doctor and tell them that they must wear glasses and that’s why people have these problems. The third disadvantage is that people have to pay a lot of money for the electricity, because they were playing for hours on the computer. However, computer games have advantages too. The first advantage is that people have fun, when they play computer games. The second advantage is that when you don’t have anything to do, you might play computer games. The third advantage of computer games is that you can communicate with other people, in other countries, in the game. My opinion about computer gems is that its okay to play and have fun with the games but in moderation, and you will not be addicted to the games.

Maria Grammatikopoulou SS3

What are the advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games? Technology in our days has advanced very much. Something that many teenagers and adults love is computer games, but like all things it has benefits and drawbacks. People like computer games because they are enjoyable and they relax you after a difficult day. Also computer games can teach you things. For example you can practice your English or any other language. If you are bored and you haven’t got anything to do, you can play computer games. Additionally you don’t have to pay for computer games and that makes it even more amazing. However, computer games might be very exciting but they harm your health, actually your eyes. Many people wear glasses because they were playing too much on the computer. Computer wastes lots of electricity and then you have to pay lots of money. Furthermore if you play too much computer gems you won’t have time for your studies because you will waste a lot of time on computer and you will get low marks. In my opinion computer games are amazing and it’s good playing them but in moderation. About 1 or 2 hours a day no more. I’ m sure computer games will help you a lot, and you will learn so many new things. Raisa Paraskevidi SS3

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Littles Writers’ Corner

A Story Yesterday evening two friends Bill and Stu decided to go for a walk. The weather was good.

Letter of invitation Dear Costa,

As they were walking, they saw a closed funfair. Bill jumped over the fence because he wanted to play. Stu was afraid to go in because somebody may see them. At the end he decided to go with Bill so he jumped over the fence too.

How’s life? I am writing to invite you to my birthday party on Wednesday 9th July.

Then they wanted to go on the ferris wheel so Bill pressed the button. While the wheel was going round and round, it stopped and they were scared because they were alone on the top of the wheel. They started screaming.

It’s going to be at my house because it is going to rain. I am going to order Burger King and get some soft drinks. I am going to hire a Dj too. He is going to play Electric music and we will dance. I hope you like Electric music.

After 5-10 minutes a man was walking by the funfair and heard the two friends shouting. He got in to help them. He saw that something was going wrong with the button but he fixed it without any problem. When the two boys got off the wheel they thanked the man and ran to their homes. Nefeli Houloude SS1

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I hope you can make it. Anyway, the party starts at 8 am until 10 pm. Tell me if you can not make it. Bye for now, Theophanis Stylianou SS1

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Article The parking problem in the city is well-known but is a multi-storey parking garage the solution or not? Growing populations in cities has led to the dilemma if Lawton park should be replaced by a multi-storey parking place. To start with, this building would definitely satisfy the needs of the community because the lack of parking space is a serious problem that needs to be solved. Furthermore a lot of people would be employed to guard the cars and to keep everything in order. On the other hand the construction of a multi-storey parking garage would be at the expense of nature. For instance by destroying the park a whole ecosystem would be destroyed with it. What is more, a lack of regard for the needs of children would be shown. Children deserve a place where they can enjoy nature and have fun at the same time and we have no right to take it away from them. Taking everything into account there are both advantages and disadvantages in building a multi-storey parking garage.From my point of view the construction of this building is necessary however it should be placed somewhere that it won’t harm the environment. Isabel Campos FCE

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Letter based on prompts Dear Editor, I am writing in response to the article in your newspaper about the ban on cars in the downtown area. To start with, I agree with encouraging people to use bicycles. There is less noise, less air pollution and no waste of money for petrol. Besides that, it is healthier for people because they are getting more active. On the other hand, it won’t be convenient for senior people. They prefer to drive their car because it’s more comfortable. Besides that, not everyone can use bicycles. People who are moving out or live in the city centre will find difficulties too. They can’t leave their car at the car park and go on foot to the their neighbourhood. Also, what about emergency situations? If somebody needs to go to the hospital, he wouldn’t be able to catch the bus or use the bike. Taking everything into account, I am against the ban on cars in the down town area. I believe that cars should be allowed and that other ways to encourage people to ride bicycles should be used. Yours truly, Radina Raykova Pre-FCE

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MIND BUBBLES Review of a film In 2001 a great film was made “I am Sam” and was a huge success in the American movie industry. It was directed by Jessie Nelson and the leading actors were Sean Penn as Sam, Dakota Fanning as his daughter and Michelle Pfeifer as a lawyer, who would help him in his case. The film takes place in New York, where Sam, who has developmental disabilities, is the father of Lucy. Sam however it left to raise his daughter alone, as his wife leaves him. But that is not the end. You will also see him getting help raising her from his neighbours, and his friends, who share similar disabilities. Things don’t always go as planned however as social worker takes Lucy from Sam because of his disability. Sam is left alone until he finds a high powered lawyer Nita, who will help him with his case.

A letter based on prompts Dear Sir/Madam,

The acting was moving and excellent. So was the soundtrack form the Beatles. Every acto’sr performance was spectacular.

I am writing to complain about the MP4 player I have ordered from your company. I have to say that your advertisement was misleading.

I am Sam is both moving and funny. So it’s definitely worth watching.

To begin with, your advertisement stated that the MP4 player would have a 20% discount if I bought it online which I actually did. However, when I checked my credit card bill I was charged with the full price.

Ayham Salma Pre-FCE

Besides this, in your advertisement it was mentioned that the delivery wouldn’t be charged but when I received the product, I was charged for delivery too. Moreover, you claimed that the MP4 player is available in 5 different colours but when I was ordering online there was only one colour available. Finally I must point out that I never received the €40 voucher which would be given to me if I bought the MP4 player before January. Considering the above, I believe I am entitled to a refund of 20% discount and the delivery cost. I also request the €40 voucher which I never received and if it’s possible to change the colour of the MP4. I would appreciate if you would deal with this matter as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Maria – Helen Papadopoulou Pre-FCE

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