Andrew Clark Portfolio 2021

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Work i n g fo r t h e Ca m p i n g a n d Ed u ca t i o n Fo undat io n, I a nd d o c k fo r t h e l a ke of B u r n et Wo o d s , Cincinnat i. Th e Fu t u res i n i t i a t i ve s a n d wa s to b e t h e f i rs t p h as e built o n pa rk , a n d wo r k a s a b a s e fo r o u r p l a n n e d “U rban Explo re tog et her m a ny of t h e c u r re nt re s o u rce s of B urnet Wo o ds w t hat pro m ote s s u s ta i n a b l e l i v i n g b a s e d o n t h e co ncept s to edu ca te t h e C l i f to n co m m u n i t y a b o u t s us tainable livin adu l t s a s t h ey i nte ra c t w i t h n a t u re a n d t h e o utdo o rs . I n a pl aysca p e s fo r t h e p a r k, l e d a g ro u p of s tudent s in f urt pri nted a 1 3 0 - p a ge b o o k of co m b i n e d s t u d ent res earch p a r ks b o a rd s , c i ty of f icials , an



wa s taske d w i th d es i g n i ng a boat b u i l d e r m a ke rs p a ce e bu i lding was to fol l ow t he L i v i ng B u i l d i n g a n d Li v i n g n t h e on t h e p ar k. The makers pa ce wa s to re a c t i va te t h e ers Prog ra m.” Th e g oal s of the progra m a re to h e l p b r i n g w i t h innovati ve and i ntera c t i ve edu ca t i o n a l p ro g ra m m i n g s of Liv ing Futures . The v i si on of t his n ew i n i t i a t i ve wa s ng a nd to d evel o p pos i t i ve rel at i ons h i p s w i t h yo u t h a n d a ddition to th e m aker spa ce, I des i gn e d ove r te n n a t u ra l ther expand i ng th e res earc h and de s i gn , d e s i g n e d a n d a n d work, and p resented the proj ec t n u m e ro u s t i m e s to nd co m muni ty member g rou ps .


Boatbuilding classes would be a key component of the Camping and Education Foundation’s Urban Wilderness Program and would encourage a flurry of activity in and around the lake area. Students could learn boatbuilding starting in the woodshop of the south wing of the building and see it through completion and onto the water.

12’ 6”

12’ 6”




350 sf




Wood Shop



1800 sf


WATER | Rainwater collected from the roof system is stored in cisterns to be recycled throughout the park. A green roof filter slows down runoff and filters stormwater before it reaches the ground. H E A LT H & H A P P I N E S S | Building a canoe in the Makerspace is a mental and physical exercise. STEM skills, teamwork, and a variety of other necessary life skills are needed when building a canoe. MATERIAL | The horizontal wood siding is charred wood, reclaimed from fallen trees in the park. The vertical siding is upcycled from used pallet boards. New materials are locally sourced. E N E R G Y | Roofed and freestanding solar panels throughout the park, a pond loop geothermal system, and solar water heaters will power and heat the building and other systems. PLACE | Replacing an existing shed, the Makerspace requires little land movement. Digging into the hill, with retaining walls on all sides, allows the building to become part of the hillside. Located at the end of the lake, the Makerspace has easy access to the water. BEAUTY | The maker space is designed to have a timeless, natural look that matches the aesthetic of the park. An incorporated dock system and open sliding glass doors make the space light and inviting. EQUITY | Canoeing is an activity


that can be enjoyed by many diverse demographics, and the Makerspace aims to make canoeing, as well as boatbuilding, accessible to the Clifton neighborhood.

Burnet Woods was once a prime spot for canoeing and other water activities alike. A new makerspace, along with a rejuvenated dock system, could help restore this perception of Burnet Woods.


Staged across from the Trailside Nature Center, at the end of the lake, this space would house the Camping and Education Foundation’s Urban Wilderness Program and provide learning activities for all demographics.



Th e s i te fo r t h i s p ro je c t wa s d e s igned in co lla d e s i g n e d i n d i v i d u a l b u i l d i n gs us ing a des ign fa m i l y b l o c k to c re a te a fo r m of co mmunit y w We fo c u s e d o n i s s u e s of s o c i al engagement p ro d u c t i o n to i nfo r m o u r u r b a n h o us ing pro p co u r t ya rd t h e h o u s i n g i s i nte n d ed to pro duce of d ow ntow n C i n c i n n a t i – Ove r t h e Rh ine and FC C i n c i n nat i Stadium, a



a b o ration w i th th ree ot her st u dent s , w h o e a c h n lan guage I p ro p o sed. We desi g n e d a m u l t i w i t h, a nd w i th i n, the evol v i n g u rba n co ntex t . t , eco log ical h eal t h, i nc l u s i v i t y, a nd c u l t u ra l p o s a l. Using d i sti n c t pa t hwa ys and a ce nt ra l e a n ew co nnec ti o n poi nt bet ween t wo e d ge s d t he Westsi d e , as wel l a s wel comi n g t h e n ew a nd a near by fo o d bank .

My p re p ose d d e si g n l an g uag e b e g i n s wi th a b ui l d i n g m ass d ete r m i n e d by our si te d e si g n .

O p e n i n g s f rom the b ui l d i n g she l l e m p hasi ze the i m p or tan ce of tran sp are n cy i n that p ar ti cul ar p rog ram m ati c are a of the b ui l d i n g .

Ve r ti cal f i n s p rovi d e shad i n g an d ad d i ti on al re p eti ti ve d e pth to the façad e .

Each un i t i s g i ve n un i que op e n i n g s, l i n i n g up wi th the f i n s.


Th e fa çade of my b u i l di ng res p on ds the f i rst fl oor prog ram, p e e l i ng u p t h e shell, to ex p os e t h e histo ric ra d i o recordi ng studio, t h e l ea s i ng offices a n d t h e p u b l i c halls.






















Public Study

Radio BOH


Garden Booth





Floor Study


950 sf

“Starting-Out Singles” is the largest group of renters in the US today. This one bedroom is intended to accommodate for this group as well as allow room to entertain.


1750 sf

The three bedroom is meant to accommodates for young families and roommate groups, with large living areas and a balcony looking over the site.



This investigation focu constructive matter of arc and its capacity to inform Spatial atmosphere is co positioning, shaping, an activ



uses on the elemental, chitecture and landscape m atmospheric qualities. nstructed by sequencing, nd detailing spaces and ities.


C o m bi ni ng i t er ative tecto n ic e x p eri ment s , an d sequen c in g mod u l e crea t i o n s, I design ed a s a u na t o ex p ress an d distin guish j oi nt s , b ou nd aries, an d spaces. T h e encl os u re system an d e v oca t i ve s equen ce fit in to the l a n d s ca pe of t he site in No rth B e nd Pa r k, Vi rgin ia.


Showering traditionally takes place both before and after the sauna, making it important to enter and exit through a changing room/ shower.

The sauna room itself has tiered seating for groups on either side of the coal heater.

The sauna is designed to be a carefully calibrated thermal environment, with intentionally private framed views of the landscape.


Seemingly balanced by its walkway, the building hangs over the lake, allowing the traditional post sauna cooling plunge to take place in the lake itself.



In s p i re d by t h e Vi l l a Sa voye , t h e des ign of t h a p ro m e n a d e w i t h i n s m a l l e r d wellings . By im m et h o d , d we l l e rs a n d gu e s t s a like are fo rce f l o at ing in bet wee



his rowho use ac ts a s an ex peri ment i n u s i n g m p l e m enting ramp s a s t he pri ma ry a s ce n s i o n ed to slow d ow n and ex peri en ce t he s p a ce s en, one a t a ti m e.



FLOOR 1-1.5


OpenAir Garden








Open-Air Garden

Car Ramp



FLOOR 2-2.5

FLOOR 2.5-3


Open-Air Garden




Laundry up




Library/ Study

Library/ Study






Repetitive columns on either side of the house cantilever the ramps and sandwich the floating floors as well as the private core, housing the restroom and laundry.

The client for the project, a single bonsai master, needed room for his many gardens, with both direct and indirect light, and many guests.

Hidden behind the more traditional façade, are inverted balconies, opening up the relation of the dweller to the street, in opposition to the neighboring rowhouses.


The continuous upwardflow of the home ends aptly in the final greenroom, looking over a planted roof.

Being a single residence, the bedroom itself has flexibility in its privacy levels with a mounted curtain system. The bedroom also contians a private balcony garden adjacent to the bed.


While occupying a space the dweller has interesting sightlines to other programmatic spaces, as shown here with the kitchen onlooking to the dining and beyond to the balcony garden.


D e s i g n e d to e l eva te t h e s e n s o ry experience s e p a ra t i o n of l i ght a n d d a r k, w it h a minima re l a t i n g to t h e ro c ky h i l l s i d e . Th e des ire fo r vie l e d to t h e wa ve l i ke n a t u re of th e s t ruct ures , view ing



of a poo l h o use, t hi s proj ec t foc u se s o n t h e a l pa la te of m ate ri al s merg i n g the g a p, a n d ews of both th e l a nds cape a nd t he c i t y b e l ow , falling to quarry l i ke spa ces and ris i n g to a g dock.



The pool house meanders in section, mocking the river below.

Mirrored rises and falls of the built landscape provide balance to either side of the main walkway.

The platform looks over the forested hillside to frame a unique view of the city and river below.


The rise to the platform hovers over the decent to the underground pool. A gap between the stairs and the larger pool allows filtered light and water to flow down and illuminate the space.




In this study, I explored computa and repetitive geometries. Throug I experimented with ways of com geometries that are based on recta components and con


n Modernism

tional possibilities of grid-based gh voxel ization and discretization mputing and generating complex angular arrangements of standard nstruction materials.







dankie faleminderit merci mèsi chokra chnorakaloutioun çox sag olun / tesekkur e / milesker Дзякую natôtela / twatôtela d kié hvala trugéré / trugaré / trugarez мер salamat Баркал wado zikomo xièxie Тавта na / birepo na som dank u wel / dank je th you very much) akpé akiba takk fyri vinaka racias / graciñas merkzi danke awiliudo þu υχαριστώ aguyjé aabhar mèsi nagode ma daalu terima kasih taiku go raibh maith a tanemmirt dhanyavadagalu rahmet (orkun pas Рахмат wopila / pilamaya khob chai m abouï ngan gràçie matondi ačiū bedank misaotra terima kasih nanni niżżik ħajr / gr aabhar / dhanyavaad welalin n'fa n'fa ba j'vo-z-attaqui / adanque takk m-sapo me buznyg] danki manana tashakor motashak ersi dziękuję obrigado / obrigada sukriya спасибоgiitu faafetai lava singuila gratz boha marahaba waita meharbani stuutiyi

ane sahite Choukran Barak Allahu fiik edirem a ni kié ayùe me yéga eskerrik asko dhanyabaad tanemmirt tangio tumas a ni рси / благодаря kyay tzu tin pa te gràcies апу/ Тав grazie hvala děkuji / díky tak gha hank you dankon tänan / tänan väga (tha a kiitos enachè nuwe merci dankewol graci us / awiliudo thank you igqis / awiliudo izw ahalo toda dhanyavad köszönöm takk ime agat / go raibh maith agaibh) grazie ariga n) matôndo murakoze murakozesobodi tenk matôndo gratias ago gratias agimus pald kt / dank ju wel merci благодарам / фала razzi / nirringrazzjak kia ora aabhari aahe ayarlalaa barka akewa dhanyabad subha ercé / grandmercé miigwetch takk бузныг kkeram, mamnun / mochchakkeram, mamnu diboti sulpáy mauruuru najis tuke mulţume zias tapadh leat tapadh leibh хвала ke ya ďakujem hvala hvala waad mahadsantah

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