SD Biz May 2020 - Business Magazine

Page 22

| 22 SD Biz - May 2020

Business I.T solutions and moving with


The top of our list has to be remote access for offices; this is a huge positive for any business large or small as it improves efficiency massively. Having remote access set up allows you as a company to store company data and desktops in the cloud, this then means owners and their employees can access desktops from any location and from any device, this is a huge plus for productivity as important work can be accessed whenever needed without needing to get into the office. Your data no matter what industry you’re in is essential to you and how your business operates, so it’s imperative to keep such valuable data accessible, secure and updated at all times; you are safe-guarding what is precious to you as a company. We

now live in a digital world, this is a great world to be in but it also opens the doors for data loss, hacking or simple technology failures and if you are a nonremote access business you are at higher risk of losing your data, this is because you are storing on hard drives, accessible from only one vantage point. Why put your business at risk when there is a solution? Second on the list is migration of your emails & data to Office 365 & the cloud. No we are not talking about those fluffy white things in the sky, we are talking about cloud computing which in the simplest terms means storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of via

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