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Trinidad is refered to as a melting pot because it is home to people of many different cultures, who identify as Trinidadians.

Contents pg. 4

5 Fetes

PG. 8

Land of Mom and Pop Shops

pg. 10


pg 14


Fun Times with Zakiya and Kobi Zakiya, 24 and Kobi, 24, have been visiting Trinidad their entire lives. Although not born Trinidadians, these two long time friends turn family are Trinis by blood. Most members in both of their families either was born on the island or still live in the country. For that reason Trinidad is identified as their home. These young woman are graduates of Maryland HBCUs and working professionals. As the years pass, these young ladies find themselves enjoying and anticipating the culture of Trinidad.

Why do you Love Trinidad?


I love Trinidad because

of how vibrant and fun

our culture is... We have delicious foods, great

music, breath-taking

beaches and all around

good vibes.�

“ We have created the only musical instrument to be invented in the twenieth century, the steel pan.�

David Richards David Richards, a husband and father of two boys, is a Radiology Technologist. He has lived in Trinidad his whole life. Although he has travelled outside of the country on a few occasions, he still identifies Trinidad as his home. To David, Trinidad is where he was raised and where he choses to raise his children. Although he has his career, David owns is also a business owner. His most recent venture was the investment into a local caribeean restaurant. The menu is full of delicious and authentic Trini food.

Trinidad is a beautiful country of course, but there are aspects of Trinidad that David believe could use some improvements. There is a level of awareness that one most have coming to Trinidad, but people should always be alert when going to any place that they are not familiar with, that is just the reality of our world.

Land of Mom and Pop Many shops and businesses located on the island are owned by the people of the country. Family businesses is a normal to the people. Some people even offer products or provide services out of the comfort of their homes. In larger towns you can see business owners available at all hours of the day and night to conteract the competitive market.

Most businesses are family owned, but that is not to say there arent any franchised businesses or corporate companies in the country. Franchised restaurants and foreign businesses are becoming popular with the people. That may have an adverse affect on the necessity of small businesses as consumers recieve their services elsewhere.

p Shops

Petal Anderson Petal Anderson, a born Trinidadian, has always seen Trinidad as her home. She has since relocated and claimed permanant residence in Maryland. Since moving away from Trinidad, she has made a habit of visiting regularly and keeping in contact with family and friends. Visiting her home and identifiyng with her culture is something that Petal felt needed to be passed down to her own family. Being from Trinidad means that carnival is apart of who she was. Throughout her life, Petal

different countries and experiencing not only their culture, but also the carnivals of other countries. With her experience in travelling, she will always agree that Trinidad’s carnival cannot be replicated and for that reason, amongst other, she

Joash "Honey Badger" Walkins PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHT ER Joash is a 26 year old MMA fighter. He was born in Trinidad and was introduced to the craft of martial arts in the earlier stages of his life. He competed in tournaments and quickly climbed the ranks where he eventually received his Black Belt in Judo. After many years of training and learning in order to perfect his technique, Joash decided to further his career and become a professional MMA fighter.. Within his career, he gained the opportunity to travel the world and represent Trinidad while doing the

We are a people that love to party, ‘buss ah lime’, fete, and celebrate... accomplisments whether it be on a national or personal level.

Advertising Advertising is conventional in this country, but a bit outdated. Commercial and digital campaigns are on the rise in the country but there are some businesses that are not yet optomizing on the development of technology. Many people receive businesses through word of mouth, but promote using street art. Instead of the usual spray painted artist designs, most walls are covered with contact information for local businesses in search of new costumers. On the highways, billboards hang at every street but they are not the large and sometimes electronical ones that we are accustom to seeing in today’s times.



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