Anastasia Angeli Lighting Design Portfolio

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Lighting Design Portfolio Anastasia Angeli Projects 2018-2021

Monthly dérive walks at night Stockholm

Personal Project June 2020 - now

Since moving to Stockholm, I have started carrying out dérive walks around the city, which resulted into coming up with a framework of monthly walks, starting from the same location at 7pm, often being joined by one or two people. This allows us to explore different qualities of light under various weather conditions, emotional states and feelings.

Collage from a series of monthly dérive walks with Elise Perrault and others occasionally


“A City for You” Podcast Moscow - Stockholm

Personal Project Aug 2019 - now

After my graduation from Architecture and Urban Planning Bachelor in the UK, I felt a need to carry on conversation on cities actively going in my life, wherever I go - this encouraged me to create a podcast, which takes shape of weekly interviews with different people, who I ask questions on city and artificial lighting. My podcast is an open space for people to discuss their relationships with the city and hear other views on it. I want people from all over the world to realise that typical citizens, surrounding them, are super interesting people, whose story deserves being heard.

To listen to it, feel free to follow a QR code to the right

Images of podcast quests between in 2020

City Lightscope - Masterplan Stockholm This study project was put together by a group of three students in addition to the main task. It was located on campus around Architecture department building of KTH, linking three areas into one Masterplan.

The group design intention was to invite to use, and to inform people of, the courtyard as a path across campus, creating appreciation of the space.

Crumble Path

Crumble Path A reinterpretation of the “Hop o’ my Thumb” fairytale with a path of crumbles to guide you while embracing the darkness, contrast and shadows within.

Forest Gate

Forest Gate This perception of this area has been shifted from the narrow alley into an inviting and playful gateway into the backyard.

Nordic Glade Masterplan that puts together projects of three groups working on City Lightscope workshop

Nordic Glade This area invites users to journey through a Nordic Glade, bathe under the moonlit lagoon, stop a while on the sauna steps before ambling through the forest into the courtyard.


Additional study project Group work, October 2020

Sketched elevations, connecting sites of the Architectural building Masterplan together

City Lightscope - Forest Gate area Stockholm Here a more detailed explanation on one of the areas is given with sketches and before/after photographs, expressing key components that we wanted to connect to:





Connection Curiosity Warmth Playfulness Identity Alley

Before and after photographs from the final day of City Lightscope project, 2020


Masters study project Group work, October 2020





To capture the empiric value of our design solution, I have filmed and put together a short video that could be also accessed via a QR code

Sketch, diagrammatically showing lighting effects are after in the Forest Gate

Before and after photographs from the final day of City Lightscope project, 2020

City Lightscope - Forest Gate area Stockholm This spread illustrates key moments, created as a part of the Forest Gate Lightscope project some planned for and some that appeared by accident and were chosen to be kept.

1 9 8


7 5


3 4

Key plan with numbers, linked to photographs of effects

1 2



Masters study project Group work, October 2020






9 Photographs from the final day of City Lightscope project, showing the lighting effects and solutions

Media Architecture Biennale Stockholm - online This project is a following from a City Lightscope project shown above that was submitted to a MAB competition on a theme of Futures Implied. Our vision was to maintain a connection between members of a student group whose education has been moved exclusively to a digital space. The intervention aims to evoke shared memories and act like a common companion, shifting the current future implied scenarios to COMMUNITY, CONNECTION and CO-CREATION. In preparation for remote learning, the student group collectively install light scenes in the outdoor courtyard of their physical educational hub, the school of architecture building at KTH, Stockholm. A live video feed of the site is used to create its online identity as it participates as a key element in the student group’s online meetings to offer companionship and an opportunity to connect with the land for the students’ digital community.

Some of the key concepts, illustrated: - materialisation of social energy - integration between physical and virtual - community identity


Competition Group project - Anastasia Angeli, Elin Ghersinich and Siobhan Lawson, 2021 Scenes Conditions

On-site effects

Physical presence in Light frame activated to mark space detected between surveillance area. Warm light dusk - after 10pm in stair area invites people to linger One or more students log Full light scene is activated at into online learning portal dusk for the duration of online between 8am-10pm portal activity. As student (facility open hours) number increase, so does intensity of light effect Students digitally ‘poke’ Subtle movement is created the installation within with the intensity & colour of a plugin in the online the light effect learning portal Default state, no physical Base level lighting, minimum or digital presence light levels. detected / daytime No artificial light during daytime

Passers by are informed of the defined video feed area with the activation of a frame of light and accompanying information board on approach. Those in the pedestrian space are invited to sit & linger in the space as the warm scene fades in, triggered by their presence. Light scenes depicting a Nordic glade with elements representing a moon, lake and sauna are activated when students log into their online portal for presentations or meetings. The intensity of the light effects increase with online activity, providing a visual representation which can be both felt & observed. Students have the option of directly affecting the installation with a ‘poke’ button which generates subtle movement of the light effect at the site. There is a base level of light that defines the main architectural features of the space, visible from the neighbouring office windows & beyond the motion sensors, active from dusk - dawn, providing a minimum level of light for safe passage.

Urban Nightscapes Stockholm This study project was located in Kungsholmen, Stockholm that is currently mainly used as a “path” without having any reason for people to linger there, despite the lake taking a central position there. Hence we have chosen as a group to change the typology of this space from being path into a node, linking in theoretically back to Lynch’ theory (1960). The idea was based on local residents’ comments about the area and ducks living in the area, which inspired us to follow a concept of a “social nest” for local residents, making sure that it stays comfortable for the local ducks too

Masters study project Group work, Oct 2020

Means of achieving that: - introducing wall washers under the benches - adding frosted LED strip under the handrail - capturing indirect light bounced on benches - highlighting geometric forms of the space

- guiding the eye with the light around the water - paint the wall behind the bench in white - using diffused and soft lighting solutions - adding maintenance and dimming strategy - using two different CCT and high CRI values

The lighting section through the lake with three focus areas, shown with users


NORTH internship project Naggar, India - online

Volunteer internship Group project, Sep-Nov 2020

This internship was organised by the selfsustaining community in North India, Himachal Pradesh. The introductory task was to create a short soundscape that would describe the lighting for an intimate gathering of musicians and artists happening deep in the woods. The video can be accessed through the QR code

The main project has been shaped around the Naggar Castle in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India, built around 1460s, currently containing an event space and a hotel. There has been a need for enhancing the run down area leading to the Castle as well, which currently is in the state of being totally unmaintained and having no lights at night, making it impossible to drive or walk there during the night. The result of this quick project do not seem to be aesthetically and practically satisfying to me but I realise that people living in the area might have a better understanding of the cultural contest and local lighting regulations. Sketched over renders of the proposed Naggar Castle area at night

Lighting Machine Stockholm This study project was located north to Östermalm in a derelict site, close to university. One of the lmitations was that we could only use one luminaire for this project - LED Par 30L (18.5 Watt, 900 lumen, 2700K). We wanted to direct the viewer to experience multiple ways in which copper that has been stolen from site can be perceived. This was achieved by presenting the initial element of attraction (the copper pipe) and immersing the user in its various manifestations: • Valuable material on site • Reflecting warmth in a cold place • Copper (tubes) as a transporter of light • Sunset colours that copper can reflect • Antimicrobial properties exploited as a ‘healing factor’ on different levels

Step 1: Inside the box

Step 2: Through the box’ top onto the wall

Step 3: From a mirror towards the viewer

Step 4: Through the screen

A short video has been edited, explaining our project in another format, mimicking the journey through the visitors’ experience. Sketches of the four steps in which the light behaves inside the Lighting Machine


Masters study project Group work, Sep 2020

How it was achieved: • Using the calming effect of warm colours at all four steps of perceiving the project • Utilize copper pipe as attractive factor, stimulating curiosity of a thief/regular visitor from outside when looking through the hole • Tricking the observer with a series of “trompe-l’œil” by reflecting an view of a box that would appear to be the room, captured by the means of photography • Creating an abstract image, conveying a feeling of sunset once a person is inside first looking through the keyhole and then after opening the door





Sketch, explaining our group Lighting Machine

A sketched story of a journey of a copper tube thief into a room that would be immersed into a “sunset” instead

Photo of the Lighting Machine in action

Light 4 Health Philadelphia - online During this four-week International Summer School we have conducted research which led to a light design proposal. The space our group has been working on was located in Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. The room of flexible study was located in the basement of Hayward, East Falls campus with an adjacent building blocking any direct sunlight.

Measurements have been taken at four tables, focusing on table 2 and 4 as the values have different most between them.

Low illuminance values could be explained not only by absence of direct sunlight but also by low reflectance values of room surfaces. Current luminaires in the space also proved to have a low CRI value, insufficient for a study space.

Melanopic values and M/P ratios

Various tools and software, including ALFA, CIE Toolbox and Dialux have been used in the analysis stage of this project.

Horizontal illuminance Measurements A-opic daylight EDI against Melanopic

Photograph by a team TJU member of the space studied


Digital summer school Group Work, Oct 2020

As a result we as a group have put together a vision from the space to be achieved through lighting: creating a stimulating work environment where students feel inspired and motivated. Methods of achieving our vision through light

Visualization of the proposed space at TJU, group work, 2020

VR_Sci+Art Fest Stockholm

Real-life Project Individual work, Sep 2020

I have been invited to be a coordinator at the VR_Sci+Art Fest 2020 which then led to me helping with the lighting set up for the event, Lundahl & Seitl in particular, as it required some lighting to be done to highlight an object that becomes part of the virtual reality experience. The object was a 3D printed chandelier that does not act as a source of light by itself but rather is as an object of interest which it becomes even more if light is cast on it due to its form. I have chosen to use LED Par 30L (18.5 Watt 900 Lumen, 2700K) together with aluminium foil, due to time constraints, in order to direct the light in one direction to also make the shadows become more circular rather than a more precise copy of the shape of the chandelier.

Feel free to watch a short video, focusing on expressing the atmosphere of the event and on the installation, by following the link or via the QR code Photographs of the small light installation I have created for Lundahl & Seitl VR experience set up


Student Nobel Night Cap Stockholm

Real-life project Group work, Oct-Dec 2019

Being a Sound and Light room and process manager, responsible for four rooms at the SNNC (official after-party of the Nobel banquette) has been an experience that has taught me a lot of artificial lighting theory and practice, in terms of thinking process, budgeting and installation, and made me realise that lighting as an element of the space is an aspect I enjoy having control over. One of my rooms was themed as a “Speak Easy” bar. It has been transformed from the microwave university room into a bar with design, light and sound. The other area I was designing lighting for was the entrance, themed as a “Secret Society” club. For that area we created a soft space with slightly discomforting areas that would make visitors feel slightly on the edge and also encourage them to move forward into other rooms. Playing with easily accessible medium, such as filters, craft paper, lanterns and coloured light bulbs allowed us to achieve that, highlighting the choir as other key areas with the spotlight, hanging from above. I also decided to incorporate the tree outside of the biggest window of the room by lighting it up to add to the secretive atmosphere of the whole party. Cast shadows brought some attention outside which broadened the experience of the visitors by linking the party to the outside world that seemed to be completely locked out otherwise.

Photographs from a group project - Speak Easy bar

Photographs from a group project - Secret Society club

How does festive sparkle influence the spacial experience of a (home)office? This study was carried out during winter festive season in Sweden. The influence of festive lighting, in particular, the sparkle effect, is a focus of this study in relation to its influence on the spacial experience. The analysis is split into three sections, based on method, covering different approaches — quantitative, qualitative and phenomenological. This case study has identified some effects of sparkle, showing more appropriate results on the experiential level, concluding that sparkle often is linked to rituals and personal memories, related to season and change of daylight quality

draws visual interest

uplifts environment

adding to a sense of social belonging

Masters case study Individual project, Nov-Dec 2020

creates a feeling of social belogning

distracts from every day routine

ignites spirit of space

inviting memories to flow back to home town

brings up nostalgic moments

brings serenity, delight acts as a stimulus

Layered over sketches with words, identified in the process of thinking about the sparkle


How does artificial street lighting affect our emotions and behaviour at night?

Bachelor Thesis Individual project, 2017-2018

In this year-long dissertation the impact of urban street lighting and its affect on feelings, movement behaviour and use of space was explored, taking Venice as a main case study. In order to examine that, dérive walks have been carried out in London, Moscow, Berlin, Nicosia, Istanbul, Venice prior to that using film, text and psychogeographic maps to record and later analyse the experience. This work resulted into a methodology to be used to analyse urban lighting and a set of behavioural patterns and emotional response in reaction to light triggers. The visual outcomes can be seen on the website. The work has been nominated for the RIBA President’s Medal 2018 and published in online magazine that can be accessed here.

Psychogeographic maps carried out as a part of the research, 2017-2018

Masterplan for Redcliffe Bristol

Final Bachelor project Individual, 2018-2019

The scheme for Redcliffe Harbourside was aiming at creating an active, future-proof urban cultural hub that would encourage social interaction, curiosity and diversity. According to the brief, a key building on site was a Confucius Institute, that lies in the heart of the scheme, which would unite local and wider community through culture and handcraft, Chinese paper folding in particular, forming visual and conceptual aesthetics of the project. Masterplan has been created as a response to the local residents’ needs and potential future users of the site. Creating socially trust, economically stable and environmentally responsible development was an underlying aim of the vision. However, social focus has been chosen as a primary one as it was believed that the change starts from the ground up, from people using and inhabiting spaces. The proposed masterplan allows for a mix-use development that would thrive throughout the day and night, having different reasons to come and stay for a variety of people.

Masterplan of the area at larger scale

Perspective section diagram and Edited photograph of the 1:10 structural model


Building scale for Redcliffe Bristol

Final Bachelor project Individual, 2018-2019

Two buildings of the Institute have been shaped and placed in a way that a courtyard unfolds between them. This courtyard space is also multi-functional, active during day and night, and has access into the building, connecting exterior with the interior and merging the two. Views from this space into the building and vice versa adds to passive surveillance and a sense of unity and social cohesion. External views that reach out to the river due to window positioning would be changing throughout the day which would add to emotional connection with nature. Light and shadow have been taken into consideration both in design process and artificial lighting design, reconnecting to the idea of paper folding at different levels.

Elevation in context and perspective visualization

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