Miniguide Barcelona

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miniguide BA R C E L O N A

#45 JUL/AUG ‘11

que pasa. 05 music. 07 08 08 09 film. 10 10 11 books. 12 stage. 13 art. 14 14 15 fashion. 16 17 beauty. 22 wellness. 26 food. 28 29 30 drink. 48 clubbing. 51 52 romance. 55 maps. 58


DIRECTOR Michael Mueller ART DIRECTOR Ana Seixas CONTRIBUTORS Ana Alexandre, Diego

Arnold, Poppy Beale-Collins, Clare Considine, Sophie Cameron, Roger Cowell, Aurora de Gea, Vanessa Gil, Steffie Kinglake, Venus O’Hara, Vicky Ramírez, Elisa Rodríguez Campo COVER PHOTO Barceló Raval CONTENTS PHOTO Pez Vela © Olga Planas MINIGUIDE Ronda Universitat 15, 1-1

08007 Barcelona, Spain Tel +34 93 318 62 72 ADVERTISING EDITORIAL DEPÓSITO LEGAL B-40739-2003

que pasa


Majestic. Here you will find a cosy and chic rooftop wine bar with panoramic views of the city. Sit around the pool on Philippe Starke sunken chairs listening to DJs spin summer tunes.

Hotel Majestic

It’s official: summer has landed and the rooftop lifestyle can begin. Barcelona is a city of rooftops; once the sun is out you can spend most of your waking (and perhaps even sleeping) hours lounging in the blistering sun with nothing separating you from the sky. Rooftop terraces are the sites of the city’s chicest bars and craziest parties. Here we take a look at some of the city’s best rooftops and find out what each of them has to offer. ME Barcelona The ME Barcelona hotel’s rooftop terrace is an extension of its dynamic Angels & Kings Club, home to some of Barcelona’s most forward thinking parties. The terrace is large enough to hold club events and the red leather, bed-like couches bring out the young crowd’s naughtier side. Hotel Majestic, The Gourmet Bar For a touch of old-school elegance (and the chance to bump into Messi) head ten floors up at the Hotel

Barceló Raval Following the major success of Athletic Disco Club’s off-Sónar blowout, Barceló Raval’s rooftop reputation has been sealed. This modernist hotel in old town Barcelona is home to a terrace offering a 360-degree view of the city. Hotel Pulitzer, VISIT UP This is a sophisticated and understated rooftop option in the heart of Barcelona’s city center. The wooden decking and abundant plants offer an oasis of calm and tranquillity in the city’s busiest district. Chiringuito Pez Vela Not strictly a rooftop, but a great place to take a drink in the sunshine nonetheless. Sit outside on wooden decking that leads straight onto the sand of San Sebastià beach. Or sit in dipped cushioned seating in the shade, watching the waves lap outside. And order a mojito – they’re the best in town.


que pasa GOORILO STREET MARKETING DELUXE. This central Barcelona agency offers print products like flyers, business cards, envelopes, folders, posters and stickers at reasonable prices and impeccable standards. With such economically friendly prices one would expect a long wait, but the turnaround time is only a week. They also check all files, for free, to ensure error-free printing. Offering a variety of products, including UV, special colors such as gold and silver, and a wide range of papers, they cover it all. They also have their own promotion team that is out on the streets daily distributing posters and flyers. Serving small to medium sized businesses, the service is more than hospitable. Not only are they on point in the store, but also their online shop is clear and straightforward, including all prices and services. It can be viewed in Spanish, Catalan and English, so language is not an issue. Plus, the site has offers to help clients save even more money. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 10am–2pm and 4pm–7pm. C/ Pelai, 7 (Raval) f L1/L2 (Universitat) g 93 295 68 97.

FIDELITY POINT. Created by Leader Mobile, Fidelity Point is an innovative program that helps shops, restaurants and other businesses promote customer loyalty. Customers earn Fidelity points on purchases at all participating places and can exchange them for great gifts, all using their mobile phone. No loyalty cards are necessary; customers accumulate points, check point balances and redeem gifts using SMS text messages. The system is easy, fast and designed to ensure customer satisfaction. g 93 419 78 54.



PUBLIC ENEMY By Roger C, professional DJ.

© Robert Downs

Once a decade, a band comes along whose very existence sums up the attitude of the times. In the 60s it was the Rolling Stones, in the seventies The Clash and when Public Enemy’s debut Yo! Bum Rush the Show burst on to the scene in 1987 it encapsulated what it was to be poor, black and disenfranchised in Ronald Reagan’s America. Twenty four years later, Public Enemy are still there: raw, uncompromising and still “fighting the power.” They last appeared in Barcelona at Primavera Sound 2008 where they put on a powerful show, performing their seminal 1988 album It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back in its entirety. Their appearance at the upcoming Cruïlla Barcelona festival represents the beginning of a European tour that goes through until September, celebrating twenty years of their classic Fear of a Black Planet. Chuck D and Flavor Flav along with Dj Lord will be joined onstage by Professor Griff and the S1W dancers along with a live band, so this should be a full-on, old-skool hip-hop experience. If you’ve

never witnessed the vocal interplay between these two legends of rap, you’ll be amazed by Chuck D’s in-your-face delivery juxtaposed with Flav’s more comedic “hype man” approach. In theory it shouldn’t work, but it does, perfectly. In the early days, Public Enemy came under surveillance from the FBI with attempts to discredit them with the planting of false accusations in the press. Nowadays they command more respect, with Chuck D guesting on current affairs programs around the world, including the BBC’s “Newsnight.” Despite his well-documented drug problems and periods in jail, Flavor Flav has also gone on to become a media star in his own right, with a VH1 reality show, comedy series and short-lived franchise of fried chicken restaurants in the US. Public Enemy are one of those rare bands who have managed to forge a career without compromising their music or lyrics. They run their own record label and have been at the forefront of marketing their music through the Internet years before it became the industry standard. Public Enemy have been at the vanguard of change within the music industry over the last decade while simultaneously remaining a powerful and exciting live experience. Nowadays their Muse Sick-n-Hour Mess Age is as relevant as ever. July 9 CRUìLLA BARCELONA. Parc del Forum (Poble Nou). €40 (one day) / €65 (two days)





By Poppy Beale-Collins

By Clare Considine


Gaining in momentum by the day, the Catalan indie-pop division takes a leap into the big leagues this month with its brand new, very own festival. The first edition of Pròxims (the “next ones”) has struck lucky with the open-air Poble Espanyol setting, what with Montjuïc’s status as a key mainstay for whiling and dancing away the summer evenings. Fans of Catalan independent music will agree the time is ripe for a live celebration of the local take on indie rock. Heading up the bill for the tenhour fiesta are group-of-the-moment Standstill and home-grown heroes Mishima, whose lyrical pop hit its stride when the band began singing in their native Catalan. With the addition of the rapid, punk-inflected tour de force of newcomers Mujeres, the more sensitive “DIY” folk of Anímic and the unpretentious psychedelic folk of El Petit de Cal Eril, it’s already looking like Catalunya’s honored spot on the indie music map is secured.

Buy a ticket to see Jamie Lidell in concert and you never quite know what you’re signing up for. And the experience will be all the better for it. This Cambridge-born chameleon of pop has turned his hand to everything from beat-boxing to blue-eyed soul to electro-disco. Lidell’s 2010 album Compass saw him return to an earlier, more experimental sound. He has collaborated with the likes of Grizzly Bear, Beck, Feist and Simian Mobile Disco, every act leaving their mark on the tunes that have followed. Through all the experimentation though, one thing remains: that voice. He is as adept at holding a tune as any mainstream R&B star. Check out Lidell’s gig at Sala Apolo this month and you can hear those dulcet tones for yourself.

July 21 POBLE ESPANYOL. Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guardia, 13 (Montjuïc). €15 (before July 8) / €20 (after July 8) / €25 (door)

July 27 SALA APOLO. C/ Nou de la Rambla, 111 (Poble Sec). €23 (advance) / €27 (door)



HIPNOTIK FESTIVAL By Poppy Beale-Collins

Los Chikos Del Maíz © David Bresó

In a nod to the changing tides of the hip hop genre, which has taken a few turns back to its more literary, lyrical roots lately, this year’s Hipnotik Festival pays special attention to the written word and the process of creation which takes place beyond the stage or stereo. For its eighth edition, the annual hip hop festival has stepped up its multidisciplinary ethos with a writing workshop led by MC ZPU for anybody itching to put pen to paper and flex their lyrical muscles, with a diploma thrown in for free at the end of the three hours, as well as a separate, ten-day production workshop (June 28th through July 9th) commandeered by producer Dive Dibosso – a step-by-step guide to making tracks from scratch. The main event leaves plenty of room for live music though. The 13 hours at CCCB comprise an international roster of the many different facets of hip hop music, from major label kings

of Mexican hip hop Cartel de Santa to the playful irreverence of famed Catalan freestyler Noult, whose 2003 Cuéntenos Su Caso (Tell us Your Story) has reached seminal status. The platform for newcomers to the hip hop landscape is impressive this year. Spec Boogie, who has performed with the very respectable MF Doom, Big Daddy Kane and Mos Def, flies over from the States to play his first Spanish gig, while closer to home, mixtape man Duddi Wallace lays down some slick and smooth vocals to the mix, and young Madrileños Agorazein cut their teeth at the festival with their first proper release, Kind of Red. As with years past, all arts related to hip culture through the ages will be represented, including graffiti sessions and break dance competitions, along with a new, interactive image for the digital times.

July 9 CCCB. C/ Montalegre, 5 (Raval) €15 (advance) / €20 (door) / €40 (premium)





By Steffie Kinglake, co-founder of

By Vicky Ramírez, founder of Void.


There is an absurd amount of product placement in our lives. Brands seem to rule the world and sponsor everything from music festivals to sporting events and pop up during our movie and online experiences. Oscar-nominated filmmaker Morgan Spurlock’s latest documentary, POM Wonderful presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is all about product placement and is outwardly funded by it too. A Sundance and SXSW hit, the film takes us behind the scenes to the realities of the entertainment business as Spurlock tries to fund the film. Bringing together commentary from top ad and film industry execs, filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino, academics such as Noam Chomsky and artists like OK Go, the film offers insight into the role of brands and product placement. The sponsors are integrated transparently into the film with juice maker POM spending $1 million for the title. Quirky, humorous and eye opening, the film is coming to select theaters this summer. It is a fun way to see just what these brands are up to and how they get our attention.


When we think of war films, what comes to mind are action movies. However, there are films whose portrayals of difference evoke discomfort or that show how in war unity goes against survival. These are not representations from the past but rather reflect a reality today often lived with indifference. With everything happening on the other side of the Mediterranean, the film that springs to mind is Gianni Amelio’s Lamerica, which shows how the exodus of Albanians to the Italian coast after the fall of Communism was a consequence of conflict. Time of the Wolf by Michael Haneke imagines a hypothetical war that could occur in any European country and depicts the life of a wealthy family thrown into a state of survival. Alexander Sokurov’s Alexandra is set in Chechnya, though this could be any occupied country, as we watch a grandmother reflect upon those who “look like kids but smell like men” while they adapt to a state of war. Reconfiguration of the past is the idea of Chris Marker’s La jetée (The Jetty), a science fiction film in which time travel is the only way to fix a ruined world, remarkable for its cinematography.


SALA MONTJUÏC By Sophie Cameron

Bringing a touch of summer to the cinema experience, open-air film festival Sala Montjuïc returns this month for its ninth run of amazing movies in the castle gardens. This year’s program gives us a comprehensive glance at world cinema, with silent movies, New Wave classics, British satire and Hollywood blockbusters contributing to the varied line-up. The cycle begins on July 4th with Edmon Roch’s 2009 documentary thriller Garbo: The Spy; taking one of the code names of double agent Joan Pujol Garcia as its title, this award-winning feature tells the story of this incredible Catalan spy as he worked for both British and German intelligence during WWII. Next on the list on July 6th is the Oscar-nominated A Prophet, Jacques Audiard’s beautiful and violent account of a French teenager who becomes entangled in the rivalries of Corsican gangsters while in prison. Jumping back a few generations, Sala Montjuïc also offers a rare chance

to see two gems of vintage Hollywood on the big screen, with viewings of the Marilyn Monroe classic Some Like It Hot on July 8th and Charade, starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn, on August 3rd. Other highlights include Tarantino’s 2009 smash Inglourious Basterds on July 11th, Godard’s À bout de soufflé (Breathless) on July 25th and Hirokazu Koreeda’s Still Walking, the story of a Japanese family united to commemorate the death of their oldest son fifteen years beforehand, on August 1st. Wrapping up on August 5th, the cycle will end with a surprise film, as voted by viewers via Sala Montjuïc’s website – though with Inception, The Dark Knight and Insomnia as the three options, it’s a pretty hard choice to make. As always, the festival also includes a range of concerts as varied as the films they precede, with gypsy swing, flamenco fusion, bossa nova and much more to be heard. Instead of sacrificing these summer nights for the darkness of a movie theater, grab some friends, take a picnic and enjoy classic cinema in a beautiful outdoor setting.

July 4 – Aug 5 CASTELL DE MONTJUìC. Carretera Montjuïc, 66 (Montjuïc).





Unbeknownst to many outside Spain, and sadly to far too many inside Spain too, Catalunya has an ample literary canon, a rich heritage that has thrived despite the sale of Catalan-language books being banned under Franco for almost 40 years. As part of their National Literature Series, American non-profit publishing house Dalkey Archive Press aims to introduce some of the greatest works in Catalunya’s literary history to the Anglophone world with a selection of modern novels translated into English, some for the first time. The first title to be published is Llorenç Villalonga’s much-loved novel The Dolls’ Room, translated by Deborah Bonner and now available online. Widely regarded as one of the seminal Catalanlanguage texts of the last century, the novel recounts the scandalous lives and mysterious deaths of Don Toni and Doña Maria Antònia, the final members of a line of aristocrats in the town of Bearn. Next year will see socially-committed Mallorcan poet and author Miquel Bauçà’s three novels published as a single volume before a translation of Adriadna in the Grotesque Labyrinth by Salvador Espriu is released. Written in 1935 when the author was just 22, Adriadna is a collection of politically charged stories heavily influenced by the looming civil war that would soon tear Spain apart and is one of the works that established Espriu as an important figure in Iberian letters, revered by public and critics alike. 12

Planned to run until 2013, the project is supported by the Institut Ramon Llull, a consortium dedicated to the international promotion of Catalan language and culture. With series of Hebrew, Swiss, Slovenian and Norwegian titles planned for publication, Dalkey’s collections are a commendable effort to integrate the all-too-often ignored masterpieces of smaller nations and cultures into the realm of popular world literature.


GREC FESTIVAL By Poppy Beale-Collins. Recommended by

Human Playground © Sandra Lynn Bélanger

With July comes the dusting off of the oft-unused Greek amphitheater in Montjuïc as the home base for the sprawling Grec Festival. If you haven’t been able to make heads or tails of the extensive, city-wide theater and dance program, which takes France as this year’s guest country, or if the main draws such as theater legend Peter Brook’s reworking of Mozart’s Magic Flute is not your bag, there are plenty of contemporary options to be found besides. At Mercat de les Flors, recent National Prize for Dance winner Àngels Margarit performs From B to B with lauded Swiss dancer Thomas Hauert in a physical, intuitive “exchange” between their respective Barcelona and Brussels, a work born from the mutual admiration shared by the two artists. Meanwhile, artists in residence of varying nationalities at young multicultural dance center La Caldera have devised the cycle Miniatures, a two-day series of short, audiovisual performance

pieces; entrance is free though it would be wise to reserve as seats fill up fast. The week-long Dies de Dansa hijacks the city’s patios, streets and parks with all manner of short, innovative choreographies and is practically a mini-festival in its own right. This year, watch out for Les SlovaKs at the CCCB, whose self-coined “new traditional dance” reinvents Slovakian folk, Turkish-Austrian Ziya Azazi’s modern interpretation of Sufi dancing Dervish in Progress and Canadians Human Playground, whose Auto-Fiction explores our relationship with cars through a mix of contemporary dance, acrobatics and electro music. Back at the amphitheater, maestro of modern flamenco Israel Galvan’s La Edad de Oro is guaranteed to be a scene stealer, with all of the originality and reinventive power the award-winning dancer has come to be renowned for.

July 1–6. Dies de Dansa July 8–10. Miniatures LA CALDERA. C/ Torrent d’en Vidalet, 43 (Gràcia). Free entry July 10. La Edad de Oro TEATRE GREC. Pg. de Santa Madrona, 36 (Montjuïc). €16–28 July 22–24. From B to B MERCAT DE LES FLORS. C/ Lleida, 59 (Montjuïc). €22




LANDRY By Clare Considine

By Poppy Beale-Collins

Recording the dregs of society was photographer Joan Colom’s mission as he ventured into the dark alleys of a late 50s Raval, haphazardly shooting his black and white images of the shadowy figures of the barrio with a camera placed furtively at his hip. A Catalan counterpart to the lineage of street photographers Robert Frank, Garry Winogrand and countryman Francesc Català Roca, self-taught Colom, winner of the National Award for photography in 2002, is a national treasure and skilled documenter of Barcelona’s working class during the Franco regime. The exhibition’s 76 photos, selected by Colom himself, divide into three series: brothels of Raval, market traders of El Born and inhabitants of El Somorrostro, the Gypsy neighborhood in Poble Nou which became the grounds for Parc del Fòrum. With Álbum, Colom has compiled a disarming and resonant photo-essay on the changing faces of the city. Until Oct 29 FUNDACIî FOTO COLECTANIA. C/ Julián Romea, 6 (Sant Gervasi)


Landry Ajavon is a provocative and affectionate documenter of Barcelona life. Hailing from Toulouse, he made a name for himself as Miss Van’s official photographer. He still works with the famous street artist on a regular basis, shooting her fashion lines and international trips. But his own projects are currently some of his most interesting. The Based On A True Story series saw him taking a Dash Snow-esque view of Barcelona’s nightlife, offering up simultaneously shocking and beautiful scenes of debauched nights out in the city. In 100 Trips, Landry takes us with him on journeys throughout Europe, Latin America and the US; the eclectic images find a common thread in humanity. His latest project is Boda 910: a fanzine documenting a Spanish Gypsy wedding. The images could only have been obtained by a trusted insider and confidante. Landry brings out the best in human spirits and shares this with us in his images.


SMELL COLOR By Elisa Rodríguez Campo

Wrapped Flowers by Christo

Ever wondered what it would be like to smell colors? Color is an incredible thing, perceived in an infinite number of ways by our eyes and, transformed by technology in art, even our ears and noses. As the colored glass inside a kaleidoscope multiplies and disperses light before our eyes, it creates a frequency much like a musical symphony; so it shouldn’t be so far fetched to think that colors might relate to aromas. Sound impossible? The exhibition Smell Color. Chemistry, Art and Education shows us how it all works, with a fascinating collection from Ernesto Ventós, who not only has an excellent sense of smell, but also the good taste to conduct art and color together in an exquisite new, perfumed symphony. The journey starts with the “Perfumist’s Piano,” a prelude to the sensory landscape the visitor is about to explore. This piano contains a perfumist’s olfactory palate: a secretier whose cupboards are filled with small jars of distilled essence which,

like the keys of a piano, require an expert’s hands to compose the perfect perfume. Let’s not forget that perfumists have always used the word “notes” to describe smells. Next up is the “Perfumist’s Palate,” a table of colors set in the style of Pantone that chromatically classifies the different essences and aromas: “Sea,” “Spice,” “Ecological,” ”Citrus,” “Metallic,” “Toasted,” “Fruit,” “Powder,” etc. Once you have studied your lessons, you may now submit your senses to experiences divided into five sections, each corresponding to a color. Each perfumed color brings together an amazing selection of paintings, sculptures, video installations and photographs by a total of 88 artists including the likes of Christo, Salvador Dalí, Eugenio Merino, Antoni Tàpies, Daniel Canogar and Eduardo Chillida, each accompanied by a vial of fragrance. These aromatic elements multiply, describe and interpret the endless expressive capacities of color. This is a unique opportunity to contemplate the idea of aroma through colored landscapes and where the visitor is able to explore the limits of the five senses, transforming them into “one art.”

Until September 25 ARTS SANTA MîNICA. La Rambla, 7 (Raval).



THE HOT SPOT By Vanessa Gil, consultant with Levé.

This July, Barcelona hosts the summer edition of the The Brandery urban, contemporary fashion event. Fashion, culture and art will come together at Hall #8 in Montjuïc’s Fira de Barcelona exhibition center. This edition, following the success of its Winter 2010-11 edition, will see the catwalk as the epicenter of its fashion area. Designers will display their garments as models pose on an unusual, non-linear catwalk. Interactive activities will be held with leading fashion brands, designers and design school students. A first ever New Talent’s Contest will take place with students from accredited design schools participating in a competition designed to promote new talents and aspiring designers. The winners will be given the chance to exhibit their collections on The Brandery Catwalk as well as awarded internships at a prestigious fashion brand. Fitting Room, an art, fashion and design event open to the public, will be organized just a few blocks away at the B-Hotel to coincide with The Brandery. Originating in Bilbao and with five editions under its belt, the concept consists in participants showcasing their work in rooms of a hotel. Each room represents a work of art created by designer, artist, photographer and other creative collaborators. This fifth edition has been created especially for The Brandery which will grant a lucky winning participant a stand at The Brandery Winter 2011–12 show. 16

The streets of Barcelona will turn into catwalks by mid July, so dressing to impress is key. Keep an eye out for fashion parties from July 13th through July 15th although keep in mind they are usually invite only. But who knows, the right attitude combined with the right look may grant you a golden ticket. July 13–15 FIRA DE BARCELONA. Av. Reina Maria Cristina, 1 (Montjuïc) B-HOTEL. Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 389–391 (Eixample)


SECRETOS DE ALCOBA By Poppy Beale-Collins

The term old school glamor is instantly evocative of the sharp elegance of 1930s movie stars. We picture Marlene Dietrich, all painted on eyebrows and cupid-bow lips, gazing out from behind a black net veil, or her impeccably turned out silhouette dancing in a top hat and tails in Blonde Venus. Outfits during the Hollywood heyday were a finely tuned composition right from head to toe and the hat or headpiece was the final touch. If the modern look is a mix of old and new, today’s style conscious are harking back to yesteryear more than ever. From the floral, knotted headscarf becoming standard girl fare in recent years – with the bold venturing onto the turban – to the shock value statement pieces of certain exhibitionist pop stars, headwear is one classic being reworked in a big way. Something Barcelona-based mini-hat smiths Secretos de Alcoba know all about, describing their made to measure tocados (headpieces) as of “a vintage air, but with modern materials,” made from natural feathers, jute, hair, metals and more. Though she started selling her pieces in 2008 and opened her showroom in 2011, designer Beatriz Parras explains her work as a long-time “obsession” which finally came to a head when, unable to find the desirable head attire for an event, she resolved to head down to the haberdashery and create her own. With

collaborations in fashion events such as Fitting Room Madrid, Dress Up Barcelona, Mutuo, and Nomada Market this year alone, her online shop and an expanding rolodex of nationwide outlets, Secretos de Alcoba seems to be fuelling the demand for a little piece of retro polish: “The headpiece gives a feminine touch to a woman and is something which has been worn for many years by all ages and to all kinds of events, and we have revised it.”


fashion WILDE VINTAGE. This shop is owned by Cao Azuaje and it is safe to say that he is passionate about sunglasses – he has been collecting vintage glasses for over 18 years. The shop is piled high with collectible pieces from a whole range of decades and fashion houses. Most come in at around €100 or more, but they are unique, special and individually sourced. Having gained such a strong and specialist reputation, Cao now designs his own range of designer shades. ♣ Open: 12pm–3pm and 4:30pm–9pm. C/ Joaquín Costa, 2 (Raval) f L2 (Sant Antoni). g 654 45 50 57.

PARIS VINTAGE. This stylish vintage boutique recently moved to a new location on Rosselló with Rambla Catalunya. Their excellent offering of vintage international brands from the 50s through the 90s at reasonable prices has earned them appearances in Vogue, Marie Claire, Metal and Woman, among many other fashion magazines. French-owned, they have a penchant for classics like Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Givenchy, Ungaro and Jean Paul Gaultier. High-end and rare jewellery and haute couture are available, as well as lower priced items including sunglasses, bags and cocktail dresses from €20 to €30. Their philosophy is to receive every client as if she were visiting a friend’s wardrobe. Their website has a beautiful selection of fashion photography. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 11am–9pm. C/ Rosselló 237, entlo. nº 1 (Eixample) f L3 /L5 (Diagonal) g 93 368 58 31, 633 21 08 13


LADYLOQUITA. Meeta and Laura’s sweet and charming  boutiques, complete with  lots  of  color  and  bubblymusic,offer clothing for females of all ages. The racks of playful styles for day and evening are backdropped by Laura’s artistic photog-raphy. The

shops carry Meeta’s clothing and accessory line, Tiralahilacha, as well as urban brands Pepa Loves, rollitoasí, Stinga, YUMI and Judith Bell. You’ll also find leather bags, jewelry and sandals, with prices for accessories from €2–30 and clothes from €20–100.

♣ Open: Mon 5pm–8:30pm, Tue–Sat 11am–2pm and 5pm–8:30pm. C/ Torrent de l'Olla, 66 (Gràcia) f L3/L5 (Diagonal) g 93 210 38 41. Travessera de Gràcia, 126 (Gràcia) f L3 (Fontana) g 93 217 82 92.


fashion LE SWING. This über fashionable boutique may have moved from the gritty Raval to more glamorous Born, but unchanged is owners Renier and Guiselle’s disciplined selection of unique and exquisite-condition vintage fashion and accessories from their favorite brands Yves Saint Laurent, Celine, Moschino, Lanvin, Chanel, Hermès, Loewe and more. ♣ Open: Mon–Sat 11am–2:30pm and 5pm– 8:30pm. C/ Rec, 16 (Born) f L4 (Jaume I) g 93 310 14 49.

STUDIOROSA. This recently opened boutique and workshop showcases the work of Argentinian designer Silvina Rio. She moved to Barcelona in 2000 to study at the prestigious Escola Massana and since then has been pursuing her passion of crafting designer pieces that reflect her creativity, introducing us to the poetic world of auteur jewelry. She works with traditional materials like silver and gold as well as semi-precious stones such as tourmaline, quartz, garnet and jade and incorporates creative materials like wood, textile and plastic. Her latest line is the New Antique collection: unique pieces inspired by the craftsmanship of old ironwork and the ancient blacksmith, delicate and precise with a retro air yet modern aesthetic. Part of her space is dedicated to invited artists. Silvina has a line of costume jewelry, incorporating everything from wooden toys to porcelain figurines, with something for any budget or occasion. Recently, she’s introduced a service where she recycles meaningful objects we save, from special pieces no longer worn to forgotten antiques, breathing new life and transforming them into fresh works of jewelry. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 5pm–8:30pm. C/ Martínez de la Rosa, 40 (Gràcia) f L3/L5 (Diagonal) g 696 16 76 01.


SUNO. Everything at this small boutique, opened by several designer friends at the end of 2008, is hand-made and locally produced. The space doubles as a workshop whose designers will custom fit pieces to order. Local brands include Efecto Limón, Esthel Davet, Moriche, Brigitte Hübner, Luka, Short Storie and Angela Cunillera with clothing, bags, accessories and more. The shop’s name means “sun” in Esperanto and, true to its name, has a warm, Mediterranean vibe. ♣ Open: Tue–Sat 11am–8:30pm, Sun 11am–4pm. C/ Cotoners, 12 (Born) f L4 (Jaume I) g 93 319 79 39. COLORêN COLORAO. If your graphic designer and graffiti artist friends decided to set up a gift shop, it might look a little like this quirky Gràcia boutique. Refreshingly unpretentious, they stock an eclectic assortment of objects that reflect the latest trends in urban living. Deck out your walls with decorated vinyls, buy a designer lamp, pick up a picture frame, a print by Banksy or Miss Van, or how about that cool designer wine opener. Gadgets, wallets, handmade jewelry, notebooks, trendy Kimidoll keychains – and colorful boxes and bags made of recycled material to store it all in. As might be expected, they stock a range of Lomography cameras and have recently launched a photography contest with free cameras for the winners. To enter, pick up a sticker with the shop’s logo and take an artistic photo in a surprising location. Prizes will be awarded by both popular vote and jury selection, with the shop’s upstairs gallery hosting an exhibition with the best entries. They also host regular exhibitions of illustration and urban and contemporary art. ♣ Open: Mon 5pm–8:30pm, Tue–Sat 10:30am–2pm and 5pm–8:30pm. Travessera de Gràcia, 176 (Gràcia) f L3 (Fontana) g 93 213 04 33.



KORRES By Aurora de Gea, blogger.

Korres is Greek homeopathy company founded in 1996 that specializes in organic, environmentally friendly products. Arriving in Barcelona a few years ago, they set up shops in the L’illa Diagonal shopping center (since closed) and in the Born. Nowadays they are not hard to track down; along with their own shop, Korres stock in several different online pharmacies, on their website and at the El Corte Inglés department store. They make products for the face, body and hair, as well as ranges for men and sun-protection, pharmaceuticals and a great line in make-up. Having tried out many of their products for myself, I’ve discovered that Korres is also one of the few brands I can use on my sensitive skin. My all time favorite is definitely the hair exfoliator with lime and coralline (a type of algae) partly because it is the kind of product rarely found in other brands’ lines. It thoroughly cleanses away dead cells on the scalp, gets rid of dandruff and is the only product I’ve found with 22

no adverse effects. When I have bought antidandruff hair products in the past, they’ve tended to be too harsh, irritating the skin and with the dandruff returning in a few weeks. Korres’ exfoliator is natural and doesn’t provoke any allergic reaction or the aforementioned “reversal” effect. The texture is like a creamy mud and the smell is slightly strange, not unpleasant exactly, but not at all perfumed or appetizing. I use mine about once or twice a week, enough to maintain my scalp in perfect condition. Their make-up range is well worth a try too. And now with the summer upon us, the basil, citrus and lemon ranges are even more refreshing.

KORRES STORE. C/ Sombrerers, 9–11 (Born)

beauty LA HAIR BOUTIQUE. This original, cozy studio offers more of a “unique hair experience” than a haircut. London-trained Toni & Guy stylists Véronique and Phuc speak English, French, Spanish and Swedish. Applying their talent and the latest techniques, they create progressive cuts and color with lasting results for an international clientele. No-rush service. Just in: TIGI products! ♣ Open: Tue–Sat 11am–8pm. Pl del Regomir, 5 (Barri Gòtic) f L4 (Jaume I) g 93 269 19 37 / 699 64 34 62 (Véro) 669 14 82 21 (Phuc).

SK STYLE. Barcelona should be happy to have enticed salon owner Alexander here from his native Belarus. Particularly brides-to-be, since Alexander and his team are expert in making them look their best and are passionate about creating glamorous updo hairstyles. The salon’s work has appeared on many bride magazine covers and last year they were awarded the prestigious Despuntan pride at Cosmobelleza. The salon also offers make-up, massage, hair removal and restorative skin treatments. The team speak English, Russian, Spanish and Catalan and keep up on the latest trends and techniques from Alexander, who is a trainer for Schwarzkopf and frequently travels to beauty and fashion events. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 10am–8pm and Sat 10am–4pm. C/ Casanova, 43 (Eixample) f L1 (Urgell) g 93 452 14 60.


beauty CARRERA PELUQUEROS. When you see the big plastic angel on entering you realize there’s nothing conventional about this location. The eccentric décor is full of warmth – a vibrancy of color and texture that’s missing from a lot of other more clinical-looking salons in Barcelona. Their excellent stylists like to take care of their clients and will offer creativity, advice and ideas on the latest trends, make-up, colors and cuts to suit your style. They use quality international brands like Toni&Guy, Joico and Kanebo and are versed in hair treatments, including new ammonia-free color. Prices are reasonable, with cuts for men at €18 and women from €25 to €40. ♣ Open: Mon 1:30pm–8pm, Tue–Wed and Fri 10:30am–8pm, Thu 10:30am– 9pm, Sat 10:30am–2:30pm. C/ Sant Marc, 7 (Gràcia) f L3 (Fontana) g 93 217 04 52, 668 80 11 29. ANTHONY LLOBET. Well-established English hair salons as recommended by Cosmopolitan. An institution for expats and locals alike, they are easily recognized by their quirky retro look. Anthony’s team of highly skilled and experienced European stylists ensure that needs are never lost in translation. They offer the latest trends and techniques from London, including cuts, color, Japanese straightening, extensions, make-up, wedding, film & fashion stylist services. Men’s cuts €17, women’s €28. ♣ Open: Check web for hours & times. Gràcia: C/ Ros de Olano, 19 f L3 (Fontana) g 93 218 04 49. Raval: C/ Sant Pau, 122 f L2/L3 (Paral·lel) g 93 441 31 77. Eixample: C/ Córsega, 364 f L3/L5 (Diagonal) g 93 457 42 11. Born: C/ Carders, 34 f L4 (Jaume I) g 93 295 48 71. Barri Gòtic: C/ Avinyó, 34 f L3 (Drassanes) g 93 301 45 13/ 691 67 63


NEW H-AIR. Cutting-edge salon specializing in cut and color. Their tailored in-salon services will leave your hair full of body and shine. Extensions, dreadlocks, highlights, hair and makeup for events. Uses Sebastian products and

the vibrant London color line Sassoon. Cuts €22 men, €36 women. Color treatments from €29. Prices include wash, cut, styling and makeup. Special discount for those under 23. Check out their latest collection of styles inspired by

the 1927 science-fiction masterpiece film Metropolis and go platinum blonde! ♣ Open: Mon 3pm–8pm, Tue–Fri 10am–8pm, Sat 10am–3pm. C/ Palau, 6 (Barri Gòtic) f L3 (Liceu), g 93 302 11 74 / 655 96 66 66.



COSTA BRAVA RETREAT By Ana Alexandre, founder of Vital Life Design.

Looking for a way to reconnect with yourself? This summer re-energize your life with passion, health and vitality! Join us July 28th to the 30th for three gorgeous days of learning to nourish your mind, body and spirit in the Costa Brava. I am sooo pumped about this retreat! My friend Grace and I have been cooking up some fabulous healthy goodness to share with you. Imagine waking up to the sound of the sea, practicing daily morning yoga, enjoying delicious local and organic cuisine and, most importantly, relaxing, re-energizing and re-connecting. The retreat will take place at the wonderful Hostal Empúries located in the town of L’Escala on the Costa Brava of Girona. This hotel is the first in Europe to achieve LEED Gold certification, a rating system which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. And did we mention that it’s right on the beach and every room has a spectacular sea view? The day will start with delicious fresh fruit 26

and tea or a cleansing fresh juice followed by a morning yoga practice. After our yummy breakfast buffet, we will spend the rest of the morning relaxing on the beach or heading out for a bike ride. Following a delicious three-course lunch, Grace and I will reveal our strategies on how to nourish your mind body and spirit. The evening will finish as we enjoy an amazing dinner on the terrace facing the sea. But don’t worry, we have left enough time to go for a walk to the medieval village of Sant Martí d’Empúries, check out the archaeological ruins of Empúries or head over to their brand new beautiful spa. Three blissful days waking up by the sea, morning yoga, delicious organic cuisine – all a little over an hour’s drive from Barcelona. Who’s in?!

July 28–30

wellness FITT PERSONAL TRAINING & REHABILITATION. FITT offers specialists in physiotherapy and osteopathy to solve back, muscle and joint problems caused by poor posture, accidents or sports injuries. Qualified personal trainers work closely with clients to improve fitness and well-being in an exclusive environment in the city center. Also offers an eight week weight-loss program as well as small group (3–5) Pilates classes. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 8am–10pm, Sat (appointment only). C/ Balmes, 109 (Eixample) f L3/ L5 (Diagonal) FGC L6/L7 (Provença) g 93 451 36 24. SANOAKTIV. Wellness center offering personal training benefits at low, gym membership costs. After taking an initial fitness test, a client is set up with a customized workout routine, which is stored on a personal USB device. High-tech, German FREI machines track and control an individual's workout, with personal trainers on hand to supervise and support. Monthly costs from €49–€79. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 7am–11pm, Sat 9am–3pm. C/ Fluvià, 54 int. (Poble Nou) f L4 (Selva de Mar) g 93 387 10 77.

YOGA DINçMICO MANDIRAM. Footsteps from Plaça Catalunya, this highly regarded center offers flowing Hatha, vigorous Vinyasa and traditional Ashtanga as well as private, corporate and beginners classes. The center has a warm atmosphere, friendly students, and a collection of books on yoga, meditation, and more. Also provides teacher training. Check out their new vinyasa classes on Monday and Wednesday, 8am–9:15am! ♣ Open: Check website for schedule. C/ Pelai, 52, 2º1ª (Raval) f L1/L2 (Universitat), L1/L3 (Catalunya) g 93 301 02 04.



L’OBRADOR DEL MOLÍ By Clare Considine

There was once a time when you could be forgiven for suggesting that Barcelona was not a great city for bread. These days, however, it seems Barcelona could even give Paris a run for its money. Throughout the city, artisan bakeries are popping up, offering well-made freshly baked produce. The likes of Baluard in Barceloneta and Barcelona Reykjavik in the Raval are flying the flag for a new standard in baking. Most recent to join the revolution is a small chain of bakeries called L’Obrador del Molí. L’Obrador have three outlets in uptown Barcelona, offering bread made from locally sourced organic flour. The focus at L’Obrador is on tradition: the majority of baked goods on offer are Catalan in origin, such as cocas and Pan de La Segarra, a one-kilo loaf that takes 24 hours to prepare. Their methods are steeped in history; once the bread is baked, it is left to stand in linen drawers to slowly reach its peak deliciousness. 28

The team behind L’Obrador are keen to spread their message of bread-making. They offer free bread-making courses for the lucky few who sign up on Facebook. Courses happen infrequently so if you fancy enrolling you will need to keep an eye on their page for announcements. The classes have an inclusive ethos; master baker Pere Roche offers up his knowledge for both young and old. And the workshops are not just in bread-making – you can also learn how to make the likes of Easter cakes or panellets.

L'OBRADOR DE SARRIË. C/ Manuel de Falla, 32 (Sarrià) L'OBRADOR DE VALLCARCA. Av. República Argentina, 177 (Vallcarca) L'OBRADOR MERCAT GALVANY. C/ Santaló, 66 (Sant Gervasi)


DAPS By Michael Mueller

Many local establishments have struggled with an “after work” concept since, unlike in New York or London where locals wind down after work with a drink, residents here tend to head home before venturing out for dinner. Undaunted, the recently re-inaugurated Daps reflects an “Anglo-Saxon” inspiration with a sophisticated after work offering, non-stop kitchen and focus on cocktail-making. Daps represents perhaps the most contemporary venue of local restaurateurs AN Grup, owners of successful establishments Attic, Citrus, La Botiga, Piscolabis and Mussol. Daps re-opened in April with a new interior by award-winning designer Isabel López Vilalta who took inspiration from the Architects Build Small Spaces exhibition at London’s V&A museum that explores the power

The redesigned menu incorporates gourmet products non-stop breakfast through dinner. Breakfast includes a Salmon and Mozzarella Brioche and Forn de la Trinitat croissants with Spanish Bellota ham and brie. During the day and evening, recommended first courses include Fried Artichoke with Iberian Ham Croquettes, Smashed Calaf Eggs with Iberian Bellota Ham, Lobster and Shrimp Salad, and Grilled Vegetables with Romesco and Olive Oil. Daps selects best-of-breed providers like Andreu Spanish ham and anchovies from Cantabria, with star entrées including Two Cheese Nebraska Beef Burger with Homemade Potatoes, Beef Medallions with Crunchy Brie and Potatoes, Grilled Red Skipjack Tuna with Guacamole, and Lobster and Monkfish Brochettes with Vegetables. Dinner with drinks can be had for 25 to 35 euros per person. The gin ‘n’ tonic gourmand will not be disappointed by the cocktail menu, with its nine variants (8 to 12 euros) on the British classic including Hendrick’s with cucumber and lime or the Martin Miller’s with gooseberry and mint. They also offer a Mojito, Margarita, Caipirinha, Caipiroska and Dry Martini (6.50 to 8 euros). Putting a local flair on an international traditional, from 7pm through 10pm, drinks come with complimentary tapas.

of small spaces and concepts of “refuge and retreat.” With its avant-garde mix of materials like colored glass, Japanese woods and recycled plastics, Daps conveys both sophistication and comfort.

♣ Open: Mon–Wed 8am–11:30pm, Thu 8am–1am, Fri 8am– 2am, Sat 12pm–2am, Sun 12pm–11:30pm. Av. Diagonal, 469 (Eixample)f L5 (Hospital Clínic) g 93 410 90 89.



CAVAMAR By Michael Mueller

This is one of those places that sums up why you ought to live in Barcelona: fresh seafood with a nice, inexpensive glass of wine on a romantic, open-air terrace gazing out at the Mediterranean. It’s not hard to understand why Cavamar, which might be translated as “sea Champagne,” is one of Barceloneta’s most popular restaurants. But it takes more than pretty sea views to satisfy local patrons, with their discerning palettes, and Cavamar delivers with an attentive service and complete menu spanning the best of traditional Spanish and Catalan cuisine. Choose from about 30 tapas, including shrimp, clams, mussels and calamari and traditional Spanish fare like patatas bravas (potatoes), croquettes, Spanish tortilla and smashed eggs. Experience one of the jewels of Spanish cuisine with one of their tasting platters of cured ham made from acorn-fed, free-range black Iberian pig from the Andalucían region. The rices, including paella, are a specialty, with several 30

kinds on hand as well as a delicious brothy rice with seafood. The black rice (with squid ink) and fideuà (Catalan noodles) are recommended, particularly with a side of pungent all i oli (garlic mayonnaise) – just make sure whoever you’re kissing is having some too. Starters include a half dozen salads, carpaccios, a refreshing chilled Andalucian gazpacho with watermelon and a grilled vegetable platter with romesco sauce (made with almonds, pine nuts and roasted garlic). Entrées include grilled meats, duck and fish, including sea bass, lobster and skipjack tuna. It may sound like a place for seafood lovers, but we’re told their steak is among the best in town. And no fear, for that finicky companion there are several pasta dishes, included a simple yet tasty penne al pesto. Tapas run 6 to 7 euros, with starters and salads from 8 to 10 euros and entrées 11 to 15 euros, with a few more expensive dishes. Drinks include an all local wine list, a half dozen varieties of home-made sangria and a dozen cocktails. And if it rains or gets too hot, head inside to Cavamar Loft, which offer the same great ocean views and is also a perfect space for groups.

♣ Open: Daily 12pm–12am (kitchen non-stop till 11pm). C/ Vila Joiosa, 52 (Barceloneta) f L4 (Barceloneta) g 93 225 71 64.

food CUP&CAKE. Founded in the spirit of recovering the role of the traditional pastry maker, they arguably produce the city’s best miniature cakes. They select the highest grade ingredients: chocolate from Valhrona, milk from Granja Cal Porta, Montsec butter and ecological flour from J. Renobell. Their French-trained chef is a perfectionist; the result: flawless cupcakes, including in red velvet, carrot, chocolate, vanilla and cinammon apple walnut flavors – simple and elegant, with no pretentions. Rounding out the offering are brownies, muffins and croissants. And what better companion than a coffee supplied by Cafés El Magnífico, awarded “Spain’s Best Espresso” last year? There also prepare gourmet sandwiches and, in time for summer, have introduced frozen organic yoghurt, rich yet light on the waistline. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 8:45am–2pm and 4pm– 8:15pm, Sat 10am–2:30pm and 4:30pm– 8:30pm, Sun 10:30am–2:30pm and 4pm–8pm. C/ Enric Granados, 145 (Eixample) fL3/L5 (Diagonal) g93 200 28 72. C/ Tallers,79 (Raval) fL1/L2 (Universitat). MAGNOLIA. With new chef Gianni Fusco at the helm, this centrally located favorite offers up an ambitiously gourmet, creative offering, particularly given the low prices. The current star of the creative Mediterranean show is the Candied Cod over Cauliflower Cream, Gel of Curry Honey and Fake Earth of “Death Trumpets” (mushrooms); also recommended is the starter Mini Duck Canneloni with Apricot, Amaretto and Crispy Leek, as well as Ocumare Chocolate Crumbs with White Chocolate and Peanut Chunk dessert. A fixed-price dinner menu can be had for €16 (Sun–Thu night or Sat–Sun lunch) or €25 (Fri–Sat night) or weekday lunch for €9.95. With its central location and loungy feel, Magnolia is also a popular place for drinks. They specialize in the mojito and its variants, including mango and passion fruit. They also offer breakfast, sandwiches, tapas and fruit smoothies. ♣ Open: Mon–Wed 9am–1am, Thu–Fri 9am– 3am, Sat 12pm–3am, Sun 12pm–1am. C/ Ciutat, 5 (Barri Gòtic) fL4 (Jaume I) g93 304 23 76.


food ALMA. This recently opened restaurant offers fusion cuisine with quality ingredients at low prices. Hungarian owner Áron and his chef Douglas, Brazilian with Italian ancestry, create seasonal menus taking Catalan cuisine as its base and incorporating diverse ingredients like Italian risotto, Indian fennel, Asian anise, South American quinoa and tropical passion fruit. Each dish is been designed to offer surprising yet harmonious combinations. All material is bought fresh from select supplieres with nothing frozen. They are particularly passionate about seafood, buying only sushi/sashimiquality fish. The menu is refreshingly short, albeit complete, reflecting the philosophy “that less is more.” Cocktails are around €6 and as the chef is Brazilian we suggest you try their caipirinha. Alma also promotes local artists, who are invited for acoustic performances. ♣ Open: Tue–Sat 12:30pm–4pm and 8:30pm–2:30am, Sun 12:30pm–4pm (kitchen till 12am). C/ Riera Alta, 33-35 (Raval) f L2 (Sant Antoni) g 93 442 96 14 ROMERO. Few new places can stake a claim to the kind of superb cuisine Romero delivers, testament to co-owner Josete’s experience as former chef at the city’s celebrated Pla restaurant. Josete attends to each dish with care, crafting fresh, seasonal ingredients into creative Mediterranean dishes. Nothing is frozen, all stocks are handmade and ingredients are sourced from local cooperatives. Highly recommended is their Iberian Ham Carpaccio one of their signature dishes. There are also vegetarian and gluten free offerings. The Spanish wine list includes a strong Catalan selection. During the week, there is a lunch menu for €10.90 and every evening a dinner menu for just €21.90. The décor, with exposed brick and Spanish tile, charms without over-powering. ♣ Open: Mon-Wed 1pm-4pm, Thu-Sat 1pm4pm and 8:30pm-11:30pm. C/ Bailén, 115 (Eixample) f L4/L5 (Verdaguer) g 93 457 06 40.



TAPEO. This popular, family-run establishment, led by well-known Catalan chef Daniel Rueda, is on the leading edge of a new generation of tapas bars placing a creative gourmet twist on the tapas tradition. Down the street from the Picasso Museum, tourists

and locals alike mix in the intimate space as they sample a range of impressively executed tapas sourced from local market ingredients, from Truffled Eggs with Mushroom and Foie to Fideuà, a black Catalan pasta. Specialties include dishes incorporating Iberian gourmet

ham, smashed eggs and Catalan vermouth with seafood. Wash it all down with homemade sangria or a local beer or wine. ♣ Open: Tues 7pm–12am, Wed–Sun 12pm– 4pm and 7pm–12am. C/ Montcada, 29 f L4 (Jaume I) g 93 310 16 07.


food FRATELLI LA BUFALA (LLACUNA). This vibrant pizzeria uses ingredients shipped from its headquarters in Naples. Start with a classic bruschetta or stick to simple insalatas followed by hand-cut pastas, Neapolitan pizzas and even dishes with buffalo meat. Take a peek at the restaurant’s working pizza oven. Lunch is available during the week for €10 and there’s a special dinner menu for €15, including two courses (drink extra), available every day, weekends too. Lazy night at home? Try their carryout special: a large margherita pizza with a drink for just €4. ♣ Open: Daily 1pm–4pm and 8pm–12am. C/ Llacuna, 150 (Poble Nou) f L1/L4 (Glòries) g 93 485 68 02.

HELLO SUSHI. Stylish Japanese restaurant good for dinner with friends or a date. It’s a friendly, spunky and spacious locale lit by paper chandeliers and decorated eclecticly, including with a rainbow-colored blowfish painting. Japanese dishes include maki rolls, miso soup, sashimi platters and vegetable tempura, all made with fresh, Boqueríabought ingredients picked up daily. Try the ceviche, uniquely blending Japanese and Peruvian flavors. Finish with Tiramisu or the chocolate fondue. A weekday fixed-price lunch menu for €9.90, a light menu for €6 and a dinner menu for €15 are available. Stay for €4 Japanese cocktails until 2am. On Fridays a fortune teller stops by and grants every client two questions. Free WiFi. ♣ Open: Mon 8pm–12am, Tue–Sun 12pm–12:30am, bar till 2am. C/ Junta de Comerç, 14 (Raval) f L3 (Liceu), L2 (Sant Antoni) g 93 412 08 30, 629 36 09 63.


BAR DEL PLA. This casual, innovative Catalan tapas bar, sister to celebrated restaurant Pla, is the perfect place to enjoy high-quality, traditional dishes in a relaxed atmosphere. Located near the Museu Picasso, it’s a convenient stop for draught beers

and tasty tapas. Tempura-like artichokes and squid-ink croquettes brighten up the tasting menu. More elaborate plates like charcoal-grilled fish of the day or succulent meats with seasonal vegetables complete the experience. Regional wines on offer

complement the generous dishes, served hot and prompt and guaranteed to please. ♣ Open: Tue–Sun 12pm–11pm, Fri–Sat 12pm–12am. C/ Montcada, 2 (Born) f L4 (Jaume I) g 93 268 30 03.


food TEMAKI-YA. Attention chopstick challenged: Spain’s first “temakería” has landed. A temaki is a cone-shaped piece of nori filled with sushi designed to be eaten with the hands, a sort of Japanese fast food but healthy as sashimi. Until now, this concept as been curiously absent in Barcelona, replete as it is with sushi joints. So it is fitting that two of the owners of Temaki-Ya, meaning “Temaki Now” in Spanish, are from Brazil since it is there that this Japanese “fajita” became wildly popular. Focusing on quality and sustainability, they offer up 36 temaki varieties mixing salmon, tuna, shrimp, crab, orata or vegetables with onions, almonds, roe, rice and more. They also offer sushi as well as starters and desserts. The location has seating or of course it’s easy take to go. So next time skip the shawarma in favor of something healthy. ♣ Open: Mon–Thu 1pm–5pm and 8pm– 11pm, Fri–Sat 1pm–1am, Sun 5pm–12am. C/ Gignàs, 28 fL4 (Jaume I) g 93 319 21 85. BARRAVAL. This restaurant has everything needed for a great night out. Franc, their well-known chef, prepares traditional and creative Mediterranean cuisine, with most dishes costing around €6. They offer a €7 Lunch Special Mon–Fri (except Tue) from 1pm–4pm that includes a small salad, main course, bread and a drink. Pop in with friends and sample delicious cocktails, while listening to cool music spun by the resident DJs. Check out the afterwork parties on Wed, with a free dish for those who buy drinks. On weekends, sample the €15 special paella made with assorted tapas and shellfish. Has a new outdoor terrace too. ♣ Open: Sun–Thu 12pm–2:30am, Fri–Sat 12pm–3am (kitchen non-stop till 1am). C/ Hospital, 104 (Raval)fL3 (Liceu) g 93 329 82 77.


LA BOTIGA. Focuses on simple, tasty Spanish dishes that bring out the ingredients’ true flavors. Dine on a budget-friendly meal in the classically decorated spaces designed by Cuca Arraut. Their mouth-watering specialty, rich black rice with garlic mayonnaise, keeps

crowds coming in, along with their paella menu which includes a selection of starters, paella, dessert and sangria. ♣ Tarradellas: Mon–Fri 8am–4:30pm and 8pm–12:30am, Fri–Sat until 1am, Sat–Sun from 1pm. Tram (Francesc Macià) g 93 410

27 04. Gandesa: Mon–Fri 8am–4:30pm and 8pm–12:30am, Fri–Sat until 1am, Sat–Sun from 1pm.f L3 (Maria Cristina) Tram (Numancia) g 93 410 48 47. Rambla: Mon–Fri 1pm–4:30pm and 7:30pm–12:30am. f L1 (Catalunya) g 93 306 96 68.


food PIRAS BRASERêA. This is the place for a homestyle Mediterranean meal. Italian chef Guido and sommelier Elena attend to loyal clients in this rustic establishment whose defining feature is a charcoal-fired grill. Excellent grilled steak (Girona beef), sausage, pork and duck or pasta, including pasta carbonara, ensure satisfaction. Local salads, starters, homemade desserts and wines complete the offering. Live music on some Sat dinners and wine tastings too. Dinner menu €14.90, lunch €9.80. ♣ Open: Mon, Wed 1pm–4pm, Thu–Sun 1pm–4pm and 8:30pm–12am, Tue closed. C/ Montseny, 10 (Gràcia) f L3 (Fontana) g 93 218 26 05. BUN BO VIæTNAM. Joining the ranks of relatively few Vietnamese places in Barcelona, this recently opened restaurant sits on a quaint street near the Cathedral. Wholesome cuisine on offer includes traditional fare like imperial rolls and Bun Ga, a chicken and noodle salad, and they mix up Vietnamese cocktails too. There’s a lot of color with a fun vibe and prices that are easy on your wallet. Weekly lunch menu €10 indoors, €11 on the terrace. Kitchen open all day. ♣ Open: Daily 1pm–1am. C/ Sagristans, 3 (Barri Gòtic) f L4 (Urquinaona) g 93 301 13 78.

GOVINDA. Extensive selection of Indian and non-Indian vegetarian dishes, excellent salad bar and 3-course fixed-price option (€10.30 lunch, €15 weekend). Specializes in Thali, a traditional Indian dish of vegetarian foods, each served with a heap of rice and Indian bread. Extremely generous portions. Catering for special events. No alcohol. ♣ Open: Mon–Thurs 1pm–4pm and 8pm– 11pm, Fri–Sat 1pm–4pm and 8pm–12am, Sun 1pm–4pm. Pl. Vila de Madrid, 4-5 (Barri Gòtic) f L1/L3 (Catalunya) g 93 318 77 29.


LA HACIENDA. Billing itself as the “The Mexican Experience,” with Mexican hacienda (country estate) décor, accented by Aztec death masks and offering special menus complete with dishes incorporating tequila, 10 types of margaritas including 4

frozen fruit versions, and traditional Mexican recipes with a twist. Recommended are the house specialty, molcajete: beef, chicken or veggies sizzling on a volcanic rock with chorizo, avocado and spring onion as well as nopalitos gratinados: grilled fillets of

cactus... and don’t forget the tequila, which they have lots of, including Jimador. ♣ Open: Daily 12pm–3am. C/ Rec, 69 (Born) f (Jaume I) g 93 310 00 73.


food SUBORN REST. Stylish, modern Mediterranean eatery and hot nightspot in the Born. With a menu that changes with the season, each dish is filled with market fresh goodness. Try the mushroom risotto or the tender steak from Nebraska. Finish with one of their divine desserts like the biscotti and hazelnut ice cream. Available to host events and private parties. Linger on inside or on their newly redone terrace. ♣ Open: Wed–Fri 8pm–12am, Sat–Sun and holidays 1pm–12am. Pg. Picasso, 42 (Born) f L4 (Barceloneta) g 93 310 11 10.

FRATELLI LA BUFALA (PAU CLARIS). This vibrant pizzeria uses ingredients shipped from its headquarters in Naples. Start with a classic bruschetta or stick to simple insalatas followed by hand-cut pastas, Neapolitan pizzas and even dishes with buffalo meat. Take a peek at the restaurant’s working pizza oven. Lunch is available during the week for €10.80 (starter and entree) or €10.25 (pizza), with a drink and dessert or coffee included. The menu changes several times a year to incorporate fresh, seasonal ingredients. ♣ Open: Daily 1pm–4pm and 8pm–12am. C/ Pau Claris, 72 (Eixample) f L1/L4 (Urquinaona) g 93 481 49 63.



PRINCESA 23. This restaurant and cocktail lounge located near the Picasso Museum, with its friendly, multilingual staff is great for starting out or spending the entire night. The menu includes tapas, paella, sandwiches, burgers, wraps and salads.

Don’t miss their meatballs, nachos or chicken avocado wrap, which can all be washed down with sangria or one of their international draught beers. Try the €12.50 fixed price lunch menu available weekdays or stop by and sip on one (or more) of their

smooth, but potent mojitos and caipirinhas at only €4. Attracts an international crowd, with a relaxed and fun atmosphere. ♣ Open: Daily 11am–3am. C/ Princesa, 23 (Born) f L4 (Jaume I) g 93 268 86 18


food SANDWICH&FRIENDS. Chic restaurant chain claiming to make the best bocadillos in BCN, with 50+ high-quality and creative sandwiches, and now 100% Irish beef burgers. Along with the hot ‘n’ cold rolled sandwiches, ciabattas, crepes, fresh salads and pizzas, they now serve hot breakfast treats like freshly baked pastries and muffins. Also enjoy smoothies, frappes and a variety of desserts and stick around for cocktails. Kitchen open all day. Sandwiches served until a 1/2 hour before closing. Free WiFi. ♣ Open: Hours vary, typically Sun–Wed 9:30am–12am,Thurs–Sat 9:30am–2am. Madrazo: f L3 (Fontana) FGC (Plaza Molina) Aribau: f L3/L5 (Diagonal) Rbla. Catalunya: f L1/L3 (Catalunya) Pg. Born f L4 (Jaume I)

LILI BURGER. One thing Barcelona lacks in comparison to other big cities is a culture of food delivery. This is slowly changing, and LiLi Burger is a welcome addition to the scene, offering up artisanal hamburgers delivered straight to your door. This recently launched service combines sister restaurants Le Comptoir Marseillais’ gourmet burger fixing skills with Vitali Pizza’s delivery proficiency. Four burgers are on hand: a classic, cheeseburger, barbeque as well as bacon cheese, for €8 to €9.50. Sides include fries, bbq chicken wings, chicken nuggets and salads. They’ll even deliver risotto, lasagna, desserts like chocolate mousse and drinks. Various fixed-price menus are available. Free delivery (Eixample and Gràcia neighborhoods) with a minimum order of €12.50. Visa accepted. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 7:30pm–11:30pm, Sat 1pm–3:30pm and 7:30pm–11:30pm g 658 16 60 00.


BLOUNGE. This sleek, colorful lounge & restaurant in the Barceló Raval hotel was designed by well-known interior designer Jordi Galí. The sophisticated décor is complemented by a cosmopolitan menu of tapas and fusion cuisine taking Mediterraean,

Arabic and Asian influences. The menu, crafted by renowned chef Joan Gómez, is surprisingly inexpensive and reflects the hotel’s spirit of inclusion, appropriate to the urban character of the surrounding Raval neighbourhood. The electronic DJ sessions

(Thu–Sat) draw tourists and locals alike who enjoy the good music, great cocktails and informal, trendy ambience. ♣ Open: Daily 12pm–12am. Rambla del Raval, 17-21 (Raval) f L3 (Liceu) g 93 320 14 90.


food LA VERñNICA. A fashionable eatery with substance, thanks to the deep orange on stark-white décor, creative and tasty thin crust pizzas, reasonable prices, hip music and cool locale. Designed by accomplished architect Julia Shulz-Dornburg, most days at lunch you’ll find chef and owner Francesc in the kitchen whipping up a variety of salads or pie combos such as fresh artichokes and cheese, apple and Gorgonzola, smoked swordfish, and a Reus recipe with caramelized onion and red pepper. Finish with the incomparable Flantástico. Weekday midday menu €10, take away and new outdoor terrace seating. ♣ Open: Mon–Fri 1pm–4:30pm and 7pm– 12:30am, Sat–Sun and holidays 1pm–1am. Rambla del Raval, 2-4 (Raval) f L3 (Liceu), L2 (Sant Antoni) g 93 329 33 03.

SUSHI ITTO. Chilled-out surroundings and intelligent use of ambient sounds making sushi fun and delicious at the same time. They offer more than 15 different types of rainbow-colored maki, expertly sliced and plattered sashimi and steamy yakisoba, among other Japanese specialities. We highly recommend the “nigiri rice with fish combined with sea delicacies.” For something sweet to complete the meal, try their daifoku, a traditional Japanese dessert with strawberries and cream. Wash it all down with a Japanese beer, Kirin or Asahi. Prices from €21 to €30. Delivery and take away also available. Just in: try their delicious Toby&Co layered sushi creation… in a glass! ♣ Open: Daily 1:30pm–4pm and 8:30pm– 11:30pm. C/ Londres, 103 (Eixample) f L2 (Sant Antoni), L3/L5 (Diagonal) FGC (Provença) g 93 241 21 99.


food PLA. One of the city’s most popular restaurants, Pla serves a fine range of Mediterranean dishes with stylish international touches. Low lighting, split-level architecture and old wooden tables make for a romantic, stylish and ultimately comfortable atmosphere. One of the things that separates the service at Pla is their great attention to detail. Customers are greeted with a welcome amuse bouche and the wait staff sits with each group and explains the dishes in several languages. We recommend the tuna steak, served with sautéed vegetables and a tomato and red wine marinated vegetable stew. A meal, including a bottle of wine costs around €40. ♣ Open: Daily 7:30pm–12am. C/ Bellafila, 5 (Barri Gòtic) fL4 (Jaume I) g93 412 65 52.

PISCOLABIS. Sophisticated locales designed by Lázaro Rosa Violán offering creative variations on traditional tapas a la carte, made fresh when ordered. Try their outstanding patatas bravas with a glass of local wine, or Spanish fried eggs with choice of toppings such as Iberian ham or mushrooms, or the exquisite foie bombons. With Iberian ham, fresh market vegetables and more on hand, the tapas possibilities are endless, so get creating. Now serving cocktails at the Diagonal location. ♣ Open: Mon–Thu 7:45am–1:30am, Fri until 2am, Sat 8:45am–2am, Sun 10:45am–1am. Rambla: f L1 (Catalunya/Universitat), L2/L3/ L4 (Passeig de Gràcia). Diagonal: f L3 (Maria Cristina) Tram (Numancia)


food SIKKIM. A warm, rich and exotic atmosphere is created through Asianinspired interiors, an abundance of candles and sweet-smelling incense. Here you’ll find an exquisite combination of ingredients and gastronomic traditions inspired by Marco Polo’s travels through the Far East. Among the variety of salads, starters, pastas, meat and fish dishes, recommended are the Turkish raviolis and lamb ribs from Magallanes. For dessert, try the mango ice-cream or decadent Cuban chocolate coulant. Thursday is the most romantic night of the week, with rose petals strewn across the floor and bossanova playing in the background, while Sunday is “magic candle night.” Group menus available. ♣ Open: 365 days a year 8:30pm–1am. Pl Comercial, 1 (Born) f L1 (Arc de Triomf), L4 (Jaume I) g 93 268 43 13.

GURU. A bar & restaurant with beautiful oriental detailing in its interior and warm colors, Guru has an ample cocktail menu as well as a variety of creative tapas to sample. All cocktails and fruit smoothies are made with 100% natural fruit juices. After midnight, the vibe changes, as Guru turns into the place to kick off a night of partying. Located in the center of the Gothic quarter near the Ramblas, its central location makes it ideal for private parties, special celebrations or simply for meeting up and sharing great cocktails, delicious appetizers and conversation with friends. ♣ Open: 365 days a year 5pm–3am, kitchen open non-stop. C/ Josep Anselm Clavé, 19 (Barri Gòtic) f L3 (Drassanes) g 93 342 64 22.


food BAMBò. Located on Barcelona’s newest beach Llevant next to the Fòrum, this beach bar offers delicious breakfast dishes, a midday menu, dinner entrées and cocktails in a relaxed atmosphere, complete with soothing sounds from the bar’s resident DJs. Every Friday enjoy their special Italian aperitif. Recommended are the chicken club sandwich and the spinach, goat cheese, walnut and raisin salad with Dijon mustard and honey. They also serve food and drinks directly to the beach hammocks and are available to host private parties. ♣ Open: Daily 9am–2am. Playa Llevant (Poble Nou) f L4 (Selva de Mar) g 669 93 50 64.

VAI MOANA. When the sun goes down, the night turns magical by the sea with the soothing sounds of the waves and water illuminated by moonlight, and the candles at Vai Moana. A place to share such special moments, this beach bar also offers delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes and smooth cocktails in a chilled-out atmosphere, complete with mood-enhacing tunes spun by the bar’s resident DJs. Recommended are the chicken skewers with basmati rice and curry sauce, salad with Bufala cheese, dried tomatoes drizzled with pesto and chicken breast sandwich with fried egg, mayonnaise and salad. ♣ Open: Daily 9am–2am. Playa Bogatell (Poble Nou) f L4 (Bogatell) g 608 32 43 50.



SHOT COCKTAILS By Diego Arnold, co-founder of

alight, others incorporate drawn shapes and some even have the honor of being included in the definitive list of the International Bartenders Association, such as the B52, prepared in a shooter glass as follows: 2.0 cl Kahlua 2.0 cl Baileys Irish Cream 2.0 cl Grand Marnier (or substitute Cointreau)

Barcelona is a cosmopolitan city boasting everevolving trends, with the cocktail world as no exception. Shots are an important branch of cocktail making. You might also say they are an important part of the social ritual that is drinking and that generates bonding. The world of shots isn’t limited to just tequila or vodka; shots becomes cocktails once at least two ingredients are mixed together, creating new textures and flavors. The shot family is immense: some incorporate layers of liquids which rest on top of one another, the surface tension preventing their mixing and generating bands of color. Some shots are set 48

Add the ingredients in order without breaking the surface tension of liquid layer below. Try pouring the liquid over a spoon to create a gentler drop. Finally, use a lighter to set the Grand Marnier (or Cointreau) alight. Drink quickly using a straw from the bottom of the shooter, keeping the straw still. This is a cocktail to challenge our cocktailmaking skills but that rewards us with its rich taste. In Barcelona you can explore the world of shots at Espit Chupitos. You’ll also find that the premium cocktail houses of Barcelona have a few top shots up their sleeves, so find your nearest place and get in your order.

ESPIT CHUPITOS. C/ Aribau, 77 (Eixample) and Pg. de Colón, 8 (Barri Gòtic)

drink LA CASA DE LA PRADERA. Unlike in cities in Spain like Madrid or Granada, bars that serve free tapas with drinks in Barcelona are few and far between. Which is why it's such a great thing that this coolly relaxed bar recently threw open its doors. Make no mistake, the low prices (€1.20 for a small beer, €1.50 for wine) and dark-heart-of-the-Raval setting belie the absurdly high quality of the tapas and cocktails prepared by the friends who run the place. You can feel it's a labor of love. The tapas selection rotates weekly but a recent visit saw quiche with bacon and cheese, gazpacho, hummus, tabouli and guacamole, all homemade and amazingly good, and without spending a cent on food. A must-try is their artisanal gin 'n' green tea tonic, incorporating a custom gourmet tea blend from Tealosophy by Inés Berton. ♣ Open: Sun, Tue–Thu 5pm–1am, Fri–Sat 5pm–2:30am, Mon closed. C/ Carretes, 57 (Raval) f L2/L3 (Paral.lel) g 93 441 66 42. Facebook: Lacasadelapradera Raval SUBORN CLUB. A popular place for sociable locals, Suborn attracts a ready-to-party crowd to its live DJ nights, playing soul, funk, deep Latin house, 60s and groove. Every Friday finds live music sessions with musicians – percussion, sax, guitar, even flute – playing alongside the DJ. Also a restaurant, they serve up homemade tapas like patatas bravas and croquetas. Grab a cocktail while watching soccer matches on their huge projector screen or on their terrace. ♣ Open: Thurs–Sat and holiday eves 11pm–3am. Pg. Picasso, 42 (Born) f L4 (Barceloneta) g 93 310 11 10.


drink BAR SECO. This charming tapas bar is set up the hill in the relaxed, up-and-coming neighborhood of Poble Sec. The natural, organic offering includes homemade tapas, vegetarian dishes and quality sandwiches. The terrace is perfect for grabbing a fresh juice, organic teas and infusions, Italian coffee or artisanal beers. Join the weekend tradition of seafood and vermouth, a sort of Catalan brunch. Also organizes activities. ♣ Open: Mon–Wed 9am–8pm, Thu 9am–1am, Fri 9am–2am, Sat 10am–2am, Sun 10am–1am. Pg. Montjuïc, 74 (Poble Sec) f L2/L3 (Paral.lel) g 93 329 63 74 KENNEDY IRISH SAILING CLUB. The one place on the Port Olímpic strip with live music. From Wednesday to Sunday after 11:30pm, musicians play everything from traditional Irish music to modern rock. Here, the party goes on uninterrupted from opening till closing. Enjoy all the major international sports events over plasma screens and two giant projectors. Guinness party nights and daily beer Happy Hour till 11pm. ♣ Open: Daily 5pm–5am. Moll Mestral 26–28 (Port Olímpic) f L4 (Ciutadella–Vila Olímpica) g 93 221 00 39.

ZELIG. This cosmopolitan Dutch-owned bar has a laid-back, liberal vibe. At night, the fairy lights and electro indie-pop come on as an international crowd – gay, straight, whatever – comes to sip on cocktails or nibble at tapas. Alongside patatas bravas, nachos and calamari, Zelig offers Dutch bitterballen and croquettes. A back area is available for events, a popular place for birthday parties. On tap you'll find San Miguel €1.50 every night from 7:30pm to 10pm. ♣ Open: Sun–Thu 7pm–2am, Fri–Sat 7pm–3am. C/ del Carme, 116 (Raval) f L2 (Sant Antoni) g 649 26 15 99.



DESPARRAME By Clare Considine, co-founder of Plat Du Jour.

© Landry

Chances are you know Delorean. Their blissed out summer sounds are a mainstay of any self-respecting hipster’s playlist. They are every bit the indie band: floppy hair, tight jeans and pensive stares. But did you now they’re as likely to find inspiration from Lil Wayne or R. Kelly as from Animal Collective? Listen carefully to their albums and you’ll find hints of the more surprising end of their musical delectations; there’s some 90s house pianos and hands in the air techno breaks. For a more overt clue to what you’ll find in their record collections, check their sister project, Desparrame. This is a joint venture with their childhood friend and our local hero, DJ K**O. The crew have come together to bring us both a music blog and sporadic parties. The blog was started in 2008 and gained speedy notoriety as one of Spain’s top sources for music. K**O explains, “You can expect anything on the blog really – tons of old and new music, obscure Spanish 80s gems, our favorite record covers and movie posters, stupid videos, exclusive

mixes, info about our parties and some art too.” Alongside the blog there are the parties – and these boys know how to party. K**O explains, “The word ‘Desparrame’ refers to the point when things get out of control and that’s what we aim for.” The parties are not about pretensions: “It’s as simple as having fun and dancing to the music that we love – could be rap, grime, R&B, Chicago house, 80s boogie or the latest Night Slugs release.” If you fancy checking out one of these legendary blow-outs, they are throwing a party called C.A.L.O.R. at the Apolo’s Nitsa Club on July 30th with the Arkestra Discos crew. They will be playing alongside David Ghetto, Mwëslee, Catalan label Hivern and Spanish hip hop artists Matador Rockers.

July 30 SALA APOLO. C/ Nou de la Rambla, 111 (Poble Sec).



VINTAGE ROYALE By Clare Considine

Café Royale is back. And the Barcelona club scene is a better place for it. After a painfully long hiatus, the city’s funk, soul and disco enthusiasts finally got their spiritual home back at the end of last year. And who better to take the helm for monthly Fridays than two of Barcelona's longest serving crate diggers: Roger C and Fred Guzzo. As Roger explains, “Fred and myself dig deep into our collections to cover a huge selection of black and Latin music styles from the last 50 years.” The ethos of the night is simple: “We’ll be focusing 100% on the music at Vintage Royale; all of the tunes you’ll hear are selected with loving care and attention.” The DJ duo will be offering Barcelona's clubbers an intelligent alternative to the usual servings of house and techno: “We wanted to give people an early evening clubbing experience that would be rich and diverse in its musical texture.” Here you will hear everything from Deep Funk to Soul, Dancefloor Jazz, Afrobeat, Salsa and Original Rhythm ’n’ Blues. 52

Each DJ brings an individual style to the turntables: “We’re from quite different backgrounds musically, Fred from the jazz scene and me from a harder edge funk direction, but between us we have over fifty years of solid DJ experience.” The pair have seen Barcelona DJs come and go and have honed their skills through the highs and lows of the city’s nightlife. Roger feels, “We seem to have been going through another period of Draconian regulation from the Ajuntament [City Hall] over the last twelve months, which has been strangling the life out of Barcelona’s smaller bar and club scene.” Never fear night owls, Roger and Fred are here to save the day.

July 15 and August 19 CAFƒ ROYALE. C/ Nou de Zurbano, 3 (Barri Gòtic)

clubbing GLASS HAT. You’d be hard pressed to find a DJ in Barcelona who goes to such lengths to keep his fans entertained. His signature “happy music” mix of 80s, 90s, pop, rock and disco gets the crowd grooving. A showman at heart, Glass Hat dons a range of gear from rockabilly to blues bros, even the occasional top hat. He’s a crowd pleaser at Suborn (July 9, 16 and 30), Ambar, Jamboree’s 2nd floor Tarantos (July 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 10, 15, 17, 18, 22, 24, 25 and 29), Rita Blue and Rita Rouge. He also has regular gigs at the open air Las Carpas de Le Poupée nightclub (July 2 and 23) in Sant Celoni. He's also been seen warming up the Tibu-Ron beach bar (July 30 from 6pm to 10pm) in nearby Castelldefells where he organizes a 90s dance party. So don’t be shy, you’re not alone; give us a few gin ‘n’ tonics and we’ll dance to “Tainted Love” too. ♣

ELROW. There is nothing wrong with continuing your club night into the late morning hours, but sometimes (and often past a certain age) you might be looking for another type of clubbing experience. Welcome to ElRow Sunday Mornings at Row 14, offering up quality electronic music in an open air setting. The crew aim to keep the vibe fun, passing out everything from hats to water guns to Chinese umbrellas – in case you forgot your sunscreen. The line up includes international DJs who play electronic music festivals. With a friendly crowd with a distinctive style, this large venue feels like a slice of Ibiza located 15 minutes out of the center of Barcelona. Free buses from Plaça Catalunya, club pays €20 toward taxi fare for four people. ♣ Open: Sun 6:30am–3pm. Autovía Castelldefels C31, Km 186. (Viladecans) g 93 659 17 44.


clubbing SHïKO. Restaurant and lounge club that transports you off to an Eastern world in a unique space designed according to the rules of Feng Shui. Fine cuisine based on the fusion of both cultures and flavours. You can enjoy the beach terrace throughout the year and after midnight the restaurant becomes a Lounge Club with a modern, stylish atmosphere. With a mixture of funk, 80s and R&B from Monday to Thursday, and house Friday through Sunday, you can also enjoy international DJ sessions and thematic parties for everyone’s tastes. Visit the website to keep up to date with what’s going on. ♣ Open: Kitchen daily 1pm–4pm and 8pm–12am, Terrace 1pm–3am, Club 12am–3am. Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta, 36 (Port Olímpic) f L4 (CiutadellaVila Olímpica) g 93 225 92 00.

OTTO ZUTZ. The immense club occupying an old factory and beginning with an industrial, underground NYC-style was a pioneer on Barcelona’s nightlife scene, one of the few places that dared to start spinning hip-hop, R&B and funk music. It now has three floors and offers hip-hop, R&B and funk music, as well as the best dance and house hits that keep the club’s mini-podiums and dance floors packed till dawn. Their two VIP rooms got a decadent makeover by Klea Levin and Adhoc studios and host celebs living or visiting Barcelona and those wanting to party privately. ♣ Open: Wed–Thu 12am–5am, Fri–Sat 12am–6am. C/ Lincoln, 15 (Gràcia) f L3 (Fontana) g 93 238 07 22.



FOOD & SEX By Venus O’Hara, fetish model, actress and writer.

They say that people eat food in the same way they have sex. In my case, it’s true. I’m a fussy eater and I always have been. When I’m asked whether I like spicy food, I always reply that I’m spicy enough already. I never put extra seasoning in cooking that doesn’t need it but I do use a little salt when I make an exotic vinaigrette. I’m apprehensive about trying new flavors. When I’m invited to dinner, it can become a little complicated because I’m a vegetarian in a country that doesn’t understand it. People say I’m missing out but I disagree; being veggie means I have to use a lot more imagination. I take pride in my cooking and I like to surprise my dinner guests with something exotic they haven’t tried. When I eat at home I can always trust the cleanliness and standards of the cook. When I go out, however, I am usually handed a plate with better presentation than mine. No matter how good it looks, though, I can never be sure how many people have already handled it. When I do try something new I tend to be a slow eater but when I’m eating something I love, I get swept away in the pleasure and almost lose control of my appetite; I have to pause in case I have too much too quickly. When I’m dining out and I don’t like the look of the main course, I’d rather settle for two starters instead. If I’m still not convinced about the cuisine, some will get left on my plate; I don’t think it compromises my integrity if I don’t

© Guy Moberly

finish the meal. If my expectations aren’t met, I’ll give up on it and hope the next meal is better. I don’t believe in low calorie alternatives to the real thing. If you want to eat something unhealthy, it’s best to do it in the most natural way possible without guilt. I don’t diet and never deny myself small but important pleasures like fine chocolate. After all, food, like sex is one of the greatest pleasures there is. 55

romance HREGËS. Located just north of the city centre where the Eixample meets Gràcia, HRegàs has a selection of elegant rooms for couples looking for added private time away from the family, roommates and buzz of the city. They range from €49 to €70 and are sleek and modern. There are even rooms with circular-shaped beds and starry ceiling lighting. Plus, there are no time limitations. This makes it easy to while away the hours with your partner, away from the rush of city life. The comfortable, spacious rooms have even been soundproofed. The hotel also offers a 24hr bar with room service and convenient free parking in the same building. ♣ Open: Daily 24 hours. C/ Regàs, 10–12 (Gràcia) f L3 (Fontana) g 93 238 00 92.

LA FRAN‚A. Intimacy for couples is guaranteed in an elegant, discrete and lavish setting. The largest luxury love nest in the city, they have various rooms starting at €45 up to €100. Constantly changing with the times, they pay special attention to each room’s interior. They have rooms that range in style from simple and classic, to ultra-modern and sophisticated. They even have rooms so grand, they would make any female feel like a queen. Open 365 days a year, they offer 24hr service, no time limits and free confidential parking. Sandwiches are available on request and room reservations are also accepted by telephone. ♣ Open: Daily 24 hours. C/ La França Xica, 40 (Poble Sec) f L3 (Poble Sec) g 93 423 14 16.


romance LA PALOMA. Central location with a selection of air-conditioned luxury rooms for couples that want to treat themselves to limitless indulgence. Rooms are between €42 and €52. Each room has international Adult TV and music channels, for added playfulness. Open 24hrs and 365 days a year, it makes for a perfect short-term retreat with that special someone, especially since there are no time limitations. Discretion always present, on-site parking with Valet service is also available. ♣ Open: Daily 24 hours. C/ La Paloma, 24–26 (Raval) f L2 (Sant Antoni) g 93 412 43 81.

MOTEL PUNT CATORZE. Charming love motel in the seaside resort of Gavà, close to Barcelona on the motorway to Castelldefells. They have a range of rooms and a selection of prices to match. A standard room costs €48, and suites are €98. Each room is outfitted with top-of-the-line bathroom fixtures, modern designs, and is as comfortable as being at home, if that home was a posh passion hideaway. Bar with a fine selection of wine and spirits and 24hr room service. There is even an erotic carta to boot. Why not spice things up with a decadent chocolate massage? Free parking also available. ♣ Open: Daily 24 hours. Autovía de Castelldefels Km 185, Gavà Mar (Barcelona) g 93 633 02 84.




Poble Sec arts&culture 1. Mercat de les Flors theater 2. Sala Apolo concert venue 3. Teatre Grec theater

pg 13 08 13

food 4. Bar Seco tapas


romance 5. La Franรงa love hotel




Raval que pasa 1. Goorilo printing and distribution services arts&culture 2. CCCB cultural center 3. Arts Santa Mònica arts center fashion 4. Wilde Vintage sunglasses beauty&wellness 5. Anthony Llobet hair salon 6. Mailuna massage, café & shop 7. Yoga Dinamico Mandarin yoga studio food 8. Alma Mediterranean 9. Barraval Mediterranean 10. BLounge Mediterranean, Arabic & Asian 11. Cup&Cake pastry shop 12. Hello Sushi Japanese 13. La Verònica Italian nightlife 14. La Casa de la Pradera tapas bar 15. Zelig cocktail bar romance 16. La Paloma love hotel


pg 06

09 15


24 04 27

32 36 43 31 32 44

49 50 57


Barri Gòtic beauty&wellness 1. Anthony Llobet hair salon 2. La Hair Boutique hair salon 3. New H-air hair salon food 4. Bun Bo Viêtnam Vietnamese 5. Govinda Indian & vegetarian 6. Guru Lounge Club Mediterranean 7. Magnolia Mediterranean 8. Pla Mediterranean 9. Sukúr Mediterranean 10. Temaki-Ya Japanese nightlife 11. Espit Chupitos shots 12. Café Royale nightclub

pg 24 23 25

38 38 46 31 45 68 36

48 52



Born fashion 1. Le Swing vintage 2. Suno boutique beauty&wellness 3. Anthony Llobet hair salon 4. Korres beauty products food 5. Bar del Pla tapas 6. Dionisos Greek 7. La Hacienda Mexican 8. Princesa 23 Mediterranean 9. Sandwich&Friends international 10. Sikkim Asian 11. Tapeo tapas nightlife 6. Diobar bar & nightclub 12. Suborn Mediterranean & bar


pg 20 21

24 22

35 68 39 41 42 46 33

68 49


Barceloneta food 1. Cavamar Mediterranean 2. Princesa 23 Beach Bar Beach Bar nightlife 3. Kennedy Irish Sailing Club Irish pub 4. Sh么ko Asian restaurant & nightclub

pg 30 41

50 54


Eixample que pasa 1. Hotel Majestic hotel 2. Hotel Pulitzer hotel

pg 05 05

fashion 3. Paris Vintage vintage boutique


beauty&wellness 4. Anthony Llobet hair salon



5. FITT personal training 6. SK Style hair salon food 7. Cup&Cake pastry shop 8. Daps Mediterranean 9. Dionisos Greek 10. Fratelli la Bufala Italian 12. La Botiga Mediterranean 13. Le Comptoir Marseillais French

pg 27 23

31 29 68 40 37 42

14. Piscolabis tapas 15. Romero Mediterranean 16. Sandwich&Friends international 17. Sushi Itto Japanese 18. Vitali Pizza Italian nightlife 19. Espit Chupitos shots

pg 45 32 42 44 42


Sant Gervasi–Gràcia arts&culture 1. La Caldera dance center 2. Foto Colectania photo gallery fashion 4. Colorín Colorao boutique 5. ladyloquita boutique 6. StudioRosa jewelry

pg 13 14

21 19 20

beauty&wellness 7. Anthony Llobet hair salon 8. Carrera hair salon food 9. L’Obrador del Molí bread 10. Piras Brasería Mediterranean

pg 24 24

28 38

11. Sandwich&Friends international

pg 42

nightlife 12. Otto Zutz nightclub


romance 13. HRegàs love hotel



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