Revista IES nº02

Page 50

a u l a

weekend ENGLISH

How well do you communicate in English? OLGA JIMénEz yAMUzA. Profesora de Inglés.

Choose 1 answer! 1) If you need help at the hotel, you say: a- “Could you help me with the luggage, please?” b- “Help, please!” c- “S.O.S.!” 2) If you don’t know what things are called in English, you ask: a- “How do you say la cuenta in English, please?” b- “La cuenta?” c- “Money? How much?” 3) If you want to go to the restaurant, you ask: a-”Could you tell me how to get to Gino’s, please?” b-”Where’s Gino’s, please?” c- “Gino’s?” 4) If you don’t like the food at Gino’s, you say: a- “Well... It’s not very tasteful...” b- “You can’t be serious! It’s inedible!” c- “Yuck! It’s disgusting!” 5) If you go to an English wedding, you say: a- “Congratulations!” b- “Good for you!” c- “Good luck!”

¿q uie re pu bli ca r?

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7) If you go to the doctor’s, you say: a- “Good morning! I would like to make an appointment.” b- “Hi! What time is the doctor here, please?” c- “An appointment, please!” 8) If you go shopping, you ask: a- “How much do those earrings cost?” b- “How much are they, please?” c- “The price, please!” 9) If you want to exchange a mobile phone at a shop, you say: a- “Excuse me. My mobile phone doesn’t work.” b- “I’m sorry. My mobile is broken.” c- “My money back, please!” 10) If you want to meet a foreigner at a disco, you say: a- “Hi! How are you doing?” b- “Hi! Do you work or study?” c- “Come with me, baby!”

YOUR WE E KE ND E NGLI SH I S: ( Most “a”)- E XCE LLE NT! You a re a pol ite tou r ist and remembe r al l you r class Eng l ish! ( Most “b”)- FI NE! You a re an easy goi ng tou r ist and love lea r ni ng Eng l ish! ( Most “c”) -AWFUL! You a re a laz y and someti mes r ude tou r ist and show no i nte rest i n lea r ni ng new ex p ressions! N I CE WE E KE ND!!!

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6) If someone gets a cold and sneezes, you say: a- “Bless you!” b- “You should go to the doctor’s!” c- “Keep out!”






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