Timing of marriage by transits - Gautam Dave

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By Gautam Dave, India Editor: Maurício Avila, Brazil

Shri Dave is completely immersed in the study of diseases via astrology and alternate therapies. Having done his graduation from BSc Physics and is also a Graduate in Yogic & Natural Science. He is a yoga teacher with in depth knowledge of Chinese systems of healing like acupressure, having taught it to more than 600 students, has published books on yoga and acupressure. Knowledge in Medical Astrology/diagnosis based on Chinese Time Acupuncture, this knowledge is unique & new in India. He has been thoroughly studying medical astrology since a long time and experimenting with new concepts coordinating with surgeons.


redicting timing of events is a challenge for any astrologer. It’s a general practice to look at Vimshottari dasa of 7H Lord and planets connect to 7H, gochar (transit) of Jupiter in connection with 7H and its Lord. But it’s observed by many astrologers that you cannot have accuracy of more than 60% using these techniques. When I have started analysis of charts and timing of events using the method that will be presented, I found it working very well in more than 90% of the charts. Let’s analyze the rules one by one. First we will study how through Jaimini system and gochar of Saturn/Mars and Jupiter are used to make predictions about the time of fructification of the marriage event.

Rules for predicting marriage Broad Rule: Transit of Saturn, Mars and Jupiter connected with 7H, AL and UL or its Lords. These conditions are MANDATORY. AL, UL and its Lords should be noted as well. Rule 1: Transit Saturn should aspect UL or its Lord, or be transiting on UL or its trines. During this transit Saturn should aspect his natal position or Jupiter/Mars or both. Rule 2: Transit Mars should have connection with the factors mentioned in Rule 1. Rule 3: Transit Jupiter should aspect AL or its Lord as well as 7H/7H Lord. Rule 4: Darakaraka will be connected by one or many ways with the houses and lords indicated in the 3 rules above.

Rule 5: Chara Dasa running at the moment of marriage should be connected with the above parameters. Rule 6: Chara Dasa rashi Maha dasha (MD) and Antar Dasha (AD) should receive argala from Darakaraka and/or their respective lords (MD and AD lords).

Case Studies Example 1 - Case 1: D.O.B.: July 26, 1973 at 21:48:10. Machilipatnam, India.

Marriage on: January 24, 1999. Her Lagna is Meena, AL is Vrishchika, UL is Tula and DK is Mercury. Transit Saturn was in Mesh at that time. So UL is aspected being in 7H from Saturn, both natal Jupiter in Makara and natal Saturn in Mithuna are aspected by Saturn’s 10th and 3rd aspects. Transit Mars was in Tula in UL aspecting natal Jupiter in 4H from him and transiting Saturn (in Mesha at that time). Jupiter was transiting Meena over the natal AL Lord (Mars) aspecting 7H, DK and AL as well. Chara dasa running at the moment was Tula/Meena. UL is placed in Libra and Pisces receives aspects from transit Saturn and Jupiter. Mars was transiting UL aspecting Jupiter (AD lord). MD rashi gets argala from its lord Venus, which is also UL Lord. AD rashi gets argala from its lord (Jupiter) placed in 11H therefrom and Darakaraka Mercury from 5H.

Example 2 - Case 2: D.O.B.: April 4, 1970 at 17:47:08, Machilipatnam, India.

Marriage on: August 1, 1993. Lagna is Kanya, AL is Vrishchika, UL is Tula and DK is Mercury. Transit Saturn was in Kumbha in trine to UL, aspecting AL through 10rd house aspect and UL Lord Venus, AL Lord Mars and DK Mercury via 3rd house aspect. Jupiter and Mars were transiting

Kanya aspecting 7H, UL lord, DK and AL. Natal Jupiter aspects transiting Saturn and both natal Saturn and Mars are casting their aspect to AL, UL Lord and Darakaraka. Chara Dasa was Dhanu/Meena. Both rashis are ruled by Jupiter, which is placed with UL in 2H. Pisces is the 7H from Lagna. Transit Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are connected with the rashis activated in Chara Dasha. Dhanu gets argala from UL and MD Lord Jupiter from 11H there from. Upapada Lord and Darakaraka are also intervening from the 5H from MD sign.

Example 3 - Case 3: D.O.B.: September 12, 1971 at 8:25, Guntur, India.

Marriage on: August 1, 1993. Tula Lagna, AL is Mithuna, UL is Karka and DK is Jupiter. Transit Saturn is in Kumbha, in trine to AL and aspects 7H, DK Jupiter, and AL Lord Mercury. Also Natal Saturn with UL lord aspects transit Saturn. Mars and Jupiter are transiting Kanya, aspecting 7H, UL Lord Moon, natal Mars and Saturn. Thus transit Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are in connection with natal Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. Chara dasa running was Dhanu/Kumbha. MD Lord Jupiter is the Darakaraka aspecting both UL Lord (Moon) and AD Lord (Saturn). Transit Saturn was in Aquarius, and both Jupiter and Mars were transiting Virgo sign aspecting Sagittarius

by rashi drishti. Hence, both rashis are connected with transiting Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. MD rashi gets argala from UL (8H therefrom). AD rashi gets argala from its lord Saturn and UL Lord Moon placed in the 4H from there.

Example 4 - Case 4: D.O.B.: October 5, 1970 at 12:32pm. 80E21 18N48 (TZ: 5:30E)

Marriage on: January 1, 1999. Lagna is Dhanu, AL is Simha, UL is Kumbha and DK is Mercury. At the time of marriage Saturn was in Mesha in trine to AL and Mars. He was transiting over his natal position, activating UL Lord (Saturn itself) and aspecting natal Jupiter by its 7H aspect. Transit Jupiter and Mars were in Meena aspecting 7H, DK& 7L Mercury and AL Lord Sun. All the connections are well established in this case. Seventh house was fully activated by transit Jupiter, Saturn and Mars. Chara dasa running was in Tula/Simha. AL is in Leo and UL is in Aquarius (7H from Leo), UL Lord Saturn is also aspecting MD rashi. In transit, all the three important planets are related with AD rashi. MD rashi gets argala from UL from 5H therefrom and UL Lord by its 7H aspect. AD rashi gets argala from its lord and Darakaraka from 2H.

Example 5 - Case 5: D.O.B.: July 13, 1975 at 16:24:10, Eluru, India.

Marriage on: February 28, 2001. Vrishchika Lagna, AL is Kanya, UL is Mithuna and DK is Mercury. Transit Saturn was in Vrishabha in 7th house and trine to AL. Jupiter was also transiting Vrishabha and aspecting AL. Mars was in Vrishchika aspecting 7H and transiting Jupiter/Saturn (both placed in Vrishabha) were connected with AL. Now, transit Mars, under heavy influence of Jupiter and Saturn, aspects DK, its Lord and UL through its 8H aspect. So, all the requirements were present at the time of marriage. Chara Dasa running was Karka/Dhanu. MD Lord Moon is placed with A7 (Leo) and 7L. Moon is also aspected by Saturn from UL rashi via 3H aspect carrying the influence of DK Mercury (conjunct Saturn in Mithuna). AD rashi is 7H from UL and its lord aspects both UL and AD rashi via rashi drishti, and MD rashi by 5H aspect. Transit Saturn aspects MD rashi and transit Mars was being aspected by AD Lord Jupiter by its 9H aspect. MD rashi gets argala from its lord from 2H therefrom and AD rashi gets Jupiter’s argala from 5H therefrom.

Example 6 - Case 7: D.O.B.: April 25, 1976 at 2:32. Vijayawada, India.

Marriage on: February 28, 2001. Kumbha Lagna, AL is Dhanu and UL is Tula. DK is Mercury. At the time of marriage Saturn and Jupiter were transiting over Vrishabha and DK Mercury. Mars was in Vrishchika in the 7H from both planets. Mars was in Vrishchika aspecting Darakaraka, and transiting Saturn and Jupiter. Chara Dasa running was Vrishabha/Karka. Taurus has Mercury (DK) and transiting Saturn and Jupiter. Transit Saturn also aspects AD rashi Cancer and natal Saturn. Transit Mars was aspecting Vrishabha. Hence Chara Dasa running at the moment of marriage is connected with all the three major planets in this regard (viz. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). MD rashi and Darakaraka gets argala from its lord Venus and UL Lord from 11H from it. AD gets argala from Darakaraka and MD from 11H.

Example 7 - Case 8: D.O.B.: June 3, 1968 at 7:28, Machilipatnam, India.

Marriage on: July 22, 1999. Mithuna Lagna, AL is Meena, UL is Kumbha and DK is Jupiter. Transit Saturn was in Kumbha which is natal UL and aspects Jupiter which is DK and 7L. Mars was transiting Simha making a conjunction with natal Jupiter (DK and 7L). He was also aspecting UL, transiting Saturn, AL and UL Lord Saturn by its 7H and 8H aspects. Transit Jupiter was aspecting AL and UL Lord. By transit, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are making several connections with AL, UL and UL Lord. DK was also activated by transit. Chara Dasa running was Meena/Kumbha. Pisces contains AL and Saturn, being Pisces Lord the DK. Aquarius rashi is UL and is aspected by DK Jupiter from 7H therefrom. The three major planets are connected with the rashis activated via Chara Dasha. AD rashi gets argala from its lord (UL Lord Saturn) from MD rashi from 2H from UL rashi Aquarius.

Example 8 - Case 9: D.O.B.: September 26, 1974 at 7:35. Machilipatnam, India.

Marriage on: April 4, 1999. Lagna is Tula, AL is Mithuna, UL is Vrishchika and DK is Mercury. Transit of Saturn at time of marriage was in Mesha (7H of birth chart). He was aspecting natal Saturn though his 3H aspect, and DK, AL, Mercury and transit Mars by its 7H aspect. Transit Mars was in Tula (Lagna) conjunct DK and AL lord Mercury. Via 7H aspect he was also activating transit Saturn. Transit Jupiter aspects UL, 7L Mars and UL. Natal Mars and Saturn are aspecting transit Jupiter and UL Lagna lord. Furthermore, both planets are aspecting transit Saturn in 7H (Mesha). In this way, 7H and all the important parameters for this particular event are influenced by transiting Saturn, Mars and Jupiter. Chara dasa running was Makara/Simha. MD rashi Lord contains AL and was being aspected by transit Saturn by its 3H aspect. Transit Mars aspects MD rashi and transit Jupiter aspects MD Lord via rashi drishti. AD Lord Sun is with UL Lord Mars aspected by transit Jupiter. AD rashi is aspected by MD Lord Saturn by its 3H aspect. MD rashi gets argala from UL from 11H and AD rashi gets argala from its lord Sun and UL Lord Venus from 2H.

Example 9 - Case 10: D.O.B.: August 7, 1963 at 21:14:55. Sambalpur, India.

Marriage on: November 29, 1991. Meena Lagna, AL and UL are in Dhanu, DK is the 7L Mercury. At the time of marriage, transit Saturn was in Makara, which is in trine to 7H and aspects UL and AL Lord Jupiter, via 3H aspect. Transit Saturn also makes a connection with transit Jupiter via 3H aspect. Who in turns aspects Mars in 7H. Transit Mars is in 7H aspecting natal Jupiter, AL and UL. Transit Jupiter in Simha was conjunct the DK Mercury and aspecting AL and UL by its 5H aspect. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars are connected in various ways with the major factors for marriage. Chara dasa running was Tula/Vrishchika. UL Lord aspects AD rashi by its 9H drishti, UL Lord Mars via 7H drishti and MD rashi Lord Venus by its 5th rashi drishti. In transit, Saturn was in Makara associate with UL Lord and transit Jupiter, which in turns, aspects both MD and AD rashis and their lords as showed above. The three major planets were associated with the rashis activated through Chara Dasha during transit as well. MD rashi gets argala from Darakaraka Mercury from 11H and AD rashi gets argala from its lord Mars, from 11H.

Example 10 - Case 11: D.O.B.: June 18, 1957 at 4:10. Ahmadabad, India.

Marriage on: February 23, 1987. Lagna is Vrishabha, AL and UL are posited in Karka, DK is Sun. Transit of Saturn was in Vrishchika in the 7H trining AL. He was also transiting over his natal position and aspecting natal Jupiter by its 10H aspect. Transit Mars was in Mesha (7L Ketu placement) aspecting UL, AL and natal 7L Mars by its 4H aspect. He was making a connection to natal and transit position of Saturn via its 8H aspect (Vrishchika). Transit Jupiter was in Meena aspecting AL, UL, natal 7L in Karka and Saturn in Vrishchika. In this way, 7H and all its parameters were connected by transit to natal Saturn, Mars and Jupiter at the time of the event. Chara Dasa running was Vrishchika/Vrishchika, which is the 7H from Lagna and has its Lord placed in UL. All these places were aspected by transiting Jupiter, Saturn and Mars during marriage event. MD and AD rashi gets argala from UL Lord from 4H and the DK (Sun) from 8H.

Example 11 - Case 12: D.O.B.: June 18, 1962 at 5:05. Morbi, India.

Marriage on: February 23, 1987. Lagna is Vrishabha, AL is Kanya, UL is Makara and DK is Moon. Transit Saturn was in Vrishchika in the 7H aspecting natal Saturn, UL and its lord (3H aspect), and AL Lord Mercury (7H aspect). Transit Mars was in Mesha making a conjunction with natal 7L (Mars itself), and aspecting transit Saturn in the 7H via 8H aspect. Transit Jupiter was in Meena aspecting 7H and transit Saturn by its 9H aspect. AL was also aspected by Jupiter, transiting in the 7H from him. Chara Dasa running was Makara/Mesha. UL is in MD rashi Makara, and Mars (7L and AD Lord) is natally placed in Mesha. Transit Saturn and Mars were connected with both rashis activated by Chara Dasha at the time of the event. MD rashi gets Argala from AD rashi and its lord from the 4H therefrom. Thus, 7H and all its parameters are connected with transit Saturn, Mars and Jupiter.

Example 12 - Case 13: D.O.B.: April 12, 1967 at 12:30. Morbi, India.

Marriage on: December 13, 2007. Lagna is Mithuna, AL is Kanya, UL is Kumbha and Jupiter is DK. Transit Saturn was in Simha, in trine to 7H and transiting over Jupiter’s natal position. Saturn aspects UL by its 7H aspect, natal Mars via 3rd aspect and Venus by its 10th aspect (Saturn is UL Lord). Mars was transiting through Lagna aspecting 7H, transit Jupiter and AL (via 4H aspect). Jupiter was transiting through the 7H aspecting transit Mars in 7H from him and also transiting Saturn by its 9H aspect. Thus, the marriage parameters were related by transit with Saturn, Mars and Jupiter during the wedding. Chara Dasa running was Kumbha/Kanya. UL is placed in Kumbha which is the MD rashi. AD rashi contains the AL and its lord is conjunct with UL Lord Saturn, being both planets aspected by DK Jupiter (9H aspect). AD rashi get DK argala from 11H. MD gets argala from its lord, AD Lord and AL Lord as well.

Example 13 - Case 14: D.O.B.: December 10, 1976 at 23:13. Morbi, India.

Marriage on: December 13, 2009. Lagna is Simha, AL is Vrishchika, UL is Mesha and DK is Venus. Transit Saturn was in Kanya in the 2H aspecting AL and UL Lord Mars by its 3H aspect. The natal 7L Saturn was also aspecting transit Saturn at the time of the event. Hence, UL, AL and their lords were associated with natal and transit Saturn. Transit Mars was in Karka, making an exactly degree conjunction with natal 7L Saturn, it is also aspecting the 7H from Lagna by its 8H aspect. Transit Jupiter was in the last degrees of Makara just about to ingress into the 7H (Kumbha), in this position (Kumbha) Jupiter was being aspected by transiting Mars (AL and UL lord) via 4H and 8H aspects, respectively. Hence, a powerful connection of all required parameters is observed in this particular example. Chara Dasa running was Makara/Mithuna. Darakaraka is placed in MD rashi receiving an aspect from UL Lagna Lord (Mars). AD rashi was also aspected by Mars at that time (8H drishti). Transit Saturn influences AD rashi by its 10H aspect. Transit Mars and Jupiter joins with MD and AD rashis. AD rashi gets argala from MD lord from the 2H therefrom.

Example 14 - Case 15: D.O.B.: October 5, 1984 at 17:50. Ahmadabad, India.

Marriage on: December 12, 2009. Lagna is Meena, AL and UL is Mithuna and DK is Mars. Transit Saturn was in Kanya aspecting AL and UL by its 10H aspect and conjunct with the dispositor of these Arudhas (Mercury) in the 7H from Lagna. In this way, Saturn is activating 7H and UL. Transit Mars was in Karka getting aspected by transit Jupiter (7H aspect). Hence, mutual aspects were giving drishtis to 7H, UL and AL Lord Mercury (9H aspect). Chara dasa running at the event was Simha/Kanya. MD Lord (Sun) is placed in AD rashi Kanya with UL Lord Mercury, which is also the 7H from Lagna. Transit Saturn was in Kanya at the time of marriage and, as stated above, Jupiter and Mars were also connected with the important parameters for marriage. AD rashi also receives argala from MD rashi from its 2H. The rules proposed are working in this chart.

Example 15 - Case 18: D.O.B.: March 21, 1972 at 5:25. Ahmadabad, India.

Marriage on: May 26, 1997. Lagna is Kumbha, AL is Vrishabha, UL is Kanya and DK is the 7L Sun. Transit Saturn was in Meena passing through DK and UL Lord Mercury. Saturn was aspecting UL by 7H aspect, AL by 3H aspect and natal Jupiter by 10H aspect. Mars was in Kanya in UL aspecting DK, transit Saturn and UL Lord Mercury. He is also aspecting natal Jupiter by its 4H aspect and AL via 8H aspect. Jupiter was in Makara at the time aspecting UL, AL and transit Mars (9H aspect). The correlations proposed are clearly present in this case. Chara Dasa running was Mithuna/Mesha. MD Lord Mercury is with Darakaraka Sun aspecting MD rashi and AD rashi Lord (Mars) forms Parivartan Yoga with Venus (AL Lord). MD rashi gets argala from UL from 4H and AD rashi gets argala from its lord Mars from its 2H. Mars gets argala from Darakaraka and UL Lagna Lord from 11H of his position.

Example 16 - Case 19: D.O.B.: June 15, 1974 at 6:10. Nadiad, India.

Marriage on: February 18, 2002. Lagna is Mithuna, AL and UL are placed in Meena and DK is Sun. At the time of marriage, transit Saturn was in Vrishabha aspecting UL, AL and 7L by its 10H aspect. Transit Mars was in Meena (UL and AL are placed therein) aspecting DK Sun via 4H aspect. Jupiter was in Mithuna transiting over DK Sun and aspecting natal UL and AL Lord Jupiter (9H aspect). Thus, all parameters are fulfilled in this case. Chara dasa running was Kumbha/Mesha. Kumbha has UL Lord Jupiter and AD rashi gets argala from UL, MD Lord from 11H and AD Lord from its 4H. Transit Saturn aspects AD Lord by its 3H aspect and MD Lord by its 10H aspect. Transit Jupiter aspects its natal position (UL and MD Lord) and transit Mars was in MD rashi at the time of the event.


o, readers must notice through this article that Jaimini System of Astrology is, in its own way, not only a support to the traditional Parashari System of Astrology, but with his peculiar approach has great autonomy on his own constituting an independent system. Other uses of pada of houses will be discussed in forthcoming articles, like timing of prosperity, buying and selling of property, child birth, pardesh gamana and career related issues.

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