Vw pac may 2014 general meeting minutes

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A Grade 1 Reading Recovery program will be in place by September to help struggling readers catch up to their peers. Students will be assisted four at a time to give them a good start, prevent frustration and maintain as interest in literacy. ‐ There will be 9 Divisions next year:  4/5  4/5  Three/four  3  2  One/two  1  K  K ‐ Teachers and Administrators look at the overall make up of the class to determine which students will go in which division. ‐ Priority is given to healthy socialization not necessarily keeping grades together. ‐ Curling will happen next November thanks to gaming money from this year;  Jana and CM to verify dates ‐ Teachers and Parent Calendars are released at the end of May.  PAC decided that we’d like to keep the Movie Night and Parent ED Nights flexible and so we will not be adding them to the calendars ‐ PAC asked: Why are the students playing non‐educational video games at school? (i.e. Friv online) Jana answered: In the computer lab there are educational games and games that are bookmarked for the students that have been approved by the District. Any other games that they are playing is at the discretion of the Teachers and so the question should be directed to them. Other options might be suggested. ‐ PAC asked: Can we have more information about Rockheights? Jana answered: Check their website for the best info: https://rockheights.sd61.bc.ca/ The school has approximately the same number of students as Vic West (~200). Because our school is so centralized, our students go to Rockheights, Shoreline, Central, Colquitz, etc. The hockey academy allows for specific students to have more ice time during the school day at Archie Browning while also focusing on the students giving back to their community. The students in the academy do not have to be the best hockey players but they do have to maintain their grades.  Maybe the PAC should host a Parent Education Night and invite Rockheights to speak? The Principal and Leader of the Academy could be invited. 4. Executive Reports a. President’s Report (absent) b. Treasurer’s Report (5 min) ‐ General: $1124.99, Gaming: $2629.52, Emergency fund: $282 ‐ The Authors visit (Diana Bonder) will cost approx. $452 and the mural will still cost around $1500. Both costs will be coming out of the gaming account.

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