June 2016 vw pac general meeting minutes

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Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee June 8 2016, 6:30-8:00 pm General Meeting Minutes Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Acknowledgement of territory (1min) Sachen MacDonald, S&B Boardgames (15 min) Acceptance of the agenda (1 min) Principal’s Report (10 min) Executive Reports a. President’s message (5 min) b. Treasurer’s Report (5 min) c. VCPAC Report (Amy) (5 min) Business/Action items arising from previous minutes: a. Welcome Back BBQ (Aaren) (5 min) b. Walkathon recap (Coral) (2 min) c. Playground (Aaren) (5 min) d. Staff Appreciation Lunch –review (5 min) e. Gaming night date decision (5 min) New business a. Lunch Monitoring (Carolyn) b. Gaming funds allocation options/ discussion (Amy et al) c. After school care advocacy with VWCA – admin d. Gorge Swim Fest – Aug (second Sunday?)

WELCOME TO THE MEETING! Attendance: Aaren, Carolyn, Chantelle, Amy, Coral, Alana, Maria, Ms. Gerber and Ms. Courville 1. Acknowledgement of territory (1min)  done 2. Sachen MacDonald, S&B Boardgames (15 min) ‐ Absent 3. Acceptance of the agenda (1 min) ‐ Additions: 6.f. Smile Cards, 7.e. Acknowledging Dianne 4. Principal’s Report (10 min) ‐ The Staff was very thankful for the lunch provided by PAC members. There was plenty for everyone. ‐ A parent appreciation tea will be held in the rain garden at drop off on the morning of Friday, June 17th. ‐ The final week of school (June 20th) will be very busy: Monday: Recognition ceremony for students (parents and caregivers welcome!) Tuesday: Many classes are going on fieldtrips Wednesday: Fun Day from 1:00 – 2:00 pm Thursday: The yearend assembly at 10:45 am and the last day of school Friday: no school

www.vicwestpac.com vicwestpac@gmail.com FB: Vic West Elementary PAC

Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee June 8 2016, 6:30-8:00 pm General Meeting Minutes

‐ At the track meet a few weeks ago students were very well behaved and ran very well. Sportsmanship was terrific! ‐ The Choir sand with the Arbutus Singers last weekend. Was very special and represented the school very well. ‐ Question from PAC member: Does the school need support from the PAC for Fun Day? Answer form Ms. Courville: You are more than welcome to come and enjoy the fun, but no support is needed for treats or otherwise this year. 5. Executive Reports a. President’s message (5 min) ‐ We are sad to say goodbye to our Treasurer, Carolyn Morris who is moving on to Central Middle School with her son. She has been an active PAC member for six years and was essential in getting the Vic West PAC on financial solid ground. Carolyn also brought the Growing Chefs program to the school and the idea and research for the Wild and Wacky Walkathon. Thank you for everything, Carolyn, you will be greatly missed. (presented with an African violet) ‐ Coral will also be resigning from her position as Secretary but intends to help when needed while leaving room for new and existing PAC members to step into more leadership roles. (presented with a violet—thank you!!) ‐ This is Ms. Courville’s LAST PAC meeting EVER!! Deb has been instrumental in rebranding the school with her I heart Vic West Elem shirts and creating a school atmosphere to match the shiny and happy attitudes of the staff and students. The new floors, office and paint all help the students feel pride in their school and make new families feel welcome. Ms. Courville has made the maintenance of the Rain Garden and breakfast program sustainable and manageable, emphasizing the importance of green spaces and a healthy breakfast for learning. In addition to countless other PAC and staff initiatives supported by Ms. Courville, Deb has started a Student in Need fund at the school to be administered by the incoming Principal and supported by the PAC. Your legacy will live on at Vic West Elementary and we are so thankful that you spent the last couple years of your career with us! The PAC wishes you best wishes for a happy retirement. b. Treasurer’s Report (5 min) ‐ General: $16920.00 – need to move some money to the playground fund ‐ Gaming: $3939.06 – need to spend this year www.vicwestpac.com vicwestpac@gmail.com FB: Vic West Elementary PAC

Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee June 8 2016, 6:30-8:00 pm General Meeting Minutes

‐ Playground fund: $1536.22 (more coming!) c. VCPAC Report (Amy) (5 min) ‐ Amy was on the nomination committee for the VCPAC Awards. Lots of strong contenders. Unfortunately she couldn’t make it to the awards ceremony. It is always a wonderful night showcasing amazing teachers, volunteers and administrators. 6. Business/Action items arising from previous minutes: a. Welcome Back BBQ (Aaren) (5 min) ‐ Will take place on Sept. 15th from 4‐6pm (shorter than last year) ‐ Decided that we can afford to pay musicians to play (cash or gift cards). Might try to get The Colts. Possible activities (from previous years): Floor hockey in gym, Cupcake walk near breakfast table, Sidewalk chalk, face painting, live music (Mr. Kennedy?), food truck, inflatable obstacle course, floor hockey Possible partners: Country Grocer (confirmed for $150), Vic West Community Center, Boys and Girls Club, The Optimists Club (confirmed), Save‐On‐Foods, SPUDS

Action items: CF contact B&G Club, Aaren contact Save‐On‐Foods, Amy contact comm. Center, Amy talk to Rachel about face painting, Amy talk to floor hockey dads (Scott, Colby and Jesse), Aaren confirm band and payment, Maria contact SPUDS and inflatable company, organize volunteers and rest of details in Sept. (or at August Exec. Mtg)

b. Walkathon recap (Coral) (2 min) ‐ Most teachers have used their $125 from the walkathon ‐ Next year the route should be chalked out by someone who knows to reduce confusion Action items: Carolyn to send Amy the latest PAC manual with WWW details for blog and transfer WWW funds into the playground account. c. Playground (Aaren) (5 min) ‐ Concept drawings have been adjusted and resubmitted for PAC approval ‐ The approximate cost ($50,000) remains the same ‐ Still room for traditional playground pieces to be added in the future if needed.

www.vicwestpac.com vicwestpac@gmail.com FB: Vic West Elementary PAC

Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee June 8 2016, 6:30-8:00 pm General Meeting Minutes

‐ Admin concerned about the trees that have been added; are they mature or seedlings? How will they be watered and maintained? ‐ Facilities and the District will both need to approve the drawings before the final engineered drawings are created. Action items: Aaren to inquire about the trees and send Maria info about City of Victoria grant opportunities. Aaren and Maria meet in August to work on grant writing. Aaren to contact those interested in helping with the playground and posting the drawings at the Welcome Back BBQ fro feedback from the wider school community. d. Staff Appreciation Lunch –review (5 min) ‐ see Principal’s Report e. Gaming night date decision (5 min) ‐ S&B with Interactivity Board Game Cafe are offering schools a special parent education night (2‐3 hours) where they bring games into the school and provide instruction and support to those playing. PAC could provide treats to purchase (Chantelle and Alana offered to help). ‐ Super important that only families come (no children on their own). We could have ‘teams’ to encourage this ‐ Cost to PAC is $50 per expert with a minimum of three experts = $150 (we could use some of that additional parent Ed money) ‐ Administrators were happy with the idea and thought it was a great way to get kids away from screens and families playing together. Might become an alternative to family movie night. ‐ Current executive members offered to help the new executive members with the event. ‐ Possible title for event: “Learn to play with your Kids”  PAC voted to host the event next year Action item: Aaren to book S&B for a November Parent Education Night. Carolyn to confirm that we can use the funds offered. f. Smile Cards ‐ Aaren ‐ Thrifty’s has donated $1086.00 through the Smile Card program this school year! ‐ Only have until June 18th to load the card (unlimited time to spend the money) ‐ Cards can be picked up at the school office or at any Thrifty Foods (just tell them you want to support the school) www.vicwestpac.com vicwestpac@gmail.com FB: Vic West Elementary PAC

Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee June 8 2016, 6:30-8:00 pm General Meeting Minutes

‐ Thanks to these funds, 2 performing arts groups will be coming next year. Action item: Amy to remind parents to load the cards and thank Thrifty Foods 7. New business a. Lunch Monitoring (Carolyn) Recommendations from an outgoing parent at the school: ‐ A commitment letter signed by the student and parent ‐ A resource package ‐ Conversation between student and teacher re: classroom management techniques ‐ A support system for the student/lunch manager ‐ A letter home outlining the student’s tasks and commitment timeline ‐ Mentoring by previous lunch managers ‐ The students should never be alone in a classroom with the younger students especially if there is an allergy present (currently in practise) b. Gaming funds allocation options/ discussion (Amy et al) ‐ It is now too late for teachers to request their gaming funds. They had ample time and plenty of reminders. The remainder of the funds (except $2000 as a buffer) will be given to the school for team shirts, musical instruments, technology and other things that the entire school will benefit from. ‐ Administrators were happy to receive funds to pay for team shirts so that every student will feel a part of the team ‐ It was also recommended by Ms. Courville that we find a new printer for the "I heart Vic West" shirts if we want to have them as an incentive prize for the WWW. Staff sizes are also needed. The Rain Garden is also in need of financial support if we have extra gaming funds.

Action items: Carolyn/Maria will give us a final gaming account amount ASAP and then write a cheque to the school to pay for team shirts ($750)

c. After school care advocacy with VWCA – admin ‐ A letter of recommendation from the school Administrators was requested by a family in need of after school care. This letter would be used to support a letter already submitted to the Victoria West Community Association. There are currently not enough after school care spaces available to all families in need. www.vicwestpac.com vicwestpac@gmail.com FB: Vic West Elementary PAC

Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee June 8 2016, 6:30-8:00 pm General Meeting Minutes

d. Gorge Swim Fest – Aug (second Sunday?) ‐ ran out of time and so will discuss via email (include Chantelle and Alana) e. Acknowledging Dianne  Given a sunflower and our HUGE thanks!

Thank you so much for supporting Victoria West Elementary!

NEXT PAC MEETING: September 14, 2016 6:30 pm in the Library

www.vicwestpac.com vicwestpac@gmail.com FB: Vic West Elementary PAC

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