University Of Miami Electronic Dissertation

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This dissertation seeks to address these gaps, whilst also investigating whether variables identified as significant elsewhere appear to be drivers at this scale and geographic location. An Electronic Dissertation gives an added advantage of using technology for easier access and better expression of your work. My original aims have not changed substantially, but during the fieldwork, it became apparent that I would be unable to investigate edge effects and transitions in vegetation type as intended because no suitable sites were located. For eiwr students. See the digital theses and electronic theses from our inexpensive custom. This dissertation concludes with an emphasis of public space as an affective and felt space, highlighting the importance of understanding the affective components of everyday life. The ETD Service retrieves any zip containers from the SFTP server once a day and submits them to Merritt. The ETD Service updates a table in the SQLite db with this information. Students requesting embargo should carefully evaluate the information on embargo election described within the ETD Availability Agreement form published around the ETD web site to ensure they completely understand the relation to access for his or her embargoed work. The glacier has since undergone grounded retreated of 7.35km, at varying speeds through time, including a period of confluence with the adjacent glacier, Tunabreen. Thus, this dissertation raises questions about the future of mobility and connections between citizenship studies and transport and can provide recommendations for Voi Technology and similar micromobility startups going forward. The study triangulates data from interviews conducted with 7 CEOs of UK-based slow fashion companies and questionnaire data garnered from 110 young adults from various parts of the UK.

The University of Southern California’s NCAA Division 1 football program, the Trojans, serve as my case study. This dissertation seeks to explore processes of depoliticisation and politicisation of climate change within the French Citizens’ Convention on Climate (CCC), focusing on three core axes of reflection: consensus, the discursive framing of climate change, and expertise. This chronology is constructed from key Icelandic cryptotephra isochrons and 210Pb dating. The practice of fermentation can offer an ontology whereby we begin to understand the importance of fungi in our lives, as well as being a philosophy for delivering change. Students requesting embargo should carefully evaluate the information on embargo election described within the ETD Availability Agreement form published around the ETD web site to ensure they completely understand the relation to access for his or her embargoed work. This study intends to provide a foundation for future work within the field of post-disaster recovery and cascading disasters. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. Semi-structured interviews are used to investigate how austerity has affected Worcestershire Library Service employees’ roles and emotional experiences in their job, putting these voices in critical conversation with local, national and international logics of austerity. Life in university electronic theses and dissertation. The committee chair should be Regular Faculty in the student’s program of concentration (including secondary appointments). This ethnography provides an updated account of the Shanghai stock market decades after the last major ethnographic research and calls for continued recognition of the importance of embedding markets within specific cultural and economic contexts. This investigation is an attempt to both fill this gap, and answer Strong’s (2020) call for a closer engagement with the “everyday spatial politics of foodbanking” (pp. 212). To do so, interviewed a range of food bank managers working throughout the city in order to produce a qualitative account understanding of food poverty and austerity in the region. Habitual contraction of the virtual flow is always unsettled by encounter. From a cultural and historical perspective, this dissertation traces tap dance back to its colonial origins, through its evolution into popular culture in the 20th Century, and analyses tap’s unique position in contemporary society today. Later that day, the ETD service will request a report from eScholarship listing all of the ETDs, linking the eScholarship URL with the Merritt ARK. Using data from a corpus of 36 newspaper articles, parliamentary debates, political speeches, and policy briefs, this dissertation investigates how the political discourses of migrants reveal the countervailing economic, political and security objectives of the state. This study concludes that tap dance is a unique bodily movement which has played an important role in America’s history, predominantly working as a force to bring people together from different countries, ethnicities,

genders, classes and socio-economic backgrounds, rather than just as a product of these complex geographies. The dissertation’s findings reveal the image created for The Line in the news media is intertwined with ideas about the model city, particularly in terms of trends towards smart cities, infrastructural prowess and challenges, and politics. Its efforts for recognition, for example, have also resulted in the establishment of a representative office in the Republic of China (Taiwan) in February 2020.

University school of graduate studies division, Thesis and dissertations of the university libraries electronic thesis or. Theses and mekelle university libraries electronic thesis created on the thesis and dissertations repositories, the theses and dissertations. Data Warehousing and Mining Data from Library and University Systems for Asse. The author collected both surface and control samples in September 2022 As a result, Finland’s homelessness solutions are rarely critiqued in scholarly literature. If an ETD is embargoed, eScholarship creates a landing page with no access to the thesis until the embargo has expired. Later that day, the ETD service will request a report from eScholarship listing all of the ETDs, linking the eScholarship URL with the Merritt ARK. Of particular importance is the arrival of human bodies who are shown to charge and reorientate atmospheres in ways that eschew design intentions, reiterating its fragile and provisional nature. Researcher perspectives on publication and peer review of data. Despite the model’s rising use, business motivations for adopting the 4DW, alongside impacts on employees have not been properly addressed. This dissertation contributes to the academic literature, spotlighting the under-studied role of the media in urban development projects and substantiating the literature on representation in development. This dissertation finds that, in the first instance, homeless austerity is characterised by exclusion from benefits through the inaccessibility of Universal Credit. Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. To analyse this feeling, this dissertation will construct a heuristic framework from a Bergsonian conceptualisation of the co-existence of past and present in duration, in dialogue with Deleuzian and Guattarian understandings of affect as hazy and atmospheric. The results show a significant difference between expected and observed frequencies of fire occurrence across land-covers and a significant difference between fire occurrence in Indigenous lands and other lands in five land-cover types. Credit hour transferred is susceptible to exactly the same recency rules as other credit hour counted toward the amount, and it is susceptible to examination through the program. Dissertations datad is also accessible for the impact of theses and dissertations: Aau thesis dissertation library aau home. Despite this, large portions of the country have recently faced greater fire outbreaks. At the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula, lake area showed negligible change over the 2013-2019 period, whilst lake number decreased (-12%). Estimates for margin change were calculated using the GEEDiT and MaQiT tools developed by Lea (2018) which enable rapid digitisation of margins and quantification retreat. It deploys a Foucauldian-feminist theoretic of power to consider female criminality as both a submission to and subversion of male control over the body in public space. I call for a more nuanced approach to studying student-athletes, acknowledging the role of individual experiences. Additionally towards the chair, two people should be Regular Faculty and have Graduate Faculty status within the student’s program of concentration Semistructured interviews were conducted with six formerly-homeless individuals who live in a HousingFirst unit in Greater Helsinki. The students-faculty ratio is 12:1 and more than 50% of classes here feature less than 20 students. ETDs are preserved in Merritt CDL’s preservation repository with no public access. This can be the supervisory committee, but it could also be a committee created once again to attempt the responsibilities of counseling and passing upon the dissertation. Exemplifying these concerns, the gig economy, which is technologically facilitated and systematically circumvents labour protections, has become the epicentre of debates over the future of work. Further analysis of the spatial variation shows rate of retreat to be highest for glaciers in the south and lowest for glaciers in the west. The supervisory committee is empowered to organize the path of study for that student to find out deficiencies, or no to create language along with other needs to request relevant change in credit hour where appropriate and also to constitute and administer the qualifying examination.

Participants identified the accessibility of homeless assistance in Finland as a pitfall of the country’s homeless strategy, which became the focus of this paper. Additionally towards the chair, two people should be Regular Faculty and have Graduate Faculty status within the student’s program of concentration. So, with our university of Miami homework help, you can have the utmost confidence and reliability. Prison parkrun was at times discussed by interviewees as an expensive luxury, reducing it to a low priority event that cannot occur with any regularity. Your work gets a permanent place in the online space as compared to a rack in a dusty corner in a library. Achieving this recognition is the focal point of this paper. The study also emphasises the value of social networks as a vital source of knowledge and material food exchange within the women’s food provisioning strategies. It seeks to understand whether young people are aware of this tension, or whether they are engaging with meritocratic narratives. Strategies for food preparation involved negotiating domestic spatial constraints and food preferences of family members that subsequently govern differential modes of food consumption. The committee chair should be Regular Faculty in the student’s program of concentration (including secondary appointments). Secondly, I find that legalisation produces street art by actively favouring work that is perceived to have economic value, mobilising a gentrifying frontier between street art and the graffiti that threatens street art. They are lauded as a way to bring about ambitious climate action, bringing citizens’ voices to the forefront on climate change, an issue where policymaking is often dominated by inaction from politicians and overly technical issue frames. Their identities are shaped in contradictory ways and this tension works to highlight the complex nature of contemporary gender politics. Particular focus is placed on how gender inequality manifests in gender-based violence in public space, discussing how perceived and actual threats of violence impacts how women feel in the city. However, the essay will show Enlightenment as neither entirely emancipatory nor entirely imperial: that Enlightenment thinkers put forth critiques of imperialism at great personal risk, but were not capable of eliminating imperialist impulses. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines and more with Adobe InDesign. This study presents data sourced from 10 semi-structured interviews with current users of the scheme; 4 interviews with key stakeholders; questionnaire data garnered from 77 users and 82 non-users of the scheme, and photographs taken by the author that reinforce the discussion. Is located on reading ababa university libraries electronic thesis dissertation of the networked digital library thesis addis ababa university electronic library thesis and dissertation dissertations etds. This has considerable implications for wider and related discussions, including compassion fatigue and the white saviour complex. No student may get the degree within the same semester or summer time session by which they’re accepted to candidacy The importance of utilising this status to build trust and meaningful social connection between refugees and the host society is emphasised. Use of these names,trademarks and brands does not imply endorsement. Ethiopia: addis ababa university aau etd addis ababa university the ferdinand postma library thesis and dissertations in school flournoy, and dissertations etds. June, it. Theses and dissertations. These ideas are then applied to the contexts of the eruptions of Kilauea and Cumbre Vieja, two effusive eruptions of similar magnitudes and contexts that produced extensive lava flows, disrupting transport and energy infrastructure, and destroying the homes of thousands. It will analyse the social dynamics of these cascading effects, and how they can lead to lasting change within communities. The carriage effect produces an internal micro environment within the carriage, creating a sealed environment which can either act to increase or reduce air quality compared to that outside of the train. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. At Central Yakutia, interannual variability in lake area was related to interannual variability in temperature (R-squared 0.31). Furthermore, it was suggested that lake area may not be exclusively controlled by the climate. I argue that religion offers teachings, metaphors, and values which can construct more egalitarian development narratives, but that the potential of religious ideas to generate alternative discourses of development may be undermined by CA’s adherence to mainstream narratives that reinforce North-South hierarchies This dissertation assesses the reality for refugees following arrival in Stockholm, highlighting the barriers that pose a challenge to effective and long-term integration.

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