Five Tips for Volunteering and Community Service Engagement

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Five Tips for Volunteering and Community Service Engagement

By Amita Vadlamudi

Amita Vadlamudi has more than 30 years of experience as a computer systems engineer in the information technology industry. Outside her professional pursuits, Amita Vadlamudi engages in local community service efforts. The following list includes tips for participating in volunteer work and becoming a good volunteer. 1. Play to your skills. Consider selecting a volunteer position that allows you to utilize your skills or experience with certain equipment. For instance, you can volunteer at a daycare if you’re good with children or help a nonprofit build a stronger online presence if you know how to network on the Internet. 2. Find a commitment balance. Learn to balance your time and arrange your schedule to avoid overworking and over­committing yourself. Assess the time you can realistically commit to community service efforts, and don’t cause undue stress by going beyond that. 3. Make special requests in advance. Communicate time limitations, relevant disabilities, and other important information ahead of time. For instance, inform the organization you’re volunteering with if you need to leave early during a volunteer shift or have a condition or disability preventing you from performing certain tasks. 4. Align volunteer work with interests. Consider aligning your personal interests with potential volunteer work, such as working with a shelter if you like animals or helping create a website for a nonprofit if you like graphic design. 5. Combine career goals with volunteer work. Volunteer and community service positions can help advance your career goals. Volunteering in your

career field can help you make connections and gain firsthand experience while furthering a good cause.

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