Miguel et Mari - Macarena Alonso González 2º NB Semi, francés Ils se sont revus tous les dimanches, mais Miguel n’a jamais déclaré son amour parce qu'ils étaient cousins, à cette époque-là, cela était très mal vu. Un jour terrible, Mari a reçu une mauvaise nouvelle : son père est décédé et elle devait rentrer dans son village. Miguel avait le cœur brisé : “Je vais loin de toi, notre amour est impossible” a dit Mari. Miguel a écrit beaucoup de lettres d'amour à Mari, mais elle n’a jamais répondu. Cinq ans plus tard, Mari s’est mariée avec une autre personne et Miguel aussi. Actuellement Mari est séparée et Miguel est veuf. Ils s’appellent pour Noël, mais ils nient encore leur amour pour être cousins.
- Raquel Barrera Fernández 2º NB A, inglés Dave woke up in a hospital room. He couldn't remember why he was there; his mind was as foggy as empty. His parents told him he had suffered a terrible accident. His motorbike blew up in the air because a truck hit it. He had been in a coma and had just lost his right leg. After that, Dave was always thinking about his death. He couldn't live without his leg. When Dave's parents were beginning to think that his son would never come out of that depression, a miracle happened: Ann, his new nurse. She was his lifeline and still today, they are sailing together, more in love than ever.
The Tree of Love - Aránzazu Cabrejas Torres, 2º NB Semi B, inglés He is mine, and I am his, he will outlive me even if I abandon him to his fate. If anyone asks, it was me who sowed it, watered it, carried it back and forth in a pot, until I planted it in the ground. In his twenties, I have always been by his side. It is important to me and I know he knows it. Seasons like emotions are fleeting, and that's what I cling to so I'm not afraid of anything, because I'm not that brave. Soon, I will be given all the shade I need.
A Possibly True Story - Fernando Domínguez Martín, 1º NB Semi B, inglés Sometimes, when I have my diary my short them again when I or my short life. In my as we have shared a passion and love.
short bits of memory, I write in memories, so I can read want to remember my long diary, my pretty wife is there, lot of wonderful years, full of
In this moment, I can remember all my good moments, often with happiness and sometimes with tears in my eyes. Soon I won't know how to read, but somewhere in my mind I know that one day, when I stop knowing how to breathe, my beloved wife will receive me with open hands and no one will be able to separate us ever again. Alzheimer won't be able to kill love.
L'amour propre - Alicia Esteban Bermúdez, 2º NB, francés Je pense que l’amour-propre est très important, c’est nécessaire et non égocentrique. C’est nécessaire parce que pour aimer les autres, tu dois d’abord t’aimer toi-même. Vous devez vous estimer et croire en vous-même, personne ne le fera mieux que vous. Parfois nous faisons passer les besoins des autres avant les nôtres. C'est bien d’aider les autres, mais il faut aussi penser à vous-même, parce que vous pourriez vous faire du mal. Aimez-vous et valorisez-vous !
- Esperanza González Álvarez , 2º NB B, inglés I found my younger son crying in his bedroom two years ago. He asked me, why can be bad or hurtfully falling in love? He didn't get it. He liked a lot his friend, but he was afraid to tell him, perhaps he didn't accept him. I hug my son and I explained him that falling in love was the most wonderful thing which could happen to him, and I love him so much. After that he declared his love to his friend. I felt very proud of my brave son.
Un bateau appelé amour - Mónica Guerrero Ordóñez – 1º NB A, francés Je m'appelle Maria et je navigue dans un bateau, où j'ai embarqué il y a 25 ans. Ici, je ressens un ensemble de sensations qui m'aident à coexister avec tous les êtres vivants. Je regarde autour de moi et je vois le bonheur, la joie et le respect pour toutes les personnes qui m'accompagnent, peu importe le niveau social, l'âge, le sexe, la race... Que c’est beau de naviguer tous dans le même bateau ! Quelle belle sensation d'avoir autant d’amour à recevoir et à donner !
The Love of a Mother - Agustín Kalamba Mupoyi, 1º NB A, inglés My mother is a very important woman in my life. She protected me for nine months in her womb, carried me on her back, nursed me, governed my first steps, opened my eyes to the wonders of the world. I think a lot about her. She gave me everything: educated me in the faith, taught me biblical wisdom, endured my youthful delusions, was always there to advise me in making the big decisions of my life. She is the person of my confidence. A mother is irreplaceable. I love her so much.
Love Story - José Manuel López de la Cruz, 1º NB CAL, inglés Maria is 25 years old. She is a lawyer and is very shy and hard-working. During the holidays, Maria has to travel to Madrid for a speech. She travels alone, and in the speech she meets Juan. Juan is 27 years old. He is a reporter and is sociable and nice. Juan helps Maria, because it is the first time that she throws a speech. After the speech, both plan to meet for dinner at nine o’clock. Later, both plan to meet to see Madrid. For the next three months, Maria decides to continue working in Madrid and join Juan. 12
St. Valentine's Day - Juan López Rabadán, 2º NB Semi A, inglés Nevenka and Goran were two teenagers who lived in a town with many ethnic and religious problems. Hatred and intolerance were constant in the country. However, they were in love since they were children. They believed in love, tolerance and respect. They lived in a cloud of love, so every afternoon they went to their favourite place in the forest, there they listened to the song of the birds, they watched the sunset, they made future plans and enjoyed their love. Conflict finally broke out, so they decided to flee to another country where they could freely live their love.
Coup de foudre - Nora-Jiang Ramírez Bernal, 2º NB, francés Je m’appelle Camille. L'année dernière, j'étais en flânant dans la ville, je me sentais très triste parce que j’avais perdu mon travail et de même mon dernier petit ami. À ce moment-là, nos regards se sont croisés, il avait les yeux marron foncé même que le café, les cheveux frisés, très beaux, presque rouges. J’ai décidé de lui parler. D'abord, il ne m'a pas répondu, il a juste déplacé la tête, il avait aussi l'air d’être perdu… et voilà ! Notre histoire a démarré. On a commencé à marcher ensemble, c’était notre première promenade. Tous les matins, il me réveille avec un doux bisou, il me fait rire et je suis une meilleure personne, parce qu'il m'apprend à aimer la vie en faisant des choses drôles et incroyables. Léo se fâche avec moi seulement quand il faut aller chez le vétérinaire pour se faire vacciner.
- Gaspar Ramírez Sánchez, 2º NB CAL, inglés My first night of vacation. Finally on my favourite beach: my “Playa Bonita”. It was almost dawn and a gentle breeze barely rippled the sea as small waves hit the sand on the shore. The light from the lighthouse swept the darkness with its unalterable periodicity and the air carried scents of the sea. I became aware of the pleasant feeling that surrounded me and I remembered a conversation about love and the pleasant effects it had on lovers. I smiled when I thought I was in love with this beach: my “Playa Bonita”.
A Romantic Holiday - Alicia Rodríguez y Juan Carlos Díaz, 1º NB B, inglés Two strangers meet while on holiday…how does the story end? Who is the woman? She’s between 35 and 40 years old. She has brown hair and she’s tall. She’s engineer. Her clothes are informal, but her look is very interesting. She’s from the USA. Where does she go on holiday and who does she go with? She goes on holiday to Madeira beach with her husband for one week. They are in a place with American people. Who is the man? He’s Eric and his appearance is friendly. He’s about 25 years old. He’s an anatomy student from Belgium. He has blue eyes. Where and how do they meet? What are they wearing on that casual meeting? They meet at a restaurant overlook the sea, and she hears him speaking French, and she loves it. She is wearing a red dress, and he’s wearing short pants, a T-shirt and a hat. Where do they go together and what do they do? They go together for a walk because he needs to help her with the language. He doesn’t speak English. At the end of the holiday, what does the woman decide to do? He invites her to meet in his hotel room to continue the conversation and she thinks is a very nice situation, but she remembers her husband and isn’t sure for it. What happens next? She decides to go with him How does it end? Her husband follows them and opens the door…what happens?
St. Valentine’s Day - Mª del Carmen Romero Barrera, 2º NB Semi C, inglés St. Valentine’s Day is the most beautiful day because it was day that my mother was born, a beautiful day to be born, as product of love. When you are a child, you don’t know why your mother loves you, despite all your mischief. When you are older, sometimes you hate her because she always scolds you. Occasionally you wish to leave home and live your life, you want to be free and fly. But years go by and when you are an adult, you remember these years as the best years. When you are mother and you feel the love of mother towards your baby, that is the best feeling in the world. It is not comparable to the love you feel for your partner. My mother died four years ago, and I miss her every day.
My Husband, My Love - Montserrat Tejada Gómez, 1º NB C, inglés My husband is one of the most important people in my life. He is always around when I need him. He takes care of me. He is persistent and hard-working. We hardly ever argue. I laugh a lot with him because he’s very funny. He is a good father, my children love him. Next April, he will go to another city for work. I will miss him. True loves perseveres even in times of difficulty.
Love me and Love you
- Nerea Tejero Blanco, 1º NB CAL, inglés I've made a decision, and that is that I have to stop being someone's lifeline when I'm drowning. How important self-love is to love someone well, and how little we value it. Because loving well and loving a lot are not the same, then: Without self love there is no healthy love. So maybe I'll start loving myself before everything I've worked so hard to build is gone. With all that I am.
- Ángel Baños Jiménez, NI B1 D, inglés Eloise was taking a walk in the countryside like she used to do every day when, suddenly, she heard a strange noise among the trees. What's happening? She thought!. She looked behind a tree and there it was! An almost dead newborn kitten. Eloise realized that the cat was blind because its eyes were empty. Although the vet told her that the kitten would not survive, Eloise named it Nora, took care about her eyes and after a month Nora was a really happy cat. Now, every night, when Eloise goes to bed, Nora lies next to Eloise showing her love.
Amour sans limites - Nicolás Díaz Toro, NI B1 Semi, francés Mon frère était assis à sa place de l’avion qui allait voler vers le début d’une nouvelle vie au Chili, pour rencontrer en personne un garçon brésilien qu’il avait connu. Il était tombé amoureux après de longues heures de conversations et de messages sur Internet et cela semblait être un sentiment mutuel. L'amour lui a donné une volonté et une illusion qui dépassait toute peur ou tout obstacle qui pouvait apparaître. L'avenir était entre leurs mains selon ce que leur disaient leurs cœurs. L'amour n'a pas de frontières, de genres ou de règles établies. L’amour est illimité.
Love is a Decision, Not a Feeling - Mª Reyes Espinosa Hidalgo, NI B1 Semi A, inglés One day my little girl said to me: - Mommy, I want you to know me for real...................I also like girls! My darling, I told her: - Love is a decision and not a feeling. Offer your heart, but be his faithful guardian. Don't make love a prison. - Walk and dance, but not very close: the columns of the Temple must be firm and separated, allowing the wind to run between them. - Be Mistress, love is free, and it must fly around you, whatever the moment and the person. - And remember that words are seeds in the heart and everything depends on the way chosen to say what you feel. - Thanks MOM……. 23
Love under the Moon
- Francisco José Llaurado Peña, NI B1 Semi B, inglés Every night, the sultan of the castle of the moon looked sadly at the horizon, looking for an image of his distant land where he was born. One night in February, he saw a beautiful woman named Fatima among the olive trees. As soon as their eyes met, he fell in love with her, and she fell in love with him. Several moons later, it turned into a beautiful love story, which ended in a wedding. This love lasted centuries within the castle walls. They say that the laughter of the sultan and Fatima can still be heard in the gardens.
- Yolanda Merino García, NI B1 B, inglés I knew my husband at the same company where we worked, Marks & Spencer. He worked in Seville, and I worked in Madrid. We started a good friendship that lasted a year, after which we became a couple. He lost his job and the shop in Madrid needed staff, so he went to live there. After twelve years, we moved to Seville with our two children. We got married in our field, after twenty-one years together, my son was our best man and my daughter brought us the rings. It was a very emotional wedding.
- Alicia Mingorance Rodríguez, 3º CAL, inglés -
S'aimer - Lola Nuevo González, NI B1, francés Il se moquait toujours d’Adrienne, la fille qui était grosse et laide. Adrienne était mécontente avec son allure. Elle ne s’aimait pas. Elle aimait Paul, le garçon qui se moquait d’elle. Adrienne faisait tout pour qu’il l’aime. Un jour, Paul a déménagé à la maison qui était à côté de chez Adrienne. Elle lui a montré le quartier et Paul et Adrienne sont devenus amis. En trois semaines, Paul était amoureux de la personnalité d’Adrienne, mais elle pensait que si elle ne s’aimait pas, elle ne serait pas capable d’aimer une autre personne. Paul a appris à la respecter et Adrienne a appris que l’amour-propre, c’est le plus important.
Love with a Capital L - Carmen Pérez del Villar, NI B1 A, inglés When I was thinking about how I could write this love micro-story, I suddenly remembered something I heard a long time. They had to operate on a girl and needed O- blood. They didn’t have it in the hospital, but her twin brother had the same group as her. The doctor explained to him that it was a matter of life or death. Then, he said goodbye to his parents and asked the doctor: ‘When am I going to die?’ He had thought he was giving his life for his sister. It’s the most beautiful love story in the world!
Valentine Through the Mirror - Esther Segura Gómez, 3º CAL, inglés Valentine was an awesome girl who used to visit a beautiful garden in which there were several doves, canaries and kingfishers.
Valentine had already spent her days looking for true love; she was looking for someone she could love in a crazy manner and that person could love her the same way back. Someone to share her life forever.
Valentine found her love when saw her face in the mirror, so the most important romance in our lives is our love for ourselves. My love made me feel so good. Anyone can love another person if they can't love themselves. Valentine is her only reason to wake up every morning… till death does her part.
Saint-Valentin - María Araque Frías, 1º NI B2, francés Mon cher amour, Cela fait maintenant trois ans que j’ai le plaisir de me réveiller tous les matins à tes côtés. Tu es comme un rayon de soleil dans ma journée. Grâce à toi, ma vie est une aventure excitante. Tu es une personne extraordinaire avec qui je veux passer le reste de ma vie. J’aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour te remercier pour tout ce que tu fais pour moi. Ce soir, nous profiterons ensemble d’un dîner aux chandelles. Je t’embrasse. Je t’aime à mourir. 31
Antonia's Story - Maribel Barrigüete Andreu, 2º NI B2 B, inglés This is a real story, my patient’s story, Antonia’s story. Alzheimer’s disease changed her life and her family’s too, gradually leading her to isolation and disconnection from the world. When Antonia no longer knew her children or remembered the name of her husband, José approached her and Antonia smiled. She did not know who he was, but his face was the only one that produced that pleasant reaction. Antonia died smiling because José didn’t leave her until the last moment.
L'amour est à l'intérieur - Fátima Brenes Cabrera, 2º NI B2 B, francés On pense toujours qu’on trouve le vrai amour lorsqu'on tombe amoureux. Voici l'histoire d’une personne qui était tout le temps en train de chercher sa moitié. Chaque fois qu’elle avait une relation, elle changeait ses habitudes afin de complaire à son compagnon sans penser à elle-même. Par conséquent, ses relations finissaient toujours mal, puisqu'elle ne luttait pas pour son bonheur mais pour celui de son compagnon. Finalement, la vie lui a enseigné qu’il n’y a pas d'amour suffisant pour combler le vide de quelqu’un qui ne s'aime pas soi-même. Donc, aime-toi et tu trouveras le vrai amour.
Short Love Story - Lucía de Pedro Senovilla, 1º NI B2 Semi A, inglés It all started in the summer of 2020 when Lisa saw John on the subway. Just looking at him, Lisa was captivated by the beauty of John. When Lisa got out of the station, she realized that she had lost her cell phone. At night, she received a message on Instagram from an account. The message was from John. John was new in town, and he found Lisa because of the photo she had in the background. After talking, they were together. After weeks, Lisa fell in love with John, and they spent the whole summer together. At the end of the summer, John returned to his town, but they both kept talking through messenger and remembering the summer together. 34
Love in Times of Coronavirus - Yanire Díaz Rodríguez, 1º NI B2 C, inglés Love in times of the Covid-19 is not easy. Social distance, they say. Avoid contact, they say. Protect others and protect ourselves, they say. And you and I live at a distance from each other, between latex and disinfections as inner partitions in our infinite trench. That's how we have decided. We postpone hugs and meet in an uncertain future; we postpone kisses; we postpone caresses. But I, in the wee hours of the morning, when you sleep soundly, risk imagining giving you a sniper's kiss on your lips, feeling infinitely connected to you. This is love, a state of survival.
True Love Can Save You - Saray Gaviño Lora, 1º NI B2 Semi B, inglés True love can heal souls, so never it should be hide. It is vital that you discover who you are, therefore, you will become to respect and love yourself as anyone could do it. Not only is true love to yourself going to save you, but it is also going to save the people around you. What kind of person do you want to be? Be the change you wish to see in the world. In the end, the more you love yourself, the better for the humanity.
St. Valentine's Day - Samuel Gutiérrez Jiménez, 2º NI B2 CAL, inglés “Oh my darling! It could be the last time that I see you! I have to split up with you.” These words were the last words that I uttered before our farewell. I remember it was January 2022. We had just spent two months together. During that time, every night we spent time with each other, watching TV, or just reading a book. It was an unconditional love. I didn’t need any words, I only needed to know that you were near, and it made me happy. Nowadays, I can only remember how delighted I was. Sadly, summer is coming, and I had to stop eating Suchard. 37
I Want to Sing to You - Juan Mª Lora Gómez, 2º NI B2 Semi, inglés And I would like to sing to you. You, who sewed an angel on my back. I see the dawn in your clear eyes full of tears. Through the garden of the house where you sleep with me, I search in my memory and succumb to that light weight of the moon on my waist. I can't sing, and I would like to sing to you. You, who have placed this rose like a stone in my soul. It doesn't let me sing any more. It is this space that distances me from all the movement of the world. It's your eyes that pierce the moon. I can't sing any more, and I would like to sing to you. That truth of all things sums up my destiny in that garden of the house where you sleep with me.
- Mª del Mar Luna Torres, 1º NI B2 A, inglés Carmen barely could get up, her bruises and cuts were still beating as never before and the same words were repeated in her head that grey day. Suddenly, she had a different feeling in her mind. She didn´t know what it was however she realized when she looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes weren´t the same yet: the fear had disappeared. At that moment, she thought that there might be a chance to be happy again and she started a new life with a note where the only responsible of her happiness would be herself “No More”.
The Furry Hero - Loli Misffout Camacho, 1º NI B2 B, inglés Once upon a time, there was a dog named Zeus, he was brown and had green eyes. Moreover, his gaze was pure love, and he belonged to a family, but he had a passion for his owner Ana. He went out four times a day, and Ana was always the one who walked him. One night, she was surprised by two men with their faces covered. Ana screamed and ran. Then Zeus, without thinking, barked and threw himself at them furiously. Suddenly, Ana ran away, but Zeus was killed. Since then, he has always appeared before her at night, she talks to him too, and even looks at the sky and sees him reflected in a star in the shape of a dog. Finally, when a dog dies, you lose a friend, but you win an angel. 40
St. Valentine's Day - Inés Pérez Fernández, 1º NI B2 CAL, inglés My story begins two years ago, the day before St. Valentine's Day, with a not so young couple going to the hospital. They were in their forties, and they had been wanting to become parents for a long time. She was pregnant, and the big day had finally arrived. They did spend the whole day listening to how the newborns next door came in to the world, whereas in their room nothing was happening. Finally, St. Valentine came and a gorgeous little girl with him. And this is the story of how my husband and I met the true love of our lives. 41
Maman - Noelia Peracho Troncón, 2º NI B2 A, francés Le premier mot qu’on dit avec amour, tu es mon plus grand trésor et mon modèle à suivre par la force et le courage avec lesquels tu as dû surmonter les entraves. Je n’aurais pas voulu avoir une autre maman, tu m’as accompagnée partout où j’allais, c’est dur de voir comment s'éteint la lumière de tes yeux. Quelle dure réalité à encaisser, voir comment la vie te dépouille de ton intellect et de tes souvenirs. Si seulement je savais briser ces barrières pour te rapprocher à nouveau de ma vie… Tu ne comprends peut-être pas mes mots, mais tu comprends mes câlins.
The Terror of Silence - Mª Carmen Ruiz Sánchez, 2º NI B2 A, inglés And suddenly, I see you, you are my friend, I know you, you have always been close to me, you have been in my best moments and of course, in the worst. What’s going on? I have feelings that I can’t handle, and it scares me because whatever happens I’d never want to lose the chemistry between us. Sometimes I think that if I had met you a few years ago, maybe, we could have lived the story that I think we will not be able to live. I write this for you, because if you have something inside, you have to let it go, even if you are afraid, because that is better than the terror of silence.
Love Story (song) - José Ángel Bazo Párraga, 1º NA C1, inglés I can’t imagine a life without you, It’s hard to make, but it is true, Your heart has been calling me, Since the first time that I could see you You are like a coffee at eight in the morning, Even if it’s rainy or cold on a Monday, And now I need to tell you, That this is the only way to love you Not many people can live this, Like you and I always did. It’s not just work that life affects when our love comes into effect Say something, don’t just look at me, I think you also want to be with me.
By Chance - Lola Carpio Arroyo, 2º NA C1 A/CAL, inglés It was winter and I was alone. No sooner had I known him than I knew he was going to be the love of my life. It was love at first sight, but only from my part since he rejected me. However, it was the powerful feeling that we were made for each other what made me think things might change. A common friend told me: “Wait for the spring”, as if the spring could melt his heart. On 21st March, I met him on the street by chance. We talked. We kissed. My friend's prediction came true.
Valentine's Day - Daniel Fernández Leal, 2º NA C1 Semi, inglés She drove back home. Valentine’s Day, what a dreadful day he had chosen to go on a business trip abroad. They both had intense jobs, and today they would cross paths without seeing each other. As she climbed the stairs, she felt the intense aroma of freshly made coffee he had programmed to welcome her. She opened the door, and a bouquet dominated the lounge. The fridge was full of delicious meals he had been cooking, and everything smelt clean because he had been tidying up thoroughly before leaving. She could feel his love in every corner of the apartment.
J'ai beau chercher l'oubli - Fernando Fernández Lobillo, 2º NA C1, francés Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison elle-même ne connaît pas. Face à cette idée, et maintenant sans cœur, il ne me reste que la raison pour me lier à la réalité. J'ai beau chercher l'oubli, il semble que ma simple intention le fasse fuir. Mais je préfère régler tes souvenirs, en les transformant, non pas en cire des ailes d'Icare, mais en quille du navire qui me ramène sur la mer agitée qu'est l'amour. Parce que, comme un marin à terre, mon âme ne demande qu'à reprendre la mer, pour, malgré les tempêtes, jouir de la liberté de pouvoir à nouveau donner mon âme.
Rendez-Vous - Juan Manuel García González y Sonia Vázquez del Fresno, 1º NA C1, francés Je regarde mon reflet dans le miroir. Je me dis que la rencontre est proche. Nous avons vécu des obstacles insurmontables, nous nous aimons quand même. C’est le 14 février et j’ai envie d’embrasser, d’échanger des regards, de sentir l’amour. Le jour de l’engagement est arrivé. Je vais m’abandonner au sort de l’avenir. Le téléphone sonne, je dois partir. J’arrive au lieu de rendez-vous. Mon cœur palpitant sait que l’heure est venue. Nous nous faisons les yeux doux. La lumière blanche du panneau de l’hôpital nous guide. Une partie de moi lui sera greffé et nous ferons un à vie. Je suis donneuse. Il est receveur.
Broken Heart - Josué Garzón Gutiérrez, 1º NA C1 CAL, inglés February, cold morning, exams period. He is almost asleep, with a bluffed sight through the window of the bus. Suddenly, he smells a fragrance that wakes him up. The most beautiful girl he had never seen before was taking a seat in front of him. Her sculptural body made him feel nervous. She had long hair, tanned skin and intense dark eyes. Under no circumstances had he thought his heart was going to fall in love as deeply in just twenty minutes. Anxious suffering the following days, weeks and months, trying to get another contact, but it didn't occur any more. Why on earth didn't he tell her anything?
Love is in the end - Mª Paloma Gómez de Travecedo Calvo, 1º NA C1 Dist. C, inglés It is said that first love can never be forgotten. In my case I neither have forgotten my second nor my third or my last love. All of them have been important people with whom I have shared different stages of my life with different wishes, hopes and worries. Nevertheless, at a certain moment some of us felt the need to separate since we had developed in different directions. This moment is when I think that real love emerges: when, despite the sorrow, you are able to let your partner make his/her own way without you.
The Woman at the Window - Elisa Isabel Guijarro Hernández, 1º NA C1 Dist. A, inglés There is a window and, behind it, there is a shape. A woman can be seen staring at nothing. In the distance, a shadow approaches holding something in his hands. Is it a bunch of flowers? Suddenly, the doorbell rings. There she is, expectant and doubtful, standing at the door. Finally, she opens it, she stares at him and cries. It was her lover, the man who someday left as a victim of a war. She doesn’t care about the bunch of flowers, the only thing that matters is getting back the man who she had shared his life with. Both melt into a deep cry.
The Love of My Life - Teresa Guzmán Pastor, 2º NA C1 Dist. A, inglés Under no circumstances would I have thought, thirteen years before, that the gorgeous man standing in front of me in a dark-grey suit could have become the love of my life. All in a sudden, the serious timid unreachable attorney who had tried my case with the administration turned into the most astonishing and desirable person to me. His manly cultured voice that had brought tranquilness and hope then, was making me tremble with desire. Erotic images were crossing my mind with lighting speed. Looking at his bright hazel eyes was like peering into the abyss….and I was determined to die if necessary.
St. Valentine's Short Story - Manuela López Baena, 1º C1 NA Semi B, inglés This year, at St. Valentine's Day, I decided to look for the definition of the word “love” since I had been feeling really nice and pleasant feelings for the last weeks. Everything has been happening so fluently and gently that before noticing it, I was trapped in its sweet claws. Apart from all the corny love definitions all of us listen to every St. Valentine's Day, I found this one: “love gives you quality time and acts of service”. After reading that, I understood I was in love with my new MacBook and I asked myself if I shouldn’t have changed my old laptop before.
Ça fait longtemps que j’attends ce moment - Mª Isabel Lorenzo Ruiz, Ana Mª Parejo Jiménez y Fco. Javier Sánchez Ramos, 2º NA C1, francés J’habite à Séville, je viens d’acheter un vol pour Barcelone. J’ai très hâte de t’embrasser,de te voir et de te garder auprès de moi. Quand j’arriverai, je te donnerai un cadeau que j’ai soigneusement préparé. Je te porte dans mon cœur depuis la première fois que je t’ai vu, sur un écran. Je t’aime à la folie. Je veux te chérir toute ma vie. Je suis pleine d’enthousiasme à l’idée d’être avec toi. Je t’adore, je t’idolâtre. Après deux ans, dans l’attente de ton adoption, finalement tu seras là, mon bébé, dans mes bras. 55
Saint Valentine's Day - Ramón Martín Parrondo, 1º NA C1 Dist. B, inglés Every spring a bird came to a stream where he met with a delicate flower. They stayed together until the winter. One year, when winter came, the flower asked him to take her with him. The bird said that he would love to, but he flatly refused. She begged him over and over again, but the bird ignored her and left as usual, leaving the sad flower behind. The sad bird also understood that she could not survive if he took her from her fertile shore. This is how love works. Every sacrifice is little for the loved one.
Araceli Montero Tierno, 1º NA C1 Semi A, inglés
Saint Valentine’s Day - Cristina Morente Galisteo, 1º NA C1 Dist. D, inglés It has been a good day, people are feeling generous and we have had enough money for lunch. It's always like that when spring comes. But they don't understand me, I had the chance to live in a shelter but you, my dear dog, weren't allowed to stay, so it was impossible for me to leave you alone because since I lost everything you have always been with me, comforting me when I cried, giving me warmth on the coldest days and making me laugh. We will always be together because, despite the difficulties, we are happy.
Lola: Inspiration for Current Generations - Ana Pérez Díaz, 2º NA C1 Dist. B, inglés Sometimes there are people who represent a turning point in someone life, whether it be for an intense romance, for a wise advice or for their remarkable resilience. In my case, this came about when I lost my great-grandma Lola. Disowned by her family because she got married to a lame man, she suffered gender violence from him, a civil war and the death of three of her six children. Sewing lead sacks, she lost her index finger, however she always did crochet as if there were no tomorrow. She’s my inspiration when I think I can’t take it anymore.
- Ana Rodríguez Coto, 2º NA C1 Semi, inglés It was the smell that woke me up, - smells are important; they can remind us of a pleasant moment - , as I got up, I wanted to see and touch my love and unleash my feelings. Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would feel such a passionate love - sometimes it happens to me that my sheets get sweaty because of a delicious dream - . Then I carefully combed my hair and looked for my love, which was in the kitchen waiting for me. I could not resist and ate a huge piece of three-chocolate cake. Its smell didn’t lie.