November Editon od American Mail Profits

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American Mail Profits Issue: #4

November 1, 2016

Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of American Mail Profits! It is that time of year here in the northeast where it’s getting cold, then it’s warm and the sun is setting ever so earlier every day…which is upsetting to me. If your reading this online, you will have already notice some major changes to the website. American Mail Profits’ website is going under a little overhaul to accomplish multiple things all at ones. An all in one stop for advertising, chatting, resources and shopping! Come by and join the new American Mail Profits Community. Post your opportunities for free, chat with friends and more. It is a business focused forum and we allow all kinds of promotional posts and more. Plus, we have an activity rewards system rewarding AMPoints for being active, advertising and more. You can find the community here: htt:// The community is online and ready for your posts and chats. Some functions are being integrated but intend to be fully operational within November! Are you looking to add some meat to your mails? Contact us about an exclusive opportunity to earning commissions from American Mail Profits. Please consider how your ads are: All advertising campaigns are scanned and included in the magazine exactly has they are received by us. We do not edit, modify or do anything to your ads but scan it into the magazine. If your ad has a fold or crinkle in it, it may show in the magazine. We will not refund or rerun any ad due to quality complaints. For your convenience, we also accept campaign materials via e-mail ( If there is something you need, contact American Mail Profits, we’ll get your ideal campaign underway! I hope everyone stays safe and builds their dream into a major success! Sincerely,

William Troiano American Mail Profits

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HOW TO GET RICH IN MAIL ORDER AND DIRECT MAIL (A Special Presentation by Avril Harper)

Module Two Choosing Products The World Wants to Buy

How to Get Rich in Mail Order and Direct Mail Module Two Choosing Products The World Wants to Buy

Contents Introduction About Markets $500 a Week as a Circular Mailer A Selection of Proven Mail Order Products Features of a Good Mail Order Product Key Features for Success Key Points About Legality Always Test Your Product Important Words About Products Choosing and Obtaining Products Specific Sources of Mail Order Products Copycatting and Creative Imitation Avoid Lone Products Finding That Once-in-a-Blue-Moon Product That Makes a Million Overnight Thousands of Product Ideas on Your Doorstep Case Study: Import and Its Similarities to Mail Order and Direct Mail Case Studies: Follow Your Hobbies into Mail Order Case Study: Dropshipment MLM Prospecting by Mail Selling Part-Works and Business Plans - The Benefits of Regular Income 97 Winning Mail Order Product Ideas Selling a Service by Mail Case Study of a Perfect Mail Order/Direct Mail Product: Mailing Lists -1-

Choosing Products the World Wants to Buy Introduction Products are the life blood of the mail order and direct mail dealer, an obvious statement and one I hope you’ll forgive me for making. Yet far too often people enter the business having little or no idea of what they want to sell. Fatal! The decision about which markets to target and what products to offer is crucial to the successful start-up process and, as such, forms the subject matter of this module. Now I’m going to contradict myself and suggest one of the best tips anyone can give others contemplating a career in mail order and direct mail is to forget about products. For the time being at least! Instead focus on markets, groups of people, and consider what they want, not what you would like to sell them. The benefits are obvious and, most important of all, you ensure your product is one hundred per cent targetable at potential buyers. Imagine, for example, you choose the product first: say it’s an innovative egg-timer which plays the national anthem when the egg is cooked to requirements. How should you promote such a product? Well, you could place an advertisement in a national daily newspaper and doubtless you would sell some egg timers, although advertising costs are high and it’s reasonable to say not every Express or Sun reader will warm to the sound of the national anthem blaring out first thing in the morning when he has a hangover and is running late for work. Quite honestly, if you cover your costs, I think you’d be lucky. Now consider marketing the product as a novelty item, the gift for the person who has everything, the perfect Christmas present for the true blue British patriot. Or what about cooks and others interested in cooking who might find the novelty value a great way to brighten their day? How about marketing the item by sending a press release to the national papers instead of placing costly ads., or why not suggest the egg timer for a product review in catering journals and magazines targeted at cooks and food lovers? Why not instead send details to trade magazines read by those in the gift and novelty trade, offering the egg timer as a product for them to market on commission or by purchasing wholesale from you? Now go back to square one and think how much easier it was to identify the market first, in this case people interested in or working in the catering business, and keeping this information on record or in the back of your mind, until it’s time to market your ‘eggtimer’!. FOCUS ON MARKETS FIRST AND LAST! Yes, that’s much better! The market is wider now, being both easier and less expensive to reach, even costfree in the case of items reviewed in your chosen magazines. The trick is: choose the market first, decide what to offer people and firms making up the market, and you’re on your way to a successful mail order product. This module expands on some topics already covered in earlier modules to the course including places to source products and ways to emulate already successful products belonging to other companies.

About Markets Markets are groups of people, comprising actual and potential buyers of your products. More than this, markets can be general or specific, a distinction which, above all, determines the likely number of sales you will achieve. Broadly speaking: A general market comprises an audience normally without shared interests. For example, the public at large is a general market as are readers of most non-specialist magazines and newspapers. Women comprise another largely general market which will include young and old, white and coloured, professional and non-professional, married and single, gay and heterosexual, and so on. (Notice how each sub-section breaks down into smaller markets which move ever closer towards becoming niche markets themselves).


General markets are good targets for most kinds of product, such as food (we all eat), clothing (used by all but nudists!), drink (few people are teetotal), pet-care products (most families have pets), and so on. Niche markets on the other hand comprise smaller markets representing people with shared and welldefined interests, such as Internet users, owners of boxer dogs, competitions enthusiasts, motor mechanics, actors and actresses, millionaires, serious investors, prisoners, and so on. By their very nature niche markets are a great place to target products of unique interest to people existing within the group. The mail order/direct mail dealer must decide which market to target with his goods and determine how to reach people with the ability and inclination to buy. So you wouldn’t necessarily offer competition forms through a general interest daily newspaper read by several million people and, arguably, you’d sell a great deal more through a small newsletter with a 3,000 subscriber-base of ardent competitions hobbyists. Food, however, and Christmas gift wrapping, not to mention computer software and mortgage facilities, tend to sell well through general interest media, being products that appeal to most people most of the time. Note, however, where a general interest market, such as most daily national papers, caters for some of the larger niche market groups, the likes of gardeners, motorists, investors, such places will normally be suitable for advertising your niche market products. Moral: Choose a market, determine its size, decide how to reach it! Let me illustrate the concept of deciding on a market before offering a product for sale, utilising one of my earlier reports, ‘$500 a Week as a Circular Mailer’, which highlights ways for mail order dealers and direct mail operators to sell products belonging to other firms.

$500 a Week as a Circular Mailer (Earn Commission Selling Other People’s Products) Imagine a business that doesn’t need stock; a business without risk. No cold selling; no previous experience necessary; no need to leave home unless you really want to. And, amazingly, such a business could also make you a great deal of money for surprisingly little effort. That business is circular mailing and it can generate hundreds of pounds, maybe thousands, in profits each and every week. A circular mailer operates on behalf of other firms with products to sell but wishing to reach a wider market than they themselves have resources for (resources being time, people, space, money). Many such firms operate via agents, sometimes working face-to-face with customers, often operating by post. It is this latter, mail order/direct mail version, which is more commonly referred to as ‘commission mailing’. This is how the majority of businesses work. The circular mailer (commission agent) sends out leaflets or circulars to the public; orders are returned to him ready for forwarding to the principal dealer after commission has been deducted. A variation is where you send out circulars with the prime source’s name and address included for that person to receive all orders. In this case, a code will usually be included to indicate who has mailed the circular and to whom commissions should be made. Numerous marketing options exist, some more expensive than others; some more successful and able to generate very high profits. And, perhaps surprisingly, several low-cost, even free advertising sources, can be very productive. This is not another get-rich-quick scheme though, and success in all fields of business demands initiative, foresight, and sheer hard work. And make no mistake - you will have to work hard to earn high rewards. But with advertising, printing and postal charges comprising the bulk of your business expenses, your costs will be low in comparison to many other enterprises, and your percentage profits proportionately higher.


Circular mailers sell all kinds of products, from books and correspondence courses, to mobile telephones, networking opportunities, newsletters, gambling syndicates, mailing lists, and much, much more.

How Do I Earn $500 a Week? Imagine you are selling a book or manual retailing at $20, from which you receive 50% ($10 per unit) commission. You only have to sell 50 copies a week to achieve that $500 target, plus a few more to cover your overheads (advertising, postage, etc.) So, if you mail 1,000 letters and generate a 5% response rate (5 orders for every 100 letters mailed) you can expect to receive 50 orders from this alone. As your own mailing list of buyers expands you can begin mailing exclusively to your own customers. The response rate to a buyers list, especially your own, is usually much higher than to a list of enquirers. The profit potential is enormous. Like most aspects of mail order, circular mailing is a numbers game, like a simple hydraulics system if you like: the more you push in, the more you have coming out the other end. To simplify, if you mail 100 letters and you get 5 orders (response rate 5%) at $20 each, your takings from that one short exercise are $100. Your mailshot will have cost you about $25 ($20 for stamps; $2 for envelopes; $1 - $2 for a mailing list; the rest for circulars). This means by the time you have processed 50% of your takings back to the prime source to fulfil the order, you are left with $25 pure profit. Not bad for about an hour’s work! Assuming you mail a similar package to others on the same mailing list, you can expect to earn $25 for every 100 letters you mail. So, for 1,000 letters you should earn $250; for 10,000 about $2,500. Bear in mind, however, that mailing lists vary in quality and quantity and, like all things to do with this business, you must test a small number before you roll out to the entire list (‘roll out’ means to mail to everyone on a list you have already tested and found to be responsive).

Worked Examples The mailer usually receives circulars from the prime source (the person who owns the product - e.g. publishers, importers, manufacturers, mobile telephone suppliers, etc.), and sends copies to appropriate individuals and organisations identified as having an interest in the type of things you offer. A good example is books. Books are available for people sharing all kinds of interests, from dog and cat lovers, to people interested in horoscopes, business opportunity seekers and others wanting homework, competitions enthusiasts and people who’d like to increase their chances of success on the National Lottery, and so on. Here are a few examples to show you how a circular promoting a particular book can be targeted direct to people who are interested in the subject and who are therefore your most likely buyers. Imagine I am a circular mailer and I have just gained access to two new books: 1) How to Win the National Lottery 2) How to Make Money Working from Home This is how I would proceed: • How to Win the National Lottery. Virtually everyone plays the lottery each week. So, in effect, the whole country is a target market for this title. Here are some ideas for selling such a high interest title: a) Include a circular in every mailing you do, regardless of the main interest of your target audience. So, if you are selling a book on how to make money at home using a mailing list of people who have already purchased business books you can include the lottery book circular in the package without it looking out of place. b) Buy a mailing list of gamblers and people who have purchased similar titles, like how to win competitions, how to win the football pools, how to increase your chances of winning at the races.


c) Place a small advertisement in virtually any newspaper or magazine. Say something like ‘Want to Win the Lottery? Let us show you how’. Ask readers to send a couple of postage stamps and send back a copy of your sales circular. If the person is interested, he will order a copy of the book and send a cheque to you, or the prime source if you prefer. It is always best to have orders come direct to you, in which case you know who your customer is and you can mail again to that person. People who buy by mail tend to buy other things on a subject that interests them. d) Place the same advertisement in a newspaper or magazine targeted specifically at people with shared interests. A lottery book for instance, although it has wide appeal, is of special interest to participants in other forms of gambling, like the football pools, horse racing, dog racing, etc. So a small advertisement for your book could go in magazines like ‘Racing and Football Outlook’, ‘National Lottery Magazine’, ‘ Competitors’ Companion’, and more besides. • How to Make Money Working From Home. A perennial favourite and one of the best-selling titles ever. Better still, your audience is huge and easy to reach. This is how I would do it: a) Buy a mailing list (names and addresses on sticky labels) of people who have already expressed an interest in working from home. Mail out circulars (include a few others for similar titles), with a covering letter to a small portion of the list. I usually mail to 100 names, test the response (see how many orders and how much profit is generated), and then decide whether to mail out to the rest of the list. b) Issue a press release relating to the book. Advertising through press release is the cheapest (it’s free) form of advertising and one of the most effective. Basically, all you do is write to the editor of appropriate magazines and newspapers (local newspapers and freesheets are excellent), telling them what your book is and inviting them to send for a copy. They read the book, decide if it is of interest to their readers, and subsequently a write-up about the book is included in the newspaper with readers invited to order direct from you. That is easy, inexpensive and superbly profitable marketing! c) Put a postcard in shop and post office windows. Supermarket noticeboards are particularly suitable and I have a contact who reports many orders each week from one or two cards on local supermarket noticeboards. This is a superbly successful marketing strategy, one that is inexpensive and very effective. Books (or whatever other products) can be sold straight from the card (people send you their name and address with their order and payment), or enquiries can be invited for further information (this is usually best and allows you to generate a mailing list for future promotions or for renting to other mail order firms). d) Do a leaflet drop. This simply means having leaflets printed and distributed door-to-door or left where people can take copies to read later (libraries, schools, shops and supermarkets are excellent). e) Place advertisements in virtually any general interest newspaper or magazine. f) Place advertisements in local freesheets. g) Place advertisements in as many business opportunity seekers’ magazines as you can afford. h) Have agents do the selling for you. This is usually best left until you have a wide range of products to sell which can be combined into one circular or a brochure from which multiple purchases can be made. i) Operate through other circular mailers and via shared mailing services. These are roughly similar and mean that a batch of circulars will be posted together, with several people paying for their circulars to be included in the package. Although a 1,000 mailshot will cost you $250 or so individually, a similar size shared mailing costs between $40 and $75.


Processing Orders Most prime source companies prefer you to receive all orders to mailshots and advertisements processed by you. That way, the essential element of trust is formed. Assuming this is how you intend to operate, when you begin receiving orders you should check payment against the order form and make sure the cheque or postal order is completed correctly. If in doubt, telephone your supplier or ask your bank clerk to help you. Next, bank the checks and wait for these to clear. This usually takes 7 days. If a check is returned to you unpaid, return it with the order form to the person who sent it and explain that you can not process his order until further payment is received and cleared. When checks have cleared, send the original order forms to the principal with your own check or postal order for the appropriate percentage of total orders received. That is all you do. The principal deals with your customers thereafter and processes all orders direct.

Obtaining Quality Circulars Sometimes the mailer will be sent circulars free by the principal dealer often referred to as the ‘prime source’; sometimes a token charge will be made for them. Alternatively, the mailer may be provided with a master copy which he is then expected to copy himself. Sometimes your name and address or code will not be included on the circular and you must prepare the circulars yourself. This can be done with ready printed address labels or a rubber stamp. Alternatively, type your name onto a master copy of the circular or cut these details from an envelope addressed to you and paste this onto the circular instead. Whichever way, make sure the end result looks professional.


A Selection of Proven Mail Order Products A number of items prove particularly profitable mail order products, whatever the general economic climate: • Books and Information Products. Main categories: health and life improvement skills; ‘How To’ books (careers, hobbies, business and money-making opportunities); correspondence courses; business opportunities manuals, business start-up packages, newsletters, etc. Books can be targeted at a virtually unlimited audience; titles and topics are available to suit almost everyone; advertising is easier and no pictures or illustrations are usually necessary to sell a book, profit margins are invariably high; and books are ideal for posting by mail being generally lightweight and sturdy. • Natural Cures and Treatments. Such as: smoking cures, diet aids and advice, herbal and traditional remedies, psychological cures, vitamin pills, anti-ageing potions. • Private Products for Men and Women. Examples: diet aids, baldness cures, muscle-building devices, beauty and anti-ageing products, slimming garments, marital aids, contraceptives, dating agencies, adult telephone advice lines, and so on. The kind of things people don’t like to ask for in shops! • Clothes. One of the most popular mail order lines as a myriad of catalogue companies bearing household names will testify. • Gifts. Examples: fine china and crystal, artist-made ornaments and other decorative items, personalised goods such as pens, tankards and other advertising novelties. • Household Goods. Examples: linen and furnishings, kitchenware, home improvements. • Cosmetics and Perfumery. Generally speaking, you must have something different to offer from what is available in shops. Strict advertising rules and regulations govern the sale of cosmetics and perfumes, so check carefully with advertising regulatory authorities before stocking up with things you won’t be able to sell. • Fads and Gimmicks. Like Pet Rocks, Cabbage Patch dolls, pieces of the Berlin Wall shaped and framed. Products can have short-term or long-term appeal. And if they can’t be purchased anywhere else - yet work quickly or risk losing your chance of instant wealth!


Features of a Good Mail Order Product Many things sell well by mail, some better than others. The following will help you decide whether your product is a potential winner: The ‘ideal’ mail order product: -

is lightweight, being both easy to pack and inexpensive to post.


is compact and not bulky or awkward to transport.


is unbreakable and non-perishable.


has mass appeal, interesting millions thereby generating faster turnover. Alternatively, a niche market product, while appealing to a smaller target audience, nevertheless appeals to a very high percentage of this particular market.


offers a mark up of between 3 and 10 times the cost of sourcing or manufacturing it.


is available direct from its original source - manufacturer or country of origin.


is available from a reliable, reputable source from which efficient product back-up is available as well as support, if needed.


is yours to market exclusively.


is priced effectively. If available on the high street at a similar or lower price that’s where the customer will go. If you are the sole supplier and the product is inexpensively priced, you stand to sell huge quantities of your product.


That said, however, even high-price items will sell well if the product itself is in high demand, as is often so for high fashion items, new gimmicks, recent fads and innovations.


is a well-known article being offered at a greatly reduced price. A good example is the recent spate of computerised pets which, though introduced by the inventing company at very high mark-ups, were quickly copied and mass-marketed at a tiny fraction of the original price.


is available in small quantities to start with.


offers repeat sales potential or has possibilities for adding a range of associated products.

Key Features for Success • Product appeal. There has to be a good demand for your product or evidence that demand will exist for a new product. Although there are exceptions (specialised products, fads, high-cost/low-volume goods), your product should appeal to as many people as possible, preferably to both sexes, young and old, regardless of class or creed. A tip here from successful mail order operators is to look for a need, preferably a common need, then look for a product to satisfy that need. A good example was the legendary Joe Karbo, author of ‘The Lazy Man’s Way to Riches’, who realised how most people desire great wealth, and set to writing a book on how to acquire it.


Yet there have been remarkable stories of companies in limited markets whose profits are consistently good. One such firm, Lee Mountain of Pisgah, Alabama, who has been buying and selling used correspondence courses and educational books for many years. Their small classified advertisements have graced the columns of many popular magazines all across the United States. There have, however, been magnificent exceptions to this general rule, usually where skillful marketing has created a need which didn’t previously exist, as happened where the originator of those loveable ‘Pet Rocks’ convinced virtually all American families that here was the ideal pet, one which was easy to look after, cost little to maintain, always did as it was told, and more! Before turning elsewhere for a suitable mail order product, look to areas you already have some knowledge of, such as your own hobbies or special interests, or items you already sell in your business or other employment. Take notice of what people are buying elsewhere and look for similar products for your business (copycatting). Alternatively, try creative imitation, similar to copycatting, except here you are looking for ways to offer something a little bit different to the other product, preferably making yours better, cheaper, serve additional purposes, more attractive, and so on. But never, ever, assume that what sells well in shops will sell well by mail. Test your product before stockpiling. • Newness of the product. If yours is a completely new product, make sure you are sufficiently committed to it to cream off the top of the market before competitors arrive for their share. Consider whether you can copyright or patent your product to avoid competition. Make sure you have enough capital and knowledge to market the product properly at the outset, before competitors with early information and greater finances capture your market. • Your interest in the product. If the product is something you like or enjoy, your own enthusiasm will shine through in the quality of your advertising copy, your relationship with customers, and more. • Availability. It might be illegal to offer a product for sale where you do not have sufficient stock to cope with likely demand and where you do not have easy access to further supplies of the product. That aside, you are unlikely to generate customer confidence by keeping customers waiting for an unreasonable time while you chase fresh supplies. Exceptions to this general rule: -

bespoke products and personal services.


goods and services which are advertised as delivered in stages.


plants and some other perishable items.


goods you manufacture on your premises, usually to order, where you have the raw materials to hand.

• Ease and effectiveness of marketing. Some products are easier to sell than others and in general the newcomer is advised to start with established mail order products, where markets, prices and selling methods have already been tried and tested by competing firms. • Repeat order potential. Suitable products include any that are quickly used and in need of constant replenishment: cosmetics, perfumes, greetings cards, confectionery. A main advantage is the low cost of selling repeat items: once you have made the initial sale, very often it’s the customer who contacts you for later orders. • Potential for extending to a range of similar or complementary products for cross-selling: cosmetics and perfumes, clothing and accessories, toys and children’s wear, food and drink. Again, once you have made the initial sale, the hardest and most expensive part of your job is over.


• Competition - or lack of it - from similar or identical products in mail order or other markets. • Value for money. • Sells well all year round. Goods which are seasonal, such as fireworks, Christmas cards, Easter eggs, must achieve sufficient turnover during the appropriate season to sustain the business and entrepreneur during non-seasonal times. Thus one often finds firms selling various seasonal products, literally moving in and out of markets as the seasons change. Clever mail order dealers, even those who deal in a specific range of products, achieve all-year custom by including products to complement their range: offering sun tan oils and barrier creams during the summer months and creams for chapped, dry skin and cold sores in winter. Similarly, a card manufacturer might add holiday postcards to complement his range of Christmas and Easter greetings cards. • The product must be legal. If it isn’t, the authorities will quickly put you out of business. • Other questions to help determine your product is profitable as well as popular: -

How many publications are available to advertise my product? What are the appropriate circulation and readership figures?


How many mailing lists, and of what size, are available to market my product?


What will it cost to stock the product, prepare marketing materials, arrange early advertisements and mailshots?

• Can the product be sold through agents and distributors on a wholesale or dropship basis? In ‘The Mail Order Business’ published by MBA Business Associates (1949), John Moran lists the following requirements of a successful agent-sold item: 1

Must appeal to agent.

2 3

Must appeal to agent’s customers. Little investment for agent.

4 5

Not seasonal. No choice of size or color (but shoes do well, and dresses).

6 7

Lightweight. Easy for agent to carry samples.

8 9

Not obtainable in stores. No breakage or spoilage.


Very high commission.

Key Points About Legality Legality can be a very grey area, especially for firms selling many different products all over the world. Generally speaking, if a product has been offered for sale over a period of time it’s almost certain the product is legal, although you must never take this for granted. A little common sense goes a long way towards deciding what is, and what is not, a legal product. Something which is barred from sale in one country, though offered openly in another, will thus be legal in one market, and may incur a prison sentence in another. A good example is the current wonder drug for sufferers from impotence, Viagra, which is not currently available in Britain, with or without a doctor’s prescription.

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So, although supplies may be available from overseas, you might incur criminal penalty for even attempting to sell the product in Britain. Another example is where a British mail order dealer attempts to sell alcohol in Middle-Eastern countries and non-prescription drugs almost anywhere on earth. • Never assume it’s legal because someone else is offering a similar or identical product. • Use your common sense. Check carefully before advertising a suspect product or service. • Get information. Contact some appropriate government or public department, such as Trading Standards, Data Protection Registrar, and so on. • Check with your lawyer. • Read widely, especially in newsletters and other publications targeted towards mail order and direct mail specialists.

Always Test Your Product It can be hard - sometimes impossible - to accept a product you considered a world-beater is of no interest to anyone else. In the end it’s not what you think of a particular product that matters: the only important thing is what prospective customers think of your product. If you love it, and they don’t, the end result is no sales, and no profit. It makes little sense to continue offering a product no-one wants to buy, even where you still think it’s the best thing since sliced bread! ‘Stop flogging a dead horse’ is the maxim to go by in such cases, meaning you should drop the product fast and start looking for products people do want to buy. So how is it done? How do you determine what will sell, in huge volume, at high mark-ups? Testing is the most common method, where the mail order dealer places a few low-cost ads or processes a small sample mailing to identify whether a market exists for the product, and what prices and incentives the prospective customer prefers. Although it’s customary to run small test advertisements or mailings before acquiring the product, such a practice could run you foul of trading laws, except in the case of ‘pre-launch’ or ‘order now for later delivery’ offers. Pre-launch offers confer many benefits to dealers, primarily allowing firms to test-market on a small and inexpensive basis without paying upfront for stockpiled goods you are unable to sell. In fact, US companies have been making ‘pre-launch’ offers for many years, sometimes referred to as ‘dry testing’. If the offer doesn’t work, cheques are returned to prospective customers with a small thank-you gift to compensate for disappointment. Mail order - and direct mail - are rare among businesses which can be tested before the dealer invests heavily in a project. Other ways to test the water before splashing out with an expensive marketing campaign: • Ask for buyers’ opinions. • Make up a few test samples of your products and display them at trade shows. • Ask people to compare your product with similar items. • Consumer test your product.

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JULIAN SIMONS SAYS “Now, I’m going to sound like a fortune-teller. The best way to find a good mail order product is to have another good mail-order product already. This isn’t just double talk. It’s my guess that successful mail order people have files of dozens of good products that they don’t have time or capacity to develop at the moment or that are too big or too small for them to tackle. What this should mean to you, however, is the importance of getting into business with some product. Even if your first product is not tremendously profitable, it will at least lead you to evaluate other products, and that is the way you will find better products. So - think of your first venture as an investment in getting into business. And if you’re willing to work on a thin margin, almost any already proven product will do for you.” Julian Simons, Start and Run Your Own Successful Mail Order Business.

Important Words About Products As you start and progress in the mail order business you will capitalise on numerous marketing techniques pertaining to goods you are trying to sell. Generally speaking offers will fall into three main categories: • One-off items where the dealer attempts to sell just once to prospective customers. • Repeat sales largely of goods which require constant replenishment or which lend themselves to additional sales of similar products. Fashion clothing, toys and cosmetics, are useful examples of goods customers tend to purchase on a regular basis. Sometimes such items will have been consumed and require replenishment (perfume, cosmetics, alcohol), or they are items with lots of choices of which people typically purchase more than one item (toys, books, clothing). The experts agree, including Melvin Powers, mail order guru and author of How To Get Rich in Mail Order (Published in the USA by the Wilshire Book Company) “The best products to sell are those that are consumable and need to be replaced with regularity. These include coffee supplies, personalised stationery, name and address labels, food, beverages, perfumes, make up, personal products, and clothing.” • ‘Concatenated’ Products. American dealers realised long before their British counterparts that a customer once gained can be a buyer for life, not only of items requiring constant replenishment or items from a specific product range, but possibly also for more remote items. For example, if someone regularly buys toys and children’s clothing by mail, it’s reasonable to think that person might also be interested in other products having young people in mind, the likes of holidays, insurance cover, private schooling, personalised books for children, etc. Hence, the reason many successful firms ‘concatenate’ their products, meaning offers are precision-tailored to suit the exact buying habits of current customers. ‘Relationship marketing’ - more about this later in the course - is the art, a very profitable one, of selling almost exclusively to an established group of buyers with no real need to market outside one’s own list except to increase a customer base eroded by time.

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Returning to Melvin Powers on the subject of back-end sales, he maintains all products, in his case usually books, should offer a back-end product, not necessarily another book. Focusing on his books How to Play Better Golf Using Self-Hypnosis and The Secret of Perfect Putting, Powers considers products a better followup than more books on golfing or hypnosis. “What would be the logical items to sell these buyers? Golf equipment. For the buyers of the second book, you would add books dealing with hypnosis. Although I didn’t sell it, the perfect follow-up for The Secret of Perfect Putting might have been a specially designed putter, called ‘The Perfect Putter’. As it was, I sold thousands of sets of personalised golf balls. In my follow-up mail, I suggested it as a perfect gift for the golfer on any number of occasions, such as for a birthday, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, anniversary, Christmas, Chanukah, and just to say, “I love you”. It’s almost always better and infinitely more profitable to target repeat or concatenated products than to sell exclusively to one-time only buyers. The hardest, and most expensive part of any business is attracting a first-time buyer, costing more in terms of advertising, mailing lists, and hard work in overcoming initial reticence of the inexperienced prospect. Once attracted and having been satisfied with the first product from a new supplier, many buyers continue to buy from the firm concerned, usually spending more each time and ordering more often. ‘Back-end’ sales from marketing literature included with orders dispatched to the customer, cost almost nothing to process, other than printing costs and perhaps a tiny bit for postage. Similarly, follow-up offers to established customers incur no costs for mailing lists or advertising. Almost without exception, successful mail order dealers offer a line of repeat or follow-up (usually concatenated) goods and you are strongly advised to do the same. The real secret to success in mail order -and direct mail - is to attract the customer in the first place and, having done so, to continue marketing to that individual until the relationship is no longer profitable. This sometimes appears costly but the investment is almost always worthwhile. How to achieve regular repeat customers? Methods vary, but usually involve selling something different to fellow dealers at normally lower prices. Attract attention with the unusualness of the product itself, raise interest in the benefits offered, create desire by attaching a low price to such amazing benefits, and create early action by offering a freebie gift or special incentive to customers placing their orders within a specified time. AIDA - attention, interest, desire, action - the route all good dealers follow to establish a fastgrowing database of regular, repeat buyers for their goods. (More about AIDA in coming modules of the course). Let me tell you how I grew my own database of 4,000 plus regular, repeat buyers. It all began with a book called Mags to Riches highlighting almost thirty ways to make money from old newspapers. The title and concept appealed to a mass audience of opportunity seekers and, at $15 a go plus postage and packing, the asking price was hardly excessive. I achieved a high response rate to most lists used to promote the book, ranging from 4 to a staggering 16 per cent. Though the book carried a money-back guarantee, few people took advantage of it and, within just a few months of spare-time marketing, my list had grown to over 1,000 people. A few months later I mailed them on the offer of a second book: The Book of British Inside Information, achieving a magnificent 20 per cent take-up rate. A similar pattern emerged from offers of subsequent books, meaning the few months taken to attract first-time buyers eventually culminated in sales of hundreds of pounds to some customers. This explains the reason most dealers are prepared to suffer a small or even major loss on first sales in order to create a relationship which might flourish over many years, even for the mutual lifetime of parties involved.

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Choosing and Obtaining Products • Follow Your Hobbies Into Mail Order. Many mail order business start by accident normally following on from a special interest or hobby enjoyed by the entrepreneur. In fact, this is one of the best ways to start a business, meaning you already possess specialised knowledge which gives you the edge over firms starting from scratch.

The Product It Took Me One Day to Create and Cost £4 a Week to Advertise Which Netted More Than £200 Each Time! My own mail order business actually started, based on my love of consumer competitions. In early 1990, as a reader of the then hugely popular Competitors’ Journal, I noticed how few books and information products were available to newcomers to the hobby, in the way of word lists, slogan compilations, and such, which were selling extensively in the United States. I had compiled such a listing myself over several years, comprising double-meaning words, odd sayings, and so on, which frequently form the basis of winning competition slogans. To cut a long story short, I advertised my lists at 2 each or all four for 6. The ad., costing something like 16 a month, brought in hundreds of pounds worth of business each time. Sadly, it didn’t last long as the magazine was later purchased by Chartsearch Plc. and now flies under the name Competitors Companion in which little advertising is allowed. But I earned quite a lot of money in those days from a tiny product sold to a niche market of enthusiastic hobbyists. I truly followed my hobby into mail order and I’m very glad I did! Marketing gurus Melvin Powers and Julian Simons - alongside many of their counterparts - focus extensively on establishing a mail order venture on some personal interest, either a hobby or special interest, or even a job or profession, extolling the virtues of experience over having to learn a business from scratch. Back to my own experience, I spent over 15 years in personnel management and once wrote and sold a book showing job hunters the way to interview success. It worked! Subjects you could write about and teach others include: guitar playing, playing the piano, interior decorating, accountancy, stamp and coin collecting, upholstering, watch repairing, invisible mending, locksmithing, television and radio repair, hotel management, meat cutting, taxidermy, gardening, growing orchids, commercial art, horticulture, baking, cooking, woodworking, piano tuning, candy making, writing, photography, baby-shoe metallising, repairing electrical appliances, calligraphy, how to improve your English, songwriting, teaching a sport, and dancing. Here are a few ways to find products for your business. • Invent Your Own. This gives you your best chance to earn a good living from mail order, more so if your product becomes a best seller and no acceptable alternative exists. Try to think of something unique. Alternatively, look for ways to improve already popular products, without breaching copyright or patent laws. • Make the Product Yourself. This is a viable option for anyone with appropriate skills, such as craftworkers, writers (for mail order publications), toy makers, fashion designers, and others providing services such as copywriting, list broking, and so on. Get your hands on as many mail order magazines and catalogues as you can. Look for products that sell well by mail overseas, which are not currently available in the domestic market. Be sure there is a valid reason why the product isn’t available in domestic markets, which doesn’t mean the product is unsuitable or illegal.

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Where you invent your own products, avoid spending everything you have on creating the product, leaving you insufficient funds to market it properly. • Buy Exclusive Rights from the Product’s Inventor or Manufacturer. • Buy the Product from Wholesalers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Importers, etc. Watch out for products you might gain exclusive rights to market. • Copycat Successful Mail Order Products. But be careful: there’s a big difference between creative imitation and illegal breach of copyright or patent laws. • Buy Rights to Duplicate the Product. This commonly occurs in publishing, where mail order dealers buy the rights to print and sell copies from a master manuscript provided by the copyright owner or publisher. • Obtain Rights to Market Someone Else’s Product. Dropshipping (sometimes called ‘circular mailing’) is a business where the individual markets products belonging to other companies, using other firms’ marketing materials, and receiving all orders and payments direct. Once cheques and other payments have cleared the dealer passes a portion of the takings to the principal (owner of products) for that person to fulfil goods direct to customers. An enormous number of companies offer dropship facilities, especially in the United States, with an increasing number of openings existing in Britain. Basically, all you do is search through business opportunity magazines, import/export bulletins, mail order journals, and so on, looking for firms seeking agents to market their goods. For example, look through any import/export journal (you’ll find hundreds in your local business reference library) and contact one or two of the companies mentioned. Some will be British firms seeking home agents, most will be foreign companies seeking people to represent them in other countries. Import/ export is a business bearing close similarities to mail order and direct mail, these being the main methods by which most international traders market their goods. To explain how easy the process is of importing (similar to exporting in many ways, only countries differ), look later for a typical scenario of how the business works. • Make Regular Visits to Your Local Library, especially those which stock newspapers, magazines, mail order publications. Read everything you can. Look for advertisements placed by mail order dealers in Britain and abroad. Clip or file repeat advertisements to study later. • Look in Trade and Service Directories available in main reference and business libraries. • Identify Sources of Bankruptcy Stock from notices and announcements in local and regional newspapers. • Visit Trade Exhibitions. All trades host their own exhibitions, some more often than others. These are excellent places to locate new and innovative products which are often sold purely through shops, market stalls and other traditional retail outlets. Visit your local library for directories of trade and professional magazines from which to locate contact names and addresses for trades relating to products you might consider marketing in your business. • Visit Inventors’ Shows where you’ll find new and often unique items and people keen to have you market their products. Most magazines for inventors and business opportunity seekers carry details of forthcoming events, as do Chambers of Commerce.

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• Browse Through Old Books and Magazines. Look for products which might be suitable for today’s market. Two very successful exponents of the theory are Alison Cork and Melvin Powers, who tell us: “Look through back copies (general newspapers and magazines) and see what sold well several years ago. Sometimes these items can be resurrected, brought up to date and re-advertised. ... Most successful mail order items are cyclical and their themes eternal - health, wealth, power, prestige, etc.” Source: Profits Through the Post by Alison Cork, published by Piatkus. “ Next, go to some out-of-print bookstores and look through the old magazines. Perhaps you’ll find something there that will be of interest to you. You can always revitalise a winning idea. Look through the off-beat magazines as well.” Source: How to Get Rich in Mail Order by Melvin Powers, published by the Wilshire Book Company. Julian Simons agrees: “Search through old magazines (10 to 40 years old) for products that were once sold successfully but that outlived their fads. Sometimes you can bring these products back to life. But sometimes their market has died with them because times have changed and Americans (for our purposes, people in general) no longer are interested in the product.”


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• Beg, Buy or Borrow Foreign Magazines and Newspapers. Look for products sold abroad which might be suitable for the domestic market. • Study the Internet. The Internet is an amazing storehouse of product ideas and actual suppliers of products for you to sell. Take a tip and keep your eyes open on the Internet for mail order products being marketed exclusively in one country, usually the USA, and do a little market research to determine the likelihood of similar products being suitable for the British market. For those which do appear suitable, contact the supplier and offer to become their sole import agent or marketing representative in Britain. Ask for marketing materials and one or two samples, and arrange a few small test ads. or mailshots for the product before entering into a legally binding relationship with the supplier. • Obtain Books, Directories and Listings of Suppliers of Products From All Over the World. Ask for information in your local business library as well as from Embassies and High Commissions for countries with high numbers of manufacturers of your chosen products. • Follow Your Current Business into Mail Order and Direct Mail. Far too often business owners sell to a small, highly-restricted community, never considering the immense potential of extending their efforts to mail order and direct mail. A colleague who is a subscriber to this course runs a domestic cleaning business and, no, I’m not suggesting the service itself can be operated entirely by mail. However, his means of attracting business most certainly does lend itself to marketing by mail order and direct mail. Having attracted a customer by traditional means (word of mouth, press advertising), every year E.B.’s customers receive a written reminder telling them how long it is since they last used his service and asking customers to phone to book an early place in his diary. A very high percentage of customers do just that! Think hard and fast: do you sell something to people calling into your shop or attracted to your market stall which might also be offered by mail order or direct mail? You do? Good, then please continue to read.

Specific Sources of Mail Order Products Many mail order products are purchased from the same sources as things sold through traditional outlets: shops, market stalls, supermarkets, and so on. Places to look: • Manufacturers in the United Kingdom - Look through trade magazines. Almost every trade has a publication especially for members, for example jewellery, giftware, even calendars and greetings cards. Most can be identified from Benn’s Media Directory and Willing’s Press Guide available in all main reference libraries. Most major business libraries (addresses in Yellow Pages) carry similar magazines published overseas. - Look through the business opportunities sections of major newspapers. - Look up the companies and their products in trade directories. The Kompass UK Register is a mammoth, two-volume listing of over 40,000 suppliers of various products and services. Look for a copy in your local reference library. Most business libraries also carry directories published overseas. - Attend trade fairs. Hundreds of trade fairs are held every year, usually in major centres like London and Birmingham. Each trade holds its own fair and you’ll sometimes find general fairs of various giftware items, Christmas goods, summer products, and so on. For a comprehensive listing ask for a copy of Trade Fairs in Britain, available from: The Exhibition Industry Federation, P O Box 980, London, SE11 5JB

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• Manufacturers Overseas Buying from overseas means learning a little about the import business, and frequently approaching manufacturers direct for samples and supplies. Alternatively, you could work via an agent, probably a British-based agent who will locate products for you and arrange all samples and supplies on your behalf. You can advertise for someone to represent you like this or else keep an eye open in import/export newsletters and product journals for advertisements placed by them. Places to look: Export Channel published by: Export Channel, 5th Floor, Tern Commercial Building, 39 Granville Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong Business Opportunities, published by: Business Opportunities, Worldwide Import-Export Promotion Centre, P O Box 503, Marine Parade Post Office, Singapore 9144, Republic of Singapore Commercial News USA available through: The US Embassy, 24-32 Grosvenor Square, London, W1A 1AE* Trade Winds Monthly and Trade Winds Weekly published by: TDS Promotions, 218 Western Avenue, Dagenham, Essex, RM10 8UL In addition, regular newsletters are circulated by firms providing import/export correspondence training such as: Wade World Trade Ltd., 50 Burnhill Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3LA • Note that most Embassies and Consulates can provide information about suppliers and manufacturers in their country. Similar information is available through British and Overseas Chambers of Commerce and Foreign Trade Representatives based in Britain. Other excellent places to turn for information about domestic and foreign manufacturers and suppliers are business libraries in most major towns and cities. Information about all can be located through ‘Yellow Pages’. • Specialist Mail Order Product Wholesalers. Benefits here are obvious, primarily that someone else has already established the suitability of products. Most wholesalers are happy to let you have small quantities of their products so you can test the market before running a full campaign. Wholesalers can be contacted through their own advertisements in Exchange and Mart, Market Trader, The Dealer and Trader, available from newsagents.

Copycatting and Creative Imitation Both terms mean emulating someone else’s business to some extent. Copycatting means selling similar, perhaps identical products to your competitors, while creative imitation means producing something which though bearing some resemblance to the original item actually incorporates several different features. For example, copycatting might be explained with reference to those small hand-held computer pets mentioned earlier which resulted in a mass of almost identical creations. Creative imitation, very similar to copycatting, usually means achieving some difference to established products. For example, you might make slight modifications to an existing product or create new uses for the product or create spin-off products for some popular item. Examples include games closely resembling Monopoly, Trivial Pursuits, and many card games. It might exist where a writer, spotting a best-selling book decides to write and market an add-on product, in the hope of appealing to the same or a roughly identical market sector. For example, ‘The Vinegar Book’ sold hundreds of thousands of copies in the USA and UK, making it inadvisable to market a similar title (the market might already be saturated for that one title). The creative imitator, on the other hand, might target buyers of the earlier book with the likes of: Vinegar and Garlic Cures, The Honey Book or Bitter Sweet Solutions: Honey and Garlic for Beauty and Health.

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Advantages of copycatting and to a lesser extent creative imitation: • Testing has already been carried out - at someone else’s expense! • Near certainty that a market exists for each ‘new’ product introduced to your range. • Most effective marketing methods can be copied from competitors. Copycatting doesn’t mean sticking to one successful product and you could combine the attributes of several successful products into your own. In ‘Behind the Best Sellers’ by Herbert Mitgang, published in Melvin Powers’ ‘How to Grow Rich in Mail Order’, the author tells us: “At last count, there were 3,000 diet books, 2,000 self-improvement treatises and 1,000 sex manuals, give or take a few hundred. Inevitably, someone had to come along to combine the three categories in one all-purpose book called: ‘The Dieter’s Guide to Weight Loss During Sex’.” Drawbacks to Copycatting and Creative Imitation The temptation is great to copy someone else’s product or marketing methods, virtually unchanged. Benefits could be enormous! Alternatively you could be heading for a major disaster! Reasons: • It might be illegal to copy certain products, marketing methods, and so on. Be careful and always check copyright and patent laws first. If in doubt, contact a solicitor specialising in copyright law. • You might not have all of the information your competitor has to make, acquire, or market the product. It is unwise to act on assumptions. Julian Simons tells of his early days working for the National Research Bureau which, among other things, sold collection stickers to business owners by mail. “We sold millions and millions of collection stickers.” he recalls, “I bragged about this to a Texan once, and it wasn’t six months later that he started a company to sell collection stickers by mail. He copied us ‘right off the pages’. In less than a year this Texan was hopelessly bankrupt.” One thing Simons neglected to tell the Texan was that the stickers were a loss leader, on which the company made no profit but actually incurred a loss each time! The reason? The stickers were designed to attract customers in volume to whom the company could later sell Christmas greetings cards and letters at a substantial profit! The Moral? Don’t copy or emulate until you have all the facts at your disposal and never act on assumption! • You might find yourself unable to break into the market, perhaps because your competitor has a strong foothold there for a particular product. Consequently, anything you introduce must be a significant improvement on that product or your marketing methods superior. Either way, it’s a gamble! • Work fast and don’t give someone else the chance to copycat your copycat product!

“When you hear of a good thing - something already working for the other fellow - don’t delay but get in while you can.” John D. Rockefeller.

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A Few Ideas from US Magazines (Ideas to Copycat or Emulate in Britain. But avoid copying too closely or risk a law suit being taken out against you!) - 20 -

Avoid Lone Products Having just one product leaves you wide open to changes in fashion and other buying trends, say if your sole supplier goes out of business or war prevents that person from dealing with your country. Although many new mail order dealers can not afford to sell more than one product, it makes sense, as soon as you can, to develop a range of products, preferably complementary to one another.

Finding that Once-in-a-Blue-Moon Product that Makes a Million Overnight Quite often it isn’t the product which is unique, but the method of marketing it. A leading US marketer tells how he spotted workmen dismantling old parts of the Brooklyn Bridge which were to be replaced with metal structures. Having asked, he was told to take as much wood as he liked, free of charge. The next day, following a press release to leading newspapers the headlines read something like: “Man sells the Brooklyn Bridge for $14!” In fact, thousands of tiny pieces of wood belonging to the original Brooklyn Bridge sold within days once the story had been repeated across the USA and received numerous mentions in national television and radio shows. Another major mail order best-seller, the Pet Rock, owed its magnificent sales to the author volunteering to be interviewed by newspapers, television and radio stations, where he spoke enthusiastically of the loveable little creature which ate nothing, was never any trouble, and never answered back! Joe Sugarman is another of many US mail order millionaires whose fortune is owed not only to the products he sells as much as to the unusual marketing skills he employs. Sugarman tells how most of his products are selected for their ‘timeliness’, meaning a product might be an instant best seller one year and a hopeless flop the next. Recalling events at the time of the CB craze Sugarman says: “Someone offered me a walkie-talkie in the middle of the CB craze. Instead of using the walkie-talkie idea, I focused on the mini-CB angle and called the product the ‘Pocket Com’.” In just three years, Sugarman sold more than 250,000 units almost exclusively to CB enthusiasts. In short, he chose his market first and carefully targeted his offer (not the product itself) to suit the market.

Thousands of Product Ideas On Your Doorstep Running a home agency is the traditional forerunner for anyone contemplating a career in import/export, and has wide applications for mail order and direct mail specialists, too, who will find literally thousands of products produced locally which can be marketed all over the world. Running a home agency actually has little to do with the overall import/export trade, other than being a very good way to learn the business without cultural, language and communications problems such as are commonly experienced by newcomers to international trade. Being a home agent simply means mediating between buyers and sellers in your own country, as opposed to import/export which traditionally means bringing together buyers and sellers all over the world. Despite your restricted marketplace, earnings can be very high. Many manufacturers operate exclusively in a very short distance of home, sometimes because they lack time or enthusiasm, or simply because they haven’t the knowledge or ability to sell themselves on a wider scale. That’s where you come into the picture and you can actually link hundreds - even thousands - of domestic manufacturers with home-based buyers for their products, generating ongoing commissions for every transaction between parties introduced by you. Establishing your business couldn’t be easier. You simply spot a product that doesn’t seem to be sold anywhere else, then set about introducing it to other parts of the country, often to wholesalers and retail distributors, or by direct mail or via advertising to prospective buyers.

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One successful operator recently established an agency for home-made cosmetics and beauty products sold only through craftshops in a neighbouring county which he then introduced to other parts of Britain, having advertised in trade journals for prospective distributors. Once you’ve found your product, you’ll need to know who the manufacturer is. This might be indicated on the product itself, or you can ask whoever is selling it. Next, you simply write to the manufacturer offering your services as ‘manufacturers’ agent’ or ‘manufacturers’ representative’. When you get the go-ahead you’ll need to prepare a proper agency agreement with the manufacturer to protect your interests on the first and future transactions between him and buyers introduced by you. Have your lawyer advise you on this vital matter. Next you start looking for likely buyers - by mail order or direct mail, alongside other marketing options - for this and other products you might handle for the same and other manufacturers. Spotting likely buyers is a matter of keeping your eyes and ears open for any opportunity and keeping a record of any likely market for products you currently represent, or any you might add to your range in future.

Case Study Import and its Similarities to Mail Order and Direct Mail A Typical Scenario Few businesses equal the enormous potential of import, where agents co-ordinate between manufacturers of goods in one country and potential buyers for their products in another. Agents earn commission on every transaction between parties introduced by them. Contrary to popular opinion, no special skills are needed to establish yourself as an import agent, nor are capital and qualifications required. Many agents operate from home and do not have to purchase goods themselves, making this one of the easiest, least costly businesses to start, where potential is enormous. This imaginary scenario shows how the business works: 1) On holiday in China, you meet a dress designer who says she would like to sell her high fashion items in other countries but doesn’t know how. You say you will represent her in Britain and you agree a commission of 10% on all sales made on her behalf. You record details about the product, prices, quantities, fabrics, etc. 2) Assuming you want to test the market first, you return home and ask your local reference librarian to locate directories of major British fashion retailers and wholesale clothing distributors. You spend a few hours sorting through hundreds of potential buyers from which you extract ten or twenty for test marketing purposes. 3) You write to this list (direct mail *) indicating your business as import agent for the goods, and quoting prices, special features, and other appropriate information about the product. You indicate your readiness to provide further information on request. 4) You receive one request for fabric samples and another firm order for ten dresses. 5) You contact your friend in China straight away, saying you have orders and requesting a formal agency agreement. If your friend is exporting to other countries, she may already have an agreement to suit your needs. If not, you design your own agreement, maybe through your solicitor or by using a standard copyrightfree agreement such as those available from booksellers or from the British Agents’ Register. 6) You ask for samples to come straight to you. When they arrive you forward them to the firm that requested them, meaning your contact in China can not approach the firm direct and ‘steal’ your commission.

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7) The contract arrives and fulfils your requirements, guaranteeing you commission on this and all future sales between parties introduced by you. You sign the contract and send one copy back to your principal (the Chinese fashion designer). 8) You send the order for dresses to China and leave parties to handle the transaction direct. 9) You await your commission on this transaction and all subsequent sales. 10) If you have a problem, such as not being paid, your agency agreement will stipulate how complaints should be processed. The joint Chamber of Commerce between the two trading countries involved often acts as arbitrator.

Case Studies Follow Your Hobby into Mail Order Get Rich Quick - It’s All in the Stars! To some people investing in stocks and shares is a bit like spotting a needle in a haystack. It’s all down to chance, sheer luck - unless your name happens to be Dan Polling whose impressive consistently highperforming investment portfolio operates one hundred per cent according to the position and movement of the stars at any point in time. There’s nothing new about the concept: financial astrology is big business in the United States, where numerous ‘Astro-Consultants’ like Polling advise clients on buying and selling investments, and even claim to predict overall trends in worldwide markets. The rewards are enormous. Polling himself claims to earn upwards of $1000 a day from a handful of personal consultations and a onepage tipster newsletter faxed daily to long-time subscribers marketed initially by mail order and direct mail. “It’s really quite simple”, Polling says, “I’ve always been interested in astrology and I searched for a way to capitalise on that interest. I researched the many areas of life touched by astrology, including job-hunting and romance, but I found nothing more important to people than money. So now most of my time is spent advising others how to pick stock market winners and when to sell out fast.” Polling confesses to serious problems during his early days in business. Like many of his counterparts, he faced scathing criticism from readers of his syndicated column in numerous U.S. newspapers and people tuning in to his many radio and television broadcasts. Until, once in a while something major happens, which was foretold in the stars, like the time Polling predicted the major financial disaster of October 1987. Since then, Polling’s financial consultancy business has grown rapidly, offering personal consultations alongside a mammoth selection of books, tipster services, software programmes and newsletters. All based on the stars and how they affect such as personal finances, love and romance, business start-ups and education. Fellow U.S. financial astrologer Arch Crawford, a former market analyst for Merrill Lynch, confirms his own findings in a highly successful investment newsletter ‘Crawford Perspectives’, while Kaye Shinker has for almost two decades operated a financial consultancy based entirely on astrology. In fact, very many U.S. entrepreneurs profit well from products and services linked to financial astrology, including newsletters and books, consultancy and tipster services, all marketed originally by mail order and direct mail.

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If I Can Do It, So Can You! Few business newcomers are as disadvantaged as Kimberly Huynh who arrived in the United States from Cambodia in 1979, penniless but with a passion for starting her own business. Kimberly began making jewellery at home to sell at flea markets and garage sales, earning between $3,000 and $5,000 a month. If a thing’s worth doing, it’s worth telling others about, Kimberly says, hence the decision to market her own exclusive range of ‘how to’ videos for newcomers to this profitable field. Kimberly expected to sell one or two videos each month at flea markets and craft fairs, which she did, until a leading U.S. publisher of business opportunities talked her into giving him sole mail order marketing rights in return for a ten per cent royalty on sales. From there Kimberly has indeed achieved her early dream of total financial independence and plans now to begin a series of seminars and workshops to spread the news further and cash in on another profitable marketing technique for perhaps the world’s most valuable commodity information!

Genealogy - One Hobby Spawning a Multitude of Mail Order Ventures Genealogy - tracing family trees - is big business on both sides of the Atlantic. But where Britons are happy to trace the tree in fine detail and present it in scroll or book form, our American cousins look for newer, less obvious ways to capitalise on a growing interest in the past. Here is a selection of tested ideas to choose from: • Bill Ridley runs the School of Family History, specialising in correspondence courses and publications aimed at teaching people how to trace their own ancestry instead of paying thousands of dollars to professional researchers. His advertisements appear all over the United States, mostly in religious and genealogical magazines and general interest titles targeted towards the entire family. His six-month correspondence course is particularly popular, attracting students of all ages and abilities, many of whom go into business themselves as researchers for other people’s family trees. • This Is Your Life lives up to its name, being a written and pictorial account of a person’s life, in much the same manner as the famous ‘red book’ associated with the British television programme of the same name. Babs Anderson, who runs the business, is a photographer by trade, who recently teamed up with biographer, Lily Johnson. Together they advertise the business all across America and report enough clients to keep them busy for years. Their waiting list is so long, the couple plan to enlist freelance writers and photographers to handle the overload. This Is Your Life traces the story of a living or deceased person, from birth, through schooldays and working life, into retirement and, if appropriate, to death and a few years beyond, where the story focuses on the subject’s influence on people and events. Pictures are included in abundance, from the hospital where a person was born to the school he attended and the church where he married. Family, friends and colleagues are also featured. Business is booming and the ladies think demand should be high for mass-market titles for legendary and infamous characters. • Eric Ducas has a passion for names and learning about their origins. Name Search is the culmination of a long interest in tracing the origins of common surnames, rather like Britain’s Smith, Jones and Brown. Erich spends a month or so researching a particular name while his wife compiles a mailing list of people with that surname listed in telephone directories, business journals, professional listings, and so on. When the research is complete, Eric compiles his report while Marion produces a letter offering prepublication copies of the report to names she listed earlier. Eric puts printing on hold for a while to make sure the market is viable for the current report by testing the offer on 10 per cent of the list. If response is good - and it has been so far - the couple mail out to the other 90 per cent. But this time the price is higher and the pre-publication price no longer applies. Money from pre-launch sales is used to finance printing and further mailshots, which means the couple rarely face cash flow problems. Another major benefit is that testing is a very good indication of response and profits to later mailings. Better still, the couple are now being approached by people with less common surnames asking them to research their names on a commission basis - at a high, high price, one for which they hire specialist researchers and writers in return for royalties on each sale. Easy profits with little extra responsibility!

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Case Study Dropshipment The one distinct disadvantage for many new entrepreneurs is acquiring stock. It costs money and you never know whether it will sell. In short, you could spend your life savings on a pile of worthless junk which just gathers dust in the garage. And, if you subsequently choose another product that fails, you’ll need another garage to handle the remains, and a good bank manager to bale you out. Despite this common start-up problem, Jim Deevoro of Springfield, Massachusetts, reports having started more than a dozen businesses based on products he knows will definitely sell and won’t cost him a penny. Jim became a large-scale commission agent some twenty or so years ago, since when he’s sold other firms’ products in numerous ways to people all across America. He always receives cash up front before sending money to the principal supplier to send goods direct to his customers. His trick is to target a specific range of products with wide, even unlimited appeal, such as home security items, children’s clothing and educational software, jewellery and fashion accessories, which are promoted through catalogues distributed by agents all over America. “But I did not want to buy stock in advance and I had to know whatever I sold had already been proved to work.” Jim chose products other firms were selling, having analysed other firms’ offers for long-standing items and to see which had been removed from sale. Even his selling campaign was modelled on those used by larger ‘commission agents’, which Jim says includes most firms who don’t actually make products themselves. He reveals the idea for the business came when he began receiving catalogues from firms like Avon and Kleeneze whose brochures offered something for everyone. “Avon no longer sells just cosmetics, for example, and Kleeneze whose name used to be synonymous with household goods, now markets make-up and perfumes, toys and books. Plus lots of other things besides.” he told our researchers. Jim decided to copy their idea, but instead of combining various products into one catalogue, he opted to give customers a wider choice from a selection of related products. His first catalogue, for security products, included everything from house and car alarms, to personal security beepers, stun guns and pocket pen sprayers (illegal in some countries). “Everyone is interested in security”, he told us, “and by offering products to interest people from all walks of life - home-owners, motorists, and people who spend a lot of time outdoors - I was sure almost everyone was a potential buyer for my goods.” And he was right, so much so he soon found himself spending the whole day personally delivering catalogues door-to-door and returning later for orders, leaving very little time for replenishing stock and arranging delivery. “This meant taking on staff”, Jim says, “and very soon I had people working all over the state.” It made sense to expand his business elsewhere, which he did, targetting new agents for his - or rather other people’s - products in other states. Within a year he had agents selling all over the country, whose orders were sent direct to him for processing back to suppliers. From very humble beginnings, Jim now issues several catalogues targetting different niche markets, including pet owners (“That includes most people, and they’ll buy everything from food and vitamins, to pet sitting and dog walking services”), businesses of all shapes and sizes, hospitals and healthcare professionals, parents and lawyers. “Anywhere there’s a massive market with money to spend on things I can supply.”

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MLM Prospecting By Mail John Lisgo, mentioned previously in this course, typically sells business information publications, but also markets MLM and other types of business opportunity package to his growing customer list. The benefits are many, including the chance to grow a profitable downline from a simple one-stage mailing from which you might expect ongoing income. For example, imagine you mail one thousand letters, offering a new multi-level-marketing opportunity to which ten per cent of people subscribe. That’s one hundred customers and doubtless their joining fees will cover the cost of your mailing and perhaps generate a decent profit as well. But it doesn’t stop there and you will find that many of those one hundred people will themselves begin prospecting for customers and distributors, generating another level of customers who will continue the process. Most MLM schemes generate profits through several levels, meaning you might earn from the selling and sponsoring efforts of your own one hundred clients and countless others recruited by them. Imagine, for example, each individual recruits ten per cent of a one thousand size mailing list (it’s not likely to happen this way, incidentally, as not everyone markets equally well). So, you have one hundred clients and each of those people has one hundred clients, and you earn ten per cent of sales made by each individual in your downline. Currently, your downline comprises 100 x 100, that is 10,000 members. Imagine each one sells $100 worth of product in a given period, amounting to $1,000,000. Ten per cent of that is $100,000. And all for mailing one thousand letters! As I said, the figures are rough, very rough, but following the general rule of roundabouts and swings, you’ll probably find you and your better recruits will mail regularly to one thousand people, at varying response rates, while attracting individuals of differing sales and recruitment ability. Now that $100,000 looks well within anyone’s reach. MLM prospecting is similar to selling most other types of mail order and direct mail product, involving you mailing out to prospective recruits or advertising in appropriate media. Variations exist which will soon become clear. For example, you may not always mail out the entire package to prospective downliners. Instead, you might post a ‘blind’, curiosity provoking one-page flyer, giving a few brief and very attractive details about the opportunity, to which recipients are invited to reply for more information, at which point you decide to mail out the entire package. Alternatively, you might place a simple ad., saying a little or a lot about the opportunity, while again inviting people to contact you for further information. Or you might do all of these things, having tested which media works best for specific elements of your business plan.

Selling Part-Works and Business Plans - The Benefits of Regular Income Just as the course you are subscribing to offers an optional marketing opportunity, there are countless more such products you might consider selling in conjunction with other firms or even marketing exclusively through your business. The key benefit of selling part-works and business plans is that once attracted the customer will send money to you on a regular basis without further prompting from you. Consider this for a while: if you have two products, say a book priced at £20 and a course, such as ‘How to Get Rich in Mail Order and Direct Mail’ generating $20 or so a month over a ten-month period. To sell the book you’d probably mail out a thousand or so letters each week in the hope of achieving a five per cent response rate. Typically, you would sell fifty copies at $20 each, netting $1,000 from which to deduct marketing and fulfilment costs, say $400 and $200 respectively, leaving you $400 pure profit. Not bad for what essentially amounts to just a few days’ work.

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Now think about offering part-works and business plans for which you intend to mail one thousand letters each week in expectation of a two per cent response rate. That’s just twenty customers, some of whom will stay the course, while others might drop out at say the third or fourth month. Let’s imagine, based on my own experience, that two out of three stay the course and the other drops out at the third month. From your twenty subscribers you can expect two-thirds (13?) to subscribe to the end, netting you $2,600 after fulfilment. The other seven subscribers drop out after three months, meaning you’ve earned $60 from each, a total of $420. That’s just over $3,000 you should eventually receive from that initial 1,000 mailshot which cost about $400 to process, leaving you $2,600 profit before minor overheads such as bank charges for standing orders, posting modules to clients, and so on. Say this consumes $600 over the year. That 1,000 mailshot has still earned you $2,000 pure profit, compared to the $20 book which made just $400. Which would you rather have?

Winning Mail Order Product Ideas One of the very best ways to source winning mail order and direct mail products is to study items being sold overseas which might also be suitable for the home market. A huge volume of reference material is available from such as Chambers of Commerce, Embassies and High Commissions, the Internet, import/export bulletins, and even from single directories and newsletters. For example, in just one hour of combing the Internet I discovered the following products, all offered by numerous American companies and, it seems, hardly touched by their British counterparts. The list is for information and guidance only, being intended to show the sheer volume of goods available for you to sell in your business, and to put you in the frame of mind for sourcing additional products yourself. Shoes, Boots and Sandals Brooklyn Shoe Warehouse, 46 20th Street, Brooklyn, NY Cassettes and CDs Target Music Distributors Inc., 7925 NW 66 Street, Dept H, Miami, FL 33166 Sunglasses, Novelties, Collectors’ Cards Shotco Mfg & Import Co., 118 Wyoming Street, Syracuse, NY 13204 Mexican Jewellery Always Something New, 119 Rockland Center 249, Nanuet, NY 10954 Leather and Textile Goods Wholesale Border Leather Corporation, 3800 Main Street, 10 Chula Vista, California 91911 Authentic American Indian and Southwestern Jewellery Navajo Mfg. Co, 5801 Logan Street, Denver, Colorado 80216 Sterling Silver Jewellery Blake Brothers, 120 Erie Blvd., Schenectady, NY 12305 Luggage and Travel Bags C Y Tourister Inc., 32-15 Downing Street, Flushing, NY 11354 Windchimes Cadona Inc., 3501 Arden Road, Hayward, CA 94545 Mexican Leather, Textile Goods and Jewellery Paatrick Farrell Imports Inc., 745-B Design Centre, Chula Vista, CA 91911 Flags, Windsocks, Flag Poles, Pennants, Bandanas SNS International Inc., 9910 Harwin Drive, Houston, TX 77036 Ethnic Jewellery from Peru, Mexico, Thailand Shining Creations, P O Box 96, Zionhill, PA 18981 African Imports Olta, 177 Osborne Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3L 1Z2 Italian Novelties, T Shirts, Buttons, Patches, Mugs E Rossi & Co., 191 Grand Street, New York, NY 10013 High Fashion Jewellery Sebs Fashions, Box 978, Miami, FL 33257

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Afro-American Reggae Hats 1114 South Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015 Perfume for Men and Women Q Perfumes, 1965 Tubeway Avenue, City of Commerce, CA 90040 Pewter, Sterling Silver Adirondack Silver, Box 13536, Albany, NY 12212 Sequin Dresses Leo Accessories, C1067, California Mart, 110E 9th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90079 Novelties, Souvenirs, Combs, Bandannas, Dice The Plaut Co., 2276 Vantage Street, Dallas, TX 75207 Handicrafted Solid Brass Gift and Docorative Items P K Imports, 1225 Broadway, Ste 609, New York, NY 10001 Shoes Star Trading Co, 10 Toby Lane, Brookfield, CT 06804 Bohemian Glass Jewellery Mode International of NY Inc., 1465 51st Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219 Navajo Watches, Indian Jewellery Gunmow Manufacturing, 1548 N Tech Blvd Ste 107, Gilbert, AZ 85234 Costume Jewellery Wholesale Imports, 4101 Summer Avenue, Memphis, TN 38122 Boutique Earrings Conklin Fashions Inc., 72 Main Street, Sidney, NY 13838 American Indian Jewellery Gummow Manufacturing, 1548 N Tech Blvd Ste., 107 Gilbert, AZ 85234 Fireworks, Party Poppers, Snakes, Smoke Balls Bethany Sales Co Inc., 131 W Main, P O Box 248, Bethany, IL 61914 Pet Supplies, Flower Supplies Addlife-Creative Pet Products, 60 Romanelli Avenue, So. Hackensack, NJ 07606 Giftware, Native American, Christmas Decorations Amy and Addy Co., 10870 San Leon, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Carded Toys, Stationery Supplies STW Merchandising Coproration, 60 Marine Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 Funny Gag Items, Sexy Adult Items Jimson Novelties Inc., 30 E 18th Street, NY 10003 Afro-American Reggae Hats Lata Export-Import Inc., 1114 South Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015 Pipes Barmes Wholesale, 114 Main Street, Vincennes, IN 47591 Leather Products Diamond Leather Inc., 459 Courtland Devoe Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659 Incense, Oils, Bath Crystals, Gels M & R Enterprises, P O Box 56344, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 Licensed Harley Davidson Gifts and Novelties Mustang, P O Box 29, Terryville, CT 06786 Slave Bracelets and Other Unusual Jewellery Desert Star Jewelry Manufacturing, 10901 Acoma SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123 Packaged Gifts Majesty Gift Co., 600 Forest Road, Monroe, NY 10950 General Merchandise and Novelties The Cutters, P O Box 4359, Clearwater, FL 34618 Dinosaur Fossile G & A Products, 1164 Bishop Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 Crime Prevention Products S & J Products, P O Box 10154, Yakima, WA 98909 American Indian Jewellery Navajo Manufacturing Co., 5801 Logan Street, Denver, CO 80216

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T-Shirts Fine-Line Products Inc;, 2461 W Center Street, Milwaukee, WI 53206 Magic Intelligent Rings and Other unusual Novelty Items American Jewelry Products Group, 400 Narragansett Parkway, Ste NB-1, Warwick, RI 02888 Halloween and Christmas Items Best Vast Imports Inc., 146 W 29th Street, New York, NY 10001 Toys and Novelties Acme Premium Supply Corporation, 4100 Forest Park Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo 63108 Greetings Cards All In The Cards, 300 Park Avenue, Oakhurst, NJ 07755 Counterfeit Money Detectors and Other Security Devices Hilton Trading Corporation, 7150 N W 51st Street, Miami, FL 33166 Everyday and Seasonal Greeting Cards Magic Moments Greeting Card Publishers, 10 Connor Lane, Deer Park, NY 11729 Children’s Books, Educational Toys and Games Skylark Book Promotions, 1201 Broadway, 609-610 New York, NY 10001 Promotional Books, Cookbooks, Reference Books, Video Books World Publications Inc., 455 Somerset Avenue, Building 2A, North Dighton, MA 02764 Indian Handweaving from Mexico El Paso Saddleblanket Co., 601 N Oregon, El Paso, TX 79901 Pet Supplies Addlife-Creative Pet Products, 60 Romanelli Avenue So. Hackensack, NJ 07606 Giftware, Christmas Decorations, Native American Craftware Amy & Addy Co., 10870 San Leon, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Transfers X-It Inc., 711 Mill Street, Allentown, PA 18103 Mexican Textiles and Leather Goods Mexican Art-Imports, 3103 E Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ 85008 Carded Toys and Stationery Supplies STW Merchandising Corporation, 60 Marine Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735 Jokes, Novelties, Christmas Items Wild Bill’s Enterprises, 12101 SE Hwy 441, Belleview, FL 34420 Toys, Novelties, Fashion Items and Accessories California Gift Center Inc., 1425 S. Main Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015 Christian and Religious Gifts Christian Art Inc., 509 43rd Street, Union City, NJ 07087 Woodcarved, Hand-Painted Wilflife Hong Kong Imports, 560 Mountainview Avenue, Oxnard, CA 93030 Books Mitchell Enterprises, 204 Oakdale, Pasadena, Texas 77506 Books, Manuals, Directories Selective Books Inc., P O Box 1140, Clearwater, FL 34617 Musical Dolls, Toys and Novelties DeMichael Trading Corporaton, 609 Degraw Street, Brooklyn, NY 11217 Toys Dong Jiang Inc., 4204 E Thompson Street, Philadelphia, PA 18137

Selling a Service by Mail It isn’t just products that sell well by mail as you will find from perusing advertisements and mailshots. A variety of services - personal and general - can be promoted by mail order and direct mail, including willwriting, CV preparation, financial advisory services, betting tipster services, consultancy services, cheaper telephone calls, lottery and pools syndicates, and much, much more besides. Essentially there’s nothing different to selling a service by mail order and direct mail to offering tangible items, the likes of shoes and clothing, business books and correspondence courses, lucky charms and advertising novelties.

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Case Study of a Perfect Mail Order/Direct Mail Product Mailing Lists The mailing list business is one of the fastest growing of all, presenting huge opportunities for anyone with an organised mind and a methodical approach to business. More than this, a mailing list is one of few products that remains constantly in demand. The same list can be rented time and time again. The most common use of mailing lists is in direct mail, namely where firms target their goods and services direct to potential customers in their own home. Most such firms compile their own lists of customers and people who have enquired about their products but not yet purchased. House lists like these are inadequate for most firms’ needs, being too small and sometimes too limited, as for instance where firms wish to test products and services to people having different characteristics to their own customers. To reach larger or newer markets firms use outside lists, sometimes approaching the owner direct, more often contacting a list broker or compiler. Professional firms can expect ongoing business from satisfied customers for their lists, meaning profits are potentially very high indeed. Benefits Of The Business • High demand product. • Wide target market (Lists and customers unlimited). • Lists can be computerised or compiled manually. • Low start-up requirements, just computer, stationery, advertisements, mailing list programme, selfadhesive labels. • Low production costs. • High value product with large mark-up. • Repeat business likely for professional brokers or owners of quality lists. What Is a Mailing List? A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses of individuals or businesses known to have expressed an interest in a particular product or service. For example, a business that sells stair lifts might target customers from a mailing list of elderly people or their carers, and might decide to source such a list to market its business. In the same way, an accountant who specialises in business start-ups may rent a list of new franchisees or others who have purchased business start-up manuals and courses with a view to becoming self-employed. Another example is someone who has written a book about home remedies for common ailments and decides to market his book to a list of people who recently purchased other books about natural medicines. There are literally hundreds of different mailing list categories, and thousands of lists to choose from. Here’s a tiny selection of lists currently available in the USA. As many are available in Britain, albeit most brokers specialise in just a few of these categories. Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing ..... Mining ..... Contract Construction ..... Manufacturing ..... Transportation/Communication ..... Wholesale ..... Retail ..... Finance/Insurance/Real Estate ..... Personal Services ..... Educational Services ..... Clubs and Organisations ..... Social Services ..... Engineering/Accounting ..... Energy/Environment ..... Legal ..... Government ..... Medical and Health ..... Executives ..... Investment Prospects ..... Contributors ..... Women ..... Consumers More than this, each of those individual categories comprises up to 100 highly specific sub-sections. That’s an awful lot of mailing lists and a lot of money pouring back into the broker/owner’s pockets.

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What Is a Good Mailing List? A good mailing list offers as much information as possible about each ‘lead’ or name included. It might indicate spending power, details of items bought or about which someone enquired, number and average amount of purchases, method of payment, and so on. Sometimes personal information is also included, such as socio-economic group, family circumstances, occupation, hobbies, and other factors that might indicate the usefulness of a mailing list for a particular purpose. Age of the mailing list is vital: the older the list, the more chance the names, addresses and personal information is dated. The most productive lists are either newly compiled or constantly updated, or what the industry calls ‘cleaned’. Cleaning a list means removing outdated information including ‘gone-aways’, ‘deceaseds’, and people no longer active members of the group to which they once belonged. Specialists also have a duty to check their lists against the MPS (Mailing Preference Service) database of people who prefer not to be on mailing lists. An old, outdated list is virtually useless to direct mailers. Think, for instance, about people who expressed an interest in a product in 1990, who are mailed in 2002 about a similar item. Chances are they have already bought the item or no longer need it. Another important factor in evaluating a mailing list is source. Can the supplier be trusted? Has the list been compiled from appropriate sources or from any available telephone directory? Mailing lists are supplied in various formats, including on computer disks and magnetic tape, printed paper listing and, most commonly, self-adhesive labels. In most cases, lists are rented for one use only. This means they can not be copied, used repeatedly, or passed on to anyone else. Option One: Mailing List Broking A mailing list broker is an individual or company who rents or sells mailing lists to people wishing to market a product or service. The list broker acts as mediator between people wanting names and others to whom they belong. Most brokers have wide knowledge about choosing and using lists and will happily advise their clients - actual and potential - about all matters relating to lists and the direct mail industry. In fact, many act as direct mail consultants, too, meaning they profit from related aspects of the business. Individual list brokers approach the industry from various angles, depending on their marketing interests. Some specialise in ‘business to business’ lists, namely lists of businesses interested in other firms’ goods and services. Some brokers specialise in ‘consumer lists’. These usually comprise private individuals: enquirers and buyers of specific products and services. The list broker sometimes rents the appropriate mailing list from its owner, list manager or someone else who has entered into an agreement with the owner or manager. Any individual, trading as a list broker, will earn a mark-up based on the cost difference between the price paid to rent the list and the price he charges his own client. Alternatively, a percentage is agreed which the broker deducts before processing payment back to the list owner. List brokers with many years’ experience of managing and renting quality leads often work for large international companies, where deals involving hundreds of thousands of pounds are common with profits invariably running into millions of pounds a year. About Mailing List Owners A mailing list owner is the person or business the list belongs to. The list might have been compiled by them or purchased outright from previous owners. Owners rent out lists in much the same way as brokers, except they keep all the proceeds. Both features of the mailing list business - brokerage and ownership - will be considered jointly from here.

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Niche Market List Specialists The term covers brokers who specialise within a clearly identifiable field, like ‘business consumers of industrial and commercial liquids and minerals’ and ‘computer owners seeking business opportunities’. These brokers have recognised that money can be made by creating a database of niche market consumers and renting it to businesses operating in the same sector. In so doing they achieve market sector monopoly and can successfully demand high rates for their lists. Elements of Mailing List Broking Notice that overlap exists between the operations of mailing list owner and broker, as well as another profitable specialty, namely that of the broker/manager. The list owner’s role is obvious, as is that of the basic list broker. The broker/manager has additional responsibilities, and most likely he will maintain and update lists on the owners’ behalf, as well as marketing and fulfilling orders. In short, the list owner usually does nothing but hand the list over to the broker/manager who now works in much the same way as if the list were his own, while handing back an agreed share of the profit to the list owner on each transaction. List Categories Essentially, mailing lists divide into three broad categories: • Purchasers. Buyers of a particular product or service. • Enquirers. People who have enquired about a product but have not yet purchased. • Compiled. People who are likely candidates for a particular product or service even though they have not yet purchased or made enquiries about it. Prices are graded according to type and implied quality. Buyers lists are obviously more valuable than lists of enquirers, and an enquirers list will cost more than a compiled list. In fact, some mail order dealers will not use compiled lists, some are reluctant to use enquirers lists, and many simply use the best - sometimes called ‘top drawer’ - lists of people who are known, identifiable buyers of goods and services similar to theirs. A buyers list can be further sub-divided into one-time purchasers or regular buyers, the latter being the best and most expensive option of all. Lists are often graded by date of purchase, enquiry or compilation. The older a list, the more likely it will be dated. The best lists are under one month old; second best are lists of between two and three months old. Anything older can be expected to include a certain element of deceased and gone-away entries and people no longer participating members of the group to which they once belonged. To Store or Not to Store Sometimes you will simply pass orders for lists back to the list owner who will handle arrangements direct. In this case you might take payment, deduct your own commission, and process the remainder back to the list owner or his representative. Here you might never even see the list you represent or know anything much about it. How you proceed is a matter for personal negotiation between you and the list owner or his representative, perhaps another broker. Several list owners advertising in places like Exchange and Mart, also have agents working for them who are often provided with sales materials, operating manuals and back-up support. Most people operating this way allow you to take orders direct using your business name and address on their literature, in which case you deduct your share and send the remainder back to them. Alternatively, some prefer to receive orders and payments and process commissions to agents at appropriate intervals. Where possible, opt for a system that allows payment to come to you first.

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Where you hold data and process all orders direct, you need some method of storing names and addresses, preferably on disk, and some means of updating and deduping entries. Most better quality PCs and computers have database facilities that allow easy management of lists, including print-out facilities. That said, however, you can operate a mailing list business without a computer, where entries are typed onto master label-format sheets and photocopied as needed. Additions and deletions can be made to master sheets using typing correction fluid and sticky labels. Alternatively, you can just retype sheets as they date. Merge and Purge Most rented lists are computerised, meaning users - including owners and brokers - can combine two or more lists (called ‘merging’) and eliminate duplicate entries at the same time (called ‘purging’). You will often wish to do this with names you own or purchase outright, and merging and purging might also be requested by customers. Marketing Your Lists Mailing lists are a superbly marketable commodity. You can, probably will, make a great deal of money marketing your own or other people’s lists. Bear in mind you will be renting or hiring out lists, usually for one-time use. Most lists will include ‘seeds’, often friends and relatives, sometimes business associates, who will accept and return all mailings they receive using names supplied by you. You must have control over names offered for rental. Your literature and follow-up letter must always specify that names are for one-use only and that further, even unauthorised use, will incur another fee. Do not turn a blind eye to unauthorised use, ever, or the rules will be broken again and again, until other people are using your lists as and when they choose but you are receiving nothing. Starting Out As a newcomer - list owner or broker - you are recommended to start with a catalogue of the kind of lists you offer. List by category and sub-division where necessary, and include the age of the list, list size, and rental costs. Costs are normally set for each 1,000 names hired, usually reducing for higher quantities. Sample: List

Available (k)

Price ($ per 1,000) Discounts

Book Buyers



10% per k




15% per k

Share Buyers



20% per k

The easiest way to approach customers is by direct mail, where you send a brochure plus introductory letter to known direct mail specialists and others whose advertisements appear in publications read by the kind of people your lists represent. So, for lists of opportunity seekers and business book buyers, the best people to target are firms whose mailshots you receive and others you see advertising in publications like Exchange and Mart, Trader, and so on. Obviously you should try to get your own name listed with firms who might become your future customers. If you offer lists of health book buyers, get yourself listed with publishers of this kind of book. This can be done by answering their advertisements, buying something from them, enquiring about their products, or simply by asking to be added to their list. In turn, when offers start appearing through your door, you add these organisations to your mailing list of potential customers. It’s as simple as that!

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Customers Your business should be targetted at regular customers, people who will probably hire from you month after month after month. The way to achieve this is by offering quality lists, comprising specific groups, and proper, efficient management of your lists. You can also place your own advertisement in magazines targetted at your potential customers, including specialist direct mail publications and anywhere prospective targets advertise. When enquiries are received, respond with your brochure and introductory letter and wait for orders to appear. Many will telephone for further information; others will send their orders and payment by post. Bank cheques and wait for larger amounts to clear for new customers. For established, reliable customers, process orders straight away. If you own or hold the mailing list as broker/manager, arrange for a suitable list to be printed out, details recorded and posted to clients. Where you act as broker, send the appropriate share of the proceeds to the list owner and leave him to arrange the transaction direct. Approaching New List Owners With time and experience you will want to add to your range of lists. This can be accomplished by offering something free in a particular publication and waiting for people to enquire before adding their names to your list. So, to compile a list of diet and exercise enthusiasts, you might simply offer a free guide to better eating and exercising via an advertisement in some appropriate publication. To source lists to handle as broker/manager, simply write, offering your services to firms operating in the area that interests you. So, you might wish to market lists of elderly and retired people, in which case you can offer to handle lists for stair lift manufacturers, pensions advisors, publishers of newsletters and books for elderly readers, and so on. Many people will let you handle their lists, even if they continue to offer lists themselves, as long as you don’t target their main competitors or others whose interests might harm the list owner. Alternatively, many firms will sell you names outright which are of no further interest to them. All you have to do is write to firms, especially smaller businesses, offering to buy names from them on disk or, better still, as original enquiry letters. Offer a set fee - commonly 10p each - for all recently dated letters they send. From firms you know and trust, you might confidently purchase recently compiled names on disk. Replacing Unproductive Names Some entries on your list will be returned as undeliverable - gone-away, deceased, etc. - or perhaps an individual says he wishes to be removed from the list. You must obey the wishes of people on the list or risk problems with the Data Protection authorities. Customers renting the list from you should be offered more names for any returned as undeliverable. It is common to offer multiple replacements for any they return to you. ‘10 for every gone-away’ is common, and means the customer isn’t paying for names he can’t use. It also means you can keep your list constantly upto-date. For a wonderful introduction to the mailing list business, see: Mailing List Strategies published by McGraw-Hill Books. Option Two: Compiling Lists From Scratch Now we talk about compiling and renting your own lists and keeping all of the profits, as opposed to sharing the proceeds with owners whose lists you market. Running an independent list business simply means compiling names and hiring them out, usually for one use only. If a client wants to use your list again, he has to pay another fee. Consequently, very high profits can be achieved from ongoing rental of just one list. More likely, however, you will be hiring out numerous different lists to all kinds of user. Just a few lists, carefully compiled and professionally managed, can generate a very high income for life. The key to success lies in those two phrases ‘carefully compiled’ and ‘professionally managed’.

- 34 -

First you must decide what kind of lists to specialise in. The possibilities are endless. Here are a few categories from literally thousands of different lists currently available and the types of people who need them: • Farmers: Fertiliser manufacturers, cattle market organisers, manufacturers of farming equipment. • Schools: Publishers of school textbooks, school uniform manufacturers. • Hotels and Boarding Houses: Crockery and cutlery manufacturers, printers, publications carrying holiday advertisements. • Opportunity Seekers: Publishers of business manuals, franchise companies, people compiling business opportunity directories. • Photographers: Manufacturers of wedding albums, film processors. What You Can Earn Earnings can be very high indeed and repeat custom is likely. Although some firms use direct mail to keep clients informed about various aspects of their business, most use it to make a profit. Where your list generates a profit for clients, repeat business is inevitable. What You Need Obviously, you’ll need a steady stream of names and some means of storing the data, preferably on disk. A good mailing list software program is essential and allows you to add and remove names as required while guarding against duplicate entries. Ask your computer software supplier to recommend a program for you to use. You’ll also need printing equipment, preferably offering high-quality printout on labels. Almost without exception, your customers will want names provided this way, ready for them to transfer direct to envelopes. A few will ask for names on disk, usually for merging with their own list. Compiling Your Lists Think of a list to compile and make sure there is a market for it. Your list can comprise anything for which a market exists, even where the information you need is accessible to all. Many users rent lists from others purely because they lack time and resources to compile the list themselves and because names are usually supplied on ready-to-use labels. In short, because it’s convenient and cost-effective to have someone else do the groundwork for them. This means that many lists can be compiled purely from Yellow Pages: farmers, schools, libraries, newsagents, florists, and so on. To avoid breaching copyright, you should telephone names and firms included on your list, to make sure the firm is still trading and to check the address. Now you can enter it onto your list. All reference libraries keep full sets of Yellow Pages, so one trip can generate a hugely profitable list! Yellow Pages is not your only reference source and there are many directories of names to choose from. Solicitors and accountants, for instance, have their own specialist directories including names and addresses of members. Most other professions and trades have similar listings. Lists can also be compiled from advertisements. Opportunity seekers are usually attracted this way and their details collated for future mailings. To start a list of opportunity seekers from scratch, try running a regular advertisement offering free business or homework information in exchange for a stamp to cover your costs. From some national daily newspapers you can expect hundreds of enquiries to one small advertisement. That’s hundreds of names for you to hire out time and time again. Legally, you must provide people with the chance to be excluded from your list. This is done using an ‘opt out’ clause, where you say something like: ‘We hope to make offers in future from other reputable firms. Please let us know if you do not want to receive this service’.

- 35 -

Another very good way to build a mailing list and attract clients at the same time is to place an advertisement in the business opportunity columns. Say something like: Start Your Own Business. For information about all opportunities advertised in this section, send your name and address to: Betta Business Brokers, etc. By acting as middleman this way, coordinating between readers and advertisers, you save readers time and trouble, not to mention postage. And you have the chance to build a sizable mailing list and promote your business at the same time. When enquiries come in: 1) Record the enquirer’s name and address on your mailing list of opportunity seekers. 2) Print copies of all names on self-adhesive labels. Send one copy to everyone who advertised alongside you. Explain that the labels highlight people who have expressed an interest in information about starting their own business and that they may be used to mail out literature. 3) Mention that you are a mailing list supplier and can provide regular lists at £x per thousand, printed on self-adhesive labels. Invariably the recipient will mail to the names you give him and, if response is high, paid orders will invariably follow. Another quick and easy way to compile a list is to send out a letter/questionnaire inviting people to tick items and subjects that interest them about which they’d like to receive further information. The list can include homework and business opportunities, free gifts and samples, sources of cheaper telephone calls, health products, gambling books, and so on. In fact, as many topics as you can dream up mailing lists for! When replies come in, transfer the names to the appropriate lists. Managing Your Lists Most lists are for one use only and steps can be taken to guard against unauthorised use. If a client uses a list more than he should, you must invoice him on each occasion. ‘Seeding’ is a process whereby certain names are included in your list to be checked against mailings received. Seeds can be actual people or fictitious names. It doesn’t matter as long as packages they receive are returned to you for checking. Having seeds to retain and post letters to you is evidence of unauthorised use and can be used in court or legal proceedings should the person who mailed them ignore your demands. Each list rented can be seeded individually, allowing you to know exactly who to approach if misuse is detected. This can be done by making slight amendments to the name or address of one or two seeds in every list you process, such as by including fictitious initials or mis-spelling the surname. Alternatively, add commas or full stops to the address where these are usually absent. What To Charge It’s best to see what your competitors are charging and to offer your lists at the same or a slightly lower price. But do not make the mistake of asking a far lower price than the opposition. It isn’t necessary and firms are prepared to pay high sums for quality names. More than this, asking too little might indicate your lists are inferior. Marketing Your Business Lists can be offered through advertisements or by direct mail. Advertisements should include the kind of lists you offer, the price, and a telephone number from which further information can be obtained. Advertisements can be placed in trade journals or specialist advertising publications like Exchange and Mart and Trader. For direct mail, you’ll need a letter introducing your business and a brochure highlighting the kind of lists you have, quantities available, price, and any special discounts for regular customers and bulk purchasers. Study the opposition and note how they promote their businesses. Model your marketing on your most successful competitors. Send your offer to all potential users.

- 36 -

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Name Address,


City,State,Zip (2.625’士/”jO-UPJ脇iieLabe佃)

Our Kit contains everything you need to get started with mailing-Out yOur

Money-Making Direct-Mail-Program! The Kit includes our well-reSPeCted $10 Ma脇ng List 4、圭幽Names & A血かess“ - M癌ed Z砂-C初ks - M癌e九 Gen加櫛On W2ite Peel-N-Stick Labels QfMai手Order b砂elS. N壱twork & Mt雄㌻Level MdrketeJ嶋. Home-B〃Siness Starters, Senior and Retiree

S〃pPlementarv-hCOm Seekers &nd Ginel鯵+ 800 Standard W協!e Re初rnA働かess Labels Printed with your Name) Address) City? State & ZipYourName

Code + 2±坐り’0〃r H〃OreSCent Mini-C訪c〃lar EnvelapeAdt’er訪uing

Address, City,State,Zip

Label§ injluorescent Red Green, Orange, yellow or Pink pr Rainbow

Pack) printed with your choice of several Envelope-Opening Teaser〃.75’㌧じ舛’’80-UPLabe砂

Stimulating Inducements (%u can also provi虎your own 7baser cや)′.)

Our Lists, Retum-Address Labels and Mini-Circular Teaser Labels are Nomally $10 / product, but this is a special offer for those starting a New

Mail-Order Money-Making Progran or that may be New to the MLM / Network Marketing / Mail Order industry. This Special Business-Bui獲der /

Marketing Kit of aII three products is now only $ 25.00. Pricing includes Shipping via USPS within the continental USA.

An order blank is attached for your convenlenCe. Please let us know via

Phone or email ifyou would like additional order foms majled or emailed to you or any ofyour associates, uP-1ines or down-1ines.

Mini-Circular l,625" 24-UP LabeIs

X?く りSINCEJ985-ALW4】骨PROVさDAVGMOREFORLE§S,, X?く I am encIosing± □ Cash □ Check □ MoneyOrder (makeαecks &Monev Orde′SZ,at,able/0/ohnKovach ) fori塑Printed Names and Adresses ofMai手Order b〃Ver5. NetwOrk & M〃妨Let,el Marke/e櫛. Home-B〃Siness S細r/e櫛, Senior ond Rethee S切りD/emen!arv-

hCOme Seeke購ond GiIie購(M極eケZ小C初切晩ed Genders) on White Peel-N-Stick 「S/andard Mai初g A仇かess Labe広( 2.625” x l ’30-UP); 型Printed Standard Return-Address Labels (1・75’’x履’’80-UP) &塾4 Printed l.625” Mini-Fluorescent Labels - Choice ofRed Green,

Orange, yellow or Pink (Or Rahobow Pack).

Mail my labels to me at the following address: N釧me:

Address : City/State/Zip :

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* p佃ase prin/ /he /i?〃owing on mv Re初rn,A初es$ & M7ni-C加c〃hr 7セaser /abe[§:

(Please Aeq ;n mind /he parameters qr初e J.625” Min手αrculalソRo〃nd Labe/ when坤ec狗)ing /heprin胸ug desired )

A11 orders wi11 be mailed promptly via United States Postal Service ( USPS )・ Allow lO days for deliveIγ,

Price ;ncl〃くね∫ Shめりing!

Send ordか/0; John Kot’aCh. 41 73 h伽Cb〃n NE. Marie#a. Georg;a 30066-1921 Email: jkovach2000@yahoo, COm

Telephone inquiries welcome anytime # 770-928-4579

⑥ PC Fbrms 2016

ARE yOU READy rO MARKET TO THE SHE-CONOMY??? WHY?? BEC4 USE THATrs WHERE THE MONEYIS /!! One huge’a鮒uent segment ofour economy wields more spending cIout than any other: Baby-Boomer Women. Bom between 1946 and 1964’these women represent a portion ofthe buying public no marketer can afford to ignore. With successful CareerS, investments made during the “boom’’years, and inheritances from parents or husbands, thウノ。re mOrefn伽cialb′

enやowered /han a砂previous generation Qfwomen. Over the next several years, Women wi= control two thirds ofconsumer Wealth in the United States and be the beneficiaries ofthe largest transference ofwealth in our country’s history; Estimates range

from $12 to $40 tri11ion. The Baby Boomer Generation of Women has more money’leisure time and techno獲ogy than any other generation in history. Thanks to W-Fi, Satellite htemet hookaps, e-棚il and cellphones, Baby-Boomer Women can continue ruming their businesses and shopping from remote and rural areas, RV’s andjust about anywhere in the United States. M紡emia/胸men are another demogr即hic Qrtheir own・ 7hey are the youngest generation QfMothers and are maんing household decisioJ7S about what product汗O b砂ゆr /helrjZzmilies・ 7hey are brand砂l2‘enCerS and share /heir apinion with万iends /hrough Socia手M訪a and other online communities, /iends andjZzmib,. 7h砂Value relations履7S and seeんout brands that allow /hem /O COnneCt With each other.

Let’s face it, We nOW know that Wbmen “cco〃nijZ,r 85% Q/a〃 cons〃mrp〃rChases ;ncl〃詔ng eVeり,/hingjわm鋤ios /O hea〃h care:. 25% shop online at least once a day. 92% pass along infomation about deals or finds to others. They average

171 contacts in theire-mail ormobile lists. 80% wantto be part ofa special or select panel;. 60% would toss aTV ifthey had to get rid ofone dゆtal device (only ll% would ditch their laptops). 51% are moms who are savvy Digital Devas ’. W偽en Wbmen

are a砂are /ha/yo〃 S焔,Or勅bmen-Owned B〃Sinesses. 8鋤生/10 wo〃〃華y0〃rprOd〃C/ Or Service・ Traditional Women-focused companies like A柵の′, Avon, Mdrtha伊ewa巧A勿ry Kdy, 71解)erWare and others continue

to aggressively expand and grow. New companies have come on the scene within the last 5 years, and many ofthe established COmPanies’have dramatically changed their corporate image to enhance their appeal to Women by offering them specialties such

as Jewelry (Thir砂-O”e G雄s,● Chloe &太abel,・ Lia Saphiq),・ Fashion (Ava Grの) Direct,・CABi) Home D6cor (,. Sbent阜y,. Smart Living Conpa砂; Fbrever 21,● Longabe′ge′),’Beauty (Ro`ねn & Fields Dermtologist,・ Saphora,・ 】匂z/nique) Food (Dove Chocolate Dj'SCOVeries,● 7bste/2‘lb′ Si′7ple,● Pa′7pered Ch幼& We!lness (Nu擁in,・ Usana," Enb′ten,・ 7tam Beachbo少) So it’s a no-brainer to be asking yourselfwhen, nOt if; you will put into action a focused marketing program to women.

When infamous bank-rObber W皿am Francis ’’脇llie’’Sutton, Jr. was asked why he robbed banks; he replied一`Because /hat ’s Where /he monり′ is ’! Our current economics and demographics reveal that women will be 4皇force to reckon with for many years

to come and 4製are mOSt Often in controI ofthe economic purse, `the money’・ So fo=ow W′1ie ’s advice andjZ)llow /he money by marketing to Women. By doing so, yOu’11 start to experience the safety and comfort ofyour own independent, PerSOnal, long-

tem, Wealth-building income stream砂 When you’re ready to start marketing to M脇emial and Bady-Boomer丁枕men, We Can be a potential source of income

for you as well. We have been in the (袖por飯n砂M証初og L短h伽IS砂Since J985. O〃r Laなe Q〃an雄y Qrh-Ho〃SCF紡ere(ちWbmen-Onb) Ma脇ng L短s are ofMai手Ordみand On-Line B均,eltJ, Ne/WOrk & MwルナLevel %rketers, HbmeB〃Siness En/rqrene〃購“nd Owne′嶋, Senio′嶋“nd Re/irees h-Search QrS型やわmen/a′y-hCOme, &nd G雄ers. Our lists are

COnStantly refreshed and updated.耽ing o研/高めcan he匂y0〃 Cxpand “ndgrowyo研b〃Siness a/ minimal cosん You won’t see affordable, Gender-埠,eC昨C Wbmen-Onb, name and address lists like ours offered very often. We provide

300 Wbmen-Onb) #ameS and &c肋esses printed on h唐h-q〃al砂tt,hite Pee手N-部ick Stan`れrd Ma紡ng A初ess /abels #. 625 ” x 」’’30-Uりjbr $ 20・00 rd includes shiz,Z’infr /milinfr COStS /O m囲here in the continental US. This special program is available to you and any members ofyour organization that wish to do DirecJ-M窃IM証keting /O W匂men to expand and grow their business. An order bhnkおot/ached /Z)r VO〃r COnt’enience・ Please let us know via phone or emai=fyou would like

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BONUS STAMPS, LEADS, 8 POSTCARDS to run yourbusiness with... 】bu Mqy Neuer HαUe珊P偶y同r Another S血mpI I,餌d) Or Post伽rd Euer Ågain!

!丁)S丁は鵬と-脇柵「O伽β側肌修500朋助棚働尉 Start by simply ma蘭ng 2,000 postcards. A 2% response equals 4O sales.

珊Iat reSPOnSe amOllntS tO $2O,00O! Add to all that a total of 4,000 FREE

BONUS STAMPS, 4,OOO FREE Postcards G 4,000 Leads! Just use your

糊J晦「8S碓鳩! 1. Purchase a $195 moneyorde事and a?500money ordeL Make the $195 money order payable to WTM Pubs (processing (タhさndling) 2. Make the $50O money order payable to血e dealer in the dealer box (for

PrOduct purchase)

3. Send payments, this postcard or COPY OF THIS SIDE, yOur Phone

numberand address to: VVTIVI PuBS

FREE stamps/Postcards几eads to continue mailing and your income could


grow exponentia噂PMF is a ``one-Of-a-kind’’Home Business opportunity designed to help Everyday People build a Sizable Income by Direct Mail・

After ordering, Within a few days you wi11 receive your Product


It can be expensive ope賀adngyour mail order business without CASH and

S’IAMPS ! The Amazing “PROFmMAX FORMULAr Home Business could

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用肋E醐S桝仙崎月仰500肋間朋鳩0〃E朋γ与初動上勝 工ntroducing the worldis孤OSt. beau亡ifu│ giant

that will assist you in getting皿Ore referrals to eam $50O.OO just by mai│ing it= When a progra皿is HO冒, i亡is no亡advisable t:O Wait or’see亡he ac亡ual postcard} but if you

Want it on your hands} Please call our message center at l-8OO-279-7与29’yOtlr name and

mailing address珊│CE. We will nai│ it PR工OR工TY MAIL. Fact:工亡PAYS to join 冒OP L即随

駕護憲霊豊憲聾‡葦諾意葦謹書嵩霊。 g薯 this.AM.‥COded entire flyer to Jd勤務血te皿atioml, PO Box 1796, Vallejo, Ca 9459O,

With a. copy of your pay皿en亡・ Upon receipt of亡he !5OO.OO money order from WTM Pubs, yOu

wil│ ge亡∴this $100.OO i血ediately from mR馳SAQU聯ON.耽ust us= !l pER OUR SI,OGAN ABOⅦ!



S20夢000 P話はMON丁軸.。看 電樹脂

RECE宣VE $300場$500 CAS壇DAILY繋

E凝丑E且餓移弼離管下薦留願観溜邸の威圧醐 A 【JZP HOME SICHOOL, 」はLNESS号]E4LTH C4RE; PARENTAL G4RE Simply follow也e instructions below and have $50 Bi置ls sent to your mailbox.

SERTOUS people will respond due to也e low inves血e調and RE音型q確 .匹te’融l! We started this w地a group of honest, middle aged professional and

re血ed people from血e Westem New York area as an experiment for helping 血ose in need and our rewards have been unbelievable. It has exceeded our

Wildest血agination’SO nOW We OPen it up to you. Now it’s your tun to reap the


All you have to do is he車2 people by lending血emjust $50.00 each. NOT TO BE REPAID. THEN SET BACK AND LET OUR MEMBERS LOAN YOU $50.00 EACH…NOT TO BE REPAID. Sounds simple right…it is. A11 we need to do is be sincere in helping o瓜ers. No need to worry atrout finance charges or repaying也e money. Just follow the s血ple

inst調Ctious狐d everyone wins. After血e first time you will see how easy it is and JTDOES WひR榊! !

寵臣亀墓eA$粥嘗 鞠基⑱㊥朝出諜説∴寵畳㊨彊弼撞$酷輔㊨ ㊧魔$開園鯛巴常鶉 Here are simple instru・Ctions: Just loan two DeODle $50 DOLLARS CASH each and pay a one-time $塑DOLLAB CASH Administration Fee. That,s IT! Never worry al)Out血狐ce Changes or repaying血e money! TI.ds wi11 excite you

When you see how easily it woks. Just set back狐d watch $50 bills flood your mailbox! ($50,000 to $350,000) utimited

poぉめil誼統. Complete the enel血ent fom below・ Make thee copies of血is circular. Send one copy wrapped around a $50 an′ l部〃

t弛4C打of調蹄,eOか初航海。細面駒鵬油めw. The 3rd copy, #随dの部面fe Mb融,r W同房d a′0〃nd $2q臆b碓 A威張the fee is received血e Monitor wi11 send you a Master Copy of血is circular w肌your name in the 2nd box. Mail as 皿any aS yOu Can afford to mail. (we recommend star血g out with at least 200-3OO per month) Mail them to others like

yourself who ar℃ generating cash from home. AIso瓜ose who send you their o舐邪are excellent proapects, aS they are already actively invoIved in mail order and,血erefore very interested in receiving exce丑e血money making o制s like瓜is

One・ With every $50 Loan you receive,血eir name will be put in #2 and your name is moved親. Every flyer your enellees mail w田have your name on theirs also. The more members you enell瓜e more flyers your nane will be on.

You w親be receiving $1,000 - $2,000 in $50 CASH Non Re-Pay Loans缶om thousands ofpeople. This is a monil朋ed program to ensure the integrity of the program and yo町rotation. The Admi]血ation Fee is to sct up

your accou哩manage this program (狐d the cost of master copies, material and t血e, along with mailing costs) The

Monitor wi11 send you a MASTER with your name in #2 position. For yo町ProteCtion and to make it tamper proof...血e

O鯖cial master copy has o町Watemak of DOUBLE CIRCLES over血e members names...if logo is not complete…DO







「 ̄こ請 ̄「 Monitor: THGFunding P.O. Box872 EastAurora,NY 14052 格


富 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄「


」 _ _ _ _ _場_ _ _ 」       PLEASE PR刷TC舷L4RLy 70 APOのM4几WG E馳iORS

ADDRES S : STATE:            ZIP :

圏 Here is ‘ny erlrOnment芭f荒業芸器譜議誓書慧豊Ting of ny IVIASTER COPY. This is a great program that can meet any ofyour financial needs. It’s fast moving…Only two positions and could be a never ending stream of

income. You have seen similar programs before’but none w地心e protection ofthe logo and monitored like ours. It’s easy to get use to

$50 DOLLAR BⅡJLS DAILY in your mailbox. You owe it to yourselfand yo町細nily to see how it woIks for you.


New Mailing: THG Funding OOO24663

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弼鋪醜翰思‡開艶醐膿惨 轍錨鶴諾㌢弱敵翻雛欝 Y関雑藩邸罷・5邸=鵡駈割腹聯搭基. 5館の轍l睡富膜聞手舶n§舶服毒拙

策棚雄雌惨印隔馴旧聞蓄電細密Ⅵ相 調蜘農馴抑職勝間拙著棚引関推服鳩山 同軸購離隔Y同轍軸日露棚棚田朋」 創関白間際確言隔。章.傭細面¶唯削翻し,



翁忠義し空鱈,′百 割駒轄藻頚髄」距婆



L○○king fo「 a HO事G「eaき 留u軍i岬ss Oppo予比肩きy...

’ THJS /S/丁!



500罫飛田ヨ隠博昭執臨調蜂, SOo聯喰E基も兜撤虫a寄d 50寄恥韓洲か調es a鳩 瞥O軍服S o種籾圏はうぬs握e!軸や畑のa遊び聞珊轟蒔t 5 sales刊でM w遭sきれd



星型_母王鱒重d、 」     音


面鱒A連動蘭馴耽o血統壷e血∞職e.や櫨関血d A艇o定喋轟e so樹齢や


警薮醗認醒饗繍殺望 ̄ ̄靡r醐 ̄


之. Ma鵬くねe章節場面曲調町0地雷rp呼出記章〇億e de遭e鷺王直也e dea龍郷box ⑥章


三豊醐○諾櫛S職印堅めe 定離懸綴畷轍駐認諾細鑑議事髄鞘鵜




軸く鵜は能覆心証膳冊劃蘭∴Bl鯵香田験海CD"樹瓜馳調節書o書棚 蕊轟謙譲繋諾 種機種捌噛り落 劇壇婆螢製哩邸哩壁書堅 棚AR重題SAQU田富0

西的) 27夢-7う至9

陶で捌富種田S 車種的‖p〇㍍D電照蘭書重し離職.覚書重曹

鼻c富o議書舶鼻の書72〇 十i団よす0事《種寄書.亀23亀


……s…葦器嵩監誌琵豊田霊計竺二二告器器器E豊昔工監蓋‡ 音


重量車軽重へ重宝主星Sa寡晴雲e董軍書 ︰∽"雪雲君主S冨亡重畳∽さe重さ重

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iトーS-S-エー 喜un‡QddQSS掌、Sコ00









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NewFul l Col orMagaz i newi t habaseci r cul at i on of35, 000+agr owi ngpr i ntci r cul at i on. LetAmer i canMai lPr of i t sbepar tofy ourmont hl yadv er t i si ng pl acementst r at egy .Wi t h Ame r i c a nMa i lPr of i t sy ourmont hl y adv er t i si ngi sassi mpl easaphonecal l af t ery ourf i r stor der .We keepal ladsonf i l ef orqui ckr eor der .Youradwi l lbeseenby t housands ofpot ent i alnew r ef er r al s orcl i ent sf ora v er y pr obudgetpr i ce.

Col or sat t r ac t sandc r eat esex c i t ement i nway sbl ac kandwhi t edoesnot .Br i ng ourr eader sat t ent i ont oy ourad.

Cr y s t alc l e ars c anne dc opi e sofy ourad, e x ac t l yasy ous e ndi tt ous . Wes c an, c he c kandpubl i s hi tal l i nhous e . Needsomet hi ngel se?Letusknow,wear et o ser vey ouandy ourneeds.Nott heot herway ar ound.


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Enj oyAmer i canMai lPr of i t si ny ourhands whenev ery ouwantwi t ht heAmer i can Mai l Pr of i t smont hl ysubscr i pt i on.Wesenda bl ackandwhi t ecopyofAmer i canMai lPr of i t s ev er ymont hdi r ectt oy ourdoor . 12Mont hSubscr i pt i on-$30. 00 6Mont hSubscr i pt i on-$15. 00 PerI ssue-$5. 00 Al way sFul l Col orandFr eeOnl i ne

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M臆し音量ONÅ量RES C」UB Become A Mi漢lionaire

In Six Months Or Less! Never Pay For Mailing Again! lN ALL 3 LEVELS, WeW冊 Print & Mai1 5,000 Flyers FRE目!

You Get $200 Money Orders= When youjoin ourteam: Wew冊P & M 5000 flyers FR旺with you on #1. When your pros-

PeCtS joins, We P & M 5000 flyers for them FR龍, 〈Your wi= be in #2 on your recruit’s fIyer〉 F「ee checking copies.

Send $200 money orders to monito「:

NHEA, POB 2044, Mansfietd, TX 76063 Send $200 Money Order To: #1:Marie Saqueton PO Box 1796, Vaiiejo, CA 9459O #2: George Norr   ‘

fo毘711699, Sa看t Lake City, UT 84171


(Bonus: Free Lifetime Website for this P「Ogram ifyou orderwithin 7 days〉

WEA晴H BU営LD書NG SYS丁醐 $50 BlししS Comes Directly To You! Send

$50 Cash to each membe両sted below by

USPS P「io「ity Mail m出世DeIivery Confirmation and enter the app「OP「iate USPS

Tracking Number under each name. Send

$50 Cash and this ad by USPS Priority Mail rm哩DeIivery Confi「mation to the Monitor: N.H.E.A., P.O. Box 2044, Mansfield, TX 76063. The Monito「 w帖mmediately verify that a= payments have been made' by checking a冊acki=g number. You get this came「a-ready

ad with you in Position #, And we P「int & MaiI this ad to lO,000 circuiation

With you in Position糾. Free Checking Copy. RECEIVE $50 CASH iN 3

LEVELS. DON’T WA!T ANOTHER MINUTE ACT NOW! Pos.#1:ViolaF「avel,P.O.Box2385,OceanSho「es,WA98569

丁「ac畑g# Pos.#2:MorganCar「oIl,1622E.MaylandSt,P刷adelphia,PA19138

Tracking# Pos, # 3: FR∈E SPACE SAVE $50


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