American Journal of Fundamental, Applied & Experimental Research. Issue: 2 (2)

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American Journal of Fundamental, Applied & Experimental Research

occupies problem of change of mass consciousness and thus - the transformation of the entire system of social communications. The functioning of the mass consciousness shows it’s established, determined by culture and tradition, self-organization. Means of mass communication and information is constantly forming media map of the world for “mass man”, create and recreate those views, values orientation and creeds that meet the needs, expectations and tastes of “mass man”, interests of “consumer society”. Mass culture - is a way of life of modern civilization, it is “flesh and blood” of industrialization, urbanization, development of Internet technology, informational world in general. Under market economy conditions “mass culture” aimed for realization of any needs - they should be expressed and identified. The “mass culture” by itself is neither good nor bad. It has both obvious negative consequences (psychology of consumerism, infantilism, manipulation), as well as significant achievements (standards of comfort, stimulation of mass production, healthy lifestyle, effective socialization, etc.) [7, p. 50]. As noted by E. Morin, in this context the word “culture” is a “real conceptual chameleon: it can mean anything that must be obtained and learned during training, and not initially innate in man; it could mean the customs, values, beliefs, ethnic group or nation. It can mean all the things that make humanities, literature, art, philosophy “[4, p. 80]. The foregoing considerations confirm the need for attentive attitude to the problem of transhumanism, which is generated by intellectual culture. We can agree that a guided (programmable) human evolution is a process of interdependent changes in its consciousness and arrangement of society - the process of co-evolution of body consciousness and social environment. At present this process is actively implemented yet in the form of establishment of “global ethos - the general conduct rules, general moral and life meaning foundations for representatives of all national cultures, religions and peoples. By adopting even such a position, we must admit the possibility and reality of significant changes at the higher levels of holistic and meaning structure of consciousness “[1, p.10]. In the context of these considerations it is emphasized that transhumanistic evolution is not an easy process that is determined by the presence in unity of technological, communicative and social factors. This evolution is also anthropo-technological revolution that leads to the transformations of human physicality. They are organically linked with techno evolution of environment which find their expression in the physicality and the environment, and thus - in “expanding of physicality” and forms of individual activity, in the “expansion” and transformation of its mind. The point is that on a new stage of human 8

anthropo-technological evolution it can be expected the emergence of a qualitatively new type of consciousness - the planetary consciousness (based on networked information structures and new ways of communication). However, it does not negate personal and individual. It is about the paradigm shift of humanities towards “post-human” and “post-human personology”. The term of “post-human” means the person of informational computer reality. However vaccination, heart and brain surgery, organ transplantation etc. have already raised the question of limit beyond which even medical and humanitarian purposes cannot justify further technologizing of biological nature of human. But nobody could stop this technologizing, so quantity is now beginning to shift to quality. In accordance with this quality these mentioned achievements of biotechnology, genetic engineering, medicine - are growth of freedom that does not need any restrictions. But if this growth goes beyond the certain rules, may it require some regulatory restrictions? Today, we have reality of changing the criteria according to which we are aware and realize themselves as the authors of our own life and equal members of a democratic society. These realities put into question the human’s ability to consider oneself as the master of own life and respect others as equals. On the one hand, the new reproductive technologies, euthanasia, genetic engineering, using of stem cells, etc, extend the personal autonomy and freedom, on the other freedom is clearly and strictly limited, moving to the plane of genetic engineering. The point is not so much in biotechnology but rather in department of selfidentity from its physical nature, which depends on this self-identity. A serious moral and legal problem arises in genetic engineering concerning the protecting of the integrity of gene structures from unacceptable manipulation - the problem of sovereignty of biological basis of personality, its natural, physical identity to outside influence. Actually, a modern lifestyle has formulated and established a new foundation for human anthropology. This lifestyle leveled usual seasonal and daily cycles of time, did amorphous not only genitive, but traditional family also, rehabilitated unconventional sexual relationships, separated love from procreation, and procreation has already almost separated from reproductive abilities (from artificial fertilization and cultivation of embryos in test tubes to the further cloning). But the main thing - “it intensified dynamics of moving within the earth’s surface and the near space so that the ability to instantaneous orientation and to switch codes of perception and behavior became the key factor not so much of a luck and success but rather a condition of life competence” [7, p. 53] Of course, it sounds tendentious, but at the

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