Haflinger Horse Bits Newsletter - May 2021

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May 2021


Bits & Pieces from AHR Board Seats Open Attention to those interested in serving on the AHR Board of Directors! There will be Board seats open in the fall. Those interested in running for a seat will need to submit biographies this summer; watch for specific details coming in the next newsletter!

AHR Marketplace! Don’t forget to list your farm, horses for sale, stallions at stud, upcoming events, or other services on our website at haflingerhorse.com/marketplace/ These listings are FREE to members!

Make Sure You’re Using the Most Recent Forms! Reminder that you can always find the most current forms on the website at http://haflingerhorse.com/forms Printing new forms for each transaction will ensure the office has all of the information they and that important documents aren’t accidentally mailed to an outdated address!

Youth Scholarship Applications Due August 1st The annual D. Lee Wilson Jr. Memorial Scholarship is designed to recognize the exceptional youth of the American Haflinger Registry. Recipients of this award are recognized as well-rounded Haflinger Horse Bits | May 2021

individuals who are active in the promotion of their Haflinger Project, active in community involvement and active in other groups, organizations or teams. Applicants must be a Youth Member of the AHR for two years, be pursuing higher education, and must use funds within 3 years of High School Graduation. To apply, Applicants must submit the following: • Photo of Applicant and their Haflinger Project • One-Two Page Essay including their Name, Contact Info, AHR Youth Membership #  Brief Description of their Haflinger Project  List of Clubs, Organizations, Sports, Offices Held, Leadership Awards, Volunteer Work, Etc.  Must mention the enrolled Higher Educational Institution program the Scholarship will be applied to. • One Letter of Recommendation. Applicants can submit their applications by email to board@haflingerhorse.com or Mail to AHR Youth Scholarship, PO Box 124, Fredericktown, OH 43019 by August 1st, 2021. Scholarship Recipients will be awarded at the AHR Gala, Saturday, September 4th during the AHR National Showcase in Shipshewana, IN. For additional scholarship details, visit haflingerhorse.com/ahr-youth Page 2

Inspection and Classification The 2021 Inspection and Classification will be held July 9th, 2021 in conjunction with the Great Lakes Haflinger Association’s annual show at the St Joseph County Fairgrounds, Centreville, Michigan. Judges will be Nicole Cable, Ray Miller, and Ian Wengerd. Don't forget! The application deadline is June 10th!

2021 Futurity Show The 2021 Futurity Show will be held Saturday, September 4, in conjunction with the National Haflinger Showcase at the Michiana Events Center in Shipshewana, IN. Jonathan Kush will be the hitch judge and Larry Thurber will judge the pleasure side. The show will be livestreamed, now you can not only showcase your futurity horses, but also market them directly into prospective buyers’ living rooms! Payouts have also been updated for 2021: $500 to 1st place, $300 to 2nd place, $200 to 3rd place, $100 to 4th place, and $100 to 5th place. The enrollment deadline is August 1, so don't miss out!

Stallion Breeding Reports With breeding season is in full swing, don’t forget you can now easily submit your breeding reports online at haflinger.digitalhorses.com. All reports (whether electronic or mailed on paper) for are due December 31st! Haflinger Horse Bits | May 2021

National Show Wish List The National Show is looking for donations of the following items for use during the show. Please contact nationals@haflingerhorse.com if you can assist! Dressage Arena:

• Poles/rails and supports for dressage arena sized 20×60 meters • Dressage letters on stands: CHMEBKFARSVP • Flower Boxes • 2 60m measuring tapes • 2 20m measuring tapes • Hand bell • Stop watch Jumps: • Standards for up to 9 jumps • 25 jump/ground poles Trail: • Bridge • Flower Boxes • 3 Cones • 13 Wooden ground poles Chore Team Race: • Sleds- Steve W. • Pallet/Plywood • 8 bales hay/straw • 4 stop watches

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AHR National Showcase Prize List

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AHR National Showcase Prize List

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AHR National Showcase Prize List

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AHR National Showcase Entry Form

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Peterson’s Ponies & Registered Haflingers

A small family ran Haflinger farm located in the north central Iowa town of Britt owned and operated by Paul & Marsha Peterson along with Randy, Laurie & Hayden Hadacek. It all started with Paul’s parents Emmanuel and Hazel Peterson. Emmanuel had grown up farming with horses and all though it was hard work, he always thoroughly enjoyed it. After he was done farming with the horses, he sold his team of Belgians. As time went on he sure missed them. With all of the grandchildren that were filling up the family, he thought it was time to enrich their lives by growing up with Shetland ponies. The Shetlands taught all of the grandkids and friends many life lessons. One was when they run you off under the tree, you need to catch them and get right back on. All of us well, most of us thoroughly enjoyed the Shetland ponies and their antics. Come to find out they make great stoHaflinger Horse Bits | May 2021

ries as the years go by and teach you to never quit. When Emmanuel and Hazel moved to town, the ponies went to Paul & Marsha’s farm. Their family of three girls (Angela, Toni, & Laurie) enjoyed riding, driving, breeding, raising foals and showing in open and 4H shows. As time went on, it was decided we needed something bigger and stronger. Emmanuel, Paul & Marsha discussed this dilemma for a long time. The guys wanted Belgians but Marsha disagreed because they were too big and ate too much. Paul had heard of this mighty little horse called a Haflinger that looked like a Belgian which matched all of their criteria. They asked around at many horse sales to see who had any Haflingers. They were told to talk to Stewart (Stu) Wilder of Clear Lake, Iowa. They were surprised to hear that he was only 25 miles away. That first visit with Stu and his wife Lenna led to a lifePage 12

Peterson’s Ponies & Registered Haflingers long friendship (family) and a forever love of this great breed. We went on many trips attending horse sales, fairs, and expos all across the country as a family with Stu. If anyone reading this that knew Stu, would know it was always an adventure no matter what you were doing. He had a big personality and a giving heart. We ended up hearing about a breeder in Wisconsin that was wanting to retire. We went to Wisconsin with our Percheron friends Larry and Trudy Folkerts to see what he had. It was a very memorable couple of trips out there as we decided to purchase them. A stallion (McCloud) 2 mares full sisters (Christy A and Crystal Clea) in foal and with foals on their side. We were so excited to get them home and start this new adventure! After Paul's mom had passed away in the spring of 1994, Emmanuel was ready to be back out at the farm. Everyday when Paul got home from work, Emmanuel and Laurie would

have the 2 teams of shetlands and the team of Haflinger mares hitched up. We were driving 3 teams at the same time and the poor dog didn't know which wagon to ride in. When the wagon stopped, he would bail out and hop in the next one. We will always cherish those memories spent together. Emmanuel loved the Haflingers as much we did. That fall we took the first stud colts to the Haflinger sale in Gordyville, Illinois. It was a great opportunity to network and visit with other great Haflinger owners. The best way to interact with people back then was to go to horse sales and start visiting. We have made many great friends at sales over the years. In 1995 our first Haflingers foaled on the farm were 2 fillies out of full sisters and McCloud. Their names were Crystal’s Lucky Charm and Cadillac Cutie (deceased). We were very blessed that they were a great match and both fillies. Their bloodlines are still in our breeding program today. The thing about the Haflinger is that they are such a people pleaser and just love the people that care for them. Emmanuel had a very severe stroke. He had to relearn everything, never afraid of hard work he pressed on. He was in the nursing home for rehab and very frustrated, the therapist couldn't get him to interact much at all with oth-

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er residents. Usually very friendly and would chat about anything, he was missing his independence and horses. The therapist was trying to get him to set goals. Can you guess by now what that goal was? He said "I want to drive my Haflingers again"! So he worked very hard and it wasn't easy, but he ended up driving his Haflingers for the first time on a small wagon train that went 20 miles in one day! Paul and Emmanuel switched off and on driving, with a wagon full of family(3 generations) enjoying the ride. Marsha was out of the wagon taking pictures as they came down the road, Emmanuel thought it would be funny to keep vearing over to let her know they went where he put them. He had the biggest smile on his face, Marsha laughed after she got out of the way. Are you catching the theme here, friends, family and Haflingers, not a better combination out there. Emmanuel went on to live at home by himself until Haflinger Horse Bits | May 2021

the age of 91, when he passed. It was always fun listening to horse stories from our expert horseman. He never missed an opportunity to tell you how to hook them up and teach the grandkids and great grandkids how to do it the right way. I also think one of his favorite things was to tell Paul he had a twist in the lines, because he was always in a hurry. We decided it would be a great way to promote this great breed to go to the Iowa Horse Fair and Minnesota Horse Expo. We signed up with many friends over the years to showcase the golden horse with the big heart at such events. Of course all of the Haflingers always catch everyone's eye and soon their heart. We have shown all three of our stallions and many others at both of these events. McCloud would stand all day and let everyone pet him, he loved the attention.

We have always enjoyed promoting Page 14

Peterson’s Ponies & Registered Haflingers this great breed and enjoy exposing new people to the Haflingers. Over the years we have enjoyed driving and riding, some different things we have done: parades, disc, plow, mow hay, haul manure, drag, seed hay fields along with many other fun things. We have also hosted many school farm trips to educate the kids on the ponies, that is always fun to see their excitement. When Laurie graduated high school, Stu and Lenna gave her an awesome gift. It was a weanling Haflinger stallion Newsmonger MJE. He is still in our breeding program having sired many foals and will live out his days here, as all the Haflingers are family too. If you want to nurture the breed, contribute to the next generation. In 2014 we went out the IHHA sale and purchased Allison Of The Valley AD-EL, he has been a great addition to our breeding program. At this time we currently have 7 Registered Haflinger Mares, 2 Registered Haflinger Stallions, 2 Registered Haflinger Geldings, a ½ Haflinger ½ Appaloosa, and our old shetland Lacy 31 years young (she is the last left out of our shetland bloodlines) yes, she still keeps us on our toes. In fact this fall she kept escaping out of the horse lot, she loves the foals, because they are her size. We have an electric fence around our lot, we couldn't figure out how she was getting out, the fence was hot, nothing was wrong. Well her coat is so fluffy, she Haflinger Horse Bits | May 2021

doesn't get zapped. When the hay is gone out of the bunk she can be found grazing under the apple tree. We put up all of our own hay in small square bales, then we stack it away in the barn. It takes tons of help to put up all the hay, I guarantee there are not very many of Emmanuel's grand kids/ great grand kids that haven't baled hay or worked a pitchfork. It is the right of passage you want to ride or drive you need to help. We now sell all of our foals privately and online all over the country. Our first internet sale was in 2007, before that we mostly sold at sales and word of mouth. We have thoroughly enjoyed all the new Haflinger families and friendships made! Keeping in touch with them and receiving updates on their Haflingers is very rewarding. We appreciate all of our family and friends that have helped us with various tasks throughout the years, we couldn’t do it without them. Great memories made by all! A wagon full of Grandkids with Grandpa on the lines with Grandma beside him on the seat, the names just change with the generations. Look us up under member farms or find us on Facebook @PPRH335 Laurie Peterson Hadacek

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Congrats 2020 Points & Awards Winners! Congrats to our AHR Golden Path participants who reached new milestones in 2020: •

Nifty Nevie GRS and Amy Wallace - 3000 HOURS

Neon Fire HIS and Ray Mansur - 1000 HOURS

MT Aztec Gold and Tracy DiSabato-Aust - 750 HOURS

A Windy Rozene MHS and Karrin R. Rebecca - 750 HOURS

Anastasia of KHA and Jessica Hanney - 500 HOURS

Barbara MDH and Haylee Kemper - 200 HOURS

Patsy of Maidenview and Cathy Omann - 200 HOURS

Q-Tip BW6 and Ann Cook - 200 HOURS

Stu Sable JH and Mores, Nancy - 200 HOURS

Aztec RE and Ray Mansur - 100 HOURS

Nutty Buddy LCH and Rhonda Gould - 100 HOURS

Mary Lou GHHF and Rhonda Gould - 100 HOURS

Apollo of Cedar Lane and Amy Wallace - 100 HOURS

Nu Deal MID and Suzanne Woertz - 100 HOURS

Balladeer WRR and Laura Afana - 100 HOURS

Nasser JCH and Elizabeth Crawford - 100 HOURS

Stardust BSH and Debbie Jackson - 100 HOURS

Whiskey River 2SH and Elaine Pitts - 50 HOURS

Aftershock MJW and Jacquelyn Woodward - 50 HOURS

Sinna and Jacquelyn Woodward - 50 HOURS

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Congrats 2020 Points & Awards Winners! Congrats also to our AHR Ambassador participants who earned annual awards 2020: •

Lady Aphesian MDH & Carly Schwartz - Diamond Ambassador with 65 points

Barbara MDH & Dani and Haylee Kemper - Diamond Ambassador with 50 points

Sabreena Sue CRHF & Suzanne Morisse - Diamond Ambassador with 47 points

Nifty Nevie GRS & Amy Wallace - Diamond Ambassador with 37 points

Nutty Buddy LCH & Rhonda Gould - Ruby Ambassador with 29 points

Mary Lou GHHF & Rhonda Gould - Ruby Ambassador with 29 points

Abalon BWS & Suzanne Morisse - Ruby Ambassador with 28 points

Aztec RE & Diane Mansur - Ruby Ambassador with 24 points

Balladeer WWR & Laura Afana - Ruby Ambassador with 23 points

Wiz Bang LMP & Tracy DiSabato-Aust - Ruby Ambassador with 21 points

Sinna & Jacquelyn Woodward - Ruby Ambassador with 21 points

Afghan NTF & Alice Morse - Ruby Ambassador with 20 points

Abed-Nego CRHF & Suzanne Morisse - Sapphire Ambassador with 19 points

Skipper CAH & Ty & Jacquelyn Woodward - Sapphire Ambassador with 16 points

Authentic Rock MJW & Jacquelyn Woodward - Sapphire Ambassador with 14 points

MT Aztec Gold MMS & Tracy DiSabato-Aust - Sapphire Ambassador with 13 points

Aurora HOF & Charlotte Wallace - Sapphire Ambassador with 12 points

Cara Mia CDB & Robin Borg - Sapphire Ambassador with 12 points

Nacho & Elizabeth Tillman - Sapphire Ambassador with 10 points

Mitzi MOF & Carolyn Gilmore - Sapphire Ambassador with 10 points

And a special congratulations to those AHR Ambassador participants who earned their Lifetime Achievement Ambassador Award in 2020! •

Barbara MDH & Dani and Haylee Kemper - 109 lifetime points

Abalon BWS & Suzanne Morisse - 116 lifetime points

Visit haflingerhorse.com to sign up for AHR Golden Path recreation tracking program and AHR Ambassador performance award program. These programs are FREE with your AHR membership! Haflinger Horse Bits | May 2021

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Meetings, Minutes & Miscellaneous February, 2021 AHR Board of Directors Meeting

March, 2021 AHR Board of Directors Work Session

All present except Kyle Love.

Members completed the slide presentation for the member meeting ensuring all previously submitted member questions were included in the presentation.

2021 Officer election results: Missy for President Dave for 1st Vice President John for 2nd Vice President Chuck for Treasurer

Respectfully submitted by, Missy Shanahan, President

Standing committee reports were shared including the cancellation of the World Show. Of note was the recent receipt of Canadian checks. The website and forms have been updated to reflect that all payments are to be in US Funds. The Board then worked on the slide presentation for the March member meeting.

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Miscellaneous (continued) Quarter 1: Registrar’s Report


January 1, 2021 – March 31, 2021 Registrations— 82 Total 1st Quarter • Stallions: 30 • Mares: 50 • Geldings: 2

Our new logo is available on full-color stickers!

34 Registrations in the horse recording queue (waiting to be registered) for 15 members 7 pending registrations are for RO 4 pending registrations are for MFH Transfers— 203 Total 1st Quarter • Stallions: 24 • Mares: 117 • Geldings: 62 Exports— 1 Total 1st Quarter • Stallion: 1 to Canada Members— • Active Annual Members: 442 • Lifetime Members: 55 • Junior Members: 6

Open Work Orders—113 12 in the Ready to Print queue Work Orders Closed in the last 30 Days—110 with 285 line items Submitted by Registrar’s Office, Stacie C. Lynch

Haflinger Horse Bits | May 2021

6” AHR Decal Sticker

2 for $10 3” AHR Decal Sticker

5 for $10 Choose from 3” (great for small projects and car windows) and 6” (ideal for tack boxes, vehicles, etc.) Contact the office to order yours! secretary@haflingerhorse.com (330) 784-0000 Page 19

from the American Haflinger Registry

American Haflinger Registry PO Box 124 Fredericktown, OH 43019

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