Vol 10 No 43 (2021)

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.1 How to Cite: Tatarinov, A., & Bezrukavaya, M. (2021). The Human Concept in Russian Neomodernist Prose of the 21st Century. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 9-19. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.1

The human concept in Russian Neomodernist prose of the 21st Century Концепция человека в русской неомодернистской прозе XXI века Received: June 16, 2021

Accepted: August 1, 2021

Written by: Alexey Tatarinov1 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8708-3918 Marina Bezrukavaya2 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8334-5634 Abstract


Research subject is grounding efficiency and topicality of Russian literature (and its studies) as a cultural project, that could be apologia of a traditional individual. Methodological basis is anthropocentric literature of Erich Auerbach, Dmitry Likhachev, Sergey Averintsev, Harold Bloom, in which literary text analysis, assessment of genre structures lead to the conclusions on the individual’s state under the established cultural tradition. Analysis of contemporary Russian novels outlines authors’ worlds. Reading them evokes various images: of a passionate individual, often with certain intent, but always affected by the interaction with crises and voids (Yury Buida), an individual characterized by various anti-totalitarian acts, by aspiration to exercise the freedom of thought in everyday life (Ludmila Ulitskaya), an egocentric individual, believing that the most significant victories come in the representation of the own self (Edward Limonov), an individual prone to interaction with totalitarian principles, synthesizing non-canonic metaphysical forms and attributes of strong state under ambivalent relations of utopia and anti-utopia (Vladimir Sorokin), an individual actively exploring modern world and general existence in motions, related by the author to Oriental cognition principles and spiritual practices (Victor Pelevin). Our focused literary analysis aims at combining all text moves in plot and language that represent evolvement of a person as one of the central problems of any novel.

Предмет исследования – обоснование эффективности и актуальности художественной словесности (и ее изучения) как культурного проекта, который можно назвать апологией традиционного человека. Методологическая основа исследования – антропоцентрическое литературоведение (Эрих Ауэрбах, Дмитрий Лихачев, Сергей Аверинцев, Харольд Блум), в котором анализ художественного текста, оценка жанровых структур приводят к выводам о состоянии личности в контексте состоявшейся культурной традиции. Результат анализа новейших русских романов – идентификация состоявшихся авторских миров. В процессе чтения возникают образы человека страстного, часто имеющего замысел, но всегда оказывающегося в своеобразном плену у стиля взаимодействия с кризисами и пустотами (Ю. Буйда), человека разных антитоталитарных жестов, всегда стремящегося реализовать свою свободу в мысли и повседневном существовании (Л. Улицкая), человека эгоцентрического, уверенного, что самые важные победы приходят в постоянной репрезентации собственного «Я» (Э. Лимонов), человека, склонного к взаимодействию с тоталитарными началами, синтезирующего неканонические формы метафизики и знаки сильного государства в контексте амбивалентных отношений утопии и дистопии (В. Сорокин), человека, активно познающего современный мир и общее состояние бытия в движениях, которые автор склонен возводить к восточным принципам

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Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia.

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Tatarinov, A., Bezrukavaya, M. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 9-19 / July, 2021

Keywords: artistic metaphysics, historiosophy, neo-modernism, personality concept, Russian prose.

познания и духовной практики (В. Пелевин). Наш целенаправленный литературове дческий анализ направлен на объединение всех сюжетных и языковых ходов текста, представляющих эволюцию личности как одну из центральных проблем любого романа. Ключевые слова: русская проза, неомодернизм, концепция личности, художественная метафизика, историософия.

Introduction Neomodernism can be considered as a dominant poetics of contemporary Russian prose due to the following theoretical and methodological grounds: utmost subjectivation of the narration, striving to create personal non-canonic artistic world; attention to metaphysical and historosophical discourses; ambivalent relations between utopian and anti-utopian cognitions; persistent search for coordinating archetypes. There are pragmatic grounds too: while postmodernism is often assessed as recessionary and unviable space of the contemporary literature (Kovtun and Razumovskaya, 2017), neomodernism promotes creative, aesthetically and philosophically relevant aspirations of the contemporary literary artists. Basic methodological principle of the research comprises several stages. We analyze novel as a text, embodying author’s model with constant artistic parameters. Special attention is paid to theoretical and publicist writers’ statements of their own worlds, clarifying the relation between the novel discourse and their ideological and aesthetic position. The paper generalizes artistic understanding of a person to maximally compressed results for identifying basic concepts integral to tackle the issue of a human in works by Yury Buida, Ludmila Ulitskaya, Edward Limonov, Vladimir Sorokin, and Victor Pelevin. Fifthly, poetics comprises two levels: as an artistic component of the text and the science investigating these texts. On the first level a novel entails interaction between aesthetic and linguistic practices. On the second level poetics represents cohesive entity, exclusively author’s view of specific life laws, embodied in novels. Therefore, on the second level poetics appears as an artistic phenomenon of worldview, and it is the concept of a human through which we perceive it. The laconic article bases on the first three stages, the forth and the fifth analytical stages shaping the contents of it.


Similar methodological approach is suggested, for instance, by Averintsev (1977) and Bloom (1994) in their books. They do not merely regenerate personality images in various cultures, but consider the image of man to be the most significant symbol of the author’s world and the historical period behind him. Philological anthropocentrism implies intellectual space focused on literary reconstructed life pattern and worldview dominants. The issue of man (as the pinnacle of cultural tradition and personified way of testing it) is one of the crucial ones. Following anthropocentric logic, relevant in contemporary philology, we aim at revealing significant images of a person, and defining literary expressed idea of a contemporary human. Artistic realization of a person is to be investigated under the hypothesis about the uniqueness of the last decade literary process. Many phenomena in contemporary literature tend to move from outdated postmodernism to neomodernism – subjective, creative method aimed at aesthetic reconstruction of prosaic and primarily novel reality. Ways of contemporary prose by Tatarinov (2015) depicts detailed hypothesis of contemporary era bearing neomodernist features. First decades of the new millennium witness ideological and artistic dualism of Russian literature with oppositions of realistic – postmodernist, patriotic – liberal, mass – individual and aesthetic. It is poetics of boundary, ambivalent narratives, not modernism or postmodernism, that prevails and shapes axiological move in contemporary prose. Hence, the term “neomodernism” acquires upmost importance. It denotes controversial, debated reality – a considerable volume of contemporary literature is filled with author’s subjectivity, ideological activity, and conceptual idealism. Neomodernism can also be viewed as

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

a promising way to revitalize literary process. Whereas postmodernism nearly always marks the crisis of classical prose and poetry, neomodernism requires recognition of the new perspectives. The concepts of man by the influential writers (Buida, Limonov, Sorokin, Pelevin) under the concept of anthropological processes of the early 21st century generally oppose playful, entropic, demythologizing literary trends of the late 20th century. Literature Review As Zatonsky (2000) fairly stated, postmodernism tends to anti-utopia, while utopia is the field of modern. Modernism is religious in itself, postmodernism is indifferent to metaphysics; modern implies personalistic consciousness, while postmodern – mass one. Western modernism was more prone to experiment with the form. It correlates with linguistic scope of philology, the word exists in the frames of worldview providing answers for many ontological questions. It seems appropriate to point at atheistic nature of western postmodernism, its freedom from philosophy of history aspects. The situation is different in Russia: dual, radically disputable nature of metaphysical, historical and philosophical issues necessitates addressing the issue of neomodernism in Russian literature of the early 21st century. Zhitenev’s monograph Poetry of neo-modernism (2012) on Russian poetry of the last decades turned to be the philological text invoking the neomodernism issue in contemporary literature. The author states that Russian poetry of the 20th21st centuries refers to neomodernism, not postmodernism (a standard opinion within the frames of Russian literary activity). The concept is based on the extensive poetic material of numerous authors. Intensive discussions sparked on philological and literary-critical platforms, with main focus on theoretical aspects of the debated approach, unconventional methodological arrangement of artistic phenomena, previously used to be generalized as “postmodernism” (e.g. Lipovetsky, 2013). Postmodernism is often perceived in playful context, associated with lack of seriousness and cultural impact. Modernism retains its serious status, with the author initiating artistic programme, not just offering plots and images. This programme can coincide with life programme. Hence, permissible change of the view (from “modernism” to “postmodernism”) does enhance the status of the phenomenon under investigation.

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It is noteworthy to reveal key features of modernism, affecting the character of time issue. Despite its modernity, postmodernism as overwhelming cultural phenomenon deals with established traditions, transforming or deconstructing them. Epistemological value can not be high therefore. The case is different with modernism. It aspires to deal mainly with future time contexts, not past. Postmodernism is transformation of long-known, exposed to mass, too conventional perception, while modernism is artistic activity on recreating new values. It is another argument to back Zhitenev’s formula (2012). Postmodernism is the death of the subject to strengthen roles of theoretical constructions, and neomodernism is resurrection of the subject. This statement appears to be significant. Neomodernism returns to the moral development and relations of a man and an object (Chrząszcz, 2017). Contemporary literature (including both prose and poetry) is often assessed as a serial product, and this concerns not only mass texts (Doraiswamy, 2007). “Neomodernism” implies not an impersonal flow of “playful” information, that literary analyst deals with, but already established individual worlds shaping the future, and not playing with the familiar past. Neomodernism, being focused on the subject’s fate (Pandžić and Šmit, 2010), makes the text a form of aesthetic biographism, internal, sometimes covert, combining virtual and real traits, but in any case, the reader faces personality’s life. Postmodernism witnesses “humiliation” of the fate by universal constructions, preventing life from personification in earthly and existential universal generalizations. A literary work is a part of the “fate” as life act. It implies systemic interaction between “life” and “text”. Literary community is in need of neomodernism, but not shaped in extravagant manifestos and extraordinary character of some literary “pose”. Neomodernism (as a positive literary reality) could make a number of significant contributions: to do away with perception of literature as forever subjective game; to address the nature of personified aesthetic worlds; to elevate moral and didactic statuses of literary arts; to enhance and intensify connection between images and concepts of the past and the future. Narration strategies, though popular in literature over the past decades, do not seem very attractive. It is far more important to read

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12 contemporary texts as messages of the 21st century man, to assess a piece of fiction as a diagnostic tool, not for a certain writer and his subjective world, but the created society as a whole. Interdisciplinary character of methodology, combining literature studies and sociology, aesthetics, psychology and even religious studies, requires comprehensive judgments, when novel represents personality phenomenon of contemporary era. Such books as Mimesis by Erich Auerbach (2003), The Poetics of Early Russian Literature by Dmitry Likhachev (1967), The Poetics of Early Byzantine Literature by Sergey Averintsev (1977), The Western Canon by Harold Bloom (1994) are particularly relevant for the research in question. Bearing uniqueness, these scientific projects start with comprehensive analysis of the model, literary recreated or manifested in national rhetoric tradition, and ends with the judgment of the key images of man, making this tradition genuine. Both modern European (e.g. Demon Theory by Antoine Compagnon (2014)) and contemporary Russian literary criticism (e.g. The Theory of Literature. Problems and Results by Sergey Zenkin (2017)) acknowledge scientific crisis in studying different content and reception forms of the literary work. Anthropocentric view have become irrelevant due to lingua-centrism strengthening, fear of moral and philosophical judgments on literary reality, postmodern technologism which repulses from perceived “totalitarity” of aesthetic discourses. The current research under the context of combining “criticism” and “science”, “human science” and “text studies” is aimed at enhancing effectiveness of the literary word, which should revive its interdisciplinary status and provide space for the dialogue between philosophers and psychologists, sociologists and culture experts. Images of man, created by contemporary writers, could depict not only the state of today fiction, but to reveal formation vectors of the idea of man in the nearest future, aspiring for relevance of idelogeme. Methodology Principles of material selection include the following. Concerned and at times aggressive presence of a writer in literary process – both through the number of works, frequency of publicist remarks, desire to take a niche in new Russian literature. Methodological ambivalence of authors, their uneasy attitude to the relations of utopia and anti-utopia (Malenica and Šmit, 2015; Givens, 2016; Gillespie, 2016), modern and postmodern (Chrząszcz, 2017), classical


realism and new realism, literary centrism and didactic aspects of literary arts. Artistic quality of novels and stories, rightful claims on ideological, moral and philosophical completeness, activity of different reception forms. Concerned, easily defined attitude to the inheritance of Russian modernism encouraging not only aesthetic experiment, but also implying ideological vector of the plot that can be a sign of certain spiritual and moral position. The following works of poetry refer to the indicated principles – Blue Blood (Buida, 2011), Thief, Spy and Murderer (Buida, 2013) and stories by Buida Poison and Honey (Buida, 2014), novels by Ulitskaya Daniel Stein, Translator (Ulitskaya, 2006), The Big Green Tent (Ulitskaya, 2011), Jacob’s Ladder (Ulitskaya, 2015), novels In Syrah (Limonov, 2012b), The Old Man (Limonov, 2014) and artistic essay by Limonov Illuminations (Limonov, 2012a), novels by Pelevin The Sacred book of Werewolf (Pelevin, 2004), Т (Pelevin, 2009), and Trilogy (Sorokin, 2006), Day of the Oprichnik (Sorokin, 2006), Tellurgia (Sorokin, 2013) by Sorokin. These texts allow not only to solve the problem of man in certain artistic systems, but to provide the insight into the fictional worlds of the five prominent Russian writers. The main objective of this research is a comprehensive view of anthropological knowledge presented in artistic form (not separate analysis of every text as a kind of preliminary work). The main studying principle is focused academic reading of the selected literary works that recreate comprehensive image of man in the frames of poetics by Buida, Ulitskaya, Limonov, Sorokin, Pelevin. Let us briefly outline their narrative strategies: creating an ambivalent figure of utopian and antiutopian consciousness (Sorokin, Pelevin) under the context of different epics of the new, utterly individualized type; aestheticization of the pivotal problems of human fate and outlining the problem of rhetoric way out of the crisis (Buida); creating unity of plot and language, in which words about the state (the world as whole), about totalitarian motives of its existence and words about personal (author’s) inclusion in hierarchical system closely interrelate (Limonov, Ulitskaya). Results and Discussion Buida shows preference to the man who can be reasonably called “hero-intention”: the issue of

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

aim setting turns to be the most essential; the reader is invited to follow the life-long plot and fate, which is either complete or implements basic ideas for making preliminary conclusions and meaningful statements concerning the man, as it was the case with Thief, Spy and Murderer (Buida, 2013). Intention integral to the hero and personality formation is coupled with ideological structure of the writing. Nevertheless, ideological sphere does not seem to be essential in Yu. Buida’s fictional world. Idea (as a constant of thought and sense assimilated into the consciousness) falls under more powerful reality – style. Style is the core of personality, its dominating ideologeme, a way to define the character under existence seeking compromise. “The protagonist cosmises existence and fights chaos – that is a brief formula of the events occurring in Blue Blood”, Grimova (2013) writes, emphasizing anti-entropic trends of. Buida’s fiction. That is the exact nature of modern, which is reflected in the fact that both poles (creative and moral, elitist and egocentric) are relevant. Sokhareva (2014) highlights this problem analyzing Poison and Honey. Home is the only “live” character, willful and capricious, intolerant of any strangers. Main feature of his characters is cold, deadly domination, forgiven for everything… (…) Truth as a category evades from here… (Sokhareva, 2014) Firstly, “man-intention”. Secondly, style as a form of plan implementation. Poetics of state acquires specific meaning under interrelation of the above-mentioned poles. Life of main characters is abundant in events, deprived of external peace, filled with dramas and calamities, involves crime – not particular crime contexts, but spontaneous acts, drawing the man into reality which stipulates criminal liability. Despite dynamics the character retains spiritual self and unchanging attitudes. Following the plan is not transformation and replacement of ideological beliefs, but development over time of some stable modernist condition. This process is particularly representative in Blue Blood and Poison and Honey, and in Thief, Spy and Murderer too. The latter can be classified as an “educating novel” by form, while by content – the protagonist moving through times and spaces, intensifying initial aesthetic attitude to reality. The intention (to “become a writer”) is fully achieved in the end of the novel. However the style, which the narrator refers to the concept of

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“writer”, has been on the forefront throughout narration. Basic principles shaping neomodernist concept of person in Buida’s works of fiction are as follows. The man is prone to illogical act, unconscious and impulsive moves, to the downfalls, thoroughly reconstituted by the author; ethic assessment of such situations is not crucial for the author. The character is willing to become the embodied intention, but is more likely (at least to the bystander – the reader) to signify permanent state. Stepping towards love or compassion, religion or politics, arts or active life building, the person is often faced with emptiness, absurdity, and meaningless world. Aesthetic self-realization, life-theatre (Bobileva and Prokhorova, 2016), transformation of personal existence into structurally perfect performance is a challenge for those seeking essence of artistic creation in the emptiness. Resenting “dogmatic person” is the initial move (intellectual and aesthetic) in Ulitskaya’s fiction. Systemic criticism of mind, free from selfcriticism, is clearly distinguished there. Communism or orthodoxy, fascism and common aggression are not acceptable for the characters. “Dogmatic man” is a frequently discussed object. It is repulsed by the plot and repeated remarks. They serve to point out the wrong ways of “dogmatists”, imprisoned by their intolerance and criticism of other development paths of the inner world and social model. Another meaningful point within the problem of the person concept – defense of a universal man, Daniel Stein being the brightest example. Ulitskaya recreates not theoretical, but practical person, addressing to people and concerned with “small matters”. They are productive in understandable, commonplace kindness. To pursue these deeds Stein is ready to cooperate with fascists, communists, Jews, Christians of any confession, and Muslims. Israel is shown here not as a closed defensive state, but as the land enabling and necessitating ascent to the initial Christ – the Jew who produced universal teaching on interpersonal relations. As Shishkova-Shipunova (2007) states, the protagonist of Ulitskaya’s novel is a modernist in the field of “translating” classical Christianity into the “language” of “intellectuals”, when common morality comes to the fore and surpasses, for instance, the Symbol of belief, which is undoubtedly altered by Stein.

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14 Through various languages Daniel has been trying to “build bridges” between all and all, to help all understand all. … According to Lyudmila Ulitskaya, he is an interpreter (see the book title), mere interpreter. From eternal to common. From the God’s language to human. But he is a righteous person. Orthopraxy (right deeds) for him is more significant than orthodoxy (right thoughts). And he encourages his flock to act according to their conscience, love, “as they want to be treated by others” (Christ taught the same). (Shishkova-Shipunova, 2007). Rebel’s (2007) position is less agreeable: Ulitskaya described Daniel as irresistibly touching, attractive, while natural and convincing. This image deepens, materializes and exposes that ideal essence, one of the cores of European culture and Russian literature in particular. (Rebel, 2007). As to this quotation, Stein is a traditionalist, common universalist in assessing human phenomena. But this is false. Avoiding special religious pathos, Ulitskaya depicts her character as “theurgic” and even “demiurgic”, able to universalize religious experience for the sake of solving crucial cultural and political problems. Daniel Stein, despite of all the changes in his life, “always remained identical to himself, and the continuum of his personality has never been questioned” (Vojvodić, 2011). The third concept of understanding human essence by the author is admissible ambivalence. The fourth motive, forming author’s concept of man, is related to the concept of “new Christian”. The fifth sign in novels by Ulitskaya is culturecentrism. Images of ordinary people are common, evoking author’s sympathy or antipathy depending on their moral intentions. But central to the novel are characters with extensive cultural experience and intellectual background. Personalism is another symbol of neomodern concept of man, established by Ulitskaya. For the personality to open up to the full extent, several criteria should be met: not to assimilate with the official style in its various forms, to learn culture not as scholastic but live soul-related object; remember the value of thought and its distinctiveness from ruling ideologies, religions, public platforms; have desire to grow and develop, retaining flexible independent mind even in mundane contexts. Everyone should pursuit their “own way”, testing various proposals from the world and rejecting those implying inner and outer “totalitarianism”.


A person should live in cultural space and develop oneself in accord with world experience that unites personality with democratic development path. A person should be ready for dramatic conflicts of national and global, state and personal, worldly and philosophical, in order to make the most of the strive for independence and responsibility instilled in every person. These are key concepts of the author’s vision of man in Ulitskaya’s novels. The concept of man in Limonov’s fiction primarily manifests itself in the author’s personal attributes and life arrangement. He becomes the hero of his own text. Limonov tried out many various genres, but appears to be the best in writing about himself. Journalism, memoirs, fiction elegantly flow into each other, creating a strange, but quite viable “centaur” (Belyakov, 2007) Merge of infantilism and heroism, philosophy and political intentions is characteristic of two autobiographical novels: In V Syrah (Limonov, 2012) and The Old Man (Limonov, 2014). Obviously both texts oppose aging and imminent death, and favour youth, carefully preserved by the author at his advanced age. He speculates at length about his girlfriends, fit body, lack of fatigue in political battles, perfect state of mind, producing new extravagant ideas. The following motive penetrates the novels: man is someone who will inevitably have to face domestic life, routine, and their own body, doomed to aging. Limonov often turns to the image of Faust and Goethe’s tragedy in the frames of automythologization, as it is the case with Illuminations (Limonov, 2012). It can be viewed as a ” scientific novel”, despite being essentially modernist. On the one hand, scientific discourse stands out, stemming from exegetical prose – interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. On the other hand, the focus stays with fantasy concept, the author’s “fantasy”, expressed in scientificliterary language, as if specifically invented by Limonov, not in literary-fiction one. Creators are unaware of love and kindness. The Universe lacks any form of morality, it is absolutely free from ethical imperatives. The man (“domestic animal”) therefore, exists in the world without a scrap of mercy. Regarding Jesus (Limonov occasionally turns to his image) is not an independent figure. The Creators, regardless the species they master, are aware of murder and suicidal instincts that are inherent to the mind. To subdue those instincts endangering energy

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

resources, the prophets of the Sky humility and submission appear, Jesus being one of them – the Creators’ fellow, but not the people’s Savior. We witness the author’s strive to glorify and mythologize his life, representing it as the fate of the most fascinating man of the time. However, automythologization is coupled with domestic contexts, defeating the hero’s pathos. And the human himself is nothing more than a bio robot, energy food, a creature with originally not complicated functional task. However this “bio robot” starts to oppose the Creators as soon as he receives intelligence. The human is someone who can be overcome by life, mundane tasks, disgusting aging. Simultaneously he has to struggle, combining action with thought. Then it appears possible to approach the archetype of Faust and combat meanness of mundane life. Literary works by Sorokin and Pelevin serve as grounded arguments to prove the hypothesis of the contemporary Russian neomodernism. Deconstructions and criticism of meta stories, corrective irony and thoroughly constructed intertext are characteristic of Sorokin’s and Pelevin’s fiction. Though integral to the novels anti-utopias, non-sarcastic religious moves, and implicit didactic figures are no less significant. Classic modernism (e.g. Russian Silver Age prose and poetry) lies within the frames of gnostic paradigm. It implies not only religious component, but specially maintained intuition, minimizing material existence and daily human life. Lipovetsky integrates V. Sorokin into modernist rank: Gnostic mythology is observed through Ice Trilogy: perceiving the world as evil, and body – as the spirit’s dungeon; and metaphor of the Light (brought by the Tunguska meteor) as the symbol of “alien” but genuine life; and the motive of original sacred name; and search of chosen “pneumatics” prone to Gnostics (Lipovetsky, 2000) Pelevin apparently belongs here too, being the most illusionistic, deceitful “modernist” in the contemporary literature. Primochkina emphasizes Gnostics of the Pelevin’s artistic search: Pelevin too believes human life to be eternal and painful suffering. He considers God to have created this world “only as a mockery at the very idea that such world can exist”. (Primochkina, 2010)

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The pursuit of death is one of the most persistent desires in V. Sorokin’s fiction. The protagonist dies at war, of drug overdose and chronic alcohol addiction, falls victim to the totalitarian state and his own vices resulting in incurable manias. “Sorokin’s human” is prone to suicide and selfdestruction (as in Telluria) under the pretext of “communist”, “Wahhabi”, “monarchical”, “nationalist”, “knightly”, “love and sentimental” rhetorics. Sexuality is the focus of attention in Telluria (Sorokin, 2013). Telluria, as a form of humanity realization. Romantic homosexuals are writing lengthy letters to the west about their Moskovia adventures; “non-wicked” abusers yearning for pleasure; manic maids voyeuring hotel residents making love; passion-obsessed women exploiting male genitals, which function independently. Sexuality in Sorokin’s view is essential part of humanity, uniting violence and love, animalistic nature and strive for superhuman trances. Dehumanization of Alexander Snigirev (Bro) and his fellows is exquisitely and skillfully described in the Ice Trilogy. They came to awaken and realize their non-human nature and their true purpose: to demolish the Earth as a big mistake of ethereal Rays, reflected in water and turning them into bodies doomed to die. A significant scope of the text contains radical abuse of the human being and human existence, not just surmounting. Gnostic essence (concordant to modern) is coupled with the totalitarian: the nearer the space, ice, emptiness, the farther the human is. Thus, prison violence towards him is not accidental, but spiritual and social project. Particularly interesting is Sorokin’s narration on the part of brothers of Light, without even concealing their inhuman essence. But humanity is depicted with great misanthropy (even Swift’s guingms are more tolerant to the yahoo: they disdain them, yet allow them to eat rotten food, copulate, reproduce, exist), and Light brothers’ hunger for heart is so vigorously described, that the reader voluntarily get dragged into the brotherhood chains. Swapping moral poles is a much more intricate task than to juggle styles and discourses, and Sorokin meets this challenge perfectly. (Latynina, 2006). The critic reasonably emphasized the core action: Sorokin is primarily concerned with spiritual impulses, “moral” poles, not mere play with styles and discourses.

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16 Day of the Oprichnik (Sorokin, 2006) belongs between Trilogy and Telluria both in time and content. This small futurist novel contains negation of “commonplace goodness”, and passion for historiosophic discourse. At one extreme, much is spoken about traditional Russian doctrines, their implementation in Ivan the Terrible’s ruling. At the other extreme, Komyaga, Batya and other oprichniks behave in a way that witnesses to the instinct as the crucial point, implemented in various rhetorical figures. It appears impossible to conceal the main thing: man is a cruel being, onthologically prone to violence. Sorokin’s concept of man comprises a variety of elements: Gnostic arrogance, betting on instinct, craving for cruelty, interest for pathetic rhetorics and superficial righteousness, desire to transform one’s own consciousness with substances, and to create ideal state in accord with medieval methods. There is pursuit of the stars and dreams of emptiness. And what misses is authentic love of humans, forever central to the classical fiction discourse. In his every text Pelevin speaks about empty humans, vanished (as moral personality) in mass culture, which deprives of individuality. This emptiness is dehumanizing, with money, commercial images and consuming world forcing the man to follow the ways of creators, who submit minds to mental, verbal and material garbage. Yet there is another Void, neomodern, synonymous to spiritual movement rather than absence of the latter. This Void (integral to most of Pelevin’s texts) gives up on all bright, prop images of untrue existence, and on entering it the human seizes to be the mind “smeared” with endless hectic of modern times. Pelevin is rather a didactic writer than entertaining and mass one. Analyzing his novel “Empire V” (Pelevin, 2006), Galina says: Pelevin is the one to have constructed noncontroversial conception. Non-controversial means simplified on the one hand (only simplicity works), and, on the other hand, closed for development and interpretation, i.e. dead in fact. Details (God is in the details) are out of place here – such simplicity is permissible only when dealing with general notions, schemes. Consequently, humanity is out of place too. Probably it was due to this that a number of critics regarded Pelevin’s novel a fail. However, I insist that Pelevin was writing not a novel, but a belletricized treatise. The worst part of it is that he managed to write it. (Galina, 2013)


Dyakova agrees with author’s general “cynicism” but considers his “moral story” possible and necessary: Paradoxically, all that immense cynicism towards people, their culture, life, and work perfectly amplifies final “sententions”, the “moral”, that would be taken for cheap commonplace truths, in case they are out of context. However within the context they seem hard-won and imminent. (Dyakova, 2007) Whether the personality remains or disappears in course of this motion, as according to Buddhist belief, disappears any individuality? Whatever the answer, the issue of new personality turns to be crucial for Pelevin, regarding the two forms of emptiness (negative and positive), and the character’s path towards enlightment (at least his exemption from “glamour” and “discourse”). The issue gains more significance when it becomes clear that it is neither a classical “European personality”, positioning himself or herself in the context of self-determining, developing egocentrism, nor a “Christian personality” employing humbleness and sacrifice as the key to all human problems. That is the case with the novel “T”, the main pathos of which is that a person should seize to be the “hero” of “alien”, troubled plots, and to achieve “author’s” status, being the only arbiter of his or her personal reality. It is time to turn from the created into creating, from “reader”, to “writer”, able to take responsibility for the unfolding text of “life”. Pelevin seeks to solve the problem of human through superhuman: werewolves, vampires attract the author with their rough, cynical views, rejection of mundane existence, and the power they possess. In Pelevin’s view life is suffering, but this suffering is specific, depicted by the author with sarcasm rather than compassion. To state it more generally: a human in its standard variant is the creature who is worth contempt. A human perishes under the burden of his or her own thoughts, words, actions, all extraneous to the clear mind. The four underlying points could characterize “Pelevin’s man”. Firstly, this is mind, attacked by internal and external forces, images and concepts of contemporary culture, striving to deprive personalities of their power within the consumption field. Secondly, it is tough, cynical self, able to assess unpleasant human world and make a step towards “superhumanity”, embodied in vampires, werewolves, “Orient” masters, etc.

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Thirdly, the person dissatisfied with the secondary role is to give up being the hero of the “imposed” story and achieve “author’s” status, choosing his own way. Fourthly, an encounter with the “Orient” is required, and it will explain that happiness and unhappiness are in the man’s hands, and his genuine nature is inherent to the Emptiness, not vanity. We suggest two new research stages as a result of collaboration with Zhitenev’s works (as well as with the participants of the discussion on his book), Zatonsky’s, authors of numerous articles on contemporary prose, who address methodological complexity of the contemporary literature in publicist traditions. The first implies focus of hermeneutic efforts on the issue of personality, centering plot and speech intentions of the literary word. The second one implies transition from methodological ambivalence to relative methodological concreteness.” Neomodernism” is promising in terms of poetics (structural and informative aspects of contemporary novels) and pragmatics (intensifying relevant perceptions of literary art). We will highlight only one of the research perspectives. Literature (Russia, European, and American) witnesses increasing trends of linguistic (literary text signals about language condition) and sociological (text is indicative of society state) interpretation of the literary word. Reminding that literary work carries significant potential for generating anthropocentric ideas, we are hereby inviting the researchers of contemporary aesthetic discourses to interpret literary texts as moral, not merely narrative intrigues. They are indeed essential to establish contacts between art and society, philological hermeneutics and forecasting humanitarian processes. The concept of man within neomodernsm poetics is a significant way to study contemporary fiction as informative story messages about moral state of the world, its psychological, religious and philosophical attitudes. The focus is artistic construction of “totalitarian/antitotalitarian”, “dogmatic” personality, actively interacting with the images of Faust, Hamlet, “Soviet” and “Oriental” man, solving existence problems in this specific world, characterized by the atmosphere of meaningful emptiness. The obtained results could be helpful for scholars, engaged in the following humanitarian fields. Firstly, literary scholars, analyzing literary text as ideological and even didactic complex. Secondly, for psychologists, philosophers, and probably religious scholars who observe changes and symptoms of

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contemporary culture, various inversions of canonic stories, images and concepts, and are ready to make diagnostic conclusions, by which literary sources serve adaptation of general humanitarian (not solely philological) statements. Thirdly, for the theorists of literature and culture, considering growing postmodernism crisis and necessity to find new hermeneutic codes for defining key intentions of the early 21st century cultural progress. Theoretic and practical “neomodernism” concept seems especially perspective in terms of literary anthropocentrism. Conclusions “Antitotalitarial man” is one of the dominants in resolving the personality problem in contemporary Russian literature. Two points deserve special attention here. Firstly, totalitarianism is combined with the state, social and historic sphere. Secondly (no less important), totalitarian principles are traced in the beginning of the world and human existence. Some authors (as Ulitskaya) demonstrate greater interest to social totalitarianism, others (as Pelevin) – to metaphysical totalitarianism. Whereas there is merge of religious and philosophical motives with social and historical ones in a single antitotalitarian complex, in neo-modernist personified effort. Modern Russian prose reconstructs the person type, immersed in special ambivalence profoundly developed by the author. In this case totalitarian and anti-totalitarian synthesize, so the author has no answer to the question about author’s hero and his main intentions. “Yes” and “no” to the “totalitarian man” (in unity of characterologique, philosophical, and sometimes political attitudes) sounds equally intensive in the artistic worlds of Limonov, Sorokin, Buida. Hamlet is the center of archetypical intentions, affecting the images of man in contemporary Russian prose. It is due to the Shakespearian character, and intuition he symbolizes. The intuition relates to crisis interaction with the “empty” world under increasing Gnostic claims to human existence and invariably complicated relations with such immense structures as society or state. Faust archetype is relevant under growing egocentric, willful intentions of the subjective character, ready to uneasy forms of agreements with different powers in order to bring to life some plan. Faust is obvious with Limonov’s works, but Buida, Sorokin employ his image as well. The “Soviet man” with his complexes, ups and downs, heroism and betrayal

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18 fascinates all of the five authors, mentioned in this literary research. Having investigated the image of man in contemporary Russian prose in the context of the 21st century neo-modernism, enabled us to point out its The underlying features:   

 

author’s urge for subjectifying and individualizing artistic discourse; aspiration to personify the poetics, resulting in exclusively author’s plot and protagonist; fictional metaphysics and fictional historiosophy are of utmost importance to the narration, they are tackled in noncanonic contexts as all significant challenges; publicist and even political tendencies in text structure, however with the sense of internal theurginess, its super-social, timeless value; ambivalent relations between utopian and anti-utopian discourses, prompt transformation of ironic narratives into pathetic ones; interest to literary, religious and philosophical archetypes, helpful in intensifying ideological sphere of the novel, and reconstructing its neomythologism; focused attention to emptiness, which is not only multifaceted, but forms the context of existence, where the person is to cope with existence challenges.

And here goes the final remark. Firstly, as to the theoretic and methodological aspect, we assess neo-modernism as the established poetics of contemporary prose. Secondly, as to the pragmatics, the term “neo-modernism” should be used in the pursuit of enhancing the status of contemporary literature, one might say, its justification. Bibliographic references Auerbach, E. (2003). Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Fiftieth Anniversary Edition. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Averintsev, S. (1977). The Poetics of Early Byzantine Literature. Moscow: Publishing house Science (in Russian). Belyakov, S. (2007). Don Quixote from Haifa. Novy Mir, 5. Available at http://magazines.russ.ru/novyi_mi/2007/5/be13.ht ml (in Russian) Bobileva, A.L. and Prokhorova, T. (2016). The interaction between the theatrical and fairytale discourses of Yuri Buida's novel “Blue blood”. Journal of Language and Literature, 7(3), 206-210.


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Brilon, A., Kadyseva, A., Khabibullin, R., Usmanova, R., Zinchenko, A. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 20-31 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.2 How to Cite: Brilon, A., Kadyseva, A., Khabibullin, R., Usmanova, R., & Zinchenko, A. (2021). The impact of consumer cooperatives on the living standards of the population in Russia. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 20-31. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.2

The impact of consumer cooperatives on the living standards of the population in Russia Влияние потребительской кооперации на уровень жизни населения в России Received: June 10, 2021

Accepted: July 28, 2021

Written by: Andrey Brilon3 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3691-3421 Anastasia Kadyseva4 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8703-5684 Rinat Khabibullin5 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0338-0013 Rezida Usmanova6 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7913-2246 Alexander Zinchenko7 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7971-4572 Abstract


The socio-economic development of Russia in recent years has significantly slowed down, which is caused by both external factors (a difficult geopolitical situation, sanctions wars, the economic confrontation between leading world economic powers) and internal factors (poverty, low efficiency of the economy, a weak innovation environment). In these conditions, it is necessary to find various ways to stimulate the economic and social development of the country and regions. This paper discusses the development of cooperation as a way to develop economic relations and improve living standards. The aim of the study is to reveal the relationship between consumer co-operation and the standard of living of the population, and to determine its impact on the economy. The main research methods were analysis and synthesis, generalization, and the case method. This study used data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, analytical reviews on the development of cooperation in Russia, and data from the Central Union of Russia. As a result of the study, the influence of cooperation on the growth of living standards of the population has been identified, some recommendations have been made on the

В последние годы социально-экономическое развитие России существенно замедлилось, что обусловлено как внешними факторами (сложная геополитическая ситуация, санкционные войны, экономическое противостояние ведущих мировых экономических держав), так и внутренними (бедность, низкая эффективность экономики, слабая инновационная среда). В этих условиях необходимо найти различные пути стимулирования экономического и социального развития страны и регионов. В данной работе рассматривается развитие кооперации как способ развития экономических отношений и повышения уровня жизни. Цель исследования - раскрыть связь потребительской кооперации с уровнем жизни населения, а также определить его влияние на экономику. Основными методами исследования были анализ и синтез, обобщение, а также метод кейса. В исследовании использовались данные Федеральной службы государственной статистики Российской Федерации, аналитические обзоры развития потребительской кооперации в России, данные Центрального Союза России. В результате


PhD in Economics, Professor, Russian University of Cooperation, Russia. Doctor of Biology, Professor, Tyumen Industrial University, Russia. 5 PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russia. 6 Doctor of Law, Professor, Bashkir State University, Sterlitamak, Russia. 7 PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia. 4


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

development of cooperation in Russia. Keywords: Cooperation, standards, rural population.



исследования было выявлено влияние потребительской кооперации на рост уровня жизни населения, даны некоторые рекомендации по развитию потребительской кооперации в России. Ключевые слова: Сотрудничество, бедность, уровень жизни, сельское население.

Introduction Currently, the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation is undermined by a number of factors that can be divided into two large groups: external and internal. One of the most important factors of the first group is foreign policy. The fundamental contradictions in the socio-cultural, economic, political and military spheres between Russia and other countries, primarily with the USA and the countries of the European Union, have led to the imposition of sanctions and increased tension, including in the military sphere. In this regard, the solution of the tasks of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation diverts significant funds and resources, which does not enable them to be spent in the required amount to solve the problems of national socio-economic development. The restrictions imposed on Russian organizations in international markets force them to seek new partners and increase the attractiveness of the domestic market. Among the internal factors, in the authors’ opinion, the low efficiency of the economy and a

weak innovation environment, and especially the problem of poverty in Russia should be highlighted. This choice is caused by the fact that in the modern economy, the main problem is not production, but the sale of goods and services. The poor cannot form a sufficient solvent demand, which negatively affects the development of the business that produces and sells goods in the domestic market (Rzhanitsyna, 2013). According to Russian statistics, 20% of Russia’s population lives below the poverty line. According to some estimates, one of the criteria for belonging to the middle class in Russia is a salary of 100 thousand rubles per month (Falyakhov, 2018). Meantime, an analysis of the data shown in Table 1 shows that the average monthly accrued wages of employees on average by types of activity in Russia is 49,348 rubles, and the threshold of 100 thousand rubles is exceeded only in 3 out of 54 (5.5%) types of economic activity (Federal State Statistics Service, 2019).

Table 1. Types of economic activity for which the average accrued wages of employees exceeded 100 thousand rubles as of June 2019 June 2019 rubles % to

Average accrued wages of employees, including by industry: crude oil and natural gas production tobacco production air and space transport

1st half of 2019 rubles % to

June 2018

May 2019




172,942 113,055 128,351

141.6 100.4 79.6

113.3 103.7 102.3

1st half of 2018

All-Russian average monthly wages




140,149 112,029 126,899

106.6 106.3 104.4

3.0 times 2.4 times 2.8 times

Source: Federal State Statistics Service (2019). An analysis of the data presented in Table 1 allows one to conclude that the highest average wages of employees are observed in activities related to the oil and gas sector. Among them, the leaders are activities related to the extraction of

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crude oil and natural gas, in which both the highest absolute value (172,942 rubles) and the largest increase are observed compared to June 2018 (141.6%). Also, the wages of employees exceeded 100 thousand rubles in types of

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22 activity: tobacco production, air and space transport. It has already been noted above that poverty is one of the factors holding back the national socio-economic development. The poverty of the population is determined on the basis of a number of factors, the main of which are: the money income, the price level of goods and services, the tax burden, etc. The “living standards” indicator is a complex one that is used

as one of the indicators characterizing the level of social-economic development of the region and the country as a whole. Table 2 shows the values of indicators characterizing the living standards of the population of regions in accordance with the methodology of the leading rating agency of Russia – RIA Rating (https://riarating.ru). The table shows five outsider regions in terms of living standards and five leader regions.

Table 2. Five outsider regions in terms of living standards in Russia and five leader regions.

Region of Russia

Republic of Tuva Republic of Kalmykia Altai Republic KarachayevoCircassian Republic Republic of Ingushetia Chukotka Autonomous Area Sakhalin Region Moscow city Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area Nenets Autonomous Area

Ratio of money incomes of people to the value of a fixed set of consumer goods and services at the end of 2017, times

Unemployment rate at the end of 2017, %

Life expectancy at birth, years




Infant mortality rate at the end of 2017, number of children dying of age up to 1 year, per 1,000 births 8.8





















2.72 2.87

6.0 1.4

70 78

4.7 5.7









Source: RIA Rating Agency (2018). Analyzing the socio-economic situation of five outsider regions in terms of living standards, it should be noted that:  

in all five regions, the share of the rural population is the largest (Federal State Statistics Service, 2019); the unemployment rate significantly exceeds the national average (6.37%), and in the Republic of Ingushetia it was 27%, which is the highest value in all regions of Russia; the life expectancy in the Republic of Tuva is 66 years (with the national average of 71.26 years) and is the minimum in the country.

A similar picture is observed in other regions with a large share of the rural population, with the exception of the black soil regions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation.


It should be noted that in all regions being the leaders in terms of living standards of the population, except Moscow, crude oil and natural gas are actively produced. The share of the rural population in Russia is 34.1% (Statistical portal, 2019). The main activities of the rural population in Russia are traditionally plant growing and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas, textiles manufacture, manufacture of wearing apparel, leather and leather goods, wood processing and manufacture of wood and cork products, except furniture, manufacture of straw products and weaving materials, manufacture of furniture, and HoReCa. Now, let us consider the level of wages for these types of economic activities (Table 3). From the data in the table, it can be seen that the average wage for almost all types of activities in which the rural population is mainly involved is

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

2 times lower than the average for Russia. In addition, the rural population is faced with problems of the lack of a sufficient number of jobs and the difficulty of selling agricultural products made at household plots, which also negatively affects people’s incomes (Akhmetov et al., 2017). Thus, increasing the incomes of rural inhabitants, leading to an increase in their living standards, is an important task for the successful socio-economic development of the regions and the country as a whole. Various state and non-state structures and organizations are involved in solving this problem.

Literature Review One of the ways to solve the problem of rural poverty is rural cooperation (Ji et al., 2018). Agricultural co-operatives in developing countries play an important role in improving the sustainability of agriculture in general and the economy of a territory in particular, because they help farmers adopt more modern and efficient technologies at lower cost and gain access to new customers by sharing costs between members of the co-operative (Kumar et al., 2015).

Table 3. Average wages by types of economic activity in which the rural population is predominantly employed as of June 2019 June 2019 rubles % to

Average wages, including by type of economic activity plant growing and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas textiles manufacture manufacture of wearing apparel manufacture of leather and leather goods wood processing and manufacture of wood and cork products, except furniture, manufacture of straw products and weaving materials furniture manufacture HoReCa

1st half of 2019 rubles % to 1st half of 2018

All-Russian average monthly wages








102.1 100.5

103.2 102.7

25,152 19,787

103.4 105.4

54 43













26,119 28,624

102.9 104.6

104.9 99.6

25,408 27,770

107.8 105.3

55 60

June 2018

May 2019






25,836 20,201

Source: Federal State Statistics Service (2019). A co-operative is defined as “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise” (International Co-operative Alliance, 1995). Cooperatives are created by farmers to achieve economies of scale and generate economic benefits by reducing costs through pooling capital and resources (Schram, 2007). Co-operatives differ from traditional enterprises in their establishment goals, management methods and organizational structure (Drivas, & Giannakas, 2006, 2007; Giannakas, & Fulton, 2003, 2005; Fulton, & Giannakas, 2001), although they share some characteristics of traditional firms (Ariyaratne et al., 1997). First, co-operatives are owned by members, while

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ordinary enterprises are owned by entrepreneurs. Secondly, co-operatives operate on democratic principles, controlled by their members, who are actively involved in decision-making (Luo et al., 2017). Firms are managed by boards of directors (Liang et al., 2015). Rural cooperation is not only a phenomenon of developing economies; in developed countries, agricultural co-operatives are also actively created. However, the objectives of their establishment do vary. While for developing economies this is a reduction in costs and an opportunity to reach a large buyer, for developed economies it is joint use of resources within the framework of the concept of sustainable development and reduction of anthropogenic impact on nature. These trends are described in the works by European scholars (see, for

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24 example, Ploeg, 2008, 2013; Goodman et al., 2011; Marsden, 2012). The process of cooperation in Europe is actively taking place together with specialization and intensification of agricultural production, as well as industrial processing and distribution (Wiskerke, 2009). Koopmans et al. (2018) argue that it is necessary to better understand how the co-operative approaches underlying this transition contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture by enhancing the socio-environmental sustainability of agri-food systems. Thus, the active development of cooperation takes place both in developing countries and in developed ones. In this study, the authors will examine the issue of the impact of cooperation on increasing rural incomes and thereby addressing the issue of poverty. The aim of the study is to reveal the relationship between consumer co-operation and the standard of living of the population, and to determine its impact on the economy. The hypothesis of the study is the provision that the development of rural cooperation allows solving employment issues, increasing sales of agricultural products, increasing the making of processed agricultural products, increasing rural incomes, and partially solving poverty issues. Methodology The main research methods were analysis and synthesis, generalization and the case method. This study used data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, analytical reviews on the development of cooperation in Russia and data from the Central Union of Russia. The case method is based on the Central Union of Russia. The Central Union of Russia is the largest association of consumer cooperation, the activity of which is of great scientific interest in terms of the further development of consumer cooperation in Russia. One of the ways to improve living standards in rural areas is to organise procurement of agricultural products from the households. This study analyses the procurement activities of the Central Union of Russia. The study was conducted in the following stages: 1.

Firstly, the material and technical basis of The Central Union of Russia and its ability





to engage in procurement activities was analyzed. Then the dynamics of volume of agricultural products and raw materials procurement from the households was analyzed. Then the development of cooperative relations in the regions of Russia was assessed. At the end of the study the conclusions were made about the connection between consumer cooperation and the standard of living of the population, and the impact of consumer cooperation on the economy was determined.

Results and Discussion The Central Union of Russia is a non-profit organization, which since 1898 has been the supreme coordinating body of consumer cooperation in Russia, defending the interests of representatives of voluntary unions of consumer associations of the country. The Central Union of Russia today is 2,300 consumer associations from 71 regions of Russia, which unite 111 regional consumer unions and over 1,500,000 members. Consumer co-operatives provide goods and services to residents of 89,000 settlements throughout Russia (About the Central Union of Russia, 2019). The Central Union is active in and supports cooperation in the fields of trade, education and science, healthcare, interaction with state structures and authorities, and is also a participant in a number of socially significant projects in Russia and abroad. In addition, the Central Union of Russia is engaged in legislative activities aimed at supporting and developing the cooperative movement. Consumer cooperation organizations in Russia have a developed network of shops, warehouses, pick-up points, and manufacturing enterprises. In total, the system of the Central Union of Russia includes 4,000 workshops for the making of products, 9,000 facilities for organizing the purchase of raw stock from the population, its storage and primary processing, as well as about 33,000 retail enterprises and 4,000 public catering services. On the basis of 13,000 stationary and mobile workshops, cooperators provide agricultural, personal and construction services to the population. Consumer cooperative organizations included in the system of the Central Union of Russia provide 130,000 permanent jobs throughout Russia (About the Central Union of Russia, 2019).

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Consumer cooperation organizations in Russia have own education system, with more than 100 years of history. It includes three federal universities: “Russian University of Cooperation”, “Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation”, “Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law”, as well as 40 special educational institutions. In total, 70 thousand students are studying in consumer cooperation educational institutions in Russia. The Central Union of Russia regularly takes part in federal and regional projects aimed at improving the quality of education. The Central Union has its own healthcare system – rest and treatment in any of the sanatoriums or medical institutions of the Central Union are available to everyone. At the same time, members have the opportunity to receive preferences. Currently, the activities of consumer cooperation organizations are concentrated in rural areas and

cover 89 thousand settlements, providing jobs for 200 thousand people (Pakhomov, 2014). As noted earlier, one of the problems faced by the rural population is the difficulty in selling agricultural products produced at household plots. Consumer cooperation organizations carry out multidisciplinary activities, including procurement. To carry out this activity in the system of consumer cooperation, there are pick-up points, storages, warehouses, slaughterhouses, as well as specialized vehicles, milk trucks and cattle trucks. At the beginning of 2017, in the system of consumer cooperation of the Central Union of Russia for the purchase of meat and meat products there were 40 cattle trucks and 92 slaughterhouses; for milk – 106 milk tank trucks, 997 milk collection stations, 70 milk coolers (Table 4).

Table 4. Material and technical facilities of the Central Union of Russia in the field of procurement of agricultural products and raw stock, 2016 Name of facility


Shops-bases Specialized bases Fermentation points Picking vats Mushroom cooking points Dryers for medicinal and technical raw stock Potato and vegetable storehouses Refrigerators Cattle trucks Cattle slaughter houses Milk tank trucks Milk reception stations Milk coolers

9,620 640 49 168 14 189 285 537 40 92 106 997 70

Source: Tkach and Balalova (2017). Purchasing activity strengthens the relationship of consumer cooperation with agricultural producers. In 2017, consumer associations of the Central Union of Russia purchased 58.3 thousand

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tons of meat, 225.1 thousand tons of dairy and other products from agricultural producers (Table 5).

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26 Table 5. Dynamics of the volume of purchases of agricultural products and raw stock by consumer cooperation organizations of the Central Union of Russia and some regional unions, thousand tons. Years Name The Central Union, total: Meat Milk Potato Vegetables Fruits including Tuvan Meat Milk Potato Vegetables Fruits including Altai Meat Milk Potato Vegetables Fruits including Karachay-Cherkess Meat Milk Potato Vegetables Fruits






2017 to 2013 (%)

77.8 258.0 73.3 81.0 48.2

69.5 251.2 64.1 70.2 44.5

64.7 221.9 52.6 57.8 39.1

62.3 219.8 51.3 53.6 31.3

58.3 225.1 52.7 52.5 28.8

74.9 87.2 71.9 64.8 59.8

0.092 0.035 0.092 0.101

0.058 0 0.050 0.097

0.046 0.011 0.028 0.078

0.040 0.01 0.022 0.039

0.040 0.011 0.028 0.050

43.5 31.4 30.4 49.5

0.036 0.045 0.032 0.029

0.036 0.041 0.033 0.036

0.026 0.036 0.027 0.032

1.0 0.33 0.26 0.25

0.021 0.021 0.019 0.021

58.3 46.7 60.3 72.4

0.254 1.171 0.534 0.222 0.123

0.1 0.420 0.235 0.115 0.06

0.136 0.830 0.510 0.315 0.06

0.175 1.1 0.65 0.42 0.07

0.180 1.2 0.730 0.500 0.080

70.9 102.5 136.7 225.2 65.0

Source: Tkach and Balalova (2017). An analysis of the data given in Table 5 allows one to draw the following conclusions: 

over the period considered, there is a decrease in the volume of procurement activities in the Central Union as a whole by 12.8-40.2%, depending on the type of procurement; similar trends are observed in the Tuvan Republican consumer union, with an even greater decline in the procurement volume (50.5-69.6%). This region is the worst in Russia in terms of income and life expectancy, and also ranks second in terms of unemployment; the dynamics of the procurement activities of consumer cooperation organizations in the Altai Republic correspond to the general trend. At the same time, the decrease in milk purchases is stronger than in the whole Central Union (46.7% versus 87.2%). The volume of purchases of vegetables exceeds the general indicator by 7.6%; in the territory of the KarachayevoCircassian Republic, an increase in the volume of procurement activity is observed for all types of purchases under


consideration except meat, i.e. the trend is the opposite of the general one in the Central Union. At the same time, this region has the best performance (out of the three examined) in three indicators characterizing the living standards out of four. Thus, despite the fact that the volume of procurement activities of consumer cooperation organizations is not large, it has, along with other factors, a positive impact on the living standards of the rural population of Russia. The decrease in procurement by consumer cooperation organizations is caused by several factors, including the following:   

reduction in the number of material and technical facilities necessary for the implementation of this activity; competition from other procurement players; lack of governmental policy measures seeking to support this type of activity of consumer cooperation organizations.

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For a number of reasons, since the end of the last century, there has been a steady tendency towards a reduction in the number of the material and technical facilities in consumer cooperation

organizations in the field of procurement. Statistical data on the number of facilities are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Dynamics of the material and technical facilities of the main sectors of consumer cooperation in Russia (thousand objects, at the beginning of the year)









1. Bases 2. Slaughterhouses 3. Potato and vegetables/fruits storehouses 4. Machine-operated refrigerating storehouses 5. Cattle trucks 6. Milk tank trucks

2.69 0.22

2.05 0.29

1.08 0.18

1.3 0.16

0.88 0.13

0.64 0.09

0.68 0.09

2005/ 2017, times 3.96 2.44

















0.09 0.19

0.11 0.25

0.08 0.18

0.06 0.16

0.05 0.14

0.04 0.11

0.04 0.10

2.25 1.9

Source: Tkach and Balalova (2017). An analysis of the data shown in Table 6 allows drawing the following conclusions:   

there is a negative trend for all types of considered material and technical facilities; a reduction in the number of facilities occurred within the range of 1.69 to 5.74 times; to the greatest extent, over the period under review, the number of potato and vegetables/fruits storehouses reduced (5.74 times), as well as the number of pick-up bases (3.96 times).

Such a reduction in the facilities required has led to the fact that at present, consumer cooperation organizations carry out procurement activities

within the volumes necessary to load their processing capacities and sales opportunities through their distribution network. Thus, a significant increase in the volume of procurement activities by consumer cooperation organizations is greatly complicated. In addition, the development of procurement is hindered by the lack of a large consumer of procured products ready to purchase it stably over a long time. Speaking about the competitors of consumer cooperation organizations in the field of procurement, agricultural consumer cooperatives (ACCs) should be noted first of all. Table 7 shows the ratios of the number of agricultural producers in general and ACC members in the regions examined earlier.

Table 7. Coverage of cooperative relations among the main categories of agricultural producers operating in the regions of the Russian Federation.


Karachayevo -Circassian Republic Altai Republic Republic of Tuva

Total family farms (FFs) and sole traders (STs)

Including ACC members

% of FFs and STs – ACC members

Total househ old plots (HHPs)

Including ACC members

% of HHPs – ACC members

Total agricultural organizations (AOs)

Including ACC members

% AOs – memb ers of ACCs




























Source: On the State of Rural Areas in the Russian Federation in 2016. Annual Report on the Results of Monitoring. (2018).

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28 Comparing the data given in Tables 5 and 7, one can conclude: 

 

the participation of agricultural producers in ACCs is minimal. Thus, one can conclude that competition from ACCs has a significant impact on the procurement volume by consumer cooperation organizations.

the Republic of Tuva is the leader in the coverage of agricultural commodity producers with cooperative relations (5 out of 6 indicators); the worst indicators have been observed in the Karachayevo-Circassian Republic (5 out of 6 indicators) in the Republic of Tuva, the largest decrease in the volume of procurement activity among all the regions examined has been observed, while the coverage of agricultural producers by ACCs is more complete; the Karachayevo-Circassian Republic displays a significant increase in procurement activities, despite the fact that

In the authors’ opinion, the most complete view of the role of agricultural consumer cooperatives is ensured by comparing the volume of services they provide with the total output of the main types of agricultural products. Figure 1 shows the dynamics of sales of agricultural products in comparison with sales through co-operatives (services provided to agricultural producers not being the members of co-operatives are also taken into account).

4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 2012 Potatoes





Live cattle and poultry

2016 Raw milk

Figure 1. The role of ACCs in the sale of the main types of agricultural products, % by years Source: On the State of Rural Areas in the Russian Federation in 2016. Annual Report on the Results of Monitoring. (2018).

An analysis of the presented graph shows that over the period under review, only the sale of milk increased through co-operatives. This growth, starting in 2013, was achieved through the implementation of programs for the development of “milk” cooperation in the following regions: Chelyabinsk Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chuvash Republic, Tyumen Region, Ulyanovsk Region, Belgorod Region, Republic of Tatarstan, Lipetsk Region, Udmurtian Republic, Irkutsk Region (Pakhomov, 2014). Assessing the measures of the governmental policy aimed at supporting consumer cooperation organizations and its competitors represented by ACCs, the authors will consider two of its areas: the taxation policy and the governmental financial support policy.


Speaking of the measures of state financial support for consumer cooperation organizations, it can be stated that it has not been introduced over the last time (10 years). At the same time, ACCs are actively enjoying such measures. From 2008 to 2012, within the framework of the State Program, the interest was compensated on credits and loans by agricultural consumer cooperatives (except for credit loans) at the level of the Bank of Russia’s refinancing rate. This measure was widely used in attracting by ACCs of borrowings for various purposes (supplying members with resources, etc.). Since 2013, this measure was retained in the new State Program only for long-term (investment) credits, available for an extremely small number of co-operatives.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

A qualitatively new stage in supporting agricultural consumer co-operatives is associated with the beginning of the provision of grants to them for the formation and development of the material and technical facilities.

the incentive for ACCs established in the Kaluga Region for the regional part of income tax at the level of 13.5 percent for investors who have made share contributions to agricultural organizations.

The quantitative parameters of a grant were determined as follows: “the maximum grant for the development of the material and technical facilities per one agricultural consumer cooperative shall be determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in an amount not exceeding 70 million rubles, and not more than 60 percent of the costs of developing the material and technical facilities of an agricultural consumer co-operative”. The distribution of grants at the regional level on a competitive basis was provided for.

To compare the effectiveness of state support for rural cooperation, one can refer to the experience of China. After the adoption of the series of laws on Specialized Farm Co-operatives in China in 2007, the number of Chinese co-operatives increased, reaching almost 1.5 million in 2015, and there was a tendency to diversify into various types (Huang et al., 2014; Kong, 2013).

Since January 1, 2017, in connection with the fundamental changes in the mechanism for providing state support to the agro-industrial sector (transition to the so-called “uniform subsidy”), the regulatory framework for the provision of grants for the development of the material and technical facilities in agricultural consumer co-operatives has also changed. Since 2017, grant support issues not directly regulated by the State Program were transferred to the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The state program retained the general definitions of a grant, an agricultural consumer co-operative, the maximum amount of support provided, and the maximum ratio of state funds to a co-operative’s funds. Over the 2.5 years of the implementation of measures to provide grants to agricultural consumer co-operatives for the development of the material and technical facilities, 425 cooperatives from more than 60 regions of the Russian Federation have used this support. The total amount of funds for the grants is about 4 billion rubles, including 2.8 billion rubles funded by the federal budget (On the state of rural areas in the Russian Federation in 2016, 2018). In addition, ACCs have government support at the regional level. As of the 1st quarter of 2018, 25 regional programs were operating, in force till 2020. In the field of taxation, ACCs, in comparison with consumer co-operatives, also have a potential advantage, as they may apply special tax regimes, in particular, the uniform agricultural tax. Tax incentives at the regional level are practically absent for both ACCs and consumer co-operatives. The only exception is

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Conclusions Thus, the development of rural cooperation allows solving employment issues, increasing sales of agricultural products, increasing the making of processed agricultural products, increasing rural incomes, and partially solving poverty issues. Summarizing the above, one can draw the following conclusions: 1) despite the fact that the volume of procurement activities of consumer cooperation organizations is not large, it has, along with other factors, a positive impact on the living standards of the rural population of Russia; 2) the following factors impede the development of procurement activities:    

reduction in the number of material and technical facilities required for the implementation of this activity; competition by other procurement players; lack of public policy measures aimed at supporting this type of activity of consumer cooperation organizations; one of the main competitors of consumer cooperation organizations in the field of procurement is ACCs, using organizational, legislative, financial and other types of support at the state and regional levels.

In the authors’ opinion, for the successful development of this type of activity, consumer cooperation organizations need:  

to conclude agreements with large consumers of harvested products, ready to purchase on a stable basis over a long period; to significantly expand the material and technical facilities necessary for the implementation of procurement activities;

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30 

to ensure the support by regional and federal authorities, including that in matters of financing investments.

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Kushnir, Y., Hutsuliak, M. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 32-40 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.3 How to Cite: Kushnir, Y., & Hutsuliak, M. (2021). The Human Concept in Russian Neomodernist Prose of the 21st Century. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 32-40. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.3

The person of the criminal that committed a criminal offence in the field of inviolability of State Border of Ukraine Особа злочинця, який вчинив кримінальне правопорушення у сфері недоторканності державного кордону України Received: May 29, 2021

Accepted: July 8, 2021

Written by: Yaroslav Kushnir8 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8519-5331 Mykola Hutsuliak9 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6646-6765 Abstract


The purpose of our study is to form a typical criminological profile of a person who has committed a criminal offense in the field of protection of the State Border of Ukraine. Based on the detailed study of the sentences issued by the national courts of Ukraine during 2015-2020 concerning such persons, a typical criminological profile of the person was formulated. Thus, the typical criminological profile is a male (95.7%), a citizen of Ukraine (89%), Ukrainian by nationality (82.6%), married or living in common-law marriage (69.6%), with low income (67.4%). Not previously convicted (87%), committed the crime to obtain additional funds (86.9%), admits guilt in full, repents, contributes to the disclosure of the crime (84.8%). Specialized research methods are applied. The comparative method is used to compare the characteristics of the offender, who violated the order of entry into and exit from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and other crimes that encroached on border security. The logical-legal method is used to form logical, systematic, and consistent conclusions. The study is based on research of 38 sentences imposed on 46 people. The data obtained allowed us to interpret them as a characteristic of the offender.

Метою нашого дослідження є формування типового кримінологічного портрета особи, яка вчинила кримінальне правопорушення у сфері охорони державного кордону України. На основі детального вивчення вироків, що винесені національними судами України упродовж 2015-2020 років відносно таких осіб, сформульовано типовий кримінологічний портрет особи. Таким чином типовим кримінологічним портретом є – особа чоловічої статі (95,7%), громадянин України (89%), за національністю українець (82,6%), одружений або проживає у цивільному шлюбі (69,6%), з низьким достатком (67,4%). Раніше не судимий (87%), злочин вчинив з метою отримання додаткових коштів (86,9%), вину визнає повністю, розкаюється, сприяє розкриттю злочину (84,8%). У статті використовувались спеціальні методи дослідження. Порівняльний метод – для порівняння характеристик правопорушника, який порушив порядок в’їзду та виїзду з тимчасово окупованої території України та інших злочинів, що посягають на безпеку кордону. Логіко-правовий метод був використаний для формування логічних, систематичних та послідовних висновків. Дослідження базувалося на вивченні 38 вироків, винесених відносно 46 осіб. Отримані дані дали можливість інтерпретувати їх як характеристику злочинця.

Keywords: the person of a criminal, criminal offense in the field of inviolability of state borders, typical criminological profile of a person, violation of the procedure of entry and 8

Senior instructor of the administrative activity Department of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. 9 Leading specialist of the Ciscarpathian Faculty of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

departure, temporarily occupied territory, state border.

Ключові слова: особа злочинця, кримінальне правопорушення у сфері недоторканності державного кордону, типовий кримінологічний профіль особи, порушення порядку в'їзду та виїзду, тимчасово окупована територія; державний кордон.

Introduction The basic law defines that Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social, legal state. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine and the Act of Independence of Ukraine, our country steadfastly pursues a policy of peace, maintains strengthening of the security of the peoples of Ukraine based on the principles of inviolability of state borders, which are the reflection of the territorial integrity, political and economic independence and sovereignty and unity of Ukraine. The state border of Ukraine is inviolable. Any violations of it are decisively stopped (Law No 1777-XII, 1992). The military conflict in eastern Ukraine led to the temporary occupation of part of the integral territory (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, part of the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions) and the simultaneous violation of the State Border of Ukraine. This generated a need for the criminalization of such a phenomenon as entry and departure from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. Art. 332-1 has been added to the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hereinafter – the CC of Ukraine) (Law No 2341-III, 2001) according to the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring of the rights and freedoms of citizens and the legal regime at the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine” from April 15, (Law No 1207-VII, 2014), which provides responsibility for violation of the procedure of entry and departure from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine as another one of the criminal offenses in the area of incompatibility of the State Border of Ukraine. In addition to protecting of the economic interests of the state, criminal liability for violating of the procedure of entry and departure from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine is designed to protect Ukraine from possible terrorist threats that have been relevant since military aggression (Liashuk & Vychavka, 2020). In the modern world practice, there are examples of occupation of foreign territories (annexation) (Abkhazia, Palestine, South Ossetia,

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Transnistria, Somaliland, etc.), among the variety of political and legal ways to resolve such conflicts, criminal measures occupy a leading place. These include the criminalization of acts related to the violation of the procedure of entry and departure from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine as one of the ways to ensure the inviolability of state border. As noted (Krishnendra, 2020), states use different border methods that are relevant to their relationship. When relations are friendly, borders and border practices can hardly exist, and where there is hostility, borders are very strictly guarded and border methods are strict. However, in both scenarios, the impact of two different areas of sovereignty affects the lives of people living in the border area. For example, Pakistan’s border policy along the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan after 2014 is a strategy to strengthen the borders and is to use not only physical force but also weapons to defeat. India and Egypt have in fact recognized the killing of unarmed people illegally crossing the border, recognizing them as a threat to their national security, even though such people do not even attack border guards (Oztig, 2020). More effective border security can confirm the state sovereignty (Gundhus & Jansen, 2020). The effectiveness of protection of the national interests of Ukraine through bringing the perpetrators to criminal responsibility for violation of the procedure of entry and departure from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine should be achieved by a set of criminological measures. It is also important to work out an effective prevention system. The study of the person of a criminal is considered by criminologists to be an important component of the theory of prevention of the criminal. Criminology knows various theories related to the study of the person of a criminal (anthropological – Lombroso, which later failed to withstand criticism, psychological – Freud, sociological – Kettle, conflict theory – Marx, theory of social anomie – Durkheim, the theory of cultural conflict, stigmatization, theory of subcultures, a combination of social and

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34 biological in the person of a criminal). All above mentioned theories are directly related to the study of the characteristics of the criminal.

profiling of a person who committed a crime related to the inviolability of state border, which is not an exception.

The purpose of our research is formation of the typical criminological profile of a person, who committed a criminal offense in the field of protection of the State Border of Ukraine, namely, violation of the order of entry into and exit from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.

The person of the criminal is of great scientific interest in modern criminological research; the criminal profile of the person committing human trafficking is being actively studied (Kuryliuk & Khalymon, 2020). In the context of the military aggression against Ukraine, a typical profile of a traitor was formulated on the basis of court decisions (Polovnikov, Biletskyi, Tyshchuk, & Overchenko, 2020). The study of conflict resolution in Abkhazia also attracts the attention of foreign scholars (Ditrych, 2008).

To achieve the goal of the study we solved the following research tasks: 1. 2.


What are the features of criminals convicted of these crimes? Is it possible to work out a typical profile of such criminals on the basis of the obtained characteristics? An attempt has also been made to identify patterns of characteristics of criminals that are common and can be used to assess risks.

Review of literature or research background The results of research conducted in 1980-1990 by Soviet criminologists prove that a criminogenic personality is classified into types according to the degree of stability of personal deformation (Argunova, Yu., Dolgova A., Vaniushkin, S., Vashchenko, Yu., Grishko, А., et al., 2001). Based on this, the following classification has been formed: random criminals; criminogenic personality; sequential criminogenic subtype; situational-criminogenic subtype; situational subtype. In addition, we can distinguish the types of criminals by the nature of criminal motivation: violent type; mercenary; careless criminals; persons who commit crimes in order to obtain a minimum maintenance (Argunova, Yu., Dolgova A., Vaniushkin, S., Vashchenko, Yu., Grishko, А., et all, 2001). The formation of the criminological profile of a criminal in foreign literature is called “criminal profiling”, in addition, it is “a method of determining the basic personal and behavioural characteristics of a person based on the analysis of his crime” (Douglas et al., 1986). It is obvious that such an attempt to study the person of the criminal is necessary both for the investigation authorities and for the implementation of prevention measures. Despite of existing criticisms of the effectiveness of criminal profiling (Bartol, 1996) and the inability of existing crime theories to explain criminal behaviour (Weisburd et al., 2012), researchers continue to investigate this problem and the


The problem of criminal liability for violation of the procedure of entry and departure from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine in domestic scientific works is also not ignored. However, the vast majority of them are related with the procedure and conditions of criminal prosecution (Nikitin, 2018; Ohniev, 2015; Antipov, 2015). Issues of substantiation of criminalization of this activity are discussed in the work (Danylevska, 2014). This author believes that establishing criminal liability for violation of investigated public relations, the legislative body has violated the principles of criminalization, which will not effectively allow using this rule and may lead to its exclusion from the CC of Ukraine (Danylevska, 2014). Practical lawyers also study the problems of liability for the researched criminal offense in the field of inviolability of the State Border of Ukraine through the seaports of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (Kachmar, 2019). The work of (Ker-Lindsay, 2012) is of a considerable scientific interest. The author of the book analysed the efforts of the governments of Serbia, Georgia and Cyprus to prevent the international recognition of Kosovo, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Northern Cyprus. Based on in-depth interviews with a number of leading politicians, it explains how each country has developed and implemented its strategies to counter annexation. There is also a thorough explanation of how the principle of territorial integrity of states tends to prevail over the right to self-determination. The author also investigated a number of ways in which countries that counteract separatism can prevent recognition by other states (Ker-Lindsay, 2012). The study of the characteristics of the criminal certainly contributes to the qualified investigation of crimes, and can also help in finding the offender (Ainsworth, 2001). Canter (2004) is convinced that the study of criminal behavior through profiling helps to predict and

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

identify unknown offenders in order to facilitate their identification and detention (Canter, 2004). The last half century has shown that the scientific literature has been greatly enriched by empirical research aimed at studying the profiling of the criminal. Despite this, the study of the person of the criminal who has committed such a criminal offense in the field of inviolability of the State Border of Ukraine as violated procedure of entry and departure from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine has not been carried out at present. Thus, our work is the first attempt to formulate a typical criminological profile of a person committing such a crime (profile of the offender) on the basis of the analysis of sentences imposed by national courts of Ukraine. Methodological Framework of the Research The methodological background of the study is based on general scientific methods of cognition, as well as the conceptual provisions of the sciences of the criminal law cycle (criminal law, criminology). Special research methods were utilized in the study. The author used the comparative method - to compare the characteristics of the offender who violated the order of entry into and exit from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and other crimes that encroach on border security. The logicallegal method was used to form logical, systematic, and consistent conclusions. This study conducted on the basis of a detailed study of sentences imposed by national courts of Ukraine during 2015-2020 against persons who committed a crime related to inviolability of the State Border of Ukraine. The study covered 36 court verdicts adjudicated to 46 people. In our opinion, the studied sample is quite representative, given that during this time, no more than 100 guilty verdicts were adjudicated for committing the investigated criminal offense in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature on the researched issues, own experience, the authors prepared a questionnaire that included 12 questions divided into two blocks. It enables to gather of unique information about the identity of the offender.

group. Thus, we relied only at official court sentences that came into force. Based on the study of sentences, a matrix of common characteristics has been formed. The obtained data made it possible to interpret them as a characteristic of the offender. The effectiveness of the use of cluster analysis in criminological research is confirmed by a number of scientific works (Grubesic and Murray 2001; Hindelang and Weis 1972; Kalichman 1988). Results and discussion Traditionally, domestic criminological science considers the personality of a criminal through a system of features, which together form a particular characteristic which allows forming a typical profile of such a person. Based on the achievements of both domestic (Kuryliuk & Khalymon, 2020; Khalymon, Polovnikov, and Volynets, 2020; Polovnikov, Biletskyi, Tyshchuk & Overchenko, 2020;) and foreign scholars (Khoshnood & Vafors Fritz, 2017; Eminov & Antonyan, 2015; Içli, Sever & Sever, 2015), interpreting their scientific developments in the field of formation of criminological characteristics of the criminal, we have developed a questionnaire including 12 typical characteristics inherent specifically to persons who commit criminal offenses related to encroachment on the inviolability of the state border of Ukraine. This made it possible to lay out the attributes in the form of tables, presented below, based on which a matrix of general characteristics are formed. The first group of characteristics consists of traditional socio-demographic characteristics, including gender, nationality, citizenship, marital status, educational level, occupation. As a result of the study of sentences, it was found that the vast majority of convicts were male (95,7%), such crimes were committed by only two women, which made 4,3% Table 1. Conclusion that women are less likely to commit offenses than men, is not new, but has been repeatedly used in criminology from the beginning (Leuschner, 2020). To answer this difficult question, it is necessary to conduct thorough empirical research.

The study was based on a investigation of 38 sentences imposed to 46 people, 15 of whom were convicted of committing this crime in a

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36 Table 1. Gender N Men Women

% 95.7 4.3

44 2

Taking into account that the criminalization of such an act is connected military aggression against Ukraine, the nationality of the criminal is of some importance. It was ascertained that the vast majority of 82,6% of convicts were of

Ukrainian nationality, 13% were Russians, 2,2% were Kazakhs and Azerbaijanis. Despite their nationality, only 10,9% of the respondents had the citizenship of another country Table 2, Table 3.

Table 2. Nationality N 6 38 1 1

Russian Ukrainian Kazakh Azerbaijanian

% 13 82,6 2.2 2,2

Table 3. Citizenship N 5 41

Russian Federation Ukraine An important characteristic for the formation of the profile of the offender is his marital status. Among the surveyed persons, 58,7% were in an

% 10,9 89,1

official marriage, other 10,9% were in a so-called unregistered marriage (civil), 30,4% of convicts were not married Table 4.

Table 4. Family status N 27 5 14

Official marriage Civil marriage Not married According to the educational level, convicted persons were characterized as follows: 2,2% had primary (elementary) education; the majority of 69,6% had secondary or secondary vocational

% 58,7 10,9 30,4

education (working); 6,5% of convicts had basic higher education and 21,7% had complete higher education Table 5.

Table 5. Educational level

Primary education (less than 9 classes) Secondary or secondary vocational education, (secondary school, lyceum, vocational technical school) Basic higher education (college, technical college, medical secondary school, junior specialist) Complete higher education


N 1

% 2,2







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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

By type of occupation, the studied persons were distributed as follows: 32,6% worked at working professions; 17,4% were engaged in legal

business activities; 10,9% of convicts were servicemen; 4,3% were retirees and the most of surveyed were unemployed – 34,8% Table 6.

Table 6. Occupation N 15 8 5 2 16

Workman Employer Serviceman (officer of the law) Pensioner Unemployed The second group of features that we include in the characteristics of the profile of the offender who committed the researched criminal offenses in the sphere of inviolability of the state border are criminal law features such as previous conviction, crime scene, qualifying features, attitude to guilt, type and extent of imposed punishment, etc. The formation of the person of the offender is associated, among other things, with the presence or absence of previous convictions. The sentences we studied showed that previously only 12% or six people were prosecuted. Four

% 32,6 17,4 10,9 4,3 34,8

people have previously been convicted for a similar crime and two have been convicted by courts in other countries. The remaining 87% were not previously prosecuted Table 7. Comparing the results with similar data obtained by other researchers (Kuryliuk & Khalymon, 2020), we conclude that those who violated the procedure of entry into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it are less criminalized than those who are engaged at trafficking of migrants. After all, among them, those who were previously prosecuted were 18,47% (Kuryliuk & Khalymon, 2020).

Table 7. Bringing to criminal liability in the past N 4 2 4

Yes (conditional punishment) Yes (imprisonment) No The place of the crime is of some interest, because there is a situation in Ukraine that this type of criminal offense can be committed in three parts of the sovereign territory. 45,7% of those surveyed committed crimes in Donetsk region, 41,3% in Luhansk region and only 13%

% 8.7 4,3 87

committed this crime violating the procedure of entry into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it on the line of delimitation of the temporarily occupied territory with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC) Table 8.

Table 8. The place of the crime

Donetsk region Luhansk region Line of delimitation of the temporarily occupied territory with the ARC The vast majority (56,5%) of convicted persons were prosecuted under the Part 1 of Art. 332-1 of the CC of Ukraine that is the crime was committed for the first time. 8,7% of persons repeatedly committed a violation of the procedure of entry into

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N 21 19

% 45,7 41,3



the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it, 32,6% committed this crime by prior conspiracy by a group of persons, and only one person, or 2,2% committed this crime using an official position Table 9.

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38 Table 9. Qualifying features N 26 4 15 1

Part.1 repeatedly or by prior conspiracy by a group of persons Or by official using an official position Among the qualifying features, the motive for committing a crime occupies an important place, because it is the motivating cause of human behavior. The vast majority of 86,9% committed this crime for the purpose of making some profit, 73,9% transporting food to the temporarily occupied territory, another 13% carrying out passenger traffic outside the entry-exit check

% 56,5 8,7 32,6 2,2

points. The others 13% committed such a crime in order to get into illegal armed groups operating in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. It is importantly that there was not a single person among the convicts who indicated a desire to return to their relatives as a motive for committing this crime Table 10.

Table 10. The motive for the crime N 6 0 34 6

With the aim to get into illegal armed groups Return to relatives Transported food Profit-making The instrument of the crime in 67,4% of cases were vehicles, in 23,9% of cases were watercrafts (the delimitation line in Luhansk region strengths within the river Siverskyi Donets, so some

% 13 73,9 13

people committed this crime with the help of watercrafts). 4,4% of people were detained with weapons Table 11.

Table 11. The instrument of the crime commitment N Weapon Vehicles Watercrafts

4 31 11

An important feature that characterizes the trend of the offender is his attitude to guilt. It turned out that 84,8% of people pleaded guilty and

% 4,4 67,4 23,9

entered into a plea agreement with the prosecutor, 4,3% pleaded guilty partially and 10,0% did not admit their guilt Table 12.

Table 12. Attitude to guilt N 39 5 2

Plead guilty (plea agreement) Do not admit guilt Plead guilty partially

% 84,8 10,9 4,3

Conclusions Summing up the results of the study we will try to answer our research tasks.



Thus, the analysis of the available features of the criminal gives us the opportunity to identify such features inherent to the majority of convicts for criminal offenses in

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021



the field of protection of the state border of Ukraine, namely, violation of the procedure for entry into and exit from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. Firstly, almost all (95,7%) convicts were male. Secondly more than (70%) convicts had either secondary or special secondary education. Thirdly, by occupation (either 32,6%) were workers or (34,8%) were unemployed, which in turn stimulated them to commit this crime. The fourth feature is that (86,9%) convicts committed this crime for profitmaking. The obtained results make it possible to formulate a typical criminological profile of a person who violated the procedure of entry into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it. This is a male person (95,7%), a citizen of Ukraine (89%), a Ukrainian by nationality (82,6%), married or living in a civil marriage (69,6%), with low income (67,4%). Not previously convicted (87%), committed a crime in order to obtain additional funds (86,9%), admits guilt in full, repents, promotes the disclosure of the crime (84,8%). The nature of the criminal motivation is a selfish type, but a situational-criminogenic subtype, the crime was committed taking into account the difficult socio-economic conditions in which the region has been for the last five years. With regard to the identification of legitimate characteristics of criminals, for use in risk assessment, it should be noted that the vast majority are locals living within the line of delimitation, using either personal transport or watercraft to commit a crime. Obviously, one of the main reasons that motivate citizens to commit the crime is the consequences of the armed aggression, which led to the destruction of the economy of the occupied territories. The war conflict caused enormous losses to the region, with total irreversible asset losses of more than $ 84,6 billion in 2013 prices (Mykhnenko, 2020). Differences in prices for products and consumer goods stimulate the movement of such goods across the line of delimitation outside the entry-exit check points. The construction of a conditional “border” (line of delimitation) creates certain additional opportunities, because as noted (Bruns, Miggelbrink, J. and Müller, 2011), provide opportunities to carry out also profitable trading operations. This shows that the use of criminal law measures to prevent the commission of such crimes has little effect. After all, only (15,2%) persons were

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sentenced to imprisonment, the rest were serving conditional sentences or a fine, i.e. they were slightly frightened and may continue their criminal activities in the future. However, there are opinions that given the resonance and political and economic conditionality of criminal liability for such actions, the punishment enshrined in the current version of the Criminal Code of Ukraine does not correspond to the degree of public danger of this crime (Nikitin, 2018). In our opinion, solving this problem by criminal law alone is impossible, it is necessary to endorse at the state level programs for socio-economic development of regions bordering on the temporarily occupied territories, which will facilitate their reintegration and so on. References Ainsworth, P. (2001) Offender Profiling and Crime Analysis. New York: Routledge. by Willan Publishing 208 p. Antipov, V. (2015) Qualification of violations of the procedure of entry into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it. Juridical Ukraine, № 10-12, pp. 131–139. Argunova, Yu., Dolgova A., Vaniushkin, S., Vashchenko, Yu., Grishko, А., et all (2001) Criminology. Manual for educational establishments. 2nd edition, with changes and amendments. Moscow: Infra-М-NORMA. 848 p. Bartol, C. (1996). Police psychology: Then, now and beyond. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 23, 70-89. Bruns, B., Miggelbrink, J. and Muller, K. (2011). "Smuggling and small-scale trade as part of informal economic practices: Empirical findings from the Eastern external EU border", International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 31(11/12), pp. 664680. https://doi.org/10.1108/01443331111177869 Canter, D. (2004). Offender profiling and Investigative Psychology. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 1, 1–15. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jip.7 Danylevska, Y. (2014) Violations of the procedure of entry into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and departure from it: issues of grounded criminalization. Comparative–analytical law, № 8, pp. 165–168. Ditrych, O. (2008) Identities, Interests and the Resolution of the Abkhaz Conflict. Caucasian Review of International Affairs, 2(3), 1-12 Douglas, J., Ressler, R., Burgess, A. W., & Hartman, C. (1986). Criminal profiling from crime scene analysis. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 4, 401-421.

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ISSN 2322 - 6307

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.4 How to Cite: Afridi, F.E.A., Jan, S., Ayaz, B., Irfan, M., Khan , Q. (2021). The impact of institutional factors on social entrepreneurship activities: an empirical evidence from Pakistan. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 41-48. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.4

The impact of institutional factors on social entrepreneurship activities: an empirical evidence from Pakistan ‫اثرات کے عوامل جاتی ادارہ پر سرگرمیوں کاروباری سماجی‬: ‫ثبوت۔ تجرباتی ایک سے پاکستان‬ Received: June 10, 2021

Accepted: August 3, 2021

Written by: Fakhr E Alam Afridi10 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9776-5074 Shahid Jan11 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8518-7668 Bushra Ayaz12 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8999-4165 Muhammad Irfan13 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9821-3383 Qasim Khan14 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0184-442X Abstract


Social entrepreneurship has soon recognized as important factor in socio-economic development. So far little research has been done in the context of developing young countries like Pakistan. This study investigate how institutional factors affect social entrepreneurial activities in Pakistan. Data from GEM were used for analysis. Due to the binary nature of the dependent variables, we used logistic regression models to test the hypothesis using the ReLogit estimation technique. This study generates key important results. The findings indicated that informal institutional factors influence more the likelihood of being social entrepreneur than formal institutional factors. The empirical findings provide useful information for government policies on promoting social entrepreneurship.

‫عوامل جاتی ادارہ طرح تح یہ میں تحقیق اس‬ ‫کو سرگرمیوں کاروباری سماجی میں پاکستان‬ ‫میں ترقی معاشی معاشرتی ہیں۔ کرتے متاثر‬ ‫کے عنصر اہم ایک ہی جلد کو کاروبار سماجی‬ ‫ترقی جیسے پاکستان ہے۔ گیا کرلیا تسلیم پر طور‬ ‫بہت تک اب میں تناظر کے ممالک نوجوان پذیر‬ ‫ای جی لئے کے ہے۔تجزیہ جاچکی کی تحقیق کم‬ ‫تھے۔ گئے کیے استعمال شمار و اعداد کے ایم‬ ‫سے وجہ کی نوعیت بائنری کی متغیرات انحصار‬ ، ‫دوبارہ کو ماڈل ریگریشن الجسٹک نے ہم‬ ‫ہوئے کرتے استعمال کا تکنیک تخمینہ عالمت‬ ‫کیا۔ استعمال لئے کے کرنے جانچ کی مفروضے‬ ‫نے نتائج ان ہے۔ کرتا پیدا نتائج اہم اہم مطالعہ یہ‬ ‫رسمی عوامل جاتی ادارہ رسمی غیر کہ کیا اشارہ‬ ‫کاروباری سماجی زیادہ سے عوامل جاتی ادارہ‬ ‫ہیں ہوتے انداز اثر زیادہ پر امکان کے ہونے‬ ‫دینے فروغ کو کاروبار معاشرتی نتائج تجرباتی‬ ‫مفید لئے کے پالیسیوں حکومتی متعلق سے‬ ‫ہیں۔ کرتے فراہم معلومات‬

Keywords: Social enterprise, entrepreneurship, institutional economics, Institutional theory.

‫الفاظ کلیدی‬: ‫ انٹرپرائز سوشل‬، ‫ انٹرپرینیورشپ‬، ‫ادارہ‬ ‫ معاشیات‬، ‫نظریہ جاتی ادارہ‬


Ph.D. Scholar, Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan. Associate Professor, Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan. 12 Ph.D. Scholar, Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan. 13 Ph.D. Scholar, Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan. 14 Ph.D. Scholar, Islamia College Peshawar, Pakistan. 11

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Afridi, F.E.A., Jan, S., Ayaz, B., Irfan, M., & Khan , Q. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 41-48 / July, 2021

Introduction Small and Medium Enterprises play an important role in developing countries’ economies development. SMEs are important contributors to employment and economic development (Audretsch & Keilbach, 2004; Haugh, 2005). SMEs represent 50% of employment and 90% of businesses worldwide. While 40% of GDP in emerging economies are contributed by formal SMEs. However, SMEs growth are greatly subject to the access to finance (Sullivan Mort et al., 2003). For example, in developing economies lack of financing programs from public sector subsidies and loan funds are the main barrier to entrepreneurship development (Dacin, Dacin, & Tracey, 2011). While in developed economies case high labor cost, intensive competition, and higher taxes are among the main barriers. However, certain large or small barriers can be identified. Therefore, for the country to develop and to achieve high economic growth this entrepreneurship and innovation should be reduced to the minimum (Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018). Entrepreneurships activities provides opportunity for increase employment level and social-economic wellbeing of the society (Audretsch & Keilbach, 2004). With this regard a new phenomenon which is based on creation of wealth on social platforms called social entrepreneurship is emerging around the world (Dees, 2007; Martin & Osberg, 2007). Recently social entrepreneurship have gained attention from research scholars all around the world due to their ability to address pressing global concerns such as; socio-economic development, and environmental development (Corner & Ho, 2010; Dees, 2007; Peredo & McLean, 2006; Weerawardena & Mort, 2006). So far most of the available literature on social entrepreneurship has focus personal characteristics (Dees, 2007), experiences (Certo & Miller, 2008), and success factors (Noruzi et al., 2010). This can be divided into two concepts that has been used frequently in previous studies. One hand many important studies are focused on the social entrepreneurship meaning and many studies investigated using case study. (Dacin et al., 2011) stated that there is a lack of formal rigorous methods and hypothesis in social entrepreneurship area. Less attention has been devoted so far in the relationships in the social entrepreneurship (Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018). There is still very few known studies available in the context of institutional factors that affect the entrepreneurial activities (Abu-Saifan, 2012; Noruzi et al., 2010)


particularly in young developing economies like Pakistan. Therefore, it is essential to know how institutional factors both formal and informal affect transnational entrepreneurship development in Pakistan. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section the relevant literature is discussed and research hypotheses are developed. Follow by the research method. In the next section results are discussed. And the last section conclude summary of the study and discussed limitations as well as suggestions for future research in the area. Literature review Conceptualizing Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneur defined mostly in available literature with respect to core characteristics of individual, like, mission leader & persistent (Martin & Osberg, 2007), social value creator (Sullivan Mort et al., 2003), energetic (Short, Moss, & Lumpkin, 2009), highly accountable (Dees, 2007), change agent & dedicated (Shane & Venkataraman, 2000), opinion leader (Martin & Osberg, 2007), manager, leader (Short et al., 2009), and as a initiator (Certo & Miller, 2008). While traditional entrepreneur defined by various researcher with respect to its core characteristics, as innovator by (Audretsch & Keilbach, 2004), Risk taker & high achiever (Boschee, 1995), strategic thinker (Haugh, 2005), as leader, holistic & committed (Nicholls, 2008). This reflect social entrepreneurship as individual business activity. However, according to (Abu-Saifan, 2012), this generalization to accept still not enough, he stated entrepreneurship as extended activity which best performed by a group of people or team. However, due to the lack of theoretical level definition, the only prospect in literature which make differentiate in both terminologies are based on primary profitoriented purpose. The new domains such as social innovations, and non-profit management organizations that interact with the concern phenomena was elaborated first by (Peredo & McLean, 2006), they describe social entrepreneurship as new way to achieve economic success, it represents next transformation of business thinking. Information communication technology (ICT), make new ways for business organization to communicate their product or services directly to consumer (Aquino, Lück, & Schänzel, 2018), with new

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

form of business transection (Short et al., 2009). However, (Kshetri, 2007) argued that internet connectivity also helps small business firms to compete and provided opportunities for business (Afridi, Jan, Ayaz, & Irfan, 2021). With the technological development and emergence of social media networks, the concept of social commerce emerged (Pankomera & van Greunen, 2019). The institutional context is key element that have a positive on society’s development (Gupta, Chauhan, Paul, & Jaiswal, 2020). The institutional economic approach argues that entrepreneurial activity has a critical role in environment in (social) (Santos, 2012). Therefore, public support or policies as well as cultural context such as attitudes and beliefs determine the member’s behavior and can significantly affect the entrepreneur startup decision (Aquino et al., 2018). In this way institutional environment limits, define and reduce entrepreneurial opportunities which can significantly reduce social entrepreneurial activity rates. Theoretical Background Research Model



This study used Institutional theory to develop research model. This theory is frequently used in organizational studies and based on resilient aspects of social environment (Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018). Structure process including rules, routines, schemes, and norms which provide guidelines for social behavior. (Short et al., 2009) stated that institutional theory is widely known for that emphasizes isomorphism and legitimacy. In other words institutional theory is policy making that focus on the legal and formal aspects of government structure. (Santos, 2012) stated that in institutional theory organizational norms, structure, and practices are connected to cultural and social environment. Literature have identified many institutional factors that affect social entrepreneurship. It can be mainly divided into formal and informal institutional factors (Shapero & Sokol, 1982)

various financial barriers (Light, 2011). Previous research suggest a larger capital investment is detrimental to entrepreneurship (Corner & Ho, 2010; Noruzi et al., 2010; Short et al., 2009; Zahra, Rawhouser, Bhawe, Neubaum, & Hayton, 2008). In both developing and developed many countries a systematic retreat by governments from public goods provision due to the new changing political ideologies give primacy to welfare market-driven models (Certo & Miller, 2008; Corner & Ho, 2010; Doherty, Thompson, & Spear, 2006). Previous research shows capital lays the foundation and is one of the key important to for social entrepreneurs. Further, many studies show the sensitivity of individuals to capital constraints and affect their decision (Audretsch & Keilbach, 2004; Dees, 1998; Sullivan Mort et al., 2003). However, in existing literature there is no difference between funding access importance for commercial and social entrepreneurs (Short et al., 2009). Further, (Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018) highlighted the existence of financial constraints barriers to which entrepreneurs must cope with to startup. Therefore, this study suggests that reduction in access to finance barriers will positively promote social enterprise projects. Previous studies shows that level of education has a positive relationship with social entrepreneurial activities (Corner & Ho, 2010; Noruzi et al., 2010; Zahra et al., 2008). This is because people’s are normally guided by their own knowledge and skills (Abu-Saifan, 2012; Certo & Miller, 2008). Therefore, higher education may have an influence on new social enterprises emergence. Previous studies such as (Corner & Ho, 2010), noted that citizens likelihood to become social entrepreneurs increases with higher education level. This is probably due to the social networks which they established at university and their perceive commitment to society in the form of sustainable development (Gupta et al., 2020). H1: Formal institutional factors such as; Access to funding (H1a) and education (H1b) are positively related to social entrepreneurial activities.

Formal institutional factors

Informal institutional factors

It is difficult to distinction clearly between informal and formal institution as both are mutually dependent. Formal institutions create new opportunities and provide the legal framework for social entrepreneurs. In this way potential social entrepreneurs may be less motivate to take a new starting initiative if faced

Self-perceived capabilities is the one’s ability in order to achieve intended results. However, it consist of many variable such as; perception of entrepreneurial skills, innovativeness , risktaking and role model (Audretsch & Keilbach, 2004; Weerawardena & Mort, 2006). The lack of this attribute can affect entrepreneurial activities.

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44 Self-perceived capabilities explain the participation of social entrepreneur. Therefore, it is expected that self-perceived capabilities have positive relationship with social entrepreneurship. Innovation includes, creativity, novelty, and identify key opportunities to enhance value for consumers as well as producers (Omri, 2020). Although innovation is important factor in competition, however creating innovation may not be that easy (Sila, 2013). Entrepreneurs who own startup businesses are often faced with various difficulties with this regard (Ajao, Oyebisi, &

Aderemi, 2018). Barriers to innovate can be external such as; opportunities, lack of Government support, covers turbulence and internal such as; high cost and risk, limitations of financial and human resources (Dees, 1998; Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018; Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). H2: Informal institutional factors such as; Perceived skills (H2a) and innovativeness (H2b) are positively related to social entrepreneurial activity.

Figure 1. Hypothesized model of the study. Source: the author


Research method Previous studies also reported the difficulties in collecting data for social enterprises (Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018). This study used data from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), World Bank, and IMF which are main universal databases. Data from GEM specifically the Pakistani NES were used for analysis. The sample size composed of 23.645 observations. Due to the binary nature of the dependent variables, we used logistic regression or probabilities models to test the hypothesis. The model expressed the variables relationship as: P(SEAi  1)  1FFi  2IFi  3CVi  i H0: β1, 2, 3 0 Where IFi the informal factors vector, FFi the formal factors vector.


random disturbance and CVi is a vector for the control variables. Statistical technique Due to the fact that social entrepreneurial activity is a novel and rare activity, application of logit methods or standard probit is not appropriate method. Therefore the ReLogit estimation were used. Multicollinearity diagnostic test and for heteroscedasticity possibility by using robust standard errors the observations autocorrelation were controlled (Rehman et al., 2021). Results Table 1 reported descriptive statistics for the study variables. It can be seen that in Pakistan average social entrepreneurial activity (SEA) is 0.44% which means percentage of the total adult population between 18 to 60 years. Table 1 shows the mean and standard deviation for all the variables and their significant level.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Table 1. Descriptive statistics results SPSS. Source: the author Study variables Social entrepreneurship Innovativeness Skills perceived Access to funding Education Gender Age GDP Variables Innovativeness Skills perceived Gender Age GDP

M 0.004 3,012 4,331 0,423 0,486 0.693 36.152 12.343 4 1,00 -.22*** -.07*** -.02** -.04***

SD 0.04 0.3 1.9 0.7 0.5 0.6 9.29 0.76 5

1 1.00 0,03*** 0,04*** -0,03*** 0,06*** 0.01* -0.01*** 0.01 6

1,00 .14*** -.04*** .03***

1,00 -.03*** .00

The ReLogit regression results for both formal and informal institutional factors are shown in table 2. Further table 4 shows that the percentage is greater than 99% for all models which is correctly predicted. Model A shows The ReLogit results for the control variables and formal institutional factors. The results for control variables and informal institutional factors are shown in Model B. While Model C shows the full results for informal and formal institutional factors.



1,00 0,04*** 0,02*** 0,01 0.00 -0.01*** -0.04*** 7

1,00 -0,06*** 0,19*** 0.05*** -0.12*** 0.01*** 8

1,00 -.01


important to consider socio-demographic characteristics of individual’s to understand the likelihood of social entrepreneur. Moreover, the findings revealed that probability of becoming a social entrepreneur increases with more access to funding. However, in case of institutional factor education the results is not statistically significant. For control variables the current literature shows the probability increases form man as compared to female of becoming social entrepreneur. This finding is also in line with the current studies (Rawhouser et al., 2019). However, the coefficient for the aged square is negative which indicate that social entrepreneur likelihood at peaks.at early age and decreases thereafter.

Model A measure demographic variables such as age, gender, age squared, and as a macro variable GDP natural logarithm. The findings are in line with the current literature which suggest that it is

Table 2. Rare events logit models output results. Source: the author Model A

Formal Factors Access to funding Education Informal Factors Innovativeness Skills perceived Control Variables Gender Age Age2 GDP Number of obs.

Model B


Robust. Std. Err

1.32*** 0.20

(0.41) (0.37)

0.29* 0.14*** -0.00*** 0.07 23.645

(0.17) (0.05) (0.00) (0.07)


Model C Robust. Std. Err


Robust. Std. Err

1.41*** 0.13

(0.26) (0.08)

-0.59*** 1.91***

(0.20) (0.24)

-0.57*** 1.82***

(0.20) (0.24)

0.08 0.11** -0.00*** 0.02 23.645

(0.15) (0.05) (0.00) (0.13)

0.36* 0.09* -0.00** 0.04

(0.18) (0.05) (0.00) (0.09) 23.645

Model B shows the informal factors impact the coefficients for perception of entrepreneurial

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skills and innovativeness are significant. As it was expected, the first negative and the other

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46 positive. The age coefficient is lower than in Model A and the GDP and gender are not significant. Lastly, in the Model C shows the combine institutional factors coefficients, controlling for age, gender, and GDP. For the formal institution factors the results support H1 (a) that increase funding access increase social entrepreneur activities. However, regarding education in contract no support for the H1 (b). The relationship is not statically significant. For informal institutional factors the results support for H2 (a). However, a change in this kind of perception to stimulate by taking into account the current pandemic situation and restriction on business activities. The H2 (b) also supported

which is entrepreneurial skills is positively related to social entrepreneur activity. However, (Noruzi et al., 2010) argued that governmental programs cannot be affect this change and must be done through cultural and social factors like perception, attitude and risk profiles. Table 3 shows the median values of marginal effects for selected variables. For being a social entrepreneur the base line probability is 0.26%. Change in education level, and access to funding only adds 0.04% to 0.65% of minimum to maximum value. The results indicated that informal factors are more significant for social entrepreneurship than formal institutional factors.

Table 3. Marginal effects. Source: the author Pr (SEA=1) Study variable (s) Funding access Innovativeness Perceived Skills

0.26% Change (%) Min to Max value 0 to 1 (dummy) 0 to 1 (dummy)

Conclusions In current knowledge-based economies, the barriers to the development of entrepreneurship and innovation can be related to the lack of sufficient knowledge as many have said it. In most schools and universities for instance in developing countries, the way students are learning is based on the system of "remembering not on thinking". Students are not trained to identify problems around, and think about a solution to them, but trained to remember what has been done by others. This shows a lack of new ideas, less novelty. In other words, Pakistan is rich in natural resources but still, poverty is a challenging issue. How to use, and transform resources need an effective learning system. Additionally, the role played by self-leadership in encouraging innovation cannot be neglected (Afridi, 2021). Due to the funding barrier, an entrepreneur with an innovative idea has many ways to exploit such as: selling ideas or working with others. Social entrepreneurs nowadays operate in a very complex environment (Dwivedi & Weerawardena, 2018). They face many hurdles in accessing financial and human resources (Zahra et al., 2008). The findings highlighted the importance of institutional factors both formal and informal on social entrepreneurship activities. This study results in particular revealed that informal institutional


predicted probability 0.05% -0.48% 0,.67% factors than formal institutional factors are more important and influence the development of social entrepreneurship activities in Pakistan. This study contribute to the current research in several ways. To promote social entrepreneurial initiatives the results may be helpful in the governmental policies making. Further filling the quantitative studies development gap. Based on institutional economic perspective the quantitative results provide updated information of institutional factors that influence social entrepreneurship. This study have also some research limitation which is important to be noted. The first limitation is the availability of the updated database to measure process of social entrepreneurship. Second limitation is that this study is based on one country Pakistan. Therefore other context might have differ in results. Future studies if test the institutional factors effects on social entrepreneurship across different countries will enhance our understanding. References Abu-Saifan, S. (2012). Social entrepreneurship: definition and boundaries. Technology innovation management review, 2(2).

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ISSN 2322 - 6307

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.5 How to Cite: Popelo, O., Garafonova, O., Tulchynska, S., Derhaliuk, M., & Berezovskyi, D. (2021). Functions of public management of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation of economy. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 49-58. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.5

Functions of public management of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation of economy Функції державного управління регіональним розвитком в умовах цифрової трансформації економіки Received: June 20, 2021

Accepted: August 2, 2021

Written by: Olha Popelo15 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4581-5129 Olga Garafonova16 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4740-7057 Svitlana Tulchynska17 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1409-3848 Marta Derhaliuk18 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9244-1625 Danylo Berezovskyi19 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9529-8505 Abstract


In this study, a methodological approach based on the model of the differential equations system to determine the impact of the functions of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation is proposed. As digital transformation involves changes in management models of systems at different levels in order to improve their efficiency, this also applies to public management of the regional development. Based on the system approach, social, reproductive and mobilizing functions of state management of the regional development were singled out. To determine the impact of public administration functions on the regional development, it is proposed to use a model of differential equations. Different weights of the influence of the functions of state management of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation are characterized by dynamic changes in the amplitude of

У дослідженні запропоновано методологічний підхід для визначення впливу функцій державного управління регіональним розвитком у контексті цифрової трансформації, заснований на моделі системи диференціальних рівнянь. Оскільки цифрова трансформація передбачає зміни в моделях управління системами на різних рівнях з метою підвищення їх ефективності, це стосується і державного управління регіональним розвитком. На основі системного підходу було виділено соціальні, репродуктивні та мобілізуючі функції державного управління регіональним розвитком. Для визначення впливу функцій державного управління на регіональний розвиток пропонується використовувати модель диференціальних рівнянь. Різні ваги впливу функцій державного управління регіональним розвитком в умовах цифрової трансформації характеризуються


Dr. of Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Civil Service, Chernihiv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine. 16 Dr. of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine. 17 Dr. of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine. 18 PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Kyiv, Ukraine. 19 PhD in Public Administration, Professor of the Department of Management and Public Administration, IHE “Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University”, Kyiv, Ukraine.

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Popelo, O., Garafonova, O., Tulchynska, S., Derhaliuk, M., Berezovskyi, D. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 49-58 / July, 2021

fluctuations of integral indices of the modules of the functionalities of social, reproductive and mobilization functions. Scientific novelty of this study is the development of a methodological approach based on the model of the differential equations system to determine social, reproductive and mobilizing functions of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation. Keywords: public management, regional development, digitalization, information economy, administration.

динамічними змінами амплітуди коливань інтегральних показників модулів функціональних можливостей соціальної, репродуктивної та мобілізаційної функцій. Науковою новинкою даного дослідження є розробка методологічного підходу на основі моделі системи диференціальних рівнянь для визначення соціальних, репродуктивних та мобілізуючих функцій державного управління регіональним розвитком в контексті цифрової трансформації. Ключові слова: державне управління, регіональний розвиток, цифровізація, інформаційна економіка, адміністрування.

Introduction Today, in the current conditions of the world economy, increasing threats to economic security of national economies, challenges to businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation of the functioning of economic systems of various levels is becoming increasingly important. Digital transformation involves changes in management models of systems at different levels in order to increase the efficiency of their activities. In the context of digital transformation, it is impossible to ignore such a problem as public administration of the regional development. Digital transformation makes it possible both to improve existing management methods, and to stimulate the emergence of new creative, evolutionarily progressive, innovative management methods. In turn, changes in public administration in the context of digital transformation provide an opportunity to modernize the development of regional economic systems and to achieve the goals of social, economic and environmental sustainable growth.

offered; the proposed methodological approach to the regions of Ukraine is tested.

The aim of the article is to develop methodological bases for determining the impact of public administration functions of the regional development in the context of digital transformation. To achieve this goal, the authors have identified and solved the following tasks: the features of digital transformation are clarified; using the system approach, functions of state management of regional development are singled out; the direction of efforts of social, reproductive and mobilizing functions on the development of regional economic systems is outlined; the methodical approach for the definition of the influence of functions of state management of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation based on the model of the differential equations system is

The author of the article Efremov A. based on the structural and functional analysis of existing legal mechanisms offers a model of the mechanism for identifying and eliminating systemic legal restrictions on the public administration digitalization (Efremov, 2020).


Theoretical Framework Many scientists have devoted a lot of research to the study of the mechanisms of public administration in various spheres of activity, features of management of the regional development and issues of digital economy, among which the following should be noted: Arefieva O., et al (2021), Becerra L., et al (2020); Bouckaert G. (2019); Castellanos J. (2019); De Leon C.A.G. (2019); Efremov A. (2020); Halkos G., et al (2021); Houston D., et al (2021); Khanin S., et al (2021), Krasniqi I. (2019); Kraynyuk L., et al (2020); Ljungholm D.P. (2017); Mukhametzhan S.O., et al (2020); Petit Jean M. & and Brunet, S (2017); Salbaroli E. & Mazzini, G (2018); Samiilenko H., et al (2021), Samoilovych A., et al (2021), Skica T. & Dvouletý, O. (2018); Wu D. (2018); Xu Y. & Li, A. (2019); Yin X. (2018) and others.

In the article (Arefieva et al, 2021), the authors investigate the economic security system in the conditions of the powers transformation. The article (Samiilenko et al, 2021) systematizes the information on the main transformational changes of modern clustering in the conditions of digitalization are formulated. In the research (Samoilovych et al, 2021), the current state of the implementation of digital

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

technologies in Ukraine and the world in the context of the information economy development is studied. Within the article (Khanin et al, 2021), the conditions and measures of the activation of intellectual-innovative determinants of the intensification of the development of regional economic systems are determined. The authors of the article Mukhametzhan S., Junusbekova G. and Daueshov M. noted the main directions of economic growth of urban areas of Kazakhstan, i.e.: flexible management, proper control and management of urbanization, the use of best practices in developing urban strategies, policy development for different regions. Scientists recommend creating an integrated multi-level management system that provides feedback and preventive management, classifying consequences of the urban policy in the regions and consequences of achieving the goals of strategic development of the country (Mukhametzhan et al., 2020). Based on the comprehensive analysis of the definition of coordinated development of the regional economy in the work of Chinese authors Xu Y. and Li A., the definition of the scientific subtext of the coordinated development of the regional economy is considered, and three indicators to assess the coordinated development of the regional economy are put forward (Xu & Li, 2019). A Spanish scholar Castellanos J. analyzes the application of social responsibility in the roundthe-clock management of public administrations, its inclusion in the guidelines governing its activities, and responsible actions that administrations are obliged to take in various spheres of life they affect, such as education, research, culture, sports, consumption of socially responsible products and services, inclusive policies, employment, environmental protection and development cooperation (Castellanos, 2019). The results of a study by Czech scholars (Skica & Dvouletý, 2018) have clear consequences for politicians, given the information on the regions with the largest / smallest size of public administration at the local level. The study by Belgian researchers Petit J. and Brunet S. aims to analyze the relationship between expectations and public administration on the basis of a single study that focuses on a specific government body responsible for

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developing knowledge for policy making (Petit and Brunet, 2017). The paper of the British research Houston D., Varna S. and Docherty I. focuses on the comparative analysis of economic and planning policy documents of Scotland, England and Great Britain and conclusions of expert seminars held in Scotland, which identify four key policy areas for "inclusive growth", namely: skills, transport and housing for young people; cityregional management; nurse; and accommodation. Among the factors contributing to the development of inclusive growth policies, the authors include necessary political forces; the unification of political discourse and public institutions; inclusive governance and participatory democracy (Houston et al., 2021). Methodology The separation of public administration functions and their impact on the development of regional economic systems is based on such methods of scientific knowledge as theoretical generalization, abstraction, induction and deduction, comparison, etc. These methods, as well as the application of a system approach, make it possible to identify the functions of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation, as well as to determine their impact on regional economic systems. To identify the impact of public administration functions, the authors used a model of the differential equations system, which allows to obtain the values of functional, social, reproductive and mobilizing functions of public administration. The use of this methodological approach will help reduce the differentiation in the values of integrated indices of economic development of regional economic systems. Results and Discussion The role of public administration in the regional development should be considered under the prism of decentralization, which is typical for European countries. Ukraine does not stay away from these processes. As a result of the power decentralization, the role of regional government and local self-government is increasing. Functions of public administration reflect a special form of the regional development process, taking into consideration the interaction of all economic entities in the context of digital transformation. Functions of public administration as a certain implementation of the

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52 process have a determining influence on the reproduction of economic, social and environmental potential of the region. In our opinion, the use of the systematic approach is important for the separation of functions of state management of the regional development, which makes it possible to single out purposeful activities of regional economic systems and to intensify their functioning taking into consideration objective laws of social development. Functions of state regulation of the regional development in the context of digital transformation include social, reproductive and mobilization functions. Regarding the social function, its main focus is to improve the quality and standard of living of the population, to reduce the asymmetry of social security between different regions and territories, as well as between urban and rural populations. The social function is the basis of socially oriented regional and state policy, ensures the reproduction of human and intellectual potential, helps to reduce disparities in social security of various segments of the population, sociohumanitarian development of regions and the country as a whole. As well, the social function is a tool for raising public ideals and comprehensive development of an individual, the formation of national dignity and the highest human values, promotes freedom, justice, equality in social and regional development. In the process of forming the social space of the regions there is a direction of individual behavior in society, the transfer of historical and cultural experience of generations, traditions, patriotism and more. This function is a stimulator of the regional development in the areas of:       

increasing indicators of demographic development; construction and improvement of the social protection system of the population of the regions; development of the social infrastructure and improving the quality of social services; increasing employment using the principle of inclusive regional development; ensuring non-inflationary growth of household incomes in accordance with European standards; implementation of regional and state social programs and projects; increasing control over the compliance with social standards of quality of life, taking into account requirements of direct end users of


social services, considering regional characteristics and needs of the population; rationalization of the use of free time of the population of the regions, etc.

Returning to the functions of state regulation of the regional development in the context of digital transformation, the reproductive function is outlined. The reproductive function influences the process of expanded reproduction of regional economic systems in accordance with challenges of digital transformation of the regional development and the unique opportunities of the regions. The reproductive function of public administration of the regional development provides:       

directing the production potential of the regional development to meet growing needs of the regions; the most careful use of available nonrenewable resources without harm to future generations; modernization of spatial economic systems in the conditions of digital transformation; increasing the intellectual potential of the regions; production of innovative products, both for domestic and foreign markets; increasing the competitiveness of production and economic systems; development of the innovation infrastructure.

The mobilization function is the third function of state management of the regional development singled out by the authors in the conditions of digital transformation. Its main focus is on the maximum mobilization of all resource capabilities of regional economic systems, their effective distribution and redistribution in order to increase the efficiency of expanded reproduction and improve living standards. The action of the mobilization function of public administration in the conditions of digital transformation is aimed at: 

achieving optimal proportions between the use, attraction, distribution and redistribution of resources of regional economic systems and the country as a whole; concentration of efforts and resources on innovative areas of production and highly efficient areas of production;

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

   

modernization of regional economic systems in the conditions of digital transformation; encouraging regional actors to use resources more efficiently and carefully; interaction and integration of subjects of regions of different forms and spheres of activity; increasing the interaction of government, business and the population of the regions and aggregating the interests of different social groups; ensuring economic and environmental security of the regional development under the conditions of regulation and ensuring socio-economic and organizational and legal foundations for the development of regional systems and the state as a whole.

The mobilization function helps to overcome obstacles to the development of regions under the conditions of effective interaction of all actors and rational use of resources, which in general makes it possible to obtain a synergistic effect for the development of regional economic systems. One of the tasks of state management of the regional development is to improve the living standards of the population and to achieve sustainable development in the context of digital transformation, including by reducing the differentiation of regional development. This statement is the basis of the methodological approach proposed by the authors to assess the functions of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital trtansformation. It should be noted that most often the impact of public administration of the regional development is determined through the calculation of integrated indices of the regional development. These indices provide an opportunity to determine the state, dynamics and trends of the socio-economic regional development. The positive thing in the calculation of integrated indices is that it is possible to obtain an objective assessment of the existing asymmetry of the development between regions. But integrated indices do not provide an opportunity to assess the impact of public administration on the regional development in the context of digital transformation through the functions of public administration. To determine the impact of the functions of public administration of the regional development, the model of differential equations is proposed for use.

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Suppose that the model of public administration of the regional development in terms of digital transformation has common goals, which are reproduced in the presence of variables of the form x(t) = (x1 ,..., xn) and the functional L(x, u), which must be minimized. The mathematical parameter of the functional L minimization (x, u) is the difference in the values of the integrated indices of social, reproductive and mobilization functions, as well as the complex integral index of the module of functions of the regions in time, type fi(x, u, t). The phase variables x(t) in the differential equations of the model of the regional development management in the conditions of digital transformation are normalized estimation intdicators, which change with a certain time. Functionality L - is the minimization of the difference in the values of the integrated indices of the modules of social, reproductive and mobilization functions, as well as the complex integrated index of the module of the functions of economic development of the region. The solution of the differential equations system of the model of determining the influence of public administration functions on the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation allows to obtain optimal values of regional management functionalities (social, reproductive and mobilization functions), which will reduce differentiation in values of integrated economic development indices. When finding the integral indices of the modules of social, reproduction and mobilization functions and the complex integrated index of the module of the regional development management functional in the conditions of digital transformation, the linearization of the dependences of indicators and integrated indices in time dependence is used. It should be noted that the application of linearization simplifies the solution of the differential equations system to determine the impact of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation. The model for determining the impact of the functions of public administration of the regional development in terms of digital transformation, presented in the form of the following formula:

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    f s  s   ( f s  f v  f m  k )  sin( f v )   fs  b         fs fm ,  F (t , f ) f v  v     f s  b sin( f v )  b       fv     f m  m   sin( f v )  b     (1)

Isfcp 1 Ivfcp 1, Imfcp 1 – the average value of the integrated index of the module of social, reproductive and mobilization functions of the region;

Where: fs, fv, fm – differentiated functions by phase variables are constructed, namely social, reproductive and mobilization function;

l – the rank of the region by the value of integrated indices;

Isfcp j, Ivfcp j, Imfcp j – the average value of the integral index of the module of social, reproductive and mobilization functions of the studied j-th region;

b  k  p,

k – comprehensive integrated index of functionalities of state management of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation;

α – the step of integrating the values of the optimization function L. The approbation of the methodological approach proposed by the authors to determine the impact of the functions of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation was carried out for the regions of Ukraine using the Mathcad-15 software. The basis for the calculations was a system of macroeconomic indicators, which were grouped in relation to the assessment of the module of social, reproductive and mobilization functions of the impact of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation.

s, v, m – coefficients of the differences of integrated indices values of the modules of social, reproductive and mobilization functions concerning values of indices of the development of the region with the highest rank.




( I sfcp j  I sfcp1 ) p l ( I vfcp j  I vfcp1 ) p l





( I mfcp j  I mfcp1 ) p l

The values of the average integrated indices of the modules of social (Іsf avg.), reproductive (Іvf avg.), and mobilization (Іmf avg.) functions of determining the impact of public administration of the regional development in terms of digital transformation, as well as ranks according to their ratings are presented in Table 1.

, (4)

Where р – the step of integrating the optimization function over time;

Table 1. Ranks and average values of integrated indices of modules of social, reproductive and mobilization functions of state management of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation in the regions of Ukraine for 2014-2020


Іvf avg.

Vinnytsia Volyn Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Zhytomyr Transcarpathian Zaporizhzhia Ivano-Frankivsk Kiev Kirovohrad

4,06 1,56 4,68 1,44 1,96 1,89 2,57 2,76 5,63 1,99

The rank of the region by value Іvf avg. 5 22 4 24 17 18 10 9 2 16

Іmf avg. 4,29 1,56 8,20 1,37 2,34 2,23 3,23 3,07 8,54 2,32


The rank of the region by value Іrf avg. 5 22 3 24 15 17 9 10 2 16

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Іsf avg. 4,30 0,75 4,52 0,63 2,51 2,46 3,31 2,59 5,25 2,48

The rank of the region by value Іsf avg. 4 22 3 25 15 17 9 13 1 16

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Luhansk Lviv Mykolaiv Odessa Poltava Rivne Sumy Ternopil Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky Cherkasy Chernivtsi Chernihiv Kyiv sity

1,31 2,45 2,08 2,31 2,80 2,15 1,85 1,71 4,82 1,51 2,98 2,02 3,32 1,76 5,73

25 11 14 12 8 13 19 21 3 23 7 15 6 20 1

1,13 2,99 2,50 2,78 3,27 2,62 2,16 2,08 5,84 1,45 3,52 1,77 3,71 2,13 8,68

25 11 14 12 8 13 18 20 4 23 7 21 6 19 1

0,71 3,21 2,63 3,11 3,47 2,58 2,40 2,03 3,51 0,72 3,65 0,83 3,90 2,33 5,18

24 10 12 11 8 14 18 20 7 23 6 21 5 19 2

Source: calculated by the authors. Data presented in Table 1 show that despite the different values of the integral indices of the modules of social, reproductive and mobilization functions, their ranks in different integral indices have no significant variations. And such regions as Volyn, Kirovohrad, Poltava and Kherson regions have the same levels of ranks of

integrated indices for all integrated modules of social, reproductive and mobilization functions. In Table 2, the value of the complex integrated index of the module of social, reproductive and mobilization functions of determining the impact of the functions of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation is shown.

Table 2. Comprehensive integrated index of the module of the regional development management functions in the conditions of digital transformation for 2014-2020 Іfreg Іfreg avg.


Vinnytsia Volyn Dnipropetrovsk Donetsk Zhytomyr Transcarpathian Zaporizhzhie Ivano-Frankivsk Kiev Kirovohrad Luhansk Lviv Mykolaiv Odessa Poltava Rivne Sumy Ternopil Kharkiv Kherson Khmelnytsky








8,64 2,88 11,07 2,61 4,59 4,14 6,35 5,94 14,04 4,68 2,16 6,30 5,18 6,03 6,30 5,13 3,60 3,65 9,72 3,15 7,20

8,64 3,38 11,97 2,79 4,69 4,23 6,30 5,40 13,77 4,64 2,70 6,17 5,22 5,58 6,39 5,49 3,65 3,51 9,81 2,97 7,07

7,47 2,93 11,34 2,97 4,95 4,05 6,26 5,49 13,59 4,91 2,88 6,03 6,30 5,63 6,35 5,67 3,51 3,24 9,90 2,88 6,84

8,10 3,51 10,89 2,97 5,18 3,87 6,35 5,49 13,23 5,18 2,70 5,99 5,31 6,30 6,44 5,81 3,69 2,84 9,90 2,79 6,93

8,28 3,53 12,33 2,52 4,59 4,19 6,39 5,67 13,05 5,72 2,07 6,21 5,58 6,39 6,48 5,85 3,74 2,79 9,90 2,57 7,16

8,64 3,55 11,07 2,16 4,64 4,50 6,12 6,39 13,59 5,85 1,80 6,35 6,03 6,21 6,44 5,94 3,60 2,70 9,99 2,70 6,84

9,72 3,60 9,72 1,98 4,73 3,96 6,26 6,48 15,03 5,40 1,71 6,12 5,81 6,03 6,39 5,63 3,69 2,61 10,17 2,52 6,75

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8,50 3,34 11,20 2,57 4,76 4,13 6,29 5,84 13,76 5,19 2,29 6,17 5,63 6,02 6,40 5,64 3,64 3,05 9,91 2,80 6,97

Rank of the region by the average value of the complex integrated index 5 20 3 24 16 17 9 12 1 15 25 10 14 11 8 13 19 22 4 23 7



Cherkasy Chernivtsi Chernihiv Kyiv sity The arithmetic mean value of a complex integral index (Іfreg avg.)

3,33 7,11 4,16 11,34

3,33 7,16 4,21 12,15

3,60 7,20 3,96 12,60

3,06 6,84 3,83 13,14

2,88 7,29 4,10 12,60

3,06 7,38 4,32 13,14

3,33 7,47 3,78 14,04

3,23 7,21 4,05 12,69

21 6 18 2










Source: calculated by the authors. Presented in Table 2 values of the complex integrated index of the module of social, reproductive and mobilization functions of determining the impact of public administration functions of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation demonstrate that during the studied period there is no region of Ukraine in which positive or negative changes constantly occur. The dynamics of the arithmetic mean value of a complex integral index also has no general tendency to change. The highest values were observed in 2019-2020 (Іfreg avg. = 6.12), the lowest in 2014 (Іfreg avg = 5.97), but in 2016-2017 (respectively Іfreg avg. = 6,02), (Іfreg avg. = 6.01), the values of the complex integrated index were smaller than the value of the complex index in 2015 (Іfreg avg. = 6.05).

The presented values of integrated indices of modules of social, reproduction and mobilization functions, as well as the complex integrated index of the module of the regional development management functions in digital transformation are the basis for assessing the impact of state management of the regional development in digital transformation on economic development of regions using differential equations. The cyclical nature of the economic development of the region in terms of digital transformation is visualized in Fig. 1. Different weights of economic development efforts on the part of public administration functions of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation are characterized by dynamic changes of the amplitude of fluctuations of integral indices of modules of functionals of social, reproductive and mobilization functions presented in time (U‹0›).

The indicators of the complex integrated index clearly illustrate the significant asymmetry in the values between the regions. Thus, the difference between the leader Kiev region (І vf avg. = 13.76) and Luhansk region, which occupies the lowest step in terms of the value of the average complex integrated index (І vf avg. = 2.29) is 6 times.





 1 U 2

 2 U 2


0 0




In Fig. 1 on the abscissa axis is the time period (r = 14), in our case the years from 2021 to 2034.

10  3 U

0 0




 0 U

 0 U а





10  0 U



Figure 1. Visualization of dynamic changes in the amplitude of fluctuations of integrated indices of modules of functionalities of state management of the regional development in terms of digital transformation represented by time U‹0›, on the example of Chernihiv region, where: a - oscillations of reproduction (U‹1›); b - mobilization (U‹2›); in - social (U‹3›) functions of state management of the regional development in the conditions of digital transformation. Source: built by the authors. In this case, such visualization illustrates not only the periodicity, but also the gradual reduction of the impact of the functions of public administration of the regional development in


terms of digital transformation on the economic development of the region. But such dynamic changes do not take into account the impact of changes in the modules of the functions of public

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation during this period, which will change their dynamics. That is, greater activity of the functions of state management of the regional development in the context of digital transformation has a greater impact on the economic development of the region. Conclusions Social, reproductive and mobilizing functions of public administration of the regional development, which were identified in accordance with a systematic approach focused on performing certain tasks within relevant function in terms of digital transformation, as well as aimed at improving living standards of regions by modernizing the economy of regional economic systems, are objective in nature, relatively independent, and are subject to the goals of the regional and social development in general. The scientific novelty of this study is the development of a methodological approach based on the model of the differential equations system to determine social, reproductive and mobilizing functions of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation. The use of the differential equations system to determine the impact of public administration of the regional development in the context of digital transformation will contribute to:   

   

overcoming the decline in the development of regional economic systems; increasing economic growth in the conditions of digital transformation of underdeveloped and depressed regions; ensuring by the state guaranteed by the population standards of quality of life and development of human potential in the conditions of digital transformation; increasing effective employment in the regions; more efficient and careful use of regional development resources; development of intellectual and innovative potential of regions and increase of innovative activity; increasing the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of territories, etc.

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Further research in the direction of improving the efficiency of public administration of the regional development requires determining the impact of digital transformation on the development of regions in modern conditions. Bibliographic references Arefieva, O., Tulchynska, S., Popelo, O., Arefiev, S., & Tkachenko, T. (2021). The Economic Security System in the Conditions of the Powers Transformation. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 21(7), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.22937/IJCSNS.2021.21.7.4 Becerra, L., Carenzo, S., & Juarez, P. (2020). When circular economy meets inclusive development. Insights from urban recycling and rural water access in Argentina. Sustainability, 12(23), 9809. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12239809 Bouckaert, G. (2019). Dissemination of scientific knowledge on reforming public administration: Some changing mechanisms. Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, 19(1), 9-22. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31297/hkju.19.1.1. Castellanos, J. M. B. (2019). La responsabilidad social en las administraciones públicas, con especial referencia a la Comunitat Valenciana. Revista General de Derecho Administrativo, 52. De Leon, C.A.G. (2019). The role of public administration in promoting socio-economic development. In Social Development and Societies in Transition (pp. 107-120). London: Imprint Routledge. Efremov, A. (2020). In reference to creating a mechanism for detecting systemic legal limitations of public administration digitalization. Public Administration Issues, 4, 59-83. Halkos, G., Moll de Alba J., & Todorov, V. (2021). Economies’ inclusive and green industrial performance: An evidence based proposed index. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123516. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123516. Houston, D., Varna, G., & Docherty, I. (2021). The political economy of and practical policies for inclusive growth- A case study of Scotland. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 14(1), pp. 197-2151. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsaa039. Khanin, S., Tulchynska, S., Popelo, O., Derhaliuk, M., & Ishchejkin, T. (2021). Systematization of functional features of intellectual and innovative determinants of the intensification of the regional economic development. Laplage em Revista (International), 7(2), 710-720.

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58 https://doi.org/10.24115/S244662202021721118p.710-720. Kiseleva, O., Lebedev, A., Pinkovetskaia, I., Rojas-Bahamón, M., & Arbeláez Campillo, D. (2019). Specialization and concentration of small and medium enterprises employees: Russian data. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 6-15. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazo nia/article/view/59 Krasniqi, I. (2019). Strategic management for regional economic development and business sustainability: Countries in transition. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 7(4), 47-67. Kraynyuk, L., Uhodnikova, O., Vlashchenk, N., Sokolenko, A., & Viatkin, K. (2020). The mechanism of public administration of the travel industry development: Prospects for the ecotourism development. In XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “State and Prospects for the Development of Agribusiness – INTERAGROMASH 2020”, 175, 10016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202017510016. Ljungholm, D. P. (2017). Global policy mechanisms, intergovernmental power politics, and democratic decision-making modes of transnational public administration. Geopolitics, History, and International Relations, 9(2), 199-205. Mukhametzhan, S., Junusbekova, G., & Daueshov, M. (2020). The management of Urban development for the regional economic growth: The example of Kazakhstan. Economy of Region, 16(4), 1285-1301. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17059/ekon.reg.2020-4-19. Petit, J., & Brunet, S. (2017). Does anticipation matter for public administration? The case of the Walloon Region (Belgium). Foresight, 19(3), 280-290. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/FS-102016-0049. Salbaroli, E., & Mazzini, G. (2018). OCP Deployment in a Public Administration Data Center: The Emilia-Romagna Region Use Case.


In IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom). DOI: 10.1109/BlackSeaCom.2018.8433637. Samiilenko, H., Popelo, O., Khudolei, V., Mashnenkov, K., & Derkachenko, Yu. (2021). Transformational processes of clustering in digital economy. Laplage em Revista (International), 7(Extra C), 691-702. https://doi.org/10.24115/S2446622020217Extra-C1106p.691-702 Samoilovych, A., Garafonova, O., Popelo, O., Marhasova, V., & Lazarenko, Yu. (2021). World experience and ukrainian realities of digital transformation of regions in the context of the information economy development. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice, (3(38)), 316–325. https://doi.org/10.18371/fcaptp.v3i38.237462 . Skica, T., & Dvouletý, O. (2018). Quantification of the size of local public administration: Empirical study of Polish regions. European Spatial Research and Policy, 25(1), 75-92. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18778/1231-1952.25.1.05. Wu, D. (2018). Computer model deduction based on function mechanism of government microblog's participation in public administration. Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 21(2), 201811577. Xu, Y., & Li, A. (2019). Regional economic development coordination management system based on fuzzy hierarchical statistical model. Neural Computing and Applications, 31(12), 8305-8315. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3953-8. Yin, X. (2018). Construction of management system for coordination degree of regional economic development based on the fusion of spatial econometric model. In 10th International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA), 17703620. DOI: 10.1109/ICMTMA.2018.00124.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.6 How to Cite: Dmitriev, O.N., & Zolotova, V.A.. (2021). Concept to recognize crisis of organizational and institutional separation by Artificial Intelligence System. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 59-71. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.6

Concept to recognize crisis of organizational and institutional separation by Artificial Intelligence System Концепция признания кризиса организационного и институционального разделения с помощью системы искусственного интеллекта Received: May 21, 2021

Accepted: July 16, 2021

Written by: Oleg N. Dmitriev20 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4514-7519 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?origin=AuthorProfile&authorId=57202382529 Veronika A. Zolotova21 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9266-6923 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57202382627 Abstract


The sphere of anti-crisis management is highlighted in relation to the open variety of organizational and institutional separations that are typical for the higher forms of industrial and post-industrial economies. This article shows the typicity and relevance of critical management situations associated with the emergence of crises. Furthermore, it justifies the objective orientation to a dense (not sparse) stream of crisis situations requiring identification, ranking, and classification. A strict management interpretation of the separation crisis is given through an assessment of the nature of the dynamics of the separation state indexes. Also, the document presents a generalized typological classification of crises. This article shows the necessity of using a high-level Artificial Intelligence System for this purpose, an indispensable component of which is the classification component.

Выделена сфера антикризисного управления применительно к открытому многообразию организационно-институциональных обособлений, характерных для высших форм индустриальной и для постиндустриальной экономик. Показана типичность и релевантность критических управленческих ситуаций, связанных с возникновением кризисов. Обоснована объективная ориентированность на плотный (не разреженный) поток кризисных ситуаций, требующих выявления, ранжирования и классификации. Дана строгая управленческая интерпретация кризиса обособления через оценку характера динамики показателей состояния обособления. Представлена обобщённая типологическая классификация кризисов. Показана обязательность применения для этого высокоуровневой системы искусственного интеллекта, непременной компонентой которой является классификационная компонента.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, classification of crises, crisis; economy, machine reasoning, organizational and institutional separation.

Ключевые слова: экономика, организационно-институциональное обособление, кризис, классификация кризисов, искусственный интеллект, машинное мышление.


Doctor in Economic Sciences, PhD in Engineering Sciences, Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia. 21 Senior Lecturer, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

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Dmitriev, O.N., Zolotova, V.A. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 59-71 / July, 2021

Introduction One of the main reasons for obtaining insufficiently high or even unacceptable results of the functioning and development of various components of the modern economy is the emergence of crises of different nature, which are generated by several causes and manifest themselves in very diverse forms. Therefore, the need to characterize the managed object from the point of view of its properties with respect to getting it into a crisis situation is very significant and, at the same time, unclaimed. Objectively and without fail, any management subject in the economy at the macro-level, meso-level, and micro- level needs a systematic idea of the basic properties of the managed object, through the prism of which the crisis situation and anti-crisis measures are reflected, with respect to which the state indexes of the corresponding managed object are sensitive.

The relevant objects as applied to the macro-level economies of national (state) and union societies such as the European Community; meso-level, including industries, various territorial. and industrial complexes, so-called economic clusters, corporate groups such as holdings that are now singled out by some experts; micro-level (enterprises and their structural divisions of various hierarchical levels). All of them allow generalization as a kind of group (Dmitriev & Novikov, 2018b; Dmitriev & Dergunov, 2004; Dmitriev & Novikov, 2017; Dmitriev & Novikov, 2019b) or individual organizational and institutional separation (the latter is considered as traditional, for example, often as a subject of legal relations such as a legal entity or pseudo-entity as a structural unit of an enterprise (Dmitriev & Dergunov, 2004; Kanashchenkov, Dmitriev, Koval’kov, Dergunov & Minaev, 2005).

A statement of the existence of a crisis of organizational and institutional separation fundamentally transforms the managing system that manipulates it in terms of goals, prohibitions, managerial influences, etc. The crisis state of separation from normal functioning can be separated only by the properties of this separation as an object. In most cases, research, development, and practice of anti-crisis management (sometimes abbreviated as crisis management) are oriented: 

for rarely emerging crises;


to catastrophic and obvious crises such as apparent bankruptcy, which have almost arisen; for some empirical anti-crisis programs, which in a significant number of cases give high chances of rectifying the situation, but mainly in the short term and in conditions of external favors.

However, in modern conditions, the nature of the economy and more broadly, societies have already changed significantly and the rigid assumptions listed above do not correspond to managerial realities and, accordingly, are ineffective. Therefore, there is an objective need for the introduction of crisis detection tools, which allow to identify:

the expected occurrence of a separation crisis in its broad interpretation (identification of a crisis that has already taken place is almost a failure of separation management, which is evident from the foundations of the general theory of control, which stipulates that the degree of astatism of the managing system must be higher than the level of astatism of the managed object); the nature of the crisis and thereby correctly adapt the control system, external or internal with respect to isolation, setting it to prevent, alleviate and eliminate the consequences of the isolation crisis.

Unfortunately, such tools were not identified in the sources available for analysis. Local suggestions in this area do not close the problem. Meanwhile, the most recent events show how important it is to recognize crisis and even precrisis situations. For example, large-scale unrecognized preemptive crises were, in particular: 

accident at the Chernobyl’ nuclear power plant near the Soviet city Pripyat’ in 1986, caused by gross errors of technical personnel during an adventurous experiment to disperse the reactor; global economic crisis, correlated with 2008, caused primarily by the problem of liquidity of derivative securities and the intensification of insufficiently secured lending;

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 

accident at the Russian SayanoShushenskaya hydro-power plant on the border of the Krasnoyarsk territory and Khakassia in 2009, which occurred as a result of not fully clarified reasons; flooding of computer hard disk drive (HDD) manufacturing plants in Thailand in 2011; accident at a nuclear power plant in Japan in city Fukushima - Fukushima Daiichi in 2011, caused by a tsunami and largely due to the inability of the cooling system to damage the power system; various types of military and economic conflicts and other so-called hybrid interstate conflicts and exacerbations that were typical for the last ten-year period of world history. A typical example of this is the attack by a squad of unidentified unmanned aerial vehicles on a primary oil processing plant near the village of Abqaiq and on an oil refinery at the Khurais oil field in Saudi Arabian at 2019; epidemic outbreak of coronavirus in China at 2019-2020 and all over the world afterwards.

All these crises were characterized by a combination of a complex of crisis-forming factors, catastrophism, and the presence of a powerful projection in the economic field as an aftereffect. This projection affected both macroseparations, mezoseparations, and microseparations. Medium-and small-scale crises have become almost a daily occurrence in the modern world.

scheme of the feasibility study of anti-crisis solutions is mandatory. On the other hand, classical man-machine control procedures become of little use, since their implementation in the sub-real time mode turns out to be physically impracticable. The way out of the noted contradiction is seen in the transition to procedures correlated with the so-called artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence system should be fully functional (at least implement the functions of assessing predicted crisis situations, analyzing their causality and developing recommendations for their prevention and / or relief). In this sense, there are quite close analogies between artificial intelligence systems and hybrid systems from the categories of information advisors and information controllers - intelligent - DSS environments (Dmitriev, 2017). In this sense, decision-makers are assigned the role of authorizing or vetoing subjects, which can be included in the control loop only in some problem situations. Literature Review We have to admit that the world has already gained considerable experience in forecasting crisis situations in various fields, including partially in the field of economics. Among the most actively studied areas in this aspect should be mentioned: 

Therefore, we are going to consider the problem of recognizing the onset of crises in modern conditions, focusing on economic crises, especially since the tools for recognizing them are quite specific, for example, in comparison with the tools for recognizing natural and manmade crises, again necessarily manifested in the financial and economic space and often initiated by factors of the same nature (for example, the clash of interests of financial and economic parties). Crises in modern conditions are characterized by multiplicity and synergy. That is, the typical flow of crises is intense and extraordinary, they are heterogeneous and their origin is due to the influence of a set of factors. Accordingly, classical methods suitable for sporadic and rare changes in the environment are used rarely. Moreover, managerial situations, as a rule, are time trouble situations. Therefore, on the one hand, there is no doubt that the conceptual

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 

the scope of alerts about natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, occurrence of tsunamis, typhoons, droughts, floods, etc.; the scope of military threat assessment; the scope of forecasting economic crises at the macroeconomic level (primarily global and sectoral stock and financial ones).

With regard to management at the level of corporate groupings and enterprises, it is worth highlighting: 

risk-management (Badalova, 2006). However, in contrast, from, for example, in another work (Dmitriev, 2005; Dmitriev; 2018a), risks are unjustifiably broadly, avoiding their correct presentation as expected probable economic losses; traditional crisis (or anti-crisis) management (Bazhutin, 2009; Lapenkov, 2001; Minaev and Panagushin, 1998; Nagornov, 2008; Popov, 2005; Solodukhin, 2008;

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Tsvikilevich, 2009; Yankovskaya, 2009), aimed at the formation of priority and quite stereotypical measures for the financial rehabilitation of bankrupt enterprises such as debt restructuring, cost-saving measures, budget support in various forms, etc.; controlling (Danilochkina, 2001; Fal’ko and Boyko, 2019; Fal’ko et al., 2019), which allows in many cases to identify primarily the causality of an existing or expected situation.

However, in all cases, in all these studies, the share of the empirical-expert component is unacceptably high. The errors of anti-crisis management are frequent and catastrophic. Anticrisis management, as a rule, instead of standby mode, is in shutdown mode with emergency and impromptu updating. A more detailed description of well-known developments in areas related to anti-crisis management is given in (Zolotova, 2017). However, there are the following specific characteristics of this reserve:    

focus on quantitative forecasts for an extremely short period of time; focus on empirical expert forecasting methods mainly of the scenario type; low level of justification for forecast estimates, both in terms of the presence of crises and their nature; orientation in the context of the economy to the only type of separations: concerning enterprises.

Quite a long time ago it was shown (Wiener, 1983; Forrestor, 1971; Dmitriev and Zolotova, 2020) that a fully functional control loop is mandatory. Taking into account the fact that during management it is obligatory to take into account crises, and the implementation of all five classical management functions is required. In terms of fully functional Artificial Intelligence Systems (often – AI-system), the information situation is the following. A review of scientific developments leads to the identification of a certain information base of various special cases of considering the possibilities of applying methods and techniques, correlated with creation and use of intelligent computer programs in the design of managing systems using agents (Jons, 2018; Kulikovskiy and Petrov, 2008; Russell and Norvig, 2018). A significant difference in the development of such


systems is the emphasis on which the authors focus. In studies (Grishin and Timirgaleeva, 2016; Biryukov, 2015), it is proposed to focus on methods of designing a managing system, mainly by methods of a neural network approach. In (Pershina and Daragan, 2018), it is proposed to focus on the application of Big Data processing technologies as an artificial intelligence technology. In publication (Kuznetsova et al., 2016), it is proposed to prioritize the separation of managed objects and to develop Artificial Intelligence Systems for each group. In the field of anti-crisis management, there are cautious conclusions about the possibility of using some methods and technologies of artificial intelligence. In (Guruva, 2019), the use of artificial intelligence is given in relation to the implementation of some management functions in the distribution of state subsidies allocated by the Government of the Russian Federation for the reorganization of enterprises to prevent further bankruptcy. In (Butrova, 2021), there are separate descriptions of the use of artificial intelligence in anti-crisis management and also the outline of anti-crisis management. The authors' reasoning and conclusions are reduced to practical examples of the development of software systems applicable in a crisis situation (Zykov, 2016; Zykov; 2018). IJDSST Special Issue on “AI for Intelligent Decision Support Systems” (Delibašić et al., 2021) includes selected papers from the 5th EWG-DSS International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (EmC-ICDSST 2019 – the Euro International Mini Conference on Decision Support System Technology) held in Madeira, Portugal, 2019, and the 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019) held in Dublin, Ireland. However, they affect rather local areas of management and use of artificial intelligence tools. Summarizing the above mentioned, it can be stated that the massiveness of publications on the prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in full-featured managing systems is combined with the absence of such full-featured systems in modern scientific publications. First of all, the following conclusions follow from this analysis:  

Artificial Intelligence Systems are, as a category of an intellectual product, rather at the initial stage of development; their application is generally assessed as productive;

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they are focused more on recognizing managerial situations and scenario options for their development on a given set or in given ranges, to a lesser extent on ranking, and limitedly on responding (for example, it is implemented in the unmanned control system on cars like Tesla). The peculiarity of organizational and institutional segregations is that their functioning, as a rule, cannot be “suspended,” especially since their crisis will continue to develop even with such a suspension; experience of using Artificial Intelligence Systems in the field of crisis management is very limited.

Theoretical Basis When forming reform proposals, we should proceed from the fact that in the field of operating organizational and economic separations, informational-consulting and informationalmanaging systems should be used. Therefore, for the declared thematic conceptual constructions it was considered expedient to use a multidisciplinary theoretical complex, including the following theories and scientific direction:     

 

structuring the concept or methodology with the allocation of priority and at the same time non-obvious components; disclosure of critical methodological or conceptual components.

As a rule, the way the concept is presented is determined primarily by the subjective views of the authors. At the same time, the methodology as a standard component of the managing system is more complete and more strictly structured. Therefore, in this case, we are talking about the methodology of forming a methodology or concept. Unfortunately, there are practically no such methodologies available in the available sources. Rather, the exception is a number of publications in the field of methodology synthesis. So, for example, structural interpretation of universal management methodology is presented, in particular, in (Dmitriev, Yekshembiev, Kh., Lubaeva, Koval’kov, Ju. & Minaev, 2013; Dmitriev, Novikov, 2019; Cherner, 2020).

system analysis; general control (management) theory; operations research; organization theory; theory of institutional and organizational design; optimization theory, artificial intelligence theory, etc.

Dmitriev, O. N., Yekshembiev, S. Kh., Lubaeva, J. I., Koval’kov, Ju. A., & Minaev. Design allows interpretation the anti-crisis management as a local version of management.

Thus, in theoretical terms, the study was carried out at the “junction of sciences”.

A lot of the separations over all the world is not managerially prepared for crisis situations. In the best case, there is a protracted adaptation and a long “creep out” of the crisis.

 

Methodology The concept is a schematic representation of the methodology. The concept can have a different degree of elaboration of the components. When forming a concept, the most critical, key points are usually worked out and presented.

Results Criticality of crises in the modern era

The dominant part of managing systems is focused on:  

Accordingly, when forming the methodology and concept, the following research stages are implemented:  

 

formation of requirements for the methodology; analysis of existing methodological or conceptual prototypes for their full-scale or component applicability;

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laminar implementation of industrial and economic activities; low dynamism of the managerial environment; sufficiency or redundancy of management resources; significant remoteness of the state from the crisis area (they objectively have or subjectively see some large “margin of safety”).

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64 At the same time, crises in a developed economy (it is now fashionable to single out certain 4th, 5th and similar structures or levels of industrialization), as well as during the transition to the post-industrial era, are characterized by consequences in the form of unacceptable damage, which also cause severe mass psychological trauma of a prolonged nature. In a number of studies (Dmitriev, Yekshembiev, Lubaeva, Koval’kov & Minaev, 2013; Demchenko, 2011), it has been calculated that a high-tech enterprise may experience a severe crisis with rather insignificant fluctuations affecting external or internal factors at the level of 1-3%.

  

In addition, the modern economy is very closely integrated both at the national level and at the international level, along with the presence of, if not natural monopoly producers of goods, then those of them that determine the strategic situation (Dmitriev, 2018). Therefore, the occurrence of the so-called induced crises that give rise to the phenomena of “crisis dominoes” is quite likely. A good example of this phenomenon is the situation with the stock and financial global crisis that erupted in 2008. Therefore, despite the outward absence of global catastrophes such as the “Great Depression”, the world economy is seen as very vulnerable in terms of having high chances of getting into a crisis situation, even in terms of its local components.

discipline of their deliveries theoretically generate no less threat flows; high synergies of threats and crises; varying degrees of danger of crises for separation; “cross-cutting” nature of crises (in terms of vertical hierarchical and horizontal connections and, accordingly, distribution channels); significant complication of the connection of crisis-generating factors and crises in terms of delay, non-determinism, etc. the onset of consequences; presence of large “shoulders” of the influence of crisis-forming factors on the state of isolation. A lot of insignificant factors give rise to significant fluctuations in the state of separation. That is, these factors generate critical bifurcation points. In the same literature (for example, in some science fiction works created by Isaac Asimov) even introduced the phenomenon of Minimal Possible Impact (MPI), radically changing the future. It is seen as indirectly closely correlating with the principle of least action known in the natural sciences (usually counted from the theoretical achievements of William Hamilton) and its further developments in various physical fields; breadth of the spectrum of spaces of indicators of the state of isolation in which the crisis manifests itself.

In modern conditions, a new management situation has arisen, which is characterized by:

Therefore, following a number of researchers (Malinetsky, 2001), the management situation with the current separations can be conditionally considered in the development of the corresponding conceptual constructions through the prism of the yet unformed private chaos theory of crises.

Interpretation of the crisis situation

New management situation

high level of antiquity in a crisis situation (often in many respects in its psychological perception of stakeholders); multiplicity of the nature of crisis-forming factors, including completely new ones (such as social, environmental, psychological, informational, imagebuilding, etc.). Some types, on the contrary, have so far weakened, such as military operations or cross-border labor mobility; presence of numerous threats and their implementations, generating in the general case a dense and extraordinary stream of future crises. So, for example, due to wide production cooperation and a large nomenclature of equipment (up to hundreds of thousands of assortment items) and a limited alternative, deviations in the


The concept of crisis is formalized introduced as a state of separation, reflected vector index, when one state index or complex beyond the boundary of the set of it (them) valid values (Zolotova, 2017). Let there be some vectorial index of the separation state (managed object) 𝑊 ⃗​⃗​⃗ ≡ {w1,…,wS}, where S is the number of components of the state index of this managed object, including, possibly, dynamic as derivatives. They can be quite diverse (Dmitriev & Novikov, 2018b; Dmitriev & Novikov, 2019a; Dmitriev,

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Yekshembiev, Lubaeva, Koval’kov & Minaev, 2013).

(hereinafter, the source is the authors ’own research).

The Figures 1–3 show the conditional trajectories of a certain j-th one-dimensional indicator of the state of isolation and its permissible boundaries

However, trajectory going beyond the borders is one of the most common cases of a possible crisis of separation.

Figure 1. Hypothetical trajectory of one-dimensional state index of the separation and its acceptable boundaries.

Figure 2. Hypothetical trajectory of a one-dimensional state index of the separation with going beyond borders (case 1)

Figure 3. Hypothetical trajectory of a one-dimensional state index of the separation with going beyond borders (case 2)

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66 In fact, many trajectory “crises” are much wider. So, for example, a crisis may correlate with some phenomena of separation instability (Bloshenko, 2009). The number of possible crisis situations will correspond, even in the simplest case, to the value 𝐶𝑁1 + 𝐶𝑁2 +…+ 𝐶𝑁𝑁 (the number of combinations of possible outputs of state indexes beyond the boundaries of permissible values), where N is the number of state indexes. Depending on the number of indicators of the state of isolation that go beyond the limits of admissibility, we will distinguish single or group crisis situations. Naturally, the problem (well-known and difficult to solve) of the “curse of dimensionality” arises if the dimensionality of the space of state indexes is high and aspects of the dynamics of their trajectories are still considered. The dynamics of crisis situations can be characterized in different sections. It is also necessary to take into account the high probability of transformations of crisis situations from one type to another. The need to formulate a classification of crisis situations is associated with the absence of an established methodological approach to identifying groups of managerial situations related to many crisis situations. It is not possible to consider simultaneously the variety of causes of crisis situations and the corresponding possible manifestations.

object that can be considered, and accordingly to the multiplicity of control objectives. However, it can be said that properties that are not considered as potential management objectives can be neglected. While the properties of the isolation for which the potential characteristics of its state of the control object can be highlighted and the comparative measurement procedures are proposed should be listed. Classification of crisis situations (crises) This classification is multidimensional. We choose the one that is reflected in one of the previous works as a starting classification scheme (Zolotova, 2017). Evaluation measures for the manifestation of crisis situations as a reflection of the properties of the control object, correlated with the subject localization, allow to distinguish the following main types by manifestations in the isolation: 

An infinite or excessively large number of crisis situations are unacceptable for development. Therefore, the number of possible crisis situations should be limited in accordance with the conditions, operating factors and the responses received, consistent with significant isolation properties. Determining the significance of the properties of the state of isolation will allow to determine the sequence of grouping of crisis situations. This, in turn, will reduce the dimensionality of the space of indicators of the state of isolation, which reflect the crisis situation, and ensure the finiteness of many crisis situations for which development is carried out. There are a large number of comparative measurement procedures for evaluating the results of the functioning and development of isolation (control object). The procedures are due to the multiplicity of properties of the managed


financial and economic crisis situations. Their manifestation is reflected in revenue, valuation of components, raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products stored in the warehouse, net profit of the enterprise, pessimistic and optimistic assessment of cash balance, consolidated amount of taxes, share of net profit allocated for self-financing of investments and innovations, excess of net assets over authorized capital, etc.; production and technical crisis situations. Their manifestation is reflected in the actual and planned capacity of the enterprise, complexity of manufacturing the product range or the general, structural and specific material consumption of manufacturing according to the product range, etc. Also, indicators can be used that reflect equipment performance, operational reliability, use of the working time fund, etc.; reputational crisis situations. They are reflected in the views of suppliers and customers on the reputation of management staff, social attractiveness, etc.; informational crisis situations. They are reflected in sections of the middle age of computer technology, information security of labor, increase in the volume of information, etc.;psychological crisis situations. By manifestation, they can be correlated with depressive moods, social breakdowns and other events; complex crisis situations or hybrid ones. They suggest reflection in terms of

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assessment measures inherent in different types of crisis situations. As a typical discriminatory signs that distinguish between crises situations, as a rule, there are the following accepted things:          

distinguishable nature of deviations of state indexes; causality of crisis situations; identification of the signs of a crisis in relation to time; significance of deviations of state indexes of separation; intentionality of crisis situations; maliciousness of subjective crisis situations; crisis alertness; predictability of crisis situations; crisis recurrence; typability of manifestations.

Apparently, this list is open. Crisis situations can also be classified by the nature of state indexes of separation on:   

deterministic or inevitable crises; stochastic (probabilistic, random) crises; uncertainty crises.

The conclusion about the inadmissibility of the state of the managed object is determined on the basis of the consideration of the statics or dynamics of deviations of the state indexes from the given (required) ones. As a rule, absolute deviations, derivatives and analogues of derivatives are distinguishable by the nature of deviations of state indexes (for cases when it is impossible to calculate the derivative, for example, the absence of continuous differentiability). At the same time, typing according to the boundary of the variable makes it necessary to correlate the physical meaning of the signs of a crisis situation and the possibilities of calculating the derivative. The variable itself, the first and the second derivatives of the variable can act as signs. It is impractical to consider the above third derivative variable. Therefore, we will give preference when considering the nature of deviations in the form of derivatives (and its analogues). This choice is justified by the need to monitor not only the rate of change of the characteristics of the state indexes, but also the factors affecting the object. Values of permissible deviations can be determined by: 

  

scientific justification; experience; subjective decision of management staff.

The basis of the emergence of crisis situations should highlight external, internal and complex causes. They are also discriminatory factors. By the magnitude of the deviations of the indicators of state indexes of separation, it is possible to distinguish between crisis situations in light, medium and hard ones. Crisis-forming factors can be objective and subjective. They are varied by source. Subjective factors can also be divided into:  

intentional and unintentional; favorable and unfavorable.

It is also possible to divide crisis situations into preventable and unpredictable ones (well-known emphasis on force majeure or circumstances of irresistible force). By the number of repetitions, crisis situations can be divided into primary manifestations and recurring ones. The primary crisis situations are associated with the formation of new industries, changes in the scale of activity, etc. A certain group of recurring crises can be periodic. Periodic crises most often have conditionally distinguished stages: recession, depression, revitalization, and rise. Crisis situations can also be divided into unique and typical. The above features of the crisis situation and the formalized presentation of the crisis situation determine the inevitability of the formation of a universal viewing of separation as a managed object for which crisis situations can be realized. The study of the mutual influence of all influences is feasible in the case of a factorresponse model (Zolotova, 2017). Thus, the high power of many crises and the possibility of their nontrivial classification typological diversity are undoubted. This set can be represented as a finite one, the elements of which allow the introduction of classification relations of similarity and delimitation.

legislative act;

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68 Positioning of the recognition system of the crisis isolation state In case of crisis management of isolations, the conceptual scheme of the feasibility study of crisis managerial decisions is to be applied. It is advisable to choose the method of a comprehensive feasibility study of a managerial decisions as primary as the basic scheme of anti-

crisis management (Dmitriev, 2005; Dmitriev, 2017; Novikov, 2019) (Figure 4). Within it, the basic management functions should be implemented (estimating of current state, forecasting, comparison, analysis, and optimization). Crisis recognition affects the first four of the listed typical management functions and thereby closely intertwines with the correct interpretation of controlling (Danilochkina, 2001).

Figure 4. Typical structure of the high-intellectual anti-crisis management system. Typology of recognition modes and the systemic appearance of mathematical tools for recognizing crisis conditions of isolation In our case, the classical implementation of functions (Dmitriev, Yekshembiev, Lubaeva, Koval’kov & Minaev, 2013) is difficult to realize in stereotypical ways due to the huge number of possible crisis situations that defy canonical


analytical human-machine sorting and drafting options.



Therefore, at least for the implementation of the functions of comparison and analysis of the expected adverse deviations causality, in some cases it is advisable to use the artificial intelligence apparatus also regarding with the machine reasoning.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

In the course of the research, it was found that it is advisable to recognize crisis conditions in two conceptual ways: 

 for the general case, as a rule, medium-term and long-term, as well as situational one, given by management staff in the form of the implementation of the classic DSStechnology (Dmitriev, Yekshembiev, Lubaeva, Koval’kov & Minaev, 2013; Zolotova, 2017); for the case of “everyday” anti-crisis monitoring through the use of an Artificial Intelligence System that supports the recognition of a priori classified crisis situations.

In the second case it should be recognized the following:    

The results of the described development were used:

presence of the expected event of a crisis or a complex of crises; screening out minor crises; ranking of criticality (importance) of expected significant crises; typological image of significant crises.

 

Conclusion These considerations give rise to the following observations, conclusions, and recommendations: 

It should be noted that for this Artificial Intelligence System, the following things will be very problematic: 

 

at least the limited learning of the system: it will be practically a system of situational choice on a priori given “mask” with criteria classification rules; docking with a crisis forecasting system based on a system of mathematical models of separation, which may turn out to be a critical link in delay; filling the primary information sphereinfosphere (Dmitriev & Novikov, 2019c); choice of focus on the type of error-first or second kind (Zolotova & Dmitriev, 2018).

 If we consider the simplest case when state indexes of separation are beyond certain boundaries, then we can apply rather primitive procedures for pattern recognition (Koval’kov, Dmitriev, Mel’nikov & Cherkasov, 1981; Koval'kov & Dmitriev, 1994) or even a generalization of truth tables or automata from Boolean algebra and structure theory. In other cases, it will be necessary to use, apparently, the apparatus of neural networks, but with the inevitable going beyond optimal programming in the process of their synthesis and training. Experience in application development

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in forecasting the crisis of a few enterprises and holding structures of high-tech industries in Russia, including as a part of the implementation of projects for their corporatization and optimization of sanitation measures; in performing a few feasibility studies of several anti-crisis projects and programs; in the realization of a few diploma and dissertation projects mainly within the framework of the educational process at Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University).

 

problems of anti-crisis management will be relevant indefinitely for a wide variety of areas of industrial and economic activity over all the world. An appropriate control loop should be introduced for all types of organizational and institutional isolations of the macro-level, meso-level, and microlevel; crisis of mentioned separations should be considered comprehensively in many aspects and time points, including future moments, and not be reduced to such as financial insolvency (bankruptcy). Anticrisis management should be organized and implemented, including with a focus on a dense and extraordinary flow of non-trivial crises of a deterministic, stochastic, and uncertain nature. Crises are indicated by the statics and dynamics of state indexes of separation; existing backlog and practical experience do not solve anti-crisis management problem; separation crises are diverse and classified by a set of discriminatory rules; anti-crisis management should be based on the conceptual scheme of the feasibility study of anti-crisis management decisions. This management should be predominantly proactive. Traditional procedures of humanmachine interactive analysis, automated pattern recognition systems according to the criteria for deviation criteria and Artificial Intelligence Systems in terms of machine reasoning can be implemented; proposed conceptual approach is seen in part of its basic components as transferable to the

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recognition of crises with not only financial and economic consequences; initial development versions have been successfully tested.

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Bashkir, O., Kniaz, H., Panchenko, V., Bakhmat, L., Sobchenko, T. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 72-82 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.7 How to Cite: Bashkir, O., Kniaz, H., Panchenko, V., Bakhmat, L., & Sobchenko, T. (2021). Conditions for forming future language teachers’ lexical competence in pandemic times. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 72-82. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.7

Conditions for forming future language teachers’ lexical competence in pandemic times Умови формування лексичної компетентності майбутніх учителів-філологів у період пандемії Received: May 30, 2021

Accepted: july 20, 2021

Written by: Olha Bashkir22 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5237-9778 Hanna Kniaz23 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2485-5367 Violetta Panchenko24 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2958-5802 Liudmyla Bakhmat25 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4990-0443 Tetiana Sobchenko26 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9213-5556 Abstract


Successful communication in English as a foreign language depends primarily on the amount of vocabulary learned, which ensures speech appropriateness in a particular communicative situation and adequate perception of information. The article reveals the conditions for forming future language teachers’ lexical competence in Ukrainian higher pedagogical education institutions on the example of vocabulary denoting coronalogisms. The summative stage revealed students’ positive motivation for learning new vocabulary, while the formative one was aimed at expanding students’ range of vocabulary on a particular topic. The work was carried out in three stages: introducing new vocabulary; practicing and consolidating new material; using the target vocabulary in written and oral speech. Determining the range of students’ vocabulary, their word knowledge quality and ability to use target vocabulary at the control stage gives grounds to state the effectiveness of conditions

Успішність практичного використання англійської мови як іноземної залежить насамперед від обсягу засвоєної лексики, оскільки саме вона забезпечує коректність сформульованих висловлювань у конкретній ситуації спілкування і правильність сприйняття інформації ззовні. У статті розкрито умови формування лексичної компетентності майбутніх учителів-філологів закладів педагогічної освіти України на прикладі лексики на позначення короналогізмів. На констатувальному етапі виявлено позитивну мотивацію здобувачів освіти до оволодіння новою лексикою. Робота на формувальному етапі була спрямована на формування в студентів належного об’єму словникового запасу з конкретної теми та здійснювалася на трьох етапах: ознайомлення та семантизації нової лексики; відпрацювання та закріплення нового матеріалу; використання засвоєних лексичних одиниць у писемному та усному мовленні. Визначені об’єм словникового


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Educology and Innovative Pedagogy, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. 23 Candidate of Philological Sciences, acting Dean of Foreign Philology Faculty, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine. 24 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Foreign Philology Department, Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council, Ukraine. 25 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Foreign Philology Department, Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council, Ukraine. 26 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Educology and Innovative Pedagogy, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine.


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

for forming future language teachers’ lexical competence during the pandemic: using ICT and time-conditioned blended learning as a combination of traditional and distance learning. Keywords: lexical competence, coronalogisms, foreign language, information and communication technologies, blended learning.

запасу, якість знань слів і здатність послуговуватися новою лексикою на контрольному етапі дають підстави стверджувати ефективність умов формування лексичної компетентності майбутніх учителівфілологів у період пандемії: використання інформаційно-комунікативних технологій та зумовлене часом змішане навчання як поєднання традиційного та дистанційного. Ключові слова: лексична компетентність, короналогізми, іноземна мова, інформаційнокомунікативні технології, змішане навчання.

Introduction Competence-based approach and creating conditions for the formation of students’ appropriate competencies occupy the leading position in the restructuring of the education system. New standards of the competence education paradigm call for introducing innovative approaches and technologies in the training of future language teachers. The Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (Law No 1556VII, 2021) states that competencies are dynamic combinations of knowledge, skills and abilities, practical know-how; ways of thinking; professional, ideological and civic qualities; moral and ethical values that determine a person’s ability to successfully carry out professional and further educational activities, obtained at a certain level of higher education. The subject of pedagogical theory and practice is the problem of introducing a new modern competence approach in higher education institutions (HEI) and, accordingly, the formation of future language teachers’ competencies. The current professional standard and the order of the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture №2736 of 23.12.2020 define personal characteristics of the teacher (emotional and ethical competency) and professional competencies (Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, 2020). LiteratureReview It is worth mentioning that linguistic communicative competency is the key one in the structure of professional competencies of future language teachers. Drozd (2017) believes that speaking about foreign language teachers’ linguistic communicative competency we indicate two main groups of skills: proper communicative (establish contact with interlocutors, maintain conversation, produce

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utterances of different styles and genres, ability to engage students in learning the subject). and professional-communicative (good command of vocabulary, didactic and linguistic terminology; implementation of educational communication through language means realizing the aesthetic function of language, represent the beauty and richness of language; the ability to produce educational discourse, paraphrase, identify and correct mistakes in their own and their students’ speech, etc.) Despite the perfection of the system, language has the potential to adapt to the needs of society, the language community. Academician Rusanivsky (1988) was convinced that the main function of language is to reflect the progress of society, because it is designed to consolidate and accumulate human experience and promote its exchange in the process of creating material and spiritual culture. In general, language dynamics is characterized by three processes: evolution, development and improvement. The vocabulary of the English language is constantly changing and replenished with new lexical units. The most common areas of neologisms are those that are characterized by change and innovation, i.e. modern technology, scientific progress. However, in 2020, the field of medicine gained unprecedented popularity. The interest of the world community was caused by the emergence of a new type of coronavirus, which led to a global pandemic (Burgos, 2020; Moran & Raycraft, 2020). On July 3, 2020, Global Language Monitor (GLM) announced that the most popular word of 2020 was Covid (Payack, 2020). According to GLM, 24 of the 50 highest-rated words are related to the pandemic, with 17 of them in the top 30.

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74 The editor-in-chief of the Oxford Dictionary of English (Paton, 2020) claims that lexicographers, trying to update the vocabulary in time, take into account the extraordinary events of 2020 and make changes to the usual quarterly cycle of publications. But in these extraordinary times, when lexicographers of the Oxford English Dictionary work from home, like many others in the world, they constantly monitor the development of the pandemic language and offer the linguistic and historical context of their use. According to the calculations of Tony Thorne, Language Consultant at King’s College London more than 1000 changes have been made so far (Moran & Raycraft, 2020). The emergence of coronalogisms and the relevance of their introduction in medicine and in everyday speech has led to the inclusion of such vocabulary in English language curriculum at the faculties of foreign languages in Ukrainian higher pedagogical education institutions. Dynamism, transformations in knowledge, technologies, living conditions led to the introduction of blended learning, which includes a combination of traditional (offline) learning and distance (online) learning. Thus, HEI instructors faced the challenge to choose effective tools and services of information and communication technologies to ensure the organization of high-quality educational process and achieving expected learning outcomes.

being carried on currently. 117 students participated in the study, among them 36 students of Ukrainian Language and Literature Faculty named after G. F. Kvitka-Osnovyanenko, 44 students of the Faculty of Foreign Philology of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and 37 students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Foreign Philology of Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council. All participants gave their written consent to take part in the pedagogical experiment. The effectiveness of the formation of future language teachers’ lexical competence in HEI was determined on the grounds of the chosen set of coronalogisms as well as taking into account developed components and criteria for this competence acquisition. The above mentioned factors provided the possibility of purposeful pedagogical influences in the system of blended learning: 1.

2. The importance of the development of personal lexical competence was emphasized by Velasco (2007), Yuksel (2011), Rasuoli & Jafari (2016), Galetskyi (2020), Bashkir & Ilchenko (2020). The issues of introducing coronalogisms into the language are covered in the works by Burgos (2020), Lawson (2020), Mahdawi (2020) and others. Meara (1996), Chan et. al. (2011) devoted their researches to the peculiarities of using ICT in the process of vocabulary acquisition. Methodology The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions for the formation of future language teachers’ lexical competence by means of information and communication technologies in the system of blended learning in a higher pedagogical education institution. The study has been conducted in H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University and Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council since 2020 and is




The motivational component was evaluated according to the motivational-target criterion, which is characterized by the following indicators: awareness of the role of lexical competence in future professional activities; positive attitude to acquiring lexical competence; prevalence of positive cognitive motives, aspiration for achieving professional excellence. The content component was evaluated by a cognitive criterion, which is characterized by the following indicators: vocabulary range; the quality of active and passive vocabulary. The activity component was evaluated by a procedural-behavioural criterion, which is characterized by the ability to use new vocabulary in new learning or everyday environment. The reflective component was evaluated according to the reflective-result criterion, which is characterized by the following indicators: constant adjustment of speech, reflection on the results and planning further communication.

The following methods were used in the study: analysis, observation, interviews, mathematical calculations. The study was carried out in three stages: summative, formative and control. The summative stage involved analysing the content of the curricula, which revealed the need to introduce vocabulary denoting coronalogisms in order to purposefully organize its study by

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

second-year students – future language teachers. Observations and interviews revealed a low level of students’ vocabulary range; the quality of active and passive vocabulary needed clarification and explanation, students lacked the ability to use new vocabulary in new learning and everyday environments. Awareness of their own motives for acquiring lexical competence by future language teachers was determined using the methodology

“Determination of learning motivation” (V. Katashev) and the methodology “Motivation to study in a higher education institution” (T. Ilina), which were modified by the authors. The methodology contained two groups of questions on the volitional and emotional spheres. The results were directly related, i.e. the higher the score, the higher the level of motivation. The maximum number of points was 220. Figure 1 presents the results of the questionnaire.

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 high

moderately high



Faculty of Foreign Philology, KhNPU Ukrainian Language and Literature Faculty, KhNPU Faculty of Social Sciences and Foreign Philology, KHPA

Fig. 1. The results of the motivation evaluation. The formative stage of the study showed that 68 % of students had a high and moderately high level of motivation (over 200–151 points). Moreover, students of the faculties of foreign philology of both education institutions had a more pronounced active position. 24 % of students scored 150–111 points and had an average level of motivation. Only 8 % were indifferent to the study of vocabulary denoting coronalogisms, which indicated a low level of motivation. Thus, the methodology used to identify future language teachers’ motivation to acquire lexical competence showed their awareness of the role of lexical competence in their future professional activities; positive attitude to acquiring lexical competence; prevalence of positive cognitive motives, aspiration for achieving professional excellence. Results and Discussion The formative stage was conducted in the conditions of blended learning and aimed at

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determining the expediency and effectiveness of the introduction of information and communication technologies, which contributed to the improvement of students’ professional development, expanding their vocabulary; learning newly-coined coronalogisms; ability to use new vocabulary in learning and everyday environments. Target vocabulary was taught in three stages. The stage of target vocabulary introduction involved using YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfVGCJk0 dRk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQIhmohk V74, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVYI2gxX 0IQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6saduMO zpI), posts on English-language media sites (https://theconversation.com/iso-boomerremover-and-quarantini-how-coronavirus-ischanging-our-language-136729, https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-has-

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76 led-to-an-explosion-of-new-words-and-phrasesand-that-helps-us-cope-136909, https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-14/mileycyrus-coronavirus-covid19-cockney-rhymingslang/12324930, https://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-currentfor-april-22-2020-1.5540906/covidiotsquarantinis-linguist-explains-how-covid-19-hasinfected-our-language-1.554091, etc.). The use of authentic materials allowed us to present the language in a living context, to arrange real-life communicative situations in class and to demonstrate the language in action. The services Quizlet and Kahoot! were used at the stage of practicing and consolidating new material. A vocabulary set consisting of words, phrases and set expressions on the topic “Coronalogisms” was created on Quizlet. Students had the opportunity to practice lexical

units in several modes: 1) Flashcards – memorising new words with the help of cards, on one side of which the term is written, and on the back there is the definition; 2) Learn – guessing words or expressions by writing them in a special line; 3) Spell – typing words pronounced by the native speaker; 4) Match – correlation of the lexical unit with the picture / synonym; 5) Gravity – gamified vocabulary practice when students have to type target words as quickly as possible to stop asteroids from hitting the planet. These types of activities trigger all channels of information perception, which contributes to better vocabulary acquisition. In addition, students not only memorize the meaning of lexical items, but also train their correct pronunciation, spelling, learn to paraphrase, find synonyms/antonyms.

Fig. 2. Quizlet Set of Coronalogisms. Similar tasks can also be created on the Kahoot! platform. We developed a quiz to practice the meanings of neologisms with the root ‘corona’.


Students had to choose one of the four suggested meanings of the lexical unit.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Fig. 3. Kahoot Quiz Coronalogisms. The tasks developed on the Online Test Pad platform also contributed to the consolidation of the new vocabulary. We offered students exercises on developing word-formation skills, where it was necessary to combine the most commonly used roots of neologisms caused by the COVID-19 pandemic to obtain new words.

Another effective way to consolidate lexical material is to fill in the gaps in the text. In this case, students were offered a list of sentences that they had to complete by choosing one of the options from the drop-down list, which contained active vocabulary units.

Fig. 4. Online Test Pad Tasks on Coronalogisms. After mastering the basic vocabulary, students were asked to create interactive images on the ThingLink platform. The content of the interactive tags contained general information about the coronavirus, links to the websites with databases of scientific articles in the medical and

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philological fields related to COVID-19, interactive maps of the coronavirus distribution worldwide, etc. Students exchanged interactive images and provided feedback through a questionnaire offered by the teacher via Telegram Messenger.

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Fig. 5. ThingLink Interactive Image. The next stage in the formation of lexical competence involved using the target vocabulary in written and oral speech. Thus, students had to create their own fairy tale or story, using as many lexical units from the active vocabulary on the

topic “Coronalogisms” as they could. Videos were created independently or selected from the ready-made content, but were voiced by students in accordance with the plot they came up with.

Fig. 6. Edpuzzle Project CoronaTale. The Flipgrid platform was offered as an alternative application at the final stage of lexical competence formation. It provided an opportunity to share video recording lasting up to 90 seconds. Students were asked to record a video message on the topic “How to tackle


COVID-19” and demonstrate knowledge of lexical units on the subject. In addition to oral speech practice, the platform provides for the exchange of written messages, comments after watching video messages, which contributed to honing skills of written speech.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Fig. 7. Flipgrid Video Discussion (How to tackle COVID-19). The main tasks of the control stage of the research were to study and explain qualitative and quantitative changes in the formation of students’ lexical competence, which were obtained in the course of the work; to analyse the results of the formative stage (verification of the effectiveness of ICTs used); drawing general conclusions. The same methods (observation, interviewing) were used to measure the level of students’ lexical competence, which were used at the summative stage. The results of diagnosing the level of knowledge of new vocabulary and students’ motivation to acquiring lexical competence at the summative stage of the study show that the high level (11 % of students) is characterized by the awareness of the role of lexical competence in future professional activities; positive attitude to learning target vocabulary; a wide range of active and passive vocabulary; ability to use new vocabulary in learning and everyday environments, continuous reflection on the results and planning further communication. The average level (25 %) is characterized by the fact that students do not always aspire for

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learning neologisms, preferring traditional vocabulary, which is included in the curricular of higher education institutions. However, they have a positive attitude to acquiring lexical competence in particular and professional skills in general; know a sufficient amount of vocabulary; are able to modify their speech depending on the situation and instructions of the teacher, partially rethink and predict the results of further communication. Students who are at the low level (64 %) have a rather limited vocabulary; low quality of word knowledge, are not able to use target vocabulary in new learning and everyday environments, do not modify their speech, but demonstrate a positive attitude to acquiring lexical items that denote coronologisms. Thus, the results of the summative stage of the study revealed a rather low level of students’ lexical competence and the need for special and purposeful work on the use of ICT in blended learning mode. The results of implementing ICT into the training of future language teachers are illustrated by Table 1.

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The analysis of Table 1 proves the effectiveness of implementing ICT in the conditions of blended learning during the formative stage of the research. According to the motivational-target criterion, the growth rate is +12 % at the high level, at the average level the growth rate is observed in students’ transition to a higher level of motivation, which indicates raising students’ awareness of the role of lexical competence in their future professional activity, prevailing of positive cognitive motives, aspiration for professional expertise. The growth rate according to the cognitive criterion is +39 % at the high level, and +32 % at the average level, which indicates that future language teachers have a wide range of active and passive vocabulary; high quality word knowledge. According to the indicators of procedural and behavioural criteria, the growth rate is +29 % at the high level, +46 % at the average level, which manifests students’ ability to easily use target vocabulary in new learning and everyday conditions. The growth rate according to the reflective criterion is +17 % at the high level, and +12 % at the average level respectively, which demonstrates the proper formation of students’


Growth rate

Awareness of the role of lexical competence in future professional activities; positive attitude to acquiring lexical competence; prevalence of positive cognitive motives, aspiration for achieving professional expertise A wide range of active and passive vocabulary; high Cognitive quality word knowledge. ProceduralAbility to easily use target vocabulary in new learning behavioural and everyday environments Constant adjustment of speech, reflection on the results Reflective and planning further communication Superficial awareness of the role of lexical competence Motivationalin future professional activity; neutral attitude to target acquiring lexical competence; episodic manifestation of the desire to achieve professional expertise Sufficient range of active and passive vocabulary; Cognitive sufficient quality of word knowledge ProceduralEpisodic use of target vocabulary in new learning and behavioural everyday environments Situational adjustment of speech, partial rethinking and Reflective planning of further communication Indicators are not fully manifested. In particular, there is indifference to the mastery of lexical competence, lack of desire for self-improvement. Source: compiled by the authors. Motivationaltarget

After the study


Before the study



Table 1 The levels of the lexical competence formation (%)
























- 33

39 29 17

abilities to constantly adjust their speech, reflect on the results and plan further communication. Conclusions The formation of future language teachers’ lexical competence is manifested in their range of active and passive vocabulary on a particular topic, while the quality of word knowledge ensures their ability to use target vocabulary in new learning and everyday conditions. The research was aimed at the formation of future language teachers’ lexical competence on coronalogisms in the conditions of blended learning in higher pedagogical education institutions. The study was conducted among second-year students of philological faculties of pedagogical universities of Ukraine in three stages: summative, formative and control. The summative stage revealed students’ positive motivation for learning new vocabulary, which testifies to its relevance, but the level of students’ vocabulary was quite low. The formative stage was aimed at expanding students’ range of

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

vocabulary on a particular topic, improving the quality of word knowledge, their ability to use new vocabulary in new learning and everyday conditions. The work was carried out in three stages: introduction of new vocabulary; practicing and consolidating new material; using the target vocabulary in written and oral speech. Determining the range of students’ vocabulary, their word knowledge quality and ability to use target vocabulary at the control stage gives grounds to state the effectiveness of conditions for the formation of future language teachers’ lexical competence during the pandemic: the use of information and communication technologies (YouTube, Quizlet, Kahoot, OnlineTestPad, Edpuzzle, Thinglink, Flipgrid) and timeconditioned blended learning as a combination of traditional and distance learning. References Bashkir, O., & Ilchenko, A. (2020). Building lexical competence of learners on English lessons. Topical Issues in the Humanities: Intercollegiate Collection of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, 33(1), 262–267. https://doi.org/10.24919/23084863.1/33.215740 Bodle, А. (2016, February 4). How new words are born. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/media/mind-yourlanguage/2016/feb/04/english-neologisms-newwords Burgos, R. (2020). How the COVID-19 pandemic changed language. Languagewire. Retrieved from https://www.languagewire.com/en/blog/howthe-covid-19-pandemic-changed-language Caro, K., & Rosado, N. (2017). Lexis, Lexical Competence and Lexical Knowledge: A Review. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 8(2), 205–213. https://doi.org/10.17507/jltr.0802.01 Chan, W. M., Chin, K. N., Nagami, M., & Suthiwan T. (2011). Media in foreign language teaching and learning. Studies in second and foreign language education. Boston. Walter de Gruyter. Drozd, T. (2017). Development of communicative competence of teachers of philological specialities in the system of postgraduate education. (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences dissertation), Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, Ukraine. Retrieved from https://www.vspu.edu.ua/content/specialized_ac ademic_council/doc/2017/Drozd_T/dis.pdf

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.8 How to Cite: Veas Iniesta, D.S., & Estay Sepúlveda, J.G. (2021). Development of methods and tools of the commercialization of high-tech projects on the example of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 83-95. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.8

Development of methods and tools of the commercialization of high-tech projects on the example of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Разработка методов и инструментов коммерциализации высокотехнологичных проектов на примере Московского авиационного института (национального исследовательского университета) Received: June 5, 2021

Accepted: August 8, 2021

Written by: Daniela S. Veas Iniesta27 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8473-0670 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57204575922 https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=1028345 Juan Guillermo Estay Sepúlveda28 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7348-5529 Abstract


Building an economy with a reduction in the innovation cycle, i.e. in complex of works, which includes the stages and results of the innovation process, now is one of the main features of the modern development of the world economy. This is a new stage in the formation of an innovative society. One of the key tasks of the state Customer of the program, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, is to obtain the final product as a result of applied scientific research and experimental development. The article discusses the toolkit for management monitoring of the commercialization of hightech projects, which is relevant at the moment. The necessity of introducing innovations in the field of control over the fulfillment of obligations under scientific and technical projects has been substantiated.

Построение экономики с сокращением инновационного цикла, т.е. комплекса работ, который включает в себя этапы и результаты инновационного процесса, на данный момент времени является одной из основных черт современного развития мирового хозяйства. Это новый этап формирования инновационного общества. Одной из ключевых задач Государственного заказчика Программы, Министерства науки и высшего образования, является получение конечного продукта в результате прикладных научных исследований и экспериментальных разработок. В статье рассматривается инструментарий управленческого мониторинга коммерциализации выскокотехнологических проектов, который актуален в текущий момент. Обоснована необходимость внедрения нововведений в области контроля за исполнения обязательтств исполнителей по научно-тахническим проектам.

Keywords: Federal Target Program, industrial partner, priority areas, commercialization, hightech project.

Ключевые слова: Федеральная Целевая Программа, индустриальный партнер, приоритетные направления, коммерциализация, высокотехнологичный проект.

27 28

Senior Lecturer, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia. Universidad Adventista de Chile, Chile. Universidad de Salamanca, España. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Veas Iniesta, D.S., Estay Sepúlveda, J.G. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 83-95 / July, 2021

Introduction According to the Federal Target Program (it is a set of measures in Russia that ensure the effective solution of tasks that require state support, linked by resources, performers and deadlines for implementation) "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 20142020" (FTP) (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 426, 2013), as well as Resolution № 218 (possibility of allocating subsidies to manufacturing enterprises for a period of 1 to 3 years, with a financing volume of up to 100 million rubles per year to finance complex projects of organizing high-tech production carried out jointly by manufacturing enterprises and higher educational institutions or scientific institutions) "On measures of state support for the development of cooperation of Russian educational institutions of higher education, state scientific institutions and organizations implementing complex projects for the creation of high-tech production, within the framework of the subprogram "Institutional development of the research sector" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of science and technology" for 2013 - 2020" (Resolution № 218) priority areas for the development of science and technology and technology in the Russian Federation are the

following (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 218, 2010):    

security and countering terrorism; life sciences; industry of nanosystems; information and telecommunication systems; rational nature management; energy efficiency, energy conservation and nuclear energy; transport and space systems; promising types of weapons, military and special equipment; energy efficiency; energy saving; nuclear energy.

      

Now, the total amount of financing is about 180 000 million rubles, including 150 000 million rubles of the federal budget. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the result obtained is necessary for further commercialization in order to obtain additional funds through its sale, thereby returning the funds spent to the state through taxes and fees (Dmitriev & Novikov, 2021). The Figure 1 shows the life cycle of the return of received subsidies through the commercialization of the final product (Lastochkina & Savilova, 2020).

Budget resources

Implementation of works

Taxes and fees


Final product

Figure 1. Life cycle of the return of received subsidies through the commercialization of the final product The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive, coordinated by industry and priority areas of development, solutions to the problem of developing tools for the commercialization of high-tech projects (both final product and its components) (Beilin et al., 2019; Burdina & Bondarenko, 2020). Accordingly, the following categories of performers are primarily interested in introducing innovations in this area (Putyatina et al., 2020; Tikhonov, 2021):


 

Russian higher educational institutions, developing not only educational activities, but also scientific ones; manufacturing enterprises that use universities for the development of high-

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

tech production, as well as stimulating innovation in the Russian economy. These persons have objective and subjective interests. From their part, there is a demand for the existence and functioning of a highly effective management monitoring toolkit for the commercialization of projects in the modern high-tech production market. This implies not only the existence of a solution to the problem, but also the implementation of measures to implement the appropriate tools. The state is also interested in the transparency and predictability of the results of the commercialization of projects and subsidies, since they are carried out from the federal budget. Successful implementation of the planned indicators of projects contributes to a change in the structure of the economy and its transition to a model of sustainable innovative development (Arsenieva et al., 2020). The article describes in detail the current situation in the field of interaction between Russian high-tech enterprises, universities and the state. For a comprehensive understanding of the processes and methods of interactions between the above subjects, a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative description of works and projects financed from the federal budget is given. The strengths and weaknesses of the projects are considered, and statistical data are provided. After studying the mechanisms of the projects, a methodological and structural description of the prerequisites for the occurrence of a lag from the planned indicators is given. The existing tools for monitoring the implementation of commercialization indicators are considered in detail. The research is supported by statistical data from various projects. As a result, the paper describes measures and proposals for the improvement of existing tools and forms of management monitoring of the commercialization of projects to create products of high-tech enterprises. A practical example of the implementation of the proposed toolkit in the work of one of the departments of Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) is given.

commercialization was made by the works of Dubitskaya, E., Tcukanova, O. (2018), Ziyadin, S., Omarova, A., Doszhan, R., Saparova, G., & Zharaskyzy, G. (2018), Pinkovetskaia, I. S., Arbeláez-Campillo, D. F., Rojas-Bahamón, M. J., Novikov, S. V., & Veas Iniesta, D. S. (2020a), Ling, J. (2020), etc. Their works that have a fundamental focus and provide a starting point for further research in this area, however, the problem of commercializing of high-tech projects (both final product and its components) remains unresolved: there is a lack of data assumed by the contract or agreement for five years after the end of work on the volume of high-tech products developed within the framework of the project (Verevka, 2018; Audretsch & Belitski, 2020). Thus, on the one hand, there is a demand for the development of appropriate tools, and on the other hand, at the moment there is no correct solution for its implementation. Accordingly, the problems of this study are relevant (Chaika, 2019; Chaika, 2021). The information base of the study is various scientific studies of Russian and foreign scientists, statistical data of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, factual data of project participants, as well as internal documents of departments of Moscow Aviation Institute, namely the Scientific Center of Special Radio-Electronic Systems and Management (SC SRESM) (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 218, 2010; Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 426, 2013). Methodology The aim of the study is to develop the main components of the management monitoring toolkit for the commercialization of high-tech projects in relation to modern Russian conditions. To achieve the above goal of research work, the following scientific and applied scientific tasks were formulated and subsequently solved: 1.

Theoretical Basis The complexity of the consideration of the problem under study and the degree of elaboration of the research topic is due to the versatility of the theoretical directions of this research. A significant contribution to the field of

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to rely the data on the current state of implementation of high-tech projects, to identify factors that affect the prospects for the development of commercialization of both the final product and its components; to identify the fundamental feasibility of introducing special innovations in terms of developing tools for management

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4. 5.


monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects; to formulate requirements for a specialized mechanism and to define the conceptual principles of its functioning; to develop a scheme for commercialization tools in priority areas of development; to test the developed toolkit on the example of a specific scientific and technical project to substantiate its practical feasibility and effectiveness; to assess the expected economic efficiency of the implementation of the developed management monitoring toolkit for the main categories of persons who have objective and subjective interests.

The object of the research is Russian universities, manufacturing enterprises and jointly produced products within the framework of project implementation. The subject of the research is the relations arising in the process of creating high-tech production of new products and during the created (developed) high-tech products. Scientific research tools and its theoretical basis is a set of theoretical constructions, including the following: innovation, innovative business, scientific activity, technology commercialization, research and development work, applied jurisprudence, organizational design theory, etc. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the conceptualization and instrumentalization of the commercialization of the result of the work of scientific and technical projects. In terms of results, this novelty is: 1.



in the argumentation of the expediency of introducing special innovations in terms of developing tools for management monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects; in identifying the critical need to improve the mechanism of commercialization of both final product and its components; in multidimensionality of the expected economic efficiency of the development implementation based on the results of the current research.

Scientific results are positioned according to the following headings of the passport of the specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy (by industry)":


  

"Development of new and adaptation of existing methods, mechanisms and tools for the functioning of the economy, organization and management of economic entities in industry"; "Formation of mechanisms for sustainable development of the economy of industrial sectors, complexes, enterprises"; "Instruments for intra-firm and strategic planning at industrial enterprises, industries and complexes"; "Theoretical and methodological foundations for monitoring the development of economic systems of the national economy".

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the contribution to the progress of the theoretical base of technically complex goods and services, for the production of which complex technological processes are used with the planned positive economic effect of the sale of goods, works, services (in comparison with existing analogues) at the stages of the product life cycle (Pinkovetskaia et al., 2020b). The practical value of the results of research work can be determined by the benefits of introducing applied research and experimental work into the implementation process, as well as research and development work in terms of commercializing the results and, thereby, returning budget funding through taxes and fees. Approbation of research results. The main direction of the dissertation was reported, discussed and approved at some conferences and seminars. The research results will be implemented in Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University). In the process of carrying out the work, the following research methods were used and involved (steps that were necessary to achieve the goal):    

empirical (study of information sources, analysis of information received, observation, experiment); theoretical (analysis, synthesis, classification, deduction, induction); quantitative (statistics); high quality (interviews, discussions).

Discussion Over the past several years, work has been carried out within the framework of FTP, the state Customer of which is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Federation in order to form a competitive and efficiently functioning sector of applied research and development. It provides subsidies from the federal budget for financial support (reimbursement) of costs associated with the performance of work in accordance with the developed terms of reference, composition and terms specified in the schedule (Dmitriev, 2020; Tikhonov & Zelentsova, 2021). The recipient of the subsidy is obliged to perform work in accordance with the terms of the agreement with

the Ministry of Education and Science and transfer the results of scientific and technical activities created at the expense of the subsidy funds to an industrial partner (enterprise in which resources are combined into a production process for the purpose of producing products or providing services) for commercialization of the results of work on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Figure 2 shows the volume of FTP funding from 2014 to 2020.


bln rubles

40 30

























Figure 2. Volume of FTP funding from 2014 to 2020 Source: authors The results and indicators of socio-economic efficiency were the following: 

 

 

creation of a basis for changing the structure of the Russian economy for its transition to a model of sustainable innovative development; formation of scientific and technical potential in priority areas of development; increasing the number of innovatively active enterprises and organizations by demonstrating the economic effect from the implementation of the program; realization of the potential of Russian science; developed new technological (technical) solutions and results of intellectual activity obtained by using the properties and (or) features of functioning and (or) application using the created layouts, models, experimental samples and (or) prototypes; developed drafts of technical specifications for subsequent development (experimental and technological) work to create new types of products and technologies.

Now, the program continues to be implemented, 96% of projects that were supposed to be completed have received the planned results. However, a much lower percentage can be shown in relation to the commercialization of developments. This is happening, among other things, due to a deficit of finance, changes in the

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monetary sphere, sanctions and decrease in consumer activity (Dubitskaya & Tcukanova, 2018; Gbadegeshin, 2019). The reasons from the side of the actions of the project executors also take place, since the commercialization strategy at the planning stage of the project is not sufficiently developed, the industrial partner has an insufficient level of qualifications, and there is also weak interaction between the main executors and representatives of the real sector of the economy. Recipient organizations are obliged, within five years after the expiration of contracts for the implementation of complex projects using subsidy funds for the implementation of a complex project, annually submit to the Ministry of Education and Science the following information:   

information about high-tech products created (developed) within the framework of the complex project, progress of the complex Project volumes of products in accordance with agreements signed with the Ministry of Education and Science on the conditions for the provision and use of subsidies, as well as in accordance with the regulations for the submission and consideration of reporting documents.

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88 Interindustry Analytical Center LLC (IAC LLC) in the first quarter of 2019 monitored the implementation of 58 projects of 1-5 and 7 stages of implementation of Resolution 218, accompanied by it, sales obligations received in within the framework of the work performed on the projects of R&D results.

There are many factors, that are reasons for the admitted lag from the planned sales volumes: 1.

Since the agreement on the conditions for the provision and use of subsidies does not directly provide for the submission of information on sales to the Ministry of Education and Science twice a year, the recipient organizations consider January as the main term for the sales report, thus, having the opportunity to cover the entire past year to summarize and present the report. In this regard, in the third quarter of 2018, certificates in Form 1.5 for projects that have passed to the stage of commercialization were not provided. As of the time of the study, on some of the projects, reports on high-tech products created (developed) within the framework of the integrated project, on the progress of the integrated project and the volume of products for the second half of 2017 were not submitted. As a result, in accordance with the reports submitted by the recipient organizations on hightech products created (developed) within the framework of the integrated project, on the progress of the integrated project and the volume of products manufactured in 2018, the volume of manufactured products amounted to about 50 billion rubles. Total volume of products manufactured for all projects for the period of 2013-2018 exceeded 211 billion rubles. Due to the failure to provide sales certificates for more than 80% of projects, it is difficult to estimate the actual total fulfillment of sales obligations. At the same time, it is possible to single out only three projects for which the obligations to implement the results, their commercialization and sales are being fulfilled, one project with a slight lag behind the planned sales volume fulfills the organization's project obligations and three projects with a lag of more than 20%. Based on the data presented for projects of the first and second stages, it follows that for the reporting period 2013-2017, the volume of products manufactured for 23 projects amounted to 80 353.4 million rubles (or 30% of the declared volume).



the most significant influence on the success of the commercialization of the results obtained is provided by market and marketing factors. Possible drop in demand for products developed and created within the framework of projects. At the time of submission of applications for Resolution № 218 competition, industrial organizations were assessing the market, carrying out marketing research and developing strategies for promoting the products being created. However, in the course of the work on the projects, the market situation changed, substitute products appeared, competitors used aggressive marketing, potential consumer changed goals, objectives and methods of achieving them, and cheaper substitutes for the developed products appeared. Thus, the emergence of competitors and likely decrease in the demand for the product by the target audience are strong factors influencing the commercialization of products. The risk of copying the development by competitors, the appearance on the market of an analogue (substitute product) can be leveled through patent protection of the product. Marketing risks can be associated with incorrectly chosen product offer, pricing method or chosen marketing strategy (strategy for promoting a product to the market); the next important factor influencing the success of commercialization is financial one (economic (financial) situation of the organization or in the country as a whole). The fluctuation of the ruble exchange rate, which in turn affects the possibilities (limitations) of purchasing materials, components and equipment to ensure a continuous production process and the operability of production facilities, reduces the volume of products. In addition, there may be risks associated with raising funds at the stage of commercialization. These risks are associated with possibly higher funding needs than planned by the project, as well as the need to find new sources of funding. Particularly acute for Russia, the process of successful commercialization may be influenced by the imposed sanctions: restrictions on the purchase of materials, components and equipment to ensure a continuous production process and the operability of production facilities and reducing the volume of products;

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production, technological and staff risks often arise in commercial structures and at enterprises of the industrial complex. The highest among these risks is the risk of noncompliance with production regulations. There is also a risk of product quality deterioration; organizational and partner factors can play an important role in achieving success at the stage of commercialization. To reduce the dependence on one supplier or consumer, it is necessary to clearly plan the timing of the

project and ensure a careful selection of intermediary partners. All the indicated factors (risks) have a significant impact on the decrease in sales volumes for projects. The negative impact of these reasons can be avoided (or at least reduced) by revising the criteria for the competitive selection of projects for the provision of subsidies. The Figure 3 shows some of the survey externalities that have influenced the commercialization process.

Figure 3. Survey externalities influenced the commercialization process. The main form of commercialization of results is the conclusion of a license agreement with an industrial partner as a means of "disposing of the exclusive right" to use the result of intellectual activity. With an increase in the number of concluded license agreements, the volume of research results obtained, accepted for further implementation, increases. However, the prospects for further implementation can be described as uncertain ones.

the process of developing and implementing a number of activities with the help of which the results of work can be offered on the market with commercial purposes. It is based on the assumption that the following factors are the key factors affecting the level of the above problem (at the stage of applying for participation in the project):

An analysis of the reporting documentation posted on the official website of the System of Expertise (sstp.ru) shows that in many completed projects there are no specific plans or strategy for using the results obtained and their further commercialization. In most cases, this is referred to as a medium-term forecast. There is an inclusion in the tender documentation of information about the qualifications and resources of the industrial partner, as well as a report on marketing research, which currently needs to be prepared only at the last stages of the project.

Based on the analysis of the theory and practice in the field of management monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects, a toolkit was proposed in the work that allows to significantly increase the number of projects that have switched to commercialization, that is, to

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  

lack of a strategy and plan for commercialization; lack of information about the qualifications and resources of the industrial partner; lack of marketing research report agreed by both parties: the recipient of the subsidy and the industrial partner; lack of plan for the volume of production, limited in time; absence of penalties.

However, the increased attention to the problem of commercialization, nevertheless, should not turn this criterion into the main one in the competitive selection of projects during the implementation of the program in the priority areas of science and technology development. In order to get acquainted with the results of the transition of projects to the stage of commercialization, representatives of IAC LLC are invited to carry out monitoring visits to the

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90 industrial sites of enterprises that have completed R&D under contracts and have begun to manufacture and sell products developed using the results of the project. In the second quarter of 2019, IAC LLC is proposed to form a work plan with the recipients of subsidies for projects that have entered the stage of commercializing the results obtained, and as part of the further implementation of this plan, assess the achievement of requirements and develop a number of measures that will include monitoring visits with checking the current status work on projects, primarily those where there is nonfulfillment and there has been a backlog. In accordance with the agreement on the provision of the subsidy, within five years after

the end of its validity, the recipient of the subsidy is obliged to provide the Ministry of Education and Science with information on high-tech products created (developed) within the framework of the integrated project, on the progress of the integrated project and the volume of products in the Form of 1.5, shown in the Figure 4. However, after the end of the contract, there is no strict control over the work of the recipients of the subsidy, which leads to delays in the provision of data. The lack of a predetermined specific reporting period makes it difficult to collect reliable information. Recipient organizations consider January as the conditional month for submitting this report, however, practice shows that in 80% of cases the information is not provided.

Figure 4. Current form of a high-tech product planned for release, created (developed) as part of an integrated project and its volumes. Among the tools for management monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects, developed during this study, reporting Form 1.5 was improved, provided by the recipient of the Ministry of Education and Science at the stage of submitting the tender documentation with the filled-in information fields under item 1, and at the stage of signing the agreement on the provision of the subsidy with added information


on paragraph 2. It is proposed that this document is one of the clauses of the agreement (in terms of planned performance indicators, such as number of scientific publications, patent applications or activities carried out) or an annex to an agreement. A modernized and improved form of a high-tech product planned for release, created (developed) as part of an integrated project and its volumes, is shown in the Figure 5.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Figure 5. Modernized and improved form of a high-tech product planned for release, created (developed) as part of an integrated project and its volumes From these tables it can be seen that the recipient of the subsidy here already undertakes to fulfill the plan in a certain established volume of output.

with the addition of a clause on the amount of penalties in case of non-fulfillment or lag in meeting performance indicators. The existing applicable penalties are shown in the Table 1.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science developed and signed an additional agreement Table 1. Existing applicable penalties. Performance indicator

Amount of penalties Return of the subsidy in the amount determined in proportion to the ratio of the difference between the planned and actually achieved performance indicator to the planned indicator. The formula for calculating the return of the subsidy:

Number of publications resulting from the project in scientific journals indexed in Scopus database or in Web of Science database

where Amount r𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = Subsidy ×

Share of researchers under the age of 39 in the total number of researchers participating in the project

Value𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 −V𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒fact Valueplan


Subsidy is the amount of the subsidy provided to the Subsidy Recipient in the relevant year; is the amount of the subsidy returned;Amount r𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 is the sum of the planned values of performance indicators Value𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 in the corresponding year; is the sum of the performance indicators actually achieved V𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒fact by the Recipient in the relevant year Refund of the subsidy in the amount of 10% of the amount of the subsidy provided to the Recipient of the subsidy in the corresponding year

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Volume of attracted extrabudgetary funds Number of theses for scientific degrees defended based on the results of research and development Number of events to demonstrate and popularize the results and achievements of science, in which the organization is the executing of the project took part and presented the results of the project

Return of the subsidy in the amount of the difference between the planned and actually attracted in the corresponding year amount of extra-budgetary funds Refund of the subsidy in the amount of 10% of the amount of the subsidy provided to the Recipient of the subsidy in the corresponding year Refund of the subsidy in the amount of 10% of the amount of the subsidy provided to the Recipient of the subsidy in the corresponding year Return of the subsidy in the amount determined in proportion to the ratio of the difference between the planned and actually achieved performance indicator to the planned indicator. The formula for calculating the return of the subsidy: whereAmount r𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 = Subsidy ×

Number of patent applications based on research and development

Value𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛−V𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒fact Valueplan


Subsidy is the amount of the subsidy provided to the Subsidy Recipient in the relevant year; is the amount of the subsidy returned;Amount r𝑒𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑛 is the sum of the planned values of performance indicators Value𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 in the corresponding year; is the sum of the performance indicators actually achieved V𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒fact by the Recipient in the relevant year

In this study, it is proposed to add to the performance indicator the volume of output, that is, the commercialization of the result obtained within five years after the end of the contract or agreement and, as a consequence of nonfulfillment or delay in implementation, the imposition of penalties in proportion to the amount of the subsidy received and the volume of production planned for five years. This change in the clause of the contract will ensure the fulfillment of the planned indicators for commercialization and will allow achieving the expected economic efficiency. When testing the toolkit for management monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects developed within the framework of the study, a number of activities were carried out within the framework of one of Moscow Aviation Institute departments, SC SRESM. In 2016-2018, two projects have been successfully implemented on the basis of the department within the framework of Resolution № 218 and FTP. A marketing study was carried out, the task of which was to determine a strategy for the commercialization of scientific and technical products created using the results of work on the topic "Creation of a scientific and technical groundwork in the field of building a unified miniature airborne radar target load of small UAS vehicles for monitoring ice conditions during construction and operation of oil and gas platforms". The complex of technical solutions developed in the course of the work, will make it possible to


create a standard-size range of Russian smallsized and lightweight multi-band synthetic aperture radar systems. Accordingly, the results obtained during the implementation of the project can find a fairly wide field for commercialization in the form of various products, services in the field of using UAS equipped with radar systems. The formation of a strategy for the commercialization of the results of work and created products in various market niches and segments, as applied to the branches of the real sector of the economy, was the main goal of the marketing research. The main tasks were: 1.


clarification of the most promising niches and market segments, as well as the volumes of the selected segments; formation of a business model and strategy for bringing new products to the market.

In Russia, according to experts of the Aeronet Association, against the background of sanctions restrictions and the associated slowdown in economic growth, expressed in the development of the crisis, the market for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and related technologies is growing annually by 15-20%. Based on the assessment of the most promising areas of commercialization, the following market niches were market niches for the newly created technical solutions within the framework of the work:

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In the field of liquidation and prevention of emergencies: 1.1. search for people, vehicles, objects; 1.2. coordination of rescue operations at night and in conditions of limited visibility; 1.3. detection and control of extinguishing forest fires; 1.4. coordination of actions of rescue services in case of floods; 1.5. carrying out rescue operations at sea. 2. In the field of safety and security: 2.1. protection of state borders; 2.2. protection of the boundaries of objects and people; 2.3. detection of vehicles, objects and people, including those camouflaged or in conditions of poor visibility. 3. In the field of monitoring linear and areal objects: 3.1. nuclear, thermal and hydroelectric power plants (nuclear power plants, thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants); 3.2. main power lines (power transmission lines); 3.3. land resources and real estate objects (cartography and cadastre); 3.4. oil and gas pipelines and other pipeline infrastructure facilities; 3.5. forest and water resources;

3.6. roads, railway lines and other transport facilities; 3.7. deposits, objects of the oil and gas and mining industries; 3.8. objects of agriculture. 4. In the field of geodesy, cartography and geophysics: 4.1. geo-calculator (calculating the volumes of embankments and mine workings); 4.2. geodetic works; 4.3. cartographic work; 4.4. geophysical work. 5. In the field of scientific research: 5.1. research in the Arctic, including ice exploration, snow cover research, etc.; 5.2. formation of accurate 3D terrain models; 5.3. equipment testing; 5.4. carrying out research and development in the field of creating radar systems. The listed niches almost completely correspond to the main market niches in which the use of small UAS is effective, the total market size for which for the Russian market is shown in row 1 of Table 2. Foreign markets at the time of preparation of this study are not considered as achievable in connection with the sanctions policy of a number of Western states, limiting the possibility of entering them with "dual" products.

Table 2. Forecast of sales of the developed product. Indicator name Assessment of the volume of the Russian civilian segment of the market for "tactical" UAV in physical terms (approximate number of objects produced, in total in the Russian Federation), complex Industrial partner market share (conservative estimate of market share), % Share of the new product on the market of the total market volume (as a part of industrial partner share), % New product sales forecast (conservative estimate)

As a part of the study, a number of activities were carried out:

 

feasibility study was developed for the creation of high-tech production in order to rationalize the values of the project for the development of a priority direction of development, science and technology in the Russian Federation, in which the project is being implemented; brief analysis of the development of the market for UAS equipped with radar equipment was carried out; there are places in the market of companies that implement competing technologies;

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2 000

3 000

6 500

13 000













technical description of the products created for the commercialization of the results of the work was carried out; key competitive advantages of the products being developed were identified; positioning of the product in key market niches and segments was carried out.

Results Based on the study, it can be concluded that the main way of communicating the results of work to consumers is to license the results of industrial partner project and organize the serial production of UAS by the latter. The industrial partner plans to communicate to the consumer information about new products created using the results

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94 through active sales and participation in industry events. The company also plans to take an active part in industrial events, where it will inform potential Customers about the features of the products being developed. In addition, independent commercialization will consist, first of all, in organizing the production of small-sized radar systems for their installation on UAV of various manufacturers. It is also possible that such a production will become a joint venture between the project contractor and the industrial partner. Already in 2019, one contract has been signed for the modernization of an existing development, negotiations are underway on the installation of the developed radar system on UAV and helicopters: 

implementation of the results of the study is economically feasible due to the size of the expected average annual economic effect, the payback of the implementation of the development comes no later than a calendar year from the start of this implementation; size of the expected economic effect is changing over time and depends on a number of parameters.

the development, which occurs no later than a calendar year from the start of this implementation. This can only happen if there is a clear plan and obligations to the Ministry of Education and Science, which must be formalized in writing using the improved and modernized Form 1.5, as well as by introducing a new clause in the contract or agreement on the amount of penalties for non-fulfillment or lagging behind planned targets. Requirements for a specialized mechanism of management control have been formulated and conceptual principles of its functioning have been determined. The mechanism should include a specific plan for the volume of products produced, should identify specific interested parties-buyers, and should also be limited in time to avoid penalties. Measures have been developed to modernize the existing commercialization tools in priority areas of development: conducting marketing research before the conclusion of an agreement or agreement, developing a plan and strategy for commercialization, drawing up a specific plan for the volume of products for the next five years after expiration and system of penalties, carrying out activities to promote results.

Conclusions Based on the data on the current state of implementation of high-tech projects, the factors influencing the prospects for the development of commercialization of both final product and its components are identified. If the course of preparation of tender documentation changes before the conclusion of contracts or agreements, the influence of negative factors can be avoided or at least reduced. For example, it was concluded that if there is a commercialization strategy and plan, information about the qualifications and resources of industrial partner and a written marketing research report agreed by both parties: the recipient of the subsidy and the industrial partner, it is possible to increase the level of commercialization of the product already at the initial stages. The reasons and prerequisites for non-fulfillment of performance indicators for projects implemented in the high-tech production market are described in detail. The fundamental feasibility of introducing special innovations in terms of developing tools for management monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects was revealed. Innovations take place due to the magnitude of the expected average annual economic effect and the return on investment of


The developed toolkit was tested on the example of a specific scientific and technical project to substantiate its practical feasibility and effectiveness, namely in SC SRESM on Resolution № 218 and FTP projects implemented in 2016-2018. The expected economic efficiency of the implementation of the developed management monitoring toolkit for the main categories of persons who have objective and subjective interests was estimated. The state receives the spent budgetary funds through taxes and fees during the commercialization of the results of work, and the performers receive income from the conclusion of supply contracts. Based on the foregoing, the scientific and scientific-applied results obtained in the course of the study represent the scientific solution proposed by the author to the urgent economic problem of developing tools for management monitoring of the commercialization of high-tech projects. The organizational and economic mechanism developed in the scientific aspect has a particularly important scientific, economic and

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Benkova, K., Georgiev, Y., Raleva, S., Vlaeva, N., Taneva, T. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 96-104 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.9 How to Cite: Benkova, K., Georgiev, Y., Raleva, S., Vlaeva, N., & Taneva, T. (2021). Study of the values of the social workers in Bulgaria. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 96-104. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.9

Study of the values of the social workers in Bulgaria Проучване на ценностите на социалните работници в България Received: July 2, 2021

Accepted: August 10, 2021

Written by: Krasimira Benkova29 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2456-4698 ResearcherID: AAS-9884-2021 Yavor Georgiev30 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0650-9962 ResearcherID: G-9709-2016 Stanimira Raleva31 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2728-0068 ResearcherID: AAT-1893-2021 Nadia Vlaeva32 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9111-4430 ResearcherID: AAS-9874-2021 Tanya Taneva33 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1097-7857 ResearcherID: AAT-1882-2021 Abstract


The purpose of this article is to study the priority motivation values of the social workers in Bulgaria and the factors influencing them. The study covers 205 social workers, participating voluntarily and anonymously. The Schwartz questionnaire: The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) was used, adapted by Karandashev (2004). The factor influences between the most significantly manifested values of the social workers and the parameters age, sex, education, improvement of the qualification, work experience, choice of profession and need for specific knowledge and skills were verified. It has been found out that only the parameter ‘choice of profession’ has an influence on the value of “benevolence”. The results of the study show that the priority values of the social workers coincide with the mission and purpose of the social work and confirm the results of other researchers.

Целта на настоящата статия е да проучи приоритетните мотивационни ценности на социалните работници в България и факторите, които им влияят. В проучването, на доброволен и анонимен принцип, участват 205 социални работници. Изплозван е въпросникът на Schwartz: The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) по адаптация на Карандашев (2004). Проверени са факторните влияния между най-силно проявените ценности на социалните работници и показателите възраст, пол, образование, повишаване на квалификацията, стаж, избор на професия и необходимост от специфични знания и умения. Открито е влияние само на показател „избор на професия“ върху ценността „доброжелателност“. Резултатите от изследването показват, че приоритетните ценности на социалните работници съвпадат


Professor at Faculty of Medicine, department of Medical psychology, Social work and foreign languages, Trakia University, Bulgaria. 30 Assistant professor at Faculty of Medicine, department of Medical psychology, Social work and foreign languages, Trakia University, Bulgaria. 31 PhD student at Faculty of Medicine, department of Medical psychology, Social work and foreign languages, Trakia University, Bulgaria. 32 Chief assistant professor, Faculty of Medicine, department of Medical psychology, Social work and foreign languages, Trakia University, Bulgaria. 33 Associated professor at Faculty of Economic, department of Social Sciences and Business Language Training, Trakia University, Bulgaria.


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Кeywords: social work, values, PVQ, personal values.

с мисията и целта на социалната работа и потвърждават резултатите на други изследователи. Ключови думи: социална работа, ценности, PVQ, личностни ценности.

Introduction In today’s postmodern society globalization made it impossible for the separate countries to exist as close societies (Benkova, 2013). Through unification of the traditional cultural models globalization forces the regional communities to redefine the traditional values determining their socio-cultural profile (Sagan, Sitek, & Szajnowska-Wysocka, 2020). Globalization has had a profound effect on social work practice, changing service delivery; altering the labour process for professional social workers; creating new social problems for practitioners to address, such as peopletrafficking and environmental issues; and producing demands for indigenization, or the development of locality specific forms of theory and practice (Dominelli, 2010). Social work in Bulgaria is not an exception and in the recent years it has undergone a number of changes reflecting the above tendencies. A new understanding and new philosophy, entirely directed towards the individual and his decent life have been outlined in the Social Services Act (2019) adopted in 2019. The services do not report only the age but also the specifications of the respondents. Thus groups are formed, where the individual needs of the people searching support could be considered. Moreover, there is a wider understanding that all family members and relatives needs support because not only one person has a problem, the problem relates to all people living with him.

In the course of its development, social work turns into a profession of strongly normative nature. At the same time it is based on a strong tradition of charity, a result of the Christian religion preaching love for the others and personal obligation for help and support for those in need. The fundamental purposes and mission of the social work are founded on the practitioners’ convictions (Reid, 1992). Within this meaning, social work is not a simple technology, it is a rather value-based and value-inspired effort aiming to help the vulnerable through complex methods of intervention (Timms, 1983). The values of the social work should not represent a random or variable set of norms and prescription or a mirror of the public preferences and highlights; they should rather represent a standardized reflection of collective responsibility, which is implied from the role of social work in the society (Levy, 1973). Today the spheres of activity of the social workers are so diverse that in order to answer the question “Who are we?” is not only a matter of professional solidarity or theoretical interest but an important condition for professional-value and moral and ethic self-determination. This preconditions the purpose of the present article – to outline the priority motivation values of he social workers in Bulgaria and the factors influencing them. Theoretical Framework

For the first time the Act regulates the right of the social workers to obtain an introductory and upgrading training. This is necessary so that the people whose profession is to help, to do that in the most qualified manner – to have a sufficient preparation, motivation and qualification and to work with a number of cases allowing for actual help. The efficiency of the social services depends to a largest extent on the professional qualification of the people. However, social work requires more than provision of services under certain standards, because part of it is the interference/change in the human life.

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The values are subject of a scientific and philosophic interest on the side of philosophers and scientists (E. Durkheim, M. Weber, T. Parsons, W. Thomas, F. Znanetski). Currently the value related issues become more and more topical in the conditions of quickly changing social reality and the ascertained value crisis (Fotev, 2012; 2019). Milton Rokeach considers values as “abstract ideas, either positive or negative, not related to a particular subject or situation, expressing a

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98 conviction about types of behaviour and preferred objectives” (Rokeach, 1973). Schwartz (2012) claims that “when we think about values, we think about what is important for us in life”. According to his concept, each one of us has multiple values (success, security, benevolence), each of which has a different degree of significance. A given value may be important for some but unimportant for others. The value theory of Schwartz is based on a value concept outlining six basic specifications (values as convictions, values as goals, values as standards, values are not bound by a specific activity, values have a hierarchy, values have a relative nature; see Kluckhohn, 1951; Morris, 1956; Rokeach 1973). Studying of values and value orientations of separate social groups, professional communities, civil associations is of special interest. In this connection it is important to note that not only the conduct of empirical studies but also extensive interpretation of their results are important for rationalization of the events in the social reality. The theoretical developments are a tool for rationalization of multiple processes and phenomena happening in the social sphere, including the issue of values. At the same time there is a problem related to difficulties using the theoretical developments for interpretation of empirical data – e.g. the use by different researchers of the concepts of ‘values’ and ‘value orientation’. In the present article priority is given to the concept of ‘values’, the difference in the two concepts is considered, without being subject of special analysis. In this particular case the problem of values carried by the social workers is outlined. For the purposes of the present article, the theory of Shalom Schwartz was used and applied with regard to values (Schwartz, 2012). Generally this theory considers values as a reflection of the motivation goals of the individuals and factors influencing emotions and conduct both in the personal and professional life. The theory of study of individual values developed by Schwartz is based on 1) Milton Rokeach’s concept for terminal and instrumental values, and 2) Shalom Schwartz’s concept for the motivation goals of the value orientations and the universal nature of basic human values (Karandashev, 2004).


The theory developed by Shalom Schwartz considers basic values recognized by people with different cultures. It identifies 10 motivation types of values and standardizes the dynamic relations between them. According to this concept, some values are in conflict with others (e.g. benevolence and authority), while others are compatible (conformity and safety). The “structure” of values relates exactly to such conflicts and compliance between them (Schwartz, 2012). According to the author, the values are structured in a similar way in the different cultural groups. This gives a reason for the assumption of the author of this concept that there is a universal organization of human motivation. Although the nature of values and their structure are universal, there may be significant differences between individuals and groups in their attitude towards the relative significance given to values. This means that according to Shalom Schwartz, the different individuals and groups have different value priorities or hierarchies. Social work has clearly defined professional values, such as: equal opportunities for everybody, guaranteeing aid to everyone, responsibility to other people’s lives, participation of the individual in making decisions related to his well being, confidentiality, ability for free choice (NASW, 2017). Tartakovsky & Walsh (2018) state that “considered within the context of the theory of values developed by Shalom Schwartz, it is evident that the official documents of social work emphasize on the values of self-transcendence and openness to change”. More specifically, in the opinion of Tartakovsky & Walsh, the social workers must consider the values benevolence, universalism and self-direction as significant. These values are oriented towards change and have a strong social focus and within this meaning they aim at stimulating personal growth and development, as well as justice and equality in the society (Tartakovsky & Walsh, 2018, p.117). However, very few empirical works study the values of the social workers and “whether they correspond to the officially announced ethos and values of the profession” (Tartakovsky & Walsh, 2018, p.115). The values of the social workers were studied with Schwartz’s instrument: The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) from Knafo & Sagiv, (2004), Tartakovsky, E. (2016), Tartakovsky, E.,

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& Walsh, S. D. (2018). The first study (Knafo & Sagiv, 2004) was carried out in Israel, the obtained results for the social workers were compared with those of representatives of 31 other professions. The second study (Tartakovsky, 2016) considers the dependencies between the values of the social workers and the occupational burnout syndrome. The third one (Tartakovsky, & Walsh, 2018), explores whether the values of the social workers as a professional group differ from those of the society. Abbott (1999) examines the values of the social workers using a Professional Opinion Scale (POS), investigating whether the social workers from different cultures share the same values. Wilks (2004) uses Vignettes as a method of studying the values of the social workers.

performed by means of a 5-point scale: 4 = Very relevant to me, 3 = Relevant to me, 2 = Somehow relevant to me, 1 = Fairly relevant to me, 0 = Not relevant to me, and -1 = Absolutely not relevant to me. The ten basic values are: Benevolence, Universalism, Self-direction, Security, Conformity, Hedonism, Tradition, Stimulation, Achievements, Power.


Limitations of the research

The purpose of the study is to explore the priority values for the social workers and the influence of the socio-demographic specifications and the choice of profession of the respondents on such values.

The study has its subjective and objective limitations, related to the refusal of some of the social workers to fill out the relevant questionnaires and with the failure to obtain permissions for performance of the study in some social services.

The study was carried out among social workers carrying out social services in the community, in specialized institutions and the departments of Social Assistance Directorate on the territory of two districts in Bulgaria. There were 205 social workers participating in it. The study was carried out on an anonymous and voluntary principle and each questionnaire was accompanied by an informed consent card. Schwartz’s questionnaire The Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) was used, as adapted by V.N. Karandashev (2004). The methodology contained 40 descriptions of people meeting any of the 10 basic values. The respondent had to judge the extent to which the description relates to him or not. This is

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The processing of the obtained data was carried out by means of Microsoft Excel and the statistical package Statistica 12. The data were entered and processed by Statistica 12. the following basic statistical analyses were used: descriptive statistics, dispersion analysis (ANOVA), with level of significance for zero hypothesis p>0.05, Student-Fischer’s T-test.

Results and Discussion Specification of the participants in the study The profile of the respondents may be explained with the following figure: A woman aged between 39 and 49, working at Social Assistance Directorate, with work experience over 10 years, education other than Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Social activities, with additional training by means of courses, considering that the profession requires specialized knowledge and skills, who has decided to become a social worker at her personal choice (Table 1).

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100 Table 1. Summarized specification of the participants in the study. Socio-demographic specification Workplace

Social Assistance Directorate 168 people

Social service 37 people


22-38 yrs old 71 people 39-49 yrs old


Up to 5 yrs Women

78 people

183 people

6 to 10 yrs 47 people

83 people 50-60 yrs old 45 people

Work experience


Over 10 yrs

21 people

80 people

Education Bachelor’s degree in Social activities 56 people Master’s degree in Social activities 43 people Other education 104 people

Values of the participants in the study The priority values for the social workers are: benevolence (rank 1), universalism (rank 2) and self-direction (rank 3).

Need for specific knowledge and skills

Additional qualification

Choice of profession

Courses, workshops 105 people

Personal choice 121 people

Due to the lack of another opportunity 19 people

191 people

Specialization 7 people University education 22 people

By notion of chance 65 people



12 people

According to the methodology used (Karandashev, 2004), the results (the mean values and scores) are successively represented in Table 2.

Table 2. Mean values of Individual’s profile and their corresponding rank. Value Benevolence Universalism Self-direction Security Conformity Hedonism Tradition Stimulation Achievements Power

mean 2,87 2,83 2,65 2,45 2,32 2,05 2,01 1,86 1,81 0,71

rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

of ‘benevolence’. The results are represented in Table 3.

Factor influences We searched for factor influences between the most pronounced values of the questioned social workers and the parameters age, sex, education, improvement of the qualification, work experience, choice of profession and need for specific knowledge and skills. H0: The parameters will not have influence on the Individual’s profile, p>0.05. H1: The parameters will have influence on the Individual’s profile, p<0.05. The influence of all parameters on the three most strongly expressed values has been studied. The results of the study show influence only under the parameter of “choice of profession” on the value


We also searched for statistically significant differences in the mean values. A T-test shows that the social workers who have started work ‘by notion of chance’ show a statistically significant difference in the mean values in comparison to their colleagues who have started work ‘due to the lack of another opportunity for career development’, in their individual profile the leading value is ‘Benevolence’. The social workers who have started work at their “personal choice” show a statistically significant difference in the mean values compared with their colleagues who have started work “due to the lack of another opportunity for

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

career development”, in their personal profile the leading value is ‘Benevolence’. The difference is big and statistically significant, with p<0.01.

These results show that the social workers who have chosen the profession of social work “at their personal choice” and “by notion of chance” show to a larger extent ‘Benevolence’ towards their colleagues.

Table 3. Influence of the parameter of ‘choice’ on the value ‘Benevolence’ Independent variable

Dependent variable

Degree Personal choice

Choice of profession


Due to the lack of another opportunity for career development By notion of chance

F, p


F = 5.75 p < 0.01

t1,2 = 3.36 p<0.01 t3,2 = 2.02 p<0.05


2.40 2.81


“Sex” parameter

The profession of social work is often described as “dominated” by women in the specialized literature of McPhail, B. A. (2004). Most frequently social work is placed in one group with the professions of nurse and teacher (Stromberg, 1988). Giovannoni and Purvine (1974) state that social work is regarded as “female” profession because “its functions are characterized as continuation of the caring role of the woman and the significance of the women in the early development of the profession”. The study shows that this tendency is still preserved.

Regarding the common specification of the participants in the study

“Age” parameter With respect to the age groups in which the social workers are allocated, observations show the introduction of young professionals in practice, and the presence of social workers in the age group from 50 to 60 and over 60. We believe that the second group of social workers can be extremely useful in their capacity of mentors of their young colleagues and a corrective in their professional behavior. “Workplace” parameter The larger relative share of the respondents exercise their profession in the departments of Social Assistance Directorate. A significantly lower share belongs to the workers providing various social services. The methodologies under which the social services are functioning, rarely presuppose the availability of more than one social worker. This does not mean that the social services do not need professionals in social work. The structural units at Social Assistance Directorate provide not only social benefits but also direct, accommodate and lead away the users of social services and also carry out activities related to protection of the children and adoption procedures. This presupposes the availability of a significantly higher number of social workers. Despite the process of deinstitutionalization and the state policy of decentralization, there is a tendency of centralization with respect to the social work specialists.

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“Work experience” parameter Regarding the work experience, the largest relative share according to the study belongs to the group of social workers from 6 to 10 and over 10 years of work experience. This speaks of the availability of specialists with long-term experience and practice, who are experts in social work and can render expert aid to their colleagues, for example through various forms of supervision. The relative share of the social workers with work experience up to 5 years confirms the introduction of young cadres in practice. The parameter of “education” More than half of the respondents have education different than the required for the profession. The results confirm the study of Benkova et all. (2020, p.11), according to which 47.41% of the questioned social workers do not have education in Social activities. Such social workers must undergo specialized university education as envisaged in the statutory provisions in order to practice the profession. ISSN 2 322- 6307


102 In their standards, the organizations of social workers on an international, European and national level have adopted requirements for permanent improvement of the practitioners’ qualification. The permanent training ensures maintenance of high quality in practice. The higher educational level and the additional training are associated with a higher status and reputation and lead to satisfaction with the performed activity (Vila, 2000). The social workers who have passed additional courses and university studies have a wider range of scientific knowledge which substantiate their decisions and practical behavior and bring them additional confidence. This means that they have a higher level of motivation for acceptance of new tasks and pursue their goals with perseverance despite the obstacles and difficulties they face. The results show that the largest relative share of the respondents have chosen their profession as personal choice, i.e. their choice is voluntary and intentional regarding all challenges and difficulties of the profession. In our opinion this means that he choice of profession is connected with the argument to help those in need and that for them social work is the profession through which they could accomplish their desire to care for the others. The parameter of “Specific knowledge and skills” There is an increasing need for specific knowledge and skills demonstrated by the social workers. These results are obtained regardless of whether the participants have a Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree in Social activities. This speaks of realized need for 1) constant increase in the practitioners’ expertise; and 2) acquisition of university education by those who do not have one. 

Regarding the values of the participants in the study

The results of the study show that the priority values of the respondents coincide with the mission and objective of the social work. The results confirm the research carried out by Knafo & Sagiv, (2004), Tartakovsky, E. (2016), Tartakovsky, E., & Walsh, S. D. (2018). The questioned social workers are people suppressing their own needs in order to help others. This shows that the respondents are people who are extremely concerned with the well-being and prosperity of the people in need. The social


worker has the vocation to render support and help to those in need. Regarding the influence of the factor ‘choice of profession’ on the values Studies show that the problems in the respondents’ own families are a factor for choosing the profession of social work (Rompf, & Royse, 1994). Such a hypothesis has not been explored in the present article. Other researchers consider the choice as a result of attitudes, objectives and values (Markus & Kitayama, 2003) and a parameter of the internal attitudes on the basis of which people make a conclusion about their own preferences (Festinger, 1957; Sela, Berger, & Kim, 2017). The results showed that the only factor which influences the values of the social workers is the “choice of profession”. ANOVA showed that it only influences the value of “benevolence” (see Table 3). It depends on the individual what he would become and what the world in which he lives in would be. This is the meaning of the famous thesis of Sartre: “Existence precedes essence”. This means that first of all the man is and then he is this or that; the individual must create his own identity; he defines himself gradually by rushing into the world as a party, fighting on his own; and the definition remains always open; it cannot be said what the man is before his death or what the mankind is before it disappears. Stemming from this idea, Sartre develops his opinion on freedom and personal choice in “Being and Nothingness” and more specifically in the “Cafe Waiter”. Benefiting from his personal freedom, the waiter takes the role as such without being such in reality. He needs to be a waiter in order to be a part of the society. Without recognition from the others he cannot exist as a waiter because he actually is not. A man makes a choice of his own, entirely assuming all possible consequences of his act, without having support from the outside or inside in him (Benkova & Kolev, 2011). Within this meaning, the respondents who have chosen the profession on their own have done so because they feel a necessity to be social workers and to help those in need. Conclusions The results of the study show that the social workers bear values corresponding to those of the profession; they do not reduce their practice to technical performance of certain requirements and criteria but want to help people. It is

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important for the participants in the study to take care of the well-being of the society members. The present article confirms the conclusions of other researchers in the field of values of social workers. This outlines future perspectives and challenges for the study of the value-related issues in the social work, intended to cover a larger number of participants and a study and comparison of the values of the social workers internationally. Bibliographic references Abbott, A. A. (1999). Measuring social work values: A cross-cultural challenge for global practice. International social work, 42(4), 455-470. DOI: 10.1177/002087289904200407 Benkova, K. (2013). Ethics of social work. Bogomilovo: Contrast publ. ISBN 978-954-338061-9 link: https://plus.bg.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/1265817060 Benkova, K., & Kolev, G. (2011). Texts and comments on ethics: for students majoring in Social Activities. Bulgaria: Stara Zagora, Alfamarket+. ISBN 978-954-9443-59-2 link: https://plus.bg.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/1248510948 Benkova, K., Vlaeva, N., Peeva, K., & Raleva, S. (2020). Defining the degree of work attractiveness in the Protected Housing service in Bulgaria. European Journal of Social Work, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2020.1738348 Dominelli, L. (2010). Globalization, contemporary challenges and social work practice. International Social Work, 53 (5), 599-612. DOI: 10.1177/0020872810371201 Festinger, L. (1957). A theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press Fotev, G. (2012). Spheres of values. New Bulgarian University. Sofia, ISBN: 978-954535-701-5 Fotev, G. (2019). European values. The new constellation. New Bulgarian University. Sofia. ISBN: 9786192330651 Giovannoni, J. M., & Purvine, M. E. (1974). The myth of the social work matriarchy. Official Proceedings 100th Annual Forum of the National Conference on Social Welfare. New York: Columbia University Press, 166-195 link: https://hdl.handle.net/10622/76BB572A-9A6746CE-A2AE-A55992D868E8 Karandashev, V.N. (2004). Schwartz's methodology for the study of personal values. SPb.: Speech. ISBN 5-9268-0299-7 Kluckhohn, C. (1951). Values and valueorientations in the theory of action: An exploration in definition and classification. In T. Parsons & E. Shils (Eds.), Toward a general theory of action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.10 How to Cite: Levchenko, N., Вozhko, Y., Hontarenko, I., Baibekova, L., & Chetveryk, V. (2021). Professor Leonid Ushkalov’s Skovorodiana. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 105-111. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.10

Professor Leonid Ushkalov’s Skovorodiana Сковородинознавство професора Леоніда Ушкалова Received: June 12, 2021

Accepted: August 2, 2021

Written by: Natalia Levchenko34 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7535-6330 Yuliia Вozhko35 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7235-0670 Iryna Hontarenko36 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0411-2520 Liudmyla Baibekova37 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0752-2085 Victor Chetveryk38 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2137-2095 Abstract


The article analyzes the contribution of Professor Leonid Ushkalov’s scientific works to the intellectual matrix of Kharkiv Philological School and Skovoroda studies. He outlined in his researches such complex problems of literary and philosophical reasonings by H. Skovoroda as the source of his works; genre-artistic features of his poetry versification; a fable definition by Skovoroda as an independent literary genre of philosophical style, and a parable as a model of a fable and philosophical dialogue peculiar fusion; vivid mythological and biblical imagery and the original structure of treatises; deployment in magnificent Baroque forms and in biblical, mythological, emblematic images in the plane of Christian Neoplatonism of philosophical and theological thoughts in the theologian’s «Socratic» dialogues; Skovoroda’s Biblical noematics and heuristics as a text comprehensive allegory of the Holy Bible; the influence of works by Skovoroda on the new, modern and contemporary Ukrainian literature and a great number of other issues, each of which has the prospect of deploying into a separate Skovoroda

Устатті проаналізовано внесок наукових праць професора Леоніда Ушкалова в інтелектуальну матрицю Харківської філологічної школи та студіїСковороди. У своїх дослідженнях він окреслив такі складні проблеми літературно-філософських міркувань Г. Сковороди як джерело його творів; жанрово-художні особливості його поетичної версифікації; визначення байки Сковородою як самостійного літературного жанру філософського стилю та притчі як моделі байки та своєрідного злиття філософського діалогу; яскраві міфологічні та біблійні образи та оригінальна структура трактатів; розгортання у чудових формах бароко та в біблійних, міфологічних, емблематичних образах у площині християнського неоплатонізму філософських та богословських думоку «сократичних» діалогахбогослова; Біблійна ноематика та евристика Сковороди як текстова всебічна алегорія СвятоїБіблії; впливтворівСковородинанову, сучасну та сучасну українську літературу та велику


Habilitated Doctor of Philology, Professor in Leonid Ushkalov Department of Ukrainian Literature and Journalism, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 35 Ph.D. in Philology, Department of Theory and Practice of the English Language, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 36 Ph.D. in Pedagogics, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 37 Ph.D. in Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Language Teaching Methods and Practice, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 38 Ph.D. Student in Philology, Department of Foreign Literature and Slavic Languages, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Levchenko, N., Вozhko, Y., Hontarenko, I., Baibekova, L., Chetveryk, V. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 105-111 / July, 2021

studies discourse. In particular, it is stated that L. Ushkalov offered more than three hundred themes for further works about H. Skovoroda’s creative activity. Keywords: fable, parable, treatise, dialogue, Biblical noematics, heuristics.

кількість інших питань, кожна з яких має перспективу розгорнутись в окремому дискурсі Сковороди. Зокрема, зазначено, що Л. Ушкалов запропонував понад триста тем для подальших робіт про творчу діяльність Г. Сковороди. Ключові слова: байка, притча, трактат, діалог, біблійна ноематика, евристика.

Introduction Leonid Ushkalov became the founder of the Skovoroda issue in the modern Kharkiv scientific centre, he was an active participant of the society, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Ukrainian Literature Department at H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. He began to study Skovoroda’s works being a postgraduate student at Taras Shevchenko Literature Institute of National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine and doing a doctorate degree at the Department of Ukrainian Literature at Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. In 1989 at Taras Shevchenko Literature Institute of National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine L. Ushkalov defended his thesis for obtaining the degree of the candidate of philology on Skovoroda studies theme: Tvorchist Hryhoriia Skovorody i antychna kultura (Hryhorii Skovoroda’s creative activity and ancient culture). At the same Institute in 1996, he defended a dissertation for the degree of the doctor of philology on the theme closely related to the work by H. Skovoroda: Literatura ukrainskoho baroko v yii zviazkakhi z filosofiieiu (Literature of the Ukrainian Baroque in its Relations with Philosophy). The article aims to analyze the contribution of Professor Leonid Ushkalov’s scientific works to the intellectual matrix of Kharkiv Philological School and Skovoroda studies. The results of Professor Leonid Ushkalov’s intellectual activity need to be comprehended and included in the scientific system of Ukrainian literary studies coordinates. The novelty and originality of his scientific achievements have good reasons to encourage the younger generation of scientists to study not only his researches about H. Skovoroda, but also other literary works by the professor. Theoretical Framework or Literature Review D. Chyzhevskyi once wrote: “Now there are no fewer than 250 big and small works dedicated to


Skovoroda, who, as it is generally acknowledged, is the most interesting figure in the history of the Ukrainian spirit. In these works – we can say without exaggeration – probably, no fewer than 250 different views on Skovoroda are expressed, on what he was, what he is and can be for Ukrainian culture” (Chyzhevskyi, 2004, p. 25). Taking into consideration Skovoroda’s world view, on the one hand, entrenched in the ancient Ukrainian spiritual culture, and on the other hand in ancient philosophy, Alexandrian patristics, German mysticism, his creative activity attracted the attention of hundreds of domestic and foreign scholars in philosophy, history, theology, linguistics, pedagogy and literary criticism. He was called the Ukrainian Socrates, Ukrainian Jean-Jacques Rousseau , then Ukrainian Francis of Assisi , and as a carrier of cosmic consciousness, as an apostle of rationalism and as the brightest representative of the emblematic style in the mystical literature of modern times, as the greatest Christian philosopher in the world after the first Fathers of the Church, and as a man who embodied all the features of Ukrainian people and beat the own East Slavic path to comprehension of reality. These comparisons turn our philosopher into a kind of symbol in Ukrainian culture from antiquity to the present day. Today, there are thousands of scientific studies that analyze various aspects of Hryhorii Skovoroda’s works, he was the last intellectual gem of the Ukrainian Baroque. The Kharkiv Philological School, which was formed over two centuries and continues its fruitful work today, has made a significant contribution to promoting a deeper understanding of the original portrait of the Ukrainian philosopher and writer as an iconic figure of the Ukrainian nation. However, the most important scientific word in the systematization of the Baroque artist’s views, interpretation of ideas, images, plots of his works was said by Leonid Ushkalov, who was the founder of the Kharkiv Scientific School within

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the Kharkiv School of Philology, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Ukrainian and World Literature in H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. The particularity of Ukrainian literature scientific analysis by Professor Leonid Ushkalov was the study of Ukrainian literature as a whole living organism and a variegated intertextual phenomenon, within which the artistic codes of some eras, Mr. Professor, carefully reading the text, deciphered knowledge of aesthetics and poetics of others. The lasting factual basis of L. Ushkalov’s scientific investigations, based on a high-quality philological school, encourages dialogue, discussion and endless literary discourse. Methodology The authors of the article used the chronological method to investigate the researches by Professor Leonid Ushkalov, devoted to the study of the creative activity of the Ukrainian Baroque writer and philosopher Hryhorii Skovoroda. The use of the historical method provided a deep understanding of the problem essence and more substantiated conclusions regarding each new research object. The descriptive method allowed us to analyze extensively each scientist’s research, as well as to achieve a broader generalization in the issue of Professor Leonid Ushkalov’s approaches and general concepts of scientific interests. Results and Discussion Leonid Ushkalov is the author of numerous historical and literary, historical and philosophical works devoted to Skovoroda’s life and his creative activity, which were published in the Ukrainian, English, German, Polish and Russian languages. An important contribution to the Ukrainian Skovoroda studies is eleven books by the author, namely: Narysy z filosofii Hryhoriia Skovorody (Sketches of the Philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda), (Ushkalov, 1993, Ukrains’ke barokove bohomyslennia: Sim etiudiv pro Hryhoriia Skovorodu (Ukrainian Baroque Concepts of God: Seven Studies on Hryhorii Skovoroda), (Ushkalov, 2001), Dva stolittia skovorodiiany: bibliohrafichnyi dovidnyk (Two centuries of Skovorodiana: A Bibliographical Guide) (Ushkalov, 2002), Hryhorii Skovoroda: seminarii (Hryhorii Skovoroda: Seminars) (Ushkalov, 2004), Skovoroda ta inshi: Prychynky do istorii ukrainskoi literatury (Skovoroda and Others: Contributions to the History of

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Ukrainian Literature) (Ushkalov, 2007b), Hryhorii Skovoroda (Hryhorii Skovoroda) (Ushkalov, 2009), Skovoroda, Shevchenko, feminizm...: statti 2010–2013 rokiv (Skovoroda, Shevchenko, Feminism ...”: articles 2010–2013) (Ushkalov, 2014), Lovytva nevlovnoho ptakha: zhyttia Hryhoriia Skovorody (Chasing an Uncapturable Bird: The Life of Hryhorii Skovoroda) (Ushkalov, 2017), Skovoroda vid A do YA (Skovoroda from A to Z) (Ushkalov, 2019). The first monograph by the post-graduate student L. Ushkalov Sketches of the Philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda written in co-authorship with the former fifth-year student and now wellknown Moscow professor O. Marchenko revealed to the scientific world the serious researcher capable of putting forward profound reasonable conclusions. The work was devoted to the fundamental issues of Hryhorii Skovoroda’s ideology, whose various models absorbed the European philosophical traditions from antiquity to baroque. In the monograph Hryhorii Skovoroda and the Culture of Antiquity the author carried out an extrapolation of imaginary comprehensiveness of H. Skovoroda’s “To Every City Its Customs and Laws” to the entire cultural sphere. The writer’s literary work is regarded by the scientist as a kind of infinity «image» of the spiritual mankind culture. The deployment of this work in the chronotope of the European spiritual tradition made the author carry out his analysis beyond the strictly literary series and prove that being on the other side of the poetic sphere, philosophical universals are components of certain ideological construction. In the work Ukrainian Baroque Concepts of God: Seven Studies on Hryhorii Skovoroda L. Ushkalov considers Hryhorii Skovoroda’s method of ascension to God as a “ladder” in the context of the Ukrainian thinking of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, as the highest outbreak of the Ukrainian spiritual tradition in the late Baroque era. Steps to this “ladder” had to be sought in the Bible, which had in the Ukrainian Baroque literature peculiarities of interpretation. “The interpretation of fiction texts was free, while the interpretation of the texts of the Holy Scriptures required a comparison of the consequences of interpretation, which theoretically had to satisfy the needs of religious cults, though in practice it was not always possible” (Levchenko, 2020b, p. 63), and also “The literal interpretation of the Bible does not reveal the whole essence of the sacred truth” (Levchenko, 2020a, p. 181).

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108 The researcher emphasizes that Hryhorii Skovoroda’s God thinking synthesis of philosophy, theology and mysticism is a work hallmark in the Ukrainian Baroque era. According to the scholar, Skovoroda’s “God thinking” is structured by the archetypal dream images typical of Baroque as one of the mysterious life forms, the Lord’s fear “trichotomy”, the general “figurative” noematic instruction in the field of biblical hermeneutics, the idea of self-knowledge in the direction of Divine Providence, the world images and ideas, rhetorical “matte” based on the expressive means of the Ukrainian literary baroque. The unique construction of the scientific monograph indicates the presence of the author’s imagery poems before each chapter of the book. Both the structure of the monograph, its lofty scientific language and the broad terminology base used by the researcher, the conclusions, which the author appeals to, prove the fact that L. Ushkalov was involved in the creation of a deeply intellectual elitist science in Ukraine. In 2007 in the series “High Shelf” published in Kyiv house “Fakt” the book Skovoroda and Others: Contributions to the History of Ukrainian Literature by L. Ushkalov. It has twenty articles, essays and reviews devoted to the Ukrainian literary tradition from ancient times to the present day. The book indicates the expansion of L. Ushkalov’s literary horizons because the author touches on the problem of creative activity not only of Ukrainian ancient literature representatives, in the forefront of which is Hryhorii Skovoroda, but also raises issues related to the works by Dmytro Chyzhevskyi and others. A very important work for the further development of the world’s Skovoroda studies was performed by L. Ushkalov, having compiled a bibliographic guide for bicentennial Skovoroda studies Two Centuries of Skovorodiana (Ushkalov, Vakulenko, & Ievtushenko, 2002), in which scientists from Ukraine, Austria, Italy, Canada, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania and the USA participated. The scientist also wrote the seminars Hryhorii Skovoroda: Seminars (Ushkalov,2004), on more than three hundred topics, on each one can write a wide range of scientific researches about Skovoroda from the abstract to the dissertation. The bibliographic guide Two Centuries of Skovorodiana (Ushkalov, Vakulenko, &


Ievtushenko, 2002) recorded the most trusted publications of Skovoroda’s works and numerous works about the Ukrainian philosopher in the world literary studies during the 19-20th centuries. The book is structured by the authors’ and subject indexes, which greatly simplifies the search for the desired source. The compiler used the “chronicle” manner of making a bibliographic guide, which resulted in its composition transparency and ease of use. The chronological principle of work arrangement best illustrates the amplitude of the fluctuations in the development of Ukrainian Skovoroda studies. There was an evident “Skovoroda boom” at the beginning of the 20th century, during the “Ukrainian Renaissance” and at the end of the 20th, at the beginning of the 21st centuries, during the years of Ukraine independence. There was also a decline in the development of Ukrainian Skovoroda studies in the 1930s-1950s, when the Ukrainian intellectual elite was subjected to brutal extermination by Bolshevik terror. In general, the publication of the bibliographic guide promotes the revival and deepening of Skovoroda studies. L. Ushkalov described the prospects for the development of the Ukrainian Skovoroda studies in his textbook Hryhorii Skovoroda: Seminars (Ushkalov, 2004). The author presented bibliographic information on a variety of issues related to Hryhorii Skovoroda’s life and work. The scholar thinks that one of the main directions in academic Skovoroda studies is to find out the specific sources of Skovoroda’s poetry, philosophy and theology. As reported by L. Ushkalov, it is important to take into consideration the point of Skovoroda’s influence on the further Ukrainian culture and philosophy, as well as the problem of his connection with the central and Western European literary and philosophical traditions of the XVII – XVIII centuries. The thorough research of Skovoroda’s universals, such as nature, affinity, type, archetype, antitype and others are to be studied in the future. The bibliographic and methodological support of perspective academic themes is intended to be implemented in the analyzed manual. The monograph Sketches of the Philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda (Ushkalov, 1993) which is a

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popular essay about the Ukrainian philosopher’s life and work was written both in Ukrainian and Russian not only for a professionally prepared audience, but for a wide range of recipients.

and received a special prize from the Ukrainian Library Association, in 2007 L. Ushkalov became the winner of Hryhorii Skovoroda International Literary and Art Prize.

In addition, many issues related to the works by Skovoroda professor Ushkalov considered in his other books: Svit ukrainsko hobaroko: filolohichni etiudy (The World of the Ukrainian Baroque: Philological Essays) (Ushkalov, 1994), Z istorii ukrainskoi literatury XVII–XVIII stolit (From the History of Ukrainian Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries) (Ushkalov, 1999), Esei pro ukrainske baroko (Essays on the Ukrainian Baroque) (Ushkalov, 2006), “Na ryshtovanniakh istorii ukrainskoi literatury”: deshcho pro retseptsiiu nashoi klasyky (On the Basis of Ukrainian Literature History: Some Points of Understanding Classical Literature) (Ushkalov, 2007a).

Professor Leonid Ushkalov did a lot for promoting the works by Skovoroda. In particular, he was the compiler, the editor, the author of the foreword and notes to the anthology Barokova poeziia Slobozhanshchyny (Baroque Poetry of Slobozhanshchyna) (Ushkalov, 2002a), in which the entire collection of Skovoroda’s poetry was published. He was the author of the book projects Skovoroda Hryhorii. Sad bozhestvennykh pisen (Skovoroda Hryhorii. The Garden of Divine Songs) (text finalization, introduction and comments by Leonid Ushkalov) (Ushkalov, 2002b), Skovoroda H. Vybrani tvory v ukrainskykh perekladakh (Hryhorii Skovoroda. Selected Works in Ukrainian Translations) (text finalization, a foreword and notes by L. Ushkalov) (Skovoroda, 2003), Chyzhevskyi D. Filosofiia H.S. Skovorody (Dmytro Chyzhevskyi. H.S. Skovoroda’s Philosophy) (text finalization and foreword by Prof. Leonid Ushkalov) (Ushkalov, 2004), Hryhorii Skovoroda (Ushkalov, 2009) and others. Professor Ushkalov was also a scientific consultant at the Skovoroda National Literary and Memorial Museum in Skovorodynivka, made reports on Skovoroda’s works at many prestigious scientific presentations (for example, at the Third Congress of the International Association of Ukrainianists in 1996 he was the head of Skovoroda workshop, and at the international congresses of the American Council Scientific Societies, in 2005 and2007 he presented the report “About the state and the prospects of Skovoroda’s works” and “Textual issues related to the preparation of a new academic edition of works by Skovoroda”).

The World of the Ukrainian Baroque: Philological Essays (Ushkalov, 1994) is devoted to the ideology and rhetoric of the Ukrainian Baroque literature, in particular its foundational universals, such as “imitation of nature”, “image”, “text”, “concept”, “golden mean”, “understanding sciences” etc. Among the names associated with the phenomenon of the Ukrainian literary baroque the author also mentions Hryhorii Skovoroda. Ukrainian intellectualists’ reflections of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, among which Hryhorii Skovoroda takes a respectable place, about life sense and the destiny of the Motherland, spirit motions and aesthetic preferences represented the “cogitative” plot of L. Ushkalov’s book From the History of Ukrainian Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Ushkalov, 1999). A certain generalization of previously published works by L. Ushkalov is his book Essays on the Ukrainian Baroque (Ushkalov, 2006). Reflecting on the Ukrainian Baroque, its sense, place and role in the history of our literature from ancient times to today, the author also relies on Hryhorii Skovoroda’s doctrine. For the book Ukrainian Baroque Concepts of God: Seven Studies on Hryhorii Skovoroda (Ushkalov, 2001) Professor Ushkalov got the first H. Skovoroda Kharkiv municipal prize (2002), the bibliographical guide Two Centuries of Skovorodiana (Ushkalov, Vakulenko, & Ievtushenko, 2002) won the first prize at Lviv International Publishers Forum in 2002 in the category «Dictionaries and Reference Books»

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The pinnacle of Kharkiv Skovoroda studies was the work by the professor Leonid Ushkalov in a full academic edition of Skovoroda’s works, in which several institutions, in particular, Taras Shevchenko Literature Institute of National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Philosophy Institute of National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, H. Skovoroda National Literary and The Memorial Museum in Skovorodynivka and the University of Alberta (Canada) got involved. The professors from the University of Alberta Nataliia Pylypiuk and Oleg Ilnytskyi prepared the fundamental electronic concordance for this publication.

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110 In 2010, a complete academic collection of works by Hryhorii Skovoroda was published in the Kharkiv publishing house “Maidan”. It immediately became the winner in the XVI Forum of Publishers in Lviv, and in the AllUkrainian Rating “Book of the Year” it won the first prize and the Grand Prix in the “Reader” nomination. In 2011, the second edition was published and its author was given I. Franko prize by the National Academy of Sciences Presidium of Ukraine. Leonid Ushkalov’s book “Skovoroda, Shevchenko, Feminism ...”: Articles 2010–2013 (2014) contained fifteen articles written during 2010–2013 which cover several historical, literary, philosophical, theological and cultural issues related to the works by Hryhorii Skovoroda (1722–1794) and Taras Shevchenko (1814–1861). Moreover, the author analyzes the problems of Ukrainian feminism in the nineteenth century, examines certain phenomena of Ukrainian literature during the reform and Baroque times, the 1920s. Leonid Ushkalov presented the biography of the Ukrainian writer, philosopher, theologian Hryhorii Skovoroda in the book Chasing an Uncapturable Bird: The Life of Hryhorii Skovoroda (2017). So, this work was not only a biography of the prominent person based on rich source material but also a depiction of the vivid image of Ukraine in the XVIII century. Skovoroda’s life is described in eleven chapters of the book and is framed by two separate plots – Prelude and Finale, which are intended to deepen Skovoroda’s biography and show the pivotal role in the Ukrainian spiritual tradition. Skovoroda from A to Z (2019) completes Leonid Ushkalov’s Skovoroda studies. Unfortunately, it was not issued when the outstanding literary critic L. Ushkalov was alive and was published in 2019 by “Staryi Lev Publishing House”. Due to the authors’ efforts, this book made it possible not only for adults but also for children to understand the complex allegorical and symbolic integrals of the Ukrainian Baroque artist’s work. The illustrative slogans of H. Skovoroda’s creative activity, interpreted by L. Ushkalov, were intended to create in the children’s and adults’ imagination the integral picture of life filled with light, joy, love, faith and hope, and openness to the world. Conclusions The authors have analyzed the contribution of Professor Leonid Ushkalov’s scientific works to


the intellectual matrix of Kharkiv Philological School and Skovoroda studies. The observational perspective of our study shows the presence and worthy contribution of Leonid Ushkalov to the study of Hryhorii Skovoroda’s life and work. Consequently, L. Ushkalov outlined the themes of the studies and made a significant contribution to the research of such complex problems about H. Skovoroda’s creative activity as the source of his writings; genre variety and features of his poetry versification; fable genre as “an independent literary genre of philosophical style”; parable as “a peculiar combination of fable and philosophical dialogue”; bright mythological and biblical imagery and the original structure of treatises; deployment in magnificent baroque forms, images “from the Bible, Greek mythology, etc.” (Ushkalov, 2010)) and in the stream of Christian Neoplatonism philosophical and theological views in the “Socratic” dialogues of the theologian; anthropological paradigm of ontology, aesthetics, epistemology within the idea of «two natures»; deploying the idea of “knowing thyself” in the perspective of “affinity” in the reconciliation plane of human will with God’s Providence; Skovoroda’s philosophy of the heart; radicalism of the Origen apokatastasis in the eudemonism of the philosopher’s worldview; Skovoroda’s “paradox of inequality”; the idea of “deification” of a person; Skovoroda’s “metaphysical Eros (Amor divinus)” in the form of “love for the Bible”, Skovoroda’s biblical noematics and heuristics as a comprehensive allegory of the Holy Scripture; the structure of Skovoroda’s symbolic world; Skovoroda’s creative activity in the context of the Ukrainian Baroque tradition; the influence of Skovoroda’s works on the new, modern and contemporary Ukrainian literature and a great number of other issues, each of which has the prospect of deploying into a separate and detailed Skovoroda studies discourse. Bibliographic references Chyzhevskyi, D. I. (2004). H.S. Skovoroda’s Philosophy. Kharkiv: Prapor. ISBN 966-788098-2. Levchenko, N., Liamprekht, O., Povar, M., & Chukhno, O. (2020a). Adoption of Western Four-Sense Biblical Hermeneutics by Ukrainian Baroque Literature. Amazonia Investiga, 9(31), 178-184. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.31.07.16 Levchenko, N., Liamprekht, O., Zosimova, O., Varenikoba, O., & Boiko, S. (2020b). Emblematic Literature as a Form of Biblical

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Hermeneutics. Amazonia Investiga, 9(32), 61-69. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.32.08.7 Skovoroda, H. (2003). Selected Works in Ukrainian Translations. Kharkiv: Ranok.ISBN 966-314-322-3 Ushkalov, L. (1993). Sketches of the Philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda. Kharkiv: Osnova. ISBN 5-11-000807-8. Ushkalov, L. (1994). The World of the Ukrainian Baroque: Philological Essays. Kharkiv: Oko. ISBN 5-7098-0042-2. Ushkalov, L. (1999). From the History of Ukrainian Literature of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Kharkiv: Akta. ISBN 9667021-29-7. Ushkalov, L. (2001). Ukrainian Baroque Concepts of God: Seven Studies on Hryhorii Skovoroda. Kharkiv: Akta. ISBN 966-7021-351. Ushkalov, L. (2004). Hryhorii Skovoroda: Seminars. Kharkiv: Maidan. ISBN 966-8478-762. Ushkalov, L. (2006). Essays on the Ukrainian Baroque. Kyiv: Fakt: Novyi Chas. ISBN 966359-082-3; ISBN 966-817-40-6. Ushkalov, L. (2007a). “On the Basis of Ukrainian Literature History”: Some Points of Understanding Classical Literature. Lviv: Center for Humanitarian Studies, Kyiv: Smoloskyp. ISBN 978-966-8499-65-4.

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Ushkalov, L. (2007b). Skovoroda and Others: Contributions to the History of Ukrainian Literature. Kyiv: Fakt. ISBN 978-966-359-1681. Ushkalov, L. (2009). Hryhorii Skovoroda. Kharkiv: Folio. ISBN 978-966-03-9031-7. Ushkalov, L. (2014). Skovoroda, Shevchenko, Feminism ...: Articles 2010–2013. Kharkiv: Maidan. ISBN 978-966-372-565-9. Ushkalov, L. (2017). Chasing an Uncapturable Bird: The Life of Hryhorii Skovoroda. Kyiv: DukhiLitera. ISBN 978-966-378-554-7. Ushkalov, L. (2019). Skovoroda from A to Z. Lviv: Staryi Lev Publishing House. ISBN 978617-679-263-5. Ushkalov, L. (Ed.). (2002a). Baroque Poetry of Slobozhanshchyna: anthology. Kharkiv: Akta. ISBN 966-7021-59-9. Ushkalov, L. (Ed.). (2002b). Hryhorii Skovoroda. Garden of Divine Songs. Kharkiv: Maidan. ISBN 966-7903-51-6. Ushkalov, L. (Ed.). (2010). Hryhorii Skovoroda. The Complete Academic Collection of Works. Kharkiv: Maidan. ISBN 978-966-372-330-3. Ushkalov, L., Vakulenko, S., & Ievtushenko, A. (Eds.). (2002). Two Centuries of Skovorodiana: A Bibliographical Guide. Kharkiv: Akta. ISBN 966-7021-58-0.

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Popovych, I., Chervinskyi, A., Kazibekova, V., Chervinska, I., Machynska, N. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 112-122 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.11 How to Cite: Popovych, I., Chervinskyi, A., Kazibekova, V., Chervinska, I., & Machynska, N. (2021). Estudio empírico de la tipología de expectativas sociales del individuo. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 112-122. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.11

Estudio empírico de la tipología de expectativas sociales del individuo Empirical research of the typology of social expectations of the personality Received: June 12, 2021

Accepted: July 31, 2021

Written by: Ihor Popovych39 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1663-111X Andrii Chervinskyi40 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2128-196X Viktoriia Kazibekova41 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8707-2514 Inna Chervinska42 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0745-1413 Natalia Machynska43 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0309-7074 Resumen


El propósito del estudio es determinar los parámetros de contenido psicológico y las propiedades de las expectativas sociales del individuo; investigar los tipos de expectativas sociales mediante el método de análisis de conglomerados; delinear el contenido sociopsicológico del fenómeno estudiado. Se determinan los niveles de expectativas sociales del individuo. Se establecen las propiedades predominantes de las expectativas en la situación actual de la actividad educativa y profesional. La agrupación del conjunto de datos estudiados está fundamentada e implementada metodológicamente. Métodos de investigación: análisis de contenido, pruebas con cuestionarios estandarizados, análisis factorial, análisis de conglomerados por k-medias. Se da la estructura de tipos de expectativas sociales del individuo. La clave en esta estructura es el tipo de expectativas sociales entendidas activamente (n=34; 43.55%). Los resultados obtenidos son importantes conocimientos sociopsicológicos que hacen un aporte científico al fenómeno estudiado. Creemos que la aplicación de los conocimientos adquiridos en la práctica

The purpose of a research is to determine the psychological content parameters and properties of social expectations of the personality; research of types of social expectations by the method of cluster analysis; outlining the socio-psychological content of the studied phenomenon. The levels of social expectations of the personality are determined. The prevailing properties of expectations in the current situation of educational and professional activity are established. The clustering of the researched data set is methodologically substantiated and implemented. Research methods: content analysis, tests with standardized questionnaires, factor analysis, cluster analysis by k-means. The structure of types of the person’s social expectations is given. The key in this structure is the actively meaningful type (n=34; 43.55%) of social expectations. The received results are important socio-psychological knowledge that makes a scientific contribution to the researched phenomenon. We believe that the implementation of the received knowledge in practice will contribute to the effective organization of work in various spheres of human activity. The received knowledge is of scientific


Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Full Professor of the Department of Psychology, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Natural Sciences, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 41 Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine. 42 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 43 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine. 40


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

contribuirá a la organización eficaz del trabajo en las diversas esferas de la actividad humana. El conocimiento adquirido es de valor científico para todos los que estudian los patrones psicológicos de las expectativas sociales del individuo.

value for all who research the psychological patterns of social expectations of the personality. Key words: expectations, properties of expectations, types of expectations internality, externality.

Palabras clave: expectativas, propiedades de expectativas, tipos de expectativas, interioridad, exterioridad. Introducción En la literatura científica existen muchos estudios científicos relacionados con la categoría de “expectativa” (Gustems-Carnicer et al., 2017; Kominis, 2007; Rotter, 1966). Se ha investigado la influencia de las expectativas sociopsicológicas en la efectividad de la interacción interpersonal, las características de las relaciones humanas (Popovych, 2007; 2014b). Por expectativas sociopsicológicas nos referimos a las orientaciones subjetivas de cualquier participante en la interacción interpersonal sobre cómo se evalúa a sí mismo y cómo lo evalúan otros participantes en la interacción y cuál comportamiento de los demás espera y los otros esperan de él. Por supuesto, las expectativas sociopsicológicas son una formación psicológica compleja, cuyo contenido depende del nivel de desarrollo de la persona, de sus características psicológicas individuales, de sus componentes de autoconciencia: autoestima, aspiraciones, reflexividad, así como formas integradas de autoconciencia tan complejas como la imagen de Yo y Yo – concepto (Popovych, 2019). Un intento de una consideración fundamental de la categoría de expectativas sociopsicológicas merece atención. Se presta la debida atención a las funciones, los mecanismos psicológicos y el impacto de la sociedad en el comportamiento de la persona. Se concluye que las expectativas sociopsicológicas son una de las variedades que combinan las expectativas sociales. Estas variedades también incluyen expectativas de roles, expectativas normativas, expectativas colectivas y varios otros tipos. En nuestra opinión, éstas reflejan un aspecto separado del problema, completándose o negándose entre sí (Popovych, 2017b). Las expectativas sociales son consideradas como una categoría científica global, un fenómeno complejo de la psicología social y la, de la personalidad, un mecanismo poderoso que tiene una influencia decisiva en el desarrollo y formación del individuo como sujeto. Así, las

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expectativas sociales no son solo las orientaciones subjetivas de cualquier participante en la interacción interpersonal, como se presenta en la definición de “expectativas sociopsicológicas” (Popovych, 2014a). Las expectativas sociales son un fenómeno complejo, con un contenido psicológico poco estudiado, que se forma, por un lado, como resultado de la influencia del espacio social, bajo la “presión de la sociedad”, y por el otro, bajo la influencia de la personalidad psicológica individual, bajo la presión del “Yo”. Estas consideraciones científicas nos han llevado a estudiar la categoría de "expectativas sociales". Expectativas sociales son un fenómeno sociopsicológico complejo, que es un componente básico del sistema de regulación del comportamiento social, la interacción en grupos, comunidades y en la sociedad. Son los requisitos impuestos por un sujeto social – un individuo, un grupo, una comunidad, a otro sujeto social de comportamiento y viceversa (Popovych, 2017a). Una persona siempre está conectada con las expectativas sociales, porque siempre quiere mirar hacia el futuro, prever, predecir el curso de los eventos. Todos esperan algo, ponen sus esperanzas y expectativas en algo. Cada momento de relaciones reacciones, conflictos y existencia humana en general está lleno de expectativas y esperanzas sociales. El estudio de las expectativas sociales de un individuo nos obliga a determinar los parámetros psicológicos significativos, las propiedades de este fenómeno sociopsicológico y la identificación de tipos clave de expectativas sociales lo que nos permitirá comprender mejor la esencia de este fenómeno. Es sabido que el deseo de tipologizar los logros proporciona a cualquier investigación científica la sistematización, ordena y multiplica los conocimientos adquiridos. Nuestro estudio empírico destaca una de las opciones para

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114 estudiar los tipos de expectativas sociales del individuo. Hipótesis. Suponemos que los hechos científicos obtenidos sobre los parámetros, propiedades y tipos de expectativas sociales del individuo son conocimientos sociopsicológicos importantes que hacen un aporte científico al fenómeno en estudio. La aplicación de los resultados de la investigación contribuirá a la organización eficaz del trabajo en diversos campos de actividad. El propósito del estudio es determinar los parámetros de contenido psicológico y las propiedades de las expectativas sociales del individuo; investigar los tipos de expectativas sociales mediante el método de análisis de conglomerados; delinear el contenido sociopsicológico del fenómeno estudiado. Método La base metodológica de nuestro estudio empírico de la tipología de las expectativas sociales de un individuo es un algoritmo que refleja la secuencia de una serie de estudios probados utilizando herramientas de psicodiagnóstico relevantes. La metodología desarrollada por nosotros ha sido probada en la investigación de los procesos de adaptación (Arbeláez-Campillo et al., 2019; Blynova et al., 2020a; 2020d; Khmiliar et al., 2020), de la inteligencia emocional (Halian et al., 2020a; 2020b; Nosov et al., 2020a; 2020b) de los estados mentales motivacionales de los encuestados (Blynova et al., 2020b; 2020c; Popovych et al., 2020a; 2020b), de la actividad pedagógica (Griban et al., 2019; Ma et al., 2020; Miyer et al., 2021a; 2021b; Tsiuniak et al., 2020; Tsymbal et al., 2017; 2019) y otras actividades (Krupnyk & Tkalenko, 2019; Popovych et al., 2021; Shkola et al. 2019; Zinchenko et al., 2019; 2020). La investigación científica propuesta es un estudio preempírico tangible de la tipología de expectativas sociales de una persona. Participantes. Los estudiantes del segundo al cuarto año participaron en la investigación realizada en las instituciones de educación superior de Ucrania: la Universidad Estatal de Kherson [UEK], con 85 personas (70.83%) y La Universidad Técnica Nacional de Jersón con 35 personas (29.17%). La muestra total estuvo formada por 120 personas. La edad media de la muestra fue de 20.6 años (SD = 0.9, de entre 18 y 25 años). La muestra incluyó al 70,83% de las mujeres y al 29.17% de los hombres.


La investigación fue realizada de acuerdo con las normas éticas del comité sobre los derechos de los experimentos de Declaración de Helsinki (2013). Organización del estudio. El corte empírico se realizó durante diciembre de 2019 y hasta febrero de 2020. Se obtuvo permiso y recomendaciones de las administraciones de facultades universitarias para la investigación empírica. Procedimiento y instrumentos. Durante un semestre académico, se utilizaron instrumentos psicodiagnósticos que midieron los parámetros estudiados. Сuestionario “The level of social expectations” (“LSE”) (Popovych, 2017a). El índice de confiabilidad obtenido con las estadísticas de α-Cronbach fue α=.759. Сuestionario para el “Purpose in Life Test” (“PIL”) (Leontyev, 2006). El índice de confiabilidad obtenido con las estadísticas de αCronbach fue igual a α=.754. Cuestionario “Nivel de declaraciones de personalidad” (“LPS”) (Herbachevskyi, 1990). El índice de confiabilidad obtenido con las estadísticas de αCronbach fue α =.767. Сuestionario “The level of subjective control” (“LSC”) (Rotter, 1966). El índice de confiabilidad obtenido con las estadísticas de α-Cronbach fue α=.788. Las respuestas fueron evaluadas con ayuda de una escala diferencial semántica bipolar similar. Por lo tanto, todos los indicadores de confiabilidad de α-Cronbach estaban dentro de los límites de (.7) y niveles altos (.8). Análisis estadístico. El procesamiento estadístico de los datos empíricos y la exposición gráfica de los resultados se llevaron a cabo utilizando los programas estadísticos “SPSS” v. 23.0 u otro nombre para PASW Statistics y “MS Excel”. Los coeficientes de correlación de Spierman (rs) se utilizaron para encontrar y establecer las interrelaciones entre los indicadores obtenidos. La verificación de los parámetros de distribución normal fue hecha utilizando el criterio de recolección única de Kolmogorov-Smirnov ƛ. Para establecer la homogeneidad de los datos empíricos se utilizó el análisis factorial. La definición de los tipos de expectativas sociales de los estudiantes jóvenes se realizó mediante análisis de conglomerados utilizando el método de k-medias. Se calcularon los valores medios aritméticos de los parámetros (M), la desviación media cuadrática (SD). Las diferencias entre los valores de los parámetros en el nivel p≤.05 se consideraron estadísticamente significativas.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Resultados y discusión 1.

Investigación de parámetros de contenido psicológico y propiedades de las expectativas sociales del individuo

En la etapa inicial de la investigación empírica, los parámetros significativos de las expectativas

sociales de los encuestados se determinaron utilizando los métodos de prueba estandarizados anteriores. Se evaluaron los resultados obtenidos de los parámetros estudiados, enfocándose en las escalas de mínimo (min), máximo (max), valor medio aritmético (M) y desviación estándar (DE), presentados en la Tabla 1.

Table 1. Valores medios y desviaciones cuadráticas medias de las escalas de los parámetros de la personalidad (n=120) Escala “LSE” ESP CCPE AEPI REA “LSC” IG IL IM IRF IRL ISE “PIL” OV P R LCI LCE SGL “LPS” MI MC ME MC MCA MA IR CT EV ENRA EP NPME RE RR I

Media aritmética, M

Desviación de la media cuadrada, SD

65.40 16.69 14.77 34.78

12.59 3.05 1.70 8.58

199.01 54.59 50.90 41.29 36.88 18.02

19.03 7.26 7.59 6.82 4.90 4.28

31.73 29.55 25.20 20.97 29.83 101.10

7.51 5.27 4.74 4.44 4.58 13.90

12.76 15.60 11.50 11.90 12.90 14.20 8.94 5.67 12.79 10.03 13.19 14.24 9.52 13.50 13.39

3.11 2.39 3.85 3.12 3.01 3.09 2.07 2.01 3.91 2.04 3.19 2.03 2.95 2.92 2.99

Se encontró que el estado predominante de interioridad de expectativas fue en 20.01%, el estado de externalidad de expectativas se vio en 22.93%, la actividad de expectativas se observó en 21.03% de los encuestados, el estado de expectativas pasivas, en 23.17%, de expectativas abiertas, en 39.13%, el estado mental de expectativas cerradas en 25.01%, de expectativas adecuadas, en 41.26% y de expectativas inadecuadas, en 22.17% de los sujetos. Hubo manifestaciones de polaridad de expectativas en 12.3% y ambivalencia de expectativas en 4,0%. http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info

Se estableció la correlación positiva esperada de escalas ІЕp y АPp (rs=.845; p<.01). Llegamos a la generalización de que la cuantificación estricta de los textos, la creación de la matriz de codificación, el análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo, la distribución empírica de escalas de todos los niveles de los parámetros investigados, la determinación de la correlación con los parámetros obtenidos por métodos conocidos, aseguraron la credibilidad, confiabilidad y validez del análisis de contenido en nuestra investigación. ISSN 2 322- 6307


116 Durante la investigación, analizamos una gran cantidad de discursos creados por las personas estudios. Se han analizado los textos de situaciones sociopsicológicas especialmente organizadas, de la práctica cotidiana, en particular las conversaciones de los participantes de interacción interpersonal que han tenido lugar en situaciones cotidianas. Es obvio que el análisis del discurso se ha implementado en el contexto del estudio del problema de las expectativas sociales del individuo. El análisis del discurso nos devuelve al diagnóstico psicolingüístico del espacio cognitivo individual que es un conjunto único de todos los conocimientos e ideas de una persona como personalidad integral 3. Se realizó un análisis estadístico adicional de acuerdo con los datos de solo aquellos encuestados cuyas respuestas tenían una descripción completa de las expectativas sociales y del comportamiento en la situación actual (n=120). Creemos que el conjunto propuesto de parámetros psicológicos es metodológicamente sólido, reflejando el tema de investigación de los parámetros de contenido psicológico y las propiedades de las expectativas sociales de la juventud estudiantil. Pasemos a la siguiente parte del estudio empírico: la agrupación de tipos de expectativas sociales de la persona. 2.

Investigación y característica de los tipos de expectativas sociales de la persona

El análisis de conglomerados se utilizó por primera vez como método en la ciencia sociológica. El nombre "análisis de conglomerados" proviene del inglés clúster – un racimo, un conglomerado, un clúster. El investigador R. Tryon fue el primero en definir el análisis de conglomerados: reveló su esencia y presentó el método de aplicación (Tryon, 1939). El análisis de conglomerados es un procedimiento estadístico que realiza una clasificación multidimensional de datos que contienen información sobre una muestra de objetos, es decir, organiza los objetos en grupos relativamente homogéneos (Lloyd, 1957). El análisis de conglomerados por el método de kmedias consiste en combinar los parámetros de factores individuales en grupos estadísticamente homogéneos: conglomerados. El propósito del método es dividir n mediciones en k grupos de modo que cada dimensión de las personas en estudio pertenezca al grupo con el valor promedio más cercano. El método se basa en minimizar la suma de los cuadrados de las distancias entre cada observación y el centro de su grupo, es decir, la función (ver Fórmula 1):


2 ∑N i=1 d(x i , mj (x i )) , (1)

donde d −métrica; xi – і-ésimo objeto de datos; mj (xi ) − centro del clúster, al que en la j-ésima iteración se le asigna el elemento xi . La simplicidad, la velocidad de ejecución y la conveniencia de la aplicación para la agrupación de un gran número de observaciones (n=120) nos llevaron a detener nuestra elección en el análisis de agrupaciones por el método de k-medias al determinar los tipos de expectativas de la muestra. Después de analizar una gran variedad de datos, parece lógico combinar los parámetros estudiados de las expectativas sociales del individuo en conjuntos organizados de indicadores estudiados, es decir, taxonomías visuales. Una variante adecuada de esta taxonomía es el análisis de conglomerados por el método de k-medias (k-means clustering), que consiste en combinar los parámetros de los factores individuales en grupos estadísticamente homogéneos – conglomerados. El análisis de conglomerados es un método indispensable para clasificar una gran variedad de información en grupos que son adecuados para un análisis posterior. El análisis de conglomerados por el método de k-medias proporciona la solución significativa-más probable. Implementamos el análisis de conglomerados en varias etapas. Los datos empíricos se obtuvieron en la etapa preparatoria (n=120). En la segunda etapa, se prepararon los datos para para su agrupación. La elección de los indicadores estudiados, mediante los cuales se realizará la agrupación, es de gran importancia metodológica. Consideramos que la lista seleccionada es metodológicamente sólida y la que define de manera más completa las características del contenido del tema de investigación. Por supuesto, el contenido sociopsicológico establecido de las expectativas dependerá de ciertas características. Usamos el nivel de expectativas sociales como característica principal que es básica y combina dos dimensiones psicológicas: personal y social. Así, se seleccionan cuatro rasgos que caracterizan los determinantes sociopsicológicos de las expectativas personales, y los cuatro rasgos siguientes caracterizan a las expectativas sociales como un factor importante en la construcción de la realidad social por parte del individuo. Esta metodología de análisis de conglomerados permitió tener en cuenta la misma cantidad de parámetros de las dimensiones personal y social del estudio de las expectativas sociales del individuo. A continuación, calculamos la visualización objetiva de características

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

significativas en los siguientes grupos. Por supuesto, partimos de los niveles de expectativas sociales del individuo como dimensión básica. Solo en la tercera etapa, nos convencimos de que lo más conveniente en nuestra versión es aplicar el análisis de conglomerados mediante el método de k-medias. Después de eso, el siguiente paso fue la distribución de n mediciones de los sujetos estudiados en k grupos de modo que cada medición del sujeto perteneciera al grupo con el valor promedio más cercano. Tengamos en cuenta que uno de los requisitos que debe cumplir el investigador es el número mínimo de mediciones de los encuestados en el grupo, en nuestra versión n≥18. Un requisito igualmente importante fue mantener la aleatoriedad y la homogeneidad de la muestra. Usando “SPSS” v. 23.0, se estableció la homogeneidad debido a una disminución en la proporcionalidad mediante análisis factorial. Se establece que el

criterio de selectividad adecuada de KaiserMayer-Olkin (КМО) es igual a .759 (se debe utilizar el análisis de conglomerados cuando éste está por encima de .5), lo cual es un resultado positivo. El criterio de esfericidad de Bartlett es significativo (p<.001). Este hecho nos permitió aplicar razonablemente el análisis de conglomerados. Además, el número óptimo de grupos se estableció mediante el método de pruebas: cinco. El primer objeto de la agrupación es el parámetro básico de nuestro estudio: el nivel de expectativas sociales (ESP), lo consideramos el centro del primer grupo, el segundo, del segundo, etc. Creemos que está metodológicamente justificado iniciar la investigación de clúster y establecer el inicio de la agrupación a partir del nivel de expectativas sociales. Mostramos los centros iniciales de los grupos en la tabla 2.

Table 2. Centros iniciales de clústeres(n=120) Parámetros ESP IG SGL ENRA NPME IM IRF IRL ISE

Grupo 1 (n=19) 92 245 124 19 8 .80 .89 0.9 .17

Grupo 2 (n=20) 83 135 124 14 14 .64 .66 1.2 .72

Una característica importante del análisis de conglomerados de k-medias es que, como resultado de la optimización, las diferencias entre los objetos del mismo conglomerado se vuelven insignificantes y las, de diferentes conglomerados se hacen significativas. La

Grupo 3 (n=22) 82 212 40 22 14 .68 .61 1.0 .15

Grupo 4 (n=34) 71 208 154 18 16 .64 .56 1.08 .55

Grupo 5 (n=25) 40 152 61 10 4 .14 .16 .61 .41

determinación de los centros iniciales de los conglomerados es una condición necesaria para establecer diferencias mínimas entre los indicadores estudiados de un conglomerado. Mostramos los centros finales de los grupos en la tabla 3.

Table 3. Centros finales de clústeres(n=120) Parámetros ESP IG SGL ENRA NPME IM IRF IRL ISE

Grupo 1 (n=19) 85 235 117 15 10 .74 .70 .71 .36

Grupo 2 (n=20) 73 172 108 15 11 .57 .57 .66 .34

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Grupo 3 (n=22) 72 208 88 16 10 .59 .57 .68 .33

Grupo 4 (n=34) 74 203 114 15 11 .61 .58 .71 .35

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Grupo 5 (n=25) 64 180 84 12 10 .47 .46 .61 .35


118 El establecimiento de los centros finales de los conglomerados muestra los límites del conjunto de indicadores estudiados, referidos a un conglomerado en particular. Consideramos necesario caracterizar los clústeres obtenidos. Estos grupos representan una taxonomía visual. La secuencia de los indicadores estudiados indica que después del nivel de expectativas sociales la prioridad para nosotros es una dimensión vertical – determinantes sociopsicológicos de las expectativas personales, y luego están los indicadores estudiados de expectativas sociales como factor de construcción de la realidad social. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos se realizará en la secuencia especificada teniendo en cuenta las características socio personales e interpersonales. Damos una descripción de los conglomerados obtenidos, en base a los valores medios y desviaciones estándar de los parámetros. Clúster 1 (tipo І) es el más pequeño en número (n=19), pero cumple con los requisitos del número mínimo de opciones. Los sujetos de este tipo están dotados de un alto nivel de expectativas sociales, un alto nivel de control subjetivo, un alto nivel de significación general de la vida, un alto nivel de movilización planificada de esfuerzos, un nivel medio de resultados esperados, un nivel medio de interioridad, un nivel medio de actividad, un alto nivel de apertura. Las características importantes de este tipo de expectativas son aquellas que lo relacionan con un alto nivel de expectativas sociales, y en cuanto a su contenido, las expectativas de dichos encuestados son internas, activas y abiertas. Clúster 2 (tipo ІІ) también tiene un número pequeño de personas (n=20). Los sujetos de este tipo están dotados de un nivel medio de expectativas sociales, un bajo nivel de control subjetivo, indicadores de niveles medios y altos de significación general de la vida, nivel medio de movilización planificada de esfuerzos, indicadores de niveles medios y altos de resultados esperados, un bajo nivel de interioridad y de actividad, de la apertura, indicadores de promedio y altos niveles de coeficiente de expectativa. Clúster 3 (tipo ІІІ) combina el grupo medio de sujetos con el número total (n = 22). Sujetos de este tipo están dotados de un nivel medio de expectativas sociales, indicadores de niveles medio y alto de control subjetivo, un bajo nivel de significación general de la vida, indicadores de niveles medios y altos de movilización planificada de esfuerzos, indicadores de niveles


medio y alto de resultados esperados, de una baja interioridad y actividad, de la apertura, un nivel medio de expectativas. Clúster 4 (tipo ІV) es el más grande en número (n=34). Los encuestados de este tipo también están dotados de un nivel medio de expectativas sociales, tienen un nivel medio de control subjetivo, indicadores de niveles medios y altos de significación general de la vida, indicadores de niveles bajos y medios de movilización planificada de esfuerzos, un nivel medio y alto del resultado esperado, un nivel bajo de interioridad y de actividad, de la apertura, indicadores de un nivel medio del coeficiente de expectativas. Clúster 5 (tipo V) El grupo 5 (tipo V) reúne a un número significativo de encuestados con un número total(n=25). Los sujetos de este tipo tienen un nivel bajo de expectativas sociales, niveles bajo y medio de control subjetivo, un nivel bajo de significación general de la vida, indicadores de niveles bajos y medios de movilización planificada de esfuerzos, un nivel bajo de resultados esperados, externalidad, pasividad, introversión, indicadores del nivel medio del coeficiente de expectativas. Las características importantes de este tipo de expectativas son aquellas que lo atribuyen a un bajo nivel de expectativas sociales, tienen un bajo nivel de resultados esperados. En cuanto a sus características significativas, las expectativas de dichos sujetos son externas, pasivas y cerradas. Así, la agrupación por el método de kmedias mostró la integración original de la muestra en cinco agrupaciones y permitió hablar de cinco tipos de expectativas sociales del individuo. Tipo realista (RL). Alto nivel de expectativas sociales de los encuestados con altos indicadores de control del subjetivo y significado general de la vida. Tienen un alto nivel de movilización planificada de esfuerzos y un nivel medio de los resultados esperados. Las expectativas están dotadas de altos índices de interioridad, actividad y apertura. Tipo de pensamiento pasivo (PP). Nivel medio de expectativas sociales de los encuestados con indicadores bajos de control subjetivo e indicadores medios y altos de significado general de la vida. Tienen un nivel medio de movilización planificada de esfuerzos y niveles medios y altos de resultados esperados. Las expectativas son internas, activas y abiertas.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Tipo moderado (MD). El nivel medio de expectativas sociales de los sujetos con indicadores de niveles medio y alto de control subjetivo y un nivel bajo de significado general de la vida. Los sujetos están dotados de indicadores de niveles medios y altos de movilización planificada de esfuerzos y resultados esperados. Las expectativas son internas, activas y abiertas.

Tipo poco realista (PR). Bajo nivel de expectativas sociales de los sujetos con niveles bajo y medio de control subjetivo, y bajo nivel de significado general de la vida. Tienen indicadores de niveles bajos y medios de movilización de esfuerzos planificada y un nivel bajo de resultados esperados. Las expectativas sociales de los sujetos son externas, pasivas y cerradas.

Tipo de pensamiento activo (PA). El nivel medio de expectativas sociales de los sujetos con indicadores del nivel medio de control subjetivo y los niveles medio y alto de significado general de la vida. Tienen indicadores de niveles bajos y medios de movilización de esfuerzos planificada, y niveles medios y altos de resultados esperados.

Los complejos obtenidos y analizados de los indicadores estudiados o taxonomías o clasificaciones visuales (tipologías) permiten afirmar la presencia de cinco tipos de expectativas sociales de un individuo, e indican la legitimidad de tal distribución. Mostremos en la Fig. 1 la estructura de tipos de expectativas sociales del individuo.

Figura 1. La estructura de tipos de expectativas sociales del individuo Nota: RL – tipo realista; PP – tipo de pensamiento pasivo; MD – tipo moderado; PA – tipo de pensamiento activo; PR es un tipo poco realista. Los primeros cuatro tipos de expectativas están dotados de propiedades internas, activas y abiertas. PP, MD, PA es una especie de la descripción en detalle del nivel medio de expectativas sociales con opciones para características significativas. Los indicadores bastante altos de PR son alarmantes, ellos se caracterizan por indicadores de bajos niveles de expectativas sociales, control subjetivo, significado general de la vida en combinación con externalidad, pasividad y aislamiento de las propiedades de las expectativas. La distribución del coeficiente de expectativa para todos los tipos es uniforme. Explicamos los indicadores predominantes del tipo V en los encuestados principalmente por determinantes socio personales que inciden en el tipo de expectativas, y solo entonces por la presión social y otras influencias sociales.

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Conclusiones 1.


Se define, que los determinantes sociopersonales, el nivel de autoorganización de las actividades educativas y profesionales y el espacio sociocultural de las instituciones de educación superior inciden de manera decisiva en los parámetros de contenido psicológico, propiedades y tipos de expectativas sociales del individuo, en una versión particular de la juventud estudiantil. Los resultados empíricos y la justificación de la medición de expectativas mostraron la legitimidad de los indicadores de expectativas sociales seleccionados. La secuencia de agrupamiento de los parámetros que caracterizan los determinantes sociopsicológicos de las expectativas personales con los parámetros

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que determinan la dimensión social de las expectativas de los encuestados, brindó una oportunidad para establecer vínculos causales entre tipos de expectativas, lo que permitió fundamentar la relación entre las dimensiones personal y social de las expectativas de los estudiantes jóvenes y da motivos para afirmar que las hipótesis fueron confirmadas. Afirmamos que se han obtenido importantes conocimientos sociopsicológicos, que hacen un aporte científico al fenómeno estudiado. Creemos que la aplicación de los resultados del estudio contribuirá a la organización eficaz del trabajo en diversas áreas de la actividad humana.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.12 How to Cite: Liashko, O., Kapranov, Y., Cherkhava, O., Nasalevych, T., & Riabukha, T. (2021). Methodological algorithm for interpreting intertextuality within the orthodox sermon (case study of the english orthodox sermon fragment). Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 123-132. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.12

Methodological algorithm for interpreting intertextuality within the orthodox sermon (case study of the english orthodox sermon fragment) Методологічний алгоритм інтерпретації інтертекстуальності в православній проповіді (на прикладі фрагмента англійськомовної православної проповіді) Received: July 5, 2021

Accepted: August 12, 2021

Written by: Olha Liashko44 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3071-2565 Yan Kapranov45 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2915-038X Olesya Cherkhava46 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4504-0992 Tamara Nasalevych47 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7768-0310 Tetiana Riabukha48 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7081-6302 Abstract


The article represents a methodological algorithm for interpreting intertextuality in the English Orthodox sermon, which contains the following five successive stages. The first stage identifies the scientific and methodological backgrounds of the study of intertextuality, including in interdisciplinary coverage, as well as it traces the evolution of scientific views on notions of “intertextuality”; the diversity of approaches to the typology of intertextual relations have been revealed and the problem of intertextuality functions in modern texts has been outlined. The intertextual fragments have been singled out at the second stage. The types and subtypes of intertextual connections, their systematization and classification, different level means of actualization and marking of intertext in the English sermon, as well as the definition of features of semantic transformation and functional purpose of different types of intertext in the recipient text have been revealed at the

У статті представлено методологічний алгоритм інтерпретації інтертекстуальності в англійськомовній православній проповіді, Цей алгоритм складається з п’яти послідовних етапів: на першому етапі було окреслено теоретико-методологічні засади щодо розуміння поняття інтертекстуальність у міждисциплінарному розумінні, подано еволюцію наукових положень щодо семантичного наповнення поняття "інтертекстуальність", установлено різні підходи щодо типології міжтекстоводискурсивних зв'язків та визначено проблему функцій інтертекстуальності в сучасних текстах; на другому етапі були взяті фрагменти текстів, де простежуються інтертекстуальність; на третьому етапі було названо основні типи і підтипи міжтекстових зв'язків, де актуалізуються різнорівневі засоби маркування інтертексту в англомовних православних проповідях, а


PhD in Linguistics, Senior Lecturer of Department of English Philology of Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. Dc Sc in Linguistics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of I. V. Korunets Department of English and German Philology and Translation of Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. 46 Dc Sc in Linguistics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of G. G. Pocheptsov Department of German and Finno-Ugrian Philology of Kyiv National Linguistic University, Ukraine. 47 PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of German Philology of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. 48 PhD in Linguistics, Senior Lecturer of Department of German Philology of Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. 45

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Liashko, O., Kapranov, Y., Cherkhava, O., Nasalevych, T., Riabukha, T. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 123-132 / July, 2021

third stage. The sources of intertextuality identified and systematized in the previous stages of the study have been divided into nuclear, nearperipheral and far-peripheral at the fourth stage. The functions of intertextuality in the English Orthodox sermon have been determined in view of the compositional-structural, semantic, pragmatic, linguistic and cultural and other aspects at the fifth stage. Key words: methodological algorithm, interpretation, intertextuality, the Orthodox sermon, the English language.

також визначено характеристики смислової трансформації і функціонального призначення різних видів інтертексту у тексті реципієнті; на четвертому етапі було здійснено розмежування джерел інтертекстуальності, що були встановлені на попередніх етапах наукового дослідження, серед яких ядерні, близькота далекопериферійні; на п'ятому етапі було названо функції інтертекстуальності в англійськомовній православній проповіді з позиції різних аспектів, серед яких композиційно-структурний, лінгвокультурний, прагматичний, смисловий та ін. Ключові слова: методологічний алгоритм, інтерпретація, інтертекстуальність, православна проповідь, англійська мова.

Introduction At the present stage of development of scientific knowledge, the phenomenon of intertextuality as a constitutive category of the Orthodox sermon is actualized. It determines the verbal, structural, semantic and semiotic characteristics of texts of such a genre. Although the phenomenon of intertextuality appeared in 1967 in the article "Bakhtin, Word, Dialogue and Novel" (Kosikov, 2000, p. 429) of Julia Kristeva, the French scholar of literature and language, psychoanalyst, writer, semiotician, philosopher and orator of Bulgarian origin, some scholars (Liashko, 2019; 2020) noticed two dimensions of the Orthodox text, i.e. two texts that are, in fact, not new, but such that need to be understood and reconstructed. Thus, the text serves as a point of intersection (Chernyavskaya, 2014, p. 18) and the object of research (Shchirova & Goncharova, 2007, p. 10-21) of many humanities: Hermeneutics, Exegesis, Aesthetics, Cognitive Studies, Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Translation Studies, Poetics, Pragmatics, Psychology, Rhetoric, Semiotics, Sociology, Stylistics, Textology, Philosophy. In this case, "a broad understanding of the text from the standpoint of semiotics includes the text in the notion of the noosphere proposed by V. I. Vernadsky" (Arnold, 1999, p. 351), which is formed when the processes occurring in the biosphere, the human mind becomes dominant. The purpose of the article is to represent a complex methodological algorithm for


interpreting intertextuality Orthodox sermon.




The following objectives will be solved in the article:   

to consider the phenomenon of intertextuality in the context of humanitarian knowledge; to provide definitions and represent a taxonomy of the Orthodox sermon in modern linguistics; to represent methodological algorithm for interpreting intertextuality within the English Orthodox sermon.

The data material of the article is English intertextual fragments containing direct citation, indirect citation, various manifestations of other intertextual connections (metatextuality, paratextuality, architextuality), taken from written texts of the modern (XXI century) Orthodox sermons, in particular from Orthodox Church in America (2021) represented on the official web-site https://www.oca.org/. Research background The key concepts of the article are "intertextuality" and "sermon": if the intertextuality is studied in the context of genre text (Chernyavskaya, 2014; Shchirova & Goncharova, 2007; Beaugrande & Dressler, 1981; Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999), philological (Arnold, 1999; Krasnykh, 2003; Kuzmina, 1999; Piege-Gro, 2008; Fateyeva, 2006; Fairclough, 2003) and philosophical-

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poststructuralist (Bakhtin, 1997; Kristeva, 2004; Lotman, 1981; Barthes, 1977; Riffaterre , 1987) approaches, the sermon was the object of study of theological (Alfeyev, 2016), theolinguistic (Kuklev, 2012; Cherkhava, 2017), philological (Barysheva, 2012; Istomina, 2013; Itskovich, 2007; Krylova, 2005; Prokhvatilova, 2000; Savin, 2009; Smirnova, 2016), as well as multimodal and intermedia (Lepakhin, 2012) works. Besides, the definition of the intertextuality in the Orthodox sermon has been given by O. Liashko (2020), the main characteristics of the theolinguistic aspect has been outlined by O. Cherkhava (2017) and the fundamentals for methodological algorithm has been suggested by different scholars: Y. Kapranov et al. (2020, 2021) paid attention on stages, T. Nasalevich (2020) tried to investigate linguostylistic expressive means and T. Riabukha et al (2019) observed the methodological principles concerning the phenomenon of intertextuality. Methodology To conduct a comprehensive methodological algorithm for the interpretation of intertextuality in the Orthodox sermon, the main focus is made on general scientific and specialized (directly linguistic) research methods. First, the following general research methods have been used: analysis, analogy, argumentation, hypothesis, deduction, proof, induction, generalization, justification, synthesis, comparison. Second, the following specialized (linguistic) research methods have been used. The functional method with the following submethods (contextual-interpretive analysis of the text, methods of dialogic interpretation of the text, the method of prototype semantics, elements of linguocultural and ethnolinguistic methods, etc.) was the most efficient one. For example, contextual-interpretive analysis helped to determine the semantic transformations and functional purpose of the intertext in the recipient's text; methods of dialogic interpretation of the text (Selivanova, 2008, pp. 532-536) or hermeneutic method (as a set of rules and techniques of text interpretation, which occurs on the basis of three main procedures: understanding, explanation, interpretation) approved intertextuality as dialogic texts. In addition, the method of prototype analysis (Rosch, 1978; Lakoff, 1990; Taylor, 1995) was

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used to determine the prototype intertextual source of the Orthodox sermon, which embodies the most essential features (discourse, text, genre), inherent in all members of the "category". Moreover, it was necessary to turn to the elements of linguocultural, ethnolinguistic methods (Komarova, 2012, pp. 508, 538) and linguosemiotic analysis, which helped to identify linguistic and cultural codes embodied in intertextual means. They were involved in distinguishing the intertextuality criterion fragments. Results and Discussion Intertextuality in Context of Humanities Studies Intertextuality in Philosophical Research R. Barthes (1989) distinguishes between "text" and "work": a work is a thing that can be held in the hand or stored in a library; a text is a "field of methodological operations" that "are placed only in the language, it exists only in discourse ", it is characterized by a plurality of meaning. The author is considered the father of the work, but the text has no paternity (pp. 415-420). The text arises in the process of reading with many associations that fall into it due to the life experience and cultural baggage of the reader, so "any text is an inter-text in relation to some other text, but this intertextuality should not be understood as having some origin", on the contrary, the text "is formed from anonymous, elusive and at the same time already read quotations, i.e. from quotations without quotation marks" (Barthes, 1989, p. 418; Yampolsky, 1993, pp. 35-36). Yu. Kristeva, referring to M. M. Bakhtin, points out that he considered the "literary word" as a place of intersection of text planes, as a dialogue of different types of writing – the writer, addressee (or protagonist) and, finally, the letter formed by today's or previous cultural context" (Kristeva, 1993, p. 428). The scholar considers the text as "such an intersection of two texts, where one can read at least one more text", the intersection of texts means horizontal (subject – recipient) and vertical (text – context) axes. If in M. M Bakhtin these axes are considered as dialogue and ambivalence, in Yu. Kristeva "any text is built as a mosaic of quotations, as the absorption and transformation of some other text" intersubjectivity and it introduces the notion of intertextuality (Kristeva, 1993, p. 429).

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126 Further, the term intertextuality is actively spread among semioticians-poststructuralists. The principle of "decentralization" of the text structure with infinite references to one text to another and to all texts in general was explained by J. Derrida and emphasized the openness of the text to infinity (Chernyavskaya, 2014, pp. 196198; Kuzmina, 1999, p. 13). M. Riffater supplemented R. Barthes’ ideas with his mechanism of "intertextual reading", which is actualized only with the participation of the reader's perceiving consciousness (Chernyavskaya, 2014, p. 197). R. Bart was also influenced by J. Genette, who in the 1960s was one of his closest associates. Speaking about the connections of the text with other texts and nontextual realities, J. Genette first uses the term paratextuality, then he replaces it with architext (or architextuality, meaning types of discourses, ways of presentation, literary genres), and later he calls the subject of poetics, i.e. transtextuality as "all explicit or implicit connections of the text with other texts" (Genette, 1997a, p.1). In this context transtextuality is broader than architextual, which includes up to 5 types of transtextual connections together with intertextuality. Thus, in poststructuralist philosophy there is a large number of works on the theory of intertextual relations (Kristeva, 1993, 2004; Lotman, 1981; Eko, 2006; Genette, 1997a; Riffaterre, 1987, etc.), the intertext itself is a huge text, "in which everything was once said" (Kuzmina, 1999, p. 13). Intertextuality in Philological Research There are a lot of philological disciplines (Literary Studies, Linguistics, Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Stylistics, Translation Studies, Cognitive Studies, Critical Discourse Analysis, etc.) that helped to form the semantic field of intertextuality. The literary perspective of the study of intertextuality is better known by analysing the type of relationship between a particular text with other texts or between the text and its fragments, as a problem of borrowings and influences, internal motives (such as stylization, parody and collage), quotations, allusions, various forms of foreign language and reminiscences. One of the tasks is to try to classify and differentiate the types of relationships in a particular text and between texts. Not all scholars consider this approach promising and relevant because it "repeats under the new label the old views of


literary criticism, rhetoric, classical philology" (Chernyavskaya, 2014, pp. 200-201). Thanks to a number of works, classifications of various forms of a foreign language, quotations, allusions, reminiscences, literary influences, borrowings are formed and improved (Arnold, 1999; Kuzmina, 1999; Fateyeva, 2006; Fairclough, 2003). New terms related to Linguistic and Cultural Studies are introduced: the precedent phenomenon (Krasnykh, 2003) and the preceding precedent text (Yu. M. Karaulov first used this term in his monograph "The Russian Language and Language Personality" (1986)), defining certain features of such text: 1) significant for this or that person in cognitive and emotional relations; 2) has a suprapersonal character, i.e. well-known to the general environment of this person, including his predecessors and contemporaries, and 3) reference to the precedent text is repeatedly reproduced in the discourse of this language person (Karaulov, 1987, p. 216). In the decoding stylistics, I. V. Arnold draws an analogy between intertextuality, which she calls text inclusions and types of foregrounding. According to the scholar, the latter focus the reader's attention on important elements of the message, establish semantically and hierarchically relevant relationships between them, enhance the emotional, evaluative, expressive potential of the text, promote implication, irony and various modal nuances (Arnold, 1999, p. 368; Arnold, 2002, pp. 50-58). It should be noted that such a narrow understanding of the intertext has become the most common in science, so it covers a huge number of works on this phenomenon (Denisova, 2003; Dzera, 2017; Allen, 2000; Orr, 2003). In addition, within the framework of linguistic research, the study of intertextuality as a text category is formed. It is called system-text or prototype / typological (Chernyavskaya, 2014, p. 69). For example, in the study of W. Dressler and R.-A. de Beaugrande (1981) intertextuality (typological) is analysed as one of the seven properties of textuality, without which the text is considered "non-text". Any text exists as a representative of a certain type of text, which differs in the corresponding system of specific features assigned to it, on the basis of which it can be attributed to individual texts. Thus, typological intertextuality is a typical for the text type, which is constructed and determined by a set of invariant, strictly

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

mandatory text-forming features that have prototype repetition in the process of creating new texts of one typological affiliation (Chernyavska, 2014, pp. 68-70). During the study of the Orthodox sermon texts, the category of typological / prototypical intertextuality is manifested by nuclear, nearperipheral and far-peripheral text sources and their correlations with the source texts. The analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of intertextuality gives fundamentals to consider this phenomenon as a complex interdisciplinary category. A large number of works (Arnold, 1999; Kuzmina, 1999; Piege-Gro, 2008; Fateyeva, 2006; Chernyavskaya, 2014; Beaugrande & Dressler, 1981; Fairclough, 2003; Genette, 1997a, etc.) are devoted to the study of intertextuality, in which various definitions of this notion and classification of intertextual relations are given. The following different approaches to understanding the notion of intertext should be mentioned: 1) philosophical-poststructuralist (Bakhtin, 1997; Kristeva, 2004; Lotman, 1981; Barthes, 1977; Genette, 1997a; Riffaterre, 1987) corresponds to a cultural-semiotic approach that focuses not only on the texts, but on the relationship between them in boundless text space; 2) philological (Arnold, 1999; Karaulov, 1986; Krasnykh, 2003; Kuzmina, 1999; Piege-Gro, 2008; Fateyeva, 2006; Fairclough, 2003) is identified with the problem of literary influences, borrowings or creative dialogue of authors, internal motives of the work (such as stylization, parody and collage), quotations, various forms of foreign language, allusions, reminiscences, precedent texts and phenomena. More often in the scientific environment it is called as a "narrow or literary" approach, but it is better to call it philological, because it combines the achievements not only of literary criticism, but also Classical Philology, Stylistics, Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Critical Discourse Analysis; 3) genre-text (Chernyavskaya, 2014; Shchirova & Goncharova, 2007; Beaugrande & Dressler, 1981; Chouliaraki & Fairclough, 1999) provides a "reflection of the relationship of texts belonging to one, created on the basis of different principles of the text class" (Vorobyova, 1993a, p. 43; Vorobyova, 1993b). Intertextuality is

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characterized as a system-text and prototype category (Chernyavskaya, 2014, pp. 69, 201), i.e. with an emphasis on the typological properties of textuality (Beaugrande & Dressler, 1981). In the perspective of the modern cognitivediscursive paradigm, the integrative perspective of studying intertextuality as a complex interdisciplinary phenomenon, with the involvement of certain achievements of poststructuralist, literary and linguistic studies of intertext, acquires special significance. The creation of a unified classification and derivation of a list of functions of intertextuality in a linguistic perspective remains relevant. The Orthodox Sermon in Modern Linguistics: Definitions and Taxonomy Today the sermon should be understood from two vectors: if in a narrow sense it is "speech of religious and instructive content, which is proclaimed in the temple during worship" (Salakhov, 2013, p. 46), then in a broad sense it is "the spread of any ideas, views" (Ibid.). In ecclesiastical and homiletic literature, the sermon is replaced by the following synonymous notions: "church interview" (Taushev, 2001, p. 6); "Church Eloquence" (Pevnitsky, 1908); "homily", i.e. conversation; "word" (Taushev, 2001, p. 25), as well as "kerygma" (proclamation), "Gospel" (Annunciation, good news) (Savin, 2009, pp. 44-45). In this case, the Orthodox sermon embodies "the testimony of God's truth, the testimony of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, which must be based on the inner gracious life of the preacher and expressed in the word" (Feodosiy, yep. Polotskiy i Glubokskiy, 1999, p. 78); proclaims "the gospel doctrine of our salvation in living speech before the people" (Taushev, 2001, p. 7) and calls for "salvation through the Word" (Synopsis on Homiletics, 1970, p. 4). In our opinion, the Orthodox sermon is addressed to the addressees of speech, the main purpose of which is to acquaint and teach the basics of Christian truths, explanation (exegesis) of sacred texts, a call for change in accordance with Christian values. Traditionally, the Orthodox sermon is classified into 4 types (Taushev, 2001, pp. 24-40): homily (explanatory talk), word (subject to the content of the church year), catechetical teaching (lessons of faith, teaching, worship), journalistic

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128 (publicistic) sermon (answers modern questions and challenges) (Itskovich, 2007, p. 28). According to the content, the following types of sermons are distinguished: exegetical, catechetical, dogmatic, instructive, apologetic and missionary (Feodosiy, yep. Polotskiy i Glubokskiy, 1999, pp. 221-305). In general, scholars (Itskovich, 2007; Prokhvatilova, 2000; Savin, 2009; Salakhova, 2013; Smirnova, 2016) conditionally classify sermons into diachronic, synchronic and both diachronic and synchronic. A more detailed classification of sermons is offered by L.V. Levshun (cit. in: Salakhov, 2013, pp. 49-51; Savin, 2009, pp. 47-57), defining a number of taxonomic criteria: 1) according to the time set for worship, i.e. taking into account the annual church circle (Christmas, Easter, fasting, etc.), weekly (i.e. on different days of the week) and daily (evening, liturgy) circle; 2) according to the place of proclamation of the sermon: temple and non-temple (liturgical and missionary); 3) according to the addressee: monastic (before the clergy, the brothers of the monastery), secular (religious communication with the faithful), missionary (communication with non-church people); 4) according to the content: a) exegetical; b) liturgical and panegyric; c) sermonsteachings; 5) according to the purpose: missionary, catechetical, dogmatic, instructive;according to the way of presentation: analytical (the preacher offers an in-depth verbal analysis of a fragment of the biblical text, parables, prayers, traditions, etc.) and synthetic (a fragment of a sacred text is the theme of the sermon and the preacher reflects on this fragment and enters into non-verbal dialogue with the recipient); 6) according to the form: oral and written sermon. Methodological Algorithm for Interpreting Intertextuality Within the English Orthodox Sermon The methodological algorithm for interpreting intertextuality within the English Orthodox sermon is of complex character and it involves five successive steps, which we will try to outline below.


At the first stage the scientific and methodological fundamentals of studying intertextuality are to be determined, including in the interdisciplinary character, as well as the evolution of scientific views on conceptual meaning of the term "intertextuality", the diversity of approaches to the typology of intertextual relations are to be revealed and the problem of functions of intertextuality in modern texts is to be outlined. These procedures will be covered with the help of general scientific methods of analysis, analogy, argumentation, deduction, proof, induction, generalization, substantiation, synthesis and comparison In the second stage, intertextual fragments are to be sorted out on the data material of the English Orthodox sermons, arranged according to the authors’ classification, which generalizes and develops the existing taxonomies of intertextual connections. The third stage includes conducting various aspects of intertextual analysis to identify types and subtypes of intertextual connections, their systematization and classification, multilevel means of actualization and labelling of intertext in the English sermons, as well as identifying semantic transformation and functional purpose of different types of intertext in the recipient text. At this stage, a number of interrelated methods were used, including the method of intertextual analysis, elements of structural distributive method, contextual-interpretive analysis, semiotic analysis and dialogic interpretation of the text (Selivanova, 2008, pp. 531, 533-536), which allowed separation of types (relation of the new text with the pretext: intertextuality as direct and indirect citation, metatextuality, architextuality, paratextuality) and means (quotation, allusion, reminiscence, paraphrase, etc.) of intertextual relations. The method of intertextual analysis, which includes procedures for identifying intertext (based on the means of its marking), determining the "status" of different intertextual links (given the relationship of the recipient text with the donor text) and their systematization, allowed to identify and classify types and subtypes of intertextuality in the English Orthodox sermon. The are: 1) intertextuality as a direct citation: precedent (local-precedent, confessionalprecedent, universal-precedent) / unprecedented; 2) intertextuality as indirect citation; 3) metatextuality (manifested by interpretation, commentary, addition, etc.); 4) architextuality as a homogeneous-heterogeneous connection of

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nuclear, near-peripheral, far-peripheral intertextual sources; 5) paratextuality as a connection of the text with its structural parts. Let us illustrate with a few examples from the English Orthodox sermon, where the use of different variants of intertextual connections are represented (see: Mollard, 2017). The fragment from the Easter message to the American flock (2017) shows several types of intertextual connections. The last words of the fragment are graphically highlighted in italics and they contain a direct quotation-fragment of the text from the confessional-precedent liturgical ninth song of the Easter canon. The second paragraph traces the presence of an unmarked indirect quotation in the form of the paraphrase "there is no human being who lives and still does not sin" from the confessionalprecedent Old Testament texts (2 Chron. 6:36; 3 Kings 8:46; Eccl. 7: 20): "there is no one who does not sin" (2Ch 6:36; 3Kg 8:44); "For there is not a righteous man on earth Who does good and does not sin" (Ecc 7:20). In this paragraph there is also an unmarked paraphrase in the form of the phrase "the new drink from the fountain of incorruption" (cf. the English and Church Slavonic original from the Easter Canon) (Irmos 3 Song): Come, let us drink a new beverage, not miraculously drawn from a barren rock, but the fountain of Incorruption springing from the tomb of Christ in Whom we are established. In addition, in this paragraph the direct allusions to the Old Testament fall of the first humans, Adam and Eve (Gen. 3: 1-7) may be found: "the consequences of the Fall" and to modern world events: "war, terrorism, and human misery". In the first paragraph of this passage from the sermon four references to the universal precedent events of the Resurrection of Christ (reminiscences) may be found: 1) "the Myrrhbearing Women standing by the open tomb"; 2) "the Apostles on the road to Emmaus"; 3) "the Mother of God who remained ever at the side of her Son"; 4) "those who previously denied or deserted the crucified Lord". Moreover, in the last paragraph the preacher gives an interpretation of feelings (as a means of metatextuality), which is a reflection of the experience of the life of the risen Lord: "This courage and hope are not simply fleeting emotions of the moment but rather an experience of the life of the risen Lord." There is also direct quotation-fragment of the text, indirect quotations (paraphrases, allusions, reminiscences), metatextuality (interpretation).

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They are considered to be prototypical (reveal the most significant features of the category and are often repeated) to New Testament and Old Testament sources and they reflect architextuality or prototype intertertextuality of the Orthodox sermon. It should be noted that the above-mentioned types of intertextual connections also correlate semantically and textually with the title of this English Easter sermon: ARCHPASTORAL MESSAGE OF HIS BEATITUDE METROPOLITAN TIKHON PASCHA 2017 and with the strong initial: CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! and final: With my archpastoral blessing and love in the Risen Lord (bold is ours) positions of the preaching text indicating paratextuality as a connection of the text with its structural parts. Thus, in this fragment of the English sermon 5 types of intertextual connections are displayed, which are expressed by different means of actualization and perform several functions at once. The means of intertext create the composition of the sermon in its various structural elements (text-forming function), provide semantic integrity and coherence of the content of the text of the Orthodox sermon (meaning-making function), are involved by the preacher in interpreting the text (exegetical function), affect feelings and motivate to action (e.g. This courage and hope are not simply fleeting emotions of the moment but rather an experience of the life of the risen Lord Who fills our hearts with such joy that every day and every moment of our existence we can sing paschal hymns such as this) as a manifestation of pragmatic function, highlight prototype function when using multiple prototype text sources, etc. At the fourth stage, the sources of intertextuality identified and systematized in the previous stages of the study were divided into nuclear, nearperipheral and far-peripheral. The method of prototype analysis (Rosch, E. (1978), G. Lakoff, J. Taylor) in combination with the method of quantitative calculations was involved, which allowed to substantiate the nuclear and periphery of the intertextual space of the Orthodox sermon with the emphasis on the degree of detection of certain types of intertext categories. At the fifth stage, in order to determine the functions of intertextuality in the Orthodox sermon with regard to compositional-structural, semantic, pragmatic, linguistic and cultural and other aspects a functional method with the elements of Linguistic and Pragmatic analysis was used.

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130 Conclusions Given the diversity of approaches to the typology of intertextual relations in linguistic and interdisciplinary works, the following understanding of intertextuality in the Orthodox sermon is proposed: 1) intertextuality as direct citation; 2) intertextuality as indirect citation; 3) metatextuality; 4) architextuality as homogeneous-heterogeneous connection of texts; 5) paratextuality as connection of the text with its structural parts. Every type of intertextuality is characterized by the specifics of the means of implementation. The method of interpreting intertextuality in the English Orthodox sermon involved five successive stages: the first stage identified the scientific and methodological fundamentals of the study of intertextuality, including in interdisciplinary coverage, and traced the evolution of scientific views on the conceptual content of the term "diversity" to the typology of intertextual relations and outlines the problem of intertextuality functions in modern texts; at the second stage intertextual fragments are singled out; at the third stage the types and subtypes of intertextual connections, their systematization and classification, different level means of actualization and marking of intertext in sermons in English, and also definition of features of semantic transformation and functional purpose of different types of intertext in the recipient text were revealed; at the fourth stage, the sources of intertextuality identified and systematized in the previous stages of the study were divided into nuclear, near-peripheral and far-peripheral; at the fifth stage, the functions of intertextuality in the English-speaking Orthodox sermon were determined in view of the compositionalstructural, semantic, pragmatic, linguistic and cultural and other aspects. Bibliographic references Alfeyev, I. M. (2016). Jesus Christ. Life and Teaching. In 6 books. Book. 2: Sermon on the Mount. Moscow: Sretensky Monastery Publishing House; Eksmo; Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies. Allen, G. (2000). Intertextuality. New York: Routledge. Arnold, I. V. (2002). Stylistics. Modern English. 5th ed., Corr. and extra. Moscow: Flint: Nauka. Arnold, I. V., Bukharkin, P. Ye. (1999). Semantics. Stylistics. Intertextuality. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg. un-ta. Retrieved from https://www.flinta.ru/book.php?id=1930


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.13 How to Cite: Gerasimova , I., Nesterenko, N., & Tkachenko, I.. (2021). Statistical assessment of the health of the Russian population. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 133-140. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.13

Statistical assessment of the Russian population’s health Cтатистическая оценка здоровья населения России Received: May 28, 2021

Accepted: July 17, 2021

Written by: Irina Gerasimova49 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3789-045X Nina Nesterenko50 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0296-0908 Irina Tkachenko51 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3962-3649 Abstract


The article presents the results of modeling selfassessment of individuals' health depending on a number of economic and social factors. The information base of the research is the data of the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions of the Population in the Russian Federation for 2018 by Rosstat. A multinomial regression model was used as a toolkit. It was found that subjective assessment of health is significantly influenced by gender, age, marriage status, employment, work in an area of specialization similar to that obtained, nervous tension, harmful factors, and other inconveniences in the workplace, hazardous nature of work, dissatisfaction with wages and job reliability, inability to live an active life, health problems, smoking and alcohol consumption. The results can be used both to adjust social policies and by individuals themselves to improve their health assessments.

В статье приводятся результаты моделирования самооценки здоровья индивидов в зависимости от ряда экономических и социальных факторов. Информационной базой исследования являются данные Комплексного наблюдения Росстата условий жизни населения за 2018 год в Российской Федерации. В качестве инструментария использована модель мультиномиальной регрессии. Выявлено, что значимое влияние на субъективную оценку здоровья оказывают пол, возраст, состояние в зарегистрированном браке, работа по найму, работа по специальности, близкой к полученной, нервное напряжение, вредные факторы и другие неудобства на рабочем месте, опасный характер работы, неудовлетворенность заработной платой и надежностью работы, невозможность вести активную жизнь, наличие проблем со здоровьем, курение и употребление алкоголя. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы как для корректировки социальной политики, так и самими индивидами для улучшения оценок собственного здоровья.

Keywords: subjective health, self-rated health, multinomial regression.

Ключевые слова: субъективное здоровье, самооценка здоровья, мультиномиальная регрессия.

49 50 51

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Rostov State University of Economics, Russia. Associate Professor, Rostov State Economic University, Russia. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Rostov State Economic University, Russia.

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Gerasimova , I., Nesterenko, N., Tkachenko, I. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 133-140 / July, 2021

Introduction Population health is one of the most important economic resources (Fafard and Cassola, 2020; Nusratullin et al, 2020). In addition to objective characteristics of population health, how individuals assess their health is also important. Although there is a correlation between objective and subjectively perceived health, there are also differences in their assessments. At the same time, it is the self-assessment of health that largely determines the behavior of an individual, his economic and social activity (Rodrigues et al, 2021). Therefore, the study of the determinants of subjectively perceived health of the population is an urgent task. The purpose of this research is to build a model of self-assessment of the health of individuals in Russia, depending on a number of economic and social factors, and to interpret its results. The following tasks are set to achieve the goal: 1) Conduct a theoretical review of the literature regarding the construction of models of selfassessment of citizens' health; 2) Construct a model of self-assessment of individual health in Russia depending on a number of economic and social factors; 3) Interpret the results of the constructed model of self-assessment of the health of individuals in Russia. The information base of the research is the data of the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions of the Population in the Russian Federation for 2018 by Rosstat (Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, 2019). A multinomial regression model was used as an instrument. Literature Review In modern socio-economic conditions, the quality of life is one of the main criteria for assessing the state of health of the population. The World Health Organization today focuses on improving the quality of life for all categories of the population (Andreev et al, 2003 Shevchuk et al, 2020). This is due to the increased interest in the quality of life in recent years, associated with the growth of crises in many countries around the world, which is reflected in the health of the population (Verropoulou, 2012). Currently, in addition to traditional indicators, there are social characteristics of health, including: the subjective attitude of individuals to their health, social attitudes and self-


preservation behavior of people. Health SelfAssessment (HSA) is an integral indicator that reflects a person's subjective feelings about his or her health and is widely used in health research (Perlman and Bobak, 2008). The ease of using one or more questions to obtain sufficiently reliable information has attracted the attention of researchers who are trying to find factors suitable for assessing population health in mass surveys. The diagnostic and prognostic significance of HSA has been discussed in the literature for more than five decades, mainly because this indicator is associated with various health indicators and life expectancy. There are many works that reflect efforts to objectify it (Borim et al, 2017). Thus, in the work of Puvil et al. (2016) HSA scores were compared to physical and mental health in a population of 85-year-olds living in the Netherlands. Various associations of selfreported health, including mortality, were assessed. Earlier evidence has shown that HSA results in most cases coincide with objective measures of health, such as medical examinations (French et al, 2012). Under these circumstances, the use of the HSA to determine the prognosis of life and health in this population is very attractive, as evidenced by the sufficient number of publications. At the same time, research shows that people assess their health differently, realizing that illnesses and disabilities are more common at older ages. Indeed, as researchers have shown, the relationship between physical health and HSA becomes less pronounced with age (Heller et al, 2009). HSA partly reflects a condition that does not account for objective measures of health. The burden of diseases of the older generation falls mostly on the shoulders of the surrounding people, the health care system and social welfare institutions. Therefore, HSA issues in the elderly have a pronounced practical relevance (Borim et al, 2014). Large studies around the world have also shown that HSA is associated with mortality and morbidity (Nery Guimarães et al, 2012). Methodology To model the subjective assessment of health, we used data from the 2018 Rosstat Comprehensive Living Conditions Survey of the population, obtained from the questionnaire for individuals (Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, 2019).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

The general characteristics of the respondents are as follows:

values, from "very poor" to "very good," an ordinal regression model was suitable for modeling. However, according to the test for parallelism of lines (chi-square equal to 815.185), the hypothesis of parallelism is rejected at the significance level of 0.001, which does not allow using an ordinal regression model to assess risks of negative self-assessment of health.

1) 59.6% of respondents are in a registered marriage, 12.7% have never been married, 13.8% are divorced, and 7.2% are in an unregistered marriage; 2) the vast majority (79.2%) work in an enterprise or organization with the status of a legal entity. 12.5% work at enterprises of individual entrepreneurs, 2.4% are entrepreneurs, 2.9% work on an individual basis, 1.9% are employed by private persons, 0.6% work on the farm and 0.4% work in their own household; 3) Most of the respondents (46%) assessed their health as satisfactory, 47.3% assessed their health as good. Very good health is assessed by 4.4% of the respondents, 2.2% assessed their health as bad and only 0.1% assessed their health as very bad. Thus, in general, the health of the respondents is assessed at an average level.

Therefore, a multinomial regression model was estimated to assess the risk of negative selfreported health, as presented in Table 1 (Appendix A). The model is statistically significant, the values of pseudo-R-square from 0.3 to 0.4 testify that the model explains the variation of health self-assessment depending on factors well enough. The dependent variable was the result of respondents' evaluation of their health, with the options of "very good", "good", "satisfactory", "poor", and "very poor". The category "very good" serves as the benchmark.

Since the dependent variable (self-assessment of health) is ordinal and takes five variants of Table 1. Results of multinomial regression model evaluation with the dependent variable "subjective health assessment" Good Factors 1


Satisfactory Exp(B)

2 3 0,389 Free member – (1,223) 0,043*** Age 1,044 (0,003) Gender -0,5*** 0,607 (female) (0,054) Marital status (never married) Is in a 0,323*** registered 1,381 (0,058) marriage Is in an 0,116 unregistered 1,123 (0,087) marriage Widower/Wid -0,095 0,91 ow (0,176) 0,033 Divorced 1,033 (0,083) -0,248 Separated 0,781 (0,152) Main job (In their own household) In an enterprise, in an -0,71 organization 0,492 (0,469) with the status of a legal entity At the enterprise of -0,575 0,563 an individual (0,472) entrepreneur


Very poor







4 -0,599 (1,221) 0,107*** (0,003) -0,748*** (0,057)


6 -4,341*** (1,565) 0,12*** (0,005) -0,916*** (0,105)


8 -34,139 (9212,183) 0,082*** (0,019) -0,78* (0,473)


– 1,113 0,474

– 1,127 0,4

– 1,085 0,458

0,351*** (0,064)


0,233 (0,149)


0,289 (0,835)


0,122 (0,095)


0,355* (0,191


1,41 (0,894)


-0,16 (0,18) -0,022 (0,089) -0,292* (0,163)

0,852 0,978 0,747

-0,521** (0,246) -0,093 (0,175) -0,084 (0,296)

0,594 0,911 0,919

1,173 (0,956) 0,305 (0,912) 0,928 (1,136)

3,233 1,356 2,53

-0,36 (0,484)


-0,32 (0,673)


15,197 (5306,674)


-0,173 (0,487)


0,03 (0,68)


15,212 (5306,74)


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On the farm

-0,614 (0,557) 2


-0,277 (0,577) 4


0,243 (0,8) 6


0,052 (6312,3) 8


1 3 5 7 9 In the field of -0,949** -0,783 -0,877 14,55 entrepreneuria 0,387 0,457 0,416 2084457 (0,481) (0,499) (0,725) (5306,7) l activity Employed by private -1,09** -0,567 -0,353 14,548 0,336 0,567 0,702 2079938 households (0,025) (0,504) (0,713) (5306,7) (individuals) On an -1,05** -0,793 -0,699 -1,034 individual 0,35 0,452 0,497 0,356 (0,479) (0,496) (0,702) (5541,8) basis Correspondence of the main job with the received work specialization (No, this work is not a work specialization) Yes, this work is fully 0,085 0,026 -0,118 -0,172 in line with 1,089 1,026 0,889 0,842 (0,054) (0,057) (0,097) (0,43) the specialization Yes, this job is in a close 0,079 -0,019 -0,268* -0,877 1,082 0,981 0,765 0,416 specialized (0,069) (0,073) (0,138) (0,217) field. Work is associated with nervous tension (No) Yes, all the -0,123** -0,014 0,199* 1,528*** 0,884 0,986 1,221 4,611 time. (0,068) (0,072) (0,121) (0,544) Yes, -0,007 -0,011 0,013 0,342 0,993 0,989 1,013 1,407 sometimes. (0,051) (0,055) (0,096) (0,535) Exposure to harmful production factors in the workplace (None) Yes, all the -0,11 -0,097 0,074 -0,46 0,896 0,908 1,077 0,631 time. (0,082) (0,085) (0,129) (0,523) Yes, -0,099* -0,15** -0,24** -0,827 0,905 0,86 0,786 0,437 sometimes. (0,06) (0,063) (0,109) (0,515) Existence of other inconveniences in the workplace (No) Yes, all the 0,153 0,265*** 0,359** -0,078 1,166 1,303 1,432 0,925 time. (0,099) (0,103) (0,149) (0,602) Yes, 0,044 0,062 0,057 0,279 1,046 1,064 1,058 1,321 sometimes. (0,061) (0,064) (0,105) (0,448) Opinion on the safety of work in terms of the likelihood of an accident (Dangerous) Completely -0,445*** -0,766*** -0,513*** -1,207 0,641 0,465 0,599 0,299 safe (0,111) (0,117) (0,199) (0,846) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0,253** 0,049 0,067 0,113 Safe enough 1,288 1,051 1,069 1,12 (0,106) (0,111) (0,185) (0,752) Dangerous in 0,173* 0,07 0,049 -0,323 1,189 1,073 1,051 0,724 a way (0,1) (0,105) (0,173) (0,695) The presence of an accident -0,672*** -0,804*** -0,72** 1,002 at work in the 0,511 0,447 0,487 2,723 (0,169) (0,181) (0,287) (0,628) last 12 months (No) Degree of satisfaction with wages and salaries (Not satisfied at all) Quite -0,311*** -0,843*** -1,487*** -0,665 0,733 0,431 0,226 0,514 satisfied (0,094) (0,097) (0,143) (0,545) Not quite 0,178* -0,004 -0,362*** -0,715 1,195 0,997 0,696 0,489 satisfied (0,092) (0,094) (0,126) (0,474) Degree of satisfaction with job reliability (Not satisfied at all) Quite 0,074 -0,196 -0,556*** -1,838*** 1,077 0,822 0,574 0,159 satisfied (0,157) (0,162) (0,215) (0,617) Not quite 0,11 -0,061 -0,19 -0,89 1,116 0,941 0,827 0,41 satisfied (0,156) (0,161) (0,211) (0,572) Degree of satisfaction with the duties performed (Not satisfied at all) Quite 0,065 -0,03 -0,144 -0,969 1,067 0,971 0,866 0,38 satisfied (0,171) (0,177) (0,239) (0,622) Not quite 0,223 0,164 -0,018 -0,694 1,25 1,178 0,982 0,5 satisfied (0,172) (0,178) (0,241) (0,648) Completeness of work for the entire period this year in the main and additional work (Did not work the entire period) Worked the entire period -0,027 0,03 0,024 -0,627 (i.e., from 0,973 1,03 1,025 0,534 (0,072) (0,076) (0,126) (0,443) January to September) Level of education (Does not have a basic general education)


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Personnel of higher qualification (postgraduate) Higher (specialist, master's degree) 1 Higher (bachelor's degree) Incomplete higher education (incomplete higher education), completed 3 years Secondary vocational under the specialist training program Secondary vocational education in the skilled worker training program Secondary general

0,093 (1,122)


-1,605 (1,113)


-3,67** (1,551)


-3,107 (8380,8)


0,186 (1,102)


-1,379 (1,09)


-1,971 (1,344)


13,192 (7530,2)










0,14 (1,103)


-1,468 (1,092)


-1,912 (1,359)


12,559 (7530,2)


-0,01 (1,117)


-1,285 (1,108)


-1,706 (1,42)


-3,01 (8337,6)


0,298 (1,102)


-1,08 (1,089)


-1,647 (1,342)


12,528 (7530,2)


0,536 (1,102


-0,711 (1,09)


-0,981 (1,342)


13,602 (7530,2)


0,235 -1,112 -1,497 1,265 0,329 (1,102) (1,089) (1,343) 0,428 -0,829 -0,908 Basic general 1,534 0,436 (1,106) (1,094) (1,35) Ability to lead an active life (I have no interest or desire) -0,289*** -0,739*** -1,167*** Yes, I can. 0,749 0,478 (0,077) (0,078) (0,125) No, I can't, my health and 0,17 0,872 1,627*** 1,185 2,391 age don't (0,275) (0,274) (0,29) allow it. Limitations due to health problems within the last 6 months (No, I had no limitations) Yes, experienced -0,165 1,09*** 3,081*** 0,848 2,975 significant (0,306) (0,303) (0,316) limitations Yes, I had limitations, 0,736*** 1,688*** 2,555*** 2,087 5,41 but minor (0,136) (0,136) (0,157) ones. Presence of a chronic 0,473*** 1,717*** 2,885*** illness 1,604 5,57 (0,154) (0,154) (0,17) established by a doctor (No) Was a disability -0,12 0,691 1,205** 0,887 1,995 group (0,476) (0,473) (0,483) assigned (No) Applying for outpatient 0,588*** 1,032*** 1,598*** 1,801 2,807 care this year (0,066) (0,067) (0,104) (No) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Calling an -0,288* 0,034 0,731*** ambulance 0,75 1,035 (0,174) (0,176) (0,195) (No) Cases of 0,096 0,442** 0,76*** hospitalizatio 1,101 1,556 (0,214) (0,216) (0,233) n (No)

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0,224 0,403

12,52 (7530,2) -1,928 (7635,7)

273767 0,145


-1,133* (0,667)



2,55*** (0,685)



3,848*** (0,6)



2,143*** (0,579)



2,272*** (0,458)



1,46*** (0,675)



1,56*** (0,518)






0,41 (0,468)



1,288*** (0,467)


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138 Needed medical care, 0,499*** 0,791*** 1,647 2,206 but did not (0,059) (0,061) seek it (No) Presence of 0,112** 0,414*** oral problems 1,119 1,512 (0,049) (0,051) (None) Whether the respondent smokes (I smoke more than one pack a day) Don't smoke 0,634*** 0,536*** and haven't 1,885 1,71 (0,16) (0,168) smoked Smoked, but 0,655*** 0,494*** 1,925 1,639 quit (0,169) (0,177) I smoke 0,677*** 0,481*** 1,968 1,618 occasionally. (0,172) (0,182) I smoke up to 0,704*** 0,735*** 5 cigarettes a 2,021 2,085 (0,186) (0,195) day I smoke up to 0,749*** 0,634*** 10 cigarettes a 2,116 1,885 (0,169) (0,177) day I smoke up to 0,698*** 0,654*** one pack a 2,01 1,924 (0,166) (0,173) day Alcoholic 0,351*** 0,216*** beverage use 1,42 1,241 (0,05) (0,053) (None) Chi Square Сox & Snell R square Nagelkerk R-square McFadden's R-square

Results and Discussion Age has a significant influence on the subjective assessment of health, with each year the chances of assessing one's health lower than "very good" increasing. Men are more inclined to assess their health worse, compared to women, for all gradations of self-assessment. That is, age is a factor that increases the likelihood of a negative assessment of one's own health. Marital status has a significant impact on the self-assessment of health. Individuals who are married have a higher chance of assessing their health as good or satisfactory compared to very good. Widows or widowers are less likely to rate their health as poor, and divorced as satisfactory. That is, being in a registered marriage worsens, and being widowed improves one's self-assessment of health. The findings obtained by Wang, D. (2021), who also identified the relationship between physical and emotional neglect in the family, illness of a family member, material difficulties in the family, living in an unfavorable place negatively affects the population's assessment of health. That is, various negative factors affecting one family member negatively affect all family members. Somewhat different results were obtained by Jhang (2018), in which it was found that, over time, widowhood leads to a deterioration in a self-image of health. The type of the main job has a significant impact only on the self-perception of health as good.


0,911*** (0,09)


1,341*** (0,392)


0,579*** (0,083)


0,34 (0,364)


-0,081 (0,253)


-1,216 (0,88)


-0,04 (0,266) 0,029 (0,302)

0,961 1,029

-0,694 (0,907) -0,112 (1,084)

0,5 0,894

0,189 (0,317)


0,244 (0,244)


0,071 (0,275)


-1,282 (0,923)


0,5 (0,258)


-0,615 (0,923)


0,002 (0,088)


-0,077 (0,395)


26080*** 0,371 0,438 0,247

Individuals who work in the field of entrepreneurial activity, employed by individuals, and on an individual basis are less likely to do so. In other words, individuals with this type of major job have a lower risk of poor self-rated health. Working in a close occupation compared to a non-specialty job reduces the chances of judging health as poor, i.e., it reduces the likelihood of poor self-rated health. Individuals whose jobs involve constant nervous tension are more likely to have very poor health, and less likely to have good health. In other words, this factor can be seen as a factor of lower self-rated health. Wu et al. (2019) also believe that people who report long working hours are more likely to report poor health. As part of the research, Wu et al. (2019) also found that the relationship between long working hours and self-rated health depended on the occupation. In addition, travel time and long working hours affect self-rated health. Those whose work occasionally involves exposure to harmful work factors are less likely to have a good, satisfactory, and poor assessment of their own health. The presence of other inconveniences in the workplace is a factor in worsening selfassessment of health, increasing the chances of rating it as satisfactory and poor compared to very good for those who have inconveniences all the time. Cheng et al (2013) also revealed that

ISSN 2322 - 6307

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

adverse factors at work have a negative impact on health assessment, and this influence only increases with age. Individuals who work in safe jobs are less likely to rate their health as good, satisfactory, or poor. That is, HAS hazardous work produced stress that worsens subjective health evaluations. Having accidents at work reduces the chances of having a good, satisfactory, or poor assessment of one's own health. Satisfaction with wages reduces the chances of having good, satisfactory, and poor selfassessment of health. Thus, dissatisfaction with the level of wages is a significant factor in the deterioration of an individual's assessment of his/her health. Satisfaction with job reliability also reduces the chances of negative self-reported health (for the "poor" and "very poor" gradations). The degree of satisfaction with the duties performed, as well as the completeness of work for the entire period of the year, do not have a significant impact on self-assessment of health. Having a higher postgraduate education reduces the chances of perceiving one's health as bad. That is, a low level of education can be considered a factor of negative self-assessment of health. Similar results were obtained by Nie et al. (2021). In the study, the authors concluded that health literacy and self-assessment of one's health are correlated; the higher the literacy, the higher the self-assessment of one's health. Having the opportunity to lead an active life reduces the chances of worsening subjective health assessment, while the lack of such an opportunity due to health and age leads to an increased chance of assessing health as bad and very bad. In other words, the lack of opportunity to lead an active life is a significant factor in the negative assessment of one's health Tebar et al (2021) also concluded that engaging in ≥300 minutes of physical activity per week was associated with good self-rated health. Having limitations due to health problems in the past six months increases the chances of a negative health rating for all grades. Being assigned a disability group increases the chances of a health rating as poor or very poor. Individuals who have sought outpatient care in the current year are more likely to rate their health as good, satisfactory, bad, and very bad health conditions compared to very good. That is, seeking care is an indicator of poorer health.

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However, with regard to calling an ambulance, the result is not so clear-cut. Calling an ambulance increases the odds of having poor health compared to very good health, and decreases the odds of having good health compared to a very good health condition. Being hospitalized increases the odds of rating your health as satisfactory, poor, and very poor. A significant factor is the presence of the need for medical care when an individual does not seek it for one reason or another. This fact increases the chances of deterioration of selfassessment of health. Oral problems can lower one's own health rating from very good to good, satisfactory, and poor. The more an individual smokes, the more likely it is that he will rate his own health worse: as good or satisfactory. Similar results were obtained by Nakata et al (2009), And secondhand smoke has the same dependence. Alcohol consumption has a similar effect as a risk factor. Conclusions The main factors reducing subjective health evaluations are gender, age, married status, employment, work in a profession close to the one obtained, nervous tension, harmful factors and other inconveniences in the workplace, the dangerous nature of work, dissatisfaction with wages and job reliability, inability to lead an active life, having health problems, smoking and drinking alcohol. The results obtained can be used to adjust social policy, as well as by the population in order to prevent a decline in the level of self-rated health. In addition, global research is needed to confirm the findings of this article. Bibliographic references Andreev, E.M., McKee, M. & Shkolnikov, V.M. (2003). Health expectancy in the Russian Federation: a new perspective on the health divide in Europe. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81(11), 778 - 787. World Health Organization. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/268835 Borim, F.S., Neri, A. L., Francisco, P. M., & Barros, M. B. (2014). Dimensions of self-rated health in older adults. Revista de saude publica, 48(5), 714–722. https://doi.org/10.1590/s00348910.2014048005243 Borim, F., Francisco, P., & Neri, A. L. (2017). Sociodemographic and health factors associated

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.14 How to Cite: Turdubaev, S., Keneshbaeva, Z., & Davydov, I. (2021). Forecasting the enterprise development in the field of education in the Kyrgyz Republic. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 141-149. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.14

Forecasting the enterprise development in the field of education in the Kyrgyz Republic Прогнозирование развития предпринимательства в сфере образования в Кыргызской Республике Received: May 28, 2021

Accepted: June 12, 2021

Written by: Salyzhan Turdubaev52 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9536-041X Zuura Keneshbaeva53 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0025-9170 Ilhom Davydov54 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1979-4053 Abstract


The article is focused on the analysis of problems of development and forecasting of small enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of education. The methodology of forecasting the gross income of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of education is offered. An approach related to the use of the least-squares method as a forecasting tool is proposed. In this regard, the conditions of formation and functioning of the market of paid educational services in the Kyrgyz Republic, which are closely related to the definition of demand, supply and market prices for educational services are characterized. The results allow us to accurately determine the interval in which we can predict with maximum probability the future volume of the gross income of small and medium-sized enterprises in education from 2019 to 2023, which will slowly decline. It was also found that small enterprises in education have certain advantages over large educational institutions. They are more dynamic, faster and more efficient in responding to changes in the domestic market, both in times of growth and in times of crisis. The findings of the research reflect the actual situation. They are adequate and can be useful in assessing the effectiveness of business creation in the Kyrgyz Republic in the provision of educational services.

Статья посвящена анализу проблем развития и прогнозирования малого предпринимательства в Кыргызской Республике в сфере образования, предложена методика прогнозирования объемов валового дохода малых и средних предприятий сферы образования. Предложен подход, связанный с использованием метода наименьших квадратов как инструмента прогнозирования. В связи с этим охарактеризованы условия формирования и функционирования рынка оказания платных образовательных услуг в Кыргызской Республике, которые тесно связаны с определением спроса, предложения и рыночных цен на образовательные услуги. Полученные результаты позволяют нам точно определить интервал, в котором с максимальной вероятностью можно предсказать будущие объемы валового дохода малых и средних предприятий сферы образования с 2019 по 2023 годы, которые будут медленно снижаться. Также выявлено, что предприятия малого бизнеса в сфере образования имеют определенные преимущества перед крупными образовательными учреждениями, они более динамичны, быстрее и более эффективно реагируют на изменения внутреннего рынка как в период роста, так и в кризисные времена. Выводы, полученные при исследовании отражают фактическую

52 53 54

Doctor of Economics, Director, Branch of the Russian State Social University in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Branch of the Russian State Social University in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Branch of the Russian State Social University in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.

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Turdubaev, S., Keneshbaeva, Z., Davydov, I. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 141-149 / July, 2021

Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, education, educational services.

ситуацию, то есть адекватны и могут быть полезными при оценке эффективности создания бизнеса в Кыргызской Республике в сфере оказания образовательных услуг. Ключевые слова: малое и среднее предпринимательство, сфера образование, образовательные услуги.

Introduction The problem of the development of entrepreneurship in the economy in different ways is among the most discussed issues in the economic literature (Shams et al, 2020). In strategic terms, the development of entrepreneurship is a factor in the sustainable development of the national economy as a whole (Huggins & Thompson, 2015). Modern researchers distinguish manufacturing, commercial (trade), financial and credit intermediary, insurance and other types of entrepreneurship. This article focuses on the development of entrepreneurship in the field of education. This research is relevant to the Kyrgyz Republic in light of the accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) on August 12, 2015. That is, Kyrgyzstan became a full member of the union, along with Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia. In this regard, the country's economy exposed structural problems in general, and in the education system in particular. For example, there are structural and institutional problems in education. For example, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Licensing and Authorization System in the Kyrgyz Republic" adopted in 2013 still does not have an appropriate nature of subordinate legislation, which would fully regulate the licensing of educational activities. The main objective of the study is to quantify the services provided in the provision of educational services and using these ratios to develop forecast parameters for the future in order to predict the development of entrepreneurship in the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of education. This article analyzes the state of small and medium-sized enterprises in education in the context of the provision of educational services of various kinds. The volumes of gross income in the education system are calculated and the forecast benchmarks for the development of private entrepreneurship in the education system in the Kyrgyz Republic are defined. The results can be used by regional authorities to improve the system of labor market analysis, development of labor resources and labor potential of the population. Literature Review The development of the education system is necessary because "... the education system is among the most important subsystems of society, ensuring the preservation and accumulation of human capital. (Avraamova and Loginov, 2014; Dissou et al, 2016). For the effective and rapid development of the education system, it is necessary to improve the market for educational services and stimulate the development of private education (Ratten, & Jones, 2021). However, there is some debate about the methods of financing education. Proponents of fee-based education see it as an important channel for social mobility, as a means of expanding educational opportunities, and education of higher quality compared to free education (Avery & Hoxby, 2004; Ehrenberg, 2000; Ehrenberg, 2006). The arguments are as follows: the need to meet the increased educational demand, focus on the real needs of specific consumers of educational services, the stimulation of innovative educational processes. At the other pole of the spectrum, there is an opinion about the fee paid education as a limitation of access to educational benefits in connection with the lack of opportunities for certain social groups to finance education from their current income and savings, as a factor of increasing social injustice, social inequality, stratification of society. (Valeev & Valeeva, 2014). The Kyrgyz Republic education policy reflects the following trends of modern socio-economic development of society (Marchenko et al, 2016): 

the acceleration of the pace of social development, which necessitates an increase in the level of preparedness of citizens for change;


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

    

the transition to information, post-industrial society; increased intercultural interaction; the increasing number of global problems, which can be solved only with the cooperation of the world community, which requires the formation of modern thinking of the younger generation; the dynamism of economic processes, increased competition, and a reduction in the area of unskilled labor; increasing the role of human capital, etc.

The current mechanism of financing education in the Kyrgyz Republic provides educational institutions with wide autonomy in the use of additional financial sources. Expenses are made in strict accordance with the figures approved by the estimate of the institution. The items of the estimate are financed mainly at the expense of budgetary funds. Funds that were received as a result of the commercialization of the activities of an educational institution are subject to income tax. Providing universities with the legally established opportunity to conduct educational activities for a fee has led not only to an increase in extra-budgetary funding of educational activities, but also a widespread of commercial non-state higher education institutions (Yessenalieva, 2019). The trends described above have led to the following contradiction: the withdrawal of the state part of the financial obligations has led to an incentive for educational institutions to enroll students on a fee-paying basis and reduce the number of state-funded positions. However, this situation comes into conflict with the constitutional rights of every person to receive free education. Also of note is the problem of the quality of paid higher education. In particular, admission on a fee-paying basis to a state or non-state university is greatly simplified, which automatically affects the quality of education and qualifications of specialists (Yessenalieva, 2019). In general, it can be noted that over the past ten years in the Kyrgyz Republic there has been a tendency to reduce the practice of providing access to higher education, expressed in a reduction in the number of statefunded places in higher education institutions. It should also be noted that the lack of budgetary resources for financing education is manifested not only from a quantitative aspect, but also from a qualitative one, since the distribution of funds between levels of education and institutions cannot be called rational. All of the above necessitates the search for ways to solve the problem associated not only with the lack of budget funding for education, but also to improve the mechanism of budgetary financing of the sphere itself (Yessenalieva, 2019). In this regard, supporters of the use and increase the practice of paid educational services by private and public institutions believe that the process of modernizing the education system should be regarded initially, not only as a social program, but as a business project. That is, in terms of economic benefits that brings the provision of paid educational services to the educational institution. (Alves et al, 2016; Bhupatiraju et al, 2012). The implementation of this approach is possible only through the development of various forms of entrepreneurship in the education system (Yami et al, 2021). The current system of public education cannot respond quickly to the current needs of citizens in educational services, so the system of public education must compensate for its inflexibility and sluggishness of the possibility of providing paid educational services in both public and private educational institutions (Smolentseva, 2020). Methodology The information and analytical data that were used in the preparation of this article were obtained from public sources posted on the official websites of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. The considered task of forecasting the volume of gross income for the services rendered on education. This problem is reduced to estimating the parameters of a linear multiple regression model. In this case, we use the method of least squares (LOS), which allows obtaining such estimates of parameters, in which the sum of squares of deviations of actual values of the result indicator у from theoretical

  y  y 



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 yx

is minimal, i.e.


144 Results and Discussion According to the Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, there were 10.9 thousand Small and medium-sized enterprises in Kyrgyzstan in 2018. Of these, 10.2 thousand are small and 700 are mediumsized. That is, on January 1, 2019 the number of individual entrepreneurs was 396 thousand (National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2021). Also, the number of employees in small and mediumsized enterprises (excluding peasant and private farms) in 2018 amounted to 81.2 thousand people. In turn, in 2018, small and medium-sized enterprises produced goods worth 72.3 billion Kyrgyzstani Som, which amounts to 33.9% of the country's GDP. (National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2021). For several years in a row in Kyrgyzstan, about 40% of GDP is provided by small and medium-sized enterprises. Salaries of those employed in small and medium-sized enterprises lag behind the national average, despite the fact that the average wage in the field is increasing. Also, despite the growth of investment, exports of small and medium-sized enterprises abroad have fallen tenfold since 2012. The volumes of gross income for services provided in education by small and medium-sized enterprises are shown in Table 1 (in order to predict the amount of gross income for services provided in education by small and medium-sized enterprises, let us write out a table. Table 1. Volumes of gross income for services provided in education by small and medium-sized enterprises in the Kyrgyz Republic, million Kyrgyzstani Som (US dollar exchange rate: 84.62 to Kyrgyzstani Som(KGS) as of 17.05.2021) Years Gross income Education ( y )











Small enterprises ( x1 )






Medium-sized enterprises ( x2 )






Source: National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (2021) Next, let's predict the volume of gross income for services provided in education by small and mediumsized enterprises, for this purpose the volume of gross income in education (y) will be presented as a linear regression:

y  a0  a1 x1  a2 x2


Applying to equation (1) the method of least squares (LOS), with respect to the parameters а1, а2, а3, we obtain the system: a0+276,67464 a1+83,82162 a2=360,50928  276,67464 a0+81158,2740 2a1+25211,1164 9a2=106373,425 4 83,82162 a +25211,1164 9a +7937,95824 a =33150,4728 7 0 1 2 


System (2) has a solution (since the determinant D = 123709,6192 ≠ 0): а0 = 0,1505; а1 = 0,9982; а2= 1,0044. Substituting these data into (1) we obtain a trend equation of multiple regression:

yˆ r  0,1505  0,9982 x1  1,0044x2


Let us first consider small enterprises. Based on the statistical data in Table 1, let's make forecast calculations for the next 5 years. According to these data, elementary functions are most often used in the analytical replacement of dynamic series: linear, logarithmic, degree, exponent, polynomial, etc., as well as their various combinations.


ISSN 2322 - 6307

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

If for the initial series Ui = f(t), where i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 it is possible to find a suitable time function, then the prediction by the method of extrapolation consists in calculating this function at future points in time t = 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. To select the best formula for the analytical replacement of the original dynamic series of economic indicators, it is necessary to perform calculations in several steps. At the first stage, we plot the graph of the initial time series and by comparing it with the graph of elementary functions (linear, logarithmic, power, exponent, polynomial) we choose the most appropriate. This means that inside the interval in question, the appropriate function must be very close than the others, and outside the interval, the function we choose must be very smooth. In our case, such a function turned out to be polynomial, namely a parabola:

xˆ1сalc  b1  b1t  b2t 2 (4) Let us calculate the coefficients: b1 = 7,287; b2=3,2881; b3=186,65. From here

xˆ1сalc  7,287 t 2  3,2881 t  186 ,65


Let's calculate the calculated values:

xˆ1сalc( 2014)  197,225

(million KGS); xˆ1сalc( 2015)  222,374 (million KGS);

xˆ1сalc( 2016)  262,097 (million KGS); xˆ1сalc( 2017)  316,394 (million KGS); (6) xˆ1сalc( 2018)  385,266 (million KGS); The approximation error is

ε  2,106% , and the average value х1: х1  276,67464

To prove the statistical significance of equation (5), let's determine the correlation index, which shows the closeness of the relationship (6), for which we calculate the total and residual variance:

 х2  1

1  ( х1i  х1i ) 2 = 4507,1935. 5 i

2  res 

1  ( хˆ1i  х1i ) 2 = 42,2757. 5 i

Then the correlation index: ρ  1  σ res  0,991 . tx 2 2


σ х1

Hence, the determination index, which characterizes the proportion of variance of the resultant indicator x1 is equal to:  tx21  0,991. Let's calculate Fisher's F-criterion: F f  330 ,33 Tabular value of Fisher's F-criterion at level   0,05 and the numbers of degrees of freedom: х2 =3: Ftabl.=10,13.

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146 Comparing, we are convinced that the actual value of Fisher's F-criterion is much higher than the tabulated one, i.e. Ff = 330,33 > 10,13 = Ftabl., which means that the trend regression equation (5) is statistically significant, so you can use it to make predictions:

х1pr( 2019)  468,7106 (million KGS); х1pr( 2020)  566,73 (million KGS);

х1pr( 2021)  679,323 (million KGS); х1pr( 2022)  806,49 (million KGS); х1pr( 2023)  948,231 (million KGS); Let us carry out similar calculations on the gross income indicators of medium-sized enterprises in the field of education. Here as a trend function is more suitable a power function, so we take:

хˆ 2  с1 х с2 , where с1 =

42,291, с2 = 0,6416, respectively:

xˆ 2  42,291 x 0 ,6416 (7) Let's calculate the calculated values:

хˆ 2 calc( 2014)  42,291 (million KGS); хˆ 2 calc( 2015)  65,9764281 2 (million KGS); хˆ 2 calc( 2016)  85,5793436 8 (million KGS); хˆ 2calc( 2017)  102,927078 3 (million KGS);


хˆ 2 calc( 2018)  118,770096 5 (million KGS). Approximation error ε  8,812%% , average value x2  83,8216. Let's show the statistical significance of the regression equation (7). 2 The total and residual variance, respectively, are: σ х2  1381,39, σ res  47,99 , and the determination index 2

ρtx2 2  0,97 .

F f  96 ,99 , Ftabl  10 ,13  F f  Ftabl The trend equation (7) is statistically significant, so we can make predictive calculations:

х2 calc( 2019)  133,508770 6 (million KGS); х2 calc( 2010)  147,388248 2 (million KGS);

х2 calc( 2021)  160,572249 (million KGS); х2 calc( 2022)  173,176895 (million KGS);

х2 calc( 2023)  185,288282 (million KGS). Using equation (3) and calculated values х1р (6) and х2р (8) we obtain the calculated values for (y)

уˆ calc( 2014)  239,492326 4 (million KGS); уˆ calc( 2015)  288,384535 1 (million KGS); уˆ calc( 2016)  347,723873 4 (million KGS); уˆ calc( 2017)  419,345654 2 (million KGS);


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

уˆ calc( 2018)  504,003620 2 (million KGS); Approximation error   2,90% . Let us calculate the predictive calculations:

у pr( 2019)  602,099892 3 (million KGS); у pr( 2020)  713,880689 (million KGS);

уpr( 2021)  839,510445 (million KGS); у pr( 2022)  979,105789 5 (million KGS);


у pr( 2023)  1132,75319 4 (million KGS). Taking into account the approximation error, let's calculate the confidence intervals of the predicted parameter: Table 2. Calculation of confidence intervals of the predicted parameter. Years

Gross income in education (forecast)

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

602,0998923 713,880689 839,510445 979,1057895 1132,753194

Confidence interval lower 584,6509 693,1923 815,1812 950,7311 1099,926

upper 619,5489 734,5691 863,8396 1007,48 1165,581

Source: compiled by the authors The obtained values allow us to accurately determine the interval in which with maximum probability we can predict the future volumes of the gross income of small and medium-sized enterprises from educational services for the relevant periods. This problem is studied from different positions, by different authors, but each researcher has his own logic of considering the problem. For example, Gamidova (2003) characterizes the development of entrepreneurship in education as follows: “A particularly acute issue is the creation of an organizational, legal, economic and regulatory framework for the formation of the market of educational services and the development of entrepreneurial activity in this area. Radical transformations are taking place in school, specialized secondary and higher education in Russia. The essence of these transformations consists in: elimination of state monopoly; development of educational services market; formation of non-state business structures of various organizational and legal forms along with state institutions; development of elements of entrepreneurial activity in the system of state education”. Another Russian author Beshkinskaya (2009) The authors of the present report emphasize qualitative parameters: "An in-depth analysis of the current state of the vocational education system from the perspective of the possibility and necessity of solving the tasks of staffing innovative economic development within its framework" is necessary. The market environment of educational services in the Kyrgyz Republic is a set of five stages of education for the population of the country: pre-school education (kindergartens, tutoring centers, preparatory school groups); general secondary education (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums); vocational education (colleges, vocational schools); higher education (universities, institutes, academies); postgraduate vocational education. Thus, the gross income of small and medium-sized enterprises from education services to 2023 will increase regardless of the types and level of educational entities in the field of educational services of the Kyrgyz Republic, that is to say about the sustainable development of all forms of entrepreneurial activity in education. And, therefore, the amount of gross income of small and medium-sized enterprises from educational services, according to our forecast in 2023 will increase by 2.25 times, compared with 2018, despite the

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148 fact that the growth rate from 2019 to 2023 will slowly decline. The rate of decline in growth will respectively be: 119,46%, 118,57%, 117,60%, 116,63%, 115,69%. That the market can saturate simply over time, and not as a result of an increase in the number of private organizations providing educational services. Moreover, market saturation can occur even against the background of a sluggish reduction of state educational institutions and so on. But when it comes to the market of educational services and small businesses we need specific techniques. Conclusions The large-scale shifts that are taking place in society have a great impact on the educational system as well. And well understood by our older generation, the so-called "free education" is almost gone from our lives, a clear trend of changing demands from consumers of educational services. To date, paid education is manifested in a variety of forms and methods of education, aimed at different levels of training and income of students. And, therefore, the volume of the gross income of Small and medium-sized enterprises from education services, according to our forecast in 2023 will increase by 2.25 times, compared with 2018. By analyzing the education market, we can see that the market can saturate simply over time, and not as a result of an increase in the number of private organizations providing educational services. Moreover, market saturation can take place even against the background of a sluggish reduction of state educational institutions and so on. But when it comes to the market of educational services and small enterprises we need specific techniques. Bibliographic references Alves, H., Fernandes, C., & Raposo, M. (2016). Value co-creation: Concept and contexts of application and study. Journal of Business Research, 69, 1626–1633. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10.029 Avery, C., & Hoxby, C. (2004). Do and should financial aid affect students’ college choices? In C.Hoxby (Ed.), College choice (pp.239-299). Chicago, IL:University of Chicago Press. Avraamova, Ye.M., & Loginov, D. M. (2014). Role of School Education in Development of Human Capital. Economy of Region, 9(2), 53-62. Retrieved from: https://www.economyofregion.com/archive/2014/49/2287/pdf/ (in Russian) Beshkinskaya, E.V. (2009). Socio-economic foundations of formation and development of the system of professional educational training of entrepreneurs (PhD thesis in Economics). Moscow International Higher Business School MIRBIS (Institute), Moscow, https://static.freereferats.ru/_avtoreferats/01004665405.pdf Bhupatiraju, S., Nomaler, Ö., Triulzi, G., & Verspagen, B. (2012). Knowledge fows – Analyzing the core literature of innovation, entrepreneurship and science and technology studies. Research Policy, 41, 1205–1218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2012.03.011 Dissou, Y., Didic, S., & Yakautsava, T. (2016). Government spending on education, human capital accumulation, and growth. Economic Modelling, 58, 9-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2016.04.015 Ehrenberg, R.G. (2000). Tuition rising: Why college costs so much. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press. Ehrenberg, R.G. (2006). The perfect storm and the privatization of public higher education. Change, 38, 47-53. Gamidova, M. S. (2003). Development of the market and entrepreneurship in education. Structuring the economy, (1), 103-109. Huggins, R., & Thompson, P. (2015). Entrepreneurship, innovation and regional growth: A network theory. Small Business Economics, 45, 103–128. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-015-9643-3 Marchenko, L.Y., Korotenko, V.A., Tretiakova, T.A., & Petersone, B. (2016). Management in the Education System of the Kyrgyz Republic. Analytical Review. Bishkek: BIOM. National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (2021). Statistics of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018. Available at: http://stat.kg/ru/statistics/ (in Russian). Ratten, V., & Jones, P. (2021). Entrepreneurship and management education: Exploring trends and gaps. The International Journal of Management Education, 19 (1), article № 100431. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijme.2020.100431 Shams, S.M.R., Vrontis, D., Chaudhuri, R., Chavan, G., & Czinkota, M.R. (2020). Stakeholder engagement for innovation management and entrepreneurial development: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business Research, 119, 67-86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.08.036


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Smolentseva, A. (2020). Marketisation of higher education and dual-track tuition fee system in post-Soviet countries. International Journal of Educational Development, 78, article № 102265, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2020.102265 Valeev, A.A., & Valeeva, L.A. (2014). Free Education: Pro and Contra. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 131, 66-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.04.081 Yami, S., M'Chirgui, Z., Spano, C., & Barykina, O.G. (2021). Reinventing science and technology entrepreneurship education: The role of human and social capitals. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 164, article № 120044. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120044 Yessenalieva, B.B. (2019). Economic and Statistical Analysis of Education Financing in Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek: Altyn Tamga.

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Kirikova, E., Kelchevskaya, N. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 150-157 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.15 How to Cite: Kirikova, E., & Kelchevskaya, N. (2021). Energy conservation culture and energy performance of industrial companies. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 150-157. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.15

Energy conservation culture and energy performance of industrial companies Культура энергосбережения и энергетическая результативность промышленных компаний Received: June 3, 2021

Accepted: August 5, 2021

Written by: Elena Kirikova55 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0414-8139 Natalia Kelchevskaya56 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7278-026X Abstract


Recent years have seen sparked interest to business models based on sustainable development, which seek harmonious codevelopment of human resources, organizational culture, and production systems. This paper analyzes how HR management practices, a culture of energy conservation, and staff’s knowledge regarding energy efficiency affect the ability of Russian industrial companies to reach their targets in energy management. Methods in use involve factor analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM), and the author-developed questionnaire that is designed to measure the effects of internal intellectual factors (human resources, culture, and knowledge) on industrial energy performance. For the first time, this paper presents an SEM-based estimation of HR practices and their effects on industrial energy performance. Empirically, this study is based on the results of surveys that involved managers and technical officers of 14 Russian industrial companies in 2016-2017. Analysis shows that employee training, development of energy efficiency skills, and sharing knowledge on energy conservation issues do contribute to reaching the energy policy targets.

В последние годы возник интерес к бизнесмоделям, основанным на устойчивом развитии, которые стремятся к гармоничному совместному развитию человеческих ресурсов, организационной культуры и производственных систем. В данной статье анализируется, как методы управления персоналом, культура энергосбережения и знания сотрудников в области энергоэффективности влияют на способность российских промышленных компаний достигать своих целей в области управления энергопотреблением. Используемые методы включают факторный анализ, моделирование структурным уравнением (SEM) и разработанный автором вопросник, предназначенный для измерения влияния внутренних интеллектуальных факторов (человеческие ресурсы, культура и знания) на энергетические показатели промышленности. В данной статье впервые представлена оценка практики управления персоналом и их влияния на энергетические показатели промышленности на основе SEM. Эмпирически данное исследование основано на результатах опросов руководителей и технических специалистов 14 российских промышленных компаний в 20162017 гг. Анализ показывает, что обучение сотрудников, развитие навыков энергоэффективности и обмен знаниями по вопросам энергосбережения действительно способствуют достижению целей энергетической политики.

Keywords: energy management, performance, human resources, conservation culture.

energy energy

Ключевые слова: энергетический менеджмент, энергетическая результативность, человеческие ресурсы, культура энергосбережения.

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Associate Professor, Institute of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia. Professor, Institute of Economics and Management, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia.


ISSN 2322 - 6307

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Introduction In the context of globalization, countries, regions, and companies of different sizes focus on controlling their increasing energy consumption and improving the energy efficiency of production activities. Global crises such as the 1970s energy crisis coupled with the environmental disasters of today urged developed countries to rationalize energy conservation efforts in an approach based on systematicity, long-term planning, responsible use and development of the environment. Macroeconomic energy management is also facing challenges of the strife for better environmental performance in developing countries as indicated by the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. A comprehensive solution lies not only in adapting ISO 50001 (Kodeks, 2012), an international energy management standard, but also in making further use of smart management technologies that combine best managerial practices and progressive HR management. Industrial consumption of energy accounts for 31% of the total primary energy sources and produces 36% of the total global emissions of carbon dioxide (International Energy Agency, 2007). As energy prices continue to rise, and countries/regions that host industrial facilities adopt stricter environmental laws whilst consumer trust shifts towards ‘green tech’, energy conservation becomes an ever more pressing issue (Bunse et al, 2011). Empirical studies have shown that in the coming years, systemic energy management can help industrial enterprises cut their energy consumption by up to 40% (Ates and Durakbasa, 2012). These principles are based on adopting energy management elements in all departments; these elements include better organizational culture and advanced HR management practices. This paper explores how the organizational culture of energy conservation and HR management practices contribute to the better energy and environmental performance of industrial facilities. The empirical study based on structural equation modeling tests hypotheses made as part of the general model that shows the relationships between management practices and performance indicators. Literature Review This study primarily addresses issues of human resource management and organizational culture as part of industrial energy management. This section defines each of the theoretical constructs

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that will be used in further modeling. They include energy performance, organizational culture and the resulting culture of energy conservation, as well as HR management practices. Earlier studies have shown that an organizational culture that promotes energy performance is, along with HR practices, a crucial variable of the in-house environment that defines the strategic prospects of the company’s development. By testing this hypothesis on the empirical data of Russian companies, we will be able to make a series of practical recommendations on better energy management strategies. Energy Performance. Energy performance per ISO 50001 refers to ‘measurable results regarding energy efficiency, use, and consumption’ (Kodeks, 2012). Thus, energy performance consists in the ability to attain the operational and strategic organizational goals with respect to energy management. Energy performance has several indicators that the company/city/region/country chooses to best suit its activities (Augenbroe et al, 2009). Such indicators may include energy efficiency indicators and other socioeconomic, organizational, and production indicators depending on the type of the actor (Teixeira et al, 2016; Li et al, 2016). Energy performance must contribute to the company’s sustainable development and overall performance (Vikhorev et al, 2012). The overall performance of a forprofit organization can boil down to increase in sales, profitability, or change in the market share (Andreeva and Garanina, 2016). Thus: Н1: the energy performance of a company has a significant correlation with the overall performance as measured by increase in sales, profitability, and market share. Organizational Culture. Organizational culture incorporates values that emphasize novelty and innovation as well as those that focus on costeffectiveness. Each element of the culture has a strategic foundation (Hock et al, 2016). Schulze et al (2016) list education/training, motivation, and internal communications as elements of organizational culture in energy management. This paper further uses the term ‘energy conservation culture’ or ‘culture of energy conservation’ to denote a specific component of organizational culture that pertains to the principles of energy management. These are employee-embraced internal values and expectations pertaining to the development and

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152 adoption of energy management for systematic improvement in energy performance. Energy conservation culture is in any case a complex matter that stems from the internal goals of energy management and understanding its management principles on all levels; a systematic approach to energy conservation is a sign of advanced culture. Schulze et al (2016), based on a very extensive study of the topic, reduce cultural management issues to learning, motivation, and establishing internal relationships. Energy-intensive industries in France (oil refining, metallurgy, transport, etc.) are another example of why responsibilities and duties relating to HR must be clearly split and referred within the organization (Lesourd and Ruiz, 1984). Top managers are tasked to devise an energy consumption strategy, to coordinate investment, to maintain and advance their cooperation with public agencies that control the area and with the local community. Specialized education and training, including continuous education, is the vehicle of the principles of energy-efficient production (Lesourd and Ruiz, 1984). Thus, culture is important for high performance in production, which leads as to the following hypotheses: H2: there is a significant correlation between the culture of energy conservation and the energy performance. H3: there is a significant correlation between the culture of energy conservation and the overall performance of the organization. HR management practices encompass a whole range of applied technologies that are systematically used in scheduling, organizing, monitoring, and motivating staff for the company to operate more efficiently. Theoretically, HR management practices constitute a vehicle that carries the culture of energy conservation to all levels. Previous empirical studies suggest a varying degree of how HR management practices influence the energy and environmental performance. Thus, Ulubeyli (2013) cites cement factories in Turkey to show lack of correlation between HR strategies, energy strategies, and environmental performance. On the other hand, Liu et al (2012) discuss industrial facilities in China to reveal a correlation between the intensity of in-house training and the company’s rate of adopting energy conservation measures. However, the researcher does not find a significant correlation between the latter and the employees’ preexisting education or knowledge of energy management programs. Based on the


foregoing studies, we formulate the following hypotheses for testing: H4: there is a significant correlation between HR management practices and the energy performance. H5: there is a significant correlation between HR management practices and the overall performance of an organization. Smart management technologies that combine the concepts of energy conservation culture and HR management practices do contribute to maintaining the performance. Consistent innovation might fuel smarter management. Jacobs (2012) investigates the case of ExxonMobil, a transnational corporation, and note that persistent innovation and cooperation of stakeholders may improve energy performance. The author believes leadership, training, and exceptional abilities to be the key factors that stimulate innovation. The company organizes intensive training for its employees and students (interns); it also implements a consistent R&D policy. Bunse et al (2011) analyzed the gap between what industrial energy management needs and what technology could offer today; they thus stated the key focus areas for the development of energy systems. The focus should first and foremost be made on adopting processes based on knowledge and information management in monitoring and controlling internal energy consumption. Christoffersen et al (2006) studied the case of Danish companies to show that the knowledge of energy management is fundamental to the practical adoption of energy conservation practices. Such ‘smartening’ of management also requires training and education management, a motivation system in place to have more and better initiatives in energy management, and analysis of the delegation of responsibility in the context of energy conservation. Russian researchers Okorokov et al (2010) note that in a smart economy, energy system management places a strong emphasis on the psychological component, i.e., on the speed and quality of decision-making. Kondratieva and Pogrebnjak (2014) also note the importance of internal socioeconomic factors in the energy management system, from management ideology and agenda to individualized approach to uplifting each employee. In light of the reviewed smart management studies, we draw the following hypothesis: H6: there is a significant correlation between the knowledge of energy conservation and energy performance. Figure 1 shows the general model for empirical testing of the hypotheses.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Figure 1. General theoretical model of how culture, HR management practices, and knowledge of novel energy conservation technologies correlate with the company’s energy performance and overall performance. Source: author's source

Methodology The hypotheses made above are tested by structural equation modeling. Today’s management studies use structural equation modeling (SEM) as one of the most effective methods for quantitative investigation of implicit theoretical constructs and for testing theories against business practices. SEM combines confirmatory factor analysis and regression analysis; this combination has multiple research applications (Babin and Svensson, 2012). Today’s research in management often relies on SEM to test hypotheses and theoretical constructs. SEM normally uses a set of items to reflect an implicit construct that in turn reflects the specific perception of this or that problem or phenomenon as well as the behavioral aspects of actors in management as they manifest in a variety of situations. Variables for Modeling. To formulate the explicit variables (items) of overall performance, we used

such metrics as total increase in sales, profitability, and market share (Andreeva, and Garanina, 2016). Each of the items was subjectively evaluated by the respondents on a Likert scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 7 (totally agree). At this point and thereafter, we asked energy management officers to subjectively answer such question as, “Do you agree that your Company has been more successful than its competitors in terms of sales revenue growth?” etc. To estimate energy performance, we used several variables from previous studies; survey questions were based on energy strategy implementation studies (Ulubeyli, 2013) and the international standard (Kodeks, 2012). Questions concerning organizational culture, energy conservation culture, and education/training practices were adapted from (Liu et al, 2012), whereas questions regarding knowledge of energy and environmental management, as well as that of alternative energy sources, were adapted from (Lin and Syrgabayeva, 2016).

Table 1. Core variables involved in SEM factor analysis.

Energy performance

Overall performan ce


Code of variable within the factor PERF_12_1 PERF_12_2 PERF_12_3 EN_PERF_9_1 EN_PERF_9_2 EN_PERF_9_3 EN_PERF_9_4

Culture of energy conservation

EN_CULT_10_1 EN_CULT_10_2 EN_CULT_10_3 EN_CULT_10_4

Corresponding Likert-scale question The Company has been more successful than its competitors in terms of sales revenue growth The Company has been successful in terms of increase in profitability The Company has been successful in terms of increase in market share The Company plans and adopts energy conservation measures on a regular basis In general, we keep effectively reducing the energy costs per unit of product The Company effectively reuses (recycles) energy; irretrievable energy losses show decline The Company audits its energy consumption on a regular basis; the energy management system is subject to continuous improvement Every employee of the Company is aware of energy efficiency issues The Company’s employees are always ready to partake in effort to improve energy efficiency Top managers are aware of the importance of energy conservation and support energy conservation initiatives All staff involved in production is highly qualified in energy conservation

Source: author's source

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154 Data was collected by targeted surveying by means of Google Forms in 2016 and 2017. The questionnaire had five blocks of statements and questions relating to the factors in Table 1 and to monitored data (industry, size of the company, respondents’ age and positions). Each statement corresponded to one variable to be further encoded and combined into factors. Over the course of the study, we surveyed 178 people from 14 industrial and construction companies: 52.8% from steelmaking companies, 16.9% from mechanical engineering companies, 15.7% from extractive firms, the rest from energy distribution and from the construction sector. The surveys

mainly targeted energy management officers including low-level and middle managers (34.8%) and engineers (53.9%), mostly aged 26 to 45 (86.5%). Results and Discussion The first step of modeling was to estimate the consistency of intra-factor variables by Cronbach's alpha, and to run factor analysis in order to assess the factor loading for each item (see Table 2). Bartlett’s sphericity test proved this factor analysis adequate.

Table 2. Results of factor analysis. Factor Culture of energy conservation

HR practices

Energy performance

Performance Knowledge of energy conservation

Variable code

Mean value

Std. Dev.

EN_CULT_10_2 EN_CULT_10_4 EN_CULT_10_3 EN_CULT_10_1 HRM_PR_11_4 HRM_PR_11_5 HRM_PR_11_3 HRM_PR_11_1 HRM_PR_11_2 HRM_PR_11_6 EN_PERF_9_1 EN_PERF_9_2 EN_PERF_9_3 EN_PERF_9_4 PERF_12_2 PERF_12_3 PERF_12_1 EN_KNOW_13_2 EN_KNOW_13_3 EN_KNOW_13_1

3.09 3.37 4.53 3.16 3.27 3.00 2.91 2.88 2.65 2.88 4.53 4.10 3.39 3.66 3.90 3.97 4.19 4.31 4.53 3.80

0.125 0.123 0.124 0.121 0.120 0.135 0.123 0.117 0.116 0.130 0.123 0.129 0.122 0.131 0.132 0.132 0.137 0.141 0.130 0.148

Cronbach’s alpha 0.794





Factor loading 0.857 0.808 0.587 0.571 0.834 0.826 0.802 0.627 0.579 0.550 0.857 0.772 0.732 0.635 0.930 0.909 0.892 0.881 0.852 0.852

Source: author's source Factor analysis based on principal component analysis and varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization showed the empirical material to lack variables with a factor loading below 0.5; Cronbach’s alpha was good (>0.8 stands for good consistency), a sign of the theoretical constructs in question being reliable. Thus, all the proposed variables were suitable for further modeling. Factor loading analysis highlighted the importance of employees’ willingness to partake in energy management initiatives; their applicable technical qualifications and skills were of significance, too. The work of energy management teams and the in-house sharing of energy conservation knowledge are critical for HR management practices. Despite that, the


variables consistently averaged below 4, which could be roughly equated to a neutral attitude to the statement given in the questionnaire; this did not apply to the metrics of energy performance and energy conservation knowledge. As for the knowledge of energy conservation, high factor loading was characteristic of the knowledge of key energy management methods applicable to the respondent’s job; same applies to the knowledge of renewable energy sources. We further ran Amos, an SPSS extension, to plot a path diagram shown in Figure 2, for which we calculated standardized coefficients, paired variable-factor regression coefficients, and model quality metrics (GFI, AGFI, etc.).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Analysis of the resulting structural model showed HR management practices (b (nonstandardized regression coefficient) = 0.764, t = 3.557, significant at p<0.01), and energy conservation knowledge (b = 0.266, t = 3.156, significant at p<0.01) to have the strongest impact on energy performance. On the contrary, overall culture of energy conservation as measured by staff involvement in energy conservation and their commitment to the values of energy management did not affect energy performance significantly; however, culture was found to contribute significant to the company’s overall performance. Correlation analysis

revealed strong correlation between the factor of energy conservation culture and HR management practices (coefficient of 0.93). Model quality (fit) indicated acceptable significance of the results. CMIN / DF (chisquare statistic by number of degrees of freedom) = 1.713, GFI (goodness to fit index) = 0.864, AGFI (adjusted GFI) = 0.834 (acceptable fit), RMSEA (root mean square error of approximation) = 0.007 at PCLOSE = 0.005 (good fit) (Nasledov, 2013). Table 2 shows hypothesis test results.

Figure 2. Path diagram with standardized coefficients (ovals for factors, rectangles for items, doublearrowed lines for factor covariation, single-arrowed lines for the direction of relation, all coefficients standardized and therefore cross-comparable. Source: author's source

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156 Table 3. Hypothesis test results. Hypothesis



Н3 Н4



Test results Rejected. Contrary to expectations, the energy performance and the overall performance of a company have not been found to correlate significantly. It might be the case that technical officers and managers enrolled in this study lack understanding of energy conservation management, and the related issues were not a focus of strategic planning. Besides, the overall performance of a company depends to a greater extent on the market and political factors on a global scale; since many steelmaking and oil-and-gas companies are export-oriented, international factors do compromise their competitiveness, e.g., sanctions against steelmakers or falling oil prices. Meanwhile, whilst revenue in a foreign currency technically increases in ruble terms, this increase does not contribute sufficiently to how officers perceive their companies’ performance. Rejected. Organizational culture and energy performance have not been found to correlate significantly. This might be due to weak involvement of low-tier staff in energy conservation efforts as well as their poor commitment to the values of energy management. In the context of Russian industrial companies, such factors are associated with effective energy management only on paper, whilst practical skills of staff were given emphasis. Confirmed. The culture of energy conservation is indeed associated with a better overall performance; key role in this process is played by top managers’ awareness of energy conservation issues and their support for energy conservation initiatives. Confirmed. HR management practices do affect energy performance, with effective sharing of energy management knowledge and the emphasis on energy management skills in recruitment being the key practices. Rejected. No significant stable correlation found between HR management practices and the company’s overall performance. Importantly, the results on this hypothesis are also affected by market factors; besides, when compared to other internal components of industrial companies’ competitiveness, energy management may remain insignificant, as energy costs usually only account for 5% to 9% of production costs (figure applies to surveyed companies) . Confirmed. Significant stable correlation found between knowledge of energy-efficient technologies and the company’s energy performance, as had been theorized. Knowledge of the key principles and provisions of the Energy Management Systems standard coup led with knowledge of renewable energy and industry-specific energy-efficient techniques help reach the energy policy targets.

Source: author's source Conclusions This paper uses factor analysis and structural equation modeling to investigate how individual internal variables of an industrial company affect its energy and overall performance. It analyzes data on 14 Russian industrial and construction companies. Focus is made on such theoretical constructs as the culture of energy conservation, HR management practices, and employees’ knowledge of energy conservation. Analysis shows HR management practices (training and education, workshops and meetings on energy management, and human capital development planning) to contribute significantly to the energy performance of Russian industrial companies. Companies that undertake to advance the knowledge and skills of their employees with regard to energy management, companies that apply the principles of the internal standard are indeed capable of effectively cutting the costs per unit of product and to maintain internal processes for ever better energy management. Contrary to the hypothesis, the values of energy conservation do not have a significant practical impact on


energy performance; however, they somewhat affect the company’s overall international competitiveness. Further research could revolve around the analysis of how HR management factors affect the company’s energy performance in the context of energy managers’ commitment to adopting improvements and innovation in energy efficiency management. This paper also gives no consideration to environmental performance, which, along with energy management practices, contributes significantly to overall performance of companies based in developed countries, as the latter tend to stringently control the environmental and energy performance of businesses. Russian companies might as well soon face the need to train their employees if they are to remain competitive. Bibliographic references Andreeva, T., & Garanina, T. (2016). Do all elements of intellectual capital matter for organizational performance? Evidence from

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Shevchuk, V., Ivanchov, P., Paryzkyi, I., Lakiichuk, Y., Oksin, V. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 158-167 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.16 How to Cite: Shevchuk, V., Ivanchov, P., Paryzkyi, I., Lakiichuk, Y., & Oksin, V.. (2021). Establishment of a comprehensive system for the provision of medical services in Ukraine on market principles. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 158-167. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.16

Establishment of a comprehensive system for the provision of medical services in Ukraine on market principles Формування комплексної системи надання медичних послуг в Україні на ринкових засадах Received: July 7, 2021

Accepted: August 12, 2021

Written by: Vasyl Shevchuk57 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6634-723X Pavlo Ivanchov58 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6201-4203 Igor Paryzkyi59 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6835-5930 Yaroslava Lakiichuk60 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1482-8146 Vitaliy Oksin61 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6080-7752 Abstract


The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the formation of a comprehensive system of medical services in Ukraine on a market basis. Subject of research is the formation of a model of such a medical system, which would guarantee the quality, accessibility and transparency of medical services for the population. Methodology: In the course of the research the following methods are used: analysis and synthesis methods, structural and systematic analysis method, graphic method, method of generalization. Research results: The principles of State management of the transformation of health care systems in Ukraine to support the development of the medical services market are established. The stages of State management of the medical system transformation process in accordance with market principles of functioning are described. Practical consequences: The model of the comprehensive system of providing medical services on a market basis, as well as the assurance of highly specialized and high-tech types of medical care to all the people are

Метою статті є розробка рекомендацій щодо формування комплексної системи медичних послуг в Україні на ринковій основі. Предметом дослідження є формування моделі такої медичної системи, яка гарантувала б якість, доступність та прозорість медичних послуг для населення. Методологія: У ході дослідження використовуються наступні методи наукового пізнання: методи аналізу та синтезу, структурний метод, метод систематичного аналізу, графічний метод, метод узагальнення. Результати досліджень: Визначено принципи державного управління трансформацією систем охорони здоров’я в Україні для підтримки розвитку ринку медичних послуг. Описано етапи державного управління процесом трансформації медичної системи відповідно до ринкових принципів її функціонування. Практичні наслідки: Запропоновано модель комплексної системи надання медичних послуг на ринковій основі, а також гарантії забезпечення високоспеціалізованих та високотехнологічних видів медичної


Doctor of Economics, Director General of the Center for Sustainable Development Studies, Ukraine. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of Surgery Department №3 of O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Ukraine. 59 Doctor of Economics, PhD in Law, Professor of the Department of Marketing, Economics, Management and Administration, ViceRector for Strategic Development of the Higher Educational Institution "National Academy of Management", Ukraine. 60 PhD in Law, Senior Research Fellow of the Academic Council of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. 61 Doctor of Law, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Institute of Public Law, Ukraine. 58


ISSN 2322 - 6307

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

proposed. Value / originality: It is determined that the changes in the health care system should be based on prudent public administration, which, in its turn, is grounded on the relevant principles, defined by the authors. Key words: health care, medical services, medical services market, medical system, public administration.

допомоги населенню. Цінність / оригінальність: Визначено, що зміни в системі охорони здоров’я повинні базуватися на продуманому державному управлінні, яке, у свою чергу, ґрунтується на відповідних принципах, запропонованих авторами. Ключові слова: медична система, медичні послуги, ринок медичних послуг, державне управління, охорона здоров'я.

Introduction Nowadays, the reform of the health care system occupies the leading place among the main priorities of the State development policy, as the health of the nation is one of the most important and significant criteria for the formation and development of human capital in the country. To this end, Ukraine has been actively taking steps to reform the medical system since 2017, which envisages the transition from administrativecommand State medicine to a system based on market principles. However, the implemented measures are characterized by several problematic points, in particular: 

the need for sustainable State control, which, despite the delegation of authority to the local bodies and increasing the freedom of market participants in economic activities and public administration, still remains crucial in the formation of financial mechanisms and achieving social goals of the system. At the same time, it is important that public administration methods promote the development of market relations without complicating the activities of service providers with excessive regulation; the price of medical services (especially at the secondary and tertiary levels of care) is determined by the tariff based on the results of treatment, through which providers receive a fixed payment for procedures. However, it is necessary to take into account the contradictions of this point, because on the one hand it can help reduce costs and encourage organizations to compete for quality, not price, and on the other hand it may hinder the efficient market, because the tariff for the treated case for different suppliers may differ and not always coincide with the specified standard. In this case, more innovative institutions that invest in new technologies and equipment will bear the expenses. Therefore, to avoid "shadow" payment, it is important to optimally calculate treatment rates, focusing on operating costs (including innovative) of

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different types of medical institutions depending on the size, material and technical base, wages, utilities, etc., as well as to attract various financial resources to pay for services; autonomization of health care providers makes it possible to respond to contractual requirements and changing market conditions, increasing their entrepreneurial flexibility. However, this requires medical institutions, which used to be «guided» from above, to be responsible for their activities, to develop a management system (corporate governance, risk management, strategic planning, financial management, public administration, etc.), to which many agencies are not ready; price competition in the market of medical services does not work, so information about medical services and quality requirements are important in the formation of competitive advantages, because most consumers (patients) are not aware of the specifics of treatment procedures and cannot reliably the level satisfaction with the latter. Quality is often assessed subjectively and depends on the speed of response to the request, the correctness of diagnosis and treatment, duration and cost of treatment, the level of service in the medical institution and moral and ethical qualities of doctors; the quality of medical services, which is assessed both by the level of satisfaction of patients’ requirements and economic efficiency. Currently, the key to improving the quality of medical care is the introduction of innovations and results of research, which, despite the initial higher cost, guarantee competitive advantages in the market and a short payback period; payment for medical services and guarantee of the principle of availability of medical care, because the amount of consumption of medical services cannot be determined only by the level of remuneration, but depends on the need for them. At the same time, it is

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natural that people with lower income and well-being often have a greater need for medical care. This is contrary to the usual market laws, but is subject to the unquestionable right of people to health care, and requires government intervention and, consequently, the search for ways to finance health care; the consumer (patient) is not decisive in regulating the market situation and is forced to act in accordance with the rules established by the State, because receiving free medical services (compensation under the State guarantee package) is possible by a clear algorithm for seeking medical care. Otherwise, the cost of treatment will be borne by the patient.

Given the existing gaps, we consider it necessary to strengthen public administration and the transformation of the medical system, the key task of which is the formation of legal, managerial and financial mechanisms that would work based on market principles. Accordingly, the scientific substantiation of the formation of a new comprehensive model of the medical system in Ukraine determines the relevance of our study. Methodology The research uses the following general and special scientific research methods, in particular: theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis methods) are applied to identify the current state of development of the health care system, and highlight the problems to be solved in the State management of the medical system in terms of its reform. Structural and systematic analysis method helps to summarize the aspects that determine the current state of the issue, as well as to formulate the comprehensive model of the medical system based on market principles. Graphic method is used for visual display of structural and functional relations between the participants of the medical system and the financial mechanism of payment for medical care in the functioning of the medical services market. Method of generalization makes it possible to formulate the recommendations and the relevant conclusions of the study. Literature Review The issue of changing the health care system to improve the availability and quality of health care is relevant to all countries of the world and has been repeatedly raised by the World Health Organization and other international organizations. Bearing this in mind, a number of


scholars (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne 2018; Shohet 2006; Nasiri & Moselhi 2017). have studied the issue of improving the efficiency of the national health care system as a key component of public administration. At the same time, the foreign experience of health care reform, described in the works of foreign authors (Ling, & Hongqiao 2017; Obama 2016; Clemens et al. 2014; Dubas-Jakóbczyka, KowalskaBobkob, Sowadaa 2019; Rechel et al. 2011), does not fully correspond to the Ukrainian realities and the existing medical system, which is currently in the process of reforming in accordance with world best practices, but nowadays operates on the basis of the state administrative-command system. Some issues related to public administration of the health care system have been examined by Ukrainian scientists (Bilynska & Radysh 2013; Kravchenko, & Shpachuk 2019; Safonov, & Borshch 2019; Tomchuk-Ponomarenko et al. 2021; Lekhan et al. 2015), but the works of scientists on the development of the medical system on the basis of market relations deserve special attention. Some authors (Tomchuk-Ponomarenko et al. 2021; Lekhan et al. 2015) raise the issue of reforming the management of the health care system of Ukraine, emphasizing the need to address certain issues related to the legislative support of the transformation process, development of a clear reform strategy, application of the best practices in health care reform and integration of world best practices. Instead, the other scholars (Voronenko, & Goyda 2013; Muzyka 2016) focus on the problems that arise in the process of reforming the medical system of Ukraine, primarily the lack of a clear reform strategy, inadequate legislation, corruption, lack of public financial support for the reform, etc. The peculiarities of the reform of the health care system of Ukraine in terms of changing the funding scheme and mechanisms for attracting and using limited financial and other resources were considered in the works by (Avila 2021; Lekhan, Rudiy, & Shishkin 2007). Besides, some authors (Betliy, Kuziakiv, & Onishchenko 2007; Bilinskyi, & Damirchyiev 2019; Pashkov, Udovyka, Dichko 2018) pay attention to the issue of compliance of changes in the medical system with international standards and international health law. Nevertheless, a limited number of scientific papers are devoted to the formation of the market

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

of medical services in Ukraine. Some of them (Vasyuk 2018; Barzylovych 2020) descriptively consider the structure of the national market of medical services in Ukraine from the angle of the mechanism of public administration of the health sector and the functional activities of these participants, and the others (Mikhno, Koval, & Ternavskyi 2020; Shevchuk, et al. 2016) consider the state and problems of the medical services market in Ukraine and propose to promote the development of private medicine, which guarantees the attraction of additional financial resources and high-quality medical care, as well as to strengthen the management system of changes in the medical system. Supporting the idea of State participation in the transformation process, in particular, in the reform of medicine, we believe that the development of public administration measures and a comprehensive model of the medical system of Ukraine need further justification.

Thus, the purpose of the article is to develop the recommendations for the formation of a comprehensive system of medical services in Ukraine on a market basis. Results and Discussion Studying the issues of State management of the transformation of the medical system on a market basis, we consider the identification of the principles, on which the market of medical services in Ukraine should develop, to be a priority. Among them, we propose to highlight the following: the absence of contradictions between clinical and economic aspects of efficiency; common economic interest; quantitative indicators do not guarantee quality; key element of the medical system is the primary level of medical care; mandatory planning of medical activities and the scope of medical services; fee for free choice of medical service provider (Table 1).

Table 1. Description of the principles, on which the market of medical services in Ukraine should develop (created by the authors). Principles

No contradiction between clinical and economic aspects of effectiveness

Common economic interest

Quantitative indicators do not guarantee quality Primary level of medical care is the key element of the medical system Mandatory planning of medical activities and the scope of medical services Fee for free choice of medical service provider

Description Priority is the clinical aspect of the activity, i.e. achieving the maximum possible result of the treatment and diagnostic process. The economic aspect of the activity comes to the fore in a situation, in which the choice of alternative medical technologies, methods and levels of medical care is possible. Qualitatively provided medical care reduces the possibility of complications of the disease and improves the patient’s health, which reduces the need for additional medical visits, expensive tests and hospitalization. That is why improving the efficiency of resource use and the quality of health care is the main task. The object of funding is not a particular hospital or clinic, but the whole set of interconnected agencies involved in the provision of health care. Therefore, all participants in the provision of medical care, in addition to their own interest in expanding the scope of services provided and increasing income, should also be interested in the effective functioning of the entire medical system. The main efforts in the health care system are not aimed at increasing the range of services provided, but at achieving the highest possible clinical results and public health indicators per unit cost. The task is to ensure the optimal amount of services provided at each level of medical care system. Primary health care is the key element, as the vast majority of medical interventions are addressed at this level, and a qualified and economically motivated general practitioner can significantly reduce the overall cost of treating patients. Besides, it is at this level that the patient’s clinical route and the adherence to the principle of financing medical services in accordance with the state-guaranteed package of services begins. Planning involves analyzing the activities of each service and identifying possible sources of savings, as since patient flows are planned, rational volumes and structure of each type of health care are determined. Relationships between medical organizations and medical practices are also established on a planned basis. The free choice of a medical institution without consulting the family doctor and receiving an electronic referral to a secondary and tertiary care institution entails full funding of medical services at the expense of the patient. Therefore, it is economically more profitable to act according to the algorithm established by the State or to develop alternative types of medical care.

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


162 In general, the development of the medical system on a market basis implies the existence of different providers of medical services of various forms of ownership, including active development of the private health sector and the formation of communal medical institutions, which is associated with the decentralization reform of Ukraine. This is achieved through a number of activities: optimization, autonomy, decentralization, financing reform, licensing and certification, scientific and innovative, etc., which are implemented through regulatory, organizational, economic, financial aspects of their achievement (Fig. 1). Regulatory support is based on legislation, programs, strategies and concepts of industry development. Establishment of the relevant legislative framework defines the framework for the activities of the participants in the medical services market and will create conditions for the development of insurance in the medical field, cooperation between the public and private

sectors of medicine; the latter, by the way, is not a priority issue of the public policy nowadays (Shevchuk et al. 2021). The organizational and economic unit of the transformation of the medical system includes public administration bodies, subjects and objects of the medical services market, insurance funds (companies), scientific institutions, etc. The institutional aspects of the management system are determined through the creation of special bodies and services. Financial and investment support for changes in the medical system involves the use of instruments of financial and fiscal incentives for the development of medical institutions by innovative type. The leading role in the formation of areas of funding is to expand the ability to finance the medical system from the state budget, local budgets, insurance funds, private investors and other sources (Paryzkyi 2018).

Fig. 1. Conceptual model of State management of transformation of the medical system of Ukraine on a market basis (created by the authors). In our opinion, the practical implementation of these measures, in addition to a number of others provided for in the regulations governing the reform of the health care system in Ukraine, requires the development of health insurance,


public-private partnership and the formation of innovation and technological modernization, which should be gradually implemented by means of public administration (Fig. 2).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Fig. 2. Stages of public administration in the process of transformation of the medical system on a market basis (created by the authors). Thus, the task of the current stage of development of the medical system of Ukraine is to form such a model of development of the industry and adjust it so that it can adhere to the balance of interests of the population, the State and health care institutions in the market of medical services. In accordance with the goal of transforming the medical system, which involves

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changing the mechanisms of financing medical institutions, patient care and the relationship between free and medical care, ensuring the availability of highly specialized and high-tech medical care to all segments of the population, the conceptual model of medical system is demonstrated in Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3. Conceptual model of the medical system of Ukraine, operating on a market basis (created by the authors). As a result, current changes in health care involve the implementation of a number of solutions and mechanisms that have been empirically tested based on the experience of other countries. However, it should be noted that the actual success of the reform activity depends on a number of additional factors such as: interest and active participation of the State and society in the market model of health care, macroeconomic stability, socio-political situation and political


will to introduce new financing mechanisms and participants of medical services market in the transition to sustainable development of the country. On September 25, 2015, the UN General Assembly (2015) unanimously defined 17 goals of sustainable development: 1) poverty eradication; 2) elimination of hunger; 3) good health and well-being; 4) quality education;

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

5) gender equality; 6) clean water and sanitation; 7) inexpensive and clean energy; 8) decent work and economic growth; 9) industrialization, innovation and infrastructure; 10) reduction of inequality; 11) stable cities and settlements; 12) responsible consumption and production; 13) combating climate change; 14) conservation of marine ecosystems; 15) conservation of terrestrial ecosystems; 16) peace, justice and effective institutions; 17) partnership for sustainable development. The urgency of all 17 goals of sustainable development for Ukraine is acute and obvious. In the post-war period of global climate change, the world must return to "green" idea. We are talking about "green" revival, "green" growth, "green" development, based on the inflow of investment in renewable energy sources, in environmentally friendly production, in "green" technologies with minimal environmental pollution. To this end, government regulation and management should support research and development of "green" technologies, the introduction of infrastructure programs, in particular, the development of public transport to reduce the negative impact of car emissions in large cities, the introduction of greenhouse gas emission limits, and preferential taxes rates for environmentally friendly production. To survive and be in good health, the world must be "green". Bearing this in mind, we consider that the dialogue between patients, medical practitioners, government and municipal officials, academics, industry and international experts, the private sector and joint action to promote the transformation of the medical system on a market basis meets modern needs. As a result, it will help to establish clear rules for the functioning of the medical system, and their observance will allow to achieve high socio-demographic and economic health outcomes in the long term. The transformation of the medical system, associated with the transition from an exclusively State-governed health care system to the developed market of medical services, insurance and private medicine is an urgent problem and important task of public administration for most developing countries, including Ukraine. Due to this reasons, the scientific interest for this issue among domestic scientists is constantly growing. Despite this, the existing theoretical and empirical studies have not yet formed comprehensive recommendations for the formation of the medical system, operating on a

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market basis in our country. Therefore, in contrast to scientific works, which consider legal, institutional, organizational aspects of reforming the medical system, as well as analyzing the actual state of the medical industry, the article develops a comprehensive model of medical system operating on market principles, which provides for the development of State, municipal , insurance and private medicine, changes in the mechanisms of financing medical institutions, patient care and the relationship between free and paid medical care, ensuring the availability of highly specialized and high-tech types of quality medical care to all people. Besides, in addition to the existing recommendations, which are given in the studied scientific literature, we proved that the practical implementation of these proposals requires the improvement of public administration system, including changes in legal, organizational, economic, institutional and financial and investment support of health care, focused on ensuring the activities of the providers of medical services of various forms of ownership, health insurance, etc. Establishing the need for the development of the medical sphere in accordance with the principles of sustainable economic development, health and well-being, proclaimed by the UN as a priority for social change, is an important aspect of the study. The practical value of the work lies in the formation of the conceptual model of the medical system of Ukraine, operating on a market basis, which ensures the balance of the interests of the population, the State and health care institutions in the market of medical services, guarantees the quality and accessibility of medical care and promotes socio-economic well-being of the country in general. Therefore, we are convinced that the provided recommendations can serve as the basis for the establishment of an adequate State policy for the development of the health care system in Ukraine. Conclusion Public management of the transformation of the medical system on a market basis requires a number of mutually agreed innovations, in particular the changes in the legislation, institutional environment for the management and implementation of institutions and organizations in medical sphere, the mechanism of financial support.

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166 It is determined that the changes in the health care system should be based on prudent public administration, which, in its turn, is grounded on the following principles: no contradiction between clinical and economic aspects of efficiency; common economic interest of all actors of the services market; quantitative and qualitative indicators of the functioning of the medical system; priority development of primary care; mandatory planning of medical activities and the scope of medical services; fee for free choice of health care provider. As the result of the study, we formulated comprehensive model of public administration for the transformation of the medical system of Ukraine, which includes principles, tools and measures of regulatory, organizational, economic and financial-investment nature, as well as clearly defined stages of implementation of public administration measures to develop a medical system based on market principles. At the same time, the prospects for the further research are to develop detailed recommendations for promoting changes in the medical system of Ukraine in accordance with the proposed model, in particular for the development of health insurance, State-private partnership and innovation and technological modernization. References Avila, C. (2021). Implementing health financing policies to overhaul the healthcare delivery system in Ukraine. Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy, Vol. 5. http://dx.doi.org/10.21037/jhmhp-20-97 Barzylovych, A.D. (2020). National medical services market participants in Ukraine. East European Scientific Journal, No. 1(53), pp. 23-28. Betliy, O.V., Kuziakiv, O.V., & Onishchenko, K.V. (2007). The evaluation of health care system in Ukraine in the context of structural and qualityenhancing reforms. Moscow: EERC. Bilinskyi, D., & Damirchyiev, M. (2019). International economic standards of medical provision: legal characteristics and problems of implementation in Ukraine. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 5(5), pp. 28-31. https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2019-5-528-31 Bilynska, M. and Radysh, Y., eds. (2013). State policy in health protection. Collective monograph in 2 Parts. Part 1. Kiev: NADU. http://academy.gov.ua/NMKD/library_nadu/Mo nogr/457d99ff-a477-4205-baaf2cee246fe3da.pdf


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Shumeiko, T., Kurkova, K., Yarova, R., Nemesh, P., Zubko, O. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 168-174 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.17 How to Cite: Shumeiko, T., Kurkova, K., Yarova, R., Nemesh, P., & Zubko, O. (2021). Legislative prerequisites for the classification of arm. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 168-174. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.17

Legislative prerequisites for the classification of arm Законодавчі передумови класифікації зброї Received: July 9, 2021

Accepted: August 15, 2021

Written by: Tetiana Shumeiko62 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0103-300X Kseniia Kurkova63 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4259-5511 Ruslana Yarova64 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5525-1059 Petro Nemesh65 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1776-9081 Oksana Zubko66 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4682-6468 Abstract


The purpose of the article is to analyze the approaches to the classification of weapons, which are enshrined in official Draft Laws, to highlight their shortcomings and contradictions, as well as justify the author’s view on this issue. The subject of the study is the Bills regulating the issue of classification of weapons, which are currently under consideration in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The research methodology includes general scientific and special methods of legal science: historical and legal, normative and dogmatic, dialectical, comparative and legal, logical, monographic, legal and predicting. Results of the research. The general characteristic of the legislative approaches to the classification of arms enshrined in the Draft Laws, which are under consideration of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, is given. Their similarities and differences are revealed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages. Practical implication. The practical value of the legislative consolidation of the classification of arms is substantiated, the limits of its application are determined. Value / originality. On the basis of the research the conclusion on necessity of development and legislative acceptance of the

Метою статті є аналіз та узагальнення підходів до класифікації зброї, які закріплені в офіційних законопроектах, висвітлення їх недоліків та суперечностей, а також обґрунтування авторського погляду на дане питання. Предметом дослідження є законопроекти, що регламентують питання класифікації зброї, і які наразі перебувають на розгляді в Верховній Раді України. Методологія дослідження включає загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи юридичної науки: історико-юридичний, нормативно-догматичний, діалектичний метод, порівняльно-юридичний, логічний, монографічний, правового моделювання. Результати дослідження. Надається загальна характеристика законодавчим підходам до класифікації зброї, викладеним у законопроектах, що перебувають на розгляді Верховної Ради України ІХ скликання. Виявляються їх схожі та відмінні риси, а також з’ясовуються їх переваги та недоліки. Практичне значення. Обґрунтовується практична цінність законодавчого закріплення класифікації зброї, визначаються межі її застосування. Цінність /


PhD in Law, Doctoral Student of the Police Law Department of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. Doctor of Law, Senior Researcher of the Scientific Institute of Public Law, Ukraine. 64 Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the National Transport University, Ukraine. 65 PhD in Law, Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine. 66 Ph.D. in Law, Post-Doctoral Student, Scientific Institute of Public Law, Kyiv, Ukraine. 63


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

branched classification of all kinds of the weapon is made, and also author's offers on the given question are formulated. Key words: arms, arms circulation, classification of arms, firearms, types of arms.

оригінальність. На основі проведеного дослідження робиться висновок про необхідність розробки та законодавчого ухвалення розгалуженої класифікації усіх видів зброї, а також формулюються авторські пропозиції з даного питання. Ключові слова: вогнепальна зброя, зброя, категорії зброї, класифікація зброї, обіг зброї.

Introduction The arms trade is one of the most important spheres of public relations in any country, as it is directly related to the exercise of the constitutional right to active self-defense by the citizens. Thus, most democracies (not only European but also post-Soviet ones) have already developed a well-articulated legislative framework on the circulation of firearms. However, this does not apply to Ukraine, where the Soviet rudiments of the mechanism of legal regulation of this issue still prevail. In particular, we are talking about the Instruction on the procedure for manufacture, purchase, storage, accounting, transportation and use of firearms, pneumatic, melee weapons, domestically manufactured devices for firing cartridges, equipped with rubber or similar non-lethal metal shells, and cartridges to them, as well as their ammunition, main parts of weapons and explosives, which was approved by a number of bylaws of a departmental nature. Jointly, they constitute an unsystematic, fragmented and obsolete regulatory framework for arms trafficking in Ukraine, which in turn is the main cause of numerous legal conflicts, gaps and contradictions, as well as unequal application of legislation and, as a consequence, violation of the constitutional rights and freedoms of an individual and a citizen. Under such circumstances, the issue of the need for a comprehensive legislation on weapons has long been beyond doubt and objection. However, due to the contradictory nature of many issues related to the circulation of weapons, the drafting of such an act has been going on for more than 20 years and during that time parliamentarians have not been able to find the most compromise option for legal ownership of weapons. Among the unresolved issues are the functioning of the State register of weapons, outlining the basic rules of civilian circulation of weapons, establishing general procedure for obtaining the right to bear arms, determining the basic principles of using weapons for self-defense, etc. The approaches to the classification of weapons

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are also ambiguous, so we propose to analyze them in more detail. Thus, the purpose of this scientific article is to analyze and summarize the approaches to the classification of weapons, which are enshrined in the Draft Laws, highlight their shortcomings and contradictions, as well as to justify the author’s view on this issue. Methodology In order to achieve the goal of the Article, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used. Thus, comparative and historical and legal method is applied to examine the enactment of legislation, which regulates the relations in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine at different historical stages of the State’s development. Normative-dogmatic method helps to analyze the Draft Laws on the weapon, which are currently under consideration in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (the Draft Law No. 1222; the Draft Law No. 1222-1; the Draft Law No. 4335; the Draft Law No. 4335-1; the Draft Law No. 5708). Method of comparative analysis is useful when characterizing the rules of the bills mentioned above, which enshrine the types of the arms that are in circulation in our country. Logical method is used to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed statutory classifications. With the help of monographic method the classifications of the types of weapon, which are based on different features, proposed by some foreign and domestic scholars are studied. Legal and predicting method makes it possible to draw the relevant conclusions.

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170 Literature Review According to the purpose for use by the relevant subjects, as well as the main parameters and characteristics of the weapon is divided into: combat; staff; civil, which is classified as follows: a) hunting; b) sports; c) self-defense; museum, antique (historical). By type: firearm; cold; gas; pneumatic. By method of manufacture: industrial; artisanal; unauthorized. This classification is general and, in turn, can be divided into smaller types, types, systems, models, samples of weapons (Romanov 2005, p. 36). The main types of weapons include: a) firearms a weapon in which the charge (bullet, shield, etc.) is triggered by the instantaneous release of chemical energy of the charge (gunpowder or other explosive mixture); b) sporting firearms, which include sporting pistols, revolvers, rifles intended for use for sports purposes, as well as smoothbore rifles; c) hunting firearms are hunting rifles, smoothbore rifles with "paradox" holes with slits of 100-140 mm from the beginning and end of the barrel, hunting rifles with "supra" holes, combined rifles with smooth rifled barrels, and also hunting small-caliber rifles. The length of the barrels of smoothbore rifles must be not less than 450 mm, and the total length of the weapon - not less than 800 mm; d) pneumatic weapons, which include pistols, revolvers, rifles of caliber more than 4.5 mm with a bullet speed of more than 100 meters per second, in which the charge is driven by compressed gases; e) cold steel - devices and objects structurally designed to hit the target by muscular force of a person or a mechanical device (can be cold, hand and cold metal) (Paranytsya and Babich, 2017, p. 190).

According to some authors, all firearms, whether military assault rifles or civilian pistols, are classified into three broad categories: fully automatic, semiautomatic and other. The groupings are based on how the weapon fires and loads bullets into its chamber for the next firing (The New York Times, 1989). Laurance (1998, p. 17) highlights small arms (revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, sub-machine guns, sub-machine guns, assault rifles, machine guns), light arms (handheld under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti-tank missile and rocket systems, portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems, mortars of calibers up to 82 mm inclusive), ammunition and explosives (cartridges (rounds) for small arms, shells, missiles and mines for light weapons, mobile containers with missiles or shells for single action anti-aircraft and anti-tank systems, antipersonnel and anti-tank hand grenades, anti-tank mines). Results and Discussion Scientists have always been interested in the classification of weapons. Thus, there is an extremely large number of classifications of weapons diverse in content and volume in the domestic legal literature. However, this issue has also begun to interest the legislator in recent years given its practical value. In particular, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 9th convocation is currently considering five bills aimed at regulating the sphere of arms circulation in Ukraine and which to some extent affect the issue of their classification, namely:  

Ruchkin (2003, p. 8), listing the types of weapons that are part of the system of individual weapons, defines gas and electroshock devices as weapons.  Bilenchuk (2003, p. 101), include non-lethal weapons, for example, smooth-bore firearms of special purpose, when classifying certain types of weapons. The same view is shared by Kofanov and Kofanova (2019). Missliwetz and others (1999), in their turn, consider pump-gun as a weapon, stating that their injuries and wound mechanisms have specific features.


Draft Law of Ukraine “On Weapons” No. 1222 of September 2, 2019 (hereinafter – the Draft Law No. 1222); Draft Law of Ukraine “On Arms Circulation” No. 1222-1 of September 20, 2019 (hereinafter – the Draft Law No. 12221); Draft Law of Ukraine “On Circulation of Civilian Firearms and Ammunition” No. 4335 of November 6, 2020 (hereinafter – the Draft Law No. 4335); Draft Law of Ukraine “On Civil Weapons and Ammunition” No. 4335-1 of November 24, 2020 (hereinafter – the Draft Law No. 4335-1); Draft Law of Ukraine “On the Right to Civilian Firearms” No. 5708 of June 25, 2021 (hereinafter – the Draft Law No. 5708).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

One does not need to go into the detailed analysis of the content of these bills; one just need to read their name to understand that they have different scope. For example, some bills regulate just the circulation of weapons, and others – the circulation of weapons and ammunition; the scope of some bills extends to the circulation of all weapons, while the others – to the circulation of just firearms, or just civilian weapons. Different scope of legal regulation of the circulation of weapons leads to the application of different approaches to the classification of weapons, because it is the main subject of legal regulation of these bills. Below we will try to find out what exactly is the difference. 1.

The Draft Law No. 1222, which was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada on September 02, 2019 by the People’s Deputies of Ukraine I. Fris Matusevych and O. Matusevych, provides that all civilian weapons and ammunition in civilian circulation (turnover) in Ukraine are divided into four categories (Article 3 of the Draft Law):

The first category is pneumatic weapons caliber up to 4.5 mm and the speed of the metal element up to 100 m / s; firearms under the Flaubert cartridge up to 4.5 mm caliber and ammunition for it; gas weapons; bows and crossbows with a string tension of not more than 40 kg; other weapons that do not belong to the second, third, or fourth category and are not prohibited in civilian circulation; The second category is long-barreled smoothbore firearms; pneumatic weapons with a caliber of more than 4.5 mm and a flight speed of the metal element of more than 100 m / s; firearms under the Flaubert cartridge caliber over 4.5 mm and their ammunition, bows and crossbows, not included in the first category; The third category is long-barreled firearms, combined firearms and their ammunition; The fourth category is short-barreled firearms and ammunition for it; short-barreled smoothbore firearms designed for firing ammunition equipped with less lethal elastic propellants and their ammunition. The main disadvantage of this classification of weapons, in our opinion, is its limited nature, as it does not cover all types of weapons, which are mentioned not only in other regulations, but even in the Draft Law itself. In particular, the weapons in question are «simulation» and «deactivated»

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weapons, «automatic» and «semi-automatic», «training», «reward», «signal», «service» weapon, etc. Another significant drawback is the use in the classification of some types of weapons, the definition (description) of which is absent in the relevant articles of the Daft Law. First of all, we are talking about Flaubert Gun, as well as “bows” and “crossbows”. 2.

Draft Law No. 1222-1, which was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada on September 20, 2019 by the People’s Deputies of Ukraine O. Bakumov, V. Medianyk, P. Sushchenko and others, provides for the division of weapons and ammunition into four categories. At the same time, other names are used in this Draft Law for the following categories and they have a fundamentally different content:

Category A, which includes automatic weapons; rifled weapons with a caliber of more than 12.7 mm; firearms disguised as other objects; firearms made of materials that do not allow to detect them with the help of metal detectors; armourpiercing ammunition (ball of hard armourpiercing action), explosive (bullet with a charge that explodes at the moment of collision) or incendiary (bullet with a chemical mixture that ignites in contact with air or at the time of collision), as well as shells for such ammunition; ammunition specially designed to enhance penetration and damage to protected targets, as well as shells for such ammunition; Category B, which includes: short-barreled weapons, except for automatic and smooth-bore short-barreled (traumatic) weapons; Category C, which includes weapons that do not fall into other categories, such as: smooth-bore short-barreled (traumatic) weapons; rifled longbarreled weapons; combined long-barreled weapons; air guns; smoothbore long-barreled weapons; exhausted weapons; museum weapons and other deactivated weapons that are not included in other types of deactivated weapons; Category D, which includes melee weapons. The above classification of weapons has the same shortcomings as the previous one, as well as some additional ones. Firstly, it does not cover all the weapons mentioned in the Draft Law itself. In this case, we are talking about “award” weapons, as well as “gas” weapons. Secondly, it mentions some types of weapons, the definition (description) of which is absent in

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172 the relevant articles of the bill. In this case, we are talking about “ammunition specially designed to enhance the penetrating action and defeat the protected targets”; “Ammunition shells”. Thirdly, it does not follow one of the basic principles of classification – the principle of reciprocity and comprehensiveness, which provides for maximum consideration of all objects that meet certain requirements. So, for example, it is not clear to what category the rifled weapon with a caliber less than 12.7 mm belongs if it is not long-barreled; under which categories smooth-bore non-traumatic weapon or combined short-barreled weapons should be classified. Fourthly, it uses terms that do not have clear criteria for identification and require a subjective approach when explaining them. In particular, we are talking about such terms as “firearms disguised as other objects”, “firearms made of materials which cannot be identified by metal detectors”, “other deactivated weapons that are not included in the category “types of deactivated weapons”. 3.

Draft Law No. 4335, which was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada on November 06, 2020 by the People’s Deputies of Ukraine I. Fris, O. Bakumov, O. Fediienko and others, differentiates all civilian firearms into five categories:

Category A, which includes automatic firearms; Category B, which includes smooth-bore shortbarreled firearms (traumatic); Category C, which includes short-barreled firearms; Category D, which includes long-barreled smooth-bore firearms; Category E, which includes long-barreled rifles and combined firearms. At first glance, the above classification of weapons is balanced and unified. However, a more detailed analysis of its content can reveal a number of significant shortcomings, most of which were analyzed above. Firstly, it does not provide for the description of all the weapons mentioned in the Draft Law itself (like two previous classifications). In particular, such categories as “semi-automatic firearms”, “devices for sound or light signals”, "revolvers”, “signal weapons”, “antique” firearms, “copy of antique weapons”, “award weapons”, “training


and dissecting weapons”, as well as their ammunition and ammunition are not described. Secondly, it does not comply with one of the main principles of classification - the principle of reciprocity and comprehensiveness, which provides for maximum consideration of all objects that meet certain requirements. Thus, for example, it is not clear under which category pneumatic weapon of caliber more than 4,5 mm and speed of flight of a metal element more than 100 m / s, as well as devices under the Flaubert cartridge of caliber more than 4,0 mm if energy of a bullet makes more than 0.5 J / mm2 should be classified. Thirdly, it is difficult to understand by which arguments the authors of the Draft Law were guided by when referring to different categories of “smooth-bore short-barreled firearms” and other “short-barreled firearms”. 4.

Draft Law No.4335-1, which was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada on November 24, 2020 by the People’s Deputy of Ukraine A. Sharaskin, mentions four categories of civilian weapons:

Category A, which includes automatic firearms; Category B, which includes long-barreled smoothbore firearms, pneumatic weapons with a caliber of more than 4.5 mm and a firing speed of more than 150 m / s, weapons with a Flaubert cartridge of more than 4 mm caliber; Category C, which includes short-barreled firearms and smooth-bore short-barreled firearms (less lethal); Category D, which includes long-barreled rifled and combined firearms. The following gaps of the above classification are among the most significant ones. Firstly, it does not cover all the types of weapons mentioned in the relevant Draft Law (like all the classifications we analyzed above). In particular, this applies to “semi-automatic firearms”, “service weapons, “award weapons”, “signal weapons”, “ammunition”, as well as “replicas of antique weapons” and “antique firearms”, which do not fall under the features defined in Part 2, Article 2 of this Draft Law. Secondly, it mentions some types of weapons, the definition (description) of which is absent in the relevant articles of the Draft Law. In particular, this applies to Flaubert Gun.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Thirdly, it does not follow one of the main principles of classification – the principle of reciprocity and comprehensiveness, which provides for maximum consideration of all objects that meet certain requirements. In particular, it is not clear under which categories “pneumatic devices with a caliber of more than 4.5 mm and a firing speed of less than 150 m / s” should be classified.


Draft Law No. 5708, which was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on June 25, 2021 by the People’s Deputies of Ukraine I. Fris, M. Buzhanskyi, I. Yunakov, and others, defines five categories of civilian firearms, which in their content are completely identical to the categories defined in the Draft Law No. 4335. Therefore, this classification has all the same shortcomings that we have identified above.

 

Conclusion The sphere of arms trafficking is almost the least regulated area of public life in Ukraine nowadays. Active legislative work, as well as significant amount of scientific researches on this issue, has long failed to yield the expected results; the quality of legal regulation of this important issue remains extremely low (Shumeiko et al. 2021, p. 198). Thus, having analyzed the main approaches to the classification of weapons, which are presented in the Draft Laws, which are currently under consideration in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, we can draw the following conclusion: all legislative approaches to the classification of weapons have a number of significant shortcomings, without the elimination of which their practical application would be accompanied by numerous conflicts and contradictions, and therefore will need official explanation and scientific interpretation. In our opinion, the legal definition of the main categories of weapons should be based not only on the peculiarities of the legal regime of circulation of certain types of weapons, but also on its other classification features. In particular, the analysis of the main provisions of the Draft Laws on weapons, which are currently being considered by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, allowed us to identify several criteria for the classification of weapons: 

Depending on the general principle of operation, one can highlight firearms, gas, pneumatic, electropneumatic, melee

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weapons, devices for sound or light signals, objects whose shape is designed to resemble weapons, structurally similar to weapons products, etc. Depending on the scope of application, one can highlight military weapons, service weapons, civilian weapons. Depending on the length of the barrel, one can single out short-barreled and longbarreled weapons. Depending on the presence of cuts in the guide section of the barrel, one can single out rifled, smoothbore and combined weapons. Depending on the recharging mechanism, automatic and semi-automatic weapons can be distinguished. Depending on the purpose, you can identify military, hunting, sports, recreational, training (educational), museum, historical (antique), award, signal and other weapons. Depending on whether used for the purpose intended, one can single out deactivated (neutralized) weapons, simulating weapons, training and dissecting weapons, models or copies of weapons, replicas of ancient (antique) weapons, etc.

Summarizing the above, we can state that the following criteria should be taken into account as the basis for any legislative differentiation of weapons into certain categories: firstly, the scope of legal regulation of the Draft Law; secondly, legal regime of weapons ownership; thirdly, the differences between the different types of weapons that underlie their classifications according to various scientifically sound criteria. Only if all these criteria are taken into account can the legally defined categories of weapons be successfully applied in practice. References Bilenchuk, P. (2003). Ballistics: forensic firearms: textbook for universities. Kyiv: International Agency “BeeZone”. https://voenka.kiev.ua/products/balistikakriminalistichne-vognestrilne-zbroeznavstvoDraft Law No. 1222. Official Web site of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 02, 2019. http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_2 ?id=&pf3516=1222&skl=10 Draft Law No. 1222-1. Official Web site of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 20, 2019.

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174 http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1 ?pf3511=66918. Draft Law No. 4335. Official Web site of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 06, 2020. http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1 ?pf3511=70363. Draft Law No. 4335-1. Official Web site of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 24, 2020. http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1 ?pf3511=70512. Draft Law No. 5708. Official Web site of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 25, 2021. https://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_ 1?pf3511=72360. Kofanov, A., & Kofanova, O. (2019). Forensic investigation of firearms, cartridges and gunshot residue (forensic ballistics). Criminalist’s Scientific Library. Kyiv. http://elar.naiau.kiev.ua/bitstream/123456789/1 0710/1/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B0 %D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D0%BF% D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%B8 %D0%BA%D1%83%D0%BC%2018.12.18.pdf Laurance, E.J. (1998). Light Weapons and Intrastate Conflict: Early Warning Factors and Preventive Action. Report to the Carnegie Commission on Prevention Deadly Conflict. USA: Carnegie Corporation of New York. Missliwetz, J., Risser, D., Bauer, G., Reiter, C., Denk, W., Mortinger, H., & Stellwag-Carion, C. (1999). Pump-gun as a weapon. Type of injuries,


prohibition of weapons. Archives for criminology, 203(1-2), pp. 10–18. Paranytsya, S. and Babich, V. (2017). The special feathers of administrative legal classification of the kinds of firearms. Lviv Polytechnic National University Institutional Repository. http://ena.lp.edu.ua. http://ena.lp.edu.ua:8080/bi tstream/ntb/41807/2/2017n876_Paranytsya_SThe_special_feathers_188-192.pdf Romanov, O. (2005). “Arms: legal aspect”. Legal Journal, 2(32), pp. 32-38. http://ebd.mdu.in.ua/cgibin/irbis64r_12/cgiirbis_64.exe?LNG=en&C21 COM=S&I21DBN=EKS&P21DBN=EKS&S21 FMT=briefwebr&S21ALL=%28%3C%2E%3E K%3D%D0%97%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE %D1%8F%3C%2E%3E%29&Z21ID=&S21SR W=&S21SRD=&S21STN=1&S21REF=10&S2 1CNR=20&FT_REQUEST=&FT_PREFIX= Ruchkin, V. (2003). Arms and traces of their use: Forensic doctrine. Monograph. Moskow: Jurlitinform. Shumeiko, T., Kovalenko, V., Hurkovskyy, M., Legenkyi, M., & Komirchyi, P. (2021). The main directions of State policy in the area of arms trafficking in Ukraine. Amazonia Investiga, 10(38), 197-203. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.38.02.19. https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazo nia/article/view/1557/1550 The New York Times. (1989). How Guns Are Classified. https://www.nytimes.com/1989/02/21/us/howguns-are-classified.html

ISSN 2322 - 6307

Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.18 How to Cite: Al-Qemaqchi, N.T., & Rauof, T.A. (2021). Assessing the habitability of single-family houses in Iraq a case study in Sulaimaniya city. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 175-188. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.18

Assessing the habitability of single-family houses in Iraq a case study in Sulaimaniya city ‫دراسية كحالة السليمانية مدينة العراق في االسرة منفردة المنازل في السكن قابلية تقييم‬ Received: May 21, 2021

Accepted: July 30, 2021

Written by: Nahedh Taha Al-Qemaqchi67 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2708-7807 Tara Azad Rauof68 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8707-316X ‫المستخلص‬

Abstract A residence strongly influences the lifestyle of its occupants and may be a determining factor for the family's quality of life. To maintain the comfort and well-being of its occupants, each dwelling should be adequate for the household. The dwelling should therefore provide a habitable and comfortable environment. Housing space standards in many countries set the conditions for achieving these objectives and generally regulate the overall sizes of individual rooms in addition to the layouts of dwellings. This paper seeks to explore the relationship between habitable area ratios and other component area ratios, such as the structure area, the service area, the circulation area and the open space area, in the context of Iraqi single-family houses. Therefore, this study aims to answer two key questions: Is the habitable area ratio among other ratios compatible with Iraqi housing standards? And does it affect the performance of the units? To this end, the paper adopted a methodology for calculating each area ratio in several newly established complexes in Sulaimaniya City and their relationship to the size of different plot areas for assessing the habitability and efficiency of different house plot areas.

‫يؤثر السكن بشدة على نمط حياة ساكنيه وقد يكون عامالً محددًا لنوعية‬ ‫ ينبغي أن يكون كل‬،‫ وللحفاظ على راحة ورفاهية ساكنيه‬.‫حياة األسرة‬ ‫ لذلك يجب أن‬.‫مسكن مناسبًا لألسرة من ناحية احتياجاتها ومتطلباتها‬ ‫ وتحدد معايير المساحات‬.‫يوفر المسكن بيئة صالحة ومريحة للسكن‬ ‫السكنية في العديد من البلدان الشروط الالزمة لتحقيق هذه األهداف‬ ‫ باإلضافة إلى‬،‫وتنظم بشكل عام المساحات اإلجمالية للغرف منفردة‬ .‫التوزيعة العامة لها ضمن المساكن‬ ‫تسعى هذه الورقة إلى استكشاف العالقة بين نسب المساحة المهيئة‬ ،‫للسكنى ونسب مساحات المكونات األخرى التي تؤلف بيئة المسكن‬ ‫مثل مساحة الهيكل االنشائي ومساحة مناطق الخدمات ومساحة مناطق‬ ‫ في سياق منازل األسرة المنفردة‬،‫الحركة ومساحة المناطق المفتوحة‬ :‫ لذلك تحاول هذه الدراسة إلى اإلجابة عن سؤالين رئيسيين‬.‫العراقية‬ ‫هل ان نسبة المساحة الصالحة للسكن من بين النسب األخرى متوافقة‬ ‫مع معايير اإلسكان العراقية؟ وهل تؤثر على أداء الوحدات؟ وتحقيقا‬ ‫ اعتمدت الورقة منهجية لحساب نسبة كل مساحة في العديد‬،‫لهذه الغاية‬ ‫ وعالقتها بمساحات‬،‫من المجمعات المنشأة حديثا في مدينة السليمانية‬ ‫قطع األرض المختلفة لتقييم قابلية السكنى وكفاءة مساحات قطع المنازل‬ .‫المختلفة‬

‫ معايير‬،‫ نسبة مساحة السكن‬،‫ السكنى‬:‫الكلمات المفتاحية‬ ‫ المنازل منفردة االسرة‬،‫ التنميط السكني‬،‫اإلسكان العراقية‬

Keywords: Habitability, Habitable area ratio, Iraqi housing, Residential Standardization, Single-family house.


PhD. in Theory of Design & Design Methodology. Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Cihan UniversitySulaimaniya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. 68 M.Sc. in Hybrid Building. Lecturer, Department of Architectural Engineering, Cihan University-Sulaimaniya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Al-Qemaqchi, N.T., Rauof, T.A. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 175-188 / July, 2021


Research Problem and Scope

Most Iraqi cities are suffering from a major housing crisis, resulting from overcrowding of dwellings, (informal) subdivisions of existing housing units or plots where it is noted that the number of families occupying one dwelling (formally subdivided) continues to increase (UHSM, 2010). In addition, the outdated housing stock and the resulting deterioration in terms of both construction and services have been clearly observed (The Iraqi Central Statistical Origination (ICSO), 2009). The estimated housing deficit in Iraq was approximately 2 million units at the end of 2016 (UN-Habitat, & World Bank/IFC. 2006), this figure was calculated based on statistical projections of the General Census conducted in Iraq in 1997 (The Iraqi Ministry of Planning, 2018).

Housing activities have a more or less pronounced strategic dimension. This strategy can vary in complexity from a pure survival strategy, as in many Third World countries, to strategies for wealth representation and social stability. Both strategies seek to allocate resources to achieve household goals.

The crisis of housing leakage became prominent in recent decades after many wars and was mainly solved through introducing a new series of residential projects that offered respectable quality accommodations for middle- and lowincome households (World Bank Group, 2018). These projects have provided mixed layouts to fulfil the needs of the residents. Different plot areas were adopted, but most of them went towards developing relatively small areas for economic and investment considerations (ECOM, UN-Habitat, 2010). Most of these projects have been based on varying standards to achieve design solutions for houses with different spatial configurations. This was done to achieve the highest benefit for the client, without any regard to the habitability provided by the buildings for their occupants. Therefore, the designs came at the expense of the functional habitability of the housing and what could have been achieved for residents (Al-Qemaqchi, 2019). This inconsistency between the strategy of these companies for increasing their profits and the requirements of the family has forced families to conform to the available space stipulated for these housing units at the expense of habitability and efficiency. Consumer satisfaction, housing policy, and housing market mechanisms are, driven by the government and large private construction companies. The result of this system could be described in that despite paying money in advance, people did not receive the kind of housing that they wanted. In other words, the housing sales mechanism allows construction firms to earn a profit at low cost, and the government to earn money through land sales and the bond market.


Home-ownership in Iraq (for middle-and lowincome families) typically follows one of two strategies. The first strategy is self-construction, in which, families play a significant part in interacting with architects, contractors and construction workers, but this is not an action that can be carried out on an individual basis. (UNHabitat & World Bank/IFC., 2006). Moreover, this action depends on the family budget or receiving financial assistance from public and/or private institutional entities and then finding appropriate plots in an ordinary neighbourhood in the city, which can entail disadvantages regarding power sources, water supply, privacy and, most importantly security issues. That is why this strategy is much less employed in large cities such as Sulaimaniya. The second strategy is purchasing a preconstructed housing unit. Families usually attempt to buy a unit (an apartment or a singlefamily house) that accommodates their needs in a compound in the city, which offers higher construction and life quality in addition to other social advantages. These pre-constructed housing units are built by private investment companies or by government institutions through contracting with private construction firms that follow more or less the standards proposed by these firms themselves with only general guidelines from authorities. Families who buy pre-constructed houses in residential complexes are often forced to accept those units with their specified areas and spatial organization with little possibility of modification and are therefore forced to adapt their needs to the design of these units. Despite all these disadvantages, this strategy is becoming increasingly popular. This research aims to study the habitability of single-family houses offered in newly established housing complexes built by investment companies. Four research questions are addressed: 1) Is the ratio of habitable floor area to the total built-up area of the house acceptable?

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2) Is the ratio of the other floor areas (service floor area, open space floor area, etc.) to the total built-up area of the house acceptable? 3) Is there any correlation between these areas and the plot area of the single-family house? 4) Finally, how well do these floor ratios match the Iraqi regulations? Literature review House Space Standards It is commonly understood that a dwelling should be large enough to satisfy the requirements of its occupants for the activities of living, cooking, dining, sleeping, bathing, and storage; these should be sufficient spaces to insure their functionality. Space standards in many countries establish the requirements to obtain these objectives and usually regulate the overall area, dimensions of individual rooms, and layout of the dwelling. It is important to note that housing standards have been the subject of concern by many international organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), which has focused its attention (especially in developing countries) on housing deficiencies and has created endemic areas as a result of the lack of necessary health and safety standards (Howden-Chapman, et. al., 2017). As Rapoport (1991) previously pointed out in his book (House Form and Culture), a dwelling reflects the image of family life and hence the society that composes it with its culture, traditions, and environmental aspects (Rapoport, 1991). Building regulations are one of the most vital tools that guarantee an adequate quality of the built environment. Space standards are a measure of occupant satisfaction of dwellings in the context of certain cultural, social, climatic, economic, and technological conditions (Chowdhury, 1985). These conditions change with time, meaning that space standards should be updated regularly (Matthew, 2009). Additionally, these standards must be appropriate to absorb the changes in a family’s life according to their life cycle and to achieve sufficient flexibility to accommodate changes in their needs (Femenias & Geromel, 2019). The creation of good and adequate space standards is important for several reasons (Towers, 2000, Pedro, 2009, Park, 2017): 1) There is conditions

evidence that can lead to

overcrowded interpersonal

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violence, family isolation, psychological disorder, or physical illness. In addition, small homes that do not support the needs of occupants may lead to problems of social stability, and negative social behaviours. 2) As homes, have a long lasting life, it is not easy to determine the evolution of consumer requirements and their consequences for space quality. The flexibility of a dwelling enables it to be adjusted to the changing needs of people but relies strongly on its initial spatial characteristics. Smaller residences have less space and do not meet the needs of growing families and thus, a broader variety of options is necessary. 3) The space characteristics of a house, which have been defined during design and construction, are difficult to alter. Spatial improvements typically require expensive reconstructions. 4) Houses with suitable spaces are likely to be perceived as more attractive to homebuyers and therefore produce a higher real estate or rental value. Standardization and quality control of housing are considered important issues to solidify sustainability societies and institutions have been slow to respond to the environmental imperative regarding the design and construction of housing, although housing is an important element of the environment (Franklin, 2006). Regarding the modification of existing spaces in the housing unit, Thabit et al, (2007) has stated in her article that the use of spaces according to the housing unit design is presumed to be consistent with the reasons for the actual use of these spaces, and this consistency is complete if the design meets the requirements of the occupants. This use of spaces relates to economic, social and demographic factors, as well as the role that the characteristics of the housing unit themselves play in the style of space. The effect of eliminating a single space causes occupants to modify parts of other spaces to satisfy the lost needs and thus affects the efficient performance of the existing spaces' functions. The ability to respond to inhabitant requirements increases the sustainability of the housing unit, as a flexible house means a house that can adapt to the changing needs of its users, leading to reduction in household transitions from one unit to another. On the other hand, the sustainable perspective imposes a decrease in extravagant residential use of available urban land, which ultimately leads to the spread of the city over a large area and wastes its requirements in the

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178 services required for the established residential neighbourhoods established (Yakob, et al., 2013). As housing development increases and supports the economy of the country, it also creates negative impacts in terms of environmental and social aspects. Several scholars have pointed to the role standards play in forming housing policies in the world (Pedro, 2009; Gallent, et al., 2010). In addition, countries should review and adjust their housing standards from time to time based on economic, social and environmental considerations to ensure the comfort and safety of occupants (Hooper & Nicol, 1999; Allen, et. al., 2008, Thabit, et al., 2007; Tabak, et al., 2010). Housing policies in Iraq For most Iraqi citizens, housing is the largest single investment of their lifetime. This is especially true considering that families seek simple investments, stability, and a path to a guaranteed future. Developing countries have learned that providing affordable homes for all cannot be left to market forces alone. Although few elites face no trouble purchasing comfortable homes, most families in developing countries have insufficient accommodation and related services. (Salih, 2015). In Iraq, the physical evaluation of the various housing programmes is difficult. Due to the lack of data on ordinary neighbourhood stocks, housing units are developed with residential programmes, other than the Iraq National Investment Authority (INA) housing programme. Although most of these programmes were well designed in terms of their objectives, they could not contribute to solving much because of their reliance on the central government for funds and the difficulty of suitable programme formulation at a national level based on city feedback. If the goals are political and administrative instead of economic considerations reflecting the real situation, the programmes also lack the participation of the public in planning and implementation (Al-Shaibani, & Popov, 2019). Political instability and the security situation have played a significant role in the failure of implementation of Iraq housing programmes, especially after 2003. Despite the provision of banking programmes (such as borrowing from the Iraq Housing Bank), the mechanisms and administrative aspects led to failure to achieve its objectives and did not have an effective impact


on the increase in housing stock in the country. All of the abovementioned obstacles led to the appearance of residential neighbourhoods that were not planned and had no services or infrastructure, reflecting the lack of urban planning and the scarcity of urban land used for effective urban programmes. Eventually the prices of properties increased remarkably, which led to the inability of individuals to own a property or even live within an environment of high commodity prices and reduced availability of employment opportunities (Al-Shaibani & Popov, 2019). One of the best developed programmes is that of the Investment Authority to build one million housing units across the Iraqi provinces. However, this programme may not be successful due to the scarcity of urban land, the lack of clarity of the land ownership and the inflexibility of politicians in implementing the programmes. The Investment Authority did not adopt its own standards and patterns of housing to increase the number of housing units in its programmes, such as the size, area of the housing unit, available services, or public roads (Abrahem, 2018). This was a reason for the emergence of many nongovernmental companies and foreigner firms to implement their programmes in a pattern of long-term real estate investment in the residential sector, which helped to provide many housing units for investment (Salih, 2015). Iraqi housing standards The Iraqi Urban Housing Standards Manual (UHSM), which was first published in October 2010 by the Ministry of Housing and Construction State/Commission of Housing Studies Section, stipulates the execution of a general housing policy to ensure adequate housing for Iraqi citizens. The manual addresses the most important planning and design criteria used by the State Commission of Housing in the preparation of detailed programmes of planning and designing housing complexes (UHSM. 2010). This manual contains the most critical criteria needed for the preparation of proposals, studies, and styles of residential complexes mostly organized in tables and elaborative illustrative drawings (Ministry of Housing and Construction, 1983). The technical standards in this manual represent a general guideline for planning and design. On the other hand, these criteria should not be generalized but should be specifically evaluated on a case by case basis using the best

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possible criteria to realize a final standard for guidelines. The manual defined the habitable dwelling area as the total area specified for living and sleeping (given in square metres) and considered it to be the main area for family habitation compared to other facility areas. According to the standards, the ratio of habitable floor area to other floor area ratios must be as high as possible to achieve efficient utilization of the floor area. Thus, to analyse this ratio, this paper aims to disclose the relationship between the habitable floor area and other components, such as the structure floor area, service floor area, circulation floor area, and open space floor area, to determine the housing efficiency of these projects. Housing quality control procedures in Iraq include varied standards compiled from various sources. There is no specific obligatory system in Iraq for developing and using standards by either government agencies or the private sector. In addition, there is no means to assess whether any standards have been applied. The Ministry of Housing and Construction is also developing and adopting a new building code that will outline construction standards for housing. Municipal governments are responsible for overseeing the issuance of building permits, although governors or central officials will usually be involved in approving major development projects (UNHabitat, World Bank/IFC. 2006).

segment (Mahmood, 2011). For each house type, a limited range of internal design options can be offered to accommodate consumer preferences or the preferences of the local planning authority. The problem of fitting standard house types to specific scheme layouts is addressed in different ways by different companies (AL-Temimi, & AlSaidi, 2014). Previous published studies have researched the housing problem in Iraq in terms of layout, spatial organization, suitability and flexibility. The current paper attempted to assess the habitability of housing complexes using the Urban Housing Standards Manual as a guideline. Polservice was the first international expert company that was commissioned by the Ministry of General Municipalities in 1983 to perform a comprehensive study of housing in Iraq which resulted in a comprehensive system of housing standards (Ministry of Housing and Construction, 1983) that were supposed to become the strategic structure of the housing policy for Iraq during that period (Ministry of Housing and Construction, 1983). The lack of seriousness from responsible authorities and the circumstances of the country at that time prevented that system from being approved. This issue did not prevent the system from being taken as an unofficial document for the housing policy in Iraq, although the contained standards as general criteria were still not obligatory (Ministry of Housing and Construction, 1983). Iraqi housing spaces

Previous studies have cited the problems of the spatial organization of residential buildings in Iraq and attribute these issues to several reasons. One reason is that the regulations cannot suit the requirements of the Iraqi family, as Al-Hafith et al, (2018) pointed out in his article (A Systematic Assessment of Architectural Approaches for Solving the Housing Problem in Iraq), as families attempt to move to new houses according to changes in their life cycle (Al-Hafith, et al., 2018), Al Khafajy (2018) mentioned the problem of internal spaces in the housing unit in particular, the inability to evolve with the changes in Iraqi family composition and the inability to achieve a minimum degree of sufficient flexibility to accommodate these changes (Al Khafajy, et al., 2018). Mahmood (2011) stated that building companies offer a collection of standard types with a range of different internal layouts for each market

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From the declared classification it is possible to conclude that each house is composed of five main area subdivisions: first, the habitable area, including the total area for sleeping, living, daily activity, and dining; second, the structure area, including the area occupied by the structure system of the house; third, the service area, which includes the total areas for food preparation, bath, WC and storage area; fourth, the circulation area, which includes the staircase, corridors, entrance lobby, and internal halls; and finally, the open area, which includes gardens, open courts, shafts, and balconies. The standard minimum recommended area assigned by the Iraqi Urban Housing Standards Manual (UHSM) was documented in several tables to constitute a general guideline indicator for developers (UHSM, 2010), as these standards indicate the minimum recommended areas [Table 1].

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180 Table 1. Single-family houses plot area range and corresponding floor areas according to UHSM standards (Researchers).

Case Studies Sulaimaniya is an Iraqi city located in northeastern of Iraq and belongs to the Kurdistan Region, occupying an area of 3404 sq.km, with a population of more than one million (The Iraqi Central Statistical Origination (ICSO), 2009). The local government began investing in the housing sector and dozens of new housing complexes have appeared in the city since 2000. To investigate the habitability of these new housing complexes, three residential projects have been chosen in the city of Sulaimaniya to guarantee diversity of residential types. The first project is Lubnan City, located in the southwest of the city, established in 2010 and completed in 2012, on a total area of 109347 sq. m. It contains 296 single-family house units with 3 different plot areas (150 sq. m plot area, 200 sq. m plot area and 300 sq. m plot area). (Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq, 2019) The second project is Qaiwan City, located west of the city, established in 2007 and completed in 2013 with a total area of 295500 sq. m, which is one of the largest residential complexes in Iraq. It contains 340 single-family house units with 6 different plot areas (600 sq. m plot area, 400 sq. m plot area. 480 sq. m plot area. 330 sq. m plot area, and 440 sq. m plot area). (Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq, 2019) The third project is New Chwar-Chra City, located south of the city, established in 2010 with three phases; the first phase was completed in 2017, with a total area of 517256 sq. m. It


contains 802 single-family house units with 4 different plot areas (200 sq. m plot area, 240 sq. m plot area, 300 sq. m plot area, and 700 sq. m plot area). (Kurdistan Regional GovernmentIraq, 2019) Study Samples and Research Methodology Since the beginning of the century, the local government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq has made real estate investments in the residential sector possible. As a result, many companies have invested in this sector and created many housing projects with multiple unit types for single-family housing. We chose three housing projects recently set up in the city of Sulaimaniya that include includes individual residential units, varying in their design, layout, and construction methods. Then, from these projects, only 30 samples of single-family houses were selected due to the large number of houses offered. The selections of the residential samples from the three case studies were made according to the following criteria: 1) All the sample units consist of two floors. 2) All the sample units are suitable for singlefamily housing. 3) No modification is made to any units’ original layout. 4) There is variety in the units’ area. 5) There is variety in spatial organization and layout. 6) There is variety in the units’ structure (skeleton system and load-bearing wall

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system) and construction materials (brick, concrete blocks, thermos stone block, etc.). From the three previously chosen case studies, a selection of 30 samples in total was taken and categorized into eight groups in terms of their square metre plot area ranging from plot areas of 150-200 sq. m to over 500 sq. m. The plot areas were set as ranges due to the differentiation of the plots available in the study cases. Each group

included a different number of samples due to the available similar samples in each case study. To analyse these samples and compare their areas to the manual, we had to first calculate the average built-up floor area of the samples belonging to each group in addition to calculating five other components, namely, the open floor area, structure floor area, circulation floor area, service floor area and finally the habitable floor area as listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Samples plot area range with their corresponding areas (Researchers).

Each sample was analysed, and its areas were measured to calculate the total existing area, for example, of the habitable area and the other

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components. An example of 160 sq. m is shown in [Figure 1].

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Figure 1. The layout of 160 sq. m. unit (Researchers). According to the standards given by the UHSM, the calculation of the floor area ratio per

component to the total built-up area is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. The ratios of all components to the total built-up area for each Single-family house according to (UHSM) standard’s (Researchers).


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While the case study samples floor area ratio of each component to the total built-up area was calculated and shown in Table 4. Table 4. The ratios of all components to the total built-up area for each sample according to the case study samples (Researchers).

Results and Discussion The floor area ratio values calculated in Table 4 and Table 3 are sketched separately per component in graphs to visualize the differences or similarities between the UHSM and the case samples from the case studies.

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Starting with figure 2, the average plot areas and the habitability ratios are used. Case studies have shown an obvious inverse correlation between the average plot area and the habitability indicators, while the UHSM indicator remains stable. The most striking observation is that with the increase in the average plot area, the incompatibility between the two lines increases.

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Figure 2. The relationship between the habitability ratios and the average plot areas of the (UHSM) and case study sample (Researchers). Figure 3 shows the changes occurring in the service floor area ratios and the average plot area. There is a clear discrepancy detected from the graph [Figure 3], by determining a direct correlation between the amounts of the

equivalent services area ratio and the average plot areas in the case studies while the (UHSM) standards remain stable. This is not consistent with the needs of the residents for services that support their vital needs.

Figure 3. The relationship between the service floor area ratios and the average plot areas of the (UHSM) and case study sample (Researchers). At the same time, as the average plot area increases, the floor area ratio of the circulation system sharply drops from 26.7% to 17.7% within the case study samples, while the service ratios gradually increase with increasing plot areas in the UHSM standards [Figure 4]. It can be observed that these values are inconsistent. Inhabitants’ need for comfortable horizontal and


vertical communication systems is higher with a larger plot area within an acceptable level. In our opinion, it also indicates that the spatial arrangement of the house layout is based on the expansion of living and sleeping rooms within the dwelling at the expense of other supporting facilities that eliminate the ability of the residents to manipulate the use of the house.

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Figure 4. The relationship between the circulation floor area ratios and the average plot areas of the (UHSM) and case study sample (Researchers). However, a comparison of the structure floor area ratio between the UHSM standards and the case study samples could not be concluded because there are no indicators in the standard for this area. In addition, the standard has adopted different construction materials and structural systems to guarantee the applicability of the standard to all of Iraq’s provinces. It should be noted that the ratio of the structural floor area dropped from 16.1% to 10.9% within the case study samples.

For the open space floor area ratio for this case study [Figure 5], the increase from 36.8% to 90.5% comes unexpectedly with increasing house plot area. This means that the majority of the plot is occupied by gardens and open spaces, which implies the loss of urban land. In the UHSM standards, the decrease in the open area ratios from 11.1% to 10.5% is at an acceptable level.

Figure 5. The relationship between the open floor area ratios and the average plot areas of the (UHSM) and case study sample (Researchers). There is a significant difference in floor area ratios between those observed in the case studies and those proposed by the UHSM. The case study shows more heterogeneity than the UHSM standards as follows [Figure 6].

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The habitable floor area ratio indicates a declining trend and ranges between 48.1 and 66.2%. The service floor area ratios show a random distribution through the graph and a range between 20.1 and 30.9%. In contrast to

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186 other component ratios, both the ratio of circulation floor area and the ratio of structure floor area show a decreasing trend of 26.7-17.7%

and 16.9-10.9%, respectively. The open floor area ratio rises sharply and ranges from 36.8 to 90.5%.

Figure 6. All components floor area ratio to the built-up area of the case study samples (Researchers). Conclusions A habitable environment can be achieved only if developments, environmental issues and problems are given equal emphasis in urban housing development. Basic human needs must be fulfilled with improved living standards to sustain our ecological systems effectively. Therefore, greater integration of land use planning with social, economic, and environmental considerations is needed. The efficiency of any building can be measured by the total habitable area compared to its building size, and the value of this ratio is not realized in the private housing sector. Despite the importance of all mentioned components in determining any house’s liveability, such as the service area (the spaces provided for preparing food, storage, and bathing), and the circulation area (the space provided for supporting accessibility in terms of a horizontal and vertical movement system), the habitable spaces in dwellings remain at the forefront of the occupant's most important vital space. While investment firms in the residential sector offer many options of single-family house units compared to the limited options offered by (UHSM) standards, these firms are trying to


maximize their profits at the expense of reducing the built-up area to the plot area occupied by the house; this is done without any consideration of the urban land loss and is concluded from the large increase in the values of the open spaces ratio. In the long term, this will lead to a large waste of available resources, negatively affecting social sustainability, especially in large, crowded cities. There was a significant imbalance in the number of habitable floor area ratios to the other component area ratios within the case study samples that were monitored. This imbalance reduces the efficiency of the exploitation of the land on which a single house is situated, in particular the large plots (over 500 sq. m), which is the opposite of what is expected, and contrasts with the criteria set out by the UHSM, which showed homogeneity in general. Although both the service floor area ratio and the circulation floor area ratio increase gradually with an increasing of average built-up area for the dwelling, these ratios are not consistent with the plot area. This result indicates a lack of conventionality and habitability of the house and negatively reflects house efficiency and occupant satisfaction.

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Attitudes towards stable ratios of floor area in manuals are specific to places and experiences: they come to reflect quite fundamental beliefs about the utility and purpose of houses. Where housing is seen as an investment commodity, standards are likely to be viewed as a threat to n that investment, but none can deny the importance of houses to the life and future of the family. For those occupying residences, suitable housing standards mean health and safety. The foregoing analysis indicates the need for the authorities and institutions responsible for the housing sector to reconsider the design criteria that determine the ratios of each floor area in a single-family house. In addition, they need to force the building companies operating in this field to comply with these standards to increase the efficiency of housing output and maximize the exploitation of urban land. Another goal is to make those houses capable of reconciling the economic criteria with the criterion of fulfilling the family's requirements in terms of maintaining the minimum level that enables the family to take advantage of the design spaces of the house and keep it from being replaced or modified. With regard to ‘sustainable communities’ in Iraq's real state, a well-regulated and sustainable real estate market needs to be established to reduce the abovementioned distortions. The regulatory framework of building standards and administrative procedures must be reviewed and changes must be made where needed. Bibliographic references Abrahem, S. A. (2018) Typology of Urban Housing and Politics in Baghdad: From Statesubsidized Housing to Privatized Gated Communities (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), Graduate School of the University of Cincinnati, OH. USA. Al Khafajy, A. M., Hussain, A. M., & Abood, A. A. (2018). Building performance. Iraqi Journal of Architecture and Planning, 10(1), 255–277. DOI: 10.36041/iqjap.v10i1.194. Al-Hafith, O., Satish, B. K., Bradbury, S., & Wilde, P. (2018). A systematic assessment of architectural approaches for solving the housing problem in Iraq. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 7(4), 561-572. DOI: 10.1016/j.foar.2018.07.001 Allen, J., Barlow, J., Leal, T., Maloutas, T. & Padovani, L. (2008). Housing and Welfare in Southern Europe. Delhi: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., ISBN: 9781405103077 Al-Qemaqchi, N., & Rauof, T. (2019) Open Space Criteria for Residential Complexes; Evaluation and implementation of urban housing

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.19 How to Cite: Dyakiv, K., Korolyov, I., & Yaremko, M. (2021). Communicative deviations of respondents in political video interviews in Ukrainian and German. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 189-199. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.19

Communicative deviations of respondents in political video interviews in Ukrainian and German69 Комунікативні девіації респондентів у політичних відеоінтерв’ю в українській та німецькій мовах Received: June 2, 2021

Accepted: July 30, 2021

Written by: Khrystyna Dyakiv70 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2196-738X Igor Korolyov71 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0436-5923 Maryana Yaremko72 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6545-9854 Abstract


The research has the objective to establish the peculiarities of communicative deviations as a cognitive and at the same time discursive phenomenon in Ukrainian- and Germanlanguage video interviews from the viewpoint of respondents. The procedure of the research involves the integrated application of methods and techniques of pragmatics, deviatology and communicative linguistics. A new methodological basis has been developed for the reconstruction of communicative deviations using discourse analysis, namely for the reconstruction of a single event in two discursive environments, determining the communicative context and communication of interview in compared languages. The results of the research allow us to identify the features of communicative deviations in political interviews at the external, internal structural levels and at the situational level. The conclusions of the research indicate that the types of communicative deviations in political video interviews are universal in Ukrainian and German, but reflect national and cultural specifics given the peculiarities of both languages and each linguoculture, as well as existing realias, norms, conventions, maxims and rules of communication.

Дослідження має на меті встановити особливості комунікативних девіацій як когнітивного і водночас дискурсивного феномена в українсько- і німецькомових відеоінтерв’ю з позиції респондентів. Процедура дослідження передбачає комплексне застосування методів і прийомів лінгвопрагматики, девіатології та комунікативної лінгвістики. Розроблено нову методологічну базу для реконструкції комунікативних девіацій із застосуванням дискурс-аналізу, а саме для реконструкції окремої події у двох дискурсивних середовищах, визначення комунікативного контексту та ситуації спілкування в інтерв’ю у зіставлюваних мовах. Результати дослідження дозволили визначити характерні ознаки комунікативних девіацій у політичних інтерв’ю на зовнішньоструктурному внутрішньоструктурному та ситуативному рівнях. Висновки дослідження свідчать про те, що типи комунікативних девіацій у політичних відеоінтерв’ю мають універсальний характер в українській і німецькій мовах, проте відображають національно-культурну специфіку з огляду на особливості обох мов та кожної

The article has been prepared within the scope of individual scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for young scientists – Doctor of Sciences in 2021 (Igor Korolyov). 70 Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Department of International Communication and Translation Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. 71 Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Department of Polish Studies Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. 72 Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of German Philology Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. 69

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Dyakiv, K., Korolyov, I., Yaremko, M. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 189-199 / July, 2021

Keywords: communicative deviations, German language, political video interviews, respondent, Ukrainian language.

лінгвокультури і наявних у ній реалій, норм, конвенцій, максим і правил спілкування. Ключові слова: комунікативні девіації, німецька мова, політичне відеоінтерв’ю, респондент, українська мова

Introduction At the present stage of modern communication oriented linguistics the spheres of scientific knowledge expand and the examination of fundamental and universal notions. The phenomenon of communicative deviations remains one of the most debatable (Batsevych, 2000; Deppermann & Reinhold, 2008; Dyakiv, 2018, Dyakiv, 2019; Janicki, 2017; Kapeliushnyi, 2000; Mustajoki, 2017; Voitsekhivska, 2019). That not only bring discomfort in the relationship between speakers, but can also lead to a general misunderstanding, resulting in the interruption of the act of communication both within one and various linguocultures, which is confirmed, among other things, by the examples from world politics. Humanities studies even witnessed the emergence of a new discipline as a separate science – deviatology, which formed two main approaches to communicative deviations: interdisciplinary and specialized. Interdisciplinary approach is reflected in philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, methodology and didactics, culturology, intercultural communication, conflictology, orthology and journalism. Specialized approach is represented by the works of linguists, who researched communicative deviations in the actual theoretical, communicative, sociolinguistic and contrastive aspects, as well as in cognitive (Dubtsova, 2014) and discoursetextual (Grice, 1975; Milchenko, 2011; Pechko, 2011), with the latter two being essential for the research. Such systematization of scientific literature on the researched issue allowed to assume that communicative deviations as a phenomenon are characteristic of all types of speech genres, especially of interviews with various political figures (Friedrichs & Schwinges, 2005; Haller, 2013; Häusermann & Käppeli, 1986). Thus, we can talk about a new area of research – cognitivediscursive deviatology, in which the analysis of deviations will be based on new and still undeveloped theoretical and methodological principles (including discourse analysis), from the standpoint of which one can identify the causes of communicative deviations and classify


them according to various criteria, offering communicators an algorithm to avoid misunderstandings, failures, to resolve any possible conflicts or prevent any conflict situations and improve social and intercultural communication (Földes, 2007; Schulz von Thun, 2010), and that determines the relevance of the research. The objective of the publication is the establishment of the peculiarities of communicative deviations as a cognitive and, at the same time, discursive phenomenon in Ukrainian- and German-language political video interviews from the viewpoint of the respondents, namely of such method as discourse analysis. The formulated objective provides for the solution of the following tasks: 1) to clarify the definition of the concept of "communicative deviation" as a dynamic and complex cognitivediscursive phenomenon; 2) to determine the types of reconstructed communicative deviations of the respondent at the structural level from the standpoint of pragmatics; 3) to characterize the patterns and differences of the reconstructed types of communicative deviations of the respondent in Ukrainian- and German-language political video interviews in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators. The article consists of a theoretical, methodological part, results, conclusions and a list of references. Theoretical Framework Based on the theoretical postulates, a new methodological basis is developed in the research for the reconstruction of communicative deviations using a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the object of scientific reflection and methodological principles, namely through discourse analysis – for the reconstruction of a single event in two discursive environments, defining the communicative context and communicative situations of a specific type of interview in compared languages. After all, the concept of discourse includes not only what is said and written, but also what is not desirable or not allowed to say or to write, or what is

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generally unthinkable or unspoken due to lack of thematization. Accordingly, the studies of oral speech do not describe styles, but specific language-speech units and structures (at the level of prosody, vocabulary, syntax and text) in connection with different functions of language (interactional, structuring conversation, semantic) (Schwitalla, 2012). Although discourse analysis is based on the methods of text linguistics and oral linguistics and is related to the analysis of conversations, its key interest lies in current social issues, human worldview and which linguistic means are employed in the process (Larcher, 2015: 11). That is why there are two approaches to the concept of discourse: the production of socially recognized knowledge and the processes of (political) interpretation and negotiation.

structure, also called a situational level of realization or a level of interaction (Günthner, 1995: 16). At this level we refer to the sequence of individual statements and the distribution of the right to speak, about changes in topics, but also about the relationship between communicators. That is, we are talking about the classic issues of discourse and conversational analysis, such as: sequence, change of speakers, paired sequences, predominant structures, the format of expression and the status of communicators and reactions of recipients. Accordingly, such structural units of the interview are represented by pairs of remarks of the interviewer and the respondent – the dialogic units that have clearly defined formal boundaries.

Given the definition of video interviews as an integrated informative variety of the interview genre, i.e. the speech genre (= communicative genre), there are genre-structural levels, at each of which, we believe, the communicative deviations occur. We will consider these levels in more detail below (Günthner, 1995: 201):

The communicative deviations at the situational level in the context of the interview reflect a violation of P. Grice's maxims (Grice, 1975), such as: 1) the amount (completeness) of information; 2) quality of information; 3) compliance (relevance); 4) manner of expression (manners). Such maxims are impossible to think through in advance during the interview, because they spontaneously arise at the question – answer intersection, and, therefore, belong to the situational level.




The external structure includes the communicative and social environment in which the communication takes place, a specific group, institution, gender, i.e. all factors related to the context that are not formed in the interaction. This can be a place or time of the meeting, as well as the clothes. At this level, we consider it appropriate to distinguish, besides the violations of the preparatory conditions of communication, the types of violated communicative acts (Batsevych, 2004: 216-220), in particular, such as the unexpected and violated expected communicative acts of the respondent. The internal structure includes verbal and non-verbal intra-genre components of the communicative event. Verbal components include phonological variants, lexicosemantic phenomena, morphosyntactic elements, dialectal speech factors, stylistic and rhetorical figures, text structuring, idioms, thematic interview blocks, etc., and nonverbal – prosody, voice specificity, gestures and facial expressions (Günthner, 1995: 201). The situational level of realization includes “phenomena that relate to the interactive context of dialogic exchange between communicators and the sequential nature of utterances” (Günthner, 1995: 203). It is an intersubjective and situational intermediate

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The research methodology taking into account these levels is described in the next paragraph. Methodology The article presents a new theoretical and methodological concept for the performance of a cognitive and discursive reconstruction of communicative deviations of the respondent in Ukrainian and German video interviews from the position of cognitive comparative linguistics and contrastive typological linguistics. A comprehensive interdisciplinary methodology of cognitive-discursive reconstruction of communicative deviations in Ukrainian and German-language political video interviews has been developed, based on methodological principles of research, approaches to analysis of communicative deviations in video interviews taking into account the sample, thematic and statistical data. The source base of the research is comprised of video interviews in Ukrainian and German languages for the years 2000-2019 from online video hosting Youtube, containing materials from official TV and Youtube channels as well as the programs of individual Youtube users. The

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192 interviews that received the most views based on the use of search filters on YouTube and placed in the "Trending" section were taken into account. The criteria for selecting the interview were also determined by: the importance of the respondent's persona, the relevance of the interview topic, the atypical situation, the written comments of YouTube viewers after watching the video. The factual material of the research consists of 198 political video interviews in Ukrainian and 93 in German with communicative deviations present, separated from the overall sample of 400 video interviews in each language.

compares the types of communicative deviations in video interviews in both linguistic cultures, their qualitative and quantitative description using the obtained statistical data to verify the conclusions.

Documentation of factual material is provided by discourse and conversation analysis, which covers two main requirements for empirical work: the "naturalness" of interaction situations and the detail of the transcript for analysis (Gülich & Mondada, 2008).

The theoretical stances are formulated based on the works on problems of pragmatics, deviatology and communicative linguistics, cognitive linguo-comparative studies, the main of which are:

Accordingly, transcripts using research-relevant elements of a dialogic discursive practice analysis scheme (Deppermann, 2008) and considering certain FOLKER transcription rules for minimal transcription (Schmidt & Schütte, 2010) contain the following characteristics: 1) words and spaces that denote boundaries between words; 2) hesitation signals; 3) laughter and crying; 4) signals of perception; 5) pauses; 6) non-verbal means; 7) incomprehensible fragments; 8) deleted words and sentences; 9) superimposition of the speaker's remark on the previous remark of the communication partner or simultaneous speech. Abbreviations relevant to the research are also introduced: 1) identification of the interviewer's remark: І: / І :; 2) identification of the respondent's reply: P:/R:; 3) appellative intonation: ?; 4) emotional tone:!. Let us address the procedure of communicative deviations research. Methodological operating procedures were applied within the four main stages of the study. On the first stage, on the basis of elaboration of theoretical achievements of domestic and foreign linguists in the field of studying interviews and communicative deviations, the genre of Ukrainian- and Germanlanguage video interviews is identified and systematized, the corpus of political interviews and their role in the social context in both linguistic cultures. On the second stage of the study, the types of deviations by structural level are compared. On the third stage, the factors of communicative deviations in video interviews, which depend on the respondent at different structural levels of the genre, are reconstructed (in values and characteristics). The fourth stage


Such synthesis of genre interpretation (speech = communicative) in Eastern and Western European linguistic traditions has proved promising in the study of political video interviews in unrelated languages, as shown in the results of the investigation below. Results and Discussion

1) The practical term "communicative deviations" in this research has a narrow meaning of differences, discrepancies in the expectations of the communicators, caused by the interviewer, respondent or discursive environment (in a broad sense), which is a deviation for one of the communicators or viewers; as a phenomenon that arises, acquires features and is subject to correction in video interviews within the studied linguistic cultures; and in a broader sense it is an “umbrella” term for speech, linguistic and extralinguistic deviations, a universal and at the same time ethnoculturally marked, dynamic, complex cognitive-discursive phenomenon, which is specifically generated in various formats and genres; 2) cognitive-discursive reconstruction provides a universal model of communicative deviations of the respondent in Ukrainianand German-language political video interviews at the structural level (external, internal and situational) of this speech genre. It was recognized that communicative deviations are more common in Ukrainian- (47.1% of the total sample) than in German-language video interviews (38.9% of the total sample), among which political video interviews account for 49.5% in Ukrainian and 23.3% in German linguocultures. Compared to other types of interviews (for example, sports, celebrity), the subject matter of which is related in both linguocultures, communicative deviations in political interviews differ thematically, due to the specifics of political life, as well as the culture of political communication in both linguocultures. The communicative deviations of the respondent

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are present in political video interviews at three identified levels: 1.

External structural level:

1) deviations in unexpected communicative acts: a) unwillingness to start communication (Ukrainian: 62.3%, German: 3.1%), namely short answers that indicate unwillingness to listen to the interviewers and answer their questions: I: (-) Скажіть будь ласка (-) чи бачили Ви ролик “100 днів президентства Зеленського”? (- -) P: Ні (-) I: Чому немає Вас там? (-) Є всі президенти (-)але немає Вас(- -) P: Я до нього (-) до цього роліка не маю ніякого відношення (- -) I: А до Вас зверталися по коментарі? (-) P: Мені про це невідомо! (-) (Ukrainian Pravda, 3.09.2019); b) unpreparedness for communication (Ukrainian 56.8%, German 14.1%), the inability and unwillingness of the respondent to answer spontaneous unexpected critical questions of the interviewer lead to incompetent answer and avoidance:

R: Ich finde, er hat doch ganz konstruktiv gesprochen… І: Ich glaube, er hat nur gesagt: Na ja, dann ist es halt jetzt eben so. So kam es mir vor. R: Dann ist es gut. І: Das reicht Ihnen? R: Da haben wir schon Kontroverseres (Merkel, 2020); c)

perception of non-existent implicatures of discourse (hint, irony, where there is none), inferencing of non-existent illocutionary forces (Ukrainian 12,2 %, German 17,2 %):

І: Я ж не про список (-) а про мажоритарну систему. Р: А я вам (- -) пані про те що (- -) пробачте (- -) я зараз (- -) І: Ви не знаєте? Р: (- -) Я все знаю (- -) (Direct TV Channel LLC, 12.09.2019). 2. Internal structural level The level of internal structure includes the following communicative deviations, that are more about rhetoric and style, the ability to push the person's own position and to dismiss any unpleasant question: 1) code switching – mostly from Ukrainian to Russian in a state of agitation and concern (Ukrainian 72,8 %):

I: Я кажу що Ви (- -) Чому Ви тікаєте? (- -) ((…)) І зникнете знову (-) Ви ж вдруге уникаєте запитання (- -) P: Я завтра буду (-) і післязавтра буду (-) (Artem, 2019);

P: Ще раз Вам кажу (-) я отримаю інформацію що Ви той хто є на самом дєле (-) офіцийно (-) і тоді буду с Вамі (- -) розмовляти ((…))(Artem, 2019);

2) deviations in the expected communicative acts with joint presuppositions:

2) conversational style, not typical for political videos (Ukrainian 48,3 %, German 3,1 %):


P: Дуже класна тепла атмосфера (-) дуже зустріч була конструктивною (- -) Я побачив перед собою дійсно лідера об’єднаної Європи (-) Мені сподобалось (- -) Га? (-) (Radio Liberty Ucrania,12.04.19);

a strategically planned own concept of the interview, which does not coincide with the concept of the interviewer (Ukrainian 32.2%, German 28.1%). After the PACE meeting, Olga Skabeeva, a Russian journalist of the program "60 minutes" tried to interview the members of the Ukrainian delegation, and instead of response she heard Ukrainian national anthem. The respondents refused to answer her questions and ignored the interviewer's attempts to shout over them (Radio Svoboda, 11.08.2018); b) the substitution of the presuppositions of the interviewer or attribution of other presuppositions to the interviewer (perception of him as competent) (Ukrainian 8,1 %, German 14,1 %):

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3) Russianisms (Ukrainian 85,2 %): I: ((…)) Можливо зараз вже попереджають і годинники не одягати? (-) Каблучки (-) діаманти (-) сережки (-) все залишити вдома? (-) P: Ну це навіть як в шутку виглядає (-) насправді якби серйозно (-) ця тема не обговорюється (-) (TV channel 1 + 1, 16.10.2013);

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194 4) repetitions (Ukrainian 24,6 %, German 15,5 %):

7) questions indicating surprise (Ukrainian 32.2%, German 28.1%):

I: А чим займаються Ваші підприємства? (-) Р: ((getting into the elevator)) До побачення! (-) До побачення (-) я закінчив(-) все! (- -) Пані (-) я не знаю як Вас звати (-) але Ви ведете себе абсолютно якось безглуздо (-) Абсурдні запитання! ((…)) (BIHUS info, 27.11.2016); R: Ich frag Sie das jetzt. Vielleicht kann der zuständige Redakteur hereinkommen und erklären, was bei diesem Bericht jetzt neu war. I: ((…)) Meine Frage ist an Sie: Können Sie weiterhin im Untersuchungsausschuss bleiben? R: Meine Frage an Sie ist, warum der ORF einen Bericht, den er schon am 19. August 2008 1:1 gesendet hat, zwei Jahre später 1:1 wiederholt. Warum machen Sie das, Herr Leitner? (Petzner, 13.07.2012);

I: (- -) Якщо від Ігора Мірошниченка вже багато чого можна очікувати (-) то від Вас таких дій не чекали (- -) P: ((facial expressions and intonation of surprise)) А можна запитати яких? (-) (TV channel 1 + 1, 2018);

5) answering a question with a question (Ukrainian 21,5 %, German 18,6 %): P ((sighs heavily)) Я запитання до Вас зроблю (-) скільки прогресивний президент Польщі Квасневський посадив у тюрми? (- -) Я Вам розкажу один секрет (-) Ви знаєте (-) що президент не садить у тюрми? ((…))(Ukrainian Pravda, 13.08.2018). R: Herr Tarek (- -) Leitner (- -) Ähm (- -) erlauben sie mir Folgendes eingangs zu sagen (-) Sie können mir jede Frage stellen (-) aber (- -) ich möchte mit einer Gegenfrage beginnen (- -) Und Sie (- -) Sie sіn a seriöser Journalist vom ORF (- -) fragen (- -) Was ist an dieser Geschichte jetzt neu? Wo liegt der Newswert an diesem Bericht? (Petzner, 13.07.2012); 6) pejorative language (Ukrainian 6,8 %): I: Цього року Ви також побували на Євро-2016 (-) Які враження взагалі про футбол?(- -)

P: Дуже хренові враження (- -) ((laughing)) від чемпіонату (-) Немає у людей патріотизму (-) от немає (-) Їх би на тиждень з автоматами на передову(-) я думаю вони б тоді побігали (-) Я злий страшно і недобрий за тей футбол (- -) (Kozlovskyi, personal, 25.10.2016).


8) irony (Ukrainian 17.1%, German 23.4%), sarcasm (Ukrainian 6.8%, German 4.7%): I: Ви почали душити людину як мінімум (-) P: Та ви шо??? Дуже дякую шо Ви мені сказали (-) а то я цього не знав ((laughing)) ((…)) (TV channel 1 + 1, 2018). R: Journalisten sind Nazi oder… I: Ich bin kein Nazi. ((…)) Wie können Sie sagen, dass ich ein Nazi bin? Zahlen Sie erstmal Ihre Gerichtskosten? (Hofreiter, 08.09.2018). I: Ich habe jetzt noch nichts gesagt (- -) R: Sie haben aber gerade Luft geholt (- -) um etwas zu sagen. (Petzner, 13.07.2012). 9) syntactic incoherence of sentences (Ukrainian 58.2%, German 26.6%): I: Was macht denn dann das Viagra da drin? (- -) R: Schön-Wetter-Demokraten (- -) Und wir ziehen uns jetzt in einen Sturm und uns fehlen (-) da hat Recht im Moment, die Antworten und die Mittel und deshalb laufen die Leute (- -) wie ich finde nachvollziehbar (- -) orientierungslos durch die Gegend (- -) (Strunz, personal, communication, 13.04.2017). Non-verbal means (Ukrainian: 73.3%, German: 35.9%) include a skeptical look from under the glasses, which shows falsehood and pretentiousness, an agitated and trembling voice, dissatisfied facial expression of the respondent, lack of eye contact between the respondent and the journalist and the public, for example, in the following interviews (Slidstvo, 01.12.2014, “World, 2019):

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3. Situational level: 1) violation of the information quality maxim (Ukrainian 26.7%, German 29.7%), inappropriate or abstract answer to the question: І: (- -) Але це найдорожчі бренди і останні тенденції??? (- -) P: Справжня жінка повинна виглядати як дівчина (-) поводитися як дама (-) мислити як мужчина (-) і працювати як кінь (-) (TV channel 1 + 1, 05.11.2012); R: Noch mal (-) So undifferenziert bekommen Sie von mir dazu keine Antwort (-) (Pretzell, personal communciation, 2018). 2) violation of the completeness of information maxim (Ukrainian 26.0%, German 23.4%): I: Пані Тетяна (-) добрий день (-) P: Можна я карточку свою заберу (- -) ((running away from the journalist)) I: А дасте нам коментар? (-) P: ((running away from the journalist)) Потім дам (- -) (Slidstvo, 01.12.2014). I: Also erstmal die Aktivität der FPÖ hat man ein wenig am Hut getrieben. (interrupting) R: So eine Schwesterpartei…( interrupting) I: Wir können draus lernen, weil die Sozialdemokratie in Rumänien sprechen (…) Vorschläge…( interrupting) R: Die Kräfte mit FPÖ-Leuten (…). Oder würdest du hier mit der Schwesterschaft aufkündigen? Dann sag bitte…( interrupting) I: Also die Verwandtschaft kann man sich nicht aussuchen. R: Aber ihr seid verwandt. I: Das hast du doch gesagt…( interrupting) (Ntv news, 29.05.2019); 3) violation of the relevance maxim (Ukrainian 47.9%, German 37.5%), a long tirade or monologue, which makes it impossible for the interviewer to ask the question: P: Марічко (-) Ви знаєте (-) я поміняв би ситуацію (- -) Це не нам з ними жити (-)

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тому шо їм для життя взагалі нічо не потрібно(- -) Прийшов (-) купив сємкі(-) включив “Вечірній квартал” (-) паржал (-) випив пиво (-) у ніх всьо харашо (-) а завтра буде світити сонечко (- -) А в нас шо війна в країні (-) та ой Господи(-) яка війна? (-) В них все прекрасно (-) Це плінтусне населення ((over 2 min long monologue)) (- -) Вони є такий (-) отака глиба маргарину (-) отаке розтоплене (-) знаєте (-) така глиба (-) по якому ніж проходить за одну секунду (-) I: [Добре] P: [Ми дуже легко] пройдем цю глибу (-) якшо захочемо (Drozdov, 10.02.2018). I.: Die CDU bezieht mit ihrem Regierungsprogramm klare Positionen (- -) Wo liegen die Unterschiede zu den politischen Mitbewerbern? R: Also (-) wir sagen (- -) Erstens (- -) wir wollen keine Schulden auf Kosten der nachfolgenden Generationen machen (- -) Zweitens (- -) wir haben Spielräume dadurch (-) dass wir sehr viel beschäftigte Erwerbstätige haben und deshalb wollen wir kleine und mittlere Einkommen entlassen (- -) ((Monolog, über 2 Minuten lang)) Keiner wird mehr belastet (- -) kleine und mittlere Einkommen werden entlastet (- -) (Merkel, 2020). 4) violation of the manner of communication and the principle of politeness maxim (Ukrainian 63.7%, German 17.2%): a)

the respondent interrupts the conversation and runs away from the interviewer (Ukrainian: 32.2%):

Р: Я Вам і так нормально кажу (-) відстаньте від мене до здачі (-) потім підходьте (- -) I: Зупиніться будь ласка (-) Ви ж пообіцяли! (-) P: ((running away from the journalist)) Я перевищив ліміт (- -) я спізнююся ((…)) (Матіос, 27.11.2016). I: (gehobener Finger) Und so hält das auch? ((unverständlich))

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196 R: Wenn ich noch kurz sagen darf (-) (Merkel, 2020);

I: [І яка сума] (-) ну якщо не секрет?(-)Це сотні тисяч доларів? (-) P: Це у Леся запитайте (-) (TV channel 1 + 1, 16.01.2015).

I: Sie haben jetzt mit vielen Parteimitgliedern, mit der wirklichen Basis, heute diskutiert und gesprochen und wenn man da zugehört hat, hat man gemerkt, da gibt es schon auch noch einigen Gegenwind. Also ein Selbstläufer wird das wohl nicht, diese Befragung oder? R: Also dann müssen Sie hier eben nicht zugehört haben, wenn Sie diese Meinung haben… das hat man vielleicht in Mainz nicht hören können (ZDF, 2015).



b) referral to third parties (Ukrainian 26.0%, German 23.4%):

missing or unsuccessful metacommunication, as respondents point to the distortion of facts, insults or persecution of journalists (Ukrainian 31,8 %, German 17,2 %):

P: Знаєте (-) будьте серйозніші ((nervous facial expressions and gestures)) (-) I: Я не маніпулюю (-) я говорю факт (- -) P: Ви говорите штампами які Вас принижують як журналіста (-) Ви дрібнуваті стаєте (-) дрібнуваті (- -) I: Я Вас не образити хотів (- -) P: Ви вживаєте штамп слабких людей (-) (Ukrainian Pravda, 13.08.2018). R: Ist der Inhalt des Videos okay? (-) I: Welches Video?(-) R: Du kennst das Video auch nicht? (-) (Ntv news, 29.05.2019); d) indication of facts distortion (Ukrainian 23,5 %, German 8,6 %): P: (- -) Розумієте (-) говорити про це зараз просто нонсенс (-) Ви просто перекручуєте факти (-) фактів таких немає шо він ігнорує повістки (-) тому що повісток немає (- -) Ви просто-напросто говорите то чого немає (-) А потім запитуєте (-) чи може бути те чого немає (- -) I: Пане Чумак (-) я факти не перекручую (-) це раз [А по-друге] (-) P: [саме перекручуєте] ((…)) Ви розумієте () це називається абсолютне юридичне невігластво (-) тому що Ви перекручуєте факти (-) шо там були якісь злочини яких взагалі-то не було (- -) (Espreso.TV, 06.12.2017). e)

insults or persecution of journalists, rude behavior of the respondent (Ukrainian 17,1 %, German 6,2 %). All followed by condescending and brutal answers and unprofessional behavior of politicians (condescending and brutal answers: вчіть юридичну науку, відстаньте, я не збираюся Вам нічого пояснювати (BIHUS info,, 27.11.2016). For example:


interruption of the interviewer from the beginning of the conversation, refusal to answer (Ukrainian 14,2 %, German 1,6 %):

I: А Вас не покличуть хрестити онука Петра Порошенка (-) який з’явиться на світ буквально за кілька днів? ((…)) Ну і я думаю що Ви побачите хто буде хресними ((…)) P: Я не разумію такого терміна (-) Ви будь ласка висловлюйтесь уважно і коректно (-) і тоді з Вами будуть спілкуватися ((…)) (TV channel 1 + 1, 30.05.2014). Overall, it should be noted that communicative deviations arise due to different intentions, purposes and strategies of communicators. Politicians are interested in self-presentation, so they mostly agree to stay only in the studio, they come to interviews on preliminary invitation with prepared questions to present themselves in a better light, if not – then failure is expected as well as complete disregard or refusal of such an interview by politicians. Fake misunderstandings (or rather a failure to understand) are also typical in order to avoid critical and uncomfortable questions from journalists. Among frequent causes for misunderstandings in Ukrainian linguoculture are the Ukrainian conflict with Russia, the question of corruption, wealth, politicians' own position on a topical issue in society, and in German linguoculture – the election programs and refugee issues. Despite the proposed analysis of communicative deviations, the following questions remain open in the research: how to distinguish between intentional and unintentional communication disorders, how the communication strategies of both communicators interact during communicative deviations, whether it is more important to adapt the interview for the viewer or the addressee; do other types of communicative deviations arise in intercultural communication? We will proceed to the conclusions of the research further on. Conclusions

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To summarize, it should be noted that the results of the research confirmed the hypothesis that the types of communicative deviations in political video interviews are universal in Ukrainian and German, but reflect national and cultural specifics given the peculiarities of both languages and each linguoculture as well as existing realias, norms, conventions, maxims and rules of communication. In general, what is common to communicative deviations in political video interviews is that in both linguocultures they are caused to a greater extent by the respondent rather than by other factors, and the causes of deviations depend on the structural levels of the genre. Verbal and nonverbal means causing communicative deviations vary because of the structural differences of both languages. Evidently, Ukrainian interviews have a significantly higher number of communicative deviations at different levels, especially in the actual linguistic level. Thus, political interviews (Ukrainian 73.7%, German 68.8%) can be characterized by the following features of communicative deviations: 1) at the external structural level: different expectations, substitution of presuppositions of the interviewer, inferencing of non-existent illocutionary forces (for both) , unwillingness to start communication, unpreparedness for it (Ukr.); 2) at the internal structural level: vocalized pauses, rhetorical questions indicating surprise, irony, sarcasm (for both), code switching, colloquial language, Russianisms, repetitions, counter-question in response, pejorative language, syntactic incoherence of sentences, nonverbal means expressing dissatisfaction (Ukr.); 3) at the situational level: violation of completeness / quality of information maxims, referral to third parties, no answer to the question (for both), violation of relevance maxims, manners of communication and politeness, interruption, lack of metacommunication (Ukr.), poor metacommunication (Ger.). Prospects for future research include the reconstruction of communicative deviations in other genres and discourses and in different languages, as well as experimental research (survey, analysis of commentaries) of deviations perception by participants and viewers of interviews and other media genres.

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Khyzhniak, Y., Rasiuk, E., Chabaniuk, V., Myshkov, Y., Davydiuk, V. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 200-208 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.20 How to Cite: Khyzhniak, Y., Rasiuk, E., Chabaniuk, V., Myshkov, Y., & Davydiuk, V. (2021). Scientific genesis of operational and search measures to combat intentional homicide by the criminal police. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 200-208. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.20

Scientific genesis of operational and search measures to combat intentional homicide by the criminal police Науковий генезис оперативно-розшукової протидії умисним вбивствам підрозділами кримінальної поліції Received: July 10, 2021

Accepted: August 18, 2021

Written by: Yevhen Khyzhniak73 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8263-0353 Eduard Rasiuk74 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4065-5266 Vadim Chabaniuk75 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1986-9481 Yaroslav Myshkov76 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6160-1983 Vadym Davydiuk77 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4068-9909 Abstract


The aim of the article is to consider the scientific genesis of the problem of operational and investigative measures to combat intentional homicide by criminal police units. Subject of research is the stages on development of scientific knowledge on the issue under investigation. Methodology: In the course of the research the following methods are used: analysis and synthesis method, dialectical method, logical and semantic method, historical and legal method, legal modeling method. Research results: The state of scientific researches on the problem of crime prevention by the criminal police in general and intentional homicide in particular was examined. Practical consequences: In the course of the research, the development of scientific knowledge on the prevention of intentional homicide by criminal police units was gradually considered. Value / originality: It is the first study dedicated to the development of the history of prevention of intentional homicide by criminal police units in Ukraine.

Метою статті є дослідження наукового генезису проблеми оперативно –розшукової профілактики боротьби з умисними вбивствами підрозділами кримінальної поліції. Предметом дослідження є етапи розвитку наукового знання з проблематики, що досліджується. Методологія: У рамках статті були використані такі методи наукового знання: метод аналізу та синтезу, діалектичний метод, логічний та семантичний метод, історико-правовий метод, метод правового моделювання. Результати досліджень: Розглянуто стан наукових досліджень проблеми запобігання злочинності кримінальною поліцією в цілому та умисних вбивств зокрема. Практичні наслідки: У ході проведення дослідження поетапно було розглянуто розвитк наукового знання щодо запобігання умисним вбивствам підрозділами кримінальної поліції. Цінність / оригінальність: Це перше дослідження, присвячене розвитку інституту запобігання


Ph.D. in Law, associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics of the National University "Odessa Law Academy", Ukraine. 74 PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminology and Penal Enforcement Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. 75 PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Asociate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law of the National Academy of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. 76 Ph.D in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistics of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Ukraine. 77 Doctor of science of Law, Doctor of Law, Professor at the Department of Law of Dnipro Humanities University, Ukraine.


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

Key words: scientific genesis, intentional homicide, prevention, criminal police units, historical development.

умисним вбивствам підрозділами кримінальної поліції в Україні. Ключові слова: науковий генезис, умисне вбивство, профілактика, підрозділи кримінальної міліції, історичний розвиток.

Introduction According to the Art. 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine (No. 254k/96-VR, 1996) an individual, his life and health, honour and dignity, inviolability and security shall be recognised in Ukraine as the highest social value. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of life. Protection of human life shall be the duty of the State. (Article 27). Recognizing this task as one of the top priorities, the legislator entrusted its implementation to law enforcement agencies, giving them the appropriate powers. For example, the main tasks of the National Police as the main law enforcement body are the protection of human rights and freedoms, the interests of society and the State, as well as the fight against crime. To perform these and other tasks, police officers, in particular, carry out proactive measures aimed at preventing the commission of offenses. Preventive activity of law enforcement agencies is considered to be one of the leading functions of the system, which ensures the achievement of real results in the fight against crime. Based on the tasks facing the criminal police units and their inherent operational and investigative competence, they are called to carry out activities to prevent criminal offenses through the active use of operational and investigative prevention measures. Although many scientists have examined this issue in their works, but the problem of operational and search prevention of intentional homicide was given little attention, which determined the relevance of our study. Methodology The study used general scientific and special methods of scientific research. Thus, the analysis and synthesis method as well as the logical method were used to develop a holistic view on the institution of intentional homicide prevention. The dialectical approach makes it possible to know the general laws of social dialectics, to understand the root causes of the reform

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processes, the laws of their development. In the case this method helped to examine the problem of operational and investigative measures to combat intentional homicide as a whole. The method of analyses that studies the object by splitting it into constituent elements, such as parts of the object, its features, properties, relations and considers each of the selected elements separately within a single whole, was useful in investigation of the separate components of the issue under consideration. Monographic method, which is applied to monitor the views of scientists on a particular issue, made it possible to consider the state of scientific researches concerning this issue. Logical and semantic method, which helps to define concepts by analyzing their features, the relationship between linguistic expressions and reality, was used to establish the meaning of the concepts of “crime prevention”, and “intentional homicide prevention”. With the help of the historical and legal method that can be used when comparing concepts, phenomena and processes within particular historical period, the stages of the development of the institution of intentional homicide prevention were determined. The use of the legal modeling method made it possible to develop the relevant conclusions. Literature Review Crime prevention has become a widely discussed topic nowadays, as “prevention is better than cure”. This institution has been included into the national legislation of a many counties, and studied by a number of scholars. For example, International Criminal Police Organization (US Department of Justice, 1963) proves that the police combine preventive action with their investigative and law enforcement duties. traditional preventive action stems from police officers' presence. modern preventive

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202 action tries to reach out to individuals who are liable to become offenders or victims. Van Dijk and de Waard (1991, p. 483) define crime prevention as the total of all private initiatives and State policies, other than the enforcement of criminal law, aimed at the reduction of damage caused by acts defined as criminal by the State. Chainey and Ratcliffe (2005) distinguish between the terms 'community safety', 'crime control', 'crime reduction', and 'crime prevention'. According to them crime prevention involves any activity by an individual or group, public or private, which attempts to eliminate crime prior to it occurring or before any additional activity results. By drawing on the public health model, some theorists have distinguished between primary crime prevention (universal), secondary crime prevention (at-risk) and tertiary crime prevention (known offenders). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2010, pp. 16 – 17) distinguish three levels of crime prevention. Primary prevention refers to programmes or initiatives aimed at those who have never been involved in the criminal justice system. Secondary prevention refers to programmes specifically targeted to children and young people who are identified by the social services, educational or justice systems as being at risk of involvement in crime. Tertiary prevention refers to programmes for those who are in the criminal justice system and/or returning to the community, with the aim of preventing reoffending. The tasks facing criminal police units in preventing violent crimes are the same for all units and follow from the general tasks of crime prevention. However, the degree of participation of each service or unit, the forms and methods of their work are different depending on the competence (Khyzhniak, Khankevych, Shapovalenko, Shkelebei, & Yatsyk, 2021, p. 213). Results and Discussion The concept of operational and search measures to investigate intentional homicide in Ukraine originated in the days of Kiev Rus. Thus, in order to catch the criminal, our ancestors used the procedure of "chasing the trail", which consisted of searching for the perpetrator by the representatives of the mining courts "in hot pursuit". The trial began with the bark finding traces of a crime. Cherkaskyi (1928) identified


three types of traces in the proceedings of that time: 1) a trace left directly by the offender; 2) a trail left by an animal (for example, a horse used by a criminal); 3) the things left at the crime scene. Of particular importance was the fact that the traces of the crime were fresh, or, as sometimes noted in the acts of the mining courts, "hot", as this significantly contributed to the success of the criminal investigation. There was no prosecution of a suspected thief or murderer outside the city or community. It was believed that the criminal was where his traces are lost. If the trail was lost on the main road or in the steppe, the search stopped. Otherwise, the person to whom the trail lead was considered a criminal if he "did not led the trail in other direction”. If the pursuit of a fugitive on the trail (this was called "pursuit of the trail") was not successful, then the commune, which led to the trail, had to extradite the offender, or be responsible for the crime. In such cases, the commune paid a fine. The same happened to the community if a murdered prince's servant was found on its territory. However, Russkaya Pravda stated that "the community does not pay for the corpse or bones found on its territory, if they do not know the victim and no one has heard about what happened”. The "pursuit of the trail" took place with the preservation of ancient ceremonial forms. Anyone who "chased the trail" could demand help from the authorities (Terliuk, 2006). Later in the history of our State, some other normative acts ware adopted, which directly or indirectly regulated the issue of operational and search measures (for example, the Pskov Charter, Sudebniki 1497 and 1550, the Synodic Code of 1649). However, these documents mainly concerned measures taken in the investigation of thefts. The first prototype of the body that had the right to carry out operational and search measures to detect crimes, including intentional homicides, was the Chancellery of Secret and Investigative Actions, which was the successor to the Preobrazhensky Chamber, created in 1686 by Peter I to investigate cases of national importance. The Chancellery was empowered to investigate the following categories of cases: crimes against life and health, and the good name of the emperor; treason and riots; other criminal cases. However, due to the small number of employees of this agencie, the latter was engaged exclusively in crimes that encroached on the State system and territorial integrity of the Russian Empire, which at that time included

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Ukraine (assassination attempts, coup attempts, treasons, schematics cases, bribery and abuse of power on the ground, court intrigues and quarrels, etc.). Besides, the Chancellery had the right to conduct operational and search activities. Significant increase in crime in large cities in the middle of the 19th century and the lack of effective measures to combat it, forced the government to create in 1866 a detective unit at the St. Petersburg mayor's office, the first head of which was Putilin, who proved to be a talented organizer of the detective activity. Following St. Petersburg, detective units began to be created in other large cities – Kiev, Odessa, Riga, Tiflis, Baku, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, but a single national criminal investigation system did not exist. Structurally detective departments consisted of four divisions: 1) personal detention; 2) observation; 3) search; 4) the reference and registration bureau, which was the main part of the internal organization of the detective police (Abroskin, 2020, p. 12). The legal basis for the activities of the police was the Instruction to the ranks of the police of August 09, 1910 (Statehistory, 2011). In accordance with paragraphs 1 – 2 of this document, the investigation departments had to covertly investigate and conduct inquiries in the form of prevention, elimination, detection and prosecution of criminal acts of a general criminal nature. In order to carry out these tasks, the branches, through their ranks, have systematic supervision over criminal and vicious elements through covert intelligence and external surveillance. The instruction recommended a linear principle of work organization, i.e. specialization in certain types of crime. Three categories of specialization were established: 1) murders, robberies, and arson; 2) theft and professional criminal organizations (burglars, horse thieves, pickpockets, shops, railways and others); 3) fraud, counterfeiting, forgery, various scams, smuggling, sale of women in brothels and abroad. The first attempt to create such a body directly on the territory of our State was made in Kyiv in 1873, where a detective unit was formed as an experiment under the Kyiv City Police. The newly created unit was aimed at: 1) taking measures to prevent murders, robberies, thefts, arson and other crimes in Kyiv; 2) collecting operational information and verification of denunciations; 3) surveillance of persons under

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supervision, as well as fraudsters and persons engaged in gambling, etc. Since 1905, the activities of the Kyiv Investigative Police began to be regulated by the Instruction of the Kyiv Investigative Police - the first legal act that not only regulated the general aspects of the organization and activities of the detective department, but also was a universal practical guide for forensic science. According to the Instruction, the police consisted of a search unit whose special task was to register all criminals and suspects, identify the perpetrator through anthropological research, and register drivers, porters, janitors and guards (Chysnikov, 2000, p. 307). The Instruction, in particular, emphasized that detectives must always act “in complete secrecy and with great caution, ... know everything, see everything” and at the same time try not to be noticed by anyone, to keep the official secret entrusted to them and not tell anyone about the goals and plans of their official actions and generally be restrained and tactful”. Noting the role of the secret agency in preventing, detecting and disclosing crimes, the Instruction, in particular, stated: “It is necessary to pass through the filter of inquiry any intelligence information obtained in the case, and those that prove to be credible should form the basis of the inquiry” (Abroskin 2020, p. 15). Around this time, the first works began to be published, some aspects of which were devoted to the problems of operational and search counteraction to intentional homicides by the relevant police units. However, most of them considered forensic aspects of crime prevention and detection tactics (features of dactyloscopy, ballistic examinations, study of the characteristics of the offender, etc.). It should be noted that the operational and search activities themselves were not considered as a separate science, but were considered an integral part of criminology. Only in the 70's of the 20 th century some scientists began to justify the need for its allocation into an independent area of knowledge. During the same period, the first foundations of the theory of prevention of crimes by law enforcement agencies were laid. For example, Alieksieiev (1978, p. 166) hypothesized that operational units, using the covert method, also carry out preventive measures that to some extent do not correspond to the traditional organizational and tactical forms of the operational and search activities by law enforcement agencies.

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204 Zhohin (1962, pp. 34 – 35) identifies the following groups of measures to prevent offenses (including intentional homicides): a)

to prevent the possibility of committing crimes by a person whose conduct indicates the existence of such a danger; b) to prevent recidivism by those who have served their sentence or who have been released earlier, as well persons referred to collective rehabilitation, parents, etc.; c) to prevent or suppress crimes under preparation; d) to eliminate the causes and conditions that objectively make it possible or facilitate the commission. Besides, the Author proses the classification of preventive measures on their nature and their division into the following types: technical, procedural, organizational, supervisory, operational and public awareness. The scientific developments of the Soviet scientist Liekar in this area played a significant role in establishing the concept of crime prevention by law enforcement agencies. In his work "Crime Prevention" (1972, pp. 86 – 88), he stressed, in particular, that investigators conducting pre-trial investigations and operatives conducting inquiries do not have a clear idea of the specific nature of the causes crimes, and conditions that contribute to their commission, their differences from each other, the relationship between them, specific areas of manifestation and "mechanism" of action, because they do not yet have scientifically sound developments in tactics and methods of clarifying these causes and conditions. There are no scientific generalizations of positive experience in their detection. The analysis of the specific operational situation in the territory served by a particular body of internal affairs, finding out what types of crimes are most common, at what time of day and in what places they are committed, establishing the circle of persons who most often commit these crimes, finding out their age, social status, level of education provides extremely interesting and useful data. The proper use of this information allows eliminating the gaps and shortcomings in the work, increasing the effectiveness of crime prevention measures. Gathering reliable, objective and complete information about the causes and conditions creates the necessary prerequisites for the implementation of general crime prevention. It should be followed by timely


implementation of effective measures to eliminate the identified causes and conditions. It is believed that the first scientist who introduced the concept of "operational and search prevention" into scientific circulation was Samoilov (1982, p. 14). In his opinion, it is the activity of operational units regulated by departmental regulations, aimed at carrying out individual preventive measures against persons who can be expected to commit the offenses. The most detailed theoretical and applied issues of operational and search prevention as an independent organizational and tactical form of operational and investigative activities were proposed by Ovchynskyi (1982, pp. 6 – 7), who considered operational and search prevention as the set of measures carried out using means and methods of operational and search activities, aimed at solving the following tasks: persistent awareness of the criminogenic part of the population; timely receipt of information on trends in the behavior of criminally active persons; a fairly complete picture of the system of antisocial and criminal ties in their environment; identification of the microenvironment and the sphere of communication that stimulate antisocial and criminal behavior; detection of hiding criminals; study of the social and psychological character of persons, whose conduct is characterized by antisocial tendencies and risks of committing crimes. Krylov & Yakushyn (1984, pp. 132 – 133) in the framework of the issue under consideration, distinguish general (activities with extensive use of covert forces, means and methods in combination with transparent methods to identify, study, neutralize various negative factors and the elimination of conditions conducive to the perpetration of criminal acts by organizers and instigators) and individual prevention (a system of covert and public measures taken against specific individuals to prevent them from adversely affecting adolescents). It should be noted that in the 80's the topic of crime prevention in general and intentional homicide in particular began to be thoroughly studied by scientists of the former Soviet Union. In particular, we can highlight the works of Olieinik (1980) (Chapter II. Prevention and detection of crimes by criminal investigation); Lukashov (1982) (Section I. Organization and Tactics of Crime Prevention and Detection by

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Criminal Investigators); Steinbrick & Lukashov (1987); Honcharov & Tykhonenko (1987) (Chapter 2. "Basic provisions of tactics of crime prevention by criminal investigation units") and others. The latter, among other things, emphasizes that “crime prevention is the task of all State agencies, public organizations and workers’ groups. However, the largest amount of work on prevention (violent crime) by acting on specific criminogenic phenomena that give rise to crime is performed by law enforcement agencies and their criminal investigation units, which are part of them. Such work is organized and carried out with the use of special forces, means and methods, as well as in close cooperation with the police, other law enforcement agencies, public organizations, the administration of enterprises, organizations and institutions. A significant contribution to the development of theoretical provisions of operational and search prevention was made, in particular, by Kozachenko (1991), who considered this problem within dissertation research. The author, in particular, argues that operational and search prevention is the system of operational control and preventive action against persons planning or preparing an offense, criminogenic situation and other anti-social phenomena, prevention of crimes planned or prepared, using operative and search forces, means and methods. The proclamation of Ukraine’s independence was the impetus for the further study and development of the fight against crime by the relevant police units in general and intentional homicides in particular, as the curve on the number of the latter was constantly growing. Indeed, the growth of crime was recorded in Ukraine in 1993 – 2003. For example, in 1992, 3,679 murders and assassinations were committed in the country, and in subsequent years this figure rose to 4,500 per year. In 2014, this figure was as high as 11,532 (Slovo I Dilo, 2020). Ukrainian scientists, based on the scientific achievements of their predecessors, as well as on positive foreign experience, have devoted (and are devoting) their research to various aspects of this issue. In particular, Shendryk (2012) and Stashchak (2017) studied the organizational and tactical principles of the criminal police in general as a kind of operational and search activity force. Many scientific works are also devoted to certain features of counteracting intentional homicides. In particular, Morozova's dissertation (2012)

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considers the peculiarities of the detection of serious and especially serious crimes of the past years by criminal investigation units. In Chapter 3 "Prevention of Serial Crimes against the Life of a Person" in the manual "Countering Serial Crimes – Assault on Human Life" Horbachevskyi (2009, p. 129) identifies the following areas of prevention of these crimes: 1) identification and elimination of conditions that cause serial crimes against person’s life (general prevention); 2) identification of persons, probable serial criminals, implementation of preventive influence for their re-orientation, in particular the tendency to give up criminal intentions (individual prevention). Perepelytsia (2014, p. 351) studying the issue of combating serial killings committed by sex maniacs, argues that the organization of operational and search activities in this case has its own characteristics. It is determined by the fact that in addition to involving a psychologist as a specialist, for this category of crimes it is useful to create operational and search teams, the use of additional information and analytical support. Zavorina (2019), researching the fight against intentional homicides committed by minors, notes that effective operational and investigative juvenile delinquency requires day-to-day research, analysis and evaluation of operational information that characterizes the structure and dynamics of minors. Monitoring of circumstances that contribute to the commission of murders by minors, namely: commission of a crime (crimes) by a minor earlier; committing crimes for which the minor did not bear responsibility; time, place, methods and circumstances of committing offenses; persons who involve adolescents in illegal activities; places of concentration of persons with antisocial views, connections with such persons, and persons of operational interest. That is, in order to effectively combat intentional homicides committed by juvenile by operative units, it is necessary to take into account such properties that are unique to children when assessing and analyzing the operational situation. Lepekha & Kondratiuk (2019, p. 122) on the basis of the implementation of operational and search characteristics of intentional homicides substantiate its influence on the choice of forms of covert counteraction to crimes. The authors argue that the search for primary information about the facts of the preparation of intentional homicides as a result of the application of

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206 operational (initiative) measures is ineffective. The work of a special entity introduced into an organized group or criminal organization to perform a special task of detecting criminal activity is justified in this direction. Savka (2019), in turn, emphasizes that the proportion of intentional homicides committed on demand in the structure of murders ranges from 0.09% to 1.3%, i.e. after the decrease in the number of intentional homicides in 2017 there is a tendency to their increase. The scientist claims that an effective way to counter committed on demand is to carry out covert, secret activities by law enforcement agencies. The most effective is the conduct of law enforcement control over the commission of a crime, which is one of the most complex and diverse in nature type of such procedural activities. Despite the fact that the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine has identified four forms of control over the commission of a crime, simulating a crime scene is more effective in counteracting intentional homicides committed on demand. Conclusion According to the Numbeo service that forms the Crime Index, Ukraine ranks 54th in the world (out of 135) in terms of crime as of 2021. In Europe, according to this indicator, our country is in the 3rd place after Belarus and France. In 2014, the number of crimes falling under the article "Intentional homicide" increased sharply – 11 532 recorded criminal offenses. Such a large number of the latter was connected with the tragic events that took place on the territory of Ukraine at that time – mass protests and shootings during the Euromaidan. In the following years, the number of murders gradually began to decrease: in 2015, 7 993 criminal offenses were registered under this article, in 2016 – 5 870, in 2017 – 5 029, in 2018 – 5 535, in 2019 – 5 506; in 2020 – 3 844 (Slovo I Dilo 2021). As we can see from these data, the problem of preventing premeditated murders in Ukraine is more than relevant. In this article, we examined the development of scientific thought on this issue from ancient times to the present day, and determined that scientists who have studied the problems of operational and preventive prevention of this type of crime, primarily saw its purpose in identifying and eliminating conditions and circumstances. that contribute to its commission. Currently, this issue is also being actively studied, but most of the features of


prevention of certain types of premeditated murder are being considered. References Abroskin, V., ed. (2020). Fundamentals of operational and investigative activities in Ukraine: a guide. Odessa: Publisher Bukaiev Vadym Viktorovich. Alieksieiev, A. (1978). Operative and preventive supervision. Moscow: VNII MVD SSSR. Chainey, S., & Ratcliffe, J. (2005). GIS and Crime Mapping. London: Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781118685181 Cherkaskyi, I. (1928). Public court in UkraineRus in 16th – 18th centuries. Kyiv: Printing house of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Chysnikov, V. (2000). Legal origins of the criminal investigation service of Ukraine (historical aspect). Theory of operational and service activities of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. Lviv: Lviv State University of Internal Affairs. https://esu.com.ua/search_articles.php?id=9906 Dijk, J. & De Waard, J. (1991). A twodimensional typology of crime prevention projects: With a bibliography. Criminal Justice Abstracts, 23(3), pp. 483-503 Honcharov, P., & Tykhonenko, V. (1987). Prevention and detection of crimes by criminal investigation: a textbook for secondary special militia schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Moscow: Research and editorialpublishing department of MFYUZO at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Horbachevskyi, V. (2009). Countering Serial Crime - An Attack on Human Life: A Manual. Kyiv: UVPD HSh of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. https://www.naiau.kiev.ua/zagalnoakademichnikafedri/kafedra-kriminalnogoprocesu/vidannya-kafedri/perelik-drukovanihvidan/karpov.html Kharytonov, E., Kharytonova, O., Kharytonova, T., Kolodin, D., & Tolmachevska, Y. (2019). Human rights as the basic value of the concept of private law in modern Europe. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 477-485. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazo nia/article/view/177 Khyzhniak, Y., Khankevych, A., Shapovalenko, Y., Shkelebei, V., & Yatsyk, T. (2021). Features of the prevention of intentional homicide by criminal police units”. Amazonia Investiga, 10(38), pp. 212 – 218. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.38.02.21. https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazo nia/article/view/1559/1552

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Kozachenko, I. (1991). Operational and investigative prevention (legal and organizational and tactical issues). Kiev: NIiRIO KVSH MVD SSSR. Krylov, O., & Yakushyn, N. (1984). On the concept of operational and investigative prevention and some socio-psychological aspects of the involvement of adolescents in criminal and other anti-social activities. Improving the organization and tactics of operational activities of the bodies of internal affairs. Omsk: Omsk higher militia school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Law No. 254k/96-VR, Constitution of Ukraine of June 28, 1996. Retrieved June 02, 2021 from https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/254%D0% BA/96-%D0%B2%D1%80#Text Lepekha, O., & Kondratiuk O. (2019). To the question of operational-investigative characteristic of intentional homicides and its influence on the selection of forms of crime covert counteraction. Social & Legal Studios, Issue 3, No. 5, pp. 118-123. Liekar, A. (1972). Crime prevention. Moscow: Legal Literature. Lukashov, V. (1982). Operative and investigative activity of law enforcement agencies. Special part: textbook for students from socialist and developing countries studying in the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Moscow: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.https://a.mvd.ru/upload/site120/document _text/temp/__1458549023_905/2.pdf Morozova, Ya. (2012). Disclosure of serious and especially serious crimes of the past years by the divisions of criminal investigation department. (PhD Dissertation) Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. http://www.irbisnbuv.gov.ua/cgibin/irbis_nbuv/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=S&I2 1DBN=EC&P21DBN=EC&S21FMT=JwU_B& S21ALL=%28%3C.%3EI%3D%21NBUV$%3 C.%3E%29%2A%28%3C.%3EI%3D%21NBU V$%3C.%3E%29%2A%28%3C.%3EI%3D%2 1NBUV$%3C.%3E%29%2A%28%3C.%3EU %3D%D0%A5894.9%284%D0%A3%D0%9A %D0%A0%29311.2%3C.%3E%29&Z21ID=& S21SRW=AVHEAD&S21SRD=DOWN&S21S TN=1&S21REF=10&S21CNR=20 Olieinik, P., ed. (1980). Operative and investigative activity of law enforcement agencies: textbook for the cadets of special secondary schools of militia. Omsk: Omsk higher militia school of militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Ovchynskyi, S. (1982). Operational and investigative prevention: a lecture. Karaganda:

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Karaganda higher school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Perepelytsia, M. (2014). Operational and investigative counteraction to serial murders committed by sexual maniacs (pp. 347 – 354). In: Kivalov, S. (ed.), Scientific works of the National University “Odessa Law Academy”: collection of scientific works, Vol. 14. Odessa: Legal Literature. Samoilov, V. (1982). Some aspects of operational and investigative activities as the process of cognition. The issues of improving the operational work of internal affairs agencies. Omsk: Omsk higher militia school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Savka, O. (2019). Imitation of assassination. (PhD Dissertation). Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. Shendryk, V. (2012). Prevention of crimes by operative subdivisions of internal affairs agencies of Ukraine. (Doctoral Dissertation). Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. Shteinbrik, B., & Lukashov, V. (1987). Prevention and detection of crimes by criminal investigation divisions: textbook for students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Moscow: Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Slovo I Dilo (2020). Has Ukraine returned to the "disasters of the 90's": how has the crime rate changed since 1992? Retrieved June 02, 2021 from https://www.slovoidilo.ua/2020/09/10/infografi ka/suspilstvo/chy-povernulasya-ukrayina-lyxi90-ti-yak-zminyvsya-riven-zlochynnosti-1992roku Slovo I Dilo (2021). Crime in Ukraine: how the situation changed in 2013-2020. Retrieved June 02, 2021 from https://www.slovoidilo.ua/2021/01/28/infografi ka/suspilstvo/zlochynnist-ukrayini-yakzminyuvalasya-sytuacziya-2013-2020-rokax Stashchak, M. (2017). Operational and investigative forms of crime prevention. (Doctoral Dissertation). Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine. Statehistory (2011) Instruction to the officers of detective departments of 1910. Retrieved June 02, 2021 from https://statehistory.ru/2087/Instruktsiya-chinamsysknykh-otdeleniy-ot-1910-g-/ Terliuk, I. (2006). History of the State and Law of Ukraine. (Pre-New Age): textbook. Кyiv: Аtika. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2010). Handbook on the Crime Prevention Guidelines Making them work. Criminal justice handbook series. Vienna: United Nations

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208 publication. Retrieved June 02, 2021 from https://www.unodc.org/pdf/criminal_justice/Ha ndbook_on_Crime_Prevention_Guidelines__Making_them_work.pdf US Department of Justice. (1963). Crime prevention bureaus in police departments international criminal police organization, 32nd general assembly session - Helsinki, Finland, August 1963. Retrieved June 02, 2021 from https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.21 How to Cite: Novikov, S.V. (2021). Ensuring the territorial connectivity in the arctic region of the Russian Federation: urgent scientific and technical tasks. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 209-218. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.21

Ensuring the territorial connectivity in the arctic region of the Russian Federation: urgent scientific and technical tasks Обеспечение Связанности Территории в Арктической Зоне Российской Федерации: Aктуальные Научно-Технические Задачи Received: May 12, 2021

Accepted: july 25, 2021

Written by: Sergey V. Novikov78 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6921-1760 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57192318711 https://www.elibrary.ru/author_profile.asp?id=807011 Abstract


The article proposes an approach to the definition of complex scientific and technical tasks to ensure the connectivity of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation. Having studied strategic planning documents, citizens' proposals in the formulation of the National Programme for the Development of the Far East and scientific publications, we have drawn up a list of problems with complex tasks and scientific and technical tasks. In order to effectively problems’ solution of the spatial development of the Arctic regions, it is necessary to introduce new technologies that ensure the energy, transport, information and socio-cultural connectivity of sparsely populated and inaccessible areas. The article presents a list of the scientific and technical tasks required for the development of such technologies.

В статье изложен подход к определению комплексных и научно-технических задач для обеспечения связанности территории Арктической зоны Российской Федерации. На основе изучения документов стратегического планирования, предложений, поступивших от граждан при разработке Национальной программы развития Дальнего Востока, научных публикаций, был сформирован перечень проблем, комплексных задач и научнотехнических задач в их составе. Для эффективного решения проблем пространственного развития арктических регионов необходимо внедрение новых технологий, позволяющих обеспечивать энергетическую, транспортную, информационную и социокультурную связанность малонаселенных и труднодоступных территорий. В статье представлен перечень научно-технических задач, решение которых необходимо для разработки и применения таких технологий.

Keywords: arctic zone (region) of the Russian Federation; innovative vehicles; complex scientific and technical programmes and fullinnovation projects; territorial connectivity; Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development (SSTD).

Ключевые слова: Арктическая зона Российской Федерации; инновационные транспортные средства; комплексные научно-технические программы и проекты полного инновационного цикла; связанность территорий; Стратегия научнотехнологического развития.


PhD in Econimic Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.

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ISSN 2322- 6307


Novikov, S.V. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 209-218 / July, 2021


Literature Review

The integrated development of the Arctic region of the Russian Federation is defined as a priority state task in a number of strategic planning documents at the federal level.

The determination of the priorities of the spatial development of Russia at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries has become the subject of a broad socio-political and scientific discussion.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2020 No. 164 approved the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic region for the period up to 2035. According to the Spatial Development Strategy (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2019 No. 207-r), the priority tasks for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation are the following:

The collapse of the Soviet Union, rejection of the communist ideology and socialist principles of management, planned economy, directive management of the system of settlement and distribution of productive forces led to a sharp increase in the tendency to shrink previously developed territories in the North and East of the country.

ensuring sustainable year-round transport connection to sparsely populated and island territories of the Arctic zone and Far East, isolated from the unified transport system of the Russian Federation; promoting the development of distributed generation, including on the basis of renewable energy sources, primarily in remote and hard-to-reach areas with the necessary natural conditions and resources; stimulation of the advanced development and implementation of energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies, primarily in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and in the Far North and equivalent areas.

In SSTD (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 642 of December 1, 2016), the effective development of the Arctic is indicated as a part of the priority of scientific and technological development, defined by paragraph 20e of SSTD: Territorial connectivity of the Russian Federation through the creation of intelligent transport and telecommunication systems, as well as occupation and retention of leadership positions in the creation of international transport and logistics systems, development and use of space and air space, World Ocean, Arctic and Antarctic. The implementation of this priority of scientific and technological development should be a response to the "big challenge", which is the "need for effective development and use of space, including by overcoming disparities in the socio-economic development of the country's territory, as well as strengthening Russia's position in the economic field, scientific and military exploration of space and air space, World Ocean, Arctic and Antarctic".


During the period from 1990 to 2018, the population living in the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation decreased by more than 1.9 million people, that is, it decreased by almost a quarter. The age structure of the population has also undergone significant changes unfavorable for the economy. In particular, there are tendencies towards a decrease in the proportion of people of working age (Voronina et al., 2018). According to A.G. Shelomentsev, the highest migration outflow of the population from the Arctic Far Eastern regions is natural, since they are the most severe in natural and climatic terms and the most distant from the central regions of the country. Low transport accessibility and focal distribution of the population make it difficult to organize normally functioning systems of education, health care and social protection in these territories (Shelomentsev et al., 2018). The growing negative changes in the systems of settlement and distribution of productive forces in the Russian Artik are described by A.L. Bezrukov as a turn in the opposite direction of the traditional centuries-old trends in the formation of economic and settlement structures in Siberia, which previously represented settlement and development. The researcher notes the growth of such negative trends as an increase in the differentiation of districts and points in terms of the level of socio-economic well-being, with an increase in the peripheralization and even marginalization of most of them; partial de-industrialization and primitivization of the economy; "Compression" of the developed and populated space; pulling together of the remaining population in regional centers, large cities and their agglomerations with an increase in central-peripheral polarization, degradation and depopulation of the population in the peripheral zones (Bezrukov, 2015).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

In 2003, American researchers F. Hill and G. Gaddy published the book “The Siberian Curse. How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold”, in which a systematic attempt was made to identify and analyze the causes of the problems described above in the spatial development of post-Soviet Russia (Hill and Gaddy, 2003). According to the authors of the study, today, despite the elimination of central planning, a non-market and undemocratic distribution of labor and capital remains on the territory of Russia. F. Hill and G. Gaddy believe that Russia is burdened with problems and costs associated with the size of the territory and harsh climatic conditions, more than any other large country in the northern latitudes, in particular the United States, Canada or the Scandinavian countries. If in earlier eras the vast territory of Russia was " source of prosperity, strength and invincibility", then in modern conditions "size is more likely not an asset, but a liability, an obstacle to economic competition and effective management." As the motives that prompted the Soviet state to settle and industrialize the Siberian, including the Arctic territories, F. Hill and G. Gaddy point to the need for self-sufficiency in strategic mineral resources, the creation of a defensive center in the interior of the country, as well as the formation of the ideology of “development of new lands”. The result of this policy was the emergence on the territory of Siberia of numerous "city-plants", in modern terminology: "single-industry towns", for which a decline or complete cessation of production at a city-forming enterprise lead to a deep socio-economic crisis, since such cities "were built more for the needs of industry and the state than for the needs of the people, " F. Hill and G. Gaddy note. American researchers have formulated for Russia the following in terms of changing priorities for spatial development: “Instead of fixing a backward economy by continuing to invest in Siberia, Russia should do the opposite. It needs to focus on the revitalization of potentially most productive regions, primarily in the European part of the country. A significant part of today's Siberian population should move to these areas, warmer and closer to European markets. " The publication of the "Siberian Burden" (in some translations - " Siberian curse") caused a sharp controversy. In many respects agreeing with the descriptive part of the study, Russian

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scientists, politicians and publicists categorically object to the conclusions and recommendations for “moving the population of Siberia” to warmer regions. So A.L. Bezrukov in the work cited above points to " intensification of pressure from the West on Russia", notes that "Siberia is undergoing the greatest attacks, whose riches are an object of inexhaustible envy for world powers." The author believes that the "inefficiency of the Siberian economy" is caused not by objective climatic and geographical factors, but by "sharp disparities between the volume of production in Siberia and the amount of income it receives," which "go beyond all reasonable limits." According to A.L. Bezrukov, in order to overcome negative trends in the socio-economic development of this macroregion, it is necessary to “consciously use the set of adaptive methods and methods of organizing economic activity, tested over decades, and establish a fair financial and economic balance of relations between the center and Siberian regions.” Detailed comments to the "Siberian Curse" by F. Hill and C. Gaddy are also presented in the article by T.M. Mikhailova (Mikhailova, 2011). The author agrees with American researchers that "cold winters on the Russian map are synonymous with an unfortunate geographic location, especially from the standpoint of modern economics, when geographic proximity to natural resources plays an ever smaller role, and proximity to people, markets and agglomerations is increasingly important" ... T.N. Mikhailova states: “The country is facing the problem of increasing inequality in the economic situation of the regions and, consequently, in the living standards of people”, in fact repeating the formulation of the “big challenge” from the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation in terms of “overcoming imbalances in social-economic development of the country's territory ”. According to T.N. Mikhailova, massive investments in traditional modes of transport cannot become an effective tool for significantly reducing the distance to markets and ensuring the growth of regional economies in the Arctic and Siberian regions, which confirms the relevance of the task set in this article to develop innovative modes of transport and its systems that do not need its traditional infrastructure in order to

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212 ensure the connectivity of the territory in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Theoretical Basis The main tool for implementing SSTD is complex scientific and technical programmes and projects of the complete innovation cycle, the result of which should be products, services and technologies that are in demand on the market, which will effectively and costeffectively solve urgent problems of the socioeconomic development of the country and regions. The formation and selection of complex scientific and technical programmes and projects of the full innovation cycle should be provided with advice on priority areas of SSTD. Such programmes will be approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Rules established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2019 No. 162. Currently, the Council for the Priority of Scientific and Technological Development "Territorial Connectivity of the Russian Federation" (clause 20e of SSTD) is working on the formation of complex scientific and technical programmes and projects of a full innovation cycle aimed at ensuring the territorial connectivity in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Territorial connectivity is a property of the territory that allows timely and cost-effective movement of people, goods and information (Pogosyan et al., 2019). Territorial connectivity is a prerequisite for solving the following economic, social and management tasks: 

 

meeting the needs of a person, social groups, development of society (social aspect of territorial connectivity, formation of social standards and ensuring their implementation); meeting the needs of business entities and economic development (economic aspect of territorial connectivity); ensuring state and municipal needs, exercising the powers of state authorities and local self-government (political and administrative aspects of territorial connectivity, strategic planning of socioeconomic development and ensuring national security).


In SSTD, the priority of scientific and technological development, defined by paragraph 20f, is formulated as broadly as possible. In order to form complex scientific and technical programmes and projects of the full innovation cycle, which can become an effective response to the corresponding "big challenge" specified in SSTD, it is necessary to determine the urgent complex and scientific and technical problems, which should be addressed by such programmes and projects. As G.V. Shepelev rightly noted, the work on the formation of priorities for scientific and technological development must be supplemented by the elaboration of specific socio-economic problems, for the solution of which scientific and technical research is needed: "Such approved tasks could become real priorities for the organization of scientific research, structural reforming the organizations of the public sector of science, concentration of resources on the demanded scientific and technical developments. Such work could be built, for example, on the basis of councils created for the implementation of SSTD on priority areas of scientific and technological development, involving federal and regional executive authorities in the formulation of problems that are relevant for them and in the solution of which scientific research is important component" (Shepelev, 2020). The Council for the priority direction "Territorial Connectivity of the Russian Federation" for the purpose of scientific and technological support of the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, the development of complex scientific and technical programmes and projects of a full innovation cycle has been formed:  

list of complex problems of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; list of complex socio-economic tasks for the solution of which it is necessary to ensure the territorial connectivity of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; list of scientific and technical tasks as a part of complex socio-economic tasks in the field of the priority of scientific and technological development "Territorial connectivity of the Russian Federation".

The complex problem of the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation here is a fundamental problem that hinders the socio-economic development of the

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region and has a significant impact on the quality of life in the region and the efficiency of economic activity.

which took place on April 9-10, 2019 in Saint Petersburg, including the materials of the session "Comprehensive Scientific and Technical Programmes and Projects for the Development of the Arctic: Dialogue of Potential Partners".

A complex task is a task of the socio-economic development of a region, the solution of which is necessary to overcome a complex problem.

Results A complex scientific and technical task as part of a complex task is a task for the solution of which a complex scientific and technical project (programme) of a complete innovation cycle is formed, the result of which should be new products (services) in demand in the economy, the use of which contributes to solving a complex problem, increases quality of life and efficiency of economic activity.

 

Methodology In order to identify the most urgent and requiring urgent solutions to complex problems of socioeconomic development of the Arctic regions of the Russian Federation, the following sources were analyzed: 

Based on the analysis of these sources, the following problems were included in the list of complex problems of the socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, noted as the main and most urgent for government bodies, population and economic entities:

  

strategic planning documents of the federal and regional levels (current and under development, including the drafts of the National Programme for the Development of the Far East, Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, new edition of the socio-economic development of this geo-strategic region); proposals submitted to the National Programme for the Development of the Far East until 2025 from residents of the region (a total of 16 518 proposals were received on the portal https://дв2025.рф/) (Дв2025.рф, 2018); proposals for the social section of the National Programme for the Development of the Far East until 2025, prepared by the federal autonomous scientific institution "Eastern Center for State Planning"; materials of the V International Arctic Forum "Arctic is the Territory of Dialogue",

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   

outflow of population from the region; destruction of life support infrastructure (dilapidated and emergency housing, deterioration of communal infrastructure); low level of transport connectivity of territories; low availability of quality education and social and cultural services; insufficient economic and physical accessibility of transport and logistics services for the population and business entities (Grebennikov et al., 2012); insufficient physical and economic availability of quality food products; significant difficulties in the provision of emergency medical care; lack of jobs, high unemployment and high proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level; impossibility of promptly receiving public services by the population (obtaining documents, registering legally significant actions, etc.).

Table 1 groups complex socio-economic tasks, for the solution of which it is necessary to ensure the territorial connectivity of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, and for each of such task, a list of scientific and technical tasks is provided.

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214 Table 1. Complex socio-economic tasks. Complex socio-economic tasks, for the solution of which it is necessary to ensure the territorial connectivity of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation Increasing the physical and economic accessibility for the population and business entities of transport and logistics services, ensuring safe, timely and cost-effective delivery of goods and passengers, access to the development of natural resources.

Increasing the physical and economic accessibility for the population and business entities of energy supply services that ensure the reliability, safety and sustainability of life support systems and production facilities Improving living conditions, quality of living environment, improving the quality of life, creating conditions for the full realization of human potential in areas with low population density Improving the performance of vehicles and engineering and transport infrastructure

Improving the quality of planning and administration of integrated development and development of territories, ensuring the population's access to basic social and cultural benefits

Scientific and technical tasks as a part of complex socio-economic tasks Development of innovative vehicles that do not need traditional transport infrastructure (small aircraft, airships, amphibious vehicles), unmanned aerial and ground transport and logistics systems, infrastructure elements to ensure multimodal transportation Creation of an integrated digital platform for interaction between carriers (transport companies, private carriers and individual vehicle owners) and customers (passengers, shippers) to ensure mobility and provide transport and logistics services by all modes of transport Development of models for managing the demand for electricity in a decentralized energy supply Development of technically and cost-effective energy storage devices Development of technically and economically efficient multi-fuel power plants Development of hybrid autonomous power supply systems Development of a complex of technological solutions (life support systems, urban planning and architectural solutions) for the development of territories and existing settlements, allowing them to provide living conditions comparable to urban agglomerations Creation of high-strength and corrosion-resistant structures and protective coatings that provide increased requirements for the performance of vehicles and engineering and transport infrastructure under extreme climatic conditions Creation of a system of information and analytical support for making managerial decisions by state and local authorities, including decisions on the choice of priorities for socio-economic development, optimization of the model of resettlement and placement of productive forces, model of transport and logistics services and model of energy supply

The creation of an integrated digital platform for interaction between carriers (transport companies, private carriers and individual vehicle owners) and customers (passengers and shippers) to ensure mobility and provide transport and logistics services by all modes of transport will allow planning supply chains and routes of vehicles, communication with state traffic control structures, monitoring the position of vehicles in real time, logistic planning and assessment of the efficiency of transportation of goods and people (Kameneva et al., 2014; The World Economic Forum, 2018; Gruzinov et al., 2019).

The service part of the control system is supposed to be implemented in the form of electronic platform for placing applications for the transportation of goods and passengers from consumers. At the same time, the consumer, when ordering a service, sets its basic parameters, such as points of departure and destination, delivery time and transportation parameters, without worrying about the specifics of the route and the number of logistics operations. The executors of transport applications will be legal entities and individuals who are vehicle owners. Development of innovative vehicles that do not require traditional transport infrastructure (small


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aircraft (Prosvirina, 2020), airships (Nsn.fm, 2017) and amphibious transport) of unmanned aircraft (Klochkov et al., 2020) and land transport and logistics systems, infrastructure elements for providing multimodal transportation will ensure the connectivity of sparsely populated and hardto-reach territories in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. It is not possible to solve this problem solely through the development of traditional communication routes and vehicles in the existing socio-economic situation. In addition, in the Arctic territories, the construction of roads and the arrangement of runways cause irreparable harm to ecosystems, as well as movement in such territories on heavy tracked vehicles. In order to solve this problem as a part of integrated digital platform for interaction between carriers and customers, already used transport and logistics resources (Dudinskikh et al., 2018; Fatikhova et al., 2018) and vehicles that do not need traditional transport infrastructure will be combined. The creation of a modular platform for the integrated development of territories and the development of existing settlements, allowing them to provide living conditions comparable to urban agglomerations, involves the creation of a set of technological solutions (buildings, structures, systems) for organizing autonomous life support in the following types of settlements: 

"Rotational Village": place of temporary residence of people engaged in the development of natural resources or solving technological problems in remote areas with severe climatic conditions; "Tourist Smart City": place of temporary stay of tourists, which provides the usual "urban" level of comfort, suitable for placement in the Arctic specially protected natural areas due to fully autonomous life support; "Arctic Smart City": place of permanent residence of people with different types of economic activity in harsh climatic conditions; "Smart Satellite City": place of permanent residence of people, which is tied to the "big city": it can be built as a modern microdistrict when solving the problem of resettlement of dilapidated and emergency housing stock and/or as a specialized satellite city (university campus, campus of modern medical center, etc.).

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Discussion The creation of a system of information and analytical support for making managerial decisions by public authorities and local selfgovernment bodies, including decisions on the choice of priorities for socio-economic development, optimization of the model of settlement and distribution of productive forces, optimal model of transport and logistics services and optimal model of energy supply, seems necessary to overcome the inconsistency and often the isolation of the main types of strategic and current planning: sectoral, regional, scientific and technological, as well as planning to ensure national security (Klepach and Razbegin, 2017; Klochkov, 2019). The solution to this problem, allowing to synchronize and harmonize various approaches to forecasting and planning socio-economic development, can be a complex model of resource potential development and life support, which includes models of settlement, distribution of productive forces, transport and logistics services, energy supply, as well as socio-cultural model of the territory. The result of the use of complex models should be an increase in the efficiency of the use of resources directed to the socio-economic development of the territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, increase in their investment attractiveness and optimization of the use of funds from state, sectoral and regional programmes (Roscongress, 2019; Veprikov et al., 2019). The following approach define complex and scientific and technical tasks, ensure the consistency of goals and implementation mechanisms in strategic planning documents at various levels applied in an expert discussion on the draft Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation. In February 2021, the Government of the Russian Federation is expected to consider the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035. The current version of it was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2008 and revised in 2018. In 2020, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation prepared and submitted for wide expert discussion a draft Transport Strategy until 2035, in which its goals, objectives, implementation mechanisms are determined

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216 taking into account the provisions of the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation, as well as national goals set in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2020 № 474. The draft of the updated Transport Strategy as a whole retains continuity to the current version of the document, but also includes a number of new provisions, including the use of the concept of "territorial connectivity", which, in turn, is based on the priority of the scientific and technological development of Russia, defined by paragraph 20e of the Strategy of Scientific-technological development of the Russian Federation.

ensuring the connectivity of such a geostrategic territory as Arctic cannot be achieved in the medium-term planning horizon solely through the development of traditional transport infrastructure. To ensure the connectivity of the territory of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to develop and implement innovative transport systems, to solve complex interdepartmental problems. In this regard, it is proposed to include in the Transport Strategy as an independent section a development forecast in the field of ensuring the connectivity of the territory of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

If the current version of the Transport Strategy specifies “formation of a single transport space in Russia on the basis of a balanced advanced development of an efficient transport infrastructure” as the first strategic goal, then the draft of this document refers specifically to ensuring the connectivity of the territory of the Russian Federation, that is, a broader concept is used, not reducible solely to the development of communication lines and corresponding modes of transport.

In order to implement an interdepartmental approach, harmonize the Transport Strategy with strategic planning documents in the scientific and technological sphere, it is proposed to supplement the main mechanisms for the implementation of the Strategy with the item “Implementation of complex scientific and technical programs and projects of a full innovation cycle in the sphere of priority of scientific and technological development “Connectedness of the territory of the Russian Federation ” ...

The Council for the Priority of Scientific and Technological Development "Connectedness of the Territory of the Russian Federation" has prepared a number of proposals for the draft Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2035, aimed at ensuring the connectivity of the territory in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.

The mechanism of formation and regular updating of scientific and technical problems, the solution of which is necessary for the successful implementation of the Transport Strategy, deserves attention, proposed by the Council for the priority direction of scientific and technological development "Connectedness of the territory of the Russian Federation".

The considered draft Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035 contains a forecast for eight key areas of development of sectors and spheres of public administration in the field of transport, namely:

It is proposed that the Council for the priority direction of scientific and technological development "Connectedness of the territory of the Russian Federation" be assigned to the Council for the priority direction of scientific and technological development "Connectedness of the territory of the Russian Federation" federal executive bodies that are responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the development of transport systems, industry and regional development.

       

Road facilities; Railway transport; Sea transport and seaports; Water transport and inland waterways; Air transport and airport infrastructure, including regional and local air travel; Automobile transport; Urban passenger transport, off-street transport, transport systems of urban agglomerations; Arrangement of checkpoints across the state border.

Thus, the areas listed above cover traditional modes of transport and communication. But it seems necessary to take into account that


Determination and annual updating of the list of topical scientific and technical tasks in order to implement the Transport Strategy will contribute to increasing the efficiency of scientific and technical activities, including formation, selection and implementation of projects of the complete innovation cycle within SSTD. This list of scientific and technical tasks will serve as a meaningful guide in the formation of

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the topics of research and development work of scientific and educational centers, world-class scientific centers, state budget assignments of scientific and educational organizations specializing in priority areas of scientific and technological development defined in clauses 20a "Digital technologies, artificial intelligence, new materials", 20b "Environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy, new sources of energy", 20e "Connectedness of the territory of the Russian Federation" and 20g "Effective interaction of man, nature and technology" of SSTD. In the considered draft of the Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure the connectivity of sparsely populated and hard-toreach territories, it is proposed to include in the list of research and development work in areas that ensure the implementation of the Strategy, the development of innovative vehicles that do not need a traditional transport infrastructure (small aircraft, airships, amphibious transport), unmanned aircraft and ground transport and logistics systems, infrastructure elements to ensure the connectivity of sparsely populated and hard-to-reach areas. Conclusions A prerequisite for the implementation of SSTD, formation and implementation of complex scientific and technical programmes and projects of the full innovation cycle is the coordinated use of two approaches and their corresponding tools:  

administrative and political, based on the use of public funds to solve socially significant problems, market, based on the use of scientific and technical solutions in order to increase the competitiveness of products and business profitability.

The approaches proposed in this article to the definition of complex socio-economic problems and scientific and technical problems in their composition can be used as the basis for the formation of a comprehensive scientific and technical programme of a full innovation cycle, the result of which will increase the territorial connectivity and the quality of life in the geostrategic region: Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. References Bezrukov, L. A. (2015). Geographic Factors in the Development of Siberia: Discussion with

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American Russianists. Economic Journal, 4(40), 109-130. Dudinskikh, A. V., Kraev, V. M., and Tikhonov, A. I. (2018). Ensuring the connectivity of the territories of the Russian Federation with the help of air cargo transportation. Moscow Economic Journal, 4, 362-376. Fatikhova, E. R., Kraev, V. M., and Tikhonov, A. I. (2018). Ensuring the connectivity of the territories of the Russian Federation through air passenger traffic. Moscow Economic Journal, 4, 411-419. Grebennikov, V. V., Munin, D. A., Levashev, A. G., and Mikhailov, A.Yu. (2012). Types of transport accessibility. Proceedings of universities. Investments. Building. Real estate, 1(2), 56-61. Gruzinov, V. M., Zvorykina, Yu. V., Ivanov, G. V., Sychev, Yu. F., Tarasova, O. V., and Filin, B. N. (2019). Arctic transport routes on land, water areas and airspace. Arctic: Ecology and Economics, 1(33), 6-20. Hill, F., and Gaddy, C. (2003). The Siberian Curse. How Communist Planners Left Russia Out in the Cold. Washington: The Brookings Institution. Kameneva, N. A. (2014). The main directions of economic development of the transport infrastructure of Russia. universe: Economics and Law, 3(4). Klepach, A. N., and Razbegin, V. N. (2017). The role of transport projects in the development of the Arctic and the Russian North. State audit. Law. Economy, 1, 121—124. Klochkov, V. V. (2019). Interrelation of strategies of scientific, technological and spatial development of Russia. Academy of Knowledge Bulletin, 14(1), 101-106. Klochkov, V. V., Karpov, A. E., and Tikhonov, A. I. (2020). The effectiveness of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to ensure the connectivity of the territories of the Russian Federation. Academy of Knowledge Bulletin, 2(37), 144-149. Mikhailova, T. N. (2011). Geography is not destiny! (Commentary on "The Siberian Curse" by F. Hill and C. Gaddy). Journal of Institutional Studies, 3(1), 97-103. Novikov, S., Komarova, N., & Dadyan, K. (2019). Development of a motivation system and supporting the success of the internal and external interactions of the network project group. Amazonia Investiga, 8(20), 200-209. Retrieved from https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazo nia/article/view/79 Nsn.fm (2017). Press conference "Airship Building in Russia: Utopia or Innovation?"

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218 Available online: http://nsn.fm/presscenter/dirizhablestroenie-v-rossii-utopiya-ilinovaciya.html (accessed on 02 August 2021). Pogosyan, M. A., Strelets, D. Yu., and Vladimirova, V. G. (2019). Connectedness of the territory of the Russian Federation: from the formulation of complex tasks to the formation of complex scientific and technical projects. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 89(5), 489-495. Prosvirina, N. V. (2020). Analysis of the problems of small aircraft in Russia and possible ways to solve them. Natural and humanitarian research, 2(28), 232-238. Roscongress (2019). Proceedings of the session "Comprehensive scientific and technical programs and projects for the development of the Arctic: dialogue of potential partners" of the V International Arctic Forum "The Arctic Territory of Dialogue" (April 2019). Available online: https://roscongress.org/sessions/iaf2019-kompleksnye-nauchno-tekhnicheskieprogrammy-i-proekty-dlya-osvoeniya-arktikidialog-potentsialnykh-p/discussion/ (accessed on 02 August 2020). Shelomentsev, A. G., Smirennikova, E. V., Ukhanova, A. V., and Voronina, L. V. (2018). Analysis of migration processes in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.


Academy of Scientific Research: Economics and Management, 4(25), 347-350. Shepelev, G. V. (2020). On the management of Russian science. Science management: theory and practice, 2(2), 65-92. The World Economic Forum (2018). The Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018. Available online: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/GCR20172018/05FullReport/TheGlobalCompetitiveness Report2017%E2%80%932018.pdf (accessed on 02 August 2021). Veprikov, E. B., Kislenok, A. A., Lee, E. L., Novitsky, A. A., and Pokrashenko, P. A. (2019). Proposals for the draft National Program for the Development of the Far East (“social” section). Khabarovsk: Eastern Center for State Planning. Voronina, L. V., Smirennikova, E. V., and Ukhanova, A. V. (2018). Features of migration processes in the Arctic region. In Proceedings of the Actual problems, directions and mechanisms of development of the productive forces of the North-2018, Syktyvkar, Russia, 233-237. Дв2025.рф. (2018). Proposals submitted to the National Program for the Development of the Far East until 2025. Available online: https://дв2025.рф/suggests (accessed on 02 August 2021).

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.22 How to Cite: Maksymenko, N., Kilichenko, O., Khimchuk, L., Bei, I., & Vovchok, Y. (2021). Anti-innovation barriers in the professional activity of university lecturers in Ukraine and ways to overcome them: diagnostic aspect. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 219-233. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.22

Anti-innovation barriers in the professional activity of university lecturers in Ukraine and ways to overcome them: diagnostic aspect Антиінноваційні бар’єри в професійній діяльності викладачів вищої школи та шляхи їхнього подолання: діагностичний аспект Received: May 30, 2021

Accepted: July 28, 2021

Written by: Nataliia Maksymenko 79 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6041-6783 Oksana Kilichenko80 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5641-5481 Liliana Khimchuk81 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9243-3131 Iryna Bei82 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9308-3305 Yaroslav Vovchok83 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8542-3026 Abstract


The article presents the analysis of antiinnovation barriers in the professional activity of lecturers in Ukraine and outlines the ways to overcome this phenomenon. For this reason the discussions of domestic and foreign scientists on the given problem are introduced; the scientific bases of innovative activity of pedagogues are defined, its essential characteristics are outlined; the reasons for the lecturers’ and teachers’ of general secondary education resistance to pedagogical innovation are identified. The authors represent an experimental scientific study of the problem in the practical activities of educational institutions in Ukraine. The subjects of the experiment were lecturers, students and school teachers in different regions of Ukraine. The pedagogical experiment conducted at the diagnostic level allowed to identify the main problems of educational activities in the field of pedagogical innovation and to propose an original method aimed at overcoming the reasons that hinder the introduction of innovative

У статті представлено аналіз антиінноваційних бар’єрів в професійній діяльності викладачів вищої школи України та намічено шляхи подолання означеного феномена. З цією метою наведено дискусію вітчизняних та зарубіжних учених з порушеної проблеми; визначено наукові засади інноваційної діяльності педагогів, окреслено її сутнісні характеристики; виокремлено причини супротиву педагогічній інноватиці в діяльності викладачів вищої школи та учителів закладів загальної середньої освіти. Автори репрезентують експериментальне наукове дослідження проблеми в практичній діяльності закладів освіти України. Суб’єктами експерименту виступили викладачі, студенти та учителі шкіл різних українських регіонів. Педагогічний експеримент, проведений на діагностичному рівні, дозволив виявити основні проблеми освітньої діяльності в галузі педагогічної


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 80 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 81 Doctor of Pedagogical, Professor of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies of Primary Education at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 82 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. 83 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department at Vasyl Stefanyk National Precarpathian University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.

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ISSN 2322 - 6307


Maksymenko, N., Kilichenko, O., Khimchuk, L., Bei, I., Vovchok, Y. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 219-233 / July, 2021

principles into the educational process of higher educational institutions. Key words: anti-innovation barriers, higher educational establishments, pedagogical experiment, students, teachers, university lecturers.

інноватики та запропонувати оригінальну методику, спрямовану на подолання причин, що гальмують введення нового в освітній процес закладів вищої освіти. Ключові слова: викладачі закладів вищої освіти, вища школа, інноваційні бар’єри, педагогічний експеримент, студенти, учителі.

Introduction The research problem is due to the need and feasibility of integrating Ukraine into the global educational environment and is determined by a number of educational, social and economic factors. The importance of its development and practical application is determined by modern requirements of the state and society. They are reflected in the legislative documents that recommend target guidelines and requirements for modern scientific activity of teachers of higher education in Ukraine. In addition, the problem reflects the main trends in innovation in both domestic and global research in fields of pedagogy, sociology, psychology, economics and management. Particularly relevant are the issues of involving teachers in active innovation, which identifies important trends in the process of modernization of domestic higher education. Such activities are considered by researchers in the system of pedagogical innovation, which is interpreted as a generalized name of a new pedagogical product (theoretical, practical), which is embodied in the educational process through concepts, theories, technologies, systems, methods, etc. The main areas of such activities are:    

change and improvement of the content of educational programs in accordance with modern requirements of society; application of innovative educational technologies; development of academic cooperation and economic mobility; overcoming resistance to innovation by lecturers and teachers of general secondary education.

Theoretical research and study of practical aspects of the problem of innovation have identified a number of contradictions. This is a contradiction between: 

the requirements of the state and society to the quality of innovative work of


pedagogues and the lack of purposeful work in higher educational institutions to involve them in this type of activity; the interest of the educational environment in innovatively active teachers of higher education and the presence of resistance to pedagogical innovations; the need for scientific substantiation of the causes of this phenomenon and insufficient development of ways to overcome it in pedagogical research; the importance of the problem of overcoming resistance to innovation and insufficient scientific and methodological support of the educational process of higher education to solve it.

Resolving certain contradictions, in our opinion, will help increase the efficiency of the process of training highly-skilled professionals for the educational sphere of Ukraine. Theoretical basis The study of the problem of involving lecturers in innovative activities revealed the presence of a significant amount of research on this issue. It was studied by specialists in the field of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, linguistics, etc. Interdisciplinarity of this field of knowledge allows us to highlight the importance and necessity of its solution at all specified levels. Thus, in the field of pedagogy it was studied by I. Dychkivska, G. Kelly, A. Maslow, L. Podymova, S. Rogers, L. Robinson, O. Starovoit, S. Tolochko and others. They consider "innovation" in the educational process of higher education as the introduction of new content, methods and forms of teaching and education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. These researchers have proposed numerous classifications of pedagogical innovation. The most common are:

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a) innovations aimed at modeling new forms, technologies and methods of the educational process; b) innovations that involve updating the content of education and ways to improve it.

of the subjects of the educational process, creative self-expression:

In pedagogical research it is stated that the readiness to carry out innovative activities can be manifested only by the implementation of the following components: motivational, creative, technological and reflective. Furthermore, the innovative activity of higher education is largely determined by the following factors: the individuality of the teacher and the student, the characteristics of the academic group, a higher educational institution and so on.

Individual teaching style is a professional quality of a teacher, which is formed under the influence of a number of factors. These include: urgent changes in the society in order to train such a specialist who will not have a set of established qualities, but who will strive for certain changes and the acquisition of new skills needed in the future profession. Such qualities include the ability to work in a team, to carry out selfanalysis, to be professionally mobile, to feel responsible for one's own choices, and so on. The ability of the subjects of the studying process to use Internet resources for educational purposes should play a primary role. The mechanisms of this activity implementation are presented in the study by A. Anosova, who analyzes the dependence of the internal culture of the individual on the culture of their active online activity and offers recommendations for the rational use of the Internet (Anosova, 2011). We agree with S. Tolochko’s opinion that the following components of the formation of innovative culture are important in modern education: knowledge-based (basic knowledge and skills, teaching methods, capabilities); technocratic (knowledge that is substantiated and already tested by experience; standards; ideals, which verify the level of training); humanistic (intellectual needs and personal growth); culturebased (integration of academic disciplines, creation of a holistic image of culture); futurological (prediction of trends in education in the future) (Tolochko, 2020, p. 80). We activate all these components in the process of teaching students in higher education. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, we single out innovative technologies, especially relevant in the context of the COVID-19 infection, which take into account the modern realities of life and are aimed at self-development

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adaptive learning (use of information technology to obtain information from different fields of knowledge); remote learning (involves the creation of an online educational environment that is created on the Internet and allows the learner in a virtual classroom to participate in the simultaneous discussion of problems); mass open online courses (online classes designed for a large number of participants for online discussions with teachers and other students); "cloud" learning (joint work of a network of computers that are integrated on the Internet and is based on the activities of a large number of users of both accredited universities and private educational institutions); synchronous and asynchronous learning (synchronous education involves the simultaneous participation of students and teachers in lectures and practical classes at a specific time; asynchronous – involves the processing of educational material, tests and tasks at any convenient pre-determined time); blended learning (a combination of real faceto-face learning with a teacher in the classroom with interactive opportunities based on digital materials (students are present in the classroom once a week instead of three, and all other learning activities will be transferred online); inverted learning (an alternative method of learning, when lectures and practical study of the subject take place online, and homework is done in a real classroom), etc.

The leading role in the implementation of these technologies should belong to the teacherinnovator, who realizes the expectations of students for the organization of flexible education, creates interdisciplinary programs and learns new functions: a curator of the educational program, a facilitator, an educational tutor, a mentor, a consultant, a designer of an individual educational vector. V. Tkachenko considers the management of innovative activity of the teacher as a necessary aspect of work on introduction of innovations in the educational process of universities, which means the realization of the following stages: 1.

Initiation (from the Latin initiatio - the implementation of the sacraments) –

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activities that are aimed at choosing the goal and setting targets of innovation, the search for new creative ideas, their justification and materialization. Before the introduction of innovative technologies, the head of the educational institution should analyze the typical situation and find out what changes need to be made. Marketing of innovations - a process aimed at studying the market of consumers of innovations, their interests; determines the system of actions for the implementation of innovations, provides advertising, organization of "public relations". Ethics of pedagogical innovations requires the teacher to follow important recommendations. The main requirement should be: "Do no harm!", because innovations should not destroy the health of children, parents and teachers. Engineering of innovations is a consulting service for the development of projects, programs and the system of innovation implementation. Engineering should contribute to a set of works, which include: conducting preliminary research; justification for the choice of innovative ideas; development of recommendations for new creative activities; determining the scope and content of work on the implementation of innovation; development of target programs. (Tkachenko, 2018).

The results of the scientific literature review showed that the researchers not only outlined the importance of innovation and the analysis of its essential characteristics but also identified the cause of such a phenomenon as resistance to pedagogical innovation. They presented classifications of innovation barriers, discovered the reasons for their occurrence, outlined anti-innovation stereotypes that get in the way with the creative process of teachers. For example, I. Dychkivska interprets anti-innovation barriers as "external or internal barriers that hinder innovation" (Dychkivska, 2004, p. 255). The same opinion is held by O. Starovoit, who notes that innovation barriers often arise in response to existing contradictions in society. Sometimes they are caused by the internal conflicts inherent in the individual. Thus, according to the scientist, the study of the essence of innovation barriers should contribute to the development of innovative human culture. She offers a classification of these barriers, identifying social, organizational, methodological and logistical barriers (Starovoit, 2014).


In psychological science, barriers to innovation have been studied by scientists who have considered them as an integral part of any activity. They used this definition to identify psychological barriers that prevent a person from achieving a certain goal, performing a specific task or solving a problem (Podymova, 2012),, (Shakurov, 2001), (Hirnyak & Vasylkiv, 2019). Scientific aspects of the theory of psychological barriers are also presented in the psychoanalytic studies by S. Freud and his followers (Freud, 1955), in C. Roger’s humanistic concept, (Rogers, 1951), in A. Maslov’s theory of selfactualization (Maslow, 1997). These scientists link strategies to overcome barriers with tactics, technologies and ways of behaving in unusual situations. The problem with overcoming anti-innovation barriers in the activities of lecturers is considered in the structure of their innovation activity. It can be manifested in pedagogues depending on their professional qualities and needs. The results of the analysis of scientific resources showed that scientists consider innovation activity as an interdisciplinary category taking into account psychological and pedagogical, cultural, social and economic factors. It depends on the innovative potential of the individual, which scientists interpret as a set of qualities and abilities that ensure the psychological readiness of the individual to generate new forms of activity. Among scientists there is no unity in defining the essence of innovation potential. O. Mikhailova defines it as an integral person’s quality consisting of interconnected components: creativity, intelligence, activity (Mikhailova, 2012). In his turn, A. Kravchuk identifies the following personal qualities of human innovation potential: creative activity, sociability, ability to overcome difficulties, resistance to stress, ability to take risks, ability to reflect and introspect, developed intuition (Kravchuk, 2018). The analysis of different positions of scientists who studied innovation and its components allowed us to conclude that an important condition for the implementation of such activities is the presence of an innovative environment in higher educational institutions. It is the environment that determines how teachers will perceive innovations, whether or not they

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oppose its introduction into the educational process. In pedagogical research, this resistance is presented in the definition of "innovation barriers" and has been consistently studied in a number of works of theoretical and practical nature. As mentioned above, scientists have analyzed the theoretical foundations of the concept of "innovation barriers", identified their qualitative characteristics, and presented numerous classifications. In the reference literature, the term "barrier" (from the French. barriere) is interpreted as - an obstacle that must be overcome. In our study, we also consider this phenomenon as an obstacle that leads to resistance to innovation in the educational process of higher education. We believe that the main reasons for this phenomenon are the lack of perception of the need to change permanent rules and regulations, which causes uncertainty, confusion, a sense of loss and, as a consequence – the lack of positive expectations from innovation. Scientist O. Dysa rightly points out: "People are the bearers of resistance, as well as the bearers of changes. As a rule, people are not afraid of changes themselves, but to be changed. The process of introducing changes is difficult from a psychological point of view, as it requires additional intellectual, emotional, physical effort on the part of employees. This often becomes a prerequisite for nervous overload, the emergence of stressful situations that adversely affect the well-being and efficiency of staff" (Dysa, 2020, p.52). According to many researchers, a positive attitude to innovation is influenced by factors, including the following: sensitivity to contradictions and new experiences, risk appetite, creativity, openness of experience and others. (Grewal, Mehta & Kardes, 2000); (Robinson, Marshall & Stamps, 2005). Let’s consider the positions of some scientists on the classification of innovation barriers, which will allow us to understand their nature and identify ways to overcome them. We consider I. Dychkivska opinion very important, who divides anti-innovation barriers into external and internal. The scientist believes that "external barriers include:

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social barriers – (incompatibility of the new with existing experience and values accepted in society; stereotypes of thinking of the pedagogical community); organizational barriers (opposition of the governing bodies of education to the implementation of innovations; lack of coordination centers for the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations); methodological barriers (lack of methodological support for innovation, lack of awareness in the field of pedagogical innovation); material and technical barriers (teachers’ workload, living conditions, salary level)” (Dychkivska, 2004, p. 256).

Among the internal barriers, I. Dychkivska refers to psychological (personal), which, according to her interpretation, hide deep personal and professional problems of the individual. According to the scientist, the anti-innovation barriers include the following: "inclination to conformism (the desire to be like other people, not to differ from them in their judgments and actions); fear of being a "black sheep", to seem incomprehensible and ridiculous in their judgments; fear of appearing too extravagant in their rejection and criticism of their thoughts", etc. (Dychkivska, 2004). Whereas A. Hirnyak & O. Vasylkiv, who reveal the essential content of these barriers, critically combine them into "four groups: 1) barriers caused by personal and professional characteristics of the teacher; 2) barriers caused by the psychological and physical characteristics of the student; 3) barriers determined by the specifics of the subject of interaction (educational content); 4) barriers caused by adverse factors of the material or social environment in which educational interaction takes place" (Hirnyak & Vasylkiv, 2019, p.79). Some scholars view barriers as psychological difficulties or so-called stressful situations in the teacher's professional activities. They offer the following classification:    

short-term stressful situations; long-term stressful situations; stressful situations with elements of uncertainty; stressful situations that require readiness for extreme action;

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224   

situations of suddenness and lack of time; stressful situations of the dominant state; critical situations (Podymova, 2012).

The analysis of classifications of professional difficulties in the teachers’ activity formed the basis of the experimental technique, which was directed on:



4) a) determining their readiness for innovation; b) development of mechanisms for overcoming difficulties on the way to professional growth.

5) 6)

The results of the analysis of scientific literature showed that scientists have developed mechanisms to overcome psychological and pedagogical barriers. They consider them one of the ways to improve the professional activity of lecturers of higher educational institutions and highlight the following mechanisms for overcoming psychological difficulties: willingness to reinvent their actions, overcoming personal resistance based on the rejection of traditional standards of behavior; mastering new patterns of behavior and developing alternative activities. Having researched the reasons for the innovative resistance of lecturers, we have identified ways to eliminate them. These include: education and counseling; participation in the development of plans for the implementation of pedagogical innovations; timely help and support; negotiations and agreements on joint activities; giving priority to those who resist; motivation, persuasion; setting own examples of creative activity. Moreover, pedagogical research offers the following preventive measures against resisting innovation:     

focus of the team on innovation as an important value; popularization of productive innovative technologies; acquaintance with new scientific and practical experience; involvement of teachers in the development of new projects and programs of educational development; stimulating innovative self-education and creative growth, etc. (Dupliychuk, 2013).

We believe that it is possible to implement methods of reducing resistance through the following actions: 1) education and information, when the team is involved to discuss openly ideas, programs,



activities, the purpose of which - to convince employees of the need for change; employees’ engagement in decision-making in order to change their attitude to innovation; the main role in the development of new activities should be granted to employees who oppose innovation; creation of appropriate conditions by management (tangible and intangible) to access a new problem easily; involvement in innovations on the basis of material incentives; clear planning of the introduction of new activities in order to achieve the desired impact on employees; forcing workers to participate in innovations at the risk of dismissal, career advancement, salary raise, etc.

Regarding the latter method of involvement in innovation, we can say that it is associated with certain risks in social terms because its application "imposes" the introduction of innovation on the basis of forceful pressure on employees by the management. We agree with the teachers-practitioners who expressed their opinions during the survey that this is the worst method that can be applied to problem-solving. We believe that the positive methods in the context of the problem are the ones that enhance the activities of researchers on the basis of friendly recommendations, taking into account the psychological characteristics of team members. These include: First, it is to provide complete and up-to-date information about innovation and ways to implement it in the educational process of higher education. The timeliness of information, the phasing of its provision, the simplicity, accessibility and variety of means of its dissemination should play an important role here. Second, it is to create conditions for a positive reaction of teachers towards information about reforms, and their involvement in active implementation of innovative activities. This method should be based on the work of engaging informal leaders, leading professionals and others who may be involved in the decisionmaking process. Third, it is a material individual stimulation and elimination of negative factors that inhibit the process of introducing something new.

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Fourth, it is the adoption of strategic changes not through cataclysms, but gradual insignificant changes over a long period of time with the adoption of compromise and joint decisions. Fifth, it is the introduction of a method of comparison with the most successful competing institutions.

activities of teachers of higher education in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the study accounted for the following approaches to the process of implementing innovative activities in higher education: 

And, finally, we can predict the possibility of postponing the introduction of innovation for some time, if the resistance is quite strong. In this context, we want to define the importance of such an aspect in the activities of teachers and professors of higher education as "initiative", the detection of which, according to Tamiko Kondo (2020), promotes democratic relations in the team, develops their communication. We support this position and believe that the democratization of the educational process will contribute to the professional development of teachers and stimulate them to innovate.

 Thus, the results of the analysis of scientific sources on the problem of overcoming innovation barriers allowed us to systematize them into 5 groups and to form a typology of methods for overcoming them. These include:     

methods based on self-regulation of subjects of professional activity; methods focused on personal development; methods aimed at forming the behavioral strategy of the subjects of innovation; methods focused on the formation of new patterns of behavior; organizational methods that can be provided by the management to reduce resistance to innovation.

Methodology The following research methods were used to solve the problem: 

theoretical: research of scientific literature to determine the qualitative characteristics of innovation barriers as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon; diagnostic-empirical: questionnaires, surveys, interviews, observations to determine the attitude of lecturers to the introduction of innovative pedagogy in the teaching of future students of Bachelor’s Degree; pedagogical experiment: to identify, disclose the content and ways to prevent innovation barriers in the professional

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activity approach, which was based on the use of a set of material and spiritual resources of the participants of the educational process. It determined the integrity and interconnectedness of the components of the professional activities of pedagogues. culturological approach, the implementation of which took place on the basis of the introduction of the principle of cultural conformity. This approach involved the combination and interdependence of special, cultural and psychological-pedagogical factors that determined the patterns of development of the student's personality. axiological approach, the introduction of which allowed us to determine the value principles of the implementation of innovative activities: moral, aesthetic, cognitive. The main feature of the approach was: focus on self-development and selfrealization of the future teacher.

A personally oriented approach was important in the aspect of introduction of innovative learning. Its expediency was that it contributed to the provision of a conflict-free and safe environment, which was based on the principles of parity, taking into account the individual characteristics of future teachers. The feasibility of implementing these approaches has already been tested and published in the scientific paper (Maksymenko, Bei, Khimchuk & Vovchok, 2020). In addition, our experimental methodology for overcoming innovation barriers was based on theoretical concepts that reflected: 1) ideas about innovations as a complex psychological and pedagogical phenomenon; 2) the study of the essence and structure of innovation; 3) discussions on the psychological aspects of motivation; 4) theoretical and practical aspects of the teacher's readiness for pedagogical innovation; 5) questions regarding innovative culture, etc.

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226 We see the practical implementation of this problem in the fact that the results of experimental work on the prevention of resistance to innovation will develop a strategy and tactics for introducing new activities in the educational process of higher educational institutions. We shall present its diagnostic aspect, which involved studying the attitude to pedagogical innovation by the following subjects of educational activity: a) students – future teachers of various fields of training; b) university lecturers in Ukraine who carry out the process of students’ professional training; c) teachers of general school education (work experience not less than 5 years). At the first stage of the experimental work, a survey of students (Bachelor's Degree) was conducted. The main task of the survey was to find out how future teachers assess the importance and necessity of innovative learning in higher education, whether they are familiar with the technology of its implementation in the classroom, and diagnose the frequency of students using innovative methods during teaching practice. The survey covered the students of pedagogical faculties and foreign language faculties of such institutions of higher education of Ukraine as: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Mykhailo Kotsubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Drahomanov National Pedagogical University.

Discussion and Results It is crucial for our research to analyse such definition as «readiness for professional innovation». We designed the questionnaires taking into account some theoretical research of such a concept as «readiness for professional innovation». This concept is interpreted ambiguously in the scientific literature. According to O. Marynovska, "this is an integrated qualitative characteristic of the individual, the essential feature of which is the level of professional development, which is the result of purposeful preparation for the introduction of pedagogical technologies" (Marynovska, 2009). Instead, N. Volkova proposes to consider this phenomenon as the activation of all mental and physiological systems of the individual, which provide a positive performance of professional functions (Volkova, 2013, p. 86). Whereas O. Dupliychuk explains the readiness to implement innovative learning not only as a result of professional and pedagogical training of future teachers, but also as the purpose of this training, the initial and main condition for its effective implementation (Dupliychuk, 2013). Thus, the results of the analysis of different approaches to the definition of "readiness" in domestic and foreign literature allowed us to define our own interpretation of this phenomenon and use it in the following meaning: it is a complex dynamic formation that encompasses a multifaceted system of qualities and characteristics that are shown in: 

A total of 250 people were surveyed.  The questionnaire included both closed-ended questions, which allowed us to obtain information in a concise form, and open-ended ones aimed at determining the personal position of future teachers to use innovative learning in professional activities. In addition, it was important for us to find out whether the subjects of the educational process experience difficulties in implementing innovations, whether they recognize the existence of resistance to pedagogical innovation and whether they are ready to overcome these difficulties. All these factors, in our opinion, determine the structure of the teacher's readiness for innovative professional activity.


the presence of value-motivational attitude to innovative learning; the possession of professionally important linguistic, methodological and psychological-pedagogical knowledge; the formation of relevant personal qualities important for the successful implementation of innovative activities and pedagogical reflection.

Taking into account the scientific theories of pedagogical science, the main criteria of the teacher's readiness for innovation are defined as follows:   

awareness of the need for innovation; readiness for creative work; confidence that the innovation will bring a positive result;

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    

consistency of personal goals with future innovation activities; readiness to overcome creative failures; readiness to implement technologies; positive assessment of their previous experience in innovation; ability to professional reflection (Aleksyuk, 1998).

 

The results of the survey allowed us to claim that: 

39.09% of the students showed a positive attitude to innovation in general secondary education: they are convinced of the effectiveness of innovation implementation in the educational process of general secondary schools;

28.63% of the respondents said that the use of innovative methods will enrich the learning process in school, however, as far as they can tell, conducting lessons using these methods is too difficult and timeconsuming; 22.46% of the students showed a neutral attitude to the use of innovative learning; a significant part of the respondents (9.82%) showed a negative attitude to the introduction of innovative learning because they believe that there are enough textbooks, guidelines, etc. to perform their professional activities.

The results of the survey are visualized in the diagram (Fig.1).



39,09 28,63

Positive attitude

Relatively positive attitude

Neutral attitude

Negative attitud

Fig.1. Indicators of students' attitude to innovative learning in the future professional activity (in %) In addition to surveying the students, the attitude of the lecturers of the above mentioned universities to innovation was determined. It was considered that the competent opinion of the mentioned subjects of the experimental research will allow us to reveal shortcomings in the content of professional training of future teachers to the specified kind of activity, will help to define innovative barriers in their professional work. The survey was conducted using the Google survey method and aimed to discover whether lecturers of universities are familiar with innovative learning as a pedagogical phenomenon and whether they use it in the process of professional training of future teachers. We demonstrate some of the results of the Google survey of pedagogues in different regions of Ukraine.

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The results of the survey showed that 68.6% of the respondents are familiar with the features of innovative technologies, 31.4% – are partially interested in them. To answer the question on the source of information to use innovative technologies in the process of professional training of students, 45.1% of the respondents said that they got it from the scientific literature; 37.3% – from colleagues; 15.7% – got familiar with the features of these technologies during the scientific internship and 2% of the respondents admitted that they have no information about innovative learning and its application in the educational process of higher education. Among the lectures, who apply innovations while teaching students, the answers were distributed as follows: 62.7% often uses innovative teaching; 21.6% – performs this work once a week; 9.8% applies innovative training once a month and 5.9% of the respondents said ISSN 2322 - 6307


228 that they do not use these technologies in lectures and practical classes. It was important for us to find out what difficulties, in the lecturers’ opinion, hinder the introduction of innovative learning. 13.7% answered that they feel the lack of guidelines for the use of innovative technologies; 64.7% noted

that classrooms are not well-stocked with modern technical equipment that promotes innovation; 17.6% felt the difficulty of reorienting the learning process from traditional to innovative activities and 3.9% of the respondents admitted that they are loaded with other activities (Fig.2).

Fig.2. Questionnaire for university lectures in different regions of Ukraine (results in %) The study of the difficulties that the students of pedagogical specialties face during the introduction of innovative learning deserved special attention. It was important for us that they all showed interest in this activity, but they also claimed that when working in "groups" they are not able to freely enter the project teams and as a result leave them (16%); instead, 32% of the lectures acknowledged their unwillingness to


abandon formal and generally accepted standards; 36% of the respondents said that they lack proper initiative and independence and 16% of the respondents stated that they do not have the skills to make and implement non-standard decisions. We also found out in which protective statements interpersonal barriers to the introduction of innovative activities in the

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process of training future teachers can be manifested. The following results were obtained: 17.6% of the respondents said that: "We already use them"; 41.3% of the lectures claimed: "It will not work for us"; 29.4% of the respondents believe: "This does not solve our main problems" and 9.8% say: "There are other important proposals".

It is quite alarming that 28% of the lecturers out of the total number of the respondents acknowledged that they possess anti-innovation barriers. Visualization of quantitative indicators of the presence of innovation barriers in the lecturers is presented in the diagram (Fig.3).

28% 72%

Absence of barriers

Presence of barriers

Fig.3. Indicators of the presence of anti-innovation barriers in lecturers of Ukrainian universities (in %) Thus, the results of the survey, research of scientific literature on this issue allowed us to determine the attitude of lecturers to the problem of introducing innovative technologies into the students’ training and suggest that by eliminating the causes of innovative resistance of teachers, involving them in creative work their resourceful and innovative activity can be enhanced. The analysis of their answers to the questions, generalization and systematization of the obtained material was the basis for our development of methodological materials for lecturers who are aimed at overcoming innovation barriers, which, as evidenced by the results of the experiment, still occur in pedagogues. In addition to the lectures’ opinion, it was important to determine how teachers of general secondary education of different qualifications assess the effectiveness of training future teachers in the higher educational system of Ukraine and determine its focus on the introduction of innovative educational technologies.

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The survey covered 60 teachers from different regions of Ukraine, who were asked to answer the questionnaire to determine their attitude to the problem of innovative learning. The results of the survey showed that teachers are mostly familiar with the essence of innovative teaching methods and apply them in lessons. 51% of the respondents gave a positive answer to this question; 20% of the teachers claimed that they are familiar with this technique, but use it partly in lessons; 7% of the respondents answered that they had heard about the effectiveness of this students’ training, but were not familiar with the method of its application; a significant number of the teachers (6%) admitted that they were not familiar with the innovation technology. We note that 16% of the respondents from the total number of the teachers who took part in the survey showed a negative attitude towards innovative learning. The teachers' responses revealed such an important component in their work as the need to control students’ behavior in the classroom (Fig.4).

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7% 6%





Negative attitude to innovations in teaching Unfamiliar with pedagogical innovations Familiar with innovative technologies, but don’t use them Use partially innovations in teaching

Use innovations in pedagogical work

Fig. 4. Indicators of teachers' attitude to innovative learning in professional activity (in %) The urgency of maintaining a positive atmosphere in the classroom is identified in a number of scientific studies. For example, R. Paramita, A. Anderson & U. Sharma highlight the importance of professional programs aimed at showing teachers certain strategies to regulate students’ behavior. They are based on a friendly attitude to students, praise of their actions and deeds, activation of the subject-subject interaction (Paramita, Anderson & Sharma, 2020). We believe that the leading role in this process should belong to innovative activities, which are based on taking into account the individual characteristics of students and the organization of parity interaction between the participants in the educational process. Researchers such as P. White, J. Raphael, S. Hannigan & J. Cripps Clark in scientific papers on this issue argue about the feasibility of cooperation as an important component of the practical activities of higher education (White, Raphael, Hannigan & Cripps Clark, 2020). We agree with the statement of these scientists, who emphasize the feasibility of research projects in order to establish cooperation between pedagogues. It should be noted that these problems were the subject of our separate research, in which we look at the feasibility of pedagogical interaction in the process of preparing future teachers for innovative project activities in general secondary education. We conducted a theoretical analysis of the subject-subject interaction in the system of relations "teacher-student"; we substantiated the universal principles of construction and conducting of parity dialogue by the participants of educational process of higher school. In the


process of experimental work we proved the importance of parity dialogue as the one that ensures equality of psychological positions, mutual humanistic relations, activity of the teacher and students, readiness of the communication subjects to accept the interlocutor. The results of the study on this problem were tested and published (Bei, 2018). The importance of parity interaction is reflected in the study of S. Tolochko. The scientist defines its basic principles: tolerance and respect for students, development of personal educational trajectories, "the use of various means of representation of educational, cognitive or scientific information and pedagogical methods, as well as their systematic evaluation and adjustment; formation of independence, autonomy in combination with mentoring, facilitation and assistance of teachers; adherence to the principles of mutual respect in relations between teachers and students; responding to students’ wishes or dissatisfaction" (Tolochko, 2020). The survey of teachers revealed that they acknowledge the resistance to innovation. They identified the main reasons: the inability to implement new teaching methods (25%); immaturity of individual creative potential (31%); fears of criticism from colleagues who oppose innovation (15%); lack of a need for innovation (9%); low self-esteem which is manifested in anxiety, lack of confidence, rigidity (inflexibility of thinking) (14%), difficulty in maintaining discipline in the classroom (6%).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

The definition of these difficulties was the basis of our experimental work to overcome them. We took into account the assertion of scientists that overcoming innovation barriers is possible if the educational process uses socio-psychological methods, in particular, individual and group psychotechnologies. The main tool to implement these methods is the "group" as a component of a powerful influence on the individual. We share this point of view because the study of the importance of the group component in innovation showed that interaction in the group promotes the development of communication skills, it increases reflection, helps to overcome anxiety, aggression, it activates positive motivation of behavior (Budnyk, Fomin, Novoselska, & Voitovych, 2020). We used this statement as basic in the process of modeling experimental methods because we believe that one of the main areas of innovation is the organization of group learning, which promotes the formation of creative skills of students, their positive motivation to innovate in future professional activities.



Conclusions The study of the problem of overcoming innovation barriers in order to encourage university lecturers to use innovation allowed us to draw the following conclusions: 1.



Research of scientific sources on the given problem has shown that the tasks, purpose, conceptual principals of the problem of innovation implementation in higher educational establishments are formed according to modern tendencies of education modernization in Ukraine. Innovative activity of higher educational institutions as an interdisciplinary category at the present stage of development of scientific thought is the subject of research in economic, pedagogical, sociological and cultural studies. Accordingly, the innovative activity of pedagogues as a complex multifactorial system should be studied due to interdisciplinary approaches. The effectiveness of innovative activities of lecturers depends on a number of factors, both objective and subjective, and requires purposeful management of these activities (Nikolaesku, Budnyk, Bondar, Tepla, & Berezovska, 2021). It should be aimed not only at the assimilation and dissemination of innovations, but also at creating favorable conditions for their implementation. Pedagogical research on the problem of involving teachers in innovative activities

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has shown the need to create educational and methodological support for the process of overcoming resistance to pedagogical innovations. The analysis of empirical research has allowed us to conclude that innovations in the educational process of higher educational institutions can cause different reactions: from the active perception of innovation to sustainable resistance to change. The introduction of something new in the educational process is always associated with certain difficulties because innovation is not only an innovation but also the ability to new perceptions, to redefine existing theories, enduring truths, rules and norms of behavior. Therefore, innovation processes require the involvement of such qualified teachers who have certain psychological abilities to positive perception and implementation of innovative changes. The results of the study allowed us to identify the factors that contribute to a positive perception of change by pedagogues. Psychological features that should be inherent in teachers with a positive response to change are creativity, risk for success, future orientation, ingenuity, confidence, expressiveness. On the basis of the obtained results the psychological features of lecturers who are inclined to resist changes were determined. This is rigidity, excessive pragmatism, conservative views, and uncertainty. The ways to overcome innovative barriers in the professional activity of higher school teachers include: quality education and competent counseling of the subjects of the educational process; involvement of teachers who do not support innovations in their development and implementation; concluding agreements on joint innovation activities; demonstration of examples of application of pedagogical innovation with the analysis of efficiency of results of work (Tsependa, & Budnyk, 2021). We consider such effective methods of innovative activity as: friendly recommendations to members of the pedagogical community on the positive impact of innovations on the educational process of higher education institutions, taking into account their personal characteristics; timely step-by-step informing teachers about pedagogical innovations with the participation of informal leaders of this process;

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individual material stimulation of participants of innovative activity, their involvement in dissemination of work experience among teachers who oppose the new; studying the experience of competitive institutions and comparing the results of their activities with the real success of the teaching staff of higher education institutions.

Analysis and consideration of these features and other factors were the basis of our experimental methodology which is aimed at overcoming resistance to innovation in the process of preparing students of pedagogical specialties for future professional activity. Prospects for further study are to study innovation as a personal characteristic. Our next scientific research will be dedicated to psychological components of innovative behavior, its impact on the effectiveness of professional activities, the introduction of the developed experimental methodology in the educational process of higher educational institutions of Ukraine. References Aleksyuk, A. (1998). Pedagogy of higher education in Ukraine. History. Theory: a textbook for students, graduate students and young teachers of higher education. Kyiv: Lybid, 1998. https://www.twirpx.com/file/237257/. Anosova, A. (2011). Communicative culture of high school students and features of its manifestation on the Internet. Public Education, 2 (14). https://www.narodnaosvita.kiev.ua/Narodna_os vita/vupysku/17/statti/anosova.htm. Bei, I. (2018). Parity dialogue as a factor of subject-to-subject cooperation between lecturer and student of foreign languages faculty. Educational space of Ukraine, 14, 135-141. Budnyk, O., Fomin, K., Novoselska, N. & Voitovych, A. (2020). Preparing Teachers to Organize Dialogic Learning of Students: Communicative Aspect. Revista Inclusiones, 7 (4), 117-129. Dychkivska, I. (2004). Innovative pedagogical technologies: textbook. Kyiv: akadamveedeva. Dysa, O. (2020). Psychological factors of perception of innovations by employees of organizations. Psychology: reality and prospects, 15, Collection of scientific works of RDGU.S.50-58. https://doi.org/10.35619/praprv.v1i15.184.


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Karabulatova, I.S., Lagutkina, M.D., Borodina, N.V., Streltsova, M.A., Bakhus, A.O. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 234-247 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.23 How to Cite: Karabulatova, I.S., Lagutkina, M.D., Borodina, N.V., Streltsova, M.A., & Bakhus, A.O. (2021). Formation of ethnosocial identity in the matrix of media discourse. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 234-247. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.23

Formation of ethnosocial identity in the matrix of media discourse ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ ЭТНОСОЦИАЛЬНОЙ ИДЕНТИЧНОСТИ В МАТРИЦЕ ДИСКУРСА СМИ Received: July 10, 2021

Accepted: August 22, 2021

Written by: Irina S. Karabulatova84 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4228-3235 Margarita D. Lagutkina85 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2830-6274 Natalia V. Borodina86 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7667-9553 Maria A. Streltsova87 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2523-0537 Aleksei O. Bakhus88 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9738-4896 Abstract


The authors analyze the linguo-information model of the country in the modern media discourse of Russia and China. Screening of Russian and Chinese sources uses the method of contextual analysis with an emphasis on the implicit content of the media image of the country, the descriptive method, the method of cultural interpretation, content analysis. Information wars use the image of a country as a starting point in the matrix of media discourse to emphasize the perception of information. The authors propose the concept of a media matrix for understanding the cognitive side of media images of geopolitical topoobjects. The authors substantiate the introduction of the terms linguoinforneme and linguoinformational step into scientific circulation from the point of view of the structure of the matrix of geopolitonyms of the media. The media image of the country in the media discourse is diverse, being realized in evaluative linguistic systems. The authors show what the mythologized / realistic perception of the image of the country is based on, how it is conditioned by the tasks of geopolitics, how it correlates with the strategies of international

Авторы анализируют лингвоинформационную модель страны в современном медиадискурсе России и Китая. При отборе российских и китайских источников используется метод контекстуального анализа с акцентом на неявное содержание медийного образа страны, описательный метод, метод культурной интерпретации, контент-анализ. Информационные войны используют образ страны в качестве отправной точки в матрице медийного дискурса, чтобы подчеркнуть восприятие информации. Авторы предлагают концепцию медиаматрицы для понимания когнитивной стороны медийных образов геополитических топообъектов. Авторы обосновывают введение терминов лингвоинфорнема и лингвоинформационный шаг в научный оборот с точки зрения структуры матрицы геополитонимов СМИ. Медийный образ страны в медийном дискурсе многообразен, реализуется в оценочных лингвистических системах. Авторы показывают, на чем основано мифологизированное / реалистичное восприятие образа страны, как оно


Doctor of Philology, Professor, Research Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, RUDN (Moscow, Russia) 85 Assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology of the RUDN (Moscow) 86 Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Psychology and Social Communications of the Socio-Pedagogical Faculty of Sochi State University of Tourism and Hospitality (SSU). (Moscow, Russia) 87 Head of the Tyumen Center of Speech Therapy and Speech Development (Moscow, Russia) 88 Senior lecturer of the course "Modern technologies of mass media and MC", Faculty of Philology, RUDN (Moscow, Russia)


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

cooperation and how it affects intercultural communication. Key words: mass media matrix, linguoinformational model, linguoinformneme, China, image of the country, geopolitonym, linguoinformational steps, media discourse.

обусловлено задачами геополитики, как оно соотносится со стратегиями международного сотрудничества и как оно влияет на межкультурную коммуникацию. Ключевые слова: матрица СМИ, лингвоинформационная модель, лингвоинформнема, Китай, имидж страны, геополитоним, лингвоинформационные шаги, медиадискурс.

Introduction The authors set the following goal: to analyze the linguistic and information model of the image of the country in different structural languages, using the example of modern media discourses of Russia and China. The image of the country itself in the media discourse is realized as a geopolitonymic media image of the state, which has a special linguistic multicomponent structure, which is a multilayered orientation model of the author of the statement in a certain area of his linguistic worldview. The linguistic-information model is implemented using the strategy of linguisticinformation steps that construct the media image of the state in a particular accentological assessment, based on the social order. The media image of China in the Russian media discourse is presented in a more diverse way, being implemented in evaluative linguistic information systems. The authors show what the mythologized / realistic perception of the image of China is based on, how it is conditioned by the tasks of the CPC, how it is connected with the strategies of Russian-Chinese cooperation and how it determines communication between countries. At the same time, the Russian geopolitonymic media discourse is presented more variably, which reflects a more flexible policy in choosing language means when describing the image of the country. Researchers of modern linguistic and information wars (Barabash et al., 2019; Karabulatova et al., 2015) otherwise refer to them as information and psychological wars (Skovorodnikov, 2017: 8). The current geopolitical situation has not just brought new actors to the fore (China, India, Kazakhstan, the Arab East), it actively uses geopolitonyms as a central element of the country's media image, since the country's name goes through a secondary interpretation of the value meanings of the associative-semantic space of the proper name. As a result, we have a transformation of cultural values under the influence of

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civilizational fractures due to socio-political technologies of the consentient linguistic and information war. We understand by a geopolitonym the designation of a certain geopolitical entity: a country, a region, a historical region, for example: Russia, the European Union, Altai, Crimea, Corsica, Brittany, Xinjiang, Sicily, Galicia. At the same time, the construction of a geopolitonymic media image is carried out using cognitive means of forming communicative meanings of speech behavior, which are discussed by researchers in different countries (Savchuk et al., 2019; Levine 2001; Nijiati et al., 2020; Shaogang Yang, Zhuo & Liu, 2019), etc. In the new conditions, China has taken a strong place as a leader, pushing the "old players" on the world geopolitical map, positioning itself as an older brother on the territory of Eurasia in relation to other countries. At the same time, Russia is becoming an older sister in relation to these countries. In this regard, the partnership relations and the nature of cooperation between Russia and China have become stronger, which has caused a new research interest in China from Western countries in the context of the geopolitical Russian-Chinese alliance. it initiated a new interest in China as a strategic partner of Russia, updating studies on the image of China in various aspects (Zhu Hailong, 2019; Kramer, 2019). The strengthening of the digital representation of information promotes media discourse (Karabulatova, & Vorontsov, 2019) as a set of processes and products of speech activity in the field of mass communication. Contradictory media images of a country do not just create variability in the representation of the image of a particular state in the media discourse but have their effect as a "potentially dangerous discourse" (Karabulatova, 2020). The growing dissonance between the moral and ethical guidelines of the ethno-linguistic

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236 conceptual picture of the world (Malevinsky et al., 2019; Grushevskaya et al., 2017) and the media image of the state, which is broadcast through the media discourse, uses the manipulative potential of the media discourse. The very principle of presenting the media image of the geopolitical onym is closely connected with the conceptual space of propaganda of the East and the West. (Barabash et al., 2019). For example: "China has launched a hotline for reports of defamation of the CCP and its history" (Chen, 2021); "Judging by how often Russian officials and experts repeat that Russia is not China's" younger brother", they are very concerned about this topic. Even more this nervousness is given out by creative definitions of the role like "older sister" (a physically weaker, but important woman in the family hierarchy, who needs to be taken care of)"(Gabuev, 2016); ""Putin's tiger" continues to terrorize Chinese farmers, according to the Ukrainian channel 1+1. " (Druzhinin, 2014).

as a factor determining social interaction, which gave impetus to the development of the theory of roles. In other words, an individual has not one, but several identities. The problem arises, how to bring identity to identity with itself? Thanks to the works of E. Hoffmann, who created the socalled dramatic model of social interaction in the scientific revolution included such metaphors as "scenes", "presentation", "self-determination", "team", "role distance". E. Hoffmann owned and a description of the ability of the individual to reflect on their own social role, "introspection", the distancing from the roles that he plays. The research methodology is traditional for works of this kind, it includes the method of contextual analysis with the allocation of the implicit content of the media image of the country, the descriptive method, the method of linguistic and cultural interpretation and content analysis. Literature review

The Chinese media discourse continues to use the socialist leveled model of the country's image in the media discourse (Vorozhbitova et al, 2019 b). The result of such a linguistic-informational confrontation results in a verbal war of concepts representing ethical anti-value with its nominations. Materials and the methods To write this article, we used Russian and Chinese media texts, which somehow involve the geopolitical media image of China. We have collected a representative file of examples. It includes headlines of articles using a geopolitonym, synopses and announcements of publications with the inclusion of a geopolitonym and / or geopolitical euphemism, quotes in the mass media using the media image of China for 2001-2021 in Russian and Chinese, the volume of data amounted to more than 9,000 publications. In our work, we rely on the philosophical justification of the ethno-linguistic structure of human consciousness (Benveniste, 2002; Gazzaniga, 2000; Fingelkurts and Marchetti, 2010; Levine, 2001; Savchuk et al, 2019), the staples of which are concepts. Identity was originally considered as a social education; an individual sees himself as others see him. The works of Mead and Cooley formed the basis of the concept of symbolic interactionism, in which the" I " – identity is considered both because of social interaction and


Researchers interpret the media image either as "a set of emotional and rational representations based on information obtained from the media" (Marushchak, 2012), or as "a special image of reality presented to a mass audience by the media industry" (Bogdan, 2007). Both approaches are important in determining the linguistic and informational models of the image of China in the modern international media discourse. T. N. Galinskaya points out that the term "media image" can be used in both narrow and broad senses. In her opinion, in the narrow meaning of "media image" there is only a certain illustration of the "fragments" of fragmented reality, which are presented in the media discourse, reflecting the worldview, ethno-socio-cultural value orientations, sociopolitical views, as well as the psycho-emotional characteristics of the authors of media texts (Galinskaya, 2013). This presentation of the country's media image is more characteristic of promoting the image of China in the Russian media discourse of Russia since it creates a colorful mosaic of images characteristic of the diverse Chinese reality. For example: " "Panda Diplomacy". What does Xi Jinping's gift to Putin mean" (Ivanov, 2019); "China has turned the life of the Uighurs into hell. And it seems that many Chinese people like it" (Gorin, 2021); "The price of a Chinese miracle. What Chinese citizens paid for the country's economic growth" (Chubarov, 2009).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

The Chinese media discourse is characterized by a broad interpretation of the concept of "media image", which means a certain image of reality, constructed taking into account the dominant main line of presentation of the key image of the country in the entire media space by opinion leaders, professional journalists, bloggers, scientists, politicians, etc.

this individual. The second aspect is characterized by the phenomenon of supraindividual consciousness, a sign of the quality of civic community that characterizes it as a collective subject. These two aspects are not mutually exclusive, and they focus on various aspects of civil identity on the part of the individual and on the part of society.

At the same time, linguistic security in connection with the representation of media images in the media discourse (Kolmogorova, 2020; Krupkin, 2013) is based on T. van Dyck's opinion about the media news discourse as an identifier of the conceptual picture of the world of recipients, which manifests itself as articulated assessments of knowledge and opinions about places, phenomena, facts, phenomena, people, events in the world (Dijk, 2013).

The most significant factors of the formation of the collective subjectivity of the civil community are: 

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Considering individual and group identity, according to M.V. Shakurova (2017), it is necessary to separate the "departmental" boundaries between concepts, otherwise, according to the author, we are threatened with an elementary confusion of concepts. When it comes to social identity as a special dimension, it has been designated as the "social self" since time immemorial. This concept should not be confused with the so – called collective identity, because subjectivity is an attribute of the individual, not of the collective, because the collective does not possess either "consciousness" or "desire". In modern conditions, there is a significant discrepancy between identity and nationalism. In an interview with Academician of the RAS V. Tishkov, it is noted that people now have a complete confusion of old and new concepts in their heads (Shakurova, 2017). One understanding is that the nation is the Russians – a civil identity; another: the nation is an ethnic identity – Russians, Tatars, Yakuts, etc. Moreover, the construction of a civil nation does not mean the formation of a homogeneous cultural nation at all. To build a Russian nation, you do not need to break anything, you just need a compromise – a civil nation consisting of representatives of different nationalities that we have. Russian citizens have common moral values, universally recognized heroes, common holidays and historical victories, a language of communication, cultural baggage. The structure of civil identity, as well as any kind of identity, is characterized by two aspects (Vodolazhskaya, 2010). The first aspect is characterized by the awareness of belonging to a particular state that has a significant meaning for

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the common historical past, which roots and legitimizes the existence of this community, reproduced in myths, legends and symbols (Savchuk et al, 2019); self-designation of the civil community (Chuqi Zhao et al., 2021); a common language, which is a means of communication and a condition for the development of shared meanings and values (Vorozhbitova et al, 2019a); a common culture (political, legal, economic), built on a certain experience of living together, fixing the basic principles of relationships within the joint community and its institutional structure (Barabash et al., 2019); the experience of joint emotional states by this community, especially those related to real political actions (Karabulatova, Vorontsov, 2019).

At the beginning of the XXI century, the specifics of the representation of China in the media discourse of different countries become the object of close attention of both Chinese researchers and scientists from other countries. Thus, in his work, Shi Xia examines the image of China through the prism of the nationalgeographical concept, considering the identification of signs of "demonization" of the image of China in the Russian media discourse (Shi Xia, 2008). At about the same time, O. N. Sorokina (2011) presents the image of China through an information model in the American media discourse, in which the media image of China is realized as " a combination of several fragments: "China's economic growth", "China's ideology", "violation of human rights", "China's armament" (Sorokina, 2011). Chen Yuxiao focuses on the metaphoricity of representative features of the image of China in the Russian media (Cheng, 2018). N. N. Koshkarova analyzes the image of the state in the Russian – language discourse of the Chinese media on the examples of media images

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238 of China and Russia (Koshkarova, 2017), and E. A. Plaksina-the image of China in the Chinese media (Plaksina, 2020). At the same time, Wang Xu examines the specifics of the PRC's nominations in the Russian print media (Wang Xu, 2012), pointing out that the Russian media positions China as a strong state and a serious player in the global geopolitical arena. Chinese researchers note that since 2011, any promotion of information in the PRC has been carried out according to the standards developed by the State Chancellery for the Development and Dissemination of Internet Communication (( 国 家 互 联 网 信 息 办 公 室 ) (Vyakhirev, 2006). The geopolitical image of the country was also analyzed by Du Quanbo (2017). The mysterious world of the East is actualized in the image of China, stirring up hidden archetypal ideas about the sacredness and the image of" strangers", which modern China actively exploits in its mass media strategies. Results The specificity of unaccountable perception, in our opinion, becomes the basis for the formation of linguoinformneme in media discourse. We propose to understand linguoinformneme as the basic element of the lingo-mental structure of media discourse, which contains a certain statement conveyed by linguistic means, perceived by the recipient as true. The analytical perception of China's media image in multilingual media discourses has been actively promoted in recent years from the standpoint of the pragmatic potential of the linguistic information system, i.e. assumptions about the typical features of the impact on the addressee in the course of perception by the recipient. At the same time, we believe that linguoinformneme becomes a starting point in the formation of a person's social identity, directing his social activity in one direction or another. It follows from this that the general civil identity integrates the population of the country and is the key to the stability of the state, the concept of "state identity" is synonymous with the concept of "national identity" in cases when the latter is considered in the framework of the approach to the nation as a co-citizenship, a community organized on a state-political basis. The linguistic and informational model of China's representation in foreign media discourses emphasizes the geopolitical interests of other countries in relation to China. The


interest in the media image of the state, first, China, is natural, because the Chinese media are financed at the state expense, which allows them to be considered the mouthpiece of the CPC and the Chinese government. The formation of a civic identity in the mass media is a purposeful process of establishing a civic culture among mass media consumers, making them complicit in this process. The analysis of the existing practice of forming civil identity in educational institutions reveals purposeful systematic work in this direction, which is expressed in the promotion and strengthening of the command system, in wellthought-out tactics education of civic identity, wide use of the educational potential of humanitarian educational subjects, a high level of involvement of all members of Chinese society in socially active activities, in the dominance of the competence and activity paradigm over the "pure knowledge" paradigm. However, the number of media and mass media in China is growing exponentially, so that their content at the expense of the state becomes impossible. In addition, the Chinese media began to widely implement advertising business strategies, so there was a variability in the positioning of the country's image depending on the socially popular mainstream. As the researchers point out, the fundamental geopolitical media strategies of the PRC in promoting the image of China are currently being implemented in the direction of a positive ethnonational Chinese identity, as a developed world power that has a leading reputation capital for modern civilization. The rest of the countries are designed only to set off the greatness of China, emphasizing the importance of the basic mythologeme of China as the center of the world (the Middle State), the Celestial Empire. These media strategies are designated by the CPC as a strategy of "soft power", "The Way and the Wall", "One Belt – One Road", "World Leadership" at the present stage, they are most clearly expressed by the leading publications of the People's Daily", the Xinhua news Agency and China International Radio, whose news is broadcast in one form or another by other Chinese media. In contrast to the media image of China, there is a restraint in the presentation of materials about Russia in the Chinese media discourse, which is since the CPC has set as one of the priority tasks – following the foreign policy course of maintaining neutrality in covering events in Russia. For example: 俄罗斯

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的 “克 里 米 亚 战 略” 是 不 战 而 胜/ "The Kremlin's strategy is to achieve victory without war" (Finance-China, electronic source, 04.03.2014); In the Chinese media discourse, Russia is depicted as a bored girl who dreams of China as a desirable spouse. This mythologeme is actively being introduced into the public consciousness of the Chinese recipient: Zjnews :堅強的俄羅斯

姑娘 Gigi 的 美好 生活 始 於她心 愛的 杭州 / "Russian beauties for marriageable Chinese men?"; 俄羅斯沒有求婚者:俄羅斯女孩在中

國綁架求婚者 / « There are no grooms left in Russia: Russian girls kidnap grooms in China » etc. Identity implies the integration (consolidation) of interests, views, relationships, the result of which is a community of subjects who unite to achieve common goals. As we can see from the examples, the Chinese mass media emphasize the commonality of the basic positions of Russian girls and Chinese men focused on the family. The creation of stable family ties between Russians and Chinese requires the coordination of basic starting positions, since they are united in the main thing, otherwise they differ. Here, the consolidation of media efforts involves the work of each subject to clarify their own and others' positions, search for common ground, adjust their own system of ideas and relationships. An indispensable condition for consolidation is emotional acceptance and non-antagonistic nature of the proposed changes in the system of value relations. to the world, to others, and to yourself. The key task of self-determination of adolescents is the formation of a civil identity, which represents the individual's awareness of his belonging to the community of citizens of a certain state on a general cultural basis that has a certain personal meaning. Let's consider the basic models that represent the media image of China vividly and powerfully, promoting the image of China in the mass consciousness of recipients of Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures on the basis of the linguistic-informational model, reflecting its content and semantics. In the media discourse, China is positioned as a kind of world miracle, so the linguo-phrase "Chinese miracle as a source of success" occupies a key position. The Google search database shows 947,000 articles on the topic of the "Chinese miracle", which illustrates the

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stability of this representative model in the minds of recipients of the media discourse. The lexeme "miracle" contains an indication of "something amazing, surprising with its extraordinary nature" (Shvedova, 2011: 1098), which gives reason to interpret the maximum possible successes of China achieved in a short time, therefore, the "Chinese miracle" is described with a high degree of expression and emotional saturation. For example:1) " The Chinese miracle: The Kremlin did not understand that the people should get rich, not the oligarchs," (Morozov, 2019); 2) " In Russia, little is known and even less is said that the "Chinese economic miracle" is based on the works of the Soviet Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin" (Modestov, 2021); 3) " To love the dragon. There is no Chinese miracle, says Artem Kobzev, winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science in 2010, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (Medvedev, 2011). The linguoinforneme "Chinese miracle as a source of success" actualizes the demonstration of certain superpowers, non-standard solutions that are perceived as a miracle in various spheres of life (sports, medicine, economics, technology, culture, agriculture, etc.). This linguoinforneme is supported by a bizarre mythologization of the image of China in the minds of foreign recipients because China itself has long maintained a secretive image filled with secrets, contributing to the sacralization of the image of China: Chinese literacy, Chinese box, Chinese dummy. At the same time, the initial negative connotation was gradually vented, as a result, the incomprehensible became synonymous with a directed miracle. Since a person is inclined to believe in the sacredness of incomprehensible knowledge, then Chinese success becomes expected. Let us consider identity from the perspective of the aspect of education, which is one of the littlestudied problems. In the theory of educational systems, an important component is the characteristic of the basic set of identities:    

cognitive (knowledge of belonging to a given social community); value-semantic (positive, negative or ambivalent attitude to belonging); emotional (acceptance or non-acceptance of one's belonging); activity-based (implementation of a civic position in communication and activity,

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240 civic activity, participation in activities of public importance).


In the context of the geopolitical media discourse, Chinese medicine, tea, and martial arts can act as a miracle (Karabulatova et al., 2021). For example: 1) " Chinese miracle techniques. How to live long and be healthy! In the minds of most people, the very concept of "Chinese medicine" has become a symbol of a miracle" (Kashniyskiy, 2014), 2) "Traditional medicine in China is just one of the components of the " cultural message that Beijing intends to spread around the world." (Osama Abu ar-Rub, 2020) etc. The XXI century has become an epoch-making one for discovering the unique potential of sports in China. After the Beijing Olympics in 2008 and on the eve of the Beijing Olympics in 2022, the number of articles in the media discourse about the specifics of the Chinese sports miracle is increasing exponentially. In this regard, the phrase "sports miracle of China" has become one of the most frequent and interpreted in the Chinese media discourse. For example: " Chinese miracle about to burst like a bubble?" (Sudakov, 2013); 2) "The sports miracle of China is a consequence of the psychological state of the society of this country" (Soldatov, 2010). In this regard, we should pay attention to the selection system in Chinese schools (Safronova, 2012). In accordance with this goal, the described model is based on the following principles: the development of various types of intelligence is the direct and main goal of quality education and should be the mission of all schools, the special needs of gifted students should be met in their own school, the key point of the education of gifted children should be the development of not only intelligence, but also creativity and social skills, schools should consistently provide various types of educational activities at various age levels, including the integration of variousand extracurricular resources. The level of Chinese universities is getting higher every year, which raises the prestige of the country. E. V. Markelov (2009), notes that gifted children and young people in China, as a rule, enjoy various benefits when moving up the educational "ladder" — state scholarships, subsidies from enterprises, organizations, etc. are at their service. At the same time, private (non-state) universities are becoming increasingly widespread. In China, a hierarchical system of specialized schools has been created: in all cities and provinces, several best schools are distinguished, among them the best is called a


"super school". Such schools receive state support, and, most importantly – the right of competitive selection. The transfer of the Chinese experience of building their own dream society (Malyavin, 2006) goes with the description of the phenomenon of the Chinese miracle with such stable turns as the Chinese version, the Chinese dream, the Chinese style, the Chinese model, the Chinese sample, the Chinese example, the Chinese miracle, the Chinese technology, the Chinese development, etc. For example: 1) "Secrets of covid. The shakiness of the Chinese versions and the Soviet deception" (Zhigalkin, 2021); 2) "Chinese-style in Soft power" (Payders, 2021); 3) "Chinese technology of building houses – why we don't know how to build as fast as the Chinese" (Make a house, electronic resource), etc. The main directions of civil identity education among the younger generation in everyday and educational communication are: 

spiritual and moral and value-semantic education – the formation of priority values of humanism, spirituality and morality, selfesteem; social activity, responsibility, the desire to follow moral norms in their behavior, intolerance to their violation; historical education – knowledge of the main events of the history of the Fatherland and its heroic past, the idea of China's place in world history; knowledge of the main events of the history of the peoples of China and the peoples of neighboring countries, the formation of historical memory, a sense of pride and belonging to the events of the heroic past, knowledge of the main events of the history of small and large relatives in which a person lives; the idea of the connection of the history of his family, family with the history of the country, the formation of a sense of pride for his family, family, city (village); political and legal education-aimed at forming students ' ideas about the state and political structure of China; state symbols, the basic rights and duties of a citizen; the rights and duties of a student; informing about the main socio-political events in the country and in the world; legal competence; patriotic education-is aimed at forming a sense of love for the motherland and pride in belonging to one's people, respect for national symbols and shrines, knowledge of public holidays and participation in them, readiness to participate in public events;

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labor (professionally-oriented) education – the formation of a picture of the world of culture as a product of labor subjecttransforming human activity; familiarization with the world of professions, their social significance and content; the formation of a conscientious and responsible attitude to creative work, respect for the work of people and a careful attitude to the objects of material and spiritual culture created by human labor; environmental education, the tasks of which can be defined as the formation of a high value of life, the needs of students to preserve and improve the natural environment, teaching environmentally appropriate behavior.

The result of such multidirectional work is a positive ethnic and socio-cultural identity of the Chinese as a sense of belonging to the Chinese nation and Chinese society. Such combinations explain the reason for the Chinese miracle, the Chinese breakthrough , while we proceed from the fact that the variant is "a variety, a modification of something" (Kuznetsov, 2000), and the style is "a way of implementing something, the nature of activity" (Kuznetsov, 2000), "model" is synonymous with the word "sample" in the sense of "someone or something as an example to follow" (Kuznetsov, 2000), technology as "a set of techniques used in which - either in business, skill, art" (Efremova, 2000). At the same time, the reference to the definition of Chinese emphasizes the spatial reference, as a topo-orientation of the origin of the phenomenon. The lexeme "miracle" refers to abstract concepts of the existential, which make it difficult to identify frames that would structure this conceptual space and actualize a specific linguistic-informational model. Russian-Chinese relations have experienced both periods of growth and a period of decline, developing along a spiral of civilizational development, therefore, in a broader group of geopolitics, China is considered as a partner of Russia and is part of the "We" structure, however, the underlying idea of the presence of the Chinese threat, or as it is also called the eastern threat, the yellow threat, does not disappear. The linguistic-informational model "The Chinese threat as a new challenge" is based on objective factors of the development of the history and psychology of mankind, when some external stimulus is necessary for its own evolution, acting as a provoking factor of development.

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Modern Russian political scientist A. A. Khramchikhin also considers the geopolitical threat of China to be relevant: "The Chinese threat is an objective reality that is a direct consequence of China's internal problems and the peculiarities of its development" (Khramchikhin, 2013), which forces researchers and practitioners to pay attention to the nuances of the Chinese mentality (Nijiati et al., 2020; Ovshinov, 2019). Du Quanbo believes that the media discourse, throwing headlines in pursuit of hype (such as: "China threatens Russia", "Russia lies under China", "The voice of the Yangtze is heard on the Volga"), actualizes the linguistic and informational model of the "Chinese threat" (Du Quanbo, 2017), strengthening the sociocultural distance between the Chinese and Russians. The Western media discourse, broadcast primarily by the United States, is created according to the linguistic and informational model of the "aggressive Chinese threat", positioning China as a country with a dominant of all kinds of threats to the United States in various spheres of life (Sorokina, 2011). It is typical for the Russian media discourse to paint the image of China as "something demonic, inexplicable and irresistible, inspiring irrational fear", because "any achievement of China, a "breakthrough" in any field is considered not as a success, but as the conquest of positions, living space from someone else" (Du Quanbo, 2016). For example: 1) "The power of the Chinese economy has reached such proportions that now, when Beijing catches a cold, a runny nose begins all over the planet" (Polotsky, 2013); 3) "It seems that China is now the legislator of all world markets: he sneezed – the whole world has a runny nose" (Mikhailov, 2015). With the phenomenon of the coronavirus pandemic, comparisons with the Chinese infection in different spheres of life began to move more aggressively, becoming overgrown with myths, forming a sense of guilt for the fact that the coronavirus was first recorded in China (Karabulatova et al., 2021). This linguoinforneme is implemented in the following linguoinformational steps: 1) "The awakened dragon – the awakened evil – the risen giant" (like: " The Snow Dragons are on their way. China really wants to become an Arctic power" (Kuzmenkin, 2020); 2) "Infernal creatures of the dark side of the world and predators" (like: "Chinese Dragon - Russian bear: incompatible unity of opposites" (Khramchikhin, 2021); "Europeans have always been afraid of the day when the Russian bear and

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242 the Chinese dragon will wake up or, even worse, conclude an alliance" (Maslyakov, 2017);" In the United States, we consider China an economic predator" (Panov, 2019); 3)" the old/new/ reborn master of the world "(" The Chinese: Siberia and the Far East belong to China" (Autho Nome, 2014); 4) "military threats and the redistribution of the world": "China is preparing to become a global superpower. He already has a plan for this, and Chinese President Xi Jinping has publicly stated that he wants China to lead the world by 2050. If China succeeds in doing this, we will see that our world will completely change - perhaps it will happen during our lifetime" (Kozlov, 2018); 5) "economic threats and geopolitics", for example: "China's global economic expansion, which leads to squeezing out competitors and weakening their former influence, significantly changes the picture of the world and the strategic balance in it" (Garbuzov, 2019); 6) "social and other diseases as a regulator of human civilization" ("There is a wave of corporate debt defaults in China. Even before the pandemic, the IMF and the World Bank warned that the "Chinese debt scenario" could plunge the world economy into a depression" (Dembinskaya, 2021); 7) "ethnosociolinguocultural expansion and loss of identity", for example: "The award of the Nobel Prize in Literature to the Chinese writer Mo Yan, on the eve of the opening of the XVIII Congress of the CPC, strengthened the position of supporters of a more active "cultural expansion" (Shestakov, 2012). So, the linguoinforneme "The Chinese threat as a challenge" is just a consequence of China's powerful economic and cultural influence on other countries. It acts as a statement of the fact of the deep dichotomy of the PRC with recognized leading states on the world stage. With the help of the threat linguoinforneme, a threateningly dangerous Language is progressively introduced at the level of linguistic-informational steps using bright, emotionally-colored vocabulary. Linguistic and informational steps to implement the "Chinese threat" support such an image of China in the minds of recipients, which is likened to a separate subject that determines the emotion of the threat (for example: "awakened giant", "awakened dragon", "economic hard predator", "Asian tiger", "fight like a hawk", "the new owner of the Far East"). The fourth and fifth steps "Military threats and the redistribution of the world", "Economic threats and geopolitics" draw attention to such actions that are perceived as carrying danger. For


example, military threats are positioned using such lexemes as conquer, occupy, capture, enslave, vassals, etc. Metaphorically, this threat can be transmitted through physical actions and states of an anthropomorphic type: beat, absorb, devour, scold, scold, conflict, crowd, displace, disease, epidemic, runny nose, syndrome. The linguoinforneme "Chinese threat" promotes an aggressive, tough, dangerous, insidious image of China into the internal picture of the recipients ' world. The coincidence of interests lays a positive basis for the formation of a geopolitically attractive media image of the state in other countries. In China, there is a centralized system of work on the formation of civil identity, the whole process is regulated by the state. This applies both to the country as a whole and to its regions. In Russia, at present, state programs for the work of patriotism, social activities, with gifted children are under development. Indicators of the formation of civic identity in adolescents are such integrative personality qualities as citizenship, patriotism, and sociocritical thinking, which provides a cognitive basis for a person's free life choice. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure the formation of the image of the country among citizens in the unity of value-semantic, historical, patriotic, and legal contexts; the formation of socio-critical thinking as the basis for free choice and self-determination of the individual; development of tolerant consciousness and communicative competence in communication and cooperation. Education of tolerance as a moral value and social norm of the emerging civil society, understanding and respect for a different way of thinking and lifestyle is a necessary condition for life in a multicultural and multi-confessional society, the formation of citizenship and patriotism of the individual. Conclusion Background concepts and symbols act as firmly fixed concepts in the construction of the media image of the state in the picture of the world of the modern recipient. Since China's geopolitical image is promoted according to the CCP's instructions, the media image of China itself looks solid and fundamental, making China more understandable and easier to decode in the minds of recipients. At the same time, a linguoinforneme can act as a result of "a

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cognitive process that combines two (or more) referents that are usually not connected, which leads to a semantic conceptual anomaly, the symptom of which is usually a certain emotional tension" (McCormack, 1990), since it actualizes the existence of media information that is realized at two levels of deep structures of linguistic consciousness that are adjacent to each other: semantic and cognitive. So, the linguoinforneme is a complex of cognitive metaphors. At the same time, the media discourse space is aimed at solving pragmatic problems of maximum audience involvement. When we compare the definition of a cognitive metaphor (in the interpretation of E. McCormack, 1990) and a linguoinforneme in the media discourse, we find differences in the scope of concepts. The cognitive metaphor orients us to the process of understanding the implementation of the linguoinforneme, and the linguoinforneme designates specific techniques for manipulating the public consciousness of recipients, and the lexical and semantic repertoire of the linguoinforneme is always engaged in a social order, unlike the cognitive metaphor. The linguoinforneme is a structural element of the mass media matrix of geopolitonyms as a producing media image of countries and regions. Thus, the structure of the media image of the country contains the following main clusters: informational (a complex of various information about the subject/object of the nomination), associative (a set of associations associated with the named subject/object) and emotionalevaluative (the emotional charge caused by the media image of the country in the author of the statement), - and the crisis of the social social system itself poses the tasks of a new understanding of the phenomenon of identity, its structure, types and conditions of formation in the education system to the scientific and pedagogical community. Acknowledgement This paper was financially supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation on the program to improve the competitiveness of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR University, RUDN-university) among the world’s leading research and education centers. Reference Autho Nome. (2014) The Chinese: Siberia and the Far East belong to China. Maxpark.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

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Khabibullina, Z.N. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 248-256 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.24 How to Cite: Khabibullina, Z.N. (2021). Value searches of the globalizing world. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 248-256. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.24

Value searches of the globalizing world ПОИСК ЦЕННОСТЕЙ В ГЛОБАЛИЗИРУЮЩЕМСЯ МИРЕ Received: July 3, 2021

Accepted: August 18, 2021

Written by: Khabibullina Zilya Nailovna89 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4933-6296 SPIN-код: 1858-2756 Abstract


The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the trends and value priorities of modern society. The global world dictates to a person new conditions for development and value reorientation associated with transformational processes in information cyberspace. The changes taking place in the consumer society are associated with social, economic and cultural conditions. There is a change in the established spiritual values and human needs for values of a one-dimensional, pragmatic and utilitarian sense. Various ways of value reassessment of the current trends in society, which would contribute to the formation of sustainable development on the basis of an adequate worldview search for alternative ways of developing the future world, are considered. The methodological basis of this study is the positions and conclusions of leading Western and Russian scientists who have paid great attention to the problems of global transformations in the modern world, which are closely related to the formation of a system of values. The study uses elements of a transdisciplinary paradigm that combines theoretical and methodological principles of system-structural, functional and comparative analysis, allowing us to trace the development of modern social relations against the background of the crisis of the global value system. The use of structural-functional and comparative methods helped to reveal the specifics and interconnectedness of value preferences in different cultures, made it possible to analyze the features of the contradictory sociocultural space of modern society and identify its main axiological characteristics. The modern information society generates a completely different worldview and environment of activity,

Статья посвящена теоретическому осмыслению тенденций и ценностных приоритетов современного общества. Глобальный мир диктует человеку новые условия развития и ценностной переориентации, связанного с трансформационными процессами в информационном киберпространстве. Изменения, происходящие в обществе потребления, сопряжены социальными, экономическими и культурными условиями. Происходит смена устоявшихся духовных ценностей и потребностей человека на ценности одномерного, прагматического и утилитарного толка. Рассматриваются разные пути ценностной переоценки происходящих тенденций в обществе, которые способствовали бы формированию устойчивого развития на основе адекватного мировоззренческого поиска альтернативных путей развития будущего мира. Методологической основой данного исследования являются положения и выводы ведущих западных и российских учёных, уделявших большое внимание проблемам глобальных трансформаций в современном мире, которые тесно связаны с формированием системы ценностей. В исследовании использованы элементы трансдисциплинарной парадигмы, сочетающей теоретикометодологические принципы системноструктурного, функционального и сравнительного анализов, позволяющих проследить за развитием современных общественных отношений на фоне кризиса глобальной системы ценностей. Использование структурно-функционального и компаративистского методов способствовало раскрытию специфики и взаимосвязанности ценностных предпочтений в различных культурах, дало возможность анализа особенностей противоречивого


Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Science Bashkir State University, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia.


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

where the value system directly depends on intelligence and knowledge, and information becomes a strategic resource of society. Keywords: global world, value orientations, public consciousness, information, worldview, personality, consumption.

социокультурного пространства современного общества и выявить его основные аксиологические характеристики. Современное информационное общество порождает совершенно другое мировоззрение и среду деятельности, где система ценностей напрямую зависит от интеллекта и знаний, а информация становится стратегическим ресурсом общества. Ключевые слова: глобальный мир, ценностные ориентации, общественное сознание, информация, мировоззрение, личность, потребление.


Literature review

Behind the history of the formation of the global world lies a long period of development, periodically giving way to crises and wars. As the development of society shows, crisis situations are not always an indicator of the inferiority of the system, discontent of the people and economic downturn. The crisis becomes that starting point, followed by a new stage, a transition to some other state, quite possibly more progressive and stable.

In this study, we proceed from the meaning of the concept of “modernity”, which was adhered to by such thinkers as D. Bell (Bell, 2004) or E. Giddens (Giddens, 2011). The defining characteristics for us are the characteristics of an intellectual society with a predominance of the service sector in the economy, the determinability of a person's status by the number of his competencies. Modernity (modernization) presupposes a radical reconstruction of the economic, political, social and cultural spheres of society.

The situation that has arisen in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, on a global scale, is very symbolic and demonstrates the reaction of all social systems in the context of restriction: isolation at all levels; distance education, work and shopping; turning to digital technologies. Accordingly, the trend of digitalization of society, despite all the fears and risks, will continue to grow. In this area, completely new relations are formed, respectively, strategic thinking and social forecasting should anticipate potential risks and threats to the development of society. The theoretical foundations were the works of foreign and domestic scientists in the field of social philosophy, sociology and media philosophy. Specific methodological and theoretical concepts of the philosophy of postmodernism were used in the work; we trace the features of the formation of a global consumer society on the example of these concepts. The fundamental sources of the work are the works of D. Bell, E. Giddens, V.S. Semenov, which made it possible to reveal the specifics of the formation of values in the information society. Various aspects of the sociocultural space of the modern information society are disclosed in the works of A.P. Nazaretyan, S.G. Kara-Murza, I.V. Polozova, E.V. Bryzgalina.

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The process of globalization introduces completely different meanings and characteristics into a person's life, outside of which it is impossible to comprehend a person's inscribed in the world of society and build plans in time and space related to the future. A person's awareness of himself as a part of the collective consciousness is determined by a long history of formation and development from the past to the present, from the present to the future. In this context, the concept of “modernity” is of great interest to us, associated with the characteristics of the first decades of the 21st century. Where are we heading? How can we change our future? Answers to these questions require an understanding of the concept of "modernity". The problem of “modernity” is associated with the processes of the formation of the civilizational world, the values of which are comparable to the ideals of the Enlightenment. It was considered for a long time as a certain stage in the development of society, endowed with more progressive characteristics and values in comparison with the previous stage. The concept of “modernity” is gradually becoming a part of theories of historical progress. For example, these are the conceptual teachings of such thinkers as O. Comte, G. Spencer and

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250 others, who considered the movement of the life of human society from a less developed stage to a more developed stage as a turning point in striving for a better future. Gradually, the doctrine of historical progress is being replaced by existential approaches, according to which something irrational, affects, etc. can become the values of a new stage of development. In the middle of the 20th century, ideas appeared according to which history should not be treated as a certain predetermined natural process. This approach excludes the attitude to history in the context of social progress, emphasizing that at each time stage of society there is its own modernity, for example, as in postmodernism. The main characteristics of the postmodern approach are associated with ideological chaos, uncertainty and lack of stability in society. For example, within the framework of the sociophilosophical and culturological current, there are concepts or intellectual movements such as “postmodernism” and “hypermodernism” that offer a language for describing a new era (Pavlov, 2019). Comprehending “modernity”, E. Giddens characterized it as “crushing force”, which is very dynamic and unpredictable, creates risks and the dominance of systemic tendencies (Giddens, 2011). Methodology The systems approach and comparative analysis, which we used in this study, made it possible to analyze the features of the contradictory sociocultural space of modern society and identify its main axiological characteristics. The modern information society gives rise to a completely different worldview and environment of activity, where the value system directly depends on intelligence and knowledge, and information becomes a strategic resource of society. The comparative analysis allowed us to conduct a comparative characteristic of the transition from the usual values to the construction of a new system of values, as well as a special strategy of scientific understanding made it possible to consider significant historical facts. Integrative trends and an interdisciplinary approach necessary to characterize the social changes of the modern global world give a multidimensional vision of the subject of research, modifying concepts and forming a new qualitative view of the problem. In contrast to narrow-subject


approaches, interdisciplinarity allows us to analytically capture and identify the value characteristic of the changes we are interested in. The synthetic and analytical potential of philosophical comparative studies and such methodological techniques as comparison and coordination helped to trace how the devaluation of familiar values occurs and there is a need for the formation of new ones. Results and discussion The achievements of the scientific community in the field of digital technology are impressive and they continue to evolve very rapidly. In this regard, the question arises about their level of implementation in the life of each person. Since new information, depending on many situations and circumstances, can be both “good” and vice versa. The situation when influential corporations do their best to promote the development of digital technologies for their own sake can have negative consequences for the development of society. A person in a society of “total digitalization” becomes repeatedly alienated and totally dependent. All boundaries of human inviolability have been demolished, personal information about any person can be found on the Internet. Digital transformation is a modern trend, with the future behind it, since the digitalization of many socio-technical tasks greatly facilitates and simplifies the life of a modern person. In the future, there will be many more amazing advances in artificial intelligence. However, new challenges should not infringe on human interests. There are many different situations known when information about any person can become the subject of sale and purchase, thereby creating an atmosphere of threat and vulnerability of the individual (Stegnia, 2015, р.47). Virtual reality is becoming a real environment for most young people, as they spend much more time there than in social reality. Accordingly, the outlook of the younger generation is also changing, the skills of social interaction are lost. There is a gradual destruction of the usual system of social structure. The construction of a new social sphere is associated with total digitalization. If it is inevitable, it should be carried out taking into account the interests of the individual and society. The process of introducing technologies should not be lightningfast; on the contrary, systematic and gradual

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

implementation will make it possible to take into account all risks and protect a person.

forms that reflect social, economic, political and other spheres of human life.

For everyone, it became a test, for example, the situation related to Russian education during the coronavirus pandemic. When the Internet became the main educational medium, a huge number of problems associated with the digital technology base and the lack of the necessary technical means, with a lack of work skills and a culture of communication on the Internet, were highlighted.

The study of such value orientations makes it possible to compose a kind of integral structure of both the axiological hierarchy and the differences in each society. Comparative characteristics of these data provide rich material for understanding the specifics of social consciousness and identifying trends in the development of society. For example, the gradation of the parameters of human nature undertaken by H. A. Barlybaev in the context of globalization as a multifaceted and large-scale integral phenomenon caused by various forms and spheres of human activity deserves attention (Barlybaev, 2016).

This is the case when the process of introducing digital technologies into the socioanthropological sphere should be predictable and understandable. When solving various conflict and risk-generating situations, a person must be able to manage these risks and threats. The introduction of digital technologies into social reality is a given that is accepted by all progressive humanity. At the same time, how this system will function, on what grounds, depends on the control of the systems of socio-technical expertise, in compliance with the laws, individual rights and the welfare of society. Undoubtedly, the achievements of technoscience determine the success of a civilizational strategy, however, outside the humanistic foundations of mankind, everything is meaningless. Philosophy, just, provides a comprehensive analysis of complex processes not only in the modern anthropotechnosphere, but also seeks to comprehend the futurological techno picture (Aseeva et al, 2021, р.52). It is not possible to unambiguously determine the value orientations of our time; we can talk about trends, specifics, but in any case, they require more careful consideration. It is impossible to imagine the understanding of social, political or economic processes outside of value research. Value orientations are significant in setting promising goals for a person's life and the emotional and psychological basis of a person's volitional efforts and perseverance in their implementation. “Their role is especially vividly manifested in the “points of bifurcation”, when it is necessary to make a strategic decision that determines the fate of a person, a decision that is of a fundamental nature and is often associated with a moral choice” (Gendin, 2012, р. 275-276). Any state is characterized by common values that represent a basic set of values for different communities. However, depending on the complexity and diversity of social relations, public consciousness functions in a variety of

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In a consumer society, development values and the manifestation of personal qualities associated with social, economic and cultural conditions are becoming a priority. Values related to ecology and ethics of consumption are being updated. "As soon as the secular value system is finally emancipated from the religious system, values deprived of their spiritual ontological support are reborn and degenerate" (Polozova, 2019). Contemporary Russian culture is also undergoing similar transformations. A feature of the current situation is the process of globalization and the search for self-determination of Russian culture in the post-Soviet space. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine these transformations in isolation from global processes. The values of the global world are characterized by uncertainty, instability, transformation of the authentic into imitation, which makes the existence of culture discrete and aggravates alienation in this world (Khabibullina, 2019). A person is constantly forced to ensure that the requirements of the community of professional, state, class levels are observed. The constant race to meet certain expectations of various systemic structures deprives a person of freedom, turning him into an individual who is in a state of total adaptation. To the detriment of the values of creative development, unity in diversity, extraordinary, free thinking and sustainability, the values of one-dimensional, pragmatic and informational sense and standardization are implanted (Yachin, 2017). At the level of mass culture, this finds expression in the unification of values, the leveling of socio-cultural contradictions. There is no certainty about the future, which causes fears and phobias; a person, following the stereotypes

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252 of mass consciousness, descends to the level of indifference, indifference to everything that happens, that is, consciously or unconsciously becomes a conformist. There is a change in habitual norms and perceptions, contributing to the disorientation of individuals and stimulating their marginalization. Dissociation of individuals leads to the rupture of socio-identification ties. The pace of progress is so ambitious, technology is limitless, that a person has no choice but to engage in this transformation process associated with a reassessment of values. The dynamic changes of our time make high demands on a person related to communication skills, technical education and the formation of a new consumer culture. The needs and values of the global world come in opposition to the established spiritual values and the needs of a person who does not have time to rebuild, rethink everything that happens, but is forced to engage in some transformational processes, which are characterized by unification, devaluation and loss of uniqueness. The changing structure of society cannot continue to function on the basis of the old mechanisms; new norms and values are needed that would reflect the comprehensive interests of the majority, and not just some small part of society. The possibilities of the modern communication environment are great. However, the question of how to come to a consensus based on the intersection of traditions, values and different cultures remains open (Semenov, 2007). The technogenic world and global communication lead to the unification and standardization of public consciousness, pseudo-humanistic goals are declared that create situations of uncertainty and alienation in society. Value imperatives, despite their all-embracing nature, are subject to change, as old models are destroyed, giving way to new ones. The process of gradual renewal also requires new approaches to the reassessment of values. The global world is unpredictable and heterogeneous, multifaceted and symbolic. In such a multidimensional and transforming world, the hierarchy of values is built in different ways. A person is gradually alienated from such stable communities as the state, class, and professional community. He is more concerned with consumer interests of the mass, average statistical, informational and pragmatic, in spite of the unique, creative and diverse.


The interests of a person in modern society are closely related to awareness, since the artificial world totally embraces a person with an information network in all spheres. Accordingly, this is reflected in the worldview of a person associated with the formation of a value rethinking of the significance and role of information flow and technologies in his life. Some, for example, using the opportunities of information technology, receive education, improve their professional qualifications, while others use technology to misinform the population and manipulate the masses (KaraMurza, 2008). Such contradictory consequences of the information society are reflected in the public consciousness. The value reassessment of information processes takes place on the basis of a person's worldview search. The information society on the basis of modern highly developed technologies and intellectual resources forms a new type of culture and a person, a consumer of all kinds of information products. It is assumed that such a society will ensure the sustainable development of civilization. However, as practice shows, huge risks for the existence of civilization are reproduced in the information society. Therefore, the ability of a person of modern civilization to give an adequate assessment of events, phenomena and processes taking place in the information society becomes an important value, since, based on his worldview and understanding, he will make a decision and defend his position. A person strives for optimal satisfaction of individual information needs using both traditional and new information technologies. This ratio is the most important factor in successful professional and everyday activities, as well as social protection of the individual in the information environment. The first European utopias also relied on the potential of scientific and technological progress; it was believed that they satisfy basic human needs and become a necessary condition for the emergence of a comprehensively developed personality. However, this ideal remains a technocratic illusion, and in reality one has to proceed from the alienation of man both from the surrounding nature and from the world of technical reality. Accordingly, “the requirement of the individual to make the satisfaction of his needs the main condition for his development turns this development in general into some kind of

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movement without end, since it is impossible even to imagine that in the process of his existence, needs may become less or they generally sometime in the near or distant future will be fully satisfied” (Makhovikov, 2019). With the penetration of information technologies into all spheres of human social activity, cyberspace becomes a place for purposeful manipulation of people's consciousness. Through ideological influence or disinformation, it is possible to reduce the ability of critical perception of information, to undermine the cultural and moral foundations of the individual, despite the implementation of the humanistic principles of social management and environmental impact (Mikhailova, 2009). The past century has given a lot of research in which the instability and instability of the development of the world are studied and various options for the further development of mankind along the chosen path are proposed. For example, against the background of the problems of ecology and the interaction of man and nature, the problem of the survival of mankind is becoming more acute. Many experts pinned their hopes on a sustainable development strategy, which proposed a solution to environmental problems, as well as the stable development of social, political, and economic systems. (Shelekhov, 2002). As reality shows, a remarkable theory cannot always be realized due to a number of objective circumstances. We should not forget that we live in a time when the dilemma “environmental values - consumption values” does not work in favor of environmental awareness. The cult of consumption and quick satisfaction of evergrowing needs is becoming the norm of behavior in society. Declaration of sustainability, the need to preserve nature, resources becomes educational in nature. However, the practical power of the idea of enrichment and satisfaction of unlimited human needs always remains a priority. Accordingly, such contradictions in public consciousness and the hierarchy of values lead to the formation of a situation where a reassessment of values is required. That is, there is a need to change the values of society and the individual. Apparently, a new stage of development has begun, requiring a rethinking of the values of post-industrial society, accompanied by the expansion of production and intervention in natural processes that will not be able to further contribute to the viability of the world system.

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The information society confronts a person with a new reality correlated with radical changes in the value orientations of everyone. It is impossible to imagine a stable society developing according to certain given parameters. Most likely, on the contrary, unpredictability, chaos, temporality set a certain vector for the formation of ideas about development trends "Identity has become a phenomenon that reflects the identity of the individual to the social and cultural worlds. It gives a person a full range of value orientations from national to global " (Seregina, 2016). The ecocentric approach, which at first glance seems to be relevant and in demand, contains an orientation “from the outside”, towards the world around us. In this case, the role of a person seems to dissolve in the struggle for an idea. In order to solve problems of this magnitude, a person must feel unity with nature and responsibility for it. This approach is largely based on the position of the unity of the relationship between man and nature, the indissolubility of the development of society and nature. On this path, a combination of anthropological and environmental values is possible, if a person is imbued with responsibility for his existence in a social environment and will control his active activities from the position: do not harm the environment, since this is the abode of your existence. We have to state as a given of the global world the complex interactions of the processes of social, artificial and natural-biological development. Transformations in the socioeconomic sphere are the result of dynamic socioeconomic and technogenic processes. This is accompanied by complex changes in the very life of a person. In fact, these transformational transformations have turned into “effective tools for the scientific analysis of social, political and economic processes, the scope of which extends from the construction of theoretical constructions and expert assessments to making management decisions and drawing up futurological forecasts (Przhilenskiy, 2021). Living his life in an information society, a person creates his inner information world, thereby creating a new information form of being. The flow of information changes the human value scale. A person, in the process of being included in the information environment, can achieve a lot, thereby influencing intrapersonal selforganization and developing personal individuality and uniqueness.

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254 The development of information technologies can be not only valuable, but also become a threat to the preservation of a person's personal space. Nobody wants to become public enough to be the subject of public viewing. Will the total digitalization of society turn into total surveillance of a person? The capabilities of artificial intelligence are striking in their potential, that it is time for humanity to think about preserving its personal space. Without maintaining a balance between the introduction of information technologies and the level of protection of personal space, an inevitable destructive socio-cultural and geopolitical result can be obtained. A multiple increase in the volume of scientific knowledge in modern conditions and the dynamics of the information flow form a new type of person who is forced to master at least the knowledge that is necessary for professional activity or according to interests. Modern technologies are very flexible in adapting to the interests of the population, shaping the mass consciousness in a specific way. The information field turns out to be rigidly structured, where various groups of interests, professions, social circle, etc. are distinguished. “The digital educational footprint, becoming a commodity, generates a number of conflicts regarding the autonomy of subjects and the status of personal data. The key risks of using AI in education are associated with the problems of human existential security and the anthropological nature of education” (Bryzgalina, 2021). Such communities can function on absolutely different grounds - from personal interests to global, from religious to secular, from international to national, etc. At the same time, authorities play an important role in them, who can pursue both socially acceptable and negatively destructive goals. Such an information flow is designed mainly for the mass consumer, for whom mental comfort and the illusion of being involved in something significant are more objective than the search for truth. The transition to digital communication is accompanied by a transformation from traditional activities and value orientations to new realities. In the economic sphere, material, production relations are replaced by symbolic, virtual processes. The role of information becomes a priority in all its manifestations. Possession and disposal of information is impossible without acquiring new skills and competencies. But not everyone is ready to


relearn, master new roles and follow the spirit of the times, even if they understand the prospects of modern technologies. At the same time, a person becomes vulnerable and manipulated more than ever. Hence, alienation and loss of the meaning of life arise (Nazaretyan, 2018). The digital society sets a high bar for human abilities, since modern production should be managed by competent people who are characterized by flexibility of mind, the ability to make non-standard decisions, predictive abilities and creative thinking (Mayakova, 2019). A person cannot correspond to the ideals of society in everything. Despite the fact that the information environment favors the development of new human perspectives, however, human dependence on modern technologies is becoming colossal. A person in an information society ceases to be himself, the boundaries of the personal and the public are so blurred that the possibilities of external control of human behavior increase many times over. The formation of a digital society is a process that is gaining momentum, which requires a value characteristic associated with understanding the ambiguous role of digital technologies in the history of mankind, and “to give a new categorical apparatus that will not only adequately describe the realities of the modern world, but also show how this reality fits into into the logic of historical development, which, ultimately, will make it possible to imagine the contours of the future and the place of man in it” (Artamonov, & Ustyantsev, 2020). The transformations of modern society leave an ambiguous impression: uncertainty, growing social stratification, risks, environmental problems; this trend is becoming widespread. The possibilities of modern technologies impress with their potential and limitless horizons of influence on social behavior and mental activity of a person. Along with expanding horizons and the ability to express their individuality, a person in the virtual world is forced to “play by the rules”, which leads to leveling and passive perception of the proposed product. Conclusions Thus, the assertion of values in Russian society is closely interconnected with the market economy, the development process of which has its own specific features. Unfortunately, the lack of competition for the sake of making a profit is fraught with a change in the way of life of people

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and the entire process of socialization. If these tendencies, on the one hand, induce the population to show initiative and social activity, on the other hand, the development of economic liberalization and competition contribute to double standards, general alienation and social apathy. In such a situation of concrete alienation of material and spiritual life, it is difficult for a person to determine the system of personal values, stability, certainty are lost, there is a feeling of loss of something significant and genuine. Against the background of the priority of socio - economic values over others, one has to observe how the unified system of spiritual values based on honesty, kindness, duty and justice is gradually being eroded. In any case, whether it will be associated with the creation of a new state ideology or large-scale socio-economic projects, a situation has ripened in society when the value scale should be based on the objective laws of human and society development. Such a system, first of all, should proceed from the deep ideological and spiritual messages of society, aimed not at consumerism, but the preservation and development of human potential. Accordingly, no matter how chaotic the process of forming a new system of values in Russian society proceeds, it is necessary to try to preserve and accumulate the values of different generations, so that subsequent generations would also want to rely on the creative potential and values of past years. The global world makes new demands for existence and coexistence at the level of history and culture. The change in value orientations in society should occur gradually, subject to a number of conditions: the preservation of the main complex of traditionalist values of the country, the adaptation of these values to new conditions, and their use in constructing a strategy for the development of society. Presumably, countries that have forces capable of rethinking the potential of the world's diversity with the recognition of alternative ways of developing the future world based on an objective and comprehensive assessment of events will be more successful. References Arbeláez-Campillo, D. F., Rojas-Bahamón, M. J., & Arbeláez-Encarnación, T. F. (2019). Notes for

the debate of the categories universal citizenship, human rights and globalization. Cuestiones Políticas, 34(61), 139-161. Recuperado a partir

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de https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cu estiones/article/view/30192 Artamonov, D.S., & Ustyantsev, V. B., (2020). Digital philosophy of history: problem statement. Bulletin of the Saratov University. Series “Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy”, 20(1), pp. 4–9. Aseeva I.A., Budanov V.G., & Mayakova A.V. (2021). From digital technologies to a society of total control? Bulletin of the Tomsk State University. Philosophy. Sociology. Political science, No. 59, pp. 51-59. Barlybaev Kh.A. (2016). Globalization: from analysis in breadth to research in depth, the Age of Globalization, № 1-2. С. 58-69. Bell, D. (2004). The coming post-industrial society. Social forecasting experience. Moscow: Publishing house “Academia”., pp 944. Bryzgalina, E.V. (2021). Artificial intelligence in education. Analysis of implementation goals. Man, 32(2), pp. 9-29. Gendin, A.M. (2012). Values and value orientations in the system of factors determining activity. Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafieva, No. 2 (20), pp. 269-277. Giddens E. (2011). Consequences of modernity. Moscow: Praxis, p. 352. Kara-Murza, S. G., (2008). Manipulation of consciousness. Moscow: Eksmo, pp. 864. Khabibullina, Z.N. (2019). Mass consciousness and elite thinking: social and philosophical aspects. Social and humanitarian knowledge, No. 10, pp. 167-173. Makhovikov, A.E. (2019). Personality development as a world outlook illusion of the idea of progress. Bulletin of the Saratov University. Series “Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy”, 19(3), pp. 267–271. Mayakova, A.V. (2019). Analysis of sociocultural risks of modern society. VSU Bulletin. Series: Philosophy, No. 3, pp. 120-127. Mikhailova, E. N. (2009). Socio-philosophical analysis of deformations of forms of social consciousness. Novosibirsk State University Bulletin. Series “Philosophy”, 7(3), pp. 61-64. Nazaretyan, A.P. (2018) Challenges and Prospects for Civilization: Will Evolution Become Cosmically Significant? Philosophy questions, No. 6, pp. 99-110. URL: https://www.libnauka.ru/item.php?doi=10.7868/ S0042874418060080 Pavlov, A.V. (2019). Images of modernity in the 21st century: hypermodernism. Philosophy Journal, 12(2), pp. 20‒33. Polozova, I.V. (2019). Transformation and deformation of the value system of modern

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256 society. Social and humanitarian review, No. 3, pp. 59-62. Przhilenskiy V.I., (2021). The image of the East in systems of thinking and structures of social action. Problems of Philosophy, No. 6, pp. 54–64. Semenov, V.S. (2007). On the ways of progressive development of Russian society and civilization in the 21st century. Problems of Philosophy, No. 4, pp. 94-113. Seregina, T.N. (2016). The phenomenon of identity and cultural policy of modern Russia.


Context and reflection: philosophy about the world and man, 5. № 6А, 248-258. Shelekhov, A.M. (2002). The main provisions of the strategy of sustainable development of Russia. Moscow, pp. 161. Stegnia, V.N. (2015). Personality in an information-innovative society. Perm: Publishing House of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, pp. 448. Yachin, S.E. (2017). Criticism of axiological reason. Questions of philosophy, No. 8, pp. 54-68.

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.25 How to Cite: Simonova, S.A., Shvetsova, T.V., Shtanko, M.A., Bronnikov, D.G., & Mikhailov, A.A. (2021). Leo Tolstoy's moralizing in context of ethical and aesthetic synthesis. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 257-263. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.25

Leo Tolstoy's moralizing in context of ethical and aesthetic synthesis Морализаторство Льва Толстого в контексте этико-эстетического синтеза Received: May 2, 2021

Accepted: july 26, 2021

Written by: Svetlana A. Simonova90 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4506-1248 SPIN: 5141-2502 Tatiana V. Shvetsova91 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9637-6958 SPIN: 8251-1780 Marina A. Shtanko 92 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2665-2552 SPIN: 4867-9385 Denis G. Bronnikov93 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0382-4414 SPIN: 6467-0780 Alexei A. Mikhailov94 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2222-5708 SPIN: 6571-2725 Abstract


The article examines the moralizing of Leo Tolstoy on the example of his theoretical ideas. The authors, examining their genesis, come to the conclusion that the writer formed his ideas under the influence of French enlighteners and sentimentalists, on the one hand, and absorbed the ethical dominant of Russian culture, on the other hand. The article analyzes the idea of absolutizing good, which runs through Tolstoy's entire aesthetic theory as a leitmotif. As a result of the study of the aesthetic views of the writer, it is concluded that Tolstoy understood the role of art solely as a translation of feelings and a means of communication. The writer deprives art of its aura of mystery and does not recognize the latter as a source of aesthetic pleasure and spiritual enrichment. The article analyzes the worldview of the writer, reveals the influence on him of the experience acquired by Tolstoy in childhood and adolescence. Tolstoy's works of art and theoretical views are another example of the fact that the artist's worldview does not always coincide with his work.

В статье исследуется морализаторство Льва Толстого на примере его теоретических идей. Авторы, исследуя их генезис, приходят к выводу, что писатель сформировал свои идеи под влиянием французских просветителей и сентименталистов, с одной стороны, и впитал в себя этическую доминанту отечественной культуры, с другой стороны. В статье анализируется идея абсолютизации добра, которая лейтмотивом проходит сквозь всю эстетическую теорию Толстого. В результате исследования эстетических взглядов писателя, делается вывод о понимании Толстым роли искусства исключительно как трансляции чувств и средства общения. Писатель лишает искусство ореола таинственности и не признает последнее в качестве источника эстетического наслаждения и духовного обогащения. В статье анализируется мировоззрение писателя, выявляется влияние на него опыта, приобретенного Толстым в детстве и юности. Художественные произведения и


Doctor of Philosophical Science, Professor, Moscow State University of Psychology & Education (MSUPE). Moscow, Russia. Candidate of Philology, docent, Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NarFU). Arkchangelsk, Russia. 92 Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics, Taganrog, Russia. 93 The Kosygin State University of Russia. Moscow, Russia. 94 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of Shuya Branch of Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia. 91

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ISSN 2 322- 6307


Simonova, S.A., Shvetsova, T.V., Shtanko, M.A., Bronnikov, D.G., Mikhailov, A.A. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 257-263 / July, 2021

Keywords: moralism, art, didactics, ethical and aesthetic synthesis, Christian values.

теоретические взгляды Толстого являют очередной пример того, что мировоззрение художника не всегда совпадает с его творчеством. Ключевые слова: морализм, искусство, дидактика, этико-эстетический синтез, христианские ценности.

Introduction In modern times, rehabilitation and new substantiations of the essence of spiritual values are in demand, the basis of which is the synthesis of ontology, ethics and aesthetics. Recently, a tendency has developed to consider worldview simplifications as the norm, to justify the decay of values, the aestheticization of being, and in general, to present the above as a natural evolution of culture, a natural socio-cultural process. Researcher Paramonov spoke about modern culture in the following way: today, the value of a person is no longer what is due, for modernity the given is paramount and present (Paramonov, 1999: 6). That is, any striving for the ideal is secondary in comparison with what is useful and pragmatic here and now. The European tradition, in the destruction of the ancient synthesis of truth, goodness and beauty, alternately carried out the absolutization of the epistemological, ethical or aesthetic aspects of spiritual unity, which has led today to quite negative consequences. V.V. Bibikhin: “Modern man escapes into darkness from his own judgment. What to ask, when there is no one to answer. The person of the current day sees himself as a lonely, albeit prodigal, but a son who can no longer return to his father” (Bibikhin, 1998: 34). In Russian culture, it is ethics that traditionally passes through the whole philosophy and works of art as a leitmotif. In this regard, P. Ye. Astafiev notes: “Our people are least of all a legal or political people, to a very weak degree - socioeconomic and in the highest degree - moral and moral-religious” (Astafiev, 1996: 95). Materials and methods In this article, we aim to identify the origins and specific features of Leo Tolstoy's moralizing based on an analysis of his aesthetic theory. To achieve this goal, we used methods such as axiological, comparative, dialectical, psychological analysis. The axiological method is necessary in the context of the study of the value attitudes of the Russian writer, which can


be traced in his aesthetic theory. We used the method of comparative analysis in order to compare Tolstoy's moralism with the moral ideas of French enlighteners, Christian philosophers and contemporary Russian researchers. The psychological method was applied by us in the process of studying the life experience of a young writer, which had a certain influence on the formation of his value priorities. The dialectical method contributed to the study of Leo Tolstoy's philosophical views in the context of evolution and the interaction of his theoretical ideas and artistic creativity. Based on the above, we have built the appropriate logic of the study. First, we investigated the genesis of the writer's Christian moralism, which in a certain sense were close to the ideas of the ancient Stoics and Western European moralists of the Enlightenment. In them one should look for the sources of Tolstoy's rationalism, withdrawal into social philosophy and his denial of mystical Christian revelation. Further, a simplified interpretation of art by the Russian writer was considered, where Tolstoy actually denies the role of aesthetic pleasure provided by art and the spiritual component of the latter. Finally, we revealed the discrepancy between his theoretical views of Tolstoy and his artistic work, filled with a synthesis of ethics and aesthetics. Results and discussion The emergence of such a phenomenon as "Russian moralizing" was facilitated, in our opinion, by a paradoxical interaction in the national consciousness of moral and legal or legal, leading to their almost tragic collision. In this regard, let us give as an example the reasoning of the scientist-ethicist V.P. Fetisov, concerning increased attention to moral values: “many moral assessments and norms may be monstrously backward compared to cultural and progressive countries, but our inclination to moral searches will still be stronger” (Fetisov, 1995: 4).

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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

One of the most striking and indicative phenomena in this context was the ethical and philosophical ideas of L.N. Tolstoy, a convinced moralizer who asserts in his theoretical judgments the ethical dominant of Russian culture. In his critical statements, the writer defended morality as the main component of human spirituality, thus belittling everything that is associated with aesthetics, relegating beauty to a secondary, auxiliary, consciously and purposefully destroying and denying the equal interaction of good and beauty. We emphasize, however, that in his works of art Tolstoy demonstrated the opposite. Interest in the theoretical ideas of Leo Tolstoy is great enough, his contemporaries have already investigated their philosophical component. G. Florovsky believed that the genesis of the moralizing of the Russian writer should be seen in the specifics of Tolstoy's personality, his education and preferences, the cultural soil on which the writer grew up, which he perceived and creatively reworked. Florovsky characterized Tolstoy's philosophical outlook as “moral positivism”, “moralistic robinsonade” and “moralistic casuistry”. Being a deeply religious thinker, Florovsky accuses Tolstoy of religious mediocrity. “He undoubtedly had the temperament of a preacher or a moralist, but he had no religious experience at all. Tolstoy was not at all religious, he was religiously mediocre” (Frolovsky, 1983: 404). It is with this fact that the philosopher explains Tolstoy's inclination to moral positivism, which has its origins in the philosophy of ancient Stoicism. It is significant that some researchers superficially correlate the teachings of the Stoics with Christian ideas in an ethical context. However, while recognizing certain similarities, let us emphasize their fundamental divergence. Christian teaching is mystical, filled with revelations; the ideas of the Stoics are based on ethical rationalism, the virtue of the ancient philosophers of this direction is based on their strictly rationalized substantiation of the postulated moral convictions. Tolstoy denies Christian mysticism, appealing to common sense and reason. Orthodox mystical Christian dogmas, such as the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, the resurrection of Christ, Tolstoy cannot recognize, therefore, he either completely denies or transforms in accordance with his views, relying largely on the ideas of the

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enlighteners who build the architectonics of the picture of the world not multidimensionally and antinomically, but within the framework of social philosophy. G.G. Shpet emphasizes in this connection that the nature of moralizing consists in the absence of the tragic, because the latter is mystical in nature. “The tragic is both in the epic and in the lyrics. It is absent only in the novel, because it is moralizing about the tragic” (Shpet, 2007: 66). The ethical and aesthetic views of Leo Tolstoy were exhaustively set forth in his work "What is art?", Therefore, let us analyze this work in more detail. A fragment of this treatise provides a key to understanding Tolstoy's ideological position, contains all his nihilistic, moralistic and aesthetic values: “The other day I was walking home from a walk in a depressed state of mind. Approaching the house, I heard the loud singing of a large round dance of women ... In this singing, with shouts and beating in a braid, such a definite feeling of joy, cheerfulness, energy was expressed that I myself did not notice how I became infected with this feeling and went to the house more cheerfully and approached it very cheerful and cheerful. In the same excited state, I found all the household members who listened to this singing. On the same evening, a wonderful musician who came to visit us, famous for his performance of classical, especially Beethoven's, things, played us the opus 101 Beethoven's sonata ... At the end of the performance, it was obvious that everyone was getting bored, as expected, zealously praised Beethoven's thoughtful work ... Meanwhile, the song of the women was a real art that conveyed a definite and strong feeling. But Beethoven's 101st sonata was just an unsuccessful attempt at art, containing no definite feeling and therefore infecting nothing” (Tolstoy, 1985: 235-236). Thus, Leo Tolstoy claims that, on the one hand, he observes "real art" (singing of women), on the other hand, it is just "an unsuccessful attempt at art" (Beethoven's sonata). The moralistic categorism of the Russian writer prevented him from fully realizing his critical work, from getting to the very origins of the negative state of art, science and culture of that time. Leo Tolstoy seems to stop halfway; where a deep, ontological insight into the essence of things should have been realized, the writer is limited only to discontent, petty criticism and utopian projects of a very dubious nature. The moralizing inherent in the writer becomes an obstacle to more promising and detailed research, makes it

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260 impossible to explore the phenomenon of art in all the multifaceted nature of its metaphysical possibilities. In connection with the above, it seems to us quite natural the shocking nihilistic impulse of the Russian writer, in which he no longer denies not only Beethoven's work, but also other works of world culture. For example, Leo Tolstoy calls Aeschylus, Aristophanes, Sophocles, Euripides, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Raphael, Michelangelo, Bach, Liszt and other representatives of the “golden fund” of human culture as “imitators”. This nihilism has a genesis that denies the classical trinity of truth, goodness and beauty at the cultural and philosophical level. It is no coincidence that Leo Tolstoy devotes the most important, philosophical part of his treatise “What is Art”? To the destruction of this triad. Tolstoy doesn’t accept the synthesis of this, in his opinion, “imaginary trinity”. He argues that: “Scientists write long vague treatises about beauty as one of the members of the aesthetic trinity: beauty, truth and goodness ... In essence, these words not only have no definite meaning, but prevent the existing art from being given what - a certain meaning, and are needed only to justify the false meaning that we attribute to art, which conveys all kinds of feelings, as soon as these feelings give us pleasure” (Tolstoy, 1985: 179). In fact, this statement contains the main idea of Tolstoy's nihilistic pathos, which he tries to logically substantiate with the help of his hierarchy of spiritual values. At the highest level, the writer disposes of goodness. “Goodness, beauty and truth are placed on the same level, and these concepts are recognized as basic and metaphysical. Meanwhile, in reality there is nothing of the kind. Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how one understands good, our life is nothing but a striving for good, that is, for God” (Tolstoy, 1985: 180). On this occasion, it is appropriate to quote the words of the Russian philosopher Frank, who in his "Ethics of Nihilism", discussing the psychology of moralism, emphasizes that moralists, in particular, many Russian intellectuals, exaggerate the role of morality, placing it at the basis of the entire worldview. Frank concludes: “The Russian intellectual does not know any absolute values, no criteria, no orientation in life, except for the moral differentiation of people, actions, good and bad, good and bad” (Frank, 1990: 82).


Tolstoy in this context generally interprets beauty as something opposite to good: "The concept of beauty not only does not coincide with good, but rather opposite to it, since good for the most part coincides with the victory over addictions, beauty is the basis of all our passions" (Tolstoy, 1985: 180). That is, of all the multifaceted hypostases of beauty, the writer captures and recognizes only one - the ability to deliver pleasure, which he considers the main obstacle on the path to moral improvement. Therefore, in his opinion, the concept of beauty must be “removed” from both theory and practice. Based on the foregoing, Tolstoy approaches art primarily from the point of view of morality and ideology, he simplifies its purpose, practically reducing it to a means of communication between people: “In order to accurately define art, one must first of all stop looking at it as a means of pleasure, but to consider art as one of the conditions of human life” (Tolstoy, 1985: 167). But, ultimately, one of the most important functions of human culture is the communicative function, all forms of culture contribute to the communication of people. What, then, is the specificity of the phenomenon of art; why does it affect a person so powerfully, and does it not have the right to be immoral? Tolstoy recognizes another property of art, which is the transmission of feelings. Art, following the logic of the writer, "communicates" with the help of feelings. And the writer gives him the following definition: “art is human activity, through which some people convey their feelings to others, and not a service to beauty or the manifestation of an idea ...” (Tolstoy, 1985: 168169). It follows that the main task of art is to "infect" the feelings of others. Thus, Leo Tolstoy declares infectiousness as the main criterion of genuine art, convincing the reader that "The stronger the infection, the better art as art, not to mention its content, that is, regardless of the dignity of the feelings that it conveys" (Tolstoy, 1985: 240). But other forms of culture (for example, religion, myth) are also capable, in the language of Tolstoy, "infect" people, the whole culture is filled with human feelings. If we talk about aesthetic feelings, then what about the theories of pure beauty, which the writer categorically does not recognize?

In fact, Tolstoy replaces aesthetics with utilitarianism and utopianism: “Art, together with speech, is one of the tools of

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communication, and therefore progress, that is, the movement forward of mankind to perfection ... they replace erroneous and unnecessary knowledge, just as the evolution of feelings takes place through art, displacing lower feelings, less good and less necessary for the good of people with kinder, more necessary for this good” (Tolstoy, 1985: 242). In this case, art is presented as a way to achieve some kind of abstract good. The writer not only takes a utilitarian and antiaesthetic approach to art, he goes further, arguing that the real good must be separated from the beautiful. However, belittling beauty in the name of good cannot be justified, especially when it comes to a religious context. Olivier Clement in this regard emphasizes: “... when faith is freed from any kind of moralism, it is able to respect in any beauty, no matter how “convulsive” it may seem, an attempt to “deepen into being”. (Clement, 2004: 37.) Speaking about the third component of the trinity, truth, the writer generally denies her the right to independence: “As for the truth, it is even less possible to attribute to this member of the imaginary trinity not only unity with good or beauty, but even some kind of independent existence” (Tolstoy, 1985: 180). Leo Tolstoy, realizing that the idea of synthesis comes from the thinkers of antiquity, accuses the Greeks of the backwardness of ignorance and naivety: “The Greeks themselves were so poorly morally developed that goodness and beauty seemed to coincide, and on this backward worldview of the Greeks the science of aesthetics, invented people of the XVIII century and specially dressed in theory by Baumgarten” (Tolstoy, 1985: 178). Moralizating is based on the moralist's belief that the moral collisions of the world have very real causes that can be eliminated with the help of common sense. This is the source of Tolstoy's utopianism and utilitarianism when it comes to understanding the essence and role of art, which the writer interprets exclusively as a way of moral improvement of people by artistic means. Richard Niebuhr in his book "Christ and Culture", in the section "The Denial of Culture in Leo Tolstoy" compares the Russian writer with Tertullian, and his activities - with a crusade against culture. The theologian writes: “Tolstoy understands very little the meaning of the grace of God manifested in Jesus Christ, and the historical nature of Christian revelation, the

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psychological, moral and spiritual nature of both sin and salvation. Therefore, he turns out to be an even greater legalist than the lawyer Tertullian” (Niebuhr, 1996: 59). It should be noted here that Tolstoy interprets the law as a kind of transpersonal and supracultural category, he does not think of it as a regulator of social life and does not evaluate it as a possible solution to specific human sorrows. Frolovsky writes: "Under the category of law, Tolstoy's goodness itself also disappears" (Frolovsky, 1983: 408). Niebuhr echoes him with theological fervor: "The law given by Christ is of much greater importance to him than the personality of the legislator himself" (Niebuhr, 1996: 59). In addition, the ethics of law does not always work in the ontological abyss of a person's moral quest; it does not have enough potential to solve the ethical problems of the individual, which are associated with permanent tragic paradoxes of good and evil. The scientist Nekrasova asserts metaphorically and succinctly that “The ethics of the law ignores the fact that in our ultimate being the sun rises equally over the good and over the evil” (Nekrasova, 1997: 123-124). The researcher Fedotov emphasizes that Tolstoy, interpreting the Gospel, paid attention only to those moments that directly concerned morality, leaving unnoticed whole layers filled with drama, tragedy, and complex spirituality. As a result, Tolstoy's rationalistic interpretation of the Gospel "simplified" it, made the content primitive. Fedotov concludes, full of sarcasm: “since Tolstoy began to interpret the Gospel, referring to it became a sign of bad taste ... it is possible to leave to the sectarians to dwell on the Sermon on the Mount” (Fedotov, 1998: 321). In this regard, a comparative analysis of the religious ideas of Leo Tolstoy with the philosopher Nikolai Fedorov is indicative. S.G. Semenova shows Tolstoy's religious limitations, analyzing his sermons, criticizes his moral rationalism, the immunity of the mystical in Christianity. Tolstoy's creative power lies in his works of art, and not in theoretical and critical reasoning. “Tolstoy creates only an ethical utopia of a truly Christian world community, where brotherhood, love, justice reign through the universal fulfillment of the commandments of the Sermon on the Mount, where they work on the soul, perfecting it, enlightening it, without trying to penetrate the secrets of the world, let alone transform his laws” (Semenova, 2004: 247). However, Semenova also notes the

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262 strengths of Tolstoy, his similarity Fedorov's ideas (Semenova, 2004: 147).


constantly present in the story ...” (Annenkov, 1982: 141).

Scientist M.N. Boyko believes that only two questions are fundamental for Tolstov - about the meaning of life and about the essence of art. In a certain period of creativity, the meaning of life comes to the fore, and this, according to the researcher, contributes to the ambiguous interpretation of art by Tolstoy. “Tolstoy casts doubt on the assertion, habitually repeated by many critics and aesthetics, about the beneficial influence of art on the human soul. The real impact of real works, called artistic, in today's world seems to him to be largely negative, sometimes dangerous” (Boyko, 1997: 136).

In other words, in literary texts Tolstoy is revealed as a true artist. This happens because the literary text obeys other laws and at some point gets out of the rational control of the author, begins to exist as if by itself, which inevitably leads to the synthesis of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. This is a kind of apophaticism of artistic creativity, the problems of which are increasingly being addressed by modern researchers today (Dudareva 2019, 2021). “Tolstoy himself denies synthesis in the name of greater synthesis, he denies it not because it is not needed, or even not because it is not achievable, but because he longs for its absolute achievement” (Simonova, 2008: 146).

Scientist A.B. Tarasov explores the attitude of Leo Tolstoy to the categories of truth and truth. He does not consider Tolstoy a Christian writer at all, accusing the latter of depriving Christ of the divine halo. Tarasov asserts that in his work Tolstoy carries out “the reduction of Christ to man, and Christian life and faith to moral and practical teaching” (Tarasov, 2001: 163). The critic connects with this the departure of Tolstoy to moralizing. Researcher-ethicist O.S. Soina, in turn, also emphasizes the uniqueness of Tolstoy's talent, calling the writer's gift "spiritual titanism", emphasizing, however, that the source of this gift is the writer's exclusive awareness of universal injustice, primarily on himself. As a result, a powerful protest against history, culture, church, the foundations of the universe itself. Soina believes that “... we are meeting here with the autonomy of deadly morality and life-giving spirituality, which is very characteristic of Russian moralistic ethics - an antinomy, which, in all likelihood, is the ideological tragedy of L. Tolstoy himself, the psychological nerve of his fate and the secret of his personality” (Soina, 1995: 126). It seems that the above researchers are right, since the work of Leo Tolstoy, his rational moralism had a significant impact on the massive secularization of pre-revolutionary domestic and Soviet culture. Conclusion It turns out to be logical that, despite the rational moralism in his critical works and worldview, in his artistic work Tolstoy recreates the inner world of his heroes extremely aesthetically, as indicated, in particular, by P.V. Annenkov. “Art here is in a friendly attitude to the thought that is


The categories of duty and morality are not sufficient grounds for the existence of art, which has a synthetic potential that translates spiritual values into real life. This is what Vl. Soloviev: “Perfect art in its final task must embody the absolute ideal not in one imagination, but ... must spiritualize, transubstantiate our real life” (Soloviev, 1988: 404). Reality needs its transformation with the help of beauty, so art inevitably includes all the components of the triad. References Annenkov, P.V. (1982) On thought in works of fine literature. Russian aesthetics and criticism of the 40-50s XIX century. M: Publishing house Art. Astafiev, P.E. (1996) Nationality and universal human tasks (to Russian folk psychology). Problems of Philosophy. M. № 12, pp. 84-102. Bibikhin, V.V. (1998) New Renaissance. - M.: Nauka, Progress-Tradition. 496 p. Boyko, M.N. (1997) Self-Consciousness of Art - Self-Consciousness of Man: Essays on Russian Aesthetic Thought of the Second Half of the 19th Century. - M.: Nauka, 187 p. Clement, O. (2004) Reflections of Light: An Orthodox Theology of Beauty. M.: BiblicalTheological Institute of St. Apostle Andrew, 100 p. Dudareva, M. (2019). Apophatic elements in the poetry of S. A. Yesenin: Thanats’ characters. Amazonia Investiga, 8 (22), pp. 51-57 https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazo nia/article/view/27 Dudareva, M., Omuraliev, N. A, Shvetsova, T. V., & Aripova, D. A. (2021). Apophatics of artistic culture: raising the issue. Disease, death and sleep ethoses in Alexander

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Grin’s story “Struggle with Death”. Amazonia Investiga, 10 (39), pp. 232-237. https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazo nia/article/view/1590 Fedotov, G.P. (1998). In Defense of Ethics. Fedotov G.P. Sobr. Op. in 12 volumes. M.: Martis. - T.2. Fetisov, V.P. (1995). Longing for Russian aristocracy Voronezh, Publishing house Kvadrat. 112 p. Frank, S.L. (1990). Ethics of nihilism Frank S.L. Op. - M.: True. Frolovsky, G. (1983). The paths of Russian theology. Paris. YMCA-Press. Nekrasova, E.N. (1997) The Metaphysics of Human Being in Russian Religious Philosophy of the Twentieth Century. M: Martis Publishing House, 160 p. Niebuhr, H. R. (1996) Christ and Culture. M: Lawyer Publishing House. Paramonov, B.M. (1999). End of Style. M.: Agraf, 575 p.

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Semenova, S.G. (2004) Metaphysics of Russian Literature. M.: PoRog. - T 1. - 510 p. Shpet, G.G. (2007). Art as a Kind of Knowledge: Selected Works on the Philosophy of Culture. M.: ROSSPEN. Simonova, S.A. (2008) Architectonics of Culture: Problems of Ethical and Aesthetic Synthesis. Voronezh: Voronezh State University Publishing House, 218 p. Soina, O.S. (1995) The Phenomenon of Russian Moralizing: Ethical Essays. Novosibirsk: Science, 200 p. Soloviev, V.S. (1988) The general meaning of art. M., Mysl Publishing House, in 2 volumes, Vol. 2, 892 p. Tarasov, A.B. (2001). What is Truth? The Righteous of Leo Tolstoy. M.: Languages of Slavic culture, 172 p. Tolstoy, L.N. (1985) What is art? M: Sovremennik Publishing House. 592 s.

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Hromovenko, K., Minchenko, R., Sarybaieva, G., Batan, Y., Minchenko, D. / Volume 10 - Issue 43: 264-271 / July, 2021


DOI: https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.26 How to Cite: Hromovenko, K., Minchenko, R., Sarybaieva, G., Batan, Y., & Minchenko, D. (2021). Legal responsibility for vaccination against COVID-19 in Ukraine and other countries. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 264-271. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.26

Legal responsibility for vaccination against COVID-19 in Ukraine and other countries Юридична відповідальність щодо вакцинації проти COVID-19 в Україні та інших країнах Received: July 12, 2021

Accepted: August 18, 2021

Written by: Kostiantyn Hromovenko95 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9466-8575 Raisa Minchenko96 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0926-2341 Ganna Sarybaieva97 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4492-956X Yurii Batan98 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4924-2054 Daria Minchenko99 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3086-557X Abstract


This article analyzes the liability that may arise in case of refusal to receive a COVID-19 vaccine shot, as well as vaccination-related problems in Ukraine and worldwide. We focused on the international and Ukrainian situation regarding the COVID-19 vaccination process. We also considered the legal framework on this issue. The main task of the study was to determine whether there is a liability, including criminal liability, for refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, the nuances, and the legal basis of this process. The research methodology includes general scientific and special scientific methods, such as systemic, structural, formal-legal, hermeneutic, and methods of analysis and synthesis. We found that COVID-19 vaccination is currently voluntary but not mandatory in Ukraine. At the same time, according to legal documents, vaccination against several diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, measles, polio, tetanus, and tuberculosis is mandatory. Practically, this means that those who are subject to such preventive vaccinations may be subject to sanctions in the form of dismissal for refusing to vaccinate. Only a few foreign countries currently

Стаття аналізує відповідальність, яка може виникнути у разі відмови від щеплення від COVID-19, а також проблеми, пов'язані з вакцинацією в Україні та у всьому світі. Ми зосередилися на ситуації в Україні та світі щодо процесу вакцинації проти COVID-19. Також, ми розглянули законодавчу базу з цього питання. Основним завданням дослідження було з'ясувати, чи існує відповідальність за відмову в отриманні вакцини від COVID-19, нюанси та правові підстави цього процесу. Методологія дослідження включає загальнонаукові та спеціальні наукові методи, такі як системний, структурний, формально-правовий, герменевтичний та методи аналізу та синтезу. Ми виявили, що вакцинація проти COVID-19 наразі є добровільною, але не є обов’язковою в Україні. Водночас, згідно з правовими документами, вакцинація проти кількох хвороб, таких як дифтерія, кашлюк, кір, поліомієліт, правця та туберкульоз, є обов’язковою. Практично це означає, що до тих, хто підлягає таким профілактичним щепленням, можуть бути застосовані санкції


Doctor of Legal Science, Associate Professor, Rector of the International Humanitarian University, Ukraine. Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Chairman of the NGO "Legal Dimension", Ukraine. 97 Doctor of Legal Science, Associate Professor or the Department of Administrative and Financial Law, National University "Odesa Law Academy"(Odessa, Ukraine). 98 Assistant Professor of the department of constitutional law, National University "Odesa Law Academy"(Odessa, Ukraine). 99 Ph.D, Master of the Queen Mary University of London, Lawyer of JSC "Jurline", Ukraine. 96


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Volume 10 - Issue 43 / July 2021

use mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for the entire adult population. More common is mandatory vaccination of certain categories of workers, including health workers, social workers, essential workers, civil servants, and others who are in close contact with people or whose health and well-being are of particular importance to national security. Keywords: vaccination, COVID-19, responsibility, legal rights, Ukraine.


у вигляді звільнення за відмову від щеплення. Лише деякі іноземні країни наразі використовують обов’язкову вакцинацію проти COVID-19 для всього дорослого населення. Більш поширеним є обов’язкова вакцинація певних категорій працівників, включаючи медичних працівників, соціальних працівників, працівників найважливіших службовців, державних службовців та інших, які перебувають у тісному контакті з людьми або чиє здоров’я та добробут мають особливе значення для національної безпеки. Ключові слова: вакцинація, COVID-19, юридична відповідальність, законні права, Україна.

Introduction The invention of COVID-19 vaccines is characterized by a phenomenal speed compared to the usual process of clinical trials and official approval of drugs for use (Kim, Dema, & Reyes-Sandoval, 2020; Sharma, Sultan, Ding, & Triggle, 2020). However, the vaccination process itself is different in different countries. This is influenced by various factors, in particular, trust in vaccines, the health care system, government institutions, the literacy of the population in science and medicine, etc. (Callaghan et al., 2020). The right step is to support volunteers during the vaccination phase and their medical support. It is known, that different countries use methods to encourage people to be vaccinated against coronavirus (Steelfisher, Blendon, & Caporello, 2021). For example, they are provided with free movie tickets or public transport tickets. Nevertheless, there are dilemmas of a moral and ethical nature. For example, is a refusal to vaccinate a breach of moral duty to society? Is compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 an encroachment on personal liberty? Gradually, these topics are moving into the legal plane, which sets the task for the professional community to understand what responsibility can be provided for the various manifestations of offenses in the aspect of vaccination against COVID-19. Thus, the authors of the article aimed to clarify the specifics of the application of legal liability in connection with the refusal of vaccination. An important aspect of the study is to establish the legality of liability for a person's refusal to vaccinate, because according to the general

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approach contained, in particular in the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, vaccination is a right, not an obligation. On the other hand, the current epidemic situation and the rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus require states to reconsider common approaches to vaccination and to introduce more stringent measures aimed at building "collective immunity". Theoretical Framework or Literature Review Seniuta (2016, 2018), in her publications, pointed to the need to revise the regulatory framework on the right of a person to consent to or refuse to receive medical care. From the point of view of Sopilko & Semchuk (2020), it is necessary to add COVID-19 to the list of diseases that require mandatory vaccination of workers and to provide for liability for refusing such a procedure. Besides, Cranfield, Gorham, & Waldman (2020) point out that a single approach to compulsory vaccination is unrealistic. Given the territorial, demographic, cultural, and educational differences between countries, employers in each of them must adapt to the transient vaccination requirements. In addition, public opinion is expected to change in this regard as we obtain new scientific empirical data on the effectiveness and consequences of vaccination. Gur-Arie, Jamrozik, & Kingori (2021) insist that the institutional challenges of healthcare professionals' trust in health care must be addressed before vaccination against COVID-19 is mandatory.

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266 Anja Krasser (2021) in her article «Compulsory Vaccination in a Fundamental Rights Perspective: Lessons from the ECtHR» analyses the problem of mandatory vaccination through the prism of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). According to the author compulsory vaccination as well as the negative consequences arising from the duty constitute an interference with the protection of one’s bodily integrity and self-determination. On the other hand, such interferences can be justified, provided that the benefit for the community outweighs the burden on the individual. Pablo Octavio Cabral (2020) analyzes legal issues that are related to vaccination policies in the Argentine Republic. The author tries to find an approach to overcome the conflict that arises between the police power and individual freedoms in the face of public policies on health matters.

The structural method was useful for demonstrating the structure of legal norms on vaccination. For example, Art. 12 (“Preventive vaccinations”) of the Law of Ukraine “On protection of the population from infectious diseases”, if considered as a structural unit, contains some elements regarding the subjects, the situation of its application, and the consequences of evading its implementation. Formal-legal and hermeneutic methods were used to explain the content and essence of legal norms in the field of vaccination. For example, this applies to the Fundamentals of Ukrainian legislation on health care, the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights regarding vaccination. Methods of analysis and synthesis are used in the main body of the text, as well as in the conclusions. Results and Discussion

Jordão Horácio da Silva Lima (2021) analyzes the problems of mandatory vaccination from the perspective of the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil. The author of the article came to the conclusion that compulsory vaccination is a necessary tool to overcome the pandemic in Brazil and in the world as a whole. The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil has approved mandatory vaccination against covid-19, thus enabling the state to effectively address the challenges posed by the pandemic. Javier Barceló Doménech (2020) touches upon the problems of vaccination against covid-19 in Spain. The author is also convinced that mass vaccination should take place, for which compulsory vaccination is necessary in one form or another. Methodology We used a systemic method to demonstrate the relationship between the health care regulatory framework in the context of vaccination. We demonstrated that the legal framework regarding vaccination is a rather diversified structure of interrelated elements, where part of the regulation of a particular issue can be found through the reference of one legal act to another. For example, this applies to orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Health, the law of Ukraine “On protection of the population from infectious diseases” (Law No. 1645-III, 2000), the Fundamentals of Ukrainian legislation on health care (Law No. 2801-XII, 1992).


What is the situation regarding compulsory vaccination? In Ukraine, vaccination began on February 24, 2021. It will take place in four stages. At the first stage, physicians working with COVID-19 patients, residents of nursing homes, and servicemen in the environmental protection zone were vaccinated. In the second stage, vaccinations are given to health workers, people aged 80 and older, and social workers. In the third stage, people aged 65+, educators, security guards, and critical infrastructure will be vaccinated. At the fourth stage of vaccination, vaccinations will be given to people over 60 and people with chronic diseases. Currently, vaccination against coronavirus in Ukraine is voluntary. According to the head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, about 60% of the adult population of Ukraine is ready to be vaccinated against coronavirus, which means that the need for mandatory vaccination is not currently on the agenda (Word and Deed, 2021a). However, it is necessary to expand mass vaccination points and further adapt infrastructure to the worsening epidemic. As stated in the recommendations of the National Technical Group of Experts on Immunoprophylaxis (Position No. 30-06/2021-1, 2021b). In addition to the issue of vaccination per se, the choice of an effective vaccine is also an important issue. Vaccines from reputable European and American manufacturers (Pfizer, Moderna etc.) are more trusted than vaccine

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producted by Chinese or Indian manufacturers. At the same time, the mass production of the best-proven vaccines has not yet been established in the world. This is due to the reluctance of vaccine manufacturers to waive their intellectual property rights and related revenues. Indeed, the results of creative activity in any field - art, sports (Kharytonov et al., 2021) or pharmacology should belong to their creators. However, in the event of a pandemic, the traditional "commercial" approach to this issue must be changed. According to open sources (Word and Deed, 2021b; Mind, 2021; Konstantinova, 2021) as of July 15, 2021, you can give examples of countries in which in one form or another there is a mandatory vaccination. For example, in the Russian capital, employers must provide at least 60% of vaccinated staff. The requirement applies to employees of catering, trade, beauty industry, household services, public transport, taxis, health care, education, art, housing, and communal services. Similar categories of workers in Kazakhstan were also required to be vaccinated or to undergo regular PCR testing. Mandatory vaccination has also been approved for at least 30 regions of the Russian Federation. Some of them have a formal obligation to vaccinate civil servants against COVID-19. Mandatory vaccination for all adults has been established in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. In Indonesia, unvaccinated citizens face fines from February 2021. Employees of public and private organizations in Saudi Arabia are also required to be vaccinated. In the Indian state of Gujarat, unvaccinated students will not be allowed to take the exams, and workers who are in constant contact with people must be vaccinated. Medical and social workers in France are subject to compulsory vaccination. Restrictions are planned for unvaccinated citizens. Similar measures await the citizens of Greece. There, by September, doctors and staff of nursing homes are required to be vaccinated by September 2021. In Italy, unvaccinated doctors are planned to be fired without pay. Social workers in health and education in Latvia should be required to be vaccinated against coronavirus. From October 2021 in the UK, nursing home staff will also be required to vaccinate. In addition, mandatory vaccination of health workers in Hungary was announced on July 16. It began on August 1, 2021 (Kolomiets, 2021).

patient's consent to such measures is mandatory. For example, Art. 43 of the Fundamentals of the legislation of Ukraine on health care establishes that before treatment, diagnosis, prevention, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the patient who was informed following Art. 39 of the Fundamentals, in which an adult patient is guaranteed the right to receive complete and accurate information about his health, acquaintance with medical documents about his person, as well as the risks and consequences that may entail medical intervention. In turn, his right correlates with the obligation of the medical worker to provide such information in an accessible form (Article 39.3 of the Fundamentals). Exceptions are cases when such information may significantly harm the patient's condition, course or results of treatment of the disease (Article 39.4 of the Fundamentals). If the medical intervention concerns a minor or an incapacitated person, the consent of the parents or guardian is required (Article 43.1 of the Fundamentals). Exceptions to the general rule of consent to medical intervention are cases where there are signs of a direct threat to the patient's life, and objectively there is no possibility to obtain consent from the patient or his parents / guardians (Article 43.3 of the Fundamentals). According to Art. 43.4 Basics, an able-bodied patient has the right to refuse treatment. On the other hand, citizens of Ukraine are obliged to undergo preventive medical examinations and vaccinations in cases provided by law (paragraph "b" of Article 10 of the Fundamentals). In addition, persons who are carriers of infectious diseases dangerous to the population are excluded from work and other activities that may contribute to the spread of infectious diseases and are subject to medical supervision and treatment at the expense of the state with payment of social insurance benefits. Mandatory medical examinations, preventive vaccinations, medical and quarantine measures may be carried out in respect of certain particularly dangerous infectious diseases under the procedure established by the laws of Ukraine (Article 30.2 of the Fundamentals). According to Art. 12 of the Law "On protection of the population from infectious diseases", preventive vaccinations against diphtheria, pertussis, measles, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis are mandatory and are included in the vaccination calendar.

What does the law say? The general rule for medical intervention, which is a form of preventive vaccinations, is that the

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Healthcare workers who carry out preventive vaccinations must be properly trained in their conduct and must provide objective information

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268 to vaccinated persons or their legal representatives on the effectiveness of preventive vaccinations and on possible post-vaccination complications. Prophylactic vaccinations are carried out after a medical examination of a person in the absence of appropriate medical contraindications. Prophylactic vaccinations are given to able-bodied adults with their consent after providing objective information about vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, and possible post-vaccination complications. For persons who have not reached the age of fifteen or have been declared incapable of following the procedure established by law, preventive vaccinations are carried out with the consent of their objectively informed parents or other legal representatives. Persons between the ages of fifteen and eighteen or recognized by a court with limited legal capacity shall be given preventive vaccinations with their consent after providing objective information and with the consent of objectively informed parents or other legal representatives of these persons. If the person and (or) his / her legal representatives refuse the obligatory preventive vaccinations, the doctor has the right to take the appropriate written confirmation from them, and in case of refusal to give such confirmation – to certify it by an act in the presence of witnesses. Information on preventive vaccinations, post-vaccination complications and on the waiver of mandatory preventive vaccinations are subject to statistical accounting and are entered in the relevant medical documents. Medical contraindications, the procedure for preventive vaccinations, and registration of post-vaccination complications are established by the central executive body, which ensures the formation of state policy in the field of health care. The explanation of the term "compulsory vaccinations" applies to epidemic vaccinations. An explanation for this can be found in the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated September 16, 2011 No. 595 "On the procedure for preventive vaccinations in Ukraine and quality control and circulation of medical immunobiological drugs." In addition, in the roadmap for the introduction of the vaccine against acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and mass vaccination in response to the pandemic COVID19 in Ukraine in 2021-2022, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 213 of February 9, 2021, it is stated that vaccination against coronavirus COVID-19 in Ukraine will be voluntary for all groups of the population and occupational groups. It also provides information on the results of


mathematical simulations that indicate that 60% to 80% of the population should receive an effective vaccine to reduce the spread and mortality of COVID-19 coronavirus disease (Bartsch et al., 2020). In Ukraine, since the beginning of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19, there is a significant percentage of health workers who refuse to be vaccinated for various reasons (Position No. 09-03/2021-1, 2021a). A separate topic is the removal of the employee following Art. 46 of the Ukrainian Code of Labor Laws (Law No. 322-VIII, 1971) on the refusal of vaccination. In this case, it is not a matter of dismissal or disciplinary action, but the employee is temporarily suspended from performing his duties, and the employer – from providing this employee with work or creating conditions for its performance. Temporary suspension is a special precautionary measure to prevent negative consequences in the future. It does not entail dismissal, and the employee retains his job (Hryb, 2021). As to the Art. 23 of the Law "On protection of the population from infectious diseases", in case of impossibility to transfer to another job of a person who is a bacterium, and whose work is related to public services, which may lead to the spread of infectious diseases, such person is suspended from work, established by law, with the payment of benefits in connection with temporary disability. According to Art. 82 Labor Code (Law No. 322-VIII, 1971), Art. 9 of the Law "On Vacanions" the period of dismissal of the employee is not taken into account in the length of service, which gives the right to annual vacation. The employee at the same time, may appeal the employer's decision to temporarily suspend his / her duties in connection with the refusal to vaccinate in court in civil proceedings - according to the rules of the civil procedure legislation of Ukraine. Administrative liability for offenses in the context of vaccination against COVID-19 may be provided under Art. 44-2 ("Violation of restrictions imposed on medical and pharmaceutical workers in the course of their professional activities"), Art. 44-3 ("Violation of the rules on quarantine of people") of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. The Criminal Code of Ukraine contains several rules that can be applied to various crimes in the context of the use of vaccines against COVID19. We are talking about the rules of Art. 141 ("Violation of the patient's rights"), 142 ("Illegal conduct of experiments on humans"), 184

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("Violation of the right to free medical care"), 321-1 ("Falsification of medicines or circulation of falsified medicines"), and 321- 2 ("Violation of the established procedure for pre-clinical studies, clinical trials and state registration of medicines") of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Are there any rules that can be used to refuse? Article 29.2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948) states that statutory restrictions on the rights and freedoms of the individual must be consistent with the rights of others, moral standards, the protection of public order, and the common good in a democratic society. Theoretically, when refusing vaccination, individuals may refer to the legal grounds specified in Art. 1, 8, 9 of the Nuremberg Code of 1947; paragraph 16 of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association; Art. 6 UNESCO Declaration of 2005 on Bioethics and Human Rights; paragraphs 7.3.1., 7.3.2. PACE Resolution 2361 of 2021 "Vaccines against COVID-19: ethical, legal and practical considerations". In the context of vaccination, complainants to the ECtHR often refer to Art. 2, 3, 8, 10 ECHR. Under Part 2 of Art. 19 of the Constitution of Ukraine, public authorities and local governments, their officials are obliged to act only on the basis, within the powers and in the manner prescribed by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. According to Art. 43 of the Constitution of Ukraine, everyone has the right to work, which includes the opportunity to earn a living by work, which he freely chooses or which he freely agrees. Citizens are guaranteed protection from illegal dismissal. The right to timely remuneration for work is protected by law. So what are the prospects for compulsory vaccination? Regarding the legal practice of compulsory vaccination in the world, the following can be noted. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in April 2021 (Vavřička and Others v the Czech Republic) recognized compulsory vaccination of children in the Czech Republic as not violating private rights and freedoms (ECHR: Ukrainian Aspect, 2021; Konstantinova, 2021). Diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, hepatitis B, measles, rubella are listed in Czech legislation as subject to mandatory

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preventive vaccination. Failure to state a valid reason for refusing to vaccinate, for example, if it is incompatible with the state of health, carries the risk of serious complications, etc., may result in a fine. Kindergartens do not accept children without mandatory vaccinations unless it is explained by health indications. Accordingly, the applicants to the ECtHR complained of a violation of their right to respect for private and family life (Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights), freedom of thought, conscience, and religion (Article 9), and the right to education (art. 2 of Protocol No. 1 to the ECHR) for refusing to vaccinate their child. The ECtHR dismissed the complaints. The motivating part of the decisions stated that such restrictions and intrusions into private life were justified from the point of view of public safety, caused by the need to protect public health, and were carried out in the best interests of the child. In addition, it was outlined that states should put the best interests of the child in the formulation of appropriate policies, and in cases where immunization of the population does not meet public health goals, may introduce mandatory vaccination measures to build collective immunity and protect the population, which for one reason or another can not be vaccinated. However, countries seeking compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 are unlikely to use this ECtHR practice, as it concerns an already established mechanism for immunizing the population (in this case, children attending kindergarten) against well-studied diseases. In addition, vaccination against them has been qualitatively studied, and complete empirical data on its safety are available. In addition, the practice of such restrictions has existed in democracies and before, for example, in the United States, Canada, Australia (Ministry of Health, 2018). As stated in ECHR: Ukrainian Aspect (2021), it is possible that derogations from the right to voluntary vaccination will apply when vaccination is carried out as part of a routine immunization against a well-studied disease, and, in addition, is an effective and safe vaccine. Another factor is the unconditional nature of the measures taken for the benefit of the public good, which is a debatable category from a philosophical point of view, because there is a problem between public and private interests, plus a possible appeal to the category of goods, the relationship between public and private from them, but in this aspect the court decision which will be based on legal principles and will proceed from objective criteria of morbidity and course of

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270 the epidemic in the territory of the concrete country, is capable to define to a sufficient extent, whether obligatory vaccination promotes the public good. Conclusions In Ukraine, vaccination against COVID-19 is voluntary, but not mandatory. Instead, compulsory vaccination is prescribed in legislation on diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, measles, polio, tetanus, and tuberculosis. In addition, vaccination against COVID-19 may be mandatory for particular categories of workers whose activities involve close contact with people. At present, the refusal to vaccinate certain categories of occupations and positions may be grounds for dismissal, but not for dismissal. Refusal of vaccination does not prohibit the transition to teleworking. The period of dismissal of an employee is not taken into account in the length of service, which gives the right to annual leave. The application of administrative and criminal liability for refusing to vaccinate against COVID-19 is not explicitly provided by law, but the relevant codes contain rules that may find their use in the context of vaccination. At the same time, the experience of some countries shows that refusing to vaccinate with COVID-19 can lead to fines, and mandatory vaccination of certain categories of citizens according to their type of activity is common among medical and social workers, as well as civil servants. Bibliographic references Bartsch, S. et al. (2020). Vaccine Efficacy Needed for a COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine to Prevent or Stop an Epidemic as the Sole Intervention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 59(4), 493-503. Recovered from https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2020.06.011. Cabral, P.O. (2020) Vacunación obligatoria en la República Argentina como política pública de salud. REDEA. Derechos en Accion, 5(17), 659-685. https://redib.org/Record/oai_articulo3012777vacunaci%C3%B3n-obligatoria-en-larep%C3%BAblica-argentina-comopol%C3%ADtica-p%C3%BAblica-de-salud. Callaghan, T. et al. (August 5, 2020). Correlates and disparities of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Recovered from https://ssrn.com/abstract=3667971. Cranfield, T., Gorham, J., & Waldman, D. (December 14, 2020). Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination – the International Employment Landscape. Legal Update. Recovered from


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