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The quality of our raw materials, together with tradition and the know-how of our chefs, are undoubtedly a magnificent advertisement for our gastronomy. Dishes shaped by the culture, history and economy of the region, offering visitors an unparalleled opportunity to bond with the land.

The coastal regions provide products such as line-caught hake from Celeiro – with its quality seal – or longfin tuna from Burela – caught using traditional methods –, goose barnacles from Rinlo, wedge clams and sea urchins, lobster, slipper lobster, spider crab, edible crab and octopus, among many other marine delights brought in with the daily catches from the Cantabrian sea, ensuring their freshness and quality.

Visitors can also try the excellent meats from the region’s many livestock farms, including Galician veal from the “Cachena” cow and celtic pork

The climate and organoleptic conditions of the valley are perfect for creating products of renowned quality, such as the famous “Faba de Lourenzá”, with a Protected Geographical Indication, as well as other notable vegetable garden products: the verdina bean, tender turnip tops (grelos), tomatoes, leeks, spinach or lettuces, enabling producers to generate their own designation of origin trademarks, “Horta de Mondoñedo” or “Verdina de Galicia”.

Chestnuts, fungi and multi-floral honey are yet more of the local products that actively appear in our cuisine, as does flour, which helps make our renowned traditionally baked bread and “empanadas” (savoury pies), or signature dishes such as the “enfariñada ” from Tabada, also known as “faragullos” in A Pontenova. In pastries and confectionary, almonds are a star ingredient: Tarta de Mondoñedo, Colineta de Viveiro or Tarta de Riotorto. Home-made chocolate and typical seasonal sweets such as those made especially for Easter or Carnival make up the delicious range of products available from our bread and pastry shops.

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This route provides a unique experience involving art, nature and gastronomy in the surroundings of the fertile Lourenzá valley, stretching out across A Mariña Lucense in its entirety, a land whose climate conditions are ideal for growing this jewel in the crown of Galician legumes. Visitors will gain first-hand knowledge of traditional “faba” bean production, meeting producers on their farms, stopping at the Terras da Mariña Cooperative and the Faba Bean Interpretation Centre. They can also try the beans in combination with some of the region’s other top products and visit San Salvador Monastery, the Pazo de Tovar, O Muíño do Pereiro and the vantage point at A Valiña

This route includes a visit to the Pazo-Fortaleza de Tovar (Tovar Fortress and Manor), a stately, fortified mansion built in the Isabelline Gothic style by Antonio de Tovar around the tower of Canedo in the XV and which is home today to the Linen Museum, the Rincón do Xoguete Tradicional (Traditional Toy Corner) and a restaurant. + info: 676 922 389

This project extols the values of our local gastronomy, highlighting agro- food producers and products, disseminating video recipes created by professionals and organising an open competition featuring recipes made with products from the region. Its aim is to stimulate agro-food production based on local biodiversity and sustainable production. For further information on the project, please click on the link to the web site on this page and discover our recipes as well as the products and producers that make them possible.