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Rutas de Artesanía da Mariña


Some years ago, the important cultural legacy of our craftsmanship led us to create a dinamic project aimed at recuperating and promoting craftwork, shining the spotlight not only on the work itself but on the crafters, those magicians who use their knowledge to transform the raw material into objects that make our lives easier and adorn our homes.

The craftsmanship routes are culture-based tourist tours devised to help you visit the region from a slow and easy perspective, but imbibed with the knowledge necessary to capture its personality and diversity, where the crafters are the protagonists, enabling visitors to experience not only the stunning landscapes but also the workshops and artisanal trades, from the design stage to sale. An excellent way to venture into the heart of A Mariña.

Regal Cerámica Route

Fra Shipyards Route

Mondoñedo Crafters Route

Espazo Caritel Route

Raíces Nómadas Route

A Pontenova and Riotorto Blacksmiths Route

This project is available in the autumn and offers visitors a series of itineraries – 2 to 3 hours long and in the capable hands of professional guides and locals – during which they can learn about the natural and cultural values of the different boroughs, opening tiny windows to A Mariña Lucense’s most wonderful places.