Bohinj Green Movement's Sustainable Industry Leaders (2021 edition)

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FOREWORD In 2020 we established the Bohinj Green Movement, a pioneering destination-first sustainable tourism model. A key part of the Bohinj Green Movement has been the celebration of businesses and organisations from around the world that have placed sustainability and improved environmental practices at the heart of what they do. As the climate crisis deepens and global events demand a greater sense of social responsibility, these industry leaders are dedicated to leaving a positive environmental legacy and minimising our impact on the planet. Read on to find out more about who we've been celebrating over the past six months, with examples across a wide variety of sectors - from travel and tourism to transport, circular economies and consumer goods. Klemen Langus, Director of Tourism Bohinj

CONTENTS 1. How to Become a World-Leading Green Tourism Destination - Slovenia 2. How to Create an Eco-Pledge to Encourage Responsible Tourism - Palau 3. How to Create a City-Wide Circular Economy - Rotterdam Circulair 4. How to Create a Green Vision for Europe - Green European Foundation 5. Plan to Reach Carbon Neutrality by 2025 - Copenhagen 6. How to Tackle Climate Change in Europe - European Environmental Bureau 7. How to Establish a Destination Sustainability Plan - Portugal 8. Goal Setting to Achieve City-Wide Sustainability - Denver 9. How to Protect Island Communities from Climate Change - Hawaii 10. How to Establish the Electric Vehicle City of the Future - Dundee 11. How to Become one of the EU's Most Sustainable Countries - Estonia 12. How to Become a Leading Sustainable Hotel Chain - Accor 13. Embracing Sustainability to Preserve Natural Beauty - Cayman Islands 14. Protecting Natural Landscapes and Endangered Species - Aosta Valley 15. How to Save the Last Wild River of Europe - Vjosa River 16. Managing a Tourism Surge on the World's Largest Island - Greenland 17. Raising Global Awareness of the Importance of Bees - World Bee Day 18. Moving People Forward with Bicycles in Africa - Qhubeka 19. How to Develop a County-Wide Circular Economy - Finland 20. Auditing the Impact of Tourism on Carbon Footprint - Valencia 21. How to Protect America's Natural Spaces - National Park Service 22. How to Offest the Environmental Impact of Travel - Goodwings 23. Pioneering Sustainable Tourism Development in Africa - Rwanda 24. How to Become the EV Capital of the World - Norway 25. How to Drive Positive Change in Fashion - Sustainable Apparel Coalition

SLOVENIA: BECOMING A WORLD LEADING GREEN TOURISM DESTINATION Slovenia’s ongoing dedication to sustainable tourism development and protection of local communities means it is now widely recognised as one of the world’s leading green travel destinations


As early as 2016, Slovenia became the world’s first Global Green Destination, reaching a record 96% level of compliance with the sustainability criteria set out by Green Destinations


118 S.U.E 2021

In the same year, Ljubljana was named the European Green Capital for their efforts in preserving green spaces, increasing public transport and pursuing a zero waste objective

The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism (GSST) is a national tool and certification programme for sustainable tourism development. 118 members have now joined the Slovenia Green family.

The Slovenia Unique Experiences (S.U.E) label showcases experiences that are certified to be local, authentic, unique, experiential, boutique, sustainably green and of 5* quality

Slovenia continues to prioritise green travel by launching sustainably-focused tourism products such as the Bike Slovenia Green, Green Capitals and Juliana Trail through the Julian Alps

For more information visit:

PALAU: CREATING AN ECO-PLEDGE TO ENSURE VISITORS ACT RESPONSIBLY Palau is the first nation on earth to change its immigration laws for the cause of environmental protection, only issuing a visa to visitors who sign an eco-pledge on arrival


Surrounded by an aquamarine lagoon and covered in lush forests, Palau is home to over 200 natural limestone and volcanic islands that have been popular with tourists since the 1980s



In 2019, more than 89,000 international tourists visited Palau, posing an increasing threat to the archipelago’s food supply, beaches, coral reefs and heritage sites

The Pledge was introduced in 2017, asking visitors to sign a passport pledge to act in an ecologically and culturally responsible way on the island for the sake of local children and future generations

€819k 2020

Authorities are also developing a new carbon management app, allowing visitors to calculate and offset the carbon footprint of their trip, potentially generating over €819k a year

2020 saw the launch of the Palau Business Pledge, an official certification program to support local businesses in becoming key drivers of sustainability in Palau

For more information visit:

ROTTERDAM CIRCULAIR: CREATING A CITY-WIDE CIRCULAR ECONOMY Rotterdam is on the way to becoming a wastefree society. To achieve this, the city is moving from a linear economy to a circular economy with the aim of becoming completely 'circular' by 2050.

2019-23 In 2019-23 the city is running an ‘incubator policy’ to support & facilitate at least 40 circular initiatives. It is hoped this will generate about €700 million of circular investments

4 Sectors The 4 sectors that have the largest environmental impact & job potential have been identified as construction, green streams, consumer goods & healthcare


2 Pathways Circulair have identified 2 pathways to success - raising awareness amongst residents & businesses, & stimulating employment & development in the circular economy

7,000 It is estimated that, in the process of creating a circular society, the number of jobs that will directly contribute to the circular economy will be increased by 3,500 - 7,000

The aim is for the city of Rotterdam to become an experimental ‘living laboratory’ for circular practices by 2030, before becoming completely circular by 2050

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GREEN EUROPEAN FOUNDATION: CREATING A COMMON GREEN VISION FOR EUROPE Green European Foundation is a European level political foundation funded by the European Parliament. It works to create a common Green vision for Europe and to communicate this to the wider public


The Green European Foundation was established in 2008 as the European-level political foundation associated with the European Green Party and the Green Group in the European Parliament


In 2020, GEF’s ‘Charter for the Smart City’, which consists of guiding principles that make it easier for leaders to implement smart city innovation, was disseminated in over 8 countries


Launched in 2020, the 'Fair and Carbon Free Travel' project aims to identify and create conditions for collective action against the detrimental social and environmental impacts of tourism


In December 2020 the GEF published a report outlining how Europe's freight transportation, aviation and steel sectors, which emit 10 gigatonnes of CO2 annually, can aim for carbon neutrality


The GEF is hosting an ongoing 'Green Post-Corona Talks' series to discuss positive ideas and concepts for a better, greener future following the pandemic involving experts, leaders and policy-makers

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COPENHAGEN: REACHING CARBON NEUTRALITY BY 2025 Copenhagen’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2025 means that the city aims to become the first carbon neutral capital in the world by implementing the CPH 2025 Climate Plan

2025 Copenhagen aims to become the world's first CO₂ neutral capital. Over the course of 10 years Copenhagen has committed to removing 2m tons of carbon footprint

4 Sectors The CPH 2025 Climate Plan 2025 sets specific goals and initiatives within four key areas – energy consumption, energy production, green mobility and the City Administration


2.3m The baseline for the CPH 2025 Climate Plan is Copenhagen’s carbon emissions in 2005, when Copenhagen emitted 2.3m tonnes of CO₂. By 2018 this was reduced by almost 1.2m tonnes

200bn The CPH 2025 Climate Plan forecasts a need for investments of more than DKK 200 billion, much of it due to rethinking the city's approach to building and transportation

The city's population continues to grow. Copenhagen reduced carbon emissions by 33% between 2005 and 2015 - at the same time the city's population grew by 18%

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EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL BUREAU: TACKLING CLIMATE CHANGE IN EUROPE The European Environmental Bureau EEB tackles Europe’s most pressing environmental problems by agenda setting, monitoring, advising on and influencing the way the EU deals with these issues


The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) brings together citizens’ groups from across Europe. Their 160 members from 36 countries have more than 30 million individual supporters

5 values

17 2015

The EEB focuses its efforts on five core values: sustainable development, environmental justice, global equity, transparency and participatory democracy

The EEB continues to influence and implement the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 aspirational goals aimed at “transforming our world” by 2030

The EEB works closely with Climate Action Network Europe and other partners to ensure that the EU fully complies with its obligations outlined by 2015’s Paris Climate Agreement


With an organic growth approach, the EEB aims to have a diverse and dynamic membership of some 180-220 environmental organisations by the end of 2030

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TURISMO DE PORTUGAL: ESTABLISHING A DESTINATION SUSTAINABILITY PLAN Turismo de Portugal unveiled a 3-year destination sustainability plan in 2020 that set specific targets to position Portugal as one of the most competitive, safe and sustainable tourist destinations in the world

2027 In 2020, Turismo de Portugal unveiled a 3-year destination sustainability plan as part of its long-term goal to become one of the most sustainable destinations worldwide by 2027

8 Goals The 2027 tourism strategy is based on 8 goals of economic, social & environmental sustainability including combating over tourism & improving energy efficiency


4 Axes The ‘4 Axes’ of the 3-year plan are; structure an increasingly sustainable offer, qualify the tourism sector; promote Portugal as a sustainable destination & monitor sustainability metrics

50% By 2023 they aim to achieve a 50% increase in tourism businesses with energy efficiency, water & waste management systems & 25,000 members of the Green & Safe label

The plan focuses on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligns with with the UNWTO’s vision for a responsible recovery in tourism post-Covid

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DENVER: SETTING GOALS TO ACHIEVE CITY-WIDE SUSTAINABILITY IN THE US The 'Mile High City’ first established its 2020 Sustainability Goals back in 2014 and continues to power forward with its aim of achieving 100 percent renewable electricity by 2023

2020 34%

125 2000 LEED

Denver's 2020 Sustainability Goals were first established in 2014 - these were based on a total of 24 goals focusing on 12 key areas of sustainability such as climate, air quality & energy

The city is on track to meet numerous goals including reducing CO2 levels to pre-1990 levels, increasing the citywide recycling rate to 34% & reducing per capita potable water use by 22%

Among the latest forward-thinking initiatives are 125 miles of new bike lanes by 2023 and solar gardens to be ‘planted’ on municipal parking lots, rooftops and vacant land in 2021

By engaging with the Certifiably Green Denver project, nearly 2,000 Denver business owners are creating greener, more efficient operations that use less water and energy

Connecting climate action and sustainability to economic prosperity and social justice has helped Denver earn the coveted LEED for Cities Platinum Certification

For more information visit:

HAWAII: PROTECTING THE ISLAND COMMUNITY FROM CLIMATE CHANGE Hawaii is one of the most isolated communities on the planet, 2,500 miles from the nearest landmass, and experiences the impacts of climate change and sea-level rise in a real way

2050 The Hawaii 2050 Sustainability Plan was published in 2008 - it created the state’s first definition of sustainability and identified five goals for a sustainable future for Hawaii

37% Clean renewable energy projects have focused on solar energy - 37 per cent of single-family homes now have rooftop solar and are generating energy for themselves.


2016 > 2045 The ‘Sustainable Hawaii’ initiative was launched in 2016. As part of this Hawaii has committed to reaching 100 per cent clean, renewable energy for electricity by 2045

90% Hawaii is also aiming to double local food production - like many other island communities, more than 90 per cent of food consumed here is imported from elsewhere

In 2018, Hawaii became the first US state to ban sunscreens that are harmful to coral reefs, while Hawaiian Airlines have partnered with RAW Elements USA to offer safe sunscreen to passengers

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DUNDEE: ESTABLISHING THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE CITY OF THE FUTURE The innovative Scottish city has established itself as a world leader in terms of implementing a comprehensive electric vehicle infrastructure and changing perceptions of green transport

2045 2018

450t 2021 £3m

The Scottish government has stated that it aims to cut the country’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2045 and end sales of new petrol and diesel cars by 2032

In 2018 Dundee was named the 'most visionary city in Europe for electric vehicles' by the World Electric Vehicle Association for its pioneering initiatives to encourage the use of EVs

The city has already exceeded its key objectives - with help of an £8 million government investment - and reduced CO2 emissions by more than 450 tonnes

Dundee is set to open two new EV charging hubs in spring and summer this year - once fully operational these will provide an extra 60 charge point connections across the city

As part of a £3m Innovate UK Clean Streets Project, Dundee has launched a new pop-up electric vehicle charging network activated using the Urban Electric app

For more information visit:

ESTONIA: BECOMING ONE OF THE EU'S MOST SUSTAINABLE COUNTRIES Known as the 'Baltic Pearl', Estonia has established a comprehensive sustainable destination strategy and was one of the first EU countries to meet their green energy goals

50% SE21

Estonia is one of the least densely populated countries in Europe, around 50% of the territory is covered with organic forests thanks to a government initiative started in 2015 Sustainable Estonia (SE21) is a strategy for developing the Estonian state and society until the year 2030 with emphasis on circular economy and climate change mitigation


Green Destinations, an international organisation focusing on sustainable tourism, has featured Pärnu on its list of top 100 sustainable destinations in the world


8 Estonia was one of the first EU countries to meet their renewable energy goals - they achieved this eight years ahead of schedule, fuelled by substantial growth in wind power

Estonia has also unveiled a 'Green Recovery from Covid-19’ strategy involving plans for a more circular economy, sustainable transport and green waste management

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ACCOR: HOW TO BECOME A LEADING SUSTAINABLE HOTEL CHAIN With more than 5000 hotels and residences across 110 destinations, Accor has established a comprehensive responsible business plan to minimise environmental impact and support local communities


in 2011 Accor launched Planet 21 Research, a platform for sharing knowledge about sustainable development in the hotel industry and helping promoting environmental progress


3,358 hotels have joined the drive to champion sustainable practices and extend the UNESCO Sustainable Tourism Pledge thanks to a collaboration between Accor and Expedia Group

2025 7m 800+

In the framework of the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, Accor aims to eliminate single-use plastic items and introduce reusable alternatives in its hotels by the year 2025

As part of their Plant for the Planet initiative, Accor have worked closely with the PUR Projet and planted over 7 million trees in 420 plantation sites across 29 countries

The Accor Solidarity project aims to combat the social and economic exclusion of society's most disadvantaged members - with 800+ hotels involved and 300+ projects supported

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CAYMAN ISLANDS: EMBRACING SUSTAINABILITY TO PRESERVE THE ISLANDS' NATURAL BEAUTY With 2 million visitors annually, this Caribbean region has implemented a wealth of sustainable initiatives and protected areas to help preserve the natural balance of the reef system

250% To try to halt and reverse the decline in marine biodiversity, expansion plans have increased fully protected areas by nearly 250% across the Caymanian coastal shelf

5 MW The Bodden Town Solar Farm is the first of its kind on the island. Having operated since 2017, the farm produces 5 megawatts of Cayman’s 100-megawatt requirement


70% The Cayman Islands’ National Energy Policy 2017-2037 is targeting 70% renewable energy in the destination's energy mix by 2037, with a 39% reduction of reliance on fossil fuels

2009 The Cayman Islands Environmental Program for the Tourism Sector (CEPTS) began in 2009 and assists tourism businesses in implementing sound environmental practices

Ongoing projects and marine protected areas have helped populations of once endangered species such as the islands' Nassau grouper fish increase fivefold in a 15 year period

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AOSTA VALLEY: PROTECTING NATURAL LANDSCAPES AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN ITALY'S SMALLEST REGION As Italy's smallest and least densely populated region, Aosta Valley boasts a significant number of designated parks and reserves to help protect local species and habitats otherwise threatened with extinction

3,263 19

Covering an area of 3,263 km2 (1,260 sq mi) and with a population of about 128,000, Aosta Valley is the smallest, least populous, and least densely populated region of Italy

Impressively, the region boasts two parks, ten nature reserves, four Alpine botanic gardens and 19 natural areas which are home to both species and habitats threatened with extinction


First established in 1922 to protect species such as the Ibex that would have risked extinction, Gran Paradiso is Italy's oldest national park and stretches across 71 thousand hectares


The Natura 2000 ecological network in the Aosta Valley covers 28 Sites of Community Importance and 5 Special Protection Zones, which encompasses 30% of the region's territory


The Aosta Valley Forestry Commission has identified 30-60 wolves living in the Aosta Valley, distributed evenly throughout the territory in 5 or 6 packs

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VJOSA RIVER: SAVING THE LAST WILD RIVER OF EUROPE The Vjosa River in Albania is one of Europe's last remaining wild rivers, but is under threat from oil exploration and hydropower plants. People and organisations are now calling for it to be designated as a National Park.

270km The Vjosa River in Albania is one of Europe’s last and largest wild rivers, stretching more than 270km. It is also home to over 1,100 species and authentic communities

2020 In September 2020, Albanian politicians publicly announced plans for a Vjosa wild river national park, which would protect the entire network of tributaries

Act Now A coalition of local and international groups including Riverwatch, Euronatur, EcoAlbania, and Patagonia have released a statement calling on the new government to act

31 The river is currently in danger from the construction of 9 hydropower plants on Vjosa itself and on 31 of its tributaries, as well as oil exploration by Shell and other development

94% A recent opinion poll shows that 94% of Albanian people are in favour of establishing this national park, with support from celebrities such as A-list actor Leonardo DiCaprio

GREENLAND: HOW TO MANAGE A TOURISM SURGE ON THE WORLD'S LARGEST ISLAND Greenland’s 836,300-square-mile island, slightly larger than the size of Mexico, has 56,000 people, only 100 miles of roads, and no railways - so it has been vital for the country to effectively manage a recent surge in tourism


Greenland has experienced a huge increase in tourism in recent years - visitor numbers spiked from 460,000 to over 2 million between 2010 and 2018, leading to fears of overtourism


90% 1st 2018

Greenland is tackling overtourism with strategically dispersed visitor centres promoting regional experiences, such as the Ilulissat Icefjord Center which will open in summer 2021

Another pillar of Greenland’s tourism plan is prioritising local businesses. In Greenland, where the population is nearly 90% Inuit, tourism provides a way to keep Inuit culture alive

Nuuk is on its way to becoming the first capital in the world to reach the status of 'sustainable destination' under the EarthCheck Destination Standard

Greenland Outdoors won the Sustainability Award for Greenland Tourism in 2018 for its faithfulness to the Greenlandic way of using and being in nature

For more information visit:

WORLD BEE DAY: RAISING GLOBAL AWARENESS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF BEES IN OUR ECOSYSTEM Since 2017, the UN World Bee Day has raised global awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development


Bees are under threat. Close to 35% of invertebrate pollinators, particularly bees and butterflies, and about 17% of vertebrate pollinators, such as bats, face extinction globally



In 2017 the UN General Assembly officially announced 20th May as World Bee Day. On this day in 1734 the pioneering beekeeper, Anton Janša, was born in Breznica, Slovenia

The resolution was co-sponsored by 115 UN Member States, including the USA, Canada, China, Russia, India, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and all the European Union Member States

90% 1,000

Pollination is vital to the survival of our ecosystem. Nearly 90% of the world’s wild flowering plant species depend, entirely, or at least in part, on animal pollination

Present species extinction rates are 100 to 1,000 times higher than normal due to human impacts - if this continues nutritious crops such as fruit and veg will disappear from our diets

For more information visit:

QHUBEKA: MOVING PEOPLE FORWARD WITH BICYCLES IN AFRICA Qhubeka is a global charity that provides bikes to people in Africa, helping address basic socioeconomic challenges and improve people's access to schools, clinics and jobs

100,000 Founded in 2005, Qhubeka means "to move forward" in Nguni. To date it has donated more than 100,000 bikes and, in 2013, became part of the World Bicycle Relief

2007 Founded in 2007, Team Qhubeka Assos is a UCI WorldTeam cycling team based in South Africa. The team rides to raise awareness and funds for the Qhubeka charity


75% Estimates suggest a 75% reduction in commuting time and 23% higher attendance at schools for people given a Real Bicycle Co. (RBC) bicycle by the Qhubeka charity

30,000 The team has raised funds for 30,000+ bicycles for distribution to Qhubeka programmes in South Africa that range from helping kids to attend school to recycling waste

This year, Team Qhubeka is represented by 37 riders from 19 different countries. They have already won several stages of the Giro d'Italia, generating global exposure for the charity

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FINLAND: DEVELOPING A PIONEERING COUNTRY-WIDE CIRCULAR ECONOMY STRATEGY Finland is one of Europe's leading countries in terms of innovation, particularly in relation to developing a pioneering circular economy strategy and encouraging global conversation

50% 2016


Finland is one of Europe's greenest countries. By 2030, they plan to reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels by 50 percent and ban the use of coal in power generation

In 2016 Finland became the first country in the world to prepare a national road map to a circular economy, with an updated version released in 2019, in partnership with Sitra

The road map, highlighted six key projects including the Helsinki Metropolitan Smart&Clean project for low carbon transport and an extensive co-operation model for the ecosystem of Arctic industry

2017 25m

In 2017 Finland hosted the first World Circular Economy Forum, where 1,500 key people from more than 100 countries discussed the world’s best circular economy solutions

Circular economy success will central to Finland's inclusion in the Dubai Expo 2020, which is expected to attract 25 million visits and is the first world expo ever hosted in the Middle East

For more information visit:

VALENCIA: BECOMING THE FIRST CITY IN THE WORLD TO AUDIT THE CARBON FOOTPRINT OF TOURISM As a result of its ground-breaking sustainable tourism strategy, Spain's third largest city recently became the first city in the world to analyse the carbon footprint produced by tourist activity


By implementing its ground-breaking 2030 Sustainable Tourism Strategy, Valencia became the first city in the world to verify and certify its carbon footprint from tourist activity


81% 0.01% 3

Valencia teamed with water management company Global Omnium to calculate and audit the carbon footprint generated by tourism. In 2019 this was found to be 1.268 million tons of CO2

81% of this total footprint related to the movement of tourists to Valencia, while only 0.92% corresponded to the use of transport within the city

Valencia has some of the highest water efficiency in Europe only 0.01% of the total tourism footprint was found to come from water consumption

Having completed step 1 - 'calculate' - Valencia will now focus on steps 2 'reduce' and 3 'compensate' in order to reach its goal of becoming a truly carbon-neutral destination

For more information visit:

NATIONAL PARK SERVICE: THE STRATEGY TO PROTECT AMERICA'S BEAUTIFUL NATURAL SPACES For over 100 years, the National Park Service (NPS) has been the main body responsible for protecting the natural and cultural resources contained within America's 411 national parks

1916 Founded in 1916, the National Park Service (NPS) is a leader in the protection of natural resources at over four hundred parks across the United States of America

10 The Green Parks Plan (GPP), which was established in 2012, aims to develop a longterm plan for the sustainable management of national parks based on 10 key categories


318m The NPS manages more than 50 million square feet of constructed space, 18,000 miles of trails and 5 million acres of maintained landscapes with 318 million annual visits

2025 Key targets established in the GPP include reducing GHG emissions by 36%, reducing potable water use by 36% and reducing NPS fleet miles by 30%, all by the year 2025

The GPP was updated in 2016 to increase its focus on two areas: partnerships and sustainable landscapes, while also prioritising human health and wellbeing

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GOODWINGS: OFFSETTING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF TRAVEL Goodwings is an innovative and environmentally conscious booking site for businesses and consumers that enables users to travel “net zero” by paying for carbon offsetting on their behalf


According to a 2019 report from the IPCC, we are currently emitting around GtCO2/yr. This means meeting the 1.5˚C goal to limit the effects of global warming will require carbon removal


With Goodwings, users can choose between 1m+ accommodations worldwide and have emissions eliminated through a third-party validated CO₂ removal project

23k 742k 2030

In order to offset CO2, Goodwings has partnered with a tree planting project in Uruguay where some 23,000 hectares of over-grazed land is being turned into major forests

Goodwings recently teamed up with We Don't Have Time, a social network for those dedicated to finding a climate solution - with over 742k followers

The overarching goal for Goodwings is to remove 50 million tons of CO2e by 2030 via the two processes referred to as CO2 removal and CO2 compensation

For more information visit:

RWANDA: PIONEERING SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA The 'land of 1,000 hills' is leading the way in terms of Africa's sustainable tourism development with a wide variety of projects focused on empowering local communities and protecting Rwanda’s natural landscapes and wildlife


Nestled in the heart of Africa, Rwanda has one of the smallest carbon footprints in the world. For example, In 2019 it produced just 1 million tons of CO2


Each year, 10% of tourism revenue is invested in sustainable community development projects next to protected wildlife areas, encouraging local community engagement

15k $1500 2050

Rwanda's Bisate Lodge is just one example of a tourism-based reforestation project. The luxury accommodation has planted 15,000 indigenous trees in the surrounding area

In Volcanoes National Park, it costs $1500 per person to track the iconic gorilla, helping limit the number of people taking part and thus limiting the stress on the animal

To achieve its goal of achieving a low-carbon economy by 2050, Rwanda has established the Green Fund to support public and private sustainability projects

For more information visit:

NORWAY: BECOMING THE EV CAPITAL OF THE WORLD Norway has become the EV capital of the world - no other country in the world has more electric vehicles per capita. This has been achieved through comprehensive charger distribution and taxation on polluting cars

54% 16k

Of the 141,412 new cars sold in Norway in 2020, 76,789 were fully electric. This equates to 54% of all vehicles sold, which is a new global record

Norway is home to more than 16,000 charging stations, including 3,300 fast chargers, all over the country. This means no need for range anxiety!

82.7% 2025


In June 2021, 20,392 new passenger cars were registered in Norway - that means nearly 8 out of 10 (or 82.7%) of private car buyers chose a plug-in electric car

Seeking to become the first nation to end the sale of petrol & diesel cars by 2025, Norway exempts electric vehicles from taxes imposed on those reliant on fossil fuels

The seller of Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz as well as the Kia, Peugeot, Opel, Citroën, DS and Smart brands, predicted about 70% of its sales would be of fully electric models in 2021

For more information visit:


The Sustainable Apparel Coalition is a global multistakeholder nonprofit alliance for the consumer goods industry - it brings brands and vendors together in an equal partnership to drive impact reduction and champion improved sustainability.


The SAG began in 2009 as a partnership between Walmart and Patagonia, who invited CEOs of leading global companies to develop an index to help measure their environmental impact


The SAG is made up of over 250 brands, suppliers, associations, non-profits & NGOs working to reduce environmental impact and promote social justice throughout the global value chain

5 $845b


SAG uses the Higg Index to measure value chain sustainability this is comprised of a core set of five tools that together assess the social and environmental impact of products

SAC members' combined annual apparel and footwear revenues exceed $845 billion - including Amazon, Allbirds, Fairtrade, Levis, Nike and WWF

In 2021 SAC unveiled a new transparency program for sharing data on a product’s environmental impact - allowing brands, retailers, and manufacturers to share sustainability performance information

For more information visit:

ABOUT US This booklet is a selection of 2021 Bohinj Green Movement infographics celebrating green and responsible practices which we believe play a crucial role in delivering an everyday sustainable approach to everyday life globally as well as locally. The report was produced and designed by Bohinj Tourism in association with AM+A and Mindbrand. AM+A is an award-winning PR and marketing agency specialising in sustainable destinations and lifestyle brands. Mindbrand is a destination management consultation and representation agency with bases in London and New York. Together AM+A, Mindbrand and Bohinj Tourism were awarded 'Best in Responsible Tourism' at the International Travel and Tourism Awards. More information at:


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