TNT Registration Form

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TNT is Tennis Memphis’s after-school program offered at Bellevue Tennis Center, located at 1239 Orgill Road, Memphis, Tennessee, adjacent to Jessie Turner Park. Students, ages 8 – 14, learn tennis, receive homework help and tutoring five days per week for two hours each day. Participants will receive 1 hour of professional tennis instruction and 1 hour of homework help, ACE (Academic Creative Engagement) Curriculum and Life Skills Lessons. Your child is welcome with or without prior tennis experience. We offer instruction in a sport they can enjoy for a lifetime, and the opportunity to enrich study habits, academic engagement and social skills development. A snack and beverage are also provided. Program duration: August 15, 2016 - May 19, 2017 Program hours: 3:45 – 6:00 pm Students must be picked up by 6:00 pm daily Limited space available! To register, complete and return form on back. Registration form must be signed by parent/guardian. Additional questions? Contact Carl Herron, Program Manager 901.374.0603 or 925.997.4590 (cell)

REGISTRATION INFORMATION Once completed, return second page; keep first page for reference     

Complete this registration form (a separate form for each child). A $75 per semester program fee is required and due immediately to reserve your space. The program is indoors and spaces are limited. Your child is not registered until full payment is received; preferably before the first day of the program (1st Semester – 8/15/2016; 2nd Semester – 1/9/2017). Payments are not accepted at any schools; do not take payments to any school. Payment accepted at Bellevue Tennis Center Monday – Friday from 3:30 – 6:30. Pay for one semester or both semesters.


Child’s FIRST Name



Date of Birth


__________________________________________________________________ Address




__________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Cell Phone (required)

Other Phone

School Attending

__________________________________________________________________ Parent’s email address required (please print legibly)

__________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian

First Name

Last Name


Check payment enclosed in the amount of: 1st Semester $______; 2nd Semester $______ Make Checks Payable to: Tennis Memphis  Cash payment enclosed in the amount of: 1st Semester $______; 2nd Semester $______  Credit cards are accepted, please see staff at Bellevue Tennis Center Waiver Participant acknowledges the physical dangers and risks inherent in playing tennis and participants freely and knowingly assumes all such risks. Participant releases, discharges and holds harmless the Memphis Public Tennis Centers (MPTC), Tennis Memphis and the City of Memphis from and against any and all claims resulting from Participant’s participation in the program or any event related thereto, including claims such as negligent acts or omissions of Tennis Memphis. Participant agrees that Tennis Memphis and its designees may use Participant’s name, voice, portrait, likeness, testimonials and statements for any purpose relating to Tennis Memphis activities and advertising and publicizing the MPTC and Tennis Memphis, its products and services; provided, however, the Participant’s identification shall not be identified or represented to be an endorsement by Participant of any product, service or company.

____________________________________________ Date: _______________ SIGNATURE of Parent or Legal Guardian

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