Breakthrough Teaser

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WHAT: A parable about regular people like you and I who have an abundance of real questions and seek to find real answers. WHO: The parable is aimed primarily at non-Christians, un-churched, lost, and marginally churched among your friends, colleagues, neighbors and family members -- but is also great for believers in all stages of their walk. WHY: Jesus often spoke in parables, and the aim of this parable is to stir the reader to come away with a desire to investigate the following real questions: 1. Maybe there is a lot more to life than what I am currently seeing? 2. Maybe there is life after death and in particular, a heaven and a hell? 3. Maybe the way I am living my life is hurting people? One goal will be to encourage seekers to attend the Alpha Introduction Dinner (by far your biggest request—‘How do we get more guests on our course?’). The clear objective of the parable is that we want the reader to have an opportunity to hear the truth of the Gospel in a non-threatening way, authentic, and as it relates to the real life situations. HOW: Purchase a case(s) and make it available (as a gift or sale) to your congregation to encourage and inspire them or to give as a gift to their non-believer friends, family members, work colleagues, or neighbors with the hope that they are stirred to attend the next Alpha Introductory Dinner. Also great as a gift at the Alpha Celebration Dinner, or week 8 of an Alpha course on the topic of “Why and How Should I Tell Others” WHEN: Now in presell, just in time for Christmas giving, and leading up to your winter or spring courses

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