1951 April ANCHOR

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THE ANCHOR of Philadelphia in 1950. We ar proud tha t this honor has been bestowed upon "Eleanor's Mother," whom we know as a charming, witty friend , whose delightful , philosophic talk have in pired us on numerou s occasions. We feel that this has been a succes ful year. "Patricia Pig" is growing plump with our birthday penni es and other proj c ts of the Ways and M eans Committee. What is most important is that L ambda seems to be growing stronger.- EMILY REEDY .

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~ IN November we had the pleasure of having our meeting in our President' s, M axine Wright's home. All of us enjoyed a wonderful supper after which a busines meeting followed . W e were especially delighted to h ave with us Lucile Hull Steen, President of the First District. In D ecember some of our girls met a t Margaret Richards home to make Christmas favors to be used on the Children's trays a t the D . T. Watson's Home a t Lee tad ale, Pa. This is a home for spastic children. W e didn't have as many girls a t this meeting as we had expected becau se in th~ mea ntime we h ad become snowbound with our record breaking snow of thirty inches. W e have been holding our regul a r monthly meetings the second Sa turday in every month. W e really enjoy these Sa turd ay luncheons a t Stauffers! Though our group is small, we enjoy our meetings and our mutual interes t in Alp?a Sigma Tau which m akes us a congemal group. -FLORENCE RAINEY CHAPEL.

Princelon-_A.thenj OrtjanizM ~ THE September meeting of the newly-? rganized Prince ton-Athens Club met with twenty of the twenty-five members prese~t . The year' s ac tivities a nd plan ~ were .discussed and n ew practices concernmg rela tiOns between alumnae and collegi a te members were passed upon. . . . The O ctober meeting was a JOint meetmg


with the Blu fi el d Alumn a to mee t the National Presid nt, Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Robinson was very kind a nd hclp.ful in answering the m any questions cone rm ng the organizing of ou r new cha pt r. . Th D ecember meeting was a Ch nstmas Party and each girl brough t a gift to b wr-a pped during th pa rty for a ne d y fa.mil y in our community. The r spo nse of gift a nd food was ove rwhel ming. . J a nu a ry was a n interesting me ting. M iss Geraldine Travi sano gave a travelogu of her summer Europea n trip. It was a v ry interesting as well as educa tional talk. Februa ry was a " Fun With D ates" pa r.ty. All the husba nds and sweethea rt. wer mvited.- SIBYL K EESEE.

fechmond- Pelerjburtj j Orphan9 ~ WE hav enjoyed a very pi a ant. half year highlighted by the visit of ou r at10nal President, Mr . R obinso n, in ovember. he gave us ma ny helpful suggestions. 'At our Xm as pa rty we each brough t gif.t for the girls a t the M ethodi t O rphange m Petersburg. The new year began for u with a m eting a t the home of Vi rginia Daniel. our president, on J a n. 2. In Feb.ru ary we m t with M ary Ellen Comstock m Peter burg. Ada Bi vins was ho tes for the M a rch mee ting a t which time we had a wh ite elephant sa le. Everyone had fun trying to gu e wha t might be i'n the beautifull y wra pped package . Proceed from the ale wi ll be used to pay for the piano le on we are giving the 12-yea r-old girl a t th M ethod i t Orpha nage in Peter burg. We a re looking fo rward to our Ap ril mee ting for we are pla nning to meet a t R euger' H otel (fa mous for its ea food ) a t 6 :00 P.M . for di nner and afterwa rd go to Lucy R obin.-on's home for ou r bu ine s meeting. Ada Bi vins a nd C arroll Bail ey ar in cha rae of a rra ngeme nt . Elec tion of officer ' ill be held a t' th e M ay mee ting a nd the Ann ual mee ting will be held with Ca rroll Ba iley in June. Ou r a nnu al Spring Pa rt. in M a ' ,,路ill b a dinner pa rty a t the hom e of H elen our for our hu sba nd a nd friend . We alway enj oy these get-together . -M ARGARET PrT CHEW ING.

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