Asa phoenix vol 69 no 4 summer 1984

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====collegiate Corner==== six were Alpha Sigmas, as was one of the two co-chairmen, Sharon Tepper. In addition , AEA provided many lively dancers and workers throughout the weekend. The support and dedication of our sorority in promoting this activity is indicative of the unselfish character of Alpha Sigmas everywhere as we pursue each of our four aims. Susan Manos

Dickinson State College

Melting pot Ireland, Italy, France, Japan, Germany, Mexico-the United Nations comes to Beta Eta Chapter. Or so it seemed on March 11 , 1984. Actually , AEA was holding its spring rush which was an ethnic din-

Central Michigan University

Easter egg hunt The Beta Theta Chapter planned an Easter egg hunt for the children of the community as our philanthropic project. We used a park on campus to hide the eggs and also played games and awarded prizes. The Panhellenic council of CMU planned a philanthropic project to raise funds for the cardiac unit at Central Michigan Community HospitaL On Friday, April 13, community leaders, university professors and the presidents of the sororities and fraternities were " arrested" and put in "j ail " in front of the University Center.

the Beta Iota Chapter. The event began as a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association and was so successful that it was adopted as an annual event. On March 16, 1984, Joann Donnellan and Sarah Jundt pitched a tent on the top of a local 7-11 store and camped out for 24 hours. Raffle tickets were sold and donations taken to raise money. The money was then presented at the Muscular Dystrophy Dance-AThon that was held on campus. The effort calls attention to the need for money to aid research regarding muscular dystrophy. Last year, over $200 was raised by Beta Iota. This year, members were even more successful in their efforts. One thing was certain , it was a lot of fun! Lisa Crum

Central Missouri State

Spring break fever

BHs model their worldly fashions, representing France, the Caribbean, Mexico, Italy, Japan and the British Isles. Joining the group at their rush party is Corrie Conlon, advisor Deb Conlon 's daughter.

ner. Each member represented a country and came dressed in costume and armed with an item of food typical of that country. There were Italian hit women, Mexican peasants, Japanese Geisha girls , German fraus, British Isle cuties , Irish leprechauns and French fashionables at the festivities . Some of the food dishes included chow mein, taco salad , lasagna , peach pie and Irish coffee . After eating the " around -the-world" dishes, each of us returned to our own American selves and showed the rushees some slides of other AEA activities and explained the sorority to them. Spring rush turned out to be a friendly meeting of nations with great results-new pledges! Ellen Baird



They then submitted a list of people they thought would help bail them out. Each sorority had representatives that called the people on each list and asked them how much they would donate to the " criminals'" baiL In the case of the professors, students were able to make contributions to keep them in jail so their classes would be canceled. The idea really paid off-one commun ity leader who was out of town and unable to participate even donated $100 . Kathy Burgmeier

Radford University

7-11 campout It was time again for the 3rd annual Cam pout on 7-11, sponsored by

Every col lege student gets springbreak fever. Many Zeta Zeta's decided to take their spring break on South Padre Island, TX. Some of the girls from Sigma Kappa sorority joined us. The week was filled with exciting and unpredictable times. The plane trip was an experience in itself! The strong winds and bumpy curves were a little bit too much for stomachs to handle. At times we weren 't really sure who had control of the plane, the pilot or the plane! We finally arrived at the Hilton Hotel on the beach at Padre Island. After getting situated, we were off to our first walk on the beach, collecting as many shells as possible and dodging the washed-up jelly fish. During the week we decided to cross the border to Mexico. It was so exciting when we all tried our bargaining skills at 'the market.' Then it was on to Garcia's Restaurant to have our fill of spicy Mexican cuisine. To say the least, Padre Island was a blast! We came back with golden tans and burnt noses. We weren 't quite ready to leave the sun and sand and head back to the ice storm of 'Missery.' But once we were back in our own beds and unpacked we realized, "there's no place like home.'' Angie Barnes


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