Asa phoenix vol 48 no 1 fall 1962

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SATURDAY, April 14, was the date of the first ,tate Day held for the Alpha Sigma Alpha chap_rs in Colorado and the surrounding states. The ollege chapters invited were Beta Beta of Greeley, ~olorado; Beta Chi of Tempe, Arizona; and Beta ~ta of Dickinson, North Dakota; and the hosesses were the girls from Sigma Sigma chapter ,f Gunnison, Colorado. Representatives from Beta 3eta and Sigma Sigma attended the meetings at Nestern State College, Gunnison, and the two 路hapters that were unable to send representatives ent interesting and helpful material to be used. Members of the Denver and Gunnison Alumnae :hapters also attended. Fun began on the evening of April 13, when :he girls from Beta Beta arrived. Sigma Sigma members served coffee and everyone talked and ~ot to know one another. The next morning breakfast was served by the Gunnison Alumnae, after which the girls formed different groups for discussion. The various groups. discussed housing and finance, voting, rushing and pledging, and leadership. These discussion groups lasted until noon. A banquet was held in the afternoon with guest peakers being Dr. S. June Smith, National Philanthropic Adviser; Mrs. Loretta Hamrick, Sigma Sigma Adviser; and Dean D. H . Cummins of Western State College. The afternoon was concluded with the announcement that Beta Beta chapter will be the hostess for the 1963 Colorado State Day which will be held at Colorado State College in Greeley. .-JAN SHELDON ~~

THE Illinois State Day was held on the campus of Northern Illinois University on May 12. Due to stormy weather, the day's activities were rescheduled and held in one building instead of the several places on campus on which we had planned. Our Beta Kappa sisters arrived Friday night and enjoyed their stay in the Neptune dormitory. Others who weathered the storm were members of the Chicago, North, South and West Suburban, Waukegan and Milwaukee alumnae chapters. We were honored by the presence of Mrs. W. Lawson Blackstone and Mrs. Howard Hall. It was wonderful and inspiring to have 99 Alpha Sigs together! We held our coffee hour in the morning, the business meeting, and then had our luncheon in the Neptune Dining Room. Our Mardi Gras theme was carried out in the table decorations, place cards, programs and name tags. The luncheon was followed by a fashion show at which eight Beta Rhos tempted us with bathing suits, spartswear, and beautiful cocktail dresses. Our favors, which were telephone-address .books donated by the Illinois Bell Telephone Company, were in use immediately as we all had met many new and wonderful sisters. It was decided that, in the future, chapter reports would be sent to the hostess chapter before State Day so that copies could be distributed at the meeting. This will allow more time for small discussion groups. We met in eight small groups and all benefited, for many new ideas on college and alumnae chapter relationships, alumnae membership, rush party themes and money-making projects were discussed. Miss Ruth Westlund, assistant Dean of Women at Northern Illinois, spoke to us on the "Meaning of Sorority." Everyone enjoyed and, I am sure, benefited from her address. The day ended with sorority songs and warm good-byes. Beta Rho's co-chairmen were Eileen DeMichaels and Sue Narten. The committee members 路 were Sue Immel, Sandy Jarzombek, Bev Walden, and Helga Winker.-EILEEN DEMICHAELS BP

Shown a.t Colorado State Day are, left to right, Holly Harrington, Chairman; Dr. S. June Smith, National Philanthropic Adviser; Joanne Olson, Sigma Sigma President; Linda Phillips, Beta Beta President; and Dean D. H. Cummins of Western State College.

INDIANA THE Indiana State Day was held on April 7 in Anderson, Indiana, at the beautiful new ~ark Place Church of God. ...,: 路

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