Asa phoenix vol 3 no 25 apr 1917

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~e whole School is in an excited state ov r the approaching

e 1 ec~~on o

our new officers for the student Government Association.

~: ~~~s of the candidates have been posted several daysand much to

, e ~ght of_the that of our Lujia stoner is among them, being ~~~ng the :pres~dential possibilitieo. 1Je are a ll going to give her en~hus~ast~c support, not only becauso she · is an 1 Sl, but because

we bel~eve that she the girl for the p lace This office is the high;st a~~ most responsible one that any girl can hold in School, so we eel 11 l~ly honored that one of us should be choson as one of four out of 600 glrls. to be nomina.ted. Should Julia be e lected , 1' SJ~ will have held the offlce two conaec ~tive years . There has been quite a little activity in Dramat ics in the ~chool_ recently. . Our Dramatic Club gave : :L"' or i ts Spring play, CaptaJ.n Letterbla~r 11 , a military story of 1190 . The Junior Class wil~ soon present its play, and in this several ASAs nill have parts. Dur1ng Commencement Week, the seniors will otage ri She stooDs to ConTh e cast for this has uot been entirely selected, b~t a lready quer " · one of the leading roles has been given to an Alpha girl. Our School, like so many other schools and colleges , has be en ',"Orking to raise a sum to help tlle needy Bel gian children To date 1{000 ha~ been given, and it j. s exr>ectec1 that befo re the ·Campaign ends q? lOOO Wlll be available. 'rhe Juniors, inst ead of gi ving the usual banquet to the seniors, turned the sum apprppri ated f or the purpose -- ~300 over to the Fund at the sugge s tion of the seniors and the graduating class contribut ed t;l50 to tL1e Belgian Re lief instead of leaving beh ind it the customary gift to the School. In order t hat ~ lpha might contribute as an organization the $q2 necessary to lreep a Belgi an Baby from starvation, we . institut e d a neek of self denial. It was surprising how soon the nickels and di mes r an •into do ll ars. There was a holiday of a vre ek early in April, and when we returned the fact was borne i ·1 upon us that this is the l a st lap of the School year . At Commenc ement we shall lose five members by gradua tiol1 Elsie Bagby, Grace Bonney , Katie Edmunds ; Mary Kell am and Sallie Rawlings . In spite of this loss, ho~ev e r, we expe ct to return quite · a strong chapter in the Fall. Alpha h a s had a larger group this year than ever before in its history, but we feel that there has been no diminution in strength becal.lse we h.:w e c arri ed so many on our roll, a.fld aft en this year 1 s experience u e shall probably continue the custor:1, if the School attracts t h e nwaber of strong girls that it has been doing lately . Alpha is most anxious to hear the results of the sorori~y examination that its members took at the regular time , This chapter has always Jad the h ighest marks in th· t wo years that these h ave been r;i vei:.. and we put a lot of time into study in t h u hop that 10 could lceep thi ~ record unbrolcon. Alpha 1acl the honor of a vist from Ed rina Dani e l, one of our illumnae, now located in New Yorlc City . It nas a gr eat pleasure t? go t to know Edwina and to f~nd her so very ':mll informo on a ll soror~ t y topics . lle arc expecting to meet some more of our past members in June, for the Nationa l ~-Iistori 2.n,· Dorothy Batten , is trying to arr:::tnt;o for a home- coming and a l ur.u.nao i ni tL..tion. Our membe rsh ip i s s o sc c.t.t torod and our school so .Ll ncc eoGiblu from certc:tin poiht s that it han been aLn<) at impo ss ibl e to a rr ::~.n[e :4:or such a hOJi1C -corni ng, and it i s quite noc ussc:try in viG IT of tho ~iff ero nt Pitual usod today. ~~ l s i e agby, -i st. .L

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