Asa phoenix vol 14 no 1 nov 1927

Page 79



The City Association entertained the girl s with a tea at the Glendale Woman's Club on Saturday, June fifth . Everyone enjoyed the tea. Several of the gi rls went to summ er school for a period of six weeks . These included O rrell Hester, Mi ldred Baker, Alma E inung and l\Iiriam B rin son. The majority of the girls stayed at home during the summer months. M ildred Rich worked over at Catalina I sland at Boos Bros. cafeteri a, and Esther Johnson also worked during the summer. Several of our girls graduated and did not return to school, among whom are Frances Rogers, Frances Adams and Adelene Ponti, but Adelene i living at our house while teaching. We haye three un de rgraduates who did not return to school, Kathryn Burch , Hattie Kozlowska and Helen \1\Tard. T hursday aftern oon, the twenty-second of September, Alpha igma .Alpha gave a tea for the purpose of rushin g new girls. There were about ten or twelve rushees present and everyone had a loYely time. On Friday, the twenty-th ird of September, we gave a lunchcon at our new house fo r the rushees, which lasted from twelve ti ll two o'clock. A supper was served for the rushees on Saturday, September twenty-fourth, at five-thirty o'clock at our house on 1178 N. Edgemont. The girl s had a delightful time and left for home about seven-thirty. We served a rice and meat dish , little cheese cracker , hot rolls, olives and coffee. Sun day afternoon, A lpha Sigma Alpha gave a bridge tea for the rushees and there we re about th irty present in all. The afternoon was spent in playing bridge, and afterward tea and dainty cookies. were served. Thursday eyening September twenty-ninth, Alpha Sigma Alpha gave a bunco party for th e rushees . There were three of them there. Everything was carri ed out in a Lindbergh atmosphere and was reall y quite unique. 'vVe had airp lane hats made from crepe pape r, li ttle toy airplanes, and ome of the girl s wore goggles . V.l e gave an atomizer as first prize to the winner of the game. Gertrnde Peterson.

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