Asa phoenix vol 14 no 1 nov 1927

Page 56



A Slumber Party given by Louise Glaser at her home was another event which was heartily enjoyed by the girls. We gathered at the Glaser home about nine o'clock when the lively time started. Beds were made on the porch, and a sleepless night followed. A lovely lawn breakfast was served in the morning after which the girls went home to take a nap. Our Rush Party took place at Carmen, about thirty miles from Alva. The Carmen park furnished a delightful place for an enjoyable afternoon and a picnic supper. The afternoon was spent in tennis, swimming and boating. After the picnic supper we were rushed home by the stormy looking cloud , and although we were caught in a shower, it did not dampen our spirits in the least. Beula Farrand, rr's president for 1927-28, was one of the very few who won the Red Cross Service Button in the Life Saving Contest which was held during the summer session at Northwestern. Anna Cleveland and Louise Glas路er won Swimming Honors at the contest. Louise Glaser and Mabel Henderson Ballard had prominent parts in the Glee Club programs during the summer session. Louise Glaser with the help of Gamma Gamma -vvon the prize offered by the Northwestern Alumni Association for the greatest number of names and addresses of former students of Northwestern. The eight girls who returned to Gamma Gamma this year are: Beulah Farrand, Eula Callison, Helen Deal, Beatrice Ball, Lela Hardy, Elsie Oshel, Elizabeth Green, and Noreene Wilson. While there are not so many of us, we expect to accomplish a great deal during the winter. We are continuing the custom of our bi-monthly luncheons, which are served in the room by a committee of three or four girls. Thursday, of the second week of school we gathered at noon and enjoyed one of these lovely luncheons. At a Panhellenic Reception given Thursday afternoon at the college, Mrs. Joel Monfort called the meeting to order and introduced Miss Minnie Shockley, chairman of the Association of Educational Sororities who gave the address of welcome to the freshmen girls of Iorthwestern and introduced Mrs. Earl Brunsteter, National First Vice-President of the Pi Kappa Sigma

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