Asa phoenix vol 12 no 2 jan 1927

Page 23



llu flrmnriam AGNES SANDINE TOMS The passing of Agnes Sancline Brun son Toms on November twenty-third leaves another void in the ranks of the first thirty .-\lpha S igma A lphas to be initiated into Beta Beta Chapte r in 19 16, by l\Irs. E lva Doyle Reid, now also deceased. Agnes Toms, better known to us as "Sanely," was a nati\' e of Illinois, and received her higher education in the Colorado State Teachers College. Before coming to the Colorado college she had been a very successful teacher for several yea rs, but even then she was in ve ry poor health. Just prior to her yea r with Beta Beta she had nursed a brother during a long fatal illness. This was a great drain on her strength , for she had never been very sturdy. ''Sanely" taught in Colorado Springs after leaving school in Greeley. It was there that she met her first husband, Carl Brunso n. Du ring the seve re epidemic of influenza in the Springs, both Agnes and M r. Brun son were taken very ill, and the death of -:\ f r. Brunson was indeed sad and tragic. :\gnes finally recove red suffici ently from the shock of her husband's death and her own illness, to take a school in Stockton, Cali fornia, where one of her brothers was living. In her second year there she married M r. Homer S. Toms, principal of the Stockton Evening H igh School. To the happiness of M r. Toms and hi s two motherless children Agnes cleclicatecl her life. Her death is truly a sad loss to th em. For a period of nearly ten years Agnes was the National H istorian of Alpha S igma Alpha . She was an untiring and devoted worker, and stood always for the highest and best thin gs in life. "Sanely" endea red herself to all the charter members of Beta Reta. Self-sacrifi ce was the keynote of her life, and knowl edge of her passing will bring a feeling of sadness to all who knew her. To all her loved ones. the alumnae of Beta Beta Chapter send hea rtfelt sympathy.

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