Making Better Men through LO CA L CHAPTE R EX CE L LENC E
The Campaign from the Educational Foundation of Alpha Gamma Rho
The Campaign from the Educational Foundation of Alpha Gamma Rho
Recent research on fraternities and sororities demonstrates how positive the impact of the Greek experience—and the AGR experience—is for undergraduates today. Both inside and outside the classroom, we are providing tangible value at the most important time of growth in their lives.
Membership improves the learning gains students make in the classroom, and members are more academically engaged than their peers.
Members are more involved in campus activities than other students, and Greek organizations promote both personal development and the satisfaction they have in their college experience.
Fraternities and sororities seek to enhance inclusivity, and our members actually report higher levels—than of interaction with people different from themselves even greater , as they join community and belonging. This leads to stronger retention and higher graduation rates among Greek students than their peers
As many college students experience stress, loneliness and depression, fraternities and sororities offer critical connection and a sense of community, and members report higher levels of positive mental health because of it.
growth and friendship—a home away from home where you were surrounded by like-minded men from agricultural roots. And, through the bond, you gained connections to advance professionally in the ever-evolving agriculture industry that continues to grow more diverse and complex.
This happens when our chapters are strong, stable and focused on preparing our young men for the challenges of today. Now more than ever, young men need the community, opportunities, networking and mentoring we experienced through AGR.
aggressive effort, we must invest in our young men and in our chapters at the local level.
We need your support.
Making Better Men is rooted in the excellence of the chapter experience.
When we recruit the right men, develop them into strong leaders, and surround them with inspiring mentoring from alumni and others, the chapter experience is transformational, enriching and rewarding. An exceptional chapter experience develops brothers who are dedicated for life—and who will continue to invest in the Fraternity and our young members.
It’s a circle. The Fraternity’s success depends on strengthening the experience at its core: the local chapter. As you connect with AGR brothers, return for reunions, engage with your chapter, and send your own sons and grandsons to college, we want the AGR experience to be even more rewarding than the one you remember fondly and are proud to be a part of today.
With a focus on Local Chapter Excellence, our Fraternity will be the premier home away from home for the nation’s future leaders of a broader and better agriculture. Alpha Gamma Rho is uniquely positioned for success, and your support ensures our young men grow as leaders, equipped to encounter the challenges of today, tomorrow and beyond.
is advanced through Local Chapter Excellence that develops brothers as leaders who contribute in college and beyond.
THE ONLY SOCIAL-PROFESSIONAL AGRICULTURAL FRATERNITY 71 chapters nationwide 3,000 undergraduates 500 alumni volunteers 55,000 members worldwide
Alpha Gamma Rho chapters provide an experience where men can learn—and fail—in a safe environment. Undergraduate brothers have an opportunity to test and try their leadership among their peers. Each meeting, event,
AGR provides an experience that supplements what happens in the classroom, which men cannot get elsewhere on campus. These experiences not only propel them into a successful career, but also establish close friendships and a network that will last their lifetime.
Strong chapter leaders are developed through the local chapter experience They become our local advisers and national leaders, inspiring the next generation of Alpha Gamma Rho, which completes the circle.
Identify and recruit strong men by providing recruitment coaching for chapters to seek out energetic, inspired and capable men, who have a thirst for learning and devote themselves to service.
Develop emerging chapter leaders by providing transformational educational opportunities to those leading our local chapters.
Provide training and support to educational leadership and other volunteers to ensure undergraduate men and chapters have ready access to valuable resources.
Surround our undergraduates with dedicated and welltrained chapter advisers, housemothers/directors, and alumni leaders who work together to achieve the highest levels of our values and strive for excellence.
World-class programming—The Top Leaders Institute and ongoing chapter programs will develop our local leadership teams and focus on strategic designed to advance Local Chapter Excellence.
Well-trained staff and volunteers to provide on-the-ground, consistent coaching with accountability to the chapter’s goals.
Scholarships to ensure that no chapter or brother has a barrier to participate in these experiences.
will bring together leaders and volunteers to create strategic action plans toward Local Chapter Excellence.
When all the pieces of an undergraduate team work together, that's when we are successful. That's the secret sauce. This program helps create enduring chapter excellence at the local level, and in doing so we'll strengthen our brand in agriculture for leadership development and excellence.
To advance chapter success, our chapters need focused training for their leaders and advisers—both as individuals and as a team—so they can chart their vision and strategic planning for excellence on their campus and beyond. The Top Leaders Institute is the solution to do just that.
Reach: This program will bring together the chapter leadership team—nine leaders, advisers, housemother/director, and alumni—from each of our 71 chapters to set their goals and strategy for the year ahead. They will receive professionally developed, customized training to meet their chapter’s needs. Annually, we will hold the Top Leaders Institute regionally, creating an environment where peer chapters can learn from each other, the staff, and alumni facilitators.
Focus: Brothers will learn how to work together as a team, improving their synergy, readiness and capacity for leadership. Together, they will create a strategic plan for their chapter, focused on how they will
communications, and build partnerships with organizations focused on agriculture,
Specialized recruitment training will target broadening AGR’s representation across all programs impacting our agricultural future, as well as increasing membership among traditional student populations.
Impact: Through reaching more than 700 undergraduate and alumni leaders annually—building knowledge and expertise year-over-year in every chapter by engaging their leadership team as a cohort—you will see vast improvement in the strength of your chapter’s operations and recruitment
Stronger chapters will create a stronger national enterprise for Alpha Gamma Rho. And a stronger Alpha Gamma Rho will advance the agricultural industry while positioning our alumni at the forefront of its success.
Provides training for up to nine over 700 leaders each year.
Strengthens growth and development for both individuals and chapters.
Reduces impact of annual benchmarks through strategic planning. Results in year-over-year improvement in chapters, from greater alumni engagement to higher GPAs, and from more diverse recruitment efforts to better retention.
Leads to the advancement of the agricultural industry, positioning our alumni at the forefront of its success.
To foster Local Chapter Excellence, we must deliver ongoing, consistent chapter coaching on the ground and
We will hire a Director of Leadership and Education with industry expertise to develop the Top Leaders Institute and chapter development programs. The Director will draw upon insight and feedback from across
We will also increase our consultant staff 67 percent (two additional consultants), which allows more focused time on and with your local chapter. Consultants will work with 15 chapters, providing more frequent, personalized outreach than when they were each managing more than two dozen chapters. The consultants will use the strategic action plans created by each chapter at the Top Leaders Institute as the basis for the coaching throughout the year, and they will deliver ongoing chapter development programs focused on each chapter’s strategic goals.
In my time on staff, I realized just how much a consultant helps support our chapters at the local level. They aid in cross-pollination, help spread successful ideas, and connect undergraduates and alumni to resources, which enable chapters to reach higher levels of success.
The annual Top Leaders Institute will serve as a launch point for chapter leaders and advisers, setting the stage for the year ahead, but consistent, ongoing development will be the key to Local Chapter Excellence.
Our Director of Leadership and Education will create programs to be delivered at the local level that build upon the work chapter leaders complete. Annually, these ongoing chapter development programs will reach every undergraduate—more than 3,000 brothers in our 71 chapters—furthering accountability to their chapter strategic plan and advancing strong chapter operations and recruitment.
chapter advisers and other select volunteers to be trained to deliver exceptional chapter programs focused on building continued effectiveness at the local level. This “train-the-trainer” instruction ensures excellence in facilitation and implementation of cutting-edge chapter development programs at the local level.
With the price of a college education soaring year-after-year, cost should not be a barrier for our undergraduates to attend leadership programs. With your support, we can enable each chapter to have full attendance (nine leaders) at the Top Leaders Institute to be able to form a high-functioning executive team and propel their chapter forward at the local level. Funds will defray the travel, lodging and dining expenses for attendees.
Each chapter has a need for improvement and our undergraduate brothers deserve the best guidance to ensure they exceed our standards of excellence. Our needs are great and cannot wait. It is critical we move forward on these Local Chapter Excellence initiatives.
The future of Alpha Gamma Rho requires boldness in addressing the Fraternity’s immediate needs. This plan for builds upon current strengths to continue Making Better Men committed to a life of excellence.
Remember the ways in which AGR has enriched your life through the guidance of those who preceded you. We have a responsibility to invest in our young men to ensure they grow through their chapter and are prepared to lead the future of a broader and better agriculture.
We need to set expectations of chapters and allow and enable them to meet those benchmarks. Joining this effort will provide the necessary resources for our collegiate members to grow while enabling our staff and volunteers to assist in the accountability of that growth.
- GARY CLARK, CAMPAIGN CHAIRMAN PI CHAPTER (OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERITY)Our continued success relies on having your support to invest in the local chapter experience to ensure Alpha Gamma Rho is providing our young brothers with the same opportunities we had, which form the best, lifelong friendships while providing us tomorrow’s leaders.
The Top Leaders Institute Fund honors the late Gene Lemon, Alpha (Illinois), who
Counsel, Gene was well known for how he shaped the Fraternity through his thoughtful guidance. He was named Brother of the Century and inducted in 2017 to the AGR Hall of Fame.
This fund will support the Top Leaders Institute development and annual implementation, as well as
The Mentor Development Fund honors Phil Josephson, Alpha Psi (Wisconsin-River Falls), who served as Executive Director/CEO for more than 40 years until his 2018 retirement. Phil led our Fraternity to unprecedented growth and stability.
This fund will support the annual staff and volunteer “train-the-trainer” instruction to provide ongoing chapter development programs.
The Chapter Excellence Scholarship Fund ensures cost is not a barrier to attend leadership offerings that enable Local Chapter Excellence. The Chapter Excellence
Top Leadership Institute. Having full attendance at Top Leaders Institute is critical for a high-performing executive team to function at the chapter level.
Grand President Delta (Purdue)
Vice Grand President
Greg Nickerson, Eta (Iowa State)
Financial Vice President
Gary C. Clark, Pi (Oklahoma State)
Rex Martin, Alpha Iota (Arkansas)
Greg W. Webb, Beta Alpha (Southern Illinois)
Jay Vroom, Alpha (Illinois)
Paul Wenger, Chi (Cal Poly)
Glenn A. Stith, Omicron (Kentucky)
Vice Chairman
James C. Borel, Eta (Iowa State)
Ron Brohammer, Beta Alpha (Southern Illinois)
Associate Treasurer
Don Calhoun, Zeta (Cornell)
Honorary Chairmen
Gene Lemon, Alpha (Illinois)
Philip Josephson, Alpha Psi (Wisconsin-River Falls)
Campaign Chairmen
Donald A. De Jong, Chi (Cal Poly)
Gary Clark, Pi (Oklahoma State)
Rex Martin, Alpha Iota (Arkansas)
William T. Boehm, Alpha Psi (Wisconsin-River Falls)
John Cottingham, Delta (Purdue)
Donald A. De Jong, Chi (Cal Poly)
Robert Earnest, Alpha Upsilon (UT-Martin)
Allan R. Johnson, Epsilon (North Dakota State)
John A. Noble, Zeta (Cornell)
Jerry A. Steiner, Iota (Wisconsin-Madison)
Michael J. Way, Alpha Sigma (Fresno State)
Campaign Committee
David Ames, Beta (Ohio State)
R. Kirby Barrick, Beta (Ohio State)
Tracey A. Binkley, Alpha Kappa (Tennessee-Knoxville)
James C. Borel, Eta (Iowa State)
Michael J. Borel, Eta (Iowa State)
Jack H. Britt, Alpha Chi (Western Kentucky)
Terry M. Hague, Pi (Oklahoma State)
Todd D. Johnson, Alpha Zeta (Kansas State)
Adam Manwarren, Lambda (Minnesota)
David A. Maurer, Alpha (Illinois)
Jerry A. Steiner, Iota (Wisconsin-Madison)
Glenn A. Stith, Omicron (Kentucky)
To continue the conversation, please reach out to or (501) 730-1962.