Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly • Spring 2016

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When we give of ourselves, we receive so much more in return. Our commitment to others, beyond ourselves, is what will continue to move Alpha Gamma Delta onward and upward.


s we wrap up our final moments of another year in Alpha Gamma Delta history, I reflect on all the seasons we travel throughout each year of our lives. “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose.” You may have heard this verse in worship, or you may have heard it on the radio in the classic song from the The Byrds, "Turn, Turn,Turn.” The lyrics share the interesting theme that there is a need for sorrow to experience pure joy, hard work to reap a bountiful harvest, and a time to break down in order to rebuild. In Alpha Gamma Delta, we approach this season focused on renewal of spirit combined with cautious trepidation for the change that comes with closing one year and moving to the next.

Rie Gerah Hoehner International President

We all find ourselves in a variety of seasons throughout our life experiences. Our graduating collegians are heading into the unchartered waters of adulthood. Sisters who are new mothers are learning to endure with little sleep and new responsibilities. In the workplace, new roles or responsibilities create challenges and threaten the balance of work and life priorities. Those with aging parents or family members in poor health must learn to fill the role of caretaker and advocate in new and unfamiliar landscapes. With each experience, however, comes great returns: transitioning from collegian to graduate offers many the freedom to navigate the opportunities and challenges attached to new-found independence; children are daily reminders of unconditional love; often, careers allow for travel and broadening of relationships and expertise; and caring for others cultivates compassion and sensitivities for those of all ages.

As sisters in Alpha Gamma Delta, we promised to live our lives aspiring for higher standards. The time for every purpose is always upon our members. Through your membership, you are encouraged to reach out to those around you with acts of kindness and support. Spend more time in your community, share talent through your local charities and serve those around you. Help others through their seasons and reap the joy that comes from living with Purpose. As you read this issue of the Quarterly, you’ll appreciate our focus on community service. Making a difference in the communities in which we are placed is at the core of our Alpha Gamma Delta values. No matter how great or small our talents, time or treasure, we are compelled to put them to good use. In this issue, you will learn about how Alpha Gamma Delta sisters across North America have chosen to live out our Purpose through our inaugural Week of Service and how they have personally benefited from their contributions to a variety of service projects. I encourage you to seek out opportunities to contribute to the world’s work in all the seasons of your life. When we give of ourselves, we receive so much more in return. Our commitment to others, beyond ourselves, is what will continue to move Alpha Gamma Delta onward and upward!

Rie Gerah Hoehner International President

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