World Understanding Review 2022

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World Understanding Projects August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

Project S.A.V.E EducationVietnameseSisters(2009-2011)Aiding  Location: Ta Rinh, Nam Dong District, Thua Thien-Hue Province, Vietnam  Partner Organization: Vietnam Veterans Restoration Project  Accomplishment: Built a primary school and additional classrooms to 3 more schools, furnished school supplies and playground equipment and established an ongoing relationship and partnerships with local organizations.  Update: The school is alive and thriving despite COVID-19. Severe restrictions for quarantining, testing and limiting international travel helped contain the virus in the country. The Vietnamese government uses the Alpha Delta Kappa Kindergarten as an example of what an excellent school should be. August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

built a Primary School + additional classrooms to 3 more schools & playground equipment Vietnam August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

OpportunityHope(2011H.O.P.E.Project-2013)and in EducationPeruvian  Location: Juanjui, Peru  Partner Organization: Bridge Builders International  Accomplishments: Built a one-story school, furnished 3 classrooms, provided a computer and water filtration system. The school is in an impoverished area and did not charge tuition.  Update: A second story was added to the school. School term was suspended in March 2020 due to COVID-19. Later in 2020, the school was sold to private investors and the local community cannot afford the required tuition. August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

built a school in Peru Peru August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

Project B.O.O.K.S. thea.k.a.SucceedKnowledgeOpportunitiesBooks(2014-2015)OfferingandtoBooksonMove!  Location: Cheyenne River Lakota/Sioux Reservation  Partner Organization: Hawkwing Inc. and Cheyenne River Lakota/Sioux Tribe Rochelle Ripley, Director  Accomplishments: Purchase of a bookmobile, two computers, scanner, books, resource materials, and vehicle maintenance, insurance and gas for a year. The Cheyenne River Lakota/Sioux Tribe voted to fund a year-long position dedicated to the Booktastic Express.  Update: Finding a qualified candidate to coordinate the program on the reservation has been a concern. It is our understanding that the bookmobile is not currently in service. August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

LAKOTA SIOUX RESERVATION MOBILE LIBRARY August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation HaitiChildrenAffirmingEducatingTraining,(2016T.E.A.C.HProject-2017)andtheof  Location: Croix Des Bouquets, Haiti  Partner Organization: Imagine Missions; Melissa Young, Director  Accomplishments: Built an 8-classroom building at Imagine Missions school.  Update: On March 20, 2020 COVID cases in Haiti closed all schools. Lack of infrastructure/electricity made electronic learning impossible. Inflation and food shortages combined with political unrest and unsafe conditions led to the difficult decision to discontinue the residential school. A request to use remaining grant monies to pay teachers was approved.

added classrooms which provide adult education on the weekends Haiti August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

The proposal was changed to allow the homes to be constructed with local materials and labor.

T.E.A.C.H. TOO (2018 ChildrenAffirmingEducatingTeaching,-2020)andtheofHaiti –Transitioning to Open Opportunities  Location: Croix Des Bouquets, Haiti  Partner Organization: Imagine Missions; Melissa Young, Director  Accomplishments: Original proposal was to build 8 residential homes for older teens who aged out of the orphanage system to allow them to live at Imagine Mission and finish their education or job training. Because of political unrest and the closure of the port at Port au Prince, the planned housing units could not be shipped.

Update: Two buildings were constructed before a stop work order came into effect. The project changed again when construction resumed and the buildings became classrooms for a professional school complex. Imagine Missions closed their orphanage in December, 2021, partnering with two organizations (Haiti Mama and Middle Ground Haiti) to reunite children with their families.

Teach Too new classrooms being built for extended education students August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

aandwithChildren’sMaking(2021C.H.E.A.RProject-2023)aHomeEducationAgricultureReality  Location: Babati, Tanzania, East Africa  Partner Organization: Harambee Foundation; Joshua Johnson, Field Director MAHOCEE (Manyara Holistic Center) is the housing and education program for children living in extreme poverty with limited access to education.  Accomplishment: The proposed project will increase residency at the MAHOCEE Center and add a library and technology center. A representative of MAHOCEE will accept the first check for over $38,000 from Alpha Delta Kappa contributions at the Northeast Regional Conference in July, 2022. August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation

Current World Understanding Project Timeline August 2022. Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation July 2022 Representative receives check for over $38,000: fundraising continues July 2023 -- Representative speaks at International Convention: receives check for additional funds raised New World Understanding Project submissions are currently delayed for the remainder of this biennium due to current global conditions and the complexity of the world in which we live. The World Understanding Committee is going to review the program and continue to study future options.

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