KAPPAN September 2023

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75 Years of Sisterhood

Bridge to the Future




Joanne Grimm, CA Alpha Alpha


Susan Pelchat, CT Mu

Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi

Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron

Susan Whelan, NJ Kappa

Julie Kinder-McMillan, TN Alpha Gamma

Gwen Steele, NE Kappa

Daniel LaBorde, Digital Communications Coordinator, Int'l HQ


Ann Marie Brown, International President

Conway Blankenship, International President-Elect

Mollie Acosta, Immediate Past International President

Christi Smith, Executive Director

Alpha Delta Kappa empowers women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

The KAPPAN magazine is published quarterly by Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators. Find the KAPPAN Publishing Guidelines online at www.alphadeltakappa.org.

Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters: 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO 64114-3210 (816) 363-5525, (800) 247-2311, Fax (816) 363-4010

email: headquarters@alphadeltakappa.org www.alphadeltakappa.org

The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily in conformity with those of Alpha Delta Kappa or the editor.

Submitting Items for the next KAPPAN


This is the correct logo for the 2015-2017 biennium. Ruth Ann Griggs was International President. The logo printed on page 5 of the June KAPPAN was the logo of the International Membership Committee.

The deadline for submissions to the KAPPAN is two months before the publication date. The deadline for the December 2023 issue is October 1. The KAPPAN is interested in how your chapter builds bridges between generations and between members teaching in the classroom and in other places. Authors should include their name, state/province/ nation and chapter, the highest office held and when.

To submit articles/photos, go to the A∆K website >About>Publications> Submit to the KAPPAN. Follow submission guidelines on the submission form.

VOLUME 52 NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER 2023 8 16 15 Features
1 International President’s Message 2 From New York to Arizona to Kansas City, It’s Ann Marie’s Turn 3 President-Elect’s Journey Begins Across the Atlantic 4 Membership: Gifts of Gratitude Create a Big Splash 5 Marketing Membership 6 Giving has a Lasting Impact 6 Bytes & Pieces 7 Benefits of Year-Round Initiation 8 Dolly Parton Imagination Library and VA Gamma Omicron 9 Diversity in Life: Crossing the Divide 10 International Teacher Education (ITE) Scholars 12 ITE Meets World Understanding, it is a Small World 12 The Longest Day 13 Collegiate Clubs 14 2023 Convention in Kansas City 17 The KAPPAN Congratulates 19 Always Over the Heart 20 #A∆K 24 Altruism 31 Omega Chapter 32 Homeroom Humor 33 A∆K Calendar
& Departments

International President’s Message

The “Bridge to the Future” theme and logo were designed to represent the transition that Alpha Delta Kappa will embark upon in this biennium.

The 2023-2025 International Biennium is transitioning to a new form of governance, with the International Executive Board (IEB) as the only International governing body. The International Chapter is retired, streamlining management. The Constitution and 2023 Bylaws of Alpha Delta Kappa have been updated to reflect the changes made through the provisos from the 2019-2023 Biennia and the adopted bylaws amendments for 2023. The IEB Chairman position is retired; therefore, the International President will serve as the organization’s chief executive officer and ambassador.

The Regional leadership structure is reorganized. The alignment of the terms of service for regional leaders with the leaders of the states, provinces, and nations (S/P/N) is anticipated to increase two-way communication and collaboration.

The Regional President is the region’s leader as she plans and organizes the regional conference and leads her regional executive board. The Regional Presidents are connected to the International level through a Regional Council.

The Regional President-Elect and the Regional Vice President for Membership (RVPM) can focus on critical membership issues while being part of the regional leadership team and the International Membership Committee. A priority of this biennium should be retaining the chapters we have. When a chapter disbands from Alpha Delta Kappa, we sometimes lose 20 to 30 members at once, but we also lose a geographic location for potential members to

join the organization. Starting a new chapter requires twelve new members; keeping our existing chapters is more manageable. Find assistance from the S/P/N vice president for membership, the leadership team, or the RVPM before the decision to disband is in motion.

The International Executive Boards have worked on changes to the organizational structure for over three biennia. The boards responsible for these changes have studied, deliberated and made challenging decisions. The changes are being made with the organization’s long-term health in mind. Strengthening our beloved Alpha Delta Kappa for the next twenty-five years and more has motivated us to move the organization forward.

Technology is a necessity to move us forward. However, not all members are comfortable with using technology. Regional, S/P/N and chapter leaders are encouraged to have a technology chair to assist those members in becoming more comfortable using devices and software programs. A chapter sister with skills may be available at a meeting to help her sisters navigate the website or complete the required forms online. We must address what acts as barriers to membership and engagement in the organization.

The International Standing Committees, Scholarships and Grants Committees, and Boards were filled with numerous volunteers—my appreciation for many members who filled out the Volunteer Application to help fulfill the almost 100 appointments. I share my sincere gratitude to those who said yes.

Always looking to the future, Agnes Shipman Robertson had as her banquet address “A Look Back, A Look Forward” at the first National Convention in 1955. Let us look to Alpha Delta Kappa’s future opportunities as we take this “Bridge to the Future.”

Travel with us.

Meanings Behind the Bridge to the Future Logo

The Logo Committee was charged with capturing the organizational movement forward and worked with the vision of the transformation put into action this biennium. The elements in the design are chosen to symbolize these changes.

Tomorrow, we have a new day. As Annie from the Broadway play sings, “The sun’ll come out tomorrow.”

The birds soar into the future, depicting the visionary leaders who founded our organization. Agnes is in the leading position.

Alpha stands for Athena with its color green. Delta stands for Demeter, yellow. Kappa stands for Kore, with our third official color, purple. This is our modern colorized Delta.

Next, we have upward vertical representations of the seven unique regions. These symbols represent our organization’s

vision, mission, purposes and history. The modern swipe upward is fluid, as it conveys motion, but is supported by the seven regions.

The Biennium Logo and Theme Committee was Chair Ann Quinlan, a Four-Year Member of the International Executive Board; Ginger Greene, IVP of the Southeast Region; Rachel Shankles, IVP of the South-Central Region; Dawn Hudson, GA Beta Epsilon, with significant input from graphic artist designer daughter, Lauren Hudson and Betty Jo Evers, International Vice President for Membership.

The committee worked with the vision of the transformation of Alpha Delta Kappa that will be put into action this biennium.

Excerpt from International President Ann Marie Brown’s convention speech.

Ann Marie Brown

From New York to Arizona to Kansas City, It’s Ann Marie’s Turn

Ann Marie Brown was the president of NY Alpha Delta when she attended the 1997 International Convention in Kansas City, MO. Alpha Delta Kappa celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its founding that year, and Ann Marie marked her sixth year as a member. The young teacher took to heart the words of the Grand President Melba Priestley as she spoke of “Visions in Action,” the convention’s theme. When Ann Marie left Kansas City this time, she flew home to Arizona as president of one of the largest organizations for women in education.

many other offices, she has been International Executive Board Chairman 2017-2019, IVP of the Southwest Region, Arizona State Treasurer and New York State President. One of her strengths is her vast knowledge of A∆K bylaws, constitution and policies. Ann Marie was either on the committee or leading it when a committee was formed to study possible changes in any A∆K documents. Her unofficial nickname is “the bylaws lady.”

She firmly believes that no leader leads alone and no member serves alone. “You can’t lead by yourself. You have to rely on others for their support and knowledge,” she said.

Ann Marie and her husband, Wayne, will celebrate their fifty-third wedding anniversary in August. They have two sons, Spencer, who lives in Colorado, and Stuart, who lives in Virginia, and seven grandchildren aged seven to fifteen. There are two boys and five girls. The Browns have three house cats, Captain Jack, Onyx and Pirate. Ann Marie met her husband, a high school teacher of mathematics, when she was doing her student teaching in Family and Consumer Sciences. She taught the subject in Malone, New York schools for 34 years before retiring to Chandler, AZ. “We were tired of snow,” she explained.

She grew up in Pearl River, New York, and the East Coast accent is still occasionally in her speech. Her mother wanted her to be a nurse. Ann Marie headed in that direction until one semester in high school, she took a course in consumer science, and it was goodbye thermometers. Her bachelor’s degree and her master’s degree are from the State University of New York, Plattsburgh, NY.

This silver sister is no stranger to the leadership role. Among

The transplanted Easterner can appear almost shy at the first meeting. She likes to listen, consider, and weigh what is being said, but then she lets loose with her great no-holds-barred laugh and the warm smile that goes from ear to ear, and you can’t help but laugh with her and just enjoy your shared sisterhood.

She was a Girl Scout and has never lost her love of hiking. She can claim five Grand Canyon hikes. In college, she was a swimmer and field hockey player. Cooking is her number one hobby. She doesn’t expect much time for those in the next two years.

One of the aspects of her new position that she is looking forward to is the chance to travel. She has traveled to Peru and Haiti with World Understanding trips and family vacations to Mexico and Canada. Visiting chapters and listening to members is high on her to-do list.

Ann Marie acknowledges that to move forward, A∆K must make more use of technology. She has taken many courses to become more proficient in the world of Google Docs and cyberspace. In her essay, when she offered for President-Elect, she said, “Strengthening Alpha Delta Kappa through membership growth, inclusion and leadership development is the most crucial priority moving forward.”

Asked which of these she now feels is the most important, she answered, “membership.” “Building diversity in our membership and inclusion of all is essential,” she wrote in her offering for office essay. What is her biggest challenge? It is leading to “build a welcoming culture to that end.”


“We look forward to a fruitful and wonderfully successful future together.”
~Agnes Shipman Robertson
I like to see myself as a bridge builder; that is me building bridges between people, between races, between cultures, between politics, trying to find common ground.
Jakes, an American non-denominational Christian preacher

President-Elect’s Journey Begins Across the Atlantic

Conway Blankenship’s journey to the office of International President-Elect began in Heidelberg, Germany, when an American sailor fell in love with a nineteen-year-old German girl and married her while still stationed in Germany. A few years later, on June 21, the Longest Day, he took her and their four-month-old baby daughter, Conway, home to the United States.

Now a Sapphire Sister, Conway, sponsored by Carol Williams, joined the Delta chapter in Richmond, VA. Eventually, Carol and Conway moved to Powhatan, VA. Carol retired, and Conway was teaching in Powhatan County schools. One day, Carol asked when they were going to start a chapter in Powhatan. Together with friends, they started VA Gamma Kappa.

Conway credits her mother with giving her the courage to try new things and to listen to new ideas. She admires her mother for being brave enough to leave her homeland with a baby to raise and start living in a new country where she did not speak the language. Because Conway’s father was an American serviceman, and even though she was born outside the U.S., she is an American citizen. She has two younger sisters.

For twenty-five years, Conway disliked her first name. Every time she entered a new grade in school and her name was called, the teacher looked for a boy. Now, she loves her name because people remember it. Conway is a family name.

Her friends describe the Past VA State President as calm and unassuming, always ready to do her part and help others. They say she believes strongly in giving back and constantly does. Conway feels that flexibility in meeting the needs of members is key to retaining members. She wants new members to know what it means to be a sister and the responsibilities it carries.

At age seventeen, she met her husband, Ronnie Jay, while

shopping for groceries. They married the summer before she graduated from Longwood University in Farmville, VA. They celebrated their 48th anniversary this year. Their family includes two sons, Jay Clarke and Heath Bauer, and two Scottish Terriers, Logan and Kelsey.

Conway says she is “honored to serve her A∆K sisters, to be there for them and to hear their ideas.” In her essay, she stated, “Working with others, I will continue to promote visibility and recognition for A∆K members in all of our states, provinces and nations.”

Mysteries and historical fiction are her preferred reading. She is a member of the A∆K Pages and Pearls book group and a local book club. Her favorite way to relax is to sit in her patio garden area facing the lake and read. She also enjoys gardening and finds that knitting is a good stress reliever.

One of the many adventures she is looking forward to during her time in her International office is traveling. She has visited Germany, England and Hawaii and the sites of many International Conventions, regional conferences and state conventions. Now, she plans to take the opportunity to travel even more.

Conway’s area of expertise in A∆K is membership. She has served on the International Membership Committee, has been a Southeast Region Membership Consultant and the Virginia Vice President Membership Consultant. She says, “Increased membership depends on providing opportunities to dialogue with today’s educators to discuss issues they currently face.”

Conway was a high school coordinator for the gifted when she retired in 2009. Before that, she taught middle school language arts for 19 years. She was a fourth-grade teacher for six years and also taught adult education classes. In retirement, she has proctored Advanced Placement tests, the Scholastic Assessment Test and other state tests. She is pleased to work with and learn from International President Ann Marie Brown and Immediate Past International President Mollie Acosta.

Build bridges of insight through empathy, see the world through the eyes of others, understand the world through their experiences, and feel the world through their emotions.

Conway Blankenship
“…honored to serve her A∆K sisters, to be there for them and to hear their ideas.”
~Conway Blankenship
~Tim Brown, Football player

Gifts of Gratitude Create a Big Splash

Funds to participate in the membership campaign, “A Gift of Gratitude,” were granted to 200 chapters across the organization. Chapters were encouraged to share Hershey’s Kisses and membership information with current educators at schools in their communities during Teacher Appreciation Week in May. This is the first membership campaign of its kind, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Chapters were excited to receive the recruiting material from headquarters, and the $50 check to buy supplies for their event helped to defray costs. Sisters from the chapters involved shared that this campaign helped nudge their chapter to get into schools and make connections with educators. The purpose of the campaign was to engage chapters in the process of marketing our organization with tools and messag-

ing from International. The campaign was the brainstorm of 2021-2023 International Vice President for Membership Betty Jo Evers, Headquarters Staff Membership and Marketing Specialist Phyllis Robinette and Alpha Delta Kappa Executive Director Christi Smith.

Spreading the Good News

If your chapter participated in the “Gift of Gratitude” or did something similar, the first step was having a display, putting materials in an educator’s mailbox, or maybe having a table with goodies and supplies. These actions are a good way to advertise all that Alpha Delta Kappa has to offer and to get the name of the chapter into the community, but that alone is not going to attract new members. The next step is to follow up with educators so they know that the chapter is truly interested in having them become a member.

Reaching Out to Current Educators

The chapters with the best results garnering interest in membership with “Gifts of Gratitude” had personal conversations with educators, followed up with a phone call or text, invited the educators to another event, or met with them one-on-one for lunch or coffee. As current and former educators, we know that educators have a lot on their plates on a daily basis and that the end of school is especially busy. If an email was sent, it could be that the educator did not see it or have time to respond. If the educator was asked in a flier to reach out to the chapter if interested in membership, that likely did not happen if they do not have a connection to the chapter, do not know who is in the chapter, or do not understand what A∆K is about. When considering how we want to follow up with educators, we need to be more strategic and think about how to reach out to them individually to make that personal connection.

Alpha Delta Kappa 2021-2023 4 KAPPAN • SEPTEMBER 2023

Big Splash in a Small Pond

There are chapters whose members come from several districts and/or schools in the area, so the chapter will do something for all those schools. This is a good way to advertise, and it makes it difficult to follow up with all the educators. When considering having a membership campaign similar to “Gifts of Gratitude,” refocus your efforts to be more targeted. Below are stories of chapters that had success in narrowing their recruiting efforts.

VA Gamma Omicron members currently teaching were taken to lunch and asked to submit names of prospective members. The membership committee then narrowed the list to a number that was manageable. The retired sisters put together goodie bags while the current educators followed up in person with the prospective educators.

VA Beta Nu voted to use the $50 for two gift cards to be raffled off. The members contributed money for Hershey’s Kisses and other snacks. All educators at the school were encouraged to put their names in for the raffle, and on the raffle ticket, they were asked to check whether they were interested in A∆K. The

chapter now has the contact information of all the educators to follow up with them in the fall.

GA Beta Rho paired the $50 with chapter money to buy Chick-fil-A biscuits for Lake Park Elementary School faculty. Each year Beta Rho has a summer social. An invitation to that social was included in the goodie bags given to teachers. The invitation stated the names of two sisters from that school to whom invitees should RSVP, so they knew friendly faces would be at the event. Beta Rho President Judy Sikes was awarded the 2023 Fine Arts Grant, which will be used at the school. Judy said, “It is through two grants awarded through International that we were able to make a big splash at one school, and now it is resulting in prospects for new membership and growth from multiple counties because now we can say, ‘this is how we helped Lake Park Elementary School, and we can help your school too.’”

When considering recruiting opportunities in the future, chapters should keep these words from Judy in mind: “Sometimes a big splash in one pond is more effective than a tiny droplet in multiple ponds.”

Why Market Membership?

Marketing membership is easy yet new to our organization. Have you ever met a member who can recruit anyone to join? Guess why. She markets us wherever she goes. She is the member that wears A∆K shirts and pins. She is the member who has that two-minute commercial perfected and talks to everyone at the grocery store, the gas station, the restaurant and in the elevator. These marketing sisters have learned that starting a conversation leads to boosting our organization’s visibility and awareness. This is the start of marketing.

Marketing membership includes creating visibility and awareness, not only to prospective members but also to the community. How many times has someone commented to you, “What is that organization, Alpha Delta Kappa?” With our recent efforts in marketing via social media, we are getting attention from members, school districts and city government officials tagging us. This is due to your efforts on social media. When you host events, are you partnering with other organizations that share the same value of the work? Do you memorialize these efforts? Do you share them on your chapter’s social media and personal social media platforms? Then as you do, do you tag officials, partnerships and attendees? All these strategies market us. They invite others to research and ask and learn about us. Marketing provides the opportunity for others who share our values to join us in membership and/or similar ventures.

Membership marketing not only can provide organizational knowledge to potential members and the community but also

within our current membership. We get excited when new members join our chapter. We want to get to know them, listen to their stories and share their wisdom. This also happens when we market! How many of you remember that special commercial that touches your heart? Marketing us broadly through conversations and visuals, brochures, swag, etc., will create that feeling in our members and potential members. This is what we are shooting for. At the International level, we were in the beginning of a formal marketing campaign, but your chapter can create one too. You don’t have to wait on us. Has your chapter created its own handouts or brochures? Do you share recruiting ideas that tug on the heart on your social media and invite membership? Building marketing materials is a strategic way to invite others to share our love of this organization. Here is a hint: Don’t drown them in tons. Be purposeful, clear and concise. One brilliant marketing material is much better than tons. Don’t forget to send people to our International A∆K website. It is filled with the benefits of membership.

So, are you sold yet? Marketing engages our current members, increases organizational awareness and increases membership. Alpha Delta Kappa must continue to strive for increased organizational stability and strength. Marketing us is the way. We need to stop keeping ourselves secret and be the go-to professional educational organization that others seek out. Marketing does this.


Giving Has a Lasting Impact

Friends of the Foundation is New Giving Program

Friends of the Foundation is the new addition to the A∆K Foundation Planned Giving program. It replaces the Hall of Benefactors program. Members who donate funds not marked for a specific purpose, such as Honor-a-Sister or disaster relief, are Friends of the Foundation. This program has four levels of giving determined by the donation made in one International biennium. The support levels are Gold Key, $1,000 plus donation; Columns, $750 to $999; Lamp, $500 to $749; Violet, $250 to $499. The Friends will be honored at a special event during International conventions.

Donations to Honor a Sister, Honor a Group and Friends of the Foundation will be published quarterly on the Foundation

New ITE Scholars Arrive

Four new International Teachers of Education (ITE) have arrived to begin their studies in the United States.

The scholars are Daw Sing Nue Marma, Bangladesh, at the University of Cincinnati: Phuong Pham, Vietnam, at the Teachers College, Columbia University; Rose Marie Jane Rementina, the Philippines, at the University of Minnesota and Sarah Pradoto, Indonesia, at the University of Georgia.

Tab>Donation section of the International website. The first web publication will be in September. Honor-a-Group is a new category that allows members to contribute in the name of a group. Contributions honoring these groups will no longer be published in the KAPPAN

The Foundation Board of Directors, under the leadership of Foundation Board President Sandy Wolfe, worked during the last biennium to revise the Planned Giving program and other philanthropic activities that support the Foundation. Director Wolfe presented an overview and update of the Foundation during the recent International Convention.

Sisters who include the Foundation in their planned giving will be listed as members of the Heritage Society. Anyone interested in making a planned gift to the Foundation as part of their legacy should contact Executive Director Christi Smith.

Bytes & pieces

Returning for their second year after receiving their Master’s degrees in the spring are Ambika Putri Perdani, Indonesia, at Georgetown University; Dona Srimahachota, Thailand, at the University of Washington; and Vafa Alakbarova, Azerbaijan at the University of Massachusetts.

Contact information for the seven ITE Scholars is available on the International website and other password protected Alpha Delta Kappa sites. To navigate to ITE program information: Open International website, Click on Foundation; Click on Awards, Grant & Scholarships; Scroll down to ITE and click on it.

It takes both sides to build a bridge.

Spring Puerto Rico Conference a Success

Alpha Delta Kappa Puerto Rico educators were trained in cyber security and physical wellbeing at the A∆K 2023 Puerto Rico Educators’ Conference in the spring. The event brought together educators from all the chapters in the commonwealth, giving them the opportunity to learn and grow together. One of the conference’s highlights was training in cybersecurity, a topic of great relevance today. Participants received guidance on practical strategies to stay alert and protect themselves and their students in the digital world. In addition, the conference offered four workshops with diverse and useful topics for educators. The Home Garden workshop taught how to incorporate sustainable projects into homes, while the A∆K Protocol workshop provided valuable information on the organization’s procedures and etiquette. The A∆K Web Navigation Workshop enabled participants to explore and fully utilize online resources. Finally, the low-impact physical exercises workshop was an opportunity to incorporate physical well-being into educators’ lives. Attendees agreed that the 2023 A∆K Conference was an exciting and informative event, providing valuable opportunities for educators to learn, connect and grow personally and professionally.


Benefits of Year-Round Initiation

When? When does your chapter initiate new members? Many chapters initiate new members once a year, most often from January through April. Why not initiate throughout the year? Let’s discuss the benefits of doing just that.

Using the words of The September Song by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson, “Oh, it’s a long, long while from May to December, but the days grow short when you reach September when the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame, one hasn’t got time for the waiting game.” It is a long, long while from May to December without initiating a new member. Why wait?

Our International Bylaws state, “ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP, Section 5d: The candidate may be invited to attend meetings before the election process.” Some chapters have stipulated a certain number of meetings the candidate should attend as part of their Policies & Procedures. Before being invited to join, these chapter visits serve as a “getting to know you” time for both the candidate and the chapter members. After a prospective member visits two or three times (doesn’t have to be consecutively), we vote, extend the invitation to join our chapter and plan the initiation ceremony. Does your chapter do this?

Think about the benefits of multiple initiations for your chapter and the new member. Mary Ann Englehart, 2022-2023 Southwest Region President-Elect, states, “It provides the chapter flexibility; I can’t imagine telling a potential member or a member seeking reinstatement that we can’t do it now, we have to wait.”

Ann Ainslie, 2021-2023 International Vice President, North Central Region, thinks, “We should initiate a prospective member when she is interested. You should not be held to a certain month each year according to the calendar or a meeting agenda. Why wait! Waiting can be negative, and while waiting, she may decide not to join.”

Ten additional benefits of initiating throughout the year are:

• Infuse energy and excitement of the new member into chapter meetings

• Provide more “arms and legs” to help with projects

• Participate in Founders’ Day and Alpha Delta Kappa Month immediately

• Bring new ideas to the table

• Help recruit more members

• Become a part of an instant support system like none other in the educational environment

• Become eligible to apply for scholarships and grants to aid in professional and educational development

• Provide opportunities to increase membership and meet Goal #3 of the Strategic Plan

• Provide multiple times throughout the year for prospective members to adjust their personal calendars, so it is convenient for them to join Alpha Delta Kappa and participate as an active member

Nancy Medina, 2019-2023 Regional Membership Consultant, South Central Region, explained it this way: “The best reason for initiating year-round is that new members help to revitalize a chapter’s spirit and encourage chapter members to put their best foot forward.”

Reflect on the promise of membership repeated by each chapter member at the end of our initiation ceremony. “I promise upon my honor that I will, to the best of my ability, uphold the precepts and principles of Alpha Delta Kappa and that I will uphold my sisters in this organization and support them as I am able in anything which may be asked of me.”

What does this promise say to you? Every time you initiate a new member, the chapter members present at the meeting rededicate their commitment to the core values of our organization. This is the ultimate benefit of initiating multiple times a year.

After a recent initiation, congratulations were in order. I went to the new member and said, “Carol, welcome to Alpha Delta Kappa. It is one of the best professional decisions you can make because of the support system built into our organization. You are going to enjoy being a member.” Carol responded, “I know I will because it feels good!” Alpha Delta Kappa is all about relationships and making connections. Sisterhood and friendship are immediate.

When should we initiate? As often as possible throughout the year. It is a long, long while from May to December without initiating a new member.

We have a long way to go before we are able to hear the voices of everyone on earth, but I believe that providing voices and building bridges is essential for the World Peace we all wish for.
~Joichi Ito, Japanese entrepreneur and venture capitalist

Dolly Parton Imagination Library and VA Gamma Omicron

Before he passed away, my Daddy told me the Imagination Library was probably the most important thing I had ever done. I can’t tell you how much that meant to me because I created the Imagination Library to honor my Daddy. He was the smartest man I have ever known, but I know in my heart his inability to read probably kept him from fulfilling all of his dreams.” These words, shared by Dolly Parton, have inspired many communities to get on board, ensuring that children near and far receive books for free. These words also inspired the members of VA Gamma Omicron.

Jennifer Murphy, a member of the Virginia chapter and a primary school literacy specialist in rural Greene County, Virginia, was approached by Lynda Harrill, an advocate for health and literacy through Central Virginia’s QuickStart Tennis program. Murphy was asked to be on a committee working to bring the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program to Greene County’s youngest citizens. Having taught struggling readers for most of her teaching career, Murphy knew how important this literacy initiative would be. Building foundational literacy skills even before children enter Kindergarten is a win-win situation. Children’s naturally curious minds learn early to love books and can more successfully begin the reading process upon entering school. Teachers do not have to back up instruction and can focus more on building individual potential.

In the spring of 2022, Jennifer approached her chapter members about supporting her fundraising efforts and was met with overwhelming enthusiasm. The chapter’s executive board met in July and unanimously agreed to contribute to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Greene County affiliate, a line

item in their yearly budget. A $310 donation was made that fall, and several sisters took part in the kick-off event in October, which was held at the Jefferson Madison Regional Library branch in Stanardsville, VA. Currently, in Greene County, VA, over 250 children are enrolled and have begun receiving books delivered to their homes. With the support of Gamma Omicron, contributing individuals and businesses and organizations in and around Greene County, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library Program will be fully funded for the next several years. Jennifer, members of its founding committee, and her Gamma Omicron sisters are optimistic that this initiative will continue to thrive with the community’s support.

The Imagination Library was quite an honor for Dolly’s father. Launched in 1995, Dolly’s vision was to make books available to the children in Sevier County, TN, where she grew up. However, the program continued to grow and spread, and by 2000, the program was being replicated all over the world, and over one million books had been mailed to children. By 2019, it had spread to Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Republic of Ireland. By the end of 2022, the program had reached another milestone, mailing two million books each month, with 1 in 10 children under the age of five in the United States receiving Imagination Library books.

Despite the family’s income, free, specially-selected, ageappropriate, high-quality books are mailed to children from birth to age 5. Two Spanish/English bilingual titles are selected for each age group each year. Through a partnership with the American Printing House for the Blind, books are provided to blind and visually handicapped children.

(L to R) Jennifer Murphy, Donna Layton, Betty Sherrod - Gamma Omicron Sisters at the kickoff event.

DIVERSITY IN LIFE Crossing the Divide

The United States is an enormously varied country, distinguished by climate, terrain, and cultural flavor along with race, ethnicity and religion. But, perhaps the variable that defined my life journey more than any of these is the divide between the urban and rural experience.

Because my mother saved everything, I know that on a kindergarten screening for basic intelligence, I missed one question: I could not identify a “bus stop.” Ask me where to find a “laneway” or a “cowpath,” and I would have been fine. But a bus stop? Not so much. I was a child growing up in the “country,” upstate New York in the Hudson Valley to be specific.

My grandparents ran a dairy farm. I knew the difference between a hay binder and a hay baler. My childhood home was on a rural dirt road, where shoes came off in the summer and went back on in September. Our telephones had no dials or buttons, but actual operators who said, “Number, please.” High tech was having a telephone hard-wired from the kitchen to the barn. (My Uncle Tommy worked for the telephone company.) By the good grace of my family, I was largely unburdened by ideas of “classism” and “racism.” Social place was not defined by finances. People occupied a place in this community by dint of their contribution and their treatment of others, their equanimity of thought, and the deference and empathy they offered to others. Of course, it was not ideal and was blinded by prevailing, still evolving social ills. That said, my childhood was pretty great and left me open to new experiences and new ideas.

But like so many country kids, I could not wait to get out, and I lived most of my adult life in cities like Boston, MA, New Haven, CT, and West Palm Beach, FL. I entered elementary education as a second career in my forties. Amazingly, my first position was in a farming community at the western edge of Palm Beach County, Belle Glade, Florida. Separated as we were

by race, age and alligators, I found a kindred spirit in my students. I recognized what it was like to feel intimidated and a little bit shy about a trip to “the city.” I had experienced the diminished expectations of college instructors in considering my rural upbringing. So, please allow me to share one of my most memorable and satisfying moments as a teacher, a gift from my Belle Glade students. My class was sitting along the wall in a hallway at the Norton Museum of Art in West Palm Beach, waiting for our tour to begin. One of the girls pointed to a painting on the wall across from her and said, “Isn’t that a Matisse?” Several others agreed it was; it was. The docent was speechless, but I was thinking, “Never underestimate my students!”

I like to imagine my Belle Glade students, well into adulthood by now, having found their places in the world, whether that was to stay put in the community that nurtured them or to venture off into other places and cultures. I will always be grateful to the children and families I got to know in Belle Glade. They brought me back in touch with an essential part of my soul and my journey to come of age as a country kid taking on a world filled with its own assumptions and misconceptions.

Perhaps, it is true for many in teaching that along the way we encounter the child in ourselves, and by opening our hearts to nurture our students, we have an opportunity to understand our own lives better and to truly grow. I have long thought the mark of mature happiness and contentment is found in deriving satisfaction from all the different aspects of our life and the places it has taken us. The United States is so enriched by the varied perspectives and experiences of its people.

No surprise, I retired to my hometown, less than one mile from the farm I so loved; gone now but never far from my memories.


ITE Scholars Tell What Happened Next

Sandra Oh, a Canadian-American actress, said, “Sometimes the future changes quickly and completely, and we’re left with only the choice of what to do next. We can choose to be afraid of it. Just stand there trembling, not moving. Assuming the worst that can happen. Or, we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant.” The women who took advantage of Alpha Delta Kappa International Teacher Education (ITE) Scholarships fit that description.

From 2009-2022, several ITE Scholars received their Master’s degrees in the U.S. with assistance from the Alpha Delta Kappa ITE Scholarship Program. Karla Jael Sanchez arrived from Mexico City in 2009 with plans to attend Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. Her co-sponsors were Sue Couper, VA Psi, and Sheila LoCastro, MD Eta,. Jael earned her Master’s degree in American Sign Language and Alpha Delta Kappa sisters held a graduation party in her honor. She returned home to teach preschool deaf students and, in 2014, moved to Roswell, NM, and worked at the New Mexico School for the Deaf. Jael recently sent this update:

“I published an article in an academic journal and a chapter in a book with international collaborators in Deaf Education. I have continued supporting the training of teachers for the deaf across my home country. I am a regional supervisor in the field of early intervention for deaf and hearing-impaired children. I provide presentations related to deaf education and train professionals to support the early identification of deaf and hard-of-hearing babies. I have also translated academic resources and research materials in the field. I have several fond memories regarding the A∆K support I received. I will always remember the nice ladies who were always ready to share with me, celebrate my birthday and academic successes, and were honestly interested in getting to know me, my culture and my family. They learned to cook some recipes I shared with them, took me on trips with them, sent me letters, shared words of encouragement and opened their hearts to nurture me while pursuing a degree in my fourth language. My heart was touched and forever changed by the love that I experienced from A∆K sisters. Thank you!”

Claudia Nicole Torres arrived from Honduras in 2010 to study at the University of Texas, Austin. Bobbie Boyd, Texas Beta Phi, now a member of Texas Gamma Delta, and Birdy Crane, Texas Gamma Delta, were her co-sponsors. Via email, Bobbie shared, “Being a member of the ITE committee was an amazing

honor. Meeting and eventually getting to know each young lady was life-changing for me. I am still in touch with many of these ladies even though I was not their sponsor. I am so proud of them and their achievements. I was a co-sponsor of three young ladies. Two graduated from the University of Texas, and one from Texas Tech University. We had so much fun learning from and teaching each other.”

In 2012, after finishing her degree, Claudia worked in Austin for one year as an early childhood educator in a school for children with autism. In 2014, she returned to Honduras. Her mother surprised her and her sister with a trip to Rome to visit family. Claudia shared her journey from that point. “After landing in Rome, I loved it and decided to look for a job. I worked as a teacher from 2015-2018 in Rome and then moved to Turin in northern Italy, and I’m still teaching there. While in Rome, Bobbie Joan Boyd, one of my ITE co-sponsors from Austin, visited me. We went to Venice and the Amalfi Coast together. She’s become family. After that, we met in Puebla, Mexico, for one of my friend’s weddings. I keep in touch with other sisters via Facebook, and it’s always a pleasure to see what they’re all up to. My trips with them were my favorite parts of my time studying in the USA. I miss my luncheons with them, the Thanksgiving get-togethers and making memories to last a lifetime. Huge hugs from the mountains.”

Yenny Chandra, from Indonesia, studied at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, from 2011-2013. Her co-sponsors were Mary Ann Kaufman and Dorothy Morrison, IL Eta. She recently emailed Judy Tate, VA Tau, sharing her journey. “Greetings from Jakarta. I was the 2011-2013 ITE Scholar from Indonesia. I am the Academic Director of a private K12 school in Jakarta. I have worked in the education sector since 2006 before I took the Fulbright Master’s program in the U.S. After returning to Indonesia at the end of the Fulbright program in 2013, I have worked for an education foundation managing K12 schools until today. One of the memorable times that I treasure most during my study in the U.S. is being selected as one of the A∆K ITE Scholars and meeting a community of warm, generous, passionate and inspiring A∆K women educators who have directly and indirectly inspired me to be the educator I am today. Thank you for all the beautiful experiences with the A∆K community during my time in the US. I miss all of you, and I pray that you are in good health and blessed with joy in the coming year.”

Coming from South Korea to attend The Ohio State Uni-


versity from 2012-2014, Hyunju Kim recently shared, “I am currently working as a writer for the show known as a Korean version of the TED Talk. The show’s name is ‘The Fifteen Minutes that Changed the World.’ Even though I am not currently working in education, I find my work is educational for the public. My position allows me to find people with good life stories and share them with the public. Before settling into this work, I taught English to refugee students from North Korea. Today I heard the great news that my students went to good universities in Korea. I was so excited to hear that. My students and I will get together soon to celebrate. I am forever thankful to A∆K because your organization gave me the opportunity to begin my journey to study in the U.S. That remains a very valuable life experience to me.” Hyunju’s co-sponsors were Mary Ann Grossman and Deborah Price, OH Lambda.

Viktoria Ivanenko, from Tajikistan, arrived in the early morning hours after a very long flight. Alpha Delta Kappa Sisters were there at the Charlottesville airport, birthday gifts and cards in hand, to greet her.

Viktoriya recently shared an update via email. “I was an ITE scholar from 2016-2017 at the University of Virginia and studying for a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction. From 2017-2018, I continued at the University of Denver, where I had hoped to work on my PhD but because of financial constraints, I returned to Tajikistan. From 2018-2020 I worked as an English teacher in my home country at the School of Professional and Continuing Education. I taught General English, FCE, IELTS, and Academic English, and started Reading Clubs for students of different ages. From 2020-2021, I pursued a Master’s in Adult Education on an Erasmus Scholarship at the Universities of Glasgow, Tallinn, Malta and at the Open University of Cyprus. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, I studied the first year online at home. In September 2021, I went to the University of Tallinn, and in February 2022, I went to the University of Glasgow. In 2023 I won a Hornby Scholarship and am now studying TESOL at the University of Warwick. I will always remember the kind hearts of A∆K sisters, how our A∆K friendship started with greeting me at the airport with gifts, and how, even after completing the program, I know I have friends in America. I did not have accommodations when I arrived, as the hotel had canceled my reservation without telling me. Only thanks to the generosity of A∆K sisters I found a place to stay and, most importantly, found real friends. It is wonderful that there is such an organization as A∆K, a source of kindness, justice, and support!” Viktoriyas’s co-sponsors were Annie Evans, VA Alpha Upsilon, and Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron. Gamma Omicron sister Rosamond Vaughan said, “Having Viktoriya in Charlottesville was an eye-opening experience, and it reminded me that in America, we have so many freedoms and luxuries.”

Scarlette Rivera arrived from Costa Rica in 2019 and began her program at American University in Washington, D.C. She continues communicating with her ITE co-sponsors Linda Lawrence, MD Epsilon, and Molly Freitag, VA Beta Gamma. After completing her Master’s degree in TESOL, she returned to Costa Rica. She started working as a teacher of English and a material creation consultant at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional and as an English Learning Coordinator in a company called Stryker. Scarlett shared this news: “I am working on a personal project called ‘Sunday 7th’ to teach people in my community English online. My professional path so far has been working mainly with adults, teaching them English or creating materials. Linda and Martha Alexander, MD Epsilon, visited me in Costa Rica. I can tell you that talking with them again reminded me of the kindness and loving nature of the A∆K sisters. This organization was the silver lining during my time in the United States.”

Ramata Diallo, from Mali, studied at Indiana University of Pennsylvania from 2020-2022. She received her Master’s degree and, in the fall of 2022, started a Ph.D. program at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in Curriculum and Instruction with a minor in Education Policy. She said, “I am pursuing the Ph.D. to further my professional aspirations of becoming a university professor, researcher, and education activist, possibly even working with NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) to support education, especially girls’ education. I believe that the Ph.D. program will provide me with the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve these aspirations and enable me to make a meaningful impact in the field of education. I relished every aspect of the ITE program and cherished every moment with my co-sponsors, the ITE Scholars, the ITE Board and my fellow A∆K sisters. I particularly hold a special fondness for my first birthday celebration in the U.S., organized by my co-sponsor. She prepared a delicious Malian dish, ‘Tigadegue,’ rice with peanut butter stew, and surprised me with a birthday cake. Even though some other A∆K sisters joined the celebration virtually due to COVID restrictions, their heartfelt rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ truly touched my heart. This heartfelt gesture left an indelible impression on me. I am still in contact with my ITE co-sponsor, Denise Dragich, PA Mu. She is the best and is like my mom in the U.S. I even spent one week with her during the Winter Break. We send each other messages almost every week. She might come to Madison to see me during the summer.”

How to find ITE Scholar contact information on the International website

(1) Sign on to the International website

(2) Click on Foundation

(3) Click on Awards, Grants & Scholarships

(4) Scroll down and click on ITE (International Teacher Education).


ITE Meets World Understanding

MD Epsilon sister Martha Alexander and I are great travel buddies. Several years ago, we were planning our first trip together to Europe to visit France, Italy and Switzerland. We made sure to include visits in each country with people we knew. We spent a few days in Rome visiting with sisters Paola and Franca. Martha’s family had sponsored Franca as a high school exchange student for a year. Later, her younger sister Paola also stayed with the family. We spent three glorious days being chaperoned all around Rome by two native Romans.

After the trip, I friended Paola Smargiassi on Facebook. One day, I posted something about Alpha Delta Kappa and Paola excitedly replied that she had received a scholarship from A∆K. It turns out that Paola was a Fulbright Scholar and an early recipient of our A∆K ITE Scholarship. She attended

The Longest Day

Sisters Continue to Shine the Light

Another June 21 has come and gone, and once again, A∆K sisters strongly supported The Longest Day, the annual event benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association, one of the organization’s two International altruistic projects. At press time, final numbers were still pending with a deadline to submit donations by August 31, but participation and monetary totals clearly demonstrated a continued commitment to this worthy cause. Foundation Chairman Sandy Wolfe shared that as of July 12, 110 teams and 361 participants had joined the global team page. The total of donations inched higher by the day, with $232,814.55 of the $250K goal raised as of July 12. Georgia led in fundraising by state. Pippy Rogers of Georgia Beta Iota, who participates in memory of her mother, Virginia C. Rogers, collected the most donations as an individual with a total of $19,377.

Wolfe was very pleased with progress toward The Longest Day goals, stating that it “shows our members’ dedication to our altruistic projects and reflects just how many of us have been touched personally in our lives by a family member or friend who has been affected by Alzheimer’s.” She shared that her

UNC Greensboro from 1964-1965, studying education, English and anthropology. Her sponsor was O’Dell Smith. Paola recalls fun trips to Annapolis and Virginia. She was presented with a very special gift after graduation- a $99 bus ticket, which allowed her unlimited bus travel across the country to explore the US before returning home to Italy. Paola has many fine memories of her time in the US. Now, several years later, I am proud to say I have experienced the joy of being an ITE cosponsor for Scarlette Rivera of Costa Rica (2019-2021) and recently had a chance to visit her in her home country. This program is truly a shining jewel in the crown of Alpha Delta Kappa. Through World Understanding and the ITE Program, it is indeed a small world.

own father, though never officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, showed severe signs of dementia in his final years and had difficulty remembering names and words, expressing his thoughts, and completing routine tasks.

“Alzheimer’s is such a devastating disease,” Wolfe said. “You just have to cherish each good day and the memories of better days while providing love and support. We want to do all we can to help find cures so that other people won’t have to go through that anguish. That’s what motivates me.”

To encourage chapters who have not yet gotten involved with fundraising for The Longest Day, Wolfe suggested discovering how this terrible disease may have impacted sisters in the chapter. She said that sometimes hearing those stories firsthand from someone you know can help motivate the group to act.

She noted that the final total, which will be posted in early September on the International website, includes only donations from individuals and groups in the United States. Sisters in other provinces and nations participated in their own Alzheimer’s Association activities and fundraisers.

FL Omicron sisters Wini Johnson and Barbara Bush participated in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk for Awareness on the Longest Day.

FL Beta Xi member Julie Johnson participated in the “60 Miles in May” fundraiser, walking over 120 miles and raising $420 for Alzheimer’s awareness.


CollegIATE Clubs

University of Arizona in Tucson

The University of Arizona A∆K Collegiate Club has had a busy spring semester with opportunities for members to help with meals for the unhoused and a breakfast picnic for foster families and their adopted children.

“Worlds of Words,” the club’s yearlong altruistic World Understanding endeavor, has one of the biggest collections of worldwide international books on the College of Education’s top floor. AZ Southern District members from Zeta, Omicron and Psi chapters joined the club in hosting field trips to World of Words for school-age children.

Omicron President Filomena Brooks organized an A∆K and club trip to a women’s basketball game. Sisters from all over Arizona attended, including International President-Elect Ann Marie Brown, International Vice President for Membership Betty Jo Evers and AZ State President Kristi Koziol. Recent club graduates Dakota Jump and Julia Graziani will begin teaching in local schools. Next fall, Megan Floyd will serve as President of the U of A Tucson-based A∆KCC.

Ball State Collegiate Club

The Ball State University Collegiate Club has been very busy since it was chartered in 2016. The years have been packed with altruistic projects and activities to prepare members to enter the teaching profession and establish their classrooms.

Members made scarves and blankets for nursing home patients, shopped for Secret Santa gifts, donated towels to the YWCA’s women’s shelter, and hosted a Break Booth at the BSU Teachers Fair. They also put up bulletin boards at a local elementary school and sent care packages to cheer third graders during state testing. Members frequently partner with IN Beta Epsilon in their activities.

The club provides her with tools that she has been able to apply to her teaching experiences, said Natalie Wigent, past president. Kelsey Shields summed up the heart of the Club when she shared that she joined intending to connect with future educators. The club, she said, helped her discover the type of educator she wanted to be.

Recent graduates wore lavender and purple cords with their robes at graduation, denoting their club membership.

CBS 42 “One Class at a Time” Grant for “Cooking Club”

AL Beta Lambda sisters gathered around their TV sets to cheer for their member, Olivia Carroll, as she received a $1,000 “One Class at a Time” grant from the station. Olivia is a Helena Middle School self-contained special education teacher. This grant was given to her classroom in recognition of its three-part Cooking Club Project. The project ranges from basic cooking skills to help students eventually live independently to vocational cooking skills to help students obtain jobs in the workforce after they complete high school. Phase one starts at “The Growing Place,” a local program held in Linden Nolen Learning Center, teaching students how to cook simple, healthy meals at home and the basics of cleaning and sanitizing. Phase two, or “Cooking Club,” involves practicing more difficult skills weekly in their cultural diversity lesson, where students cook a recipe from a different country. Phase three, or “Hungry Huskies,” involves performing cooking skills on the professional level in preparation for jobs. The students have begun catering for local events and setting up booths to sell their baked goods. Money for ingredients for these lessons had been coming from parent and teacher pockets, but with the grant, the students could set up their own food pantry. The students excitedly demonstrated their cooking abilities in the news segment by baking scones and thanking CBS 42, Medical Properties Trust and Chick-fil-A for supporting them and other classrooms. Olivia says she is excited to see her students continue to learn and grow. She hopes to see the Cooking Club Project continue to blossom and spread throughout the community as it begins to see all the amazing things these students can accomplish.

Alpha Delta Kappa and Collegiate Club attendees at the University of Arizona Women’s Basketball game in January.
Olivia Carroll happily receives her “One Class at a Time” grant check.

Memories were Made!

2023 Convention in Kansas City

New IEB Members Take Their Seats

The KAPPAN congratulates the members of the 2023-2025 International Executive Board as they lead us across the “Bridge to the Future.” Contact information for IEB members is on the International website.

The 2023-2025 International Executive Board was installed following the International Convention banquet in July. Pictured L-R in the bottom two rows are: Su Wade, 4-yr. IEB member; Roberta Casabon, 4-yr. IEB member; Mollie Acosta, Immediate Past International President; Christi Smith, A∆K Executive Director; Ann Marie Brown, International President; Mary Ann Gerdes, 4-yr. IEB member; Conway Blankenship, International President-Elect. Pictured L-R in the top two rows: Julie Kidd, IEB 2-yr member; Kathy Beatty, International Vice President for Membership, Ann Quinlan, 4-yr. IEB member; Terri Peyton, 4-yr. IEB member; Mary Ey, 4-yr. IEB member.

Photo: Lori Gillespie

For twenty-five years, Linda Perkins has cared for the Agnes Violet she was given at the 50th-anniversary celebration in Kansas City by Agnes Shipman Robertson. All the attendees at the convention received a plant. Linda brought her still flourishing plant to the 75th-anniversary celebration. A member of KY Theta and past Kentucky State President, the Sapphire Sister takes the plant to meetings and special events and has given over 80 cuttings to members.


Memories were Made! 2023 Convention in Kansas City

Photo, top left: “Share the Love” was the message of 2021-2023 biennium leaders (L-R) Immediate Past International President Judy Ganzert, International President Mollie Acosta and International President-Elect Ann Marie Brown.

Photo, bottom left: International President Ann Marie Brown (center), with Immediate Past International President Mollie Acosta (L) and International President-Elect Conway Blankenship (R) in the 20232025 biennium, lead in the building of the “Bridge to the Future.”

Banquet Speech Celebrates the Love

We are here tonight to Celebrate the Love we have for Alpha Delta Kappa. It has been an amazing few days, looking back at our legacy as we prepare to look forward to the next 75 years. We make a difference in our world, and that has been made very clear during this convention.

You have made a difference as you have Shared the Love, from supporting active educators through the pandemic to providing meals to those in need and books for students. Through altruistic projects of every chapter, S/P/N, and region, you have strengthened our communities. Add our International altruistic projects and every member, every state, province and nation makes a difference. We share that common bond in our sisterhood and we always will. I thank you for being so generous with your time, talents and resources.

This truly has been a Journey of Love for me this biennium. You, sisters, have opened your homes to me, you have shared your time and talents freely, you have shared your cultures and your special traditions with me. In my travels, visiting schools has consistently been a highlight. Our shared dedication to educating youth and preparing early career educators is also a common bond we all share. You can be proud of your membership in Alpha Delta Kappa. We truly have been changing the world since 1947.

Please continue to Share the Love of Alpha Delta Kappa with others - Each One Can Reach One. Don’t stop asking outstanding women educators to join us in our mission to empower women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

From Alaska to Hawai’i, from Canada to Mexico, from Frankenmuth to Wichita to Wilmington, Jacksonville and Atlantic City, from Arizona to Puerto Rico, you have shared your love with me and I am forever enriched and eternally grateful. Thank you.

Mollie Acosta’s final address as International President at the 2023 International Convention Banquet.

Photo: Lori Gillespie Photo: Lori Gillespie

The KAPPAN Congratulates

“It’s a Calling”

Melanie Kelly is 2023 EiE Recipient

“Teaching is a process of learning from everyone -parents, students, custodians, administrators, as well as the community.” That is the philosophy of Melanie Kelly, this biennium’s recipient of the Excellence in Education(EiE) award.

Melanie, a Violet sister and secretary of WY Gamma, received her award and a $5,000 check at the International Convention in July in Kansas City. International EiE Chair Lesa Meath made the presentation. The award recognizes members who are active educators for their outstanding contributions to education. The first International EiE award was given in 2005.

In her introduction, Lesa quoted Melanie. “I recognize reluctance in learning and engaging students through life experiences. They gain confidence and self-worth. That makes all the difference.”

“Melanie,” said Lesa, “recognizes that if students aren’t learning the way we teach, we need to teach the way they learn.” She went on to say that Melanie believes that “creating ways to innovate while they transform through words, pictures, sounds and laughter makes us all lifelong learners.”

Melanie teaches English language arts at Roosevelt High School in Casper, WY. Roosevelt is an alternative school described in the school handbook as “committed to engaging, real-world learning through strong relationships, high expectations and a safe, structured learning environment” Melanie is very much a part of that environment. She began teaching at Roosevelt in 2012.

“Encouraging, supporting and celebrating student success is my number one responsibility,” she says. She knows that she “is responsible for the safety and well-being of each student as an individual,” and works with families, the community and the school faculty to improve student achievement and see that all students receive a quality education.

“After my first week in first grade, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. On weekends and during the summer, I played school with my siblings. By the time I was in the ninth grade, I knew I wanted to be an English teacher,” Melanie explained. She embodied ideas and strategies from her own high school language arts teachers in her teaching. “Melanie just completed her thirty-fifth year of teaching, and because she still jumps out of bed each morning to go to a job that doesn’t feel like a job, she says she has many more years of teaching, learning and growing ahead of her,” Lesa said.

In her Impact Statement on the EiE Award Application, she said, “Thirty-four years into this profession, I still don’t believe teaching is a job; rather, it’s a calling which I thankfully answered.”

Melanie taught at Natrona County High School, CY Middle School in Wyoming, Williston High School and Grenora High School in North Dakota. She worked as a daily news reporter for the Williston Daily and Sunday Herald as a feature writer.

Along with her teaching assignment at Roosevelt, Melanie has coached basketball, volleyball and track for the past sixteen years at CY Middle School. “Seeing skills, efforts and attitudes improve in young athletes year after year is rewarding and the reason I continue to coach,” she said. She has coached several championship teams in Caspar and tournaments outside of Caspar.

Melanie started the Lunch Bunch at Roosevelt to provide a welcoming environment for students who prefer to eat lunch in the commons or cafeteria. She shares a meal with the students while discussing politics, education and general concerns.

Every year a banquet honors the top ten percent of all graduating seniors and the three teachers they say have impacted their lives. Melanie has been recognized annually by the students as a “significant educator.” She has received the Ellbogen Meritorious Educator Award four times. This award is given by the John Ellbogen Foundation to the teachers whom the most top seniors name as influencing their lives.

Melanie holds a BS in English and an MA in Teaching. Melanie believes that an open mind, positive attitude and high expectations on her part lead to open minds, positive attitudes and diligent work and effort on each student’s part. “With dedication, perseverance, and hard work, students will and do succeed.”

Quotes are from Melanie’s EiE Award Application and Lesa Meath’s presentation.

GA Delta Sisters Honored in Statewide Events

Two GA Delta sisters recently received statewide recognition for their work at their local schools.

Melanie Burdis, a secondgeneration of both Alpha Delta Kappa and GA Delta Chapter, is a sixth-grade middle school teacher in the Atlanta Public Schools system. Melanie is her school’s debate co-coach and the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl team coach. Melanie’s student teams won the 2023 state championships in both events in March. She currently serves as the technology chair for Delta.

At the organization’s recent convention, Mitzi Glasgow, a high school business education teacher in the Gwinnett County school system, received an Outstanding Service Award from the Future Business Leaders of America (FNLA). Mitzi is an FBLA sponsor.


The KAPPAN Congratulates

PA Rho

Science teacher Melisha Miller, PA Rho, was recently selected to receive an “Outstanding Teacher Award” for teaching excellence from a Superintendent Study Council. Melisha is a seventh-grade teacher in Shippensburg, PA. She will also participate in the Acadia Teacher Fellowship Program in Acadia National Park, working with the National Park Service while developing lesson plans and on-site activities for her students.

Mary Ann Shealy displays the personalized blanket she received from her SC Rho sister, celebrating her new status as a Golden Sister. Mary Ann said she remained active in A∆K because it has always meant so much. She noted that her professional and personal growth has been very rewarding and that she has developed lasting friendships. She also received a specially designed handcrafted card.

Alice Britton New Diamond Sister

Past AZ State President Alice Britton’s sixty years as a member of A∆K were celebrated this year by her AZ Theta sisters, International officers and AZ State Board members. Joining in the festivities were International President-Elect Ann Marie Brown, International Vice President for Membership Betty Jo Evers, AZ State President Kristi Koziol and Past AZ State President Nancy Martinez. The theme of Alice’s special day, “Diamonds,” was carried out in the invitations, table settings, program and Diamond Bingo.

Alice was a charter member of AZ Xi before joining Theta chapter. After receiving her degrees from Northern Arizona University, she taught high school secretarial and business courses. Her chapter sisters are familiar with her musical skills, which include playing the piano and the organ and directing the choir. Over the years, she has held every chapter office, acting as president three times. In addition, she served as Southwest Regional Vice President, chaired the Fine Arts Grant Committee and was a member of the International Council of Presidents.

The newest WA Pi Golden Sister, JoAnn Schliemann, shares her longevity celebration with Golden Sister Kathy Fletcher and Diamond Sister Alice O’Brien. JoAnn joined AΔK in December 1972. She served as Pi Chapter President from 1984-1986 and as Co-President from 1992-1994. “Her 50 years of service to AΔK is greatly appreciated,” said Pi President Nancy Jewell.

NY State President Betty Kulpa (left) and Alpha President MaryAnn Kramer (far right) congratulate

(L to R) Sylvia Bailey and Elizabeth Lia, the chapter’s newest Silver Sisters.

GA Alpha Phi members (L to R) Debbie Brown, Susan Duke, Patsy Hart, Nancy Wilson and Abigail Abel surround Jane Abel (sitting) as they celebrate her ninety-third birthday. Jane was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her role in the chapter. Jane, who now resides in a nursing home, was a member when the chapter was founded in 1965.
Ann Marie Brown, International President-Elect with Alice.

When VA Gamma Sigma teachers Tracy Cody and Nancy Thomas realized that their US Government students at Loudoun County High School in Leesburg were studying the same historical time period as fourth graders at Evergreen Elementary School, also in Leesburg, they designed a unique project. Their seniors collaborated with the fourth graders to create history books, focusing on historical events that were part of their curriculums. The students formed teams, sharing ideas and artwork to create five imaginative history books. One group had ducks and geese describe the importance of the Declaration

Always Over the Heart

There’s a new sheriff in town. Where’s your badge?

Walking into a chapter meeting one day in my early years of membership, the fraternity education chairman announced in more than a stage whisper, “You’re wearing your badge wrong.” Mortified, I shrank into my chair and was unable to focus on anything for the rest of the meeting. What was wrong with the way I was wearing my badge? I had thought I was following protocol when I put it on that morning. But apparently, it was not pinned according to Hoyle. Referring to our handbook for explicit directions, I read up on badge protocol and tried to dress appropriately at future gatherings. At the very least, I avoided the fraternity education chairman for a long, long time.

The A∆K Handbook gives directions on page 26 in upper case emphasis, ALWAYS OVER THE HEART. Details follow. My own elaborations are in parentheses.

Only one guard (K or K with pearls for those who have served on the International level)

One guard designating office, if applicable (K may be replaced with a past officer pin, like a past chapter or past S/P/N president, but only one guard.)

• Other pins under the official badge (Wear recognition and longevity designation pins below the official badge.)

• Ribbon or nametag on right (Anything else attached to one’s blouse should not detract from seeing the badge.)

• On a single garment or ensemble, not on the lapel (Dress, blouse or buttoned sweater. are single garments, but

of Independence, while another group wrote from the perspective of quill pens. The books, now on sale on Amazon, are: Creation of American Democracy–Our Interpretation” by Mrs. Cody’s and Mrs Hicks’ classes, “Our Interpretation of the Creation of American Democracy” by Mrs. Cody’s and Mrs. Ferranti’s classes, “Our Interpretation of the Creation of American Democracy” by Mrs. Cody’s and Mrs. Nazionale’s classes, “Our Interpretation of the Creation of U.S. Democracy” by Mrs. Thomas’ and Mrs. Ater’s classes and “American Democracy: A Story by Mrs. Thomas’ and Mrs. Hawe’s classes.

not a jacket lapel.)

• May be worn on a backing (This makes putting on the badge faster and easier.)

• Line up the top of the guard with the pearls at the bottom of the badge (See photo)

• Guards added to the International badge should be to the left and slightly below the badge.

Badges are appropriate to wear at business meetings but not on formal attire. At one time, there was great discussion about longevity charms attached to the guard chain. Though it was not written in the handbook, the accepted practice is that only one identifier should hang on the chain. A Silver Sister charm would be changed to a Sapphire Sister charm at 35 years of longevity if the sister wants to purchase a new charm. Once a member moves to a new longevity class, she no longer holds the earlier designation.

What of pins, badges and charms no longer being worn? Members’ families often ask what they might do with A∆K items found in their loved one’s effects. Several S/P/N chapters maintain badge banks to which items may be donated. Those items may replace items sisters have lost in natural disasters. Headquarters has a badge bank to which badges may be donated. What an honor it would be for an initiate to be pinned with a treasured sister’s badge or, after a natural disaster, to receive the pin of a loving sister who wanted to share the love of A∆K. A sister in a time of need is a sister indeed.

(L to R): Senior Bryan Mora, Senior Ellison Taliaferro, Teacher Tracy Cody, Teacher Nancy Thomas, Senior Sofie Steel show off their publications.
Seniors and Fourth Graders Record History Together KAPPAN • SEPTEMBER 2023 19


IA Nu sisters watch LeRoy VonGlan, a professional potter, demonstrate the wheel-thrown pottery process. VonGlen, who teaches pottery making at Wayne State University, demonstrated how to form clay into a vase. He explained his unique method of finishing his pottery with emu feathers and horse hair in his raku firings.

FL State President Liz Lilly conducted FL Gamma Tau’s “Honoring a Sister” ceremony earlier this year. Sisters honored for service to A∆K were: Anne Sweeney, 50 years; Sue Thurmond and Barbara Reddish, 25 years; and Nina North, ten years.

Colorado Psi

AL Alpha Phi Chapter Celebrates Sixty Years

AL Alpha Phi’s members hosted a celebration of their chapter’s 60th anniversary in October at the Meeting House at Gorham’s Bluff in Pisgah.

The first meeting of AL Alpha Phi was on June 2, 1962. The sponsoring chapter was Alpha Zeta of Dekalb County, AL. Charter members were President Winslow Thomas, Joy Thornhill, Fay Carter Wallingsford, Elizabeth Cooley, Mable Hembree, Dessie Robinson, Clyda Edmonds, Corine Bowman, Nellie Nichols, Minnie Hamilton, Virgie Chambers and Mary Stringer. Two of this group remain with the chapter today; Joy Thornhill and Faye Carter Wallingsford are now Diamond sisters, having been members for at least sixty years.

The chapter has a monthly altruistic project. The projects include monetary donations and gifts for the Jackson County Advocacy Center, the Upper Sand Mountain Parish, the Michael Scott Learning Center and other entities. A major project is a presentation each spring of two $500 college scholarships to seniors in Scottsboro and Jackson County.

“Strength for Sam.” Those are the words of the Sam Schneider StudentAthlete Scholarship. The sisters of Colorado Psi contribute to that strength by working with the Sam Schneider Legacy Foundation to support the life goal of the grandson of their member, Carole Schneider.

Sam, an avid mountain biker, died in 2021 at 20 of Ewing Sarcoma, a form of cancer. He was able to continue his love of the outdoors during his illness using an all-terrain wheelchair obtained by special funding. His family offered the chair to Rocky Mountain Park employee Quinn Brett who was paralyzed after a fall while climbing El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. Quinn knew an outdoorsman like Sam would want the chair available for others. The Schneider family donated the chair to the Estes Park Mountain shop in Rocky Mountain National Park to allow people with mobility issues to explore and enjoy the park with their families. The chair rental is free because of the donations of the family.

Sam’s life goal was to increase awareness and funding for research into the causes of childhood cancer. His cancer was detected in its last stage. It was important for him to get the word out about early detection. Since its inception in 2021, The Sam Schneider Legacy Fund, benefitting CureSearch for Children’s Cancer, has raised over $125,000. Approximately 200 children are diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma annually in the United States.

Psi Sisters and Zach, Owner Estes Part Mountain Shop

AR Delta

AR Delta sisters celebrated A∆K’s 75th anniversary at the home of Frances Broyles Gilliand, the A∆K’s first president. The chapter was chartered by Agnes Shipman Robertson and Marie Neal, two of the Founders of A∆K, and Nova Ballard and Gladys Davis Hall on March 19, 1951. Frances shared stories of the chapter’s early days and was presented with her Platinum Sister certificate. AR State President Patty Snipes and Chanetta Case of Alpha chapter were guests.

FL Alpha Delta

FL Alpha Delta members model their new navy blazers during a luncheon to mark A∆K’s 75th anniversary and to initiate two new members. The members wear the blazers on special occasions.

Top row (L to R): Patsy Bove; Candace Anderson; Tracy Crawford; Jo Cressor; Sue Mora. Bottom row: Ashley Dowdell; Marcia Pecina; Robin Pechter; Karen Cobb; Sue Bertolette

Not featured in the picture: Alice Douberly; Martha Kulp; Ruth Perdue; Lisa Gonzalez; Jamie Buyoff

ID Theta

Teresa Little, the First Lady of Idaho, presented a program about the Weiser National Oldtime Fiddlers’ Festival to the members of ID Theta. The governor’s wife was accompanied by the festival co-chairs and three area fiddlers who played various traditional tunes.

Festival organizer Cindy Campbell said, “Fiddle contests first appeared in the U.S. in 1736. This style of music was introduced to the Weiser area at least by 1863 when immigrant settlers established the musical tradition. A fiddle revival in 1953 led to the full-week celebration held the third full week in June.” Campbell explained the various types of music, age brackets and rules that competitors are judged by during the contests.

Altruistic plans in the works for Theta include distributing pencils to county schools, helping with school lunch programs for underserved students and assisting with graduation costs for seniors.


(L to R) AZ Pi members

Karen Feess, Betty Smith, Stacey Wirth and Letty David participate in “Voices From the Past,” a reenactment of an afternoon tea with the A∆K Founders to celebrate the chapter’s 60th anniversary. Twelve women signed the charter on April 7, 1963, along with Founder Marie Neal. The chapter’s 27 members added pearls, white gloves and hats to their party attire.

FL Gamma Omicron

FL Gamma Omicron sisters pose in front of one of the pieces submitted in an international juried art exhibit sponsored by a local non-profit. There were 50 billboard-size art pieces submitted by 13,733 participants from 119 countries, 45 states and 424 schools. More than 52,274 students were represented. Each piece was paired with a quote encouraging diversity and world understanding. The chapter visited the exhibit at Sarasota Bayfront Park, FL.

Tea and Celebration

IN Alpha Upsilon founding members Judy Fraps, Sheryl Shepherd and Jean Umemura shared memories at the chapter’s 50thanniversary celebration at the homes of A∆K sister Joanne Jones and her neighbors, the Reverends Carolyn and Andrew ScanlonHolmes. The Scanlon-Holmes served a British high tea and talked about the history of tea and its preparation. The members sampled Yorkshire, Assam and Earl Grey teas and homemade scones with clotted cream, finger sandwiches and sponge cake.



The Presidential Quartet Solves a Problem

How did KS Epsilon cope when confronted with an aging membership and multiple losses of sisters resulting in a situation where no one left in the small chapter felt they could handle being president? The Topeka-based chapter solved this difficult problem by banding together as a leadership quartet, a “Presidential Quartet” for this year and next.

According to Ruth Akins, one of the quartet of presidents and KS A∆K State Scholarship and EiE Special Committee Chairman, the four members wanted to help but felt they could no longer handle the job of president alone. They volunteered to be president for two or three months each and drew straws to see who would initially have the longer three-month term. They drew straws again to determine who would be formally listed as chapter president in A∆K records. The monthly schedule was determined mutually to accommodate vacation or extra busy periods among the presidents, so the months of service are not necessarily contiguous.

All the quartet members have previously served as chapter presidents. Serving with Ruth are Jodie Peterson, Jeanine Mott and Jan Van Meter. They will turn over their gavels to Chapter President-Elect Sheila Ramseier in 2024.

The Quartet holds at least two planning meetings during the summer and uses email to communicate information. A given month’s president attends monthly state executive board meetings with State President Marla Hayden online.

Along with their presidential responsibilities, the foursome is busy with community work. Ruth Akins enjoys flowers and designs creative pots with flowers. She volunteers for Meals on Wheels. Jodi Peterson loves guiding tours at Old Prairie Town, especially the one-room schoolhouse. She also volunteers at the library and Meals on Wheels. Jeanine Mott is a clarinetist and section leader for the 45-member Topeka Santa Fe Band with a full concert schedule. Jan Van Meter is a potter and also creates elegant homemade chocolates embossed with A∆K’s logo

Playing in harmony, the Presidential Quarter makes beautiful music for KS Epsilon.

MS Lambda sisters (L-R) Kelly Stewart Pennell, Wanda Stewart and Katy Pennell Sutton wait to serve traditional dishes at the chapter’s annual St. Patrick’s Day meeting. The March meeting tradition began in 2011 at the home of Wanda Stewart, mother and grandmother of two of the chapter’s “Irish” members. The members’ favorite meeting was put on hold during the Covid years, but it’s back. Erin Go Bragh!

Taylor Downs (center) joins her grandmother, Barbara Heilig (left) and her mother, Sidney Allen Honeycutt (right), in membership in NC Gamma Theta. The chapter is delighted to have three generations represented in its membership.

KY Chi Celebrates 50 Golden Years

Kentucky Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman presented the KY Chi chapter with a proclamation from KY Governor Andy Beshear at the chapter’s fiftieth-anniversary celebration.

Kaye Triplett prepared photo displays of charter members and past chapter presidents. Chi chapter yearbooks were also on display. The evening included a talk about the chapter’s history, memories shared by sisters and honoring past presidents and founding sisters. The celebration was held at the Paul Sawyer Public Library, Frankfort, KY.

Nora McCarty, a founding sister, was present. Several sisters from around the state attended as well. They were: Past International President Jane Miller, KY State President Gena Richardson, KY State President-Elect April Bond, KY State President-Elect Wanda Trimble, Alpha Rho Member Linda Cope, Past State President Sharon Dershimer and Xi Members Glenda Brown, Gala Catron and Anne Lee.

The Lieutenant Governor, a teacher herself, praised the altruistic work of Alpha Delta Kappa and its support of the teaching profession through awarding scholarships to those wishing to become a teacher, as well as supporting current teachers in continuing education.

Presidential Quartet (L-R), Back: Jodi Peterson and Ruth Akins. Front: Jeanine Mott and Jan Van Meter

State Recognizes Chapter for Fifty Years of Service

Three of the founding members of PA Rho were honored at the chapter’s 50th Anniversary celebration. Dorothy Reed, Frances Humelsine and Bonnie Cockley were among the 11 members who founded the chapter in 1973.

PA State Representative Rob Kauffman presented a citation to the chapter for fifty years of service. President Jane Beaver and Immediate Past President Sandie Mervine accepted the citation. Representative Kauffman gave the founding sisters a Certificate of Recognition and a gift bag.

A “Golden” chapter ceremony began with stories from the beginning of the chapter and concluded with hopes for the next fifty years. PA State President Betty Doerr also attended the celebration and offered comments during the ceremony.

During the “Golden Sister” ceremony, a candle was lit in honor of each of the founding members, symbolizing the energy and illumination they contributed to the lives of others as educators. The founding sisters were also presented with a “Golden Sister” pin, a certificate and a yellow rose.

OH Eta

OH Eta donated five books written by Harold Milton about life in the forties in Appalachia after hearing a presentation from his niece Janice Blanton. Janice, a Bay Village, OH resident, found and published the manuscripts after her uncle’s death.

Also, Eta sisters recently heard a presentation by Ann Panarce as Eleanor Roosevelt.

TX Delta Eta sisters celebrate their city’s Charro Day festivities commemorating Mexican heritage. A Charro is a Mexican cowboy. The three-day celebration includes parades, dances, concerts and a Noche Mexicana or Mexican Night. TX State President Nancy Carr was present for Delta Eta’s celebration.

MD Beta

MD Beta honored three Montgomery County Public Schools teachers during the chapter’s “Maryland Beta Celebrates Educational Excellence.” The chapter’s active teacher members invited colleagues who embody Alpha Delta Kappa’s purpose of strengthening the education profession through a commitment to diversity and inclusion practices that respect and value each person for their unique qualities. Honorees spoke about their teaching experiences and were awarded a certificate thanking them for their positive impact in the classroom and beyond.

Sister Spotlight

President Jane Beaver, PA Rho, wants chapter members to know each other. To do this, she created the “Sister Spotlight” program. Each sister is asked to complete a survey with questions about their childhood, college, teaching career, family, interests, hobbies, bucket list and an interesting fact about themselves. Every month, a sister is randomly chosen to be in the spotlight.

Since Jane’s hobbies include basket-making and knitting, she presents each sister with a handmade candle basket with A∆K colors, a purple, yellow, or green hand-knitted dishcloth and a note that says, “No matter what candle you put in this basket, it represents the light you shine in education and in your everyday life. Keep your light shining! Even when you are doing mundane tasks, like washing dishes, always remember that you have A∆K sisters who love you.” Jane takes a picture of each sister holding all three items. Jane then reveals the bio information for the sister in the spotlight in the agenda sent out to all the sisters prior to each month’s meeting.

Jane plans to continue with the program through this biennium until all Rho sisters have been spotlighted. When there are no meetings in the summer, a “Sister Spotlight” bio will be sent out to all sisters. Jane says this is her way to get to know her sisters better.

Sisters spotlighted include Cherie Sipes, Melisha Miller, Frances Humelsine, Mandi Stern, Karen Gochenauer, Jean Rooed and Bonita Cockley. Frances, Jean and Bonnie are founding members of the chapter.

Honored teachers (L to R) Rachael Meyer and Lara Frashure show their certificates.

AL Zeta


“Around the world, members combine their energies and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others through thousands of heart-warming community based altruistic projects. Because of these projects, it is a brighter day…” ~Alpha Delta Kappa Handbook

Cutting and tying 23 fleece blankets was a labor of love for the members of AL Zeta. The blankets were donated to Stevie’s Place, a place for children when there are allegations of child sexual abuse, serious physical abuse or when a child may have witnessed a violent crime. Each child chooses their own blanket, pillow and stuffed animal.

CA Beta Pi

The sisters of CA Beta Pi know it’s never too early to prepare for the gift-giving season. For three years, the chapter has partnered with We & Our Neighbors, a San Jose women’s club distributing over 100 toys to children from babies to teens. The chapter has donated bears to Bay Area Bears, toys to the San Jose Police Chaplaincy, and Martha’s Kitchen, which provides food and holiday gifts to the underserved. The members agree that it is very rewarding to celebrate the season this way.

(L to R) Elaine Peponis, Addie DeMedeiros, Rachel Witmeyer, Lynda Holt, Pam Mallory, Diana Pires, Carol Miller, Ele Reidy, Nan Caldwell, and Pam Stephens prepare for the Season of Giving.

FL Omicron

FL Omicron sisters hosted a presentation by the Program Director of M.I.S.S., Mothers of Infants Striving for Success. The program’s mission is to provide affordable housing for financially struggling moms and senior women, educational assistance, financial and nutritional classes and medical referrals. As their altruistic project, the sisters generously donated food items and hygiene products to supplement the program pantry. They also offered expertise in job interview skills.

FL Beta Xi

FL Beta Xi Chapter presented a monetary award to Cambridge Elementary’s music department. Chapter President-Elect Julie Johnson (middle) and Chapter Treasurer Jeanne Dietz (right) presented the $500 check to Taylor Jenkins, the school’s music teacher (left).

GA Alpha Beta

This year’s recipients of GA Alpha Beta’s Dot Youngblood Memorial Scholarship are Haven Sawyer and Emma Yates, Portal Middle High School graduates in Portal, GA. They plan to major in education. Dot Youngblood, who served as GA State President from 1992-1994, established the scholarship to assist women who planned to pursue a career in education. She was a counselor in all three Bulloch County schools. Dot, a Diamond sister, joined Omega in 2022.

FL Delta Gamma

FL Delta Gamma’s mission this year has been to thank and encourage Sumter County teachers. President Kay Wall announced several members presented a “Thank You” banner to Webster Elementary School. Chapter members brought snacks and a donation of $200 for their Sunshine Celebrations as part of their thank you. The thank you banner is moved to a different school each month.

Also, as part of the chapter’s mission, grants of $250 were awarded to two teachers to help in their classroom studies.

Holding the banner are (L to R) Brie Ishee, Linda Mims, Dee Strickland, Jamie Ayers, Christiane Horne, Louise Ross, Kay Wall and Dianna Burroughs


GA Beta Theta

GA Beta Theta had several altruistic projects keeping them busy. In December, they collected items for the Anne Elizabeth Shepherd home, a residential care center for girls ages 10-17 who have experienced sexual trauma. Items included puzzles, games and books. The chapter also collected nonperishable items for the Salvation Army and Christmas gifts for Truth Springs Academy. In February and March, they gathered items for Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a program that provides handmade beds and bedding for children with none. Items collected were pillows, comforters, sheets and “Bed in a Bag.”

Pictured (L to R) Karen Wetherell, Pat Smith, Lynn Barnes, Ruby Tucker, Merri Burgess, Sarah Bullard, Lynn Fuller, Michele Bezio, Stephanie Gudz, Sheila Cook and Nancy Pedersen load up their gifts.

GA Omicron

Twelve members of GA Omicron served the Ronald McDonald House of Augusta, GA, by organizing the toy closet, sanitizing furniture, folding laundry and relocating various supplies. The House offers a “home away from home” for families traveling to the Children’s Hospital of Georgia/Augusta University for medical treatments. GA Omicron also donated $100 to the House.

IN Alpha Zeta

At the West Indianapolis Area Council Founders’ Day celebration in 2022, a local artist, James Lyon, painted a picture as part of his presentation and donated it to IN Alpha Zeta chapter to do as they wished. They donated it to Mill Creek West Elementary School in Amo, Indiana. Mr. Lyon attended Amo for grade school and graduated from Cascade High School, also part of Mill Creek Schools. A plaque that explains his connection to the schools is attached. The Alpha Zeta sisters hope it might encourage some students to become artists, too, according to IN State President Laurel Van Dyke.

Pictured: Mill Creek West Elementary Principal Celina Clements accepts the painting from Alpha Zeta Chapter President Lucy Archer.

IL Alpha Mu

(L to R) Cheryle Hudelson, Rod Kodavatikanti, Patsy Delheimer and Navana Ahrends (seated) display some of the bags made by women in the Joyith Project in India. IL Alpha Mu donates funds to the project and helps sell the bags. The project sponsored by Nehemiah Ministries helps widows trying to better their lives. After completing the sewing classes, the women are given an industrial sewing machine to make apparel and bags to sell.


IL Xi members relax after packing meals for Kids Around the World, a non-profit organization that provides food, play and stories to countries worldwide. The sisters filled OneMeal bags with rice, lentils, spices and vitamin packs. They packed sixteen boxes containing 3,456 meals to feed 16 children for a school year. The chapter also donated money to feed six children for a month.


IN Alpha Beta

Katy Liebert, a June Pendleton Heights High School graduate, is the recipient of the IN Alpha Beta chapter $1,000 Ruth Manifold Scholarship. Katy is enrolled at Ball State University. The chapter also awarded two $500 scholarships to high school seniors.

Ruth Manifold was one of the chapter’s founding members in 1969. She was a primary educator at South Elementary School.

Alpha Beta raised money for the scholarships at their thirtyseventh annual Santa Breakfast. The event includes a pancake breakfast, holiday bazaar, crafts for children and photos with Santa.


MS Xi chapter hosted an international dinner to benefit Project C.H.E.A.R., A∆K’s World Understanding project in Tanzania. Former members and members from other chapters were invited to enjoy food representing countries from around the world. The event raised $250. MS State President Jan Cameron spoke about C.H.E.A.R. and the ITE program.

MD Epsilon

LA Delta

LA Delta sisters are shown outside the Louisiana Martin Luther King Health Center and Pharmacy in Shreveport after a guided tour of the facility, the state’s oldest free clinic and pharmacy. The center’s mission is to extend comprehensive primary healthcare and pharmacy services at no cost to uninsured patients with chronic illnesses who otherwise often forgo routine medical care because of a lack of resources. Healthcare providers donate their time and medicines from other resources or grants. LA Delta sisters have chosen this center to be one of their altruistic projects for the new biennium.

MD Beta

“Spice up your Summer” was the advice from MD Beta sisters to their active teacher members at the start of summer vacation. A gift from Penzey’s Spices was placed in their mailboxes with spices, a recipe booklet with inspiring teacher stories, two pins and a sign for their classroom The attached cards read: “It’s time to SPICE things up! Enjoy your summer!! We appreciate what you have done through the school year for our students! Know that you are loved by… Your MD Beta Sisters."

Every year, MD Epsilon sisters make fleece pillowcases for NIH Children’s Inn in Bethesda, MD. Children travel here from all over the world for special medical studies and treatment. Due to privacy issues, the members never know who has received one of the pillowcases. One day at the airport, Epsilon sisters Martha Alexander and Linda Lawrence struck up a conversation with a little girl and her mother. Rayne was noticeably excited to be heading home to see her daddy and brother in the Bahamas after ten months of treatment at NIH. When she was asked if she had received a fleece pillowcase, she smiled and said she had one with dinosaurs. The sisters are keeping in touch and hope to show Rayne and her mother some Maryland hospitality when they return to NIH for a follow-up this summer.

MO Beta Xi

MO Beta Xi recently awarded six scholarships to high school graduates planning on pursuing a degree in education. A Eureka High School graduate, Aurora Smith received the $1,000 McVicar Scholarship. That scholarship honors Jan McVicar, a former teacher in the Rockwood School District. Macey Rickles and Olivia Edwards from Eureka High School and Lauren Aherns, Sarah Hotze-Smith and Nia Ovcharova from Marquette High School each received a $500 scholarship.

Pictured (L to R) are Olivia Edwards, Aurora Smith, Macey Rickles, Sarah Hotze-Smith, and Lauren Ahrens. Not pictured, Nia Ovcharova.


NC Alpha Nu Scholarship Recipient

Brooke Stancil, D.H. Conley senior, was awarded a $1500 scholarship by NC Alpha Nu. She has been accepted to the East Carolina University Honors College and plans to pursue a nursing degree. Brooke attended the May meeting with her grandmother, Brownie Stancil, a Sapphire Sister and past president of Alpha Nu and Fidelis Beta chapters.

NC Gamma Lambda

“How can we help? What do you need?” According to Mary Ann McDermott, chapter co-president, the sisters of NC Gamma Lambda do not hesitate to ask those questions and look for the answers.

In their version of March Madness, the chapter collected and donated sheets and pillows to Sweet Dreams, a division of the Green Chair Project. The project provides furniture and household items for the underserved.

After hearing Suzanne Ward, co-founder of Addis Jemari, describe the work of her non-profit organization, the sisters decided to collect and donate school supplies for the children being helped by the organization. Addis Jemari is a Raleigh-based charity that empowers orphans, vulnerable children and their families to end generational poverty.

The chapter invited Cindy Douglass, the other co-founder of Addis Jemari, to stop by its meeting. “We have a surprise for you,” they told her. The surprise was two tables covered with boxes and boxes of number two pencils, blue and black ballpoint pens, hundreds of pencil pouches, stacks of markers and glue sticks, fun individual pencil sharpeners in the shapes of animals, pink erasers and more.

Once again, no one knows school supplies and the answer to the question “How can we help?” like a chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa sisters, say the members of Gamma Lambda.

Summer Sisters Celebrate the Longest Day

NC Beta Phi sisters made 27 packets of lacing cards for the Secured Assisted Living unit residents at Harmony, a Greensboro retirement community. They celebrated the Alzheimer’s Association’s Longest Day with a tour and luncheon hosted by the facility. Mary Marshall, Beta Phi President-Elect, says the project was borrowed from a chapter featured in A∆K Weekly Consolidated Digest.

Pictured on the tour (L to R) are Jan Simkins, Harmony Life Enrichment Manager Maggie Gillis, Marty Marshall, Anne Cummings, prospective member Janice Lane and Paula Gaylord.

Front Row: Barbara Creech, Karen Liles, Lois Kennemur, Cindy Douglass from Addis Jemari, Fran Haislip, Jodi Dimond, Erica Knightstep. Back Row: Dolores McDowell, Megan Johnson, Molly McDermott, Rebekah Pace, Ashley Desmarais, Scarlett Dalrymple, Kristen Ziller, Sandy Aliff, Lorraine Potoczek.


Members of NJ Mu display Valentine’s Day family snack bags they assembled for the Parsippany Emergency Food Pantry. Mu Co-Presidents Mary-Jo Solomon and Pauline Spiegel organized the project. Each bag contained cookies, chips, a deck of cards, a box of chocolates and a hand-made Valentine.

NH Beta

NH Beta members display the teacup planters they made for a local nursing home to celebrate International Women’s Day. The members used cups from family collections and their travels. They created artificial succulent planters to be used as centerpieces and gifts for senior residents. Some of the cups included hand-painted peg dolls.


NJ Pi Chapter

NJ Pi members assembled and donated 72 Valentine “goodie bags” containing puzzle books, fancy pencils, candy, scarves, hand lotion and other gifts for senior women’s residences. Showing their work is (L to R) Camille Burns, Barbara StaknisKubowicz, Marilyn Eaton, Kathy O’Neill, Janet LaForge, Cindy Rose, Barbara Calabrese, Elaine Maresca and Marianne Nugent.

OH Eta

OH Eta treasurer Margaret Mason (right) presents the $500 OH Eta chapter scholarship to Maddie Boltz (left). The scholarship is given to help a graduating senior from Baldwin Wallace University, Brea, OH, set up her classroom.

ON Psi

ON Psi Co-President Tiziana Penney presents a $500 check and the chapter’s traditional Excellence in Education certificate to Annilee Baron. The award honors a graduating teacher candidate “who has exemplified overall excellence in their final teaching year.” This is the fifth year that Psi, in partnership with Brock University’s Faculty of Education, has presented the award.

TN Chi

TN Chi hosted “Bingo for Scholars” earlier this year. Chi raised approximately $1200 and ultimately was able to grant three scholarships. Chapter President Pat Coggin reported, “We had so many wonderful door prizes, some valued at $300-$400.” Coupled with a delicious luncheon, everyone had fun, and the sisters ensured no one left without at least one prize. Past and current state officers attended, and Past State President Carol Peace served as the Bingo caller.

OH Sigma

OH Sigma sisters make 38 no-sew fleece blankets for immigrants and refugees in the Greater Cleveland area thanks to a generous donation from JoAnn Fabrics and members of the community. Graham Ball from the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants spoke to the chapter about the many services the committee offers newcomers.

PA Rho

“Can You Spare a Little Change to Make a Big Difference?” was the name of PA Rho Chapter’s winter altruistic project. The sisters collected pennies in November, nickels in December, dimes in January and quarters in February. As of April 1, they had collected nearly $500 in spare change and sent it to Project C.H.E.A.R. Chapter members are shown holding up their coin collections.

MD Beta

(L to R) MD State President Kay Caviness, Janet Burton and Terry Melo hold the blankets MD Beta members collected and donated to the Turkish Embassy in Washington DC for earthquake survivors.

Altruism, continued.

Puerto Rico President Presents Medals

A∆K Puerto Rico President Silkia Obregón presented the A∆K Puerto Rico Medal to three outstanding high school graduates during the graduation ceremony at Eugenio Maria de Hostos High School, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.

This is the second year the medal, representing the organization’s commitment to academic excellence and the students’ personal growth, has been presented. Ángel Gabriel Pabón Ruiz, Ricardo E. González Colón, and Samuel Adrián García Rivera received the medals. “ These young individuals exemplify the core values of Alpha Delta Kappa, such as perseverance, commitment and the spirit of overcoming challenges. With this gesture, Alpha Delta Kappa Puerto Rico reaffirms its commitment to promoting educational excellence and recognizing students who excel in their pursuit of knowledge and personal development. The awarding of the Alpha Delta Kappa Puerto Rico Medal at graduation ceremonies is a moment of celebration and recognition, highlighting the importance of education and the positive impact that educators and the community can have on the formation of youth,” said President Obregón.

President Obregón also presented certificates and medals of achievement to second-grade students in Esther Román’s class at Mariano Riera Palmer School in Mayagüez. The students participated in “Reading Just Because,” a program she created to help students who had not acquired the appropriate reading skills during their first grade due to circumstances resulting from the pandemic.


WA Pi provides meals and other items for Rod’s House, a safe place for unhoused youth to get meals, basic living essentials, emotional support, and access to social services, health care, education and employment opportunities. Pi sisters work in teams to take a meal on the first Friday of every month. They also collect other needed items, including clothing, hygiene items and pre-packaged snacks.

Shown here is Penny Huck preparing food for Rod’s House.

VA Beta Beta

VA Beta Beta has been collecting dollar bills with an A, D or K in the serial number. With those dollars, they have been able to send $385 in four months to UNICEF, allowing UNICEF to purchase 1000 pencils, 55 backpacks, 200 doses of TB vaccines, 200 bars of soap, ten blankets and enough therapeutic food to save one child from malnutrition for two months. Beta Beta has also contributed to a Protect a Health Care Worker kit which will provide one pair of protective boots needed to go wherever vulnerable children are endangered; one respiratory mask to help keep health workers from breathing in hazardous or infectious airborne particles; 50 surgical masks to prevent contamination between patients and doctors; 30 pairs of gloves to promote hand hygiene and reduce contamination; and one gown to protect a health worker’s skin and clothing from viral transmissions and other dangerous materials. Their goal is to provide several of these kits with A∆K dollar donations.

VA Beta Lambda

VA Beta Lambda sisters (L to R) Lyn Amos, Cindy Flickinger and Jane Grimes organize items collected for The Haven Shelter & Services’ Adopt a Family Christmas project. The chapter provided clothes, toys and books for a mother and her two children. The Haven offers services to those impacted by domestic violence.

WI Zeta

WI Zeta members display some of the over 40 pairs of pajamas they collected for Women and Children’s Horizons of Kenosha, WI, a haven for women and children experiencing sexual and domestic abuse.

The purpose of my work was never to destroy but always to create, to construct bridges because we must live in the hope that humankind will draw together and that the better we understand each other, the easier this will become.
~Alphonse Mucha, Czech painter, illustrator, and graphic artist

Sharing the Love

In the March 2022 issue of the KAPPAN, members were asked to share how they spread the love of A∆K. The stories continue. In A∆K, sharing never ends.

AL Alpha Delta

To share the Love of A∆K, AL Alpha Delta recently donated over $700 in baby clothes and blankets to Sav-A-Life Center, which provides prenatal information. Sav-A-Life Executive Director Jane Ward gave a presentation on the services of the Center before the chapter’s baby shower. The layette items were given to the Center’s boutique. The Center serves seven counties and Troy University.

AL Alpha Phi

AL Alpha Phi members shared their love of A∆K by donating funds through the Sleep in Heavenly Peace organization to cover the cost of bunk beds for a local family. The non-profit organization builds and delivers twin or bunk beds to children sleeping in undesirable conditions. Each bed has a mattress, sheets, a comforter and a pillow.

IL Alpha Kappa

IL Alpha Kappa members tie one of the 25 fleece blankets they made for Closet 2 Closet, an organization that provides Quad City foster care children with apparel and accessories. The sisters also donated bags filled with hygiene products, winter hats and gloves to the Christian Care Organization. That organization provides safe shelter and support to the unhoused.

KS Sigma

KS Sigma members (L to R) Lila Reekie, Joyce Smith, Janet Radcliffe, Chapter President Geraldine Coffman, Brenda Wigger (seated) and Carolyn Trimble assemble Valentine›s treat bags for teachers in the area. The organza bags are packed with candy, a card, information and an A∆K membership pamphlet with a contact number for more information. Joyce Smith, Sigma altruistic chair, says teachers work so hard to make Valentine's Day special for students that this is a way to recognize the teachers themselves and a way to share the love.

ME Beta

ME Beta chapter hosted a Valentine’s Day Bingo game and party at a local assisted living facility. Everyone enjoyed the game and the refreshments of punch, cookies, ice cream and strawberries.

Hosting the party were Beta members: kneeling (L to R) Anne Sullivan, Rosalie Mosher, Barbara Caiazzo; standing (L to R) Regina Minott, Ellen Lucy, Diane Knott, Sigrid Serpico, Teresa Keahon, Jean Davis, Katie (granddaughter of Janice Weed), Janice Weed and Lynn Silcox.

Alpha Delta Kappa 2021-2023

Omega Chapter


Maree S. Culpepper AL Alpha Zeta

Lois Matthews AL Fidelis Alpha

Maudean Yates Peacock ............................AL Gamma Gamma

Shirley W. Self AL Sigma

Catherine H. Goode................................................... AZ Sigma

Viola Snow AR Nu

Arkie N. Remley .......................................................... AR Theta

Aprielle W. Chan CA Beta

Amy J. Lee CA Beta

Treva J. Marcus ............................................................CA Beta

Catherine L. Crowell CA Beta Alpha

Pauline W. Hoover ............................................... CA Sustaining

Lydia Oja CA Sustaining

Sue Brockman............................................................ CA Theta

Mavie E. Thomas CA Theta

Christel R. Biasell CA Xi

Mary S. Magruder ......................................... CO Alpha Lambda

Sylvia S. Hellstrom CT Gamma

Lottie S. Downie ..............................................................FL Chi

Carolyn H. Collins FL Fidelis Beta

Lavona R. Boone FL Fidelis Nu

Phyllis K. Clapper ................................................ FL Fidelis Rho

Dorothy P. Citro

Nancy Alpart.................................................................... FL Phi

Jeanette C. Williford

Mildred M. Miyashiro

Rosemarie M. Hordesky ................................................... IL Eta

Margaret S. Alexander

Jane C. Finnegan ................................................. IA Alpha Zeta

Martha Auge

Carolee J. King ............................................................ MB Beta

Carolyn P. Valero MX Eta

Mary L. Kelly MI Alpha Kappa

Veronica Pelzer ................................................. MI Alpha Sigma

Karen K. Blacklaw MI Beta Gamma

Joan P. Sinke ................................................. MI Fidelis Gamma

Sandra J. Salowich MI Sustaining

Delores J. Gilbert MN Phi

Janice V. Weitman ......................................................... MO Phi

Jean Carroll Thompson MT Zeta

Mary L. Sandell ........................................................... NE Theta

Roberta Hoskovec NE Upsilon

Lola A. Gordon NV Eta

Cynthia Bean NH Mu

Carol A. Woods .............................................. NJ Alpha Epsilon

Marguerite Wiecek NJ Alpha Kappa

Jean M. Kenahan ...................................................... NJ Kappa

Arlene D. Green NJ Sigma

Beth Hallinan ...................................................... NY Alpha Beta

Lynn Faulk NC Fidelis Sigma

Margaret A. Melton OH Alpha Eta

Cheryle Gibson ..................................................... OH Alpha Nu

Ann C. Shelly OH Lambda

Nancy A. Russell ................................................ OH Sustaining

Betty Keeter OK Nu

Bernice R. Armstead PA Gamma

Alice L. Brown PA Kappa

Myriam Vargas Cesani PR Delta

Jerry W. Weise...................................................... SC Alpha Mu

Mary A. Hamson SC Fidelis Zeta

Mary D. Ellsworth ............................................................. SC Pi

Sarah K. Dixon SC Psi

Elizabeth S. Hutchinson SC Psi

Amy R. Barnett ................................................. TN Alpha Alpha

Danye S. Phifer TN Alpha Rho

Jeanette Casteel......................................................TN Gamma

Peggy M. Freund TN Kappa

Pamela J. Coyne ................................................. TN Sustaining

Bonni I. Futch TN Upsilon

Estelle Cunningham TN Zeta

Sharon D. Campbell ....................................... TX Alpha Upsilon

Evelyn Gregory TX Beta Zeta

Englantina Gonzales .............................................. TX Delta Iota

Janette P. Doyle TX Delta Xi

Elayne C. Sanders TX Epsilon Pi

Shirley F. Allen TX Epsilon Upsilon

Patricia L. Talbert TX Gamma Kappa

Brenda Sims ............................................................ VA Alpha Xi

Melva N. McNeill VA Rho

Margaret S. Soth ............................................. WA Alpha Alpha

Lynn Brittingham WA Alpha Upsilon

Arezelle W. Smith WA Beta

Margaret L. Moore ................................................. WV Lambda

Dolores M. Boley WV Xi

Margaret J. Legg ............................................................. WV Xi

Judith Taylor WI Delta

FL Gamma Beta
Ivey C. Wolpert FL Sustaining Patricia P. Tillman.................................................... GA Alpha Pi
GA Gamma
HI Zeta
IN Alpha Psi
KS Alpha Gamma


My science methods course in college stressed hands-on projects for maximum learning. However, there were a few areas where I could have used some warnings about possible negative consequences. My professors didn’t share the challenges of caring for animals in the classroom. I learned my lessons the hard way.

As a new young teacher I bought a twenty-gallon aquarium with a pump, light, gravel and a few fish. I thought my elementary special education students would enjoy watching the fish and learn some facts about aquatic cultures. After about a week, two of my students were pointing to the fish tank and crying. One very aggressive fish was attacking and eating the others. He was quickly removed to his own small bowl since he could not play well with others.

After that disaster, I tried again and introduced other critters into my classroom. Next was Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm. The ants began to dig tunnels and move the food pellets around. We read books and watched videos about ants, and we learned about the division of labor. This was a very simple and successful science project, so I decided to move on to bigger creatures. Next, we raised caterpillars which underwent metamorphosis and became butterflies. Two days later, we released them on a beautiful May day.

The following spring, I ordered an incubator and fertile chicken eggs. My friend Pat lived on a farm, and she offered to take the chickens off my hands when they were ready for the barnyard. The 21-day wait was extremely long and required patience. We watched videos and read every chicken book in the library. The day the eggs started to wiggle and tiny cracks occurred was a fabulous day. We spent considerable time watching the hatching chicks and the miracle of life. The kids were amazed at the wet feathers and the chicks’ feeble attempts to stand and walk. After two weeks, we bid them farewell as they headed off to the barnyard.

The egg/chicken science project bolstered my confidence. Next, I bought two gerbils and a Habitrail system of cages and yellow tubes. My eight- to ten-year-old students watched in awe as the very active gerbils ran through the tubes and jogged on the exercise wheel. I thought the animals would add some excitement to the classroom and provide responsibility. The plan was going smoothly, especially when a new litter of gerbils appeared after three weeks. We watched as their eyes opened and they grew fur. Then, the critters started to

run around and chase each other up, down and through the plastic tubes. It was similar to a three-ring circus.

Then appeared another litter and another and another. On Monday morning, I was greeted by an angry school janitor. Some of my gerbils had escaped after the students had cleaned the cages on Friday. They were hiding behind the cafeteria refrigerator. That ended my bold science experiment. After I finally found a pet store owner to take my menagerie off my hands, I swore I would never have animals in my classroom again.

Twenty years later, I relented on my no-classroom-pet decision. My class consisted of eight middle school boys from troubled backgrounds who had exhibited serious negative behaviors. I hoped that a docile animal would give them unconditional love, which was missing in some of their lives. This time, I sought the slowest animal that would not run away. That was a land tortoise that the boys named Henry. They became very involved with setting up the cage and reading about Henry’s dietary needs. We made up a job chart to assign them the chores of feeding Henry and cleaning up the cage. Since he was so slow, we let our new pet crawl around the classroom during the day.

One eleven-year-old boy especially benefited from Henry’s presence. Maurice was a slight boy removed from his chaotic home due to abuse. He was then placed in a foster home and was constantly acting out. Small things would set him off. Without warning, desks would tip over as Maurice cried in frustration. We cleared the room for safety. During these events, Henry would toddle off to the corner and tuck in his head and legs. After Maurice calmed down, I would say, “Go sit on the pillows and take a break with Henry.” At that point, Henry became a therapy animal as Maurice sat quietly holding him. Who would have thought that a lowly tortoise could provide solace for a needy boy? On those days, I was proud to have found a way to bring comfort to troubled youth. No college education course could have prepared me to find that solution.

When NE Vice President of Membership Teri Clapper picked up her new license plates, she melted into giggles with this totally random set assigned to her. To add to the coincidence, her husband’s softball jersey is #22. Acronyms must have their own secret society because the DMV and A∆K are obviously in cahoots.

Homeroom Humor 32 KAPPAN • SEPTEMBER 2023

A∆K Dates and Deadlines


...........................................S/P/N and chapter information emailed

September 4 ................................................... Headquarters Closed Labor Day

September 8 ............................................ International Literacy Day

September 16 ....................................... Mexican Independence Day

September 22 Native American Day

September 30 ................. S/P/N presidents submit convention date, city and hotel site to Headquarters.

Submission platform in the resource library>S/P/N Officers>S/P/N Documents and Forms


Alpha Delta Kappa Month

October 1 ............................................... Classroom Grant Deadline

KAPPAN December issue deadline

Excellence in Education Award chapter or self-nomination deadline

October 5 ........................................................ World Teachers’ Day

Bridges Come in All Sizes

Many years ago, a local morning television show shared local news and the weather and often showcased local talent. There was a duo called the “Soap Sisters” that you now know as “The Judds” who became worldwide superstars. When we completed the 75th Anniversary Convention in Kansas City, outgoing President Mollie concluded her biennium with the iconic song standard in the Judds’ repertoire, “Love Can Build a Bridge.”

Travel back with me to the days of the Soap Sisters. Naomi was a registered nurse at our local hospital and only sang on the early show from time to time. Her daughter, Wynonna, was a student in the school district where I taught, and even then, she marched to her own drummer. They lived near where I live. During that time, my four-year-old son became very ill and was hospitalized. He was tiny and very sick, and he simply refused to eat. Naomi was his nurse. Seeing that he needed to eat something in order to get better, she held his little hand, rubbed his forehead, and asked in that Kentucky drawl, “Baby, if you could have anything in this world to eat, what would it be?”

He looked at Naomi with those big brown eyes and answered, “A do-nup!”

(Translated…doughnut). Every day thereafter that he was in the hospital, she came to his room

October 9 .................................................... Canadian Thanksgiving Indigenous Peoples Day

October 15 ...... Fall Regional Mini Scholarship application deadline

IRS 990-N e-postcard deadline

October 31 .......................................................................Halloween


November 1 Día de los Muertos

November 11 ............................................................... Veterans Day

November 15 ..........................................Innovation Grant deadline

November 23 .............................................................. Thanksgiving Headquarters closed

November 24 ................................................... Headquarters closed


December 15... Request for limited member status must be received to avoid paying International dues for the following year.

December 25 - January 1 ................................ Headquarters closed

before her shift in the morning with a little package of three Krispy Kreme doughnuts and stayed to visit with him while he ate the “do-nups.”

As we move into the new biennium, I share this story to remind you that love truly does build a bridge to the future. That 39-cent bag of doughnuts has left quite an impression on me and reminds me that it is not the leader’s power or the singer’s notoriety, but the compassion of those who serve that makes us what we are. Share the love that builds bridges. You can make a difference in someone’s life.

Judy Barnhill, TN Beta Zeta, served as chaplain at the recent Kansas City International Convention.

The Many Faces of Kansas City

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