June 2023 KAPPAN

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JUNE 2023 KAPPAN ALPHA DELTA KAPPA 75 Years of Sisterhood Going Home to Kansas City PAGE 27 Journey Love

Alpha Delta KAPPAN


Joanne Grimm, CA Alpha Alpha


Susan Pelchat, CT Mu

Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi

Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron

Susan Whelan, NJ Kappa

Sara Armstrong, CA Alpha Alpha

Daniel LaBorde, Digital Communications Coordinator, Int'l HQ


Mollie Acosta, International President

Ann Marie Brown, International President-Elect

Judy Ganzert, Immediate Past International President

Bev Card, International Executive Board Chairman

Christi Smith, Executive Director

Inside This Issue

Alpha Delta Kappa empowers women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

The KAPPAN magazine is published quarterly by Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators. Find the KAPPAN Publishing Guidelines online at www.alphadeltakappa.org.

Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters: 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO 64114-3210 (816) 363-5525, (800) 247-2311, Fax (816) 363-4010

email: headquarters@alphadeltakappa.org

Internet: www.alphadeltakappa.org

The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily in conformity with those of Alpha Delta Kappa or the editor.

Submitting Items for the next KAPPAN

The KAPPAN thanks Photographer Nancy Thompson, KS Alpha Alpha, and the hard-working International Headquarters staff for their hours of digging through dusty files so that we could “Look Back As We Go Forward.”

This issue is devoted to looking at where we have been, where we are, and where we are going.

The September issue will feature your stories of chapter activities and altruistic projects. You can pass story ideas to the staff at the KAPPAN table at the International Convention. Dates and Deadlines will be posted on the International website.

The deadline for submissions to the KAPPAN is two months before the publication date. The deadline for the September 2023 issue is July 1. Authors should include their name, state/province/nation and chapter, the highest office held and when.

To submit articles/photos, go to the A∆K website >About>Publications> Submit to the KAPPAN. Follow submission guidelines on the submission form.

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1 The Story of Us 2 International President’s Message 4 Alpha Delta Kappa Timeline 6 Alpha Chapters
The Way We Were 10 Membership Then and Now
And Their Service Continues 14 The International World Understanding Committee Takes a Journey of Love 18 Where are They Now? 20 International Chapters Share Their History 22 Show Us Your Violets 24 Today is not Yesterday 26 Headquarters 27 SPECIAL 2023 CONVENTION SECTION 32 Omega Chapter

The Story of Us

The Alpha Delta Kappa story officially began 75 years ago on August 13, 1947, when the four Founders signed the Articles of Incorporation and received a charter from Missouri “to establish a sorority of women teachers - honorary teachers chosen by invitation only.” Agnes Shipman’s dream of an honorary fraternal organization for women educators was now a reality.

The A∆K story began long before that afternoon in the law office of Richard Southall. It began a quarter of a century before with conversations among friends about the need for teachers to connect with other teachers. It began when Agnes left her job as a music teacher in Joplin, MO, and took a position as a traveling representative for an educational company selling equipment in the United States and Canada. She noticed that teachers attended her presentations and then went their way. There was no connection with teachers from outside their districts. Co-founder Marie Neal, who worked for a traveling book company with her husband, observed, “Teachers came in, listened to speeches, and left.”

The friends discussed the need for an organization that would allow teachers to get to know each other personally and professionally. They agreed that if it was going to be done, they were the ones to do it.

Agnes believed that talk is not action. She tried fitting in, discussing the need for such an organization, interviewing prospective members and installing chapters with her work schedule. There just weren’t enough hours in the day to do it all. She had to choose, and she chose Alpha Delta Kappa. “Agnes was 24 hours a day, eight days a week, Alpha Delta Kappa,” said Former Executive Administrator Opal Lunsford.

The Articles of Incorporation established that membership should be women eighteen years of age or older, who were accredited by a college or university, or who had the recommendation of a superintendent of schools under whom they had worked, and who held a teacher’s license from a state. Agnes and her Executive Board members, Marie Neal, Marion Southall and Hattie Poppino, set out to find these women and invite them to join. The members of this first Executive Board and the signers of the Articles of Incorporation are the Alpha Delta Kappa Founders.

For a long time, the Articles of Incorporation was all there was of the new organization. That was until Agnes and her Board went to work. They spread the word, and the first chapter, called a sub-chapter, Kansas Alpha, was installed in Olathe, Kansas in May 1948. The organization added International to its name with the formation of the first Canadian chapter in Windsor, Canada in the early 1960s.

“Keep your chapters viable, pledge new members regularly, annually if possible. That is the secret of a lasting Alpha Delta Kappa. That is why we have what we have today,” Agnes repeatedly told members.

Today, Agnes’s dream shared with friends is now shared with the world.

Information from “Agnes Her Life and Times” and the July 1997 issue of the KAPPAN

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Melba Priestley, International President 1995-1997, stands behind the Headquarters sign. Melba presided over the 50th Anniversary convention in Kansas City.

International President’s Message

t is the honor of a lifetime to serve as your International President; it has been my Journey of Love. Alpha Delta Kappa is an outstanding organization because of the excellent staff and hundreds of member volunteers that make it work. I want to acknowledge the many hours these dedicated people have devoted to the accomplishments of this biennium. The leaders in every chapter and S/P/N are essential to our success, as are their mentors; more than 20 committees and boards, plus our Headquarters staff, do the behind-the-scenes work of Alpha Delta Kappa. Every member of A∆K is integral to the advancement of the organization. Please know I am very grateful to each of you. This message is long, but I hope you will take the time to acknowledge with me some of those who have made this biennium one of which I am most proud.

First, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the KAPPAN editor Joanne Grimm, CA Alpha Alpha, and the KAPPAN staff. You have produced exemplary publications this biennium by seeking and successfully obtaining excellent submissions from members. This commemorative issue, Journey of Love, is quite the capstone to incredible work in this biennium. I know you, as readers, will enjoy this 75th-anniversary issue.

Excellence in Education (EiE) is a pillar of our organization; I give my thanks to all sisters who nominated or were nominees for their S/P/N’s EiE Award. Committee members completed the adjudication of applicants throughout the biennium, first at the S/P/N level, then the regional level, and finally at the International level, led by International Excellence in Education Chairman Lesa Meath, AK Gamma (2017 International EiE recipient). The International Executive Board and the A∆K Foundation Board increased the award amount at every level so that these outstanding women educators receive the recognition they so richly deserve. The seven regional EiE recipients will be showcased at our International Convention in Kansas City this summer, and the 2023 International EiE recipient will be announced.

Supporting leaders from within is a major strength of our organization. I am grateful to Leadership Academy Board Chair Su Wade and her fellow board members; the second class of participants and mentors will gather in Kansas City this July;

IA∆K and education will benefit for years to come as a result of this Academy. Our mentorship programs support upcoming leaders as well. Countless sisters in leadership roles today have been enriched by the regional mentors to S/P/N presidentselect. I am indebted to the mentors to the 2020-2022 and 2022 - 2024 presidents-elect: Wanda McCampbell, Linda Chambers, Ivette Bender, Kerry King, Glad Loreen, Connie Cathey, Mitzi Holmes, Betsy Ruckman, Carol Robertson, Barbara Kramer and Kitty Nutting. Mentor to the first ever regional presidentselect Conway Blankenship also provided valuable insight and feedback. These sisters have given the gift of themselves in service to A∆K.

Furthering Excellence in Education are our A∆K Collegiate Clubs (CCs). Supporting future educators is one of our highest callings, and I am grateful to A∆K Collegiate Club Board Chair Marie Hurst and her fellow board members for working diligently to expand the number of CCs we have. This biennium, we chartered three new collegiate clubs: the fifth A∆K CC was installed at Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, in 2022; the sixth at Rowen University, New Jersey, in 2022; and the seventh was installed at the University of Central Florida earlier this year. We welcome all of our collegiate club members to the A∆K family and look forward to hearing from some during the Educational Symposium before the beginning of the Convention. This brings me to the Educational Symposium Chair, Phyllis Robinette, CO Eta. She and her committee have gone above and beyond to create over 90 sessions focusing on excellent and innovative educational practices, personal enrichment and growing A∆K. Thank you also to all presenters; I know your sessions will be superb; our members and potential members will greatly benefit from your sessions.

Each KAPPAN has featured our second pillar, altruistic endeavors. I am grateful to International Altruistic Chairman Helen Foster, AK Alpha, and the regional, S/P/N and chapter altruistic chairs who compile the numbers which demonstrate the generous hearts of our sisters. Helen’s report will be a highlight of the International Convention. Our members’ support of local, S/P/N, regional and International altruistic projects is nothing short of amazing.

Alpha Delta Kappa offers several scholarships and grants at the International level, which are facilitated by HQ staff and adjudicated by chairs and committee members. Thank you to these dedicated sisters:

Fine Arts Grants Board Chair Paula Lindsay, FL Chi; International Teacher Education Board Chair Sherryl Longhofer, KS Epsilon; Agnes Robertson Global Outreach Scholarship

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Mollie Acosta

(ARGO) Chairs Elaine Williams, KY Omega, and Katie Loftus, TX Epsilon Lambda; Classroom Grants Chair Robin Miller, TX Gamma Nu; Future Educator Scholarship Chair Susan Raffo, CA Beta Rho; Innovation Grants Chair Debbie Boswell, GA Beta Gamma; and Regional and Professional Development Scholarships Committee Lead Molly Nottingham, CO Gamma. These leaders, their committees, and Headquarters staff members Kelly Delgado and Pam Collins have made the awarding of thousands of dollars to active educators (both members and non-members), collegiate club students and members at large possible, thus improving the quality of education for students in our communities.

World Understanding (WU) is the third pillar of Alpha Delta Kappa. International World Understanding Chair Grete Lima, CA Beta Iota, and her regional chairs have worked hard to support our International WU project, C.H.E.A.R, which will build dormitories, classrooms and more in Babati, Tanzania, freeing children in the area from a life of poverty. Attendees at the International Convention will hear first-hand the progress and benefits of this worthy project. We have exceeded our commitment to raise $50,000, and contributions will continue to be accepted through the end of July 2023. See our website: Foundation/ World Understanding. Another outstanding A∆K offering is the International Teacher Education (ITE) program which provides $10,000 in scholarships to women educators who come to the United States to complete post-graduate programs. Many thanks to ITE Board Chair Sherryl Longhofer, KS Epsilon, her fellow board members, the many sponsors of ITE scholars, and our many chapter members who help support these young women; their desire is to improve educational conditions for educators and students alike in their home countries. Our 2022 - 2023 ITE scholars will be featured during the Educational Symposium in July.

Past International President Judy Ganzert began the A ∆ K Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, co-led by then Immediate Past President Sue Pelchat and Executive Board Member Su Wade, when she received messages from members letting her know they did not feel like they belonged in A ∆ K. The work of the committee has continued this biennium under the leadership of Pat Valle, WA Alpha Delta, and Su Wade, MA Epsilon. The committee’s goal is to ensure that all members know that they belong in A ∆ K, and I appreciate all those who serve on this committee and the regional and S/P/N committees.

International conventions are about doing the business of Alpha Delta Kappa, and it could not happen without the following committees. My appreciation goes to International Bylaws

Chair Mary Lou Beck, OR Epsilon, International Resolutions

Chair Barb Nore, AK Gamma, and International Candidate Qualifications Chairs Sue McDowell, NJ Lambda, and Sherry Sublett, AL Beta Lambda. Without the work of these sisters and their committees, we would not be able to proceed with the business of the organization. Under the leadership of International Vice-President for Membership Betty Jo Evers, the International Membership Committee has worked this biennium diligently to provide quality training and support to chapter and S/P/N leaders. Regional Vice Presidents, Regional Membership Consultants and Regional PresidentsElect have prepared outstanding sessions for S/P/N leaders at Convention. S/P/N and regional leaders greatly appreciate the work of their historians in preserving the memories of their bienniums. My thanks to International Archives Chair Nancy Harrison and her regional historians. The celebration of A∆K’s 75th anniversary makes their work now particularly relevant; Two past International Vice-Presidents, Terry Peyton, Gulf Region, and Roberta Casabon, North Central Region, have been working all biennium to prepare information and videos which showcase our proud heritage. All Headquarters staff as well have been ‘cleaning house’ and preparing for very important guests in July - you, the members. Displays are being developed to highlight our history over the past 75 years; those who tour Headquarters are in for a special treat.

None of the above would be possible without the dedication and expertise of our Executive Director, Christi Smith. In her first biennium of leadership, she has shepherded us through many challenges, and I am profoundly grateful for her. Likewise, the time and talents my fellow International Chapter members have devoted to the well-being of this organization are nothing short of amazing. You are the wind beneath my wings, and I am eternally grateful to each of you.

Thank you, sisters, of Alpha Delta Kappa, for Sharing the Love this biennium. I look forward to being with you in Kansas City so we may celebrate together, and I look forward to the next 75 years of this wonderful organization.

Alpha Delta Kappa 2021-2023
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Thank you for 75 years of sisterhood, altruism, recognition of excellence in education and more. Congratulations A∆K! VA Zeta, chartered April 4, 1959

Congratulations to A∆K from KS Beta Epsilon for 75 years of empowering women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding. Chartered 8/20/74.




In the 25 years since A∆K celebrated its last big milestone, there have been many changes. Here are some of them.

1997 A∆K Website comes online.

1st A∆K scholarship to commemorate A∆K ‘s 50th Anniversary awarded by the Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO

1999 A∆K Memorial Marker unveiled.

Grand Chapter was renamed International Chapter.

2000 Handshake and Password made optional.

Initiation Ceremony opened to family and friends.

Format for S/P/N bylaws standardized.

Life member of the International Executive Board, Pauline M. Graham, died.

2001 First 5-Year Strategic Plan developed and introduced for implementation.

International Vice President for Membership position established.

Format for chapter bylaws standardized.

2003 Excellence in Education Award implemented.

2005 First Educational Symposium held at an International Convention.

First International Excellence in Education Award is given. International Presidents Fund established in the A∆K Foundation.

Moratorium placed on the formation of new Fidelis chapters.

2006 Mentoring Program for S/P/N Presidents-Elect launched.

2007 1st Jacqueline Lougheed World Understanding Lecture Series Speaker during Educational Symposium, International Convention.

Leadership Legacy Fund established in the A∆K Foundation.

2008 The International Woman of Distinction Program discontinued.

2009 First A∆K Foundation Festivities held at an International Convention.

First International World Understanding Project, Project S.A.V.E., implemented (building a school in Vietnam). Making a Better World Initiative introduced. Recognizing Excellence for Doing Good Program introduced.

2011 A∆K Foundation became self-sustaining.

2012 Honor a Sister Program established by the A∆K Foundation. Second International World Understanding Project, Project H.O.P.E., implemented (building a school in Peru).

2013 Alzheimer’s Association joined St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (since 1981) as a second A∆K International altruistic project.

A∆K Facebook page established.

2014 S/P/N and chapter bylaws became optional with use of INTL Bylaws and local Policies & Procedures.

2015 A∆K-ITE Honorary (chapter) membership established. COLUMNS newsletter discontinued; 6 issues of KAPPAN to be published annually.

Biennium Themes thru the Years

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Third International World Understanding Project, Project B.O.O.K.S., implemented (bookmobile/educational materials on a South Dakota Indian Reservation).

ITE Weekend at HQ discontinued in odd-years; ITE scholars funded for International Convention presentations.

First A∆K Collegiate Club installed at Ball State University. Chapters allowed two alternates and two delegates at International Convention.

2016 Constitution Change: Eligible retired teachers invited to membership.

Office of President, International Council of Presidents, eliminated; duties assumed by International President-Elect. Offices of International Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Historian became appointed positions, not (elected International Chapter offices.

Office of President of International Council of Presidents eliminated and duties assigned to International PresidentElect.

Fourth International World Understanding Project, Project T.E.A.C.H., implemented (6 classrooms added to the school in Haiti).

2017 International Strategic Plan developed during 2015 - 2017 biennium using "Road to Relevance" (Coerver and Byers, 2013).

70-year members received designation as Platinum Sisters.

2018 Constitution Change: Removed 2-year teaching requirement to be eligible for membership.

International Executive Board voted to establish A∆K as a 501(c)(3).

Fifth International World Understanding Project, Project T.E.A.C.H. TOO, implemented (8 houses to be added to school property in Haiti).

2019 International flags hung at HQ.

Second A∆K Collegiate Club installed at Colorado State University.

Sisters (170) toured St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN.

Sisters participated in hands-on altruism with Kids Against Hunger during International Convention.

Living Memorial Scholarship name changed to ARGO –Agnes Robertson

Global Outreach Scholarship.

Revised Ceremonies, archiving the Pledge Ceremony.

2020 Chapters, S/P/Ns, International met virtually due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Third A∆K Collegiate Club installed at the University of Arizona.

Fourth A∆K Collegiate Club installed at Indiana State University.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative & Committee launched.

All-Regions Virtual Conference conducted (due to COVID-19).

Constitution Change: Commencing with the 2021-2023 biennium, Regional Officers to be elected and aligned with S/P/N elections.

Constitution Change: Commencing with the 2023-2025 biennium, International Chapter retired; International Executive Board (IEB) becomes the sole governing body; International President becomes IEB Chair.

2021 International Convention was conducted virtually (due to COVID-19). Online voting for elections and Bylaws/ Resolutions. Seventy-eight Educational Symposium sessions.

A∆K CONNECT launched (membership engagement platform).

Sixth International World Understanding Project, Project C.H.E.A.R., implemented (classrooms and dormitories being built in Tanzania).

A∆K Foundation separated from International Executive Board to protect the financial security of both the Foundation and A∆K.

International Executive Board developed 2021-2026 Strategic Plan.

International Executive Board developed A∆K Vision statement and revised Mission and A∆K Purposes for 2021-2026 Strategic Plan.

2022 First Leadership Academy graduation.

Fifth A∆K Collegiate Club installed at Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.

Sixth A∆K Collegiate Club installed at Rowen University, New Jersey

First Membership/Leadership Summit convened at HQ. 2023 Seventh A∆K Collegiate Club installed at the University of Central Florida.

Constitution Change: Removed the ballot requirement for membership voting and added the IEB Member as eligible to offer for INTL President-Elect.

Alpha Delta Kappa’s 75th Anniversary Celebration at International Convention, Kansas City, MO.

Timeline created by Ellen Roderick, MD Beta, with International President Mollie Acosta and International President-Elect Ann Marie Brown.

Alpha Delta Kappa 2021-2023 KAPPAN • JUNE 2023 5

AK Zeta chartered 11/12/1971, would like to congratulate Mollie Acosta and her wonderful team on the best International Convention as they Share the LOVE of A∆K when they come home to celebrate the 75th anniversary of A∆K. What an inspiration you have been. Thank you.

Alpha Chapters

The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines “alpha” as “the first letter of the Greek alphabet” and “something that is first.” Following the Greek alphabet, new A∆K chapters have been designated in order of the date the application was received. Alpha chapters, for the most part, are the first chartered chapters of each S/P/N. Looking back into the history of our organization and remembering those “first” chapters is appropriate as we celebrate our 75th anniversary.

Claiming the status of the first chapter of A∆K was KS Alpha, chartered on May 16, 1948, but that chapter disbanded. KS Beta chartered on February 10, 1949, was second among the KS chapters.

Marie Neal, Agnes Shipman Robertson and Marion Southall were charter members of KS Alpha. For the chapter’s first initiation, Agnes cut A∆K letters out of cardboard and painted them gold. She purchased a cornucopia from a local florist and asked that it be filled with flowers. The florist chose violets. The cornucopia is on display in the Heritage Room at International Headquarters. In the early days, most initiations were conducted by the Founders. Kansas had an Omega chapter until Omega became the chapter for deceased sisters. The KS Omega Chapter was renamed KS Alpha Alpha. (Editor’s Note) Helen Foster and Robby Bear, members of AK Alpha, said that their chapter was chartered a few months after AK became a state. On March 26, 1959, their charter, which listed thirty members, was signed by Grand President Elizabeth Rosenberg and Grand Secretary Marie Neal. “What makes this chapter unique is our generosity, our focus on world understanding projects and the wide age range, from the 30s to 90s,” said Foster and Bear. Another focus for this group of women educators is, like many other chapters, the altruistic projects. Over the years, they have served lunch at a homeless shelter, participated in the Run for Women and the Alzheimer’s Longest Day, provided shoe box meals for low-income school children and made new mother bags for Nicaraguan women and their newborns.

AL Alpha was chartered on February 7, 1953, and celebrates its anniversary every year. For milestone anniversaries, the chapter meets at a local venue and invites other chapters and state leaders to the celebration. According to President Marsha Hattenstein, the membership has decreased over the years, but the current members are very active.

The day after the chartering of AL Alpha, seventeen women met at the San Carlos Hotel in Pensacola, FL, after receiving letters recommending them for membership in A∆K. AL Alpha sponsored FL Alpha. Caroline Gilmore, FL President-Elect (2022-2024), provided information about the chapter. Agnes Shipman Robertson led the ceremony in a room bathed in candlelight. Norma Wyss, their first chapter president, described the ceremony as “awesome and breathtaking.” Wyss commented about her first year, saying, “Beginnings are a struggle, as we all know, so I simply tried to move on with chapter proceedings. The presidency was difficult for me because I was young and inexperienced in organizational management. I was green as grass.”

SD Alpha Chapter has changed since its beginning in 1958, chartered on April 26. Formality was observed, not only in dress but also in the chapter meetings. State Chaplain Linda Maxwell said, “The sisters were dressed very formally in gloves that would coordinate with their dress, and sometimes, they wore hats.” The chapter is proud of the closeness the sisters share. Their altruistic projects, often two events each month, have included serving meals at St. Francis House, an ecumenical ministry providing transitional housing to single individuals and families with children. They also support Promising Futures, an organization that provides resources for schools with high family poverty rates.

“It’s really cool to be a sister in an Alpha chapter,” said Linda Warren, chapter presidentelect for VA Alpha. Chartered on August 23, 1954, in Norfolk, VA, they enjoy celebrating their anniversaries. Every five years, the sisters invite numerous guests to their anniversary luncheon. Sharing their archives, planning a

1987 CONVENTION, ATLANTA, GA. Mayme Chinn, Grand President (1985-87) greets John Dell Hucabee, FL Delta Iota President (1986-88), currently MS Iota President.
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program and serving cake are among the activities. For over twenty-five years, they have held baby showers for indigent mothers at Chesapeake Regional Hospital.

AR Delta President, Cheryl GordonPike, shared that their chapter was the first in the state and was chartered on March 17, 1951. About one year later, the AR Alpha chapter began. Gordon-Pike stated, “As I was told, the Founders reserved the Alpha designation for the capital city of the state.” AR Delta’s first chapter president is still a member. AR Gamma, according to the records at Headquarters, was chartered on the same date.

Lisa Bartnik, MI State President, received feedback from MI Alpha sisters when they were planning for their regional luncheon at the upcoming International Convention. Past state president and Alpha member Fran Raffel said, “Our chapter has had one Grand President, Ruth Calhoun, who was my home economics teacher.” Alpha sisters Ruth Calhoun, Ann Greeman, Katherine Symczak, Judy Brandt and Fran Raffel served as state presidents. Raffel joined in 1974 and Brandt in 1978. Chartered on August 12, 1955, MI Alpha has been an active chapter and has provided leaders at all levels. Calhoun served as the A∆K International President, Ann Greenman was International Sergeant-at-Arms, Raffel was regional secretary and Ruth Hiddleson was an IVP of the Region.

A monthly “Lunch and Laughs” gathering of WV Alpha sisters occurs outside the chapter meetings. Chartered on August 11, 1954, the chapter’s birthday is celebrated at the first meeting of the year. Brenda Durham, WV Alpha President, commented, “Little business, just fun.” In their chapter, the retirees outnumber the actively teaching educators, but this allows more opportunities for volunteering in their communities, according to Brenda.

IL Alpha was chartered on June 20, 1950. Agnes Shipman was present when twenty-three women educators were initiated. Since they do not meet in the summer, the sisters celebrate their an-

niversaries on Founders’ Day. This year, the chapter turns seventy-three. Since 1952, scholarships have been awarded, growing from $25 to two $1000 awards. Other altruistic projects have included the American Cancer Society, the Alzheimer’s Association and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, along with local groups and nonprofit organizations. Terri Berns, co-president of IL Alpha, said, “We support each other and cherish the sisterhood time we have each month. Technology has enabled us to meet when the weather does not let us meet in person.” According to charter records, the application for IL Beta was filed on May 20, 1950, a month before Alpha’s application making Beta the first state chapter. Agnes liked to designate chapters formed in state capitals or big cities as Alpha. So the second chapter, chartered in Illinois was considered to be the first chapter because it was formed in Springfield, the capital of Illinois.

Jean Kiyabu, a member of HI Alpha, shared the history of her chapter, which was chartered on March 26, 1959. “Gladys Leisner, an elementary school principal in San Francisco, was invited to join Alpha Delta Kappa. She declined since she was moving to Hawai’i. After settling in Honolulu, she wrote to Alpha Delta Kappa headquarters in Kansas City for information about the Hawai`i chapter. No chapter was in existence in Hawai`i.” Expansion was the goal for Agnes Shipman Robertson, and she contacted the Department of Public Instruction for names of potential members. Robertson went to Hawaii to interview these women. Gladys Leiser, Hazel Guider, Puamana Brickner, Beryl Seeley, Tracy Lavin, Beverly Hansen, Mary Murakami and Kay Nagaishi became the founding members of HI Alpha. Kiyabu also says, “In order to fulfill the requirement of having thirteen members to receive a charter, five more members were added: Kay Dillinger, Irene Okawaki, Ethel Hasegawa, Helen Matsui and Bettie Nakagawa.” The advancements in technology have changed the way all chapters conduct business. HI Alpha sisters, remember

having to Xerox all paperwork? Now, they are using Google Docs, emails and an app called “Kudoboard,” a way to send group cards with messages. From providing baby diapers and baby clothes for Korean orphans to supporting community agencies and their programs, HI Alpha continues to share the spirit of altruism.

Qualifying as the first chapters in their states, chapter members have continued to support A∆K and its mission of empowering women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding. A∆K continues to move forward, making advancements with the use of technology but remaining focused and attentive to its vision and its purposes.

Other active First Chapters and their charter dates are:


GA Alpha, March 13, 1954

MS Alpha, February 14, 1953

PR Alpha and Beta, April 28,1962

North Central

IA Alpha, December 29, 1951

IL Beta, May 20, 1950

MB Beta, June 22, 1980


CT Alpha, May 8, 1955

DE Alpha, May 1, 1955

MA Alpha, November 20, 1954

ME Alpha, October 2, 1954

NY Alpha, August 14, 1954

OH Alpha, June 20, 1955

PA Alpha, October 9, 1954

RI Alpha, March 28, 1966

VT Alpha, November 30, 1970


MT Alpha, June 8, 1959

OR Alpha, August 22, 1953

WA Alpha, August 15, 1953


MD Alpha, March 6, 1955

SC Alpha, March 20, 1954

TN Alpha, March 5, 1955


CA Alpha and Beta, August 25, 1953

CO Alpha, August 16, 1951

NV Alpha, June 8, 1957

Chapter charter dates from records at International Headquarters.

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The Way We Were

Dresses covering the knees, elbowlength gloves, kitten heels, pillbox hats with wispy veils, a matching purse and stockings. That was the appropriate dress for an Alpha Delta Kappa member. Founder Agnes Shipman Robertson had her opinions about the appropriate dress for members. She believed that women wearing dresses and heels received more respect and success. Members were encouraged to read “Women’s Dress for Success” by John T. Molloy. A∆K members were expected to dress for success and respect.

It wasn’t until the seventies that members were allowed to wear pants at conventions and conferences, and only if they were part of a suit. In the nineties, city shorts or shorts that covered the knees were accepted if worn as part of a suit. Capris in dressy materials such as silk or linen were approved next. Because members usually came directly from a day of teaching to meetings, they wore the professional dress required by their school district.

Although there was no formal dress code, officers were strongly encouraged to wear street-length dresses for meetings and floor-length gowns for formal evening events. The correct length and material were determined by the time of day of the event. It was not uncommon for officers to wear flowery knee-length rayon dresses for a morning chapter installation and change into floor-length chiffon gowns for an evening installation. In recent years, cocktail and semi-formal wear were added to the members’ choice of fashion. The traditional opening parade of Grand Officers with hats and gloves ended at the Miami International Convention in 1973.

Harvest Gold and Olive Green may have been the official colors of A∆K, but they were not a favorite of the fashion world. Members discovered that dresses and accessories in the purples of the flowers used in the first installation ceremony were easier to find and a much more flattering color. She practiced what she preached. Agnes

was always well turned out, purchasing many outfits at Montaldo’s in Greensboro, NC.

Agnes’ favorite flower was the longstemmed red rose. When she visited chapters, it was common to present her with a bouquet of red roses or to use them in centerpieces. Red or yellow roses are often presented as a sign of honor to members. Wearing corsages, usually orchids worn on the right shoulder so they did not block the badge, was common.

Members were given explicit directions on when and where to wear the A∆K badge. The badge was never worn in formal dress. It was to be worn over the heart and on an article of clothing that would not be removed during the meeting or event. The badge could be worn on a coat or sweater if that garment was not removed. The rule of thumb was to wear the badge on the top layer of clothing. Recently, the rules have been changed to allow the badge to be pinned to a ribbon or other type of backing.

Agnes was adamant about the proper display of the badge. She was quick to comment when she saw it displayed incorrectly. Ruth Calhoun, Past Grand President 1973-75, tells the story of staying up all night working with tweezers to remove a second guard from her badge after Agnes reminded her that only one guard is worn and that Ruth needed to correct it before the morning meeting.

The Founders experienced sorority ritual in college and included parts of it when they wrote the procedures for the new sorority. The password and handshake used to enter meetings came from their experiences. The handshake was so complicated that the sergeants-at-arms responsible for entry accepted any semblance of it. The handshake soon faded away. Remembering the password was often a problem. There is a story that Agnes was refused entrance because she suddenly couldn’t remember it and had to ask someone.

Providing refreshments at meetings was a way for members to show their cooking and baking skills. Made-from-scratch cakes

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On your 75th Anniversary, your “Golden” Sisters from PA Rho send their congratulations! Chartered 4/1/1973

and crustless tea sandwiches were favorites. A program at a CA Alpha Alpha meeting demonstrated how to make the perfect sandwich roll. It was so common to serve chicken in some form as the main dish at banquets that it became a convention tradition. Members could expect chicken on the menu. “It’s a wonder we don’t cluck,” said one member.

Officers were expected to bring token gifts for their counterparts to conventions. In her suitcase, an officer packed wrapped boxes of mints, handkerchiefs, homemade sachets and crocheted ornaments to be exchanged when she met with officers from other states, nations and provinces. Favors at International convention banquets might be small glass trays, a brass box, Christmas ornaments, or a pen. They were gifts of

appreciation and love from the officers to the membership.

In 1957, the Necrology Committee was created. This group was responsible for keeping the records of what is now the Omega chapter. They planned the memorial ceremony often held at the beginning of International Conventions. The committee was eventually disbanded and the ceremony was given to the convention chaplain.

“No photographs permitted,” said the sign on the front table at the 1991 International Convention. Grand President Ruth Walsh had had enough of flashbulbs blinding speakers. Although the sign is gone, the photography protocol remains. Speakers are not interrupted for photographs.

Meetings usually concluded with the singing of “The Lamp of Alpha Delta

Kappa”, composed by the children of Founder Marion Southall, preceded by a rousing rendition of “There is a Sorority in Our Town,” written by Richard Southall.

The lyrics to “There is a Sorority,” along with the cartwheel hats, the clutches, and the matching earrings and necklaces, are packed away. It is not hemlines or passwords or violet iced cupcakes that keep Agnes’s dream alive and growing. It is the love sisters share and the uncountable ways they share it.

Information for this article was provided by June Carpenter, Past International Executive Board Chairman 2011-2013 and Alabama State President 1996-1998, member AL Alpha Iota; Dorothy Vaio, past Grand Vice President Southwest Region 1965-1967, member CA Beta; “Agnes, Her Life and Times”; KAPPAN, June 1997

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NE Epsilon, chartered 3/29/1958, is proud to celebrate 75 years of sisterhood with everyone. We are grateful for past and present members and we look forward to the future.

VA Beta Omicron, chartered 2/28/1993, congratulates A∆K on 75 years of recognizing and supporting excellent women educators across the world. Happy Anniversary!

Membership Then and Now


Do you have a vision for Alpha Delta Kappa?

Our Founder, Agnes Shipman Robertson, did. What began from a vision of one continues today. Some things have changed, but Alpha Delta Kappa remains proud and strong.

Our Founder traveled down dusty roads and highways, too, visiting schools both big and small. She stopped by them all.

With a punch bowl, punch, and cookies in the trunk of her little black car, she traveled both day and night to keep her vision in sight. Fueled by the love in her heart, and the personal touch, she contacted principals, teachers and such. After school, she shared her dream and invited teachers to join.

The next day, Agnes returned to the school and recorded the names of those she had recruited. A mere $5 was the amount they would pay.

That’s how our journey began, and Alpha Delta Kappa was born. Seventy-five years later, her vision of supporting educators, encouraging altruism and promoting sisterhood remains the same.

From then until now, it has been much the same, except our recruitment and initiations have changed. Follow along as I share some of the creative ways members report that they received invitations to membership. These ideas may remind you of how you were invited to join Alpha Delta Kappa. We have been invited, so it seems, to join by…

• Blind invitations in notes from a friend.

• Special invitation from a past S/P/N president.

• Teacher-to-teacher, friend-to-friend, the personal touch.

• Recommended by the administration, a big honor for sure.

• Informational teas, even held at the Governor’s Mansion, and meetings, too.

• Invitation to Founders’ Day Celebrations.

• Invitation to a River Boat Cruise and asked to join that night.

• Invitation to a social event in the summer.

• Invitation to a February meeting using a love theme.

Stories were shared from near and far. Some were traditional, but others were not. Katie Elgar, AZ Gamma, shared that she had to submit her college transcript with her application. Some even shared that, at first, they knew nothing about Alpha Delta Kappa but knew it was an honor to be invited and soon came to love the sisterhood.

Next came the pledge service. Do you remember when we pledged members for approximately three months before initiating them?

Judy Hornsby, OH Alpha, shared her experience. “When I joined in 1980, the Pledging Ceremony was quite elegant. It was at a member’s home, and there were vases of roses everywhere. We were dressed in suits with hats and gloves and served tea and small sandwiches from a silver tea service, hence the Rose Tea.”

Continuing today, during the AL River Region Area Council meeting, prospective members experience the Candidates for Membership Service. June Carpenter shared, “Candidates sit at a prepared table in front of the room. They receive the written history and current practices of Alpha Delta Kappa, along with pledge information and membership requirements. Candidates for membership are introduced, their respective chapter information is shared, and initiation dates set.”

In the late 1990s, pledging became optional. In 2019, the Pledge Ceremony was retired.

Do you remember YOUR initiation? In the past, initiations were special and very traditional, it seems.

June Bellamy, Past International President, and Sandy Wolfe, Immediate Past Executive Board Chair, both shared that their initiation ceremony was formal and traditional. This practice continues today. June even remembers the red dress she wore 43

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years ago. Sometimes flowers, gifts and a memento or two are included to make it a memorable occasion.

Some ceremonies are held at school during regular monthly meetings, and some at special venues like country clubs, fancy restaurants, women’s clubs, libraries, and members’ homes. No matter what the site, it was and remains a special occasion. The highlight is when you receive your badge from a trusted friend and sponsor.

Of course, there are exceptions. Nancy Martinez, AZ Immediate Past President, says that when she was initiated, the program that evening was informal. The program was a person leading an exercise class and explaining the health benefits of exercise.

My personal story is unique. While I share my story, I invite you to reflect on your story. Each is different, and each is very personal. Here’s mine:

My third year of teaching was on the Gila River Reservation in Sacaton, AZ. I taught five-year-old children in kindergarten. Each afternoon, my paraprofessional, Alex, a skilled tradi -

Our hats are in the closet, our gloves are in the drawer.

Scratch to the Eagle Dance, we danced to the music and beat of the drum. The children were impressive. The audience engaged. The audience was wowed at the finale when each child chose a member to join them for the final dance. We formed one big circle on the dance floor for the social Round Dance. That was truly, “Sharing the Love of Alpha Delta Kappa.”

Never did I imagine what would come next. In October, I was initiated into AZ Iota. It was a formal affair with long dresses and yellow roses. We stood around a grand piano in a member’s home. Refreshments were served from a silver tea service. Memories last forever.

tional dancer, and I taught the children authentic native dances. Somehow this word got out in the town, and we were asked to be the entertainment for the Alpha Delta Kappa Arizona State Convention in May. The children loved to perform, so naturally, I said, “Yes.” We arrived 50 strong, in native dress, feathers, bells, and beads. From the Chicken

“What if you knew you could make your dreams come true? Would you dream bigger?” Ms Moem, a British poet

Betty Jo will complete her second term as International Vice President for Membership at the International Convention in July. She has served A∆K as Arizona State President and as Southwest IVP and has presented many workshops and learning sessions on ways to build and hold membership.

The Day With the Most Light is the Day We Fight

Coinciding with the summer solstice on June 21, The Longest Day is an event that the Alzheimer’s Association created to honor and remember those affected by this terrible disease. The Longest Day is a global call to action to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Ten years ago, Alpha Delta Kappa delegates at the 2013 International Convention selected the Alzheimer’s Association as our second International Altruistic Project. In 2022, Alpha Delta Kappa’s Longest Day team and individual donations totaled $221,750. Our cumulative total donations have pushed us over the $1,000,000 mark resulting in our organization being the Number Two Global Team in 2022. Our goal for 2023 is $250,000 and your help is needed to attain this goal. It’s not too late to register your A∆K team or make donations. Look for the Sign Up information on CONNECT in the Alzheimer’s Community. You can participate at home, online, in person or do a combination of activities. Spread the word about your A∆K Longest Day team on your social media page. Share photos using #ENDALZ #The LongestDay and post them on your personal or S/P/N Facebook page.

Together we can make a difference.

The dresses that we used to wear are simply worn no more.
But one tradition will remain, on that, we can be sure,
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The honor of our membership will through the years endure.

And Their Service Continues

This is a rather unflattering concept that, long after they have outlived the wars they fought, old soldiers just wither into oblivion. Does Alpha Delta Kappa have “old soldiers?” Are our experienced leaders cast aside, ignored, never to contribute again? Checking in with past International leaders, we found a similar thread that ran through their years since leaving office, and in no way did any story suggest fading away.

Ivette Bender, Past IEB Chairman (2013-15), has served as president and currently heads publicity for the University of Nebraska Lincoln Women’s Club, which provides scholarships to UNL students, donates to the Husker Food Pantry for students, and hosts numerous events for personal and professional growth of its members. She serves on Family, Youth and Community, Presbyterian Women, Christian Education Committee boards and is the librarian for her church. She and her husband, Lyle, were honored as outstanding supporters of Nebraska football at a football game last fall. Ivette’s greatest joy is her fiveyear-old grandson, with whom she spends as much time as possible. She currently serves as a mentor to the North Central Region S/P/N Presidents and Presidents-Elect, is on the planning committee for the NE A∆K State Conference, and is Fraternity Education Chairman and Chaplain of NE Theta chapter.

Past IEB Chairman (1995-97) Jeannine Seagren feels fortunate to be able to stay in her home by herself. Since leaving office, she has devoted most of her time to her chapter and her church. She finds that work to be most rewarding.

Past International President (2003-05) Colleen Jacobson lives in Kearney, NE, and rents out a farm that has been in her family for over 140 years. After retiring, she sub-

stituted and was a hospice volunteer before volunteering in a friend’s second-grade classroom. Her most fulfilling effort has been her work with her church’s food pantry, where she schedules volunteers to distribute food to 200 families each week. She feels wholeheartedly that “as we feed those in need, we are feeding the Lord.”

Mitzi Holmes, Past International President (2011-13), has resided in Albuquerque, NM, for 40 years and is actively involved in the Assistance League of Albuquerque, a national, all-volunteer non-profit with 120 chapters. They work to improve lives through philanthropic programs that fulfill basic needs and enhance the quality of lives of others. Their philanthropy reaches vulnerable populations, from premature babies to the poor elderly. Mitzi has served as Chairman of Operation School Bell, their signature program, and as VP of all Philanthropic Programs. She is currently serving as President of the 250-member Albuquerque Chapter in addition to being a caregiver to her husband, John.

Jane Miller, Past International President (2009-2011), lives on her childhood home, a 90-acre Kentucky farm. She led Kentucky’s Longest Day team, Heartbeats of Kentucky, and will serve as chairman at least until 2024. During her term as state president, Jane instituted an award for members who strengthened their chapters. She was honored that the award was renamed the “Jane Miller Wind Beneath the Wings of Our Chapters” and that it has recognized over 450 Kentucky sisters.

Past International President (2013-15) June Bellamy and her husband John recently moved to Greenville, SC, closer to the family for “Gigi” to enjoy. June sings in the Sanctuary Choir and the Greenville Chorale and is involved in Bible Study Fellowship. She decided not to transfer her 43-year membership to a new chapter and regularly attends her GA Gamma Delta meetings, serving as Membership Chairman. Assist-

"Old soldiers never die; they simply simply fide a-why!"
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Aloha! HI Nu sends our love to AΔΚ as we celebrate our 75th anniversary. What a milestone for this wonderful organization that supports women educators. Chartered 6/11/87. State President Susan Okano

ing with membership and mentoring her chapter has been the most meaningful service in her leadership journey. Serving as State Parliamentarian brought her joy as she watched sisters whom she has long admired mature and sharpen their skills to become competent, caring leaders at the state level.

Snowbird Ellen Roderick, International Executive Board Chairman (19992001), heads south from Maryland right after Thanksgiving each year. Never on vacation from A∆K, Ellen is active with FL Gamma Omicron and participates in FL leadership meetings. She supports MD Beta chapter as treasurer, informs on bylaws and policies, works on the yearbook and chairs the budget committee. She serves as MD Courtesy Chair and is a mentor to MD Presidents. She keeps the 105 SER Past Presidents united through a bi-weekly newsletter. She continues to serve International as an A∆K Foundation Board member. Nothing gives her greater pleasure than assisting sisters in advancing the mission of her beloved Alpha Delta Kappa.

Past Executive Board Chairman (2015-17) Barbara Stanfield resides in Albuquerque, leads her chapter as president and is a member of the Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation Board. She is active in her church as Chairman of the Preschool Ministry Team, choir member and Bible Study teacher. Barbara has learned to knit and is working on a Papillon shawl, which she says will be beautiful if she follows the directions carefully. She loves to visit her four wonderful grandsons, her daughters and her sons-in-law and will travel almost anywhere--Ireland last September.

Kathy Learn, Past International Executive Board Chairman (2007-09) lives in Davenport, IA. Whether selling books at the public library’s resale shop or tutoring readers, Kathy has a passion

for volunteering. She offers her time at a local high school food and clothing program called The Nest, which is her Upsilon chapter’s altruistic project. She finds it fulfilling to offer students and their families a chance to select items. And it needn’t be said that eleven-yearold Kamille loves being raised by her grandma.

Durham, NC has been home to Past

pot holders for fundraisers. She writes the annual church report and maintains the checking account. She attends A∆K chapter, district and state meetings and was recognized as a Golden Sister last summer at the Northeast Regional Conference in Atlantic City.

International President (2015-17) Ruth Ann Griggs for over 60 years. She is the loving caregiver for her mother, June. Ruth Ann has remained active in A∆K, currently serving as her chapter president. She sets the agenda and writes a monthly newsletter to keep members in tune, encouraged and moving forward. Ruth Ann worked part-time for a builder as a community rep before COVID. She walks her elderly neighbor’s dog daily and checks on her since a recent fall.  Caring for others is second nature to Ruth Ann.

After her term as International Executive Board Chairman (1993-95), Sandra Bachman retired and became a member of the Emmaus Garden Club and the Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania, serving in many offices, including president and parliamentarian for the club. She served on GCFP state committees and was State Historian. Her main activity has been altruistic work for her church. She heads the Crafters’ Group, sewing quilted purses, hand towels, puppets, wall hangings, microwave cozies and

When Past International President (2017-19) Sue Pelchat’s husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2009, she became active in a newly formed support group. She has served as president for the past eleven years. She designed and chairs the “Walk in the Woods for PD” each year. The walk funds an exercise program for members and has donated over $100,000 to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which awards grants for promising PD research. State Teacher of the Year in 1997, Sue helped develop and served 25 years as a member of the CT Teacher of the Year Council and was recently given Member Emeritus status. Since returning home from college, she has been a member and soloist in her church choir. Though caregiving is her primary mission these days, she serves on the KAPPAN staff and is her chapter’s secretary/treasurer, actively seeking new members to bolster CT Mu. Her favorite role is that of “Mema” to her four fabulous grandsons, with two more grands expected later this year.

Best-seller author Tom Peters wrote “A Passion for Excellence.” In it, he affirmed the guiding mantra of our leaders who have sat in decision-making chairs for Alpha Delta Kappa over the years. “Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period.”

A∆K leaders do not “fide a-why.” They move on to other contributing roles in our organization and their communities, perpetuating a focus on excellence, altruism, leadership and inclusion. We recognize and honor the continuing support of all of our past leaders.

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“Organizations exist to serve. Period. Leaders live to serve. Period.”

The International World Understanding Committee Takes a Journey of Love

Jambo!” (Hello in Swahili) from Babati, Tanzania, where project C.H.E.A.R. is being implemented through a partnership with the Harambee Foundation to assist the MAHOCE children’s home and school. The children and staff at MAHOCE send you warm greetings.  Perhaps you wonder how A∆K sisters have traveled so far to pursue World Understanding?  We are here to tell this story:

It all began in the biennium 2009-2011 when the International Executive Board (IEB) considered sponsoring an International project. Linda Rissel, IEB chairman, presented a proposal suggesting that the board partner with the Vietnam Veterans Restoration Project to fund the building of a school in Vietnam for two to five-year-olds for $50,000. Project S.A.V.E. (Sisters Aiding Vietnamese Education) was highly successful and sustainable, thanks to the devotion of those involved and the support of sisters.

After the success of Project S.A.V.E., the newly formed International World Understanding Committee became a standing committee. The IEB approved guidelines to select a new project for the future. Each biennium, after a call for proposals, the committee forwarded five proposals to IEB, who then narrowed the field to three. The membership later voted to make the final selection. From 2011 to 2023, A∆K followed this process and has supported H.O.P.E (Hope and Opportunity in Peruvian Education) in Peru, B.O.O.K.S. (Books Offering Opportunity and Knowledge to Succeed) for the Cheyenne River Lakota/ Sioux in South Dakota, T.E.A.C.H (Training, Educating and Affirming the Children of Haiti), T.E.A.C.H. Too in Haiti, and now C.H.E.A.R. (Children’s Home with Education and Agriculture a Reality) in Tanzania, all with a fundraising target of $50,000 per project. More than the targeted amount for each project was raised. Sisters realized the important role each of them could play in improving the lives of women and children around the globe.  The International Executive Board has

paused World Understanding project nominations due to current global conditions and the complexity of the world in which we live, according to an article by IEB Chairman Bev Card in the December KAPPAN. The World Understanding Committee is reviewing and revising the guidelines for project nominations. Contributions may be made to C.H.E.A.R. until July 31, 2023.

One goal of the International World Understanding project is to raise awareness and expand our worldview in relation to the needs of families outside of our own. The purpose of the selected projects has been to provide educational opportunities to the most vulnerable and underserved children in impoverished areas of the world. A∆K has embraced each project, knowing that education is invaluable in creating a poverty-free life. Project C.H.E.A.R. is doing just that, and everyone at MAHOCE is very grateful for your love and continued commitment.

Project C.H.E.A.R. will make it possible for MAHOCE to house up to 44 children, providing them with a safe, nurturing and loving home. Children at MAHOCE have all their needs met, from nutritious meals, healthcare, counseling, spiritual guidance and clothing, to quality education. When possible, children under MAHOCE’s care go to government schools. However, children from such abusive environments sometimes do not qualify to attend government schools. Some children are illiterate and too old to begin primary school. Others have failed the seventh-grade National Exam. The government will no longer permit them to attend school. Children who drop out of school may not reenter. The alternative school at MAHOCE steps in to make sure each child receiving its services has the opportunity for an education and a good life. Students needing the alternative school attend for about three years, gaining skills to further their education, become an apprentice, or get a job. MAHOCE’s purpose is to have each and every child under its care become independent, self-

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Seventy-five years of Energy, Opportunity and Impact. Happy Anniversary to Alpha Delta Kappa, changing the world since 1947. Sue Pelchat, Past International President

reliant, productive citizens, free from a life of poverty.

MAHOCE has a far-reaching connection with the community, caring for many children who do not live at the children’s home. Presently, it is paying for 90 children, youth, and young adults to be educated. These range from students in primary and secondary school, advanced levels, adult education, college and university, to vocational schools. Every Saturday, MAHOCE opens its doors for a Saturday Feeding and Distribution Program, providing a meal, school supplies, medical attention and personal hygiene products. Many weekends over 50 children receive services.

The International World Understanding Committee is proud to announce that, once again, our Alpha Delta Kappa sisterhood has met the fundraising challenge of $50,000. All donors surely will be bursting with pride to know what has already been accomplished in Tanzania as the C.H.E.A.R. project moves towards longterm self-sustainability. The facility has been built and the children and staff have moved in. Doing so saved the project over $1200 in rent during the first quarter. Construction continues around the children and staff as the crew works to complete the project in its entirety. More beds, mattresses and mosquito nets have been purchased so the number of children who receive safe housing can be increased. An “emergency room” is now designated for women and children in crisis. Recently, children from a neighboring village were brought to MAHOCE and guarded by police before they were to testify in court. This is evidence that the local government recognizes the worth of MAHOCE and views it as a valuable partner in the community.

Furthermore, as a part of the plan for self-sustainability, a small garden has been planted along with fruit trees. At MAHOCE, everyone learns to plant, harvest and cook. Its philosophy mirrors the familiar proverb, “If you give a man a fish,

you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” The next step in the garden area is to put fencing around it and to build a rainwater catchment system with gutters and a storage tank in order to allow crop production during the dry season. The needs are great and there is still much to be done, which is expected when we consider that MAHOCE is the only program in an area populated by 1.4 million people.

Fortunately, A∆K members’ enthusiasm for project C.H.E.A.R. is great and contributions continue to arrive. Joshua Johnston, founder of MAHOCE and Field Director for 16 years, oversees the project. Through pictures and emails, he has kept the International Executive Board and the International World Understanding Committee informed of C.H.E.A.R. ‘s progress as well as further needs. All the proposed construction has been completed. The new building has a reception area, offices, girls’ dormitories on one wing and boys’ on the other, separated by a courtyard. Each wing has a bathroom with showers. There are two classrooms, a library/media center, a cafeteria and a kitchen. There is a private room for the Matron, who lives there. A water tower is in the courtyard and still needs a special stand.

The newly painted gate allows complete facility visibility and invites visitors in. The gate is painted with the colors of the Tanzanian flag and is decorated with

the design of a shield. One entire wall of the compound has the MAHOCE logo painted on it. The strong, high cinder block walls surrounding the children’s home provide safety. A security system is still needed. Due to unreliable electricity, solar panels will need to be purchased to ensure its operation. Solar panels will also be needed to use the office computer and printer continuously. The library/media center is yet to be furnished.

MAHOCE has been in place long enough that former students have begun to return to “pay it forward.” Maria, the matron, is a former student.  Three of the program’s first graduates came back and gave the children a talk on how important it is to get an education. Two sisters, Mary and Angel, regularly come by bringing gifts and special meals for the children. They also share their personal success stories. Juliana is now a teacher at MAHOCE. As young children, she and Mary heard about MAHOCE and escaped from their jobs as abused domestic servants. They still call themselves “members of MAHOCE.”

These are inspiring stories and details. Our individual and chapter contributions make each sister a part of this worthy work. Our sisterhood has put International President Mollie Acosta’s theme, “Share the Love,” into action by funding the International World Understanding Project C.H.E.A.R.

Joshua Johnston sends us this greeting: My gratitude to the sisters of Alpha Delta Kappa for their love and support cannot be measured. This quote from the Town Council Leader explains why we are here in Tanzania and why Project C.H.E.A.R. is so very important. “Thank you, Joshua, for being a voice for our children.” Thank you, A∆K, for making our dream come true and for joining your voices with mine!

“Asante sana!” (Thank you very much)

Article by Cam Johnston, PA Eta, Grete Lima, International World Understanding Chair, CA Beta Iota

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VA Gamma Omicron is proud to wish all of its A∆K sisters a Happy 75th Anniversary. Chartered 1/18/2009

I’m so proud to be a member of A∆K. Thank you for 75 years of opportunities for women educators. Judy Ganzert, 2021-2023 Immediate Past International President

Where are They Now?

Sixty Years of Being the Family Away From Home

Alpha Delta Kappa was about 14 years old when the Grand Chapter, now the International Chapter, wanted to tie Educational Excellence, Altruism and World Understanding together and launch a project that addressed the entirety of its mission statement. The result was the International Teacher Education (ITE) Program. The first three selected scholars arrived in the US in 1963. These young women from Switzerland, Germany and Argentina were undergraduates. Now, only graduate students are offered scholarships to attend a university in pursuit of their master’s degree, and their ages range from their mid-twenties to mid-thirties.

A∆K now offers seven scholarships to applicants from around the globe. Each receives $10,000 to help pay tuition and other expenses; most are also Fulbright Scholars. The A∆K-ITE Board is tasked with choosing the students pursuing degrees in an area related to education. The current scholars are from Thailand, India, Estonia, Azerbaijan, and Austria, with two from Indonesia.

Reflecting societal changes around the world, many applicants now plan to seek university faculty positions and posts in their nations’ ministries of education as well as teaching at the elementary and secondary levels. Some, when their master’s is completed, go on to pursue a Ph.D. Scholars may apply for a second year of study in the US and, if selected, receive an additional $10,000 from A∆K. A∆K members of chapters in close proximity to the universities where the scholars will study may be invited to be cosponsors. Sisters are asked to greet the students when they arrive and help them maneuver any difficulties. They become the “family away from home,” providing support, sharing their homes and families, connecting them to the local education community, inviting them to A∆K events, and including them in holidays, vacations, or day trips.

A∆K has continued to learn what former ITE scholars have done since they received their degrees. Here is a small sampling of those experiences from a few of the 260 ITE scholars.

In 1977, Pia Furuskog arrived from Stockholm, Sweden to attend her first two years of college, majoring in Education, at Hood College in Frederick, MD. She was the daughter and granddaughter of teachers, and her goal was to teach Modern Languages, English and German, at the senior high level in Sweden. Her cosponsors were Dr. Patricia Leonard (MD Sigma) and Sylvia Massie (MD Upsilon, now a VA Beta Lambda Sister). Pia attended many MD Sigma meetings, was the guest speaker at the new MD District 5 Founders’ Day Luncheon, and accompanied her cosponsors to the 1978 MD Convention. When she returned home, she and Dr. Leonard stayed in close contact for over 20 years.

Gabriela Garcia, from Mexico, attended the University of Indiana in PA from 19881989. She obtained a degree in economics and finance, later receiving a master’s in psychology from the University of Colorado, Denver. At the Tecnológico de Monterrey in Querétaro City, Mexico, she obtained her MBA. She was introduced to and married the Mexican-born nephew of Grand President Ruth Walsh. The wedding, held in Mexico, was attended by Ruth and Gabriela’s cosponsor, Beth Vinton. Gabriela and her husband have two children.

Ellen Roderick (MD Beta) and Evelyn Weicker (MD Alpha) cosponsored Elisabeth (Eli) Arevalo-Guerrero when she arrived from Marbella, Spain, in 2001. Eli was awarded a master’s degree in Linguistics in 2002, and Ellen had the privilege of attending her graduation ceremony. Eli was renewed for another year and acquired her Ph.D. in Linguistics in 2009. At that time, she married David Rosen of Glen Burnie, MD, and was initiated into MD Beta in 2010. Sponsored by Ellen Roderick and following the immigration laws, Eli returned to Spain. In 2015, she came “home” to the US with her one-year-old son Liam.

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MD Beta and MD Epsilon held a shower for her, her husband and her son. She is now a professor at UMBC (the University of MD Baltimore County) and is an active member of MD Beta. A Violet Sister, she is the only ITE Scholar to become a chapter member.

Arriving from Spain in 2002, Alicia Jimenez attended the University of MD Baltimore County as had her good friend, Eli. She applied for a second year and was selected to remain in the US from 20032004. She received her master’s in Linguistics and returned to Spain. Alicia’s cosponsors included Millie Gardner (MD Kappa) and Marti English and Tracey Witthaus (MD Epsilon). Millie, Marti and Tracey attended Alicia’s wedding in Spain in 2005. Alicia has taught English to Catholic high school girls for many years and is the mother of 3 children, ages 14, 11 and 6.

Asli Filyet Ersoz, from Turkey, was an ITE Scholar at the University of Wisconsin from 2003-2005, then moved to Athens, GA, to work on her doctoral degree in Mathematics Education. In 2008, she returned home to be married. Back in the US after her wedding, Asli returned to Athens. In 2011, she was back in Turkey, fulfilling the requirements of her Fulbright Scholarship. Traveling across the Atlantic again in 2013, Asli planted her family in the Atlanta area and is currently an Adjunct

Professor at Kennesaw State University. She shared, “I am teaching general education mathematics courses, foundations of math courses for early childhood education majors and supervising student teachers in the middle and secondary levels.”

A∆K and Northern Arizona University welcomed Mahishi Ranaweera from Sri Lanka in 2005. When she returned home in 2007, she was a lecturer at the English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) at the University of Kelaniya. She was quickly promoted to Senior Lecturer and, in 2014, was made head of the unit. Mahishi still had a thirst for knowledge and refocused on her studies and, in 2019, was accepted to University College, London, UK as a Ph.D. student. She shared, “I am in my final year of studies on pragmatic markers of Sri Lankan English.”

In 2006, Hidayah Amin, from Singapore, came to study at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA and Eve Magi arrived from Tartu, Estonia, to study at George Washington University in Washington, DC.

Hidayah interned at the UN after graduation and later moved back to Singapore to work at the Ministry of Education. Two years later, she attended the University of Cambridge in the UK. She is home in Singapore, caring for her ill father and running a consultancy business. She is the author of eight nonfiction and eight children’s books.

Since there were no A∆K chapters in Washington, DC, VA and MD decided to share the support for Eve. MD Beta sister Ellen Roderick and VA Beta Gamma sister Ann Brown served as cosponsors. Eve completed a second year and earned her master’s degree in Linguistics. Ellen and Ann were thrilled to attend her graduation in 2008. Eve married her Dutch boyfriend, and they live in the Netherlands with their son.

Augustina Kustulasari from Indonesia completed her master’s degree at Ohio State University in 2009 and returned to Indonesia. There, she became a university lecturer, later teaching in an Elementary Teacher Training Department at a private university. She moved to work as a faculty member in the Department of Public Policy and Management at Universitas Gadjah Mada, a flagship public university. Augustina shared, “I am back in the US with my husband and daughter and am pursuing my doctoral degree at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Educational Policy and Leadership.”

Read more about the amazing ITE scholars in the September KAPPAN

Betty thanks Ellen Roderick (MD Beta) and Judy Tate (VA Tau), as well as the many sponsors, ITE Scholars and other members of the ITE community who provided information for this article.

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California Xi, chartered 6/2/1956, sends heartfelt congratulations on A∆K’s 75th anniversary, celebrating 75 years of educational excellence, altruism and leadership as we “share the love!”

Congratulations to 75 years of sisterhood that shines so bright. NJ Iota chartered 4/30/1970

International Chapters Share Their History

Growth, Key to the Universe” was the appropriate theme for the 1959 convention in Miami Beach, FL when A∆K officially became an International Honorary Sorority with the installation of the first Canadian chapter at Windsor, Ontario.

The KAPPAN asked our International sisters to share the history and the progress of their chapters.

Ontario, Canada

Ontario, Canada, chartered its first chapters in the late 1960s when Michigan A∆K reached out to Windsor, Canada. They were very supportive of this chapter which thrived for many years. During that time, it was common for women whose peers had been identified as candidates for membership to be called to a meeting in a local hotel to discuss membership with some American sisters and Canadians chosen to assist with recruitment. Groups of successful candidates were then invited to form chapters within their local school board boundaries. Our favorite family

A∆K tale is famous in Ontario. We have often shared the memory of our mother getting such a call and the lively discussion that followed in her kitchen, with our father maintaining that a lady did not accept an invitation to a stranger’s hotel room. Although she did not go that evening, my mother became a member just after the local chapter was formed.

Chapter chartering ceremonies were formal. In 1978, Agnes Shipman Robertson attended the ceremony at the University Women’s Club. Meetings were formal and followed procedural rules very closely. Members dressed up, and high heels were the norm. Sisters took turns hosting in their homes, providing refreshments. Often small committees mailed invitations to potential attendees through school courier systems. Responding to the invitations was done by telephone. Guest speakers were sometimes invited, but there were many “just social” gatherings.

Ontario hosted the July 1993 International Convention. Marie Harvey and Diane McSaveney were convention chairs. A fond memory is of a friendly Texas sister who

arrived at the hospitality suite with homemade bourbon balls. The most overheard remark was, “The summer weather is so lovely, not too hot.” Ontario also hosted a regional conference in 2006. Members remember fondly the special thank you from Joyce Verner after she participated in the early morning walk led by legally blind member Durelle McAllister. Sister Diane McSaveney left a cash legacy to establish a scholarship for a future educator. The scholarship was administered over several years, offering support to young educators. Many Ontario documents are housed in a special archived collection, The Doris Lewis Rare Book Fund, at the University of Waterloo, giving students for years the opportunity to learn about and understand Alpha Delta Kappa.

Currently, the initiative in the province has been to formalize support for classroom teachers and retired members by providing events that add value to membership. Guest speakers, online training for Google learners and formal in-service in literacy have strengthened membership and provided opportunities to invite potential members and sisters from other regions to share in the learning. We have created a slideshow to run continuously at events and to be used by sisters as they discuss membership.

Ontario continues to have ten very individual chapters separated by great distances in geographically diverse areas. Each has its own history and unique talents. Many Ontario sisters have served as International leaders.

Manitoba, Canada

As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of Alpha Delta Kappa and look forward to the party in Kansas City in July, it has been fun to discover the details in our archives on the history of A∆K in Manitoba.

In the spring of 1980, Margaret Orlich, Past Grand President of Alpha Delta Kappa, traveled to Winnipeg, realizing the importance of establishing new chapters in Western Canada. After meeting with the superintendents in St. James School Division and receiving per-

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sonnel recommendations, several women were invited to join. An inaugural meeting was held in June 1980, and Beta was chartered. Linda Daniels, Carolee King, Maureen Gardner, and Connie Newman were four charter members who continue as members today. Connie is Beta’s Treasurer this biennium. Maureen and Connie are attending the International Convention in Kansas City.

Margaret Orlich returned to Manitoba in 1985 and was busy establishing several additional chapters and appointing an executive Board for Manitoba Alpha Delta Kappa. At this time, Connie Newman was installed as the first elected president of Manitoba A∆K. Margaret Orlich visited the Winnipeg School Division, where she invited more women to join our wonderful organization. The Gamma chapter was established in 1985 with Huguette Rempel as president. This chapter enjoyed 26 years together before disbanding, leaving with treasured memories of their special projects and friendships made.

While in Manitoba on May 20, 1985, Dr. Margaret Orlich visited teachers in the Portage la Prairie School Division. She interviewed all who answered her call and invited them to join Alpha Delta Kappa. Carol Bailey and Linda Green were among those interviewed. They joined and continue as active members in A∆K. Delta Chapter was Chartered in 1985. Also chartered in May 1985 was the Epsilon chapter, out of Brandon School Division. Veronica Adams was their president. This chapter enjoyed five years of membership before disbanding.

Gayle Halliwell became the Charter Zeta Chapter President in May 2000 and celebrated the formation of a group of women eager to network, provide support to their communities and education, and enjoy fellowship when gathered together.

Manitoba is proud of its chapters, their altruistic endeavors, active interest in learning about how to support neighborhoods, community and the world and their cre-

ativity in fellowship. There have been many great accomplishments of individuals and of groups in our Province over the years. One of the biggest highlights as an organization was hosting the North Central Regional Conference in 2018. This opportunity provided us with an opportunity to show off our beautiful city, highlight special activities we enjoy, and treat our sisters to a fun-filled, educational conference.

Sue Marlatt, Manitoba A∆K President 2022-24

Popular fundraisers to help these projects have included walkathons and concerts. The innovative A∆D High School Youth Team has helped with other fundraisers, such as our bingo night. This dedicated group of young people recently donated new shoes for each homeless shelter resident.

Scholarships have been given to many students, including education majors and nursing students, some of whom were directly affected by the COVID pandemic.

The Leadership Scholarship was created to help members attend regional conferences and International conventions and other events which will further their professional development. Mexico has been able to send yearly representatives to these events.


A∆K Mexico is celebrating 60 years of service to the community, excellence in education, and world understanding. When founded in 1963, most members were US educators residing in Mexico. Since then, A∆K Mexico has maintained its cosmopolitan nature, with members from a wide variety of nationalities, all serving their native or adopted homeland of Mexico.

Throughout the years, A∆K Mexico has completed many worthwhile and ongoing altruistic activities, including helping at a shelter for homeless HIV/AIDS women and children. Chapters have also provided rural schools with libraries, computers and didactic materials; distributed school supplies, toys, clothes and books to underprivileged children; erected a flagpole in a remote indigenous community; and supplied dried milk to an orphanage. Plans are underway to establish schools at five shelters for migrant farm worker families.

Golden Sisters Angela Florio, Janet Saenz and Nancy Gurrola met Founder Agnes Shipman Robertson at conventions both in Mexico City and in The United States. Janet’s husband, a professional musician, performed at a reception hosted by Miss Agnes at a convention in Chicago.

During the pandemic, meetings began via Zoom, and some have continued in this format as it allows contact with members of all chapters and guests throughout Mexico and abroad. Likewise, Zoom has allowed Mexico members to serve better on International committees.

Besides the honor of welcoming A∆K International Presidents and Regional Vice-Presidents to our conventions each biennium, we have also had the privilege of other distinguished speakers such as Dra. Evangelina Villegas, recipient of the World Food Prize in 1999. She was A∆K Mexico’s nominee for International Woman of Distinction and won that award at the 2001 International Convention in Boston. When receiving this honor in Mexico, she was accompanied by Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug, noted for his work on the Green Revolution. Another Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Continued on page 23

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Show Us Your Violets

Alpha Delta Kappa’s official colors are purple, green and yellow, but they haven’t always been. Purple is a new addition to the palette. Enjoy a little history of the color purple.

Roman emperors wore purple togas, as did the Byzantine emperors. During the Middle Ages, violet robes were worn by bishops and university professors. Associated for ages with royalty, the color violet was an extremely expensive dye. In Tyrian times, purple dye-making required the capture, cracking and removal of tiny glands from thousands of snails. Now that purple dye is much easier to come by, violet clothing and accessories are frequently worn to complement Alpha Delta Kappa’s official colors of yellow and green. In fact, so many sisters believed that purple actually was one of our colors that Alpha Delta Kappa leaders adopted purple as its third official color in 2021.

The purple violet is A∆K’s official flower. See if you can locate it on the lovely tea set given to Marie Neal when you visit Headquarters this summer. The violet image has been used to decorate clothing, knickknacks, fabrics, gardens and ceremonial tables. Members shared pictures and origins of many violet-themed items collected over the years. Our creative sisters have collected or created violets in many unusual forms. Marcia King’s chapter gives a live violet in a handmade basket to each new initiate.

Barbara Hargraves, CT Kappa, has been sharing “edible violets”, her famous sugar cookies, with A∆K sisters since her 20002002 term as chapter president. She has made them for chapter, state and regional events, often accompanied by the verse, “An edible violet just for you, to thank you for all the sweet things you do!”

Mary Ellen Pinion, AL Alpha Theta, celebrated her term as state president with “Bouquets for Tomorrow,” violets hand-painted in oils. The violets represented members from their budding days to mature, active members and adorned

ceramic coasters as well as the AL state pin. A frame and tiny boxes, including the first to hold her badge, are but some of FL Gamma Omicron’s Anne Brooks’ violet keepsakes.

CA Gamma Mu’s Mari Page rescues discarded painted china pieces, relishing those with violets that remind her of the plant she received at her initiation into Alpha Delta Kappa. Past IEB Chairman Ivette Bender, NE Theta sent a mere sampling of her more than 250 violet-themed pieces. The woodland violet has long been a favorite wildflower of hers. When she became a member of A∆K, she was thrilled that the violet was the official flower. Her collection includes items that were gifts as well as items she purchased from gift shops, antique stores and other specialty stores.

Teresa Frommel, TN Eta, gathered her violet pieces that, to her, represent the past, present and future of Alpha Delta Kappa. She treasures a pitcher and washbowl made by her late grandmother. Marg Nieradka, A∆K Ontario President, prizes a violet dish that houses her A∆K pins and a bracelet, both given to her by Ontario sister, Mary Johnson. Marcia King’s chapter gives a live violet in a handmade basket to each new initiate.

NH State President Susan Potthoff points to a violet mini-quilt hand-crafted by NH Beta sisters for the Violet Shop at their Founders’ Day celebration in 2019. Pat McHugh, RI Alpha, shared a brightly painted violet dish, one of her favorite keepsakes.

Whether or not her cherished sister Marianne Nolan donated a Hammersley fine bone china cat for a chapter auction, Brenda Brown, PA Gamma, believes she did so and remembers her fondly whenever she gazes upon her beautiful violet-accented feline.

Twenty-five years ago, as Florida sisters wondered how they would carry home the lovely “Agnes Violets” distributed at the 50th Anniversary convention banquet, they turned to Dotti Williams, FL Alpha Alpha,

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and Twyla Preising, AZ Alpha Nu, who had journeyed by van to Kansas City. The van became a traveling greenhouse, safely transporting precious violets members were leery about carrying on planes. Knowing her luck with violets, Sarah Hudson, SC Upsilon, handed her plant

to her mother for safekeeping, which she was able to manage for almost 19 years. Susan Marlatt, MB Beta, reported that some of those violets are still alive in her province and offer exciting stories to share about their trips home. Debby Stubing, FL Alpha Sigma, remembers

that traveling home with a live violet was definitely a challenge, but having a piece of Agnes to remember the wonderful convention was exciting.

Article by Susan Pelchat, Past International President and KAPPAN staff writer. Ricardo Zapata, shared his experiences in the United Nations with worldwide disaster assessment. Anne-Marie O’Connor, the author of “The Lady in Gold,” spoke about that famous Klimt painting and its wartime history.

Continued from page 21.

The love for A∆K and the enduring bonds of friendship are strong. This has helped its members to make an impact and to offer excellence in education and service in the name of world understanding to Mexico. It is with pride that Mexico has been a part of this international professional organization for the past 60 years. Viva Mexico! Viva Alpha Delta Kappa!

Elizabeth Elmer, National Historian and Nancy Gurrola and Nancy Murray, Former National Presidents


On July 12, 1969, eleven women educators from western Jamaica braved the heavy rain and flooded streets to assemble at the Ridgely Park Hotel in Montego Bay, where they were initiated and formed the charter chapter, Alpha, of Alpha Delta Kappa, Jamaica. During the ceremony, the objectives of the sorority were discussed, and they pledged they would achieve as much as possible to uplift education in Jamaica. Marjorie Perry Morgan, a USAID volunteer stationed in Western Jamaica who worked with the Ministry of Education, initiated A∆K in Jamaica and is recognized as the Jamaican founder.

Olive Wallace was the first Alpha chapter president, and Vinetta McDonald was the first National President. Charmaine Gallimore-Rickets is the current National President.

Beta, Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, and

Zeta chapters were formed in the seventies. Through the work of Past Membership Chairman Paulette Gordon and Immediate Past President Asrey James, Eta chapter was chartered on November 27, 2021, with a membership of 17. Eta was the host chapter for the National Convention in May.

Alpha chapter has closed, but not before being the home chapter of six National Presidents.

Altruism has been a hallmark over the years. The chapters find creative ways to raise funds to finance altruistic efforts. Some of the altruistic projects include contributions to the National Altruistic Project, book drives, and sponsorship of students by assisting with school uniforms, lunch, transportation and school fees. Other projects include scholarships, donating books, items of clothing and toiletries to daycare centers and Boys’ Home, honoring women of distinction including noneducational fields, contributions to the Committee for the Upliftment of the Mentally Ill (CUMI), tree planting and beautification of premises at daycare centers and schools. The most recent National project is building a play area at the Long Look Infant Department School.

Information from Jamaica National President Charmaine Gallimore-Rickets

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Alpha and Beta were established at the same time in 1962 after Wanda Climes, Florida state membership consultant, came to Puerto Rico and met with our Mayor Felisa Rincon de Gautier, who helped make the connections with the Puerto Rico Department of Education. There were 33 candidates to start with,

and they were divided into Alpha and Beta chapters. The installation of the two chapters was presided over by Florida State President Betty Sentgraf and other board members. The mayor became our sponsor and attended at least one of our annual meetings until she passed away at 99. Mayor Felisa Rincon de Gautier was honored with the Women of Distinction award from Alpha Delta Kappa International. The first A∆K state president, Cristina V. McCall, was sworn in by Agnes Shipman Robertson in 1963.

We usually celebrate milestones at State Convention. That has been the case for our fiftieth and sixtieth anniversaries. A full-color program was published on each occasion for historical purposes.

One of our oldest traditions is to have a Thanksgiving breakfast or lunch on the first weekend in November with a motivational speaker. Other chapters are invited to this annual activity. We also begin Alpha Delta Kappa month with an ecumenical service. For altruistic projects, chapter members recommend possible orphanages or schools with specific needs, and we buy requested merchandise and deliver it to them before the end of October.

Our chapters, Alpha and Beta, began with mostly school administrators and supervisors, and now most of our members are college professors or retired university administrators. As the group has grown smaller, the meetings are more relaxed and with more fellowship.

Information from Juanita ValentinMorris, past Puerto Rico president, and Silkia Obregon Vargas, Puerto Rico president and a member of PR Alpha Gamma.

KAPPAN • JUNE 2023 23

Today is not Yesterday

With Growth Came Change for A∆K

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John

I have been fortunate to have had several outstanding supervisors, and I hope you have, too. One of their most valuable characteristics was using current knowledge and research to lead a staff to examine their work, keep what is fundamental, stop what is no longer working, and include what might help them be more effective. A former principal once said in a staff meeting, “You can choose to teach 20 years or one year 20 times.” That has always stayed with me—the importance, the necessity and the excitement of seeing how I might change how I do something to do it better.

As I have looked at the history of the Executive Board, International Chapter and the Foundation, I can see that Alpha Delta Kappa leadership, starting with our Founders, has been willing to address the needs and growth of the organization within the current understanding of effective leadership.

“Agnes always had visions,” according to former Executive Administrator Opal Lunsford, “She was a great thinker as she drove— she thought of ways to work things, ways to grow.”

Agnes set a great example for generations of Alpha Delta Kappa leaders who are still great thinkers, finding ways to work things and help Alpha Delta Kappa grow and evolve.

Change is not an event, it’s a process. Cheryl James, rapper

Alpha Delta Kappa has been in the process of change over the last seven decades. In fact, few decades have gone by without significant changes in the organizational structure.

The first National Executive Board consisted of four members, our Founders: Agnes Shipman Robertson, Marie Neal, Marion

Southall and Hattie Poppino.

The 1950s saw the first growth and changes to the structure and the National Executive Board—at the 1955 National Convention, Vera Neel McCauley was elected the first National President, and Grand Chapter was established, which included the National officers and Executive Board members. Pauline Martin Graham was elected the first Grand President in 1957, and the National President and Immediate Past President were added to the Executive Board. Also, in 1957 five Regions were created, with those five International Vice-Presidents added to Grand Chapter. Then in 1959, the Executive Board added the President of the State President’s Council to Grand Chapter, bringing that body to 17 members. Alpha Delta Kappa leadership recognized the need to include a broader selection of voices and a closer connection to the growing number of members.

Executive Board was also in the process of change. In 1961, the Board was expanded to include the International President-Elect, the Executive Secretary and the Executive Treasurer. Grand Chapter increased to 20 members in 1963 when the five regions were increased to eight. The Constitution was amended in 1966, adding the Administrative Assistant to Grand Chapter.

Take chances, and make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Mary Tyler Moore, actress Alpha Delta Kappa leadership was willing to take chances. They attempted to increase connections between leaders and local chapter members in 1969 by reducing the number of regions to seven, with an organizational system of 20 “provinces” (unrelated to Canada’s provinces) and a chairman for each province. This was one change that did not work as well as they had hoped, however, because, at the very next International Convention in 1971, the organizational structure of provinces and the offices of province chairmen were abolished by the vote of the International Convention Delegates.

At the 1979 International Convention,

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the Executive Board was increased to 10 members with the addition of a two-year member elected by the convention delegates.

Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.

For a while, the structure of the governing bodies remained the same, but that did not mean pivotal changes were not happening! The Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation was established in 1981, with the Executive Board as the Foundation Board of Directors. Two years later, the Foundation became a 501(c)(3) charitable organization allowing donations to be tax deductible. While the first scholarship program was begun in 1959 and the first three ITE students arrived in 1963, the creation of the Foundation enabled members to begin building an endowment program that would allow altruistic programs to flourish—including additional scholarships and grants and adoption of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as the first International Altruistic Project in 1981.

In 1987 the Executive Secretary and Treasurer were removed from the Executive Board, making it a nine-member body.

There are three constants in life…change, choice and principles.

The 1990s and early 2000s did not see many changes in the governing bodies of Alpha Delta Kappa. However, there were three significant organizational decisions. In 1999 “Grand Chapter” was changed to “International Chapter,” reflecting a more accurate and inclusive description of Alpha Delta Kappa. Developing and using a Strategic Plan was implemented in 2001. Strategic Plans have become increasingly important in guiding decision-making. Finally, the first Vice President for Membership was elected and

installed as a member of the International Chapter in 2005, putting an important emphasis on membership development..

Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. Joan Wallach Scott, historian

Eventually, discussion, study and focus returned to the function and efficiency of the International Chapter, and the offices of International Historian, Chaplain and Sergeant-at-Arms became appointed offices in 2016. At the same time, International President-Elect assumed leadership of the International Council of Presidents, giving her the opportunity to get to know and work with emerging leaders. These changes reduced International Chapter to 19 members.

The Executive Board is still honing our organization in the 2020s with the creation of an independent Foundation Board of Directors, consisting of three current and three former members of the Executive Board and the Executive Director. While Alpha Delta Kappa’s lawyers recommended this, the new Foundation Board is able to focus more on the work, growth and advancement of the Foundation.

Alpha Delta Kappa moved from International Vice Presidents to Regional Presidents in the spring of 2022 with the election of Regional PresidentsElect. The election of regional leadership will now align with that of S/P/N leadership teams, creating more connections between the regions and the S/P/ Ns. Other benefits are the Regional President-Elect will be afforded the time to get acquainted with her region’s S/P/N leadership before she serves as Regional President and will be mentored in preparation for that role.

Following the 2023 International Convention, the International Chapter will be retired and a single International Executive Board will lead Alpha Delta Kappa. A Regional Council will also be

created, comprising the Presidents of each region to connect Regional Leaders to the International Executive Board.

Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it. Change is a challenge and an opportunity, not a threat. Prince Phillip of England

Considering the many changes to the organizational structure and leadership of Alpha Delta Kappa, is this what Agnes, Hattie, Marion and Marie envisioned? Absolutely. While the size and composition of the governing bodies have changed over the years, each of those groups of women has strived to empower women educators to advance inclusion, promote educational excellence, altruism and world understanding through fellowship.

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. Alan Watts, writer

I am eager to see how Alpha Delta Kappa changes in the future as we continue to grow and evolve, adapting to the needs of our organization, the teaching profession and our world. I trust our current and future leaders will bring the same dedication, deliberation and study to guiding Alpha Delta Kappa as our Founders did while preserving our original purposes: to give recognition to outstanding women educators, to build a fraternal fellowship, to promote high standards of education, to promote educational and charitable projects and to contribute to world understanding. Please, plunge into changes that come along with me and let’s all dance!

Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. Pauline R. Kezer, an American politician

Barbara is a Foundation Board Director and was Chairman of the International Executive Board from 2015-2017. She is a member of NM Gamma

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Meet Headquarters Staff

Top left: Program Coordinator Kelly Delgado Bottom left: Executive Director Christi Smith, in front of photo of Founder Agnes Shipman Robertson Center, left to right: Membership and Marketing Specialist Phyllis Robinette; Director of Innovation and Strategy Pam Collins; Event Planner and Executive Assistant Paula Henry Top right: Digital Communication Coordinator Daniel LaBorde Bottom right: Member Services Coordinator Suzie Hannah
Headquarters back in the day. 26 KAPPAN • JUNE 2023
SPECIAL CONVENTION SECTION 75 Years of Sisterhood Thirty-Third Annual International Convention July 2023 Going Home to Kansas City! KAPPAN SPECIAL CONVENTION SECTION • JUNE 2023 27

Know Before You Go to the

2023 International Convention

Convention Registration

YES. - You can still register - DO IT!

In-person Attendance May 2-June 15 - $350

In-person Attendance June 16 -July 12 - $400

Virtual Attendance through July 13th - $200

Kansas City Airport Transportation Options

FYI -the airport is 20 miles from the downtown

Taxi - probably the most costly

Uber or Lift - Download the app on your phone before arrival

5 Guys Transportation

www.5guystransportation.com 816-891-9999

Hitchhike - NO, don’t do that.

Weather - Well, it’s hot in KC in July - Daily high temperatures are around 89°F, rarely falling below 81°F or exceeding 99°F. AND humid.

What to Wear- Professional dress is appropriate. Jeans and shorts are not professional dress. The banquet is a dressy event. A cocktail party or after-five dress is appropriate.

The convention will kick off on Friday, July 14, with a show of heart. Wear heart jewelry, heart socks, heart scarves, or whatever heart-adorned apparel you own, and let’s have a hearty opening.

Hotel - Downtown Marriott History - The Hotel Muehlebach is a historic hotel building in Downtown Kansas City that was visited by every President, from Theodore Roosevelt to Ronald Reagan. It operates as one of three Kansas City Marriott Downtown hotel wings, and many of our events are in this wing.

Access to Sessions and the Banquet - The hotel and the convention center have escalators and elevators. The hotel will provide vans to the banquet venue across the street from the hotel for members who, on the registration form, indicated they need assistance.

Meals - The hotel restaurant, MetropolotanKC, is open from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. for breakfast and lunch. The hotel also has A La Carte Dining allowing guests to have meals delivered or picked

up. It is open from 6 a.m. to 12 a.m.. Arrangements may also be made for dinner to be delivered from local restaurants.

Tipping - The sales tax in Kansas City is between 9 and 11 percent, depending on the zip code of the store or restaurant. Take this into consideration if you normally tip by doubling the sales tax.

Parking - The current self-parking rate is $28 overnight. A∆K members have a $9 discount, bringing it down to a $19 selfparking rate.

Aloha State Sisters Lead Tradition

Hawaiian sisters this year will be leading the traditional gathering for first-time convention attendees at the International Convention. The popular event features get-acquainted games and helpful information about getting the most out of the convention.

“Melba Priestley convinced me that a First Timers function for the 1997 International Convention would be a valuable asset to the schedule. The idea sounded convincing to me, and the next thing I knew, I owned the assignment and began designing it. It is because of dear Melba that a valuable First Timers function has been an integral part of all International conventions since 1997,” said Past International Executive Board Chairman Ellen Roderick.

Convention Registration Fees

Registration fee increases went into effect on May 2. In-person attendance at the convention from May 2 to June 15 is $350. Beginning June 16, the cost is $400. The registration fee includes all general sessions, the Educational Symposium, the regional luncheon, the banquet, a name badge, the printed program and the convention pin.

Virtual attendance is $200. That fee includes general sessions and the Educational Symposium.

For members attending only the Educational Symposium sessions, the cost is $150 for in-person or $75 for virtual attendance.

On-site registration is available at the convention.

Convention 2023 Going Home... 75 Years of Sisterhood

Frequently Asked Convention Registration Questions

What is included in registration for virtual attendance?

The $200 registration fee for virtual attendance gives access to the Plenary Sessions, keynote speakers and Educational Symposium sessions identified as hybrid sessions. A donation of $20 to the A∆K Foundation provides virtual access to the Evening of Entertainment. There is no virtual access to the Banquet.

What members are considered delegates, and when do they vote?

Members registered for in-person or virtual attendance by May 1 received delegate status and were sent ballots to vote on officers, altruistic projects and other organization business.

What if I want to change or add something to my registration?

Changes may be made through the convention website. Sign onto the site and follow the directions.

What is the Attendee Hub, and when is it available?

The Hub, via Cvent, is your daily convention schedule. You will receive an email early in July with your link to the Hub. The email will be sent to the email address you used when registering for the convention.

Are the Educational Symposium sessions being recorded so they can be listened to later?

All Symposium sessions will be recorded. There are also an additional 20 or so pre-recorded sessions that are not listed in the convention program. This list will be available in July for conference registrants. All Symposium sessions will be available on the International website following the close of the convention to members who registered for either virtual or in-person attendance.

Will virtual attendance be counted toward the conference attendance Pearl?


Hail, Hail, the AΔKA Gang’s All Here

The Alpha Delta Kappa Association was founded at the International Convention in Denver, CO, in 1959. There were 33 charter members. J. Ernest Hill, the husband of ITE founder Irene Hill, was the first president. Hill said, “The objectives of this organization are stated in part as follows: ‘to assist and aid one of the most outstanding groups of people in our country,’ which of course, means the ladies of Alpha Delta Kappa.” Source: December 1961 “Columns.”

Dave Sadler, President of A∆KA, is excited about his first visit to Kansas City, a city with many nicknames. He looks forward to getting together with other A∆KA members and experiencing Kansas City as we all share a wonderful convention in the “City of Fountains.” Also known as “The Heart of America” because of its central location, KC’s moniker as the “BBQ Capital of the World” invites everyone to get their hands sticky, enjoying the mouth-watering delight. In this “Paris of the Plains” with its cultural offerings and beautiful boulevards, Dave hopes folks will tap their toes to performances in the “Cradle of Jazz.” But mostly, he looks forward to sharing light-hearted and relaxing times with other members of A∆KA .

Interested in a Kansas City Royals Game? A∆KA Secretary John Snowdon has put together an extensive lineup of activities for members, including daily walk/runs, meet and greets, happy hours, gameplay, a World War I Museum visit followed by KC barbecue and the ever popular golf scramble, shotgun style. John has also planned a digital genealogy workshop, a lunch and pub crawl, and a trolley tour of KC’s historic fountains.

So, look for the A∆KA table near registration. Mark your calendars, and set your schedules to take advantage of all A∆KA has to offer at this summer’s convention in “Cowtown,” “the City on the Kaw.” Be sure to add Kaw to your list of KC nicknames. It refers to the Kansas River.

John Snowdon can be reached at adkaconvention@gmail.com.

Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood Going Home...

Making A Better World Initiative Sharing the Love 2023 Committee Announces Top Five Projects

The World Understanding Committee is excited to share the results of 2023 Making a Better World Initiative. The committee thanks all chapters that submitted a project for consideration. All submissions described wonderful projects truly “Sharing the Love” of Alpha Delta Kappa.

After a careful adjudication process, resulting in many close scores, the World Understanding Committee congratulates the top five submissions for 2023.

Georgia Gamma Epsilon and the Build a Dream Project, a long-term commitment to support education in El Vaquero, Mexico.

Arkansas Nu and the New Vision Children ES Project, which helps families in El Salvador who could not otherwise afford eye care for their children.

Washington Pi and the Eden International Inc. Project, which gives adults with special needs dignity, community, employment and societal leadership in Antiqua, Guatemala.

Ohio Sigma and the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Project, which offers support to immigrant families, particularly from Ukraine and Afghanistan.

Washington Alpha Chi and the Piecemakers Project share their love by quilting with the hope that each quilt brings support and joy to displaced youth in nursing homes and shelters for battered women.

The Making a Better World Initiative is an annual program that recognizes Alpha Delta Kappa members, chapters or S/P/ Ns for outstanding programs, projects and activities that significantly contribute to cross-cultural learning and relationships and increase awareness of and involvement in global issues.

Submissions are made online and are due by March 1. Submissions include a 250-word or less summary of the program, project or activity, stating the objectives, outcomes, benefits and sustainability of the initiative. The World Understanding Committee adjudicates submissions. Each participant receives a certificate of commendation. The top five submissions will be published in the KAPPAN and on the website and may be featured in workshops at Alpha Delta Kappa conferences and conventions.

Submitted by Kathleen Buligan, International Executive Board Liaison to the World Understanding Committee

Attending Convention Virtually

Unable to make it in person? Does life have too many challenges to be away from home? No worries. You’re covered. The 2023 International Convention held in Kansas City, MO, from July 13 to 16, is hybrid. You can attend virtually and get a “Taste of Kansas City.”

As many educators and chapters have done, we provide this option for our members and potential members. Included in the $200 registration fee for virtual attendance are all Educational Symposium and general sessions, including keynote speakers. The convention celebrates A∆K’s 75th Anniversary and holds a history-making 2023 Educational Symposium. Do you want to feel “in the room?” Then select those offerings in the Educational Symposium that state interactive with a virtual audience.

You don’t want to miss the Evening of Entertainment. For a $20 donation for virtual attendance, you will support the A∆K Foundation’s scholarships and grants and our International Teacher Education program and hear a local high school show choir taking us through the decades with music. Once you have downloaded your attendee event app from your July email, all of your viewing links will be located in your agenda. So easy, just find the day and time and click.

Chapters with virtual attendees can earn their attendance pearl. This is a great way to have credit for your chapter and access wonderful session recordings for chapter meetings in the future.

So, go to the 2023 International Convention registration, choose Virtual, and await the email attendees will receive in early July. You don’t want to miss this one. You can say, “I was there for the 75th!”

Register today:

Convention 2023 Going Home... 75 Years of Sisterhood

Jewelry Repair Available

Representatives of Transcend Jewelers will make free repairs to A∆K badges during the International Convention. They will also take orders for jewelry and offer some non-jewelry items at discount prices. Transcend, an international company, is the supplier of A∆K jewelry. See their special convention promotion, right.

Love’s Garden— Chaplain Thoughts

Ilove flowers. It would be hard to pick a favorite because each one is beautiful. The beautiful flowers that we see in gardens or in fresh-cut arrangements are much like the sisters that we will be honoring soon during our convention Omega service. Some are delicate with fragile petals; others are strong in how long the blossoms stay fresh; still, others exude a lovely fragrance when you walk past. While these flowers are all different, each one has held a special place in someone’s heart, just like the members we will be honoring soon. Reflect on the textures, colors and fragrances of their lives, and remember that the most beautiful gardens embrace wide varieties of flowers. Remember how these beautiful bouquets of sisters have touched your lives, and be grateful. These different blossoms are reminders of love in Alpha Delta Kappa’s garden of love.

Convention 2023 75 Years of Sisterhood Going Home...

Omega Chapter


Inez R. Adams AL Fidelis Alpha

Virginia M. Adams................................................

Lois Akins GA Omicron

Alice J. Alden CA Alpha Lambda

Margaret S. Alexander .................................................... VA Chi

Letha A. Allen

Claire M. Appling MA Mu

Anne K. Autry

Anne H. Bartels

Sallie A. Benton

Anne Bilyeu

Judy K. Blakeman

Gamma Iota

Mary J. Blancett ...........................................................

DeAnne Bose


Audrey C. Brown

Mary J. Brown

Miriam Bruce

Janet Burns

Betty G. Busick

Mary E. Carlin

Naomi S. Cockerham

Enid C. Coffey

Pamela J. Coffman

Joyce C. Crooks

Fidelis Alpha

I. Daugharty ................................................. WA Alpha Nu

Jacqueline L. Davis NE Mu

Jo A. Deer ............................................................IN Alpha Zeta

Betty J. Deitloff NE Sigma

Elizabeth DeNino NE Theta

Patricia A. Devall ............................................... NE Alpha Theta

Judith O. Devokaitis CT Eta

Shirley A. Dowell .................................................. TN Alpha Rho

Marcia K. Drenovsky .......................................MI Gamma Alpha

Marlene L. Emerson VT Beta

Rosalie Engelhardt .......................................................... NE Mu

Alda G. Ernest NC Beta Iota

Maria D.C. Esponda PR Rho

Florence A. Farthing........................................... NC Alpha Beta

Mary-Frances A. Fisher NC Alpha Delta

Sally L. Fitzhugh .............................................................. VA Nu

Dolores A. Foose WV Xi

Dorinda R. Foster WV Eta

Winifred M. Frentzel ......................................... MI Beta Lambda

Eva K. Gaddis TN Alpha Omicron

Renee L. Gaither GA Phi

Patricia F. Garbacz........................................................... MI Psi

Imogene Gatewood NC Psi

Charlotte Gigstad ......................................................... KS Beta

Marcia A. Goodman NC Gamma Iota

Margaret M. Gorday ..............................................FL Fidelis Nu

Grace C. Green-Dickerson IA Tau

Ardath L. Grizzell AL Alpha Zeta

Audrey Gruver ............................................................ PA Alpha

Mary A. Gulley TN Sigma

Janice S. Hall............................................................. NJ Kappa

Jane E. Hand MD Delta

Gayle S. Harvil GA Alpha Tau

Kaye G. Hausbeck ........................................ MI Fidelis Gamma

Bobbye J. Hearell TX Alpha Rho

Glenna M. Hefner WV Alpha Zeta

Arlene Helsing ...................................................... WA Alpha Nu

Mary A. Hohman SD Alpha

Diana Holmes ..................................................... CA Fidelis Iota

Dee Ann Howell AK Alpha

Tara L. Husted MT Eta

Joyce F. Hutchinson ............................................. WA Beta Iota

Alyce Ikeoka HI Epsilon

Shirley M. Jacobson .................................................... SD Delta

Palma C. Jones CA Beta Alpha

Sharon S. Josefy TX Beta Omicron

Janet Kaarup-Draper .................................................. SD Alpha

Sandra J. Kalsic MI Alpha Alpha

Ingrid J. Kaushagen MT Delta

Margaret Kiley..................................................... TN Alpha Beta

Eugenia Kizer VA Psi

Kathleen E. Lamy ............................................. CT Alpha Alpha

Trubee A. Leslie CAGamma

Retabess N. Ling KS Sustaining

Margaret Manning ............................................................ NJ Pi

Wanda Mares TX Delta Beta

Karen K. Marston .............................................. CO Alpha Beta

Dolores Martin .................................................... MI Beta Sigma

Patricia A. Matuszak MI Psi

Jenny O. Mayfield ................................................ TN Alpha Rho

Anita R. McCracken PA Omicron

Hilda G. McKnight NC Phi

Jacquelyn S. McNeill ......................................... SC Fidelis Zeta

Bonnie J. McRae MB Delta

Marjorie Minton .................................................. CO Sustaining

Margaret W. Mullin NE Upsilon

Susan Murrell MI Alpha Kappa

Genevieve M. Nachtman .............................. CO Alpha Lambda

Maureen M. Newcomb MS Alpha Gamma

Ramona W. Nichols GA Beta Delta

Marilyn Nutter ................................................ WV Alpha Upsilon

Geraldine C. Osborne NC Phi

Rose M. Parisy ............................................................ LA Delta

Laurie A. Pearson IL Beta Eta

Donna Pellican CO Epsilon

Carol E. Pellowe .......................................................... MI Alpha

Ruth P. Perdue FL Alpha Delta

32 KAPPAN • JUNE 2023
AL Sustaining
TN Alpha Lambda
............................................................ KY Kappa
NY Sustaining
FL Gamma Zeta
NE Phi
TN Zeta
Alpha Kappa
L. Boucher ...................................................... MI Gamma
Terry Brearley WA Alpha Chi Rose S. Breedlove VA Omicron
Alpha Delta
MI Alpha Eta
AZ Sigma
NC Lambda
Alpha Zeta
Barbara P. Chamberlain WA Alpha Delta
Beta Delta
Beta Iota
VA Beta Iota
Louise Cole ................................................................ WY Delta Nancy C. Cosby
AL Alpha Xi Geneva E. Cotten
Alpha Upsilon Birdie J. Craft
Fidelis Nu
Beta Alpha Eleanor M. Cunningham

Omega Chapter, continued....

Susan L. Perry ...............................................................KS Rho

Frances Petefish CA Sustaining

Judith S. Peterson NC Beta

Jacquelyn Pettitt ............................................... AL Fidelis Alpha

Karen M. Poole GA Gamma Delta

Cynthia R. Pope NC Mu

Elizabeth E. Proulx ............................................ MI Alpha Sigma

Carol K. Ralston IL Beta Eta

Marilyn P. Raupe NE Zeta

Margaret C. Rector ........................................................ WV Phi

Agnes M. Reininger CO Gamma

Ruth M. Ritter OK Alpha Eta

Peggy J. Robbins ................................................... NC Beta Nu

Sally L. Saras........................................................ WAAlpha Tau

June M. Schaefer MI Gamma Alpha

Phyllis A. Schroeder NE Upsilon

Jane P. Sexton ....................................................... SC Lambda

Loraine L. Shand VT Delta

Evelyn L. Shell WY Delta

Murbes S. Shepherd..............................................GA Beta Iota

Lois S. Shouse CA Beta Rho

Judith Siegel NV Iota

Sadie B. Smallwood ....................................... TX Gamma Delta

Marilyn Smith ................................................... MI Gamma Zeta

Brenda A. Snipes SC Alpha Lambda

Carol Steele CA Fidelis Iota

Florence M. Strobel ......................................................NE Beta

Anna M. Stukenholtz IA Alpha

Remembering Hattie

Louise Swanson .............................................................. IA Iota

Dianne E. Tate ............................................................ IN Sigma

Lura Temerian AK Xi

Melinda N. Thompson GA Gamma

Betty N. Toepfer .................................................. LA Sustaining

Grace D. Trice FL Fidelis Kappa

Elaine Twigg ON Rho

Antonina P. Uccello CT Sustaining

Anna A. Ukrop ................................................. MI Beta Gamma

Karen K. Umeda HI Delta

Marion Upper MI Alpha Phi

Karen Verraneault ............................................................. NE Pi

Beth W. Walker .............................................................. GA Chi

Janice L. Weeks NC Beta

Taffy A. Welchley PA Delta

Jayne Wesley .................................................................. MD Xi

Lois A. Wiens ................................................................... NE Xi

Julia K. Williams FL Gamma Omicron

Geraldine M. Wirth OH Sustaining

Connie N. Wisch............................................................... NE Xi

Verena Y. Q. Won ............................................... CA Beta Alpha

Phyllis J. Woodworth CA Gamma Beta

Avonne Wortham TN Sigma

Mary L. Wright .................................................. OH Alpha Theta

Joan Wronski-Molvik WA Alpha Delta

Dorothy Youngblood GA Alpha Beta

Mary R. Younke MI Sustaining

BSE 1941 MS 1943


Abrick honoring Founder Hattie Justice Poppino was installed recently at her alma mater, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, KS. The college is now named Emporia State University. The National Teachers' Hall of Fame is in Emporia. Hattie Justice Poppino and Marian Reid Southall were first cousins who grew up next to each other on East 31st Street in Kansas City. They met Marie Neal and her friend Agnes Shipman when they lived in Alpha Chi Omega Sorority House at Baker University. All four women had teaching credentials when they signed the papers incorporating Alpha Delta Kappa in 1947. Still, Hattie is the only one who completed two degrees at Kansas State Teachers College in 1941 and '43 and spent her career in the classroom.


Alpha Delta Kappa

1615 West 92nd Street Kansas City, MO 64114-3210

Congratulations on 75 wonderful years of sisterhood, leadership, altruism and fun. –VA Alpha Rho, chartered 6/5/83

Happy 75 years of wonderful sisterhood! It has been an honor and a privilege to be part of A∆K. May A∆K continue to enrich our lives for many years to come. –WA Alpha Alpha, chartered 4/30/62

NJ Lambda, chartered, 5/18/91, congratulates and celebrates the 75th Anniversary of Alpha Delta Kappa!

IN Alpha Beta sends “Pendleton Passionate Pleasantries” to our A∆K organization as we celebrate 75 years of honoring outstanding educators from all sectors of education! Chartered 4/9/69

Congratulations on 75 years of sisterhood, scholarship, and service! May the journey for growth and success continue for many more years! IL Xi Chapter, chartered May 1954

Happy 75th Anniversary from AL Alpha Phi. Our sisters are grateful to have been Sharing The Love of A∆K since 6/2/1962.

VA Beta Pi sends their “LOVE AND SUNSHINE” for 75 years of sisterhood!! Congratulations! Chartered 4/18/1993

FL Gamma Omicron chartered 2/7/1970, celebrates 75 years of A∆K with white-sand beaches, waving palms, happy dolphins, cruising pelicans and beautiful Gulf Coast sunsets.

Happy Anniversary, A∆K Sisters, as we Share the Love and Gift of 75 years! Colleen Jacobson, NE Xi, International President 2003-2005

We couldn’t be one Iota prouder to be a part of the Alpha Delta Kappa Sisterhood! Congratulations on 75 years! NC Iota, since 3/15/1957.

Happy 75th Anniversary from NE A∆K, chartered Dec. 8, 1951, home of 28 chapters and 660 members, where “Sisters Aspiring to Inspire: Endeavor, Energize, Enliven!”

Hats off to A∆K for 75 wonderful years of promoting excellence in education and honoring outstanding women educators. TX Beta, April 18, 1953

Congratulations on all our organization has achieved in 75 years! MD Phi chartered 12/5/1976

Hip, Hip, Hooray! It’s 75 years for A∆K! NE Lambda, chartered May 20, 1962

Congratulations on 75 excellent years! OH Sigma, chartered May 13, 1961

Colorado Eta sends their “PEAK PRAISE” for 75 years of sisterhood! Chartered 4/10/1957

E ho’omaikai ana (Congratulations) on 75 years of malama kekahi i kekahi (taking care, supporting each other.) HI Mu chartered on June 6, 1981.

Let’s strive for 100+ years and beyond! Best wishes to AΔK on a glorious 75 years. MD Beta chartered 4/30/55, is with you on the journey forward!

Thank you, Agnes, Marie, Marion and Hattie, for making your dream a reality 75 years ago.

NE Zeta Chapter chartered 1/21/59

KS Upsilon, chartered 12/15/1951, is honored to send major congratulations for the wonderful 75 years! We share A∆K love, sisterly love and hugs to all of you.

Sending heartfelt wishes from VA Alpha Psi to Kansas City for A∆K’s glorious celebration of 75 fabulous years! Chartered 4/13/1986

WA Alpha Upsilon, chartered Jan. 27, 1970, sends birthday greetings to celebrate A∆K’s 75 years of striving to improve education, promote altruism and global understanding.

Congratulations on an amazing 75 years of sisterhood! VA Alpha Kappa chartered 50 years ago on May 20, 1973.

WV Psi chartered 6/11/1964, sends congrats from the Mountain State!

Anniversary greetings from CA Alpha Alpha, a member of the A∆K family since March 21, 1959.

Congratulations on 75 incredible years of supporting and helping our fellow sisters educate our children, who are our future! OH Alpha Mu, chartered October 1, 1967

Congratulations on 75 exciting years of sisterhood. TN Chi, chartered April 29, 1961

From the home of Denali, The Great One, AK Alpha chapter, chartered March 26 in the year of our statehood 1959, congratulates our sisterhood on its first 75 years.

Thank you for 75 years of sisterhood, altruism, recognition of excellence in education and more. Congratulations A∆K! VA Zeta, chartered April 4, 1959

Congratulations on 75 years of amazing sisterhood opportunities! NE Upsilon chartered 48 years ago on April 26, 1975.

Heart-felt greetings of love! Congratulations to A∆K on 75 years of outstanding contributions to the world. CT Mu, chartered 5/6/78

Congratulations to AΔK from VA Gamma Sigma on 75 years of honoring outstanding women educators and supporting promising women new to our profession. Chartered 3/11/2012

What an accomplishment for our sisters to shine bright like diamonds for 75 years! NJ Gamma chartered 3/1/1958

Congratulations to A∆K on our 75th anniversary from NC Alpha Mu Chapter, chartered on Jan. 4, 1963! We are proud to be members.

Congratulations and a warm aloha for 75 wonderful years of A∆K sisterhood! HI Lambda, chartered October 8, 1977.


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