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The Inside Scoop Has it been easy?

Tell Us About Your Business.

Nope! it hasn't! I always felt like a stranger, an outsider, something kept telling me that I don't fit in in this girl boss entrepreneurial world‌fear and self-doubt played a lot of games on me but I managed to win every single one of them, then I burnt out a few times before I started learning how to take care of myself more during the process and not put the business first. I also had people online shame me for my Hijab, I had people making fun of my success just because they thought teaching on course marketplaces wasn't the business model to be proud of, I think I've been through every struggle in the book! hahaha!

I help digital entrepreneurs leverage their skills and their time to work less while earning more. In my Udemy courses, I teach content creation and content marketing hacks, I keep my students updated on the best marketing tools on the market that can save them time and get them results faster, and I also teach them what I do and love most! course creation!I am proud that I got my first 10K Students within the first 18 months of my business, and that everyone who started any of my courses with any speculations changed their perspective completely the minute they finished the course! and what sets me apart is that I don't teach theory, I lead by example. I don't just teach them about a tool, I give them the knowledge, the plan, and the tool altogether so that once they finish the course, they can take action immediately and see actual results

Future Business Plans? Yes! so many big plans for 2020 already! I am currently planning to host a mastermind to help digital entrepreneurs create online courses that sell! and I am also planning a book for 2020! Yay!


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