Aloud. Magazine Spring 2015

Page 1

Aloud. Think Aloud. Speak Aloud. Live Aloud.

Check out our new series, Life After Cancer Pg. 12-13

Spring 2015

Coping with the Loss of a Friend Pg. 11

What’s your personality? Find out with our quiz on Pg. 18 Enter our Sweepstakes for a chance to win a DVD copy of Into the Woods Pg. 21 for details Want to be our next Cover Girl? Page 21 for details

National Cancer Survivors Day

June 7th On Sunday, June 7th, we will be celebrating all of the cancer survivors in the world! For more information, please visit


Table of Contents Page 4: Letter from the Editor

Health Page 5: Exercise by doing Yoga Page 6: Healthy Recipe: Salad

Life Page 7: Dealing with Anxiety Page 8: Tips & Tricks: Finding Meaning in your Life Page 9: Craft Corner: Vision Board Page 10: Doing Good Page 11:Coping with the Loss of a Friend Page 12—13: Life After Cancer

Fun Stuff Page 14: Gossip Page Page 15: Movies Page 16: Movie Review Page 18: Personality Quiz Page 19: Disney Trivia Page 20: Testimony Page

Spring 2015! 3

Letter from the Editor Where I’ve been, Where I am, and Where I’m going

It’s the first issue of 2015, and I know this will be a great year! I am so excited about the possibilities that accompany a new year because it is a fresh start and it seems like anything is possible. This year I am focusing on growing the magazine, and growing the readership. I am a camp counselor, and this past camp we were going around the table saying what we want to do when we “grow-up” and I said I want to make this magazine a success. One of the campers told me “that sounds really hard,” and she is so right. It is tough to try to start something from nothing without knowing if you’re even doing anything right. But it is also exciting. You get to learn along the way and figure out what works and what doesn’t. It’s also fun to be pursuing a dream. That alone is enough to fill my life with purpose. Even if I fail, I have succeeded because I had the courage to try something and that’s more than what a lot of people ever experience. I encourage you to try something new, whether it’s a dream you always had of doing, or taking up a new instrument, or learning a new language. Today is a new day, and none of us are promised tomorrow so it is important to experience life while you still can. I promise you it will not disappoint to try something new. Even if you aren’t very good at it, just try, and keep trying. Thanks for reading!

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Exercise Habits

Exercise by doing Yoga It’s important to exercise, and I don’t mean you have to be able to run 20 miles. Light exercise is better than no exercise, and building your stamina takes time and everyone has to start somewhere. You can start out with some light yoga. Some of the benefits of yoga are increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration, energy and vitality, the maintenance of a balanced metabolism, and many more. Check out these awesome Youtubers if you’re interested in learning a little yoga!

Yoga With Adriene Photo Credit: Yoga With Adriene

LivestrongWoman Photo Credit: LivestrongWoman

It’s important to get moving and to try different exercises to see which ones you like. It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going, or how flexible you are. All that matters is you’re trying your best, and with time you will be more flexible than you ever imagined. Find something and stick with it and you will see results!


Healthy Eats

Not Your

Grandma’s Salad I love salads, and when I say love, I mean LOVE. Basic salads are good, but they’re a little boring. I’m talking about salads that are loaded on with avocado, eggs, cheese, the Works. So I’m going to tell you all about how I make the most epic salad ever. Instead of using iceberg lettuce as a salad base, I use spinach. Spinach offers a ton of health benefits and provides protein, iron, and fiber, just to name a few. I also use salad tomatoes, cucumber, and hard-boiled eggs. In addition to those tasty treats, I also put avocado on top of my salad along with shredded cheese. Avocados are a good source of B vitamins, fiber, and many other vitamins and minerals. Now to the good part: Making the Salad First, I rinse off the spinach (I buy it in a bundle at my local grocery store. The bundle is $2 cheaper than buying it in the bag), and I rip the leaves from the stem and place them on a plate. Then, I chop up the cucumber and tomato into slices and I spread them all over the spinach. Next, I take the hard-boiled egg, that has been peeled, and I slice it like I did the cucumber and tomato. I then sprinkle the egg pieces on top of the salad. Next, I take an avocado half and I scoop out the meat and I just put that on top, and sprinkle some cheddar cheese on top of that. Now all that’s left is to put a little of your favorite salad dressing (I like Italian) on your delicious salad, and enjoy! There are tons of different ingredients you can add to a salad like carrots, apples, raisins, croutons, nuts, pineapple; the list goes on and on. Eating a salad doesn’t have to be boring and you can even add meat from chicken or turkey. Let your creativity inspire you to make the most epic salad ever! 6

Dealing with Anxiety anx·i·e·ty aNGˈzīədē/ noun a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Anxiety is something that we all struggle with at some point in our life, and some of us, more than others. Sometimes we are anxious about life in general. Will I be able to find a job I like? Will I get into my dream college? And other times we wonder about health related issues. Will I go into remission? Will the cancer reoccur? It’s perfectly normal to wonder about things that might occur, but it becomes a problem when you are having consistent negative thoughts about something that might not even happen. Even if the terrible thing happens, is it something you could have prevented? Maybe it’s not, so worrying about it won’t help you. Here are some tips to help you cope with anxiety: Breathe When you start to get flustered, take deep breaths and count to ten. Taking the time to do this will help you to relax and think calmly about the situation. Relax Do an activity that helps you relax like reading, meditating, or sleeping. Exercise Exercising is a great stress reliever. Positivity There’s a reason people say “the power of positive thinking.” Thinking positively will help to raise your mood. Happy thoughts are a powerful thing. Remember that. Hang Out Spending time with some friends will help take your mind off of those pesky anxious thoughts. Talking about what’s been bothering you with your friends may put your thoughts in perspective, or they may even have some helpful advice. The most important thing about this tip is remembering that you’re not alone. There are people who love you and want to help you. Remember that sometimes our thoughts are just that, thoughts. It doesn’t mean something terrible will happen, so next time you’re feeling anxious, remember these five tips.

Breathe Hang Out


Relax Exercise 7

Tips & Ticks How to Find Meaning in Your Life

First of all, I want you to know that you are here for a reason, and the very fact that you have existed at all is meaningful. Now that I’ve gotten that out the way, looking for meaning to your life is something that we all go through and seek, so it is important to know that this is a lifelong process and it’s not something you can do it one afternoon. To figure out what brings meaning to your life, you have to get to know yourself. What makes you happy? What gives you that tingling feeling that makes you smile? And it doesn’t have to be ONE thing. It could be multiple things you love to do. I love helping people, and making this magazine is a lifelong dream of mine, and to even be working on it has brought a lot of meaning to my life because I feel this may help someone someday. I also love taking care of my dog, Ellie, and spending time with my family, making things for people, and many other things. All of these little things I like doing add meaning to my life, so don’t think it has to be one huge thing. Here are my suggestions to help you get started:

Make a vision board



2. Volunteering

Write a list of activities that make you happy

3. Baking

In 5 years I would like to be running the magazine , and I would like to have a CPA license. In order to do this I need to Think about where you would like to be in 5 years and write it down and write down steps you should take that would get you to keep working on the magazine, and I need to keep taking accounting classes so I can sit for the CPA exam. I am workwhere you would like to be ing out a step by step plan for each of my major goals, so I can stay on track.

Take your time with each activity, and really think about what matters to you. Doing this will help you see what you really care about, and how you can find meaning by living the life that only you are capable of living.


Craft Corner How to Make a Vision Board A vision board is a board that helps you to focus on what is important to you, and it helps you stay focused on achieving those goals. It is a board that displays pictures and words that represent what you would like to achieve, be, or have in your life. It can be a physical board like a poster board, or a digital board, like on Pinterest or something. I am a big proponent of doing it the good old fashioned way because I love crafting, so in this article I will tell you about how to do a traditional vision board. Let’s get started! Supplies for Vision Boards: Poster Board Glue Magazines (A wide variety so you can choose different pictures) Photographs (If you want to print any special ones off the internet or anywhere else) Scissors Other stuff that gives your board more personality, like markers, stencils, glitter, etc.

Look through all of the magazines and cut out any words and/or pictures that speak to you. Then, arrange all of the pictures and words on your board in any kind of way you desire, and glue them to the board. Now you can decorate it with all of the cute stuff to make your board all kinds of pretty.

Hang your board on your wall and enjoy it all year long! Every day you see it, it will remind you of what’s important to you, and what you would like to accomplish. As you go through the year, you can see what strides you have made that are getting you closer towards your ultimate goals.

A picture of my most recent vision board I made this year. I look at it everyday so I can remember what’s important to me, and what I’m striving for. What will you put on your board?


Doing Good

In a story by KING-5 News, which we found via Good News Network, Dryden Shirks, a 6 year-old cancer survivor, collected and donated more than 700 toys to children spending their holiday at a children’s hospital.

Photo Credit: Good News Network

“I had cancer and I got lots of toys,” Dryden Shirks told KING-5 News. “I want to make other kids happy with toys, too.” Dryden shows us that it doesn’t matter what age you are. All you need is a little courage, confidence, and determination and there’s no telling what you can accomplish. We are so amazed by this girl who just wanted to help people because she knows how it feels to be where they are. We know we will see great things from this strong girl, and that this is just the beginning of her story. If a 6-year old girl can do this, just think of what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.

To watch the news video and for a link to the original article, please go to


Coping with the loss of a friend “Grief never ends… But it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith… It is the price of love.” – Unknown

We are all at an age in our lives where we have probably experienced the loss of someone we cared about, be it a family member, friend, or pet. Losing someone is a very hard thing to go through, and for me it was especially hard to see two of my friends slip away because of cancer. I think, for myself anyway, that when someone dies of a similar or the same disease you had, what you go through is two-fold. You lose someone you love, and you also wonder what made you different from them. Why did they die and you live? I went to one of my friend’s funeral and she passed from AML. We shared the same name, so being at her funeral was really surreal because the preacher kept saying her name over and over again. I cried for her that day, and I think I may have also cried for myself. I lost contact with my other friend, so I didn’t know who anyone else who could relate to what I was going through. About 6 months to a year later I ran into the mother of my other friend I lost contact with. She told me and my mom and me that he died a few months prior, and she had a funeral program in her purse and she gave it to me. It took years for me to introduce myself back into the world of cancer. I started volunteering with organizations that help kids and teen cancer patients and survivors. I still think about my friends every day. I’ve met fellow cancer patients and long-term survivors who have also lost friends to cancer, and I fear it’s something that is inescapable at this time. This is how I cope (notice ‘cope’ is in present tense because it is something I do every day) with the loss of my friends. In the beginning, there were a lot of tears I cried. Like, seriously. A lot. I made this magazine because I want to help people who were like us, and I’m pretty sure I’m making them proud. I remember them smiling and being strong, and that reminds me that I’m capable of being happy and strong too. I started volunteering and immersing myself in the cancer world. I felt like I was running from my fears and memories, so I decided it was time to embrace my past and try to help people who are going through things I’ve been through myself. I visit one of them at her grave, and I talk to her. I go on my remission day and let her know how I’m doing. I also go on days when I want to give up, and she reminds me to keep pushing towards my goals. I pray for them, their families, and everyone affected by cancer. These are some of the ways I cope with loss, and maybe they can help you. As time goes on, you will find what works for you. You could always talk to a friend, family member, an adult you can trust, and many other people. It is a day-by-day process and coping with it will not happen overnight. It will take time, but eventually you will smile when you think about them and remember all of the happiness they brought you. If you ever need anyone to write to, or to listen, please email me at


Life After CANCER By: Courtney Wright

Life After Cancer is a series where I will write about things I’ve learned since finishing chemotherapy and being in remission. In this first article, I will be writing about how you can’t go back. What once was, was once, but is no longer anymore. Everyone is so hyped up about what goes on during treatment, but what about what comes next? This is my experience. 12

When I was 14 and was first told I had cancer, I was very naïve. Not because I didn’t understand what I would have to go through, though I didn’t fully understand that either, but because I honestly thought once I was finished with chemo and radiation, my life would go back to “normal”. So, on my last day of treatment when I went to the hospital and got my doctor’s stamp of approval, I thought, “Yeah! I’m going to lose all of this weight so fast! My hair is going to start growing back the way and texture it was before! I’m going to go back to how I was before cancer, and forget it ever happened.” Haha, oh how wrong I was.

I’m going to go back to how I was before cancer, and forget it ever happened

I did drop about 20 pounds once I stopped taking Prednisone, but I gained 50 pounds over the 54 month period I was on it. My hair continued to look like I put a jerry curl treatment on it, and old ladies would ask me, “where did you get your curl done?” And I think about what I went through almost daily. It’s been almost 9 years since I have been in remission, and I promise you it feels like it was just yesterday when I was sitting in the emergency room being diagnosed. It’s a weird surreal feeling being done. After I got diagnosed, being in the hospital became my “new normal”. Then, when I was finished, I had to find another “normal”. It’s a process, so don’t expect to get used to it overnight. Life becomes a new normal. Your experiences have changed you and that’s ok. I think of it as, I have grown more because of my experience. I feel like I’m wise, and I have the wisdom of an 80 year old because I understand the frailty of life. I have experienced great loss, but I have also experienced great gratitude, and I have met countless people who are willing to live a life in service of other people. After you go through something so difficult, it can be easy to be cynical and to see all of the negative and bad in the world. But, you can also think of it as, after going through something so difficult, it can be easy to see the beauty in the little things that a lot of people take for granted. Being able to call your friends, taking time to literally smell the roses, being alive in general is a pretty amazing thing. I’m pretty into reading about cancer statistics, treatment protocols, and research about the long-term side effects of cancer treatment in cancer patients, and other weird things I guess. Recently, I read an article in which they surveyed I think 200 cancer survivors asking them the extent of having cancer had in their life, and 18% or so, said cancer had no effect on their life. Um, I can only speak for myself, but over the years I have met many people who have had all types of cancer, and even those who took a few pills a day for X amount of weeks have said it effected them in some way. I think some people are in denial, and choose to not think about it, and to not feel the emotions because they are afraid. Again, these are just my opinions, so I am not trying to take away from those people. Maybe there are people who can forget all about it because it didn’t change them at all. It’s something they were able to get over, and now they choose to live their life. I was like that a couple years after I finished treatment. I was over going to the hospital, I was over all of the blood tests, and I just wanted to be normal and do normal teenage things. Eventually I came to terms that I am a cancer survivor. This doesn’t have to define me as a person, but it does in a way. My passion is helping teen cancer patients and survivors, and I doubt I’d be on this path if I never had cancer. Cancer has changed me, but I think, for the better. It made me more empathetic, and it makes me want to help people, and not just think of myself. So, I’m sorry if I’m the first one to break it to you, but no, your life will never go back to the way it was before cancer. It’s up to you to decide if you’re going to see that as a good thing, or a bad thing.


All About that Gossip! Begging For a Chance at Romance Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have had a very long, onand-off relationship as we all know. During their recent separation, Bieber text Gomez asking her to accompany him on a romantic getaway to the tropics to ring in the New Year. He even claimed to have a brand new jet awaiting the couple. However, sources say that the lies and text messages did not woo Gomez one bit with his acts of desperation. Bieber went on the rebound and took Hailey Baldwin instead. Lies and mediocrity… who needs that? Not Gomez. Instead of putting more focus on a rollercoaster romance with Bieber, she has decided to focus on her career as a musician, write a new album in the hopes of inspiring young ladies, and possibly take on new film roles with the rumored help of the amazing Jennifer Aniston. Starting the new year by leaving the trash behind, this starlet has a future ahead of her many are eager to see.


Mama Bear Isn’t Ready Famed mother of reality royalty, Kris Jenner, is not quite ready to let go of her cubs. Kimye’s new home is finally ready to welcome the famous family, meaning that Kim and baby North will no longer be just down the hall from Mama Bear. It has been rumored that Kris dislikes the distance from her babies so much that she has proposed that she move in to Kimye’s new home with them. Attachment issues? Maybe. I wonder how the outspoken Kanye will like having the watchful eye of his mother-in-law on him 24/7. To be continued? Yes, please!

Credit: Vogue

Identity Accepted Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, daughter of famous stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, has officially identified herself as male. Stepping out on the red carpet for the premiere of ‘Unbroken’ in a boy’s suit, Shiloh puzzled the media. Brangelina commented that they support Shiloh’s decision to identify herself as male since she feels like one of the boys, and also in her decision to be known as John. This is a bold move for anyone, especially at such a young age, in the spotlight or not. Way to go, John! It’s amazing to see youths standing up for who they truly are, and not fading into the background of what the world tells you to be. This could be the push society needs in understanding and accepting the decisions of those who have gender identity conflicts. Could we be on the verge of a new



Anticipated Movies of 2015

Pitch Perfect 2 (May 15) The Barden Belles are not allowed to compete at the collegiate level – the reason to be discovered upon viewing – so they have to participate in a professional world competition in order to be reinstated. This movie is supposed to be amazing! Rebel Wilson, who has been training with a coach affiliated with Cirque de Soleil, is expecting to do tricks in the opening number and get a little promiscuous with a certain fellow. This film is sure to please, just like the first one. Credit: Universal Studios

Furious 7 (April 3) The big question on everyone’s mind is how Paul Walker’s character will come to an end. Of course, we will not know until we watch the film. However, in this film the furious family will feel the heat from Deckard Shaw as he seeks revenge for the death of his brother. Like the rest of the sequel, this movie is supposed to thrill and electrify.

Credit: Universal Studios

Hunger Games: Mocking Jay 2 (Nov 20) A full-out revolution against the autocratic Capitol begins in this film after Katniss Everdeen shatters the games forever. She fights to save Peeta and the masses of the nation who have been inspired by her courage. If you are a fan of the other Hunger Games films, this motion picture should spark your fancy as well.



Movie Review Into The Woods

Movie Review Credit: Disney

Into the Woods is a Disney movie that is based on the musical, titled the same name, by Stephen Sondheim. Its cast consists of some of the biggest stars in Hollywood like Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp, and rising stars like Anna Kendrick, and some old favorites like Emily Blunt and Christine Baranski. This is the most epic star-studded movie of the year! I loved this movie, mostly because I love Meryl Streep, but also because I’m a sucker for fairytales and I love when there are multiple stories that make up an overall story (like ABC’s Once Upon A Time). It is based on the play, so it is a musical, but the lyrics of the songs are so beautiful that you’d really prefer they sing the words. It does have some traditional dialogue, but not a lot. I liked that the stories did fall in line with the traditional fairytales, but they also changed them up so we didn’t really know how everything was going to end up. The costumes were Ah-Maz-Ing, and the scenery and special effects were really great. So the basic plot of the movie is the Baker and his Wife are trying to have a baby, but they can’t because the Witch has placed a curse on him many years ago. The Witch has a change of heart and tells the Baker and his Wife what they need to get from the woods in order for her to be able to break the curse. Eventually the characters from “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Jack and the Beanstalk”, Rapunzel”, “Cinderella”, and others, all intertwine and create this epic story where everything they do effects each other. Each of the main four characters, The Baker and his Wife, Cinderella, and Jack has a wish. The movie shows what lengths each of them are willing to go to in order to achieve what they wish for. It’s interesting to see where all of the characters started at, and how they evolved over the course of the movie. Some of the things some characters did, or were willing to do, was surprising. It is definitely a movie that will keep you guessing how everything is going to come together. Though I loved the movie, there were also a couple of times I felt like some things were unnecessary. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but when you watch the movie, you’ll understand what I mean. Favorite Quotes: “Princes wait there in the world, it’s true. Princes, yes, but wolves and humans, too.” – The Witch “Nice is different than good.” – Red Riding Hood “Stay a child while you can be a child.” – The Witch “I was raised to be charming, not sincere.” – Cinderella’s Prince “But how can you know what you want till you get what you want and you see if you like it? What I want most of all is to know what I want.” – Cinderella


Sweepstakes!!! Would you like to be entered into our sweepstakes to win a DVD copy of Into The Woods?

Photo Credit: Disney

To be entered into our drawing email us at In the subject line type: Sweepstakes Entry.

Please see page 21 for details. 17


What’s your personality type? Are you a Giver, Brainy, Creative, Happy, Social Butterfly, Responsible, or Peaceful? Take our quiz to find out!

What is the most important thing to you? A: Giving



E:Social Skills




How would you cross from one side of the bridge to the other? A:Ask someone for Help B:Build a bridge using math formulas, dimensions, etc. C: Build a bridge using tree branches and long pieces of grass as rope D: Jump because you know you can make it E:Ask someone for help F:You go home and find a professional bridge builder because better safe than sorry G:You go around it because you don’t want to disturb the beautiful scenery that surrounds you

When you were young, you wanted to be… A:A teacher

B:An astronaut

C:A painter

E:A singer

F:A business executive

G:A Hippie

D:A motivational speaker

What are you most likely to do on a Saturday afternoon? A:Volunteering for your favorite Non-Profit B:Reading a book C:Painting or crafting D:Enjoying life doing whatever strikes you E. Hanging out with friends F:Working or fixing stuff around the house G:Sitting outside and being with nature

Pick one that describes you: A:Generous


C:Creating things




D:Positive Polly



How well do you know Disney movies? What phrase does the Evil Queen in Snow White actually say? Magic mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? Mirror mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? Magic mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? In the movie "Tangled," Flynn Rider is wanted dead or alive according to his wanted poster because he's a... Thief Robber Bandit In "Sleeping Beauty," what is the name of Maleficent’s pet raven? Diablo Delfine Danger In "Frozen," how many brothers does Hans have? 12 9 10 In "Aladdin," what does Aladdin, and a reluctant Abu, give to the poor children to eat? Bread Apples Prunes In "Princess and the Frog," what fictional country is Prince Naveen from? Maldonia Maldoy Malfy In "Hercules," Hades promised not to harm Megara if Hercules gave up his strength for how long? 24 hours 12 hours 48 hours In "Alice in Wonderland," aside from a pocket watch, what else is the White Rabbit holding when Alice encounters him? An Umbrella A Bow Tie All of the above What does the matchmaker criticize Mulan for? Being too skinny Having Bad posture Being too tall


Testimony Page: Let Your Voice be Heard With the New Year passing, I took some time and reflected on my life and the world around me, realizing the positive and negative aspects of each. Honestly, I was surprised by what I saw and I felt the need to share my thoughts with you all. In a previous article submitted in ALOUD Magazine, readers were made aware of my past and trials. I was the daughter of an unfit, drugaddicted, drunkard who found herself dropping out of college due to an unplanned pregnancy that depleted her health rather tremendously. I hear so many times from people of all walks of life about why the Creator – or any other entity of higher power or supernatural scenario – would allow such horrible things to happen to them, especially since they weren’t bad people. Why do children suffer terrible illnesses? Why do people shame those who have never hurt anyone? Why can’t we catch a break? Why, why, why… Thinking about it now, it’s just part of the process. Life is about learning and developing into who we are meant to become. We date the bad boy thinking we can change him when, in all reality, he is changing us. We die our hair hot pink just to realize purple looks so much better. We venture out and get a degree in philosophy only to end up working a dead-end job. Sometimes the decisions aren’t made for us though, and so we ask why. You may be sick, overweight, poor, unsuccessful, or misunderstood. There’s so many negative perspectives available when looking at a situation, especially when analyzing your own and those around you, but they are all wrong. I thought no one would ever understand me, but that was far from the truth. Not all situations are the same, but the lessons behind them can be surprisingly similar. I challenge you to look at your life right now. Close your eyes and think of every little thing you have went through – every cancer diagnoses, every bad hair day, every embarrassing moment, every failure, every last moment that made you wonder what good could come from it. Think about it for a moment, but find the good in it. How can you affect the world around you by sharing your story? How can you help someone else in the same situation see the light in it? How did that moment make you stronger or give your life new meaning? I challenge you to think of these moments and apply them to the future you want for yourself. Who you were before, or even now, is not who you have to be. Our experiences serve to teach us about our destiny, ourselves, and about the bigger picture. Share your stories. You are never alone and someone is always listening, whether you know it or not. Be yourself and embrace the tough times in life, because both will lead you to a better, brighter future. After all, where there is understanding, there is progress. Where there is progression, there is fulfillment. Where there is fulfillment, there’s happiness.

Feel free to share your stories with us and our readers. Submit at

We want to hear from You!


Quiz Answers, Trivia Answers, Submission information, Sweepstakes Giveaway

Answers to Trivia, Quizzes, and More!

Quiz Results: Mostly A’s Giver

Mostly D’s Happy

Mostly B’s Brainy

Mostly E’s Social Butterfly

Mostly C’s Creative

Mostly F’s Responsible

Mostly G’s Harmony

Trivia Answers: Magic mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? Thief Diablo 12 Bread Maldonia 24 hours All of the above Being too skinny

Rules for submitting Cover Girl Submissions: To submit a Cover Girl submission, please email us a 500 word or less, paper about why you should be a Cover Girl. We will go over the entries before or next publication date, and if we choose you to be Cover Girl, we will notify you via email. Depending on your age, your parents may have to fill out a media waver so we can share your story and picture, etc.

Sweepstakes: To enter our sweepstakes, simply email us at . In the “Subject” line of the email type “Sweepstakes Entry.” We will write all of the entries on pieces of paper and conduct a random drawing. The winner will be notified via email and will have 10 days to contact us. If the winner does not contact us back within 10 days, the prize will be forfeited.


“Sometimes me think, ‘what is friend?’, and then me say, ‘friend is someone to share the last cookie with.’ -Cookie Monster

Thanks for reading! 22

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