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2018학년도 E 모든 시리즈 및

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수능특강 영어


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모든 자습서

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01~04강 008~040 05~08강 041~068 09강~12강 069~094 Mini Test 1~3 094~137 정답 및 해설 139

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2018학년도 수능 및 내신 대비 필독서

E 모든 변형문제 영어독해 연습 편

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변형문제 영어독해 연습 편

E 모든 변형문제

3 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


|1강 3|

In any organization, decision makers often find

1 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |1강 1|

themselves working with simplified data that lacks any sort of context. They often deal with information in the

Having worked with many clients over the years, I

abstract instead of experiencing it for themselves. In

have been occasionally surprised to watch as one of them

many cases,their disconnection from customers forces

experienced an amazing “aha!” of recognition and had an

them to rely on so-called authorities who are anything

internal shift after watching a movie.

but. Having an intuitive understanding of other people

(A) ‌ In other words, they maintained an observer perspective. In some cases, instead of identifying with a character, the client was highly critical of them.

can help overcome these challenges. Empathy for the people you serve can make the abstract more grounded and immediate because that information is now connected to a real person you know. It can provide context for the

(B) ‌ These clients were able to identify with characters

data we receive by incorporating factors left off the map.

who had struggles similar to their own. But while they

And this kind of connection to other people can, over

identified with the characters, it was also somehow

time, provide the kind of deep experience in a territory

easier to maintain their distance “outside” the

that people inside an organization need to identify new



(C) ‌ Either way, the same active principles seemed to apply, and combining the movie experience with psychological exploration during our sessions had powerful results. ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

① The Necessity of Employees’ Grasping Customer’s Mind ② The Need for Empathy for Sales Promotion of The Company ③ The Importance of Good Communication Between Ddecision Makers and Employees ④ The Need for an Intuitive Understanding of Customers ⑤ The Importance of Empathy for Decision Makers

2 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|1강 2|

The paradox of modern life is that while technological acceleration — in transportation, communication, and production — should provide ① more free time, those same inventions increase our options at an exponential rate. Email was far ② faster than snail mail, but the Internet also brought Twitter, YouTube, and so on. As the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa described it, “no matter how ③ much we increase the ‘pace of life,’” we cannot keep up with the flood of information. The result is that “our share of the world” feels continually ④ enlarged, even as we gain more efficient access to it. Estimates are that 90 percent of the world’s data has been created in the last five years. We’re all drowning in information, a reality that makes even the ⑤ simplest decisions — where to eat, which health plan to sign up for, which coffee maker to buy — more complicated. * exponential 기하급수적인


* off the map 중요하지 않은, 잊혀진

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E 모든 변형문제

4 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|1강 4|

5 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|1강 5|

Let’s say you have a great advertising campaign plan.

Biographies of human beings are generally about

The theme is memorable, the visuals are impressive, and

real people, not fictional or mythological characters.

the words are emphatic. What good is it if those message

Therefore the biographer has a responsibility to the ① truth, and should tell us what actually happened in

elements do not reach the intended audience? Suppose traditional users of canned soup — mothers of young

a person’s life. This looks like a solid, ② arguable rule for biography. But there are many ways of ③ breaking

children — but the copy team prepares advertisements

it. Plenty of biographers dramatize their narratives with

intended to encourage single people to use the soup for a

descriptions of emotions, highly coloured scene-setting,

quick, wholesome meal. The message will not make much sense to the media audience because the media and copy

or strategies of suspense. Some go further, and deploy full-scale ④ fictional methods: invented meetings

strategies do not match. A great advertising message in

between author and subject, imaginary episodes, musings

front of the wrong audience is a total waste of time and

on the identity of the biographer, and hypothetical

effort. If you focus on the message strategies and ignore the media strategies, you risk damaging the entire package:

conversations. Some biographies read more like fiction than history. This can ⑤ attract readers, but can also

the campaign, the budget, and everyone’s hard work.

give the genre a bad name. John Updike once remarked

you’re selling canned soup. The media team targets

* emphatic (어조가)강한, 단호한 ** wholesome 건강에 좋은

that most biographies are just ‘novels with indexes.’ * deploy 효율적으로 사용하다 ** musing(깊은)생각, 숙고

When planning an ad campaign, if the ad doesn’t reach the (A) audience, the media plan will

|1강 6|

Although psychology and dog training may appear

(B) the entire campaign (A)

6 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

to be quite different professions, the philosophies of


how we interact with dogs and with people in a positive

① targeted


way actually have much in common. Furthermore,

② potential


③ targeted


the evolution of both dog and child psychology have . The concept of positive reinforcement

④ potential


has been around since the early twentieth century, but

⑤ potential


it has only been in recent years that so much emphasis has been placed on rewarding the good behaviour of children and on maintaining their self-esteem. You are probably aware that in previous generations the physical punishment of children was more acceptable, and the view that ‘children should be seen but not heard’ was much more common. Similarly, traditional dogtraining methods involved correction and punishment, with positive reinforcement virtually unheard of in dogtraining circles until the Gentle Modern Method of Dog Training was introduced in the early 1970s. ① not been related at all ② followed similar paths ③ had opposing theories ④ broken in modern times ⑤ developed friendly relationship with humans E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

7 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

9 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

|1강 7|

않은 것은?

One important factor in our food’s nutritional value

|1강 9|

않은 것은?

In daily life, processes constantly come in conflict as the objectives of one process directly ① oppose the

is the manner in which it is prepared. Many foods have ① maximum value in their natural state — or as close

objectives of another. For example, every workday,

to that as possible. For instance, when fruit is harvested

millions of individuals climb into their cars to start the

green, unripened, many of the vitamins we traditionally

process known as going to work. For many, the primary

associate with sun-ripened fruits are simply not present, and certainly not in ② adequate amounts. Certainly,

objective of this process is to arrive at work at the ② proper time. If the individual feels that this primary

for most fruit or vegetables, heating ③ produces many

objective may not be achieved, then ③ speed is at a

of their enzymes and vitamins. In the case of watersoluble vitamins, these are ④ lost if the food is boiled

premium and other objectives fall by the wayside. This individual then runs into a significant ④ conflict with

and the cooking water discarded. Long-term storage or canning also results in the loss of many of the ⑤ less

another objective. Municipalities have developed a series

stable vitamins. Some foods, however, require heat to be made digestible, such as whole grains, some tuberous

primary objective related to safe travel. Speed limits, stop signs, and traffic lanes all work together to ⑤ assist the

vegetables, a few fruits, and dried beans.

time-conscious traveler: The driver’s objective (the need

* enzyme 효소 ** tuberous 덩이줄기의

of processes intended to ensure achievement of their

for speed) comes in direct conflict with the municipality’s objective (the need for safety). * fall by the wayside더 이상 고려되지 않다 ** municipality지방 자치 단체

8 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|1강 8|

Then they repeated all that on the same day of the next week, during the same hours of the day.

10 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|1강 10|

Athletes know the importance of execution and fundamentals. If you don’t execute well, all the talent

I remember an experiment I read about many years

in the world is worthless. At crunch time, athletes who

ago that I admired very much. It occurred in full “real life.” ( ① ) At a building on the campus of a university,

worry lose. Those who execute effectively win. An

the experimenters put up a sign in front of the main door

example is hitting a long drive in golf. Once the body is trained to do the task, only disrupts

at the center of the building. The sign read, “This door closed.” ( ② ) Then, of the people who came up the steps,

the muscle memory that knows instinctively what to do.

they counted the people who, seeing the sign, turned and

skiing with an advanced skier who came to the top of a

went away; they also counted the people who went past the sign and into the building. ( ③ ) This time, however,

steep incline, stopped, and looked down and froze. She

the sign read, “This door closed. Please use door at end,” with an arrow pointing off to the side. ( ④ ) As you might

or trauma, but this time she permitted her head to

suppose, a much smaller percentage of people, during the second trial, violated the sign. ( ⑤ ) The simple

all the unconscious fears took over and she sat down and

explanation, I think, is that the second sign made it easier

to function normally has been lost and failure becomes a

for most people coming up the steps to find an alternate

self-fulfilling prophecy.

Cognitive meddling messes up the process. I was once

had negotiated this slope many times without a problem interfere. Once she looked down and kept looking down, began to cry. Once that happens, the ability for the body

* crunch time 결정적인 중요한 시간 ** meddling 간섭

route to their goal than did the first sign.


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E 모든 변형문제

12 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

① overworking her muscles ② looking for a harder course

|1강 12|

Although it is always necessary to protect children

③ feeling proud of her good memory

from harm, one difficulty for staff who work in the family home is . How individual

④ engaging the head ⑤ realizing her muscles worked well

families conceptualise childhood affects what they see as acceptable childcare practices and what they expect of children in the family. For example, in some cultures it is expected that siblings will care for their younger brothers or sisters, or have a significant role in their care, whilst in other cultures this is seen as an imposition. Child protection is paramount when working with children and their families. However, balancing protecting children from what individuals see as harmful and respecting the family’s values can be very difficult when individual views on what is acceptable vary. Whether a child is suffering significant harm, or is at risk of suffering significant harm, is the key consideration. ① considering who will be cared for ② deciding where to look after ③ receiving training to cope with emergencies

11 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|1강 11|

④ building bonds with child’s family members ⑤ determining what is harmful

To learn what’s new in the world, you have to start with what’s old. This is the paradox that explains why journalists are increasingly becoming . In trying to attract your attention to their version of the day’s events, firms use many types of signals to convey what their products will contain. The association of the delivery of the news with a particular anchor or reporter is one way for companies to signal what the news product will contain. Though you may not yet know the day’s events, the personalities of Peter Jennings, Larry King, Barbara Walters, Geraldo Rivera, Mike Wallace, or Chris Matthews create for some consumers an image of the type of news they will experience. Though news involves learning about the unfamiliar, the familiarity of readers or viewers with specific journalists becomes a way for news outlets to create expectations about their content.

13 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 지 않은 것은?

|1강 1|

Having worked with many clients over the years, I have been occasionally surprised to watch as one of them experienced an amazing “aha!” of recognition and had an ① external shift after watching a movie. These clients were able to identify with characters who had struggles ② similar to their own. But while they identified with the characters, it was also somehow easier to maintain their ③ distance “outside” the experience. In other words, they maintained an ④ observer perspective. In some

① slaves of commodities sales

cases, instead of identifying with a character, the client was highly ⑤ critical of them. Either way, the same

② part of the news goods they deliver

active principles seemed to apply, and combining the

③ part of new issues they convey

movie experience with psychological exploration during

④ victims for using past documents

our sessions had powerful results.

⑤ deliverers of new commercial films E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

14 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|1강 2|

15 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |1강 3|

The paradox of modern life is that while technological acceleration - in transportation, communication, and

In any organization, decision makers often find

production - should provide more free time, those same

themselves working with simplified data that lacks any

inventions increase our options at an exponential rate.

sort of context. They often deal with information in the

Email was far faster than snail mail, but the Internet also

abstract instead of experiencing it for themselves.

brought Twitter, YouTube, and so on. As the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa described it, “no matter how

(A) ‌ In many cases, their disconnection from customers forces them to rely on so-called authorities who are

much we increase the ‘pace of life,” we cannot keep up

anything but. Having an intuitive understanding of other

with the flood of information. The result is that “our share

people can help overcome these challenges.

of the world” feels continually squeezed, even as we gain more efficient access to it. Estimates are that 90 percent

(B) ‌ And this kind of connection to other people can, over

of the world’s data has been created in the last five years.

time, provide the kind of deep experience in a territory

We’re all drowning in information, a reality that makes

that people inside an organization need to identify new

even the simplest decisions — where to eat, which health


plan to sign up for, which coffee maker to buy — more complicated.

* exponential 기하급수적인

(C) ‌ Empathy for the people you serve can make the abstract more grounded and immediate because that information is now connected to a real person you know. It can

① Design of Devices Filtering Information

provide context for the data we receive by incorporating

② Social Isolation due to Flood of Information

factors left off the map. * off the map 중요하지 않은, 잊혀진

③ Paradox of Modern Life Caused by the Flood of Information ④ Technical Acceleration through Information Sharing ⑤ Desocialization Due to Indiscriminate Acceptance of Information

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

16 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|1강 4|

Let’s say you have a great advertising campaign plan. The theme is memorable, the visuals are impressive, and the words are emphatic. What good is it if those message elements do not reach the intended audience? Suppose you’re selling canned soup. The media team targets traditional users of canned soup — mothers of young children — but the copy team prepares advertisements intended to encourage single people to use the soup for a quick, wholesome meal. The message will not make much sense to the media audience because the media and copy strategies do not match. A great advertising message in front of the wrong audience . If you focus on the message strategies and ignore the media strategies, you risk damaging the entire package: the campaign, the budget, and everyone’s hard work. * emphatic (어조가)강한, 단호한 ** wholesome 건강에 좋은


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E 모든 변형문제

18 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

① doesn’t understand the meaning of the ad ② decreases the reliability of the ad

Although psychology and dog training may appear to be quite different professions, the philosophies of how we interact with dogs and with people in a positive way actually ① have much in common. Furthermore, the evolution of both dog and child psychology have followed similar paths. The concept of positive reinforcement ② has been around since the early twentieth century, but ③ this has only been in recent years that so much emphasis has been placed on rewarding the good behaviour of children and on maintaining their self-esteem. You are probably aware ④ that in previous generations the physical punishment of children was more acceptable, and the view that ‘children should be seen but not heard’ was much more common. Similarly, traditional dog-training methods involved correction and punishment, with positive reinforcement virtually ⑤ unheard of in dog-training circles until the Gentle Modern Method of Dog Training was introduced in the early 1970s.

③ conveys wrong information about the ad ④ is a total waste of time and effort ⑤ gradually approaches audience negatively

17 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

19 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|1강 5|

Biographies of human beings are generally about real people, not fictional or mythological characters. Therefore the biographer has a responsibility to the truth, and should tell us what actually happened in a person’s life. (A) ‌ This can attract readers, but can also give the genre a bad name. John Updike once remarked that most biographies are just ‘novels with indexes.’ (B) ‌ Some go further, and deploy full-scale fictional methods: invented meetings between author and subject, imaginary episodes, musings on the identity of the biographer, and hypothetical conversations. Some biographies read more like fiction than history. (C) ‌ This looks like a solid, unarguable rule for biography. But there are many ways of breaking it. Plenty of

|1강 7|

One important factor in our food’s nutritional value is the manner in which it is prepared. Many foods have maximum value in their natural state — or as close to that as possible. (A) , when fruit is harvested green, unripened, many of the vitamins we traditionally associate with sun-ripened fruits are simply not present, and certainly not in adequate amounts. Certainly, for most fruit or vegetables, heating destroys many of their enzymes and vitamins. In the case of water-soluble vitamins, these are lost if the food is boiled and the cooking water discarded. Long-term storage or canning also results in the loss of many of the less stable vitamins. (B) , Some foods require heat to be made digestible, such as whole grains, some tuberous vegetables, a few fruits, and * enzyme 효소 ** tuberous 덩이줄기의 dried beans. (A)

biographers dramatize their narratives with descriptions


of emotions, highly coloured scene-setting, or strategies

① For instance

On the other hand

of suspense.

② Furthermore

On the other hand

③ Furthermore


④ Likewise


⑤ Likewise


* deploy 효율적으로 사용하다 ** musing(깊은)생각, 숙고

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

|1강 6|

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

20 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|1강 8|

22 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

|1강 10|

I remember an experiment I read about many years ago ① that I admired very much. It occurred in full

Athletes know the importance of execution and fundamentals. ① If you don’t execute well, all the talent

“real life.” At a building on the campus of a university, the experimenters put up a sign in front of the main door

in the world is worthless. At crunch time, athletes who worry lose. ② Those who execute effectively win. An

at the center of the building. The sign read, “This door

example is hitting a long drive in golf. Once the body is

closed.” Then, of the people who came up the steps, they counted the people who, ② seeing the sign, turned

trained to do the task, engaging the head only disrupts

and went away; they also counted the people who went

the muscle memory that knows instinctively what to do. Cognitive meddling messes up the process. ③ However,

past the sign and into the building. Then they repeated

cognitive meddling improves performance by eliminating

all that on the same day of the next week, during the same hours of the day. This time, however, the sign read,

essential elements that are unnecessary for muscle movement. ④ I was once skiing with an advanced skier

“This door closed. Please use door at end,” with an arrow ③ pointing off to the side. As you might suppose, a much

who came to the top of a steep incline, stopped, and looked down and froze. ⑤ She had negotiated this slope

smaller percentage of people, during the second trial, ④ violated the sign. The simple explanation, I think,

many times without a problem or trauma, but this time

is that the second sign made it easier for most people ⑤ to come up the steps to find an alternate route to their

down and kept looking down, all the unconscious fears

goal than did the first sign.

happens, the ability for the body to function normally has

she permitted her head to interfere. Once she looked took over and she sat down and began to cry. Once that been lost and failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. * crunch time 결정적인 중요한 시간 ** meddling 간섭

21 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 |1강 9|


This individual then runs into a significant conflict with another objective. In daily life, processes constantly come in conflict as the objectives of one process directly oppose the objectives of another. ( ① ) For example, every workday, millions of individuals climb into their cars to start the process known as going to work. ( ② ) For many, the primary objective of this process is to arrive at work at the proper time. ( ③ ) If the individual feels that this primary objective may not be achieved, then speed is at a premium and other objectives fall by the wayside. ( ④ ) Municipalities have developed a series of processes intended to ensure achievement of their primary objective related to safe travel. ( ⑤ ) Speed limits, stop signs, and traffic lanes all work together to frustrate the timeconscious traveler: The driver’s objective (the need for speed) comes in direct conflict with the municipality’s objective (the need for safety). * fall by the wayside더 이상 고려되지 않다 ** municipality지방 자치 단체


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E 모든 변형문제

23 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|1강 11|

24 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|1강 12|

To learn what’s new in the world, you have to start

Although it is always necessary to protect children from harm, one difficulty for staff who ① work in the family

with what’s old. This is the paradox that explains why

home is determining what is harmful. ② How individual

journalists are increasingly becoming part of the news

families conceptualise childhood affects what they see

goods they deliver. In trying to attract your attention to

as acceptable childcare practices and what they expect of

their version of the day’s events, firms use many types

children in the family. For example, in some cultures it is

of signals to convey what their products will contain.

expected that siblings will care for their younger brothers

The association of the delivery of the news with a particular anchor or reporter is one way for companies to

or sisters, or have a significant role in their care, whilst in other cultures this ③ is seen as an imposition. Child

signal what the news product will contain. Though you

protection is paramount when working with children and

may not yet know the day’s events, the personalities of Peter Jennings, Larry King, Barbara Walters, Geraldo

their families. However, balancing protecting children from what individuals see as harmful and ④ respect the

Rivera, Mike Wallace, or Chris Matthews create for

family’s values can be very difficult when individual

some consumers an image of the type of news they will

views on what is acceptable vary. Whether a child is

experience. Though news involves learning about the

suffering significant harm, or is at risk of suffering significant harm, ⑤ is the key consideration.

unfamiliar, the familiarity of readers or viewers with specific journalists becomes a way for news outlets to create expectations about their content.

Journalists are increasingly becoming signals of part of the news goods they deliver they can (A) the content of the news through their (B) with them. (A)


① anticipate


② exclude


③ anticipate


④ exclude


⑤ exclude


E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제 ① Kill Two Birds With One Stone : Green Products


② Green Consumerism : Disguised Disaster To Business

25 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |2강 1|

않은 것은?

The dominant idea today is that, because creativity resides within the ① culture, we best expose it by telling stories of those rare geniuses — the ones who made the Sistine Chapel, Hamlet or the light bulb. This model basically follows the declaration made by Thomas Carlyle in the 1840s: “The history of the world is but the biography of great men.” The most common ② alternative to the lone-genius model locates creativity in networks. See, for example, Herbert Spencer’s retort to Carlyle that “the genesis of the great man depends” on a “③ long series of complex influences.” “Before he can remake his society,” Spencer wrote, “his society must make him.” Rather than focus on the ④ solitary hero snatching inspiration from the heavens (or the unconscious), this concept emphasizes the long, meandering course of innovation. Instead of heroic individuals, it prioritizes heroic ⑤ cultures — the courts of sixteenth-century Florence, say, or the coffee shops of * retort 반론, 반박 Enlightenment London.

③ Environment Or Money And Safety? Which Is Proper? ④ Why Should We Use Energy-saving Light Bulbs? ⑤ What Is Basic Human Needs And How To Get It?

27 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

** meandering(대화·논의 등이)두서없이 진행되는

|2강 3|

In 1840, the famous German chemist Baron Justus von Liebig, also perhaps the best teacher of chemistry of his

26 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|2강 2|

Green marketing is a phenomenon that has its origin in the 1980s, a time when corporate social responsibility reports and the buzzwords sustainable development and green consumerism gained popularity. One of the biggest challenges of green marketing is the need to address environmental issues while at the same time satisfying core customer needs. This is one of the challenges “green” ad campaigns have to face — convincing consumers that environmental products do not perform lower than regular products. Rather, they often — with regard to specific features — perform better. For example, energysaving light bulbs last longer, offer better convenience (they do not have to be replaced as often as regular bulbs), and reduce energy expenses. Convenience and fulfillment of basic human needs are two of the most significant reasons why consumers buy green products — not necessarily for environmental reasons but for * buzzword 유행어 better value (safety, money).

day, published a book on organic chemistry. In the book, he argued that plants do not feed directly on humus, as was then generally believed, but exist on simple, inorganic chemicals taken directly from the air and soil. By analyzing the chemical composition of plants he was able to make a list of these substances, and he showed that plant growth ceases if the availability of just one essential nutrient falls below a certain minimum, regardless of the abundance of all other nutrients. In other words, it is the availability of , that determines success or failure for plants: if the soil is deficient, say, in boron, no amount of phosphorus will remedy the lack and stimulate vigorous plant growth. * humus 부식질(지표 및 땅속에 존재하는 생물 이외의 유기물 총체) ** boron붕소 *** phosphorus 인(비금속 원소)

① the sufficient nutrient, not the sparse one ② the environment that is nourishing to them ③ the essential element, not the additional one ④ the surrounding that is good for reproduction ⑤ the scarcest nutrient, not the most abundant


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E 모든 변형문제

28 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 |2강 4|


In the early 17th century, when the Netherlands was the world’s leader in commerce, the middle class were ① enthusiastic about tulips, which then led to a bidding

(C) ‌ Their assumption that personality and life events would have separate influences on happiness was wrong. Instead, personality itself had the strongest influence on what happened to people. The optimists had more positive experiences, while the pessimists had more negative experiences.

war over tulip bulbs. In 1635, the heyday of the tulip bubble, someone was willing to ② pay up to 12 hectares

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

of land in the heart of the city in exchange for a special

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

tulip bulb. Another merchant was willing to pay 4 heads of cattle, 8 pigs, 2 boxes of wine, 4 boxes of beer and 1,000 pounds of cheese in ③ exchange for a bulb named “the governor”. People were all dreaming about becoming millionaires, even billionaires. Of course, this didn’t last for very long. In 1636, one Dutchman woke up and refused to buy a tulip at the ④ promising price, which caused people to doubt. Then the price fell and stayed ⑤ down. Many people who had sold everything they owned to obtain a couple of tulips became beggars overnight. Some rich men lost fortunes that had been

30 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|2강 6|

Individuals who survive an infection normally

accumulated generation after generation. * bidding 입찰, 가격제시 ** heyday전성기

become immune to that particular disease, although not to other diseases. The reason is that the immune system “remembers” foreign antigens, a process called immune memory. Next time the same antigen appears, it triggers a far swifter and more aggressive response than

29 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |2강 5|

before. Consequently, the invading microorganisms will usually be overwhelmed before they cause noticeable illness. Immune memory is due to specialized B cells

In a study, researchers interviewed residents of the state

called memory cells. Virgin B cells are triggered to

of Victoria over many years to see how life events and

divide if they encounter an antigen that matches their

personality affected people’s happiness.

own individual antibody. Most of the new B cells are

(A) ‌ As the study progressed, it was clear that the same kind of things kept happening to the same people over and over again. Lucky people were lucky again and again. Likewise, people with lots of bad experiences, like relationship breakups and job losses, seemed to encounter one bad thing after another.

specialized for antibody synthesis, and they live only a few days. However, a few active B cells become memory cells, and instead of making antibodies, they simply wait. If one day the antigen that they recognize appears again, most of the memory cells switch over very rapidly to antibody production. * antigen 항원(생체 내에서 항체 향성을 촉진하는 독소)

(B) ‌ They wanted to know the extent to which a person’s personality versus the things that happened to them affected well-being and happiness. Personality might account for, say, 40 percent of happiness, whereas life events might account for 60 percent. Alternatively, perhaps personality would turn out to be more important. E 모든 변형문제

** antibody 항체, 항독소

① production of antibody and its function ② importance of immune system in body ③ difference between antibody and B cells ④ effect of antigens and microorganisms ⑤ process in which body produce B cells 영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

31 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

33 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|2강 7|

않은 것은?

|2강 9|

As children gain experience listening to stories, they

In a study of fairness in non-primates, a research team

begin to develop an understanding that stories follow

led by Friedericke Range placed pairs of dogs side by side in front of a person. In ① plain view of both dogs

a regular sequence. This idea can be reinforced by

was a bowl of treats (sausage and dark bread). Each animal was asked in turn to ② offer his or her paw to

child’s request), as children become so familiar with the

be shaken by the person. The researchers recorded the

Sometimes writers of picture books build predictability

number of times each dog offered a paw under various

into the text with repeated actions or phrases or by using

conditions. The results were clear. When both dogs were ③ equally provided with treats, both gave their paws for

the same sentence structure over and over again. Like

nearly every trial. When neither dog received treats, the

easier for children to listen to and comprehend. They

dogs only shook paws in about twenty of thirty trials and required ④ less verbal prompting. Most interestingly,

also allow authors to introduce more surprising or unusual

when only one dog received treats in return for a pawshake, the other dog ⑤ declined the handshake sooner,

context. The contrast between the predictable and the

only offering a paw an average twelve times out of thirty, and acting decidedly more agitated in the process. * agitated 동요된, 불안해하는

repeated readings of the same story (generally at the story that they can easily predict what will happen next.

patterned language, predictable structures make stories

elements successfully within a carefully constructed familiar surprising elements often delights adults as well as children. ① advantages of predictability in writings ② common structures in regular sequence ③ characteristics of picture books for kids ④ factors affecting delights in reading books ⑤ predictability result from understanding

32 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|2강 8|

How frequently do people gauge themselves against others? This probably happens far more often than we like to admit, and probably forms a more important part of our lives than most people are ready to acknowledge at a conscious level. Consider buying a luxury vehicle. Although almost everyone would like to believe that they would make such a purchase for reasons of selfgratification, it is probably true that the purchase of such an outwardly visible manifestation of personal success is overwhelmingly motivated by . In other words, half the point of buying such a vehicle is to let other people know you own it, and to be seen driving it. The buyer wants his neighbors to see his car. He’ll park it in the driveway just to put it on display. He wants his friends and coworkers to be aware of his ability to buy such a vehicle.

34 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

Because all individuals matter, and because different individuals can have ① opposing interests, we need a rule for weighing one person’s preferences against another’s. If we are called upon to decide whether to expand the logging industry, and if Jack values newspapers while Jill values woodlands, we need a way to compare Jack’s potential gains with Jill’s potential ② gains. There are many philosophically defensible stands here, and the logic of cost-benefit analysis (which is another name for what I have elsewhere called “the logic of efficiency”) chooses ③ unambiguously among them. Its position is pronounced in another principle: All individuals matter ④ equally, with the strength of their preferences measured by their willingness-to-pay. If Jack values a tree in the sawmill at $100 and Jill values a tree standing in the forest at $200, then we declare the benefit of logging

① economic motivation

② praise from others

③ social cooperation

④ internal motivation

to be $100 and the cost to be $200. We don’t inquire into the ⑤ moral worthiness of Jack or Jill. * sawmill 제재소

⑤ competitive reasons


|2강 10|

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E 모든 변형문제

35 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

buried with their heads pointing in one direction,

|2강 11|

whereas the heads of adult males point in a different

Rap music flourished without access to the music establishment. Most rap is performed by artists in their

direction, could lead to the possible explanation that the society practiced matrilineal kinship. * archaeologist 고고학자 ** matrilineal 모계의

own homes, using inexpensive, widely accessible equipment, in contrast to the sound studios and sophisticated recording equipment of other musical genres. (A) , rap music is mainly disseminated




① selective



② infinite



③ selective



recording companies resisted rap, and even in the mid-

④ infinite



1990s only a small portion of the music on the Billboard

⑤ selective



on homemade cassettes and by locally owned independent record companies. For a decade, the major

rap singles chart was produced by the major labels. The radio industry (which usually makes or breaks the success of any piece of music) ignored rap because its audience is not a priority for radio advertisers to reach. (B) , New York does not have a single rap station, although it has two full-time classical radio stations. * disseminate 보급하다, 널리 퍼뜨리다


37 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


① Also

For example

② Also


③ Besides


④ Therefore


⑤ Therefore

For example

|2강 1|

The dominant idea today is that, because creativity resides within the individual, we best expose it by telling stories of those rare geniuses — the ones who made the Sistine Chapel, Hamlet or the light bulb. This model basically follows the declaration made by Thomas Carlyle in the 1840s: “The history of the world is but the biography of great men.” The most common alternative to

36 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적 절한 것은?

|2강 12|

The data that archaeologists have at their disposal are very (A) [selective / infinite]. Not only are archaeologists limited to material remains, but also the overwhelming majority of material possessions that may have been part of a culture do not survive thousands of years under the ground. As a result, archaeologists search for fragments of material evidence that will enable them to piece together a culture. A prehistoric garbage dump is particularly (B) [concealing / revealing], for the archaeologist can learn a great deal about how people lived from what

the lone-genius model locates creativity in networks. See, for example, Herbert Spencer’s retort to Carlyle that “the genesis of the great man depends” on a “long series of complex influences.” “Before he can remake his society,” Spencer wrote, “his society must make him.” Rather than focus on the solitary hero snatching inspiration from the heavens (or the unconscious), this concept emphasizes the long, meandering course of innovation. Instead of heroic individuals, it prioritizes heroic cultures — the courts of sixteenth-century Florence, say, or the coffee shops of Enlightenment London. * retort 반론, 반박 ** meandering(대화·논의 등이)두서없이 진행되는

they threw away. These material remains are then used to make (C) [preferences / inferences] about the

① Creativity: Solitary Work Or Group Work?

nonmaterial aspects of the culture being studied. For

③ Looking For Creativity? Learn From Geniuses!

example, the finding that all women and children are

④ Conflicting Ideas About Priority In Groups

② What Is Creativity And How We Promote?

⑤ Creativity In Networks: Past And Future E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

38 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 |2강 2|


① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

Green marketing is a phenomenon that has its origin in the 1980s, a time when corporate social responsibility reports and the buzzwords sustainable development and green consumerism ① gained popularity. One of the biggest challenges of green marketing is the need to address environmental issues while at the same time ② satisfying core customer needs. This is one of the challenges “green” ad campaigns have to face — convincing consumers that environmental products do not perform ③ higher than regular products. Rather, they often — with regard to specific features — perform better. For example, energy-saving light bulbs last ④ longer, offer better convenience (they do not have to be replaced as often as regular bulbs), and ⑤ reduce energy expenses. Convenience and fulfillment of basic human needs are two of the most significant reasons why consumers buy green products — not necessarily for environmental reasons but for better value (safety, money)

* buzzword 유행어

39 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |2강 3|

40 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|2강 4|

In the early 17th century, when the Netherlands was the world’s leader in commerce, the middle class were enthusiastic about tulips, which then led to a bidding war

In 1840, the famous German chemist Baron Justus von

over tulip bulbs. In 1635, the heyday of the tulip bubble,

Liebig, also perhaps the best teacher of chemistry of his

someone was willing to pay up to 12 hectares of land in

day, published a book on organic chemistry.

the heart of the city in exchange for a special tulip bulb.

(A) ‌ In other words, it is the availability of the scarcest nutrient, not the most abundant, that determines success or failure for plants: if the soil is deficient, say, in boron, no amount of phosphorus will remedy the lack and stimulate vigorous plant growth.

Another merchant was willing to pay 4 heads of cattle, 8 pigs, 2 boxes of wine, 4 boxes of beer and 1,000 pounds of cheese in exchange for a bulb named “the governor”. People were all dreaming about becoming millionaires, even billionaires. Of course, this didn’t last for very long. In 1636, one Dutchman woke up and refused to

(B) ‌ By analyzing the chemical composition of plants he was

buy a tulip at the promised price, which caused people to

able to make a list of these substances, and he showed

doubt. Then the price fell and stayed down. Many people

that plant growth ceases if the availability of just one

who had sold everything they owned to obtain a couple

essential nutrient falls below a certain minimum,

of tulips became beggars overnight. Some rich men lost

regardless of the abundance of all other nutrients.

fortunes that had been accumulated generation after

(C) ‌ In the book, he argued that plants do not feed directly on humus, as was then generally believed, but exist on simple, inorganic chemicals taken directly from the air and soil. * humus 부식질(지표 및 땅속에 존재하는 생물 이외의 유기물 총체) ** boron붕소 *** phosphorus 인(비금속 원소)



* bidding 입찰, 가격제시 * heyday전성기

① reasons why tulips were popular ② danger of investing on flowers ③ history of tulip cultivation industry ④ process and result of tulip bubble ⑤ how to become rich through tulips

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E 모든 변형문제

41 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |2강 5|

In a study, researchers interviewed residents of the state of Victoria over many years to see how life events and personality affected people’s happiness. They wanted to know the extent to which a person’s personality versus the things that happened to them affected well-being and happiness. Personality might account for, say, 40 percent of happiness, whereas life events might account for 60 percent. Alternatively, perhaps personality would turn out to be more important. As the study progressed, it was clear that the same kind of things kept happening to the same people over and over again. Lucky people were lucky again and again. (A) , people with lots of bad experiences, like relationship breakups and job losses, seemed to encounter one bad thing after

Individuals who survive an infection normally become immune to that particular disease, although not to other diseases. The reason is that the immune system “remembers” foreign antigens, a process called immune memory. Next time the same antigen appears, it triggers a far swifter and more aggressive response than before. ( ① ) Consequently, the invading microorganisms will usually be overwhelmed before they cause noticeable illness. ( ② ) Immune memory is due to specialized B cells called memory cells. ( ③ ) Virgin B cells are triggered to divide if they encounter an antigen that matches their own individual antibody. ( ④ ) Most of the new B cells are specialized for antibody synthesis, and they live only a few days. ( ⑤ ) If one day the antigen that they recognize appears again, most of the memory cells switch over very rapidly to antibody production. * antigen 항원(생체 내에서 항체 향성을 촉진하는 독소)

another. Their assumption that personality and life

** antibody 항체, 항독소

events would have separate influences on happiness was wrong. (B) , personality itself had the strongest influence on what happened to people. The optimists had more positive experiences, while the pessimists had more

43 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |2강 7|

negative experiences. (A)

In a study of fairness in non-primates, a research team


① Therefore


② Likewise

In addition

③ However


④ Therefore


⑤ Likewise


led by Friedericke Range placed pairs of dogs side by side in front of a person. (A) ‌ The results were clear. When both dogs were equally provided with treats, both gave their paws for nearly every trial. When neither dog received treats, the dogs only shook paws in about twenty of thirty trials and required more verbal prompting. (B) ‌ In plain view of both dogs was a bowl of treats (sausage and dark bread). Each animal was asked in turn to offer his or her paw to be shaken by the person. The researchers recorded the number of times each dog offered a paw under various conditions. (C) ‌ Most interestingly, when only one dog received treats in return for a paw-shake, the other dog declined the handshake sooner, only offering a paw an average

42 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 |2강 6|


However, a few active B cells become memory cells, and instead of making antibodies, they simply wait.

E 모든 변형문제

twelve times out of thirty, and acting decidedly more agitated in the process. * agitated 동요된, 불안해하는

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

영어독해 연습 편

③ (B)-(C)-(A)


E 모든 변형문제

44 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|2강 8|

46 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|2강 10|

How frequently do people gauge themselves against

Because all individuals matter, and because different

others? This probably happens far more often than we

individuals can have opposing interests, we need a rule

like to admit, and probably forms a more important part

for weighing one person’s preferences against another’s.

of our lives than most people are ready to acknowledge

If we are called upon to decide whether to expand the

at a conscious level. Consider buying a luxury vehicle.

logging industry, and if Jack values newspapers while

Although almost everyone would like to believe that

Jill values woodlands, we need a way to compare Jack’s

they would make such a purchase for reasons of self-

potential gains with Jill’s potential losses. There are many

gratification, it is probably true that the purchase of such

philosophically defensible stands here, and the logic of

an outwardly visible manifestation of personal success

cost-benefit analysis (which is another name for what I

is overwhelmingly motivated by competitive reasons. In

have elsewhere called “the logic of efficiency”) chooses

other words, half the point of buying such a vehicle is to

unambiguously among them. Its position is pronounced

let other people know you own it, and to be seen driving

in another principle: All individuals matter equally,

it. The buyer wants his neighbors to see his car. He’ll

with the strength of their preferences measured by their

park it in the driveway just to put it on display. He wants

willingness-to-pay. If Jack values a tree in the sawmill

his friends and coworkers to be aware of his ability to

at $100 and Jill values a tree standing in the forest at

buy such a vehicle.

$200, then we declare the benefit of logging to be $100 and the cost to be $200. We don’t inquire into the moral

① Inner Gratification Is The Answer!

worthiness of Jack or Jill.

② Display Yourself Not Your Belongings!

* sawmill 제재소

③ Comparison : Desire To Show Off

① What Is Cost-benefit Analysis And How?

④ Why Humans Love To Compete?

② Choice Between Newspapers Or Woodlands

⑤ Standard Of Success : Self-Gratification

③ Moral Value Analysis : Logic Of Efficiency ④ Comparison : Key To Utilizing Woodlands ⑤ Efficiency : Key Factor In Decision Making

45 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

|2강 9|

As children gain experience listening to stories, they begin to develop an understanding that stories follow a regular sequence. ① This idea can be reinforced by repeated readings of the same story (generally at the child’s request), as children become so familiar with the story that they can easily predict what will happen next. ② Sometimes writers of picture books build predictability into the text with repeated actions or phrases or by using the same sentence structure over and over again. ③ Like patterned language, predictable structures make stories easier for children to listen to and comprehend. ④ They also allow authors to introduce more surprising or unusual elements successfully within a carefully constructed familiar context. ⑤ It is difficult for them to introduce surprising elements within a unfamiliar context. The contrast between the predictable and the surprising elements often delights adults as well as children.


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E 모든 변형문제

47 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지


|2강 11|

않은 것은?

Rap music ① flourished without access to the music establishment. Most rap is performed by artists in their own homes, using ② inexpensive, widely accessible

49 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A) 와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|3강 1|

A point to keep in mind when thinking about

equipment, in contrast to the sound studios and ③ sophisticated recording equipment of other musical

paranormal, supernatural, and pseudo-scientific beliefs

genres. Rap music is mainly disseminated on homemade

Not only can thinking skeptically be safer and more

cassettes and by locally owned independent record

economical over the course of a lifetime, it doesn’t have

companies. For a decade, the major recording companies ④ welcomed rap, and even in the mid-1990s only a small

to be any less fun, either. Whatever I may have lost by

portion of the music on the Billboard rap singles chart was

confident that I more than make up for it by embracing

produced by the major labels. The radio industry (which

reality with great enthusiasm. All scientific discoveries to

usually makes or breaks the success of any piece of music) ⑤ ignored rap because its audience is not a priority for

date and all the mysteries still to be solved excite me, and

radio advertisers to reach. For example, New York does

harsh realities. I understand that it may feel comforting

not have a single rap station, although it has two full-time

or stabilizing to believe that invisible forces influence us,

classical radio stations. * disseminate 보급하다, 널리 퍼뜨리다

but it can also be comforting and stabilizing to realize

is that letting go of them is not necessarily a sacrifice.

not believing in things like astrology and ghosts, I am

I find plenty of reason for optimism and hope, even amid

that as humans we are smart enough and strong enough

48 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |2강 12|

to face up to the universe as it really is and get on with our lives. * paranormal 불가사의한 ** pseudoscientific 유사과학적인

The data that archaeologists have at their disposal are

*** amid~속에서

very selective.

for the archaeologist can learn a great deal about how

Many people believe that unusual beliefs are sometimes (A) although it is more important to

people lived from what they threw away. These material

(B) reality with optimism and hope.

(A) ‌ A prehistoric garbage dump is particularly revealing,

remains are then used to make inferences about the nonmaterial aspects of the culture being studied. (B) ‌ For example, the finding that all women and children are buried with their heads pointing in one direction, whereas the heads of adult males point in a different direction, could lead to the possible explanation that the society practiced matrilineal kinship.



① beneficial


② beneficial


③ helpful


④ worthless


⑤ worthless


(C) ‌ Not only are archaeologists limited to material remains, but also the overwhelming majority of material possessions that may have been part of a culture do not survive thousands of years under the ground. As a result, archaeologists search for fragments of material evidence that will enable them to piece together a culture. * archaeologist 고고학자 ** matrilineal 모계의

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

50 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|3강 2|

(A) ‌ In some cases, the rails allowed the car to absorb the shock of the gun’s firing by allowing the car to slide

Have you ever thought that your child’s friends can be

back on the rails. This innovation eliminated the need

a positive influence on him or her? Children are quick to

for the continual reconstruction of a platform each time

point out unacceptable behavior. The following is not the most pleasant example, but it makes the point. A mother had difficulty with her 9-year-old picking her nose in

a military force moved an artillery piece. (B) ‌ This was a marked improvement over the use of horses to haul big guns. Guns that were pulled by horses

public. Mom’s scoldings didn’t do any good. Then one

required artillery platforms that had to be constructed

day her daughter and a friend were bowling. As her

and placed before the guns could engage in battle. With

daughter unconsciously picked her nose, the other 9-year-

a gun on a railway car, the bed of the car served as the

old cried, “Oh Callie! That is so gross! I’m never bowling

artillery platform.

with you again if you pick your nose!” That ended Callie’s nose picking right then and there. At this age,

(C) ‌ As the war went on, the military began to keep some

children tell “the truth” because they don’t have the skills

artillery permanently mounted on railcars. This reduced

to be tactful. Your daughter may come home in tears

the preparation time for combat. Railcar artillery pieces

because little Melissa said your daughter was a lousy

were almost always ready to be thrust into battle.

speller. More than likely, Melissa is right, even though

* artillery 대포 ** be thrust into ~으로 투입되다

there are more subtle ways to convey the information.

*** haul (힘들여)끌다

Friends are a great opportunity for your child to develop a give-and-take relationship with peers.

* lousy 엉망인

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

① Usefulness of Hiding Truth ② What a Great Mentor: Mother

52 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

③ Tips for Good Relationship with Peers ④ Peer’s Advice: Not Considerate, But Supportive

|3강 4|

Since the early seventeenth century, humans have tried

⑤ Interconnection between Scolding and Bad Habit

to find ways to live peacefully and prosperously with one another in the absence of a common notion of the good. This effort has been identified with liberalism, which has emphasized toleration, individual choice, and maximizing general utility through market mechanisms and government constraints. To this end, liberalism has treated all goods as effectively equal, interpreting them as merely the subjective preferences of individuals. This move entails recognizing and admitting that no good is better than any other good. My preference for justice or a moral life is thus essentially no different from my preference for an apple. Thus no good (thing, process, activity, way of life, etc.) in itself is special, sacred, or

51 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |3강 3|

Railroads allowed the North to benefit from its

necessary. In principle, then, there can be no rational (as opposed to affective) ground for preferring one good over another.

* entail 필연적으로

industrial advantages during the Civil War. Military trains

① The Principle of the Absolute Good

carried mobile artillery. This allowed commanders to

② Individual’s Preference for Objectivity

reposition heavy guns for both defensive and offensive

③ Subjectivity of the Good in Liberalism


④ Liberalism: A Belief in Gradual Social Progress ⑤ Subjectivity, So Much Different from Objectivity


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53 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|3강 5|

54 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 |3강 6|

적절한 것은?

Here’s a simple thought experiment to illustrate the

The Oxford dictionary defines accounting (noun) as

absurdity of claiming to know an individual’s genetic

‘the process or work of keeping financial accounts’ while

potential based on current appearance or ability. To

an accountant (noun) is ‘a person whose job is to keep

visualize this, consider a physical example. Imagine a massive bodybuilder standing next to an extraordinarily

or inspect financial accounts’. However, this definition is overly (A) [simplistic / complicated]. For a long

skinny man. One of them looks like freshly shaved

time, accounting was considered a process of collecting,

King Kong and the other looks like the slightest gust of

analysing and communicating financial information to

wind might knock him over. At first glance, most people

allow users to make better-informed decisions. This work

probably would assume that the large, muscular man has the genetic advantage for success in competitive

remains at the forefront of the role but more recently accountants have been asked to (B) [shrink / expand]

bodybuilding over the skinny man. But we can’t assume

their remit into new areas. For example, accountants are

this to be the case. It could easily be the skinny guy who

now deeply involved in the preparation of non-financial

had been born with the superior genes for bodybuilding.

information, including corporate social responsibility

But maybe nothing in his environment activated those genes. Maybe he was deprived of something in childhood

reporting. The image of the boring, conservative, greysuited person is (C) [outdated / modern]. The job has

— good nutrition perhaps — and those genetic gifts were

changed. Accountants now need to be communicators as

muted. Maybe he grew up in a place that had no gyms

well as doers. They need to be client facing rather than

and he never had the opportunity to train with weights.

just hit buttons on a calculator. There is a new breed of

Or, maybe he thought bodybuilding was weird or too

accountant and whether you believe this is a change for

difficult so he never even tried.

the better or worse, it seems to be a change that is here to

* absurdity 불합리성 ** gust of wind 돌풍 *** mute 약화시키다

When we evaluate (A) an individual, his or her (B) appearance or ability can be different from our inference. (A)


① mysteriously


② blindly


③ visually


④ blindly


⑤ visually


E 모든 변형문제


* remit 소관, 책임사항




① simplistic



② simplistic



③ simplistic



④ complicated



⑤ complicated



영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

55 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|3강 7|

Broadly speaking, art exists as a consequence of the universal human desire for sympathy. Man is forever endeavoring to break down the wall which separates him from his fellows. Whether we call it egotism or simply

① Effective of killing pest with pesticide ② Acquire farming technology using diseases ③ Expand the farming area using animals and plants ④ Origin of settling agriculture problems ⑤ Solve the health problem through controling diseases

humanity, we all know the wish to make others appreciate our feelings; to show them how we suffer, how we enjoy. We batter our fellowmen with our opinions sufficiently often, but this is nothing in comparison to the insistence with which we pour out our feelings. A friend is the

57 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

most valued of earthly possessions largely because he is

|3강 9|

willing to receive without appearance of impatience the

The tourism sector’s reaction to climate change has

unending story of our mental sensations. We are all more

involved two different but related responses: mitigation

or less conscious of the constant impulse which urges us

and adaptation strategies. Mitigation refers to attempts

on to expression; of the inner necessity which moves us

to reduce the impact of tourism on climate change, while

to continual endeavors to make others share our thoughts,

adaptation refers to attempts to adapt tourism to climate

our experiences, but most of all our emotions. It seems to

changes and minimize climate change risks. The tourism

me that if we trace this instinctive desire back far enough,

sector will also need to make adaptations in response to

we reach the beginnings of art.

national mitigation strategies related to greenhouse gas

* batter 난타하다, 연타하다

emissions, hence the concepts are related. For instance,

① Instinctive Desire to Create Artworks

as a sector totally reliant on transport, national and

② Compassion: Reason for Existence of Art

international mitigation policies related to greenhouse

③ Humanity: Must-have Attitude as a Friend

gas emissions are likely to increase costs of transport

④ Altruism: Promise for Precious Relationship

and impact tourism mobility. There are implications for

⑤ Friend: Valuable One We Have in the World

56 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

slow travel which emphasizes traveling to destinations |3강 8|

more slowly and staying longer in one place rather than cramming in as many places as possible in a short space

I found, when I took up land in India and learned what

of time. For example, it could be argued that slow travel

the people of the country know, that the diseases of plants

should become a major mitigation response, as part of a

and animals were very useful agents for keeping me in

cultural change, associated with travel and trip distance

order, and for teaching me agriculture. I have learned more


* mitigation 완화

from the diseases of plants and animals than I have from all the professors of Cambridge, Rothamsted and other places who gave me my preliminary training. I argued the matter in this way. If diseases attacked my crops, it was because I was doing something wrong. I therefore used diseases to teach me. In this way I really learned agriculture. I think if we used diseases more instead of running to sprays

Through the tourism sector’s reaction to climate change, we can tell the (A) between two mainstreams; while mitigation is a sort of trial to (B) the impact of tourism, adaptation requires tourism to adjust to climate change.

and killing off pests, and if we let diseases rip and then found out what is wrong and then tried to put it right, we should get much deeper into agricultural problems than we shall do by calling in all these artificial aids. After all, the destruction of a pest is the evasion of, rather than the solution of, all agricultural problems.


* evasion 회피



① likeness


② difference


③ resemblance


④ likeness


⑤ difference


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E 모든 변형문제

58 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 지 않은 것은?

|3강 10|

Over the past decade there has been a ① surge of empathic thinking and action around the globe driven by political activists, advice columnists, and religious leaders. Protesters in the Occupy movement in Britain and the United States ② erected Empathy Tents and ran workshops on empathic activism. Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren have been taught empathy skills through Roots of Empathy, a Canadian education program that has ③ spread to Britain, New Zealand, and other countries, that brings babies into the classroom and turns them into teachers. A German social entrepreneur has established a worldwide network of museums where blind guides have taken more than seven million visitors around exhibits that are in total darkness, to give them the experience of being ④ visually impaired. All these initiatives are part of a historic wave of empathy that is ⑤ pursuing our highly individualistic, self-obsessed cultures, in which most of us have become far too absorbed in our own lives to give much thought to anyone else. * surge 급증, 급등 ** visually impaired 시각장애가 있는



① However

In other words

② For example

In other words

③ Thus

In contrast

④ For example

In contrast

⑤ However


60 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|3강 12|

Altruism — unselfish concern for the welfare of others — presents sociobiology and evolutionary theory in general with a very real difficulty. For writers like Edward Wilson, the behaviour patterns of species and individuals are totally susceptible to biological explanation; some creatures are altruistic because they are driven by their genes to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of others. For example, a small bird will give a warning cry when a predator approaches, and so risk

59 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |3강 11|

Scientific ideas are often counterintuitive to everyday thinking. (A) , when you place your hand on a piece of metal in a room, it feels cool to your touch. When you place your hand on a piece of wood in the same room it feels warmer to the touch. Many people will deduce that the temperature of the metal is cooler than that of the wood. Yet, if the objects have been in the same room for any length of time, their temperatures will be equal. It turns out that when you place your hand on metal, it conducts heat out of your hand quickly, thus giving the impression that it is cold. The wood does not conduct heat as rapidly as the metal and therefore “feels” warmer than the metal. (B) , our senses have fooled us into thinking that instead of everything in the room being at room temperature, the metal is cooler than anything else. Therefore our erroneous conclusion: Metal objects are always cooler than other objects in a room. Indeed, if you go from room to room and touch many objects, your idea is reinforced and becomes more and more resistant to change. * counterintuitive 직관에 반대되는

E 모든 변형문제

its life to safeguard its fellows. The difficulty is that, in Wilson’s words, ‘fallen heroes do not have children.’ If altruism is rooted in genes, the individuals with those genes would disappear (the altruists would all be killed), and only those possessing selfish genes would survive. However, altruism continues to exist: how can evolutionary theory explain this? Wilson suggests that continued altruism is due to the evolutionary motivation of genes to defend and protect the species gene pool. * susceptible ~이 가능한

If evolutionary theory is thoroughly applied to species, altruists cannot (A) but there are still many to (B) the species gene pool. (A)


① cease


② cease


③ outlive


④ survive


⑤ survive


영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

61 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|3강 1|

62 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A point to keep in mind when thinking about

|3강 2|

paranormal, supernatural, and pseudo-scientific beliefs

Have you ever thought that your child’s friends can be

is that letting go of them is not necessarily a sacrifice.

a positive influence on him or her? Children are quick to

Not only can thinking skeptically be safer and more

point out unacceptable behavior. The following is not the

economical over the course of a lifetime, it doesn’t have

most pleasant example, but it makes the point. A mother

to be any less fun, either. Whatever I may have lost by

had difficulty with her 9-year-old picking her nose in

not believing in things like astrology and ghosts, I am

public. Mom’s scoldings didn’t do any good. Then one

confident that I more than make up for it by embracing

day her daughter and a friend were bowling. As her

reality with great enthusiasm. All scientific discoveries to

daughter unconsciously picked her nose, the other 9-year-

date and all the mysteries still to be solved excite me, and

old cried, “Oh Callie! That is so gross! I’m never bowling

I find plenty of reason for optimism and hope, even amid

with you again if you pick your nose!” That ended

harsh realities. I understand that it may feel comforting

Callie’s nose picking right then and there. At this age,

or stabilizing to believe that invisible forces influence us,

children tell “the truth” because they don’t have the skills

but it can also be comforting and stabilizing to realize

to be tactful. Your daughter may come home in tears

that as humans we are smart enough and strong enough

because little Melissa said your daughter was a lousy

to face up to the universe as it really is and get on with

speller. More than likely, Melissa is right, even though

our lives.

* paranormal 불가사의한

there are more subtle ways to convey the information.

** pseudoscientific 유사과학적인 *** amid~속에서

Friends are a great opportunity for your child to develop a give-and-take relationship with peers.

① Comfort and stabilize your life for peace

* lousy 엉망인

② Invisible hands rule the world consistently ③ Confidence is always concerned with beliefs ④ Take your reality as it is, believing optimism ⑤ Keep in mind that all mysteries will be solved

Sometimes friends’ (A) advice can work better than any other sincere (B) . (A)



① tactful


② tactful


③ careless


④ cautious


⑤ careless


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E 모든 변형문제

63 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|3강 3|

Railroads allowed the North to benefit from its industrial advantages during the Civil War. Military trains carried mobile artillery. This allowed commanders to reposition heavy guns for both defensive and offensive purposes. As the war went on, the military began to keep some artillery permanently mounted on railcars. This reduced the preparation time for combat. Railcar artillery pieces were almost always ready to be thrust into battle. This was a marked improvement over the use of horses to haul big guns. Guns that were pulled by horses required artillery platforms that had to be constructed and placed before

65 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 |3강 5|


Here’s a simple thought experiment to illustrate the absurdity of claiming to know an individual’s genetic potential based on current appearance or ability. (A) ‌ At first glance, most people probably would assume that the large, muscular man has the genetic advantage for success in competitive bodybuilding over the skinny man. But we can’t assume this to be the case. It could easily be the skinny guy who had been born with the superior genes for bodybuilding.

the guns could engage in battle. With a gun on a railway

(B) ‌ But maybe nothing in his environment activated

car, the bed of the car served as the artillery platform. In

those genes. Maybe he was deprived of something

some cases, the rails allowed the car to absorb the shock

in childhood — good nutrition perhaps — and those

of the gun’s firing by allowing the car to slide back on the

genetic gifts were muted. Maybe he grew up in a place

rails. This innovation eliminated the need for the continual

that had no gyms and he never had the opportunity to

reconstruction of a platform each time a military force

train with weights. Or, maybe he thought bodybuilding

moved an artillery piece.

was weird or too difficult so he never even tried.

* artillery 대포

** be thrust into~으로 투입되다 *** haul (힘들여)끌다

massive bodybuilder standing next to an extraordinarily

① The Obsession of the Army to the Railroads

skinny man. One of them looks like freshly shaved King

② The Development Process of Mobile Artillery

Kong and the other looks like the slightest gust of wind

③ The Attribution of Railroads to the Civil War

might knock him over.

④ The Civil War: The Basis in Development of City

* absurdity 불합리성 ** gust of wind 돌풍 *** mute 약화시키다

⑤ The Effectiveness of Reducing Military Preparedness

64 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

(C) ‌ To visualize this, consider a physical example. Imagine a

|3강 4|

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

Since the early seventeenth century, humans ① have tried to find ways to live peacefully and prosperously with one another in the absence of a common notion of the good. This effort has been identified with liberalism, which has emphasized toleration, individual choice, and ② maximizing general utility through market mechanisms and government constraints. To this end, liberalism has treated all goods as effectively equal, interpreting them as merely the subjective preferences of individuals. This move entails recognizing and admitting ③ what no good is better than any other good. My preference for justice or a moral life is thus essentially no ④ different from my preference for an apple. Thus no good (thing, process, activity, way of life, etc.) in itself is special, sacred, or necessary. In principle, then, there can be no rational (as ⑤ opposed to affective) ground for * entail 필연적으로 preferring one good over another.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

66 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

|3강 6|

The Oxford dictionary defines accounting (noun) as ‘the process or work of keeping financial accounts’ while an accountant (noun) is ‘a person whose job is to keep or inspect financial accounts’. However, this definition is overly . For a long time, accounting

on to expression; of the inner necessity which moves us to continual endeavors to make others share our thoughts, our experiences, but most of all our emotions. It seems to me that if we trace this instinctive desire back far enough, we ⑤ reach the beginnings of art. * batter 난타하다, 연타하다

was considered a process of collecting, analysing and communicating financial information to allow users to make better-informed decisions. This work remains at the forefront of the role but more recently accountants have been asked to expand their remit into new areas. For example, accountants are now deeply involved in the preparation of non-financial information, including corporate social responsibility reporting. The image of the boring, conservative, grey-suited person is outdated.

68 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

The job has changed. Accountants now need to be

|3강 8|

communicators as well as doers. They need to be client

I found, when I took up land in India and learned what

facing rather than just hit buttons on a calculator. There

the people of the country know, that the diseases of plants

is a new breed of accountant and whether you believe

and animals were very useful agents for keeping me in

this is a change for the better or worse, it seems to be a

order, and for teaching me agriculture. I have learned

change that is here to stay.

more from the diseases of plants and animals than I have

① novel

② drastic

④ involved

⑤ simplistic

* remit 소관, 책임사항

from all the professors of Cambridge, Rothamsted and

③ flexible

other places who gave me my preliminary training. I argued the matter in this way. If diseases attacked my crops, it was because I was doing something wrong. I therefore used diseases to teach me. In this way I really learned agriculture. I think if we used diseases more

67 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 지 않은 것은?

|3강 7|

instead of running to sprays and killing off pests, and if we let diseases rip and then found out what is wrong and then tried to put it right, we should get much deeper into

Broadly speaking, art exists as a consequence of the

agricultural problems than we shall do by calling in all

universal human desire for sympathy. Man is forever endeavoring to break down the wall which ① separates

these artificial aids. After all, the destruction of a pest is

him from his fellows. Whether we call it egotism or


simply humanity, we all know the wish to make others ② appreciate our feelings; to show them how we suffer, how we enjoy. We batter our fellowmen with our opinions ③ sufficiently often, but this is nothing

the evasion of, rather than the solution of, all agricultural

In (A) agricultural problems, it is much better to use diseases rather than (B) pests.

in comparison to the insistence with which we pour out our feelings. A friend is the most valued of earthly possessions largely because he is willing to receive without appearance of impatience the unending story of our mental sensations. We are all more or less ④ unconscious of the constant impulse which urges us


* evasion 회피



① analyzing


② unsettling


③ resolving


④ resolving


⑤ unsettling


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69 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|3강 9|

The tourism sector’s reaction to climate change has ① involved two different but related responses: mitigation and adaptation strategies. Mitigation refers to attempts to ② reduce the impact of tourism on climate change, while adaptation refers to attempts to adapt tourism to climate changes and minimize climate change risks. The tourism sector will also need to make adaptations in response to national mitigation strategies related to greenhouse gas emissions, hence the concepts are ③ related. For instance, as a sector totally reliant on transport, national and international mitigation policies related to greenhouse gas emissions are likely to ④ decrease costs of transport and impact tourism mobility. There are implications for slow travel which ⑤ emphasizes traveling to destinations more slowly and staying longer in one place rather than cramming in as many places as possible in a short space of time. For example, it could be argued that slow travel should become a major mitigation response, as part of a cultural

70 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

|3강 10|

Over the past decade there has been a surge of empathic thinking and action around the globe driven by political activists, advice columnists, and religious leaders. ① Protesters in the Occupy movement in Britain and the United States erected Empathy Tents and ran workshops on empathic activism. ② Hundreds of thousands of schoolchildren have been taught empathy skills through Roots of Empathy, a Canadian education program that has spread to Britain, New Zealand, and other countries, that brings babies into the classroom and turns them into teachers. ③ A German social entrepreneur has established a worldwide network of museums where blind guides have taken more than seven million visitors around exhibits that are in total darkness, to give them the experience of being visually impaired. ④ It may be said that visual impairment is the functional limitation of the eye or eyes or the vision system. ⑤ All these initiatives are part of a historic wave of empathy that is challenging our highly individualistic, selfobsessed cultures, in which most of us have become far too absorbed in our own lives to give much thought to anyone * surge 급증, 급등 ** visually impaired 시각장애가 있는 else.

change, associated with travel and trip distance reduction.

* mitigation 완화

71 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|3강 11|

Scientific ideas are often ① counterintuitive to everyday thinking. For example, when you place your hand on a piece of metal in a room, it feels cool to your touch. When you place your hand on a piece of wood in the same room it feels warmer to the touch. Many people will deduce that the temperature of the metal is cooler than that of the wood. Yet, if the objects have been in the same room for any length of time, their temperatures will be ② equal. It turns out that when you place your hand on metal, it conducts heat out of your hand ③ quickly, thus giving the impression that it is cold. The wood does not conduct heat as rapidly as the metal and therefore “feels” ④ warmer than the metal. In other words, our senses have fooled us into thinking that instead of everything in the room being at room temperature, the metal is cooler than anything else. Therefore our erroneous conclusion: Metal objects are always cooler than other objects in a room. Indeed, if you go from room to room and touch many objects, your idea is reinforced and becomes more and more ⑤ accustomed to * counterintuitive 직관에 반대되는 change.

E 모든 변형문제

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E 모든 변형문제

72 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?


|3강 12|

Altruism — unselfish concern for the welfare of others

73 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 |4강 1|

— presents sociobiology and evolutionary theory in

지 않은 것은?

general with a very real difficulty.

The function of thought is to translate and interpret

(A) ‌ However, altruism continues to exist: how can evolutionary theory explain this? Wilson suggests that continued altruism is due to the evolutionary motivation

communications from the emotions and senses. Thought is often used ① inappropriately, to ignore rather than interpret communications. There are countless times

of genes to defend and protect the species gene pool.

when I’ve had a feeling or intuition that later turned out to be ② correct, but I “logic-ed” myself out of it and

(B) ‌ The difficulty is that, in Wilson’s words, ‘fallen heroes

③ failed to take advantage of the insight. A good

do not have children.’ If altruism is rooted in genes,

example is when a person is driving and has an impulse

the individuals with those genes would disappear (the altruists would all be killed), and only those possessing

to take an alternate route. Rather than simply taking the other route, she tells herself it would be ④ smart to do so

selfish genes would survive.

because that road is longer and has more stoplights. She

(C) ‌ For writers like Edward Wilson, the behaviour patterns of species and individuals are totally susceptible to biological explanation; some creatures are altruistic because they are driven by their genes to sacrifice themselves for the well-being of others. For example, a small bird will give a warning cry when a predator approaches, and so risk its life to safeguard its fellows.

goes her usual way and encounters a traffic jam due to road construction or an accident. The habit of using logic to ⑤ contradict inner communications is like a oneperson version of the humorous question, “Are you going to believe what you see or what I tell you?” We tend to believe what we tell ourselves rather than what we perceive with our inner senses and our physical senses.

* susceptible ~이 가능한

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)


③ (B)-(C)-(A)

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74 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 2|

Jack Welch, a great business leader, who transformed General Electric into one of the world’s leading powerhouses, was constantly evolving tools and methods in search of continuing growth. He encouraged managers to start each day as if it was the first day in the job. He frequently said that managers were often afraid of change, the very change they must embrace. And Richard Branson, the CEO of Virgin Atlantic, agrees with Jack on this very important reasoning because at his airline company, people never rest upon past achievements but keep on trying to improve things. Interestingly, the moment the airline was voted as having the best business class seats in the world in the UK airline awards, their designer was already beginning to work on the next seats to beat their own expectations rather than their competitors. You must either stay ahead of other people or stay ahead of yourself all the time. If you really put

75 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 3|

Stanislavski warned, “Young actor, fear your admirers!” After you enter the magic circle of selfdeception, it is difficult to escape the mendacity. It is pleasant to hear the flattery and praise of your adoring admirers because you desperately want to believe them. However, you should not enter into this profession simply to amuse your followers, and do not discuss your artistic process with anyone other than . The naive compliments of friends and family — who are not actors — will not help you grow as an artist. Talk to your admirers, but listen, understand, and even love the observations of a true professional. There is nothing more beneficial to your growth than the brutally honest words of someone who knows. Unfortunately, however, you will not always be lucky enough to have an acting coach who knows or cares standing over your shoulder giving you expert advice. Therefore, you must know how to * mendacity 거짓, 허위 manage your fans’ expectation. ① your friendly colleague

your mind to it you are normally going to.

② trusted mentors and colleagues

If you would like to accelerate your growth, what you need to do is (A) not (B) . (A)


① innovation


② innovation


③ revelation


④ revelation


⑤ foundation


③ friend interested in your work ④ anyone who are reliable always ⑤ intimate and generous family

76 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|4강 4|

When we purchase a lunch from a food vendor, we exchange money for the material food. At the same time we exchange information ① regarding the relationship between the vendor and ourselves, ranging from happiness to indifference to anger. Although the food will be consumed and require further material exchanges for additional consumption, the relationship between the vendor and us ② has the capacity to evolve and grow. The relationship will most likely grow towards greater cooperation and ③ shared oneness through intentionally communicating in loving manners that acknowledge and appreciate the value ④ what the vendor adds to our lives in these material and relationship exchanges. Consequently, the food provides physical nourishment, ⑤ while the relationship can evolve to provide emotional, social, and spiritual nourishment. Future purchases exchange similar quantities of money, while the relationship can increase qualitatively in a variety of important ways.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

77 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

78 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장

|4강 5|

Such an idea should not be taken too seriously, so why, then, have I mentioned it? If leadership ability is inherited, the selection and recruitment of managers as potential leaders would only focus on the candidate’s parents and ancestors — evidence of work experience would not be valued. ( ① ) Moreover, if leaders are born and not developed, then high-performing people would always emerge regardless of the business context, their management ability or the company’s willingness to recruit and select well, or coach, mentor, train, develop and evaluate employees. ( ② ) Furthermore, attempts to improve performance would be a wasteful exercise. ( ③ ) Simply because, in my experience, some managers manage their people based on this idea, and it prevents them from applying the person-management skills and techniques that lead to improved performance. ( ④ ) I feel that it is far better to accept that the work environment, including management action, shapes people’s behaviour and abilities and that every manager can improve the way they manage people regardless of innate characteristics. (⑤)

|4강 6|

적절한 것은?

Some observers believe that people (A) [growing / grown] up in the United States may be missing some of the finer points of etiquette and getting along with people. Because twenty-first-century American life has become so rushed, parents simply are not taking the time to teach their children proper etiquette. Moreover, because our K-12 educational system is under (B) [increased / increasing] pressure to teach more and more practical courses, there has been little time for teachers to instruct on how to get along in a civil society. The result is that we see an ever-increasing number of ill-groomed Americans, talking too loudly on their cell phones, drinking someone else’s water at a business dinner, using sloppy grammar in their e-mails, or (C) [shown / showing] discomfort at making small talk at a cocktail party. As a result, U.S. society in recent years has witnessed a new growth industry — namely etiquette trainers, coaches, and consultants. Parents are sending their children to private etiquette classes and camps for the purpose of better preparing them for entering the job market. * ill-groomed 단정치 못한 모습을 지닌 ** sloppy 조잡한 (A)



① growing



② growing



③ growing



④ grown



⑤ grown



79 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 7|

To the human brain, playing a game is more like actually running a race than watching a film or reading a short story about a race. When I run, I make a series of choices about actions I will take that might affect whether I win. I feel a sense of mastery or failure depending on whether I successfully execute the actions in the ways how I intended. My emotions ebb and flow as I make these choices and see what happens as a result. I feel a sense of consequence and responsibility for my choices. In the end, I am to blame for the outcomes, because they arise from my own actions. This rich set of feelings that I have about the solo experience of running depends on the active role that I play in the * ebb and flow 밀려왔다 밀려갔다 한다, 변동하다 experience.


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81 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

① Factors affecting Whether one win ② Similarity of Game and Race

|4강 9|

Science is ubiquitous. Its boundaries are unclear,

③ Intended Success and Failure

its range confusing. Distinctions have been drawn

④ Range of Choices When Racing

between different types of science, natural versus social,

⑤ Causes and Consequences in Life

hard versus soft, historical versus experimental, and so on. Disagreement reigns over whether economics is science, whether anthropology is science, whether history is science. Creation science calls itself science, but many call foul. Politicians have suggested — what sounds thoroughly reasonable — that policy should utilize sound science and avoid junk science. Scientific discoveries are reported in the media; scientific concepts are utilized in novels, film and television. Science is . It offers explanations of our most common observations, but in terms that are peculiar and hard to comprehend. Scientific developments are integral to some of society’s most remarkable achievements, but also some of our most horrifying tragedies. Thus, science is both utterly familiar

80 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|4강 8|

and an immediate source of controversy and debate. * demonize 악마로 묘사하다

Since the nineteenth century, Europeans have got used to seeing their economies surpassed by the Americans.

① familiarized and famous

However, since the Cold War, the United States has been

② notorious and unclear

challenged by a resurgent and unifying Europe, and,

③ comprehensible and reasonable

more recently, by the vigorous “rise” of several nations

④ remarkable and controversial

in the “developing” world — China in particular. Current

⑤ popularized and demonized

measurements clearly show the United States economy to have been in relative decline in comparison with these rising economies. Should America’s relative decline also be considered a symptom of morbid decline? Does it indicate a wasting sickness of the American economy? It might well. Nations do rise and fall . Our colleague, Lanxin Xiang, reminds us that China possessed the world’s leading economy for the greater part of the previous millennium. In the end, however, its past success did not prevent China from being pillaged throughout most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. ① 냉전 이래로 미국은 특히 중국의 강력한 성장에 의해 도전을 받아 왔다.

② 현재의 측정치들은 미국 경제가 쇠퇴해 왔다는 것을 보여준다. ③ 국가는 확실히 융성하고 쇠퇴한다. ④ Lanxin Xiang은 중국이 지난 기간 동안 세계에서 취약한 경제를 소유했다는 것을 상기시킨다.

⑤ 19세기와 20세기의 대부분 기간 동안 중국은 약탈을 당했다. E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

82 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한

84 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한

|4강 10|


|4강 12|


Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, work around the

For example, the integration of natural language

clock and at least in the early years cannot expect the

processing and virtual reality has allowed for the creation

same kind of security.

of interactive intelligent virtual humans that can provide

The entrepreneurial journey brings with it a considerable change in lifestyle. When you work for an established organization you are used to certain things. ( ① ) You know how much money you will bring home each month; how many hours you are expected to work. ( ② ) You are entitled to a certain number of paid holidays and your employer may make contributions toward healthcare costs and pension plans. ( ③ ) These are just some of the challenges that many aspiring entrepreneurs are not tuned into. ( ④ ) Since everything is down to you (and your co-founders if this is applicable), you have to take charge and use tact to solve these challenges. ( ⑤ ) This journey doesn’t move forward unless there is planning and a methodological approach.

training, consultation, and treatments. We have entered a very exciting era for behavioral and mental health care. ( ① ) Advances in artificial intelligence make it possible to build intelligent machines that enhance the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of care, while also providing entirely new capabilities. ( ② ) Artificial intelligent agent systems can also assist with clinical decision-making and healthcare management. ( ③ ) Advances in sensing technologies and affective computing have enabled machines to detect, assess, and respond to emotional states. ( ④ ) Robots capable of patient and medical provider interaction are now commercially available for use in the home and medical settings. ( ⑤ ) Moreover, the use of machine

* entrepreneuriel(특히 모험적인)기업가의, 기업가적인

learning and pattern recognition is improving public

** tact 재치, 요령

health surveillance, while brain mapping initiatives now underway provide opportunities to model behavior and better understand normal and abnormal functions of the brain.

83 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|4강 11|

* affective computing 감성 컴퓨팅 ** surveillance 감시

85 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 1|

Observation can offer ethnographers solid evidence of ① demonstrated behaviors occurring within a specific

communications from the emotions and senses. Thought

environment at a specific time. Observational skills help,

is often used inappropriately, to ignore rather than interpret

for instance, when we want to use people’s actions to ② independently verify their spoken claims; describe

communications. There are countless times when I’ve had

and make sense of ③ what is happening when no one

I “logic-ed” myself out of it and failed to take advantage

can — or will — talk with us; and better capture higher-

of the insight. A good example is when a person is driving

level patterns of behavior especially regarding objects

and has an impulse to take an alternate route. Rather than

and environments. Systematic, observation-based data can help us both ④ finding out what is actually going

simply taking the other route, she tells herself it would

on and justify our claims to others. But observation

stoplights. She goes her usual way and encounters a traffic

only gives clues and partial answers as to why things

jam due to road construction or an accident. The habit of

happen and the meanings actors attribute to them. This

using logic to contradict inner communications is like a

is why direct observation should be combined with other methods of understanding ⑤ to address most

one-person version of the humorous question, “Are you

ethnographers’ problems of interest. * ethnographer 민족지학자 ** verify 입증하다


The function of thought is to translate and interpret

a feeling or intuition that later turned out to be correct, but

be silly to do so because that road is longer and has more

going to believe what you see or what I tell you?” We tend to believe rather than what we perceive with our inner senses and our physical senses.

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E 모든 변형문제 ① what we use in logic thought

beneficial to your growth than the brutally honest words

② what we tell ourselves

of someone who knows. Unfortunately, however, you

③ what our outer sense becomes

will not always be lucky enough to have an acting coach

④ what the humorous question related

who knows or cares standing over your shoulder giving

⑤ what we interpret in communication

you expert advice. Therefore, you must know how to manage your fans’ expectation.

86 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|4강 2|

Jack Welch, a great business leader, who transformed General Electric into one of the world’s leading powerhouses, was constantly evolving tools and methods in search of continuing ① growth. He encouraged managers to start each day as if it was the first day in

* mendacity 거짓, 허위

① How to Observe Your Work to Promote Your Career ② Superfluous Intervention of a True Professional ③ Importance of Experts’ evaluation and Your own Objectivity ④ Wrong Interpretation of Someone who Knows Your Characteristics ⑤ Advice and Support in Your Family about Your own Work

the job. He frequently said that managers were often ② afraid of change, the very change they must embrace. And Richard Branson, the CEO of Virgin Atlantic, agrees with Jack on this very important reasoning because at his airline company, people never rest upon past achievements but keep on trying to ③ fall behind things. Interestingly, the moment the airline was voted as having the best business class seats in the world in the UK airline awards, their designer was already beginning to work on the next seats to ④ beat their own expectations rather than their competitors. You must either stay ahead of other people or stay ahead of yourself all the time. If you really put your mind to it you are normally going to find a ⑤ better way.

88 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |4강 4|

When we purchase a lunch from a food vendor, we exchange money for the material food. (A) we exchange information regarding the relationship between the vendor and ourselves, ranging from happiness to indifference to anger. Although the food will be consumed and require further material exchanges for additional consumption, the relationship between the vendor and us has the capacity to evolve and grow. The relationship will most likely grow towards greater cooperation and shared oneness through intentionally communicating in loving manners that acknowledge

87 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 3|

Stanislavski warned, “Young actor, fear your admirers!” After you enter the magic circle of self-deception, it is difficult to escape the mendacity. It is pleasant to hear the flattery and praise of your adoring admirers because you desperately want to believe them. However, you should not enter into this profession simply to amuse

and appreciate the value the vendor adds to our lives in these material and relationship exchanges. (B) , the food provides physical nourishment, while the relationship can evolve to provide emotional, social, and spiritual nourishment. Future purchases exchange similar quantities of money, while the relationship can increase qualitatively in a variety of important ways.

your followers, and do not discuss your artistic process with anyone other than trusted mentors and colleagues. The naive compliments of friends and family — who are not actors — will not help you grow as an artist. Talk to your admirers, but listen, understand, and even love the observations of a true professional. There is nothing more

E 모든 변형문제



① As a result


② At the same time


③ At the same time


④ However


⑤ However

In addition

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E 모든 변형문제

89 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

(C) ‌ The result is that we see an ever-increasing number of ill-groomed Americans, talking too loudly on their cell

|4강 5|

phones, drinking someone else’s water at a business

If leadership ability is ① inherited, the selection and

dinner, using sloppy grammar in their e-mails, or showing

recruitment of managers as potential leaders would

discomfort at making small talk at a cocktail party.

only focus on the candidate’s parents and ancestors

* ill-groomed 단정치 못한 모습을 지닌 ** sloppy 조잡한

— evidence of work experience would not be valued. Moreover, if leaders are born and not developed, then

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

high-performing people would always emerge regardless

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

of the business context, their management ability or the company’s ② willingness to recruit and select well, or coach, mentor, train, develop and evaluate employees. Furthermore, attempts to improve performance would be a ③ valuable exercise. Such an idea should not be taken too seriously, so why, then, have I mentioned it? Simply because, in my experience, some managers manage their people based on this idea, and it prevents them from applying the person-management skills and techniques that lead to ④ improved performance. I feel that it is far better to accept that the work environment, including management action, shapes people’s behaviour and abilities and that every manager can improve the way they manage people regardless of ⑤ innate characteristics.

90 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |4강 6|

Some observers believe that people growing up in the United States may be missing some of the finer points of etiquette and getting along with people. (A) ‌ As a result, U.S. society in recent years has witnessed a new growth industry — namely etiquette trainers, coaches, and consultants. Parents are sending their children to private etiquette classes and camps for the purpose of better preparing them for entering the job market.

91 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|4강 7|

To the human brain, playing a game is more like actually running a race than ① watching a film or reading a short story about a race. When I run, I make a series of choices about actions I will take ② that might affect whether I win. I feel a sense of mastery or failure depending on whether I successfully execute the actions in the ways ③ how I intended. My emotions ebb and flow as I make these choices and see what happens as a

(B) ‌ Because twenty-first-century American life has become

result. I feel a sense of consequence and responsibility for

so rushed, parents simply are not taking the time to

my choices. In the end, I am to blame for the outcomes, because they ④ arise from my own actions. This rich

teach their children proper etiquette. Moreover, because our K-12 educational system is under increased pressure to teach more and more practical courses, there has been

set of feelings that I have about the solo experience of running ⑤ depend on the active role that I play in the

little time for teachers to instruct on how to get along in


a civil society. 038

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* ebb and flow 밀려왔다 밀려갔다 한다, 변동하다

E 모든 변형문제

92 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 8|

Since the nineteenth century, Europeans have got used to seeing their economies surpassed by the Americans. However, since the Cold War, the United States has been challenged by a resurgent and unifying Europe,

① History of Modern Science ② Double Sidedness of Science ③ Necessity and Utilization of Science ④ Positive Function of Science ⑤ Boundary and Distinction about Science

and, more recently, by the vigorous “rise” of several nations in the “developing” world — China in particular. Current measurements clearly show the United States economy to have been in relative decline in comparison with these rising economies. Should America’s relative decline also be considered a symptom of morbid decline? Does it indicate a wasting sickness of the American economy? It might well. Nations do rise and fall . Our colleague, Lanxin Xiang, reminds us that China possessed the world’s leading economy for the greater part of the previous millennium. In the end, however, its did not prevent China from being pillaged throughout most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. * resurgent 재기하는 ** morbid 병약한 *** pillage 약탈하다

① social unity

② past success

③ economy and culture

④ previous measurements

⑤ population decline

93 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 9|

Science is ubiquitous. Its boundaries are unclear, its range confusing. Distinctions have been drawn between different types of science, natural versus social, hard versus soft, historical versus experimental, and so on. Disagreement reigns over whether economics is science, whether anthropology is science, whether history is science. Creation science calls itself science, but many call foul. Politicians have suggested — what sounds thoroughly reasonable — that policy should utilize sound science and avoid junk science. Scientific discoveries are reported in the media; scientific concepts are utilized in novels, film and television. Science is popularized and demonized. It offers explanations of our most common observations, but in terms that are peculiar and hard to comprehend. Scientific developments are integral to some of society’s most remarkable achievements, but also some of our most horrifying tragedies. Thus, science is both utterly familiar and an immediate source of * demonize 악마로 묘사하다 controversy and debate.

E 모든 변형문제

94 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|4강 10|

The entrepreneurial journey brings with it a considerable change in lifestyle. When you work for an established organization you are used to certain things. You know how much money you will bring home each month; how many hours you are expected to work. You are entitled to a certain number of paid holidays and your employer may make contributions toward healthcare costs and pension plans. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, work around the clock and at least in the early years . These are just some of the challenges that many aspiring entrepreneurs are not tuned into. Since everything is down to you (and your co-founders if this is applicable), you have to take charge and use tact to solve these challenges. This journey doesn’t move forward unless there is planning and a methodological approach. * entrepreneuriel (특히 모험적인)기업가의, 기업가적인 ** tact 재치, 요령

① can earn a lot of money ② can take a rest any time they want ③ cannot plan their own project ④ cannot expect the same kind of security ⑤ can contribute to the community

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E 모든 변형문제

95 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |4강 11|

Observation can offer ethnographers solid evidence of demonstrated behaviors occurring within a specific environment at a specific time. Observational skills help, , when we want to use people’s actions to independently verify their spoken claims; describe and make sense of what is happening when no one can — or will — talk with us; and better capture higher-level patterns of behavior especially regarding objects and environments. Systematic, observation-based data can help us both find out what is actually going on and justify our claims to others. , observation only gives clues and partial answers as to why things happen and the meanings actors attribute to them. This is why direct observation should be combined with other methods of understanding to address most ethnographers’ problems of interest. (A)


① As a result


② For example


③ For example


④ However


⑤ However

In addition


96 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|4강 12|

We have entered a very exciting era for behavioral and mental health care. Advances in artificial intelligence make ① it possible to build intelligent machines that enhance the quality, accessibility, and efficiency of care, while also ② providing entirely new capabilities. For example, the integration of natural language processing and virtual reality has allowed for the creation of interactive intelligent virtual humans that can provide training, consultation, and treatments. Artificial intelligent agent systems can also assist with clinical decision-making and healthcare management. Advances in sensing technologies and affective computing ③ has enabled machines to detect, assess, and respond to emotional states. Robots ④ capable of patient and medical provider interaction are now commercially available for use in the home and medical settings. Moreover, the use of machine learning and pattern recognition is improving public health surveillance, while brain mapping initiatives now underway ⑤ provide opportunities to model behavior and better understand normal and abnormal functions of the brain. * affective computing 감성 컴퓨팅 ** surveillance 감시

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99 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


97 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |5강 1|

않은 것은?

|5강 3|

Some children are faced with challenging events in their lives, but other children have a relatively more straightforward early life. For example, children who

People hate to lose something ① more than they

have grown up in situations where there is absolute

like gaining something of equal value. Given this near-

poverty, social problems, or abusive relationships, have

universal truth about the human psyche, it may not be surprising that many acts of ② honesty and cheating in

been found to have significantly decreased life chances

the real world are born from fear of losing something we

in their adult life. However, there are children who

value. Pressure to avoid getting an “F” in a class leads many students to bring ③ cheat sheets into exams more

have experienced adversity in their childhood but who

so than does the possibility of getting an “A.” Pressure

emotionally secure or socially competent and who have

to avoid losing market share tempts those in business to ④ break laws more often than does setting new sales

reached their ‘individual potential’. It has been proposed that the source of this success relates to .

records. Not owing the government additional money is

This is an innate and protective factor that enables an

a bigger motivator for cheating on taxes than is getting a bigger refund. Sure, in all these cases ⑤ gains like the

individual to deal with change, which psychologists call

bigger sales figure or the bigger refund may motivate

reach the goals that teachers set, but, perhaps even more

people to cheat, but the point is that they’ll never be as

importantly, the goals they set for themselves.

and may go on to have social or emotional maladjustment

still attain well by the end of their schooling, who are

resilience. Resilience has been found to allow children to

motivating as avoiding a loss of equal amount.

* resilience 회복력

* psyche 마음, 정신

① intrinsic harmony

② childhood experience

③ intrinsic motivation

④ problematic situation

⑤ individual aptitude

98 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|5강 2|

You probably have a lot of fear about what will happen if you show your feelings, most likely as a result of what happened when you were a child. If you showed you were sad, nobody was there to comfort you, to validate that sadness. Maybe you were told if you didn’t shut up you were really going to get something to cry about. The people you loved didn’t acknowledge when you were embarrassed; in fact, they may have done things to embarrass you, even to humiliate and shame you. It was not safe to show your feelings when you were growing up and, as a result, not only do you avoid expressing your feelings now, but often you don’t really know what they are. ① The Reason We Avoid Expressing Our Feeling ② How to Express Our Emotion Properly ③ The Reason We Feel Angry When We Meet Reality ④ When to Feel Sad, Love and Embarrassed ⑤ How to Overcome Our Extreme Emotion E 모든 변형문제

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E 모든 변형문제

100 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|5강 4|

|5강 5-6|

[101~102] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오

Bert and Betty Oliver met at a friend’s wedding. For

A San Francisco-based polygrapher told me about

a year they sustained a long-distance romance complete

a polygraph exam he had given to a 45-year-old bank

with frequent plane trips and multipage phone bills.

vice-president who was a suspect in an embezzlement

Eventually Betty moved from Cincinnati to Chicago to

investigation. When initially run through the polygraph

be with Bert and they married six months later. Both

exam, the bank vice-president’s heart rate, blood pressure,

said they came from families where the parents weren’t

and other physiological levels were quite high. This is

very communicative or intimate. Bert and Betty were

normal for both innocent and guilty people, because such

determined to learn from their parents’ mistake and made

an exam is almost always threatening.

communication a priority in their relationship. Although they squabbled occasionally, they usually addressed their

(A) ‌ You can appreciate the irony of this situation. ① He had come into the polygrapher’s office a free man,

differences before the anger boiled over. They tried to be

safe in the knowledge that polygraph evidence was not

understanding of each other’s point of view and usually

allowed in court. Nevertheless, he confessed. Now, ② his professional, financial, and personal lives were

were able to arrive at a compromise. Married only two years when first interviewed, Betty expressed delight that

on the brink of ruin. He was virtually assured of a

she had been able to find “a truly nice man.” Bert still

prison term. Despite these realities, he was relaxed and

considered himself lucky that someone as lovely as Betty was interested in him.

at ease with himself. Indeed, when a policeman came

* squabble 옥신각신하다

① Bert와 Betty는 장거리 로맨스를 유지하다가 이사 후 결혼했다.

to handcuff and escort him to jail, he warmly shook the polygrapher’s hand and thanked ③ him for all he had

② 둘 다 부모가 그다지 말하기를 좋아하거나 친밀하지 않은 가정



③ 둘 다 그들의 관계에서 의사소통을 우선순위로 두기로 결정했다.

(B) ‌ In line with standard procedures, after the bank vicepresident had signed a written confession, he was then polygraphed again to be certain that ④ his

④ 그들은 상대방의 관점을 이해하려고 노력했으나 결국 타협에 이르지는 못했다.

confession was itself not deceptive. When connected

⑤ Bert는 Betty가 그 자신에게 관심을 두어서 운이 좋다고 여기고

to the monitoring device the second time, his overall


physiological levels were extremely low. His hands were no longer sweaty. His heart rate and blood pressure were extraordinarily low. (C) ‌ Nevertheless, the polygrapher suspected that the bank vice-president was lying or holding back information, because his physiological levels went even higher when ⑤ he was asked about some of the details of the embezzlement. With repeated questions, the vice-president finally broke down and confessed to embezzling $74,000 over a 6-month period.

101 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

102 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? 042

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103 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|5강 7|

When it comes to Korean pickles, napa cabbage kimchi is the avatar of all things Korean. Unlike the pickle slice that may or may not be next to your sandwich, kimchi is unquestionably a part of a Korean meal — it’s nonnegotiable. This single foodstuff has completely infiltrated Korean culture; there is kimjang, the annual joint kimchi-making ritual that happens each November all over the country; there is a kimchi museum in Seoul and a kimchi institute of culture; and one of the most requested wedding gifts of modernday Koreans is a specialized kimchi refrigerator — for many, a fridge, with its precise temperature controls and large storage capabilities, beats the ancient practice of burying earthenware pots underground. Kimchi — its

It is sometimes difficult to know the boundaries of the “health system.” ( ① ) What should be included and excluded within a definition of health services, as opposed to other social services? ( ② ) For example, should the definition include pharmacies that not only dispense prescription drugs but also sell billions of dollars of nonprescription, over-the-counter preparations that people use to self-medicate? ( ③ ) What about the range of nontraditional healers, such as herbalists and therapeutic masseurs? ( ④ ) Although they do help people, they are excluded from the traditional health system in that they cannot utilize the system’s major resources (such as hospitals) and often have only limited access to its insurance mechanisms. ( ⑤ ) * dispense 조재하다 ** herbalist 약초상 *** masseur 안마사

flavor, health-enhancing properties, and other virtues — is a frequent subject of conversation in Korea and, increasingly, beyond. For me, it just makes the taste of rice come alive, and eating some foods without it — such as fried rice, noodles, or beef tacos — feels like some sort of undue punishment.

* infiltrate 스며들다, 침투하다

** earthenware pot (옹기로 만든)독 *** undue 과도한

① 김치는 한국의 절임 채소이고 모든 것들의 아바타이다.

105 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|5강 9|

Let me spend a moment on the idea of adjusting to

② 김치는 피클과는 달리 한국 식사의 일부이다.

another person’s mental orientation. What I mean is this.

③ 김치를 주제로 한 다양한 문화가 한국에 있다.

At any moment, a person has a particular take on what

④ 김치는 한국 외의 다른 지역에서 대화 주제가 되고 있다.

is happening. The person notices this rather than that,

⑤ 밥 외의 면류나 소고기 타코 같은 음식을 먹을 때는 김치를 먹지

and she has feelings and makes judgements about one

않아도 괜찮다.

rather than another aspect of events. If she is hungry, for example, she may notice that a shop is selling groceries; her friend may notice only that it sells newspapers. If she is short of money, she may resent that the fruit is overpriced; meanwhile her friend may feel tempted by some juicy peaches. In one sense the two friends are experiencing the same shop and its contents, but they are having quite different experiences of that shop. A more extreme case arises when one person construes things in a(n) , for instance, in mistaking the shop for a cinema.

104 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|5강 8|

Clearly, the corner drugstore for many is the source

* construe~을(...으로)이해하다 ** idiosyncratic 개인에게 특유한

① idiosyncratic and personal way ② common and usual way

of primary care; thus, it is important to count it in the

③ new and famous way

boundary of healthcare resources.

④ important and exciting way ⑤ pleasant and comfortable way E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

106 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 |5강 10|

적절한 곳은?

The ever-expanding web of globalization and industrialization, partly caused by the expanding human population, further links these three systems Economic growth is almost universally considered a worthwhile goal. ( ① ) Ecological conservation and cultural preservation are also accepted as important. ( ② ) These three large-scale systems are not independent

① intrude upon the conversation ② be given the chance to tell ③ wait for that person it finish ④ give your attention to that emergency ⑤ keep your talk going on constantly

108 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |5강 1|

People hate to lose something more than they like gaining something of equal value.

so one cannot focus on one goal while ignoring the other two. ( ③ ) In 1987, the term ‘sustainable

(A) ‌ Sure, in all these cases gains like the bigger sales figure

development’ was brought into common use by the

or the bigger refund may motivate people to cheat,

World Commission on Environment and Development. ( ④ ) The commission’s report, Our Common Future,

but the point is that they’ll never be as motivating as

defined the term as a form of development that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” ( ⑤ )

avoiding a loss of equal amount. (B) ‌ Given this near-universal truth about the human psyche, it may not be surprising that many acts of dishonesty and cheating in the real world are born from fear of losing

Both developed and developing countries have embraced

something we value. Pressure to avoid getting an “F” in a

the concept of sustainable development, but often in

class leads many students to bring cheat sheets into exams

different ways. The shared goal, however, is to maintain and improve the long-term welfare of both humans and ecosystems.

more so than does the possibility of getting an “A.” (C) ‌ Pressure to avoid losing market share tempts those in business to break laws more often than does setting new

107 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

sales records. Not owing the government additional

|5강 11-12|

money is a bigger motivator for cheating on taxes than

I think that I communicate in questions and statements equally. When I am at school, I am learning about new topics. I communicate more in questions because in order to understand new topics I need to ask questions. When I am at work, I speak more in statements. I use them because I am delegating tasks to the sales staff. When I

is getting a bigger refund. ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

109 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|5강 2|

am at home or with my family, it is a combination of the

You probably have a lot of fear about ① what will

two. When I am asking questions it is generally because

happen if you show your feelings, most likely as a result

I want an answer. However, sometimes when I use questions with my friends and family, I am doing so to

of what happened when you were a child. If you showed you were sad, nobody ② was there to comfort you, to

keep the conversation going. I think I am more likely to

validate that sadness. Maybe you were told ③ if you

be interrupted because as a child growing up my father

didn’t shut up you were really going to get something

always taught me it is very rude to interrupt someone

to cry about. The people you loved didn’t acknowledge when you were ④ embarrassed; in fact, they may have

when they are speaking. You should only interrupt if it is an emergency that needs immediate attention. Otherwise, you should . When I get interrupted, I

done things to embarrass you, even to humiliate and

get annoyed because I give the person I am speaking with their chance to say what they have to say and I expect the

you were growing up and, as a result, not only do you avoid ⑤ to express your feelings now, but often you

same respect.

don’t really know what they are.


* delegate 맡기다

shame you. It was not safe to show your feelings when

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110 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 |5강 3|

절한 곳은?

112 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|5강 7|

This is an innate and protective factor that enables an

When it comes to Korean pickles, napa cabbage kimchi is . Unlike the pickle

individual to deal with change, which psychologists call

slice that may or may not be next to your sandwich,


kimchi is unquestionably a part of a Korean meal —

Some children are faced with challenging events in their lives, but other children have a relatively more straightforward early life. ( ① ) For example, children who have grown up in situations where there is absolute poverty, social problems, or abusive relationships, have been found to have significantly decreased life chances and may go on to have social or emotional maladjustment in their adult life. ( ② ) However, there are children who have experienced adversity in their childhood but who still attain well by the end of their schooling, who are emotionally secure or socially competent and who have reached their ‘individual potential’. ( ③ ) It has been proposed that the source of this success relates to intrinsic motivation. ( ④ ) Resilience has been found to allow children to reach the goals that teachers set, but, perhaps even more importantly, the goals they set for themselves. * resilience 회복력 ( ⑤ )

111 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |5강 4|

않은 것은?

Bert and Betty Oliver met at a friend’s wedding. For a year they ① sustained a long-distance romance complete

it’s nonnegotiable. This single foodstuff has completely infiltrated Korean culture; there is kimjang, the annual joint kimchi-making ritual that happens each November all over the country; there is a kimchi museum in Seoul and a kimchi institute of culture; and one of the most requested wedding gifts of modern-day Koreans is a specialized kimchi refrigerator — for many, a fridge, with its precise temperature controls and large storage capabilities, beats the ancient practice of burying earthenware pots underground. Kimchi — its flavor, health-enhancing properties, and other virtues — is a frequent subject of conversation in Korea and, increasingly, beyond. For me, it just makes the taste of rice come alive, and eating some foods without it — such as fried rice, noodles, or beef tacos — feels like some sort of undue punishment.

* infiltrate 스며들다, 침투하다

** earthenware pot (옹기로 만든)독 *** undue 과도한

① just ancient foodstuff ② the avatar of all things Korean ③ the most famous export goods ④ the character of local people ⑤ subject of conversation in family

with frequent plane trips and multipage phone bills. Eventually Betty moved from Cincinnati to Chicago to be with Bert and they married six months later. Both said they came from families where the parents weren’t very communicative or ② intimate. Bert and Betty were determined to learn from their parents’ mistake and made communication a ③ priority in their relationship. Although they squabbled occasionally, they usually addressed their differences before the anger boiled over. They tried to be understanding of each other’s point of view and usually were able to arrive at a ④ discordance. Married only two years when first interviewed, Betty expressed ⑤ delight that she had been able to find “a truly nice man.” Bert still considered himself lucky that someone as lovely as Betty was interested in him. * squabble 옥신각신하다

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

113 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|5강 8|

115 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|5강 10|

It is sometimes difficult to know the boundaries of the

Economic growth is almost universally considered a

“health system.” What should be included and excluded

worthwhile goal. Ecological conservation and cultural

within a definition of health services, as opposed to

preservation are also accepted as important. These three

other social services? For example, should the definition

large-scale systems are not independent so one cannot

include pharmacies that not only dispense prescription

focus on one goal while ignoring the other two. The ever-

drugs but also sell billions of dollars of nonprescription,

expanding web of globalization and industrialization,

over-the-counter preparations that people use to self-

partly caused by the expanding human population, further

medicate? Clearly, the corner drugstore for many is the

links these three systems. In 1987, the term ‘sustainable

source of primary care; thus, it is important to count it

development’ was brought into common use by the

in the boundary of healthcare resources. What about the

World Commission on Environment and Development.

range of nontraditional healers, such as herbalists and

The commission’s report, Our Common Future, defined

therapeutic masseurs? Although they do help people, they are excluded from the traditional health system in

the term as a form of development that “meets the needs of without compromising the ability of future

that they cannot utilize the system’s major resources (such

generations to meet their own needs.” Both developed

as hospitals) and often have only limited access to its

and developing countries have embraced the concept

insurance mechanisms.

of sustainable development, but often in different ways.

* dispense 조재하다 ** herbalist 약초상 *** masseur 안마사

① Scope of What Should Be Included in Medical System

The shared goal, however, is to maintain and improve the long-term welfare of both humans and ecosystems.

② The links between Medical Professionals and Community

① the system

③ Position of Medical System in Social Welfare Business

④ the development ⑤ the present

④ Ease of Access to Health Insurance Structure ⑤ Position of the Pharmacy within the Medical System

114 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|5강 9|

Let me ① spend a moment on the idea of adjusting to another person’s mental orientation. What I mean ② is this. At any moment, a person has a particular take on ③ which is happening. The person notices this rather than that, and she has feelings and makes judgements about one rather than another aspect of events. If she is hungry, for example, she may notice that a shop is selling groceries; her friend may notice only ④ that it sells newspapers. If she is short of money, she may resent that the fruit is overpriced; meanwhile her friend may feel ⑤ tempted by some juicy peaches. In one sense the two friends are experiencing the same shop and its contents, but they are having quite different experiences of that shop. A more extreme case arises when one person construes things in an idiosyncratic way, for instance, in mistaking the shop for a cinema. * construe~을(...으로)이해하다 ** idiosyncratic 개인에게 특유한


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


② the country

③ the organization

E 모든 변형문제

116 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


|5강 11-12|

I think that I communicate in questions and statements

117 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 |6강 1|

equally. When I am at school, I am learning about new

적절한 곳은?

topics. I communicate more in questions because in order

With regard to peer-to-peer risks such as bullying, this

to understand new topics I need to ask questions. When I am at work, I speak more in statements. I use them because I am delegating tasks to the sales staff. When I am at home or with my family, it is a combination of the two. When I am asking questions it is generally because I want an answer. (A) , sometimes when I use questions with my friends and family, I am doing so to keep the conversation going. I think I am more likely to be interrupted because as a child growing up my father always taught me it is very rude to interrupt someone when they are speaking. You should only interrupt if it is an emergency that needs immediate attention. (B) , you should wait for that person to finish. When I get interrupted, I get annoyed because I give the person I am speaking with their chance to say what they have to say and I expect the same respect. (A)

On the other hand

② However


③ As a result


④ As a result


⑤ On top of that


In the context of SNS, media literacy has been argued to be especially important in order to make the users aware of their rights when using these tools. ( ① ) Also people have claimed to help them acquire or reinforce human rights values and develop the behaviour necessary to respect other people’s rights and freedoms. ( ② ) This relates to a basic principle that children are taught in the offline world as well: ‘do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you’. ( ③ ) This should also be a golden rule with regard to SNS, but for children and young people it is much more difficult to estimate the consequences and potential serious impact of their actions in this environment. ( ④ ) Hence, raising awareness of children from a very early age about the particular characteristics of SNS and the potential longterm impact of a seemingly trivial act is crucial. ( ⑤ )


① However

last element is of particular importance.

118 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|6강 2|

Adolescence is not a “natural” age division but a(n) . In earlier centuries, people simply moved from childhood into young adulthood, with no stopover in between. The Industrial Revolution brought such an abundance of material surpluses, however, that for the first time in history, millions of people in their teens were able to remain outside the labor force. At the same time, education became a more important factor in achieving success. The combination of these two forces in industrialized societies created a gap between childhood and adulthood. In the early 1900s, the term adolescence was coined to indicate this new stage in life, one that has become famous for inner turmoil. *turmoil 혼란

E 모든 변형문제

① hardship time

② inner maturity

④ liberal outcome

⑤ social invention

영어독해 연습 편

③ sensitive period


E 모든 변형문제

119 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한

120 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

|6강 3|


않은 것은?

|6강 4|

So they built airstrips out of straw and coconuts, and

No cucumbers burp, but compounds called

dressed themselves to resemble the military personnel

cucurbitacins produced in the skin of the fruit can have an ① adverse effect on the digestive system of those

they’d encountered. The “cargo cult” is an example of observed patterns that have no basis in an underlying cause. The phrase originally described practices developed by the native inhabitants of islands in the South West Pacific after the Second World War. ( ① ) They’d observed first the Japanese and then the Allied soldiers building airstrips, marching, directing landing aircraft, and wearing certain styles of dress. ( ② ) Associated with these curious behaviors was the arrival of giant flying machines carrying vast quantities of exotic material goods — canned food, clothes, vehicles, guns, radios, and so on — called “cargo” by the newcomers. ( ③ ) When the war ended and the visitors left, the natives reasoned that if they carried out the same sort of activities, the planes would return. ( ④ ) They reproduced the waved landing signals from their “runways.” ( ⑤ ) They’d observed a

who eat them. Cucurbitacins also taste bitter, ruining the best cucumber sandwich. Due to ② acquired differences, one person in five can’t taste cucurbitacins at all, which explains why some people think others are crazy when they complain about bitter-tasting cucumbers. But two in five people have an acute sensitivity to cucurbitacins, which makes it ③ understandable if they think the rest of us are crazy for eating cucumbers at all. The standard solution to the problem used to be simply peeling the offending skin. But people are not the only ones affected by cucurbitacins. Insect pests are attracted to the compounds and ④ focus on cucumber plants that produce them, either naturally or through stress. So when plant breeders developed “burpless” varieties, with little to no cucurbitacin in the skins, everyone was happy but *burp 트림하다 the ⑤ bugs.

pattern — the curious behavior of the visitors followed by the arrival of rich rewards — and concluded that there was a connection. But the inferred relationship was not actually a causal one. *cargo cult 화물 숭배 **airstrip 임시 활주로 ***Allied (제2차 세계 대전의)연합군의


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

|6강 5-6|

[121~122] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오

123 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|6강 7|

One important type of evidence in court is character

Several species of Homo belonged in the genus

evidence, that is, evidence about a defendant’s traits

hominid, all of them living in Africa between 2.5 and

and natural tendencies. In certain circumstances, the

1.8 million years ago. The best known is Homo habilis,

defense can introduce witnesses to describe positive

“handy man.” These creatures’brains were half again

characteristics of a defendant that would make it ① unlikely that he committed a particular crime. For

as large as those of the Australopithecines, though still

example, a witness might testify that the defendant is kind

stones up to nine miles from the riverbeds where they

and gentle, suggesting that he would be unlikely to have

were found shows that they could plan for the future,

committed a cruel assault. Although one might expect

something no other apes could do. They used these stones

this kind of testimony to help the defendant, research shows that positive character evidence has ② little effect

as hammers and made choppers by removing flakes from

on jurors’guilt judgments or likelihood of conviction.

We do not know what other tools they made or how

Paradoxically, the use of character evidence may actually ③ increase the likelihood that .

dependent they were on their simple technology. We

This ironic outcome occurs because the prosecution is

on the open savannas of Africa, for their anatomies and

allowed to cross-examine character witnesses to try to

their choppers remained virtually unchanged for almost a

show that they are not good judges of the defendant’s

million years.

only half the size of ours. The fact that they carried small

both sides, an improvement over their predecessors’tools.

know, however, that they were well adapted to surviving

character. During cross-examination, prosecutors

*genus(생물 분류상의) 속 **hominid 원인, 사람과의 일원

might ask a witness whether she knows about previous behaviors by the defendant that ④ contradict her

***anatomy 해부학적 구조, 해부학

testimony. For example, a prosecutor might say, “You said the defendant is kind and gentle. Are you aware that he was removed from high school after injuring another student in a fistfight?” Although jurors are only supposed to use this information to evaluate the credibility of the character witness, it may influence their impressions of the defendant as well. Research shows that a defendant is ⑤ more likely to be convicted when jurors hear positive

① 가장 잘 알려진 종은 ‘호모 하빌리스’이다. ② 그들의 뇌의 크기는 우리 뇌의 크기의 절반이다. ③ 그들은 강바닥에서 옮겨온 돌들을 망치로 사용하는 등 도구를 개선했다.

④ 우리는 그들이 어떤 다른 도구를 만들었는지를 알 수 있다. ⑤ 그들의 해부학적 구조와 작은 도끼가 100만년 동안 변하지 않은 채 남아있다.

character testimony that is cross-examined with negative information than when they hear no character evidence at all.

*testify 진술하다 **the prosecution 검찰 측

121 위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? ① a witness won’t have negative decision ② the jurors will be moved to tears ③ a defendant will be convicted ④ a defendant will express his regret ⑤ the jurors will feel relieved

122 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

124 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|6강 8|

126 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|6강 10|

Toward the end of a teaching sequence, news can have a role in helping students . Appropriate

place within their body where the unique self resides,

news items can provide a fresh way of looking at a

would say that they live about an inch above their

topic and novel contexts for applying newly acquired

eyebrows and about two inches into the skull. But most

knowledge and understandings. They can present

indigenous and historical peoples would locate the self

additional information and ideas and serve as the basis

someplace very different. They would gesture in the region

for research. Furthermore, news-based tasks can be used

of the heart. For most of our history of habitation on Earth,

as a context for students to demonstrate their knowledge

that is where the seat of intelligence, the seat of the soul,

with a view to identifying gaps in their understanding or

was located. That this has changed is more an expression

weaknesses in their ability to make links between related areas of learning. When used in this rather specific way,

of how and what we are taught in Western cultures than of some exact truth. For consciousness is highly

news items have potential in respect of assessment for

and is able to use a variety of locations in the body through


which to process the information we receive from the

*consolidate 통합하다, 강화하다

The majority of modern peoples, if asked to find the

world. The location that most people now identify as

① confront social and cultural problems

themselves, oriented in the brain, is only one of them.

② consolidate and extend their learning ③ face facts as they are in their environment

① static

② alternative

④ assess their learning in dispassionate way

④ changeable

⑤ fixed

③ mobile

⑤ identify gaps out of their colleague

127 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |6강 11-12|

125 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적

However knowledgeable people are about waiting in

|6강 9|

절한 곳은?

They also permitted poorer families to keep their older children at home by pooling incomes.

their own country, learning to play this intricate game in a foreign culture is tricky. The rules are often as diverse as the countries themselves.

Apprenticeship experienced a steep, and apparently permanent, decline as a result of industrialization.

(A) ‌ But when Leon Mann studied Israelis at bus stops, he found that they established implicit rules, so that commuters

Insofar as it functioned as an economic exchange, its

almost invariably boarded the bus in order of arrival. This

transformation into a wage relationship had several benefits. ( ① ) Wages greatly enhanced the freedom of

system, he observed, reflects the orderly, egalitarian nature of Israeli society, which values independence and service

the young, permitting them to limit their hours of work, bring an end to tiring household chores, escape the master’s household and round-the-clock surveillance, and change employers freely. ( ② ) Masters, too, were often

according to need, but rejects regimentation. (B) ‌ Reactions to waiting are also culturally diverse. One study, for example, found that Italian queues are more likely to be characterized by lighthearted conversation and a general

happy to rid their homes of disobedient and unreliable adolescents. ( ③ ) Moreover, wage relations allowed

atmosphere of cheerfulness, as opposed to the irritability and impatience that represent American lines.

masters to hire and fire young workers as the need arose. ( ④ ) However, since employment relations implied

(C) ‌ The British, for example, pride themselves on the

no training, employers had no obligation to instruct the

orderliness of their queues. Israelis, on the other hand,

young beyond what was required to perform the work at hand. ( ⑤ )

stubbornly resist forming distinct lines.

*apprenticeship (옛날의) 도제 **pool(공동으로 이용할 자금·정보 등을)모으다


*egalitarian 평등주의의 **regimentation 통제, 편성, 규격

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

128 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|6강 1|

130 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|6강 3|

In the context of SNS, media literacy has been argued

The “cargo cult” is an example of observed patterns

to be especially important in order to make the users

that have no basis in an underlying cause. The phrase

aware of their rights when using these tools, and also

originally described practices developed by the native

help them acquire or reinforce human rights values

inhabitants of islands in the South West Pacific after the

and develop the behaviour necessary to respect other

Second World War. They’d observed first the Japanese

people’s rights and freedoms. With regard to peer-to-peer

and then the Allied soldiers building airstrips, marching,

risks such as bullying, this last element is of particular

directing landing aircraft, and wearing certain styles of

importance. This relates to a basic principle that children

dress. Associated with these curious behaviors was the

are taught in the offline world as well: ‘do not do to

arrival of giant flying machines carrying vast quantities

others what you would not want others to do to you’.

of exotic material goods — canned food, clothes,

This should also be a golden rule with regard to SNS, but

vehicles, guns, radios, and so on — called “cargo” by

for children and young people it is much more difficult to

the newcomers. When the war ended and the visitors

estimate the consequences and potential serious impact

left, the natives reasoned that if they carried out the

of their actions in this environment. Hence, raising

same sort of activities, the planes would return. So they

awareness of children from a very early age about the

built airstrips out of straw and coconuts, and dressed

particular characteristics of SNS and the potential longterm impact of a seemingly trivial act is .

themselves to resemble the military personnel they’d

① trivial

② exciting

④ crucial

⑤ useless

encountered. They reproduced the waved landing signals from their “runways.” They’d observed a pattern —

③ hostile

the curious behavior of the visitors followed by the arrival of rich rewards — and concluded that there was a connection. But the inferred relationship was not actually a(n) . *cargo cult 화물 숭배 **airstrip 임시 활주로 ***Allied (제2차 세계 대전의)연합군의

129 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

① true fantasy

② same activity

③ blurred methods

④ exotic means

⑤ causal relationship

|6강 2|

않은 것은?

Adolescence is not a ① “natural” age division but a social invention. In earlier centuries, people simply moved from childhood into young adulthood, with no stopover in between. The Industrial Revolution brought such an abundance of material surpluses, however, that for the first time in history, millions of people in their teens were able to remain ② inside the labor force. At the same time, education became a more important factor in achieving ③ success. The combination of these two forces in industrialized societies created a ④ gap between childhood and adulthood. In the early 1900s, the term ⑤ adolescence was coined to indicate this new stage in life, one that has become famous for inner turmoil. *turmoil 혼란

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

131 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|6강 4|

|6강 5-6|

[132~133] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

No cucumbers burp, but compounds called

One important type of evidence in court is character

cucurbitacins produced in the skin of the fruit can have

evidence, that is, evidence about a defendant’s traits

an adverse effect on the digestive system of those who

and natural tendencies. In certain circumstances, the

eat them. Cucurbitacins also taste bitter, ruining the

defense can introduce witnesses to describe positive

best cucumber sandwich. Due to genetic differences,

characteristics of a defendant that would make it unlikely

one person in five can’t taste cucurbitacins at all, which

that he committed a particular crime.

explains why some people think others are crazy when they complain about bitter-tasting cucumbers. But two

(A) ‌ , a prosecutor might say, “You said the defendant is kind and gentle. Are you aware that he was

in five people have an acute sensitivity to cucurbitacins,

removed from high school after injuring another student

which makes it understandable if they think the rest of

in a fistfight?” Although jurors are only supposed to use

us are crazy for eating cucumbers at all. The standard

this information to evaluate the credibility of the character

solution to the problem used to be simply peeling

witness, it may influence their impressions of the defendant

the offending skin. But people are not the only ones

as well. Research shows that a defendant is more likely to

affected by cucurbitacins. Insect pests are attracted to the

be convicted when jurors hear positive character testimony

compounds and focus on cucumber plants that produce

that is cross-examined with negative information than

them, either naturally or through stress. So when plant

when they hear no character evidence at all.

breeders developed “burpless” varieties, with little to no cucurbitacin in the skins, everyone was happy but the bugs.

(B) ‌ Paradoxically, the use of character evidence may actually increase the likelihood that a defendant will

*burp 트림하다

be convicted. This ironic outcome occurs because the

① 오이의 껍질에서 생산되는 쿠쿠르비타신이라는 화합물은 부작용과

prosecution is allowed to cross-examine character

쓴맛을 일으킬 수 있다.

witnesses to try to show that they are not good judges

② 5명 중 1명은 쿠쿠르비타신의 맛을 느끼지 못하고 5명 중 2명은

of the defendant’s character. During cross-examination,

예민한 감도를 가지고 있다.

prosecutors might ask a witness whether she knows

③ 쓴 맛을 해결하기 위한 방법은 껍질을 그냥 벗겨내는 것이다.

about previous behaviors by the defendant that

④ 쿠쿠르비타신의 영향을 받는 것은 사람뿐만 아니라 해충들도 있다.

⑤ 껍질에 쿠쿠르비타신이 거의 없는 품종을 개발했을 때 모두가

contradict her testimony. (C) ‌ , a witness might testify that the defendant is kind and gentle, suggesting that he would be unlikely


to have committed a cruel assault. Although one might expect this kind of testimony to help the defendant, research shows that positive character evidence has little effect on jurors’guilt judgments or likelihood of conviction. *testify 진술하다 **the prosecution 검찰 측

132 위 글의 빈 칸에 공통으로 들어갈 연결사로 알맞은 것은? ① For example

② Otherwise

③ On the other hand

④ Therefore

⑤ On top of that

133 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? 052

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

134 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 |6강 7|

적절한 곳은?

136 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|6강 9|

Apprenticeship experienced a steep, and apparently

They used these stones as hammers and made choppers

permanent, decline as a result of industrialization.

by removing flakes from both sides, an improvement

Insofar as it functioned as an economic exchange, its had several benefits. Wages

over their predecessors’tools. Several species of Homo belonged in the genus hominid, all of them living in Africa between 2.5 and 1.8 million years ago. The best known is Homo habilis, “handy man.” ( ① ) These creatures’brains were half again as large as those of the Australopithecines, though still only half the size of ours. ( ② ) The fact that they carried small stones up to nine miles from the riverbeds where they were found shows that they could plan for the future, something no other apes could do. ( ③ ) We do not know what other tools they made or how dependent they were on their simple technology. ( ④ ) We know, however, that they were well adapted to surviving on the open savannas of Africa, for their anatomies and their choppers remained virtually unchanged for almost a million years. ( ⑤ ) *genus(생물 분류상의) 속 **hominid 원인, 사람과의 일원 ***anatomy 해부학적 구조, 해부학

greatly enhanced the freedom of the young, permitting them to limit their hours of work, bring an end to tiring household chores, escape the master’s household and roundthe-clock surveillance, and change employers freely. They also permitted poorer families to keep their older children at home by pooling incomes. Masters, too, were often happy to rid their homes of disobedient and unreliable adolescents. Moreover, wage relations allowed masters to hire and fire young workers as the need arose. However, since employment relations implied no training, employers had no obligation to instruct the young beyond what was required to perform the work at hand.

*apprenticeship (옛날의) 도제

**pool(공동으로 이용할 자금·정보 등을)모으다

① characteristics of economic change ② influences on local and urban area ③ transformation into a wage relationship ④ alteration into a intimate relationship ⑤ solidarity in poorer families

137 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 절한 곳은?

|6강 10|

That this has changed is more an expression of how and what we are taught in Western cultures than of some

135 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|6강 8|

Toward the end of a teaching sequence, news can have a role in helping students ① consolidate and extend their learning. Appropriate news items can provide a fresh way of looking at a topic and novel contexts for applying newly ② acquired knowledge and understandings. They

exact truth. The majority of modern peoples, if asked to find the place within their body where the unique self resides, would say that they live about an inch above their eyebrows and about two inches into the skull. ( ① ) But

can present additional information and ideas and ③ serve

most indigenous and historical peoples would locate the self someplace very different. ( ② ) They would gesture

as the basis for research. Furthermore, news-based tasks

in the region of the heart. ( ③ ) For most of our history of

can be used as a context for students to demonstrate their knowledge with a view to ④ identifying gaps in their

habitation on Earth, that is where the seat of intelligence, the seat of the soul, was located. ( ④ ) For consciousness

understanding or weaknesses in their ability to make links between related areas of learning. When ⑤ using

is highly mobile and is able to use a variety of locations

in this rather specific way, news items have potential in

in the body through which to process the information we receive from the world. ( ⑤ ) The location that most

respect of assessment for learning.

people now identify as themselves, oriented in the brain,

*consolidate 통합하다, 강화하다

E 모든 변형문제

is only one of them.

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

138 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|6강 11-12|

However knowledgeable people are about waiting in their own country, learning to play this intricate game in a foreign culture is tricky. The rules are often as as


139 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|7강 1|

After conquering most of Asia, which was far more

the countries themselves. The British, for example,

than Achilles could have claimed, Alexander preferred to

pride themselves on the orderliness of their queues.

liken himself to the demigod, Hercules, who was known

Israelis, on the other hand, stubbornly resist forming

for accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks. It stood

distinct lines. But when Leon Mann studied Israelis at

to reason that Alexander would attempt to look like

bus stops, he found that they established implicit rules,

these heroes, and because painters and sculptors of his

so that commuters almost invariably boarded the bus in

day rendered gods and heroes in the immortal splendor

order of arrival. This system, he observed, reflects the

of youthful, beardless nudity, he did his best to follow

orderly, egalitarian nature of Israeli society, which values

suit. With limitless self-confidence, Alexander dared to

independence and service according to need, but rejects

do what no self-respecting Greek leader had ever done

regimentation. Reactions to waiting are also culturally

before: shave his face. Audaciously, he cast himself

diverse. One study, for example, found that Italian queues

in an otherworldly image of ageless perfection, taking

are more likely to be characterized by lighthearted

advantage of the fact that he was still only twenty-two

conversation and a general atmosphere of cheerfulness,

years old when he led his forces into Asia. He did not,

as opposed to the irritability and impatience that represent

of course, shed his clothes in public, though Lysippos’s

American lines.

famous full-body bronze portrait Alexander with a Lance

*egalitarian 평등주의의 **regimentation 통제, 편성, 규격

① diverse

② difficult

④ general

⑤ stubborn

③ exciting

(now lost) was indeed nude. For the real conqueror, a smooth, youthful face with flowing curls of hair was the best he could do.

*demigod 반신반인

**splendor 빛남, 광채 ***audaciously 대담하게도

① 알렉산더는 아킬레스를 뛰어넘는 업적을 이루었다. ② 당시의 조각가와 화가들은 영웅의 모습을 벌거벗은 모습으로 만들었다.

③ 알렉산더는 면도를 통해 자신을 늙지 않는 초자연적 이미지로 묘사했다.

④ 자존심이 강한 그리스의 지도자들은 아무도 면도를 하지 않았다. ⑤ 알렉산더의 청동 조각상도 그의 실제 모습처럼 옷을 벗고 있지 않았다.


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

140 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 |7강 2|

적절한 곳은?

142 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|7강 4|

A challenge to using wind as a source of power is that

For nearly two centuries, people in the United States

the wind is intermittent and does not always blow when

have plowed or paved over the nation’s swamps and

electricity is needed.

marshes. Rich wetland soils make highly productive

Wind energy has a few negatives. ( ① ) Wind power must compete with conventional generation sources on a cost basis. ( ② ) Even though the cost of wind power has decreased dramatically in the past ten years, the technology requires a higher initial investment than fossil-fueled generators. ( ③ ) Wind energy cannot be stored (unless batteries are being used), and not all winds can be harnessed to meet the timing of electricity demands. ( ④ ) Another problem is that good sites are often located in remote locations, far from cities where the electricity is needed. ( ⑤ ) Moreover, wind resource development may compete with other uses for the land, and those alternative uses may be more highly valued than electricity generation. *intermittent 간헐적인 **harness(동력원으로)이용하다

farmlands, and sites near large rivers or the coast are ① desirable locations for development. These mysterious ecosystems are also home to creatures many people think of as undesirable, such as crocodiles and mosquitoes, which provides another reason to ② eliminate them. California has lost over 90% of its wetlands. Now, nearly two-thirds of the state’s native fish are extinct, endangered, threatened, or in decline. Forested riparian wetlands near the Mississippi River once had the ③ capacity to store about 60 days of river discharge but now can store only about 12 days. Researchers say that the flooding of the Gulf of Mexico coast from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 would have been much more ④ extensive had the region not lost so much of its wetlands in the past century. Without wetlands, pollutants make their way more ⑤ easily to streams, lakes, and the oceans. *swamp 늪 **marsh 습지 ***riparian 강가의, 강가에 사는

141 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|7강 3|

A classic example of persuasion occurred when I was attending army boot camp and was talking to my buddy while one of the sergeants was conducting a class on land mines. He abruptly interrupted our conversation and said, “You’d better listen to what I’m telling you, boy, because it could save your life.” From that point on, I was all ears because he had persuaded me with a hook: my life. In the business world, you are constantly challenged to get people to do things you want them to do. If you’re the boss, you can apply manipulative tactics when you tell a subordinate, “Here’s a task I want you to do. Don’t ask any questions. Just do it.” Or you can apply persuasive tactics like, “Here’s a task I’d like you to do. Before you get started, let’s first discuss why it’s important to you and our organization.” Leaders persuade with . Idiots manipulate with force. *boot camp 신병훈련소 **sergeant 하사관

① humor

② intuition

④ hooks

⑤ power

③ gift

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

143 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

144 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|7강 5~6|

|7강 7|

Early humans did not possess any natural weapons,

Anxiety, as I experience it, is deeply rooted in

such as large sharp teeth, strong hoofs or poison, to

anticipation. If I am required to go somewhere that I

defend themselves against the dangers lurking on the

know will be potentially agitating, then I can fall into an

savannas. Neither did they operate in large herds. One

endless sequence of “what ifs” and theoretical scenarios.

wonders, therefore, how early humans survived the

(A) ‌ To me, in a very real sense, knowledge is power. The more I know about a future situation, the more I can anticipate the agitating factors and prepare myself. The more I know about what I don’t know, the more I can successfully move the future into my conjecture box, and remove some of its anxiety-producing power.

threat of being eaten by large predators. To answer this question, Adriaan Kortlandt experimented with a little machine driven by an electric motor that could swing a couple of thorny branches around itself. Underneath this machine, he placed a piece of meat, which attracted a few lions. As soon as they approached the meat, the machine would start to spin, which made it hard, if not impossible,

(B) ‌ What is critical here is the word “theoretical.” What do

to get closer to the meat without getting seriously hurt by

I know for sure about an upcoming event? What value

the thorny branches. After one of the lions tried to do so

is there in mentally rehearsing multiple scenarios? How

anyway and got his nose injured, the lions gave up and

much of my anxiety is simply transferring negative

retreated. It is, of course, impossible to know whether

past experiences into these scenarios without any real

early humans actually defended themselves in such ways.


The research done by Kortlandt only shows that such a

(C) ‌ I have found that if I stick with what I actually know

strategy might have been effective. *hoof 발굽 **lurk 잠복하다

about an impending event (which turns out usually to be much less than one would think), then I can dump all my anxiety-generating scenarios into my “conjecture box.” Conjecture has little weight in my cognition. Conjecture is something requiring additional data and further analysis. I am much less likely to be anxious about something that cannot be solved due to lack of data. *agitating 마음을 동요하게 하는 **impending 곧 닥칠 ***conjecture추측, 억측

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

① How to Train Wild Animals ② The Survival of the Fittest in Nature ③ Useful Hunting Tool for Early Humans ④ How Early Humans Defend Themselves ⑤ Essential Strategy for Dominating Predators

145 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

|7강 8|

The effect and implications of using images of animals in advertising are subtle. Animals used to sell products and services that are aimed at children are usually shown as silly or “cute.” “Tony the Tiger” is just one example of an animal image with which we are all familiar and that has come to be closely associated with a particular food product marketed to children. Tigers, many would argue, should be valued as the wild and independent creatures that they are in nature, and should not be portrayed as friendly purveyors of breakfast cereal. Although most people would view the use of animal images as harmless, many advocates of animal rights argue that these images exploit animals, contribute to the perpetuation of a view that trivializes animals, and ultimately contribute to a lack of respect for members of other species. *purveyor (식품 Eg는 정보의)제공자 **perpetuation 영속화


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

147 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

① 친숙한 동물일수록 마케팅 효과가 보장된다. ② 야생동물들의 독립적 활동공간을 보장해주어야 한다.

|7강 10|

③ 아이들은 동물과 유대감을 가질 기회를 확대해야 한다.

In Aristotle’s opinion, men were bigger and stronger

④ 광고에서 동물의 이미지를 사용하는 것을 적절하지 않다.

than women, so it was logical to him that men would

⑤ 광고속 동물의 이미지는 아이들에게 잘못된 정보를 준다.

have more teeth than women do. (A) , Aristotle concluded this as a fact without actually counting the number of teeth in any mouths. Had he done so, he would have found that men and women have exactly the same number of teeth. As another example, Aristotle considered what would happen if he were to drop two balls identical in all ways but mass. In his mind, it was clear that the heavier ball would fall faster than the lighter one would, and he concluded that this must be a law of nature. Once again, he did not consider doing an experiment to see which ball would fall faster. This conclusion, (B) , was also incorrect. Eighteen centuries later, Galileo tried this experiment by dropping two balls of different masses off a building (the Leaning Tower of Pisa, according to legend). Galileo discovered, by experimental observation, that the two balls hit the ground at exactly the same time. Aristotle’s logical conclusion was again wrong.

146 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|7강 9|

Furthermore, as it breaks down, reduction as well as oxidation can occur. Organic material occurs naturally in aquatic environments : fish die, leaves fall into streams and soil washes into rivers. This kind of material is fairly insoluble, however. It breaks down quite slowly, so it does not demand a lot of oxygen all at once. ( ① ) It’s a different picture when you pour thousands of liters of sewage into a lake. ( ② ) Because sewage is made up of lots of small bits of organic material dissolved or suspended in water, it starts to break down very quickly, creating an immediate demand for large amounts of oxygen. ( ③ ) When organic material is reduced, it liberates ammonia. Neither oxygen depletion nor ammonia liberation is good for fish or other aquatic organisms. ( ④ ) For example, salmon and trout require a minimum oxygen level of 6 milligrams per liter to live in a river. ( ⑤ ) Trout cannot grow if the ammonia concentration exceeds 0.025 milligrams per liter, and they will die if it exceeds *reduction 환원 **oxidation 산화 0.25 milligrams per liter.

E 모든 변형문제



① Therefore


② Therefore


③ On the other hand

in contrast

④ Similarly


⑤ Similarly


영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

148 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

(A) Audaciously, he cast himself in an otherworldly image of ageless perfection, taking advantage of the fact that he was

|7강 11~12|

않은 것은?

still only twenty-two years old when he led his forces into

The lack of real, direct experience in and with nature has caused many children to regard the natural world as mere ① abstraction, that fantastic, beautifully filmed

Asia. (B) He did not, of course, shed his clothes in public, though Lysippos’s famous full-body bronze portrait Alexander

place filled with endangered rainforests and polar bears

with a Lance (now lost) was indeed nude. For the real

in danger. This exaggerated, often fictionalized version of nature is no more ② real — and yet no less real — to them than the everyday nature right outside their doors, waiting to be discovered in a child’s way, at a child’s

conqueror, a smooth, youthful face with flowing curls of hair was the best he could do. (C) It stood to reason that Alexander would attempt to look like these heroes, and because painters and sculptors of his

pace. Consider the University of Cambridge study which

day rendered gods and heroes in the immortal splendor of

found that a group of eight-year-old children was able to ③ identify substantially more Pokemon characters

youthful, beardless nudity, he did his best to follow suit. With limitless self-confidence, Alexander dared to do what

than common wildlife species. One wonders whether our

no self-respecting Greek leader had ever done before:

children’s inherent capacity to recognize, classify, and

shave his face.

order information about their environment — abilities

*demigod 반신반인 **splendor 빛남, 광채 ***audaciously 대담하게도

once essential to our very survival — is slowly devolving to facilitate life in their increasingly virtualized world. It’s

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

all part of what Robert Pyle first called “the extinction of

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

experience.” This should ring alarm bells for parents and caregivers, because that ④ indirect experience in nature, we now understand, is nothing short of vital to our children’s intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual development. Mounting research demonstrates that, at this most critical time in life, ⑤ interaction with nature affords children the pleasurable multisensory experiences

150 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |7강 2|

that challenge their minds, invigorate their bodies, restore

않은 것은?

their spirits, and sharpen their focus. And it is perhaps a

Wind energy has a few negatives. Wind power must

parent’s first and best medicine for addressing that trio

compete with conventional generation sources on a cost

of decidedly modern childhood disorders today: obesity,

basis. Even though the cost of wind power has decreased

attention deficit, and media addiction.

dramatically in the past ten years, the technology requires a higher ① initial investment than fossil-fueled

*devolve 퇴화하다

generators. A challenge to using wind as a source of power is that the wind is ② constant and does not always blow when electricity is needed. Wind energy cannot be stored (unless batteries are being used), and not all

149 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |7강 1|

After conquering most of Asia, which was far more

winds can be harnessed to meet the timing of electricity ③ demands. Another problem is that good sites are often located in ④ remote locations, far from cities where the electricity is needed. Moreover, wind resource

than Achilles could have claimed, Alexander preferred to

development may compete with other uses for the land, and those alternative uses may be ⑤ highly valued than

liken himself to the demigod, Hercules, who was known

electricity generation.

for accomplishing seemingly impossible tasks.


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)

*intermittent 간헐적인 **harness(동력원으로)이용하다


E 모든 변형문제

151 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 |7강 3|


In the business world, you are constantly challenged to get people to do things you want them to do.

① Efforts to Prevent Natural Disasters ② Conservation of Wetland’s Ecosystem ③ Negative Effects of Decreased Wet Lands ④ Reasons to Develop Swamps for Farming ⑤ Agricultural Value of Swamps and Marshes

A classic example of persuasion occurred when I was attending army boot camp and was talking to my buddy while one of the sergeants was conducting a class on land mines. ( ① ) He abruptly interrupted our conversation and said, “You’d better listen to what I’m telling you, boy, because it could save your life.” ( ② ) From that point on, I was all ears because he had persuaded me with a hook: my life. ( ③ ) If you’re the boss, you can apply manipulative tactics when you tell a subordinate, “Here’s a task I want you to do. Don’t ask any questions. Just do it.” ( ④ ) Or you can apply persuasive tactics like, “Here’s a task I’d like you to do. ( ⑤ ) Before you get started, let’s first discuss why it’s important to you and our organization.” Leaders persuade with hooks. Idiots manipulate with force. *boot camp 신병훈련소 **sergeant 하사관

152 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|7강 4|

For nearly two centuries, people in the United States

153 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |7강 5~6|

않은 것은?

Anxiety, as I experience it, is deeply rooted in anticipation. If I am required to go somewhere that I know will be potentially ① agitating, then I can fall into an endless sequence of “what ifs” and theoretical scenarios. What is critical here is the word “theoretical.”

have plowed or paved over the nation’s swamps and

What do I know for sure about an upcoming event? What value is there in mentally rehearsing ② multiple

marshes. Rich wetland soils make highly productive

scenarios? How much of my anxiety is simply

farmlands, and sites near large rivers or the coast are

transferring negative past experiences into these

desirable locations for development. These mysterious ecosystems are also home to creatures many people think

scenarios without any real evidence? I have found that if I ③ stick with what I actually know about an impending

of as undesirable, such as crocodiles and mosquitoes,

event (which turns out usually to be much less than one

which provides another reason to eliminate them.

would think), then I can dump all my anxiety-generating

California has lost over 90% of its wetlands. Now,

scenarios into my “conjecture box.” Conjecture has

nearly two-thirds of the state’s native fish are extinct, endangered, threatened, or in decline. Forested riparian

little weight in my cognition. Conjecture is something ④ reducing additional data and further analysis. I am

wetlands near the Mississippi River once had the

much less likely to be anxious about something that

capacity to store about 60 days of river discharge but

cannot be solved due to lack of data. To me, in a very

now can store only about 12 days. Researchers say that

real sense, knowledge is power. The more I know about

the flooding of the Gulf of Mexico coast from Hurricane

a future situation, the more I can anticipate the agitating

Katrina in 2005 would have been much less extensive

factors and prepare myself. The more I know about

had the region not lost so much of its wetlands in the past century. Without wetlands, pollutants make their way

what I don’t know, the more I can successfully move the future into my conjecture box, and ⑤ remove some of its

more readily to streams, lakes, and the oceans.

anxiety-producing power.

**impending 곧 닥칠 ***conjecture추측, 억측

*swamp 늪 **marsh 습지 ***riparian 강가의, 강가에 사는

E 모든 변형문제

*agitating 마음을 동요하게 하는

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

154 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |7강 7|

155 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|7강 8|

Early humans did not possess any natural weapons,

The effect and implications of using images of animals in advertising are subtle. Animals used ① to sell products

such as large sharp teeth, strong hoofs or poison, to

and services that are aimed at children are usually shown

defend themselves against the dangers lurking on the

as silly or “cute.” “Tony the Tiger” is just one example of an animal image ② which we are all familiar and

savannas. Neither did they operate in large herds. (A) ‌ Underneath this machine, he placed a piece of meat, which attracted a few lions. As soon as they approached the meat, the machine would start to spin, which made it hard, if not impossible, to get closer to the meat without getting seriously hurt by the thorny branches.

that has come to be closely associated with a particular food product marketed to children. Tigers, many would argue, should be valued as the wild and independent creatures ③ that they are in nature, and should not be portrayed as friendly purveyors of breakfast cereal.

(B) ‌ After one of the lions tried to do so anyway and got

Although most people would view the use of animal images as ④ harmless, many advocates of animal rights

his nose injured, the lions gave up and retreated. It is,

argue that these images ⑤ exploit animals, contribute to

of course, impossible to know whether early humans

the perpetuation of a view that trivializes animals, and

actually defended themselves in such ways. The research

ultimately contribute to a lack of respect for members of

done by Kortlandt only shows that such a strategy might

other species.

*purveyor (식품 Eg는 정보의)제공자

have been effective.

**perpetuation 영속화

(C) ‌ One wonders, therefore, how early humans survived the threat of being eaten by large predators. To answer this question, Adriaan Kortlandt experimented with a little machine driven by an electric motor that could swing a couple of thorny branches around itself.

156 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |7강 9|

*hoof 발굽 **lurk 잠복하다

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

Organic material occurs naturally in aquatic environments: fish die, leaves fall into streams and soil washes into rivers. This kind of material is fairly insoluble, (A) . It breaks down quite slowly, so it does not demand a lot of oxygen all at once. It’s a different picture when you pour thousands of liters of sewage into a lake. Because sewage is made up of lots of small bits of organic material dissolved or suspended in water, it starts to break down very quickly, creating an immediate demand for large amounts of oxygen. (B) , as it breaks down, reduction as well as oxidation can occur. When organic material is reduced, it liberates ammonia. Neither oxygen depletion nor ammonia liberation is good for fish or other aquatic organisms. For example, salmon and trout require a minimum oxygen level of 6 milligrams per liter to live in a river. Trout cannot grow if the ammonia concentration exceeds 0.025 milligrams per liter, and they will die if it exceeds 0.25 milligrams per liter. *reduction 환원 **oxidation 산화


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제


158 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?


|7강 11~12|

① for instance


The lack of real, direct experience in and with nature

② for instance

As a result

has caused many children to regard the natural world

③ on the other hand


as mere abstraction, that fantastic, beautifully filmed

④ however


⑤ however


place filled with endangered rainforests and polar bears in danger. This exaggerated, often fictionalized version of nature is no more real — and yet no less real — to them than the everyday nature right outside their doors, waiting to be discovered in a child’s way, at a child’s pace. Consider the University of Cambridge study which found that a group of eight-year-old children was able to identify substantially more Pokemon characters than common wildlife species. One wonders whether our children’s inherent capacity to recognize, classify, and order information about their environment — abilities once essential to our very survival — is slowly devolving to facilitate life in their increasingly virtualized world. It’s all part of what Robert Pyle first called “the extinction of experience.” This should ring alarm bells for parents and caregivers, because that direct experience in nature, we now understand, is nothing short of vital to our

157 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

| 7 강 10 |

This conclusion, however, was also incorrect.

children’s intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual development. Mounting research demonstrates that, at this most critical time in life, affords children the pleasurable multisensory experiences

In Aristotle’s opinion, men were bigger and stronger

that challenge their minds, invigorate their bodies, restore

than women, so it was logical to him that men would

their spirits, and sharpen their focus. And it is perhaps a

have more teeth than women do. Thus, Aristotle

parent’s first and best medicine for addressing that trio

concluded this as a fact without actually counting the number of teeth in any mouths. ( ① ) Had he done so,

of decidedly modern childhood disorders today: obesity,

he would have found that men and women have exactly the same number of teeth. As another example, Aristotle considered what would happen if he were to drop two balls identical in all ways but mass. ( ② ) In his mind, it was clear that the heavier ball would fall faster than the lighter one would, and he concluded that this must be a law of nature. ( ③ ) Once again, he did not consider

attention deficit, and media addiction.

*devolve 퇴화하다

① interaction with nature ② various cultural experience ③ parents’ education in home ④ familiarity with modern devices ⑤ understanding children’s interests

doing an experiment to see which ball would fall faster. ( ④ ) Eighteen centuries later, Galileo tried this experiment by dropping two balls of different masses off a building (the Leaning Tower of Pisa, according to legend). ( ⑤ ) Galileo discovered, by experimental observation, that the two balls hit the ground at exactly the same time. Aristotle’s logical conclusion was again wrong.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

Pots, bags, and baskets — and eventually bottles



|8강 1|

다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

While timely and sensational topics might initially draw readers to your blog, thorough research supporting your posts is what will keep readers coming back. Often even a single mistake in one of your posts is enough to put off readers so that they never return. Take the time to research information online. Of course, you’re entitled to your opinion, but be careful to support whatever position you take, whatever statements you represent as “true,” with reasonable and confident evidence. When researching online, consider the source. If your source is simply another blog, you should continue searching for

— were central to early preservation technologies. ( ① ) Innovation in this realm was a long and drawn-out process extending across millennia, and one that does not easily give up all of its clues. ( ② ) Early containers were no doubt made from perishable materials such as leaves or grass or leather, leaving little or no trace in the archaeological record. ( ③ ) Later technologies of ceramics and glass radically expanded human capacity to preserve nature and made possible the great ancient civilizations of China, India, Sumer, and Mesoamerica. ( ④ ) Industrial containerization made it possible to distribute foods throughout the globe. ( ⑤ ) Think only of what it would be like to live in a world without tin cans,

a more reputable source to clarify information or certify

cardboard cartons, and bottled drinks.

points. If there is no other source either confirming



**containerization컨테이너에 의한 화물 수송

or denying the information, make it clear that you are merely identifying information from another post which you have not been able to verify. ① 블로그의 게시물이 특정 시각에 치우치면 안된다. ② 온라인에서 자신의 견해를 명확하게 밝혀야 한다. ③ 검증되지 않은 정보를 온라인에서 확산해서는 안된다. ④ 블로그에 게시되는 자료의 출처와 정확성을 확인해야 한다. ⑤ 블로그를 활용하는 연구는 독자들의 관심사항을 고려해야한다.

161 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|8강 3|

The book Bat 21 tells the story of an Air Force navigator ① whose plane was shot down over North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The plane was equipped with a new and sophisticated navigational system ② that the North Vietnamese wanted to know more about. As the only survivor of the crash, the navigator spent several days hiding in the jungle, narrowly ③ avoiding capture. He finally made radio contact with the U.S. forces. He knew that the North Vietnamese were monitoring the radio, but he had to use it if he was going to get out alive. Finally, the Americans came up with a strategy ④ was suggested by an Air Force golfing buddy of the navigator. They decided to use

160 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|8강 2|

the navigator’s knowledge of golf courses throughout the world to direct him to a safe pick-up spot. By reminding

Changes along these lines accelerated after the

the navigator of a certain hole at a specific golf course, they would ⑤ clue him in to what direction and how far

Industrial Revolution, especially in the generation around

to go. The Vietnamese could hear every word and still


not know what the Americans were talking about.


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

162 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|8강 4|



If you wonder how things work, and you follow your , you never know where the information

① For instance


② For instance


you gather will lead you. When my daughter Molly

③ Thus


④ In other words


⑤ In other words


was little, one of her favorite things was a paper-folding kit and book. I was curious about it and found myself unexplainably drawn to playing with it — and years later, when I wanted to design a wastebin with some cardboard, I realized the art of paper-folding held the answer to the burning question, “How do I fold this so it’s nice and compact?” More recently, I picked up a brochure about free conversational French being offered at my local library and decided to take the classes. And then I ended up unexpectedly going to France, where I went on a writer/artist retreat and developed the idea of a new book. Not only that, I just took a blacksmithing course for no other reason than I was curious about it. Now I’m wondering how I’ll use what I learned later on!

*go on a retreat 휴양을 가다

① reason

② curiosity

④ knowledge

⑤ personality

③ intuition

164 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 절한 곳은?

|8강 7|

Yet human life expectancy is increasing rapidly in countries worldwide and in some now exceeds eighty years.

163 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |8강 5~6|

Why can’t we live forever? Why can’t we make human disease a thing of the past? Why is it taking such a long time to cure cancer? ( ① ) These are the sorts of questions

Moral rights that are not the result of particular roles,

that schoolkids often pose to popular science bloggers,

special relationships, or specific circumstances are called

student forums, and the “Ask a Scientist” columns of

human rights. They have some important characteristics. First, human rights are universal. (A) , if the

daily newspapers, but they are no less interesting for that. ( ② ) A recent study shows that the difference today in

right to life is a human right, as most of us believe it is,

the decrease in human mortality between hunter-gatherers

then everyone, everywhere, and at all times, has that

and modern Western-lifestyle populations is greater than

right. By contrast, there is nothing universal about your right that I keep my promise to help you move or about

that between hunter-gatherers and wild chimpanzees. ( ③ ) The bulk of this mortality reduction has occurred

my right to drive 65 miles per hour on certain roads.

in just the last four generations of the roughly eight

Second, and closely related, human rights are equal

thousand generations of humans that have ever lived. ( ④ ) You only have to look at the incredible advances

rights. If the right to free speech is a human right, then everyone has this right equally. No one has a greater right to free speech than anyone else. (B) , your daughter has a greater right than do the daughters of other

over the last century in surgery, public health, immunology, and transplantation to see what a success story modern medicine has been. ( ⑤ )

people to your emotional and financial support.

*immunology 면역학 **transplantation 이식 수술

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

165 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

167 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|8강 8|

|8강 10|

During the first week I visited New York, I became a

Time in cyberspace can feel ① accelerated, in part due

student of the crowd. In the streets, I discovered that New

to the fact that online environments change rapidly. Our ② subjective sense of time is linked to the rate of change

Yorkers never look up at the awe-inspiring buildings

in what happens around us. The more things change, the ③ faster time seems to go. It requires little effort to

through dense crowds, as if they have a Teflon coat, very

move around cyberspace, so the people and groups we

where everyone must stand still as the train rattles from

encounter differ from one moment to the next. If you are

station to station, not only don’t people make eye contact,

a member of an online community for just a year, you

but they exist in their own extremely tight universe,

might be considered an old-timer. During addictive and

as if wearing an invisible space suit. It’s kind of like

highly immersive experiences, time seems to pass so ④ slowly that it almost disappears. Everyone is familiar

driving on the freeway, except that your personal space

with the experience of intending to spend just a few

people could live so close — that you could literally be

minutes online, then two hours later realizing you far ⑤ exceeded your limit.

surrounded by thousands who were only inches away —

*immersive (시스템 등이 사용자를 애워 싸서) 몰입감을 주는

*Teflon coat 테플론 외투(다른 것이 들러붙지 않게 테플론 코팅을 입힌 외투)

towering above them. They move fast and efficiently rarely bumping into one another. And in the subway,

is only half an inch from your clothes. I marveled that

and yet be completely isolated. I found it hard to imagine. **rattle 덜컹거리다

166 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|8강 9|

As an example of such misleading similarities in

① Lonely Crowd in New York ② Intimacy of Urban Population ③ Extremely Busy Life in Large Cities

appearance, many flies look like bumble bees (likely because

④ Overwhelming Skyscrapers in New York

the sting of a bumble bee may make predators think twice).

⑤ Respect for the Individualism in City Life

Very recently, scientists have been able to add a level of complexity to the classification of organisms. Researchers now use genetic or molecular techniques to complement taxonomic techniques. ( ① ) Specifically, they look at organisms’DNA in order to classify them according to their degree of relatedness. ( ② ) This capability is important because animals frequently seem to belong in the same category based on a similar appearance when, in fact, these distant relatives have come to take on a similar appearance because it became advantageous for one reason or another. ( ③ ) Though they look superficially like bumble bees, genetic and taxonomic techniques confirm that they are as related as dogs are to cats. ( ④ ) Genetic studies can also help with the problem of having only dead specimens to study; wasps and bees can look extraordinarily similar to each other when their behavior can’t be observed. ( ⑤ ) Molecular studies, which can be conducted using dead specimens, can confirm that they are truly distant cousins.

*taxonomic 분류학적 **specimen 표본, 견본 ***wasp 말벌


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

168 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |8강 11~12|

One of the most important and often-forgotten truths

169 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |8강 1|

않은 것은?

about any banking system is that it simply cannot exist

While timely and sensational topics might initially draw readers to your blog, ① thorough research supporting

without the government. Lending and borrowing have

your posts is what will keep readers coming back. Often

taken place for as long as recorded history. Before the

even a single mistake in one of your posts is enough to ② attract readers so that they never return. Take the time

nation-state, borrowing and lending were connected to religious temples, the nucleus of each society. (A) ‌ Forty London merchants joined forces to issue the loan. In return, the crown gave them a monopoly on issuing bank notes — the beginning of state-sponsored paper money. The notes were, in fact, the king’s promise to pay back the loan. He never paid it back and those notes and their successors have been circulating and multiplying ever since.

to research information online. Of course, you’re entitled to your opinion, but be careful to ③ support whatever position you take, whatever statements you represent as “true,” with reasonable and confident evidence. When researching online, consider the source. If your source is simply another blog, you should continue searching for a more ④ reliable source to clarify information or certify points. If there is no other source either confirming or denying the information, make it clear that you are

(B) ‌ The Bank of England and the network of banks it created became the model for the world’s current

merely identifying information from another post which you have not been able to ⑤ verify.

banking system — a model where the bank initially existed to meet the needs of the state. Italy, Spain, and France, too, created the first banks to help the monarchy fund a war. The United States came late to the game, but it, too, formed a banking system whose existence depended on the state. (C) ‌ But the banking system we know today, which allows for the development of modern economies by issuing bank notes, lending, and accepting deposits, started with an original transaction between the state and private bankers. The Bank of England was formed in 1694 because King William III needed a loan of 1.2 million pounds to finance a war against France. *transaction 거래 **monopoly 독점

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

170 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|8강 2|

Pots, bags, and baskets — and eventually bottles — were central to early preservation technologies. Innovation in this realm was a long and drawn-out process extending across millennia, and one that does not easily give up all of its clues. Early containers were no doubt made from perishable materials such as leaves or grass or leather, leaving little or no trace in the archaeological record. Later technologies of ceramics and glass radically expanded human capacity to preserve nature and made possible the great ancient civilizations of China, India, Sumer, and Mesoamerica. Changes along these lines accelerated after the Industrial Revolution, especially in the generation around 1900. Industrial containerization made it possible to distribute foods throughout the globe; think only of what it would be like to live in a world without tin cans, cardboard cartons, and bottled drinks.

*Mesoamerica 중앙아메리카 **containerization컨테이너에 의한 화물 수송

① Human Capacity to Preserve Nature ② Difficulty in Protecting Historical Record ③ Development of Preservation Technologies ④ Importance of Making Durable Containers ⑤ Impacts of Industrial Revolution on Containers E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

171 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

173 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

|8강 3|

|8강 5~6|

적절한 곳은?

Finally, the Americans came up with a strategy

Rights that do not rest on special relationships, roles, or

suggested by an Air Force golfing buddy of the navigator.

situations are important. For example, the rights to life,

The book Bat 21 tells the story of an Air Force navigator whose plane was shot down over North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. ( ① ) The plane was

free speech, and religion are widely accepted, not just as the entitlements of some specific political or legal system but as fundamental moral rights.

equipped with a new and sophisticated navigational

(A) ‌ For instance, if the right to life is a human right, as most

system that the North Vietnamese wanted to know more about. ( ② ) As the only survivor of the crash,

of us believe it is, then everyone, everywhere, and at

the navigator spent several days hiding in the jungle,

universal about your right that I keep my promise to

narrowly avoiding capture. He finally made radio contact

help you move or about my right to drive 65 miles per

with the U.S. forces. He knew that the North Vietnamese

hour on certain roads.

all times, has that right. By contrast, there is nothing

were monitoring the radio, but he had to use it if he was going to get out alive. ( ③ ) They decided to use

(B) ‌ More controversial, but often championed as moral

the navigator’s knowledge of golf courses throughout the world to direct him to a safe pick-up spot. ( ④ ) By

education, and work. Moral rights that are not the result

rights, are the rights to medical care, decent housing, of particular roles, special relationships, or specific

reminding the navigator of a certain hole at a specific

circumstances are called human rights. They have

golf course, they would clue him in to what direction and how far to go. ( ⑤ ) The Vietnamese could hear every word and still not know what the Americans were talking about.

some important characteristics. First, human rights are universal. (C) ‌ Second, and closely related, human rights are equal rights. If the right to free speech is a human right, then everyone has this right equally. No one has a greater

172 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

right to free speech than anyone else. However, your

|8강 4|

If you wonder how things work, and you follow your curiosity, you never know ① where the information you gather will lead you. When my daughter Molly was little, one of her favorite things was a paper-folding

daughter has a greater right than do the daughters of other people to your emotional and financial support. ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

kit and book. I was curious about it and found myself unexplainably drawn to ② play with it — and years later, when I wanted to design a wastebin with some cardboard, I realized the art of paper-folding held the answer to the burning question, “How do I fold this so it’s nice and compact?” More recently, I picked up a brochure about free conversational French ③ being offered at my local library and decided to take the classes. And then I ended up unexpectedly ④ going to France, where I went on a writer/artist retreat and developed the idea of a new book. Not only that, I just took a blacksmithing course for no other reason than I was curious about it. Now I’m wondering how I’ll use ⑤ what I learned later on! *go on a retreat 휴양을 가다


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

174 다음 글의 제목으로 적절한 것은?

|8강 7|

Why can’t we live forever? Why can’t we make human disease a thing of the past? Why is it taking such a long time to cure cancer? These are the sorts of questions that schoolkids often pose to popular science bloggers,

① what happens around us ② what you are doing in real world ③ the frequency we meet other people ④ response we experience in actual time ⑤ the intensity we are involved in the situation

student forums, and the “Ask a Scientist” columns of daily newspapers, but they are no less interesting for that. Yet human life expectancy is increasing rapidly in countries worldwide and in some now exceeds eighty years. A recent study shows that the difference today in the decrease in human mortality between hunter-gatherers and modern Western-lifestyle populations is greater than that between hunter-gatherers and wild chimpanzees. The bulk of this mortality reduction has occurred in just the last four generations of the roughly eight thousand generations of humans that have ever lived. You only have to look at the incredible advances over the last century in surgery, public health, immunology, and transplantation to see what a success story modern medicine has been. *immunology 면역학 **transplantation 이식 수술

① Rapid Increase in Human Life Expectancy

176 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |8강 9|

Very recently, scientists have been able to add a level of complexity to the classification of organisms. Researchers now use genetic or molecular techniques to complement taxonomic techniques. Specifically, they look at organisms’DNA in order to classify them according to their degree of relatedness. This capability is important because animals frequently seem to belong in

② Incredible Advances in Medical Technology

the same category based on a similar appearance when, (A) , these distant relatives have come to take on

③ How to Ask a Scientific Questions in Column

a similar appearance because it became advantageous for

④ The Influence of Modern Medicine on Human’s Life Span

one reason or another. As an example of such misleading

⑤ The Difference between Hunter-gathers and Wild

similarities in appearance, many flies look like bumble


bees (likely because the sting of a bumble bee may make predators think twice). Though they look superficially

175 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|8강 8|

Time in cyberspace can feel accelerated, in part due to the fact that online environments change rapidly. Our subjective sense of time is linked to the rate of change in . The more things change, the faster time seems to go. It requires little effort to move around cyberspace, so the people and groups we encounter differ from one moment to the next. If you are a member

like bumble bees, genetic and taxonomic techniques confirm that they are as related as dogs are to cats. (B) genetic studies can help with the problem of having only dead specimens to study; wasps and bees can look extraordinarily similar to each other when their behavior can’t be observed. Molecular studies, which can be conducted using dead specimens, can confirm that they are truly distant cousins.

**specimen 표본, 견본 ***wasp 말벌

of an online community for just a year, you might be considered an old-timer. During addictive and highly immersive experiences, time seems to pass so quickly that it almost disappears. Everyone is familiar with the experience of intending to spend just a few minutes online, then two hours later realizing you far exceeded your limit. *immersive (시스템 등이 사용자를 애워 싸서) 몰입감을 주는

E 모든 변형문제

*taxonomic 분류학적



① however


② in fact

As a result

③ on the other hand


④ in fact


⑤ however


영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

177 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|8강 10|

178 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|8강 11~12|

During the first week I visited New York, I became a

One of the most important and often-forgotten truths

student of the crowd. In the streets, I discovered that New

about any banking system is that it simply cannot exist

Yorkers never look up at the awe-inspiring buildings ① towering above them. They move fast and efficiently

without the government. Lending and borrowing have

through dense crowds, as if they have a Teflon coat, very rarely ② bump into one another. And in the subway,

nation-state, borrowing and lending were connected to

where everyone must stand still as the train rattles from

banking system we know today, which allows for the

station to station, not only don’t people make eye contact,

development of modern economies by issuing bank

but they exist in their own extremely tight universe, as if ③ wearing an invisible space suit. It’s kind of like

notes, lending, and accepting deposits, started with an

driving on the freeway, except that your personal space

The Bank of England was formed in 1694 because

is only half an inch from your clothes. I marveled that people could live so ④ close — that you could literally

King William III needed a loan of 1.2 million pounds to

be surrounded by thousands who were only inches

joined forces to issue the loan. In return, the crown gave

away — and yet be completely isolated. I found it hard ⑤ to imagine.

them a monopoly on issuing bank notes — the beginning

*Teflon coat 테플론 외투(다른 것이 들러붙지 않게 테플론 코팅을 입힌 외투)

the king’s promise to pay back the loan. He never paid

**rattle 덜컹거리다

it back and those notes and their successors have been

taken place for as long as recorded history. Before the religious temples, the nucleus of each society. But the

original transaction between the state and private bankers.

finance a war against France. Forty London merchants

of state-sponsored paper money. The notes were, in fact,

circulating and multiplying ever since. The Bank of England and the network of banks it created became the model for the world’s current banking system — a model where the bank initially existed to meet the needs of the state. Italy, Spain, and France, too, created the first banks to help the monarchy fund a war. The United States came late to the game, but it, too, formed a banking system whose existence depended on the state. *transaction 거래 **monopoly 독점

① 국민 국가 이전의 대출과 차용은 종교적 사원과 관련되었다. ② 오늘날의 은행제도는 국가와 개인 은행업자 사이의 거래로 시작 되었다.

③ 잉글랜드 은행은 William 3세 왕이 전쟁자금을 확보 목적으로 설립되었다.

④ William 3세 왕은 대출금을 상환하지 않는 조건으로 상인들에게 은행권 발행에 대한 독점권을 주었다.

⑤ 스페인과 프랑스도 왕실의 전쟁자금 조달을 목적으로 은행을 설립했다.


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

the fact that tourism can be an environmental or cultural threat is far outweighed by . Even


179 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|9강 1|

Research has shown that high levels of automation for tasks can put users out-of-the-loop, leading to low levels of situation awareness. As long as situation awareness is compromised, the ability of the user to be an effective

though there are positive impacts from tourism, it is not always the people who live in World Heritage Sites who benefit. Some sites, for example, charge as much as US$20 for entrance, but there may be little transparency about how this money is used. *buoyant 활황인, 경기가 좋은 **attendant 수반되는

decision maker is threatened. In 1996, an American

***influx 유입, 들어오기

Airlines B-757 crashed in the mountains around Cali, Colombia. The crew had lost awareness of the actions

① its conservative value

of the aircraft’s automated flight management system

② its development persistence

computer that was providing navigation and was unable

③ its continuous development of tourism industry

to regain sufficient situation awareness to resume safe

④ its exchanging with developed countries

control of the aircraft. While a person does not need to

⑤ its perceived advantages

perform every task, the person does need to be in control of managing what the systems are doing in order to maintain the situation awareness needed for successful performance across a wide variety of conditions and situations.

*out-of-the-loop (상황을) 잘 알지 못하는

① The Need for Effective Decision-making ② The Need for Automated Systems ③ Need for Situation Awareness for Automation ④ Airplane Crash due to Computer Malfunction ⑤ The Necessity of UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

181 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하 지 않은 것은?

180 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|9강 2|

|9강 3|

Several studies have investigated the cognition

Tourism is a double-edged sword, which on one hand

and perception of vocal lyrics in songs. Serafine

grants economic benefits through the sale of tickets

and her colleagues studied the effect of lyrics on

and visitors spending on hotels and restaurants, but on the other, places stress on the communities who live

participants’memory for songs. Results showed that melody recognition was near ① chance unless the

in the destinations. Venice is a case in point since it

melody’s original words (i.e., words that were presented

benefits financially from its buoyant tourism industry,

with the music during encoding) were present, suggesting

but struggles to cope with the attendant conservation problems associated with such a large annual influx

that music and speech were combined into a single ② coherent object when encoded in the same stream.

of tourists. Venice is, however, in the relatively

More recently, Weiss and his colleagues examined

fortunate position of being able to explore ways of managing visitors on its own terms because it is so

the effect of timbre (including voice) on memory and ③ preference for music. Results showed that melodies

well established as a destination that it is assured repeat

with the voice were ④ better recognized than all other

visitation. Problems arise, however, with relatively

instrumental melodies. The authors suggest that the

new World Heritage Sites, particularly those in lesser developed economies that are anxious to acquire the

biological significance of the human voice provides a greater depth of processing and ⑤ reduced memory.

developmental benefits of tourism. For such countries,

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편

*timbre 음색


E 모든 변형문제

182 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

① only developed frequently

|9강 4|

② not treat due to chronic illness

Whatever you do, please don’t paste a fake smile on your face. Plastic smiles do damage to your soul. We’ve all known people who’ve worn silly grins while they talked about something sad. This tendency to smile even when you don’t feel like it developed in childhood, when our parents persuaded us into smiling for the camera or for other people even though we didn’t feel like it. Making kids smile when they aren’t up to it sends a message that it’s not OK to be authentic. Even in front of the camera it’s better to capture genuine irritable faces than false stares. The most fascinating snapshots are truthful, those that catch people being real. Fake people plaster on smiles when they’d rather be crying, or they smile when they’re angry or sad. Slowly they lose touch with their souls.

③ come back after so many years ④ disappear when approaching adolescence ⑤ not recur during adolescence

① a false smile should be used according to circumstances ② a false smile is an act to destroy child’s soul ③ parents should teach true expressions from the time the child is young ④ it is necessary to force children to fake smiles for socialization ⑤ a false smile on a child is the responsibility of the wrong

184 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |9강 9|


183 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Many well-intentioned pediatricians, despite evidence to the contrary, still inform parents that a child will grow out of their asthma over time. However, the facts speak otherwise. A child with physician-diagnosed asthma is viewed as having a lifelong condition. It has been recognized that a significant proportion of children with asthma do not show any symptoms of the disease as they reach adolescence. The absence of chest symptoms for years can understandably lead a pediatrician to conclude that their adolescent patient’s asthma has disappeared. Because pediatricians rarely care for their patients after they reach their late teens or early twenties, they will be unaware that their former patient’s asthma symptoms have returned. Typically, adults in their late twenties or thirties who develop asthmatic symptoms will recall having had mild asthma as a child and are surprised that they continue to have asthma in adulthood or, as they describe, have it “ .”


One day in 1905, a 19-year-old Moscow newspaper

|9강 8|

*pediatrician 소아과 의사 **asthma 천식

reporter, called Solomon Shereshevsky, turned up for work as usual and waited for the daily meeting with the editor of the paper where assignments for the day would be given out. (A) ‌ Unlike any of his colleagues, but as was his usual practice, Solomon did not take any notes about the meeting. The editor had noticed this before with surprise and this time decided to reproach Solomon. (B) ‌ After all, often there were numerous names and addresses given out and Solomon ought to record the details. The editor decided to test Solomon by asking for details of what he had said. (C) ‌ Solomon proceeded to repeat all that he had been told, word for word. This incident changed Solomon’s life forever and was the starting point of his new career as the world’s greatest mnemonist or ‘memory man’.

*reproach 나무라다, 비난하다

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

185 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|9강 10|

(C) ‌ One is the world of matter or cells which constitute living things or the life of living things, but they are on a

International maritime codes specify ① what more

lower level and in a different world from the other world

maneuverable vessels must keep out of the way of

of living things which is an integration of them. Physics

less maneuverable vessels. The captains of more

and chemistry, which deal with matter, developed earlier

maneuverable vessels, such as power-driven boats, are responsible for avoiding less steerable vessels, such as sailing ships, and ships ② engaged in fishing, and

and independently of biology.

*cytology 세포학 **interdisciplinary 종합 학문적인

vessels not under command. It is easier for powerboats to avoid ③ hitting sailing ships than vice versa. Aviation codes are based on the same principle. The right of way of the sky ranks craft in order of the ease ④ with which

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

they can be controlled. Airplanes in normal operation, which are the most easily maneuvered aircraft, have the lowest priority in right of way. Airplanes refueling other aircraft, which are less easily maneuvered, have a greater right of way than airplanes in normal operation. Balloons, which are still less maneuverable than airplanes refueling other aircraft, have a higher priority right of way. Finally, aircraft in distress ⑤ have the highest priority right of way of all, since an aircraft in distress is very difficult or impossible to control.

*maritime code 해양법 **maneuverable 조종할 수 있는 ***in distress 조난 사고를 당한

187 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|9강 1|

Research has shown that high levels of automation for tasks can put users out-of-the-loop, leading to low levels of situation awareness. As long as situation awareness is compromised, the ability of the user

186 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |9강 11|

We should not forget that the integrated body possesses a wholeness; if you analyze it, it can be reduced to cells and atoms and electrons but the phenomena that these atoms or electrons express themselves cannot simulate what the integrated body expresses. (A) ‌ At present, cellular research is still included in biology, but in the future we may imagine that cytology will develop into a distinct interdisciplinary field that deals with an area somewhere between living things and matter. (B) ‌ For instance, it is nonsense to explain why birds fly and

to be an effective decision maker is threatened. In 1996, an American Airlines B-757 crashed in the mountains around Cali, Colombia. The crew had lost awareness of the actions of the aircraft’s automated flight management system computer that was providing navigation and was unable to regain sufficient situation awareness to resume safe control of the aircraft. While a person does not need to perform every task, the person does need to what the systems are doing in order to maintain the situation awareness needed for successful performance across a wide variety of conditions and situations.

*out-of-the-loop (상황을) 잘 알지 못하는

① observe constantly, when flying

fish swim in terms of cells which cannot fly or swim.

② be in control of managing

In this way we can understand what living things or the

③ be continuously aware of

life of living things means and that there are differences

④ renew information again and again about

between the two worlds.

⑤ communicate immediately with companions about E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

188 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

189 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|9강 2|

|9강 3|

Several studies have investigated the cognition

Tourism is a double-edged sword, which on one hand

and perception of vocal lyrics in songs. Serafine

grants economic benefits through the sale of tickets

and her colleagues studied the effect of lyrics on

and visitors spending on hotels and restaurants, but on

participants’memory for songs. Results showed that

the other, places stress on the communities who live

melody recognition was near chance unless the melody’s

in the destinations. Venice is a case in point since it

original words (i.e., words that were presented with

benefits financially from its buoyant tourism industry, but struggles to cope with the attendant conservation

the music during encoding) were present, suggesting that music and speech when

problems associated with such a large annual influx of

encoded in the same stream. More recently, Weiss and

tourists. Venice is, however, in the relatively fortunate

his colleagues examined the effect of timbre (including

position of being able to explore ways of managing

voice) on memory and preference for music. Results

visitors on its own terms because it is so well established

showed that melodies with the voice were better

as a destination that it is assured repeat visitation. Problems arise, (A) , with relatively new World

recognized than all other instrumental melodies. The

Heritage Sites, particularly those in lesser developed

human voice provides a greater depth of processing and

economies that are anxious to acquire the developmental

enhanced memory.

benefits of tourism. For such countries, the fact that tourism can be an environmental or cultural threat is far outweighed by its perceived advantages. Even though there are positive impacts from tourism, it is not always the people who live in World Heritage Sites who benefit. Some sites, (B) , charge as much as US$20 for

authors suggest that the biological significance of the *timbre 음색

① delivered different meanings ② showed human biological characteristics ③ were comprised of important factors in memory ④ were combined into a single coherent object ⑤ were randomly created in different places

entrance, but there may be little transparency about how this money is used.

*buoyant 활황인, 경기가 좋은

**attendant 수반되는 ***influx 유입, 들어오기



190 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|9강 4|

① however

on the other hand

② likewise

on the other hand

③ however

for example

your face. Plastic smiles do damage to your soul. We’ve

④ likewise

for example

⑤ moreover

on the other hand

all known people who’ve worn silly grins while they talked about ② something sad. This tendency to smile

① Whatever you do, please don’t paste a fake smile on

even when you don’t feel like it developed in childhood, ③ which our parents persuaded us into smiling for the camera or for other people even though we didn’t feel like it. Making kids smile when they aren’t up to it ④ sends a message that it’s not OK to be authentic. Even in front of the camera it’s better to capture genuine irritable faces than false stares. The most fascinating snapshots are truthful, ⑤ those that catch people being real. Fake people plaster on smiles when they’d rather be crying, or they smile when they’re angry or sad. Slowly they lose touch with their souls.


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

191 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절 |9강 8|

한 곳을 고르시오.

The absence of chest symptoms for years can understandably lead a pediatrician to conclude that their adolescent patient’s asthma has disappeared.

① Solomon은 회의에서 아무런 메모도 적지 않았다. ② 편집장은 Solomon을 나무랬다. ③ Solomon은 세부사항들을 기억하기위해 메모가 필요했다. ④ 편집장은 Solomon에게 세부사항을 물어보는 시험을 했다. ⑤ 편집장에게 인정받고 그 회사인 mnemonist에서 최고의 자리에 올랐다.

Many well-intentioned pediatricians, despite evidence to the contrary, still inform parents that a child will grow out of their asthma over time. ( ① ) However, the facts speak otherwise. ( ② ) A child with physician-diagnosed asthma is viewed as having a lifelong condition. ( ③ ) It has been recognized that a significant proportion of children with asthma do not show any symptoms of the disease as they reach adolescence. ( ④ ) Because pediatricians rarely care for their patients after they reach their late teens or early twenties, they will be unaware that their former patient’s asthma symptoms have returned. ( ⑤ ) Typically, adults in their late twenties or thirties who develop asthmatic symptoms will recall having had mild asthma as a child and are surprised that they continue to have asthma in adulthood or, as they describe, have it “come back after so many years.”

*pediatrician 소아과 의사 **asthma 천식

193 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적 절한 곳을 고르시오.

|9강 10|

Airplanes refueling other aircraft, which are less easily maneuvered, have a greater right of way than airplanes in normal operation. International maritime codes specify that more maneuverable vessels must keep out of the way of less maneuverable vessels. The captains of more

192 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|9강 9|

One day in 1905, a 19-year-old Moscow newspaper reporter, called Solomon Shereshevsky, turned up for work as usual and waited for the daily meeting with the editor of the paper where assignments for the day would be given out. Unlike any of his colleagues, but as was his usual practice, Solomon did not take any notes about the meeting. The editor had noticed this before with surprise and this time decided to reproach Solomon. After all, often there were numerous names and addresses given out and Solomon ought to record the details. The editor decided to test Solomon by asking for details of what he had said. Solomon proceeded to repeat all that he had been told, word for word. This incident changed Solomon’s life forever and was the starting point of his new career as the world’s greatest mnemonist or ‘memory man’.

maneuverable vessels, such as power-driven boats, are responsible for avoiding less steerable vessels, such as sailing ships, and ships engaged in fishing, and vessels not under command. ( ① ) It is easier for powerboats to avoid hitting sailing ships than vice versa. Aviation codes are based on the same principle. ( ② ) The right of way of the sky ranks craft in order of the ease with which they can be controlled. ( ③ ) Airplanes in normal operation, which are the most easily maneuvered aircraft, have the lowest priority in right of way. ( ④ ) Balloons, which are still less maneuverable than airplanes refueling other aircraft, have a higher priority right of way. ( ⑤ ) Finally, aircraft in distress have the highest priority right of way of all, since an aircraft in distress is very difficult or impossible to control.

***in distress 조난 사고를 당한

*reproach 나무라다, 비난하다

E 모든 변형문제

*maritime code 해양법 **maneuverable 조종할 수 있는

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

194 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|9강 11|

We should not forget that ; if you analyze it, it can be reduced to cells and atoms


195 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |10강 1|

and electrons but the phenomena that these atoms or electrons express themselves cannot simulate what the

In mature markets, breakthroughs that lead to a major

integrated body expresses. For instance, it is nonsense

change in competitive positions and to the growth of the

to explain why birds fly and fish swim in terms of cells

market are rare.

which cannot fly or swim. In this way we can understand what living things or the life of living things means and

(A) ‌ As an example of this, when one of the major high street banks in Britain tried to gain a competitive advantage

that there are differences between the two worlds. One

by opening on Saturday mornings, it attracted a number

is the world of matter or cells which constitute living

of new customers who found the traditional Monday-

things or the life of living things, but they are on a lower

Friday bank opening hours to be a constraint.

level and in a different world from the other world of living things which is an integration of them. Physics and

(B) ‌ Because of this, competition becomes a zero sum game

chemistry, which deal with matter, developed earlier and

in which one organization can only win at the expense

independently of biology. At present, cellular research is

of others. However, where the degree of competition

still included in biology, but in the future we may imagine

is particularly intense a zero sum game can quickly

that cytology will develop into a distinct interdisciplinary

become a negative sum game, in that everyone in the

field that deals with an area somewhere between living

market is faced with additional costs.

things and matter.

(C) However, faced with a loss of customers, the competition responded by opening on Saturdays as

*cytology 세포학 **interdisciplinary 종합 학문적인

well. The net effect of this was that, although customers

① the body performs its role

benefited, the banks lost out as their costs increased

② distinguished from physics and chemistry

but the total number of customers stayed the same. In

③ the body studies with integrated science

essence, this proved to be a negative sum game.

④ the integrated body possesses a wholeness ⑤ biology is distinguished from physics and chemistry


① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

196 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|10강 2|

Being a “good team player” can have a downside, because the consensus of a group can sometimes be misguided or dangerous. Dissent might save the group from making mistakes, but the pressure to conform despite individual doubts — sometimes called groupthink — can lead to disaster. For instance, groupthink was at work in high-level meetings preceding the space shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003. Transcripts of those meetings at NASA show that the official who ran shuttle management meetings, a non-engineer, believed from the beginning that foam insulation debris could not damage the spacecraft. When an engineer expressed his concerns, she dismissed the issue and cut off discussion. The others present quickly fell into line with the person running the meeting. A few days later, damage caused by foam insulation debris caused Columbia to break apart on reentry into the Earth’s *foam insulation 발포 단열재 **debris 잔해 atmosphere.

198 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|10강 4|

Although most insects have very good eyes, there are no eyelids, and so we cannot tell from their eyes whether they are asleep. Sleep, rather than rest, and when the term ‘unconsciousness’can be used, is certainly to be found in insects. ( ① ) For example, at night the bee sleeps for about 6-8 hours, when it will often have ‘droopy’antennae, and be fairly unresponsive to other bees bumping into it. ( ② ) However, as antennae are just as important as eyes, and probably more so, droopy antennae certainly indicate that the animal is not in contact with reality and is not just resting. ( ③ ) Bees, as well as flies, can easily be sleep deprived by keeping them in continuously moving jars, so that the insects have to fly about all the time. ( ④ ) When the jar stops moving they settle down and are even less responsive than normal to further, gentle shaking of the jar. ( ⑤ ) It

① danger of dissent in group context ② superiority of individual working

is as if their sleep has become deeper in compensation for

③ necessity of solving disagreement

its loss.

④ importance of accurate prediction

*droopy 축 늘어진

⑤ destructive effect of group pressure

197 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|10강 3|

Lee Ross and his students published a dramatic set of studies demonstrating what they named the “false consensus effect.” College students were asked if they would be willing to perform various ① outrageous acts on campus (e.g., walking around for 30 minutes wearing a large sandwich board), and then were asked what proportion of the rest of the student body would be ② willing to perform that act. Those who agreed to wear the sign thought 63% of their peers would comply; those who ③ refused thought 23% would comply. There are now more than 100 studies demonstrating similar effects on predictions of peers’knowledge, attitudes, and actions. For example, there is a definite tendency to believe that a ④ smaller percentage of the voters prefer your favored candidate than actually favor that candidate. The habit even ⑤ includes beliefs about the candidates themselves, with voters thinking that their favored candidates are more like them than they actually are.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

199 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|10강 8|

Until well into the modern era, textiles were the world’s primary manufactured product. Often woven with silver, gold, and silk, they were also the chief form of stored wealth for both rich and poor; most families

① difficulties children face when reading ② difference between adults and children ③ how to develop children’s eye muscles ④ importance of focusing when reading ⑤ importance of experience when reading

wore their estate on their backs and hung it on their walls and windows. More to the point, people inherited these textile treasures from their parents; fashions would remain relatively unchanged for centuries, and all but the wealthiest possessed only a few items. Styles not only were static over time but were also rigidly divided by class. An inflexible social structure, reinforced by sumptuary laws, determined just who could wear what. In the mid-seventeenth century, however, the East India Company destroyed this age-old state of affairs, turning the worlds of English industry, trade, fashion, and social rank upside down in just a few decades. The Company’s instrument in this commercial revolution was cotton.

*sumptuary law 사치 금지법

201 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 |10강 10|

적절한 것은?

① 근대기까지 직물은 주요 공장 생산품이었다. ③ 직물을 부모로부터 물려받는 경우도 있었다.

Since the concept of a teddy bear is very obviously not a genetically (A) [inherited / inhibited] trait, we can be

④ 패션의 스타일은 유동적이며 계급구분이 있었다.

confident that we are looking at a cultural trait. However,

⑤ 동인도회사가 영국 산업의 변화를 가져왔다.

it is a cultural trait that seems to be under the guidance of

② 직물은 빈부를 막론하고 부의 저장수단이었다.

another, genuinely biological trait: the cues that attract us

200 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|10강 9|

Part of the challenge children face is in training their eyes to move from left to right across lines of print. The eye is controlled by small muscle movements, and for children small muscle movements are a challenge in and of themselves. When the eyes move across a line of print, they make a series of jumps, stopping briefly to focus. An experienced adult reader typically sees two letters to the left side of the point of focus and six to eight letters to the right. The inexperienced child reader, however, sees one letter to the left and one letter to the right of

to babies (high foreheads and small faces). Cute, babylike features are inherently (B) [revealing / appealing], producing a nurturing response in most humans. Teddy bears that had a more baby-like appearance — however slight this may have been initially — were thus more popular with customers. Teddy bear manufacturers obviously noticed which bears were selling best and so made more of these and fewer of the less popular models, to maximize their profits. In this way, the (C) [collection / selection] pressure built up by the customers resulted in the evolution of a more baby-like bear by the manufacturers.

their point of focus. This physical reality explains why children learning to read find it easier to decode words made up of fewer than five letters. As their eye muscles begin to develop, they are gradually able to take in more on the right side of the point of focus and they can handle longer, unfamiliar words.




















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E 모든 변형문제

202 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

|10강 11|


You cannot infer a general rule from a single experience

Ms. Denis said, “(b) The man didn’t know what to

— especially someone else’s. Anecdotal evidence is

say. He was so happy.” Sixteen years after finding the

often the most difficult advice to resist because it is based

wallet, Ms. Denis was in the same position as the man

on someone else’s personal experience, which can sound

from Haiti. Fortunately, Mr. Hecht did the right thing,

extremely convincing and compelling. If your next-door

as she had done when she found the wallet. Ms. Denis

neighbour recovered from cancer after a watermelon diet,

said although she couldn’t afford to give a reward, she

that can sound very persuasive. But we already know the dangers of assuming cause and effect — just because she

planned to send the couple a fruit basket for Christmas. She added about Mr. Hecht, “I will pray for (c) him for

ate the watermelon before recovery does not mean that it

the rest of my life. I will never forget that.”

caused her recovery. Remember, too, that only survivors speak: perhaps 50 other people died of cancer after trying the ‘miracle watermelon cure’. Anecdotal reports can give an unbalanced perspective. Now, if there had been a randomised controlled trial showing that patients who ate watermelon survived twice as long, that would have been a different story.

*anecdotal 일화적인, 입증되지 않은

(C) (d) His wife, Elena, said, “He’s had his challenges, too. But that doesn’t give you the right to take money.” The woman who had lost the money, Immaculee Denis, age 69, was traveling with her husband, son and daughter from her home in Palm Bay to visit relatives in Georgia. They made a stop in St. Augustine to get gas, and that’s

① A bad workman always blames his tools.

when she accidentally left her handbag on the trunk of the

② Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

car. They had already made it to Georgia by the time she

③ One swallow does not make a summer.

realized she didn’t have her handbag with her. She tossed

④ Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.

and turned all night, thinking about the lost handbag.

⑤ There is no rule without any exception.

(D) The next morning, however, Ms. Denis got a call from the sheriff, who said Mr. Hecht had turned in her handbag to the office. “I was speechless,” she said. The family left for the sheriff’s office, and Ms. Denis got her handbag back that afternoon. She called Mr. Hecht that Friday. She couldn’t call (e) him right away, she said, because

[203~205] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

|10강 12~14|


she was “still shaking,” still so emotional. Mr. Hecht said, “She said over and over again how happy she was.” Sixteen years previously, Ms. Denis had found a wallet

On 5 December 2011, David Hecht, a St. Augustine, Florida, electrician, drove down State Road 207. He saw a handbag lying on the road and stopped and picked it up. It was filled with over $12,000, as well as credit cards and an ID. He said, “It would have been real simple to take the bag and walk away. That’s not the way I am.” Instead of taking the money, Mr. Hecht called the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office and turned in the money to it. Of course, (a) he could have used the money. After all, he had been injured and had been unable to work for a while, although he had been working for three months straight.

filled with money and had been able to give it back to its rightful owner, a man who was sending the money to people in Haiti.

203 위 글 (A)에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? ① (B)-(D)-(C)

② (C)-(B)-(D)

④ (D)-(B)-(C)

⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)

204 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? ① (a)

E 모든 변형문제

③ (C)-(D)-(B)

영어독해 연습 편

② (b)

③ (c)

④ (d)

⑤ (e)


E 모든 변형문제

205 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003. Transcripts of those

① Hecht가 찾은 핸드백에는 12,000 달러가 넘는 돈이 들어 있었다.

meetings at NASA show that the official who ran shuttle

② Hecht는 부상으로 인하여 한 동안 하던 일을 할 수 없는 상황이었다.

management meetings, a non-engineer, believed from

③ Denis는 Georgia에 도착해서 트렁크안의 핸드백을 잃어버린 것

the beginning that foam insulation debris could not ④ damage the spacecraft. When an engineer expressed

을 발견 했다.

④ Denis는 핸드백을 잃어버린 다음 날 오후에 자신의 핸드백을 되찾

his concerns, she ⑤ accepted the issue and cut off discussion. The others present quickly fell into line with

을 수 있었다.

⑤ Denis도 16년 전에 돈이 들은 지갑을 주어 주인에게 돌려준 적이

the person running the meeting. A few days later, damage caused by foam insulation debris caused Columbia to


break apart on reentry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

206 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

*foam insulation 발포 단열재 **debris 잔해

|10강 1|

적절한 곳은?

However, faced with a loss of customers, the competition responded by opening on Saturdays as well. In mature markets, breakthroughs that lead to a major change in competitive positions and to the growth of the market are rare. ( ① ) Because of this, competition becomes a zero sum game in which one organization can only win at the expense of others. ( ② ) However, where the degree of competition is particularly intense a zero sum game can quickly become a negative sum game, in that everyone in the market is faced with additional costs. ( ③ ) As an example of this, when one of the major high street banks in Britain tried to gain a competitive advantage by opening on Saturday mornings, it attracted a number of new customers who found the traditional Monday-Friday bank opening hours to be a constraint. ( ④ ) The net effect of this was that, although customers benefited, the banks lost out as their costs increased but the total number of customers stayed the same. ( ⑤ ) In essence, this proved to be a negative sum game. *high street bank 대형 소매 은행

208 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|10강 3|

Lee Ross and his students published a dramatic set of studies demonstrating what they named the “false consensus effect.” College students were asked if they would be willing to perform various outrageous acts on campus (e.g., walking around for 30 minutes wearing a large sandwich board), and then were asked what proportion of the rest of the student body would be willing to perform that act. Those who agreed to wear the sign thought 63% of their peers would comply; those who refused thought 23% would comply. There are now more than 100 studies demonstrating similar effects on predictions of peers’knowledge, attitudes, and actions. For example, there is a definite tendency to believe that

207 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 하지 않은 것은?

|10강 2|

Being a “good team player” can have a ① downside, because the consensus of a group can sometimes be misguided or dangerous. Dissent might save the group from making mistakes, but the pressure to ② conform

a larger percentage of the voters prefer your favored candidate than actually favor that candidate. The habit even includes beliefs about the candidates themselves, with voters thinking that their favored candidates are more like them than they actually are. ① Preference Leads Other Preference!

despite individual doubts — sometimes called groupthink

② Belief Affects What Others Believe!

— can lead to disaster. For instance, groupthink was at work in high-level meetings ③ preceding the space

③ Out Of Sight, Out Of Thinking! ④ Different Souls, Different Tastes! ⑤ People Think the Same as I Do!


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E 모든 변형문제

209 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

the worlds of English industry, trade, fashion, and social

|10강 4|

rank upside down in just a few decades. The Company’s

Sleep, rather than rest, and when the term ‘unconsciousness’can be used, is certainly to be found in insects. (A) , at night the bee sleeps for about 6-8 hours, when it will often have ‘droopy’antennae, and be fairly unresponsive to other bees bumping into it. Although most insects have very good eyes, there are no eyelids, and so we cannot tell from their eyes whether they are asleep. (B) , as antennae are

instrument in this commercial revolution was cotton.

*sumptuary law 사치 금지법

① class distinctions through textiles ② history and changes of textiles ③ effect of textiles on modern era ④ factors affecting textile industry ⑤ characteristics of modern textiles

just as important as eyes, and probably more so, droopy antennae certainly indicate that the animal is not in contact with reality and is not just resting. Bees, as well as flies, can easily be sleep deprived by keeping them in continuously moving jars, so that the insects have to fly about all the time. When the jar stops moving they settle down and are even less responsive than normal to further, gentle shaking of the jar. It is as if their sleep has become deeper in compensation for its loss. (A)

*droopy 축 늘어진

211 주어진 글에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?


|10강 9|

① Therefore

In other words

② For example


Part of the challenge children face is in training their

③ However


eyes to move from left to right across lines of print. The

④ Consequently

For example

eye is controlled by small muscle movements, and for

⑤ For instance


children small muscle movements are a challenge in and of themselves.


다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

(A) ‌ The inexperienced child reader, however, sees one |10강 8|

Until well into the modern era, textiles were the world’s primary manufactured product. Often woven with silver, gold, and silk, they were also the chief form

letter to the left and one letter to the right of their point of focus. This physical reality explains why children learning to read find it easier to decode words made up of fewer than five letters.

of stored wealth for both rich and poor; most families

(B) ‌ When the eyes move across a line of print, they

wore their estate on their backs and hung it on their

make a series of jumps, stopping briefly to focus. An

walls and windows. More to the point, people inherited

experienced adult reader typically sees two letters to the

these textile treasures from their parents; fashions would

left side of the point of focus and six to eight letters to

remain relatively unchanged for centuries, and all but

the right.

the wealthiest possessed only a few items. Styles not only were static over time but were also rigidly divided by class. An inflexible social structure, reinforced by sumptuary laws, determined just who could wear what. In the mid-seventeenth century, however, the East India Company destroyed this age-old state of affairs, turning

E 모든 변형문제

(C) ‌ As their eye muscles begin to develop, they are gradually able to take in more on the right side of the point of focus and they can handle longer, unfamiliar words. ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

영어독해 연습 편

③ (B)-(C)-(A)


E 모든 변형문제

212 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|10강 10|

Since the concept of a teddy bear is very obviously not a genetically inherited trait, we can be confident that we


214 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |11강 1|

are looking at a cultural trait. However, it is a cultural trait that seems to be under the guidance of another, genuinely

The effective use of time is one of the ultimate ways to

biological trait: the cues that attract us to babies (high

display authority, even when you don’t have it. Whoever

foreheads and small faces). Cute, baby-like features are

controls time controls the situation in most instances.

inherently appealing, producing a nurturing response in most humans. Teddy bears that had a more baby-like

(A) ‌ Say, “My time belongs to you for as long as you need it.” Watch the cooperation level of your peer go up

appearance — however slight this may have been initially

exponentially at the outset of your meeting. You’ll be

— were thus more popular with customers. Teddy bear

able to get anything you want from her.

manufacturers obviously noticed which bears were selling best and so made more of these and fewer of the less

(B) ‌ They will always remind anyone who wants to meet

popular models, to maximize their profits. In this way, the

with them that their time is valuable. However, there

selection pressure built up by the customers resulted in the

may be situations where you will want to reverse

evolution of a more baby-like bear by the manufacturers.

your use of tight time tactics. Let’s say you have agreed to meet with one of your peers to discuss a

① importance of cultural traits in teddy bear industry

difficult situation that has developed between your two

② genetic characteristics of bear we prefer to choose

respective departments.

③ different preferences among different consumers ④ genetic explanation behind popularity of teddy bears

(C) ‌ You need more help from your peer than she needs from you to get things resolved, even though you’ve told her

⑤ factors affecting maximum profits and popularities


다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

your time is limited. When she enters your office at the appointed hour, take your watch off ostentatiously, and

|10강 11|

place it face down on your desk.

Yo u c a n n o t — especially someone else’s. Anecdotal evidence is often the most difficult advice to resist because it is based on someone else’s personal experience, which can sound extremely convincing and compelling. If your next-door

*ostentatiously 과시하듯이 *exponentially 기하급수적으로

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

neighbour recovered from cancer after a watermelon diet, that can sound very persuasive. But we already know the dangers of assuming cause and effect — just because she ate the watermelon before recovery does not mean that it caused her recovery. Remember, too, that only survivors speak: perhaps 50 other people died of cancer after trying the ‘miracle watermelon cure’. Anecdotal reports can give an unbalanced perspective. Now, if there had been a randomised controlled trial showing that patients who ate watermelon survived twice as long, that would have been a different story.

*anecdotal 일화적인, 입증되지 않은

① insist traditionally proved opinions are right ② infer a general rule from a single experience ③ assume opinions of majority could be false ④ convince others some ideas that are novel ⑤ take objective stance to reliable viewpoints


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③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

215 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|11강 2|



The majority of medical errors ① are flaws in thinking

① However

In other words

rather than technical or implementation flaws. Through

② Therefore

On the contrary

ample use of checklists and structured decision-making

③ Nevertheless


④ Therefore

In other words

⑤ However

On the contrary

models, medical procedures are generally implemented with high precision. However, if a physician ② missed a presenting symptom or did not rule out alternate hypotheses, then the treatment would not meet the actual need of the patient, and the result would not be the desired one. A classic example of this is the overuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics can be effective for treating bacterial infections, but they are useless for viral infections. There are certainly tests to help determine ③ whether the source of a sinus infection is viral or bacterial. However, because the tests are costly and take time to produce results, many physicians used to ④ skipping those tests, assume a bacterial infection, and prescribe antibiotics. Not only would the antibiotics be ineffective for helping overcome viral infections, but the unintended consequence is that we have an increasing number of bacteria strains resistant to ⑤ what were once effective medications.

*sinus infection 부비강염 **strain (동식물·질병 등의)종류(유형)

217 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 216 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |11강 3|

Because we place such a high value on doing things quickly in our culture, it can be difficult to live with a nervous system that needs more time to process information. Kids and adults who are slower at these types of processing tasks are sometimes assumed to be lacking in intelligence, but this really isn’t the case. (A) , processing speed does interact with other areas of cognitive functioning by negatively impacting the ability to quickly come up with an answer, retrieve information from longterm memory, and remember what you’re supposed to be doing at a given time. (B) , it’s possible that someone with slow processing speed will, as a result, be impaired in other areas of thinking and may even score lower on tests of intelligence, but this isn’t necessarily the case, since being cognitively compromised in one area isn’t the same as being less intelligent overall. *retrieve 생각해내다 **impair 손상하다

The worst drought since record keeping began about a century ago began in 2005, ① brought many problems to the Amazon basin. In western Brazil, there were three times as many fires in September 2005 as during September 2004. In some areas water levels have dropped so low that some communities that depend on streams for transportation ② are completely isolated. Crops rot because they cannot be transported to market, and children cannot get to school. Fish die in the shallow water, ③ forcing people to depend on government food packages. Streams do not flow enough to remove human waste, and the backup of sewage raises fears of an epidemic of cholera and other waterborne illnesses. Stagnant pools allow mosquitoes ④ to breed, which has the potential to increase the number of cases of malaria. The Amazon drought was blamed on high ocean temperatures in the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, ⑤ which are likely the result of global warming.

*basin (큰 강의)유역 **epidemic (병·풍속 따위의)만연, 유행 ***stagnant 고여있는

***compromised (면역 반응 따위가)제대로 발휘되지 못하는

E 모든 변형문제

|11강 4|

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

218 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A) 와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|11강 8|

An intelligent person in modern society is like a person with twenty-twenty vision in primitive times. In primitive times the person with perfect vision would have been able to see any dangers that may have been hidden in the distance and could warn the tribe in enough time so that preventative action could be taken. A person with myopia, commonly known as shortsightedness, would obviously be at a great disadvantage, and one that may at some point cost the person his life. In this analogy, intelligence is the ability to ‘see’and education is that transfer of knowledge between the person with good eyesight and the person with myopia. However, this ‘education’process only works for the benefit of the myopic person as long as the person with twenty-twenty vision has his best interests at heart. If this is not the case it is quite possible that the view of the landscape that the

219 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Archaeology has numerous applications. Establishing the archaeological record has often enabled native peoples to regain access to land and resources that historically belonged to them. Work in archaeology is often basic to understanding the history of groups that . Excavations such as that done at the African Burial Ground in New York City give us insight into the living conditions of groups not well represented in the written record. Such knowledge is frequently fundamental to cultural identity. Beyond this, archaeology has sometimes produced technical applications relevant to the current world. For example, in Israel’s Negev Desert, in Peru, and in other locations, archaeological study of ancient peoples has yielded information about irrigation design and raised-field systems that allowed modern people to make more effective use of the environment and raise *excavation 발굴 agricultural yields.

fully sighted person relays to the myopic person is in fact

① left little record


② gave some insight

*twenty-twenty vision 완벽한 시력

|11강 9|

③ had cultural identity

Like (A) people, who could be in danger during primitive times, people who don’t have intelligence might (B) their situations.

④ made many excavations ⑤ raised agricultural yields

220 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 하지 않은 것은?



① longsighted


② shortsighted


③ farsighted


④ shortsighted


⑤ longsighted


|11강 10|

A recent Harris poll reports that 62 percent of entering college freshmen would not “even consider” ① pursuing the same career as either parent. Thus, although some family rights groups argue that ② setting career direction is the role of the family and not of the school, this is a minority view. Data suggest that, in fact, the family is playing a smaller and smaller role in this process, leaving nothing to take its place. This is not to say that parents are no longer important influences in teens’postsecondary plans, but they are increasingly ③ more prepared to influence or guide career decision making. This decline in parental influence is not surprising considering that half of all workers report being unsatisfied with their jobs and would not recommend that their children ④ follow in their footsteps. Although the stated goal of the ⑤ majority of teens is a professional career, two-thirds of all adults with professional careers say they wish they had done something else.


www.alot.co.kr (무료 자료 / 책 구입)


E 모든 변형문제

221 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

222 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸

|11강 11|

|11강 1|

적절한 곳을 고르시오.

(A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

This changeability, along with sheer enormity and

The effective use of time is one of the ultimate ways to

complex topography, creates the impression of a moving,

display authority, even when you don’t have it. Whoever

living, overwhelmingly powerful being.

controls time controls the situation in most instances.

Mountains exert a mysterious power over the human imagination. They can fascinate, terrify, invite, or repel us. ( ① ) They are among the most visually exciting and dramatic geological features of our planet — and, at the same time, the most inhospitable. ( ② ) To climb a mountain is to enter a world where one’s own insignificance and vulnerability are painfully obvious — a world that is as indifferent to our desire to overcome its obstacles as it is to our survival. ( ③ ) The beauty of mountains is equally obvious. ( ④ ) They seem to have changing moods, producing their own unique and often-violent weather and altering with the seasons. ( ⑤ ) Avalanches, storms, and rockfall reinforce this impression, resembling deliberate acts of an evil consciousness — it’s no wonder that beliefs in mountain gods are so common throughout the world.

They will always remind anyone who wants to meet with them that their time is valuable. However, there may be situations where you will want to reverse your use of tight time tactics. Let’s say you have agreed to meet with one of your peers to discuss a difficult situation that has developed between your two respective departments. You need more help from your peer than she needs from you to get things resolved, even though you’ve told her your time is limited. When she enters your office at the appointed hour, take your watch off ostentatiously, and place it face down on your desk. Say, “My time belongs to you for as long as you need it.” Watch the cooperation level of your peer go up exponentially at the outset of your meeting. You’ll be able to get anything you want from her.

*ostentatiously 과시하듯이 *exponentially 기하급수적으로

Even though it is (A) to have central authority over one’s time, sometimes it is a better choice to (B) time to one’s counterpart. (A)

E 모든 변형문제


① helpful


② helpful


③ invaluable


④ useless


⑤ useless


영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

223 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

|11강 2|

However, because the tests are costly and take time to produce results, many physicians used to skip those tests,

tests of intelligence, but this isn’t necessarily the case, since (C) [having / being] cognitively compromised in one area isn’t the same as being less intelligent overall.

*retrieve 생각해내다 **impair 손상하다

assume a bacterial infection, and prescribe antibiotics.

***compromised (면역 반응 따위가)제대로 발휘되지 못하는

The majority of medical errors are flaws in thinking rather than technical or implementation flaws. Through ample use of checklists and structured decision-making models, medical procedures are generally implemented with high precision. ( ① ) However, if a physician missed a presenting symptom or did not rule out alternate hypotheses, then the treatment would not meet the




① that



② what



③ that



④ what



④ that



actual need of the patient, and the result would not be the desired one. ( ② ) A classic example of this is the overuse of antibiotics. ( ③ ) Antibiotics can be effective for treating bacterial infections, but they are useless for viral infections. ( ④ ) There are certainly tests to help determine whether the source of a sinus infection is viral or bacterial. ( ⑤ ) Not only would the antibiotics be ineffective for helping overcome viral infections, but the

225 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

|11강 4|

unintended consequence is that we have an increasing

The worst drought since record keeping began about

number of bacteria strains resistant to what were once

a century ago began in 2005, bringing many problems

effective medications.

to the Am azon basin. In western Brazil, there were

*sinus infection 부비강염 **strain (동식물·질병 등의)종류(유형)

three times as many fires in September 2005 as during September 2004. In some areas water levels have dropped so low that some communities that depend on streams for transportation are completely isolated. Crops

224 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|11강 3|

Because we place such a high value on doing things quickly in our culture, it can be difficult to live with a nervous system (A) [that / what] needs more time to process information. Kids and adults who are slower at these types of processing tasks are sometimes assumed to be lacking in intelligence, but this really isn’t the case. However, processing speed does interact with other areas of cognitive functioning by negatively impacting the ability to quickly come up with an answer, retrieve information from long-term memory, and (B) [remember

rot because they cannot be transported to market, and children cannot get to school. Fish die in the shallow water, forcing people to depend on government food packages. Streams do not flow enough to remove human waste, and the backup of sewage raises fears of an epidemic of cholera and other waterborne illnesses. Stagnant pools allow mosquitoes to breed, which has the potential to increase the number of cases of malaria. The Amazon drought was blamed on high ocean temperatures in the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, which are likely the result of global warming.

*basin (큰 강의)유역

**epidemic (병·풍속 따위의)만연, 유행 ***stagnant 고여있는

/ remembering] what you’re supposed to be doing at

① 가뭄이 아마존 강 유역에 큰 도움이 되었다

a given time. In other words, it’s possible that someone

② 어떤 지역은 수면이 낮아져서 수송이 매우 용이해졌다

with slow processing speed will, as a result, be impaired

③ 어류가 얕은 물에서 죽어서 정부의 도움을 받아야 했다

in other areas of thinking and may even score lower on

④ 강물의 흐름이 빨라서 오물의 축적은 일어나지 않았다 ⑤ 아마존의 가뭄은 지구 온난화의 원인중 하나이다


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E 모든 변형문제

226 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |11강 8|

An intelligent person in modern society is like a person

227 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 |11강 9|

하지 않은 것은?

with twenty-twenty vision in primitive times. In primitive

Archaeology has numerous applications. Establishing the archaeological record has often ① enabled native peoples

times the person with perfect vision would have been

to regain access to land and resources that historically

able to see any dangers that may have been hidden in the

belonged to them. Work in archaeology is often basic to understanding the history of groups that left ② little

distance and could warn the tribe in enough time so that preventative action could be taken. (A) , a person

record. Excavations such as that done at the African Burial

would obviously be at a great disadvantage, and one

Ground in New York City give us insight into the living conditions of groups not well represented in the ③ written

that may at some point cost the person his life. In this

record. Such knowledge is frequently fundamental to

analogy, intelligence is the ability to ‘see’and education

cultural identity. Beyond this, archaeology has sometimes produced technical ④ retrogression relevant to the current

with myopia, commonly known as shortsightedness,

is that transfer of knowledge between the person with good eyesight and the person with myopia. (B) ,

world. For example, in Israel’s Negev Desert, in Peru, and

this ‘education’process only works for the benefit of the

in other locations, archaeological study of ancient peoples

myopic person as long as the person with twenty-twenty

has yielded information about irrigation design and raised-

vision has his best interests at heart. If this is not the case it is quite possible that the view of the landscape that the

field systems that allowed modern people to make more effective use of the environment and ⑤ raise agricultural

fully sighted person relays to the myopic person is in fact


misleading. (A)

*excavation 발굴

*twenty-twenty vision 완벽한 시력

228 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?


① Likewise


② Likewise


③ Otherwise

In fact

④ On the contrary


⑤ On the contrary


|11강 10|

A recent Harris poll reports that 62 percent of entering college freshmen would not “even consider” pursuing the same career as either parent. Thus, although some family rights groups argue that setting career direction is the role of the family and not of the school, this is a minority view. Data suggest that, in fact, the family is playing a smaller and smaller role in this process, leaving nothing to take its place. This is not to say that parents are no longer important influences in teens’postsecondary plans, but they are increasingly less prepared to influence or guide career decision making. This decline in parental influence is not surprising considering that half of all workers report being unsatisfied with their jobs and would not recommend that their children follow in their footsteps. Although the stated goal of the majority of teens is a professional career, twothirds of all adults with professional careers say they wish they had done something else. ① Undergraduates consider parental influence valuable. ② The family is getting smaller and smaller worldwide. ③ Professional careers need entering schools of higher grade. ④ Parents doesn’t care about their children’s future jobs. ⑤ Parents’advice on their children’s profession doesn’t work any more. E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

229 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|11강 11|

Mountains exert a mysterious power over the human imagination. They can fascinate, terrify, invite, or repel us. They are among the most visually ① exciting and


230 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 1|

When designing advanced resistance training programs,

dramatic geological features of our planet — and, at the

there are many variables that can be altered to enhance

same time, the most inhospitable. To climb a mountain is to enter a world ② where one’s own insignificance

the difficulty and prolong the positive adaptations. One

and vulnerability are painfully obvious — a world that

training programs incorporate different styles of

is as indifferent to our desire to overcome its obstacles

programs during various training periods. The rationale is

as it is to our survival. The beauty of mountains is

that in order to continue to promote training adaptations,

equally obvious. They seem to have changing moods, ③ produce their own unique and often-violent weather

you must continually overload the system. Individuals

and altering with the seasons. This changeability, along with sheer enormity and complex topography, ④ creates

identical training methods (i.e., order of exercises, types

the impression of a moving, living, overwhelmingly

as much adaptation. You must continually alter your

powerful being. Avalanches, storms, and rockfall

program so the body does not become too accustomed to it. Therefore, you must to

reinforce this impression, resembling deliberate acts of an evil consciousness — it’s no wonder ⑤ that beliefs in mountain gods are so common throughout the world.

of the most important variables is variety. Most advanced

who have been training for long periods of time using of exercise, workloads, intensities, etc.) do not experience

attain advanced training outcomes. That is not always as simple as adding more weight or changing the number of repetitions within a program. The advanced competitive individual might also add in specialized training to enhance speed, quickness, and agility to help accomplish their exercise-specific training goals.

*rationale 근거, 이유 **agility 민첩성

① increase the variety of your workouts ② repeat some workouts again and again ③ decrease load of workouts continuously ④ specialize in some areas of workouts ⑤ increase the workload step by step


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E 모든 변형문제

231 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |12강 2|

232 다음 (A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 문맥상 낱말의 |12강 3|

쓰임이 적절한 것은?

A characteristic of moral standards is that their

Rudolph P. Miller, who founded the Building Officials

soundness depends on the adequacy of the reasons

Conference of America in 1915, was concerned about

that support or justify them. For the most part, fashion

protecting people ‘who have no voice in the manner

standards are set by clothing designers, merchandisers and consumers; grammatical standards by grammarians

of construction or the arrangement of buildings with which they (A) [intentionally / involuntarily] come in

and students of language; technical standards by

contact.’He implies that the government should ensure a

practitioners and experts in the field.

minimum level of quality to similarly incautious home

(A) ‌ And these arguments are derived from our historical and contemporary attempts to answer that central question of ethics: “How are we to relate to each other in order to ensure that our individual and collective well-being is enhanced?” (B) ‌ By contrast, moral standards are not made by such bodies, although they are often supported or rejected by

buyers. Beginning with the interwar period, building codes were apparently viewed as beneficial regulation that could increase consumer information, according to Edna Trull. The risk of buying a house with ‘defects’ (i.e., built to substandard specifications), or ‘the poorquality construction work of speculative builders’was (B) [induced / reduced]. Building regulation was

them. More precisely, the validity of moral standards

assigned the primary goal of decreasing uncertainty and making future patterns of business as (C) [predictable /

depends not on authoritative command but rather on the

profitable] as possible. Hence, the government entered

quality of the arguments or the reasoning that supports

the business of grading or certifying real property,


providing assurance services. The justification for such

(C) ‌ Legislators make laws, boards of directors make organizational policy, and licensing boards establish standards for professionals. In those cases, some

building codes was extended from a primary emphasis on safety to one of reducing imperfect information during the first part of the twentieth century. *speculative 투기적인

authoritative body is the ultimate validating source of the standards and thus can change the standards if it wishes. ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제




① involuntarily



② intentionally



③ intentionally



④ intentionally



⑤ involuntarily



영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

233 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 4|

For many endangered languages that have never been put down in writing, entire domains of knowledge are likely to be lost when the language ceases to be spoken. If you speak an unwritten language, one that your children or grandchildren have abandoned in favor of another tongue, you may indeed . Much of this genius is the product of adaptation over time to a way of life and ecological niche. Collectively — counting the thousands of languages that lack widespread use of writing and are now endangered — this genius may reflect the greatest accumulation of knowledge of the natural world humans possess, rivaling, if not surpassing, the knowledge now recorded in scientific databases and libraries. This comparison may strike some as unfair. Library and book knowledge is catalogued, orderly, and it can be searched. Traditional knowledge seems much more diffuse, messy, and likely to be forgotten. But we must not underestimate it. *ecological niche 생태적 지위 **diffuse 산만한

those days, lived a hand-to-mouth existence, and the three copies of The Novella in Hebrew Literature must have cost him at least the price of some much-needed clothes.” (C) On the same block on which his family lived, Oz’s father had a dear friend, Israel Zarchi, a novelist whose books sold quite well. Oz remembers how his father complained to Zarchi that while many readers snapped up the sort of popular novels Zarchi wrote, scholarly books, such as (d) he produced, were ignored. But then, one day, Oz’s father came home in a wonderful mood: “They’re sold. They’ve all been sold.” Even better, the bookstore had already ordered more copies. The following night, Oz’s parents went out to celebrate and left Amos at the Zarchi house. (D) Oz spent the evening in Zarchi’s study, where he

① take in genius of your own ancestors

suddenly noticed on the little coffee table by the sofa

② take pride in your exceptional genius

four copies of his father’s book. Oz knew that one copy had been given by (e) his friend to Zarchi. He quickly

③ practice your genius again and again ④ take your genius with you to the grave

guessed who had purchased the other three: “I felt a rush

⑤ prove your genius is priceless enough

[234~236] 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

father. Who can say if such a generous act would have even occurred to me? After all, (c) he, like everyone else in

of gratitude inside me that almost brought tears to my |12강 5~7|


eyes.” Zarchi, realizing that Oz had seen the books, picked up the three copies and hid them in a drawer; he did not want anyone else to realize what he had done.

Amos Oz, the Israeli novelist and essayist, describes an incident that happened when he was eight years old. His father, Yehudah Klausner (Oz’s family name was Klausner), had published (a) his first book, a literary study entitled The Novella in Hebrew Literature. Excited at the book’s publication, Oz’s father would go each day to the local bookstore to see if any of the three copies on display had been sold. For many days, no copies sold, and (b) his father’s sorrow “filled the apartment like a smell.”

234 위 글 (A)에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? ① (B)-(D)-(C)

② (C)-(B)-(D)

④ (D)-(B)-(C)

⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)

③ (C)-(D)-(B)

235 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? ① (a)

② (b)

③ (c)

④ (d)

(B) More than fifty years later, writing his autobiography, A Tale of Love and Darkness, Oz still could not get over the

236 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

depth of Zarchi’s kindness: “I count two or three writers

① 필자의 아버지는 문학연구서를 출간했다.

among my best friends, friends who have been close to

② 아버지의 친구인 Zarchi는 소설가였다.

me and dear to me for decades, yet I am not certain that

③ 진열된 아버지의 책은 모두 팔렸다.

I could do for one of them what Israel Zarchi did for my

④ Zarchi는 필자에게 아버지의 책을 보여주었다. ⑤ 필자는 Zarchi에 대한 고마움을 잊지 못한다.


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⑤ (e)

E 모든 변형문제

237 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 8|

(C) ‌ There is very often a gap between liberal ideals and liberal practice. To take an example, it is sometimes said

Text communication does create problems, even for

of liberalism in America that, with respect to race, it has

people who are skilled at it. Lacking sounds and visuals, it is not a rich sensory encounter. You cannot see other people’s faces or hear them speak. All the important interpersonal cues provided by voice, body language, and physical appearance disappear, which can dramatically alter how people relate to each other. Without those cues, it is easier . Your

repeatedly failed to live up to its own ideals.

*be enacted 일어나다, 발생하다

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

online companion might be sick, drunk, or depressed without your knowing it. For some people, the lack of physical presence generated by the cues of voice and appearance might reduce the sense of intimacy, trust, and commitment in the relationship. Typed text feels formal, distant, unemotional, and lacking a supportive and empathic tone. In fact, without a visual and auditory connection, you can never be absolutely certain about the other person’s identity. This absence of face-to-face cues, which adds a little anonymity, encourages some people to behave inappropriately. *empathic 공감의 **anonymity 익명성

239 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

① to share opinions out of empathy ② to conclude in favor of the other

|12강 10|

A field of planted and weeded crops yields ten to one

③ to misunderstand the other person

hundred times as much food — measured in calories —

④ to prefer communication in person

as the same area of naturally occurring plants, a benefit

⑤ to consider other people’s ideas

that would have been evident to early crop-planters. It also requires more labor, however, which was provided

238 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |12강 9|

The relationship between liberalism as a theory of politics and liberalism as it has been enacted in practice is complex and disputed.

both by the greater number of people in the community and by those people working longer hours. In contrast to the twenty hours a week hunter-gatherers spent on obtaining food, farming peoples were often in the fields from dawn to dusk, particularly during planting and harvest time, but also during the rest of the growing year

(A) ‌ Feminist critics sometimes reject liberalism because, as they see it, liberal societies have failed to bring about equality between the sexes. Others claim that this failure is merely a failure of these societies, not any failure of liberalism as such. (B) ‌ In tension with this claim, it is also often said that

because weeding was a constant task. Neolithic farmers were also less healthy than hunter-gatherers were; although crop-raising gave them a more reliable food supply, their narrower range of foodstuffs made them more vulnerable to disease and nutritional deficiencies such as anemia.

*Neolithic 신석기 시대의 **anemia 빈혈증

American liberalism itself is defective, that it contains

① inefficiency of early crop farming

internal contradictions, and that these contradictions

② history of farming development

are exposed by its treatment of race. Or to take another

③ benefits of labor intensive farming

example, consider the status of women in liberal

④ malnutrition caused by farming


⑤ profitability of farming practice E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

240 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 11|


Though most bees fill their days visiting flowers and collecting pollen, some bees .

head coach asked Cade to make up enough of the magic

These thieving bees sneak into the nest of an

drink to fuel his team the next day as they took on

unsuspecting “normal” bee (known as the host), lay an

heavily favored Louisiana State. Drinking their secret

egg near the pollen mass being gathered by the host bee

weapon throughout a 102-degree day, the Florida football

for her own offspring, and then sneak back out. When

team came from behind to win 14.7. Now, 50 years after

the egg of the thief hatches, it kills the host’s offspring

Cade helped lead the Florida football team’s victory, the

and then eats the pollen meant for its victim. Sometimes

shelves at your local grocery store fairly groan under the

called brood parasites, these bees are also referred to as

weight of the sports drinks housed there, all developed

cuckoo bees, because they are similar to cuckoo birds,

from the first homemade drink created by him in Florida.

After a first test during a training game, the Florida

which lay an egg in the nest of another bird and leave it


for that bird to raise. They are more technically called cleptoparasites. Clepto means “thief ” in Greek, and the term cleptoparasite refers specifically to an organism that lives off another by stealing its food. In this case the cleptoparasite feeds on the host’s hard-earned pollen stores.

*brood parasite (알을 대신 기르도록 하는)탁란 동물

Cade started to work with the University of Florida football team to find out, testing players on the freshman team during practice to see what was happening to their blood chemistry. He found that they had low blood volume from dehydration, out-of-balance electrolytes, and low blood sugar. With his research team, Cade

① take advantage of the hard work of others

made a drink by mixing salt to help with electrolyte

② force others to take care of their offsprings

replacement, sugar to keep blood sugar levels up, water

③ share burden of nurturing with other bees

for hydration, and lemon juice for better taste at his

④ invent certain innate protective strategies

wife’s suggestion.

⑤ steal the eggs of others and adopt them

(D) This is a big business — sports drinks and nutrition bars are estimated to be a $10 billion-a-year business in the United States alone. But Cade’s drink didn’t just herald a new industry; it also created an idea: that athletes need special fuel and nutrition in order to perform at the best level.

241 위 글 (A)에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? [241~243] 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

|12강 12~14|


① (B)-(D)-(C)

② (C)-(B)-(D)

④ (D)-(B)-(C)

⑤ (D)-(C)-(B)

In 1965, an assistant football coach at the University of Florida asked Dr. Robert Cade, a kidney disease specialist, a fairly simple question. Why did players lose so much weight during games — up to 18 pounds in some cases — and why did they urinate so little? Cade

242 위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

thought about the question for a moment. He supposed

① value of creative ideas and their effect

that it was because the players were sweating so much

② importance of drinking water to athletes

that there basically weren’t any fluids left in their bodies

③ danger of unbalance from dehydration

to urinate. Did that really matter?

④ beginning and present of sports drink ⑤ how to make sports drink scientifically


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③ (C)-(D)-(B)

E 모든 변형문제

243 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

245 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |12강 2|

① Cade는 땀이 소변량 감소의 원인이라고 생각했다.

않은 것은?

② Cade는 미식축구팀을 대상으로 연구에 착수했다.

A characteristic of moral standards is that their

③ Cade는 탈수가 혈당을 높인다는 것을 발견하였다.

soundness depends on the adequacy of the reasons that support or ① justify them. For the most part, fashion

④ Cade는 레몬주스를 섞어서 스포츠 음료를 만들었다. ⑤ 스포츠음료와 영양바는 100억 달러 규모의 사업이다.

standards are set by clothing designers, merchandisers and consumers; grammatical standards by grammarians and students of language; technical standards by practitioners and experts in the field. Legislators

244 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 1|

make laws, boards of directors make organizational policy, and licensing boards ② establish standards for

When designing advanced resistance training programs,

professionals. In those cases, some authoritative body is the ultimate ③ validating source of the standards and

there are many variables that can be altered to enhance

thus can change the standards if it wishes. By contrast,

the difficulty and prolong the positive adaptations. One

moral standards are not made by such bodies, although they are often ④ supported or rejected by them. More

of the most important variables is variety. Most advanced programs during various training periods. The rationale is

precisely, the validity of moral standards depends not on ⑤ unauthorized command but rather on the quality

that in order to continue to promote training adaptations,

of the arguments or the reasoning that supports them.

you must continually overload the system. Individuals

And these arguments are derived from our historical and

who have been training for long periods of time using

contemporary attempts to answer that central question

identical training methods (i.e., order of exercises, types

of ethics: “How are we to relate to each other in order to

of exercise, workloads, intensities, etc.) do not experience

ensure that our individual and collective well-being is

as much adaptation. You must continually alter your


training programs incorporate different styles of

program so the body does not become too accustomed to it. Therefore, you must increase the variety of your workouts to attain advanced training outcomes. That is not always as simple as adding more weight or changing the number of repetitions within a program. The advanced competitive individual might also add in specialized training to enhance speed, quickness, and agility to help accomplish their exercise-specific training goals.

*rationale 근거, 이유 **agility 민첩성

Because the same (A) training can lead to poor adaptability, We need to increase the (B) of exercise. (A)


① repetitive


② repetitive


③ various


④ repetitive


⑤ various

diversity E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

246 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 3|

(B) ‌ If you speak an unwritten language, one that your children or grandchildren have abandoned in favor of

Rudolph P. Miller, who founded the Building Officials

another tongue, you may indeed take your genius with

Conference of America in 1915, was concerned about

you to the grave. Much of this genius is the product

protecting people ‘who have no voice in the manner

of adaptation over time to a way of life and ecological

of construction or the arrangement of buildings with which they involuntarily come in contact.’He implies that the government should ensure a minimum level

niche. (C) ‌ Collectively — counting the thousands of languages that lack widespread use of writing and are now endangered

of quality to similarly incautious home buyers. Beginning with the interwar period, building codes

— this genius may reflect the greatest accumulation

were apparently viewed as beneficial regulation that could , according to Edna

rivaling, if not surpassing, the knowledge now recorded

of knowledge of the natural world humans possess, in scientific databases and libraries.

Trull. The risk of buying a house with ‘defects’(i.e., built to substandard specifications), or ‘the poor-quality construction work of speculative builders’was reduced. Building regulation was assigned the primary goal of decreasing uncertainty and making future patterns of business as predictable as possible. Hence, the government

*ecological niche 생태적 지위 **diffuse 산만한

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

entered the business of grading or certifying real property, providing assurance services. The justification for such building codes was extended from a primary emphasis on safety to one of reducing imperfect information during the first part of the twentieth century. *speculative 투기적인

248 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 8|

Text communication does create problems, even for people who are skilled at it. Lacking sounds and visuals, it is not a rich sensory encounter. You cannot see other

① stop the trend of speculation

people’s faces or hear them speak. All the important

② increase national realty trade

interpersonal cues provided by voice, body language, and

③ increase consumer information

physical appearance disappear, which can dramatically

④ decrease rigid market regulation

alter how people relate to each other. Without those

⑤ decrease useless building codes

cues, it is easier to misunderstand the other person. Your online companion might be sick, drunk, or depressed without your knowing it. For some people, the lack of physical presence generated by the cues of voice and appearance might reduce the sense of intimacy, trust, and commitment in the relationship. Typed text feels formal, distant, unemotional, and lacking a supportive

247 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |12강 4|

For many endangered languages that have never been put down in writing, entire domains of knowledge are likely to be lost when the language ceases to be spoken. (A) ‌ This comparison may strike some as unfair. Library and book knowledge is catalogued, orderly, and it can be searched. Traditional knowledge seems much more diffuse, messy, and likely to be forgotten. But we must not underestimate it. 092

and empathic tone. In fact, without a visual and auditory connection, you can never be absolutely certain about the other person’s identity. This absence of face-to-face cues, which adds a little anonymity, encourages some people to behave inappropriately. *empathic 공감의 **anonymity 익명성

① factors of communication misunderstanding ② importance of empathy in our relationship ③ ways of communicating well through text ④ disadvantage of text-based communication ⑤ importance of connection in communicating

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249 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 9|

The relationship between liberalism as a theory of

251 다음 cuckoo bees에 관한 설명 중 글의 내용과 일치하지 |12강 11|

않는 것은?

politics and liberalism as it has been enacted in practice is

Though most bees fill their days visiting flowers and

complex and disputed. There is very often a gap between

collecting pollen, some bees take advantage of the hard

liberal ideals and liberal practice. To take an example, it is

work of others. These thieving bees sneak into the nest of

sometimes said of liberalism in America that, with respect

an unsuspecting “normal” bee (known as the host), lay an

to race, it has repeatedly failed to live up to its own ideals.

egg near the pollen mass being gathered by the host bee

In tension with this claim, it is also often said that American

for her own offspring, and then sneak back out. When

liberalism itself is defective, that it contains internal

the egg of the thief hatches, it kills the host’s offspring

contradictions, and that these contradictions are exposed

and then eats the pollen meant for its victim. Sometimes

by its treatment of race. Or to take another example,

called brood parasites, these bees are also referred to as

consider the status of women in liberal societies. Feminist

cuckoo bees, because they are similar to cuckoo birds,

critics sometimes reject liberalism because, as they see it,

which lay an egg in the nest of another bird and leave it

liberal societies have failed to bring about equality between

for that bird to raise. They are more technically called

the sexes. Others claim that this failure is merely a failure

cleptoparasites. Clepto means “thief ” in Greek, and the

of these societies, not any failure of liberalism as such.

term cleptoparasite refers specifically to an organism

that lives off another by stealing its food. In this case

*be enacted 일어나다, 발생하다

the cleptoparasite feeds on the host’s hard-earned pollen

① Liberalism : Why And What For?


② Is Liberalism Ideal Or Practical?

*brood parasite (알을 대신 기르도록 하는)탁란 동물

③ American Liberalism vs. Feminism

① 숙주인 보통 벌의 둥지에 알을 몰래 낳는다.

④ How To Realize Ideal Liberalism?

② 알이 부화하면 새끼는 숙주의 새끼를 죽인다.

⑤ Better Theory, Better Practice!

③ 새끼는 숙주의 새끼를 위해 준비된 꽃가루를 먹는다.

250 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|12강 10|

④ 뻐꾸기 둥지에 알을 낳아서 뻐꾸기 벌이라 불리운다. ⑤ 먹이를 훔쳐 기생한다는 뜻의 그리스어 이름이 있다.

A field of planted and weeded crops yields ten to one hundred times as much food — measured in calories — as the same area of naturally occurring plants, a benefit that would have been evident to early crop-planters. It also , however, which was provided both by the greater number of people in the community and by those people working longer hours. In contrast to the twenty hours a week hunter-gatherers spent on obtaining food, farming peoples were often in the fields from dawn to dusk, particularly during planting and harvest time, but also during the rest of the growing year because weeding was a constant task. Neolithic farmers were also less healthy than hunter-gatherers were; although crop-raising gave them a more reliable food supply, their narrower range of foodstuffs made them more vulnerable to disease and nutritional deficiencies such as anemia.

*Neolithic 신석기 시대의 **anemia 빈혈증

① earns more profit

② requires more labor

③ needs more attention

④ provides more nutrition

⑤ produces more empathy E 모든 변형문제

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E 모든 변형문제

254 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Mini Test 1

|Mini Test1 3|

252 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test1 1|

Politics cannot be suppressed, whichever policy process is employed and however sensitive and

A few weeks ago we mailed you the census form ① being used for the Survey of Agricultural Finance

respectful of differences it might be. In other words,

(Landlord’s Report) and asked you to complete the

institutions, knowledge, methods of consultation, or

form and return it as soon as possible. So far we ② have not heard from you. Your response is extremely

participatory mechanisms can make disagreement go

important. We must have replies from everyone who

are ways by which disagreement can be processed or

received a census form. Let me assure you again, your

managed so as to make it disappear. The assumption

report can be seen only by Census employees and may

behind those theories is that disagreement is wrong

be used only for statistical purposes. The law (Title 13,

and consensus is the desirable state of things. In fact,

United States Code) provides that your report cannot be ③ shown to or used by anyone outside the Bureau for

consensus rarely comes without some forms of subtle

any purposes at all. Another copy of the form is enclosed for use ④ in case you no longer have the one previously

disagreement is a source of genuine freedom. Debates

⑤ sending to you. We are also enclosing another official return envelope which requires no postage.

a positively evolving debate does not have to equal a reduction in disagreement.

should never be made into a goal in political deliberation.

*census 인구 조사, 국세 조사 **bureau (미국 관청의)국

there is no end to politics. It is wrong to think that proper

away. Theories of all sorts promote the view that there

coercion and the absence of fear in expressing a cause disagreements to evolve, often for the better, but

A defense is required against any suggestion that political disagreement is not the normal state of things.

253 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 |Mini Test1 2|

적절한 곳은?

Then he broke into a bounding lope, snow flying

*coercion 강압 **deliberation (신중한)고려

① The consensus on the theories ② The suppression of disagreement ③ The unanimous of agreement

beneath his paws, jaws wide open. “Are you sure about this?” my wife, Sherrie, breathed. She gazed ahead where a black wolf stood on the ice

④ The exhaustive argument ⑤ Concealing the decision-making process

in the gathering dusk. Sherrie was so thrilled she was about to jump out of her skin. ( ① ) After all these years of trying and not seeing, there it was: her first wolf. Perfect, I thought. ( ② ) I was impatient to give her this golden opportunity. ( ③ ) But as we walked farther out on the ice, things changed. The wolf, instead of watching from the tree line as he had several times with me, angled toward us at a trot. ( ④ ) I drew Sherrie toward me. My vision sharpened. I’d seen many wolves over the years, some very close, and hadn’t quite shifted into panic mode. ( ⑤ ) But anyone who claims he wouldn’t be afraid of a running wolf coming straight in, with no weapon and no place to run, and a loved one to defend, is either brain-dead or lying.


*trot 빠른 걸음 **lope 성큼 성큼 달리기

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255 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 4|

Making movies is an inherently risky business because film is neither a commodity like potato chips nor a stable enterprise. Research and development rarely pay off, and the success of one film does not ensure the success of the next one. (A) ‌ Most elements of the studio system have been developed to minimize risk and ensure predictability, including the creation of an organization to police the morality of films, the concentration of ownership through mergers and acquisitions, and the cultivation of media franchises. (B) ‌ Hollywood’s reliance on movie stars and genre films is only the most obvious attempt to build some predictability into moviemaking and the moviegoing experience. (C) ‌ Much of the design of Hollywood’s studio system can be explained as strategies for managing the risks

256 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 하지 않은 것은?

Looking back into the past, there is evidence that managers have tried to learn from the arts. Corporate art collections can be considered the oldest and longest lasting type of artistic ① intervention in organizations. For example, the American magnate Albert C. Barnes wanted to ② edify his employees with his art collection in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Many organizations’art collections may still just be about “personal aggrandizement, organizational prestige, and long-term investment and the decoration of the work environment”, but a number of collectors are coming to view their art collections as a possible ③ resource for learning to see and think differently in the organization. Far from simply decorating the workplace in a ④ pleasing manner, some collections are intended to provoke and irritate, thereby generating “creative unrest” and signalling to employees that unusual ideas and projects are ⑤ rejected in the organization. *magnate (재계의)거물 **edify 교화하다 ***aggrandizement 지위(권력)강화

entailed in creating expensive, collaborative, and unique products.

|Mini Test1 5|

*merge and acquisition (기업)인수 합병

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

257 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test1 6|

For a long time, the study of the history of Islamic hospitals has focused on ① what Michael Dols called “their apparent modernity.” Earlier historians of Islamic medicine were attracted to what seemed to be a premodern ancestor of modern hospitals: Islamic hospitals were seen as “relatively secular” (to use Dols’s terms again) because they ② were run by physicians or state officials — and not by religious scholars — and also because they had non-Muslim physicians ③ working in them. This “medical” nature of the Islamic hospital was embodied in a number of qualities, namely, ④ that it was designed and managed by educated Galenic physicians; furthermore, the hospital focused on the sick with the intention of curing rather than isolating them (and, because of this, hospitals were built in the centers of cities and not on their outskirts) and ⑤ sponsoring medical education and training. *secular 비종교적인

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

258 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

259 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test1 8|

적절한 곳은?

Before that, she had been tutored at home. Emma Lehmer, a renowned mathematician, was born in a Russian town with the lovely-sounding name of Samara on the great Volga River on November 6, 1906. ( ① ) In her journal, she wrote that she had always hoped to visit it someday, till its name was changed to the horrific-sounding Kuybyshev, and she lost all interest in it. ( ② ) In 1910, Emma’s family traveled by rail from Russia to Harbin, Manchuria. ( ③ ) Her father, Motvey Trotsky, had been transferred to Manchuria to be the Far East representative of a large Russian sugar company. Emma’s mother, Nadejda, had been a dentist before her marriage. ( ④ ) Not until 1920, when a new community high school opened in Harbin, was Emma allowed to attend school. ( ⑤ ) Her mathematics teacher in high school was a displaced engineer from Moscow who now taught algebra, geometry, and trigonometry in all the classes and still somehow had time to run a mathematics club after hours — which Emma never missed. He ignited a spark that kept her going until she passed away *algebra 대수학 **trigonometry (수학)삼각법 in 2007.

|Mini Test1 11|

Many people I’ve met say they never write letters or anything at all because they’ve learned that they always make mistakes. Communication is not like cooking, where you only get one chance to get it right. In cooking, there is a recipe to follow and the food comes out bad if you stray from it. What those people I met didn’t know until I told them this is that nobody gets it right the first time, or the second, or the third. Everybody needs to write and revise, then rewrite and revise again, and keep that process up until finally it’s as good as it’s going to get. The secret to writing letters, speeches, or any planned communication is to work at it until you have revised the whole thing at least seven times. The first draft of almost anything (letter, essay, speech, document), is never going to be your best work. Personal letters may be the exception in some cases, but even they often need to be rewritten before mailing. Quality comes with rewriting.

*stray 벗어나다

① Efficient Writing Methods ② the Need for Revision in Writing ③ The Difference between Public and Private Letters ④ Things to Be Considered in Writing ⑤ Similarities between Cooking and Writing

260 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 12|

When people maintain patterns of caring, whether for a house, a garden, pets, or other people, they are protecting themselves against despair, against giving up. (A) ‌ Unfortunately, the association of care with effort and worry leads us to conceive of old age as a period in which one should live a “carefree existence.” After retirement, people are urged to give up their cares. (B) ‌ It can be a dangerous trade-off. The person who stops caring for something may have taken the first steps to the hopelessness/ helplessness syndrome. And those who cope best with old age are those who continue the daily acts of caring, especially the most satisfying ones — care provided to living things, such as pets and gardens. 096

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(C) ‌ They are rewarded by feeling needed. The word “care” has many meanings, however, and one of them is “worry,” as when someone is burdened with care. You do worry about the things you care for. ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

262 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? |Mini Test1 14|

Change is natural, but that doesn’t mean we have to start falling apart when we reach a particular age. The

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

primary reason people degrade with age is that they believe they will. Our physical form is a manifestation of our nonphysical self, and ① it does what we expect it to do. If an authority figure like a scientist or doctor tells people they will degrade because they have reached a certain age, then they are likely to believe ② it — and will do just that. Our beliefs and perceptions cause electrical and chemical reactions in our bodies. If you believe your body is breaking down, you will cause ③ it to break down. ④ It’s much like when a physician tells a patient he has three months left to live and the patient dies precisely three months later, or when a witch doctor puts a curse on a *witch doctor 주술사 person and ⑤ it works.

261 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|Mini Test1 13|

Comedian Drew Carey sometimes plays the role of a very outspoken and sarcastic person, but he does good

263 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 15|

deeds. After the taping of an episode of Mr. Carey’s TV sitcom, The Drew Carey Show, a man in the audience

The origin of preferences for certain objects

refused to leave until he had spoken to Mr. Carey. Of course, celebrities sometimes attract weird — and

or their properties almost certainly goes back to . The best evidence for this idea is that

dangerous — fans. However, after Mr. Carey learned

such preferences are not unique to humans. Bowerbirds

that the man was a former Marine like himself, he talked

build structures called bowers that look like small

to the man for approximately 90 minutes. It is said that

pergolas or tree-lined avenues, decorated with brightly

the guy had just been discharged. He was depressed and

colored objects, usually natural ones, such as bird

was really having a hard time adjusting to life outside of

feathers, beetle wing cases, flowers and fruits, but also

the service. He didn’t know what his future held and felt

colorful artifacts, where available. It may take a male

aimless. Mr. Carey had felt the same way, so he knew

several months to build a bower, which then requires

what the man was feeling — and he was able to give him

constant maintenance (and defense against theft of

some encouraging words.

desirable objects by other males). The prettiest bowers

*sarcastic 빈정대는

attract many more females than the least pretty ones.

① 코미디언 Drew Carey는 선행을 베푼다. ② 관객 속의 Drew Carey와 친분이 있던 한 남자가 자리를 뜨지 않았다. ③ Drew Carey와 90분 정도 말을 나누었던 그 남자는 예비역 해병 대원이었다.

Thus, because the males themselves are mostly fairly uninteresting, successful males are those who create the most attractive external ornaments.

④ 그는 우울했고 사회생활에 적응하는데 어려움을 겪고 있었다.

① instinctive choice

② sexual selection

⑤ Carey씨는 같은 기분을 느낀 적이 있었기에 얼마간 격려의 말을

③ continuous maintenance

④ colorful decoration


⑤ constructive talent E 모든 변형문제

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E 모든 변형문제

264 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절

Flip-flops occur when the coach makes a transition

|Mini Test1 16|

from one activity to a second activity and then switches

하지 않은 것은?

Since there’s no job training for being a parent, how do we learn how to parent? Most of us probably parent the way we were ① parented. Louise, a mother who attended my seminars, shared how her mother dealt with sibling fighting. Louise said her mother’s ② infamous threat was always, “If you kids don’t stop fighting, I’m going to knock your three heads together!” Louise and her siblings were always puzzled about the specifics of how their mother would actually accomplish such a task, which, thankfully, she never attempted. But what drove her mother to make this empty threat? Extreme ③ annoyance with the sibling squabbles, probably. No doubt, Louise’s mother had learned this threatening tactic from her own mother, and, in the ④ presence of any other parenting tools she knew of, she said it to her own children, regardless of whether it worked. If Louise had not learned the effective parenting skills taught in

back to the first activity, as though he has changed his mind. ( ① ) For example, the gymnastics coach tells his players that Tuesday will be beam and bar day, but when his athletes arrive on Tuesday prepared to practice beam and bar, he tells them they will be working on floor and vault. ( ② ) The transition not only ruins the flow of practice activity but also conveys to the athletes that the coach is unsure of what to do. ( ③ ) It is important to avoid flip-flops. ( ④ ) However, if it becomes necessary to make such a reversal, it is prudent to explain to your athletes why the switch is occurring. ( ⑤ ) For example, the gymnastics coach might gather his athletes for a brief meeting and say, “I know I told you yesterday that we would be practicing beam and bar today, but we won’t be able to use the spring floor tomorrow so we are going to work on our floor routines today.

*filp-flop (의견·태도 등의)돌변 **vault (체조)도마 ***prudent 현명한, 신중한

the seminars, she would probably be using similarly ⑤ ineffective threatening techniques with her own children today!

*squabble (시시한)말다툼

266 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test1 18|

Genocide, the willful killing of specific groups of people — as occurred in the Nazi extermination camps during World War II — is universally considered wrong even if it is sanctioned by a government or an entire society. The Nuremberg trials that were conducted after World War II supported this point. Even though most of the accused individuals tried to claim they were merely following orders when they murdered or arranged for the murder of large numbers of Jews and other groups, many were found guilty. The reasoning was that there is a higher moral order under which certain human actions are wrong regardless of who endorses them. Thus, despite their desire to view events from a culturally relative standpoint, most sociologists find certain actions wrong, no matter what the context.

*sanction 승인하다 **endorse (공개적으로)승인하다

265 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|Mini Test1 17|

Then, midway through practice he instructs them to go to beam and bar.


Certain behaviors, such as genocide, are considered to be (A) behavior by a higher level of moral order, regardless of the (B) associated with the case.

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268 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸


① dreadful


② tolerated


③ erroneous


④ dreadful


⑤ tolerated


(A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test1 20|

An older guy I know told me a story of the first pizza place that moved into his little town. The pizza was lousy and the owner was rude, but he had the only game in town. So he made a ton of money and retired early. He left the pizza parlor to his two sons, who made the same bad pizza and were just as rude as their father. But now that time had passed, other competitors had come into the local marketplace and this was no longer the only pizza place in town. The place closed its doors in no time. The original owner was lucky because he was the first to do something where it had never been done before, but he never learned what his mistakes were, nor did his sons. If they had, they would have improved the quality of their product as well as their customer service. I can imagine those two sons are just moping around today, wondering what on earth went wrong. *the only game in town 유일하게 이용 가능한 것 **mope around 맥이 빠져 지내다 ***pizza parlor 피자가게

Even though pizza and customer service were poor, he earned a lot of money by using the pizza parlor’s (A) position, but the sons he inherited were eventually shut down by competitors due to the (B) management.

267 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test1 19|

If whales have rights, then they must ① be treated with respect. Their value and dignity do not rest on their place in our plans, purposes and projects. From this perspective our exploitation of whales for recreational purposes ② is not morally acceptable. They are creatures of inherent value with lives of their own and the capacity to lead them in their own ways. To confine them in aquatic parks and to make them perform tricks that people find ③ amused is to try to remake them into our own creations. This attempt to appropriate such marvelous and magnificent creatures for such trivial purposes, ④ denying them their liberty in the bargain, is morally ⑤ to be condemned.



① indigenous


② monopoly


③ monetary


④ monopoly


⑤ monetary


*confine 가두다 **appropriate 부당하게 이용하다

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

269 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 21|

You may experience a feeling of joy when you see your child having fun or you may feel anger when someone pulls out in front of you in traffic. The way we attach these emotions is done primarily by the beliefs we have about the action or event in question. For instance,

their heirs, whether or not the celebrities ④ exploit the rights commercially during their lifetime. In these states, rights of publicity are ⑤ valid with the person. They tend to emphasize the personal nature of the right of publicity and the difficulties in treating such rights as independent of the people who made them valuable.

*publicity right (유명인사의 이름·초상 보호권) **statute 법규 ***descendibility (자손에게)유증될 가능성

the first time someone pulled out in front of you in traffic you may have almost wrecked your car and you believed that they were doing that out of pure disregard for you. The natural fight or flight mechanism kicked in, and you decided to fight. Therefore you brought up the anger emotion to give you the fuel you needed to fight. What if you knew ahead of time that the person who pulled out in front of you was trying to get to the hospital as quickly as possible because his wife was having a baby? He obviously wasn’t thinking rationally, but he was desperate to take care of his wife and unborn child. If you knew that about him, you may have chosen a different emotion. Maybe .

271 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 23|

*wreck 파괴하다, 망가뜨리다 **fight or flight 싸움 혹은 도피

① kinship

② altruism

④ shyness

⑤ compassion

In a study led by Pamela Dalton, a psychologist at

③ enviousness

Monell Chemical Senses Center, the participants were divided into three groups, who sat down in a lab, and were then exposed to an odor that was neither pleasant nor unpleasant for 20 minutes. To one group, she did not say anything about the odor, while she told the second and

270 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 하지 않은 것은?

|Mini Test1 22|

States recognizing the inheritability of publicity rights tend to ① emphasize one’s right to enjoy and pass to one’s heirs the fruits of one’s industry. In California, a publicity statute ② prohibits for 50 years after death the commercial use of the name, voice, photograph, or likeness of any “deceased personality” without prior consent of the person. A deceased personality is anyone who has commercial value in his or her identity at the time of death. However, it is not a ③ violation of the California law or other state statutes recognizing the descendibility of publicity rights to use the identity of a dead person in news, public affairs, or political campaigns or in a book or film. Some states do not recognize a right for people to will publicity rights to


the third groups that the odor was an industrial chemical that might be harmful and a distilled pure natural extract, respectively. The result was that the subjects who were either told nothing or positive information felt the odor to be weaker as time passed. (A) , the subjects who were told negative information felt the odor became stronger as time passed. (B) , an odor that is thought to be good disappears from consciousness fast, while an odor thought to be harmful keeps our attention and remains strong. (A)

*distilled 증류하여 얻은, 증류한


① However


② However

In other words

③ In fact


④ In contrast

In other words

⑤ In contrast

For instance

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E 모든 변형문제

272 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

273 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

|Mini Test1 24-25|

|Mini Test1 1|

적절한 곳은?

Imagine it is early morning and you are walking

The law (Title 13, United States Code) provides that

towards the bus stop to go to work. You arrive at the bus

your report cannot be shown to or used by anyone outside

stop. Already there are a number of people there. You

the Bureau for any purposes at all.

are cheerful that morning, willing to wish them all a very good morning, so you do just that. The general reaction you meet is people looking at their shoes avoiding your eyes, not wanting to make contact.

A few weeks ago we mailed you the census form being used for the Survey of Agricultural Finance (Landlord’s Report) and asked you to complete the form and return it as soon as possible. ① So far we have not heard from

(A) ‌ A man standing next to you turns to you and asks:

you. Your response is extremely important. ② We must

“That was bus number nine, wasn’t it?” You nod and all

have replies from everyone who received a census form. ③ Let me assure you again, your report can be

around you, you notice the distress of people who had wanted to take bus number nine. You get a feeling with these people, they all have the same purpose as you. The other people at the bus stop, who clearly don’t have this goal, are far less interesting all of a sudden. (B) ‌ So you are standing there waiting for the bus to come. Then, in the distance, you can see what looks like a bus.

seen only by Census employees and may be used only for statistical purposes. ④ Another copy of the form is enclosed for use in case you no longer have the one previously sent to you. ⑤ We are also enclosing another official return envelope which requires no postage.

*census 인구 조사, 국세 조사 **bureau (미국 관청의)국

You hear the loud noise of the heavy engine. There is a shuffling of feet as people start picking up their bags. The bus arrives … and drives on, past the bus stop! That’s where a collective starts to go over to becoming a group. (C) ‌ They remain anonymous, while your potential allies are carved in your memory. The unrest settles down, other buses come and go. Your allies keep you informed that another bus number nine will be due in a few minutes. Then the second bus number nine appears, and this one also drives by without so much as slowing down. Then of course all hell breaks loose. All potential bus nine goers form a circle to confer about what to do when the next bus appears, how to make it stop and so on.

*shuffle 발을 (질질)끌며 걷다 **all hell breaks loose 큰 혼란이 일어나다

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

274 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test1 2|

“Are you sure about this?” my wife, Sherrie, breathed. She gazed ahead ① what a black wolf stood on the ice in the gathering dusk. Sherrie was so thrilled she was about to jump out of her skin. After all these years of trying and not seeing, there ② it was: her first wolf. Perfect, I thought. I was impatient to give her this golden opportunity. But as we walked farther out on the ice, things changed. The wolf, instead of watching from the tree line as he had several times with me, ③ angled toward us at a trot. Then he broke into a bounding lope, snow ④ flying beneath his paws, jaws wide open. I drew Sherrie toward me. My vision sharpened. I’d seen many wolves over the years, some very close, and hadn’t quite shifted into panic mode. But anyone who claims he wouldn’t be afraid of a running wolf ⑤ coming straight in, with no weapon and no place to run, and a loved one to defend, is either brain-dead or lying.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편

*trot 빠른 걸음 **lope 성큼 성큼 달리기


E 모든 변형문제

275 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

moviemaking and the moviegoing experience. Most

|Mini Test1 3|

elements of the studio system have been developed to

Politics cannot be suppressed, whichever policy

minimize risk and ensure predictability, including the

process is employed and however sensitive and respectful of differences it might be. (A) , there is no end

films, the concentration of ownership through mergers

to politics. It is wrong to think that proper institutions, knowledge, methods of consultation, or participatory

creation of an organization to police the morality of and acquisitions, and the cultivation of media franchises.

mechanisms can make disagreement go away. Theories

*merge and acquisition (기업)인수 합병

① increase in movie viewing fee due to blockbuster movie in

of all sorts promote the view that there are ways by


which disagreement can be processed or managed so

② the follow-up to a successful movie is rarely successful

as to make it disappear. The assumption behind those

③ Hollywood studio systems block the development of the

theories is that disagreement is wrong and consensus is the desirable state of things. (B) , consensus

global film industry ④ Hollywood studio system has taken measures to counter the

rarely comes without some forms of subtle coercion and

dangers of filmmaking

the absence of fear in expressing a disagreement is a

⑤ self-censorship in Hollywood to cope with movie morality

source of genuine freedom. Debates cause disagreements to evolve, often for the better, but a positively evolving debate does not have to equal a reduction in disagreement. The suppression of disagreement should never be made into a goal in political deliberation. A defense is required against any suggestion that political disagreement is not the normal state of things.

*coercion 강압 **deliberation (신중한)고려


277 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test1 5|


Looking back into the past, there is evidence that

① In other words


managers have tried to learn from the arts. Corporate

② On the other hand

In fact

③ In other words

In fact

art collections can be considered the oldest and longest ① lasting type of artistic intervention in organizations.

④ Furthermore


⑤ On the other hand


For example, the American magnate Albert C. Barnes wanted ② to edify his employees with his art collection in the first quarter of the twentieth century. Many organizations’art collections may still just be about

276 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test1 4|

Making movies is an inherently risky business because

“personal aggrandizement, organizational prestige, and long-term investment and the decoration of

film is neither a commodity like potato chips nor a

the work environment”, but a number of collectors ③ is coming to view their art collections as a possible

stable enterprise. Research and development rarely

resource for learning to see and think differently in the

pay off, and the success of one film does not ensure

organization. Far from simply decorating the workplace

the success of the next one. Much of the design of Hollywood’s studio system can be explained as strategies

in a pleasing manner, some collections are intended to provoke and ④ irritate, thereby generating “creative

for managing the risks entailed in creating expensive,

unrest” and ⑤ signalling to employees that unusual

collaborative, and unique products. Hollywood’s

ideas and projects are welcome in the organization.

reliance on movie stars and genre films is only the

*magnate (재계의)거물 **edify 교화하다

most obvious attempt to build some predictability into


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***aggrandizement 지위(권력)강화


E 모든 변형문제

278 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

a displaced engineer from Moscow who now taught

|Mini Test1 6|

For a long time, the study of the history of Islamic hospitals has focused on what Michael Dols called “their apparent .” Earlier historians of Islamic medicine were attracted to what seemed to be

algebra, geometry, and trigonometry in all the classes and still somehow had time to run a mathematics club after hours — ④ which Emma never missed. He ignited a spark that kept her ⑤ going until she passed away in 2007.

*algebra 대수학 **trigonometry (수학)삼각법

a premodern ancestor of modern hospitals: Islamic hospitals were seen as “relatively secular” (to use Dols’s terms again) because they were run by physicians or state officials — and not by religious scholars — and also because they had non-Muslim physicians working in them. This “medical” nature of the Islamic hospital was embodied in a number of qualities, namely, that it was designed and managed by educated Galenic physicians; furthermore, the hospital focused on the sick with the intention of curing rather than isolating them (and, because of this, hospitals were built in the centers of cities and not on their outskirts) and sponsored medical education and training. ① religion

② modernity

④ innovation

⑤ character

*secular 비종교적인

③ convention

280 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 11|

Many people I’ve met say they never write letters or

279 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test1 8|

Emma Lehmer, a renowned mathematician, was born in a Russian town with the lovely-sounding name of Samara on the great Volga River on November 6, 1906. In her journal, she wrote that she had always hoped to visit it someday, till its name was changed to the horrificsounding Kuybyshev, and she lost all interest in it. In 1910, Emma’s family traveled by rail from Russia to Harbin, Manchuria. Her father, Motvey Trotsky, ① had been transferred to Manchuria to be the Far East representative of a large Russian sugar company. Emma’s mother, Nadejda, had been a dentist before her marriage. Not until 1920, when a new community high school opened in Harbin, ② Emma was allowed to attend school. Before that, she ③ had been tutored at home. Her mathematics teacher in high school was

E 모든 변형문제

anything at all because they’ve learned that they always make mistakes. Communication is not like cooking, where you only get one chance to get it right. In cooking, there is a recipe to follow and the food comes out bad if you stray from it. What those people I met didn’t know until I told them this is that nobody gets it right the first time, or the second, or the third. Everybody needs to write and revise, then rewrite and revise again, and keep that process up until finally it’s as good as it’s going to get. The secret to writing letters, speeches, or any planned communication is to work at it until you have revised the whole thing at least seven times. The first draft of almost anything (letter, essay, speech, document), is never going to be your best work. Personal letters may be the exception in some cases, but even they often need to be rewritten before mailing. *stray 벗어나다 Quality comes with . ① communication

② rewriting

④ imagination

⑤ consideration

영어독해 연습 편

③ vocabulary


E 모든 변형문제

281 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적

283 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test1 12|

절한 곳은?

|Mini Test1 14|

Change is natural, but that doesn’t mean we have to

Unfortunately, the association of care with effort and

start falling apart when we reach a particular age. The

worry leads us to conceive of old age as a period in

primary reason people degrade with age is that they

which one should live a “carefree existence.”

believe they will. Our physical form is a manifestation

When people maintain patterns of caring, whether for a house, a garden, pets, or other people, they are protecting themselves against despair, against giving up. ( ① ) They are rewarded by feeling needed. ( ② ) The word “care” has many meanings, however, and one of them is “worry,” as when someone is burdened with care. You do worry about the things you care for. ( ③ ) After retirement, people are urged to give up their cares. ( ④ ) It can be a dangerous trade-off. The person who stops caring for something may have taken the first steps to the hopelessness/ helplessness syndrome. ( ⑤ ) And those who cope best with old age are those who continue the daily acts of caring, especially the most satisfying ones — care provided to living things, such as pets and gardens.

of our nonphysical self, and it does what we expect it to do. If an authority figure like a scientist or doctor tells people they will degrade because they have reached a certain age, then they are likely to believe it — and will do just that. Our beliefs and perceptions cause electrical and chemical reactions in our bodies. If you believe your body is breaking down, you will cause it to break down. It’s much like when a physician tells a patient he has three months left to live and the patient dies precisely three months later, or when a witch doctor puts a curse on a person and it works.

*witch doctor 주술사

① Disease : Mental Weakness ② Believe : Impact on the Body ③ Ageing : Providence of the Nature ④ Ageing : a Manifestation of Our Nonphysical self ⑤ Believe : Change of the Body Constitution

284 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

282 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 하지 않은 것은?

The best evidence for this idea is that such preferences

|Mini Test1 13|

Comedian Drew Carey sometimes plays the role of a very outspoken and sarcastic person, but he does good ① deeds. After the taping of an episode of Mr. Carey’s TV sitcom, The Drew Carey Show, a man in the audience

|Mini Test1 15|

are not unique to humans. The origin of preferences for certain objects or their properties almost certainly goes back to sexual selection. ( ① ) Bowerbirds build structures called bowers that

refused to leave until he had spoken to Mr. Carey. Of course, celebrities sometimes ② attract weird — and

look like small pergolas or tree-lined avenues, decorated

dangerous — fans. However, after Mr. Carey learned that the man was a ③ current Marine like himself, he talked

as bird feathers, beetle wing cases, flowers and fruits, but also colorful artifacts, where available. ( ② ) It may

to the man for approximately 90 minutes. It is said that the guy had just been ④ discharged. He was depressed

take a male several months to build a bower, which then

and was really having a hard time adjusting to life outside of the service. He didn’t know what his future ⑤ held and felt aimless. Mr. Carey had felt the same way, so he knew what the man was feeling — and he was able to give him some encouraging words.


*sarcastic 빈정대는

with brightly colored objects, usually natural ones, such

requires constant maintenance (and defense against theft of desirable objects by other males). ( ③ ) The prettiest bowers attract many more females than the least pretty ones. ( ④ ) Thus, because the males themselves are mostly fairly uninteresting, successful males are those who create the most attractive external ornaments.( ⑤ )

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285 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

286 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test1 16|

Since there’s no job training for being a parent, how do we learn how to parent? Most of us probably parent the way we ① were parented. Louise, a mother who attended my seminars, shared how her mother dealt with sibling fighting. Louise said her mother’s infamous threat was always, “If you kids don’t stop ② fighting, I’m going to knock your three heads together!” Louise and her siblings were always ③ puzzled about the specifics of how their mother would actually accomplish such a task, which, thankfully, she never attempted. But what drove her mother to make this empty threat? Extreme annoyance with the sibling squabbles, probably. No doubt, Louise’s mother had learned this threatening tactic from her own mother, and, in the absence of any other parenting tools she knew of, she said ④ it to her own children, regardless of whether it worked. If Louise had not learned the effective parenting skills taught in the seminars, she ⑤ would have probably been using similarly ineffective threatening techniques with her own children today! *squabble (시시한)말다툼

|Mini Test1 17|

Flip-flops occur when the coach makes a transition from one activity to a second activity and then switches back to the first activity, as though he has changed his mind. For example, the gymnastics coach tells his players that Tuesday will be beam and bar day, but when his athletes arrive on Tuesday prepared to practice beam and bar, he tells them they will be working on floor and vault. Then, midway through practice he instructs them to go to beam and bar. The transition not only ruins the flow of practice activity but also conveys to the athletes that the coach is unsure of what to do. It is important to avoid flip-flops. However, if it becomes necessary to make such a reversal, it is prudent to explain to your athletes why the switch is occurring. For example, the gymnastics coach might gather his athletes for a brief meeting and say, “I know I told you yesterday that we would be practicing beam and bar today, but we won’t be able to use the spring floor tomorrow so we are going to work on our floor routines today.”

*filp-flop (의견·태도 등의)돌변 **vault (체조)도마 ***prudent 현명한, 신중한

① 코치는 계획에 따라 훈련을 조정해야한다. ② 연습에서의 흐름을 끊는 것을 하지 말아야 한다. ③ 돌변을 피하려고 노력하지 말고 그대로 받아들여라. ④ 코치는 운동 전환 시 충분한 설명을 해주는 것이 필요하다. ⑤ 코치는 하나의 활동 갑자기 다른 활동으로 옮겨가는 돌변을 피해야 한다.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

287 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절

289 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

|Mini Test1 18|

하지 않은 것은?

Genocide, the ① willful killing of specific groups of people — as occurred in the Nazi extermination camps during World War II — is universally considered wrong even if it is sanctioned by a government or an entire society. The Nuremberg trials that were conducted after World War II ② supported this point. Even though most of the accused individuals tried to claim they

적절한 곳은?

|Mini Test1 20|

An older guy I know told me a story of the first pizza place that moved into his little town. ( ① ) The pizza was lousy and the owner was rude, but he had the only game in town. ( ② ) So he made a ton of money and retired early. He left the pizza parlor to his two sons, who made the same bad pizza and were just as rude as their father. ( ③ ) The place closed its doors in no time.

were merely following orders when they murdered or ③ arranged for the murder of large numbers of Jews

The original owner was lucky because he was the first

and other groups, many were found guilty. The reasoning was that there is a ④ lower moral order under which

but he never learned what his mistakes were, nor did his sons. ( ④ ) If they had, they would have improved the

certain human actions are wrong regardless of who

quality of their product as well as their customer service. ( ⑤ ) I can imagine those two sons are just moping

to do something where it had never been done before,

endorses them. Thus, despite their desire to view events from a culturally ⑤ relative standpoint, most sociologists

around today, wondering what on earth went wrong.

find certain actions wrong, no matter what the context.

*the only game in town 유일하게 이용 가능한 것 **mope around 맥이 빠져 지내다 ***pizza parlor 피자가게

*sanction 승인하다 **endorse (공개적으로)승인하다

290 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 21|

You may experience a feeling of joy when you see

288 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test1 19|

If whales have rights, then they must be treated with respect. Their value and dignity do not rest on their place in our plans, purposes and projects. From this perspective our exploitation of whales for recreational purposes is not morally acceptable. They are creatures of inherent value with lives of their own and the capacity to lead them in their own ways. To confine them in aquatic parks and to make them perform tricks that people find amusing is to try to remake them into our own creations. This attempt to appropriate such marvelous and magnificent creatures for such trivial purposes, denying them their liberty in the bargain, is morally to be condemned. *confine 가두다 **appropriate 부당하게 이용하다

your child having fun or you may feel anger when someone pulls out in front of you in traffic. The way we attach these emotions is done primarily by the beliefs we have about the action or event in question. (A) , the first time someone pulled out in front of you in traffic you may have almost wrecked your car and you believed that they were doing that out of pure disregard for you. The natural fight or flight mechanism kicked in, and you decided to fight. (B) , you brought up the anger emotion to give you the fuel you needed to fight. What if you knew ahead of time that the person who pulled out in front of you was trying to get to the hospital as quickly as possible because his wife was having a baby? He obviously wasn’t thinking rationally, but he was desperate to take

① 고래의 존엄성을 찾아 주기위해 노력을 해야 한다.

care of his wife and unborn child. If you knew that about

② 고래를 오락을 위해서 공연하게 하는 것은 옳지 않다.

him, you may have chosen a different emotion. Maybe

③ 고래에게 권리를 부여하고 그들을 존중해야 한다.


④ 고래를 자유롭게 해주면서 존엄성을 높여줘야 한다.

*wreck 파괴하다, 망가뜨리다 **fight or flight 싸움 혹은 도피

⑤ 고래를 우리들의 도덕적 관점에서 보도록 노력해야 한다.


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292 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


|Mini Test1 23|

In a study led by Pamela Dalton, a psychologist

① In other words

In fact

② For instance


at Monell Chemical Senses Center, the participants

③ For instance


were divided into three groups, who sat down in a lab,

④ In other words


④ In other words

On the other hand

and were then exposed to an odor that was neither pleasant nor unpleasant for 20 minutes. To one group, she did not say anything about the odor, while she told the second and the third groups that the odor was an industrial chemical that might be harmful and a distilled pure natural extract, respectively. The result was that the subjects who were either told nothing or positive information felt the odor to be weaker as time passed. In contrast, the subjects who were told negative information felt the odor became stronger as time passed. In other words, an odor that is thought to be good disappears from

291 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test1 22|

States recognizing the inheritability of publicity rights tend to emphasize one’s right to enjoy and pass to one’s heirs the fruits of one’s industry. In California, a publicity statute prohibits for 50 years after death the commercial use of the name, voice, photograph, or likeness of any “deceased personality” without prior consent of the

consciousness fast, while an odor thought to be harmful keeps our attention and remains strong. *distilled 증류하여 얻은, 증류한

① Sensitivity of Odor According to Personality ② Prejudice in Detecting Chemical Odor ③ the Effect of Prejudice on Odor Detection ④ Difference in Odor Detection according to desire ⑤ Positive Smell in Positive Atmosphere

person. (A) ‌‌ Some states do not recognize a right for people to will publicity rights to their heirs, whether or not the celebrities exploit the rights commercially during their lifetime. (B) ‌ A deceased personality is anyone who has commercial value in his or her identity at the time of death. However, it is not a violation of the California law or other state statutes recognizing the descendibility of publicity rights to use the identity of a dead person in news, public affairs, or political campaigns or in a book or film. (C) ‌ In these states, rights of publicity die with the person. They tend to emphasize the personal nature of the right of publicity and the difficulties in treating such rights as independent of the people who made them valuable.

*publicity right (유명인사의 이름·초상 보호권) **statute 법규 ***descendibility (자손에게)유증될 가능성

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

293 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Mini Test 2

|Mini Test1 24-25|

Imagine it is early morning and you are walking

294 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 |Mini Test2 1|

towards the bus stop to go to work. You arrive at the

적절한 곳은?

bus stop. Already there are a number of people there.

In addition, your preface will be bylined, so you can

You are cheerful that morning, willing to wish them all

add the book to your list of publications.

a very good morning, so you do just that. The general reaction you meet is people looking at their shoes avoiding your eyes, not wanting to make contact. So you are standing there waiting for the bus to come. Then, in the distance, you can see what looks like a bus. You hear the loud noise of the heavy engine. There is a shuffling of feet as people start picking up their bags. The bus arrives … and drives on, past the bus stop! That’s where . A man standing next to you turns to you and asks: “That was bus number nine, wasn’t it?” You nod and all around you, you notice the distress of people who had wanted to take bus number nine. You get a feeling with these people, they all have the same purpose as you. The other people at the bus stop, who clearly don’t have this goal, are far less interesting all of

We are currently compiling a corporate history. It will be titled Balson Nuclear: Half a Century of Radiant Progress and will be privately published as a limited edition hardcover book by the corporation early next year. ( ① ) Its main use will be as a premium and promotion. ( ② ) You are a respected professor in nuclear engineering, and it was in your senior class that I learned much of what I needed to know to get hired by Balson. ( ③ ) Would you be willing to contribute a brief preface about the importance of nuclear energy as a current and future energy source? ( ④ ) The company can pay you an honorarium of $500. ( ⑤ ) If you are interested, please let me know. We would need the preface by June 20.

*honorarium 사례(금) **byline 필자의 이름을 밝히다

a sudden. They remain anonymous, while your potential allies are carved in your memory. The unrest settles down, other buses come and go. Your allies keep you informed that another bus number nine will be due in a few minutes. Then the second bus number nine appears, and this one also drives by without so much as slowing down. Then of course all hell breaks loose. All potential bus nine goers form a circle to confer about what to do

295 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test2 2|

when the next bus appears, how to make it stop and so on.

*shuffle 발을 (질질)끌며 걷다

She made ① herself a cup of tea and came and sat in

**all hell breaks loose 큰 혼란이 일어나다

the armchair beside the fire. She turned on the radio but

① you can form a new network in your routine ② we decide everything we do with people around us ③ you can learn how to get along with people ④ a collective starts to go over to becoming a group ⑤ it is good to start a conversation with anonymous people

they were reading sports results and she turned it off. On going upstairs, she found that the boys were sound ② asleep and she stood watching them before closing the door and ③ leaving them to the night. Downstairs, she wondered ④ that there might be something interesting on the television. She went over and turned it on and waited for the picture ⑤ to appear. How would she fill these hours? When the television came on it was an American comedy. She watched it for a few moments but the canned laughter continued and she turned it off. The house was silent now except for the crackling of wood in the fireplace.


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*crackling (날카롭게) 타닥(따닥)거리는 소리

E 모든 변형문제

296 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

298 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 3|

Child psychologists have long noted that children do best . The world can be a very scary place unless boundaries are in place to give a sense of security to children and teens. As teens go through the process of individuating, they push up against and even test the rigidity of parental and societal boundaries. As parents, you are responsible for establishing boundaries for your children, including setting curfews, time frames, and limits that are acceptable for doing homework, eating meals, going to bed, getting up in the morning, dressing for school, staying over at a friend’s house, and having friends visit in your home. In addition, assigning your children duties or chores teaches them perseverance, time management, and sense of purpose — all necessary for success in life. *individuate 개별화하다, 개성을 부여하다 **curfew 귀가시간

② self-disclosure usually moves in small increments

② if allowed to be independent

③ they keep the most important one to themselves

③ while around their parents

④ which information is intimate is never apparent

④ when they meet challenges

⑤ it can be dangerous to share all your information

⑤ whey in fair competitions

297 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

299 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? |Mini Test2 6|

|Mini Test2 4|

Most runners say they’re not ① competitive and are only trying to beat their previous times. But the temptation to ② compare ourselves to others is intense. We’re conditioned to do it when it comes to grades, appearances, and wealth. And in running, age-group rankings and finishing places only encourage that. Try to ③ remember everyone else. How any one individual performs on any given race day depends on his or her training, level of fitness, injury history, biomechanics, genetics, psychological preparation, and the weather. In fact, the only common denominators between you and any other runner are the distance you have to cover on race day and the conditions you’re running in. ④ Comparing yourself to others can really cause undue stress, plus it’s a waste of time. Don’t give up control over your experience by defining “success” in terms of factors that aren’t relevant to your ⑤ personal life. Your goal should be a very personal thing between you and the road.

In new relationships, people often disclose themselves slowly, sharing only a few details at first, and offering more personal information only if they like and trust each other. When they started becoming friends, for instance, Deepak and Prasad shared mostly routine information with each other, such as where they grew up, what their favorite teams were, and what they did for a living. As they got to know and trust each other more, they started sharing their opinions on things such as politics, relationships, and religion. Only after they had known each other for quite a while did they feel comfortable talking about more personal things, such as Prasad’s health problems or the challenges in Deepak’s marriage. Although people in some relationships begin sharing intimate information very *increment 증가량 quickly, . ① some people are more willing to open themselves

① when their lives have structure

않은 것은?

|Mini Test2 5|

For the first time in history, shortly after the millennium, the majority of the global population became urban rather than rural. Cities have grown rapidly, and urban growth will continue to accelerate in the years ahead. ( ① ) New and existing cities alike will have to make crucial changes to the assumptions for planning and prioritization. ( ② ) Greater focus on the needs of the people who use cities must be a key goal for the future. ( ③ ) Cities have been the center of industry in their vicinity so they have also created many problems in terms of environment. ( ④ ) This is the background for the focus on the human dimension of city planning. ( ⑤ ) Cities must urge urban planners and architects to reinforce pedestrianism as an integrated city policy to develop lively, safe, sustainable and healthy cities. It is equally urgent to strengthen the social function of city space as a meeting place that contributes toward the aims of social sustainability and an open and democratic *the millennium 2000년에 시작된 새 천년 society. **pedestrianism 보행자 우선주의, 도보주의

*common denominator 공통분모 **undue 과도한, 지나친

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

300 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

301 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 8|

|Mini Test2 11|

We are often surprised at the purposefulness and precision

As a graduate student in chemistry at the University

of some animals’behaviour when directed to the preservation

of Cracow, Bronislaw Malinowski read Frazer’s Golden

of themselves and their species. Nest construction, food

Bough in preparation for a foreign-language examination,

storage for winter, the long journeys accomplished by some

and this single experience forever changed the direction

species of fish and bird, the placing of eggs by insects to

of his life.

ensure for them adequate nutrition, are examples of the type

(A) ‌ Whereas earlier scholars had remained in Europe and obtained their ethnographic data from the reports of missionaries and travelers, Malinowski was one of a new generation of anthropologists who believed it was essential to live among the people they studied.

of behaviour which has always led man to ascribe some kind of reason or wisdom to these animals. A closer study of this phenomenon, however, has revealed its rigid and innate nature: although they are useful and show purpose, such actions are not accompanied by insight on the part of the animal, and are performed in an automatic manner. This

(B) ‌ After receiving his Ph.D., Malinowski went on to

kind of behaviour came to be called instinctive. Instinct

London to study anthropology and soon emerged as an

enables the animal to adjust to a given type of environment

important contributor to the field of ethnology. Among

with great precision. Owing to the inflexible and stereotyped

other things, Malinowski was praised for the depth of

nature of instinctive behaviour, any unexpected change in

his fieldwork.

the environment may make such behaviour ineffective. *ascribe~to...~을...에게 속한 것으로 생각하다

(C) ‌ Only by functioning within a culture could one make a balanced analysis of its customs. Thus, motivated by this belief, Malinowski lived from 1914 to 1918 among the Trobriand Islanders of Melanesia, off the coast of New Guinea. *ethnology 민족지학(민족학 연구와 관련된 자료를 수집·기록하는 학문)

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

① Effective Behavior From Animal Instinct ② Behavior Speaks Louder Than Purpose! ③ What Is Instinct And Its Main Functions? ④ Purpose : Motivator Of Human Behavior ⑤ Animal Behavior : Deliberate Or Instinctive?

302 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|Mini Test2 12|

These days it’s common to hear of countries that have ① failed due to internal instability, including civil war and military coups, so it might be ② instructive to think about what attributes a country needs to be successful. Probably no single factor is more important than uniformity. If everyone in a country speaks the same language and practices the same religion, we might conclude that this is the kind of uniformity that makes for a successful state. While these unifying factors are certainly ③ useful, they’re neither sufficient nor necessary to make a successful state. Uniformity doesn’t mean that everyone has to think alike, but it does mean that the people in a country have to feel some ④ hostility for each other and agree that the country should exist. This basic idea is ⑤ embodied in an idea called the “nation-state.” *affinity 친밀감 **embody (사상, 감정 등을)구현하다, 구체화하다


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E 모든 변형문제

303 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test2 13|

305 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 15|

It is important to note that few scientists currently

Ted came to his son after watching him slouch around

believe that either side of the brain deals exclusively with

the yard one Sunday pulling the Spanish moss off the

a particular kind of information. In fact, the following

lowest branches of their big oak tree and then throwing

case illustrates how adaptable the brain can be. Bruce

rocks against the stop sign on their corner. “Do you want

Lipstadt had the left hemisphere of his brain removed

to do something fun?” Ted said to him.

when he was 5 years old. Few doctors had hope for the

(A) ‌ Ted didn’t want to be too hard on him for the boyish impulses that he himself had found to be so satisfying when he was young, especially since he was about to share something of his own childhood with him.

development of his verbal ability, and most thought the operation would paralyze part of his body. Twentysix years later, Bruce had an IQ of 126 — better than 9 out of 10 people. He swam, rode his bike, and got an A in a statistics course. Because his speech was normal,

(B) ‌ Ted said, “If you keep that up, they will arrest me for the

the right hemisphere must have taken over many of

destruction of city property.” His son laughed at this. Ted,

the functions formerly conducted mainly by the left

of course, knew that his son would know he was joking.

hemisphere. Obviously, this does not always happen

(C) ‌ “Sure, Pop,” he said, though there was a certain suspicion in his voice, like he didn’t trust him on the subject of fun. He threw all the rocks at once that were left in his hand and the stop sign shivered at their impact.

*slouch 구부정한 자세를 하다

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

304 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

as a result of operations of this type, especially after puberty. But it does suggest that, although the right and left hemispheres seem to specialize in processing certain types of information, they are by no means limited to processing only one.

*puberty 사춘기

① Brain Function : Still Mystery To Humans! ② Wonder Of Brain : Replace Its Missing Part! ③ Language Skills, Right Or Left Hemisphere?

|Mini Test2 14|

④ Want To Improve Brain Skills? Practice! ⑤ Can Brain Injury Impair Normal Function?

Healing, both as a collection of ideas and as a sequence of practices, is surely one of the most ancient and persistent elements of human culture. Material remains from prehistoric sites clearly show that our distant ancestors thought that disease had a cause and that someone could use that knowledge to help the sick person. Human remains indicate that these people could repair broken bones and even drill a hole into the skull of a living person. The “Ice Man” who died on the high alpine pass of the Tisenjoch between Italy and Austria around 2700 BCE had already recovered from several broken ribs long before he set out on his last and fateful journey; he also carried in his travel gear dried birch fungus to treat diseases and wounds. *alpine 알프스 고산지대의 **birch fungus 자작나무 버섯

① history of development of healing ② effect of culture on prehistoric society ③ reasons why humans set out journey ④ factors contributing to healing process ⑤ evidences of healing in the early history E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

306 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

307 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 16|

Until relatively recently, Sweden was an agriculturally based society. About 90% of families lived on farms until the Industrial Revolution in the early 1900s brought workers to the cities. (A) ‌ Although they enjoy everyday city life, most Swedes are still peasants at heart who could easily return to the ways of their ancestors, because the past is not too distant. Back-to-the-farm and back-to-nature romanticism constitutes a major part of Swedish culture. Swedes long for an escape to the country where they can remind themselves of a simpler time. (B) ‌ Sweden has changed quickly into an industrialized, city-based country, with only 2% of the population now employed in agriculture. Thus many Swedes remember life on the farm or have certainly heard stories about it. Ties to the farm are very strong and deeply personal. (C) ‌ This is also true of younger Swedes who, similar to their counterparts elsewhere, seem to devote a significant amount of time on their computers and smart phones. Still, while in the countryside, these younger Swedes behave in a fashion similar to their parents. ① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

|Mini Test2 17|

The proportions of the mixture of free-market determination and government control . There is more free-market determination in the USA than in France. There is more free-market determination in the UK today than there was forty years ago. The mix also varies from sector to sector within any one economy. For example, European agricultural markets have a substantial amount of government control. Under market determination, the average size of a farm would be much larger and agricultural prices much lower than they now are. In contrast, the markets for information and computer technologies are largely free from government intervention. Even the economies closest to free markets have a significant role for government, so it appears that there is no real alternative to a mixed system with major reliance on markets but also with a substantial government presence in many aspects of the economy. ① vary from economy to economy and over time ② depend on the opinions of leader of the economy ③ differ largely from industry to industry worldwide ④ send signals on policy makers of different countries ⑤ rely on the emotions of people in each country

308 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|Mini Test2 18|

I have met several art therapists and doctors who can pinpoint illnesses people have by asking patients to draw how they see themselves and ① how they feel about their life. Folding a sheet of paper twice to make four quarters, these doctors and therapists have the patients use colored pencils to draw and color in their face, body, family, and anything else that they feel ② is relevant on different parts of the page. This can give an experienced health practitioner information about their patients’lives, ③ what emotions they are dealing with, and what tests may need to be done, as well as the possible causes of a patient’s “dis-ease.” The different quarters can also ④ be relayed information about the patient’s past, present, and future. This kind of intuitive drawing technique is particularly powerful with children, as it also gives them an opportunity to express ⑤ themselves and understand what is going on in their lives. *pinpoint 정확히 찾아내다


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E 모든 변형문제

309 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 19|

Space can be understood in a number of ways. In its simplest form, space can be viewed merely as ‘the container within which things happen.’This is an absolute conception of space based on an idea of space as natural. However, space can also be mentally constructed through cognitive processes; for example, we all have ‘mental maps’of where we live, focusing on the important roads,

uncertainty among investors that they pulled their money out of neighbouring Malaysia, Indonesia, and South Korea. The resulting destabilization of these national economies hastened the ‘Asian Economic Crisis’and sparked a global recession. Increasingly, national institutions cannot handle emerging economic, political, and social problems; this has prompted an urgent call for effective international regulatory institutions. *fiscal 재정상의 **destabilization 불안정화

buildings and open spaces. Finally, most important for present-day geographical research is an understanding

① tension caused by war

of space as produced through social interactions within

② economic interdependence

material space. For example, domestic kitchens are often

③ conflict between nations

associated with women’s work because of social norms

④ harmonious cooperation

regarding gendered work and care, and therefore are

⑤ economic competition

constructed as feminine spaces. However, kitchens in expensive restaurants are often constructed as masculine spaces that require stamina and emotional resilience. Thus, the intersection of material space of the kitchen with the norms and practices of a particular society produces a space that can include certain kinds of people and behaviour, and exclude others.

*resilience 회복력

① reasons of difference in meanings of space

311 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

② importance of understanding mental images

|Mini Test2 21|

The concept of animal shelters has truly evolved over

③ various interpretations about meanings of space

the last several decades. Due to the large number of

④ cognitive differences on space among people

homeless animals in the United States, these facilities are desperately ① needed to help provide for the basic needs

⑤ effect of social interaction on space acquisition

of animals in the community. Previously, these places were more commonly ② referred to as “the pound”. a place where stray, lost, or unwanted animals were taken

310 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

with little chance of being rehomed. A great deal of effort

|Mini Test2 20|

Prior to the Second World War, nation-states regulated their economic and fiscal affairs primarily as domestic matters; however, in the post-war era we have witnessed a huge expansion and intensification of . As a result, the global economy is acutely vulnerable to disruption by the malfunction of any single nationstate’s fiscal-political system; a serious malfunction can trigger a chain reaction known commonly as the ‘domino effect.’Such a disruptive event occurred in 1997 when Thailand, with a relatively small national economy, suffered a financial collapse which touched off sufficient

E 모든 변형문제

has been invested into changing that image by providing education to the community about responsible animal ownership and ③ promoting neutering to keep the pet population from producing more homeless animals. Shelters today can be ④ significantly different from one location to another. They may be municipally run (i.e., run by the town, city, or county), or they may be established as private nonprofit organizations. What the local shelter offers in terms of animal services ⑤ depend on both its mission and its financial capabilities. Many city or township shelters have a dual role in serving the community and providing animal sheltering. *neuter중성화하다 **municipally 지방단체에 의하여

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E 모든 변형문제

312 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

313 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 22|

|Mini Test2 23|

If you’re angry at other drivers, they are at fault. If

Many teachers, when keeping a student after the lesson

you’re angry at the long commute, the “incompetent”

for a reprimand, will ask the student to write down what

highway department is to blame. Unrealistic expectations

happened and why. This is an excellent technique to use.

of other people and events can fuel anger and trigger a

(A) ‌ I have found a way to get maximum advantage from this time. You keep the note and a few lessons later you call the student back for a short chat, read back the note to them and then point out specifically how things have improved.

flood of inner events when those expectations are not met. It’s not the people, events, or circumstances in the external world that cause anger, and we can all learn to control the inner events that occur when unreasonable expectations go unmet. Subscribing to this myth about anger is refusing personal responsibility: “If only others would change, all

(B) ‌ It allows the student to express their own feelings and

would be well.” In your lifetime, perhaps all highways

the writing becomes a good focus for discussion. It

will move smoothly and other drivers will become

is a more productive use of time than say, copying a

courteous. Children will be quiet, wives and husbands

dictionary. But the problem is that almost always, that

will do what you want when you want it, and Republicans

will be the end of it — the student’s note will then be

and Democrats will start cooperating to work things out.


However, you and I may not live long enough for this

(C) ‌ It works even better if you take the time and trouble to write a short updated description of the student’s behaviour, and when the two are read alongside each

utopia to emerge, and we are insulated from anger by keeping our expectations within the bounds of reality.

*utopia 유토피아, 이상향 **insulate보호하다

other it gives powerful proof of progress. *reprimand 질책,

① satisfaction from meeting our expectations


② how to deal with incompetence of others

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

③ importance of controlling our inner anger ④ myth that we have in our modern world ⑤ unrealistic expectation as a cause of anger

314 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test2 24~25|

When you need to reply to a message and ask for clarification, it is okay if you have one question. More than one and you should ask whether a phone call would be more expedient. When a message becomes more complex and nuanced, the human voice becomes the most effective vehicle to transmit both its emotional meaning and its content. is much faster than e-mailing, because there is so much information you hear in the tonality of the voice that can’t be conveyed with text. An e-mail sent does not equal a communication received. There is a difference between sending a message and the act of communicating. Often we think we’ve communicated, but all we’ve done is written and distributed electronic data. You’ve communicated only when you have checked in with the receiver(s) of the message and confirmed that you both have the same understanding of the message.


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E 모든 변형문제 ① Sending a deliberate story

(B) ‌ Downstairs, she wondered if there might be something

② Talking an issue through

interesting on the television. She went over and turned it

③ Knowing original intention

on and waited for the picture to appear. How would she

④ Speaking properly in public

fill these hours? When the television came on it was an

⑤ Sharing information freely

American comedy. (C) ‌ She turned on the radio but they were reading sports results and she turned it off. On going upstairs, she


(A), (B), (C)의 각 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가 |Mini Test2 1|

장 적절한 것은?

We are currently compiling a corporate history. It will be titled Balson Nuclear: Half a Century of Radiant Progress and will be (A) [private / privately] published

found that the boys were sound asleep and she stood watching them before closing the door and leaving them to the night.

*crackling (날카롭게) 타닥(따닥)거리는 소리

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

as a limited edition hardcover book by the corporation early next year. Its main use will be as a premium and promotion. You are a respected professor in nuclear engineering, and it was in your senior class that I learned much of (B) [that / what] I needed to know to get hired by Balson. Would you be willing to contribute a brief preface about the importance of nuclear energy as a current and future energy source? The company can pay you an honorarium of $500. In addition, your preface will be bylined, so you can add the book to your list of publications. If you are (C) [interesting / interested], please let me know. We would need the preface by June 20. *honorarium 사례(금) **byline 필자의 이름을 밝히다

317 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않 은 것은?

|Mini Test2 3|

Child psychologists have long noted that children do




① private



best when their lives have structure. The world can be a very ① scary place unless boundaries are in place to

② private



give a sense of security to children and teens. As teens

③ privately



④ privately



go through the process of individuating, they push up against and even ② accept the rigidity of parental and

⑤ privately



societal boundaries. As parents, you are responsible for ③ establishing boundaries for your children,

316 다음 주어진 글에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test2 2|

She made herself a cup of tea and came and sat in the

including setting curfews, time frames, and limits that are ④ acceptable for doing homework, eating meals, going to bed, getting up in the morning, dressing for school, staying over at a friend’s house, and having friends visit in your home. In addition, ⑤ assigning your children duties or chores teaches them perseverance, time

armchair beside the fire. (A) ‌ She watched it for a few moments but the canned laughter continued and she turned it off. The house was silent now except for the crackling of wood in the

management, and sense of purpose — all necessary for success in life. *individuate 개별화하다, 개성을 부여하다 **curfew 귀가시간

fireplace. E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

318 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

320 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test2 4|

Most runners say they’re not competitive and are only trying to beat their previous times. But is intense. We’re conditioned to do it when it comes to grades, appearances, and wealth. And in running, agegroup rankings and finishing places only encourage that. Try to forget everyone else. How any one individual performs on any given race day depends on his or her training, level of fitness, injury history, biomechanics, genetics, psychological preparation, and the weather. In fact, the only common denominators between you and any other runner are the distance you have to cover on race day and the conditions you’re running in. Comparing yourself to others can really cause undue stress, plus it’s a waste of time. Don’t give up control over your experience by defining “success” in terms of factors that aren’t relevant to your personal life. Your goal should be a very personal thing between you and the road.

|Mini Test2 6|

For the first time in history, shortly after the millennium, the majority of the global population became urban rather than rural. Cities have grown rapidly, and urban growth will continue to accelerate in the years ahead. New and existing cities alike will have to make crucial changes to the assumptions for planning and prioritization. Greater focus on must be a key goal for the future. This is the background for the focus on the human dimension of city planning. Cities must urge urban planners and architects to reinforce pedestrianism as an integrated city policy to develop lively, safe, sustainable and healthy cities. It is equally urgent to strengthen the social function of city space as a meeting place that contributes toward the aims of social sustainability and an open and democratic society.

**pedestrianism 보행자 우선주의, 도보주의

*common denominator 공통분모 **undue 과도한, 지나친

① more environmental friendly approaches

① the effort we make to overcome our own limit

② human exploitation over natural resources

② the temptation to compare ourselves to others

③ the needs of the people who use cities

③ the desire to be kind to others in competition

④ technological alternatives about pollution

④ the need to follow the examples of achievers

⑤ human interaction with earth and nature

⑤ the hope to compare present self to past self

319 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|Mini Test2 5|

In new relationships, people often disclose themselves slowly, sharing only a few details at first, and ① offering more personal information only if they like and trust each other. When they started becoming friends, for instance, Deepak and Prasad shared ② mostly routine information with each other, such as where they grew up, what their favorite teams were, and ③ what they did for a living. As they got to know and trust each other more, they started sharing their opinions on things such as politics, relationships, and religion. Only after they had known each other for quite a while ④ were they feel comfortable talking about more personal things, such as Prasad’s health problems or the challenges in Deepak’s marriage. Although people in some relationships begin ⑤ sharing intimate information very quickly, self-disclosure usually *increment 증가량 moves in small increments.


*the millennium 2000년에 시작된 새 천년

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321 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

322 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 8|

|Mini Test2 11|

As a graduate student in chemistry at the University

We are often surprised at the purposefulness and

of Cracow, Bronislaw Malinowski read Frazer’s Golden

precision of some animals’behaviour when directed to

Bough in preparation for a foreign-language examination,

the preservation of themselves and their species. Nest

and this single experience forever changed the direction

construction, food storage for winter, the long journeys

of his life. After receiving his Ph.D., Malinowski went

accomplished by some species of fish and bird, the

on to London to study anthropology and soon emerged

placing of eggs by insects to ensure for them adequate

as an important contributor to the field of ethnology. (A) , Malinowski was praised for the depth of

nutrition, are examples of the type of behaviour which

his fieldwork. Whereas earlier scholars had remained in Europe and obtained their ethnographic data from the

or wisdom to these animals. A closer study of this phenomenon, however, has revealed :

reports of missionaries and travelers, Malinowski was

although they are useful and show purpose, such actions

one of a new generation of anthropologists who believed

are not accompanied by insight on the part of the animal,

it was essential to live among the people they studied.

and are performed in an automatic manner. This kind of

Only by functioning within a culture could one make a balanced analysis of its customs. (B) , motivated

behaviour came to be called instinctive. Instinct enables

by this belief, Malinowski lived from 1914 to 1918

great precision. Owing to the inflexible and stereotyped

among the Trobriand Islanders of Melanesia, off the coast

nature of instinctive behaviour, any unexpected change

of New Guinea.

in the environment may make such behaviour ineffective.

*ethnology 민족지학(민족학 연구와 관련된 자료를 수집·기록하는 학문)

(A) Thus

② In addition

In other words

③ In addition


④ Above all

In other words

⑤ In addition


the animal to adjust to a given type of environment with

*ascribe~to...~을...에게 속한 것으로 생각하다

① its rigid and innate nature


① Above all

has always led man to ascribe some kind of reason

② its valueless achievements ③ its instinct to avoid risk ④ its unrecognizable benefit ⑤ its stereotype about animals

E 모든 변형문제

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E 모든 변형문제

323 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 12|

These days it’s common to hear of countries that have “failed” due to internal instability, including civil war and military coups, so it might be instructive to think about what attributes a country needs to be successful.

325 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

|Mini Test2 14|

Healing, both as a collection of ideas and as a sequence of practices, ① are surely one of the most ancient and persistent elements of human culture. Material remains from prehistoric sites clearly ② show that our

uniformity. If everyone in a country speaks the same

distant ancestors thought that disease had a cause and ③ that someone could use that knowledge to help the

language and practices the same religion, we might

sick person. Human remains indicate that these people

conclude that this is the kind of uniformity that makes

could repair broken bones and even drill a hole into the

for a successful state. While these unifying factors are

skull of a living person. The “Ice Man” who died on

certainly useful, they’re neither sufficient nor necessary to make a successful state. Uniformity doesn’t mean that

the high alpine pass of the Tisenjoch between Italy and Austria around 2700 BCE ④ had already recovered

everyone has to think alike, but it does mean that the

from several broken ribs long before he set out on his

people in a country have to feel some affinity for each other and agree that the country should exist. This basic

last and fateful journey; he also carried in his travel gear dried birch fungus ⑤ to treat diseases and wounds.

idea is embodied in an idea called the “nation-state.”

Probably no single factor is more important than

*alpine 알프스 고산지대의 **birch fungus 자작나무 버섯

*affinity 친밀감 **embody (사상, 감정 등을)구현하다, 구체화하다 ① What Is Necessary For Nations To Succeed?

326 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?

② Uniformity : Value Shared Through Success

|Mini Test2 15|

③ The Same Language, The Same Country!

It is important to note that few scientists currently

④ Success Of A Country : Through Stability

believe that either side of the brain deals exclusively with

⑤ What Are Unifying Factors In Language?


a particular kind of information. (A) ‌ Obviously, this does not always happen as a result

다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지

of operations of this type, especially after puberty.

|Mini Test2 13|

But it does suggest that, although the right and left

않은 것은?

hemispheres seem to specialize in processing certain

Ted came to his son after watching him slouch around the yard one Sunday pulling the Spanish moss off the ① lowest branches of their big oak tree and then

types of information, they are by no means limited to

throwing rocks against the stop sign on their corner. “Do

(B) ‌ In fact, the following case illustrates how adaptable the

you want to do something fun?” Ted said to him. “Sure, Pop,” he said, though there was a certain ② suspicion

brain can be. Bruce Lipstadt had the left hemisphere of his

in his voice, like he didn’t trust him on the subject of

hope for the development of his verbal ability, and most

fun. He threw all the rocks at once that were left in his hand and the stop sign ③ shivered at their impact. Ted

thought the operation would paralyze part of his body.

said, “If you keep that up, they will arrest me for the ④ destruction of city property.” His son laughed at this.

processing only one.

brain removed when he was 5 years old. Few doctors had

(C) ‌ Twenty-six years later, Bruce had an IQ of 126 — better than 9 out of 10 people. He swam, rode his bike, and got an A in a statistics course. Because

Ted, of course, knew that his son would know he was joking. Ted didn’t want to be too ⑤ mild on him for

his speech was normal, the right hemisphere must have taken over many of the functions

the boyish impulses that he himself had found to be so

formerly conducted mainly by the left hemisphere.

satisfying when he was young, especially since he was about to share something of his own childhood with him.


*slouch 구부정한 자세를 하다

*puberty 사춘기

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

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③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

327 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 16|

Until relatively recently, Sweden was an agriculturally based society. About 90% of families lived on farms until the Industrial Revolution in the early 1900s brought workers to the cities. Sweden has changed quickly into an industrialized, city-based country, with only 2% of the population now employed in agriculture. Thus many Swedes remember life on the farm or have certainly heard stories about it. Ties to the farm are very strong and deeply personal. Although they enjoy everyday city life, most Swedes are still peasants at heart who could easily return to the ways of their ancestors, because the past is not too distant. Back-to-the-farm and back-to-nature romanticism constitutes a major part of Swedish culture. Swedes long for an escape to the country where they can remind themselves of a simpler time. This is also true

The proportions of the mixture of free-market determination and government control vary from economy to economy and over time. There is more free-market determination in the USA than in France. ( ① ) There is more free-market determination in the UK today than there was forty years ago. ( ② ) The mix also varies from sector to sector within any one economy. ( ③ ) For example, European agricultural markets have a substantial amount of government control. ( ④ ) In contrast, the markets for information and computer technologies are largely free from government intervention. ( ⑤ ) Even the economies closest to free markets have a significant role for government, so it appears that there is no real alternative to a mixed system with major reliance on markets but also with a substantial government presence in many aspects of the economy.

of younger Swedes who, similar to their counterparts elsewhere, seem to devote a significant amount of time on their computers and smart phones. Still, while in the countryside, these younger Swedes behave in a fashion similar to their parents.

329 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

① emotional bonds of Swedes to farm life ② changes in Swedish rural farming areas

|Mini Test2 18|

I have met several art therapists and doctors who can

③ effect of various smart devices on farming

pinpoint illnesses people have by asking patients to

④ desire for farm as a profitable investment

draw how they see themselves and how they feel about

⑤ generation gap about farming in Sweden

their life. Folding a sheet of paper twice to make four quarters, these doctors and therapists have the patients use colored pencils to draw and color in their face, body, family, and anything else that they feel is relevant on different parts of the page. This can give an experienced health practitioner information about their patients’lives, what emotions they are dealing with, and what tests may need to be done, as well as the possible causes of a patient’s “dis-ease.” The different quarters can also relay information about the patient’s past, present, and future. This kind of intuitive drawing technique is particularly powerful with children, as it also gives them an opportunity to express themselves and understand what is

328 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?

|Mini Test2 17|

Under market determination, the average size of a farm

going on in their lives.

*pinpoint 정확히 찾아내다

① how to know about patients through counselling ② common symbols of various drawings of children

would be much larger and agricultural prices much lower

③ importance of information to health practitioners

than they now are.

④ various methods of therapies conducted by artist ⑤ effects of art therapy in knowing about disease E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

330 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

331 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 19|

적절한 곳은?

|Mini Test2 20|

Prior to the Second World War, nation-states regulated

However, space can also be mentally constructed

their economic and fiscal affairs primarily as domestic

through cognitive processes; for example, we all

matters; however, in the post-war era we have witnessed

have ‘mental maps’ of where we live, focusing on the

a huge expansion and intensification of economic

important roads, buildings and open spaces.

interdependence. As a result, the global economy is

Space can be understood in a number of ways. In its simplest form, space can be viewed merely as ‘the container within which things happen.’ ( ① ) This is an absolute conception of space based on an idea of space as natural. ( ② ) Finally, most important for presentday geographical research is an understanding of space as produced through social interactions within material space. ( ③ ) For example, domestic kitchens are often associated with women’s work because of social norms regarding gendered work and care, and therefore are constructed as feminine spaces. ( ④ ) However, kitchens in expensive restaurants are often constructed as masculine spaces that require stamina and emotional resilience. ( ⑤ ) Thus, the intersection of material space of the kitchen with the norms and practices of a particular society produces a space that can include certain kinds of people and behaviour, and exclude others. *resilience 회복력

acutely vulnerable to disruption by the malfunction of any single nation-state’s fiscal-political system; a serious malfunction can trigger a chain reaction known commonly as the ‘domino effect.’Such a disruptive event occurred in 1997 when Thailand, with a relatively small national economy, suffered a financial collapse which touched off sufficient uncertainty among investors that they pulled their money out of neighbouring Malaysia, Indonesia, and South Korea. The resulting destabilization of these national economies hastened the ‘Asian Economic Crisis’ and sparked a global recession. Increasingly, national institutions cannot handle emerging economic, political, and social problems; this has prompted an urgent call for effective international regulatory institutions.

*fiscal 재정상의 **destabilization 불안정화

① instable global economy caused by interdependence ② effect of global recession on function of a nation ③ financial collapse caused by conflict of interest ④ interdependent relationship among Asian countries ⑤ various symptoms of domino effect in economics

332 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test2 21|

The concept of animal shelters has truly evolved over the last several decades. (A) ‌‌ A great deal of effort has been invested into changing that image by providing education to the community about responsible animal ownership and promoting neutering to keep the pet population from producing more homeless animals. Shelters today can be significantly different from one location to another. 120

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(B) ‌ They may be municipally run (i.e., run by the town, city, or county), or they may be established as private nonprofit organizations. What the local shelter offers in terms of animal services depends on both its mission and its financial capabilities. Many city or township shelters have a dual role in serving the community and providing animal sheltering. (C) ‌ Due to the large number of homeless animals in the United States, these facilities are desperately needed to help provide for the basic needs of animals in the community. Previously, these places were more commonly referred to as “the pound”. a place where stray, lost, or unwanted animals were taken with little chance of being rehomed.

*neuter중성화하다 **municipally 지방단체에 의하여

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

334 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test2 23|

If you’re angry at other drivers, they are at fault. If you’re angry at the long commute, the “incompetent” highway department is to blame. Unrealistic expectations of other people and events can fuel anger and trigger a flood of inner events when those expectations are not met. It’s not the people, events, or circumstances in the external world that cause anger, and we can all learn to control the inner events that occur when unreasonable expectations go unmet. Subscribing to this myth about anger is refusing personal responsibility: “If only others would change, all would be well.” In your lifetime, perhaps all highways will move smoothly and other drivers will become courteous. Children will be quiet, wives and husbands will do what you want when you want it, and Republicans and Democrats will start cooperating to work things out. However, you and I may not live long enough for this utopia to emerge, and we are insulated from anger by keeping .

333 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 22|

Many teachers, when keeping a student after the lesson for a reprimand, will ask the student to write down what happened and why. This is an excellent technique to use. It allows the student to express their own feelings and the writing becomes a good focus for discussion. It is a more

*utopia 유토피아, 이상향 **insulate보호하다

① our reality high above our secular existence ② our ideal above the limitations of our lives ③ our expectations within the bounds of reality ④ our inner anger properly expressed regularly ⑤ our expectations below expectations of others

productive use of time than say, copying a dictionary. But the problem is that almost always, that will be the end of it — the student’s note will then be discarded. I have found a way to get maximum advantage from this time. You keep the note and a few lessons later you call the student back for a short chat, read back the note to them and then point out specifically how things have improved. It works even better if you take the time and trouble to write a short updated description of the student’s behaviour, and when the two are read alongside each other it gives powerful proof of progress. *reprimand 질책, 징계

① ways of utilizing student’s note in discipline ② reasons why we focus on students’emotion ③ how to improve writing skills of students ④ importance of teaching writing to students ⑤ factors affecting quality of students’note E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

335 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test2 24~25|

E-mail is great for transactional correspondence, but there are times when the message you are sending is

Mini Test 3

336 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test3 01|

too critical or sensitive to be sent via e-mail. It breaks down when you want to convey emotion or when the message is more complex. When you need to reply to a message and ask for clarification, it is okay if you have one question. More than one and you should ask whether a phone call would be more expedient. When a message becomes more complex and nuanced, the human voice becomes the most effective vehicle to transmit both its emotional meaning and its content. Talking an issue through is much faster than e-mailing, because there is so much information you hear in the tonality of the voice that can’t be conveyed with text.

*expedient 편리한 **nuanced 미묘한 차이가 있는 ***tonality 음조

① benefits of phone call over e-mail ② importance of clarity in communication ③ necessity of interpreting nuances ④ ways to understanding each other ⑤ characteristics of e-mail and text

We ① have pleased to be able to offer on-site childcare to full-time employees for the past ten years. We are very proud of our facility and intend to maintain it at the highest level. However, in this economy, we find it ② necessary to impose a daily fee to partially cover the cost of operations of the childcare center. Although we realize this may cause some difficulty for employees ③ who make use of this benefit, in fairness we feel that users should bear some of the cost. ④ Effective March 1, fees for use of the facility will be deducted from paychecks. The charges will be on a sliding scale, based on the pay rate of each employee and the number of children in care. Please read the ⑤ enclosed rate schedule. For further information or to ask questions about this policy, please contact the benefits office. *deduct 공제하다

337 Abby에 대한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? |Mini Test3 02|

Snap! A small branch in the bushes broke. Again! Glancing sharply toward the bushes, the direction where the sound had occurred, Abby expected to see a raccoon or a rabbit run into the weak light offered by the single bulb hanging in the garage. But there was only silence. She realized, then, that the crickets had stopped their songs, the bullfrogs were no longer croaking. Her heart rate increased and involuntarily she strained to listen, to notice any other sounds that were out of the ordinary. She suddenly felt very vulnerable in this isolated area of the road. Peering into the darkness, she sensed unseen eyes studying her, watching her. Relax, she told herself. Go inside. It’s dark now. From the corner of her eye, she caught movement in the bushes. She froze and her heart *croak 개굴거리다 kicked hard. ① 덤불 쪽을 보았을 때, 너구리나 토끼가 달려들 것이라고 예상했다. ② 귀뚜라미들이 울음을 멈추었고, 황소개구리가 더 이상 개굴거리지 않는 것을 깨달았다.

③ 평범한 소리에만 집중하며 귀를 기울였다. ④ 도로의 외딴 곳에 있어서 공격받기 쉽다고 생각했다. ⑤ 어둠 속에 보이지 않는 눈이 자신을 보고 있음을 느꼈다.


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338 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test3 03|

Most of us are typically used to listening and being listened to on a fairly surface level.

consuming to operate in this way and you will end up continually ④ to chase your tail. If you have full and detailed customer records you will be able to understand your business ⑤ better. You will be able to analyse spending patterns and see trends. This information

(A) ‌ We hear the words and respond accordingly, telling the person how happy we are for her and what a great

can help you with your future business decisions and marketing activities.

adventure she will have. The active listener might hear

*bedrock 탄탄한 기반

**chase one’s tail 별 소득 없이 바쁘기만 하다

between the words, noting the speaker’s deep intake of breath before she responds, or slight shrug of the shoulders. (B) ‌ We don’t pay much attention to what is not being said, pick up on subtle incongruities in speech, nor hear the emotion behind a person’s words unless it is obvious and clear. Consider a client who tells us that she is excited to be moving house and living in a new city. (C) ‌ They might hear the slightly pensive tone, or note the look in her eyes, which indicates that although the move might be exciting, there are other emotions at play —

340 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

perhaps she is frightened about taking such a big step,

|Mini Test3 05|

or cautious about leaving friends and family behind. The active listener hears her words, and notes the other information she is communicating, and can therefore respond on a deeper level.

*incongruity 부조화(한 것) **pensive 침울한, 수심에 잠긴

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

Each life is like a great adventure. Some lives are like the life of Indiana Jones and others are marked by calmer guideposts, but we are all here on a big adventure. The definition of adventure is a risky undertaking, a challenging experience, a quest, an unusual and exciting experience, and an escapade. We have all heard the saying “Go with the flow.” Well, recently I saw a T-shirt with the saying “ .” So I began exploring the idea that if we always go with the flow, we are like dead fish. Our spirits wither when we just sit back swallowing everything whole, gulping

339 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test3 04|

Your customers are your business. Your existing customers form the bedrock ① providing the foundation from which to grow. Your prospects are your future. The only way you are going to be able to build your relationship with these people ② is to communicate

water, getting knocked around by life, going onward to who knows where. Soon after seeing that T-shirt, I went camping near one of the most beautiful streams in the world. I spent some time watching how fish actually go downstream. They don’t go with the flow; they dart around, they swim across currents, they explore, and sometimes they swim upstream. *escapade 무모한 행위 **gulp 벌컥벌컥 마시다

with them. If you are to do that effectively then you will need a system. Any system starts with customer records. Keeping names ③ written on scraps of paper, held in

① Blood will flow

your head or contained in your inbox is not an effective

③ Every flow must have its ebb

way to manage your database. It can be extremely time-

④ Only dead fish go with the flow

② Love flows from the heart

⑤ A clear stream is avoided by fish E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

341 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 06|

For years, we look to third world countries and shed our disdain at their labor practices. We have heard stories of children working in factories and employees taking home meager wages for a week’s work. How can they treat other human beings so poorly? This kind of thing would never happen in America! We have a minimum wage law. We require employers to follow labor laws and employ only people of a certain age. There must be justice in our system. As a leader, I can attest to the fact that there is no justice in minimum wage. We create jobs that pay only enough money to barely keep people above water. Their lives are minimized as they are required to take on multiple jobs just to survive. Today, stop and think about the person that is serving you coffee at the donut shop or handing your order to you in the drivethru. They are made of the same blood and bones as you and they deserve better. *disdain 경멸감, 무시 **meager 빈약한 ***attest to ~을 증언하다

① The Necessity of Creating Occupation ② The Drawback of Minium Wage Law ③ The Harmful Effect of Employment Policy

342 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?

|Mini Test3 08|

Although many North American sociologists combined the role of sociologist with that of social reformer, none was as ① successful as Jane Addams (18601935). Addams came from a background of wealth and privilege. During one of her many trips to Europe, Addams observed and was impressed by the work being done on behalf of London’s poor. From then on, she worked ② occasionally for social justice. In 1889, Addams cofounded Hull-House, located in Chicago’s notorious slums. Hull-House was ③ open to people who needed refuge — to immigrants, the sick, the aged, the poor. With her ④ piercing insights into the ways in which workers were exploited and how immigrants adjusted to city life, Addams strived to bridge the gap between the powerful and the powerless. She worked with others to win the eight-hour work day and to pass laws against child labor. Her efforts at social reform were so ⑤ outstanding that in 1931 she was a cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, the only sociologist to win this prestigious award.

④ The Origin of Minium Wage Protection System ⑤ The Rich Get Richer While the Poor Get Poorer

343 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 11|

Within the first year or two of life, as infants start to differentiate themselves from the rest of the world, the self begins to develop. Babies, then toddlers, then children devote enormous energy to understanding who they are. They actively seek to define themselves and to become competent in the identities they claim. At early ages, girls and boys start working to become competent females and males, respectively. They scan the environment, find models of females and males, and imitate and refine their performances of gender. In like manner, children figure out what it takes to be smart, strong, attractive, and responsible, and they work to become competent in each area. Throughout our lives, we continue the process of defining and presenting our identities. Struggling to be a swimmer at age 4 gives way to striving to be popular in high school and (being a successful professional and parent in adult life. The fact that we continuously evolve is evidence of our capacity for self-renewal and continual growth.


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E 모든 변형문제

345 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

① Identity Distinction between Men and Women ② The Lifelong Development of Self and Identity

|Mini Test3 13|

One of the most controversial examples of the

③ The way to Be Skillful in Every Important Thing ④ The Importance of Learning Swimming as a Child ⑤ The Difficulty of Self-renewal and Continual Growth

political aspect of international sport was the events of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin during Hitler’s Third Reich. xHitler embraced the Games to showcase German renewal and to highlight the Nazis’superior political projects, including racial purity. However, IOC president Henri de Baillet-Latour was ultimately successful in compelling Hitler to remove a significant amount of anti-Semitic signage during the Games. The 1936 Games were likewise famous for the success of African American athlete Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals in front of Hitler and an enthusiastic German crowd and who formed a lifelong friendship with the German competitor he beat in the long jump, Luz Long. Some argue that these accomplishments undermined the

344 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 |Mini Test3 12|


Nazi agenda of racism, authoritarianism, and political violence while others see the Berlin Games as an example of degenerative nationalism.

Karen’s mother lived in a small studio apartment filled untidily with boxes of paper, receipts, plastic bags, and wrapping paper.

*anti-Semitic 반유대주의의 **degenerative 퇴행성의

① Influence of Enthusiastic German Crowd ② The Silent Heroes of the Berlin Olympic

(A) ‌ Karen asked the property manager to lunch to thank her for her patience with the difficult process and to explain that both she and her mother were committed to working on the hoarding problem. At lunch, Karen

③ Corelation between the Olympics and Politics ④ Lifelong Friendship through the Berlin Olympic ⑤ Hitler’s Original Purpose and Actual Effect on the Berlin Olympic

chatted with the property manager about topics other than her mother. She complimented the property manager’s taste in clothing and jewelry. (B) ‌ Near the end of the lunch, Karen felt the property manager soften. Karen explained the harm reduction process to her and asked if she would be willing to be a team member. The property manager agreed to think about this. (C) ‌ The property manager, who never yelled but wasn’t friendly either, had called her mother weekly to ask what progress she’d made in clearing the apartment. Karen felt that the property manager could be a great ally if she could persuade her to help her manage her mother’s hoarding problem.

*ally 조력자 **hoard (많은 양을)몰래 쌓아두다

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

346 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A) 와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

347 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 14|

|Mini Test3 15|

It takes time to develop and launch products.

The mechanical thinker takes considerable pride in

Consequently, many companies know 6–12 months

his opinions, which he believes to be “right.” It is proper

ahead of time that they will be launching a new product.

and necessary, he believes, for a person to “take a stand”

In order to create interest in the product, companies will

on things — on just about everything, in fact. Each time

often launch pre-market advertising campaigns. In the

he voices a sweeping generalization on some topic, he

nutrition industry, articles are often written discussing a

commits himself to adopt a rigid stand on similar topics.

new nutrient under investigation. Over a series of issues,

He must, above all, be “consistent.” If you study the

you begin to see more articles discussing this new nutrient

mechanical thinker closely, you will probably notice

and potential to enhance training and/or performance.

a singular lack of apparent curiosity. He seldom asks

Then, after 4.6 months, a new product is coincidentally

questions, and he seldom seeks new information about

launched that contains the ingredient that has been

his world. He would seldom admit to having learned

discussed in previous issues. Books and supplement

something from another person. He rarely reads books

reviews have also been used as vehicles to promote the

and certainly not nonfiction material. If a man, he may

sale of fitness and nutrition products. This marketing

read the sports pages, which is acceptable behavior for

technique is called demand creation. It involves creating

a male in his society — or if a woman she may read

a buzz about a new potentially revolutionary nutrient

the women’s section of the paper. The mechanical

or training technique through publishing articles and/

thinker may reveal a noticeable uneasiness in unfamiliar

or books that stimulate the reader’s interest. Once this is

situations and may be embarrassed when confronted with

done, a new product is launched.

a fact that forces him to revise a strongly held opinion.

① Process for Discussing Better Products ② Marketing Strategy for Creating Demand

The mechanical thinker usually prefers (A) , but sometimes he or she is surprised at (B) situations. (A)

③ Coincidentally Created Superior Products ④ Coincidence Found on Weekly Magazines ⑤ Various Promoting Techniques for Companies


① flexibility


② inconsistency


③ consistency


④ inconsistency


⑤ consistency


348 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

|Mini Test3 16|

These pieces were part of weekly worship, and included chorales (hymns) for the congregation to join in with the singing. It is worth remembering that the idea of classical music widely accepted today did not exist until about 300 years ago. ( ① ) Performing music in concert halls to a paying audience, as something inherently pleasurable and significant, was pretty much unheard of until the eighteenth century and not widely established until the nineteenth. ( ② ) The concert hall, the audience, and the idea of ‘masterpieces’of classical music, were all effectively invented during the course of the eighteenth


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E 모든 변형문제

century — in London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin and other European cities. ( ③ ) Much of the music that is now performed in public concerts was not composed for that purpose. ( ④ ) The cantatas of J. S. Bach, for example, were written to be sung in religious services at the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig where Bach was cantor. ( ⑤ ) Sing along during a modern concert hall performance of one of these works today and you’re likely to be told to shut up.

*cantor 성가대 합창 지휘자

**chorale합창곡 ***congregation 신도들

350 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? |Mini Test3 18|

Economists use the term “taste” as a shorthand way of referring to the system of preferences that so clearly affects the pattern of every consumer’s demand. (A) , some consumers prefer white bread to whole wheat or rye, while some prefer rolls to bread. Obviously, the aggregate of these preferences influences the demand for white bread as compared with the other types, or for bread compared with rolls. (B) , in the realm of culture some consumers prefer the visual to the performing arts, some enjoy the theater but have no taste for music, and some watch television in preference to attending any sort of arts activity. We all recognize that in the aggregate these preferences must strongly affect the dimensions of our cultural life.

*rye(bread)호밀 흑빵 **aggregate 집합체, 합체


349 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 |Mini Test3 17|

않은 것은?

Some coaches ① erroneously believe that mental skills


① Nevertheless


② For example


③ Therefore


④ For example

On the contrary

⑤ Nevertheless

On the contrary

training (MST) can only help perfect the performance of highly skilled competitors. As a result, they shy away from MST, rationalizing that because they are not coaching ② ordinary athletes, mental skills training

351 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? |Mini Test3 19|

is less important. It is true that mental skills become increasingly ③ important at high levels of competition.

Everyone would agree that teenagers seem to be obsessed with their clothing. Why is this so? ( ① ) Most

As athletes move up the competitive ladder, they become more homogeneous in terms of physical skills. In fact, at

people would simply say that it is a stage that teens go through. ( ② ) In fact, there are good reasons for the

high levels of competition, all athletes have the physical

obsession with clothing, not the least of which is that

skills to be successful. Consequently, any small difference

for the first time in their lives teens are starting to define

in mental factors can play a huge role in determining

themselves as people without the guidance, or interference, of their parents. ( ③ ) As teens set out to establish

performance outcomes. However, we can anticipate that personal growth and performance will progress ④ faster

themselves, and by so doing start to break free from the

in young, developing athletes who are given mental skills

control of parents, their very first opportunity to express

training than in athletes not exposed to MST. In fact, the

themselves as individuals comes through choosing their own clothing. ( ④ ) Fashion mostly refers to the style of

optimal time for introducing MST may be when athletes are first beginning their sport. Introducing MST ⑤ early

clothing worn at a particular time. ( ⑤ ) Thus, teen clothing

in athletes’careers may lay the foundation that will help

represents much more than style, fashion, or fad. In truth, it

them develop to their full potential.

represents the very first authentic opportunity for teens to

*homogeneous 동질적인 **optimal 최적의

E 모든 변형문제


영어독해 연습 편

*fad 일시적 유행


E 모든 변형문제

352 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것

353 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸

|Mini Test3 20|

|Mini Test3 21|

을 고르시오.

(A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

Some people didn’t believe in the white deer of

In most African subsistence communities, children

Mission Hills until they saw it, usually at dusk, slipping

are an integral part of the household labour force; they

through the canyon bush.

herd livestock, collect water and tend crops. As a general

(A) ‌ As it turned out, the deer wasn’t even truly wild, but an escapee from one of the last urban farms. Even when this identity of the deer was made public, people in surrounding neighborhoods, including my own, continued to talk about the deer for years, almost as if it were still alive.

rule, education is seen as a means of economic and social emancipation and therefore desirable. However, the cost of educating children is high. Not only do families have to pay school fees and other associated costs but any child who is in school is not available for household labour. Moreover, in some cases, investing in a daughter’s education might not be in your own

(B) ‌ After an animal control officer, in a misguided effort to

best interests. For example, in patrilocal societies,

protect it, shot the deer with a tranquilizer gun and it died,

where daughters live with their husband’s family once

over two hundred men, women, and children came to

they marry, it is the husband’s family that benefits

Lucy’s funeral at a nearby park. In these hard-edged years,

from the parental investment in daughter’s education.

such sentiment may seem strange; to some, even silly.

Parents are thus confronted by a dilemma: which

(C) ‌ For a decade, the little deer haunted an old urban

children, if any, should they educate, and for how long?

neighborhood in San Diego, and the people who saw it

*subsistence 최저생활 **emancipation 해방, 벗어남 ***patrilocal 부계 거주의

came to love it. They named it Lucy. *hard-edged 냉철한, 철저하게 현실에 입각한 **tranquilizer gun 마취 총

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

Parents in some parts of Africa should worry about both the (A) of educating children, and the (B) of their education. (A)


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① loss


② cost


③ benefit


④ cost


⑤ loss



E 모든 변형문제

354 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 22|

Habits form when the brain takes a shortcut and stops

356 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 24-25|

actively deliberating over what to do next. The brain quickly learns to codify behaviors that provide a solution

From an economist’s viewpoint, the main question

to whatever situation it encounters. For example, nail

surrounding voting is why people bother to vote at all.

biting is a common behavior that occurs with little or no

There is a clear effort cost associated with voting. In

conscious thought. Initially, the biter might start biting

some countries, such as the United States, people have

her fingernail for a reason — to remove an unsightly

to pre-register to vote, and then have to make the time to

hangnail, for example. However, when the behavior

actually go to a designated polling place and cast their

occurs for no conscious purpose — simply as an

votes, sometimes waiting in line before being able to

automatic response to a cue — the habit is in control. For

do so. The effort cost per capita is easily on the order of

many persistent nail-biters, the unconscious trigger is the

several hours per election, for which the shadow value

unpleasant feeling of stress. The more the biter associates

in terms of lost income can easily reach hundreds of

the act of nail biting with the temporary relief it provides,

dollars for a given voter. Yet, particularly in the case of

the harder it becomes to change the conditioned response.

large elections involving millions of voters, the odds of

making a difference to the final outcome is absolutely

*hangnail 손거스러미(손톱 주변에 살갗이 일어난 것)

trivial — i.e., on the order of one in a million or less. No

① The Formation of Habit

rational, purely self-interested person should therefore

② The Activation of the Brain

bother to vote at all, but nevertheless millions of people

③ Fixing Habit of Biting Nails

do bother to vote in elections all across the world. Bartels

④ Spontaneous Reaction to Signals

and Brady (2003) summarize the large political science

⑤ The Curse of Unconscious Reactions

literature on this phenomenon: “The primary lesson from

355 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. |Mini Test3 23|

The ability to detect danger in the posture of others

the three-decade attempt to explain the paradox of voting ... is that narrow self-interest is too weak to account for a great deal of political participation.”

has been studied by the neuroscientist Beatrice Gelder. Her research has demonstrated that the brain of an observer reacts more powerfully to the body language

In spite of lots of (A) to vote, people are (B) to join the political participation.

of a person in a posture indicating fear than it does even to a fearful facial expression. Looks of fear can paralyze



or, at least, evoke our own potent fear-based reactions.

① waste


Yet, as powerful as facial expressions are in conveying

② waste


danger, a person’s uptight posture and furtive movements make us even more . Wouldn’t you,

③ exertion


too, be startled by the sudden recoiling of the hiker in

④ effort


⑤ effort


front of you a split second before you heard the hissing of a coiled snake? This type of imitative behavior occurs throughout the animal world. If, for example, one bird in a flock on the ground suddenly takes off, all the other birds will follow immediately after; they do not need to know why.

*furtive 수상한, 은밀한 *recoil 움찔하다 ***hissing 쉿쉿거리는 소리

① easy

② smiling

④ pleasant

⑤ uncomfortable

③ doubtful

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제

357 Haliburton Company에 대한 내용과 일치하지 않는

359 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장

|Mini Test3 01|


적절한 곳을 고르시오.

|Mini Test3 03|

We have been pleased to be able to offer on-site

We hear the words and respond accordingly, telling

childcare to full-time employees for the past ten years.

the person how happy we are for her and what a great

We are very proud of our facility and intend to maintain it

adventure she will have.

at the highest level. However, in this economy, we find it necessary to impose a daily fee to partially cover the cost of operations of the childcare center. Although we realize this may cause some difficulty for employees who make use of this benefit, in fairness we feel that users should bear some of the cost. Effective March 1, fees for use of the facility will be deducted from paychecks. The charges will be on a sliding scale, based on the pay rate of each employee and the number of children in care. Please read the enclosed rate schedule. For further information or to ask questions about this policy, please contact the benefits office.

*deduct 공제하다

① 10년동안 상근 직원들에게 보육 서비스를 제공해 왔다. ② 보육 서비스의 수준을 최고로 유지하려고 한다. ③ 보육센터 운영 비용을 충당하기 위해 1일 요금을 부과하려고 한다. ④ 비용의 일정 부분을 감당하게 하는 것에 대해 유감스럽게 생각한다. ⑤ 3월 1일부터 새로운 서비스를 시행하며, 시설 이용에 대한 요금은 봉급에서 공제된다.

Most of us are typically used to listening and being listened to on a fairly surface level. ( ① ) We don’t pay much attention to what is not being said, pick up on subtle incongruities in speech, nor hear the emotion behind a person’s words unless it is obvious and clear. ( ② ) Consider a client who tells us that she is excited to be moving house and living in a new city. ( ③ ) The active listener might hear between the words, noting the speaker’s deep intake of breath before she responds, or slight shrug of the shoulders. ( ④ ) They might hear the slightly pensive tone, or note the look in her eyes, which indicates that although the move might be exciting, there are other emotions at play — perhaps she is frightened about taking such a big step, or cautious about leaving friends and family behind. ( ⑤ ) The active listener hears her words, and notes the other information she is communicating, and can therefore respond on a deeper level.

*incongruity 부조화(한 것) **pensive 침울한, 수심에 잠긴

360 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. |Mini Test3 04|

358 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? |Mini Test3 02|

Your customers are your business. Your existing customers form the bedrock providing the foundation from

Snap! A small branch in the bushes broke. Again!

which to grow. Your prospects are your future. The only

Glancing sharply toward the bushes, the direction ① which the sound had occurred, Abby expected to

way you are going to be able to build your relationship with these people is . If you are

see a raccoon or a rabbit run into the weak light offered

to do that effectively then you will need a system. Any

by the single bulb hanging in the garage. But there was only silence. She realized, then, ② that the crickets

system starts with customer records. Keeping names

had stopped their songs, the bullfrogs were no longer

in your inbox is not an effective way to manage your

croaking. Her heart rate increased and involuntarily she

database. It can be extremely time-consuming to operate in

strained to listen, to notice any other sounds that were out of the ordinary. She suddenly felt very ③ vulnerable in

this way and you will end up continually chasing your tail.

this isolated area of the road. Peering into the darkness, she sensed unseen eyes ④ studying her, watching her.

able to understand your business better. You will be able to

Relax, she told herself. Go inside. It’s dark now. From the

can help you with your future business decisions and

corner of her eye, she caught movement in the bushes. She froze and her heart kicked ⑤ hard. *croak 개굴거리다

marketing activities.


written on scraps of paper, held in your head or contained

If you have full and detailed customer records you will be analyse spending patterns and see trends. This information

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*bedrock 탄탄한 기반

**chase one’s tail 별 소득 없이 바쁘기만 하다


E 모든 변형문제

362 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

① to communicate with them ② to steal your clients’information

|Mini Test3 06|

③ to save all clients’information online

For years, we look to third world countries and shed

④ to advertise your products extensively

our disdain at their labor practices. We have heard stories

⑤ to analyze your counterpart’s financial condition

of children working in factories and employees taking home meager wages for a week’s work. How can they treat other human beings so poorly? This kind of thing would never happen in America! We have a minimum wage law. We require employers to follow labor laws and employ only people of a certain age. There must be justice in our system. As a leader, I can attest to the fact that . We create jobs that pay only enough money to barely keep people above water. Their lives are minimized as they are required to take on multiple jobs just to survive. Today, stop and think about the person that is serving you coffee at the donut shop or handing your order to you in the drive-thru. They are made of the same blood and bones as you and they deserve better.

361 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?

*disdain 경멸감, 무시 **meager 빈약한 ***attest to ~을 증언하다

|Mini Test3 05|

Each life is like a great adventure. Some lives are like the life of Indiana Jones and others are marked by calmer guideposts, but we are all here on a big adventure. The definition of adventure is a risky undertaking, a challenging experience, a quest, an unusual and exciting experience, and an escapade. We have all heard the saying “Go with the flow.” Well, recently I saw a T-shirt with the saying “Only dead fish go with the flow.” So I began exploring the idea that if we always go with the flow, we are like dead fish. Our spirits wither when we just sit back swallowing everything whole, gulping water, getting knocked around by life, going onward to who knows where. Soon after seeing that T-shirt, I went camping near one of the most beautiful streams in the world. I spent some time watching how fish actually go downstream. They don’t go with the flow; they dart around, they swim across currents, they explore, and sometimes they swim upstream.

① justice knows no exceptions ② there is no justice in minimum wage ③ more jobs need to be created in certain industries ④ “the survival of the fittest” is universally applicable ⑤ the minimum wage has been unchanged for several years.

*escapade 무모한 행위 **gulp 벌컥벌컥 마시다

① Don’t gamble with your future. ② Don’t be fooled by the media hype. ③ Go with the flow, or you’ll be in troubles. ④ Life doesn’t always turn out the way you plan. ⑤ It is dangerous to unquestioningly follow the stream. E 모든 변형문제

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E 모든 변형문제

363 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

(C) ‌ They actively seek to define themselves and to become competent in the identities they claim. At early ages,

|Mini Test3 08|

girls and boys start working to become competent

Although many North American sociologists combined the role of sociologist with ① that of social

females and males, respectively.

reformer, none was as successful as Jane Addams

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

(1860—1935). Addams came from a background of

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ (B)-(C)-(A)

wealth and privilege. During one of her many trips to Europe, Addams observed and was impressed by the work being done on behalf of London’s poor. From then on, she worked tirelessly for social justice. In 1889, Addams cofounded Hull-House, ② located in Chicago’s notorious slums. Hull-House was open to people who needed refuge — to immigrants, the sick, the aged, the poor. With her piercing insights into the ways ③ in which workers were exploited and how immigrants adjusted to city life, Addams strived to bridge the gap between the powerful and the powerless. She worked with others to win the eight-hour work day and ④ to pass laws against child labor. Her efforts at social reform were so outstanding that in 1931 she was a cowinner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, the only sociologist ⑤ won this prestigious award.

365 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

|Mini Test3 12|

Karen’s mother lived in a small studio apartment filled untidily with boxes of paper, receipts, plastic bags, and wrapping paper. The property manager, who never yelled but wasn’t friendly either, had called her mother weekly to ask what progress she’d made in clearing the apartment. Karen felt that the property manager could be a great ally if she could persuade her to help her

364 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

|Mini Test3 11|

Within the first year or two of life, as infants start to differentiate themselves from the rest of the world, the self begins to develop. Babies, then toddlers, then children devote enormous energy to understanding who they are. (A) ‌ Throughout our lives, we continue the process of defining and presenting our identities. Struggling to be a swimmer at age 4 gives way to striving to be popular in high school and (being a successful professional and parent in adult life. The fact that we continuously

manage her mother’s hoarding problem. Karen asked the property manager to lunch to thank her for her patience with the difficult process and to explain that both she and her mother were committed to working on the hoarding problem. At lunch, Karen chatted with the property manager about topics other than her mother. She complimented the property manager’s taste in clothing and jewelry. Near the end of the lunch, Karen felt the property manager soften. Karen explained the harm reduction process to her and asked if she would be willing to be a team member. The property manager agreed to think about this. *ally 조력자 **hoard (많은 양을)몰래 쌓아두다

evolve is evidence of our capacity for self-renewal and continual growth.

① Karen의 어머니는 상자들이 지저분하게 가득 차 있는 아파트에 살았다.

(B) ‌ They scan the environment, find models of females and males, and imitate and refine their performances of

② 건물 관리인은 Karen의 어머니에게 매주 전화를 걸었다.

gender. In like manner, children figure out what it takes

③ Karen은 건물 관리인과 점심을 먹기 위해 약속을 하였다.

to be smart, strong, attractive, and responsible, and they

④ 건물 관리인은 Karen의 옷과 보석에 대한 취향을 칭찬했다.

work to become competent in each area.

⑤ 건물 관리인은 Karen의 제안에 대해 생각해 보겠다고 하였다.


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366 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

read the sports pages, which is acceptable behavior for

|Mini Test3 13|

One of the most controversial examples of the political

a male in his society — or if a woman she may read the women’s section of the paper. The mechanical

aspect of international sport was the events of the 1936

thinker may reveal a noticeable uneasiness in unfamiliar

Olympic Games in Berlin during Hitler’s Third Reich. ① Hitler embraced the Games to showcase German

a fact that forces him to revise a strongly held opinion.

situations and may be embarrassed when confronted with

renewal and to highlight the Nazis’superior political projects, including racial purity. ② Nazi Germany is the

① The Fallacy of Hasty Generalization

common English name for the period in German history

③ A Singular Lack of Apparent Curiosity

from 1933 to 1945, when Germany was governed by

④ Admitting to Learning from Other People

a dictatorship under the control of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. ③ However, IOC president Henri de Baillet-

⑤ The Characteristics of the Mechanical Thinker

② A Rich Mine of Nonfiction Material

Latour was ultimately successful in compelling Hitler to remove a significant amount of anti-Semitic signage during the Games. ④ The 1936 Games were likewise famous for the success of African American athlete Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals in front of Hitler and an enthusiastic German crowd and who formed a lifelong friendship with the German competitor he beat in the long jump, Luz Long. ⑤ Some argue that these accomplishments undermined the Nazi agenda of racism, authoritarianism, and political violence while others see the Berlin Games as an example of degenerative nationalism. *anti-Semitic 반유대주의의 **degenerative 퇴행성의

368 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절 하지 않은 것은?

|Mini Test3 15|

It takes time to develop and launch products. Consequently, many companies know 6–12 months ahead of time that they will be launching a new product. In order to create interest in the product, companies will often launch ① pre-market advertising campaigns. In

367 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 14|

the nutrition industry, articles are often written discussing

The mechanical thinker takes considerable pride in

a new nutrient under investigation. Over a series of issues, you begin to see ② more articles discussing this

his opinions, which he believes to be “right.” It is proper

new nutrient and potential to enhance training and/or

and necessary, he believes, for a person to “take a stand” on things — on just about everything, in fact. Each time

performance. Then, after 4.6 months, a new product is coincidentally launched that ③ contains the ingredient

he voices a sweeping generalization on some topic, he

that has been discussed in previous issues. Books and

commits himself to adopt a rigid stand on similar topics. He must, above all, be “consistent.” If you study the

supplement reviews have also been used as vehicles to ④ cease the sale of fitness and nutrition products.

mechanical thinker closely, you will probably notice

This marketing technique is called demand creation.

a singular lack of apparent curiosity. He seldom asks

It involves creating a buzz about a new potentially

questions, and he seldom seeks new information about his world. He would seldom admit to having learned

revolutionary nutrient or training technique through publishing articles and/or books that ⑤ stimulate the

something from another person. He rarely reads books

reader’s interest. Once this is done, a new product is

and certainly not nonfiction material. If a man, he may


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E 모든 변형문제

369 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

370 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것

|Mini Test3 16|

|Mini Test3 17|

을 고르시오.

It is worth remembering that the idea of classical

Some coaches erroneously believe that mental skills

music widely accepted today did not exist until about

training (MST) can only help perfect the performance of

300 years ago. Performing music in concert halls to a

highly skilled competitors. As a result, they shy away from

paying audience, as something inherently pleasurable

MST, rationalizing that because they are not coaching elite

and significant, was pretty much unheard of until the

athletes, mental skills training is less important.

eighteenth century and not widely established until the nineteenth. The concert hall, the audience, and the idea

(A) ‌ In fact, the optimal time for introducing MST may be when athletes are first beginning their sport. Introducing

of ‘masterpieces’of classical music, were all effectively

MST early in athletes’careers may lay the foundation

invented during the course of the eighteenth century —

that will help them develop to their full potential.

in London, Paris, Vienna, Berlin and other European cities. Much of the music that is now performed in

(B) ‌ Consequently, any small difference in mental factors can

public concerts was not composed for that purpose. The

play a huge role in determining performance outcomes.

cantatas of J. S. Bach, for example, were written to be

However, we can anticipate that personal growth and

sung in religious services at the Church of St. Thomas in

performance will progress faster in young, developing

Leipzig where Bach was cantor. These pieces were part

athletes who are given mental skills training than in

of weekly worship, and included chorales (hymns) for

athletes not exposed to MST.

the congregation to join in with the singing. Sing along during a modern concert hall performance of one of

(C) ‌ It is true that mental skills become increasingly important at high levels of competition. As athletes

these works today and you’re likely to be told to shut up.

move up the competitive ladder, they become more

*cantor 성가대 합창 지휘자 **chorale합창곡

homogeneous in terms of physical skills. In fact, at high

***congregation 신도들

levels of competition, all athletes have the physical skills to be successful. *homogeneous 동질적인 **optimal 최적의

Though it is (A) to sing along during a

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

modern concert hall performance, the original purpose

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

of classical music played in public concert was a little (B) . (A)


① imaginable


② available


③ unthinkable


④ impossible


⑤ unlikely


③ (B)-(C)-(A)

371 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 18|

Economists use the term “taste” as a shorthand way of referring to the system of preferences that so clearly affects the pattern of every consumer’s demand. To take a simple example, some consumers prefer white bread to whole wheat or rye, while some prefer rolls to bread. Obviously, the aggregate of these preferences influences the demand for white bread as compared with the other types, or for bread compared with rolls. Similarly, in the realm of culture some consumers prefer the visual to the performing arts, some enjoy the theater but have no taste for music, and some watch television in preference to attending any sort of arts activity. We all recognize that in the aggregate these preferences must strongly affect the dimensions of our cultural life.

*rye(bread)호밀 흑빵 **aggregate 집합체, 합체


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E 모든 변형문제

373 Mission Hills의 흰 사슴에 관한 다음 글의 내용과

① 소비자의 선호도를 파악하여 광고에 적용할 수 있다. ② 소비자의 수요 패턴에 영향을 주는 선호 체계가 있다.

|Mini Test3 20|

일치하지 않는 것은?

③ 공연 예술보다 시각 예술을 선호하는 사람이 더 많다. ④ 선호의 집합체를 연구하기 위해 많은 시간이 필요하다. ⑤ 경제학자들은 소비자의 수요 유형을 다양하게 분석한다.

Some people didn’t believe in the white deer of Mission Hills until they saw it, usually at dusk, slipping through the canyon bush. For a decade, the little deer haunted an old urban neighborhood in San Diego, and the people who saw it came to love it. They named it Lucy. After an animal control officer, in a misguided effort to protect it, shot the deer with a tranquilizer gun and it died, over two hundred men, women, and children came to Lucy’s funeral at a nearby park. In these hardedged years, such sentiment may seem strange; to some, even silly. As it turned out, the deer wasn’t even truly wild, but an escapee from one of the last urban farms. Even when this identity of the deer was made public, people in surrounding neighborhoods, including my own, continued to talk about the deer for years, almost as if it *hard-edged 냉철한, 철저하게 현실에 입각한 were still alive. **tranquilizer gun 마취 총

① 10년 동안 San Diego의 도시 지역에 자주 나타났다. ② Lucy라는 이름으로 불리워졌다. ③ 동물 관리원이 마취 총으로 쏘아서 죽였다. ④ 실제로는 야생동물이 아닌 것이 밝혀졌다.

372 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 19|

⑤ 사슴이 살아있다고 생각하는 사람들이 있었다.

Everyone would agree that teenagers seem to be obsessed with their clothing. Why is this so? Most people would simply say that it is a stage that teens go through. In fact, there are good reasons for the obsession with clothing, not the least of which is that for the first time in their lives teens are starting to define themselves as people without the guidance, or interference, of their parents. As teens set out to establish themselves, and by so doing start to break free from the control of parents, their very first opportunity to express themselves as individuals comes through choosing their own clothing. Thus, teen clothing represents much more than style, fashion, or fad. In truth, it represents the very first authentic opportunity for teens to self-define. *fad 일시적 유행

① The Various Challenges Teenagers Face ② Leading Companies Leading the Fashion ③ Fad: A Transient but Long Lasting Influence ④ Teenagers Who Wants to Leave Their Parents ⑤ The Logical Reasons Teens Obsessed with Clothes E 모든 변형문제

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E 모든 변형문제

374 다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

375 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을

|Mini Test3 21|

In most African subsistence communities, children are an integral part of the household labour force; they herd livestock, collect water and tend crops. As a general rule, education is seen as a means of economic and social emancipation and therefore desirable. (A) , the cost of educating children is high. Not only do families have to pay school fees and other associated costs but any child who is in school is not available for household labour. Moreover, in some cases, investing in a daughter’s education might not be in your own best interests. (B) , in patrilocal societies, where daughters live with their husband’s family once they marry, it is the husband’s family that benefits from the parental investment in daughter’s education. Parents are thus confronted by a dilemma: which children, if any, should they educate, and *subsistence 최저생활 for how long?

Habits form when the brain takes a shortcut and stops actively deliberating over what to do next. (A) ‌ For many persistent nail-biters, the unconscious trigger is the unpleasant feeling of stress. The more the biter associates the act of nail biting with the temporary relief it provides, the harder it becomes to change the conditioned response. (B) ‌ Initially, the biter might start biting her fingernail for a reason — to remove an unsightly hangnail, for example. However, when the behavior occurs for no conscious purpose — simply as an automatic response to a cue — the habit is in control. (C) ‌ The brain quickly learns to codify behaviors that provide a solution to whatever situation it encounters. For example, nail biting is a common behavior that occurs

**emancipation 해방, 벗어남 ***patrilocal 부계 거주의


|Mini Test3 22|


with little or no conscious thought. *hangnail 손거스러미(손톱 주변에 살갗이 일어난 것)


① However

For example

① (A)-(C)-(B)

② (B)-(A)-(C)

② However

In addition

④ (C)-(A)-(B)

⑤ (C)-(B)-(A)

③ In short

For example

④ Similarly

In addition

⑤ Similarly

In other words


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③ (B)-(C)-(A)

E 모든 변형문제

376 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

|Mini Test3 23|

The ability to detect danger in the posture of others has

377 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

|Mini Test3 24-25|

been studied by the neuroscientist Beatrice Gelder. Her

No rational, purely self-interested person should

research has demonstrated that the brain of an observer

therefore bother to vote at all, but nevertheless millions of

reacts more powerfully to the body language of a person

people do bother to vote in elections all across the world.

in a posture indicating fear than it does even to a fearful facial expression. Looks of fear can paralyze or, at least, evoke our own potent fear-based reactions. Yet, as powerful as facial expressions are in conveying danger, a person’s uptight posture and furtive movements make us even more uncomfortable. Wouldn’t you, too, be startled by the sudden recoiling of the hiker in front of you a split second before you heard the hissing of a coiled snake? This type of imitative behavior occurs throughout the animal world. If, for example, one bird in a flock on the ground suddenly takes off, all the other birds will follow immediately after; they do not need to know why. *furtive 수상한, 은밀한 *recoil 움찔하다 ***hissing 쉿쉿거리는 소리

① The Warnings While Hiking ② Animal’s Mimicry on Human

From an economist’s viewpoint, the main question surrounding voting is why people bother to vote at all. ( ① ) There is a clear effort cost associated with voting. ( ② ) In some countries, such as the United States, people have to pre-register to vote, and then have to make the time to actually go to a designated polling place and cast their votes, sometimes waiting in line before being able to do so. ( ③ ) The effort cost per capita is easily on the order of several hours per election, for which the shadow value in terms of lost income can easily reach hundreds of dollars for a given voter. ( ④ ) Yet, particularly in the case of large elections involving millions of voters, the odds of making a difference to the final outcome is absolutely trivial — i.e., on the order of one in a million or less. ( ⑤ ) Bartels and Brady (2003) summarize the large political science literature on this

③ Attitude: Determines Everything

phenomenon: “The primary lesson from the three-decade

④ Recognition of Facial Expression

attempt to explain the paradox of voting ... is that narrow

⑤ The Fear from Someone Else’s Posture

self-interest is too weak to account for a great deal of political participation.” *per capita 일인당 **on the order of 대략

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E 모든 2 0 1 8 학 년 도

수 능

내 신

대 비

필 독 서

변형문제 정답 및 해설

E 모든 변형문제 정답



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Mini Test 3

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E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제 정답 및 해설

10 ④


뒤에 이어지는 스키에 관한 이야기를 미루어보면 인지적 간섭이 운동 선

1 ②

수들이 과업을 수행할 때 엉망으로 만든다는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 글 의 흐름상 머리를 개입시키는 것이 적절하다.

(B)의 These clients는 지시문에 있는 many clients를 지칭하고, (A)의 In other words는 (B)의 But이하를 재 진술 하고 있다. (C)의 Either

11 ②

way를 통해서 두 가지 경우가 진술되었다는 것으로 보아 (B)-(A)-(C) 의 순서가 적절하다.

2 ④

뉴스를 보도하는 언론사들은 여러 가지 신호들을 이용하여 자신들이 보도 할 뉴스의 내용과 성격에 대해 유명한 뉴스 진행자를 이용하는 경우를 들 어 나타내고 있다. 빈칸 뒤에는 뉴스회사들이 자신들의 뉴스 상품에 들어

기술의 발전 때문에 정보가 넘쳐나게 되었다는 글 뒤에 세상에서 우리

있는 것을 전달하기 위하여 여러 가지 신호를 사용하다는 것으로 보아. 자 신들이 전달하는 뉴스의 상품의 일부가 된다는 것이 절절하다.

가 차지하는 부분은 끊임없이 비좁아 진다라는 의미가 되어야 하므로 enlarged는 squeezed로 고쳐야 한다.

12 ⑤ 다른 가정의 아이를 돌보는 사람들이 고려해야 할 사항에 대한 글로 뒤에

3 ⑤ 의사 결정자들이 고객에 대한 직관적인 이해를 함으로써 고객에 대한 공

for example의 예시로 보아 무엇이 해로운지를 파악하는 것이 중요하다 는 것을 알 수 있다.

감을 갖고 추상적인 정보를 더 근거 있고 직접적인 것으로 만든다. 따라서 의사결정자들의 고객에 대한 공감의 필요성이 적절하다.

13 ①

4 ① 광고 캠페인을 계획할 때, 아무리 그 내용이 훌륭해도 의도된 대상에 게 그 광고가 도달하지 못하면 의미가 없다. 따라서 (A )에는 의도된 targeted(=intended)가 (B)에는 잘못된 광고 캠페인이 전체를 망친다 (sabotage)가 적절하다.

5 ② 전기 작가는 사실의 진실에 대한 책임이 있고 이것은 확고하고 논박의 여 지가 없다고 나와야한다. 따라서 ②에 unarguable이 문맥상에 적절하다.

14 ③ 기술의 발전 때문에 정보가 넘쳐나게 되었고 그렇기 때문에 의사결정 이 더욱 복잡해졌다는 ③ Paradox of Modern Life Caused by the Flood of Information(정보의 홍수가 가져온 현대인의 삶의 역설)이 적 절하다.

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6 ② 심리학과 개 훈련에서의 긍정적 강화에 대한 글이다. 따라서 개와 아 동 심리학의 발전은 전 문장의 have much in common과 연관지어 followed similar paths(비슷한 길을 따라왔다)가 적절하다.

7 ③ 앞에 내용에서 음식은 자연 상태에서 최대의 가치를 가진다고 언급하고 익지 않은 상태에서 수확할 경우에 비타민이 많이 없거나 충분하지 않다 고 언급하고 있다. ③뒤에는 수용성 비타민이 가열하여 끓이면 잃는다는 내용으로 보아 destroys가 글의 흐름상 적절하다.

8 ③ 제시문의 they는 ②의 the people을 지칭하고 그들은 그 다음 주에 모든 일을 반복했다는 의미로 보아 앞에 일을 시작한 부분 뒤에 들어가는 것이 적절하다.

9 ⑤ 한 과정의 목표와 다른 과정의 목표의 대립을 출근시간에 법규와 관련되 어 진술하고 있다. 속도를 우선으로 해야 하는 시간에는 속도를 늦추는 속 도제한, 정지신호, 차선은 시간을 의식하며 이동하는 사람들을 도와주는 것이 아니라 좌절시킨다(frustrate)가 적절하다.


영화를 본 뒤에 경험하는 내적 변화에 대한 글로 마지막문장에 상담 시 간동안 영화의 경험과 심리적 탐구의 결합을 이야기 하고 있으므로 external(외적인)보다 심리를 나타내는 internal(내적인)이 적절하다.

제시문은 의사결정자들이 직접 경험하지 않고 정보를 다룬다는 부분이 나 오고 예시가 나온다. their disconnection을 통해서 (A)가 뒤에 이어지 고 (A)에 고객에 대한 직관적 이해가 해결책이라고 제시하고 (C)에서 그 해결책이 공감을 통해 실존인물과 연결됨으로 추상적인 정보를 직접적으 로 접근한다고 언급하고 (B)에서 It 이 우리가 받는 자료의 맥락을 제공한 다고 한 부분은 앞에 (C)의 that information을 지칭한다.

16 ④ 글의 주제가 의도된 대상에게 광고가 도달하지 못하면 의미가 없다는 의 미로 엉뚱한 시청자 앞에 놓인 멋진 광고 메시지는 ④의 시간과 노력의 완 전한 낭비다가 적절하다.

17 ⑤ (C)에 this는 제시문의 진실성에 대해 기술해야하는 부분을 지칭하고 (B) 는 go further를 통하여 소설기법과 연결되는 (C)에 왜곡기법 뒤에 놓이 는 것이 적절하고 (A)의 this는 독자를 매료시킬 수 있지만 그 장르(전기문) 에 평판을 나쁘게 한다는 것으로 보아. 전기문을 소설화하는 (B)뒤에 위치 하는 것이 적절하다. 따라서 (C)-(B)-(A)가 글의 순서로 가장 적절하다.

18 ③ in recent years를 강조하기위한 It has been~that 강조구문이다. 따 라서 this를 it으로 바꿔야한다.

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19 ③


(A)앞의 내용은 많은 음식이 자연 상태에서 최대의 가치를 갖는다고 이야 기하고 (A)뒤에 예시가 이어지므로 For instance가 맞고, (B)는 앞에 끓 여서 요리 물을 버리면 비타민을 잃게 된다고 언급하고 빈칸 뒤에는 일부

25 ①

음식들이 소화를 위해서 열을 필요로 한다고 나와 있기 때문에 역접의 연 결어 However가 적절하다.

글의 초반부에서 창조성은 드문 천재들의 이야기를 통해 잘 보여 질 수 있 으며, 창조를 개인의 영역으로 보는 Carlyle의 선언에 대해 이야기하고 있으므로 individual이 적절하다.

20 ⑤ made it(가목적어) easier(목.보) for most people 의미상의 주어를 수 식해주는 coming을 써야한다 진목적어는 뒷부분의 to find 이다.

21 ④ 제시문의 This individual은 ④번 앞에 언급한 the individual을 가르치 고 또 다른 목표와의 갈등에 휘말린다는 의미로 보아 앞에 출근에 늦지 않

26 ① 친환경 제품의 소비자는 환경적 이유 뿐 아니라 돈과 안전의 더 나은 가치 를 이유로 제품을 구매한다고 설명하고 있다.

27 ⑤ 뒤의 부연에서 붕소가 부족하면 인이 많아도 식물이 잘 자라지 못한다고

으려고 하는 부분과 연결되는 것이 적절하다.

하고 있으며, 특히 in other words의 앞과 뒤에 같은 내용이 나와야 함 을 감안할 때, 앞의 문장에서 특정 필수 영양소가 최저수준 아래로 떨어질

22 ③

때 성장이 멈춘다고 이야기하고 있음으로 가장 부족한 영양소가 중요하다 는 점을 알 수 있다.

③ 뒤에 이어지는 스키에 관한 이야기를 미루어보면 인지적 간섭이 운동 선수들이 과업을 수행할 때 엉망으로 만든다는 것을 알 수 있다. 그러므로 인지적 간섭은 근육 운동에 불필요한 필수적인 요소를 제거하여 수행력을 향상시킨다. 는 글의 흐름상 적절하지 않다.

23 ① 뉴스를 보도하는 언론사들은 여러 가지 신호들을 이용하여 자신들이 보 도할 뉴스의 내용과 성격에 대해 유명한 뉴스 진행자를 이용하는 경우 를 들어 나타내고 있다. 따라서 언론인은 뉴스의 일부분으로 뉴스 전달 신호이고, 그들에 대한 친숙함(closeness)을 통해 뉴스의 내용을 예상 (anticipate)할 수 있다가 적절하다.

28 ④ 바로 전 문장에서 ‘과도한 튤립가격의 형성은 그리 오래되지 않았다’는 문 장에 이어 ‘한 네덜란드 인이 정신을 차리고 약정된 가격에 튤립을 사는 것을 거부했다’는 내용이므로 promised가 되어야 한다.

29 ② 실험의 의도에 해당하는 (B)가 제일 앞에 오고, 실험의 내용에 해당하는 (A)가 온 후, (C)에서 가설이 틀렸으며 성격특성과 사건인식에 관련이 있 다는 결론이 오는 것이 적절하다.

30 ①

24 ④ respect는 앞에 balancing의 목적어인 protecting과 병렬구조를 이루 므로 respecting으로 바꾸는 것이 적절하다.

기억세포를 통해 B세포가 항체를 생성하는 과정과 항체의 면역기능에 대 해 설명하고 있는 글이다.

31 ④ 첫 번째 상황에 비교하여서 먹이를 받지 못하고 있으므로 악수의 횟수가 줄어서 언어적 자극이 더 필요한 상황이므로 less를 more로 바꾸어 쓰 는 것이 적절하다.

32 ⑤ 비교하고자 하는 욕구에 관한 글로 부연문장에서 과시하고자 하는 의도를 언급하고 있으므로 비교에 기인하는 경쟁심리가 고급차의 구매의 이유가 됨을 알 수 있다.

33 ① 규칙적인 순서나 패턴을 통한 반복이 글에 대한 이해를 도울 수 있고 색다 른 요소의 도입을 용이하게 하며 흥미를 줄 수 있다고 설명하고 있다.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제 정답 및 해설

34 ②

43 ②

벌목산업의 확장에 대해 이야기하고 있으므로 신문을 높이 평가하는

실험의 내용에 대해 설명하고 있는 (B)가 제일 먼저 오고, 간식을 주지 않

Jack에게는 잠재적 이익이지만 삼림을 높이 평가하는 Jill에게는 손해임 을 알 수 있다. 따라서 gains는 losses로 바꾸어야 한다.

았을 때의 실험의 결과인 (A)가 다음에, 공정성이 깨진 상태에서의 실험의 결과인 (C)가 마지막에 오는 것이 자연스럽다.

35 ①

44 ③

랩음악의 장비가 평범했다는 내용과 집에서 제작한 카세트로 독립음반사

첫 문장에서 비교에 대해 언급한 후, 고급차 구매의 예시를 통해 인간의

에 의해 보급되었다는 내용은 순접 추가에 해당하는 내용이기에 Also가 나와야 하며, 라디오 산업에서도 랩은 관심대상이 아니었다는 내용 뒤에

과시하고자하는 욕구에 대해 말하고 있다.

New York에 대한 언급은 예시에 해당한다.

45 ⑤

36 ③

반복과 예측가능성을 통해 글의 이해가 더 쉬워지고 특히 예측 가능한 글 의 경우 색다른 요소가 삽입된다면 흥미를 더할 수 있다는 글로서 친숙하

뒤에서 고고학이 물질적 유물에 국한될 수밖에 없다고 설명하고 있으므로 (A)는 selective가, 고고학자들이 많은 것을 알 수 있다고 이야기하고 있

지 않은 글에 색다른 요소를 삽입하는 것이 어렵다는 것은 글 전체의 흐름 과 관계없다.

으므로 (B)에는 드러낸다는 의미의 revealing이, 물질적 증거를 통해 모 계제 사회에 대한 추정을 한다는 예시가 나와 있으므로 (C)에는 추론을 의

46 ①

미하는 inferences가 오는 것이 적절하다.

개인의 선호 비교를 위한 규칙으로 손익분석의 원리에 대해 설명하고 있 으며 어떻게 손해와 이익을 분석하는지에 대해 말하고 있다.

37 ① 창의성에 대한 상반된 견해로서 고립된 천재모형과 사회 관계망 내에서의 창의성 모형을 제시하고 있다.

38 ③ 녹색소비 및 기업의 사회적 책임 측면에서 소비자들에게 친환경적 제품의 성능이 떨어지지 않고 오히려 특정 측면에서는 더 좋을 수도 있다고 전달 해야할 필요성에 대해 이야기하고 있으므로 perform lower하지 않다고 납득시켜야 한다고 말하는 것이 적절하다.

39 ⑤ 주장에 대한 일반적 진술 (C)가 온 후, 근거로서 분석에 대한 내용 (B)가 나오고, (A) in other words 다음에 재진술이 나오는 것이 적절하다.

47 ④ 랩 음악의 발전환경이 어려웠음을 설명하는 글로 주요 음반사에 의해 제 작된 랩 음악이 소수였다는 내용으로 보아 음반사들이 랩음악을 환영하지 않았다는 것을 알 수 있으므로 resisted가 적절하다.

48 ④ 고고학자들의 연구 자료가 한정적이라는 내용의 (C)가 가장 먼저 나온 후 에 물질적 증거의 조각들을 찾는다는 내용을 설명하고 (A)에서 예시로서 쓰레기장이 정보를 드러낼 수 있다는 내용이 나와야 하며, 비물질적 측면 에 대한 추론이 언급된 후에 (B)에서 비물질적 측면의 추론의 예로 매장 방식에 대해 설명하는 것이 자연스럽다.

40 ④ 튤립의 수요가 과대하여 거품이 일었다가 거품이 꺼지면서 생긴 결과에 대해 이야기하고 있다.

41 ⑤ 운이 좋은 사람은 반복해서 운이 좋다는 내용과 운이 나쁜 사람에게는 나 쁜 일이 일어난다는 내용이 (A)의 앞과 뒤에 나와 있으므로, similarly, likewise와 같은 비유열거의 표현이나 however가 적절하며, 연구진들 의 가정이 틀렸다는 내용 뒤에 성격이 오히려 일어난 일에 영향을 미쳤다 는 내용이 이어지고 있으므로 (B)에는 instead나 rather가 오는 것이 적 절하다.

42 ⑤ B세포가 항체를 만드는 대신 기다린다고 하고 있으므로 뒤에 언젠가 항 원이 나타나면 기억세포가 항체생산으로 전환된다는 부연이 오는 것이 적 절하다.


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56 ②


질병을 이용해서 농사 기술에 대해서 배울 수 있다는 내용이므로 ②

49 ②

Acquire farming technology using diseases(질병을 이용하여 농사 기술을 얻어라)가 주제로 가장 적절하다.

[요약문해석] 낙관주의와 희망을 가지고 현실을 수용하는 것이 더 중요 함에도 불구하고, 많은 사람들은 일반적이지 않은 신념들이 때때로 유익

57 ②

하다고 믿는다. 이 글은 합리적이지 않은 신념들이 유익하다고 하지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 낙관주의를 가지고, 현실을 수용하는 것이 중요하다 고 말하고 있으므로 빈칸 (A)에는 유익한(beneficial)이, (B)에는 껴안다 (embrace)가 가장 적절하다.

50 ④

[요약문해석] 기후 변화에 대한 관광 부문의 대응을 통하여, 우리는 두가 지 주류의 차이점에 대해 구분할 수 있다; 완화는 관광의 영향을 줄이려 는 일종의 시도인 반면에 적응은 관광이 기후 변화에 적응하는 것을 요구 한다. 완화와 적응의 차이점에 대해 진술하고 있는 글이며, 완화는 관광 의 영향을 줄이려는 시도이므로 (A)에는 difference(차이점)가, (B)에는

diminish(줄이다)가 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

이 글은 친구의 조언의 효용 가치에 대한 글이므로 이 글의 제목으로 가 장 적절한 것은 ④ 친구의 조언: 사려 깊지 않지만, 도움이 되는(Peer’s Advice: Not Considerate, But Supportive)이 가장 적절하다.

51 ⑤

58 ⑤ 문맥상 매우 개인주의적이고, 자신에 대해서만 생각하는 문화에 이 의를 제기한다는 내용이 되어야 하므로 ⑤ pursuing (추구하는)을

challenging(이의를 제기하는)으로 바꿔야 한다.

주어진 글에서 철도가 남북전쟁에서 북부에게 도움이 되었다는 일반적인 진술에 이어, (C)에서 철도에 대포를 탑재하면서 전투 준비 시간이 줄어들 었다는 내용에 이어, (B)에서 말을 이용하지 않고, 철도에 대포를 장착하 여 전투 준비 시간을 줄인 것이 현저한 발전이라고 언급한 내용에 이어, (A)에서 철도 차량의 바닥이 완충 역할을 함으로써 받침대를 계속 재건설 할 필요가 없어졌다는 내용으로 이어지는 것이 가장 적절하다.

52 ③ 이 글은 자유주의에 있어서 선(善)의 주관성에 대한 글이므로 ③ Subjectivity of the Good in Liberalism이 가장 적절하다.

53 ⑤ [요약문해석] 시각적으로 어떤 개인을 평가할 때, 그의 실제 외모나 능력 은 우리의 추론과 다를 수 있다. 어떤 사람의 외모를 통해 그 사람이 가지 고 있는 유전적 잠재력을 안다고 말하는 것은 때로 불합리하다는 것을 예 시를 통해서 보여주는 글이므로 (A)에는 시각적으로(visually)가, (B)에는 실제(factual)이 가장 적절하다.

54 ② (A) 회 계 사 에 대 한 정 의 가 너 무 단 순 화 되 었 다 는 내 용 이 므 로 simplistic(단순화된)이 적절하다. *complicated:복잡한 (B) 문맥상 회계사가 해야 할 일이 확장되고 있다는 내용이므로 expand(확장하다)가 적절하다. *shrink:줄어들게 하다 (C) 지루하고, 보수적이며 회색 정장을 입은 회계사의 이미지는 오래 되었다는 내용이 되어야 하므로 outdated (구식의)가 적절하다. *modern:현대의

55 ② 예술은 공감에 대한 보편적인 인간의 욕구 때문에 존재한다는 내용이므로 ② 공감: 예술의 존재 이유(Compassion: Reason for Existence of Art)가 가장 적절하다.

59 ② 과학적 아이디어는 일상의 생각과 달리 직관에 반대한다는 내용에 대한 예시를 들고 있으므로 (A)에는 For example(예를 들어)가 적절하고, 나 무는 금속만큼 빠르게 열을 전도하지 않고, 그래서 금속보다 더 따뜻하게 느껴진다는 말을 구체적으로 다시 설명해주고 있으므로 (B)에는 In other words(다시 말해서)가 적절하다.

60 ⑤ [요약문해석] 만약 진화이론이 종들에게 철저하게 적용된다면, 이타주의 종들은 살아남을 수 없을 것인데, 여전히 종의 유전자 개체들을 보호하기 위해 많은 종들이 남아 있다.

61 ④ 이 글의 주제는 비과학적인 신념을 버리고 합리적(과학적)으로 생각하라 는 내용이므로, ④ 낙관주의를 믿으며 당신의 현실을 받아들여라(Take your reality, believing optimism)가 글의 주제로 가장 적절하다.

62 ⑤ [요약문해석] 때때로 친구의 부주의한 조언이 다른 어떤 진실한 간섭보다 더 효과가 있을 수 있다. 이 글은 엄마의 잔소리보다 친구의 조심성 없는 핀잔이 오히려 친구의 나쁜 버릇을 더 빠르게 고칠 수 있다는 내용이므로 빈칸 (A)에는 조심성 없는(careless)이, (B)에는 간섭(intervention)이 가 장 적절하다.

63 ③ 이 글은 철도와 철도를 이용한 대포가 남북 전쟁에 미친 영향에 대해 진 술한 글이므로 ③ 남북 전쟁에 대한 철도의 기여(The Contribution of Railroads to the Civil War)가 가장 적절하다.

64 ③ 뒷 문장이 완전한 문장이며 동사의 목적절을 이끄는 접속사가 필요하므로 what을 that으로 바꿔야 한다.

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65 ④


어떤 사람의 유전적 잠재력을 안다는 것의 불합리함을 보여주는 사고 실 험이 있다는 주어진 글에 이어서, (C)에서 우람한 보디빌더와 비쩍 마른 남자의 예를 들고, (A)에서 사람들은 우람한 보디빌더가 유전적으로 장점

73 ④

을 가지고 있다고 판단하겠지만, 실제로는 그렇지 않을 수도 있다는 추론 을 하고, 마지막으로 실제로는 비쩍 마른 남자가 아직 그 우월한 유전자를

길이 더 길고, 좀 더 많은 신호등을 가지고 있다는 원인절(because절) 때 문에 결과를 나타내는 주절은 smart(똑똑한) 보다는 silly(멍청한) 으로

활성화시키지 않았을 수도 있다고 하는 (B)로 이어지는 것이 글의 순서로 가장 적절하다.

바꾸는 것이 더 적절하다.

74 ①

66 ⑤ 이 글은 실제 회계사가 하는 일이 단순하게 금융 장부를 기입하는 것이 아

발전하기 위해서 필요한 것은 혁신이지 자기만족이 되면 안 된다는 것이 글의 요지이다.

니라 더 확장된 업무를 하고 있다는 내용이므로 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은 ③ 단순화된(simplistic)이다.

75 ② 배우에게 필요한 평가는 전문가의 언급과 평가이므로 믿을만한 멘토와 동

67 ④ 우리는 모두 무언가를 표현하고자 하는 끊임없는 욕구를 가지고 있다는

료가 아닌 다른 누구와는 과정을 논의하지 말라고 하는 것이 내용상 적절 하다.

내용이어야 하므로 unconscious(무의식적인)를 conscious(의식적인)로 바꿔야 한다.

76 ④

68 ③ [요약문해석] 농사 문제를 해결함에 있어 해충을 제거하는 것보다는 질병 을 이용하는 것이 훨씬 낫다. 해충을 제거하기보다 식물과 동물의 질병을 이용하여 농사 문제를 더 잘 해결할 수 있다는 내용이므로 (A)에는 해결하 는(resolving)이, (B)에는 제거하다(remove)가 가장 적절하다.

관계대명사 what은 뒤에 불완전 문장이 오면서 동시에 선행사를 포함 하고 있다는 특징이 있으므로 앞에 선행사 명사가 없어야 한다. 그런데 이 문장에서는 뒤에 불완정 문장이 온 것은 맞지만, 앞에 선행사 명사인 value가 있으므로 관계대명사 what이 나올 수 없다.

77 ③

69 ④

such an idea 는 앞의 문장 전체를 나타내고 있으며 주어진 문장 다음에 주어진 문장에 대한 이유를 설명하고 있으므로 ③이 적절하다.

온실가스 배출과 관련된 운송비용은 증가시킨다는 내용이 되어야 하므로 ④ decrease(줄이다)를 increase(늘리다)로 바꿔야 한다.

78 ②

공감을 체험하기 위해 시각 장애인이 되는 경험을 했다는 내용이며, 전체 글은 공감 기술을 배우는 것에 대한 내용인데, 시각적 장애에 대해 정의하 고 있는 ④는 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장이다.

(A)는 사람들이 자라고 있는 것이므로 growing이 맞다. (B)는 뒤에 있는 pressure를 꾸며주는 역할로 의미상 수동을 나타내는 과거분사인 increased를 사용하는 것이 맞다. (C)는 병렬 구조에 따르면서 앞의 talking, drinking, using과 함께 showing을 사용하는 것이 맞다.

71 ⑤

79 ②

문맥상 이 방 저 방을 다니면서 많은 물체를 만지게 되면 우리의 잘 못된 생각이 강화되고 변화에 저항하게 되는 것이 자연스러우므로 ⑤ accustomed(익숙한)를 resistant(저항하는)로 바꿔야 한다.

이글은 게임을 설명하기 위해 경주에 비유하면서, 경주에서는 어떤 행동 을 할지에 대한 나의 선택에 따라 그에 따른 느낌이 달라진다라고 설명한 글로 제목은 ②이다.

72 ⑤

80 ④

이타주의는 사회 생물학과 진화론에 어려움을 준다는 주어진 글에 이어, (C)에서 이타주의적인 행동을 하는 작은 새의 예를 들고, (B)에서 그러한 이타적 행동 때문에, 진화론에 따르면 이타주의 유전자를 가진 개체는 사 라지는 것이 맞지만, 실제로는 계속해서 존재하는데, 그것은 종을 보호하 려는 진화적 동기라고 설명하는 (A)로 이어지는 것이 글의 순서로 가장 적 절하다.

중국은 지난 천 년 기간의 대부분 동안 세계에서 선두적인 경제를 소유했 다는 내용이므로 ④는 일치하지 않는다.

70 ④

81 ⑤ 현대과학의 양면성에 관한 글이다, 과학은 친숙하면서도 논란과 논쟁의 직접적인 원천이라고 했으므로 빈칸에는 대중화되고 악마로 묘사된다고 하는 것이 적절하다.

82 ③ 주어진 문장은 기업가들의 상태를 설명하고 있는 문장으로, 앞에는 직원 들의 권리 및 상황에 대한 내용이고 뒤에는 기업가들의 상황이 부연 설명 되어 있으므로 ③에 들어가는 것이 글의 흐름상 적절하다.


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83 ④

92 ②

준사역동사 help는 목적어와 목적어보어의 관계가 능동일 때 목적어 자 리에 원형부정사와 to부정사를 사용하는 것이므로 finding이 아니라 원 형부정사인 find로 고쳐야 맞다.

나라는 융성하고 쇠퇴한다는 내용으로 미루어 봤을 때 중국이 약탈당하는

84 ②

93 ②

인공지능의 발전과 활용에 대한 내용이다. ② 앞 문장은 인공 지능의 발전

과학은 대중화되고 동시에 악마로 묘사되기도 하며, 주목할 만한 업적들

이 가능하게 한 것에 대해 설명을 하고 있고, 그에 대한 예시가 주어진 문 장부터 차례로 나열되고 있다.

중 일부에 필수적이지만 동시에 비극적 사건들의 일부에도 필수적이고, 또한 친숙하면서도 논란과 논쟁의 원천이 된다고 했으므로 과학의 양면성

것을 맞지 못한 것은 그 전에 융성한다는 내용으로 봐야 하므로 과거의 성 공이 빈칸에 적절하다.

에 대한 글이라는 것을 알 수 있다.

85 ② 사고의 기능은 감정과 감각에서 오는 정보를 번역하고 해석하는 것이라

94 ④

고 했고, 내면의 정보를 반박하기 위해 논리를 이용하는 습관이 있다고 했 으므로 스스로에게 말하는 것을 믿는 경향이 있다고 했으므로 스스로에게

기업가의 길에 대한 내용의 지문이고, 기업가는 상당한 변화를 수반한다 고 설명한다, 또한 빈칸의 앞문장과 비교했을 때 on the other hand로

말하는 것으로 접근할 수 있다.

반대되는 내용이 들어가야 하므로 직원과 동일한 종류의 안전을 기대할 수 없다 가 빈칸에 가장 적절하다.

86 ③ Jack 과 의견이 일치한다고 했고, 과거의 성취에 안주하지 않는다고 했으 므로 상황을 개선시킨다는 improve를 쓰는 것이 더 적절하다.

87 ③ 배우에게 가장 필요한 것은 전문가의 평가와 스스로를 객관적으로 관찰하 는 법을 알아야 한다는 것이 이 글의 내용이다.

95 ② (A)에는 민족지학자들의 관찰법에 관한 예시문이 나오기에 for example 이 들어가야 하며, (B)에는 관찰법의 유용성과 장점을 설명한 뒤 빈 칸 뒤에 직접 관찰을 다른 이해 방법과 결합할 필요성을 언급함으로 역접의 However가 들어가야 한다.

96 ③

88 ③

수의 일치 문제로 주어가 Advances 복수명사이므로 동사도 이에 맞춰서

돈과 물질적인 음식을 교환한다는 (A) 앞 내용과 노점상과 우리 사이의 관 계에 대한 정보를 교환한다는 (A) 뒤를 봤을 때 교환한다는 내용이 같이 있으므로 동시에 라는 뜻을 가진 at the same time이 적절하다. (B) 앞 문장은 의도적인 소통을 통해 협력과 일체감이 생길 것이라고 했고 (B) 뒤는 관계가 제공하는 것에 대한 나열이 나와 있으므로 원인과 결과를 나 타내는 Consequently를 쓰는 것이 적절하다.

복수동사인 have가 나와야 맞다.

89 ③ 리더십 능력이 유전되는 것이라면 업무경험의 평가를 하지 않고, 사업 환경이나 관리 능력 또는 회사의 의지와는 상관없는 일이 되는 것이므 로 업무수행을 향상시키고자 하는 시도는 헛된 일이 된다는 의미에서 wasteful을 쓰는 것이 적절하다.

90 ③ 미국에서 사람들이 예절과 잘 지내는 것의 세부 사항을 지키지 못하고 있 다는 주어진 문장 다음에, 그에 대한 부연설명으로 아이들에게 예절을 가 르치지 못하는 상황에 대한 설명인 (B)가 먼저 나오고, 예절을 가르치지 못해서 생긴 결과인 (C)가 나온 후에 마지막으로 그런 문제를 없애기 위한 해결책으로 예절 관련된 새로운 산업이 나오고 있다는 (A)가 마지막으로 온다.

91 ⑤ 수의 일치를 묻는 문제이고 주어가 This rich set 단수 명사이므로 동사 도 단수동사를 써서 depends 로 해야 맞다.

E 모든 변형문제

영어독해 연습 편


E 모든 변형문제 정답 및 해설

107 ③


빈칸 앞 문장이 즉각적인 주의를 요구하는 긴급 상황일 때에만 말을 가로 막아야 한다고 했고 뒤에 otherwise로 연결되므로 긴급 상황이 아닐 경 우에는 그 사람이 말을 끝마치기를 기다려야 한다라는 내용이 빈칸에 들

97 ② 사람들은 얻는 것을 좋아하는 것보다 잃는 것을 싫어하는 정도가 더 크다 는 내용에 중점들 두고 보았을 때 가치 있게 여기는 무언가를 잃으면 정직

어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

이 아니라 부정직(dishonesty)가 생긴다고 보는 것이 적절하다.

108 ③

98 ①

사람들은 무언가를 잃어버리는 것을 더 싫어한다는 주어진 문장 뒤에 부 정직한 행동과 부정행위가 생기는 이유를 말한 (B)가 먼저 나오고 그 뒤

어렸을 때의 경험 때문에 감정을 표현하는 데 있어서 두려움을 갖게 된다 는 내용의 글이다.

에 부정행위에 대한 예시가 있는 (C)가 나온 후에 마지막에 손실을 피하려 는 것이 훨씬 더 동기부여가 될 수 있다는 결론으로 (A)가 오는 것이 적절 하다.

99 ③ 개인이 변화에 대처할 수 있게 해 주는 선천적이고 방어적인 요인이라고

109 ⑤ avoid 뒤에는 -ing가 와서 「~을 피하다」의 뜻을 가진다. 그러므로 to express 가 아니라 expressing으로 바꿔야 적절하다.

했으므로 내재적인 동기라고 하는 것이 맞다.

100 ④ 그들은 상대방의 관점을 이해하려고 노력했으며 대개 타협에 이를 수 있 었다고 나와 있으니 ④가 적절치 않다.

101 ⑤ 주어진 글에 거짓말 탐지기를 사용하면 죄가 있은 없든 수치가 높게 나오 는 것이 자연스러운 것이라는 내용 뒤에 의심을 받은 반복되는 질문에 자 백을 했다는 내용의 (C)가 먼저 나온다, 그 후 표준 절차에 따라 자백서에 서명 후 다시 거짓말 탐지기 테스트를 받은 결과 생리학적 수치는 극히 낮 았다는 (B)가 나오고 그 결과 마음이 편안해짐을 느끼고 감사의 행동을 보였다는 결과의 (A)가 마지막에 온다.

110 ④ 주어진 문장은 성공의 원인은 내재적인 동기와 관련이 있다는 의견이 제 시되었다는 문장이 this이므로 ④이다.

111 ④ 둘이 상대방의 관점을 이해하려고 노력했다고 나와 있고, 그리고 그 뒤 에 문장에서 둘이 서로에게 만족스러워 한다는 점을 미루어 보아 불일치 (discordance)가 아니라 타협(compromise)라고 해야 적절하다.

112 ②

102 ②

김치는 의심할 여지없이 한국식사의 일부이며 타협할 수 없는 것이라고 했으므로 ②의 한국적인 모든 것들의 아바타가 빈칸에 적절하다.

①, ③, ④, ⑤는 모두 45살의 은행 부사장을 가리키는 반면 ②는 거짓말 탐지 검사관을 가리킨다.

113 ①

103 ⑤ 볶음밥, 면류, 소고기 타코와 같은 음식을 김치 없이 먹는 것은 과도한 벌 을 받는 것과 같은 느낌이라고 했으므로 ⑤은 내용과 일치하지 않는다.

114 ③

104 ③ 주어진 문장은 약국이 1차적인 건강관리의 공급자이므로 의료 자원으로 간주하는 것이 중요하다는 내용이므로 약국을 먼저 언급한 문장 뒤인 ③ 이 글의 흐름상 적절하다.

105 ① 사람은 일어나고 있는 것에 대해 자신만의 특별한 의견을 가지고 있다는 것이 이 글의 중심 내용이고 빈칸 문장은 상점을 영화관으로 오인하는 경 우처럼 개인 특유의 방식으로 사물을 이해할 때 극단적인 사례가 발생한 다고 하는 것이 흐름상 적절하다.

106 ③ 주어진 문장에 계속 확대되는 복잡한 연결망이 이 세 가지 시스템을 연결 해 주고 있다는 내용이 나오므로 세 가지 대규모 시스템에 대한 설명하는 문장 뒤에 연결되는 것이 흐름상 자연스럽다.


약초상과 치료 안마사와 같은 비전통적인 치료사들도 의료 체계에 포함 되어야 하는지에 대한 글로 의료 체계에 포함되어야 하는 것의 범위가 글 의 제목이다.

뒤가 주어가 없는 불완전 문장이고, 앞에 선행사 명사가 없으므로 which 를 what으로 바꿔야 적절하다.

115 ⑤ World Commission on Environment and Development에 의해서 사용되어진 보고서에 미래세대가 그들 자신의 욕구를 충족시킬 수 있는 능력을 손상시키지 않으면서 현재의 욕구를 충족시키는 형태의 개발로 정 의했다라는 문장이여야 하므로 빈칸에 현재의 의미가 들어가야 한다.

116 ② (A) 앞에는 질문을 하고 있을 때 답을 원하기 때문이라고 했고 뒤에는 질 문을 할 때 대화가 진행되게 하려 했다고 하므로 질문을 하는 목적이 달라 지니 However가 적절하다. (B) 앞에는 긴급상황일 때에만 말을 가로막아야 한다고 하고 뒤에는 끝 마치기를 기다려야 한다고 했으므로 긴급상황이 아닐 경우에를 의미하는 Otherwise가 가장 적절하다.

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E 모든 변형문제 정답 및 해설

126 ③


‘자아 즉 의식이 거주하는 장소가 변화 한다’라는 글의 흐름에 맞춰 ‘의식 은 이동성이 매우 크고 우리가 세상으로부터 받는 정보를 처리할 수 있는 신체의 다양한 위치를 사용할 수 있기 때문이다’는 내용이 나와야 함으로

117 ② 이 글은 올바른 SNS 사용 교육의 필요성에 관한 글로 SNS상황에서 사 용자들의 인권이나 타인의 권리와 자유를 존중하기 위해 필요한 태도에

이동성(mobile)이라는 말이 빈칸에 들어가야 한다.

대한 교육의 중요성은 언급한 후 구체적인 약자 괴롭히기와 같은 사용자 간의 위험에 관련하여 미디어 리터러시의 중요성을 말하므로 주어진 문장

127 ④

이 들어가야 할 곳은 ②이다.

주어진 문장은 국가들만큼이나 기다리는 규칙들도 다양하다는 내용이고 그 뒤로 다양한 예를 들어주는 (C)가 먼저 나오고 그 예시에 대한 부연설

118 ⑤

명인 (A)가 나온 후에 기다리는 것에 대한 반응 또한 다양하다는 (B)가 가 장 마지막에 나오는 것이 글의 흐름상 적절하다.

산업혁명과 교육이 아동기와 성인기 사이에 공백을 만들어냈고 이 새로운 단계를 나타내기 위해 용어가 만들어졌다는 것으로 미루어 봤을 때 청소

128 ④

년기는 사회적 발명품이라고 보는 것이 가장 적절하다.

타인의 권리와 자유를 존중하는 자세를 기르게 하는 것이 특히 중요하다

119 ④

고 했으므로 SNS의 특성과 잠재적인 영향에 대한 아이들의 의식을 높이 는 것은 필수적이고 중요하다고 볼 수 있다.

임시 활주로를 만들고 군인들과 유사하게 옷을 입은 이유는 자신들이 같 은 종류의 행동을 한다면 비행기들이 돌아올 것이라고 판단했기 때문이므

129 ②

로 ④에 문장을 위치시키는 것이 글의 흐름상 적절하다.

산업 혁명이 물질적 잉여를 가져와서 그 결과 십대들이 노동 인구에 포함 이 되지 않게 되었다는 내용이 흐름상 적절하므로 inside를 outside로 바꿔야 맞다.

120 ② Cucurbitacins(쿠쿠르비타신)의 맛을 5명 중 1명은 전혀 느끼지 못한다 고 하는데 이는 후천적이 아니라 유전적인 것이라고 보는 것이 글의 흐름 상 더 적절하다.

121 ③ 성격증거는 검찰의 반대심문을 통해 모순되는 피고인의 이전 행동을 알 수 있게 한다. 그리고 배심원들은 이런 점을 참고하여 부정적인 정보를 알 게 되어서 피고인에게 유죄 판결을 받게 될 가능성을 증가시키게 된다.

130 ⑤ 원주민들이 관찰한 결과 이상한 행동들과 진기한 화물의 출현과 연관이 있다고 생각을 해서 외부인들이 한 행동을 재현했다. 하지만 그 추론된 관 계는 인과관계가 아니었다는 것이 이 글의 중심 내용이다. 그러므로 ⑤ causal relationship(인과관계)가 가장 적절하다.

131 ⑤

122 ②

껍질에 쿠쿠르비타신이 거의 없는 품종을 개발했을 때 벌레들을 제외하고 모두가 만족스러워했다고 했으므로 ⑤는 내용과 일치하지 않는다.

긍정적인 성격 증거가 배심원들의 유죄 판단이나 유죄 판결의 가능성에 거의 영향을 미치지 않고 있으므로 more → little로 바꿔야 글의 문맥상 적절하다.

132 ①

123 ④ 지문에 우리는 그들이 어떤 다른 도구를 만들었는지 또는 얼마나 의존했 는지를 알지 못한다고 나와 있으므로 ④이 글의 내용에 맞지 않다.

124 ② 뉴스의 학습 효과를 설명하고 있고 뉴스를 통해 주제를 바라보는 방식, 추 가적 정보 제시, 자신의 지식을 증명할 환경 등을 학생들에게 줄 수 있다 고 한 내용으로 미루어 보아 학생들이 배운 것을 통합하고 확장하도록 돕 는다는 내용이 빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 적절하다.

125 ② 앞 문장에 임금관계로의 변화에 따른 이점들이 구체적으로 설명한 것에 이어서 주어진 문장에서 임금 제도로 인해 생겨난 또 다른 긍정적인 변화 내용이 나오고 있으므로 ②가 흐름상 가장 적절하다.

앞 문장은 일반화된 사실을 말하고 있고, 뒤에 구체적인 예시가 나오고 있 으므로 For example이 공통으로 들어갈 연결사로 적절하다.

133 ⑤ 주어진 문장에서 법정에서 피고인의 긍정적인 특징을 말해 줄 증인을 내 보낼 수 있는 성격 증거에 대해 말하고 있다. 이것의 구체적인 예시로 (C) 가 먼저 나오고, 하지만 역설적으로 피고인이 유죄 판결을 받을 가능성이 증가될 수 있다는 (B)의 내용이 나온 후에 이것의 구체적인 예시로 (A)가 마지막에 나올 수 있다.

134 ③ 그들이 작은 돌들을 강바닥에서 9마일까지 옮겼다는 문장 뒤에 이 돌들을 사용해서 망치를 만들었다는 주어진 문장을 위치시키고 뒤에 다른 도구 만드는 것에 대해 언급했으므로 ③이 글의 흐름상 가장 적절하다.

135 ⑤ 접속사절에 주어와 be동사가 동시에 생략된 문장으로 using이면 뒤에 목 적어 역할을 하는 명사 상당어구가 필요한데 없으므로 수동의 의미를 나 타내는 used로 바꾸는 것이 적절하다.

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136 ③


빈칸 뒤에 임금 관계로 변해서 생긴 이점들이 나와 있으므로 ③ transformation into a wage relationship이 글의 내용상 가장 적절하다.

139 ⑤

137 ④

지금은 소실된 Alexander with a Lane이라는 청동상은 실제로 나체였 으므로 ⑤는 일치하지 않는다.

빈칸 다음 문장에 영국인들은 질서정연하게 줄을 서는 것을 자랑스러워하 고, 반면에 이스라엘인은 줄을 서는 것을 완강하게 반대한다는 내용이 나 오고 이 두 내용으로 봤을 때 나라마다 규칙들이 다양하다(diverse)고 하 는 것이 가장 적절하다.

140 ③ 주어진 문장은 풍력발전의 어려운 점으로 바람이 지속적이지 않다는 내용 이고, ③번 뒤에서 모든 바람이 전력 수요의 시기에 맞게 이용될 수 없다 는 내용으로 보아, ③에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

138 ① 빈칸 다음 문장에 영국인들은 질서정연하게 줄을 서는 것을 자랑스러워하 고, 반면에 이스라엘인은 줄을 서는 것을 완강하게 반대한다는 내용이 나 오고 이 두 내용으로 봤을 때 나라마다 규칙들이 다양하다(diverse)고 하 는 것이 가장 적절하다.

141 ④ 다른 사람을 설득할 때, 힘을 이용하는 것이 아니라 개인적인 관심을 끄는 방법을 이용하라는 내용으로 보아, 빈칸은 ④ hook(관심을 끄는 것)가 적 절하다.

142 ④ 멕시코만 지역이 습지를 잃지 않았다면 허리케인으로 인한 피해가 훨씬 더 줄어들었을 것이다가 문맥상 적절하므로, extensive를 reduced나 restricted로 바꾸어야 한다. (원문의 less extensive에서 less를 more 로 변경)

143 ③ 주어진 글은 불안은 예측에서 나온다는 내용이다. (B)의 here은 주어진 글의 이론상으로 존재하는 시나리오(theoretical scenario)를 지칭하고, 이에 대한 설명이 언급되므로 주어진 글 뒤에 이어져야 한다. (C)는 필자 가 불안을 만들어내는 시나리오를 추측상자에 던져버림으로써 불필요한 추측을 극복하는 내용이므로, (B)뒤에 이어져야 한다. (A)는 미래의(불안 한) 상황에 대해 더 많이 알고 준비하면 불안감을 없앨 수 있다는 내용이 므로, (C)뒤에 이어지는 것이 적절하다.

144 ④ 초기 인류가 커다란 포식자들에게 먹히는 위협을 견디고 살아남았는가를 확인해보는 실험내용으로 보아, 제목은 ④가 가장 적절하다.

145 ④ 광고에서 동물의 이미지를 사용하는 것에 대해 반대하는 사람들의 주장에 대한 내용이므로 ④가 요지로 가장 적절하다.

146 ③ 주어진 문장에서 it은 하수(sewage)를 지칭하고 하수가 분해될 때 산화 뿐만 아니라 환원이 발생한다는 내용이다. ③번 뒤에서 유기물이 환원될 때 암모니아를 발생시킨다는 내용이 있으므로, 주어진 문장은 ③에 들어 가야 적절하다.


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147 ②

155 ②

(A)앞에는 아리스토텔레스가 남녀의 힘의 차이가 있으니 치아개수에 차

선행사 an animal image는 we are all familiar with에서 전치사 with의 목적어이다. 따라서 전치사 with를 관계대명사 앞이나 문장 뒤에 써주는 것이 적절하다.

이가 있다라고 생각하는 내용으로, 오류의 ‘원인’에 해당되는 내용이고, (A)를 포함한 문장에서는 실제로 세지않고 결론지었다라는 내용이므로

Therefore가 적절하다. (B)앞에는 공을 떨어트리는 실험을 하지 않고 결 론을 내렸다는 내용이고, (B)뒤에는 이 결론이 틀렸고 갈릴레오가 실험을 통해 입증하는 내용이므로 however가 적절하다.

156 ④

148 ④

장은 잘 용해되지 않는다는 내용이므로 however가 적절하다. (B)앞에 는 하수는 빨리 분해되고 많은 산소를 필요로 한다는 내용이고, (B)를 포

[해설] 자연에서의 ‘직접적인’ 경험이 우리 아이들의 지적, 정서적, 신체적 그리고 정신적 발달에 중요하다는 것이 문맥상 적절하므로, indirect를

함한 문장에는 산화뿐만 아니라 환원도 발생한다는 첨가의 내용이므로, Moreover가 적절하다.

(A)앞에는 자연발생적인 유기물의 성질에 대한 내용이고, (A)를 포함한 문

direct로 바꾸어야 한다.

157 ④

149 ④ 주어진 글을 알렉산더가 아킬레스를 뛰어넘은 업적을 이루고, 헤라클레스 에 자신을 비유하기를 선호했다는 내용이다. (C)의 these heroes는 주어

주어진 문장에서 this conclusion은 어떤 공이 더 빨리 떨어지는지 실험 하지 않고 내린 결론을 지칭하고, ④의 뒷 문장에 갈릴레오가 입증하는 실 험내용이 있으므로 ④에 들어가야 가장 적절하다.

진 글의 아킬레스와 헤라클레스를 가리키고, 알렉산더가 선례를 따르려는 시도로, 면도를 했다는 내용이므로 주어진 글 뒤에 적절하다. (A)는 면도

158 ①

를 한 후에 보이는 모습에 대한 내용이므로 (C)뒤에 이어지는 것이 적절하 고, (B)는 벌거벗은 모습은 따라하지 않았다는 내용이므로, (A)뒤에 이어 지는 것이 적절하다.

자연과의 직접적인 접촉이 아이들의 정서적, 신체적 발달에 도움이 된다 는 내용으로 보아, 빈칸에는 ① interaction with nature(자연과의 상호 작용)가 가장 적절하다.

150 ② 풍력 에너지의 결점에 관한 내용으로, 바람이 ‘간헐적’이고 항상 부는 것 은 아니다라는 내용이 문맥상 적절하다. constant를 intermittent로 바 꾸어야 적절하다.

151 ③ 선택지 ③ 뒤에서 직장 상사로서 부하 직원을 설득하는 예시가 등장하므 로, 들어갈 위치는 ③이 적절하다.

152 ③ [해설 미국인들이 습지와 늪을 파괴함으로써 생물종의 감소와 하천의 유 량 저장기간 감소, 오염 물질의 유입 등의 문제점이 발생했다는 내용으로 보아, 제목은 ③이 적절하다.

153 ④ 추측은 필자의 인식에 중요하지 않고. 단지 추가적인 자료와 심층 분석을 ‘요구하는’ 어떤 것이다가 문맥상 적절하므로 reducing을 requiring으로 바꾸어야 적절하다.

154 ④ 주어진 글은 초기 인류가 사바나에서 생존의 위협을 당하는 상황에 대한 언급이다. (C)는 생존방법에 대한 의문과 이를 확인하려는 연구 내용이므 로, 주어진 글 뒤에 이어져야 한다. (A)의 this machine은 (C)의 a little machine을 지칭하고, 사자를 유인하려고 기계 아래에 고기를 놓았다는 내용이므로 (C)뒤에 이어져야 한다. (B)는 고기에 가까이 다가갔던 사자가 부상을 당하자 다른 사자들도 포기하고 물러났다는 내용으로 (A)뒤에 이 어지는 것이 적절하다.

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168 ④


주어진 글은 국민국가 이전에 대출과 차용은 종교적 사원과 연관되었다는

159 ④

내용이다. (C)에서 But은 현대의 은행 제도의 초기 모습이 주어진 문장과 역접으로 연결되며, 잉글랜드 은행과 William 3세 왕의 거래 예시가 등

독자들이 계속 블로그를 찾도록 하는 것은 게시물의 내용을 뒷받침하는 철저한 조사가 있어야 한다는 내용이므로 ④가 가장 적절하다.

장하므로 주어진 글 다음에 이어져야 한다. (A)에서 런던 상인들이 (국왕 의) 대출금을 주려고 힘을 합치고, 이에 대해 국왕이 은행권 발행에 대한

160 ④

독점권을 주었다는 내용이므로, (C) 다음에 이어져야 한다. (B)는 잉글랜 드 은행과 그 은행의 은행망이 현대 은행제도의 전형이라는 내용이므로,

주어진 문장의 Changes along these lines(이런 일들이 일어나는 동 안의 변화)는 도자기와 유리 기술의 발전으로 인간이 자연의 산물을 보존 하는 능력이 확대되고, 고대 문명을 가능하게 했다는 ③번의 내용을 가리

(A)뒤에 이어지는 것이 적절하다.

169 ②

키므로, 이 문장 다음인 ④에 들어가는 것이 적절하다.

게시물에 있는 하나의 실수라도 독자들을 ‘흥미를 잃게’하기에 충분하다 는 문맥상 의미가 적절하므로, attract를 put off나 disinterest로 바꾸

161 ④

어야 한다.

명사(a strategy)를 수식하는 과거분사의 자리이므로, was suggested 를 suggested로 바꾸어야 한다.

170 ③

162 ②

용기를 통한 보존기술의 발달과 그로 인한 변화에 대한 내용이므로 ③이 제목으로 가장 적절하다.

호기심에 이끌려 배우는 것들이 예상치 못한 새로운 경험을 하게 한다는 내용으로 보아, 빈칸에는 ②가 가장 적절하다.

171 ③

163 ②

공군 골프 친구가 제안한 전략이 ③ 다음에 설명되어 있으므로 주어진 문 장은 ③에 들어가야 가장 적절하다.

(A)앞 부분은 인권의 첫 번째 특징이 보편성이라는 내용이고, (A)를 포함 한 부분은 생존권을 인권의 예로 설명하는 내용이므로 For instance가 적절하다. (B)앞부분은 언론의 자유가 인권이라면, 누구다 언론의 자유에 대한 동등한 권리를 갖는다는 내용이고, (B)를 포함한 문장은 당신의 딸이 다른 사람의 딸과 달리 당신으로부터 더큰 재정적 지원을 받는 것은 대조 적인 내용이므로 However가 적절하다.

172 ② ~에 이끌리게 되다는 문맥적 의미로 보아 to는 전치사이다. 따라서, play 를 동명사(playing)로 바꾸어야 한다.

173 ②

주어진 문장은 인간의 기대수명이 급격하게 증가했다는 내용이므로, 연구 내용을 통해서 사망률 감소의 부분을 언급하는 부분 앞인 ②에 들어가는 것이 적절하다.

주어진 글은 우리의 생활에서 기본적인 도덕적 권리로 인정되는 권리에 대한 내용이다. (B)는 인권의 기본 의미를 설명한 내용이므로 주어진 글 뒤에 이어져야 한다. (A)는 인권의 첫 번째 특징인 보편성에 대한 예시에 해당하므로, (B)뒤에 이어져야 한다. (C)는 인권의 두 번째 특징인 평등한 권리라는 설명이므로, (A)뒤에 이어지는 순서가 적절하다.

165 ④

174 ④

중독성 있고 몰입감을 주는 가상공간의 경험은 시간이 매우 ‘빠르게’ 흘 러서 거의 사라져버리는 것처럼 보인다는 문맥적 의미가 적절하므로, slowly를 quickly 또는 fast로 바꾸어야 한다.

지난 4세대 동안 현대 의학의 발전으로 인간의 사망률이 크게 감소했다는 내용이므로 제목은 ④가 적절하다.

164 ②

175 ①

166 ③ 주어진 문장의 such misleading similarities는 ②번 문장의 비슷한 외 양을 근거로 동일한 범주에 속한 경우를 지칭하고, ③번 문장에서 they는 주어진 문장의 flies를 지칭하므로, ③에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

167 ① 뉴욕의 군중들은 많은 사람들에 둘러싸여 있지만 고립되어 있다는 내용으 로 보아 제목은 ①이 가장 적절하다.


주변 상황이 더 많이 변할수록 시간은 더 빠르게 가는 것처럼 보인다는 내 용으로 보아, 빈칸에는 ①이 가장 적절하다.

176 ④ (A)앞부분은 동물들이 비슷한 모양을 근거로 동일한 범주로 보이는 경우 가 자주 있다는 내용이고, (A)뒤에는 먼 친척들이 이런 저런 이유로 비슷 한 겉모습을 갖게 되었다는 부연설명의 내용이므로 in fact가 적절하다. (B) 앞의 내용은 유전학적 연구가 비슷한 외모도 동일범주로 잘못 분류되 던 종들의 분류를 바로잡았다는 내용이고, (B)를 포함한 문장은 죽은 표본 만으로 연구해야 하는 경우에도 분류가 가능하다는 유전학적 연구기법이 활용방법이 첨가되는 내용이므로 Moreover가 적절하다.

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177 ② 완전한 문장 뒤에 이어지는 분사구문의 자리이므로 bumping으로 바꾸 어야 한다.

178 ④ 40명의 런던 상인들이 William 3세의 대출금을 주려고 힘을 합쳤고 이 에 대한 보답으로 국왕이 은행권 발행에 대한 독점권을 주었다는 내용이 므로 ④는 일치하지 않는 내용이다.


179 ③ 업무에 대한 높은 수준의 자동화는 사용자들이 상황을 잘 알지 못하게 할 수 있어서 낮은 수준의 상황인식으로 이어질 수 있다는 내용을 비행기 사 고를 예로 전개한 글이므로 정답은 ③번이다.

180 ⑤ 관광 사업이 경제적 이득을 주기는 하지만 부정적인 측면도 내포하고 있 다는 내용으로 빈칸 부분은 저개발 국가들의 문제점을 이야기하고 있다. 빈칸 뒷부분에 관광산업으로 인한 이익에 관한 부분이 나오기 때문에 ⑤ its perceived advantages(그것의 인지된 이익)을 중요시 한다는 것이 내용상 적절하다.

181 ⑤ 여러 연구들은 사람 목소리의 존재가 음악에 대한 향상된 인식과 연관 있 다는 것을 시사하고 있다. 음악에 가사가 있어서 음성과 음악이 결합되었 을 때 음악이 더 잘 인식된다고 언급하고 있기 때문에 기억의 reduced를 enhanced(향상된)으로 바꾸는 것이 흐름상 적절하다.

182 ② 아이들이 거짓된 미소를 짓게끔 하는 것은 진실한 것이 괜찮지 않다는 의 미를 전달할 수 있다는 우려를 이야기하고 있다. 따라서 거짓된 미소는 영 혼을 파괴한다는 주제가 가장 적절하다.

183 ③ 청소년기에 나타나지 않다가 다시 성인이 된 후에 나타나는 천식에 대한 글이다. 글의 흐름으로 보아 마지막에는 그렇게 오랜 시간이 흐른 뒤에 돌 아오게 되는 천식의 증상이 적절하다.

184 ⑤ 제시문은 회의를 기다리고 있는 내용이 나오고 (C)에서 다른 동료들과 다 르게 Solomon이 아무것도 적지 않았다는 이야기가 나오고 (B)에서는 왜 메모가 필요한지에 대하여 진술하고 (C)에서 나온 the editor가 나무라고 시험해 보는 내용이 나온다. 마지막으로 (A)에서 모든 것을 말한 그대로 정확하게 반복하는 시험을 통과했다는 것을 자연스럽게 연결된다.

185 ① keep out of는 ~에서 벗어나다 라는 의미로 뒤에 the way 라는 목적 어를 받았다. what은 뒤에 불완전한 문장이 나와야하는데 뒤에는 완전한 문장이 나왔기 때문에 접속사 that으로 바꾸는 것이 적절하다.

186 ③ 제시문은 원자나 전자들 자체가 나타내는 현상들이 통합된 몸이 나타내 는 것을 모방할 수 없다고 언급하고 그 예시를 (B)에서 물고기로 제시하 고 있다. 끝에 two worlds에 대하여 (C)에서 One-the other로 설명하 고 있고, (A)에서는 현재는 아직도 세포 연구가 생물학에 포함 되어 있다 는 이야기를 통해서 앞부분의 내용을 유추할 수 있다.

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187 ②


비행기 사고의 예를 통해서 성공적인 수행을 위해서는 상황 인식을 유지 해야 한다는 자동화된 비행 관리 시스템을 인식하지 못하여서 상황인식이 회복이 안됐다고 언급한 것으로 보아 어느 정도 시스템에 관한 숙지를 할

195 ②

수 있어야 한다는 것을 알 수 있다. 따라서 일의 관리를 통제하고 있을 필 요가 있다는 것이 흐름상 적절하다.

네가티브썸 게임에 대한 일반적 진술인 (B)가 가장 앞에 오고, 영국의 은 행에 대한 예시에 해당하는 (A)가 온 후에, 예시의 부연에 해당하는 (C)가 오는 것이 자연스럽다.

188 ③ 앞부분은 베네치아의 긍정적인 부분을 이야기하고 뒤에 부분에 저개발국

196 ⑤

의 문제점을 언급하고 있기 때문에 (A)에는 however가 적절하고 (B)는 바로 앞부분에서 이득을 얻는 사람들이 유산 지역에 사는 사람들이 아니

집단에 순응하는 그룹사고의 위험성에 대해 설명하고 있는 글이다.

다라고 이야기하고 그 예로써 20불 청구의 돈이 어디로 가는지 모른다고 하였으므로 for example이 적절하다.

197 ④

189 ④

남들이 자신과 똑같이 생각할 것이라는 false consensus effect에 관한 설명이므로 더 많은 사람들이 자신이 지지하는 후보자를 지지할 것이라고 생각하는 것이 알맞다.

음악에 가사가 있어서 정보처리와 향상된 기억을 제공한다고 마지막에 언 급한 것으로 보아 음성과 음악이 서로 결합되었을 때 음악이 더 잘 인식된 다는 것이 흐름상 맞다. 따라서 음악과 말이 하나의 응집성 있는 대상으로

198 ②

190 ③

곤충은 눈꺼풀이 없어서 눈을 보아서는 잠을 자는지 알 수 없다는 내용이 므로 역접 이후에 더듬이가 눈만큼 중요하다는 내용과 축 늘어진 더듬이 가 현실과 접촉하지 않은 (수면의) 상태라는 것을 보여준다는 내용이 오는 것이 적절하다.

앞의 선행사 childhood를 받고 있고, 뒤 문장은 완전한 문장으로 구성되 었다. 따라서 ③은 관계부사 when이 적절하다.

199 ④

191 ④

직물이 계급에 의해 구분될 뿐 아니라 스타일이 고정적이었다고 이야기하 고 있다.

결합되었다는 ④이 적절하다.

제시문은 여러 해 동안 흉부 증상(천식 증상)이 없는 것이 당연히 소아과 의사로 하여금 결론을 천식이 사라졌다고 내리게 했다는 것으로 보아. 청 소년기에 천식 증상이 보이지 않았다는 부분 뒤에 위치한다는 것을 유추 할 수 있다.

192 ⑤ 그 회사가 mnemonist가 아니라 이 사건을 계기로 Solomon이 새로 기 억 전문가로서 그의 새로운 경력이 시작되는 시점이라고 했으므로 편집자 가 있는 그 회사는 신문사이기 때문에 내용상 일치하지 않는다.

193 ④ ②번의 내용은 하늘에서 우선 통행권도 조종되기 쉬운 순서로 매긴다고 언급하고 가장 쉽게 조종되는 운행되는 비행기⇒다른 항공기에 연료를 재 급유하고 있는 비행기⇒열기구순으로 언급하고 있다. 따라서 글의 흐름상 적절한 것은 ④이다.

194 ④ 빈칸 뒤에 통합된 몸이 나타내는 것을 원자나 전자들 자체가 보여줄 수 없 다고 했고, 생물체를 구성하는 물질 혹은 세포의 세계와 그것들을 통합한 다른 세계가 있다는 글의 내용으로 보아 ④에 통합된 몸은 총체성을 지닌 다가 글의 흐름상 적절하다.


200 ① 글을 읽을 때 아이들이 직면하게 되는 눈의 움직임과 인식에 있어서의 어 려움에 대해 설명하고 있는 글이다.

201 ① 유전적으로 물려받은 특질이라는 의미에서 (A)에는 inherited가, 아이와 같은 얼굴이 양육의 반응을 이끌어낸다고 이야기하고 있고 뒤에서 더 인 기가 있다고 말하고 있으므로 (B)에는 매력적이라는 의미의 appealing 이, 더 많은 사람들이 아기 같은 얼굴의 둥근 테디베어를 선택했기에 이익 극대화를 위해 사람들이 많이 찾는 제품을 만들었다는 내용에 해당하는 선택 압력이 적절하므로 (C)에는 selection이 나와야 한다.

202 ③ 한 가지의 일화적 증거로부터 일반적 규칙을 추론해낼 수 없다고 설명하 고 있으므로 제비(한 가지 증거) 한 마리가 왔다고 해서 여름(일반적 규칙) 이 되는 것은 아니라는 것이 적절하다.

203 ③ 돈을 찾아준 Mr. Hecht에 대한 설명에 이어 (C)에서 그의 아내의 언급 이 나오고 돈을 잃어버린 Denis의 상황이 언급된 이후 (D)에서 다음 날 보안관으로부터 핸드백을 찾았다는 전화를 받았다는 내용이 나온 후에, Denis 본인이 지갑을 찾아주었던 과거 언급이 나오고 나서, (B)에서 과거 사건에 대한 언급이 이어지는 것이 자연스럽다.

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204 ② (b)는 16년 전 Denis가 지갑을 찾아서 돌려주었던 Haiti 출신의 남자를 가리킨다.

205 ③


214 ③ 시간을 지배하는 것이 대부분의 경우 상황을 지배한다는 주어진 글에 이 어서, 그럼에도 불구하고 때로는 반대의 상황이 생길수도 있다는 내용과

핸드백은 트렁크 위에 올려 두었다가 잃어버린 것이다.

그 예시에 대한 (B)가 이어지고, 앞에 언급한 예시의 이야기를 진술하는 (C)가 나온 뒤, 상대방에 자신의 시간을 사용할 수 있도록 이야기함으로써

206 ④ 역접 이후 고객 감소에 직면한 경쟁상대도 토요일에 영업을 했다고 말하 고 있으므로, 앞부분에는 다른 대상이 토요일에 영업을 했다는 내용과 그 로 인한 고객 감소와 관련한 내용이, 뒷부분에는 똑같이 토요일에 영업한 것에 대한 결과가 부연으로 나오는 것이 적절하다.

207 ⑤ 엔지니어의 우려의 표명을 무시했고 나머지 사람들이 동의를 한 후에 사 고가 발생했다고 말하는 것이 자연스러우므로, dismissed가 적합하다.

208 ⑤ false consensus effect에 대한 설명을 통해 남들의 생각이 자신의 생 각과 같을 것이라 추정하는 사람들의 경향에 대해 설명하고 있다.

얻는 유익을 보여주는 (A)로 이어지는 것이 글의 순서로 가장 적절하다.

215 ④ used to는 과거의 습관을 나타내는 조동사로 쓰였으므로 뒤에는 동사원 형이 오는 것이 적절하다.

216 ① 앞 문장의 느린 업무 처리가 지능이 모자라는 것으로 생각될 수 있지만, 사실이 아니라는 것에 이어서, 실제로는 처리 속도가 인지 기능의 다른 영 역과 상호 작용한다는 내용이 이어지므로 (A)에는 However(그러나)가, (B)는 앞 문장의 내용에 대해서 다른 표현으로 재진술하고 있으므로 In other words(다른 말로 하면)이 적절하다.

217 ①

209 ② 잠에 대한 언급 후 벌이 잔다는 이야기를 하고 있으므로 (A)에는 예시가 오는 것이 적절하며, 눈을 보아서는 자는지를 알 수 없다는 내용 이후에 더듬이를 보면 알 수 있다고 이야기를 하고 있으므로 (B)에는 역접의 연 결어가 오는 것이 적절하다.

210 ② 근대 이전의 직물이 근대기를 거치면서 어떻게 변화했는지에 대해 설명하 고 있는 글이다.

211 ② 아이들이 글을 읽을 때 접하는 어려움에 대한 이야기에 이어서 경험 있는 성인들의 독서에 대해 이야기하는 (B)가 제일 앞에 오고 나서, 역접 이후 경험이 부족한 아이들에 대한 설명인 (A)가 이어지고, (C)에서 눈의 근육 이 발달하기 시작하면서 더 많은 부분을 읽을 수 있다는 내용이 오는 것이 자연스럽다.

since 부사절에 동사가 began 과 주절의 주어 drought 의 본동사 began이 있으므로, bring은 뒷 문장을 분사구문의 형태로 이어줘야 하 므로 bringing이 적절하다.

218 ④ [요약문해석] 원시 시대에 위험에 빠질 수도 있었던 근시안의 사람들처 럼, 총명함을 가지고 있지 않은 사람은 그들의 상황을 잘못 파악할지도 모른다. 현대 사회의 총명한 사람을 원시시대에 완벽한 시력을 가진 사 람으로 비유하여 설명하는 글이므로, 원시시대에 완벽한 시력이 아닌 근시안을 가진 사람, 즉 이 시대의 총명함이 없는 사람은 실제로 그들 이 처해 있는 상황을 오해할 수도 있다는 내용이므로 (A)에는 근시안의 (shortsighted)가, (B)에는 잘못파악하다(misunderstand)가 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

219 ①

212 ④

이어지는 문장에서 글로 된 기록에서 잘 묘사되지 않은 상태를 알 수 있 게 되었다고 진술하고 있으므로 ① 거의 기록을 남기지 않은(left little record)이 빈칸에 가장 적절하다.

테디베어에 대한 인기는 아기 같은 모양의 얼굴에 대해 우리가 생물학적 으로 갖는 보살핌의 욕구의 결과라고 이야기하고 있다.

220 ③

213 ② 부연 문장에서 일화적 증거는 거부하기 힘든 조언이라고 이야기하고 있으 며, 뒤에 이어지는 예시로 보아 한 사람의 경험에 따른 증거의 신뢰가능성 이 낮다는 내용임을 알 수 있다.

가족의 역할이 적어지고, 부모가 더 이상 중요한 영향을 주지 못하고 있기 때문에 부모들은 자녀의 직업에 대한 의사 결정에 영향을 주거나 안내할 준비가 덜(less) 되어 있다는 의미가 되어야 하므로 ③이 문맥상 적절하지 않다.

221 ⑤ 주어진 문장의 changeability(가변성)에 대해 앞 문장에 먼저 언급되고, 그 뒤에 강력한 존재임을 강화시켜 주는 예시가 이어져야 하므로 주어진 문장은 ⑤에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

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222 ②


[요약문해석] 자신의 시간에 대한 권위를 가지는 것이 도움이 된다고 할 지라도, 때로는 상대방에게 자신의 시간을 양보하는 것이 더 나은 선택이 될 수 있다. 시간에 대한 주도권을 가지고 있으면 상황을 지배할 수 있지

230 ①

만, 때로는 자신의 시간을 상대방이 결정하도록 내어줄 때, 상대방의 협조 수준이 올라간다는 내용이므로, (A)에는 helpful(도움이 되는)이, (B)에는

앞부분에서 많은 적응경험이 없다는 점에 대해 언급하고 있고 바로 앞 문 장에서 프로그램을 바꾸어서 적응하지 않도록 해야 한다고 말하고 있는

yield(양보하다)가 적절하다.

것으로 보아 운동의 다양성을 증가시킬 필요성에 대해 말하고 있음을 알 수 있다.

223 ⑤ 주어진 문장은 부비강염의 원인이 바이러스성인지 박테리아성인지를 결 정하는 검사가 있다는 내용에 이어져야 하므로 ⑤에 들어가는 것이 가장

231 ⑤ 주어진 글의 패션이나 어법의 예시에 이어 입법자에 대한 예시가 이어지


는 (C)가 가장 먼저 나온 이후에 (B)에서 대조로서 도덕적 기준이 그와 같 은 특정 실체에 의해 만들어지는 것이 아니라 지지하는 주장의 속성에 따

224 ③

라 유효성이 결정된다고 이야기한 후에 (A)에서 부연으로서 이와 같은 주 장들이 윤리학의 중심 질문에 대해 답을 하고자는 시도로부터 온다는 내

(A) 선행사 a nervous system이 있고, 뒷 문장의 주어가 없으므로 관계 대명사 that이 적절하다. (B) to come, (to) retrieve, and (to) remember의 병렬구조이므로 remember가 적절하다. (C) 문맥상 완료(능동)의 의미가 아니라 수동의 의미가 되어야 하므로 being이 적절하다.

225 ③ 어류가 얕은 물에서 죽어서, 주민들은 정부가 제공하는 음식에 의존해야 한다고 하였으므로 ③이 글의 내용과 일치한다.

226 ④ (원문에 없는 접속사 On the contrary 삽입) (A)의 경우, 완벽한 시력을 가진 사람을 예로 든 뒤, 그 후에 대조가 되는 근시를 가진 사람에 대한 예가 이어지므로 On the contrary(그와는 반대로)가 적절하며, (B)의 경 우, 완벽한 시력과 근시의 비유에서처럼 총명함은 볼 수 있는 능력이며, 교육을 통해 그러한 총명함(지식)이 전달될 수 있는데, 그러한 교육은 총 명함을 가지고 있는 사람이 총명함을 가지지 않은 사람의 최선의 이익을 생각할 때만 작용한다고 이야기하고 있으므로 However(그러나)로 이어 지는 것이 가장 적절하다.

227 ④ 문맥상 기술적인 적용이 도출되어야 한다는 내용이므로 퇴보 (retrogression)가 아닌 적용(applications)가 적절하다.

228 ⑤

용이 오는 것이 적절하다.

232 ③ 뒷 문장에서 incautious home buyers라고 표현하고 있으므로 의도치 않게 건물에 대해 발언권을 갖지 못하는 사람에 대한 보호에 대해 말하고 있으므로 (A)에는 involuntarily가 들어가고, 이를 통해 결함이 있는 주택 구매의 위험성이 줄어든다고 하는 것이 적절하므로 (B)에는 reduced가 들어가는 것이 자연스러우며, 정보 제공을 통해 불확실성을 줄이는 것에 대해 이야기하고 있으므로 (C)에는 예측가능하다는 의미의 predictable 이 들어가는 것이 적절하다.

233 ④ 첫 문장에서 멸종위기에 처한 언어가 사용되지 않을 때 그 지식의 모든 영 역이 소멸될 수 있다고 이야기하고 있고, 마지막 부분에서도 전통적 지식 이 잊혀질 수 있다고 이야기하고 있으므로, 빈칸 문장에서 문자로 기록되 지 않은 언어의 화자로서 자녀와 손주가 다른 언어를 사용한다면 역시 그 언어의 내용이 잊혀질 수 있다는 것을 추론할 수 있으므로 그 언어능력을 가진 채로 무덤으로 간다는 표현이 적절하다는 것을 알 수 있다.

234 ③ 아버지의 책 출간에 대한 이야기의 배경을 설명하고 있는 (A)의 뒤에 추 가적으로 친구인 Zarchi에 관한 설명과 책이 팔린 상황에 대한 이야기인 (C)가 오고, (D)에서 아버지의 친구 Zarchi가 책을 구매한 것을 발견하게 되는 이야기가 온 후에, (B)에서 50년이 지난 후의 회상을 언급하는 것이 적절하다.

자녀의 직업 결정에 있어, 부모의 영향력이 줄어들고 있는 이유에 대한 내용이므로, ⑤ 자녀의 직업에 대한 부모의 조언이 더 이상 효과가 없다 (Parents’ advice on their children’s profession doesn’t work any more)가 글의 주제로 적절하다.

235 ③

229 ③

Zarchi가 필자가 본 것을 알아차리고는 숨겼다는 내용이 언급되어 있다.

나머지는 필자의 아버지를 가리키며 (c)만 친구인 Zarchi를 가리킨다.

236 ④

앞 문장의 동사의 병렬구조가 아니며, 뒷 문장의 altering과 병렬구조를 이루는 분사구문이 되어야 하므로 producing이 적절하다.


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237 ③

247 ③

그와 같은 실마리에 대해 언급하고 있는 앞 문장에서 중요한 실마리들이

멸종 위기에 처한 언어의 소멸가능성에 대해 언급한 글에 이어 (B)에서

사라질 때 사람들이 서로 이해하는 방식을 극적으로 바꿀 수 있다고 이야 기하고 있으며, 뒤에 이어지는 부연 문장에서 온라인 상의 상대방이 아프

동일한 내용의 부연이 나온 후, 이 능력이 시간에 따른 적응의 산물이라고 언급한 후 (C)에서 이 능력(this genius)이 지식의 축적을 반영한다는 보

거나 술에 취했거나 우울해할 수도 있다고 이야기하고 친밀감을 감소시키 거나 감정적이지 않고 냉담하게 느껴질 수 있다고 이야기한 것으로 보아

충의 설명이 나온 후 데이터와 도서관에 대한 비유를 하고, (A)에서 이러 한 비유(this comparison)에 대한 부연으로 전통적 지식에 해당하는 언

상황을 모른 상태에서의 오해 가능성에 대해 이야기하고 있음을 추정할 수 있다.

어가 잊혀질 가능성이 더 많다고 이야기하는 것이 자연스럽다.

248 ④

238 ⑤ 자유주의의 현실과 이상에 대한 격차에 대한 일반적 진술과 미국사회에서

문자를 기반으로 하는 소통은 오해와 친밀감의 감소 등의 단점을 지닌다 고 설명하고 있는 글이다.

의 인종과 관련한 예시가 언급된 (C)가 가장 앞에 오고, 반대편 주장을 다 루는 (B)가 다음에 온 후, 다른 예로서 여성의 지위에 대해 언급하고 나서

249 ②

(A)에서 여권신장론자들의 견해에 대한 부연이 오는 것이 적절하다.

이론으로서의 자유주의의 이상과 실천으로서의 자유주의의 현실 사이의 괴리에 대해서 설명하고 있는 글이다.

239 ① 농작물의 경작이 노동의 효율성 측면과 영양 공급의 측면에서 효율적이지 못했다고 설명하고 있는 글이다.

240 ① 뒤의 부연 문장에서 도둑질 하는 벌이라고 칭하고 있고, 숙주를 이용하는 사례를 설명하고 있으므로 다른 벌의 노동을 이용한다는 것을 알 수 있다.

241 ②

250 ② 많은 수의 사람들에 의해 제공되고 긴 시간 일하는 사람들에 의해 제공되 어 진다고 이야기하고 있으므로 더 많은 노동이 필요함을 알 수 있다.

251 ④ 다른 새의 둥지에 알을 낳는 뻐꾸기와 유사해서 뻐꾸기벌이라고 불린다고 설명하고 있다.

추가적 연구와 그로 인해 전해질을 보충할 수 있는 음료를 만들었다는 내 용에 해당하는 (C)가 먼저 나온 후에, 훈련 동안 첫 실험을 하고 생기를 불 어넣을 수 있는 음료를 만들어 달라는 부탁에 대한 부연에 해당하는 (B) 가 온 후, (D)에서 스포츠음료 제품 산업에 대해 보충 설명하는 것이 적절 하다.

242 ④ 연구를 통해 어떻게 스포츠 음료가 탄생하게 되었는지와 현재의 상황에 대해 설명하고 있다.

243 ③ 탈수는 적은 혈액량과 전해질 불균형, 그리고 낮은 혈당을 초래한다는 것 을 발견하게 되었다고 말하고 있다.

244 ① 동일하게 반복되는 훈련을 통해서는 적응력이 떨어질 수 있으니, 다양한 스타일의 훈련이 필요하고, 따라서 운동의 다양성을 늘려야 한다는 내용 이다.

245 ⑤ 도덕적 기준의 타당성이 권위를 가진 실체에 의해 결정되는 것은 아니라 는 취지의 글이므로 authoritative가 오는 것이 적절하다.

246 ③ 부연에서 결함이 있는 집의 구매 위험이 줄었다고 이야기하고 있으며, 이 어지는 문장에서 불확실성을 줄이고 예측 가능하게 만든다는 표현이 있는 것으로 보아 정보를 늘리는 것을 이야기함을 추정할 수 있다.

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영어독해 연습 편


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261 ②

Test 01

Carey를 기다리는 한 남자는 Carey처럼 해병대를 나온 사람이지 이전에 알 고 있다는 것은 아니므로 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ②가 적절하다.

252 ⑤ the one은 a copy of the form을 지칭하고 send와의 관계는 수동이기 때문에 sent로 바꿔야한다.

253 ④ 제시문의 ‘그리고 나서 갑자기 껑충거리면서 성큼 달리기 시작했다는’ 내용과 he를 지칭하는 것이 the wolf라는 것으로 보아 글의 흐름상 ④가 적절하다.

254 ②

262 ③ ①, ②, ④, ⑤는 내용상 신체적 형태는 비신체적 자아의 발현이라는 의미 를 지칭하는 것이며, ③은 your body를 지칭한다.

263 ② 첫 문장에서 어떤 대상이나 그것에 속성에 대한 선호의 기원에 대한 언급 이 나와 있고 마지막에 수컷들 자체가 흥미를 끌지 못하기 때문에, 성공적 인 수컷이 암컷을 끌기 위해 매력적인 외적 장식을 만든다고 한 것으로 보 아 성 선택에서 선호가 나왔다는 것을 알 수 있다.

첫 문장과 끝 문장을 통해 글의 요지는 강제로 정치적인 의견 차이를 없 애려고 해서는 안 된다는 이야기이다. 따라서 글의 빈칸에서는 The suppression of disagreement(의견차이의 억압)가 오는 것이 적절하다.

255 ⑤ 제시문은 영화에서 성공하기 어렵다는 이야기로 시작되고 (C)에서 협업을 통해 일을 시작하고 수반되는 위험을 관리하기 위한 전략을 사용한다고 언급한다. (B)에서 그 위험성을 줄이기 위해서 유명 배우와 장르 영화에 의존하는 부분이 나왔으며 (A)에서 결론으로 그래서 스튜디오 시스템의 대부분의 요소들은 위험을 최소화하고 예측 가능성을 보장하기 위해 발달 했다는 내용으로 흐름상 (C)-(B)-(A)가 적절하다.

256 ⑤ 일부 장식품들은 화나게 하고 짜증나게 하며, 그렇게 함으로써 ‘창의적 불 안’을 일으키고 직원들에게 특이한 생각과 계획이 나오게 의도적으로 한 다고 했으므로 welcome이 적절하다.

257 ⑤ ③에 「have(사역동사)+목적어+Ⓡ(원형부정사)/Ⓡing(현재분사)」를 사용 할 수 있기 때문에 적절하고 ⑤의 sponsor는 앞에 were와 병렬구조로 쓰였기 때문에 sponsored가 적절하다.

258 ⑤ 제시문의 그녀는 집에서 개인 교습을 받았다는 내용으로 보아 Before that은 학교에 다니는 ⑤앞의 내용과 연결이 되는 것이 적절하다.

부모의 자녀 양육 방식을 좇아 그대로 행한다는 내용으로 효과적인 자녀 양육의 기술을 세미나를 통해서 배웠기 때문에 협박기술을 사용하지 않는 다는 마지막의 내용을 통해서 Louise의 어머니는 그런 양육의 수단이 없 다는 것을 유추 할 수 있다. 따라서 presence를 부재의 뜻인 absence 로 바꾸는 것이 적절하다.

265 ② 글의 전반적인 내용은 어떠한 경우에도 잘못된 것으로 인정되는 행동에 대한 것으로 집단 학살과 같은 특정한 행동들은 더 높은 수준의 도덕적 질 서에 의해서 그 사건과 관련된 상황(circumstance=context)에 상관없 이 잘못된(erroneous) 행동으로 여겨진다가 글의 전체 내용에 적합하다.

266 ③ 글의 전반적인 내용은 어떠한 경우에도 잘못된 것으로 인정되는 행동에 대한 것으로 집단 학살과 같은 특정한 행동들은 더 높은 수준의 도덕적 질 서에 의해서 그 사건과 관련된 상황(circumstance=context)에 상관없 이 잘못된(erroneous) 행동으로 여겨진다가 글의 전체 내용에 적합하다.

267 ③ tricks that people find amused에서 that은 목적격 관계대명사이므 로 people find (tricks) amused의 5형식 문장에서 tricks와 amuse 의 관계는 능동이기 때문에 amusing으로 어법상 맞다.

268 ②

259 ② 지은이가 마지막에서 ‘양질의 글은 다시 쓰기와 함께 오는 법이다’라고 진 술한 것으로 보아 전체적으로 글을 수정(revision)하며 글쓰기를 하는 것 에 대하여 기술하고 있다. 따라서 ②번의 글쓰기에서 수정의 필요성이 적 절하다.

260 ④ (C)에 자신이 필요한 존재라고 느끼는 사람들(They)은 제시문에 언급된 people를 언급하고 (A) 문장에서 돌봄을 노고와 걱정과 연관시키는 것은 바로 앞의 (C) 부분에서 돌봄이라는 단어와 걱정을 연관시키는 내용이 언 급하고 있고, (B)에서 언급한 it (=a dangerous trade-off)은 (A) 마지 막 부분에 돌봄을 그만두라고 권고를 받는 것을 지칭한다. 따라서 글의 흐 름상 (C)-(A)-(B)가 적절하다.


264 ④

피자와 고객 서비스가 엉망이었음에도 불구하고 피자점의 독점적 지위를 이용해서 많은 돈을 벌고 은퇴했으나, 물려받은 아들들도 똑같은 경영으 로 경쟁업체로 인해 결국 문을 닫았다는 내용이다.

269 ⑤ 끼어든 사람에게 아내가 아기를 낳으려고 병원에 간다는 사실을 알았다면 다른 감정 즉, 동정심(compassion)을 유발하는 감정이 왔을 것이고 유 추 할 수 있다.

270 ⑤ 앞의 문장에서 몇몇 주들은 명사들의 퍼블리시티권을 자신들의 상속인에 게 유증하는 권리를 인정하지 않는다고 언급했기 때문에 그 사람이 죽으 면 소멸된다(perished)는 것을 바꿔야 흐름에 맞다.

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271 ④

279 ②

(A) 앞의 부분과 뒤에 부분은 냄새가 긍정적인지 부정적인 것인지에 따

앞에 부정주어인 Not until이 나왔기 때문에 주어, 동사의 도치가 되어야 한다. 따라서 was Emma allowed to 로 바꿔야 문법상 옳다.

라 반응이 다른 것으로 기술하고 있기 때문에 In contrast(=On the contrary)가 적절하고, (B)에서는 (A)의 전후 대조의 문장에 재 진술을 하 고 있다. 따라서 In other words가 적절하다.

280 ②

272 ②

요리법과 다르게 글쓰기는 수정을 계속 할 수 있다고 이야기하며 모든 사 람들이 수정하면서 더할 나위 없이 좋아진다는 이야기를 토대로 다시 쓰

제시문은 일반적인 출근길 풍경을 이야기하고 있다. 마지막부분에 당신 의 눈을 피해서 자신의 신발을 바라본다는 내용으로 보아 각자가 개인적

기를 강조를 하고 있다.

으로 행동하고 (B)에서 그래서 당신도 그냥 버스오기만 기다리고 멀리서 오는 버스를 기다리다가 집합체가(목적을 같이하는) 집단이 되는 부분을

281 ③

이야기하고 있다. (A)에서는 그러한 부연설명으로 옆에 있던 남자가 함께 집단으로 정보를 공유하는 부분을 이야기하고 (C)의 They는 앞에 있는

people들을 지칭하고 9번 버스에 대한 공통의 목적을 공유하는 부분으 로 이어진다. 따라서 (B)-(A)-(C)가 글의 흐름상 적절하다.

273 ④ 제시문은 미국 연방 법전을 언급하며 절대 연람되거나 사용될 수 없다고 언급하며 앞에 통계목적으로 만 사용한다는 ④전의 문장과 부합된다.

주어진 문장에서 돌봄을 노고와 걱정과 연관시키는 것은 바로 ③ 앞의 부분 에서 돌봄이라는 단어와 걱정을 연관시키는 내용이 언급하고 있기 때문에 글의 흐름상 적절하다.

282 ③ Carey씨는 그 남자가 자기처럼 예전에 해병대원이었다는 알고 나서 그는 그 남자와 대략 90분 동안 말을 나누었다라고 해석되어야 하므로 current 는 former로 고쳐야한다.

283 ②

274 ① 뒤에 문장이 완벽한 형태로 왔고 앞에 동사 뒤에 목적어로 명사절(의문 부사) where이 적절하다. ② 유도부사 there/ here뒤에 대명사가 주어 로 올 때 동사+주어가 아닌 주어+동사의 어순으로 온다. ex) Here you are.

275 ③ (A) 앞의 부분은 정치적 견해가 억압될 수 없다고 언급하고 빈칸 뒤에는 정치적 견해는 끝이 없다는 것을 통하여 앞부분의 내용을 재 언급하고 있 다. 따라서 In other words가 적절하고 (B)는 앞에서 이론들의 배경에 있는 전제는 의견 차이가 잘못된 것이고 의견 일치가 상황의 바람직하는 것이라고 언급하고 뒤에는 몇몇 형태의 교묘한 강압이 없이 의견 일치가 이뤄지는 일이 드물고, 이견을 표현할 때에 두려움이 없는 것이 진정한 자 유의 원천이라고 언급한 것으로 보아 In fact가 의미상 적절하다.

276 ④ 이 글은 영화 제작이 불안정하고 연구와 개발의 성과가 거의 없고 비용이 많이 드는 것과 같은 이유로 위험한 사업이라고 이야기하며 할리우드 시 스템에서 유명 영화배우와 장르 영화에 의존하면서 리스크를 줄인다고 이 야기하고 있다. 따라서 ④번 할리우드 스튜디오 시스템은 영화 제작의 위 험성에 대한 대책을 마련해 왔다가 적절하다.

277 ③ a number of(=many)+복수명사+복수동사가 오며 the number of (~의 수는)+복수명사+단수동사가 온다. 따라서 are를 is로 바꿔야한다.

특정한 나이에 이르면 몸이 나빠진다고 믿으면 몸이 정말 그렇게 되고 권 위 있는 의사나 주술사가 말한 것을 믿으면 정말 그렇게 된다는 의미의 글 이다. 따라서 ②번의 믿음이 몸에 미치는 가장 적절한 제목이다.

284 ① 제시된 문장에서 this idea가 지칭하는 것은 첫 문장에 선호에 대한 기원 은 거의 분명히 성 선택에서 유래한다는 것을 지칭하고 그러한 선호가 인 간에게만 해당되지 아니라고 언급하며 자연스럽게 뒤에 정원사 새를 예시 로 들고 있다.

285 ⑤ 혼합 가정법의 형태로 뒤에 today를 보면 현재의 사실을 가정한다는 것을 알 수 있다. 현재 사실을 가정할 때는 가정법 과거를 사용하므로 would probably be로 바꾸는 것이 적절하다.

286 ④ 글의 요지는 운동 연습 활동에서 갑작스럽게 변화되면 충분히 그러한 부 분에 대해 선수들에게 충분한 설명이 필요하다는 것을 글의 후반부에 언 급하며 그 예시를 마지막에 언급하고 있다.

287 ④ 뉘른베르크 재판의 논거는 더 높은 수준의 도덕적 질서가 있는데, 그 질서 아래에서는 인간의 어떠한 행동들은 누가 승인 했는지 상관없이 옳지 안 하다라고 해석되어야 하므로 lower는 higher로 바꾸어야 한다.

278 ②

288 ②

빈칸 뒤에는 이슬람 의학을 다룬 이전의 역사가들은 근대 이전에 있던 근 대적 병원의 전신인 것처럼 보인다고 언급한 것을 통해서 빈칸에는 근대성 (modernity)이 적절하다.

고래가 인간의 오락을 위해서 공연에 이용되는 것은 도덕적으로 받아들일 수 없다고 언급한 것으로 보아. 글의 요지는 ②이 적절하다.

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289 ③

Test 02

제시문은 시간이 흘러 다른 경쟁자들이 와서 더 이상 유일하게 이용할 수 있는 피자집이 아니어서 형편없는 피자와 서비스로 문을 닫게 되었다는 부분이 뒤에 들어오는 것이 적절하다. ③뒤에 close its doors를 통해 유

294 ⑤


주어진 문장은 교수님의 서문에는 필자 이름이 밝혀져 출판목록에 그 책 (회사연혁 속의 기고할 서문)을 추가할 수 있다는 내용이므로 앞 문장에서

290 ③

회사연혁에 들어갈 서문에 대한 기고에 대한 댓가를 나타낸 문장 다음에 들어가야 한다.

(A) 앞의 부분은 우리가 문제의 행동이나 사건에 대해 갖고 있는 믿음에 의해서 이루어진다는 예시(For instance)를 교통 상황에서 여러분 앞에 서 끼어드는 차를 언급하고 (B)앞의 화가 나서 싸움 혹은 도치의 기제가 발동하고 싸우기로 했다는 것에 대해 그래서(Therefore) 싸우기 위해 필

295 ④

요한 분노의 감정을 끄집어낸다고 언급하고 있다.

wonder의 목적어에 해당하는 부분으로 ‘~인지 아닌지’의 의미의 if가 와 야 한다.

291 ②

296 ①

( B )의 A deceased personality (사망한 유명인)은 제시문의 any deceased personality를 지칭하고 후반부에 캘리포니아 법이나 다른

부연에서 경계가 주어지고 안정감을 느낀다고 이야기하고 있으므로 행동 에 있어서의 경계, 즉 정해진 구조를 가져야 한다는 것을 추론할 수 있다.

주의 법규에 대한 위반이 아니다라고 나온 부분은 (A)에서 일부 주들은 권 리를 인정하지 않는다는 내용으로 이어진다. (C)는 퍼블리시티권이 사람

297 ③

과 함께 소멸된다는 것으로 보아 인정하지 않는 Some states의 뒤에 이 어지는 것이 흐름상 적절하다. 따라서 (B)-(A)-(C)의 순서가 적합하다.

292 ③

육상 선수로서 남과의 비교가 적절하지 못하다는 취지의 글이므로 다른 사람들에 대해서 기억한다는 내용이 아니라 다른 사람들에 대해서 잊으라 는 의미의 forget이 오는 것이 적절하다.

Pamela Dalton이 주도한 연구에서 첫 번째 집단과 두 번째와 세 번째 집단의 실험의 결과로 보아 마지막에 좋게 생각되는 냄새는 의식에서 빠 르게 사라지고 유해하게 생각되는 냄새는 그 반대였다는 내용으로 보아. ③ 편견이 냄새 감지에 미치는 영향이 가장 적절하다.

298 ②

293 ④

299 ③

이 글은 기다리던 버스가 정류장을 그냥 지나쳐 가버리면, 처음에는 그저 모여 그 버스를 기다리던 사람들이 걱정과 불안을 공유하고 버스를 멈춰 세워야 한다는 공통의 목적으로 뭉친 집단으로 바뀐다는 글이 요지이다. 따라서 빈칸에는 ④ a collective starts to go over to becoming a group(집합체가 (목적을 같이하는) 집단으로 바뀐다)가 적절하다.

도시가 지속적으로 성장하는 시점에서 도시가 나아가야할 바를 열거하고 있는 글로서, 산업의 중심이었기에 환경문제를 만들어 왔다고 지적하는 문장은 전체의 흐름상 어색하다.

새로 만난 사이에서보다 오래 알아가며 신뢰를 쌓을수록 서로에게 사적인 정보를 더욱 더 공유한다는 취지의 글이므로 자기노출이 조금씩 증가한다 고 하는 것이 적절하다.

300 ② Malinowski의 초기 공부에 대한 이야기가 나와 있는 (B)에서 그가 현장 연구로 찬사를 받았다고 이야기한 후, (A)에서 초기 학자들과의 차이에 해 당하는 내용으로 인류학자로서 그들이 연구하는 대상들 사이에서 사는 것 의 필요에 대한 Malinowski의 견해를 밝히고 (C)에서 부연으로 그 문화 속에서야 그 문화의 관습에 대한 균형 잡힌 분석이 가능하다는 내용이 나 오는 것이 자연스럽다.

301 ⑤ 목적성을 가지고 수행되어지는 것처럼 보이는 동물의 행동이 사실은 본능 에 의한 융통성 없고 선천적 행동으로 환경 변화에 효과적으로 적응할 수 없다고 설명하고 있는 글이다.

302 ④ 성공적인 국가가 되기 위한 요인들을 서술한 글로 동일성은 모든 사람이 똑같은 생각을 해야한다는 것이 아니라 서로에 대한 어느 정도 친밀감능 느껴야 하고 국가가 존재해야 한다는 것에 동의해야 의미가 있다는 글로 적개심(hostility)을 친밀감(intimacy = affinity)으로 고쳐야 한다.


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303 ⑤

314 ②

Ted의 질문에 대한 아들의 답을 언급하고 있는 (C)가 먼저 나온 후, 돌을 표지판에 던진 행동에 대하 이야기하는 (B)가 오고, 일반적 진술에 해당하 는 (A)가 마지막에 와야 한다.

앞부분에서 인간의 목소리가 가장 효과적이라고 이야기하고 있으며, 뒤에

304 ⑤

315 ⑤

치유가 인간의 문화요소의 일부로 오랜 유물을 통해 치유의 증거를 찾을

수동태 be published 사이에서 동사를 수식하므로 ( A )에는 부사 privately가, to know의 목적어가 없는 상태에서 앞에 선행사가 없으므 로 (B)에는 선행사를 포함하는 관계대명사 what이 와야 하며, 흥미가 있

수 있다고 설명하는 글이다.

305 ② 일반적 좌뇌와 우뇌의 영역에 손상이 가해질 때 다른 한 부분이 손상된 뇌 영역의 기능을 대신한다는 내용을 설명하고 있다.

306 ②

도 목소리의 음조가 갖는 정보가 많다라고 이야기하고 있는 것으로 보아, 철저히 이야기를 나누는 것이 효과적이라는 것을 알 수 있다.

다면의 의미이므로 흥미가 끌린다는 의미의 과거분사 interested가 (C) 에 오는 것이 적절하다.

316 ⑤ 라디오를 켰다 끈 후 위층으로 올라가는 (C)가 먼저 온 후에 아래층에서

스웨덴의 산업화와 도시화에 대한 설명 이후에 농장에 대한 추억을 묘사 하고 있는 (B)가 가장 먼저 온 후에, (A)에서 농장에 대한 동경에 대해 추 가로 언급한 후 (C)에서 젊은 층도 마찬가지라는 부연설명을 붙이는 것이

TV를 켜는 (B)가 오고 TV를 잠깐 시청했다는 내용의 (A)가 오는 것이 자 연스럽다.


317 ②

307 ①

아이들에게 한계와 규율이 필요하다는 내용으로 아이들이 부모의 경계를 밀어붙인다고 하고 있으므로 받아들인다는 accept가 아니라 시험해본다 는 의미의 test가 오는 것이 적절하다.

프랑스와 미국, 40년전 영국과 현재를 비교하고 있는 부연문장이 뒤에 오 고 있다.

308 ④ ‘4등분된 서로 다른 조각은 또한 환자의 과거, 현재, 미래에 대한 정보를 전달할 수 있다’고 해석되므로 수동형이 아닌 능동형이어야 한다.

318 ② 앞 문장에서 스스로 경쟁적이지 않다고 말하고 있는 것과 뒤에서 랭킹과 최 종적 순위에 대한 언급을 통해 다른 사람과의 비교를 말하고 있음을 유추할 수 있고 뒤에 이어지는 문장에서도 다른 사람을 잊으라고 말하고 있다.

319 ④

309 ③ 공간을 다양한 관점에서 어떻게 이해할지에 대해 설명 열거하고 있는 글 이다.

310 ② 부연문장에서 어느 한 국가의 잘못된 기능으로 인한 세계경제의 취약성이 증가했다고 이야기하고 있으므로 경제적 상호의존이 빈칸에 와야 함을 알 수 있다.

311 ⑤

only after절 이후에 도치가 일어난 문장으로 주어인 they 뒤의 동사가 일반 동사인 feel이므로 be동사가 아닌 조동사가 도치되는 것이 적절하 다. 따라서 did를 써야 한다.

320 ③ 부연문장에서 도시계획의 인간적 차원에 대해서 언급하고 있으며 이어지 는 문장에서도 보행자주의와 열려있는 민주사회 등에서 언급하고 있는 것 으로 보아 인간적 차원에서의 도시계획의 필요성에 대해서 말하고 있음을 알 수 있다.

what 절 전체가 주어이므로 단수형의 동사 depends를 써야 한다.

321 ④

312 ②

(A)에는 Malinowskirk가 민족지학 분야의 중요한 공헌자로 부각되었다 는 문장 뒤에 무엇보다도 학문의 연구깊이에 찬사를 받았다는 내용이므로 above all이 들어가야 하고, (B)에서는 직접 해당 문화권에서 살아보는 것이 중요하다고 믿은 Malinowskirk가 뉴기이 연안에 있는 섬에 살았다 라는 글이 나와 그리하여라는 연결사가 들어가야 한다.

반성문을 쓰게 하는 것의 장점과 거기에서 그친다는 문제제기에 해당하는 (B)가 가장 먼저 온 후에, 반성문을 활용할 수 있는 방법에 대해 언급하고 있는 (A)가 오고, 이 방법을 보완할 수 있는 추가적 설명이 나와 있는 (C) 가 마지막에 오는 것이 적절하다.

322 ①

313 ⑤ 비현실적인 기대로부터 우리의 분노가 나오게 되며 기대를 현실적 한계 내에 유지할 때 분노로부터 보호받을 수 있다고 주장하고 있다.

E 모든 변형문제

바로 뒷 문장에서 무의식적으로 수행된다고 이야기하고 있고 다음 문장에 서 본능적이라고 이야기하고 있으므로 선천적 속성을 가지고 있다는 것을 알 수 있으며, 마지막부분에 융통성이 없다고 설명하고 있다.

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323 ①

333 ①

통일성에 대해 이야기하고 있으나, 한 국가가 성공하기 위한 요인으로서

학생에게 반성문을 쓰게 하는 것의 이점에 대해 설명한 후, 이를 교육에

의 통일성과 그 의미에 대한 설명이다.

활용하는 방법에 대해 언급하고 있다.

324 ⑤

334 ③

Ted와 그의 아들의 대호로 이루어진 글이며, 아들의 행위에 대한 Ted의 생각을 담은 글로 어린 시절의 어떤 것을 아들에게 말해주려던 참이었기 때문에 그가 어렸을 때 자기 자신도 그렇게나 만족스럽게 느꼈던 소년다 운 충동적인 행동에 대해 아들을 지나치게(excessively=hard) 나무라고 싶지 않았다는 글이 되어야 함으로 mild를 excessively로 고쳐야한다.

앞 문장을 유토피아로 받은 상태에서 그만큼 충분히 오래 살지 못할 지도 모른다고 함으로써 실현 불가능성에 대해 언급하고 있고, 첫 문장 예시 다 음에서 비현실적 기대가 분노에 기름을 부을 수 있다고 언급하고 있는 것 으로 보아 현실적 기대의 중요성에 대해 언급하고 있음을 알 수 있다.

335 ①

325 ①

이메일에 비해 전화가 복잡하고 미묘한 의사전달에 효과적이라고 설명하

문장의 주어가 제일 앞에 있는 Healing이므로 단수형의 동사 is를 쓰는 것이 알맞다.

고 있다.

326 ③ 예시의 언급이 처음 나오는 (B)가 가장 앞에 오고, 26년 후의 정상적인 삶 을 보여주는 (C)가 다음에 온 후, 예시에 대한 부연과 일반적 진술에 해당 하는 (A)가 마지막에 오는 것이 적절하다.

327 ① 스웨덴이 근래까지 농경기반의 사회였고 스웨덴 사람들이 농장에서의 삶 을 추억하며 돌아가고자 하는 낭만주의가 만연해있다고 설명하고 있는 글 이다.

328 ④ 주어진 문장에서 시장결정 하에서 평균 농장의 규모가 더 클 것이라고 말 하고 있는 것으로 보아 앞에 농업과 관련한 언급이 있어야 하고, 뒤에 농 업이 아닌 IT기술 시장이 대조로 언급되는 것이 적절하다.

329 ⑤ 질병의 원인과 환자에 대해 알기 위한 미술치료요법의 효과에 대해 설명 하고 있는 글이다.

330 ② 역접 이후 정신적인 공간개념에 대해 설명하고 있으므로 앞에서 물리적 공간개념이 먼저 나온 후에 뒤에서 사회적 상호작용의 개념을 추가하는 것이 자연스럽다.

331 ① 세계경제가 상호의존적이기에 어떤 한 부문의 잘못된 기능이 세계경제 전 체에 악영향을 미칠 수 있다고 설명하고 있는 글로서 상호의존성에 의해 야기된 불안정한 세계경제가 적절하다.

332 ④ 동물보호소가 절박히 필요한 환경과 이전의 동물보호소에 대한 설명인 (C)가 제일 앞에 나오고, (A)에서 이어지는 노력에 대한 언급과 함께 지역 마다의 차이점을 언급하고, 지역에 따른 차이에 대한 설명인 (B)가 가장 마지막에 오는 것이 자연스럽다.


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344 ④

Test 03

336 ① 서비스를 제공할 수 있어 기뻤다는 표현은 수동이 되어야 하므로 능동인 have pleased를 have been pleased로 고쳐야 한다.

337 ③ 평범하지 않은 다른 어떤 소리라도 알아차리려고 했으므로 ③은 내용과

Karen의 어머니가 한 아파트에 살고 있다는 주어진 글에 이어, (C)에서 건물 관리인이 Karen의 어머니에게 아파트 청소 문제로 계속 전화하는 것을 알게된 Karen이 나오고, (A)에서 Karen은 어머니의 문제를 해결하 기 위해 건물 관리인에게 점심을 먹자고 청하게 되고, (B)에서 이후에 한 팀이 되어 어머니의 문제를 해결하는 것에 대해 부탁하는 순서로 이어지 는 것이 가장 적절하다.

345 ⑤

일치하지 않는다.

본문은 1936년 베를린 올림픽 경기를 받아들인 히틀러의 원래 계획과 올 림픽 경기를 통해서 생긴 결과에 대한 글이므로 ⑤ 베를린 올림픽에 대

338 ②

한 히틀러의 원래 목적과 실제 결과(Hitler’s Original Purpose and Actual Effect on the Berlin Olympic)가 제목으로 가장 적절하다.

우리는 일반적으로 남의 말을 듣고, 또 내 말이 남에게 들리는 것에 익숙 하다는 주어진 문장에 이어, 하지만 주의를 기울여 듣지 않는다면 말 속에 서 느껴지는 부조화스러움을 알아차릴 수 없다는 (B)에 이어서, (B)의 예 시로 나온 새로운 도시에 살게 되어 신나하는 고객의 말에 반응하는 (A)가 이어지고, (A)에 나온 행동을 통해 실제로 더 깊은 수준의 응답을 할 수 있 다는 (C)로 이어지는 것이 글의 순서로 가장 적절하다.

339 ④ end up 은 동명사를 목적어로 취하는 동사구이므로 to chase 를 chasing으로 바꿔야 한다. 중간에 있는 부사 continually는 동명사 chasing을 꾸며주고 있다.

340 ④ 이 글은 물고기들이 흐름을 따르는 것이 아니라, 물의 흐름을 가로질러 헤엄 치고, 돌아다니는 것을 보며, 흐름을 따르는 것이 아니라 흐름을 거 스르는 것, 즉, 거대한 모험을 하는 것의 중요성을 이야기 하고 있으므로 ④ 오직 죽은 물고기만이 흐름을 따른다(Only dead fish go with the flow)가 빈칸에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

341 ② 현행 임금제도가 공평하지 못하다는 내용이며, 지급되고 있는 최저임금제 도에 문제가 있다는 내용이므로 ② 최저임금제도의 결함(The Drawback of Minium Wage Law)이 글의 제목으로 가장 적절하다.

342 ② Addamssms 런던의 빈민들을 위해 이루어지고 있는 일을 목격하고 감동을 받았다. 그 이후로 그녀는 사회적 정의를 위해 계속해서(쉼없이 without a break) 일했다라는 의미가 되어야 하므로 constantly의 의 미가 나와야 한다.

343 ② 본문은 우리의 자아와 정체성이 어린 나이부터 어른이 될 때까지 지속 적으로 발달해간다는 내용이므로 ② 자아와 정체성의 평생에 걸친 발달 (The Lifelong Development of Self and Identity)이 제목으로 가장 적절하다.

346 ③ [요약문해석] 기계적으로 생각하는 사람은 일반적으로 일관성을 선호하지 만, 때때로 그나 그녀는 익숙하지 않은 상황 때문에 놀랄 수도 있다. 기계적으로 생각하는 사람들의 특징 중에서 특히 일관성에 대해 설명하 고 있으며, 그들은 익숙하지 않은 상황에서 자신이 품고 있는 의견을 수정 하지 않으면 안되는 상황이 되면 당황할 수도 있다고 하였으므로, (A)에는 consistency(일관성)가, (B)에는 unaccustomed(익숙하지 않은)이 가 장 적절하다.

347 ② 본문은 수요 창출이라는 마케팅 기법에 대해 설명하고, 어떤 방식으로 그 것이 이루어지는지에 대해 설명하는 글이므로 ② 수요 창출을 위한 마케 팅 전략(Marketing Strategy for Creating Demand)이 제목으로 가 장 적절하다.

348 ⑤ 예로 든 바흐의 칸타타는 성당에서 예배 중에 부르기 위해 작곡되었다는 예시에 이어서, 그 곡들의 대한 설명을 하고 있는 주어진 문장이 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

349 ② 앞 문장에서 정신능력훈련이 고도로 숙련된 선수들의 기량을 완벽하게 하 는 데만 도움이 된다고 진술하였으므로, elite(엘리트) 선수를 지도하고 있 지 않아 정신능력훈련을 덜 중요하게 여기는 것이 되어야 하므로 ②가 적 절하지 않다.

350 ② 취향이라는 용어를 통해 소비자의 수요 유형에 대해 알려주는 예시로 호 밀 흑빵과 흰 빵의 예시를 들고 있으므로 (A)에는 for example(예를 들 어)이, 그와 비슷한 예시를 들고 있는 (B)에는 Similarly(이와 비슷하게) 가 가장 적절하다.

351 ④ [무관한문장 해석] 패션은 주로 특정한 시기에 입는 옷의 스타일에 대한 것을 가르킨다. 본문은 십대들이 왜 옷에 집착하는지에 대한 이유를 설명 하는 글인데, 패션의 정의에 대해서 진술하고 있는 ④는 적절하지 않다.

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352 ⑤

361 ⑤

Mission Hill의 흰사슴의 존재에 대한 주어진 글에 이어, (C)에서 사람들 이 그 사슴을 좋아하고, 이름을 주어진 내용에 이어, 어떤 동물 관리원이 실수로 사슴을 죽였다는 (B)가 이어지고, 실제 그 사슴의 정체가 드러났음 에도 사람들은 수년동안 그 사슴에 관해 이야기하는 (A)로 이어지는 것이 글의 순서로 가장 적절하다.

본문은 모험을 하지 않고 무비판적으로 흐름에만 따르는 것은 죽은 물 고기와 같으므로 거대한 모험과 같은 인생을 흐름을 거스르면서도 살아 보라는 내용이므로 ⑤ 흐름을 무비판적으로 따르는 것은 위험하다(It is dangerous to unquestioningly follow the stream)가 글의 주제로 가장 적절하다.

353 ④

362 ②

[요약문해석] 아프리카 일부지역의 부모들은 자녀들을 교육시키는 비용과

앞 문장에서 우리의 제도에 정의가 존재해야 한다고 언급하고 나서, 지도 자로서 최저임금에 정의가 존재하지 않는다는 주장이 나와야 그 뒤에 이 어서 진술되는 최저임금의 문제점에 대한 내용이 자연스러우므로 ② 최 저임금에는 정의가 존재하지 않는다(there is no justice in minimum wage)가 빈칸에 들어가기에 가장 적절하다.

함께, 교육 기간에 대해서도 걱정해야 한다. 교육이 필수적이기 때문에 교 육을 시켜야 하지만, 교육 비용이 높다는 점과 딸을 가진 부모의 경우 언 제까지 교육을 시키는 것이 좋은지에 대한 딜레마에 빠지게 된다는 내용 이므로 (A)에는 cost(비용)가, (B)에는 period(기간)가 들어가는 것이 가 장 적절하다.

363 ⑤

354 ① 본문은 습관이 형성되는 것에 대한 예시를 들고, 그러한 습관이 어떤 신 호에 대한 자동적인 반응으로 생기는 것에 대한 글이므로 ① 습관의 형성

the only sociologist 이하는 동격구문으로 문장구조가 아니라 구의 구 조가 되어야 하므로, 문장의 동사 won이 아니라 sociologist를 꾸며주는 to win이 되어야 한다.

(The Formation of Habit)이 글의 제목으로 가장 적절하다.

364 ⑤

355 ⑤ 본문은 얼굴 표정도 우리가 반응하게 만드는 강력한 수단이지만, 어떤 사 람의 긴장한 자세와 수상한 움직임도 또한 우리를 불편하게 만든다는 내 용이므로 빈칸에는 ⑤가 가장 적절하다.

356 ⑤ [요약문해석] 투표하기 위한 많은 노력에도 불구하고, 사람들은 기꺼 이 정치적 참여에 동참하려 한다. 투표에 참여하기 위해 많은 노력 비용 이 들고, 한 사람의 투표 참여가 전체 투표에 끼치는 영향은 매우 소소함 에도 불구하고, 사람들이 기꺼이 투표에 참여한다는 내용이므로 (A)에는 effort(노력)가, (B)에는 willing(기꺼이)이 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

357 ④ 직원들에게 서비스에 대한 비용의 일정 부분을 감당하게 하는 것에 대해 유감이라는 내용은 언급되어 있지 않다.

유아는 처음 1, 2년 이내에 자아가 발달하기 시작한다는 주어진 글에 이 어, 자기 자신을 분명히 드러내고, 여성과 남성이 되기 위해 노력하는 (C) 가 나오고, 그 여성과 남성의 본보기를 찾으며 성역할을 수행하는 (B)에 이어서, 그러한 과정을 평생에 걸쳐 계속한다는 (A)로 이어지는 것이 글의 순서로 가장 적절하다.

365 ④ Karen이 건물 관리인의 옷과 보석에 대한 취향을 칭찬하였으므로 ④는 적절하지 않다.

366 ② 본문은 1936년 베를린 올림픽 경기를 받아들인 히틀러와 올림픽을 통해 이루어진 내용들에 대한 이야기인데, ②는 나찌 독일에 대한 정의에 대한 글이므로 전체 흐름과 관계가 없다.

367 ⑤

358 ① occur는 자동사이므로 뒷 문장은 완전한 구조의 문장이므로 관계대명사 which가 아닌 관계부사 where을 써야 한다.

이 글은 기계적으로 생각하는 사람의 특징에 대해서 구체적으로 설명해 놓 은 글이므로 ⑤ 기계적으로 생각하는 사람들의 특징(The Characteristics of the Mechanical Thinker)이 글의 제목으로 가장 적절하다.

359 ③

368 ④

앞에 나온 이사를 하여 새로운 도시에 살게 되어 신난다고 하는 말에 대한 반응이 나와야 하므로 주어진 문장은 ③에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

문맥상 건강 및 영양 제품의 판매를 촉진(promote)하기 위한 도구로 책 과 영양 보충제의 복용 후기를 쓴다는 내용이 되어야 하므로 cease(멈추 다, 그만두다)를 promote(촉진하다)로 바꿔야 한다.

360 ① 문맥상 잠재 고객이 당신의 미래이므로 그들과 소통하는 것이 유일한 방 법이며, 그것을 위해 고객의 기록을 위한 시스템이 필요한 것을 뒤이어 서 설명하고 있다. 따라서 빈칸에 들어갈 말은 ① 고객과 소통하는 것(to communicate with them)이 가장 적절하다.


369 ④ [요약문해석] 현대의 콘서트 홀에서 공연중인 노래를 따라 부르는 것은 불 가능함에도 불구하고, 대중 콘서트에서 연주되는 고전 음악의 원래 목적은 다소 달랐다. 고전음악들의 대부분은 원래 예배중에 따라 부르도록 작곡되 었다는 예시들을 통해서, 현대의 콘서트홀에서는 음악이 감상을 위한 것 이지만, 원래 목적은 그것이 아니었음을 말하기 위해 (A)에는 impossible (불가능한)이, (B)에는 different(다른)이 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

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E 모든 변형문제 정답 및 해설

370 ⑤ 코치들이 엘리트 선수가 아니면 정신능력훈련(MST)이 덜중요하다고 생 각하는 주어진 글에 이어, 실제로는 높은 경쟁 수준이 되면 신체 능력은 비슷해진다는 (C)에 이어서, 결국 정신적 요인이 승패를 결정한다는 (B)가 이어지고, 선수들이 처음 운동을 시작할 때가 정신 능력 훈련을 도입하기 위한 최적의 시간이며 잠재력을 최고로 발달할 수 있도록 돕는 시기라고 설명하는 (A)로 이어지는 것이 글의 순서로 가장 적절하다.

371 ② 소비자의 수요 유형에 분명하게 영향을 주는 선호 체계(취향)가 있다는 내 용이므로 글의 요지로 ②가 가장 적절하다.

372 ⑤ 십대들이 옷에 집착하는 이유에 대해 진술한 글이므로 ⑤ 십대들이 옷 에 집착하는 논리적인 이유(The Logical Reasons Teens Obsessed with Clothes)가 가장 적절하다.

373 ⑤ 마지막 문장은 가정법 문장이므로, 살아있는 것처럼 이야기한 것이지, 살 아있다고 생각한 것이 아니므로 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은 ⑤이다.

374 ① 교육이 필수적이긴 하지만, 교육을 위해서 들어가는 비용이 높다고 하므 로 (A)에는 역접의 접속사 However(하지만)가, (B)에는 딸에 교육에 투 자하는 것이 왜 이익이 되지 않는지 예를 들어 설명하고 있으므로 For example(예를 들어)가 가장 적절하다.

375 ⑤ 습관이 형성되는 것은 능동적으로 무엇인가를 숙고하는 것이 멈출 때라고 이야기하는 주어진 글에 이어, (C)에서 그 예시로 손톱을 물어뜯는 것에 대해 이야기하고, 하지만 처음에는 어떤 이유 때문이었지만 시간이 지나 면서 어떤 신호에 대한 자동 반응으로 손톱을 물어뜯게 된다는 (B)에 이 어, 이미 습관이 되어진 것은 그것이 주는 안도감 때문에 고치는 것이 어 려워진다는 (A)로 이어지는 것이 가장 적절하다.

376 ⑤ 본문은 다른 사람의 자세에서 감지되는 두려움에 대한 내용이므로 ⑤ 다 른 사람의 자세로 부터의 두려움(The Fear from Someone Else's Posture)이 제목으로 가장 적절하다.

377 ⑤ 앞 문장에서 수백만명의 유권자가 참여하는 대규모 선거의 경우에는 최종 결과에 미칠 영향이 매우 작음에도 불구하고, 사람들이 투표를 한다는 내 용으로 이어져야 하므로 ⑤에 들어가는 것이 가장 적절하다.

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