Virgin Islands Property & Yacht - June 2014

Page 42

things are in there that you’ve never touched or don’t even know you have? Physically we create clutter in our lives – we have stuff that doesn’t suit us anymore, that’s not in style…mental hardwiring is the same way – we have these beliefs about ourselves that don’t [suit us anymore].” “As a coach, I assist people in… breaking down those unconscious barriers…allowing them to clarify their goals and take step-by-step actions to achieve those goals. “What inevitably comes up for each client is recognition of the thoughts that are limiting or blocking their ability to create positive change in their lives. It is those insights that we use in the coaching process to break down barriers…asking ‘does that suit you?’ ‘Do you still need that?’ thereby rewriting thoughts and setting actions for creating positive change.” Concluding, Dr Reid relayed her passion for her vocation declaring her humility in watching individuals and their evolution. “Coaching presents a great opportunity,” she said. “…people are able to explore themselves in ways that they have yet to consciously acknowledge and…they can make that positive change happen.”



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